Union Meeting Announcements July and August


Union Meeting Announcements July and August
IBEW Local 146
3390 N. Woodford St.
Decatur, IL 62526
Fax: 217.877.5204
Job Referral Bid Line Open:
5:00PM to 7:00AM
Satellite Office:
104 W. Washington
Effingham, IL 62401
Facebook at
IBEW Decatur
Union Meeting
Tuesday, September 8th, 2015
beginning at 6:00PM
The regular meeting of the membership of Local 146 meets on the second Tuesday of each month beginning at
6:00pm. A time for fellowship follows each meeting with sandwiches and beverages.
The Union meeting is open to ALL members and classifications. Everyone is encouraged to attend and participate.
Inside this Edition
Union Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Dues Increase, Holiday
In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Business Manager’s Report
Membership Development
Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Mideastern IL Picnic
Labor Day Events
Work Report . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Book Drawing Winners . . . . 5
Death Assessment Wrap-up
New Officers, HRA Benny Card
METC Report . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Member Steak Fry . . . . . . . . 8
Monthly Dues Increase
By action at the 2011 International
Convention the monthly dues for
ALL classifications will increase by
$1.00 per month effective with the
dues for January 2016. Anyone paid
in advance into 2016 will owe the
additional $1.00 for each month
Union Meeting Announcements
July and August
Proposition for Membership:
August— Dylan Merkel (BMS)
CE-John (Nick) Shreiner
CE-Matthew Lawrence
July — 6/6
Doug Williams having more heart issues
Kenny Ray having chest pains, running tests
Travis Sullivan Family has a new baby boy
Don Ploch’s wife passed away
Ron Cummings has a new granddaughter
John Koehler was hospitalized
Tom Tripp suffered heat stroke on the job
August —6/6
William Fitzpatrick injured and off work
Jack Doore’s son passed away
Bob Brilley’s mother passed away
Josh Evans off work with an injury
Earl Taylor had surgery and is off work
Dwight Burrus’ wife/Mike Burrus’ step-mother passed away
Fred Klinghammer’s brother, Aldo, passed away
Paul Corrington and his wife are both very ill
Joe Marley’s mother passed away
Mike Spracklen’s mother/Andy’s grandmother passed away
Caleb Wayne had a stroke
The July Meeting door prize was won by Neil Seeley while the July Credit Union drawing was won by Eric Walters.
Labor Day
The August Meeting door prize was won by Jon Burkhardt. Dave Ward won the
50/50. The August Credit Union drawing was a roll over and will be worth $40 at the
September meeting.
The Union Office, Training Center and
Credit Union will be closed on
90 members were in attendance at the July meeting and 66 at the August meeting.
Local 146 has a total membership of 634.
In observance of
Monday, September 7th
Josh Sapp—- 217.855.6738—- josh@ibew146.com
Ron Cummings—-217.521.7522—-ron@ibew146.com
Justin Martin —- 217.619.6097 — justin@ibew146.com
In Memoriam
Joseph J. Saban, President and owner of Modern Electric passed away on July 14th, 2015. He was 83
years old.
Brother John C. Ramsey passed away on August 9th, 2015 at the age of 82. Brother Ramsey was a 32
year member of the IBEW.
Brother David Riley passed away on August 15th, 2015, his 57th birthday. Brother Riley was an 8
year member of the IBEW.
Our condolences go out to their families and friends.
Thank you to all who have offered congratulations and well wishes. It truly means a lot to me.
Well, now as the Business Manager, I am already booked for several conferences in the coming month starting with the
New Business Managers School, August 31—September 4 in St. Louis. I will then be unable to attend the September
Union Meeting as I will be in Washington, DC for the IBEW Political/Legislative Conference. In mid-September I will be
in Las Vegas for the International Membership Development Conference followed by the 6th District Progress Meeting
in Detroit at the end of the month.
As you should be aware of by now, I have hired Justin Martin as the new Local 146 Organizer. He began his duties on
Monday, August 3rd. As I stated in my letter, I believe Justin has the skills needed to be an effective organizer. Please
keep in mind I am asking him to be the organizer. All other union matters should be directed to Ron Cummings, Assistant
Business Manager or myself. Please support Justin in this very important task.
The Decatur Industrial Electric Motor Shop agreement was set to expire on August 31, 2015. Negotiating committees
from the two sides met numerous times in an effort to reach an agreement at the local level. Unfortunately, that did not
happen and we took our case before the Council on Industrial Relations (CIR) being heard by the panelists on Monday,
August 10th. The decision was received this week in which we were awarded a 3 year agreement to run September 1,
2015 through August 31, 2018 with hourly wage increases of 2.5% effective September 1, 2015 and September 1, 2016
and a wage opener for the third year. Management received modified CIR contract language. All other items presented
were dropped. This new language will be incorporated in the agreement in the near future and signatures will be secured.
I recently met with representatives of the EDC of Decatur/Macon County (Economic Development Corporation) to
discuss possibly joining the group to get out ahead of projects. Labor has no representation at the table and several recent large projects were as they say, “signed, sealed and delivered” before we were aware they were coming to town.
Participation costs in the past have been prohibitive. However, recent efforts have opened dialogue for possible multiple
funding or participation levels and where we will fit into that formula is to be determined. I, however, do see this as
something that we need to be a part of at some level.
Attention Harley owners or potential owners: Coziahr Harley-Davidson in Decatur is expanding their facility with
work having started last month. We have confirmed they have contracted with Closs Electric for their electrical needs
on this addition. Please call Coziahr (217– 877-7115) and ask that they reconsider their decision to use Closs and that as
they chose to use Closs you can choose to shop at another dealership.
President John Warner and I recently met to review the committees needed for Local 146. We have discovered several
committees are lacking in members. If you would be interested in serving Local 146 in any capacity, please call President
Warner at 217.855.2839 or myself. Many committees meet on an as needed basis.
(continued on page 7)
Membership Development Report
I would first off like to thank everyone for their help through my transition time into the Hall. Josh, Ron, Pat and Candy
have been extremely helpful showing me all the ins and outs of the day to day operations. I would also like to send a big
thanks for all the encouraging phone calls and texts I have received encouraging me in this new job of organizing. I look
forward to pushing the name of our great union out there into the non-union world and trying to organize the nonunion companies and workers. Any questions or concerns please feel free to call me at the hall or at 217-619-6097 or
email me at Justin@ibew146.com .
If anyone has information regarding future projects and/or know any non-union contractors and electricians in our area
please give me a call and let me know.
Events and Meetings attended:
In Brotherhood,
Union Meeting
PAC Meeting
Sue Scherer Fund Raiser
Decatur Building Trades
Illinois State Organizers Meeting
Local 601 Softball Tournament
Senator Dick Durbin’s Transportation Press Conference
Mideastern Illinois Labor Council Meeting
Sixth District Membership Development Conference
Justin Martin
Labor Day
At Fairview Park—Decatur
September 7, 2015
Picnic in the Park
Immediately following
The 2015 Labor Day Parade
This year’s parade theme is “WON’T BACK DOWN”. Parade line
up no later than 9:15am around the Ameren IP Plaza Parking Lot.
Our exact location will be provided the day of the parade. Look for
a parade official. Anyone bringing a company truck should be in
line by 9:00am
Arrangements have also been made for anyone wanting to walk in
the Pana Labor Day Parade. Contact Josh Evans at 217.663.0224
for details.
T shirts will be provided for those walking in the parade(s).
Work Report
As of this printing we have 98 members on Book 1 Out-of-Work Register and 68 on Book 2.
Manpower calls for the month of July consisted of:
8 Apprentices — 5 to Anderson Electric, 1 to Nadler Electrical, 2 to Pals Electric
2 Long Calls — All to Bodine Electric
6 Short Calls — 2 to Anderson Electric and 4 to Britton Electronics
1 Telecom Apprentice to Bodine Electric
August manpower calls to date have been:
2 Apprentices to Alltech Electric
12 Long Calls — 2 to Evets Electric, 2 to Anderson Electric, 3 to Bodine Electric and 5 to State Group
5 Short Calls — 2 to Britton Electronics and 3 to Nadler Electrical
3 Telecom all to Heart Technologies
CB&I has cut all hands working at the Clinton Power Station at this time. There two possible projects coming in
the near future.
Laibe Electric has cutback 18 at the Fuyao/PPG Plant while the final preparations are made to bring line 2 back
into service. Manpower needs are expected to pick up once work begins on line one, possibly after the first of the year.
Bodine reduced their numbers by 3 as did The State Group.
Eastern Illinois University has had 5 laid off temporarily but expect permanent layoffs in the near future.
Anderson Electric has work at the Sarah Bush Lincoln Cancer Center and the Hospital renovations, Sullivan
Armory upgrades, the marijuana cultivation farm near Shelbyville, and the Waste Water Treatment Plant in Taylorville
Commercial Electric has work on the new waste water treatment plant at Pinnacle Foods
Bodine Electric has the new Student Services Center at Richland Community College
Nadler Electrical has the Shelby Co-op Solar Farm near Shelbyville
4MC has the Clinton Marina Updates
Alltech Electric is doing the new Mueller Distributing building
Projects in the bidding phase include:
Waste Water Treatment Plant Satellite facility in Mattoon
Southern Illinois Health Care Clinic in Charleston
St. Anthony’s Emergency Medical Care renovations and Ambulatory Care Center in Effingham
Meetings and Events:
EIU Facilities layoff informational meeting
Lincoln Land Building Trades Council meeting
Presented WAND 3 Degree Check
Decatur Building and Trades Council meeting
U.S. Senator Durbin’s Transportation Press Conference
Fulfilling LLBCTC Treasurer’s duties
John Ramsey Funeral
Various job site visits
Assisted Business Manager Sapp with Decatur Industrial Electric negotiations
Asked to participate in the Area 23 Workforce Development Board representing Lincoln Land Building Trades
If you are looking for work, several locals have had unfilled calls:
Local 176-Joliet
Local 725 –Terre Haute, IN
Local 13-Burlington, IA
Local 369-Louisville, KY
Several locals are still putting out Book 2 hands:
Local 16-Evansville, IN
Local 309-Collinsville
Local 150-Waukegan
Local 668-Lafayette, IN
Local 601-Champaign
Local 305-Fort Wayne, IN
Please join me in congratulating former Business Manager Shad Etchason on his appointment to International Representative to the Sixth District by International President Lonnie Stephenson. Thank you Shad for steering Local 146
through some very hard times of unemployment. Great-great job!!
Also please congratulate Josh Sapp on his appointment by the Executive Board as our new Business Manager, filling in
the remaining term until the next election. Josh will do an excellent job!!! Please give him all your support. Josh has the
attitude and expertise to grab the bull by the horns. He was born for this job. (I’m kind of sucking up since he’s my new
And welcome to Justin Martin, our new Organizer/Assistant Business Manager. Please give him your support.
Summer is winding down, all the fairs will soon be over and schools are beginning to take up classes. Please take extra
caution and watch out for school busses and children crossing the streets.
Safety at Home, Safety at Work, Safety everywhere in between.
In Unity,
Ron Cummings, Assistant Business Manager
The most recent Death Assessment was fully collected. THANK YOU to all who paid this assessment in a
timely manner.
However, 155 Second Notices were sent to participants
followed up with reminder phone calls. These death assessment payments replenish the account enabling the
office to continue paying claims upon the passing of a
member. General revenue funds can not be used to pay
these claims. Therefore, your future prompt attention to
paying this assessment in a timely manner and without
additional notices would be greatly appreciated.
Congratulations to the 2015 Credit Union
Apprentice Book Scholarship Winners
1st Year — Andrew Mehrkens
2nd Year — Tanner Miller
3rd Year — Benjamin Garrett
4th Year — Brandon Reininger
5th Year — Brandon McCormick
Administration/Officer Changes
As you have received correspondence over the past month or so, let us recap the recent changes within the IBEW
beginning with the retirement of International President Edwin Hill. The resulting officers are:
International President — Lonnie Stephenson
International Vice President 6th District — David Ruhmkorff
International Assistant to VP — Paul Noble
International Representative to the 6th District/Illinois Political Coordinator — Shad Etchason
Business Manager Local 146 — Josh Sapp
President Local 146 — John Warner
Vice President — Jeff Taylor
Treasurer — Myra Walters
Recording Secretary — Rich Underwood
Executive Board members:
John Shores, Chairman
Chris Hayes
Rob Perkins
Lynn Richards
Steve Tilford
Jeff Westendorf
Chad Young
Assistant Business Manager — Ron Cummings
Organizer — Justin Martin
NECA-IBEW Health & Welfare—HRA “Benny” Card
As manhours are reported and posted for those participants eligible in the NECA-IBEW Welfare Trust Fund, you will be receiving
your HRA “Benny” Card. This will be a VISA debit card to use for access to your HRA funds. HRA funds may only be used on Plan
approved expenses. These would include Plan deductibles and co-pays. No over-the-counter non-prescription medications or
medical supplies are covered. The Visa card may be swiped at the provider check-out or used to pay from a statement to initiate
the claim. A few days after your claim, you will be requested to provide necessary documentation such as the bill and/or EOB
(Explanation of Benefits) as provided by NECA-IBEW or the secondary insurance. It will be imperative that you comply in a timely
manner with the request for additional information or documentation. All claims must process through all applicable insurances
before you use your HRA account to pay any remaining balance, otherwise you may be required to make a repayment to your HRA
For complete step-by-step guide, FAQs and other information go to www.neca-ibew.org.
South-Central Illinois Telecommunications Wage Increase
Those members working under the South-Central Illinois Telecommunications Contract will see a total package increase
of 90¢ effective September 1, 2015. This will bring the package to $46.16 with the break down as follows:
Installer Technician—Hourly—$32.40
Health & Welfare—$6.35
Foreman rate is IT hourly rate + $2.00
Apprentice rates range from 45% to 80% of the IT hourly rate plus benefits.
2015/2016 School Year – Classes for 2015/2016 school year are set to begin. The Inside Apprentice Wiremen will
begin Tuesday 8/25/15 at 5:30 pm for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year classes and Thursday 8/27/15 at 5:30 pm for the 4th and
5th year classes. The VDV Apprentice Installer Technicians will begin Monday 9/14/15 at the NECA-IBEW Local 193
Training Center in Springfield.
New Instructors – The Committee hired Lionel Sanders as the 5th year Inside Apprenticeship Instructor and Drew
Karr as the 2nd year Inside Apprenticeship Instructor. Please welcome and support Lionel and Drew as they begin their
new challenge of instructing.
Terry Tomer – The Committee made a decision to start a new instructor for 2 nd year. On behalf of the many, many
electricians Terry taught, the Apprenticeship Committee, Office Manager Jennifer Durand, and remaining Instructors
all extend to Terry a heartfelt thank you and appreciation for his time and effort as one of our Instructors. Thank you
Terry and we wish you well.
New Apprentices – Please welcome new 1st year Apprentice Inside Wireman Kyle Maxwell. Please welcome new 3 rd
year VDV Apprentice Installer Technician Alex Galvan.
Applications for Apprenticeship – Anyone interested in applying for an Apprenticeship opportunity and needing information can go to www.metc146.com or call the Training Center office. Applications are accepted on a year
round basis. Applications are by appointment only. Appointments are scheduled on Thursdays at 8, 10, 1, and 3. Applications for 2016 opportunities must be received by December 31 st.
Members please recommend our Apprenticeship program to anyone you feel would be a good fit for our trade. One of
the most important expectations we have of an Applicant is the willingness to make the sacrifices needed to be committed and dedicated to a lifelong career in the Union Electrical Construction Industry. Although it’s not required, we are interested in applicants having electrical construction experience. We are also interested in Applicants
having general construction experience, a good mechanical aptitude, and/or have completed electrical courses.
Indentured/Employed/Unemployed Apprentices – At the time of this report, the number of indentured Apprentice Inside Wiremen in training is 62: (14) 1st year, (13) 2nd year, (8) 3rd year, (14) 4th year, and (13) 5th year. The number of indentured Apprentice VDV Installer Technicians in training is 5: (1) 2 nd year and (4) 3rd year. All Apprentices are
Jason L. Drake – Training Director
Business Manager’s Report (continued from page 2)
I would like to welcome all apprentices back to class. The 2015-2016 Training Session will begin at the end of the
month running until early to mid-May. A lot will be asked of you to work 40 hours per week, drive upwards of an hour to
Decatur to class for the next nine months and keep your grades at a passing level. Many sacrifices will be asked of your
family as well as you miss birthday parties, anniversary dinners, and a multitude of sporting activities. Let me tell you,
the reward of a lifelong career is well worth it. Congratulations to all of the Credit Union Book Scholarship winners. It
pays to attend Union functions such as Union Meetings, Golf Outing, Steak Fry, Labor Day parade, etc.
Monday, September 7th, Labor will be celebrating their day, Labor Day. Local 146 has been registered to participate
in the Decatur Labor Day Parade and the Pana Labor Day Parade. We need company trucks at both parades. If you
drive a company vehicle, please ask your employer for permission to have the vehicle in the parade. This is FREE advertising for your employer. We would like to have a large showing at both locations. If you will be providing a truck at
either parade, please call the Union Office to let us know.
Thank you to all who participated in the IBEW Local 601 Slo-Pitch Softball Tournament August 8th & 9th in Urbana.
IBEW Local 702 took home the overall tournament trophy. . . There is always next year.
Thank you to all who volunteered for the Decatur Celebration and especially those who helped with the roll-up. From all
reports the Celebration had a successful 30th anniversary and for anyone who is counting, it was our 30th year of providing the electrical maintenance for the event. Congratulations to Drew Higgason for spearheading the efforts this year.
Meetings and Events:
Union meeting
Executive Board meeting
Apprenticeship Meeting
Decatur Building and Construction Trades Council meeting
SCIRA (South-Central Illinois Regional Agreement) Meeting
SCIT (South-Central Illinois Telecommunications) Meeting
6th District Membership Development Conference
State Organizers Meeting
Sue Scherer Fund Raiser
IBEW Local 601 Softball Tournament
Josh Sapp
Business Manager/Financial Secretary
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Noon to 5:00 p.m.
IBEW Local #146 Union Hall
3390 N. Woodford Street, Decatur
All members, apprentices and retirees of IBEW Local #146 are invited to attend the Annual Member Steak Fry
on Saturday, October 3, 2015. (This is a stag event, sorry no spouses.)
As this event is self-funded, a confirmation fee of $20.00 is required for all active members and apprentices.
Retirees are free. To help insure the proper number of steaks are ordered, we ask that confirmations and
payment be returned to the Union Office by Friday, September 25th. A confirmation guarantees your steak
cooked to perfection . . . . no one leaves hungry. Each steak comes with sides, dessert, beverages, fellowship
and usually several good stories.
Return this confirmation and appropriate fee no later than Friday, September 25th to guarantee your seat at the table.
“Steak Fry Committee” IBEW Local #146, 3390 N. Woodford St., Decatur, IL 62526
Yes, I plan to attend the Annual Member Steak Fry. Enclosed is my $20 confirmation fee.
Printed member’s name
I am retired _________ (no charge)