
Graduating Paper
Submitted to the Board Examiners as a Partial fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S. Pd. I)
In English Department of Education Faculty
Fardhian Hartanto
Jl. Stadion 03 Phone (0298) 323706 Salatiga 50721
Website: E-mail:
NIM. 113 06 027
Has been brought to the board of examiners in English Education
Department, State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga on March 22nd,
2012 to completely fulfill the requirement of the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan
Islam (S.Pd.I).
Boards of Examiners
: Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag.
: Faizal Risdianto, M.Hum.
1st Examiner
: Maslihatul Umami, M.A.
2nd Examiner
: Setia Rini, M.Pd.
3rd Examiner
: Dr. Sa’adi, M.Ag.
Salatiga, March 24th, 2012
The Head of State Institute for
Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga
Dr. Imam Sutomo, M. Ag.
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Jl. Stadion 03 Phone (0298) 323706 Salatiga 50721
Website: E-mail:
   
"In The Name of Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful"
Hereby the writer fully declares that this graduating paper is composed by the
writer himself, and it does not contain materials written or having been published by other
people, and that from other people's idea except the information cited from references.
The writer is capable of accounting for this graduating paper if in the future, this
is proved of containing others' ideas, or in fact, the writer imitates the others' paper. This
declaration is made by the writer and he hopes that this declaration can be understood.
Salatiga, Februari 8th, 2012
The writer
Jl. Stadion 03 Phone (0298) 323706 Salatiga 50721
Website: E-mail:
Salatiga, February 8th, 2012
Dr. Sa’adi, M. Ag.
The Lecturer of English Department
State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga
Case: Fardhian Hartanto’s Graduating Paper
The Head of State Islamic
Studies Institute of Salatiga
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
After reading and correcting Fardhian Hartanto’s graduating paper entitled “AN
and would like to propose that if could be accepted by education faculty, I hope it would
be examined as soon as possible.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Dr. Sa’adi, M. Ag.
NIP. 19630420 199203 1003
            
117. to Him is due the primal origin of the heavens and the earth: when He decreed a
matter, He said to it: "Be," and it is.
(Q.S. Al Baqarah/ 2: 117)
“As better as human is who gives benefit for others”
This graduting paper is whole heatedly dedicated to:
1. My beloved father and mother (pak Mad and bu Sus) thanks for
being my great parent.
2. My beloved wife (dek Eni), thank you for loving me.
3. My beloved brothers and sisters (mas Anto, mbak Ning, mbak
Tanti, mas Hasan) and also my cute nephews (Ochad and Ilham).
4. My parent in law (Mr. Isroni and Mrs. Asiyah) and my sisters in
law (Heni and Ulya), thanks for your support.
5. Thanks a lot for all of my teachers who have gave knowledge to
6. My best friend (Paryono), thank for everything and finally we
finish it all….
7. All of my friends in TBI ’06 (Endah, Gendhon, Jabrik, DC, Muna,
Danang, etc), I miss you, all of you.
8. My friends and my family in MAPALA MITAPASA (Pakis,
Shonto, Polo, Pacet, Blutuk, Ceblenk, Wader, Pendhel, Cengeh,
Ciwil, Lumut, Gebo, Plodaq, Cuntel, Ceblon, Cethok, etc.
“Salam Lestari!!!”
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful, The Lord of
universe, because of Him, the writer could finish this graduating paper as one of
the requirement for the Sarjana Pendidikan Islam in English Department of
Educational faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga in
Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad
SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.
However, this thesis success would not be achieved without those
supports, guidance, advice, help and appropriate moment for me to deepest
gratitude for:
1. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M. Ag. the head of State Institute for Islamic Studies
(STAIN) Salatiga.
2. Suwardi, MA, as a chief of Education Faculty.
3. Maslikhatul Umami, MA, as a chief of English department.
4. Dr. Sa’adi, M. Ag. as a consultant who has educated, supported, directed
and given the writer advice, suggestion, and recommendation for thesis
from beginning until the end.
5. All of the lecturers in English department.
6. All of the staff who helped the writer in processing of thesis
7. My beloved father and mother, thanks for all support, trust, finance,
8. My beloved wife Asalia Anggraeni, thanks for all support
9. All of my friends who help me to finish this paper.
Finally this thesis is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and
information to the readers. And the writer is pleased to accept more suggestion
and contribution from the reader for the improvement of the thesis.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Salatiga, February 8th, 2012
The writer
Hartanto, Fardhian. 2012. An Analysis of Educational Values in Tetsuko
Kuroyanagi’s Novel Entitle Totto-chan: The Little Girl at The
Window. Graduating Paper. English Department of Education Faculty
State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga. Counselor: Dr. Sa’adi, M.
Key word: education, value, literary.
There are four research problems proposed from the novel Totto-chan:
The Little Girl at The Window ; What are the intrinsic literary elements of the
novel Toto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window, What are the educational values
of the novel, How are the educational values presented in the novel, What is the
implication of the novel in relation to family education.
The method used in analyzing the novel Totto-chan: The Little Girl at The
Window is descriptive method. The writer expects that the result of the study can
give the advantages as follows: Contribute the development of literary study,
particularly among students of STAIN Salatiga who are interested in the literary
study, to enlarge our knowledge about the education, to remind the reader about
the importance of education in our life.
The contribution from this research is that the other researcher can read
this paper to improve their ability to appreciate the values of education the novel.
The writer hopes this paper can be a reference for future research.
TITLE .................................................................................................................... i
STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION .................................................................. ii
DECLARATION .................................................................................................. iii
ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES .................................................................. iv
MOTTO ................................................................................................................ v
DEDICATION ...................................................................................................... vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................... vii
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... ix
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... x
A. Background of Study .............................................................. 1
B. Statements of The Problem ..................................................... 3
C. Objectives of the Study ........................................................... 3
D. Benefit of the Study ................................................................ 4
E. Clarification of key Terms ...................................................... 4
F. Review of Previous Researches .............................................. 6
G. Graduating Paper Outline ........................................................ 7
A. Methodology of the Research …………………… ................ 10
B. Certain Element of the Novel .................................................. 11
A. Education ................................................................................. 34
B. Values ...................................................................................... 36
C. Definition of Educational Values ............................................. 31
D. Relation between Literature and Education ............................. 41
A. Intrinsic Elements of the Novel Totto-chan: Little Girl at
the Window ............................................................................... 44
B. Educational Values of the novel Totto-Chan: Little Girl at
the window ................................................................................ 56
C. The Implication of the novel in Relation to Family
Education .................................................................................. 62
A. Conclusion ................................................................................ 65
B. Suggestion................................................................................. 67
A. Background of the Study
People have many reasons to study literature. Some people say they
study literature because they want to get new knowledge and some moral or
education values from the literary work. On the other hand, people study
literature to get pleasure because they will feel happy and comfortable while
reading or studying it. By reading literature we would get much benefit,
especially something that has a relation with our life.
Mariam Webster (1981: 1321) states that literature is writing in prose
of verse, especially; writing having excellence of form of expression and
expressing ideas of permanent or universal interest (literature stands related
to man as science stand to nature).
Novel is one form of literary work. It reflects the condition and
situation of human in real life then illustrated by the author of the novel in a
written form. Novel is combination of real life experiences and the
imagination of the author. Most of the aspects in the real life of human are
presented in the novel that the author conveyed through the novel.
Novel is a fictional story in writing and has intrinsic and extrinsic
elements. It usually tells about human life in its interaction with the
environment and each other. In a novel, the author makes every effort to
direct the reader to the descriptions of reality life through the stories
contained in the novel.
According to Robert Stanton (1965: 44), novel is a long story. It
presents in detail the development of a character or a large complex or a
social situation involving many characters relationship or a complicated event
covering many years or a complex relationship among a few characters.
Totto-Chan:‖The Little Girl at the Window” is written by Tetsuko
Kuroyanagi. It tells a story about of a six years girl who lives during the
Second World War. Her name is Totto-chan. In her daily life, everything that
she does or she asks is always approved by her parents. Her attitudes as girl
are different from other children in Nogisaka. In her old school, she always
makes mistakes, makes some unusual activities, likes standing on the window
while the teacher was teaching, etc. This unusual behavior makes the teacher
frustrated and Totto-chan has to be expelled from her school.
Then, she en-rolled at Tomoe Gakuen. The unique school was headed
by Sosaku Kobayashi, a teaching method that is different from the
conventional school. Tomoe school emphasizes a child's curiosity, and there
are many varieties of interesting things there; like wagon trains classes,
beautiful gardens, and a method of teaching where students can choose what
lessons they want to learn today on an individually, etc. Each student from
one class can have different activities and different interests. The novel Tottochan: The Little Girl at the Window is really interesting to explore deeply.
In this study the writer will search the educational values in the novel
Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window. The writer hopes that this research
can give solution to the problems of education in our life. Moreover, the writer
hopes this novel is good for everybody to apply this value in daily life,
especially for parents and teacher.
Therefore, for this purpose the writer is interested in conducting
research entitled An Analysis of Educational Values in Tetsuko
Kuroyanagi’s Novel Entitle “Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window”.
B. Statements of The Problem
In this research, the writer proposes statements of the problems as
1. What are the intrinsic and extrinsic literary elements of the novel Tottochan: The Little Girl at the Window?
2. What are the educational values of the novel?
3. How are the educational values presented in the novel?
4. What is the implication of the novel in relation to family education?
C. Objectives of the Study
Based on the statement of the problems above, the objectives of the
studies are as following:
1. To describe the intrinsic of literary elements of the novel Totto-chan: The
Little Girl at the Window.
2. To analyze the educational values of the novel.
3. To describe educational values of the novel.
4. To reveal the implication of the novel Totto-chan:‖The Little Girl at the
Window” in relation to family education.
D. Benefits of The Study
The benefits of the study in this research are divided into two parts:
1. Theoretically
The result of the study is expected beneficial to the world of
literature and can contribute to the development of value education.
2. Practically
The writer expects that the result of the study can give the
advantages it follows:
a. Contribute the development of literary study, particularly among students
of STAIN Salatiga who are interested in the literary study.
b. To enlarge our knowledge about the education.
c. To remind the readers about the importance of education in our life.
Clarifications of key Terms
To avoid the mistakes of the title consideration, the writer wants to
clarify the meaning briefly;
1. Educational values
a. Education
According to The National Education System of Republic
Indonesia No. 20 of 2003 article 1, states the meaning of education as the
conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the
learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for
him to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality,
intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed them selves, society,
nation and state.
―Pendidikan adalah usaha sadar dan terencana untuk
mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran agar
pesertadidik secara aktif mengembangkan potensi dirinya untuk
memiliki kekuatan spiritual keagamaan, pengendaliandiri,
kepribadian, kecerdasan, akhlak mulia, serta keterampilan
yang diperlukan dirinya, masyarakat, bangsa dan negara.‖
b. Value
Value is quality of being useful or important (Hornby: 1995;
1319). According to J.R Fraenkel (1977: 6) value is an idea a concept
about what someone thinks is important in life.
c. Educational Values
Educational values are something (as principle quality or entity)
intrinsically valuable or desirable into human being (Naquip, 1991: 8).
Educational values according to Linda (1997: 03) are divided into two
groups, they are:
1) Values of being
The value of being is a value that is within evolved human
beings into the behavior and the way we treat others. They are such as;
honesty, bravely, peace, confidence and capability, self-discipline and
moderation, purity and pureness.
2) Values of giving
The values of giving is that values need to be practiced or
provided which would then be accepted as a given. They are such as;
loyalty and trustworthy, respect to other, respect for natural
environment, love and affection, sensitive and not selfish, kind and
friendly, fair and humane.
2. Novel
A novel is a picture of real manner and of the time in which it was
written (Reeve, 1785: 26).
3. Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window
Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window is a novel by Tetsuko
Kuroyanagi. She is Japanese writer who lives in Japan during the Second
World War and during the atomic bombing of USA in Japan. This novel is a
semi-autobiography of her life during her childhood. This novel tells about
Totto-chan, six years old girl who lives Nogisaka, Japan. She always asks
about everything new, she is inquisitive girl.
F. Review of Previous Researches
In this research, the writer would like to analyze the educational
value of the novel “Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window” by using
library analysis. To make sure that this research is original, the writer would
like to present other research that has close relation with the study of “Tottochan: The Little Girl at the Window”.
The First researches A Description on Education Values as Seen in
Andrea Hirata’s Novel Sang Pemimpi written by Yuli Ariyani (2010). In her
research, she concluded that life is struggle and need sacrifices to get the
ambition. As social life, human should share to others, never give up and
always be optimist in facing the life. To get the ambition, long life learning
is the key to follow the globalization change. To get the spirit of life,
everybody have to live on dream, because everything is come from dreams.
The Second researches is Educational Values of the Novel ―Even
After all This Time” written by Siti Zulaikhoh (2006). In her research, she
found that education is very important for everyone in the world. By best
education, we can make our dream come true, even it is impossible dream.
We have to be optimistic and enthusiastic in enduring life and struggle for
reaching our dream. Besides that, education is not only to develop science,
skill and technology but also tries to develop personality and moral ethic
that can be called by education value.
The Third is “An Analysis of Moral Values of Habiburahman ElShirazy`s Ayat-ayat Cinta” written by Indri Astuti (2006). She tried to find
out the fundamental moral values of the novel as how they are presented in
the novel. The novel tells about the love ethical code and the way to love
other. The fundamental moral values are creative power, respect each other,
social interest and consistency. She also tries to analyze the cultural
background of the novel and its correlation with moral values.
Beside on three research above, the writer also analyzes the
research entitled “Educational Values of Adam`s story in The Holly Qur`an”
written by Agus Najib (2004). He tried to analyze the educational values
from Adam`s narration in holly Qur`an and its implication. His study shows
that education values can be accomplished through reward, punishment,
experience and religion. He also describes that Qur`an, the first source for
Moslem as a guidance in life.
G. Graduating Paper Outline
To make easier to the readers in understanding the whole contents of the
graduating paper, the writer organizes it into five chapters as following:
Chapter one is introduction, containing background of the study,
statements of the problem, the objectives of the study, the benefits of the study,
clarification of key terms, review of previous research and thesis outline.
Chapter two presents methodology of the research and certain element of the
novel. Chapter three presents theoretical review. It consists of description of
educational values, and the relation between education and literature. Chapter
four is research finding and discussion. It consists of literary elements of the
novel and educational values of the novel. Chapter five is closure. It presents
conclusion and suggestion. The last part is bibliography and appendix.
A. Methodology of the Research
The writer takes a certain procedures and would like to explain in five
parts, they are: type of the research, research object, data source, technique of
data collection and technique to analyzing data
In analyzing the novel Totto-chan:‖The Little Girl at the Window” the
writer takes a certain procedures as following:
Type of the Research
The writer uses a descriptive qualitative research, which is
defined as a research of which the data in the form of written or oral
words that is descriptively analyzed. Moleong (2003:3) says that a
qualitative research deals with a kind of research which doesn’t use
statistic procedures in analyzing the data. In a descriptive qualitative
research, the writer tends to prior in accurate explanation to analyze and
present what have been found.
Research Object
The research object in this study is the main characters in novel
Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window written by Tetsuko
Kuroyanagi and translated into English by Dorothy Britton.
Data Source
Data source are divided into primary and secondary source.
Primary Source
It is a source of data that is written by the writer (Sumanto,
1990: 18). The primary source is taken from the novel Totto-chan:
The Little Girl at the Window.
Secondary Source
It is a data source, which is used to support and complete the
primary data. The data is taken from any kinds of books and relevant
materials such as books of literature theories, value and education.
Technique of Data Collection
The data of the research is collected by doing the following steps:
Selecting the novel
Reading the novel repetitively and carefully
Identifying to find the data related to the study
Classifying the data
Selecting the relevant data
Reporting selected data
Technique to analyzing data
To analyze the data the writer use descriptive analysis and the
interpretation of the text is content analysis. The steps are:
Collecting references relevant to the analysis of the novel
Describing synopsis of the novel
Extracting moral values and education
Extracting the implication of educational values of the novel
Concluding the data analysis.
B. Certain Element of the Novel
Here, certain elements of the novel consist of two parts; extrinsic and
intrinsic element of the novel, as following:
1. The Intrinsic Elements
The intrinsic elements of novel include are character, theme,
setting, point of view, style and plot. Each element completes the other.
a. Character
Character is any person who figures in a literary work not
particularly a peculiar or eccentric one; sometimes a given character
does not actually appear but is merely talked about. Character is
divided into two: the main/major character and the minor character.
Major character is the most important ones in terms of the plot. It
becomes central action. While, minor character is proponent of major
character, sometimes not really involved in with the action at all, are
nevertheless very important to the characterization of a major
character, to the development of the plot or even to the tone and the
implied significance of the whole work. (Potter, 1967: 21)
1) Major Character
The major characters are the most important figures, men
and women in a literary work. The major character is not by itself
representing a noble nature because it can also be negative, but
because he was the central figure in the story (Melani, 2002: 188).
2) Minor Character
Minor characters are figures that the properties and
behavior characterizations serve to support the main character
(Melani, 2002: 188).
b. Plot
According to Edward (1968: 83), plot is the “action” of the
story. It is sequence of events involving the character and characters.
An ideal traditional plot line encompasses four levels, namely
exposition, complication, climax or turning point, and resolution. The
exposition presents the initial situation and disturbed by a
complication or conflict which produces suspense’s and eventually
leads to climax crisis, or turning point. The climax is followed by a
resolution of the complication and the texts usually end (Delisle, etc,
1971: 3).
c. Setting
According to Manser (1995: 377), setting is place in which
something is fixed. Setting is evidence into two parts, namely setting
of place and setting of time.
1) Setting of place
A setting is the problem what happens in the story, the
actual geographical location, its topography, scenery and such
physical arrangements as the location of the windows and doors
in the room (Subhan, 2003: 21).
2) Setting of time
A setting shows the location where can event is happening
at the story. The time or period in which the action takes place,
for example: epoch in history or season of the year (Subhan,
2003: 21).
d. Point of view
Point of view is the way an author permits us to observe the
story. Its aid hers in presenting us with those action, objects and
thoughts we need to experience the story. Point of view may be first
person, third person, dramatic and omniscient (Edward, 1968: 82).
e. Style
Edward (1968: 86) states that style is the way in which an
author selects, arranges and presents his words. It is manner of
f. Theme
Robert Stanton said a theme illuminates or comments upon
some aspect of life and thus has value outside the story. The theme of
a good story is somewhat like the man philosophy, and its factual
structure is like his sense of reality: the theme gives coherence and
meaning to the facts (Stanton, 1965: 20).
2. The extrinsic elements of the novel
Extrinsic elements are some parts from the outside of the story, but
indirectly it gives influence to the building and organism system of literary
critics. (Wellek and Warren, 1942: 70).
Biography of Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
Tetsuko Kuroyanagi was born on August 9, 1933 in Tokyo,
Japan and she is a famous person. She was born in Tokyo. Tetsuko
Kuroyanagi is the daughter of a celebrated violinist. She becomes the
chief of opera at the Tokyo College of Music and then trained in
theatre at Tokyo’s Bungakuza Theatre and in New York at the Mary
accessed on 15 February 2012, 08:31 p.m.)
Her childhood memoir, Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the
Window has sold more than 7 million copies. With royalties from her
book sales she established the Totto Foundation to train professional
actors with hearing impairments. She is also the author of Tottochan’s Children: A Goodwill Journey to the Children of the World
accessed on 15 February 2012, 08:32 p.m.).
There are some books of Tetsuko Kuronayagi such as:
Totto-chan Little Girl at The Window
This engaging series of childhood recollections tells
about an ideal school in Tokyo during World War II that
combined learning with fun, freedom, and love. This unusual
school had old railroad cars for classrooms, and it was run by
an extraordinary man, its founder and headmaster, Sosaku
Kobayashi who was a firm believer in freedom of expression
and activity. In real life, the Totto-chan of the book has
become one of Japan's most popular television personalities,
Tetsuko Kuroyanagi. She attributes her success in life to this
wonderful school and its headmaster. The charm of this
account has won the hearts of millions of people of all ages
and made this book a runaway bestseller in Japan, with sales
ml accessed on 15 February 2012, 08:35 p.m.)
Totto-chan's Children: A Good will Journey to the Children of
the World.
It is told about that every year all over the world some
13 million children die needlessly of malnutrition and
preventable illnesses. Children are also among the hardest hit
in armed conflicts over 20 million have suffered from wars in
the last ten years. The same children, of course, live, play, and
grow up and try to have some fun, too.
Tetsuko Kuroyanagi is Japan's most beloved TV
personality. She has also been a UNICEF Goodwill
Ambassador for over fifteen years. This book records the
journeys she made in this important capacity to visit the
world's most unfortunate children in fourteen countries from
1984 to 1996. Readers will be shocked by her description of a
six-year-old, undernourished boy who could not think, speak,
walk, or run. In Haiti she met a girl who sold herself for less
than a dollar. "I'm so afraid I will get AIDS, but I have to eat
tomorrow", she explained. No one will forget the Indian boy
who wished her health and happiness as he lay dying of
This book, however, is more than just a sad and
sentimental report on the world's dying children. Kuroyanagi's
undeniable and universal love for kids gives her a rare gift for
seeing beyond their struggle for survival. Indeed, it is her
familiar descriptions of children at play (like all kids
everywhere) that bring home the fact that they all deserve
something better and that we should be doing more to give
them a better chance at life.
Anger, pity, despair, delight, hopelessness these are the
emotions recorded in this moving and horribly accurate report
on how natural and man-made atrocities have robbed millions
htmaccessed on 15 February 2012, 08:31 p.m.).
There are Tetsuko Kuroyanagi Activity Highlights, as follow:
1) 2011 • April • Ms. Tetsuko Kuroyanagi was in Haiti in a show
of support for children impacted by the devastating earthquake
in 2009.
2) 2009 • May • In Nepal, Ms. Kuroyanagi visited UNICEFsupported programmes in the areas of child-protection,
education, life-building skills, and HIV/AIDS.
She was
accompanied by a film crew and the subsequent documentary
and footage show on her television talk show helped raise funds
to support UNICEF programmes benefiting the children of
3) 2009 • May • In Japan, Ms. Kuroyanagi, celebrated 25 years as
a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. She was honoured for her
dedicated service to UNICEF and the world’s children. A few
days after the ceremony she travelled to Nepal on her 29th
4) 2008 • June • In Cambodia, Ms. Kuroyanagi visited UNICEFsupported preschools and child-friendly schools. She toured
villages along the Mekong and Sekong Rivers where she saw
pregnant women who travel to health centers by boat. The
author also saw monthly outreach health teams who travel on
bikes and boats to perform immunizations and other routine
health care. She also observed de-mining activities.
5) 2007 • November • In Angola, Ms. Kuroyanagi toured a health
center and a maternity hospital to observe UNICEF activities for
accelerated child survival and development. She visited childfriendly schools and a vocational training center for girls. She
met with orphans and vulnerable children in foster care support
programmes as well as in villages.
6) 2006 • June • In Cote D’Ivoire, Ms. Kuroyanagi visited
UNICEF supported programmes in the areas of education, water
and sanitation, health and HIV/AIDS, and child protection.
7) 2005 • February • In Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Ms. Kuroyanagi
saw the effects of the tsunami on children and families and the
work of UNICEF and its partners to keep children in affected
areas alive and healthy. She participated in a measles
immunization campaign and visited Loksumawe where water
purifiers were distributed to lactating mothers and families with
small children.
8) 2004 • August • In the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ms.
Kuroyanagi went to Kinshasa, Goma and Bunia. She surveyed
the conditions in internal displacement camps; met with
displaced children, victims of sexual violence and those who
had been associated with armed forces; observed the complete
lack of infrastructure in a local school and health center.
9) 2003 • July • In Sierra Leone, Ms. Kuroyanagi urged for
increased global response to the plight of children who are still
affected by war long after it ended. She saw a damaged health
and education infrastructure and met with community leaders
and officials. She visited a centre for victims of sexual violence,
primary health care centers, educational centers and a refugee
10) 2002 • July • In Somalia, Ms. Kuroyanagi highlighted the
humanitarian crisis facing women and children in that country.
A 90-minute television programme for Japan was produced.
11) 2001 • July • In Heart, Afghanistan, Ms. Kuroyanagi visited the
Maslakh camp for internally displaced persons; in Faizabad, she
toured health facilities and schools. She also visited Afghan
refugees in camps near Peshawar, Pakistan. A 90-minute
( accessed on
15 February 2012, 08:40 p.m.).
Synopsis of the novel Totto-chan: The Little Girl at The Window
Totto-chan was a little girl who has a lot of curiosity. She
was six years old and in first grade on elementary school. She is like
a child most, but according to teacher at her old school, Totto-chan
always has made mess class. Thus, she was expelled from her
school. The teacher tells that too many misbehavior of Totto-chan.
She never stop opening and closing her desk, and after an hour later
she left his seat and stood in front of the window, looking out. Then
the teacher thought, for Totto-chan did not make a fuss, then the
teacher let her stand there. But suddenly, Totto-chan called seedy
street singers. And the class became rowdy (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 2-3).
The act of Totto-chan makes the teacher angry. Not only the
teachers in her class who was upset for the actions of Totto-chan, but
the other teachers were disturbed by her actions. Therefore, Tottochan’s mother was forced to find another school, the school is able to
understand and teach her little girl to adjust to other people. But
Totto-chan’s mother did not tell Totto-chan that she was expelled
from her school. She afraid Totto-chan will suffer distress
(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 3-5).
When she first comes in his new school, Totto-chan was
dreaming. The school was named Tomoe Gakuen. Tomoe Gakuen is
a unique school that was founded in Japan in 1937 (Kuroyanagi,
1982: 99). Her new school classroom uses six trains that have been
unused. Totto-chan was screaming with delight. She liked his new
school. The school was filled with red and yellow flowers
(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 5).
When Totto-chan met with the headmaster, she immediately
felt agreeable, although initially she felt uncomfortable. Then she
told all the things she liked. The headmaster at her new school,
Sosaku Kobayashi made her feel safe, comfort and happy
(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 6-8).
Tomoe Gakuen was different from other schools. His
students have only about fifty children. Totto chan was very
surprised. Especially, when Totto-chan invited to see the usual hall
where the student seat lunch. The students are required to bring food
from the sea and mountains. And Totto-chan did not wait for
tomorrow (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 8-9).
The next day, Totto-chan was delighted when want to go to
school. In the first grade in school Tomoe Gakuen, there are only 9
students. According to Totto-chan, the rule in the class was very
strange. Each student was not given a permanent seat, but they may
sit down, everywhere and anytime. The lesson was very strange.
Each student is free to choose subjects that will be studied. Student
who likes to write something up immediately and the student who
likes physics lessons can immediately begin practicum (Kuroyanagi,
1982: 11-12).
The teaching methods make the teachers can observe
children's development and what the field they are interested as well
as ways of thinking and their character. For the students, start the
day by learning something they liked is very exciting (Kuroyanagi,
1982: 12).
And finally, it was time for lunch. Each student is required to
bring food from the sea and mountains. Of sea foods such as fish and
tsukuda –ni (tiny shrimp and the like are boiled with soy sauce and
sweet sake). While the food that comes from the mountains of the
main land means food such as vegetables, beef and chicken meat
(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 13).
Totto-chan’s mother was very impressed and argued that
very few headmasters that can set rules in a simple meal that
important. Surprisingly, the necessity to choose only from two
categories, it makes the work of preparing packed lunches to be
simpler (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 13)
Totto-chan felt nervous on the first day during lunch, but it
was very enjoyable. And more fun when she was eating lunch mama
made, it was so delicious (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 13-14).
Usually people start to eat by saying "itadakimasu". In
Tomoe Gakuen before eating all the students singing. Headmaster
create a special song for lunch. His songlike this:
Chew, chew, chew it well,
Everything you eat,
Chew it and chew it and chew it,
Your rice, fish, and meat!
(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 5).
It was only after singing, they all say; ―itadakimasu‖. After
lunch, she is playing on the playground with other student before
returning to class (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 15).
According to Totto-chan, everyday at Tomoe Gakuen was
always full of surprises. She was so excited to go to school. And
every time she back home she never stops talking. She told all she
did in school today to her parent and Rocky, the dog. Even when it
was used to her new school, Totto-chan still has many of stories to
tell everyday. Her parents were very grateful for Totto-chan really
enjoys in new school (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 18).
Providing motivation for self-confidence was also conducted
on student who has physical barriers at Tomoe Gakuen. The
competition at sports day celebration at Tomoe Gakuen seems to be
designed so that they can participate can be a winner (Kuroyanagi,
1982: 48-51).
Takahashi, a student with: body, hands and feet were shortsized, able to achieve the overall champion. The feet and hands short
Takahashi, to help him win various competitions, such as
competition stair climb that ladder of compact and the competition
crept into the carp made of cloth. The competition which succeeded
in making a student who has physical barriers felt able to perform
like other students (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 42, 48-51).
The headmaster ever scold a teacher in biology class when
asked to explain to a student, whether he still had a tail. The obvious
question asked by a teacher during the lesson. The question is so
usual when he addressed to a normal student, but the question is
directed to student who having abnormalities in body growth. The
headmaster did not want the child's mental development is
compromised, because he felt he was considered a strange creature
(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 62-63).
One day, in a school trip on the train, Totto-chan had to
wonder if Tomoe Gakuen school song. Because she wants to know
as soon as possible, she could not wait until the train reached the
station nearest the school (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 18).
As soon as the train entered the station Jiyugaoka, she
jumped up and raced down quickly. Once inside the class, she
immediately asked her friend whether Tomoe Gakuen School had a
school song. But her friend said no. she and his friends went to the
headmaster's office to request made school songs. The headmaster
had promised on tomorrow morning the school song was definitely
ready (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 18).
And the next day, there was an announcement that was stuck
in each class, the headmaster told to each student and teacher to get
together in the school yard. Totto-chan joined with other students, all
curious to know. Then, the headmaster take the chalkboard to the
field, the headmaster said, "Well, listen, this song for Tomoe
Gakuen, your school." But the song is very short. And all of the
students do not like that song (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 19).
Headmaster felt little disappointed, but he was not angry.
Perhaps the headmaster does not even think to make the school song.
So, when the notes were removed from the board, ended problems
and Tomoe Gakuen never had a school song (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 19).
Actually, Totto-chan’s name is Tetsuko. Before she was born,
all of her parent’s friends believe that baby will be born was male.
They also decided to give name their baby Toru. But the baby girl
was born, they were little disappointed. But they liked the Chinese
characters for Toru, and then they use Chinese letters to their little
girl name and add the suffix ko commonly used to name the girls, so
her name become Tetsuko (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 61).
So, everyone called her Tetsuko-chan. But for her, that name
does not sound like Tetsuko-chan. So, every time someone asks him
his name, she will answer, Totto-chan. They even thought that chan
was part of its name. Her father as she sometimes calls Totsky boy
(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 61).
At Tomoe Gakuen there will be a new railway car for the
library. And the students who want to see the arrival of the railway
car should stay in school, the railway car would come at the night.
They were gathered in the school after being home to take the
pajamas and blanket. Totto-chan and her friends will never forget
that night. When a new railway car, come (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 2225).
The next day, there are events that made Totto-chan get
surprised. The headmaster allows the student to swim without
wearing anything, naked. This is intended to teach students that all
bodies are beautiful. Because there are some students at Tomoe
Gakuen School are exposed to polio and physical defect
(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 26).
The headmaster opinion if they are naked and play together,
shame will go away and help keep them away from an inferiority
complex. As a result almost all the students Tomoe Gakuen brownskinned, and whose skin is almost no white streaks former swimsuit
(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 26).
After the summer vacation, the second semester began. In
Japan, the school year starts in April. At the time of going to school,
the headmaster told the parents to wearing the most desolate cloth to
the student when to school. He wants all students to wear old
clothes, so they do not have to worry about their clothes will hit mud
or torn. According to him, usually the children should be afraid of
being scolded due to soiling their clothes, or hesitant to join to
follow a game because they will worry about clothes torn
(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 41).
One morning, Tomoe Gakuen had new student, his name is
Takahashi. He was classmates with Totto-chan and originates from
Osaka. Osaka is a city of dreams of Totto-chan that had never seen.
And that moment Totto-chan asked Takahashi to tell about Osaka.
Unfortunately, the bell rang, the first lesson begins. Totto-chan was
feeling a little disappointed. Takahashi became one of the friends of
Totto-chan (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 42-43).
On the way home from school, not far from home, on the
roadside Totto-chan found something that caught her attention, a
high sand dune. Totto-chan was thrilled. After a small jump, she
sprinted toward the sandbar and then jump to the top. But, it turns
out it's not a sand dune. In it there is the mound of cement
(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 43-44).
Then Totto-chan was immersed into the cement. Eventually
his body sank to his chest. She looked like a statue, complete with
school bags and shoes. The stronger she tried out, her feet sinking
deeper and deeper. Her shoes were nearly off. Until the late
afternoon no one helped her. Until his Mom found Totto-chan in the
mound of cement it. Mom who tried to help her, her legs even comes
mired in the mound (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 44).
After a long time, Totto-chan finally can get out of the
mound of cement. And mom also reminded not to jump into
something before know the contents. The days are getting shorter in
the fall. When they finally got home the sky was completely dark
(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 44).
New Year holiday is almost here. Totto-chan plans to go
skiing with papa and mama. Her father friend, Hideo Saito, the
cellist and conductor in the orchestra where papa play, have a
beautiful vacation home in Shiga Highlands. They used to stay there
in winter. Totto-chan began learning to ski in the school since
kindergarten (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 59-60).
For Totto-chan, this year is not the same as the previous year.
Now she has a first grade in elementary school and already knew a
little English. Papa taught to her how to say "thank you"
(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 60).
When returning to school after winter vacation, the students
see something new and amazing. They shouted with joy to see.
Across the row there is one train for new class, in addition to the
flower, near the Hall. When they are on vacation, the railway car
been organized into libraries (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 60-61).
The headmaster said that all students should come to the
library at any time and may borrow books to take home. And if
you've finished reading it, they must return the book. And if anyone
has books at home that deserves be read by friends, the headmaster
shall be delighted if they bring the book to the library (Kuroyanagi,
1982: 61).
The students are very excited. Totto-chan did not well on
reading, she choose a picture book that looks most interesting. The
selected book Totto-chan seems to contain folklore. The stories tell
about the daughter of wealthy people who cannot get a husband
because she always passes gas. Finally, his parents managed to find a
husband for his daughter. But she was too excited on her wedding
day up without realizing it, she pass gas more tightly than usual. The
wind was lifting her husband out of bed, twirling his seven and a half
times, and then banging the poor guy into a wall to collapse
(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 61-62).
The most interesting picture in the book is a picture that
shows the groom's spinning in the room because of the wind. Since
the time, many children want to read the book (Kuroyanagi, 1982:
The spring season has arrived. The day was exactly one year
since the morning when for the first time Totto-chan came to Tomoe
Gakuen with mama. Now, Totto-chan and her friends excited
because their new status as second-graders. They watch the new
student in first grade class with great curiosity (Kuroyanagi, 1982:
The headmaster introduced a new teacher. He is a farmer
who was asked by headmasters to teach his students how to grow
crops. Farmer was taught everything that he could. Although a
farmer, the students respected him as a teacher. And they called him
as the teacher of agriculture (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 66).
A year later, Totto-chan was in the third grade. And she was
very sad because she really liked Tai-chan. Tai-chan is an intelligent
student and excelled in physics. Tai-chan is too clever in English and
taught her about Totto-chan said the word fox in English. But one
day, Tai-chan had spoken roughly to Totto chan and it made her very
sad. Because of Totto-chan throwing out Tai-chan when sumo in
wrestling arena. And it makes Tai-chan is very shy (Kuroyanagi,
1982: 71).
Tomoe Gakuen had new student. His body was too tall and
strapping for boys in his age. According to Totto-chan he likes a
seventh grader. His dress is also different, similar to adult children's
clothing (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 80).
That morning, the children gathered in the schoolyard. And
the headmaster had introduced a new student. His name is Miyazaki.
He was born and grows in America. So, Miyazaki is not fluent in
Japanese. The headmaster asked to all students to help Miyazaki
close to school environment (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 81).
The war and all its horror has begun to be felt in the life of
Totto-chan and his family. Every day, men and youth in the
neighborhood were sent to go to war. Foodstuffs rapidly disappeared
from the shops. Becoming increasingly difficult to meet the rules of
lunch at Tomoe Gakuen, this provides something of the ocean and
something from the mountains. Almost all of the needs of rationed.
Everywhere there is no one who sells candy (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 88).
Many soldiers were killed, food scarce and everyone living in
fear, but summer still to come as usual. No more camping at Tomoe
Gakuen and no longer a pleasant picnics to the hot springs
(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 88).
Ryo-chan, a gardener at Tomoe Gakuen finally was called to
war. He was mature. Tomoe think that he is like a guardian angel
who always saved every time when a student is having problems.
Ryo-chan could do everything (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 92).
The headmaster plans a tea party to deliver Ryo-chan's
departure. This is the first tea party at Tomoe. Tea party is a fun
parting gift from Ryo-chan for the students, even when it's the
students did not have a clue about what is happening outside their
neighborhood. The tea party became the last game the students play
at Tomoe, before they split up and go through each life (Kuroyanagi,
1982: 92-93).
Ryo-chan ride Toyoko train. His departure coincided with
the arrival of American planes. The planes were finally appeared in
the skies of Tokyo and began dropping bombs every day
(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 93-94).
Since the number of bombs dropped American soldiers,
finally Tomoe Gakuen was on fire. It happened at night. The school
is a dream Sosaku Kobayashi, the head of the school burned down.
The school had collapsed along with the sounds terrible, not the
accompaniment sounds much loved, laughter and singing children.
The fire, which cannot be extinguished, was flattening it with soil.
The fire raged everywhere throughout Jiyugaoka
1982: 94-95).
In the midst of all this, the headmaster stood in the middle of
the road, looking at Tomoe burn. As usual, he wore a black threepiece suit worn. He stood erect with his hands in his pockets. “What
schools like we get up again?" He said to his son, Tomoe, who stood
beside him. Tomoe heard the words of his father, stunned and could
not say anything. Love of Mr. Kobayashi on children and his
sincerity in teaching is much more powerful than the fire that now
burns his school (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 95).
Totto-chan was lying in a crowded refugee train, sandwiched
between the adults. The train is moving toward the Northeast. When
she looked out the window, she remembered the parting words
spoken by the headmaster, "We'll meet again". She did not want to
forget those words. As she felt sure she would soon meet again with
Mr. Kobayashi, Totto-chan fell asleep. The train crept in the dark,
carrying passengers with fears (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 95).
In this chapter the writer would like to present about education, values,
definition of educational values, and relation between literature and education.
A. Education
In Dictionary of Psychology (1972) in Syah in his book Psikologi
Pendidikan dengan Pendekatan Baru (2003: 11), education means the
instructional procedures which are employed in accomplishing the
development of knowledge, habits, attitude, etc , usually the term is applied to
formal institution.
In the article Definition of Education by Don Berg says that “The
definition of education in common usage, that education is merely the
delivery of knowledge, skills and information from teachers to students, is
inadequate to capture what is really important about being and becoming
educated. The proper definition of education is the process of becoming an
education.html accessed on 15 February 2012, 11:34 p.m.).
According to Jumali (2008: 21) education is the art of teaching,
because by particular knowledge, skill and experience, people will do creative
work. To educate is not only technical, methodological and mechanical of
passing skill to children, but also it is an activities that have dimension and
element of art are nuanced dedication, emotional compassion in effort to built
and shape the personality. It is named art because of educational activities
based on a scene of humanity, sympathy, and affection.
(Pendidikan nasional berfungsi mengembangkan kemampuan dan
membentuk watak serta peradaban bangsa yang bermartabat dalam
rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, bertujuan untuk
berkembangnya potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang
beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak
mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan menjadi warga
negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab (UU SISDIKNAS
2003 article I verse 3)).
The RI Constitution in No.20 of 2003 about National Education
explains that “The function of National Education to develop skills and form
the character and civilization of the nation's dignity in the context of the
intellectual life of the nation, aimed at developing the potential of learners in
order to become a man of faith and piety to God Almighty, noble, healthy,
knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become citizens of a
democratic and accountable.
Education is systematic training and instruction, especially of the young
in school, college, etc (Hornby, 1995: 277). According to Ki Hajar Dewantara
tells slogan Ing Ngarso Sung Tuladha, means if educators were in advance,
he gave example to their students. Ing Madya Mangun Karsa means if
educators were in the middle, he gave encouragement, self developing and
creativity in their students. Tut Wuri Handayani means if educators were
behind, he follows, directing students to dare to walk in front of others and
From opinions above can be concluded that education is an effort to
create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are
actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual strength of
religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills
needed themselves and society.
B. Values
Values are the ideals or standards that people use to direct their
behavior; values are what people strive to realize in their lives. Values are the
standards we use in making judgments about what is important in life and
what is right or wrong in human behavior. We judge ourselves and others in
terms of our values. We may not agree with another person’s values, but
everyone lives by values, everyone makes judgments about what is important
in life through their values (Lambardo, 2004: 5).
According to William James Earle (1992: 297), value is positive quality
of anything whereby it is desirable, useful, interesting, good, and important.
Only a few of the terms available for the expression of positive values.
Whether values are part of the intrinsic nature of things or simply a matter of
how humans respond to things is controversial.
According to Sidi Gazalba in Chabib Thoha in his book Kapita Selekta
Pendidikan Islam (1996: 61) values meansfollows:
(Nilai adalah sesuatu yang bersifat abstrak, ia ideal, nilai bukan
benda konkrit, bukan fakta, tidak hanya persoalan benar dan salah
yang menuntut pembuktian empirik, melainkan penghayatan yang
dikehendaki dan tidak dikehendaki)
(Value is something that is abstract, it is ideal, not the value of
concrete objects, not facts, not just a question of right and wrong that
demands empirical proof, but the appreciation of the desired and
From the opinions above, it can be concluded that the value is the
inherent nature of something (belief systems) that have been associated with a
subject that gives meaning (humans who believe in). So, the value is
something that is beneficial and useful as a reference for human behavior.
C. Definition of Educational Values
Education is not separated from the value that includes intelligence
quality, diligence, and perseverance. The education values are something that
has value with their characteristics to given an input as education that can
give an influence.
Education value is the spirit of education, so wherever they are taught
the value of education will present itself. Educational value is the value of
education (Elmubarok, 1998: 12).
Educational values are the results of valuing process of comprehension
and implementing of God and humanity values in life. So, these values will
guide human knowledge and creativity appropriately.
Kinds of educational values according to Linda (1997: 03) are divided
into two groups:
1. Values of Being:
The value of being is a value that is within evolved human
beings into the behavior and the way we treat others. Which
include :
Honesty toward others, institutions, society, ourselves.
Strength and confidence that comes from deep because there
was nothing to hide (Linda, 1997: 03).
Dare to try things that either though difficult. Majority
who dared to oppose the flow is moving towards one; dare to
say no to an invitation to err. Dare to follow your good heart in
spite of marginalized and suffer from it. Dare to be gracious
and friendly. He added the meaning of courage is to do
something difficult but correct and is the best option for the
long term (Linda, 1997: 17).
Calm and patient attitude. The tendency to try to accept
other people's opinions rather than denied and opposed it.
Understand that the differences are rarely resolved through
conflict and that the obstinacy of a person indicates that he has
a problem or feel insecure, and therefore expect your
understanding. Willingness to understand other people's
feelings instead of reacting to them quickly. Emotional control
(Linda, 1997:35).
Confidence and Capability
Individuality; Awareness of boundaries and the
uniqueness of development. Attitude is responsible for his own
deeds. Overcoming the tendency to blame others when
experiencing difficulties. Believing in the ability of self (Linda,
1997: 48).
Self-Discipline and Moderation
Self-discipline in the physical, mental, financial. Know
the limits of time talking and eating. Know the limits in terms
of strength of body and mind. Conscious of the dangers when
embracing extreme views and impartially. The ability to
balance spontaneity with self-discipline (Linda, 1997: 64).
Purity and Pureness
Purity is clean, without tendency. For example is purity
of thinking (Linda, 1997: 80).
2. Values of Giving
The values of giving is that values need to be practiced or
provided which would then be accepted as a given. Values of
giving include:
Loyalty and Trustworthy
Loyal to family, to work, to the State, to the school,
and to organizations and other institutions are responsible to us.
Ready to support, ready to serve, ready to help. And trusted and
in carrying out consistent promises. (Linda, 1997: 101)
Salute to life, respect for property rights, respect for the
father and mother, respect for elders, respect for nature, and
respect for the beliefs and rights of others. civilized and polite
behavior. Respectful to yourself and avoid detraction to
yourself. (Linda, 1997: 112)
Love and Affection
Dear to themselves is more than just a loyal and
respectful. Dear friends, dear to the neighbor, who also love to
hate us. And emphasizes the lifelong responsibility for saying
to the family (Linda, 1997: 124).
Sensitive and Not selfish
More care to others. Learn to feel the togetherness and
brotherhood. Sensitive to the needs of others and situations
(Linda, 1997: 136);
Kind and Friendly
Aware that the friendly and caring attitude is more
commendable than the rough and tough attitude. The tendency
to maintain instead of confrontation. Tenderness, especially on
the younger or weaker. Capable of making new friends and
maintain friendships. Lightweight hand to help (Linda, 1997:
Fair and Humane
Obedience to the law, fairness in work and games. The
view of the natural consequences and the law of cause and
effect. Appreciate the generous and forgiving attitude and
understand that revenge is futile (Linda, 1997: 175).
D. Relation between Literature and Education
According to Collie and Slater (1992: 12) in Literature in the
Language Classrom, one of the aims of teaching literature is to encourange
learners to feel that they can read and enjoy books on their own.
Teaching literature for student is to explore the unknown territory of
new literary work, the firt encounter with it may well be crucial. First
impressions can colour their fellings about the whole enterprise they find
themself engaged in. They are likely to be approaching the experience with a
mixture of curiousity excitement and apprehension (Collie and Slater,1992:
From explanations above, the writer concludes that literary works are
the subject of the lesson that should be able be a means of improving
education. Teaching literature is expected to develop various aspects of
psychiatric students, such as: feelings, thoughts, and senses.
Literature and education cannot be separated from educational
purposes. There are benefits of study literature:
1. Literature offers the best way of teaching extensive reading skills.
2. Literature offers a way of linking the emotional with the
3. Literature teaches values with emotional force.
4. Literature has the power to change destructive ways of thinking
on many levels.
5. Literature is about reality.
A. Intrinsic Elements of the Novel Totto-chan: Little Girl at the Window
The intrinsic elements of the novel Totto-chan: Little Girl at the
window as follow:
1) Major Character
a) Totto-chan
Totto-chan is the main central character of whole
story in this novel. The story is about her. The author
introduced Totto-chan as a little girl, a clever girl, named
Tetsuko Kuroyagi, who faced a boring environment on her
vocational school. Before Totto-Chan come to Tomoe
Gakuen School, she goes for a few days to an ordinary
elementary school. Then, she had been expelled from her old
The teachers at old school assume that Totto-chan is
have bad attitude and only makes trouble. For example; in her
class, suddenly she runs to the window to see the street
musicians and even asks them to playing something. All the
students leave their seats and the teacher can do anything but
wait until the music is over.
When Totto-chan called to them, the street musicians
would come right over to the window. Whereupon,
said the teacher, Totto-chan would announce the fact
to the whole room, "Here they are!" and all the
children would crowd by the window and call out to
the musicians.
"Play something," Totto-chan would say, and the little
band, which usually passed the school quietly, would
put on a rousing performance for the pupils with their
clarinet, gongs, drums, and samisen, while the poor
teacher could do little but wait patiently for the din to
Finally, when the music finished, the musicians would
leave and the students would go back to their seats.
All except Totto-chan. When the teacher asked, "Why
are you still at the window?"Totto-chan replied, quite
seriously, "Another band might come by. And,
anyway, it would be such a shame if the others came
back and we missed them."(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 3)
b) Mr. Kobayashi
Mr. Sosaku Kobayashi as the founder and headmaster
of Tomoe Gakuen. He is very old man. He started Tomoe
Gakuen in 1937.
His hair was thin on top and he had a few teeth
missing, but his face was a healthy color. Although he
wasn't very tall, he had solid shoulders and arms and
was neatly dressed in a rather shabby black threepiece suit (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 7).
Sosaku Kobayashi, the man who had the inspiration
and vision to set up this wonderful school, was born
on June 18, 1893, in the country northwest of Tokyo.
Nature and music were his passions, and as a child he
would stand on the bank of the river near his home,
with Mount Haruna in the distance, and pretend the
gushing waters were an orchestra, which he would
"conduct." (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 98)
2) Minor Character
a) Mother
Totto Chan’s mother was a wise person. She loved
Totto Chan very much.
Mother did not tell Totto-chan she had been expelled.
She realized Totto-chan wouldn't understand what she
had done wrong and she didn't want her to get any
complexes, so she decided not to tell Totto-chan until
she was grown-up. All Mother said was, ―How would
you like to go to a new school! I've heard of a very
nice one.”(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 5)
b) Daddy
Totto Chan father was a violist. He was a person who
has good personalities. He always called Totto Chan with
Daddy thought for some time before replying."I don't
want to play that sort of thing on my violin."
"I think you're right," said Mother. "I would refuse.
We’ll get food somehow."
Daddy knew Totto-chan had barely enough to eat and
was vainly putting money in the caramel vending
machine every day. He also knew that the gifts of food
he would receive for playing a few wartime tunes
would be very handy for his family. But Daddy valued
his music even more. Mother knew that, too, and so
she never urged him to do it. "Forgive me, Totsky!"
said Daddy, sadly (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 88-89).
c) Totto-chan's home room teacher
Totto-chan's home room teacher who asked Mother to
took Totto-chan to the another school.
Totto-chan's homeroom teacher, who came straight to
the point. "Your daughter disrupts my whole class. I
just ask you to take her to another school.‖ The pretty
young teacher sighed. ―I'm really at the end of my
tether.‖(Kuroyanagi, 1982:2)
d) Mr. Maruyama
Mr. Maruyama was the vice principal of Tomo
Gakuen school.
The headmaster's right-hand man--at an ordinary
school he would be the vice principal—Mr.
Maruyama, was in many ways the exact opposite of
Mr. Kobayashi. Like his name, meaning "round hill,"
his head was completely round, without a single hair
on top, but with a fringe of white hair at the back at
ear level. He wore round glasses, and his cheeks were
bright red. He not only looked quite different from
Mr. Kobayashi, but he used to recite classical
Chinese-style poems in a solemn voice (Kuroyanagi,
1982: 55).
e) The Farming Teacher
The Farming Teacher who taught the children about
farming by actually seeing things done.
The farming teacher told the children to spades and
hoes from the car and started them on weeding. He
told them all about weeds: how hardy they were; how
some grew faster than crops and hid the sun from
them; how weeds were good hiding places for bad
insects; and how weeds could be a nuisance by taking
all the nourishment from the soil. He taught them one
thing after another. And while he talked, his hands
never stopped pulling out weeds. The children did the
same. Then the teacher showed them how to hoe; how
to make furrows; how to spread fertilizer; and
everything else you had to do to grow things in a field,
explaining as he demonstrated (Kuroyanagi, 1982:
Totto-chan’s lovely and loyal dogs which always
accompany her went the station in the morning.
She told the headmaster how fast the train went that
they had come on; how she had asked the ticket
collector but he wouldn't let her keep her ticket; how
pretty her homeroom teacher was at the other school;
about the swallows' nest; about their brown dog,
Rocky, who could do all sorts of tricks; how she used
to go snip-snip with the scissors inside her mouth at
kindergarten and the teacher said she mustn't do that
because she might cut her tongue off, but she did it
g) Ryo Chan
He was a janitor of Tomo Gakuen School.
Ryo-chan, the janitor, who went off to war, came
home safe and sound. He never fails to attend the
Tomoe reunions every November third (Kuroyanagi,
1982: 105).
h) Yasuaki Yamamoto
Yasuakichan was Totto Classmate at Tomoe who had
polio. Totto-chan loved him very much. Yasuaki died in the
first morning of school after the spring vacation.
She recalled the first time she met him, when she had
asked, "Why do you walk like that?" and his soft
reply, "I had polio" She thought of the sound of his
voice and his little smile.
And that summer tree-climbing adventure of just the
two of them. She remembered with nostalgia how
heavy his body had been, and the way he had trusted
her implicitly even though he was older and taller. It
was Yasuaki-chan who told her they had something in
America called television.
Totto-chan loved Yasuaki-chan. They had lunch
together, spent their breaks together, and walked to
the station together after school. She would miss him
so much. Totto-chan realized that death meant
Yasuaki-chan would never come to school any more.
It was like those baby chicks. When they died, no
matter how she called to them they never moved
Yasuaki-chan's funeral took place at a church on the
opposite side of Denenchofu from where he lived
(Kuroyanagi, 1982:85-86).
Akira Takahashi
Takahashi was Totto Chan classmate at Tomoe. His
legs very short and curved inward.
Totto-chan realized that while Takahashi didn't drag
his leg like Yasuaki-chan, who had had polio, he was
taking the same amount of time to get to the train. She
quietly waited for him. Takahashi was running as fast
as he could and there was no need to say, "Hurry,"
for he was hurrying. His legs were very short and he
was bow-legged.
The teachers and grown-ups knew that he had stopped
growing. When he saw that Totto-chan was watching
him, he tried to hurry faster, swinging his arms, and
when he got to the door, he said, "You do run fast."
Then he said, "I'm from Osaka."(Kuroyanagi, 1982:
He won all the prizes on Sports Day, never grew any
taller, bur entered, with flying colors, a high school
famous in Japan for its rugby team. He went on to
Meiji University and a degree in electronic
engineering.(Kuroyanagi 1982:102)
Miyo Chan
She was coaches swimming at Tomoe Gakuen. She
was Mr. Kobayashi's third daughter.
The swimming instructor was Miyo-chan's elder
brother--the headmaster's son and an expert in
gymnastics. He wasn't a teacher at Tomoe but he was
on the swimming team of a university. His name was
the same as the school's--Tomoe. Tomoe-san wore
swimming trunks (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 26).
Mr. Kobayashi's third daughter, Miyo-chan,
graduated from the Education Department of
Kunitachi College of Music and now teaches music at
the elementary school attached to the college. Like
her father, she loves teaching young children.
From the time she was about three years old, Mr.
Kobayashi had observed Miyochan walking and
moving her body in time to music, as well as learning
to talk, and this helped him greatly in his teaching of
children (Kuroyanagi, 1982:103).
k) Sakko Matsuyama
Sakko Matsuyama or Sakko-Chan was Totto-Chan
classmate at Tomoe Gakuen.
"We go as far as Kuhonbutsu Temple," said the girl
with the rabbit on her pinafore dress. Her name was
Sakko-chan. (Kuronayagi, 1982: 16)
Sakko-chan, the girl with the large eyes who was
wearing a pinafore with a rabbit on it the day I
started at Tomoe, entered a school that was in those
days very difficult for girls to get into--now known as
Mita High School. She went on to the English
Department of Tokyo Woman's Christian University,
became an English instructor with the YWCA, and is
still there. She makes good use of her Tomoe
experience at their summer camps.
She married a man she met while climbing Mount
Hotaka in the Japan Alps. They named their son
Yasutaka-the last part commemorating the name of
the mountain on which they met.(Kuroyanagi,
Taiji Yamanouichi
Taiji Yamanouichi was Totto’s classmate at Tomoe
Tai-chan, who said he wouldn't marry me, became
one of Japan's leading physicists. He lives in America,
an example of the "brain drain." He graduated in
physics from the Science Department of Tokyo
University of Education. After his M.Sc., he went to
America on a Fulbright exchange scholarship and got
his doctorate five years later at the University of
Rochester. He remained there, doing research in
experimental high-energy physics (Kuroyanagi, 1982:
m) Kuinio Oe
Kuino Oe was Totto’s classmates.
The boy who pulled her braids, x is now Japan's
foremost authority on Far Eastern orchids, whose
bulbs can cost tens of thousands of dollars. His is a
very specialized field, and Oe is in great demand and
constantly travels all over Japan (Kuroyanagi, 1982:
n) Kazuo Amadera
Kazuo Amadera was Totto’s classmates.
Amadera, who loved animals, wanted to be a vet when
he grew up and have a farm. Unfortunately, his father
died suddenly, and he had to drastically alter the
course of his life, leaving Nihon University School of
Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry to take a
job at Keio Hospital. At present he is at the Central
Hospital of the Self-Defense Force in a responsible
position connected with clinical examination
(Kuroyanagi, 1982:105).
o) Aiko Saisho
Aiko Saisho was Totto’s classmates.
Aiko Saisho, whose great-uncle was Admiral Togo,
transferred to Tomoe from the elementary school
attached to Aoyama Gakuen. I used to think of her in
those days as a very sedate and proper young lady.
She probably seemed that way because she had lost
her father--a major in the Third Guards Regiment -who was killed during the Manchurian Incident. After
graduating from Kamakura Girls' High School, Aiko
married an architect. Now that both her sons are
grown and in business, she spends much of her leisure
writing poetry (Kuroyanagi, 1982:105).
p) Keiko Aoki
Keiko Aoiki was Totto’s classmate at Tomoe Gakuen.
Keiko-chan, who had the chickens that could fly, is
now married to a teacher at Keio University's
elementary school. She has a married daughter
(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 105).
q) Yoichi Migita
Yoichi Migitawas Totto’s classmate at Tomoe
Migita, the boy who kept promising to bring those
funeral dumplings, took a degree in horticulture, but
he had always liked drawing so he went back to
college and graduated from Musashino College of
Fine Arts. Now he runs his own graphic design
company.(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 105)
As exposition, in the novel Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the
Window is about Totto-chan’s experience in the first grade of
elementary school. She had only just started school but she had
already been expelled. So, mother obviously had to do something
about it. It wasn’t fair to other students. She had to find another school
where they would understand her little girl and teach her how to get
along with other people. This school was Tomoe Gakuen.
The problem becomes raising complex. We usually call it by
complication. In this novel the complication is the Totto’s story with
her friends at Tomoe Gakuen. This new school gave her freedom of
expression and activity. It was very different with school normally. At
the beginning of the first period, the teacher made a list of all the
problems and questions in the subject to be studied that day. Then he
would say, ―Now, start with any these you like”. This method of
teaching enabled the teachers to observe-as the children progressed to
higher grades- what they were interested is as well as their way of
thinking and their character. It was ideal ways for teacher to really
know their students.
As a climax of the story in this novel is when the Word War II
that caused Tomoe Gakuen burned down.
Setting is evidence into two parts, namely setting of place and
setting of time.
1) Setting of place
The setting of place in the novel Totto-chan is in the
house, school, temple, hot spring, railroads car, railway station,
a) House
Totto-chan had a terrible accident. It happened after
she got home from school, whileshe and Rocky were
playing "wolf' in her room before dinner.... Hearing her
screams, Mother came rushing from the kitchen to find
Totto-chan in the corner of the room with Rocky,
holding her right ear with both hands. Her dress was
splattered with blood. Daddy, who had been practicing
the violin in the living room, came rushing in, too
(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 47).
b) School
When she saw the gate of the new school, Totto-chan
stopped. The gate of the school she used to go to had
fine concrete pillars with the name of the school in
large characters. But the gate of this new school simply
consisted of two rather short posts that still had twigs
and leaves on them (Kuroyanagi, 1982:5).
c) Temple
Then the children gathered together and walked
around the temple grounds. They laughed at the bare
bellies of the two Deva Kings that stood on either side
of the gate, guarding the temple, and gazed with awe at
the statue of Buddha in the semidarkness of the Main
Hall. They placed their feet in the great footprint in a
stone said to have been made by a Tengu - a longnosed goblin. They strolled around the pond, calling
out ―Hello!‖ to the people in rowboats. And they
played hopscotch to their hearts' content with the
glossy black pebbles around the graves. Everything
was new to Totto-chan, and she greeted each discovery
with an excited shout (Kuroyanagi, 1982:18).
d) Hot Spring
Summer vacation came to an end, and the day of the
trip to the hot spring resort finally arrived. It was
considered by the students to be Tomoe's main event.
Not many things surprised Mother, but when Tottochan came home from school one day and asked, "May
I go on the hot spring trip with the others?" she was
flabbergasted. She had heard of old people visiting hot
springs in groups but not first graders. But after she
read the headmaster's letter carefully, she thought it
was an excellent idea and was filled with admiration
for his plan (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 34).
e) Railroad Car
All the railroad cars were quiet, for the first classes of
the day had begun. Instead of a wall, the not very
spacious school grounds were surrounded by trees, and
there were flower beds full of red and yellow flowers.
The headmaster's office wasn't in a railroad car, but
was on the right-hand side of a one-story building that
stood at the top of a semicircular flight of about seven
stone steps opposite the gate (Kuroyanagi, 1982:6).
f) Railway station
She got on the Oimachi train at Jiyugaoka. Before the
train reached the next station, Midorigaoka, there was
a sharp curve, and the train always leaned over with a
great creaking...
At that moment the train stopped at Ookayama, the
station before hers, and the doors on the left side
opened.(Kuroyanagi, 1982:53).
2) Setting of time
The setting of time of the novel Totto-chan; The Little
Girl at the Window is in the year of 1945 during the Word War II.
It can be seen from this quotation:
Lots of incendiary bombs dropped by the B29 bombers
fell on the railroad cars that served as schoolrooms.
The school that had been the headmaster's dream was
enveloped in flames. Instead of the sounds he loved so
much of children laughing and children singing, the
school was collapsing with a fearful noise. The fire,
impossible to quench, burned it down to the ground.
Fires blared up all over Jiyugaoka.
Point of view
Point of view is the way an author permits us to observe the
story. Its aid hers in presenting us with those action, objects and
thoughts we need to experience the story. Point of view may be first
person, third person, dramatic and omniscient (Edward, 1968: 82). In
this novel, the author uses the third point of view, because the author
puts himself in out of story but he knows about the path of story.
Totto-chan: Little Girl at the Window is written simply,
directly and understandably.
This novel has a theme about education. Totto-chan: The Little
Girl at the Window is an autobiographical novel, it tells about an ideal
school during World War II in Japan.
B. Educational Values of the novel Totto-chan: The Little Girl At the Window
In this sub chapter, the writer would like to present educational values
of the novel Totto-chan: Little Girl at the Window as the following:
Values of Being:
The values of being are a value that is within evolved human
beings into the behavior and the way we treat others. Such as these:
a. Honesty
Honesty means truthfulness and sincerity. Such as these:
Totto-chan found some money for the first time in her life. It
happened during the train ride going home from school. She
got on the Oimachi train at Jiyugaoka. Before the train
reached the next station, Midorigaoka, there was a sharp
curve, and the train always leaned over with a great
creaking. Totto-chan would brace herself with her feet so she
wouldn't go "Oops." She always stood by the right-hand door
at the rear of the train, facing the way the train was going.
She stood there because the platform at her own station was
on the right-hand side and that door was nearest the exit...
...What should she do, she wondered! Just then she
remembered someone saying that when you found money, you
should hand it to a policeman. But there wasn't a policeman
on the train, was there? (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 54).
b. Bravely
Bravely is willingness you face danger with determination. As
quoted below:
After the headmaster had said, "Now you're a pupil of this
school," Totto-chan could hardly wait for the next day to
dawn. She had never looked forward to a day so much.
Mother usually had trouble getting Totto-chan out of bed in
the morning, but that day she was up before anyone else, all
dressed and waiting with her schoolbag snapped to her back
(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 9).
c. Peace
Mean of peace here; calm and patient attitude. As quoted below:
The headmaster certainly knew how to make children happy.
When the headmaster finished speaking and the light in the
Assembly Hall had been turned out, all the children went into
their own tents. Laughter could be heard from some;
whispers from others; while from a tent at the far end came
the sound of a scuffle. Gradually silence fell. It was camping
without any moon or stars, but the children enjoyed it
thoroughly. To them that little Assembly Hall seemed like a
real camping ground, and memory wrapped that night in
moonbeams and starlight forever (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 28).
d. Confidence and Capability
It believes in the self ability. As quoted below:
At Tomoe, where the children were allowed to work on their
subjects in any order they pleased, it would have been
awkward if the children let themselves be disturbed by what
others were doing. They were trained to concentrate no
matter what was going on around them. So nobody paid any
attention to the child singing aloud while drawing the
hausfrau. One or two had joined in, but all the others were
absorbed in their books (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 61).
e. Self-Discipline and Moderation
Moderation; it is avoidance of unreasonably extreme views or
measure. As quoted below:
Now it was time for "something from the ocean and
something from the hills," the lunch hour Totto-chan had
looked forward to so eagerly.
The headmaster had adopted the phrase to describe a
balanced meal--the kind of food he expected you to bring for
lunch in addition to your rice. Instead of the usual "Train
your children to eat everything," and "Please see that they
bring a nutritiously balanced lunch," this headmaster asked
parents to include in their children's lunchboxes "something
from the ocean and something from the hills." (Kuroyanagi,
f. Purity and Pureness
Its mean purity of thinking. As quoted below:
"That's it!" she said to herself "I’ll say quietly, ―Oh, I've
dropped some money. I must pick it up. Then everyone's
bound to think it's mine!"
But immediately another problem occurred to her, "What if I
say that and everyone looks at me and someone says, ―That’s
mine!' What will I do?" (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 54).
Values of Giving
The values of giving is that values need to be practiced or
provided which would then be accepted as a given. Values of giving
Loyalty and Trustworthy
Loyalty; it is defined as steadfastness or faithfulness to a person,
institution, custom or idea to which one is tied by duty, pledge or a
promise. As quoted below:
In the midst of it all, the headmaster stood in the road and
watched Tomoe burn. He was dressed, as usual, in his rather
shabby black three-piece suit. He stood with both hands in
his jacket pockets.
"What kind of school shall we build next?" he asked his
university-student son Tomoe, who stood beside him. Tomoe
listened to him dumb founded.
Mr. Kobayashi's love for children and his passion for
teaching were stronger than the flames now enveloping the
school. The headmaster was cheerful (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 9495).
Trustworthiness; it means simply as worthy of confidence. This is
states as:
And, besides, it would have amazed Mother and her
homeroom teacher to think that a seven-year-old child could
find enough to talk about for four hours nonstop.
Totto-chan had no idea then, of course, that she had been
expelled and that people were at their wit's end to know what
to do. Having a naturally sunny disposition and being a bit
absent-minded gave her an air of innocence. But deep down
she felt she was considered different from other children and
slightly strange. The headmaster, however, made her feel
safe and warm and happy. She wanted to stay with him
That's how Totto-chan felt about Headmaster Sosaku
Kobayashi that first day. And, luckily, the head-master felt
the same about her (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 8).
1) Respect to other
It is mean respect for the beliefs and others right.
Hearing her screams, Mother came rushing from the
kitchen to find Totto-chan in the corner of the room with
Rocky, holding her right ear with both hands. Her dress
was splattered with blood. Daddy, who had been
practicing the violin in the living room, came rushing in,
too. Rocky seemed to realize he had done something
terrible. His tail hung between his legs and he looked
pathetically at Totto-chan.
The only thing Totto-chan could think of was what would
she do if Mother and Daddy got so angry with Rocky
they got rid of him or gave him away. That would have
been the saddest and most dreadful thing as far as she
was concerned. So she crouched down beside Rocky,
holding her right ear and crying out repeatedly, "Don't
scold Rocky! Don't scold Rocky!"(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 4849).
2) Respect for Natural Environment
It is mean care for and conservation of land, trees, cleans air and
pure water of all living inhabitants of the earth. As quoted
Besides teaching the children how to plant a field, the
farming teacher told them interesting things about
insects, birds, and butterflies, about the weather, and
about all sorts of other things. His strong gnarled hands
seemed to attest that everything he told the children, he
had found out himself through experience (Kuroyanagi,
Love and Affection
It is mean more than just a loyal and respectful to another.
Ryo-chan, the janitor at Tomoe, whom all the children
liked so much, was finally called up. He was a grown-up,
but they all called him by his childish nickname.
Ryochan was a sort of guardian angel who always came
to the rescue and helped when anyone was in trouble.
Ryo-chan could do anything. He never said much, and
only smiled, but he always knew just what to do. When
Totto-chan fell into the cesspool, it was Ryo-chan who
came to her rescue straight away, and washed her off
without so much as a grumble.
"Let's give Ryo-chan a rousing, send-off tea party," said
the headmaster.
"A tea party?"(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 92).
He wanted to teach the children that all bodies are
beautiful. Among the pupils at Tomoe were some who
had had polio, like Yasuaki-chan, or were very small, or
otherwise handicapped and he felt if they bared their
bodies and played together it would rid them of feelings
of shame and help to prevent them developing an
inferiority complex. As it turned out, while the
handicapped children were shy at first, they soon began
to enjoy themselves, and finally they got over their
shyness completely (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 26).
Sensitive and Not selfish
Learn to feel the togetherness and compassion toward others.
Empathy, tolerance, and brotherhood.
"Now then," said the headmaster, "first of all, let's divide
into groups and make stoves with the bricks the teachers
have brought. Then some of you can wash the rice in the
stream and put it on to cook. After that, we'll start making
the pork soup. Now then, shall we get started?"
The children divided themselves into groups by playing
"stone, paper, scissors." Since there were only about fifty of
them, it wasn't long before they had six groups. Holes were
dug and surrounded with piled-up bricks. Then they laid
thin iron bars across to support the soup and rice pots.
While that was going on, some gathered firewood in the
forest, and others went off to wash the rice in the stream.
The children themselves allotted their various tasks
(Kuroyanagi, 1982: 69).
With delighted shouts of ―We're camping, we're
camping!‖ the children divided into groups, and, with
the help of the teachers, they finally managed to set up
the required number of tents. One tent could sleep about
three children. Totto-chan quickly got into her pajamas,
and soon children were happily crawling in and out of
this tent and that one. There was much visiting to and
When everyone was in pajamas, the headmaster sat
down in the middle where they could all see him and
talked to them about his travels abroad.
Some of the children lay in their tents with just their
heads showing, while others sat up properly, and some
lay with their heads on older children's laps, all listening
to his tales of foreign countries they had never seen and
sometimes never even heard of (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 28).
Kind and Friendly
Capable of making new friends and maintain friendships.
"I'm sorry I pulled them," he said in a loud, flat voice.
"I've been scolded by the headmaster. He said you've got
to be nice to girls. He said to be gentle with girls and
look after them."
Totto-chan was somewhat amazed. She had never heard
anyone before say you had to be nice to girls. Boys were
always the important ones. In the families she knew
where there were lots of children,-it was always the boys
who were served first at meals and at snack time, and
when girls spoke, their mothers would say, "Little girls
should be seen and not heard."
In spite of all that, the headmaster had told Oe that girls
should be looked after. It seemed strange to Totto-chan.
And then she thought how nice that was. It was nice to be
looked after.
As for Oe, it was a shock. Fancy being told to be gentle
and nice to girls! Moreover, it was the first and last time
at Tomoe that he was ever scolded by the headmaster,
and he never forgot that day (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 59).
Fair and Humane
They are freedom from favoritism, self-interest or indulgence of
one’s likes and dislikes; abiding by the rules of a contest and accepts
victory or defeat graciously. It is said:
Unlike camping inside the school and the Bravery Test, the
three-day stay at Toi Spa was a real-life experience. For
example, they were sent in turns to buy vegetables and fish for
dinner, and when strangers asked them what school they went to
and where they were from, they had to answer politely. Some of
the children nearly got lost in the woods. Others swam so far
they couldn't get back and had everyone worried. Others cut
their feet on broken glass on the beach. In each case everyone
had to do their best to help (Kuroyanagi, 1982:36).
C. The implication of the novel in Relation to Family Education
1. Parents should give more attention to their children in education.
They have an important role in educating their children in
order to get a proper education from early. They have a crucial role
in determining the character of a child. Parents have contributed in
providing the values, so the child can find his identity.
It showed when Totto’s mother, move her child school,
then Totto-chan can go back to school after being expelled from
the old school.
Mother did not tell Totto-chan she had been expelled. She
realized Totto-chan wouldn't understand what she had
done wrong and she didn't want her to get any complexes,
so she decided not to tell Totto-chan until she was grownup. All Mother said was, ―How would you like to go to a
new school! I've heard of a very nice one.” (Kuroyanagi,
1982: 5).
2. Parents should give freedom to their children to choose anything
what they want.
Every parent always has the ideal goal to their children. In
the other hand, children want to do something that is not suitable
with parent’s wishes and ideal. For example; the parents' wishes
are not responded positively by the children, which will result in
parent’s underestimate of children’s capabilities.
She ran to where Mother waited, shouting, ―I’m going to
be a ticket seller!‖
Mother wasn't surprised, but she said, ―I thought you
were going to be a spy.‖
As Totto-chan began walking along holding Mother's
hand, she remembered that. .” (Kuroyanagi, 1982: 1).
From explanation above, it can be seen that Totto Chan is
always changing her ideal every meeting with something
interesting, but Totto-chan's mother was never angry when TottoChan tells her ideals.
3. Parents should give teach to their children independence.
Parents need to support children in search of independence
naturally. Give full support for your children independence. Allow
the children to do things by their own way and assist them during
they are learning. Perhaps, parents can give to help the children
learn from mistakes and filling life with confidence and be able to
rely on ourselves. Surely, these things are really needed to succeed
in life. Parent teach the independent to Totto-chan by tough her to
goes to school by train.
Everyday Totto-chan goes to school alone, it will make she
could more mature, smart and can determine her own decisions,
A. Conclusion
After analyzing the novel Totto-chan: Little Girl at the Window, in
this chapter the writer would like to draw the conclusions as follows:
1. The intrinsic and extrinsic elements of the novel are:
The intrinsic elements of the novel
1) Character
The major characters in this novel are Totto-chan and Mr.
Kobayashi. The minor characters are: Totto-chan’s mother,
Daddy, Rocky, Mr. Maruyama, The Farming Teacher, Ryo Chan,
Akira Takashi, Miyo Chan, Sakko Maruyama, Taiji Yamanouchi,
Kuinio Oe, Kazuo Amadera, AikoSaisho, Keiko Aoki, Yoichi
Migita, and Yasuaki Yamamoto.
2) Plot
The plot of this novel is exposition, complication, climax and
3) Setting
The setting of place in the novel Totto-Chan is in the house,
school, temple, hot spring, railroads car, railway station, etc. The
setting of time of the novel Totto-chan; The Little Girl at the
Window is in the year of 1945 during the Word War II.
4) Point of view
In this novel the author uses the third point of view, because the
author put herself in out of story but she knows about the path of
5) Style
The novel Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window is written
simply, directly and understandably.
6) Theme
This novel has a theme education. Totto-chan: The Little Girl at
the Window is an autobiographical novel; it is tell about an ideal
school during World War II in Japan.
The extrinsic elements of the novel
Extrinsic elements are some parts from the outside of the story, there
are; biography of Tetsuko Kuroyanagi and synopsis of the novel
Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window.
2. The educational values are found in the novel:
a. Values of being are: Honesty, Bravely, Peace, Confidence and
capability, Self-Discipline and Moderation, Purity and Pureness.
b. Values of Giving are; Loyalty and Trustworthy, Respect, Love and
Affection, Sensitive and Not selfish, Kind and Friendly, Fair and
3. There are many educational values presented in the novel:
a. Mother’s wisdom for not telling Totto-chan who is expelled in the
first grade. Imagine if mother blamed her, she certainly could not feel
so excited when she entered the first day of school at Tomoe Gakuen.
b. Founder and headmaster Tomoe Gauken, Sosaku Kobayashi. We can
learn about his bravery to make something different based on his
beliefs and principles. To the students, Mr. Kobayashi also as a good
friend, it showed when he interviewed Totto-chan and he can be good
listener. He knows what student want and what the curriculum want so
he has his own method in learning; fun and interesting.
4. The implication of the novel in relation to family education
a. Parents should give more attention to their children in education.
b. Parents should give freedom to their children to choose anything what
they want.
c. Parent should teach to their children to be independence.
B. Suggestion
To close this paper, the writer would like to give some suggestion as
1. The contribution for education from this research is that the
student can read this paper to improve their ability to appreciate
the values of the novel.
2. This graduating paper can be reference to the future research in
the literature field, especially in education context.
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Fardhian Hartanto was born in Magelang at
Wednesday April 2nd, 1986. The third and last child
of Rochmad Gusnanto and Dwi Susilowati. He lives in
Watuanten 05/03 Tlogorejo, the small village near
the Sekarlangit waterfall in district Grabag. It is
included in Magelang regency which is rounded by
Fardhian got elementary education from
1992 to 1998 in SDN Tlogorejo. Then he studied in junior high school
in SLTP 1 Grabag from 1998 to 2001. After that he continued his
education in vocational high school in SMK N 1 Kota Magelang in
automotive department from 2001 to 2004. In 2006 he went to
Salatiga to study in English Department of Education Faculty State
Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN). In 2007 he joins “Mapala
MITAPASA” the nature lover organization, one of organizations in
campus STAIN Salatiga. Two years later he also joins “GETAR”
campus theater, in”Mapala MITAPASA” he becomes leader period
2009-2010. It was valuable experiences in “Mapala MITAPASA”
because he not only got outdoors activities but also learning about
social life that could not get from the academic study. He likes
organization very much.
He is friendly and open mind. To know more about him, just join
on his facebook or follow on his twitter
Life is never flat!!
: Fardhian Hartanto
Jur./Progdi : Tarbiyah / TBI
: 11306027
No Jenis Kegiatan
: Maslihatul Umami, M.A.
26-29Agustus 2006
13 September 2006
6 Oktober 2006
2–24 November
10 – 21 Januari 2007
8 Mei 2007
24 Oktober 2008
29 November 2008
06 Desember 2008
11 Maret 2006
10 Juni 2009
3Movie Appreciation and Breaking
the Fast communicative English
Club (CEC)
5Pendidikan Dasar Pecinta Alam
6Penghijauan Dan Lomba Lintas
7Pelatihan Ekplorasi
Hutan dan
Konservasi Hutan bagi Mahasiswa
Pecinta Alam Tingkat Nasional Ke
(PAR) STAIN Salatiga
9Save Our Salatiga (UKSW)
10. 1Scholarship Expo 2009 (STAIN
11. 1Seminar
No Jenis Kegiatan
30 Oktober – 1
4Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya
November 2009
12. 1Pembentukan
20 Desember 2009
10-21 Februari 2010
27 - 28 Februari
27 Maret 2010
22 – 24 April 2010
24 Mei 2010
10 – 16 Juli 2010
02 Agustus 2010
7-8 Agustus 2010
30-31 Oktober 2010
Alam (BKSDA) Jawa Tengah
13. 1Koordinasi
5Daerah (PKD) Jawa Tengah
14. 1Pendidikan Dasar Pecinta Alam
15. 1Penghijauan “Tanam Pohon untuk
7Keselamatan Dieng” PKD Jateng
16. 1Koordinasi II Pusat Koordinasi
8Daerah (PKD) Jawa Tengah
17. 1Pembinaan Kader Konservasi Balai
9Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam
(BKSDA) Jawa Tengah
18. 2Mapala Mitapasa Event Fusion
0(Seminar Lingkungan Hidup)
19. 2Muktamar
20. 2SK Panitia OPAK 2010
21. 2Koordinasi III Pusat Koordinasi
3Daerah (PKD) Jawa Tengah
22. 2Pendakian
No Jenis Kegiatan
Semangat Sumpah Pemuda dalam
Kebersamaan dan cinta Alam‖
23. 2Pendidikan Dasar Pecinta Alam
17-30 Januari 2011
11 – 12 Mei 2011
30 – 31 Juli
17 – 29 Januari 2012
Masa Bakti
Masa Bakti
24. 2Penyuluhan
6Kampus Tanpa Rokok
25. 2Pameran
26. 2Pendidikan Dasar Pecinta Alam
27. 1Surat
0Pengangkatan Pengurus
28. 1Surat
1Pengangkatan Pengurus
Salatiga, 27 Februari 2012
Pembantu Ketua Bidang Kemahasiswaan