Introduction ____________________________ 6 General Overview _______________________ 8 Food Crates - Salei Mazon - Kitneyot ____ 10 Food Crates – Non Kitneyot ______________ 12 Elderly and Holocaust Survivors _______ 14 Lone Soldiers and other Individuals ____ 16 Cities and Amount Distributed in 2015 __ 20 Food Cards and Clothing Vouchers _____ 24 Public Seders __________________________ 26 Meals on Wheels ______________________ 32 Soup Kitchens _________________________ 34 Introduction ____________________________ 6 General Overview _______________________ 8 Food Crates - Salei Mazon - Kitneyot ____ 10 Food Crates – Non Kitneyot ______________ 12 Elderly and Holocaust Survivors _______ 14 Lone Soldiers and Other Individuals ____ 16 Cities and Amount Distributed in 2015 __ 20 Food Cards and Clothing Vouchers _____ 24 Public Seders __________________________ 26 Meals on Wheels ______________________ 32 Soup Kitchens _________________________ 34 MA'OT CHITIM (Hebrew) = "THE WHEAT FUND" kimcha d'pischa (Aramaic) = “Passover flour” Established in 1788, Colel Chabad is the oldest continuous operating charity in Israel. Our methods have changed, but our mission stayed the same. משלוח מנות מתנות לאביונים קמחא דפסחא און ק ן פון ’כולל חב“ד‘ אין ארץ הקודש A pre Purim and Passover fundraising card from 1951. You can send your tax deductible gift to the address listed below. This document is from 65 years ago. List of families who received Ma'ot Chitim in 1909 5 4 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 MA'OT CHITIM (Hebrew) = "THE WHEAT FUND" kimcha d'pischa (Aramaic) = “Passover flour” Established in 1788, Colel Chabad is the oldest continuous operating charity in Israel. Our methods have changed, but our mission stayed the same. משלוח מנות מתנות לאביונים קמחא דפסחא און ק ן פון ’כולל חב“ד‘ אין ארץ הקודש A Purim and Passover fundraising card from 1951. You can send your tax deductible gift to the address listed below. This document is from 65 years ago. List of families who received Ma'ot Chitim in 1909 5 4 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 INTRODUCTION Passover season presents a serious challenge for thousands of near-poor families who can barely put food on the table during the rest of the year. This major festival, and all its joys, can be devastating if enough food – especially holiday necessities – are out of reach. יֵיתֵי וְיִ ְפסַחָכּל ִד ְכפִין יֵיתֵי וְיֵיכֺל ָכּל ִד ְצרִי Let All Who are Hungry Come and Eat In the opening paragraph of the Haggadah, read at the Seder, we declare: "All who are hungry, let them come and eat." Our nation is a singular entity, and in order to experience freedom ourselves, we must also ensure that our brothers and sisters have the means to celebrate freedom too. In reality, however, as we begin our Seder, most of the people who are hungry will not be standing in our dining rooms as we begin our Seder, waiting for the invitation. As such, in preparation for the Passover holiday, it is an ageold Jewish tradition to contribute generously towards funds that ensure that, indeed, everyone who is in need has the necessary provisions for the holiday—food, matzah, wine, festive clothing, etc. 6 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 776 This special Passover fund, originally intended to provide the poor with matzah, is known as Ma'ot Chitim, "the wheat fund," or kimcha d'pischa, "Passover flour." When you help others to celebrate a joyous holiday, G d will certainly reciprocate in kind, and grant you and yours a happy and kosher, a meaningful and liberating, holiday of Passover! Ma'ot Chitim is already mentioned in the Jerusalem Talmud, which was compiled more than 1,600 years ago. In recent times, this fund was expanded to supply the poor with other holiday needs as well. Colel Chabad has developed a wide range of diverse programs making sure that every single family in Israel, in need of Ma'ot Chitim, should have enough – and more than enough. 77 INTRODUCTION This special Passover fund, originally intended to provide the poor with matzah, is known as Ma'ot Chitim, "the wheat fund," or kimcha d'pischa, "Passover flour." necessities – are out of reach. יֵיתֵי וְיִ ְפסַחָכּל ִד ְצרִי Let All When you help others to celebrate a joyous holiday, G d will certainly reciprocate in kind, and grant you and yours a happy and kosher, a meaningful and liberating, holiday of Passover! Ma'ot Chitim is already mentioned in the Jerusalem Talmud, which was compiled more than 1,600 years ago. In recent times, this fund was expanded to supply the poor with other holiday needs as well. Colel Chabad has developed a wide range of diverse programs making sure that every single family in Israel, in need of Ma'ot Chitim, should have enough – and more than enough. not be standing in our dining rooms as we begin our Seder, waiting for the invitation. As such, in preparation for the Passover holiday, it is an ageold Jewish tradition to contribute generously towards funds that ensure that, indeed, everyone who is in need has the necessary provisions for the holiday—food, matzah, wine, festive clothing, etc. 6 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 776 77 GENERAL OVERVIEW Food Crates Number of Families To: Cost Per USD Prepared Meals Total Total in USD Number of Families To: Cost Per USD Total Total in USD Families - Kitneyot 10,000 ₪ 420 $111 ₪ 4,200,000 $1,105,263 Public Seders 18,000 Families - Non Kitneyot 4,000 ₪ 582 $153 ₪ 2,328,000 $612,632 Meals on Wheels 1,200 $150 $180,000 Soup Kitchens 3,000 $105 $315,000 Elderly and Holocaust Survivors 1,500 ₪ 138 $37 ₪ 208,080 $54,758 Lone Soldiers and other individuals 5,000 ₪ 74.13 $20 ₪ 1,334,321 22, 22,200 ₪ 139 $37 ₪ 696,950 $855,000 $183,408 Total: 20,500 $360,000 $3,811,061 $1,956,061 Number of Families Food Cards and Clothing Vouchers To: Number of Families 20,500 Cost Per USD Total Total in USD 5,000 Northern Israel 1,200 $200 $240,000 Southern Israel 1,400 $200 $280,000 Central Israel 2,400 $200 $480,000 5,000 $1,000,000 Total in $ Food Crates Prepared Meals $855,000 Food Cards and Clothing Vouchers $1,956,061 $1,000,000 Prepared Meals Food Crates 8 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 22,200 Food Cards and Clothing Vouchers 9 GENERAL OVERVIEW Prepared Meals To: Number of Families Number of Families To: Cost Per USD Total Total in USD Families - Kitneyot 10,000 ₪ 420 Public Seders 18,000 Families - Non Kitneyot 4,000 ₪ 582 Meals on Wheels 1,200 $150 $180,000 Soup Kitchens 3,000 $105 $315,000 Elderly and Holocaust Survivors 1,500 ₪ Lone Soldiers and other individuals 5,000 ₪ 74.13 $20 ₪ 1,334,321 22, 22,200 $360,000 $855,000 ₪ 139.39 Total: $3,811,061 20,500 Number of Families To: Number of Families Northern Israel 1,200 Southern Israel 1,400 Central Israel 2,400 Total for Food Cards and Clothing Vouchers 5,000 20,500 Cost Per 5,000 Total in USD Food Crates Prepared Meals $855,000 Food Cards and Clothing Vouchers $1,956,061 $1,000,000 Prepared Meals Food Crates 8 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 22,200 Food Cards and Clothing Vouchers 9 FOOD CRATES - SALEI MAZON - KITNEYOT In addition to the families who receive monthly help (part of the Blavatnik Food Bank - National Food Security Program), before Passover the food distribution grows exponentially. In partnership with some 60 cities and municipalities, these crates for each individual family are prepacked in our own Slager Logistic Center in Kiryat Malachi. Families are selected by the social workers in their municipality and are notified of the date, time and location of the distribution. Colel Chabad sends a representative to each location to assure everything is done in an orderly and respectful manner. All distribution points are manned by local volunteers. Product Amount Baked beans 600 g Black coffee 100g Carrots 1 kg Cartons Cereal 400g Chocolate spread 400g Coconut 100g Colored beans 500g Corn 600g Dates 200g Dishwashing soap to 1 liter Dried beans 500g Dried peas 500g Grape juice 750ml Grapefruit pudding 600 g Humus 600 g Jam 400 g Lemon juice 1 liter Liquid soap 500ml Matzah Cookies - Coconut 350g Matzah machine-2.5 Kg 2 1 4 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 10 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 Cost ₪ 2.81 ₪ 2.09 ₪ 1.50 ₪ 4.42 ₪ 5.85 ₪ 3.51 ₪ 1.40 ₪ 4.45 ₪ 3.51 ₪ 3.39 ₪ 2.00 ₪ 3.98 ₪ 3.04 ₪ 7.49 ₪ 1.76 ₪ 2.81 ₪ 3.22 ₪ 2.34 ₪ 3.04 ₪ 4.68 ₪ 22.93 Total Cost ₪ 5.62 ₪ 2.09 ₪ 6.00 ₪ 8.84 ₪ 5.85 ₪ 7.02 ₪ 1.40 ₪ 4.45 ₪ 10.53 ₪ 3.39 ₪ 2.00 ₪ 7.96 ₪ 6.08 ₪ 22.46 ₪ 3.51 ₪ 8.42 ₪ 3.22 ₪ 2.34 ₪ 3.04 ₪ 9.36 ₪ 22.93 Total USD $ 1.48 $ 0.55 $ 1.58 $ 2.33 $ 1.54 $ 1.85 $ 0.37 $ 1.17 $ 2.77 $ 0.89 $ 0.53 $ 2.09 $ 1.60 $ 5.91 $ 0.92 $ 2.22 $ 0.85 $ 0.62 $ 0.80 $ 2.46 $ 6.03 Our goal is to d istribute these packages to 10,000 need y families at a to tal cost of $1,105,800 Product Matzahs meal 500g Mayonnaise 500g Melted chocolate 500g Olives 600 g Oranges 1kg Paprika 80 g Passover Haggadah Pickles 600g Potatoes 1kg Salt 1 kg Shabbat candles 10 units Shampoo 800 ml Soup 1 kg Soybean oil 1 liter Sugar 1 kg Sweet paprika 80 g Tahini 500g Tea 25 units Three handmade matzos Tomato paste 600g Tuna crumbs 160 grams Vegetable packag Vinegar 1 liter Packaging, transportation, printing, etc. Coupon purchase meat Amount Cost 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 10 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 1 ₪ 4.10 ₪ 3.74 ₪ 3.74 ₪ 3.16 ₪ 2.70 ₪ 1.29 ₪ 3.28 ₪ 3.16 ₪ 2.00 ₪ 1.17 ₪ 1.22 ₪ 4.56 ₪ 4.10 ₪ 7.08 ₪ 3.72 ₪ 1.29 ₪ 8.19 ₪ 0.94 ₪ 9.50 ₪ 2.93 ₪ 3.63 ₪ 3.50 ₪ 1.86 ₪ 20.00 ₪ 100.00 Almost $200 value compared to supermarket prices. Total Cost Total USD ₪ 8.19 ₪ 3.74 ₪ 3.74 ₪ 6.32 ₪ 8.10 ₪ 1.29 ₪ 3.28 ₪ 6.32 ₪ 20.00 ₪ 1.17 ₪ 1.22 ₪ 4.56 ₪ 4.10 ₪ 21.24 ₪ 11.16 ₪ 1.29 ₪ 8.19 ₪ 0.94 ₪ 9.50 ₪ 5.85 ₪ 18.14 ₪ 3.50 ₪ 1.86 ₪ 20.00 ₪ 100.00 $ 2.16 $ 0.99 $ 0.99 $ 1.66 $ 2.13 $ 0.34 $ 0.86 $ 1.66 $ 5.26 $ 0.31 $ 0.32 $ 1.20 $ 1.08 $ 5.59 $ 2.94 $ 0.34 $ 2.16 $ 0.25 $ 2.50 $ 1.54 $ 4.77 $ 0.92 $ 0.49 $ 5.26 $ 26.32 ₪ 420.20 $ 110.58 11 FOOD CRATES - SALEI MAZON - KITNEYOT In addition to the families who receive monthly help (part of the Blavatnik Food Bank - National Food Security Program), before Passover the food distribution grows exponentially. In partnership with some 60 cities and municipalities, these crates for each individual family are prepacked in our own Slager Logistic Center in Kiryat Malachi. Families are selected by the social workers in their municipality and are notified of the date, time and location of the distribution. Colel Chabad sends a representative to each location to assure everything is done in an orderly and respectful manner. All distribution points are manned by local volunteers. Product Amount Baked beans 600 g Black coffee 100g Carrots 1 kg Cartons Cereal 400g Chocolate spread 400g Coconut 100g Colored beans 500g Corn 600g Dates 200g Dishwashing soap to 1 liter Dried beans 500g Dried peas 500g Grape juice 750ml Grapefruit pudding 600 g Humus 600 g Jam 400 g Lemon juice 1 liter Liquid soap 500ml Matzah Cookies - Coconut 350g Matzah machine-2.5 Kg 2 1 4 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 10 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 Cost ₪ 2.81 ₪ 2.09 ₪ 1.50 ₪ 4.42 ₪ 5.85 ₪ 3.51 ₪ 1.40 ₪ 4.45 ₪ 3.51 ₪ 3.39 ₪ 2.00 ₪ 3.98 ₪ 3.04 ₪ 7.49 ₪ 1.76 ₪ 2.81 ₪ 3.22 ₪ 2.34 ₪ 3.04 ₪ 4.68 ₪ 22.93 Total Cost ₪ 5.62 ₪ 2.09 ₪ 6.00 ₪ 8.84 ₪ 5.85 ₪ 7.02 ₪ 1.40 ₪ 4.45 ₪ 10.53 ₪ 3.39 ₪ 2.00 ₪ 7.96 ₪ 6.08 ₪ 22.46 ₪ 3.51 ₪ 8.42 ₪ 3.22 ₪ 2.34 ₪ 3.04 ₪ 9.36 ₪ 22.93 Total USD $ 1.48 $ 0.55 $ 1.58 $ 2.33 $ 1.54 $ 1.85 $ 0.37 $ 1.17 $ 2.77 $ 0.89 $ 0.53 $ 2.09 $ 1.60 $ 5.91 $ 0.92 $ 2.22 $ 0.85 $ 0.62 $ 0.80 $ 2.46 $ 6.03 Our goal is to d istribute these packages to 10,000 need y families at a to tal cost of $1,105,800 Product Matzah meal 500g Mayonnaise 500g Melted chocolate 500g Olives 600 g Oranges 1kg Paprika 80 g Passover Haggadah Pickles 600g Potatoes 1kg Salt 1 kg Shabbat candles 10 units Shampoo 800 ml Soup 1 kg Soybean oil 1 liter Sugar 1 kg Sweet paprika 80 g Tahini 500g Tea 25 units Three handmade matzahs Tomato paste 600g Tuna crumbs 160 grams Vegetable package Vinegar 1 liter Packaging, transportation, printing, etc. Coupon to purchase meat Amount Cost 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 10 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 1 ₪ 4.10 ₪ 3.74 ₪ 3.74 ₪ 3.16 ₪ 2.70 ₪ 1.29 ₪ 3.28 ₪ 3.16 ₪ 2.00 ₪ 1.17 ₪ 1.22 ₪ 4.56 ₪ 4.10 ₪ 7.08 ₪ 3.72 ₪ 1.29 ₪ 8.19 ₪ 0.94 ₪ 9.50 ₪ 2.93 ₪ 3.63 ₪ 3.50 ₪ 1.86 ₪ 20.00 ₪ 100.00 Almost $200 value compared to supermarket prices. Total Cost Total USD ₪ 8.19 ₪ 3.74 ₪ 3.74 ₪ 6.32 ₪ 8.10 ₪ 1.29 ₪ 3.28 ₪ 6.32 ₪ 20.00 ₪ 1.17 ₪ 1.22 ₪ 4.56 ₪ 4.10 ₪ 21.24 ₪ 11.16 ₪ 1.29 ₪ 8.19 ₪ 0.94 ₪ 9.50 ₪ 5.85 ₪ 18.14 ₪ 3.50 ₪ 1.86 ₪ 20.00 ₪ 100.00 $ 2.16 $ 0.99 $ 0.99 $ 1.66 $ 2.13 $ 0.34 $ 0.86 $ 1.66 $ 5.26 $ 0.31 $ 0.32 $ 1.20 $ 1.08 $ 5.59 $ 2.94 $ 0.34 $ 2.16 $ 0.25 $ 2.50 $ 1.54 $ 4.77 $ 0.92 $ 0.49 $ 5.26 $ 26.32 ₪ 420.20 $ 110.58 11 FOOD CRATES – NON KITNEYOT The prohibition against consuming, or even owning chametz on Passover, is very stringent. Over the centuries many communities accepted upon themselves different stringencies depending on the circumstances of each individual community. Product Amount Cost Total Cost Total USD Cartons 1 ₪ 3.70 ₪ 3.70 $0.97 Chicken 11 ₪ 20.60 ₪ 226.60 $59.63 Passover Cookies 500 grams 1 ₪ 17.00 ₪ 17.00 $4.47 Dates 200g 2 ₪ 2.48 ₪ 4.96 $1.31 Gefilte fish 800g 2 ₪ 9.30 ₪ 18.60 $4.89 Grape juice 1 liter 6 ₪ 8.46 ₪ 50.76 $13.36 Instant coffee 200g 1 ₪ 17.82 ₪ 17.82 $4.69 Oranges (15 kg) 15 ₪ 2.60 ₪ 39.00 $10.26 Potato flour 500g 3 ₪ 3.20 ₪ 9.60 $2.53 Salt 1 kg 1 ₪ 1.25 ₪ 1.25 $0.33 Sugar 1 kg 5 ₪ 3.30 ₪ 16.50 $4.34 Tea 100 units 1 ₪ 6.40 ₪ 6.40 $1.68 Transportation and Packaging 1 ₪ 18.00 ₪ 18.00 $4.74 Vegetable package (10 potatoes, 4 carrots) 1 ₪ 29.50 ₪ 29.50 $7.76 Walnut oil 1 liter 3 ₪ 16.00 ₪ 48.00 $12.63 ₪ 582.35 $ 153.25 Total With VAT* 12 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 Our goal is to d istribute these packages to 4,000 needy families at a total cost o f $612,632 13 FOOD CRATES– NON KITNEYOT The prohibition against consuming, or even owning chametz on Passover is very stringent. Over the centuries many communities accepted upon themselves different stringencies depending on the circumstances of each individual community. Product Amount Price Total Total USD Carton packing 1 ₪ 3.70 ₪ 3.70 $0.97 Chicken 11 ₪ 20.60 ₪ 226.60 $59.63 Passover Cookies 500 grams 1 ₪ 17.00 ₪ 17.00 $4.47 Dates 200g 2 ₪ 2.48 ₪ 4.96 $1.31 Gefilte fish 800g 2 ₪ 9.30 ₪ 18.60 $4.89 Grape juice 1 liter 6 ₪ 8.46 ₪ 50.76 $13.36 Instant coffee 200g 1 ₪ 17.82 ₪ 17.82 $4.69 Oranges (15 kg) 15 ₪ 39.00 $10.26 Potato flour 500g 3 ₪ 3.20 ₪ 9.60 $2.53 Salt 1 kg 1 ₪ 1.25 ₪ 1.25 $0.33 Sugar 1 kg 5 ₪ 3.30 ₪ 16.50 $4.34 Tea 100 units 1 ₪ 6.40 ₪ 6.40 $1.68 Transportation and Packaging 1 ₪ 18.00 ₪ 18.00 $4.74 Vegetable package (10 potatoes, 4 carrots) 1 ₪ 29.50 ₪ 29.50 $7.76 Walnut oil 1 liter 3 ₪ 16.00 ₪ 48.00 $12.63 ₪ 582.35 $ 153.25 Total With VAT* 12 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 Our goal is to d istribute these packages to 4,000 needy families at a total cost o f $612,632 13 ELDERLY AND HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS In addition to the many elderly and holocaust survivors who rely on Colel Chabad all year round for their nutritional needs, during the Yom Tov season we strive to bring the joy, above and beyond, by reaching further into the community and providing this additional aid. Product Baked beans 600 g Black coffee 100g Cartons Corn 600g Dried peas 500g Gefilte fish 800g Grape juice 750ml Jam 400 g Matzah Cookies - Coconut 350 g Matzah machine-2.5 Kg Matzah meal 500g Pickles 600g Pineapple pudding 900g Soup 1 kg Soybean oil 1 liter Sugar 1 kg Tea 25 units Handmade matzah Tomato paste 600g Transportation and Packaging Vegetables (potatoes, oranges, carrots) 14 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 Amount Cost 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 Our goal is to distribute these packag es to 1,500 Elderly and H olocaust Survivors fam ilies at a total cost of $54,76 5 Total USD ₪ 5.62 ₪ 2.09 ₪ 4.42 ₪ 3.51 ₪ 3.04 ₪ 10.88 ₪ 7.32 ₪ 3.22 ₪ 4.68 ₪ 22.93 ₪ 4.10 ₪ 3.16 ₪ 4.45 ₪ 4.10 ₪ 7.08 ₪ 3.72 ₪ 0.94 ₪ 9.50 ₪ 2.93 ₪ 13.00 ₪ 18.05 $1.48 $0.55 $1.16 $0.92 $0.80 $2.86 $1.93 $0.85 $1.23 $6.03 $1.08 $0.83 $1.17 $1.08 $1.86 $0.98 $0.25 $2.50 $0.77 $3.42 $4.75 ₪ 138.72 $ 36.51 15 ELDERLY AND HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS In addition to the many elderly and holocaust survivors who rely on Colel Chabad all year round for their nutritional needs, during the Yom Tov season we strive to bring the joy, above and beyond – by reaching further into the community and providing this additional aid. Product Baked beans 600 g Black coffee 100g Carton packing Corn 600g Dried peas 500g Gefilte fish 800g Grape juice 750ml Jam 400 g Matzah Cookies - Coconut 350 g Matzah (machine)-2.5 Kg Matzah meal 500g Pickles 600g Pineapple pudding 900g Soup 1 kg Soybean oil 1 liter Sugar 1 kg Tea 25 units handmade matzah Tomato paste 600g Transportation and Packaging Vegetables (potatoes, oranges, carrots) 14 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 Amount Cost 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 Our goal is to distribute these packag es to 1,500 Elderly and H olocaust Survivors fam ilies at a total cost of $54,76 5 Total Cost $ ₪ 5.62 ₪ 2.09 ₪ 4.42 ₪ 3.51 ₪ 3.04 ₪ 10.88 ₪ 7.32 ₪ 3.22 ₪ 4.68 ₪ 22.93 ₪ 4.10 ₪ 3.16 ₪ 4.45 ₪ 4.10 ₪ 7.08 ₪ 3.72 ₪ 0.94 ₪ 9.50 ₪ 2.93 ₪ 13.00 ₪ 18.05 $1.48 $0.55 $1.16 $0.92 $0.80 $2.86 $1.93 $0.85 $1.23 $6.03 $1.08 $0.83 $1.17 $1.08 $1.86 $0.98 $0.25 $2.50 $0.77 $3.42 $4.75 ₪ 138.72 $ 36.51 15 LONE SOLDIERS AND OTHER INDIVIDUALS Product Amount Cost Total Cost Total USD Our goal is to d istribute these packages to 5,000 Lone S oldiers and oth er individuals at a total cost of $1 83,408 Amount Price Total Total in $ Baked beans 600g 1 ₪ 2.81 ₪ 2.81 $ 0.74 ₪ 4.45 ₪ 4.45 $ 1.17 Black coffee 100g 1 ₪ 2.09 ₪ 2.09 $ 0.55 ₪ 3.74 ₪ 3.74 $ 0.98 Carton 1 ₪ 4.42 ₪ 4.42 $ 1.16 ₪ 1.17 ₪ 1.17 $ 0.31 Chicken soup mix 1 ₪ 4.10 ₪ 4.10 $ 1.08 ₪ 7.08 ₪ 7.08 $ 1.86 Chocolate spread 400g 1 ₪ 3.51 ₪ 3.51 $ 0.92 ₪ 3.72 ₪ 7.44 $ 1.96 Cocoa powder 500g 1 ₪ 3.74 ₪ 3.74 $ 0.98 ₪ 1.29 ₪ 1.29 $ 0.34 Coconut cookies 350g 1 ₪ 4.68 ₪ 4.68 $ 1.23 ₪ 0.94 ₪ 0.94 $ 0.25 Corn 600g 1 ₪ 3.51 ₪ 3.51 $ 0.92 ₪ 2.93 ₪ 2.93 $ 0.77 Dried beans 500g 1 ₪ 3.98 ₪ 3.98 $ 1.05 ₪ 3.63 ₪ 10.89 $ 2.87 Grape juice 750 grams 1 ₪ 7.32 ₪ 7.32 $ 1.93 ₪ 7.79 9 ₪ 7.79 $ 2.05 Jam 400 g 1 ₪ 3.22 ₪ 3.22 $ 0.85 ₪ 139.39 $ 36.68 Matzah machine -2.5 Kg 1 ₪ 22.93 ₪ 22.93 $ 6.03 Matzah meal 500g 2 ₪ 4.10 ₪ 8.20 $ 2.16 Mayonnaise 500g 1 ₪ 3.74 ₪ 3.74 $ 0.98 Olives 600 g 1 ₪ 3.16 ₪ 3.16 $ 0.83 Packing 1 ₪ 3.00 ₪ 3.00 $ 0.79 Paprika 80 g 1 ₪ 1.29 ₪ 1.29 $ 0.34 Peas 600g 1 ₪ 2.81 ₪ 2.81 $ 0.74 Pickles 600g 1 ₪ 3.16 ₪ 3.16 $ 0.83 16 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 17 Our goal is to d istribute these packages to 5,000 Lone S oldiers and oth er individuals at a total cost of $1 83,408 LONE SOLDIERS AND O Product Item Amount Cost Total Total USD Baked beans 600g 1 Pineapple pudding 900g 1 ₪ 4.45 ₪ 4.45 $ 1.17 Black coffee 100g 1 Potato flour 500g 1 ₪ 3.74 ₪ 3.74 $ 0.98 Carton 1 Salt 1 kg 1 ₪ 1.17 ₪ 1.17 $ 0.31 Chicken soup mix 1 Soybean oil 1 liter 1 ₪ 7.08 ₪ 7.08 $ 1.86 Chocolate spread 400g 1 Sugar 1 kg 2 ₪ 3.72 ₪ 7.44 $ 1.96 Cocoa powder 500g 1 Sweet paprika 80 g 1 ₪ 1.29 ₪ 1.29 $ 0.34 Coconut cookies 350g 1 Tea 25 1 ₪ 0.94 ₪ 0.94 $ 0.25 Corn 600g 1 Tomato paste 600g 1 ₪ 2.93 ₪ 2.93 $ 0.77 Dried beans 500g 1 Tuna 160 grams 3 ₪ 3.63 ₪ 10.89 $ 2.87 Grape juice 750 grams 1 Wine 750 grams 1 ₪ 7.79 ₪ 7.79 9 $ 2.05 Jam 400 g 1 ₪ 139.39 $ 36.68 Matzah (machine)-2.5 Kg 1 Matzah meal 500g 2 Mayonnaise 500g 1 Olives 600 g 1 Packing 1 Paprika 80 g 1 Peas 600g 1 Pickles 600g 1 16 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 17 19 18 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 19 18 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 CITIES AND CRATE AMOUNT DISTRIBUTED IN 2015 City 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Afula Arad Ariel Asafiya Ashdod Ashdod, Non Kitneyot Ashkelon Baka el Gharbia Bat Yam Beer Sheva - North Beer Sheva - South Beer Sheva - Iriya Beer Sheva - (sal aravi) Beit Shean Beit Shemesh - Kowalski Beit Shemesh - Rosen Beitar Betar Illit, Tavim Brachfeld, , Non Kitneyot Bukharian Congress Carmiel, Non Kitneyot Carmiel Congress of Georgian Jews Dimona Nesher Eilat 20 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 City 84 120 108 122 240 400 210 174 180 240 100 500 25 200 80 320 650 200 300 1000 142 100 750 48 200 350 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Elad - A Elad - Ir Elad - Vaad Elderly survivors Elon Makel Emanuel Families with Special Needs children Food Security – Online Gaderah Ganei Tikva Gilboa Gilboa - (sal aravi) Givat Ada Hadera Haifa Haifa, Non Kitneyot Hazor Holon Modei'in Jerusalem Jerusalem - Neve Yaakov Kfar Chabad Kfar Manda Kfar Saba Kfar Yona Kiryat Ata City 156 350 263 1532 1800 115 100 449 100 100 32 78 120 100 100 250 59 240 25 200 275 60 187 125 100 150 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. Kiryat Ekron Kiryat Gat Kiryat Gat, Non Kitneyot Kiryat Malachi, Non Kitneyot Kiryat Malachi Kiryat Sefer Kiryat Shmuel Kiryat Yam Komemiut Lachish Lod Georgians Lod, Saret Lone Soldiers Ma'alot Ma'alot - (sal aravi) Migdal Haemek Modein Chesed MM, Tavim Nahariya Nahariya - (sal aravi) Netanya, , Non Kitneyot Netivot Or Yehuda - Georgians Or Yehuda – Tavim Pardes Hanna כמות סלים 100 240 220 183 50 500 50 221 25 29 25 30 1050 122 27 193 60 113 194 2 325 193 130 80 110 City 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. Petah Tikva Petah Tikva - Ba'ashat Petah Tikva - Ganei Hadar Rahat Ramla Ramla - (sal aravi) Rechasim Rechovot Rosh HaAyin Samaria Sderot Shlomi Tiberias, Non Kitneyot Tiberias Tiberias Tavim Telzstone Chesed MM, Non Kitneyot Chesed MM Ovdim Yavne Yavneel, , Non Kitneyot Yehud Yeruham Yokneam Zefat Zefat, Non Kitneyot כמות סלים 240 150 200 241 170 43 300 100 100 100 84 140 120 300 66 35 163 190 30 219 40 150 57 150 295 350 22,214 21 CITIES AND CRATE AMOUNT DISTRIBUTED IN 2015 City 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Afula Arad Ariel Asafiya Ashdod Ashdod, Non Kitneyot Ashkelon Baka el Gharbia Bat Yam Beer Sheva - North Beer Sheva - South Beer Sheva - Iriya Beer Sheva - (sal aravi) Beit Shean Beit Shemesh - Kowalski Beit Shemesh - Rosen Beitar Betar Illit, Tavim Brachfeld, , Non Kitneyot Bukharian Congress Carmiel, Non Kitneyot Carmiel Congress of Georgian Jews Dimona Nesher Eilat 20 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 כמות סלים 84 120 108 122 240 400 210 174 180 240 100 500 25 200 80 320 650 200 300 1000 142 100 750 48 200 350 City 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Elad - A Elad - Ir Elad - Vaad Elderly survivors Elon Makel Emanuel Families with Special Needs children Food Security – Online Gaderah Ganei Tikva Gilboa Gilboa - (sal aravi) Givat Ada Hadera Haifa Haifa, Non Kitneyot Hazor Holon Modei'in Jerusalem Jerusalem - Neve Yaakov Kfar Chabad Kfar Manda Kfar Saba Kfar Yona Kiryat Ata כמות סלים 156 350 263 1532 1800 115 100 449 100 100 32 78 120 100 100 250 59 240 25 200 275 60 187 125 100 150 City City 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. Kiryat Ekron Kiryat Gat Kiryat Gat, Non Kitneyot Kiryat Malachi, Non Kitneyot Kiryat Malachi Kiryat Sefer Kiryat Shmuel Kiryat Yam Komemiut Lachish Lod Georgians Lod, Saret Lone Soldiers Ma'alot Ma'alot - (sal aravi) Migdal Haemek Modein Chesed MM, Tavim Nahariya Nahariya - (sal aravi) Netanya, , Non Kitneyot Netivot Or Yehuda - Georgians Or Yehuda – Tavim Pardes Hanna 100 240 220 183 50 500 50 221 25 29 25 30 1050 122 27 193 60 113 194 2 325 193 130 80 110 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. Petah Tikva Petah Tikva - Ba'ashat Petah Tikva - Ganei Hadar Rahat Ramla Ramla - (sal aravi) Rechasim Rechovot Rosh HaAyin Samaria Sderot Shlomi Tiberias, Non Kitneyot Tiberias Tiberias Tavim Telzstone Chesed MM, Non Kitneyot Chesed MM Ovdim Yavne Yavneel, , Non Kitneyot Yehud Yeruham Yokneam Zefat Zefat, Non Kitneyot 240 150 200 241 170 43 300 100 100 100 84 140 120 300 66 35 163 190 30 219 40 150 57 150 295 350 22,214 21 ÉÃÅ ¼¸É¸ÇÆ ¼¸¸¶É¸ÇÆ »¯¸½Çº Ƹ»¯¸°É¸ÇÆ ¯É¯É¸ÇÆ ³¸Ç°· ÇÈ¿ ¾´Á°·É¸ÇÆ ÉÇÅ¿ ƽÁ³»²±½ ¼Á¿Æ¸ Ç¿¾± °ÆÁ¸¾´Çºµ ³²ÁÉÁ°± ¼¸°±Ç ¯°¸ÆÁÇ´¯ ¾¯Èɸ° ³Ç²¶ ³Ã¸¶ ³¸¿É¿ ³¿´¸Çú Leverage: ¯°ÀÇú ³¿¿ÁÇ »¯´¿½Á ¾´Çȳ²´³ »¯¸Ç¯ ¾´ÇÈ³É½Ç ¼¸Çï³»Á½ ³´ÆɶÉà ¾¸Á³È¯Ç ǸÅÆ ¼¸¸ÉÁ°± »¯´½ÈÉÁ°± ´Ã¸ ¾±É½Ç ³´´Æɸ¿± ²Á»¯ ³¸Ç¯É¸° ¾´»´¶ »É Ç´¯ ²´³¸ ǽ´È³ ³²´³¸ ²´» ³¿´¸ÅÀ¿ Ç´µ¯ É´°´¶Ç ³»½Ç ¾¸Á¸²´½ ³¿°¸ ¼²¯ ³²´³¸³·½ ¯Ç´³¿ °¯µÉÁ°± ³Ç²± ɸ»¸Á¯Å´½ ¼¸½´²¯³»Á½ Èl¸Á¸¿° ȽÈɸ° Çɸ° ³¸»Ådz • Our cost is on average 35% - 40% cheaper than discounted supermarket prices. °¸°¯»É ¾´¸Å»¾´È¯Ç • The actual distribution is done by a local community volunteer program (besides the families who are part of the National Food Security Program) costing you, ZERO. ²´²È¯ ¾´»Æȯ • Each municipality contributes 20% - 30% of our cost of the package. • The packages are prepared in our own Slagar Logistic Center in Kiryat Malachi, built for this, with automated and streamlined packing systems, assuring the highest quality product. ¼¸»È´Ç¸ Á´ÆÉ É±É¸ÇÆ É´Ç²È É´°¸É¿ ¼¸Æô¯ Á°Èǯ° Çɸ½ ²ÇÁ ¼¶´Ç¸ ¾´½Ç³ÃŽ 23 23 É»¸¯ 22 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 ÉÃÅ ¼¸É¸ÇÆ ¼¸¸¶É¸ÇÆ »¯¸½Çº Ƹ»¯¸°É¸ÇÆ ¯É¯É¸ÇÆ ³¸Ç°· ÇÈ¿ ¾´Á°·É¸ÇÆ ÉÇÅ¿ ƽÁ³»²±½ ¼Á¿Æ¸ Ç¿¾± °ÆÁ¸¾´Çºµ ³²ÁÉÁ°± ¼¸°±Ç ¯°¸ÆÁÇ´¯ ¾¯Èɸ° ³Ç²¶ ³Ã¸¶ ³¸¿É¿ ³¿´¸Çú Leverage: ¯°ÀÇú ³¿¿ÁÇ »¯´¿½Á ¾´Çȳ²´³ »¯¸Ç¯ ¾´ÇÈ³É½Ç ¼¸Çï³»Á½ ³´ÆɶÉà ¾¸Á³È¯Ç ǸÅÆ ¼¸¸ÉÁ°± »¯´½ÈÉÁ°± ´Ã¸ ¾±É½Ç ³´´Æɸ¿± ²Á»¯ ³¸Ç¯É¸° ¾´»´¶ »É Ç´¯ ²´³¸ ǽ´È³ ³²´³¸ ²´» ³¿´¸ÅÀ¿ Ç´µ¯ É´°´¶Ç ³»½Ç ¾¸Á¸²´½ ³¿°¸ ¼²¯ ³²´³¸³·½ ¯Ç´³¿ °¯µÉÁ°± ³Ç²± ɸ»¸Á¯Å´½ ¼¸½´²¯³»Á½ Èl¸Á¸¿° ȽÈɸ° Çɸ° ³¸»Ådz • Our cost is on average 35% - 40% cheaper than discounted supermarket prices. °¸°¯»É ¾´¸Å»¾´È¯Ç • The actual distribution is done by a local community volunteer program (besides the families part of the National Food Security Program) costing you, ZERO. ²´²È¯ ¾´»Æȯ • Each municipality contributes 20% - 30% present of our cost of the package. • The packages are prepared in our own Slagar Logistic Center in Kiryat Malachi, built for this, with automated and streamlined packing systems, assuring the highest quality product. ¼¸»È´Ç¸ Á´ÆÉ É±É¸ÇÆ É´Ç²È É´°¸É¿ ¼¸Æô¯ Á°Èǯ° Çɸ½ ²ÇÁ ¼¶´Ç¸ ¾´½Ç³ÃŽ 23 23 É»¸¯ 22 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 FOOD CARDS AND CLOTHING VOUCHERS* Branch Amount * Distributed for Pesach 2015 Amount Petah Tikva Rasl'tz Rechovot Rosh HaAyin Shamir Shluchim ₪ 31,150 ₪ 20,400 ₪ 150,010 ₪ 3,520 ₪ 1,800 ₪ 366,840 346 853915768 ʬʹʠ ¦¸¢ ´ ¥· ²Ä ° ± à ¢´  A V ´» ³ ¬ · ¬ º°± ¹  » ¬ N O AT N I K F O O D B A L Branch Amount Shluchim, Karnei Tarum ₪ 113,420 Shonim ₪ 58,184 Tel Zion ₪ 15,630 Tirat Carmel ₪ 3,260 Yokneam ₪ 3,700 Zefat ₪ 252,390 Total ₪ 3,225,724 03/15ʳʷʥʺʡ ²Ç¯Æ»È¯ K Jerusalem, Mattersdorf ₪ 7,670 Jerusalem, Mea Shearim ₪ 13,950 Jerusalem, Neve Yaakov ₪ 30,600 Jerusalem, Ramat Shl ₪ 52,460 Jerusalem, Ramot ₪ 54,890 Jerusalem, Shikun Cha ₪ 32,310 Jerusalem, Snhdri'h ₪ 5,020 Jerusalem, Talpiot ₪ 4,460 Katzrin ₪ 10,960 Kiryat Arba ₪ 3,240 Kiryat Ata ₪ 31,240 Kiryat Gat ₪ 45,220 Kiryat Malachi ₪ 340,540 Krayot ₪ 46,670 Lod ₪ 18,510 Ma'ale Adumim ₪ 4,590 Maale Ephraim ₪ 4,610 Ma'ayani Israel ₪ 68,000 Migdal Haemek ₪ 61,690 Modin ₪ 670 Nachliel ₪ 11,090 Nazareth ₪ 31,230 Netanya ₪ 20,260 Netivot ₪ 4,690 Or Chaya ₪ 9,600 C 24 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 ₪ 6,880 ₪ 16,450 ₪ 1,880 ₪ 10,430 ₪ 5,450 ₪ 6,130 ₪ 30,440 ₪ 35,320 ₪ 165,060 ₪ 4,270 ₪ 41,590 ₪ 5,240 ₪ 66,800 ₪ 121,850 ₪ 611,630 ₪ 28,560 ₪ 3,700 ₪ 25,530 ₪ 16,010 ₪ 26,910 ₪ 13,620 ₪ 10,810 ₪ 25,250 ₪ 11,440 Branch BL Afula Arad Ashdod Ashkelon Barkat Bat Ayin Beer Sheva Beit Shemesh Beitar Benjamin Bnei Brak Bnei Brak Shapiro Boruch Feldman Charig Chesed MM Elad Elon More- Yitzhar Emanuel Haifa Herzliya Jerusalem, Beis Yisrael Jerusalem, Gilo Jerusalem, Har Nof Jerusalem, Kiryat Yovel Amount E L C A BA D H c2111-0914 card ď“č ē ĘĘđė 07 52 3 Branch Á´½»²ÁÂÆ´É°³µÀ¸·Çº ½À¸·Çº³²°»°»¸Á»°´Æ¿³² ¸É°° ²°´º¸´¾¸²º ´° °´± ²Á¼¸ÇÅ´½ÉȸºÇ»È½È³³½¸ ³°´± ¾´Á·³¼´ºÀ³³°´±» ÈdzDzÀ³°¼¸ÃÉÉȽ³ÆÀÁ²Æ´½ ´Á½³´ ³¯»½ ³Á²´³¯»»ÉÁ» ´½É½ ¼¸Á¸Ã Çɯ° ards ÉÁ½¼¸¸´¿¸È»³¿´É¿¿Çȯ É¿º² .org/c ww colelchabad www. ¸·Çº°¾´Á·³¼´ºÀ³ ´¿¸¯À »¾É¸¿ ³Ç½³ ¾ ¾½´µ ¯»´ ¾½´µ½» ¸ ¸¸¯»´ É Á¾É¿ Á¾É¿¸ Á¾É ´Á¾É¿ ² ²´Á¾ ²´ ±° ¸±°Â² ¾ ¾¸±° È ¸È ´½¸È¾ ´½¸È ·³¼´ºÀ³»È ¶È´½ ¶È ¶ ´°¾´Á Æ»¶È Æ Æ»¶ Æ» ¸Æ ¸Æ» ° ´° Ǻ ´° ·Ç ¯ È ¸·Çº³ ´´ÈÀ Éɯ»»¯¯´°¸ º³³³´´ÈÀ ÂÀº³´ ÂÀº³ ÈÂÀº ´Ç½¸È ³É¶Ã³ÁÅ°°Éɯ Á´Ç½¸È ´¸»Á´Ç½¸ ƽ°°´¸»Á ƽ°´¸ ¼´Æ½° ¼´Æ½ ·°°°¼´Æ½ ´·°¼´ ¯»¯ °¯»¯ »¶¶´·° ¾¾É½° ¸¿¯»»¶´· Ⱦɽ° ´È¾É½ ´È¾ ¾É¸¿¯ »¾É¸¿¯ µ Ç°´È µÇ°´È »··°»¾É ´º¸µ¸µÇ°´È »·°» ¸´º ¸´º¸ »»ÁÁ¸´º¸ ³ÆÀÁÁ»·° ȳÆÀ ² »Á¸´º ¸²²½¸Ã °É³È ° ÉÉ´ ¿¸²½¸Ã °É´¸¿ ɸ¸°É´¸¿ ³Éɸ° Á³É¸ ÀÁ³É À¸·Çº°³ÁÅŰɳ ÆÀÁ ¯»ÆÀÁ ¿¯»Æ ɸ¿¯» »¾É¸¿ Ç»¾É¸ ´ºÇ»¾ È´ºÇ °È´º Ǻ°È ¸·Çº° À¸·Çº ½ ³µÀ¸· Å´½³µ ¸ÇÅ´½ ÆÆ°·· ¸ÇÅ »¯ Æ°·¸Ç ɴôÇÉ´»´³´º»¯ Our goal is to distr ibute approxim ately $1,000,00 0 this Pas sover. ¸¿À¸·Çº°¼ºÉÇɸǴǰ» ¾´Ã»·»ÇÈÆɳ»¾É½½¸°É ´Áȸ»´Æ³¿Á½ ZZZLVUDFDUGFRLOÇɯ°´¯³ À¸·Çº°Æ¸µ¶½³¼²¯»º Ž³µ Á°Ç¸³ ³³¼Å ³Æµ¶ Ç´½¯»¼¸ºÀ½¯´³¸º ¸»»º¼¸¯¿É»´»¸Á» Ǻ»¼ ɽÀ¸· ȯ³¿ À¸·Çº³É»°Æ¼Á¶´Æ»»´ÇÀ½¿Ç ¿´½À¸·Çº³ Ç Á¼¸»È´Ç¸»È¯¸ ÁÆà Leverage: • We negotiate steep discounts with each of the vendors who accept our vouchers. • Partnering institutions and communities match our funds by 30% - 40%. • A large amount of these vouchers goes for clothing, although purchased for Yom Tov, it goes along way for the family, especially the children's confidence. 25 FOOD CARDS AND CLOTHING VOUCHERS Branch Amount Amount Petah Tikva Rasl'tz Rechovot Rosh HaAyin Shamir Shluchim ₪ 31,150 ₪ 20,400 ₪ 150,010 ₪ 3,520 ₪ 1,800 ₪ 366,840 346 853915768 ʬʹʠ ¦¸¢ ´ ¥· ²Ä ° ± à ¢´  A V ´» ³ ¬ · ¬ º°± ¹  » ¬ N O AT N I K F O O D B A L Branch Amount Shluchim, Karnei Tarum ₪ 113,420 Shonim ₪ 58,184 Tel Zion ₪ 15,630 Tirat Carmel ₪ 3,260 Yokneam ₪ 3,700 Zefat ₪ 252,390 Total ₪ 3,225,724 03/15ʳʷʥʺʡ ²Ç¯Æ»È¯ K Jerusalem, Mattersdorf ₪ 7,670 Jerusalem, Mea Shearim ₪ 13,950 Jerusalem, Neve Yaakov ₪ 30,600 Jerusalem, Ramat Shl ₪ 52,460 Jerusalem, Ramot ₪ 54,890 Jerusalem, Shikun Cha ₪ 32,310 Jerusalem, Snhdri'h ₪ 5,020 Jerusalem, Talpiot ₪ 4,460 Katzrin ₪ 10,960 Kiryat Arba ₪ 3,240 Kiryat Ata ₪ 31,240 Kiryat Gat ₪ 45,220 Kiryat Malachi ₪ 340,540 Krayot ₪ 46,670 Lod ₪ 18,510 Ma'ale Adumim ₪ 4,590 Maale Ephraim ₪ 4,610 Ma'ayani Israel ₪ 68,000 Migdal Haemek ₪ 61,690 Modin ₪ 670 Nachliel ₪ 11,090 Nazareth ₪ 31,230 Netanya ₪ 20,260 Netivot ₪ 4,690 Or Chaya ₪ 9,600 C 24 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 ₪ 6,880 ₪ 16,450 ₪ 1,880 ₪ 10,430 ₪ 5,450 ₪ 6,130 ₪ 30,440 ₪ 35,320 ₪ 165,060 ₪ 4,270 ₪ 41,590 ₪ 5,240 ₪ 66,800 ₪ 121,850 ₪ 611,630 ₪ 28,560 ₪ 3,700 ₪ 25,530 ₪ 16,010 ₪ 26,910 ₪ 13,620 ₪ 10,810 ₪ 25,250 ₪ 11,440 Branch BL Afula Arad Ashdod Ashkelon Barkat Bat Ayin Beer Sheva Beit Shemesh Beitar Benjamin Bnei Brak Bnei Brak Shapiro Boruch Feldman Charig Chesed MM Elad Elon More- Yitzhar Emanuel Haifa Herzliya Jerusalem, Beis Yisrael Jerusalem, Gilo Jerusalem, Har Nof Jerusalem, Kiryat Yovel Amount E L C A BA D H c2111-0914 card ď“č ē ĘĘđė 07 52 3 Branch Á´½»²ÁÂÆ´É°³µÀ¸·Çº ½À¸·Çº³²°»°»¸Á»°´Æ¿³² ¸É°° ²°´º¸´¾¸²º ´° °´± ²Á¼¸ÇÅ´½ÉȸºÇ»È½È³³½¸ ³°´± ¾´Á·³¼´ºÀ³³°´±» ÈdzDzÀ³°¼¸ÃÉÉȽ³ÆÀÁ²Æ´½ ´Á½³´ ³¯»½ ³Á²´³¯»»ÉÁ» ´½É½ ¼¸Á¸Ã Çɯ° ards ÉÁ½¼¸¸´¿¸È»³¿´É¿¿Çȯ É¿º² .org/c ww colelchabad www. ¸·Çº°¾´Á·³¼´ºÀ³ ´¿¸¯À »¾É¸¿ ³Ç½³ ¾ ¾½´µ ¯»´ ¾½´µ½» ¸ ¸¸¯»´ É Á¾É¿ Á¾É¿¸ Á¾É ´Á¾É¿ ² ²´Á¾ ²´ ±° ¸±°Â² ¾ ¾¸±° È ¸È ´½¸È¾ ´½¸È ·³¼´ºÀ³»È ¶È´½ ¶È ¶ ´°¾´Á Æ»¶È Æ Æ»¶ Æ» ¸Æ ¸Æ» ° ´° Ǻ ´° ·Ç ¯ È ¸·Çº³ ´´ÈÀ Éɯ»»¯¯´°¸ º³³³´´ÈÀ ÂÀº³´ ÂÀº³ ÈÂÀº ´Ç½¸È ³É¶Ã³ÁÅ°°Éɯ Á´Ç½¸È ´¸»Á´Ç½¸ ƽ°°´¸»Á ƽ°´¸ ¼´Æ½° ¼´Æ½ ·°°°¼´Æ½ ´·°¼´ ¯»¯ °¯»¯ »¶¶´·° ¾¾É½° ¸¿¯»»¶´· Ⱦɽ° ´È¾É½ ´È¾ ¾É¸¿¯ »¾É¸¿¯ µ Ç°´È µÇ°´È »··°»¾É ´º¸µ¸µÇ°´È »·°» ¸´º ¸´º¸ »»ÁÁ¸´º¸ ³ÆÀÁÁ»·° ȳÆÀ ² »Á¸´º ¸²²½¸Ã °É³È ° ÉÉ´ ¿¸²½¸Ã °É´¸¿ ɸ¸°É´¸¿ ³Éɸ° Á³É¸ ÀÁ³É À¸·Çº°³ÁÅŰɳ ÆÀÁ ¯»ÆÀÁ ¿¯»Æ ɸ¿¯» »¾É¸¿ Ç»¾É¸ ´ºÇ»¾ È´ºÇ °È´º Ǻ°È ¸·Çº° À¸·Çº ½ ³µÀ¸· Å´½³µ ¸ÇÅ´½ ÆÆ°·· ¸ÇÅ »¯ Æ°·¸Ç ɴôÇÉ´»´³´º»¯ Our goal is to distr ibute approxim ately $1,000,00 0 this Pas sover. ¸¿À¸·Çº°¼ºÉÇɸǴǰ» ¾´Ã»·»ÇÈÆɳ»¾É½½¸°É ´Áȸ»´Æ³¿Á½ ZZZLVUDFDUGFRLOÇɯ°´¯³ À¸·Çº°Æ¸µ¶½³¼²¯»º Ž³µ Á°Ç¸³ ³³¼Å ³Æµ¶ Ç´½¯»¼¸ºÀ½¯´³¸º ¸»»º¼¸¯¿É»´»¸Á» Ǻ»¼ ɽÀ¸· ȯ³¿ À¸·Çº³É»°Æ¼Á¶´Æ»»´ÇÀ½¿Ç ¿´½À¸·Çº³ Ç Á¼¸»È´Ç¸»È¯¸ ÁÆà Leverage: • We negotiate steep discounts with each of the vendors who accept our vouchers. • Partnering institutions and communities match our funds by 30% - 40%. • A large amount of these vouchers are for clothing. Although purchased for Yom Tov, it goes a long way for the family, especially for the children's confidence. 25 PUBLIC SEDERS Seder night, in Jewish tradition, is the most participated event of the year. But not everyone has a family to join for the Seder - for a multitude of reasons. Some immigrants lack the knowledge and tradition, others can't afford the cost, a single mom may not want to be alone, or people simply do not have where to go. Although there are many local institutions that would open their doors to host public Seders, doing so can be extremely expensive. They would need to either Kosher for Pesach a local kitchen, or source the foods individually. Colel Chabad, already purchasing a large quantity of food for our soup kitchens for the 7 days of Pesach, decided to provide the materials to any organization willing to host a public Seder. Our package includes, for every 10 participants: a Seder plate, Matzah, Handmade Shmurah Matzah, wine, grape juice, drinks, appetizers, main course, salads, side dish, deserts, Haggadahs, tableware and even trash bags. The hosting institution only needs to provide a location, tables, chairs and a Seder leader (who can join our leaders training course). These Seders are hosted in a variety of locations, including Synagogues, community centers, gyms and school lunch rooms. p to Based on our anticipated numbers, we hope host 18,000 participants at 220 Seders. Our goal is to h ost 18,000 peo ple at 220 Seders at a cost of $20 per person – a total cost of $ 351,137 Details Price Amount Total ₪ 53.40 18,000 ₪ 961,200 Drinks ₪ 3.06 6,000 ₪ 18,360 $ 4,831 Water ₪ 1.22 3,600 ₪ 4,392 $ 1,155 Grape Juice 1 liter ₪ 7.76 3,600 ₪ 27,936 $ 7,351 Wine 750ml ₪ 7.76 3,600 ₪ 27,936 $ 7,351 Tableware ₪ 4.27 18,000 ₪ 76,937 $ 20,246 Matzah machine 2.5 kg ₪ 47.00 1,800 ₪ 84,600 $ 22,263 Matzah hand – 1 kg ₪ 60.00 1,800 ₪ 108,000 $ 28,421 Set of three Matzah's ₪ 18.00 220 ₪ 3,960 Meal - Food $ 1,042 Haggadahs & Songbooks Symposium – training for Seder Leaders. Total ₪ 1,334,321 $ 351,137 Leverage • We leverage our purchasing power – ordering over 40,000 precooked Kosher for Passover meals. (for our soup kitchens). • The local host institution pays 30 Shekel / $7.50 per person. 26 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 $ 252,947 27 PUBLIC SEDERS Seder night, in Jewish tradition is the most participated event of the year. But not everyone has a family to join for the Seder. For a multitude of reasons. some immigrants lack the knowledge and tradition, others can't afford the cost of preparing, a single mom may not want to be alone, or people simply do not have where to go. Although there are many local institutions that would open their doors to host public Seders, doing so can be extremely expensive. Either they would need to Kosher for Pesach a local kitchen or source the foods individually. Colel Chabad, already purchasing a large quantity of food for our soup kitchens for the 7 days of Pesach decided to provide the materials to any organization willing to host a public Seder. Our package includes, for every 10 participants: a Seder plate, Matzah, Hand Made Shmurah Matzah, wine, grape juice, drinks, appetizers, main course, salads, side dish, deserts, Haggadahs, tableware and even trash bags. The hosting institution only needs to provide a location, tables, chairs and a Seder leader (who can join our leaders training). These Seders are hosted in a variety of locations, including Synagogues, community centers, gyms and school lunch rooms. Based on our anticipated numbers, we hope p to host 18,000 participants at 220 Seders. Our goal is to h ost 18,000 peo ple at 220 Seders at a cost of $20 per person – a total cost of $ 351,132 Products Cost Amount Total Cost ₪ 53.40 18,000 ₪ 961,200 Drinks ₪ 3.06 6,000 ₪ 18,360 $ 4,831 Water ₪ 1.22 3,600 ₪ 4,392 $ 1,155 Grape Juice 1 liter ₪ 7.76 3,600 ₪ 27,936 $ 7,351 Wine 750ml ₪ 7.76 3,600 ₪ 27,936 $ 7,351 Tableware ₪ 4.27 18,000 ₪ 76,937 $ 20,246 Matzah machine 2.5 kg ₪ 47.00 1,800 ₪ 84,600 $ 22,263 Matzah handmade – 1 kg ₪ 60.00 1,800 ₪ 108,000 $ 28,421 Set of three Matzah's ₪ 18.00 220 ₪ 3,960 $ 1,042 Haggadahs & Songbooks ₪ 6,000 $ 1,578 Symposium – training for Seder Leaders. ₪ 5,000 $ 3,947 Meal - Food Total ₪ 1,334,321 $ 252,947 $ 351,132 Leverage • We leverage our purchasing power – ordering over 40,000 precooked Kosher for Passover meals (for our soup kitchens). • The local host institution pays 30 Shekel / $7.50 per person. 26 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 Total USD 27 PUBLIC SEDERS* City People City People City People Adam 55 Beersheba - Vitrim 50 Haifa - Achuza 150 Arad 120 Beit Arye 120 Haifa - Bat Galim 70 Ariel 50 Beit Shemesh 80 Haifa - Carmel 140 Asaf Harofe 100 60 Haifa - Carmel France 80 Ashdod - District 4 70 Beit Shemesh - Community Center Haifa - German Colony 105 Beit Shemesh - Hostel 40 Haifa - Hamiginim 15 Beitar Illit 70 Haifa - Kiryat Eliezer 40 Bnei Ayish 70 Haifa - Neve Shanan 60 Bnei Brak - Pardes Katz 100 Haifa - Ramot 70 Carmiel 100 Haifa - Ramot students 20 Elad 30 Haifa – Sha’ar Aliya 50 Emanuel 170 Herzliya - Amitai 150 Ezor 80 Herzliya - Amitai 80 Ganei Tikva 120 Hod Hasharon 150 Gedera 75 Holon - Hatomer 75 Givat Ada 60 Holon - Russian 220 Givat Shmuel 50 Holon - Shchunot 170 Givat Ulga 60 Jaffa 80 Givat Zeev 110 Jerusalem - Downtown 50 Givatayim 130 30 Jerusalem Eshel - Meah Sheorim 100 Hadera - Beit Eliezer Hadera - Central 70 Jerusalem - French Hill 70 Haifa 75 Jerusalem – Gilo 70 Haifa - 2 200 Jerusalem - Givat Mordechai 110 Ashdod - District 5 Ashdod - District A Ashdod - District C 100 60 90 Ashdod - District XIII 60 Ashkelon - Afridar 60 Ashkelon - Atikot 60 Ashkelon - Barnea Ashkelon - Neve Dekalim Ashkelon - Neve Nof 40 60 150 Ashkelon - Samson 130 Ashkelon - Zion Hill 40 Beersheba - Altschul 60 Beersheba - Central Beersheba – Central 2 Beersheba - Hostel 100 40 80 Beersheba – Nachal Beka 20 Beersheba - Neurim 50 Beersheba - Region IX 50 Beersheba - Universty 50 28 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 * Pesach 2015 29 PUBLIC SEDERS City People City People City People Adam 55 Beersheba - Vitrim 50 Haifa - Achuza 150 Arad 120 Beit Arye 120 Haifa - Bat Galim 70 Ariel 50 Beit Shemesh 80 Haifa - Carmel 140 Asaf Harofe 100 60 Haifa - Carmel France 80 Ashdod - District 4 70 Beit Shemesh - Community Center Haifa - German Colony 105 Beit Shemesh - Hostel 40 Haifa - Hamiginim 15 Beitar Illit 70 Haifa - Kiryat Eliezer 40 Bnei Ayish 70 Haifa - Neve Shanan 60 Bnei Brak - Pardes Katz 100 Haifa - Ramot 70 Carmiel 100 Haifa - Ramot students 20 Elad 30 Haifa – Sha’ar Aliya 50 Emanuel 170 Herzliya - Amitai 150 Ezor 80 Herzliya - Amitai 80 Ganei Tikva 120 Hod Hasharon 150 Gedera 75 Holon - Hatomer 75 Givat Ada 60 Holon - Russian 220 Givat Shmuel 50 Holon - Shchunot 170 Givat Ulga 60 Jaffa 80 Givat Zeev 110 Jerusalem - Downtown 50 Givatayim 130 30 Jerusalem Eshel - Meah Sheorim 100 Hadera - Beit Eliezer Hadera - Central 70 Jerusalem - French Hill 70 Haifa 75 Jerusalem – Gilo 70 Haifa - 2 200 Jerusalem - Givat Mordechai 110 Ashdod - District 5 Ashdod - District A Ashdod - District C 100 60 90 Ashdod - District XIII 60 Ashkelon - Afridar 60 Ashkelon - Atikot 60 Ashkelon - Barnea Ashkelon - Neve Dekalim Ashkelon - Neve Nof 40 60 150 Ashkelon - Samson 130 Ashkelon - Zion Hill 40 Beersheba - Altschul 60 Beersheba - Central Beersheba – Central 2 Beersheba - Hostel 100 40 80 Beersheba – Nachal Beka 20 Beersheba - Neurim 50 Beersheba - Region IX 50 Beersheba - Universty 50 28 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 29 PUBLIC SEDERS City People Jerusalem - Gonen Katamon 70 Kiryat Arba 80 Jerusalem - Gonen Katamon 30 Kiryat Ata 120 Jerusalem - Gonen Katamon 100 City Kiryat Bialik - Isaac People 70 Jerusalem – Handel 80 Kiryat Bialik - Rakafot 65 Jerusalem - Har Homa 100 Kiryat Gat 40 Jerusalem – Katamon 30 Kiryat Gat – Bucharim 80 Jerusalem - Kiryat Menachem 110 Kiryat Gat 1 250 Kiryat Gat 2 70 Jerusalem - Kiryat Yovel 200 Kiryat Haim 60 Jerusalem - Mahane Yehuda 90 Kiryat Haim - west 30 Jerusalem – Malha 70 Kiryat Motzkin 70 Jerusalem - Neve Yaakov 100 Kiryat Shmona 120 Jerusalem - Pisgat Zeev 50 Kiryat Tiv'on 80 Jerusalem - Pisgat Zeev Center 120 Krayot, Brook 60 Jerusalem - Ramot 50 Lod - Ganei Aviv 100 Jerusalem – Roth 70 Lod – Givat Zeitim 60 Jerusalem - Talbieh 60 Lod - Hagarin 120 Jerusalem - Talpiot 2 150 Lod - Neve Nof 100 Jerusalem - Talpiot 3 20 Ma'ale Adumim 40 Jerusalem Eshel - Kotel 60 Ma'ale Adumim 90 Katzin 60 Maale Ephraim 100 Kfar Saba - Club Nahshon 120 Mate Yehuda - General 115 Kfar Saba – East 20 30 Kfar Saba - Hostel Amigur 120 Mate Yehuda - House Nekofa Kfar Saba - synagogue 60 40 Kfar Yona 30 Mate Yehuda – Kiryat Anavim 30 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 City People Mate Yehuda – Ma'aleh HaChamisha 20 Mate Yehuda - Mata 25 Mevaseret Zion 70 Mickmoret 30 Migdal Haemek - Bolasnik 100 Migdal Haemek - Schnur 70 Mitzpe Ramon 130 Modein 25 Modein 80 Motzah 130 Nahariya 60 Nazareth Illit 100 Nazareth Illit 100 Nesher 40 Ness Ziona A 200 Ness Ziona B 200 Ness Ziona C 40 Netanya - Goldschmidt 150 Netanya – Or Menachem 70 Netanya - Teichman 130 Netivot 70 Netivot - Lifsh 60 Ofakim - 1 60 Ofakim - 2 50 Or Akiva 130 City People Or Yehuda 260 Pardesiya 50 City City People People Rishon Le Zion - Ramat Eliyahu 150 Tel Aviv - Ramat Aviv 80 70 Tel Aviv - Ramat Aviv Hadar Yosef 20 Rishon Lezion - Neve Beach Rishon Lezion - Neve Hadarim 1 50 Tel Aviv - Ramat Aviv Gimel 100 Tel Aviv - Rosenstein 70 Tel Aviv - Tikva 80 Tel Hashomer 210 Tel Mond 50 Tiberias - downs 25 Petah Tikva 80 Petah Tikva 40 Petah Tikva - Downtown 50 60 Rishon Lezion - Neve Hadarim 2 190 Petah Tikva - Ganei Hadar Ra'anana 50 Rishon Lezion - old West 240 Ra'anana 1 100 80 Ra'anana 2 30 Rishon Lezion - Proper tamarisk Ramat Gan - Horishonim 20 Rishon Lezion - REVIVIM 1 50 Tiberias - Promenade 80 Ramat Gan - Nehora 40 Rishon Lezion - REVIVIM 2 50 Tiberias - Russian 45 Ramat Gan - Nehora 60 Rosh - Neve Afek 1 50 Tiberias - Spanish 35 Ramat Gan - Shemesh 110 Rosh - Neve Afek 2 25 Tiberias - Upper Shikun D 80 Ramat Hasharon 40 Safed – Ascent 110 Tolemy Yechiel 60 Ramat Hasharon 20 Sderot 100 Tzur Yigal 10 Ramat Hasharon - Center 50 Sivyon 100 Tzurin 75 Ramla - Bar Ilan 140 Tekua 50 Yavne 60 Ramla - Community Center 60 Tel Aviv – Cohen 60 Yehud 140 Ramla - Hostel 30 Tel Aviv – Galis 130 Yeruham 60 Ramla - sports hall 120 Tel Aviv – Hecht 60 Yokneam 50 Rehavot 100 Tel Aviv - Kiryat Shalom 30 Zichron Yaakov 90 Rehovot 40 Tel Aviv – Levitin 25 Rehovot - Kiryat Moshe 1 80 Tel Aviv - Naot Afeka 50 Rehovot - Kiryat Moshe 2 60 Tel Aviv - Neve Eliezer 80 Tel Aviv - Ramat Aviv 70 16800 31 PUBLIC SEDERS City People Jerusalem - Gonen Katamon 70 Kiryat Arba 80 Jerusalem - Gonen Katamon 30 Kiryat Ata 120 Jerusalem - Gonen Katamon 100 City Kiryat Bialik - Isaac People 70 Jerusalem – Handel 80 Kiryat Bialik - Rakafot 65 Jerusalem - Har Homa 100 Kiryat Gat 40 Jerusalem – Katamon 30 Kiryat Gat – Bucharim 80 Jerusalem - Kiryat Menachem 110 Kiryat Gat 1 250 Kiryat Gat 2 70 Jerusalem - Kiryat Yovel 200 Kiryat Haim 60 Jerusalem - Mahane Yehuda 90 Kiryat Haim - west 30 Jerusalem – Malha 70 Kiryat Motzkin 70 Jerusalem - Neve Yaakov 100 Kiryat Shmona 120 Jerusalem - Pisgat Zeev 50 Kiryat Tiv'on 80 Jerusalem - Pisgat Zeev Center 120 Krayot, Brook 60 Jerusalem - Ramot 50 Lod - Ganei Aviv 100 Jerusalem – Roth 70 Lod – Givat Zeitim 60 Jerusalem - Talbieh 60 Lod - Hagarin 120 Jerusalem - Talpiot 2 150 Lod - Neve Nof 100 Jerusalem - Talpiot 3 20 Ma'ale Adumim 40 Jerusalem Eshel - Kotel 60 Ma'ale Adumim 90 Katzin 60 Maale Ephraim 100 Kfar Saba - Club Nahshon 120 Mate Yehuda - General 115 Kfar Saba – East 20 30 Kfar Saba - Hostel Amigur 120 Mate Yehuda - House Nekofa Kfar Saba - synagogue 60 40 Kfar Yona 30 Mate Yehuda – Kiryat Anavim 30 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 City People Mate Yehuda – Ma'aleh HaChamisha 20 Mate Yehuda - Mata 25 Mevaseret Zion 70 Mickmoret 30 Migdal Haemek - Bolasnik 100 Migdal Haemek - Schnur 70 Mitzpe Ramon 130 Modein 25 Modein 80 Motzah 130 Nahariya 60 Nazareth Illit 100 Nazareth Illit 100 Nesher 40 Ness Ziona A 200 Ness Ziona B 200 Ness Ziona C 40 Netanya - Goldschmidt 150 Netanya – Or Menachem 70 Netanya - Teichman 130 Netivot 70 Netivot - Lifsh 60 Ofakim - 1 60 Ofakim - 2 50 Or Akiva 130 City People Or Yehuda 260 Pardesiya 50 City City People People Rishon Le Zion - Ramat Eliyahu 150 Tel Aviv - Ramat Aviv 80 70 Tel Aviv - Ramat Aviv Hadar Yosef 20 Rishon Lezion - Neve Beach Rishon Lezion - Neve Hadarim 1 50 Tel Aviv - Ramat Aviv Gimel 100 Tel Aviv - Rosenstein 70 Tel Aviv - Tikva 80 Tel Hashomer 210 Tel Mond 50 Tiberias - downs 25 Petah Tikva 80 Petah Tikva 40 Petah Tikva - Downtown 50 60 Rishon Lezion - Neve Hadarim 2 190 Petah Tikva - Ganei Hadar Ra'anana 50 Rishon Lezion - old West 240 Ra'anana 1 100 80 Ra'anana 2 30 Rishon Lezion - Proper tamarisk Ramat Gan - Horishonim 20 Rishon Lezion - REVIVIM 1 50 Tiberias - Promenade 80 Ramat Gan - Nehora 40 Rishon Lezion - REVIVIM 2 50 Tiberias - Russian 45 Ramat Gan - Nehora 60 Rosh - Neve Afek 1 50 Tiberias - Spanish 35 Ramat Gan - Shemesh 110 Rosh - Neve Afek 2 25 Tiberias - Upper Shikun D 80 Ramat Hasharon 40 Safed – Ascent 110 Tolemy Yechiel 60 Ramat Hasharon 20 Sderot 100 Tzur Yigal 10 Ramat Hasharon - Center 50 Sivyon 100 Tzurin 75 Ramla - Bar Ilan 140 Tekua 50 Yavne 60 Ramla - Community Center 60 Tel Aviv – Cohen 60 Yehud 140 Ramla - Hostel 30 Tel Aviv – Galis 130 Yeruham 60 Ramla - sports hall 120 Tel Aviv – Hecht 60 Yokneam 50 Rehavot 100 Tel Aviv - Kiryat Shalom 30 Zichron Yaakov 90 Rehovot 40 Tel Aviv – Levitin 25 Rehovot - Kiryat Moshe 1 80 Tel Aviv - Naot Afeka 50 Rehovot - Kiryat Moshe 2 60 Tel Aviv - Neve Eliezer 80 Tel Aviv - Ramat Aviv 70 16800 31 MEALS ON WHEELS 1,200 elderly and holocaust survivors receive fresh, hot nutritious meals delivered to their home regularly; and Pesach is no different. 35 32 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 MEALS ON WHEELS 1,200 elderly and holocaust survivors receive fresh, hot nutritious meals delivered to their home regularly; and Pesach is no different. 33 34 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 SOUP KITCHENS Colel Chabad's Soup Kitchens continue to operate throughout Pesach. In order to be open the days leading up to Pesach, and Pesach itself, we order Kosher For Pesach catered meals from an outside vendor. The strictest Kosher For Pesach rules are adhered to. CENTRAL JERUSALEM SOUP KITCHEN 1 Hachnasat Orchim Street MAULTASCH FUCHS DINING HALL 5 Shabtai Aluan, Jerusalem LUXENBERG HALL AT THE WESTERN WALL 4 Hakotel, Jerusalem JERUSALEM KITCHEN BAYIT VAGAN ESHEL BINYOMIN DINING HALL 4 Maginei Safed St, Safed EDELSTEIN DINING HALL 24 Ben Tzvi, Ramla EDELSTEIN DINING HALL 13 Eli Cohen Street, Lod EDELSTEIN DINING HALL Ganei Aviv Shopping Center, Lod EDELSTEIN DINING HALL 8 Hasheiva Street, Lod SOBOL DINING HALL 4 Masada Street, Dimona KNASTER DINING HALL 46 Lubavitch Street, Safed SOBOL DINING HALL 84 Hagana St, Yerucham STIEGLITZ DINING HALL 57 Hamelech Shlomo Street, Ashdod FREE DINING HALL 34 Moshe Chovav Street, Beer Sheva SHAVITT DINING HALL 2 Beracha Street, Ashdod ALTA SHULA SOUP KITCHEN 32 Hapalmach Street, Arad COLEL CHABAD DINING HALL 11 Mivtza Moshe St, Ashkelon WAYNE PASSI DINING HALL 1 Maimon Street, Ashkelon HARMSTEIG DINING HALL 1 Elpa'al Street, Lod 34 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 EDELSTEIN DINING HALL 16 Tzemech Tzedek St, Lod FRANKEL KITCHEN Beit Shemesh 48 Bialik St, FRANKEL KITCHEN Holon 38 Aharonovich 33 SOUP KITCHENS Colel Chabad's Soup Kitchens continue to operate throughout Pesach. In order to be open the days leading up to Pesach, and Pesach itself, we order Kosher For Pesach catered meals from an outside vendor. The strictest Kosher For Pesach rules are adhered to. CENTRAL JERUSALEM SOUP KITCHEN 1 Hachnasat Orchim Street MAULTASCH FUCHS DINING HALL 5 Shabtai Aluan, Jerusalem LUXENBERG HALL AT THE WESTERN WALL 4 Hakotel, Jerusalem JERUSALEM KITCHEN BAYIT VAGAN ESHEL BINYOMIN DINING HALL 4 Maginei Safed St, Safed EDELSTEIN DINING HALL 24 Ben Tzvi, Ramla EDELSTEIN DINING HALL 13 Eli Cohen Street, Lod EDELSTEIN DINING HALL Ganei Aviv Shopping Center, Lod EDELSTEIN DINING HALL 8 Hasheiva Street, Lod SOBOL DINING HALL 4 Masada Street, Dimona KNASTER DINING HALL 46 Lubavitch Street, Safed SOBOL DINING HALL 84 Hagana St, Yerucham STIEGLITZ DINING HALL 57 Hamelech Shlomo Street, Ashdod FREE DINING HALL 34 Moshe Chovav Street, Beer Sheva SHAVITT DINING HALL 2 Beracha Street, Ashdod ALTA SHULA SOUP KITCHEN 32 Hapalmach Street, Arad COLEL CHABAD DINING HALL 11 Mivtza Moshe St, Ashkelon WAYNE PASSI DINING HALL 1 Maimon Street, Ashkelon HARMSTEIG DINING HALL 1 Elpa'al Street, Lod 32 | Plan for Passover 2016 - 5776 EDELSTEIN DINING HALL 16 Tzemech Tzedek St, Lod FRANKEL KITCHEN Beit Shemesh 48 Bialik St, FRANKEL KITCHEN Holon 38 Aharonovich 35