May - Stark County Association of Realtors


May - Stark County Association of Realtors
Stark County Association of REALTORS®
Your County • Your Career • Your Association
The Voice of Real Estate in Stark and Carroll Counties
Dues, Dues, Dues!
SCAR Upcoming Events
What’s Inside
President’s Message
Director’s Actions
Committee Reports
Membership Reports
Norma L. Good Scholarship
Room Rental
May 17:
Join us for our second SHAKER networking
event of the year
May 18:
Our annual Breakfast in the Park
May 24:
Interact with Stark County mayors at the
Mayor’s Panel
June 22:
Enjoy a great
evening at
OAR Travelers at the
Conference in
4344 Metro Circle N.W.
North Canton, OH 44720
President’s Message
Beth Campbell
It’s been a whirlwind 1st quarter for 2016—
quite the difference from even last year in our
market, our Association activities, and real
estate in general! The Association committees are in full swing and busy filling up the
calendar with great education, seminars, activities and information for our members. Make
sure to mark your calendars for ALL upcoming
events in plenty of time. I’m pleased to report
that our 2nd quarterly membership meeting was very well-attended in April and we learned
some valuable information from our appraiser’s panel! Our 3rd membership meeting will be
taking place July 13th, so watch for information that will be coming. As always, we will have
free gifts for attendance, food, and door prizes!
I’d like to share with you some statistics I researched on our first quarter real estate performance. In our local Stark County market, the numbers are up from the first quarter of 2015.
Last year there were 784 single family residential sales in the first quarter and this year there
were 821 sales. The median-type home did not change at all, which gives us a great opportunity to compare “apples to apples.” The median type home both years was built in 1961 with
three bedrooms and two baths. The median days on the market
also did not change, staying steady at 50 days. However, the median square footage went from 1,573 square feet to 1,600 square
feet. And, according to NAR and OAR, “inventory volume is
slowly increasing, but demand is growing faster!”
Not only is the health of our market improving, but SCAR continues to grow! We went from 110 member offices to 115 since the
beginning of 2016, and we have 39 new members! My personal
goal this year is to encourage all new members to participate in
our association, so make sure you introduce yourself whenever
you have the opportunity.
In the meantime, ENJOY this market and let’s all hope it continues for the rest of 2016 and beyond!
Making home
ownership possible
4450 Belden Village St., Canton
330-492-1106 • 800-775-7741
Director’s Actions
The following action was taken at the April 26, 2016 meeting of the Board of
Approved the New Member Report.
Approved the financials.
Approved the committee minutes.
Heard an update on CRIS activities.
Removed the current investment policy from the Association’s policy
manual to create a new policy with the new investment strategies.
Endorsed Lenny Lawrence for OAR District #1 VP.
Heard a recap of the OAR Spring/Legislative Meetings.
Approved discontinuing the use of the Association’s fax number.
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Committee Reports
For a full list of when committees meet, click here
Affiliate Committee
I’d like to start our committee update with a request for any affiliate who is interested in getting more involved with the association
to contact me directly! I will be happy to share our meeting dates with you and include you in our emails. (Christine Schell 330526-2017, The affiliates (Your Partners in Business), look for opportunities to partner with SCAR
members, and are always open to suggestions and requests. We recently supplied drinks and snacks at the Core Law program, and
are sponsoring boxed lunches for the upcoming Homebuilding from the Ground Up, which is a joint program with BIA. Our next
SHAKER is scheduled for May 17th, and we will supply and pass out door prizes at the upcoming Breakfast in the Park. We will
sponsor the upcoming Mayor’s Panel, RPAC and R-Day programs as well. We continue to look for more ways to interact with our
association and have new events on the horizon!
Communications/Technology Committee
In the Communications/Technology Committee, we are continuing to develop classes to educate our members on today’s technology
driven world. We are currently exploring a class on REO auction bidding sites like and Feel free to contribute to this class or volunteer to help lead the discussion. We’ll be planning classes on NEOHREX in the future. The committee
is also working on a new website. We’re looking for technology-minded individuals to help with our committee. Do you or someone
you know have a social media mindset? What about an understanding of internet and technology? We’d love to have you in our
ranks! We meet once a month at SCAR headquarters. Email the committee at
Tech Tip: The GPS app WAZE on your phone is a great way to get around. It’s an app that is continuously changed by it’s users.
It will inform you of construction zones, closed routes, accidents, and even speed traps in real time! You can even let others know
what is happening on the road with one button.
Consumer Outreach Comittee
The Consumer Outreach Committee discussed and approved participation in the upcoming Saturday May 7th Habitat for Humanity
dedication of one family. The Committee also approved future Habitat Basket participation and fundraising. Committee members
will be visible and ask for SCAR member’s financial support. We have the funding to purchase the May basket from past fundraising efforts. Following this, however, we will need to resume our efforts to raise money so we can continue this project (on behalf
of all of us at SCAR!) It was confirmed that there is a large upcoming group of new Habitat homeowners under construction at this
time. On May 7th at 10 a.m., our Committee and SCAR join in celebrating homeowner Charlotte’s hard work and determination
during a special home dedication celebration on site at 1920 Miami Court NE, Canton, Ohio 44714. Charlotte and her 4 year old son
Nathan will soon enjoy a decent, affordable home that was purchased/renovated through the Habitat for Humanity Preserve-A-Home
program. We invite all to attend as we present another “Welcome Home Basket.” Consumer Outreach also discussed future grant
writing so that we may consider a park bench(es) in a needed location, to be determined.
Legislative Affairs Committee
At the March Legislative Affairs meeting, the committee discussed the results of the recent survey sent out – they were grateful to
all who took the few moments to complete. We had a great response. Linda Bramer from Northwood Realty was chosen to receive
the $50 restaurant gift certificate. The details of the May 24 Mayor’s panel were put into place. This panel of five invited Mayors
will be at Stark Parks Exploration Gateway (same building as Perry Library) on 12th street beginning at 4:00 p.m. Details for our
upcoming RPAC event were also starting to take shape. An RPAC subcommittee meeting will be held soon to put everything into
place. The committee also talked about the Candidate breakfast in conjunction with the BIA in October. More details will be decided in the coming months.
Professional Services Committee
We have been very busy planning our CE classes for this year and, especially, Breakfast in the Park at Dogwood, North Canton which is coming
up May 18th at a new time, 9:00 a.m. We are hoping this later start time
will make it easier for more REALTORS® to attend. We are also teaming
up with the BIA on several events this year. On May 3, the BIA is hosting
a class “Home Building From the Ground Up” for 3 CE’s, and a “Dusty
Shoe” tour of new construction in Scotsbury, Jackson with lunch for all
agents.We are adding more classes for the rest of the year that are still in the
planning stages.
Membership Report
April 2016
New Salespersons
Bruce Schorsten, Keller Williams Legacy Group
Dawn Hart, DeHoff REALTORS
Deborah Esber, Keller Williams Legacy Group
Hetti Hine, DeHoff REALTORS
Jacklyn Nelson, DeHoff REALTORS
Jeremy Day, RE/MAX Crossroads
Lorrayne Bow, Hayes Realty
Melissa Eddy, Kelly Real Estate, LLC
Nicole Green, Howard Hanna – Jackson
Olivia Christie, Howard Hanna – Dressler
Perry Kireta, Northwood Realty Services
Sara Swope, Coldwell Banker Hunter Realty
Stephanie Weston, DeHoff REALTORS
New Affiliate Membership
EnviroScience, Inc.
Laura Sayre
5070 Stow Road
Stow, OH 44224
New Broker and Company
Union Square Realty
Marilyn Schopp
875 Kintzwood Drive
Alliance, OH 44601
New Broker and Company
Rustic Roots Real Estate
Angela Margida
3433 Kalurah Street NE
Canton, OH 44721
New Broker and Company
3C Real Estate & Property Mgmt.
Debra Bouklias
5440 Fulton Drive NW
Canton, OH 44718
New Membership Transfers
Chris Hanlon, RE/MAX Edge Realty
Janice Fleming, Cutler Real Estate – Carrollton
Office Transfers
Amanda Williams, Keller Williams Legacy Group
Dawn Tyburk, Cutler Real Estate – Applegrove
Erika Baum, Hayes Realty
Holly Van Riper, Howard Hanna – Dressler
Membership Cancellations
Lynn Kelley
Dwight Kress
Staging to Sell
Terrance Friel
Timothy Marks
Jennifer LeMonte
Thank you to our 2016 Affiliate Sponsors,
Your Partners in Business
Dollar Bank
Farmers National Bank
McKinley Title Agency
Patriot Title Agency, Inc.
Pillar to Post
Residential Bancorp
The Repository
Beacon Title Agency Inc.
Huntington National Bank
TK Home Inspections
American Title Associates
Colonial Title Agency LLC
First American Title
Seven Seventeen Credit Union
ASAP! Advertising Specialties And Printing
Barry Sigler Inspections
CSE Federal Credit Union
Detective Homes Inspections
Detective Homes Mitigation Ltd.
Exclusive Title & Escrow, Ltd.
FirstMerit Mortgage
Full Service Property Inspect.
Pumphrey-Hamel Insurance
The Commercial & Savings Bank
Title One Agency Inc.
Wagoner Moving Systems
Fax: 330-874-3244
Full Licensed & Insured
VA-FHA Approved
PO Box 630 • Zoar, Ohio 44697
Case #12-11: Advertisements by Individuals other
than the Listing Broker
REALTOR A placed a full page ad in the Sunday
supplement of the local newspaper. In the body of the
ad were pictures of several homes and their addresses.
At the top of the page was the following: “We’ve sold
these – we can sell yours, too.”
The following week three complaints were received
from other Board Members alleging that REALTOR
A’s ad was in violation of Article 12. Each of the complaints noted that REALTOR A had participated in the
transaction as the successful cooperating broker who
had located the eventual purchasers, but the complaints
also claimed that REALTOR A’s claim to have “sold”
these properties was false and misleading since none
of the properties had been listed with him and, in one
instance, the sale had yet to close.
Since all the complaints involved the same advertisement, they were consolidated to be heard at the same
hearing before a Hearing Panel of the Professional
Standards Committee.
At the hearing,
A defended
his actions on
the basis that
although the
properties had
been listed with other brokers, he had been
the “selling” or “cooperating” broker and was
entitled to advertise his role in the transactions.
The Hearing Panel agreed with REALTOR
A’s reasoning in their decision, pointing out
that Article 12 as interpreted by Standard
of Practice 12-7, provides that cooperating
brokers (selling brokers) may claim to have
“sold” the property and that such claims may
be made by either the listing broker or the
cooperating broker or by both of them upon
acceptance of a purchase offer by the seller.
The panel also noted that REALTOR A could
have shown that he had “participated in” or
had “cooperated in” these transactions and
also met his ethical obligations.
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Neil Clark
Mark Hershberger
Brian Clark
Greg Snyder
Mike Hibbard
Chris Fouts
Trevor Alexis
Serving Stark, Lorain, Erie, Huron, Medina,
Wayne and Western Summit Counties
Each office independently owned and operated.
The panel’s decision also indicated that
during the existence of any listing, the
cooperating broker’s rights to advertise
and market flow from the listing broker.
However, claims of this nature were
not advertisements of the properties but
rather were advertisements of the broker’s services. The only limitation on
the ability of a cooperating broker to
claim or to represent that a property had
been “sold” was that the listing broker’s
consent would be required before a
“sold” sign could physically be placed
on the seller’s property prior to closing.
OAR Spring/Legislative Conference in Columbus
Travel Dates: April 18-20
April 18 began the three-day OAR Spring/Legislative Conference
at the Marriott Renaissance in Downtown Columbus. Directors
from Stark County Association of REALTORS® traveled for an
informative and engaging time. The travelers included Beth Campbell, Debi Zeren, Dee Matthews, Lenny Lawrence, Joe Bridges,
Joey Marino, and Lisa Yelichek. In attendance were also Mike
Kozinski, chairman of Legislative Affairs, and Rich Cosgrove,
Chairman of RPAC.
During their stay, SCAR Directors met with Senator Scott
Oelslager and Senator Frank LaRose—they were able to have dinner with Senator Lou Gentile, who represents Carroll County. According to Lisa Yelichek, CEO, “It was great having
Senator Gentile all to ourselves to talk about areas of real estate that are affected by government voting. He also learned a
lot from us which was refreshing.” Both Yelichek and Beth Campbell, President of SCAR, found this opportunity to be a
great chance to talk about relevant issues such as the Ohio housing market, oil, and gas drilling.
Another highlight of the trip was the session with Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel, who is passionate about states being transparent in regard to financials. As a transparent state, Ohio financials are available to all on
‘Choosing REALTOR® Champions’ was another well received session dealing with how to successfully interview candidates for state and local offices. According to Lisa Yelichek, this session enabled SCAR Directors to bring the ideas back
to the Legislative Affairs Committee for the upcoming candidate
interviews next month.
As always, networking was one of the leading aspects which made
for a successful conference. Lenny Lawrence, who is running as
District 3 Vice President, was able to speak at the conference. Beth
Campbell states, “We were proud to hear Lenny give his introductory speech for his run and we hope with our support and the support of other boards, he can be successful in September!” We wish
our own Lenny Lawrence the best.
above and
We Heard You!
Thank you so much if you participated in the Legislative Survey we recently sent out. We had a wonderful response and learned quite a bit from you answers and opinions. Congratulations to Linda
Bramer with Northwood Realty, whose name was selected from those that responded, for winning a
$50 restaurant card. Below are the results of the first five questions on the survey. We’ll showcase the
remaining five in an article in the June edition of the newsletter.
1. As a Realtor®, I can make an impact on legislative actions for the real estate industry and my livelihood.
strongly agree – 9%
somewhat disagree – 16%
somewhat agree – 37%
agree – 26%
strongly agree – 12%
2. I respond to legislative “Calls for Action” (whether local, state or national).
always – 27%
sometimes – 60%
never – 12%
what are legislative “Calls for Action” – 1%
3. I actively read the SCAR newsletter and legislative notifications to stay informed.
strongly disagree – 3%
somewhat disagree – 9%
somewhat agree – 37%
agree – 34%
strongly agree – 17%
4. SCAR provides adequate communication and information regarding legislative issues.
strongly disagree – 6%
somewhat agree – 10%
somewhat agree – 19%
agree – 45%
strongly agree – 19%
5. What is the best way to notify you
of legislative issues?
newsletter – 12%
e-mail – 76%
text – 8%
phone call – 4%
Anna Barrick Lavy
Phone: (330)479-3000
Cell: (330)495-8116
Fax: (330)479-3001
A “Buyer Beware” Message for your Clients and Customers
by Lisa Yelichek, RCE
Chief Executive Officer
In this age of technology that we
live in, it is important for you as
REALTORS® to educate your
clients and customers on how
and when they should say certain
things. We are hearing of houses being bugged and conversations – whether not complimentary regarding aspects about the
home or the owner(s) or while
speaking to an agent about pricing and what they can and cannot do with regard to purchasing
a home – are being heard and
used against the potential buyers.
Please, as badly as this sounds,
assume the worst. Instruct
your clients and customers to
not say anything whatsoever
about the home or what their
intentions are with regard to
any sort of possible purchase
until they are safely out of the
home. This could be a
possibly money saving piece
of advice.
Education/Event Flyers
“Understand that networking is an
ongoing process, not a discrete event.
Success comes from consistently
making new contacts, following up,
and keeping in touch.”
Classes Coming
(Flyers in this newsletter)
SHAKER (pg. 12)
Breakfast in the Park (pg. 13)
Mayor’s Panel (pg. 14)
“RPAC”OPOLY (pg. 15)
Ethics Class-Mock Trial
Date: July 18, 2016
Time: 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. Dinner
Instructor: Toby Hoy
Location: SCAR
The three greatest things in life to hear...
1. Your baby is perfectly healthy.
2. Did you see how fat your ex got?
Ethics Class
Date: November 16, 2016
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Instructor: Jackie Cassara
Location: SCAR
We might not be able to help with the first two,
but we can certainly help with the third!
5686 Dressler Rd NW, North Canton, OH 44720 | 330-526-2100 | | NMLS: 210853 Ohio Licenses: MBMB.850033.000/SM.501265.000
The Stark County Association of REALTORS®
and the Affiliate Committee Invite You to:
(Stark Affiliates Kicked-up Event for REALTORS®)
Dollar Bank
Farmers National Bank
McKinley Title Agency
Patriot Title Agency Inc
Pillar to Post
Residential Bancorp
The Repository
Beacon Title Agency Inc
Huntington National Bank
TK Home Inspections
American Title Associates
Colonial Title Agency LLC
First American Title
Seven Seventeen Credit Union
ASAP! Advertising Specialties And Printing
Barry Sigler Inspections
CSE Federal Credit Union
Detective Homes Inspections
Detective Homes Mitigation Ltd
Exclusive Title & Escrow Ltd
FirstMerit Mortgage
Full Service Property Inspect.
Pumphrey-Hamel Insurance
The Commercial & Savings Bank
Title One Agency Inc
Wagoner Moving Systems
Affiliate Sponsors,
Your Partners in Business
2016 Event Dates
May 17 ~ July 26 ~ October 25
Time: 5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Place: Loby’s
4736 Hills and Dales NW
Canton, OH 44708
Free for REALTORS®
$10 for Affiliates
Food ~ Games ~ Prizes ~ Networking
*Sponsored by the 2016 Affiliate Sponsors*
Click Here to Register
Or email
(Registration is appreciated but not required)
Meet & Greet!
SHAKER allows SCAR Affiliates the
opportunity to get to know SCAR REALTORS® in a fun
and relaxed environment. Join us for a great networking
experience you won’t want to miss!
The Stark County Association of REALTORS®
and the Professional Services Committee
Invite You to Attend
Breakfast in the Park!
Dollar Bank
Farmers National Bank
McKinley Title Agency
Patriot Title Agency Inc
Pillar to Post
Residential Bancorp
The Repository
Beacon Title Agency Inc
Huntington National Bank
TK Home Inspections
American Title Associates
Colonial Title Agency LLC
First American Title
Seven Seventeen Credit Union
ASAP! Advertising Specialties And Printing
Barry Sigler Inspections
CSE Federal Credit Union
Detective Homes Inspections
Detective Homes Mitigation Ltd
Exclusive Title & Escrow Ltd
FirstMerit Mortgage
Full Service Property Inspect
Pumphrey-Hamel Insurance
The Commercial & Savings Bank
Title One Agency Inc
Wagoner Moving Systems
Affiliate Sponsors,
Your Partners in Business
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Place: Dogwood Park
241 Seventh St. N.E., North Canton, OH 44720
$3 per person with canned good
$4 per person without canned good
Don’t forget your canned good!
Canned goods will be donated to Canton Calvary Mission.
*No Reservation Necessary--Pay at Door
Win Great Door Prizes!
*Sponsored by the 2016 Affiliate Sponsors*
PLUS 50/50 Cash Raffle
SCAR Legislative Affairs Committee Presents:
Mayor’s Panel
May 24, 2016
Time: 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Place: Sippo Perry Library
5710 12th St. NW
Canton, OH 44708
Come discuss with the invited
Mayors how REALTORS® can
help with housing issues in their
cities. Learn from the Mayors
what makes their cities great!
Click Here to Register
**Deadline to Register is May 20, 2016
Join us for wine & cheese directly after
Cities Invited:
Canal Fulton
North Canton
RPAC Subcommittee Presents:
June 22, 2016
Time: 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
(5-6 Cocktail Hour/Registration)
Where: North Canton Eagles
6979 Sunset Strip Ave NW
North Canton, OH 44720
Cost: $15 Per Person
Reservation Deadline:
June 8, 2016
Click Here to Register
Or Call 330-494-5630
Come support RPAC with
a fun evening of great
food, great entertainment
(including a surprise! It
must be seen to be
believed!), and fantastic
live and silent auctions.
This is a NOT TO MISS
event that people will be
talking about for months.
Dinner Selection:
Baked chicken
Swiss steak
Norma L. Good Scholarship
- Providing financial assistance through scholarships to members of the Stark County Association of REALTORS®
working toward a National Association of REALTORS® designation, certification, or courses to obtain Ohio’s broker’s license -
-BACKGROUND ON THE NLG SCHOLARSHIP FUNDNorma L. Good has been an active member of the Stark County Association of REALTORS® (SCAR) for more than
50 years, serving as secretary-treasurer, president-elect and president in 1983. She also served as President of the Stark
County Chapter of Women’s Council of REALTORS® in 1980. Norma has been a member of the Professional Services
Committee for more than 20 years, chairing the committee for three separate years.
Norma initiated the real estate exam review class for SCAR, taught GRI classes for the Ohio Association of REALTORS® (OAR) and was Real Estate Coordinator at Malone University. At Malone, she supervised 12 instructors, taught
all the pre-license classes and the 10-hour post licensure course, along with numerous continuing education courses.
OAR recognized her as Educator of the Year twice. In 1989, she earned the first Distinguished Real Estate Instructor
(DREI), from the National Real Estate Educators Association, for the state of Ohio. She served as an Ohio Real Estate
Commissioner for five years.
-APPLICATION ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS1) The scholarship applicant must be a REALTOR® in good standing of the Stark County Association of REALTORS®
for no less than one (1) year.
2) The course must be for any National Association of REALTOR® designation or certification, or taking courses for
obtaining an Ohio broker’s license, or completion of Ohio Association of REALTORS® Leadership Academy.
3) The applicant must have been an active member on a SCAR committee for the previous 12 months from the date of
the application.
4) The applicant must submit, together with the application, a copy of the available information concerning the course,
including any registration materials, brochure and/or outline.
5) The Scholarship Committee must receive the fully completed application at least 15 DAYS PRIOR to course start date
to be eligible for reimbursement.
6) The applicant must submit proof of successful completion of course within 30 days prior to distribution of funds.
7) The maximum amount of distribution to the applicant is not to exceed 50 percent of the lowest or early bird price, with
a $1,000 maximum per year per member.
-APPLICABLE COURSES AND DESIGNATIONSAny NAR Designation or Certification class in addition to required courses for the Ohio Broker’s License and the Ohio
Association of REALTORS® Leadership Academy (no reimbursement for any pre-licensing, post-licensing, and testing
-APPROVAL PROCESSThe NLG Scholarship Committee will meet to review all applications, make the selection based on the above criteria,
and will be forwarded to the SCAR Board of Directors for approval. A letter will be sent to applicant with the NLG
Committee’s decision.
NOTE: Annual scholarship total will be subject to the availability of funds.
See next page for Application
Norma L. Good Scholarship Application
Date: _______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________
City, State, Zip: _______________________________
Email: _______________________________________
Year licensed: ________________________________
Broker Name: __________________ SCAR Member Since: ______________ Current Designations: _____________
What SCAR committees are you currently active on:
What SCAR committees were you active on last year: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Other information that may assist selection committee: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Course you are applying for:____________________________________________________Date of course: __________
Location ________________________________________________________________Early bird cost of course: ______
Applicant Signature:
Send Completed Application to:
Stark County Association of REALTORS®
4344 Metro Circle NW
North Canton, OH 44720
Fax: 330-232-8502
Office Use Only
Date Received: __________ NLG Meeting Date:_______ Approved/Deny: ________
Amount: _______
Designations and Certifications
The National Association of REALTORS® and its affiliated Institutes, Societies, and Councils provide a wide-range of programs and services that help members
increase their skills, proficiency, and knowledge. Designations and certifications acknowledging experience and expertise in various real estate sectors are
awarded by NAR and each affiliated group upon completion of required courses.
Accredited Buyer's Representative® /
The Accredited Buyer’s Representative
(ABR®) designation is designed for real
estate buyer agents who focus on
working directly with buyer-clients at
every stage of the home-buying
Accredited Land Consultant / ALC
The esteemed Accredited Land
Consultants (ALCs) are the most trusted,
knowledgeable, experienced, and
highest-producing experts in all
segments of land. Conferred by the
REALTORS® Land Institute, the
designation requires successful
completion of a rigorous LANDU
education program, a specific, highvolume and experience level, and
adherence to an honorable Code of
Certified Commercial Investment
Member / CCIM
The Certified Commercial Investment
Member (CCIM) designation is
commercial real estate’s global standard
for professional achievement, earned
through an extensive curriculum of 200
classroom hours and professional
experiential requirements. CCIMs are
active in 1,000 U.S. markets and 31
other countries and comprise a 13,000member network that includes brokers,
leasing professionals, asset managers,
appraisers, corporate real estate
executives, investors, lenders, and other
allied professionals.
Certified International Property
Specialist / CIPS
Instantly align yourself with the best in
international real estate by earning the
CIPS designation. The program includes
five full days of study focusing on the
critical aspects of international real
estate transactions, and an influential
network of 2,000 professionals who turn
to each other first when looking for
referral partners.
Certified Property Manager® / CPM®
CPM designees are recognized as
experts in real estate management.
Holding this designation demonstrates
expertise and integrity to employers,
owners, and investors.
Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager
The Certified Real Estate Brokerage
Manager (CRB) is one of the most
respected and relevant designations
offered in real estate business
management and is awarded to
REALTORS® who have completed
advanced educational and professional
requirements. CRB Designees are
better positioned to streamline
operations, integrate new technology
and apply new trends and business
strategies. Join today and discover a
new approach to enhancing knowledge
and leveraging opportunity.
Certified Residential Specialist / CRS
The CRS designation is the highest
credential awarded to residential sales
agents, managers, and brokers. On
average, CRS designees earn nearly
three times more in income,
transactions, and gross sales than nondesignee REALTORS®.
Counselor of Real Estate™ / CRE™
The Counselors of Real Estate® is an
international group of recognized
professionals who provide seasoned,
expert, objective advice on real property
and land-related matters. Only 1,100
practitioners throughout the world carry
the CRE® designation. Membership is
by invitation only.
General Accredited Appraiser / GAA
For general appraisers, this designation
is awarded to those whose education
and experience exceed state appraisal
certification requirements and is
supported by the National Association of
NAR's Green Designation / GREEN
Through NAR's Green Designation, the
Green REsource Council provides
ongoing education, resources and tools
to help real estate practitioners find,
understand, and market properties with
green features.
Graduate, REALTOR® Institute / GRI
REALTORS® with the GRI designation
have in-depth training in legal and
regulatory issues, technology,
professional standards, and the sales
process. Earning the designation is a
way to stand out to prospective buyers
and sellers as a professional with
expertise in these areas.
Performance Management Network /
This designation is unique to the
REALTOR® family designations,
emphasizing that in order to enhance
your business, you must enhance
yourself. It focuses on negotiating
strategies and tactics, networking and
referrals, business planning and
systems, personal performance
management and leadership
Residential Accredited Appraiser / RAA
For residential appraisers, this
designation is awarded to those whose
education and experience exceed state
appraisal certification requirements and
is supported by the National Association
Seller Representative Specialist / SRS
The Seller Representative Specialist
(SRS) designation is the premier
credential in seller representation. It is
designed to elevate professional
standards and enhance personal
performance. The designation is
awarded to real estate practitioners by
the Real Estate Business Institute
(REBI) who meet specific educational
and practical experience criteria.
Society of Industrial and Office
The SIOR designation is held by only
the most knowledgeable, experienced,
and successful commercial real estate
brokerage specialists. To earn it,
designees must meet standards of
experience, production, education,
ethics, and provide recommendations.
Seniors Real Estate Specialist® / SRES®
The SRES® Designation program
educates REALTORS® on how to
profitably and ethically serve the real
estate needs of the fastest growing
market in real estate, clients age 50+.
By earning the SRES® designation, you
gain access to valuable member
benefits, useful resources, and
networking opportunities across the U.S.
and Canada to help you in your
business.SRES® Designation program
educates REALTORS® on how to
profitably and ethically serve the real
estate needs of the fastest growing
market in real estate, clients age 50+.
By earning the SRES® designation, you
gain access to valuable member
benefits, useful resources, and
networking opportunities across the U.S.
and Canada to help you in your
At Home With Diversity® / AHWD®
Learn to work effectively with – and
within – today’s diverse real estate
market. The At Home With Diversity
certification teaches you how to conduct
your business with sensitivity to all client
profiles and build a business plan to
successfully serve them.
Broker Price Opinion Resource / BPOR
The BPOR certification is no longer
being awarded to members.
Approximately 6,000 members have
earned BPOR.
Certified Real Estate Team Specialist /
The Certified Real Estate Team
Specialist certification is designed to
improve team development, individual
leadership skills, and financial
performance. The courses provide the
tools, strategies, and knowledge that are
required of today’s real estate
professionals who are either considering
or currently operating in a team
environment. It is for team leaders, team
members, those looking to start a team,
and those who simply want to sharpen
their management skills.
NAR's e-PRO® certification teaches
you to use cutting-edge technologies
and digital initiatives to link up with
today's savvy real estate consumer.
Military Relocation Professional / MRP
NAR's Military Relocation Professional
certification focuses on educating real
estate professionals about working with
current and former military service
members to find housing solutions that
best suit their needs and take full
advantage of military benefits and
Pricing Strategy Advisor / PSA
Enhance your skills in pricing properties,
creating CMAs, working with appraisers,
and guiding clients through the anxieties
and misperceptions they often have
about home values with NAR’s PSA
(Pricing Strategy Advisor) certification.
Resort & Second-Home Property
Specialist / RSPS
This certification is designed for
REALTORS® who facilitate the buying,
selling, or management of properties for
investment, development, retirement, or
second homes in a resort, recreational
and/or vacation destination are involved
in this market niche.
Short Sales & Foreclosure Resource® /
The SFR® certification teaches real
estate professionals to work with
distressed sellers and the finance, tax,
and legal professionals who can help
them, qualify sellers for short sales,
develop a short sale package, negotiate
with lenders, safeguard your
commission, limit risk, and protect
Stark County Association of
Room Rental Opportunity
SCAR has education facilities we use for our
education courses. Whether you are in a class of 5
or 50, you will feel comfortable in our classrooms.
Classroom Features
•Classroom style seating for up to 50
people or auditorium style seating
for up to 60 people
•Screen and projector
•Speaker system
•Free wireless access
•Kitchen with refrigerator and
•Coffee service available
For rates and more information,
please contact Collene Burgess at
330-494-5630 or
Cinco de Mayo Fiesta
de la Technologia
Presented by
Samantha Powell
2016 Women’s Council of Realtors Illinois
State President
Deena Zimmerman
Women’s Council of Realtors Chicago, Member
These energetic and passionate ladies will perform
a dynamic recreation of a skit featured at National
WCR in San Diego in 2015. They will share how
they have used technology in their business and
increased Chicago’s WCR membership and retention. These Professional Realtors have a great deal
of pride in the business they have built and will
share some of there real estate “tricks”!
May 5, 2016
El Campesino
3520 Cleveland Ave NW
Canton, OH 44709
● Aeriation Septic ● Barry Sigler Inspections
● Beacon Title ● Farmers National Bank ● First Merit Bank
● Pumphrey-Hamel Insurance
● Wells Fargo
MISSION STATEMENT: We are a network of successful REALTORS, advancing women as professionals and
leaders in business, the industry and the communities we
05/19/2016 Governing Board, 9:30 am SCAR
06/16/2016 Business Resource Meeting, 11:15 am
Past President’s Luncheon, Glenmoor Country Club
VISIT US: (local) (state) (national)
11:15 am Registration and Networking
11:30 am Lunch
12:00 pm Speaker
COST: $16
RSVP by 4/8/16
Mail check to: Anna Barrick-Lavy
Patriot Title
5128 West Tuscarawas, Canton OH 44708
Register by paying with PAYPAL through our
website at (select “Business
Resource Meetings”.)
Name: _______________________________________
Company: ____________________________________
WCR—Stark County Ohio
Email: ________________________________________
You don’t want to miss our “HOT” Special Speaker this month:
Of the Harlem Globetrotters and Keller Williams Legacy Group
We would like to open our meeting up to all SCAR members. Also, a reminder
that there is a Happy Hour on Thursday, May 5 from 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. at the
Courtyard Marriott across from SCAR for all WCR members.
We are sad to report that Robert
Bruce “Bob” Perry (1927-2016),
father of Beth Miller of Cutler
Real Estate, passed away on
Saturday, April 23, 2016.
SCAR 2016 Local
Dues were sent out this
week. Due June 30,
2016. Pay online at
clicking “Pay Fees