installation handbook - 1/3 installation typologies - 2/3
installation handbook - 1/3 installation typologies - 2/3
M.T.M. s.r.l. Via La Morra, 1 12062 - Cherasco (Cn) - Italy Tel. +39 0172 4860140 Fax +39 0172 488237 installation handbook - 1/3 installation typologies - 2/3 software handbook - 3/3 LPG Sequent 56 with BRC injectors and Genius 56/Genius 56 MAX reducer TA01976L-EN - N. 3 - 15.11.2006 RIFERIMENTI UTILI For further information on “SEQUENT 56” system, it is recommended to refer to the other handbooks and informative documents published by BRC. • Installer’s handbook. It is the easiest way to obtain fundamental, general information regarding the installation of the SEQUENT 56 equipment. Inside that, it is moreover possible to find: - knowledge about the working principle and the structure of the system, - a detailed description of the components which the system is made up, - indications about the assembly of the mechanical part and electrical connections. • Software handbook. It is the indispensable guide for who wants to learn managing the system by means of a personal computer, realizing mappings , programming the ECUs, making diagnosys, modifying the working parameters. It describes the working of the “SEQUENT 56” software, which runs on Personal Computers, by driving the user in the various steps of each function. 2 PRESENTAZIONE follow the wiring diagrams indicated on each mechanical diagram Please remark that the representation of the products on the mechanical diagrams is purely indicative. Il Front Kit SEQUENT 56 contains: • 1 Sequent 56 ECU without cartography, • 1 GENIUS SEQUENT 56 LPG or GENIUS MAX 56 SEQUENT LPG pressure reducer with water temperature sensor, • 1 LPG “ET98 Super” solenoid valve, • 5, 6 o 8 depending on the number of cylinders BRC gas injectors with respective calibrated nozzles, • 1 or 2 BRC injectors connection rail with a gas temperature or presure sensor version normal or supercharged, • 1 filter “FJ1 HE” • 1 Changeover switch Sequent 56 • 1 harness BRC injectors Sequent 56, • 1 roll of ø 8 copper pipe, • 16x23 Water pipe, • 1 bag containing screws, nuts and various fittings, • 10x17 or 12x19 Gas pipe, • 5x10,5 Gas pipe to be used on the injectors and on the pressure points, • A bag containing: idling nozzle, nylon Y piece, nuts, junctions and “click” clamps for 5x10,5, 10x17 and 12x19 gas pipes, “click” clamps for the pressure points. According to the type of vehicle to be converted, in the following mechanical scheme you will find the indication of the necessary front kit where the technician will find all the suitable and necessary components for the installation. For the general electrical connections it will be sufficient to 3 LPG SEQUENT 56 MECHANICAL DIAGRAM ON VEHICLES WITH 5-CYLINDERS WITH POWER LOWER THAN 140 kW Vehicle Type Gas injectors 5 Cylinders Aspirated power lower than 100 kW BRC NORMAL 5 Cylinders Aspirated power included between 100 and 140 kW BRC MAX 5 Cylinders Supercharged power lower than 140 kW BRC MAX Front Kit 09SQ20000028G LPG Genius Sequent 56/24 1500 mbar Super Soleniod Valve Pressure and temperature gas sensor 09SQ20000012G LPG Genius Sequent 56/24 1500 mbar Super Soleniod Valve Pressure and temperature gas sensor 09SQ20000013G LPG Genius Sequent 56/24 1500 mbar Super Soleniod Valve Supercharged press. and temp. gas sensor Electrical Diagram E.D. 01 LPG E.D. 01 LPG E.D. 01 LPG LPG SEQUENT 56 MECHANICAL DIAGRAM ON VEHICLES WITH 5-CYLINDERS POWER INCLUDED BETWEEN 120 kW AND 180 kW Vehicle Type 5 Cylinders Aspirated power included between 120 kW and 150 kW 5 Cylinders Aspirated power included between 140 kW and 160 kW 5 Cylinders Supercharged power included between 140 kW and 180 kW Gas injectors BRC MAX BRC SUPER MAX BRC SUPER MAX Front Kit 09SQ20000035G Genius MAX Sequent 56 Super Soleniod Valve Press. and temp. gas sensor 09SQ20000014G Genius MAX Sequent 56 Super Soleniod Valve Press. and temp. gas sensor 09SQ20000015G Genius MAX Sequent 56 Super Soleniod Valve Supercharged Press. and temp. gas sensor 4 M.D. 1 LPG M.D. 2 LPG Electrical Diagram E.D. 02 LPG E.D. 02 LPG E.D. 02 LPG LPG SEQUENT 56 MECHANICAL DIAGRAM ON VEHICLES WITH 6 STRAIGHT CYLINDERS WITH POWER LOWER THAN 140 kW Vehicle Type Gas injectors 6 Cylinders Aspirated power lower than 120 kW BRC NORMAL 6 Cylinders Aspirated power included between 120 and 140 kW BRC MAX 6 Cylinders Supercharged power lower than 140 kW BRC NORMAL Front Kit 09SQ20000029G LPG Genius Sequent 56/24 1500 mbar Super Soleniod Valve Pressure and temperature gas sensor 09SQ20000016G LPG Genius Sequent 56/24 1500 mbar Super Soleniod Valve Pressure and temperature gas sensor 09SQ20000017G LPG Genius Sequent 56/24 1500 mbar Super Soleniod Valve Supercharged Press. and temp. gas sensor Electrical Diagram E.D. 03 LPG E.D. 03 LPG E.D. 03 LPG LPG SEQUENT 56 MECHANICAL DIAGRAM ON VEHICLES WITH 6 STRAIGHT CYLINDERS POWER INCLUDED BETWEEN 140 kW AND 200 kW Vehicle Type 6 Cylinders Aspirated power included between 140 kW and 165 kW 6 Cylinders Aspirated power included between 140 kW and 190 kW 6 Cylinders Supercharged power included between 140 kW and 200 kW Gas injectors BRC MAX BRC SUPER MAX BRC SUPER MAX Front Kit 09SQ20000036G Genius MAX Sequent 56 Super Soleniod Valve Press. and temp. gas sensor 09SQ20000018G Genius MAX Sequent 56 Super Soleniod Valve Press. and temp. gas sensor 09SQ20000019G Genius MAX Sequent 56 Super Soleniod Valve Supercharged Press. and temp. gas sensor 5 M.D. 3 LPG M.D. 4 LPG Electrical Diagram E.D. 04 LPG E.D. 04 LPG E.D. 04 LPG LPG SEQUENT 56 MECHANICAL DIAGRAM ON VEHICLES WITH 6-CYLINDERS “V-SHAPED” WITH POWER LOWER THAN 140 kW Vehicle Type Gas injectors 6 Cylinders “V-shaped” Aspirated power lower than 120 kW BRC NORMAL 6 Cylinders “V-shaped” Aspirated power included between 120 kW and 140 kW BRC MAX 6 Cylinders “V-shaped” Supercharged power lower than 140 kW BRC NORMAL Front Kit 09SQ20000030G LPG Genius Sequent 56/24/24 1500 mbar Super Soleniod Valve Pressure and temperature gas sensor 09SQ20000020G LPG Genius Sequent 56/24/24 1500 mbar Super Soleniod Valve Pressure and temperature gas sensor 09SQ20000021G LPG Genius Sequent 56/24/24 1500 mbar Super Soleniod Valve Supercharged Press. and temp. gas sensor Electrical Diagram E.D. 05 LPG E.D. 05 LPG E.D. 05 LPG LPG SEQUENT 56 MECHANICAL DIAGRAM ON VEHICLES WITH 6-CYLINDERS “V-SHAPED” WITH POWER INCLUDED BETWEEN 140 AND 200 kW Vehicle Type 6 Cylinders “V-shaped” Aspirated powered included between 140 and 165 kW 6 Cylinders “V-shaped” Aspirated powered included between 140 and 190 kW 6 Cylinders “V-shaped” Supercherged powered included between 140 and 200 kW Gas injectors BRC MAX BRC SUPER MAX BRC SUPER MAX Front Kit 09SQ20000037G Genius MAX Sequent 56 Super Soleniod Valve Press. and temp. gas sensor 09SQ20000022G Genius MAX Sequent 56 Super Soleniod Valve Press. and temp. gas sensor 09SQ20000023G Genius MAX Sequent 56 Super Soleniod Valve Supercharged Press. and temp. gas sensor 6 M.D. 5 LPG M.D. 6 LPG Electrical Diagram E.D. 06 LPG E.D. 06 LPG E.D. 06 LPG LPG SEQUENT 56 MECHANICAL DIAGRAM ON VEHICLES WITH 8-CYLINDERS “V-SHAPED” WITH POWER LOWER THAN 140 KW Vehicle Type Gas injectors 8 Cylinders “V-shaped” Supercharged power lower than 140 kW BRC NORMAL 8 Cylinders “V-shaped” Supercharged power lower than 140 kW BRC NORMAL Front Kit 09SQ20000024G LPG Genius Sequent 56/24/24 1500 mbar Super Soleniod Valve Pressure and temperature gas sensor 09SQ20000025G LPG Genius Sequent 56/24 1500 mbar Super Soleniod Valve Press. and temp. gas sensor Electrical Diagram E.D. 07 LPG E.D. 07 LPG LPG SEQUENT 56 MECHANICAL DIAGRAM ON VEHICLES WITH 8-CYLINDERS “V-SHAPED” WITH POWER INCLUDED BETWEEN 140 AND 240 kW Vehicle Type 8 Cylinders “V-shaped” Aspirated powered included between 140 and 200 kW 8 Cylinders “V-shaped” Supercharged powered included between 140 and 200 kW 8 Cylinders “V-shaped” Aspirated powered included between 160 and 240 kW 8 Cylinders “V-shaped” Supercharged powered included between 160 and 240 kW Kit Base Gas injectors BRC MAX BRC MAX BRC Super MAX BRC Super MAX 09SQ20000026G Genius MAX Sequent 56 Super Soleniod Valve Press. and temp. gas sensor 09SQ20000027G Genius MAX Sequent 56 Super Soleniod Valve Supercharged Press. and temp. gas sensor 09SQ20000038G Genius MAX Sequent 56 Super Soleniod Valve Press. and temp. gas sensor 09SQ20000039G Genius MAX Sequent 56 Super Soleniod Valve Supercharged Press. and temp. gas sensor 7 M.D. 07 LPG M.D. 8 LPG Electrical Diagram E.D. 08 LPG E.D. 08 LPG E.D. 08 LPG E.D. 08 LPG LPG SEQUENT 56 ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM ON VEHICLES WITH 5-CYLINDERS ASPIRATED OR SUPERCHARGED WITH POWER LOWER THAN 140 kW E.D. 01 LPG Fusibile 5A Fusibile 15A Connettore Commutatore Relé Presa Diagnosi Connettore Sensore di livello 3 2 1 Connettore Elettrovalvola Posteriore Sequent 56 Connettore 10 Poli collegamento iniettori Tagliare ed isolare 1° Iniet. Benz. 2° Iniet. Benz. 3° Iniet. Benz. 4° Iniet. Benz. Sonda Lambda Bancata 1 1 "I1" 2 "I2" 3 "I3" 4 "I 4 " 5 "I 5 " Sensore pressione e temperatura gas versione normale o turbo 3 2 1 Sequenza iniettori Benzina (-) Batteria Centralina Iniezione Benzina 6 "I 6 " Tagliare ed isolare Entrata gas Sequenza iniettori GAS Sensore MAP "Utilizzato solo in fase di auto-mappatura" Sensore di temperatura Acqua (+) Elettrovalvola Gpl + (Segnale TPS) 5° Iniet. Benz. 5 4 Rosso Rosso (Segnale Contagiri) Sonda +12V Lambda Sotto Bancata 2 chiave Guaina termorestringente colore grigio Nero Nero Nero Bianco/Viola "P6" Grigio "P5" Marrone "P3" Azzurro "P2" Giallo "P4" Giallo "P1" Azzurro Connettore 10 Poli collegamento iniettori Riduttore "GENIUS SEQUENT 56 GPL" Multivalvola Europa ATTENZIONE: - Seguire scrupolosamente la sequenza iniettori benzina ed iniettori gas come indicato nello schema. - Non collegare mai a massa i fili dell'Elettrovalvola anteriore e posteriore. - - Per consentire una corretta diagnosi dell'Elettrovalvola anteriore e di quella posteriore non collegarle tra di loro. - Non sostituire mai i fusibili con altri di portata inferiore o superiore. CAUTION: Be careful with the cars for which the manufacturer prohibits or advises against disconnecting the battery, not to alter the antitheft devices or automatic adaptivity Never use welders connected to the battery of the same car - Connect with suitably insulated soft solderings - Position the BRC electrical devices in a well ventilated area, protected from water seepages and heat sources - We recommend to insulate the BRC electronic control unit wires which are not connected - BRC reserves the right to modify this diagram without notice - We also recommend you to be sure to have the last revision of the diagram drawn up by BRC. 8 LPG SEQUENT 56 ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM ON VEHICLES WITH 5-CYLINDERS ASPIRATED OR SUPERCHARGED WITH POWER INCLUDED BETWEEN 140 OR 170 kW E.D. 02 LPG Fusibile 5A Fusibile 15A Connettore Commutatore Relé Presa Diagnosi Connettore Sensore di livello 3 2 1 Connettore Elettrovalvola Posteriore Sequent 56 Connettore 10 Poli collegamento iniettori Sonda Lambda Bancata 1 Tagliare ed isolare 1° Iniet. Benz. 2° Iniet. Benz. 3° Iniet. Benz. 4° Iniet. Benz. Grigio "P6" Marrone "P5" Azzurro "P3" Giallo "P2" Azzurro "P4" Giallo "P1" Bianco/Viola Connettore 10 Poli collegamento iniettori (Segnale Contagiri) Sonda +12V Lambda Sotto Bancata 2 chiave (Segnale TPS) 5° Iniet. Benz. Guaina termorestringente colore grigio 1 "I1" 2 "I2" 3 "I3" "I 4 " 4 Sensore pressione e temperatura gas versione normale o turbo 5 4 3 2 1 Sequenza iniettori Benzina Centralina Iniezione Benzina 5 "I 5 " 6 "I 6 " Tagliare ed isolare Entrata gas Sequenza iniettori GAS Sensore MAP "Utilizzato solo in fase di auto-mappatura" Sensore di temperatura Acqua (-) Nero Nero Nero Rosso Rosso (+) Riduttore "GENIUS MAX SEQUENT 56 GPL" Elettrovalvola Gpl + Batteria Multivalvola Europa ATTENZIONE: - Seguire scrupolosamente la sequenza iniettori benzina ed iniettori gas come indicato nello schema. - Non collegare mai a massa i fili dell'Elettrovalvola anteriore e posteriore. - - Per consentire una corretta diagnosi dell'Elettrovalvola anteriore e di quella posteriore non collegarle tra di loro. - Non sostituire mai i fusibili con altri di portata inferiore o superiore. CAUTION: Be careful with the cars for which the manufacturer prohibits or advises against disconnecting the battery, not to alter the antitheft devices or automatic adaptivity Never use welders connected to the battery of the same car - Connect with suitably insulated soft solderings - Position the BRC electrical devices in a well ventilated area, protected from water seepages and heat sources - We recommend to insulate the BRC electronic control unit wires which are not connected - BRC reserves the right to modify this diagram without notice - We also recommend you to be sure to have the last revision of the diagram drawn up by BRC. 9 LPG SEQUENT 56 ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM ON VEHICLES WITH 6 STRAIGHT CYLINDERS ASPIRATED OR SUPERCHARGED WITH POWER LOWER THAN 140 kW E.D. 03 LPG Fusibile 5A Fusibile 15A Connettore Commutatore Relé Presa Diagnosi Connettore Sensore di livello 3 2 1 Connettore Elettrovalvola Posteriore Sequent 56 Connettore 10 Poli collegamento iniettori Sonda Lambda Bancata 1 1° Iniet. Benz. 2° Iniet. Benz. 3° Iniet. Benz. 4° Iniet. Benz. 5° Iniet. Benz. 6° Iniet. Benz. 1 "I1" 2 "I2" 3 "I3" 4 "I 4 " 5 "I 5 " 6 Centralina Iniezione Benzina "I 6 " Entrata gas 5 4 3 2 Sequenza iniettori Benzina 1 (-) Batteria Sequenza iniettori GAS Sensore MAP "Utilizzato solo in fase di auto-mappatura" Sensore di temperatura Acqua (+) Elettrovalvola Gpl + (Segnale TPS) Sensore pressione e temperatura gas versione normale o turbo 6 Rosso Rosso (Segnale Contagiri) Sonda +12V Lambda Sotto Bancata 2 chiave Guaina termorestringente colore grigio Nero Nero Nero Bianco/Viola "P6" Grigio "P5" Marrone "P3" Azzurro "P2" Giallo "P4" Giallo "P1" Azzurro Connettore 10 Poli collegamento iniettori Riduttore "GENIUS SEQUENT 56 GPL" Multivalvola Europa ATTENZIONE: - Seguire scrupolosamente la sequenza iniettori benzina ed iniettori gas come indicato nello schema. - Non collegare mai a massa i fili dell'Elettrovalvola anteriore e posteriore. - - Per consentire una corretta diagnosi dell'Elettrovalvola anteriore e di quella posteriore non collegarle tra di loro. - Non sostituire mai i fusibili con altri di portata inferiore o superiore. CAUTION: Be careful with the cars for which the manufacturer prohibits or advises against disconnecting the battery, not to alter the antitheft devices or automatic adaptivity Never use welders connected to the battery of the same car - Connect with suitably insulated soft solderings - Position the BRC electrical devices in a well ventilated area, protected from water seepages and heat sources - We recommend to insulate the BRC electronic control unit wires which are not connected - BRC reserves the right to modify this diagram without notice - We also recommend you to be sure to have the last revision of the diagram drawn up by BRC. 10 LPG SEQUENT 56 ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM ON VEHICLES WITH 6-STRAIGHT CYLINDERS ASPIRATED OR SUPERCHARGED WITH POWER INCLUDED BETWEEN 140 OR 200 kW Fusibile 5A Fusibile 15A E.D. 04 LPG Connettore Commutatore Relé Presa Diagnosi Connettore Sensore di livello 3 2 1 Connettore Elettrovalvola Posteriore Sequent 56 Connettore 10 Poli collegamento iniettori Sonda Lambda Bancata 1 1° Iniet. Benz. 2° Iniet. Benz. 3° Iniet. Benz. 4° Iniet. Benz. 5° Iniet. Benz. Grigio "P6" Marrone "P5" Azzurro "P3" Giallo "P2" Azzurro "P4" Giallo "P1" Bianco/Viola Connettore 10 Poli collegamento iniettori (Segnale Contagiri) Sonda +12V Lambda Sotto Bancata 2 chiave (Segnale TPS) 6° Iniet. Benz. Guaina termorestringente colore grigio 1 "I1" 2 "I2" 3 "I3" 4 "I 4 " 5 "I 5 " 6 Centralina Iniezione Benzina "I 6 " Sensore pressione e temperatura gas versione normale o turbo 6 Entrata gas 5 4 3 2 Sequenza iniettori Benzina 1 Sequenza iniettori GAS Sensore MAP "Utilizzato solo in fase di auto-mappatura" Sensore di temperatura Acqua (-) Nero Nero Nero Rosso Rosso (+) Elettrovalvola Gpl + Batteria Riduttore "GENIUS MAX SEQUENT 56 GPL" Multivalvola Europa ATTENZIONE: - Seguire scrupolosamente la sequenza iniettori benzina ed iniettori gas come indicato nello schema. - Non collegare mai a massa i fili dell'Elettrovalvola anteriore e posteriore. - - Per consentire una corretta diagnosi dell'Elettrovalvola anteriore e di quella posteriore non collegarle tra di loro. - Non sostituire mai i fusibili con altri di portata inferiore o superiore. CAUTION: Be careful with the cars for which the manufacturer prohibits or advises against disconnecting the battery, not to alter the antitheft devices or automatic adaptivity Never use welders connected to the battery of the same car - Connect with suitably insulated soft solderings - Position the BRC electrical devices in a well ventilated area, protected from water seepages and heat sources - We recommend to insulate the BRC electronic control unit wires which are not connected - BRC reserves the right to modify this diagram without notice - We also recommend you to be sure to have the last revision of the diagram drawn up by BRC. 11 LPG SEQUENT 56 ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM ON VEHICLES WITH 6-CYLINDERS “V-SHAPED” ASPIRATED OR SUPERCHARGED POWERED LOWER THAN 140 kW E.D. 05 LPG Fusibile 5A Fusibile 15A Connettore Commutatore Relé Presa Diagnosi Connettore Sensore di livello 3 2 1 Connettore Elettrovalvola Posteriore Sequent 56 "P1" 1° Iniet. Benz. "P3" 2° Iniet. Benz. 3° Iniet. Benz. "P5" 4° Iniet. Benz. Guaina termorestringente colore grigio DX 5 6 1 2 3 4 SX Sequenza iniettori Benzina (-) Nero Nero Nero Rosso Rosso Batteria 5° Iniet. Benz. Bianco/Viola Marrone (Segnale Contagiri) Sonda +12V Lambda Sotto Bancata 2 chiave (Segnale TPS) Centralina Iniezione Benzina "P6" 6° Iniet. Benz. 1 "I1" 2 "I2" 3 "I3" Sensore pressione e temperatura gas versione normale o turbo Entrata gas Sensore di temperatura Acqua Riduttore "GENIUS SEQUENT 56 GPL" 4 "I 4 " 5 "I 5 " 6 "I 6 " Entrata gas Sequenza iniettori GAS Sensore MAP "Utilizzato solo in fase di auto-mappatura" (+) Elettrovalvola Gpl + Azzurro Sonda Lambda Bancata 1 "P4" "P2" Giallo Giallo Azzurro Connettore 10 Poli collegamento iniettori Grigio Connettore 10 Poli collegamento iniettori Sequenza iniettori GAS Multivalvola Europa ATTENZIONE: - Seguire scrupolosamente la sequenza iniettori benzina ed iniettori gas come indicato nello schema. - Non collegare mai a massa i fili dell'Elettrovalvola anteriore e posteriore. - - Per consentire una corretta diagnosi dell'Elettrovalvola anteriore e di quella posteriore non collegarle tra di loro. - Non sostituire mai i fusibili con altri di portata inferiore o superiore. CAUTION: Be careful with the cars for which the manufacturer prohibits or advises against disconnecting the battery, not to alter the antitheft devices or automatic adaptivity Never use welders connected to the battery of the same car - Connect with suitably insulated soft solderings - Position the BRC electrical devices in a well ventilated area, protected from water seepages and heat sources - We recommend to insulate the BRC electronic control unit wires which are not connected - BRC reserves the right to modify this diagram without notice - We also recommend you to be sure to have the last revision of the diagram drawn up by BRC. 12 LPG SEQUENT 56 ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM ON VEHICLES WITH 6-CYLINDERS “V-SHAPED” ASPIRATED OR SUPERCHARGED WITH POWER INCLUDED BETWEEN 140 kW OR 200 kW E.D. 06 LPG Fusibile 5A Fusibile 15A Connettore Commutatore Relé Presa Diagnosi Connettore Sensore di livello 3 2 1 Connettore Elettrovalvola Posteriore Sequent 56 "P1" 1° Iniet. Benz. Sonda Lambda Bancata 1 "P4" "P2" "P3" 2° Iniet. Benz. 3° Iniet. Benz. "P5" 4° Iniet. Benz. 5° Iniet. Benz. Bianco/Viola Marrone Azzurro Giallo Giallo Azzurro Connettore 10 Poli collegamento iniettori Grigio Connettore 10 Poli collegamento iniettori Sonda +12V Lambda Sotto Bancata 2 chiave 6 1 2 3 4 SX Sequenza iniettori Benzina Centralina Iniezione Benzina 6° Iniet. Benz. 1 "I1" 2 "I2" 3 "I3" Sensore pressione e temperatura gas versione normale o turbo 5 (Segnale TPS) "P6" Guaina termorestringente colore grigio DX (Segnale Contagiri) Entrata gas Sequenza iniettori GAS Sensore MAP "Utilizzato solo in fase di auto-mappatura" 4 "I 4 " 5 "I 5 " 6 "I 6 " Entrata gas Sequenza iniettori GAS Sensore di temperatura Acqua (-) Nero Nero Nero Rosso Rosso (+) Elettrovalvola Gpl + Batteria Riduttore "GENIUS MAX SEQUENT 56 GPL" Multivalvola Europa ATTENZIONE: - Seguire scrupolosamente la sequenza iniettori benzina ed iniettori gas come indicato nello schema. - Non collegare mai a massa i fili dell'Elettrovalvola anteriore e posteriore. - - Per consentire una corretta diagnosi dell'Elettrovalvola anteriore e di quella posteriore non collegarle tra di loro. - Non sostituire mai i fusibili con altri di portata inferiore o superiore. CAUTION: Be careful with the cars for which the manufacturer prohibits or advises against disconnecting the battery, not to alter the antitheft devices or automatic adaptivity Never use welders connected to the battery of the same car - Connect with suitably insulated soft solderings - Position the BRC electrical devices in a well ventilated area, protected from water seepages and heat sources - We recommend to insulate the BRC electronic control unit wires which are not connected - BRC reserves the right to modify this diagram without notice - We also recommend you to be sure to have the last revision of the diagram drawn up by BRC. 13 LPG SEQUENT 56 ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM ON VEHICLES WITH 8-CYLINDERS “V-SHAPED” ASPIRATED OR SUPERCHARGED POWERED LOWER THAN 140 kW Fusibile 5A Fusibile 15A Connettore Commutatore Relé E.D. 07 LPG Presa Diagnosi Connettore Sensore di livello 3 2 1 Connettore Elettrovalvola Posteriore Sequent 56 "P1" "P4" "P2" 1° Iniet. Benz. "P5" "P3" 2° Iniet. Benz. 3° Iniet. Benz. "P8" "P6" 4° Iniet. Benz. 5° Iniet. Benz. 7 5 3 1 8 6 4 2 SX Rosso Rosso Sequenza iniettori Benzina 6° Iniet. Benz. 7° Iniet. Benz. Batteria Azzurro Marrone Bianco/Viola (Segnale TPS) Centralina Iniezione Benzina 8° Iniet. Benz. 1 "I1" 2 "I2" 3 "I3" "I 4 " 4 Entrata gas Sensore di temperatura Acqua Riduttore "GENIUS SEQUENT 56 GPL" 5 "I 5 " 6 "I 6 " 7 "I 7 " "I 8 " 8 Entrata gas Sequenza iniettori GAS Sensore MAP "Utilizzato solo in fase di auto-mappatura" (+) Elettrovalvola Gpl + Sonda +12V Lambda Sotto Bancata 2 chiave Sensore pressione e temperatura gas versione normale o turbo (-) Nero Nero Nero Sonda Lambda Bancata 1 (Segnale Contagiri) "P7" Guaina termorestringente colore grigio DX Giallo Giallo Azzurro Connettore 10 Poli collegamento iniettori Grigio Connettore 10 Poli collegamento iniettori Sequenza iniettori GAS Multivalvola Europa ATTENZIONE: - Seguire scrupolosamente la sequenza iniettori benzina ed iniettori gas come indicato nello schema. - Non collegare mai a massa i fili dell'Elettrovalvola anteriore e posteriore. - - Per consentire una corretta diagnosi dell'Elettrovalvola anteriore e di quella posteriore non collegarle tra di loro. - Non sostituire mai i fusibili con altri di portata inferiore o superiore. CAUTION: Be careful with the cars for which the manufacturer prohibits or advises against disconnecting the battery, not to alter the antitheft devices or automatic adaptivity Never use welders connected to the battery of the same car - Connect with suitably insulated soft solderings - Position the BRC electrical devices in a well ventilated area, protected from water seepages and heat sources - We recommend to insulate the BRC electronic control unit wires which are not connected - BRC reserves the right to modify this diagram without notice - We also recommend you to be sure to have the last revision of the diagram drawn up by BRC. 14 LPG SEQUENT 56 ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM ON VEHICLES WITH 8-CYLINDERS “V-SHAPED” ASPIRATED OR SUPERCHARGED WITH POWER INCLUDED BETWEEN 140 kW OR 200 kW Fusibile 5A Fusibile 15A Connettore Commutatore Relé E.D. 08 LPG Presa Diagnosi Connettore Sensore di livello 3 2 1 Connettore Elettrovalvola Posteriore Sequent 56 "P1" "P4" "P2" 1° Iniet. Benz. "P5" "P3" 2° Iniet. Benz. 3° Iniet. Benz. "P8" "P6" 4° Iniet. Benz. 5° Iniet. Benz. 7 5 3 1 8 6 4 2 SX Bianco/Viola Marrone Azzurro Sonda Lambda Bancata 1 Sonda +12V Lambda Sotto Bancata 2 chiave 6° Iniet. Benz. 7° Iniet. Benz. (Segnale TPS) Centralina Iniezione Benzina 8° Iniet. Benz. 1 "I1" 2 "I2" 3 "I3" "I 4 " 4 Sensore pressione e temperatura gas versione normale o turbo Sequenza iniettori Benzina (Segnale Contagiri) "P7" Guaina termorestringente colore grigio DX Giallo Giallo Azzurro Connettore 10 Poli collegamento iniettori Grigio Connettore 10 Poli collegamento iniettori Entrata gas 6 "I 6 " 7 "I 7 " "I 8 " 8 Entrata gas Sequenza iniettori GAS Sensore MAP "Utilizzato solo in fase di auto-mappatura" 5 "I 5 " Sequenza iniettori GAS Sensore di temperatura Acqua (-) Nero Nero Nero Rosso Rosso (+) Elettrovalvola Gpl + Batteria Riduttore "GENIUS MAX SEQUENT 56 GPL" Multivalvola Europa ATTENZIONE: - Seguire scrupolosamente la sequenza iniettori benzina ed iniettori gas come indicato nello schema. - Non collegare mai a massa i fili dell'Elettrovalvola anteriore e posteriore. - - Per consentire una corretta diagnosi dell'Elettrovalvola anteriore e di quella posteriore non collegarle tra di loro. - Non sostituire mai i fusibili con altri di portata inferiore o superiore. CAUTION: Be careful with the cars for which the manufacturer prohibits or advises against disconnecting the battery, not to alter the antitheft devices or automatic adaptivity Never use welders connected to the battery of the same car - Connect with suitably insulated soft solderings - Position the BRC electrical devices in a well ventilated area, protected from water seepages and heat sources - We recommend to insulate the BRC electronic control unit wires which are not connected - BRC reserves the right to modify this diagram without notice - We also recommend you to be sure to have the last revision of the diagram drawn up by BRC. 15
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