outoutcoastcoast - Out on the Coast magazine


outoutcoastcoast - Out on the Coast magazine
Issue #005, May 22, 2003
Fun for
Out on the Coast Magazine
published by OOTC Publishing, Inc.
4445 N. A1A, Ste. 200
Vero Beach, FL 32963
published every other Thursday
on a bi-weekly schedule
Lee A. Newell II
contributing writers
Gerald Pierone Jr., M.D.
Racquel Rodriguez, M.D.
Rev. Dr. Jerry L. Seay
Deacon Mark A. Osdras
Miss T
D o c T a l k ............................................. 4
D r . R a q u e l R o d r i g u e z , M.D.
W h a t I S a w .................................. 6
rd Thurston
T e a T i m e ............................................. 8
S p i r i t u a l l y S p e a k i n g .. 1 0
R e v. D r. J e r r y L . S e a y ,
M a p s .............................................. 1 2 - 1 3
D i r e c t o r y .................................. 2 3
Photo: L A N 2
Models: Stev
e, Rob, V
onda, Patti
LAN2 photography
Lauren Miley
sales associates
Lee Newell
Greg Bowman
Gary Robbins
Richard Thurston
Publication of the name or photograph of any person or
organization in articles in OUT on the COAST MAGAZINE is not to be construed as an indication of the
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copy text, display photos and illustrations in advertising
are published with the understanding that the advertisers are fully authorized, have secured proper consents
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Nothing appearing in OUT on the COAST MAGAZINE
may be reprinted either wholly or in part without permission of the publisher of OUT on the COAST MAGAZINE.
Is s u e # 0 0 5
M ay 22, 20 0 3
Space & Treasure Coast Magazine Issue # 005 3
Raquel Rodriguez, M.D.
Cervical cancer has gone from being
the number one cancer killer for
women in United States to number
13. And that is due, in a large part,
to the increase in cervical cytology
screening (pap smear). Now, far
more lesions are found in a preinvasive stage rather than invasive
stage where treatment and prognosis
is more ominous. Women that are
diagnosed with pre-invasive lesions
have a 5-year survival rate of 100%
while when diagnosed in an invasive
stage 5-year survival rate is 92%.
also to detect and treat high-grade
lesions before they transform into
cancer. Even though a pap smear is
very successful overall, its sensitivity
for high-grade lesion is only 70-80%
— that’s probably related to small
size lesions, inflammation, blood
obscuring the slide or inaccessible
localization of the lesion.
Almost 100% of squamous cell
carcinoma of the cervix cases are
related to high grade Human
Papiloma Virus Infection, which is a
sexually transmitted disease. The
HPV infection does not always lead
to cervical carcinoma, the virus can
create a low-grade lesion that is
almost never potentially malignant or
a high-grade lesion that has a greater
malignant potential if left untreated.
Approximately 50% of cervical
cancer diagnoses are among women
that have never had a pap smear and
another 10% in women that have not
have a pap in the past five years.
While new American Cancer Society
screening guideline includes a review
of new cervical cancer screening
tests, perhaps the largest gain in
reducing cervical cancer incidence
and mortality could be attained by
increasing screening rates (regardless
of the test used) among women who
are currently unscreened or screened
only infrequently. However, new
technologies may offer advantages
over what is already a successful
screening test, when available.
The purpose of screening is not only
detecting early cervical cancer but
It is recommended that screening
start three years after beginning
Space & Treasure Coast Magazine Issue # 005
sexual intercourse, but not later than
21 years old. Establishing an age for
starting pap smears insures that
women get the test even if their
provider doesn’t ask patients about
their sexual history and for
adolescents who are unable or
unwilling to disclose prior consensual
and/or nonconsensual intercourse
thus ensuring that young women,
including victims of sexual abuse, are
Provider discretion and patient
choice, following counseling, should
be used to guide the initiation of
cervical cytology screening in young
women aged 21 and older who have
never had vaginal sexual intercourse
and for whom the absence of a
history of sexual abuse is certain.
Pap tests can be discontinued in
women over 70 years of age that have
had a normal satisfactory test for 3
consecutive years and no abnormal
test over the past 10 years.
Dr. Rodriguez attended medical
school in the Dominican Republic
and her Internal Medicine training
in New York at St. Barnabas
Hospital, affiliated to New York
Cornell University. Dr. Rodriguez is
board certified in internal medicine.
Her offices are located in the Bay
Street Plaza on US 1 in Roseland,
just north of Sebastian, Suite 11.
Her telephone is 772-589-0300.
Space & Treasure Coast Magazine Issue # 005 5
W h a t
S a w
Pearl Jam Live @ the House of
Blues, Orlando Florida April
12, Y2K+3
Although I have been a music
journalist for years this was the
first time that I’d seen Pearl Jam
perform. It was an experience that
was long overdue and quite
rewarding. The band played a
private show that was only
available to winners of Orlando’s,
O Rock 105.9 on air promotion and
their website promotion, the O
Rock Passport. The limited number
of tickets available provided for an
intimate atmosphere that is
uncommon for a band usually found
in the arena and stadium circuit.
Needless to say demand was
outrageous with fans gathered
outside the HoB desperate to get in.
Inside frontman Eddie Vedder
and the boys cranked out tunes for
over 2 &1/2 hours, a feat rarely
a t t e m p t e d b y m a n y o f t o a d y ’s
pampered and primped stars. They
dropped tunes from their latest LP
Riot Act as well as classics from
their previous studio albums and
c ove r s by the ir f a vor ite a r tists
a personal viewpoint
including the Beatles, the Clash
and The Who. The performance was
webcast in it’s entirety on Monday
April 14 @ www.Realone.com.
Vi s i t t h e b a n d ’s w e b s i t e @
w w w. P e a r l J a m . c o m f o r a f u l l
account of their performance and
It’s also reassuring to know
there is still a band in existence that
is as loyal to it’s fans as they are to
them. What band plays three
encores? Besides the Grateful Dead
(RIP) and Phish who else plays a
show over two hours long? Who
else is so motivated a sense of
fairness that they boycott
monopolies such as Ticketmaster?
Could it be that of all the huge
commercial acts today Pearl Jam is
the only band that still knows what
really matters?
When you experience a band in
their element the only things that
you walk away with should be
Peace, Love, Unity and Respect. See
you down in front.
Richard T Thurston
During the evening it was
standing room only and after their
third and final encore a brilliant
version of “Fuckin’ Up” the
remaining crowd gathered by the
crew began
dismantling the set throwing guitar
picks, cymbal spacers and whatever
else to be discarded to the eager
fans in waiting. The various
courteously by the fans known as
the Jamily, a name given to their
most dedicated fans. Throughout
the evening the vibe was beautiful,
it’s obvious that there’s unity in
P e a r l J a m ’s g l o b a l c o m m u n i t y
something that we can all
appreciate and perhaps benefit
Space & Treasure Coast Magazine Issue # 005
Space & Treasure Coast Magazine Issue # 005 7
Tea Time
with Miss T
Please pardon me, my slip is showing: in my last column I misspelled Karl Manchon’s
name. My sincerest apologies.
My, my, my, my my – the editor is just beside himself, says I run on too much and need to
get to the point so there’s more room for ads! Imagine, moi, running on! Never! And if
he thinks he’s going to edit me, well he’s
Speaking of fantastic, Walde at The Bellwood is looking forward to more people stopping
in. I hear there was a group of women that had a fabulous time. What a good stop over to
include in your Memorial Day Weekend.
Talk about checking things out; check out the pictures of karaoke at The Cold Keg on
page14. Looks like everyone was having a great time, but how do the dresses fit in? It sure
isn’t Leigh Shannon, she’s always fabulous as you can tell from the rest of the pictures!
And her guest performers are always something special too. It makes those CD parties
real great events. As for events, The Cold Keg has big plans for Memorial Day Weekend
– lots of stuff planned (see their ad – turn to page 15 don’t look at the basket, read the
And talking about feet, great things are afoot at Brevard Together. They’ve distributed a
survey to find out more about what members want to do. So if you got one don’t just sit
there, fill it out and return it now! If you want to meet some Brevardians, join up — the
info is in their ad on page 7. You can also meet some at Brevard Together’s 5th Annual
Pride Dinner Dance at the Holiday Inn, Indialantic, is on June 20. Get your tickets soon by
calling Bernard at 321-777-3781 or Rhonda at Hair Biz, 321-783-4003.
Speaking of pride, the tickets for PFLAG Vero Beach’s 4th Pride Dinner Dance at the
Vero Inn on Saturday, June 14, are going fast. You
need to get yours in the next couple of weeks to make
sure you don’t miss out. See their ad in the middle of
this issue. As you can see PFLAG Vero Beach was
very visible at the Walk for Life in Vero May 2-3. A
great effort by all concerned resulted in over $1,000
raised! Once again they’re involved in a great cause.
The PFLAG gang step proudly
Commitment, well that’s right up MCC’s alley. Rev. photo: Margaret
Dr. Jerry Seay of East Coast MCC performed a ceremony of Holy Union for Chris and
Leigha on May 15 at 7:45 p.m. at the Space Coast Eagle in Cocoa Beach. Even though the
Continued on page 16
Space & Treasure Coast Magazine Issue # 005
The Rev. Dr. Jerry L. Seay is a former
pastor in the Assemblies of God. He
has been a pastor in the Metropolitan
Community Churches since 1989. He
and his life-partner of twelve years,
Mike Lufriu, moved to Brevard
County to start the East Coast
Metropolitan Community Church.
East Coast MCC meets in Melbourne
at the Unitarian Universalist
Fellowship, 2185 Meadowlane
Avenue, on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays
of each month at 6 p.m. Services in
Vero Beach are at the Unitarian
Universalist Fellowship, 355 43 rd
Avenue, on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of
each month at 6 p.m.
It’s springtime. As the coldness of
winter leaves, the grass and other plant
life in our yards begin to grow again.
Along with the grass and flowers, we
also find weeds springing back after
the barrenness of winter.
Whether you have a formal garden or
just a yard, one has yard work to do if
you choose to have a productive yard.
(No wonder so many people live in
apartments and condos). A place of
beauty often requires much work.
But sometimes, no matter how hard a
gardener works, some plants just won’t
grow and produce. Sometimes wild
vines and weeds pop up overnight and
choke out the healthy plants.
Sometimes the soil is marginal or nonproductive. Predators and other
enemies to plant life can bring
10 Space & Treasure Coast Magazine Issue # 005
Other times the ground is too hard
because so many people have stepped
on it and beaten it down. Many people
feel like that. So many people have
walked on them that it is difficult to
have anything productive come from
In both the Hebrew Scriptures and the
Christian Scriptures, we are referred
to as God’s garden. Just as a garden
gives much delight and beauty (and
food) to the gardener, we too can
provide much to our world. We can
add beauty, nourishment, and a safe
place of peace and renewal. The ideal
garden is a delightful place, full of
refreshing aromas and flowers and
There are times in each of our lives
when we need some work in order to
be more productive in life. Perhaps
we need something to help break up
the hardness that has developed in us
due to the actions or words of others.
Maybe we need the positive influence
of others to help us. Or we need to
find new sources of inspiration to feed
our spirits.
As we allow positive influences to
affect our lives, we become more
productive in life. And as we become
more productive, we help others
become more productive. We
shouldn’t be afraid of outside
influences that bring changes to our
lives. The very changes that we are
afraid of might be just the thing we
need to help us become a more
productive life form in the garden of
Space & Treasure Coast Magazine Issue # 005 11
Bars & Meeting Places
Bars & Meeting Places
Vero Beach
St. Lucie
12 Space & Treasure Coast Magazine Issue # 005
Space & Treasure Coast Magazine Issue # 005 13
photo: Greg
photo: Greg
photo: Greg
photo: Greg
photo: Greg
photo: Lauren
photo: Lauren
14 Space & Treasure Coast Magazine Issue # 005
photo: Lauren
Continued from page 8
state doesn’t recognize the union, God does and we’re
happy to be able to announce it.
And wild is the word for the show at Club Byrd Cage a
couple of weeks ago. When Kelli Randell called the
winner of the Miss $1.69 contest up, she started stripping
Leigha, Rev. Dr. Seay, Chris him! Then, last Friday Kelli appeared as a boy, seems an
untimely tumble had ruled out her getting in drag, but true to form the show went on with
special guests Felicia Blackheart, Dominique and Devine carrying the banner in style.
There’s a lot of excitement building about events at Club Byrd Cage in the next month.
Keep checking their ads for the details.
See-saw, get it? Well, over at the Sawmill Campground, congrats to Miss Trailer Trash
2003, “Angie O’Plasty”, who beat out Shanita Cocktail, Patty O’Furniture, Luciana Bella,
Ann Thrax, Jacki Ohno, winning with a wonderful talent: making her man a Spam on
white bread sandwich in a pleasing form, not to mention her personality and poise. The
Boggy Creek Gang Camp for Children benefited from the bears’ Tupperware party, hosted
by David Cash from Jacksonville. There’s always something fun going on at the Sawmill,
for instance next weekend the leather boys will be there – all hot and sweaty, yum, yum!
Check out their ad on page 5 for details on coming themed weekends. Call and make
reservations today, they go fast!
Speaking of big baskets, flower boy Patrick always has a big basket
of roses for you and your true love (or at least love of the evening).
His quick smile will help smooth the way with flashy things to make
your wooing special or just something special for you.
Faboo is what VIP’s comedy show was, complete with Paris Lynn,
Miss LaCage World, as a surprise guest.
Danielle Starr and Ashley Monroe each did Flowerboy Partick
an outrageous number then teamed up for a knockdown funny
closing number. In between, DJ Lori explained a benefit of being
a Rubens-esque woman. It brings a whole new meaning to bringing
a warm lunch to work. Tori Holden was the special guest at VIP’s
salute to the armed forces, her “Bounce Your Boobs” number
brought the house down! See the pictures on page 18. For those of
Daniel & Andrew
you who like boys out of clothes as well as boys in dresses, next
weekend will be the Guys and Dolls show with special guests and male strippers. Meanwhile
this old girl is so happy to welcome the newest addition to the VIP’s staff, Daniel, the
Saturday bar-back and cock…tail boi.
Speaking of boy and cocks let me tell you, that cabana boy, you’ll never
Send info you want people to know to MissT@ootcmag.com. Kiss, Kiss.
16 Space & Treasure Coast Magazine Issue # 005
Space & Treasure Coast Magazine Issue # 005 17
18 Space & Treasure Coast Magazine Issue # 005
business place
Space & Treasure
Vero Beach
Space & Treasure Coast Magazine Issue # 005 21
The Bellwood Restaurant & Motel ................................................................. 321-385-3232
7505 S. US 1, Titusville, FL 32780
Bob’s Lawn Care .............................................................................................. 321-617-7699
Drama Club ........................................................................................................ 321-639-8228
9 Stone St, Cocoa Village
Family of God in Christ Church .......................................................................... 321-632-3767
801 Forrest Ave, Cocoa
Rainbow Community Center ............................................................................... 321-632-3767
801 Forrest Ave, Cocoa
Where to pick us up:
If you pick up the magazine at a retail location purchase something — the magazine is free.
The Bellwood, 7505 S. US 1, Titusville
BCC Cocoa Bookstore, 1519 Clearlake, Cocoa
The Rainbow Community Center, 801 Forrest, Cocoa
The Drama Club, 9 Stone Street, Cocoa
The Cold Keg, 4060 W. New Haven
Project Response, 745 Apollo Blvd
East Coast MCC Services
Brevard Together Potluck dinners
Vero Beach:
Chuck’s News, 2013 13th Ave
PFLAG meetings
East Coast MCC Services
Port St. Lucie:
The Byrd Cage, 7133 Hwy 1
VIPs, 8283 Hwy 1
Michael Joseph Salon, Regency Square Plaza, 2458 SE. Fed. Hwy
22 Space & Treasure Coast Magazine Issue # 005
Brevard Together ................................................................................. 321-728-0669 x 2082
PO Box 2082 Melbourne, FL 32780
The Cold Keg .................................................................................................... 321-724-1510
4060 W. New Haven, Melbourne
Coiffeurs International Salon ......................................................................... 321-254-1961
1716 Wickham Rd, Melbourne, FL 32935
East Coast MCC ............................................................................................... 321-253-0487
PO Box 120748, W. Melbourne, FL 32912-0748
MetLife Financial Services ....................................................................... 877-559-3799 x19
7925 N. Wickham Rd, Melbourne, FL 32940
PFLAG ............................................................................................................... 321-255-3532
Women’sGlass ................................................................................................. 888-676-0376
Vero Beach
Eclectus ............................................................................................................ 772-567-4962
2045 13th Ave, Vero Beach, FL
East Coast MCC ............................................................................................... 321-253-0487
PO Box 120748, W. Melbourne, FL 32912-0748
PFLAG ............................................................................................................... 772-778-9835
PO Box 650533, Vero Beach, FL 32965-0533
Port St. Lucie
The Byrd Cage ................................................................................................. 772-879-9566
7133 Hwy 1, Port St. Lucie, FL 34952
Janet DJ ............................................................................................................ 772-971-4292
Jynifer’s Cleaning with Class ......................................................................... 772-708-1277
Kelli Randell ..................................................................................................... 772-340-3343
Mr. Paint ............................................................................................................ 772-349-8438
VIP’s .................................................................................................................. 772-340-7777
8283 Hwy 1, Fiesta Square, Port St. Lucie, FL 34952
Jensen Beach
Dolphin Realty of the Treasure Coast ........................................................... 772-225-7368
Michael Joseph Salon ..................................................................................... 772-288-1448
Regency Square Plaza, 2843 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart, FL 34994
Palm City
Prudential Florida WCI Realty ......................................................................... 877-2887263
Parliament House Resort ................................................................................ 407-425-7571
401 N. Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando, FL 32805
Sawmill Camping Resort ................................................................................. 352-583-0664
21710 US Hwy 98, Dade City, FL 33523
Space & Treasure Coast Magazine Issue # 005 23

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