Hermes Superabrasives - Hermes Schleifkörper GmbH
Hermes Superabrasives - Hermes Schleifkörper GmbH
Bonded Abrasives Hermes Superabrasives CBNandDiamond vitrifiedbondedabrasives C on t en t s Hermes Abrasives Group TheHermesAbrasivesGroup........... 4 HermesSchleifkörperGmbH........... 5 Quality–ourtrademark............. 5 Fornatureandtheenvironment.......... 5 Abrasives Diamond ................... 6 CBN(CubicBoronNitride)............ 7 Thebenefitsofvitrifiedbonded CBNandDiamondgrindingwheels......... 6 Primaryapplicationsforvitrifiedbonded CBNandDiamondgrindingwheels......... 7 Hermes solutions Internalcylindricalgrinding ............ 8 Surfacegriding................ 9 Externalcylindricalgrinding............ 10 Rollgrinding................. 12 The first step to success Yourinformationsforus ............. 13 Hermes Superabrasives identification system Shapesanddimensions............. 14 Specification ................. 16 Application recommendations Process-andtoolparameter ........... 20 Machineparameter ............... 21 Coolinglubricants ............... 22 Dressingmethods ............... 23 Keydatainthegrindingprocess.......... 25 Internet Whynotvisitourwebsite– 26 H er m es A br asives G r oup The Hermes Abrasives Group TheHermesparentfactorywasfoundedintheLurupdistrictofHamburgin1927and hasremainedthegroup‘sheadofficetothisday. Hermesnowhasover11productionfacilitiesandsubsidiariesin4continentsthroughouttheworldandfordecades,hasbeenaworldmarketleaderintheproductionof abrasives. Themapoftheworldbelowillustratesourpresenceandourcommitment. Dr. Siegfried Blankenburg ManagingDirector, HermesSchleifkörperGmbH,Dresden DearHermesCustomers, Iamdelightedtotaketheopportunity presentedbythepublicationofour “HermesSuperabrasives–CBNand Diamondvitrifiedbondedabrasives” brochuretothankallourfriendsand businesspartnersverymuchfortheir loyaltytothecompany. Iwouldliketoassureyouthatwewill continuetodoeverythingwecanto satisfyyourrequirementsinfullby developingandmanufacturingquality products. Youmayassumethatourtoppriority isalwaystohavesatisfiedcustomers. Eachdaywestartafresh,doingeverythinginourpowertoachievethis. Headquarter Germany Hermes Austria Hermes USA Hermes China Hermes France Hermes Great Britain Hermes Germany Hermes Poland Withbestwishesforourcontinued partnershipinaspiritofcooperation, Bestwishes Hermes Romania Hermes China Dr.SiegfriedBlankenburg Hermes Singapore Hermes Canada Hermes USA Hermes Austria Hermes Bulgaria Hermes Schleifkörper GmbH Quality – our trademark Ontheonehand,weoweagreatdealtotradition,butonthe other,wearepioneersinthedevelopmentofinnovativeproducts; Hermesplacesenormousvalueontheproductionofhigh-quality abrasivestothelateststateoftheart. Hermesvitrifiedbondedsuperabrasivesareoneoftheoutstanding productstrengthsoftheHermesAbrasivesGroupanditsworldwideoperations. Thebondedabrasivesactivitiesofthegrouparebundledin Hermes Schleifkörper GmbHinDresden,withtwoproduction facilitieslocatedinDresdenandinUetersen,nearHamburg. Inbothplantsareworkingover160employees.Thismeansthat HermesSchleifkörperGmbHisthethirdlargestmanufacturerof bondedabrasivesinGermany. Since1986,CBNandDiamondbondedabrasiveshavecomplementedtheinnovativerangeofprecisionceramicandresinbonded abrasives,honingringsandPUR-bondedpolishingabrasives. Tomaintainandexpandthishighqualitystandardinfuture,the TÜVCERTtestingbodyhasawardedtheHermesGroupthequality sealforsatisfyingtherequirementsofDINENISO9001andthus confirmedit. Hermesisafounder-memberoftheOrganisationfortheSafety ofAbrasives–oSa,themembersofwhichhaveundertakento manufactureandsellsafebondedabrasiveswhichprevent accidents.HermesSuperabrasivesaccordinglysatisfyallthe safetyrequirementsofDINEN13236andalltheprecisionrequirementsofDINISO22917. Ourcustomers–inotherwordsyou–derivegreatbenefitfrom thissecurity. For nature and the environment Compliancewithnationalandinternationallawsandregulations isoneofthemostimportantprinciplesofHermes‘environmental policy. The“Environmentalprotection”departmentatHermestakes painstakingcaretoensurethateverybusinessprocesssaves naturalresources.Thismakesprotectionoftheenvironmenta cornerstoneofHermes‘commercialpolicyandakeycomponent ofourcorporateresponsibility. A br asives Diamond Diamondhasthegreatesthardnessandresistancetowearofallknown substancesandisthereforesuitableformachining(grinding)hardandbrittle materialssuchashardenedmetal,cermets,glassandceramic.Syntheticallyproduceddiamondismainlyusedforabrasivesnowadays. Thestartingmaterialiscarbon(graphite)which,undertheeffectsoftemperature, pressureandcatalysts,issynthesizedintothediamondcrystallattice.Diamond hasahighaffinityforcarbon,i.e.carbon-containingmaterialsuchassteeldraws carbonoutofthediamondundertheactionofheat,destroyingthecrystalline structureofthediamondintheprocess.Diamondisthereforesuitableonlyin specialcases,ifatall,fortheeconomicgrindingofsteelsandgreycastiron. Carbon atom Material properties Hardness 10ontheMohsscale Thermal conductivity thehighestofall substancesatroom temperature Coefficientoffriction extremelylow Chemical resistance toacidsandbases upto800°C Density 3.51g/cm³ Chemicalsymbol C Unitofweight carat(1carat=0.2g) Crystal morphology Thepossibleshapes(morphology)ofsyntheticdiamondcrystalsextendfrom thecubetotheoctahedron. Octahedron Cube The benefits of vitrified bonded CBN and Diamond grinding wheels Incontrasttootherbondsystems,itispossibletodressvitrified bondedgrindingwheels(resetthebond)without subsequent sharpeningwhichiswhythedressing process can be both reproducedandautomated. Intheproductionofthesebondedabrasives,theporosityof thismaterialcanbesetfromclosedtoveryopen.Amongother features,theoptimizedporosityofvitrifiedbondedCBNand Diamondgrindingwheelsmeansthattheyalsogeneratecool grindingbecausetheporesguidethecoolinglubricanttothe pointofgrindingandtransportthechipswhichformawayfrom thecontactzone. Specificadjustmentofthevolumetricratiobetweenabrasiveand poresallowsgrinding forces to be kept lowandhigher performance parameters to be achieved in the grinding process. 6 Theuseofmaterialswhicharedifficulttomachineandwhich cannotbegroundeconomicallyusingconventionalabrasiveshas increasedsignificantlyinrecentyears. Moreandmoresteelsproducedbythepowdermetallurgymethod arebeingused,forexampleandthesearegroundwithvitrified bondedCBNgrindingwheels;theuseofhardenedmetalsand oxideceramicsisalsoincreasingandconsequentlysoistheuse ofvitrifiedbondedDiamondgrindingwheels. CBN (Cubic Boron Nitride) CBN(CubicBoronNitride)hasthesamecrystallinestructureasdiamondandis thereforelikewiseextremelyhard.InCBN,boronandnitrogenatoms,ratherthan carbonatoms,formthecrystallattice. Cubicboronnitridedoesnotoccurinnatureandisthereforeproducedonly syntheticallyinasimilarprocesstothatforsyntheticdiamond.In1957, GeneralElectricwasthefirstcompanytosynthesizeCBN. BecauseCBN,incontrasttodiamond,isfreeofcarbon,itisparticularlysuitable forgrindinghardenedsteelscontainingcarbon. Material properties Hardness 9.5ontheMohsscale Thermal conductivity high Coefficientoffriction low Chemical resistance veryhigh Density 3.48g/cm³ ChemischeElemente B(Boron),N(Nitrogen) Unitofweight carat(1carat=0.2g) Boron atom Nitrogen atom Crystal morphology ItsmorecomplexatomicstructuremeansthatCBNhasmorecrystalshapes. Inadditiontotheshapesbetweencubesandoctahedronsalreadyknown fromdiamond,CBNhasothercrystalmorphologiesbetweenoctahedraand tetrahedra. Cube Octahedron Tetrahedron Primary applications for vitrified bonded CBN and Diamond grinding wheels CBN Diamond • Iron/carbonmaterialswithahighproportionofalloywhichare hardtomachine,especiallysteel;hardnessprimarily>55HRC • Hard,brittle,short-chippingmaterialswhichdonotcontainiron • High-speedsteel(HSS),caststeel,rollingbearingsteel,grey castiron,stainlesssteels,temperedcastiron,heat-resistant steels,steelsproducedbythepowdermetallurgymethod • Hardenedmetal,glass,ceramic,quartz,semiconductor materials,plastics,glassfibre-reinforcedplastics,natural stone,concrete,compositematerialsandplasticingeneral 7 H er m es s olu t ions u sing CBN bonded abr asives Internal cylindrical grinding Product description HermesCBNvitrifiedbondedabrasivesforinternalcylindrical grindinghaveprovedoutstandinginmediumtolarge-scale production. Inthecourseofintensiveresearchwork,wehavedeveloped anextraordinarilysharp,high-performancebondforinternal cylindricalgrinding. Thisbondenablesourbondedabrasivestoachievelongertool lifes(chipvolume)anditsexcellentself-sharpeningproperties reducegrindingtimes. Bondedabrasivescanalsobesuppliedwithasteelorhardened metalshaft.Hermesofferscustomersanadditionalserviceof gluingbondedabrasivestoshaftsprovidedbythecustomer (e.g.whenabrasivecoatingsareworn). Product benefits Applications Hermes solutions for bores • Considerablyreduceddressingtimes Specification 20B 76 M-N4-5 V24 200 Operating speed 63m/s Dimensional example 1A1W40x55x16-X5 Material 16MnCr5 Applications: • Automotiveandautomotivesupplierindustry (e.g.rockers,valvebodies) • Transmissionengineering (e.g.boresforgearwheels,guiderings) • Electricalindustry • Longtoollifesmeansreducedtoolcosts Hermes solutions for rolling bearing races (outer rings) Specification Material 28B 64 X4 V31K 240 100Cr6 Hermes solutions for bore bushes Specification Material 8 20B 46 P3 V24 175 100Cr6 • Shortergrindingtimesincreaseproductivity Comparison of performance, vitrified bonds 130% 120% 110% Tool life Specification 12B 64 X4 V31K 240 Operating speed 63m/s Dimensional example 1A87x12x4.5 Material 16MnCr5 Applications: • Rollingbearingindustry • Mechanicalengineering (e.g.boresforhydraulicparts,nozzles,bushes) • Verygoodsurfacequalities 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% Reference V31 at conc. > 200 V24 at conc. <_ 200 Surface grinding Product description Hermessurfacegrindingwheelsarecharacterizedbytheideal balancebetweenthethreemaincomponents:abrasive,poresand ceramicbond. Thisfacilitatescoolgrinding,highrelativemetalremovalratesand outstandingtoollifes. Hermessurfacegrindingwheelsarevitrifiedbonded,socanbe dressed.Theycanbeusedforabroadrangeofmaterialsrequiring machining. CBNbondedabrasivesforhigh-performancesurfacegrindingfrom 80m/soperatingspeedareavailablewithmetalcorebodies. Product benefits Applications Hermes solutions for reciprocating grinding • Preventthermaloverloadoftheworkpiece Specification Material • Flexiblewithregardtothematerialforgrinding 23B 126 N6 V24 125 16MnCr5 • Saveretoolingtime Hermes solutions for creep feed grinding • Highdegreeofprofilestability Specification Material • Increasedproductivity 23B 91 N6 V24 100 X155CrVmo12-1 • Longtoollifes • Reducedworkpiececosts 9 H er m es s olu t ions u sing CBN bonded abr asives External cylindrical grinding using Quickpoint method Product description SegmentedHermesSuperabrasivesforpeelgrindingallow operatingspeedsofupto140m/s. Theiroutstandinggrindingpropertieswereachievedbya newly-developed,vitrifiedbondmatrixinconjunctionwith specially-selectedCBNgritqualities. ThetoolsareusedonJunker‘sQuickpointmachines, forexample. Hermes solutions for das Hochleistungs-Schälschleifen Product benefits Specification Operating speed Dimensional example Material Workpiece 23B 126 R4 V241 161 125m/s 3A1400/J297.5x25x127-U8-X5 temperingsteel,sinteredmetal camshaft Specification Operating speed Dimensional example Material Workpiece 10B 126 T3 V42 161 125m/s 3A1406/J342x18x127-U6-X8 temperingsteel camshaft Applications Productivity comparison Diagram illustrating the principle of peel grinding % 140 Directionofgrinding 120 100 80 Surface grinding 60 Grinding radii External cylindrical grinding 40 20 0 Standard bond V241 Grindingproovesandinfeeds • Longtoollifes • Automotiveandautomotivesupplierindustry • Considerablyreduceddressingtimes • Cuttingtoolindustry • Lowwearongrindingwheels • Transmissionengineering • Increasedproductivity • Machinetoolengineering • Verygoodsurfacequalities • Textilemachineengineering • Printingpressengineering • Electricalindustry 10 External cylindrical grinding of crankshafts Product description HermescrankshaftgrindingwheelswithsegmentedCBNcoatings canbemanufacturedinexternaldiametersupto750mm. Furtheroptimizationofhigh-performancebondV24hassignificantlyimprovedgrindingproperties.Thesignificantlyincreased profilestabilityoftheCBNcoatinginparticularleadstoshorter grindingtimesandlongertoollifes. HermesSuperabrasivesforexternalcylindricalinfeedgrindingcan beusedatoperatingspeedsofupto160m/s. Hermes solutions Specification Operating speed Dimensional example Material 30B 126/181 R6/T6 V04 150/125 Sandwichdesign 125m/s 1L1-450x24x127-U21-R1.8-X5 temperedsteel Specification Operating speed Dimensional example Material 23B 151 N7 V241 161 125m/s 3A1-600/J275x40x140-U20-X8.5 temperedsteel(e.g.16MnCr5) Product benefits • Preventthermaloverloadsontheworkpiecedespite extremelyhighmetalremovalrate • Saveretoolingtime • Highdegreeofprofilestability • Longtoollifes • Increasedproductivityfromreducedworkpiececosts Applications • Grindingpinsandjournalsoncrankshafts Also: • Grindingbearingseatsontransmissionshafts • Otherexternalcylindricalinfeedgrindingprocesseswith extremelyhighRequirementswithregardtoreducedgrinding timewithtightestadherencetosurfaceanddimensional tolerancesontheworkpiece External cylindrical grinding of pump cams Grinding process Workpiece Operating speed Material Hermes solutions pumpcamsoncamshafts 125m/s 16MnCr5(1.7131),58HRC Specification Dimensional example 23B 126 M7/6 V241 125 Form14A1 400/J192x27x127-U25-X5 11 H er m es s olu t ions u sing CBN bonded abr asives Roll grinding Product description High-alloymaterialsrequiresuitablehigh-performanceabrasives forrollgrinding. Ournewly-developedCBNgritmixturemeetsthisneed.The performancepotentialofCBNrequiredisexploitedtothefullin combinationwithahigh-performancebond. Hermes solutions for high-performance peel grinding Specification Operating speed Dimensional example Material 73B 107 P7/6 V04 100 50m/s 1A1-600x40x203.2-X3 e.g.ASP2023 Product benefits • Surfacesarestableinthelongterm,yetcanhavevarying designs(adjustablebymeansoftheappropriatedressingand grindingparameters) • Saveretoolingtime • Generatesurfaceswithouttwistsorpatterns • Longtoollifes • Increasedproductivity Applications • Workingandback-uprollersincold-rollingapplications • HighlysuitableforservicingSendzimirstands • Grindinghigh-alloy,wear-resistantsteels,e.g.high-speedtool steelwith12%Cr(e.g.1.2379)andhigh-performancehighspeedsteelproducedbythepowdermetallurgyprocess (ASP2023) 12 T he f ir s t s t ep t o su c c es s Your information for us. Note Your process data and optimization objectives form the basis for us applying our expertise and thus for our shared success. Please fax the form to +49 (0)351 2801-390 Company name Address Street Town/Postcode Shape and dimensions of grinding wheel (if not ISO standard, please send a drawing as well) Grinding method (e.g. surface, internal cylindrical or external cylindrical grinding) Grinding machine Operating speed v C in m/s or grinding spindle speed of rotation n S in rpm Description of workpiece (e.g. valve) Material, hardness of material Surface quality required (R a or R z or R t in μm) Grinding overmeasure, infeed control in mm Wet or dry grinding Specification used to date Optimization objective Annual requirement for this item 13 H er m es Sup er abr asives Id ent ificat ion S ys t em Shapes and dimensions 14L1R D/J Shapeofwheel Diameterofwheel x T x Thicknessofwheel H - U - R - X Borediameter Coatingdimensions Core body basic shape Grinding coating shape 14 L 1 2 A AA B BF 3 4 BT C D E 6 9 EF ET F GN K L M Q 60° 10 11 <=30° 12 14 14 >30° bis <60° 13 TheshapesofCBNandDiamondbondedabrasivesaredescribedinDINstandard69800. Theshapesofgrindingwheelsaredescribedbymeansof4primarycharacteristics: 1.Basicshapeofcorebody;2.Shapeofgrindingcoating;3.Arrangementofgrindingcoating;4.Modification. Arrangement of grinding coating Modification 1 R 1 2 On circumference On the side, one side 3 4 On the side, two sides Inner chamfer or inner curve 5 6 Outer chamfer or outer curve Part of the circumferential surface B C H Countersink for cylinder bolts Countersink for countersunk bolts Continuous bores M P R Continuous and threaded bores Coating relieved on one side Coating relieved on both sides Q Y V Inside Concave on inside Concave coating W 7 8 K Part of the side surface Continuous With keyway With shaft or spindle NEW NEW 9 10 Corner Inside S SS Segmented Segmented and slit 15 H er m es Sup er abr asives Id ent ificat ion S ys t em Specification (e.g. 23B 126 P5 V241 150 125 m/s) Manufacturers mark vitrified bonded CBN and Diamond abrasives in accordance with a company-specific code. On the following pages, we show the Hermes Identification System using the example specification mentioned above. Type Grit type Grit size and surface quality 23B 126 Application FEPA Nominal mesh width [µm] US-Mesh RZ [µm] Rt [µm] Ra* [µm] 6.3 6 - 12 10 8 - 15 3000 0.17 0.10 - 0.30 0.02 1800 0.30 0.20 - 0.50 0.04 25 20 - 30 800 0.43 0.52 0.30 - 0.70 0.40 - 0.80 0.06 0.08 46 38 - 45 325/400 0.65 0.50 - 1.00 0.10 64 53 - 63 230/270 0.77 0.86 0.60 - 1.20 0.65 - 1.40 0.12 0.14 76 63 - 75 200/230 1.00 1.07 0.70 - 1.60 0.80 - 1.70 0.16 0.18 91 75 - 90 170/200 1.20 0.90 - 1.90 0.20 107 90 - 106 140/170 1.45 1.70 1.95 1.10 - 2.30 1.30 - 2.70 1.50 - 3.00 0.25 0.30 0.35 CBN 11B 29B High performance e.g. for external cylindrical and internal cylindrical grinding 12B 22B 28B High performance e.g. for internal cylindrical grinding 13B 16B 23B High performance e.g. for for external cylindrical and surface grinding 10B 20B 30B Standard e.g. for external cylindrical, internal cylindrical and surface grinding Diamond 12D 14D High performance e.g. for external cylindrical, internal cylindrical and surface grinding 126 106 - 125 120/140 10D 11D Standard e.g. for external cylindrical, internal cylindrical and surface grinding 2.20 2.45 1.70 - 3.40 1.90 - 3.80 0.40 0.45 151 125 - 150 100/120 3.45 4.60 2.70 - 5.20 3.70 - 7.00 0.65 0.90 181 150 - 180 80/100 5.45 6.35 5.20 - 9.50 4.50 - 8.20 1.10 1.30 213 180 - 212 70/80 7.10 6.00 - 10.00 1.50 301 250 - 300 50/60 8.45 11.20 15.10 19.40 20.60 7.10 - 12.50 9.60 - 16.50 13.00 - 22.00 17.00 - 28.00 18.00 - 30.00 1.80 2.50 3.50 4.50 5.00 External cylindrical method, further dependent on dressing conditions, materials. This information is only intended as a guide! The surface values which can be achieved are significantly affected by the grinding method, the conditions of use and the concentration of hard substance in the coating specification. * CLA (Centre Line Average) [µ"] = R a [µm] / 0.0254 RMS (root mean square average) [µ"] ~ CLA [µ"] / 0.85 16 Hardness Structure P 5 Code letter Hardness Use Code numbers Description H, I, JOT, K soft primarilyforheat-sensitive materials 2-3 densestructure L, M, N, O medium standard 4-7 mediumstructure P, Q, R, S hard forverygoodprofileand edgestability 8 - 10 openstructure T, U, V, W, X veryhard forhighprofileandedgestability (e.g.Quickpoint) Number / 2 ... 8 withartificalpore-former Explanation of surface values 1 2 3 4 5 R Z2 R Z4 R Z1 Rt Ra R Z3 R max R Z5 Reference profile Actual profile Mean profile Base profile Area Ra Rz Rt Rmax arithmetical mean roughness value averaged surface roughness maximum surface roughness maximum individual surface roughness 17 H er m es Sup er abr asives Id ent ificat ion S ys t em Specification (e.g. 23B 126 P5 V241 150 125 m/s) Bond Concentration V241 150 Name Hardness Grinding process V04 Moderate Universal Concentration Per cent by volume of Diamond/CBN CBN in carat/cm3 Diamond in carat/cm3 V31 Internal cylindrical grinding 25 6.30% 1.09 1.10 V24 Internal cylindrical and surface grinding 50 12.50% 2.17 2.20 V42 External cylindrical grinding 75 18.80% 3.26 3.30 V242 Internal cylindrical grinding 100 25.00% 4.35 4.40 V41 External cylindrical grinding and surface grinding 125 31.30% 5.44 5.50 150 37.50% 6.53 6.60 175 43.80% 7.61 7.70 200 50.00% 8.70 8.80 220 55.00% 9.57 9.68 240 60.00% 10.44 10.56 V241 18 Extremely strong External cylindrical grinding e.g. cam shape Permitted circumferential speed 125 m/s Maximum operating speed (m/s) Number of stripes below 50 none 50 1xblue 63 1xyellow 80 1xred 100 1xgreen 125 1xblue+1xyellow 140 1xblue+1xred Coding colour of stripes 19 A pplic at ion r e c omm endat ions Influence of process and tool parameters on outcome Grinding force (y) Grindability of steel (x) high high y y y y difficult x easy low difficult x easy low y y y y low x high low low x high low low x high low high high high high y y y y low x high low low x high low low x high low high high high high y y y y poor x high low poor x high low poor x high low high high high high y y y y low x high low low x high low low x high low high high high high y y y y low x high low low x high low low x high low high high high high y y y y low Hardness (x) low high low Grit size (x) easy high low Concentration (x) x high low Effective roughness from dressing (x) difficult high low Lubricity of cooling lubricant (x) Burning risk (y) high low Metal removal rate (Infeed control, feed rate) (x) Roughness (y) high low Cutting speed (x) Wear (y) low x high low low x high low low x high low high high high high y y y y low low x high low low x high low low x high low difficult x easy low x high low x high poor x high low x high low x high low x high low x high Structure Structure is specified mainly by the process and should only be varied within narrow limits. In general, it holds true that the longer the contact length, the more open the structure (the higher the structure number). Bond Hermes uses the bond best suited to the process. 20 Selecting machine parameters for CBN grinding Grinding process und machine parameters Settings External cylindrical grinding Traverse grinding Cutting speed vC 30 - 140 m/s Workpiece speed v W 15 - 200 m/min Workpiece advance v fa 0.5 x bS x nW mm/min Infeed ae 0.005 - 0.05 mm Plunge grinding Cutting speed vC 30 - 140 m/s Workpiece speed v W 100 - 200 m/min Advance speed v fr 0.1 - 2.0 mm/min Centerless grinding Cutting speed vC 30 - 100 m/s Workpiece speed v W 30 - 150 m/min Workpiece advance v fa 50 - 2000 mm/min Infeed ae 0.005 - 0.05 mm Surface grinding Reciprocating grinding Cutting speed vC 25 - 60 m/s Workpiece speed v W 10 - 20 m/min Infeed ae <= 20% of grit size Crossfeed 0.5 x bS mm Cutting speed vC 15 - 80 m/s Workpiece speed v W 30 - 120 m/min Infeed ae 0.001 - 0.02 mm Crossfeed Short-stroke oscillation Internal cylindrical grinding Oscillation grinding Plunge grinding Cutting speed vC 35 - 80 m/s Workpiece speed v W 60 - 120 m/min Advance speed v fr 0.1 - 2.5 mm/min 21 A pplic at ion r e c omm endat ions Cooling lubricants Note: In principle, vitrified bonded CBN/diamond abrasives should be used only in wet-grinding methods. Conventional cooling lubricants perform the tasks “lubricate”, “cool” and “flush” to varying degrees of satisfaction. A distinction is generally made between three types of cooling lubricants: 1. Grinding oils with EP additives In addition to their cooling action, their good lubricating properties have a favourable impact primarily on friction forces, thus allowing longer tool lives to be achieved for better surface qualities. 2. Emulsions (water with 0.2 - 15% oil fraction) Good wettability, high level of heat dissipation and consequently good cooling action. Suitable for CBN and diamond grinding wheels at elevated metal removal rates and moderate roughnesses. 3. Transparent solutions of synthetic products with EP additives In addition to good wettability, their transparency should be mentioned as a particular benefit. It allows the grinding process to be observed better. Suitable for CBN and diamond grinding wheels at elevated metal removal rates and moderate roughnesses. Product comparison Cooling lubricant Lubricating action Cooling performance Cleaning effect Resistance to ageing Mineral oil, pure very good poor moderate good Emulsion 15% good moderate good poor Emulison 5% moderate good good moderate Synthetic solution 3% poor very good very good very good Semi-synthetic solution 3% good good good good Comparison of applications Material Abrasive Grinding process Reciprocating grinding Hardened metal Hardened metal + steel Ceramic Spray-on alloys with tungsten carbide Diamond HSS Chrome steel Metal spray-on alloys CBN Long-chipping types of steel e.g. 100Cr6, 16MnCr5 Special materials CBN 22 Creep feed grinding X X X X X X X X X X X X Cooling lubricant recommended Water fraction Emulsion Emulsion Fully-synthetic solution Semi-synthetic solution 98 - 95% 95 - 90% 98 - 97% 98 - 97% Emulsion Fully-synthetic solution Semi-synthetic solution Fully-synthetic solution Semi-synthetic solution Mineral oil with EP if appropriate 98 - 95% 97 - 95% 97 - 96% Emulsion Mineral oil with EP if appropriate 95 - 80% Dressing methods and parameters Note: It is generally necessary to dress the bonded abrasive after changing the tool (to generate concentricity) and during the grinding process once the tool life criterion (surface quality, profile deviation) has been reached. Dressing method Diamond profile roller dresser 1 Vfrd 2 Diamond form roller dresser VR VR Vfad Vfrd Vsd Vsd CBN grinding wheel CBN grinding wheel 3 4 Diamond dressing wheel 7° VR Vfad Vrel = 0 Vfrd CBN grinding wheel Steel profile roll Vsd CBN grinding wheel Application recommendations Variables affecting dressing outcome Dressing/speedratio Dressing method qd Semi/counterdirection 1,2,3 1,2,3 vsd 2,3 Peripheraldresserspeed vR 1,2,3 Transverseoverlapratio Ud 2,3 Dressinginfeed aed 2,3 Dressingfeedrate v frd 1,4 Peripheralgrinding wheelspeed Contactpressure Dressingcontactwidth Formulae Transverse overlap ratio Ud = bR . n vfad sd Dressing/speed ratio v qd = R vsd 4 bR 2,3 Recommended settings for dressing methods 2 + 3 qd > 0.5 aed = 2; aed – total = max. 10% of grit diameter Ud = 5 (Ud:numberoftimesdressingtoolcontactsapointonthecircumferentialsurfaceoftheabrasivetool) 23 A pplic at ion r e c omm endat ions Dressing methods and parameters Effect of speed ratio and dressing infeed on effective surface roughness 16 14 Radial feed for dressing [µm/revolution] frd = 0.72 frd = 0.54 frd = 0.36 frd = 0.18 Effective surface roughness (µm) 12 10 8 6 4 2 Same direction 0 2 1.5 Counter direction 1 0.5 0 Speed ration q -0.5 -1 Source: Schmitt, R. – Dressing grinding wheels with diamond-coated rolls - dissertation from the Technical University in Braunschweig, Germany 24 -1.5 -2 Key data in the grinding process G ration The G ratio allows a direct comparison to be made between two different grinding wheels in the same grinding process with identical parameters. The ratio is calculated as follows: G = Volume of workpiece reduced [mm3] Wheel coating consumed [mm3] General guidelines Diamond on hardened metal CBN on HSS 50 - 300 150 - 800 Relative metal removal rate Q'W The relative metal removal rate describes the removal rate of a grinding wheel per second per millimetre of grinding wheel thickness. This allows a direct comparison of different grinding processes to be made. Formulae for calculating Q'W [mm3/mm . s]: Q'W = Key ae . vt Surface and creep feed grinding 60 a e Infeed control [mm] v t Advance speed [mm/min] DW Diamater of workpiece [mm] Q'W = Q'W = ae . nW . D W . π 60 vf . DW . π 60 External cylindrical longitudinal grinding nW Speed of rotation of workpiece [rpm] v f Radial advance speed [mm/min] External cylindrical infeed grinding 25 In t er n e t Why not visit our website? Virtually all the information useful for planning and purchasing Hermes Bonded Abrasives is available on our website which is based on a database and is equipped with numerous other functions: • • • • New products Detailed product information Application solutions Information about the company It goes without saying that the Hermes site is multilingual, so it can be used all over the world. This website is constantly being updated and is an important information platform. You have the option of downloading information material via the Web for instant availability. Our website also lists all your relevant contacts, whether field or office-based staff. 26 For more information about Hermes bonded abrasives Hermes Schleifkörper GmbH Lohrmannstrasse21 01237Dresden,Germany Phone+493512801-0 Fax+493512801-390 33E21.30.Therighttomakeamendmentsisreserved.