Complete El Camino Catalog
Complete El Camino Catalog
5200 S. Washington Ave. Titusville, FL 32780 1-888-685-5987 Eckler’s 2015 El Camino Store Catalog PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID ECKLER’S 2015 Restoration, Performance, and Accessories Catalog 1959–87 El Camino • Broadest Selection of Parts in the Industry • Your One-Stop Shop for More Than 50 Years 1973-77 Molded Dash Pad Outer Shell, With Air Conditioning, Colors, • Length Of The USB And Aux Cables Is 54" And Includes An Under Dash Panel Adapter • Mount It In A Cigarette Lighter Hole, Or Under The Dash Or Glove Box • Chrome Finish 55-200880 119.99 ea. • Restore, Upgrade, or Modify Your El Camino 1964-67 Fuel Tank Support Brace Set • Quality Replacement • Made From Durable Metal • EDP Coated • Correct Mounting Points • Complete Two Piece Set • Installation Hardware Included 55-358549 1959-60 Radio Bezel And Knob Set • Quality Replacement • Made From Durable Molded Plastic • Quality Plastic Chrome Finish • Bright Chrome Finish • Set Includes: Tone Control Ring, Fader Ring, Volume And Channel Selection Knobs • Save Money When You Purchase The Complete Kit 55-358806 El Camino 2015 outside cover spread.indd 1 25.99 set 53.99 set 1978-87 Right Rear Wheel Opening Molding With 2 Tone • Quality Reproduction • Fits Rear Right Wheel Opening • Fits El Caminos With Aluminum Body Side Molding Only • Anodized Aluminum Construction • Does Not Include Mounting Screws 55-358460 79.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 1-888-685-5987 1/29/15 6:14 PM 3 Easy Ways to Order! • Call toll-free 1-888-685-5987 (U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands) Welcome El Camino Owners! Y o p a e n a s u n o w rts a n th u s ia s is ta n W e s in c w o r k in g h a v e th e a c c e s s o s ts a n d e x c e a n d p ra e r e ly a p p w ith y o u o d w o r ld ’s r ie s a t p e rts a c tic a l a r e c ia te n y o u r la r g e y o u r t y o u r d v ic e y o u r v e r s io s t s u p p ly fin g e r tip s d is p o s a l p e r ta in in b u s in e s s n c la s s ic o f 1 , a s w h o g to , a n E l C 9 5 9 – 8 7 E l C a w e ll a s a te a c a n o ffe r te c h y o u r p a r tic u la d lo o k fo r w a a m in o ! m in o m o f n ic a l r c a r. rd to Lowest Price Guarantee E c p a in c o o n o n s e c e a n k le r ’s G u a r a n te e is s im p le : Y o u a lw a y s g e t th e r ts a t th e lo w e s t p r ic e ! S h o w u s th e id e n tic a l ite m a n y c u r r e n t m a g a z in e , c a ta lo g , o r w e b s ite a n d w e m p e tito r ’s c u r r e n t p r ic e , g u a r a n te e d ! T h is o ffe r ly a t th e tim e o f p u r c h a s e a n d a p p lie s to in - s to c k m ly . W e c a n ’t c o m b in e th is w ith a n y o th e r o ffe r . T ir e s r v ic e s , k its , w in d o w g la s s , c o r e s , r e p r o d u c tio r ta in e n g in e s , tr a n s m is s io n s , u s e d p a r ts , s p e c ia l d s h ip p in g a n d h a n d lin g c h a r g e s a r e e x c lu d e d . b e s t q u a lity a d v e r tis e d ’ll m a tc h o u r is a v a ila b le e r c h a n d is e , r e s to r a tio n n b a tte r ie s , o rd e r p a rts , Eckler’s Gift Certificates T h e p e r fe c t g ift w h e n y o u ju s t c a n ’t d e c id e . A v a ila b le in m a n y d iffe r e n t a m o u n ts , fr o m $ 2 5 r ig h t u p th r o u g h $ 1 ,0 0 0 . E a s y to s h ip , to o ! The Best Parts at the Best Price T h is is n o t ju s t a h ig h e s t q u a lity p a n d s e le c t a ll o f b ra n d n a m e m a T h is m e a n s y o u m a rk e t to d a y . s lo a rts o u r n u fa g e t g a n ! E a t th e p a rts c tu re r th e b e c k le r ’s is c o m o s t c o m p e x c lu s iv e ly s u s in g o u r s t th e r e is , m m e titiv fro m m a a t th itte d to e p r ic e th e w s s iv e b e b e s t p r o v id s . W e o r ld ’s u y in g p r ic e s in s le p o g o u a d o w n th rc in e th e e g r. e 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed O u r c o m m itm e n t to y o u : If fo r a n y r e a s o n y o u a r e n o t 1 0 0 % s a tis fie d w ith a n y o f o u r p r o d u c ts , s im p ly r e tu r n it fo r a fu ll r e fu n d , c r e d it o r e x c h a n g e — y o u r c h o ic e . F o llo w A u to m C o m p F a c e b T w itte a ll o tiv a n ie o o k r! th e e P s o a n d n E c k le r ’s a rts Full Service Sales Hours M o n – T h u 8 a .m .– 9 p .m . (E S T ) • F ri 8 a .m .– 8 p .m . (E S T ) S a t 9 a .m .– 4 p .m . (E S T ) Full Service Customer Service & Tech Hours M o n – F ri 8 a .m .– 5 p .m . (E S T ) Showroom Hours M o n – F ri 8 a .m .– 5 p .m . (E S T ) • S a t 9 a .m .– 1 p .m . (E S T ) International Sales Hours • Call 1-321-269-9651 M o n - T h u 8 a .m .– 9 p .m . (E S T ) • F ri 8 a .m .– 8 p .m . (E S T ) • Online at (Store is open 24 hours a day) You’ll find our entire range of El Camino parts online! In fa c t, b e c a u s e o f s p a c e lim ita tio n s in th is p r in te d c a ta lo g , o u r website contains more items than you’ll find within these p a g e s . B e s u r e to c h e c k o u r w e b s ite o fte n , w h e r e w e ’r e a l w a y s a d d i n g NEW PRODUCTS! • Fax order to 1-321-383-2059 (use order form in back of this catalog) Y o u c a n fa x y o u r o rd e r to u s 2 4 h o u rs a d a y , 7 d a y s a w e e k . M o s t fa x e d o r d e r s a r e p r o c e s s e d th e s a m e d a y a s r e c e iv e d . For all Ordering/Shipping Policies, please see page in back of this catalog Icons Used in This Catalog oversize or overweight truck freight More Than 50 Years of Innovation I n the early 19 6 0 s, R alph E ck ler’ s vision began by manufacturing fiberglass replacement parts for C orvettes out of his small shop in I llinois. A s the C orvette grew in popularity, so did the restoration/ aftermark et business. I n the early 19 7 0 s, E ck ler’ s relocated to central F lorida, and the company flourished into a multimillion dollar business. T oday, E ck ler’ s employs more than 20 0 people and provides the classic car industry with more than 13 0 , 0 0 0 parts for classic C hevrolet, F ord, P orsche, and M ercedes-B enz . E ck ler’ s C orporate H eadq uarters in T itusville, F lorida El Camino IFC.indd 1 1/27/15 12:04 PM Brake and Suspension Upgrade Kits Exclusively for Your El Camino! At Eckler’s El Camino Store, we’ve sourced the best kits and products designed to help your 1959–87 El Camino handle and stop like today’s cars do. From disc brake conversion kits to suspension-enhancing kits for performance or comfort, we’ve got it! 1973-77 Wilwood Front Disc Brake Kits 55-278466 1964-72 Front Control Arm with Ball Joint 55-246152 1964-87 Hotchkis TVS Suspension Systems 55-197143 Throughout our Brake and Suspension Sections, you’ll find lots of options for converting your El Camino’s existing set-up to the latest, most state-of-the-art systems. We offer full disc brake kits, separate front and rear kits, a huge selection of calipers, pads and lines. You’ll also find suspension systems geared for performance, stock replacement, or just cruisin’ in style! Thank you for shopping with Eckler’s El Camino Store! EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 1 CONTENTS Follow the colored tabs on the edge of the pages to quickly find the section you need! AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING 2 AUDIO 9 BRAKES 15 COOLING 25 ELECTRICAL 28 ENGINE AND RELATED 45 EXHAUST 61 EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 64 FUEL SYSTEM 114 INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 120 STEERING AND SUSPENSION 174 TRANSMISSION AND DRIVELINE 189 WEATHERSTRIPPING 201 WHEELS AND TIRES 210 BOOKS, MANUALS, DECALS, AND CDS 212 CAR CARE, PROTECTION, AND TOOLS 216 GIFTS AND APPAREL 228 ORDER FORM 246 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 247 INDEX 248 1/29/15 4:34 PM AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING 55-288660 55-252467 1959-1987 508/134A Air Conditioning Compressors • Replacement Compressor • For Use With R134 For Use With V-Belt Systems 55-288580 Polished Sanden 299.99 ea. 55-288615 C h r o m e S a n d e n 319.99 ea. For Use With Serpentine Systems Vintage Air Sure-Fit Systems V in ta g e A ir S u r e - F it A ir C o n d itio n in g , h e a tin g a n d d e fr o s t s y s te m s are designed specifically for each application. We match the coil and blower to give you the maximum flow that your OEM system provided while retaining the factory look. 55-197279 1959-60 R-134A w/4 Lever Control Panel 1599.99 kit 55-252467 1964-65 w/Factory Air Conditioning 1399.99 kit 55-252474 1964-65 w/o Factory Air Conditioning 1399.99 kit 55-252488 1966-67 w/Factory Air Conditioning 1399.99 kit 55-252489 1966-67 w/o Factory Air Conditioning 1399.99 kit 55-252490 1968-69 w/Factory Air Conditioning 1399.99 kit 55-252475 1968-69 w/o Factory Air Conditioning 1399.99 kit 55-252492 1970-72 w/Factory Air Conditioning 1399.99 kit 55-252491 1970-72 w/o Factory Air Conditioning 1399.99 kit 55-288583 Polished Sanden 299.99 ea. 55-288660 C h r o m e S a n d e n 319.99 ea. NOTE: These items are subject to oversize shipping charges 1978-84 Air Conditioning Condensers • Replacement Condenser 55-198337 3.8L 139.99 ea. 55-11381 55-193959 55-193961 55-193960 1964-93 LS Engine Conversion Air Conditioning • • • • • Fly-By-Wire Servo Controls Mounts Completely Behind The Dash AC Exits Through Dash Vents • Heat Exits At Floor Includes Dehumidified Defrost Mounts In Existing Holes In Your Dash And Firewall Complete kit includes: evaporator, condenser, drier, compressor, compressor bracket. Adds high performance 134-A A/C. Great upgrade for your El Camino! 55-11381 1964-65 Without Factory Air Conditioning 1674.99 kit Air Conditioning Compressor Switches • Engages AC Compressor Clutch When Energized • Activates The Compressor When Engaged • Critical For Proper Air Conditioning Operation 55-11365 1964-65 With Factory Air Conditioning 1674.99 kit 55-11369 1966-67 With Factory Air Conditioning 1674.99 kit 55-193959 1964-65 Button Switch for 3-Wire Circuit 49.99 ea. 55-11385 1966-67 Without Factory Air Conditioning 1674.99 kit 55-193960 1966-67 Button Switch for 2-Wire Circuit 59.99 ea. 55-11373 1968-69 With Factory Air Conditioning 1674.99 kit 55-198355 1977-79 All Temperature 27.99 ea. 55-11389 1968-69 Without Factory Air Conditioning 1674.99 kit 55-193961 1980-87 High Pressure Cycling Switch R-12 18.99 ea. 55-11393 1970-72 Without Factory Air Conditioning 1674.99 kit 55-198354 1980-87 High Pressure Cycling Switch R-134A 19.99 ea. 2 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 2 shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:34 PM AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING Air Conditioning Throttle Stops 55-194054 1959-60 Pair (Mounts on fast idle cable) 4.99 ea. Heater and Air Conditioning Outlet Deflectors 55-198343 55-194061 1966-67 Vent Bezel w/Air Conditioning 23.99 ea. 55-194060 1966-69 Chrome Ball 17.99 ea. 55-194068 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 C e n t e r D a s h 19.99 pr. 55-194063 1970 Housings, NON-A/C, LH & RH 99.99 pr. 55-194065 1970 Rectangle Dash, LH or RH 39.99 ea. 55-194066 1970 Dash Vent Rebuild Kit 89.99 ea. 55-194069 1971-72 Rectangle Dash, LH or RH 39.99 ea. 55-194070 1971-72 Housings, NON-A/C, LH & RH Air Conditioning Evaporators 55-194072 1971-72 Dash Vent Rebuild Kit 55-198343 1 9 7 7 169.99 ea. 55-198344 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 119.99 ea. 114.99 kit 55-194067 1970-72 Lower RH A/C Outlet Assembly 99.99 pr. 114.99 kit 55-194075 1 9 7 8 - 8 1 C e n t e r 19.99 ea. 55-194074 1978-82 Outer, NOS 32.99 ea. 55-198350 55-198345 Air Conditioning Accumulators • Replacement Of Original • Fits All Motor Combination On 1977-83 55-198345 1 9 6 5 - 6 7 2 3 1 , 2 8 3 , 3 2 7 24.99 ea. 55-198346 1 9 6 8 2 3 1 , 2 5 0 , 3 0 7 , 3 2 7 24.99 ea. 55-198347 1969 All 24.99 ea. 55-198348 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 2 3 1 , 2 5 0 , 3 0 7 , 3 2 7 24.99 ea. 55-198349 1 9 7 3 2 5 0 , 3 5 0 24.99 ea. 55-198350 1977-83 All 29.99 ea. 55-286886 Outer 29.99 ea. 55-198351 1984 All (Gas Only) 34.99 ea. 55-286885 C e n t e r 19.99 ea. 55-198352 1985-87 All 29.99 ea. 55-357120 1974-76 VIR Conversion Kit NEW 55-286886 55-286885 1978-81 A/C Outlet Deflectors • Reproduction Of Original 219.99 kit 55-197523 Air Conditioning Outlet Seals Air Conditioning and Vent Vacuum Pods • Reproduction Of Original 55-197523 1970-72 Cowl Vent Actuator 32.99 ea. • Reproductions Of Original • Used To Create A Tight Seal Between Air Conditioning Ball Vent and Housings 55-194078 1964-69 Vent Ball Felt toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 3 9.99 pr. 3 1/29/15 4:34 PM AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING 55-194908 Blower Motors • Replacement Of Original • Power Supplied By Wires Instead Of Post • Fits Deluxe And Standard Heater Cars Heater And Air Conditioning Panels • Complete Assembly • Correct Heater Only Control Panel • Blower Switch Included Rebuilding your Chevy El Camino heater control panel use to be the only solution. Now you can own a brand new A-Body El Camino heater control panel ready to be installed with simple hand tools. Die casted like the original, this El Camino heater control panel features update lever design, correct control lens and a brand new blower switch already pre-installed. 55-199278 1 9 7 1 - 7 2 H e a t e r a n d A i r C o n d i t i o n i n g 169.99 ea. 55-194053 1978-87 Vacuum Switch Behind Panel, 9 Port 36.99 ea. 55-194908 1959-60 All, Power Supplied by Wire (not Post) 99.99 ea. 55-194909 1964-77 w/o Air Conditioning 37.99 ea. 55-194910 1964-77 with Air Conditioning 34.99 ea. 55-194911 1978-87 with Air Conditioning 31.99 ea. 55-194912 1978-87 w/o Air Conditioning 72.99 ea. 1978-87 Heater And Air Conditioning Fans • Reproduction Of Original • Will Not Work On Heater Only Cars • For Use With Blower Motor P/N 55-194911-1 55-194913 29.99 ea. 1959-60 Heater Blower Motor Seals • Reproduction Of Original 55-194285 Heater And Air Conditioning Control Lenses 4.99 ea. 55-194033 • Reproduction Of Original • Correct Heater and Air Conditioning Lens 55-194040 1966-67 Heater Control 24.99 ea. 55-194041 1966-67 Air Conditioning Control 24.99 ea. 55-194042 1968 Heater Lens 24.99 ea. 55-194043 1968 Air Conditioning Lens 24.99 ea. 55-194044 1969 Heater Lens 29.99 ea. 55-194045 1969 Air Conditioning Lens 24.99 ea. 55-194046 1970 Heater Lens 24.99 ea. 55-194047 1970 Air Conditioning Lens 24.99 ea. 55-194048 1971-72 Heater Lens 24.99 ea. 55-194049 1971-72 Air Conditioning Lens 24.99 ea. 55-197387 1978-82 Air Conditioning Lens with Knobs 41.99 ea. • Black Plastic Knobs • Correct Metal Inserts 55-332795 1959-60 Heater & Climate Control 55-194057 1966-75 Knob, Heater & Air Conditioning 55-194055 1 9 6 6 - 7 7 C h r o m e 1966-77 Black 4 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 4 Heater And Air Conditioning Boxes • • • • Heater And Air Conditioning Control Knobs 55-194056 07-0586 Bare Unit Heavy Plastic Construction Ready For Your Blower Motor and Heater Core Blower Inlet Shunt Included 55-194032 1965-72 Big Block, Engine Side (Heater Only) 54.99 ea. 55-194033 1968-72 Heater & Air Conditioning (Case Only) 283.99 ea. 55-198567 1968-72 Heater Delete Firewall Set 173.99 ea. 55-197679 1969 Heater Box Assembly (Interior Side) 229.99 ea. 10.99 set 55-198511 1970-72 Small Block, Passenger Side 399.99 ea. 11.99 set 55-197338 1971-72 Small Block, Engine Side (Heater Only) 24.99 set 4.99 ea. 32.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:34 PM AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING 55-242145 Heater Water Control Valves 55-193994 1968-72 ‘71-77 All, ‘78-80 200, 229, Air Conditioning Delete Boxes 267, 305, 350 w/Air Conditioning • Uses Same Mounting Location As Stock Air Conditioning Box • Made Of Thick, Durable Fiberglass With High Quality Black Gelcoating • Looks Like A Factory Box 29.99 ea. 55-193995 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 ‘ 7 8 - 8 4 2 3 1 , ‘ 8 1 2 2 9 , 2 6 7 , 3 0 5 , ‘ 8 5 - 8 7 4.3L, ‘82-87 305 Canada w/Air Conditioning 55-193996 1983-84 350 Diesel w/Air Conditioning 55-242145 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 184.99 ea. 55-242147 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 169.99 ea. 55-242148 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 169.99 ea. 55-242149 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 199.99 ea. 55-194005 19.99 ea. 33.99 ea. 1959-87 Electronic Bypass Heater Control Valve • Replacement Valve • Works With 5/8" and 3/4" Hose Sizes • Mounts Under Hood • Ideal For Complete Shut-OffOf Heater Core • Switch Mounts In Or Under Dash 55-283526 109.99 kit Heater And Air Conditioning Box Seal Kits • Correct Foam Seals To Rebuild Heater Box 55-192952 1959-60 Heater Box to Firewall Seal (w/o A/C) 7.99 ea. 55-194005 1964-67 With Air Conditioning 29.99 ea. 55-194006 1964-72 w/o Air Conditioning 29.99 ea. 55-194007 1968-72 With Air Conditioning 29.99 ea Heater Cores This heater core from The El Camino Store is a bolt-in replacement of your leaky, decayed original. Even when repaired and tested, original heater cores often spring new leaks due to age and weakness in the core and seams at the tanks. A really good way to ruin your carpet! We always recommend replacing your El Camino’s heater core even before the first signs of trouble. The part features an all new core soldered to new top and bottom tanks and brackets. It is ready to install inside your stock heater box assembly. The El Camino Store always has you covered. Heater, Vent, And Air Conditioning Cables 55-194008 1959-60 3 Piece, Deluxe Heater 49.99 ea. 55-194009 1966 With Air Conditioning, Air Control 41.99 ea. 55-194010 1966 With Air Conditioning, Outlet Control 41.99 ea. 55-194011 1966 With Air Conditioning, Temp. Control 41.99 ea. 55-194012 1966-67 With Air Conditioning, Defroster Control 39.99 ea. 55-194013 1966-67 w/o Air Conditioning, Air/Fan Control 41.99 ea. 55-194014 1966-67 w/o Air Conditioning, Temp. Control 41.99 ea. 55-194015 1966-67 w/o Air Conditioning, Defroster Control 41.99 ea. 55-194016 1967 With Air Conditioning, Air Control 39.99 ea. 55-194017 1967 With Air Conditioning, Outlet Control 39.99 ea. 55-194018 1967 With Air Conditioning, Temp. Control 39.99 ea. 55-194026 1967-68 Under Dash Vent Control 41.99 ea. 55-194027 1967-68 Knobs For Under Dash Vent Control 24.99 pr. 55-194020 1968-69 With Air Conditioning, Temp. Control 41.99 ea. 55-194021 1968-69 With Air Conditioning, Fan Control 41.99 ea. 55-193999 1964-67 With Air Conditioning 99.99 ea. 55-194022 1968-69 With Air Conditioning, Defroster Control 41.99 ea. 55-194000 1968 99.99 ea. 55-194023 1968-72 w/o Air Conditioning, Air Control 39.99 ea. 55-194001 1968-72 w/o Air Conditioning 57.99 ea. 55-194024 1968-72 w/o Air Conditioning, Temp. Control 39.99 ea. 55-261350 1969-72 With Air Conditioning 54.99 ea. 55-194025 1968-72 w/o Air Conditioning, Defroster Control 41.99 ea. 159.99 ea. 55-194028 1969-72 Under Dash Vent Control (12” loop end) 36.99 ea. 55-294371 1959-60 With Bolt On Hot Water Valve System 07-0400 With Air Conditioning 1978-87 w/o Air Conditioning 55-194004 1978-87 With Air Conditioning Call 49.99 ea. 55-194029 1969-72 Under Dash Vent Control (14” loop end) 41.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 5 5 1/29/15 4:34 PM AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING Heater & Air Conditioning Control Lever Kits • Rebuilds Lever Assembly Behind Control Panel • Replaces Fragile Zinc Die Cast Originals 55-194789 1966 Air Lever Kit 69.99 ea. 55-194788 1966-67 Heater Lever Kit 53.99 ea. 55-194790 1967 Air Lever kit 69.99 ea. Hose And Wiring Straps 55-194038 1959-60 Hose Clamps, Correct Wire Style 0.99 ea. 55-194039 1964-72 Mounts on Fender Skirt 7.99 ea. Heater & Air Conditioning Control Levers • Replaces Commonly Broken Lever Behind Control Panel • Stamped Metal Unit Includes Replacement Plastic Washers And Rivet • Will Not Break Unlike Fragile Zinc Die Cast Originals • For Use With Defrost Function Lever 55-194791 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 H e a t e r A i r 23.99 ea. 55-194795 1966 Air Conditioning “Air” 23.99 ea. 55-194796 1966 Air Conditioning “Heater Outlet” 23.99 ea. 55-194797 1966 Air Conditioning “Temp” 23.99 ea. 55-194798 1966-67 Air Conditioning “Defrost” 23.99 ea. 55-194792 1966-67 Heater “Air & Fan” 23.99 ea. 55-194793 1966-67 Heater “Temp” 23.99 ea. 55-194794 1966-67 Heater “Defrost” 23.99 ea. 55-194799 1967 Air Conditioning “Air” 23.99 ea. 55-194800 1967 Air Conditioning “Heater Outlet” 23.99 ea. 55-194801 1967 Air Conditioning “Temp” 23.99 ea. 1979 Hose And Wiring Straps • Stock Replacement 55-195460 A i r C o n d i t i o n i n g H o s e S t r a p 2.99 ea. 55-198025 55-198023 1959-60 Heater Hose Kits Air Conditioning Fasteners • GM "Square" Style Stamping • Correct Reproduction Of Original 55-196531 Reproduction with GM Square 29.99 ea. 55-196532 Original Style 39.99 ea. 55-198023 1964 Evaporator at Firewall, 6 pcs. 8.99 ea. 55-198024 1964-65 Air Distribution Block, 4 pcs. 4.99 ea. 55-198025 1964-65 Duct Blower Housing, 6 pcs. 4.99 ea. 55-198026 1964-65 Fitting & Muffler Assembly, 3 pcs. 4.99 ea. 55-198027 1964-65 Hose (straps), 2 pcs. 7.99 ea. 55-198028 1964-65 Resistor & Relay at Evaporator, 3 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198029 1964-65 Right Outlet Hose at Duct. 2 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198030 1964-65 Selector Duct at Firewall, 6 pcs. 4.99 ea. 55-198031 1964-65 Switches, 6 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198032 1964-65 Valve Tube Bracket at Evaporator, 9 pcs. 5.99 ea. 1965-72 Heating And Air Conditioning Duct Hoses • Stock Replacement • Original GM • Correct Wire Style Hose 55-198033 1964-67 Comp. Lower Adjustment, SB, 3 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198034 1964-67 Duct Housing at Kick Panel, 9 pcs. 5.99 ea. 55-198035 1964-67 Vacuum Hose S-Clip at Blower Housing 4.99 ea. 55-198036 1964-68 Comp. Rear Brace at Intake, SB, 7 pcs. 7.99 ea. 55-198037 1964-68 Comp. Support at Exh. Manifold, SB 8.99 ea. 55-198038 1964-68 Comp. Support Lower Rear, SB, 6 pcs. 5.99 ea. 55-194034 Big Block, Engine Side (Heater Only) 21.99 ea. 55-198039 1964-68 Comp. Upper Front Brace, SB, 6 pcs. 5.99 ea. 55-194913 Big Block, Engine Side (Heater Only) 29.99 ea. 55-198040 1964-68 Heater Hose Clamp at Comp, SB, 6 pcs. 4.99 ea. 6 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 6 shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:34 PM AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING Air Conditioning Fasteners (continued) 55-198098 1969 Vacuum Hose at Water Valve, 2 pcs. 2.99 ea. 55-198099 1969 Vacuum Tank, 2 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198041 1964-68 Recovery Tank at Fender Skirt, 4 pcs. 7.99 ea. 55-198100 1969 Valve, Tube Bracket at Evaporator, 2 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198042 1966 Comp Brace at Intake, 396, 9 pcs. 5.99 ea. 55-198101 1969 Wiring Clip, RH, Under Dash, 1 pcs. 4.99 ea. 55-198043 1966 Condenser & Bracket, 14 pcs. 7.99 ea. 55-198102 1969 Fitting & Muffler Assembly, 5 pcs. 5.99 ea. 55-198044 1966 Evaporator at Firewall, 6 pcs. 8.99 ea. 55-198103 1969 LH & RH Outlet Control Cables, 6 pcs. 4.99 ea. 55-198045 1966 Hose Clamp at Radiatort Support, 2 pcs. 2.99 ea. 55-198104 1969 Outlet Control Bezels at Kick Panels, 8 pcs 5.99 ea. 55-198046 1966 Hose (straps), 3 pcs. 8.99 ea. 55-198105 1969 Receiver Tank w/Tubing at Cond. 9 pcs. 4.99 ea. 55-198047 1966-67 A/C & Heat Diverter Door Switch, 4 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198106 1969-70 Comp. Support at Exh. Manifold, SB 10.99 ea. 55-198048 1966-67 Air Distribution Duct, Central, 4 pcs. 4.99 ea. 55-198107 1969-70 Water Shut-Off Valve, 2 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198049 1966-67 Comp. Support at Exh. Man, 396, 7 pcs. 18.99 ea. 55-198108 1969-71 Comp. Brace Upper Front, SB, 9 pcs. 6.99 ea. 55-198050 1966-67 Lower Adj. & Front Support, 396, 5 pcs. 8.99 ea. 55-198109 1969-71 Comp. Support Lower Front, SB, 6 pcs. 5.99 ea. 55-198051 1966-67 Comp. Upper Brace, SB w/o Smog, 4 pcs. 4.99 ea. 55-198110 1969-71 Heater Hose Clamp at Alternator, 2 pcs. 7.99 ea. 55-198052 1966-67 Duct Blower Housing, 6 pcs. 55-198111 1969-72 Ambient Switch at Evaporator, 2 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198053 1966-67 Heater Hose Clamp at Comp, 396, 6 pcs. 4.99 ea. 55-198112 1969-72 Evaporator Case, 6 pcs. 5.99 ea. 55-198054 1966-67 Selector Duct at Firewall, 6 pcs. 55-198113 1 9 6 9 - 7 2 H o s e a t H e a t e r H o s e 8.99 ea. 55-198055 1966-67 Valve Tube Bracket at Evaporator, 2 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198114 1970 Vacuum Hose at Evaporator (strap) 4.99 ea. 55-198056 1966-68 Comp. Upper Front Brace, 396, 6 pcs. 7.99 ea. 55-198115 1970 Vacuum Hose Attachments, 3 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198057 1966-68 Fitting & Muffler Assembly, 5 pcs. 4.99 ea. 55-198116 1970-71 Compressor Brace at Intake, SB, 5 pcs. 5.99 ea. 55-198058 1966-69 Resistor & Relay at Evaporator, 3 pcs. 4.99 ea. 55-198117 1970-71 Vacuum Hose at Select Duct (strap) 4.99 ea. 55-198059 1967 Compressor Brace at Intake, 396, 10 pcs. 5.99 ea. 55-198118 1970-72 Comp. Brace at Intake, 396/454, 7 pcs. 8.99 ea. 55-198060 1967 Hose (straps), 1 piece 4.99 ea. 55-198119 1970-72 Comp. Brace, Upr Frt, 396/454, 9 pcs. 7.99 ea. 55-198061 1968 Ambient Switch at Evaporator, 4 pcs. 4.99 ea. 55-198120 1970-72 Comp. Support, Lwr. Frt, 396/454, 6 pcs. 4.99 ea. 55-198062 1968 Comp. Brace at Intake, 396 w/AT, 11 pcs. 5.99 ea. 55-198121 1970-72 Comp. Support, Lwr. Rr, 396/454, 11 pcs. 5.99 ea. 55-198063 1968 Comp. Brace at Intake, 396 w/o AT, 8 pcs. 4.99 ea. 55-198122 1970-72 Comp. Support, Lwr. Rr, SB, 10pcs. 5.99 ea. 55-198064 1968 Comp. Brace at Intake, SB w/Smog 8.99 ea. 55-198123 1970-72 Condenser, 18 pcs. 9.99 ea. 55-198065 1968 Comp. Sup. at Exh. Man, 396, 11 pcs. 4.99 ea. 4.99 ea. 18.99 ea. 55-198124 1970-72 Vacuum Hose Clips at Selector Duct, 55-198066 1968 Comp. Sup. Lower Rear, SB, 3 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198067 1968 Lwr. Adj. & Front Support, 396, 5 pcs. 8.99 ea. 55-198125 1970-72 Valve, Tube Bracket at Evaporator, 2 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198068 1968 Comp. Upper Front Brace, SB w/Smog 5.99 ea. 55-198126 1970-72 Fitting & Muffler Assembly, 3 pcs. 4.99 ea. 55-198069 1968 Condenser & Bracket, 14 pcs. 5.99 ea. 55-198127 1970-72 Hose at RH Wheelhouse, 2 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198070 1968 Vacuum Hose Grommet at Firewall 2.99 ea. 55-198128 1970-72 Receiver Tank at Condenser, 2 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198071 1968 Vacuum Tank, 2 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198129 1970-72 Resistor & Relay at Evaporator, 3 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198072 1968 Valve Tube Bracket at Evaporator 2.99 ea. 55-198130 1971 Anti-Dieseling Relay, 1 pcs. 2.99 ea. 55-198073 1968 Wiring Clip, RH, Under Dash 4.99 ea. 55-198131 1971-72 Comp. Support at Exh. Man, BB, 3 pcs. 6.99 ea. 55-198075 1968 Heater Hose Clamp at Comp. 396, 4 pcs. 4.99 ea. 55-198132 1971-72 Comp. Support at Exh. Man, SB, 2 pcs. 5.99 ea. 55-198076 1968 Hose (straps), 2 pcs. 7.99 ea. 55-198133 1971-72 Vacuum Hose Attachments, 3 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198077 1968 Hose Grommet at Fender Skirt, 4 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198134 1972 Comp. Brace at Intake, SB, 5 pcs. 5.99 ea. 55-198078 1 9 6 8 H o s e s a t R a d i a t o r S u p p o r t 5.99 ea. 55-198135 1972 Comp. Brace, Upr Frt, SB, 13 pcs. 8.99 ea. 55-198079 1968 LH Outlet Duct Support, 3 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198136 1972 Comp. Support, Lwr Rear, SB, 6 pcs. 4.99 ea. 55-198080 1968-69 Blower Control Switch (in control), 2 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198081 1968-69 A/C & Heat Diverter Door Switch, 2 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198082 1968-69 Vacuum Hose Clamps, 5 pcs. 5.99 ea. 55-198083 1968-69 Hose at RH Wheelhouse, 2 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198084 1968-72 Air Distribution Duct, Central, 2 pcs 3.99 ea. 55-198085 1968-72 Selector Duct at Firewall, 8 pcs. 5.99 ea. 55-198086 1968-72 Evaporator at Firewall, 6 pcs. 6.99 ea. 55-198087 1968-72 Ground at Firewall, 2 pcs. 3.99 ea. 55-198088 1968-72 Plenum Valve & Bracket, 11 pcs. 55-198089 1969 Comp. Brace at Intake, SB, 6 pcs. 4.99 ea. 5.99 ea. 55-198091 1969 Comp. Brace Upper Rear, 396, 6 pcs. 13.99 ea. 55-198092 1969 Comp. Support at Exh. Man, BB, 3 pcs. 6.99 ea. 55-198093 1969 Comp. Support at Exh. Man, 396, 6 pcs. 4.99 ea. 55-198094 1969 Comp. Support Lower Front, 396, 6 pcs. 4.99 ea. 55-198096 1969 Compressor & Bracket, 18 pcs. 55-198097 1969 Control Cables at Kick Panel, 6 pcs. 4.99 ea. 10.99 ea. 3.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 7 5.99 ea. 13.99 ea. 55-198090 1969 Comp. Brace Upper Front, 396, 9 pcs. 55-198095 1969 Comp. Support Lower Rear, 6 pcs. 2 p c s 7 1/29/15 4:34 PM AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING 55-198002 Heater And Air Conditioning Fastener Kits 55-197781 1964-65 Small Block on Engine, 26 pcs. 32.99 ea. 55-197782 1964-65 Small Block, Forward of Firewall, 22 pcs. 27.99 ea. 55-197783 1964-65 Small Block, Rear of Firewall, 12 pcs. 16.99 ea. 55-197784 1966-67 Small Block, On Engine, 24 pcs. 31.99 ea. 55-197785 1966 Small Block, Forward of Firewall, 22 pcs. 26.99 ea. 55-197786 1966 Small Block, Rear of Firewall, 14 pcs. 16.99 ea. 55-197787 1966 Big Block on Engine, 35 pcs. 31.99 ea. 55-197788 1966 Big Block Forward of Firewall, 22 pcs. 26.99 ea. 55-197789 1966 Big Block Rear of Firewall, 14 pcs. 16.99 ea. 55-197790 1967 Small Block, Forward of Firewall, 22 pcs. 26.99 ea. 55-197791 1967 Small Block, Rear of Firewall, 18 pcs. 23.99 ea. 55-197792 1967 Small Block on Engine w/Smog, 24 pcs. 31.99 ea. 55-197793 1967 SB w/Smog Forward of Firewall, 22 pcs. 26.99 ea. 55-197794 1967 Small Block, Rear of Firewall, 18 pcs. 23.99 ea. 55-197795 1967 Big Block on Engine, 35 pcs. 41.99 ea. 55-197796 1967 Big Block Forward of Firewall, 22 pcs. 26.99 ea. 55-197797 1967 Big Block Rear of Firewall, 18 pcs. 23.99 ea. 55-197798 1968 Small Block on Engine, 24 pcs. 31.99 ea. 55-197799 1968 Small Block, Forward of Firewall, 38 pcs. 44.99 ea. 55-197800 1968 Small Block, Rear of Firewall, 18 pcs. 23.99 ea. 55-197801 1968 Small Block on Engine w/Smog, 26 pcs. 31.99 ea. 55-197802 1968 SB w/Smog Forward of Firewall, 26 pcs. 44.99 ea. 55-197803 1968 SB w/Smog Rear of Firewall, 18 pcs. 23.99 ea. 55-197830 1972 55-197804 1968 Big Block on Engine, 35 pcs. 41.99 ea. 55-197997 1964 Heater Hose Clip at Wheelhouse 5.99 ea. 55-197805 1969 Big Block Forward of Firewall, 38 pcs. 44.99 ea. 55-197998 1964-65 Heater Control Cable Retainers w/ A/C 4.99 ea. 55-197806 1969 Big Block Rear of Firewall, 18 pcs. 23.99 ea. 55-197999 1 9 6 4 - 6 8 H e a t e r H o s e 4.99 ea. 55-197807 1969 Small Block on Engine, 36 pcs. 49.99 ea. 55-198000 1964-72 Heater or A/C Outlet, LH 2.99 ea. 55-197808 1969 Small Block, Forward of Firewall, 44 pcs. 49.99 ea. 55-198001 1964-72 Heater Resistor Box 2.99 ea. 55-197809 1969 Small Block, Rear of Firewall, 18 pcs. 23.99 ea. 55-198002 1965 Heater Control Cable Retainers 5.99 ea. 55-197810 1969 Big Block on Engine, 35 pcs. 35.99 ea. 55-198003 1965-66 Heater Box at Firewall 8.99 ea. 55-197811 1969 Big Block Forward of Firewall, 44 pcs. 49.99 ea. 55-198004 1965-72 Heater Blower Motor 3.99 ea. 55-197812 1969 Big Block Rear of Firewall, 18 pcs. 23.99 ea. 55-198005 1966-67 Heater Control Cable Retainers 5.99 ea. 55-197813 1969 Small Block on Engine, 32 pcs. 37.99 ea. 55-198006 1966-67 Heater Control Cable Retainers w/ A/C 5.99 ea. 55-197814 1969 Small Block, Forward of Firewall, 38 pcs. 41.99 ea. 55-198007 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 D e f r o s t D u c t s 3.99 ea. 55-197815 1970 Small Block, Rear of Firewall, 18 pcs. 21.99 ea. 55-198008 1966-67 Heater Hose Clip at Wheelhouse 5.99 ea. 55-197816 1970 Big Block on Engine, 35 pcs. 34.99 ea. 55-198009 1967-72 Heater Box at Firewall 6.99 ea. 55-197817 1970 Big Block Forward of Firewall, 38 pcs. 41.99 ea. 55-198010 1968-69 Heater Control Cable Retainers 6.99 ea. 55-197818 1970 Big Block Rear of Firewall, 18 pcs. 21.99 ea. 55-198011 1968-69 Heater Control Cable Retainers w/ A/C 5.99 ea. 55-197819 1971 Small Block on Engine, 26 pcs. 32.99 ea. 55-198012 1 9 6 8 - 6 9 D e f r o s t D u c t s 3.99 ea. 55-197820 1971 Small Block, Forward of Firewall, 38 pcs. 41.99 ea. 55-198013 1969 Heater Control Cables (strap) 55-197821 1971 Small Block, Rear of Firewall, 18 pcs. 21.99 ea. 55-198014 1969 Heater Hose w/ A/C 55-197822 1971 Small Block on Engine, 26 pcs. 37.99 ea. 55-198015 1 9 6 9 D e f r o s t D u c t s 55-197823 1971 Big Block Forward of Firewall, 44 pcs. 43.99 ea. 55-198016 1969-71 Htr Hose Clip at Alt. Bracket, w/o A/C 55-197824 1971 Big Block Rear of Firewall, 18 pcs. 41.99 ea. 55-198017 1 9 6 9 - 7 2 H e a t e r H o s e 55-197825 1972 Small Block on Engine, 26 pcs. 32.99 ea. 55-198018 1970 Heater Control Cable Retainers w/ A/C 4.99 ea. 55-197826 1972 Small Block, Forward of Firewall, 36 pcs. 41.99 ea. 55-198019 1970-72 Heater Control Cable Retainers 6.99 ea. 55-197827 1972 Small Block, Rear of Firewall, 14 pcs. 18.99 ea. 55-198020 1971-72 Heater Control Cable Retainers w/ A/C 4.99 ea. 55-197828 1972 Big Block on Engine, 28 pcs. 34.99 ea. 55-198021 1 9 7 1 - 7 2 D e f r o s t D u c t s 3.99 ea. 55-197829 1972 Big Block Forward of Firewall, 36 pcs. 41.99 ea. 55-198022 1972 Heater Hose Clip at Alternator Bracket 6.99 ea. 8 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 8 55-198016 55-198009 Big Block Rear of Firewall, 14 pcs. 18.99 ea. 4.99 ea. 13.99 ea. 3.99 ea. 5.99 ea. 10.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:34 PM AUDIO 1964-77 Custom Autosound USA-630 Stereo U.S.A Series, El Camino Stereo Systems • Fits Dash Without Modifications • AM and FM and Cassette • 200 Watts Our radios are new upgraded units featuring electronic volume and tuning controls that allow all function control with outer knobs only. Inner radio knobs are cosmetic only. both AM and FM tuners upgraded as well as 200 watts of power. Auxiliary inputs allow direct connection for iPod, DVD, Satellite Radio, Nav, TV, etc. The USA-1 features the following: 200 Watts Power Rating AM/ FM Auto Reverse Cassette Dual RCA Outputs & Inputs for iPod, MP3, DVD, etc. Upgraded AM/FM Tuners for Optimum Reception Separate Bass & Treble Controls 18 FM/12 AM Presets Seek and Scan New electronic Volume & Tuning Controls Two Year Factory Warranty 55-196837 Chrome Face (Specify Year) 229.99 ea. 55-196835 Black Face (Specify Year) 229.99 ea. • Fits in Stock Dash • Large Display and Large Pushbuttons Looks More Like A Stock Radio • 240 Watts Total Power (60 x 4) • USB Plays MP3/WMA Files From Your Flash Drive 55-244439 1 9 6 4 239.99 ea. 55-244292 1 9 6 5 239.99 ea. 55-244293 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 239.99 ea. 55-244294 1 9 6 8 239.99 ea. 55-244295 1 9 6 6 - 7 2 239.99 ea. 55-244296 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 239.99 ea. Custom Audio Sound Remote CD changer • 9.75" X 2.50 X 6.75" • Twin Digital-toAnalog Converter • 1 Bit 8X Times Oversampling Complete your stereo system with this Custom Autosound USA-CD60 6 Disc changer. Works directly with your U S A 5 , U S A 6 3 0 , U S A - 6 6 a n d S e c r e ta u d io m a n u fa c tu r e d a fte r April 2003. It operates from the buttons on the USA-5, USA-630, USA-66 or your Secretaudio radios. Can be mounted horizontal, vertical or 45 Degree. Small enough to hide anywhere. 9.75" X 2.50" X 6.75". 88-1080-3 289.99 ea. 1964-77 Custom Autosound USA-230 Stereo • • • • Fits in Stock Dash No Cassette Player Or CD Control Capability 200 Watts Total Power (50 x 4) Includes Auxiliary Inputs For iPod, DVD and Satellite Hookups 55-244438 1 9 6 4 179.99 ea. 55-244286 1 9 6 5 179.99 ea. 55-244287 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 179.99 ea. 55-244288 1 9 6 8 179.99 ea. 55-244289 1 9 6 6 - 7 2 179.99 ea. 55-244290 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 179.99 ea. 1959-85 Secret Audio Stereo System • Ideal For Restored & Modified Vehicles • Allows You to Have Great AM/FM Stereo Reception • Hidden Amp/Receiver Is Controlled With A Tiny Hand Held Remote 55-196843 toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 9 299.99 ea. 9 1/29/15 4:34 PM AUDIO Custom Autosound Radio Noise Suppression Kit Ken Harrison AM–FM Stereo Radios • Features: Auxiliary Inputs, USB Ports, IPod® Compatibility and RCA Pre-Outs • Fits Virtually Any Classic Vehicle • All Metal Knobs And Period–Correct Mounting Kits • High Sensitivity Digital AM/FM RDS Tuner With 30 Pre–Sets • Built–In High–Power Amplifier (22 Watts x 4 Channels RMS) 55-331728 1964 KHE-100USB, Black Face 229.99 ea. 55-331705 1965 KHE-100USB, Black Face 229.99 ea. 55-331737 1966-67 KHE-100USB, Black Face 229.99 ea. 55-331747 1968-72 KHE-100USB, Black Face 229.99 ea. 55-331762 1970-72 KHE-100USB, Black Face, Super Sport Model With Original Dash 229.99 ea. 55-331772 1970-72 KHE-100USB, Black Face, Super Sport Model With Reproduction Dash 229.99 ea. 55-317522 • Eliminates Electrical Noise In Radio Or Stereo • Easy To Install • For Use On Cars Equipped With An Alternator 55-338571 19.99 ea. Retrosound AM/FM Hide Away Antenna • 105" Cable Allows For Installing Anywhere • Active Magnetic Field Circuitry • Installs In Seconds High Gain AM/FM Do you like your radio, but hate that ugly antenna that stands tall on your El Camino, swaying in the wind? Not only is it unsightly, but it can be distracting too. The El Camino Store is happy to offer the new Retrosound Hide Away AM/FM Antenna for your El Camino. With a 105 inch cable, this antenna can be installed anywhere easily, and can be hidden away almost any place under your dash. Your El Camino was meant for style and convenience, and this Retrosound antenna is perfect for you. Trust The El Camino Store for all of your restoration and replacement needs for your El Camino! 55-304351 21.99 ea. 55-317516 Retrosound Zuma AM/FM Stereo Radios • Features: Auxiliary Inputs, USB Ports, IPod® Compatibility and RCA Pre-Outs • InfiniMount Adjustable Bracket System Fits Virtually Any Classic Vehicle • All Metal Knobs And Period–Correct Mounting Kits • High Sensitivity Digital AM/FM RDS Tuner With 30 Pre–Sets • Built–In High–Power Amplifier (22 Watts x 4 Channels RMS) 55-317522 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 C h r o m e F a c e 249.99 ea. 55-317516 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 C h r o m e F a c e 249.99 ea. 55-317514 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 C h r o m e F a c e 249.99 ea. 55-317524 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 C h r o m e F a c e 249.99 ea. 55-317536 1973-77 Chrome Face With Chrome Bezel 249.99 ea. 55-317566 1978-85 Chrome Face With Chrome Bezel And Music Symbol Knobs 10 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 10 249.99 ea. Custom Autosound USA-4 DIN Stereo • • • • Fits Most Dashes That Have Been Cut 7.2" X 2.11" Radio Opening Fold Down & Full Detachable Face 160 Watts Of Power 4 X 40 Have a cut dash? We have the solution. This radio looks like a classic shaft style radio but has a CD player behind the fold down face. If your dash was cut for a modern CD radio this will fit the same opening and give you a classic looking radio with modern features. Measure the opening in your dash before ordering to make certain the stereo will fill the hole. 55-261431 159.99 ea. 55-261433 159.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:35 PM AUDIO 1959-60 200 Watt 6”x 9” Speaker 1964-72 Retrosound Classic Stereo • • • • • • • • • Rear Auxiliary Input Fits Stock Dash Opening Authentic Push-Button Styling Super Small 3.5" W x 6.5" D x 1.5" T Chassis Size Built-In 18 Watts x 4 RMS Amplifier AM/FM Tuner With 30 Presets RCA Pre-Outs To Add External Amplifiers Enhanced LCD Display One-Year Manufacturer's Warranty The new Retro Classic Radio, with Am/Fm Tuner and rearmounted auxiliary input was created to meet the needs of classic car enthusiasts for a radio that maintains the classic in-dash look of the vehicle while offering modern playback capabilities from today's digital music sources. This is a breakthrough classic car radio offering flexible mounting options with RetroSound’s patented "InfiniMount" adjustable shaft/bracket system. 55-278532 1964-65 With Chrome Face 179.99 ea. 55-278533 1966-67 With Chrome Face 179.99 ea. 55-278529 1968-72 With Chrome Face 180.99 ea. 55-243145 1 9 7 8 - 8 5 179.99 ea. • High Quality Replacement Stereo Speaker • Fits In Stock Dash Location • Super-Slim 1-3/4" Mounting Depth • Dual Voice Coil Allows 2 Stereo Channel Inputs Give 2 Speaker Sound From A Single Speaker • Full Range With Dual Mylar Tweeter Assembly • Neodymium Magnet Structure Is 5-Times More Powerful Than Standard Speaker Magnets • 100 Watts RMS 200 Watts Max Power 55-261454 Call 1959-87 Dual Voice Coil Speakers • Best Sound Solution For Original Single Speaker Replacement • Speakers Have 70% More Cone Area • Improved Bass Response • 140 Watts Of Power Our new dual voice coil speakers will give you the best quality sound possible from your original speaker location. These speakers have up to 70% more cone area than the conventional dual speaker setup giving you improved bass response and 120 watt power handling. Both stereo channels connect directly to one speaker. This is the best sound solution for the original speaker location. 55-198453 1 9 6 4 49.99 ea. 55-202263 1 9 6 5 59.99 ea. 55-202264 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 59.99 ea. 55-202265 1 9 6 8 59.99 ea. 55-202268 1 9 6 6 - 7 2 49.99 ea. 55-202269 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 49.99 ea. 1985-87 Retrosound Newport Stereo For El Camino • • • • • • • • Direct-fit 1.5 DIN Size For GM vehicles Made-For-iPod® Built-in Bluetooth® Wireless Audio Streaming Built-in 25 Watts x 4 Channel RMS Power Amplifier Front & Rear RCA Pre-outs Plus Subwoofer Output Front Mounted USB & Auxiliary Port Dual Color (white or green) Illumination No Mounting Kit Required The RetroSound® Newport is a direct-fit solution for GM vehicles with 1.5 DIN dash openings. This radio looks like the original radio but offers the most modern high-tech features including a MadeFor-iPod® interface, built-in Bluetooth® connectivity, dual USB ports and two auxiliary inputs for portable devices. The Newport mounts without the need of special kits or harnesses and closely mimics the original radio for an attractive factory-like look. 55-338130 369.99 ea. Replacement 6”x 9” Speakers • Fits Most 6” x 9” Openings • 80 Watt of Power • Three Way 55-192688 toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 11 79.99 pr. 11 1/29/15 4:35 PM AUDIO 1970-87 Pioneer Dual Front Speakers 1966-69 3-1/2” Dash Speakers • 50 Watts Of Power • Improved Quality Sound • Used With Any Aftermarket Radios 55-198452 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 84.99 ea. 55-202276 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 89.99 ea. 55-202277 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 89.99 ea. 55-202278 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 89.99 ea. 55-202279 1 9 6 8 - 6 9 89.99 ea. 55-202280 1 9 6 8 - 6 9 89.99 ea. Wireless Bluetooth Audio Compact Amplifier • Awesome New Upgrade For Any Ride With Or Without A Radio! • 180 Watt Amplifier (4 Channels x 45) • Wireless Bluetooth Streams Music From Any Capable Device • Aux and Pre-amp In • Current Sensing For Inputs • Mute Activates For Incoming Calls • Connects To Any Radio Though An Amplifier Interface • Super Compact Size 5" X 5" X 2" Mounts Virtually Anywhere 88-3770-1 • • • • • High Quality Replacement Stereo Speakers Fits In Stock Dash Location Super-Slim 1-1/4” Mounting Depth Full Range With Single Mylar Tweeter Assembly Neodymium Magnet Structure is 5 Times More Powerful wThan Standard Tweeter Magnets • 20 Watts RMS 30 Watts Max Power 55-261427 59.99 pr. 1978-87 Ken Harrison Front Corner Dash Speakers • Replaces Original 3-1/2” Corner Dash Speakers Exactly • Dual Cone 55-288341 37.99 pr. 169.99 ea. 55-202271 1959-87 Undercover Speakers • Designed For Under Seat Or Horizontal Wall Mount • 5 1/2” Woofer and Piezo Tweeters • 120 Watts Of Power Measures 2-7/8”x 8”x 11” 1959-87 Dual Front Speakers • • • • 55-198451 129.99 ea. 30 Watts Of Power Fits In Stock Speaker Location Used In Dash Provides Stereo Sound From Single Speaker Location 55-192686 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 35.99 ea. 55-202257 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 39.99 ea. 55-202258 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 39.99 ea. 55-202259 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 39.99 ea. 55-202260 1 9 6 8 - 6 9 39.99 ea. 55-202261 1 9 6 8 - 6 9 39.99 ea. 55-202271 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 35.99 pr. 55-202272 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 35.99 pr. 55-202273 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 35.99 pr. 55-202274 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 35.99 pr. 12 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 12 1959-87 Below Rear Shelf Speaker System • • • • • • 200 Watts Of Power Handling Capability 3" Deep...Mount Anywhere Against Your Back Wall 2 4" Speakers 2 Mid-ranges 2 Tweeters Includes Chevrolet "Crossed-Flags" Emblem 55-192687 129.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:35 PM AUDIO 55-192690 55-246070 55-192401 1959-72 Kick Panels With Speakers • Improved Panel Design • Paintable Black Plastic With Factory Appearing Grain Finish • Best Way To Add Speakers To The Confined El Camino Interior 55-192402 80 Watt Speaker With Factory Air Conditioning 55-192689 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 134.99 pr. 55-192691 1 9 6 4 - 6 6 134.99 pr. 55-246066 1 9 6 7 134.99 pr. 55-192693 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 134.99 pr. 80 Watt Speaker Without Factory Air Conditioning 55-192692 1 9 6 4 - 6 6 134.99 pr. 55-246068 1 9 6 7 199.99 pr. 55-192694 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 134.99 pr. 160 Watt Speaker With Factory Air Conditioning 55-192690 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 179.99 pr. 55-246088 1 9 6 4 - 6 6 179.99 pr. 55-246087 1 9 6 7 199.99 pr. 55-246070 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 179.99 pr. 1966-67 Radio Bezels • A Must For Any Interior Restoration • Correct Chromed Plastic Bezel • Replaces Typically Cut, Brittle, or “Flaking” Radio Plate. 55-192401 1 9 6 6 24.99 ea. 55-192402 1 9 6 7 24.99 ea. 160 Watt Speaker Without Factory Air Conditioning 55-246071 1 9 6 4 - 6 6 189.99 pr. 55-246067 1 9 6 7 189.99 pr. 55-246069 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 179.99 pr. 1964-83 6”x 9” Rear Deck Stereo Speakers 1986-87 Radio Face Plates • Stock Replacement • 200 Watts Neodymium Magnets • 1.77” Ultra Thin 3 Way These speakers feature neodymium magnet structures which are 5 times more powerful than standard speaker magnets, allowing for a substantial reduction in mounting depth and feature enhanced power handling and heat dissipation characteristics. This pair of 6X9" speakers come complete with wire mesh grilles, and are designed and sized to fit in an OEM locations, due to their ultra thin mounting profile, you can mount them places other speakers cannot fit. 55-288565 119.95 ea. This El Camino reproduction radio bezel has been manufactured to original factory specifications using today's modern manufacturing techniques. You will find the fit, finish and function will work superbly for your restoration. In addition, using a reproduction radio bezel from the El Camino Store will add authenticity and value to your vehicle. 55-199197 Dark Blue With Silver Trim 69.99 ea. 55-199199 Gray With Silver Trim 69.99 ea. 55-199198 Dark Saddle With Silver Trim 69.99 ea. 55-246066 Dark Claret With Silver Trim 134.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 13 13 1/29/15 4:35 PM AUDIO 55-192706 55-192707 55-199027 1966-72 Radio Support Brackets • Supports Radio To Lower Dash 55-192706 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 12.99 ea. 55-199027 1 9 6 8 - 6 9 15.99 ea. 55-192708 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 12.99 ea. 55-192707 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 12.99 ea. 1970-87 Antenna Lead Wire • Stock Replacement • For Use With Antenna In Windshield 55-196764 19.99 ea. 55-192709 55-198562 55-196761 55-198565 55-192923 55-196760 55-192710 Radio Knobs 1964-87 Antenna Components • Correct Replacements 55-199277 1 9 6 6 I n n e r 16.99 pr. 55-199276 1966 Outer 16.99 pr. 55-198560 1967-68 Volume/Tuner 15.99 pr. 55-198561 1967-68 Tone & Dummy Knob, Black 10.99 pr. 55-198562 1967-68 Mono Radio Knob Set 24.99 set 55-198563 1967-68 Stereo Radio Knb Set 23.99 set 55-198559 1969 Tone & Dummy Knob, Mono 12.99 pr. 55-192709 1969 Outer, Volume/Tuner 19.99 pr. 55-192710 1 9 6 9 I n n e r , S t e r e o • Stock Replacement 55-196761 1978-87 Black Antenna Nut 3.99 ea. 55-196760 1964-69 Lead Firewall Grommet 4.99 ea. 55-192923 1965-67 Antenna Gasket 55-243466 1964-65 Antenna Nut Tool 2.99 ea. 10.99 ea. 12.99 pr. 55-198564 1969-71 Mono Radio Knob Set 31.99 set 55-198565 1969-71 Stereo Radio Knob Set 31.99 set 55-199107 1970-72 AM/Mono Inner, SS 25.99 pr. 55-199106 1970-72 Stereo/AM/FM/8-Track, Inner, SS 25.99 pr. 1964-87 Antenna Masts • Original Factory Specifications 55-198625 1 9 6 4 - 6 6 R e p r o d u c t i o n 16.99 ea. 55-196763 1978-87 Chrome, GM 24.99 ea. 55-196762 1978-87 Black, GM 29.99 ea. 14 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 14 1965-67 Antenna Gaskets • Reproduction Of Original 55-192923 2.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:35 PM BRAKES 55-197404 07-3016-E 55-198778 07-3012 55-194635 Big Brake Kits The front system uses a 13 inch cross-drilled, gas slotted and zinc washed rotor mounted to a 2024 T6 billet aluminum CNC machined anodized hub and a PBR C15 caliper that attaches to the spindle with a custom caliper mounting brackets. PBR C15 calipers have twin 52mm pistons and a larger brake pad surface area that offers about 60% more stopping power in the caliper that the popular C5 caliper at half the cost. The rear system uses a 12 inch cross-drilled, gas slotted and zinc washed rotor that mounts to the factory axle with the longer studs supplied and mates up to a Lincoln Continental emergency brake style caliper mounted to the rear axle housing with a custom caliper mounting bracket. These kits include all the bearings, seals, dust caps, brackets, cables, hoses, clips, instructions and necessary hardware to assure a hassle free installation. Big Brakes are available in front or rear kits and as shown above as a complete front and rear kit. Front and rear kits also include a 4-wheel disc manual/power brake master cylinder and proportioning valve kit. 55-197404 1959-60 Drop Spindle 13” Front 809.99 kit 55-197407 1959-60 Drop Spindle 13” Front 999.99 kit 55-197405 1959-60 12” Rear Big Brake Kit 55-197406 1959-60 Stock Spindle Front And Rear 1489.99 kit 55-197408 1959-60 Drop Spindle Front And Rear 1699.99 kit 55-198771 1964-72 Stock Spindle 13” Front 649.99 kit 55-198774 1964-72 Drop Spindle 13” Front 799.99 kit 55-198772 1964-67 12” Rear Big Brake Kit 599.99 kit 55-198773 1968-72 12” Rear Big Brake Kit 599.99 kit 55-198775 1964-67 Stock Spindle Front And Rear 1199.99 kit 55-198776 1968-72 Stock Spindle Front And Rear 1499.99 kit 55-198778 1964-67 Drop Spindle Front And Rear 1575.99 kit 55-198777 1968-72 Drop Spindle Front And Rear 1999.99 kit 699.99 kit Disc Brake Kits • Crossed Drilled And Slotted Rotors Available At Extra Cost • For Drilled And Slotted Rotors See Part Number 55261004-1 Convert your truck to front disc brakes without having to change your spindles or lower your vehicle. This stock spindle kit bolts right onto your existing spindles for a quick and hassle free installation. It moves the wheels out 3/8" and works with most 14" and 15" wheels. Kit includes: disc brake bracket kit, rotors, loaded calipers, bearings, seals, dust caps, spindle nuts and hoses. Power brake booster not included. 07-3016-E 1964-66 Stock Spindle, 7”, 8”, 9” Booster 704.99 kit 07-3016-E 1967 Stock Spindle, 7”, 8”, 9”, 11” Bstr. 704.99 kit 07-3016-E 1968-72 Stock Spindle, 7”, 8”, 9”, 11” Bstr. 704.99 kit 07-3012 1964-66 Drop Spindle, 7”, 8”, 9” Bstr. 769.99 kit 07-3012 1967Drop Spindle, 7”, 8”, 9”, 11” Bstr. 769.99 kit 07-3012 1968-72 Drop Spindle, 7”, 8”, 9”, 11” Bstr. 769.99 kit 55-194633 1959-60 Stock Spindle Disc Brake Conv. Kit 339.99 kit 55-194631 1959-60 Drop Spindle Disc Brake Conv. Kit 519.99 kit 55-194635 1964-72 Stock Spindle Disc Brake Conv. Kit 399.99 kit 55-194632 1968-72 Drop Spindle Disc Brake Conv. Kit 579.99 kit 55-194634 1979-87 Stock Spindle Disc Brake Conv. Kit 689.99 kit toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 15 15 1/29/15 4:35 PM BRAKES 1973-77 Wildwood Front Disc Brake Kits • Loaded Red DP6 Six Piston Calipers • 12.19" Drilled And Slotted Vented Rotor • Wheel Bearings, Studs And Hardware Included • 14.14" Of Inside Wheel Clearance Diameter Disc Brake Backing Plates • Stock Replacement DynaPro 6 forged billet calipers are combined with 12.19” diameter rotors for the traditional, non-ABS spindles on Chevelles and El Caminos. The enhanced brake capacity and pad performance of the six piston calipers provide an intermediate level alternative to the bigger six piston kits. These kits compliment wheel, tire, and suspension upgrades on your El Camino and make it stop on a dime too! 55-278466 12.19” Plain Vented Rotor, Black 1049.99 kit 55-278482 12.19” Drilled And Slotted Vented Rotor, Black 1049.99 kit 55-278467 12.19” Plain Vented Rotor, Red 1149.99 kit 55-278462 12.19” Drilled And Slotted Vented Rotor 1249.99 kit 55-194107 1978-87 LH 29.99 ea. 55-194108 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 R H 29.99 ea. 55-194104 1 9 6 9 - 7 2 F r o n t 49.99 pr. 55-194103 1 9 6 7 - 6 8 F r o n t 74.99 pr. 1978-87 Big Bore Front Caliper • Direct Replacement For Small• Piston GM Metric Caliper • Bore Size Increase For 20% Improvement In Stopping Power • Fits Left And Right Side, Sold Each • Simple Casting For Easy Chroming, Powder Coating, Or Custom Painting • Extra Internal Ribs • Lighter Than Original • Standard D154 Brake Pads And Installation Hardware Included • 10mm-1.50 Banjo And Bleeder 55-284034 65.99 ea. 55-257701 4-Piston Rebuilt Brake Calipers Rear Disc Brakes • Bolts To Factory Rear Ends 55-194652 1959-60 w/Stock Axle 07-3084 1964-72 Kit, 10 or 12 Bolt 364.99 ea. 649.99 ea. 55-197371 Brake Rotors 55-197371 1967-68 One Piece Front w/4 Piston Calipers 74.99 ea. 55-257846 1967-68 Two Piece Front w/4 Piston Calipers 259.99 pr. • Rebuilt Original 4-Piston Caliper Ready To Be Installed • Correct 2-1/16” Bore • Caliper Brake Line Holes Available In All 3 Correct Sizes, 3/8 x 3/8, 3/8 x ½ And 3/8 x 7/16 (Brake Lines Not Included) • High Quality 304 Stainless Steel Insert • Original Cores Completely Assembled With New Parts • Pressure Test To Meet Or Exceed Factory Requirements • High Quality, Comes With A Limited Manufacturer's Warranty 55-194081 1 9 6 9 - 7 2 F r o n t 49.99 ea. 55-257701 1967-68 Left 3/8” Line 399.99 ea. 55-194082 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 F r o n t 79.99 ea. 55-257704 1967-68 Left 1/2” Line 399.99 ea. 55-194083 1 9 7 9 - 8 1 F r o n t 87.99 ea. 55-257726 1967-68 Left 7/16” Line 399.99 ea. 55-194084 1 9 8 5 - 8 7 F r o n t 189.99 ea. 55-257716 1967-68 Right 3/8” Line 399.99 ea. 55-213221 1964-72 11” Drilled/ Slotted Front, Left 99.99 ea. 55-257717 1967-68 Right 1/2” Line 399.99 ea. 55-213220 1964-72 11” Drilled/ Slotted Front, Right 99.99 ea. 55-257718 1967-68 Right 3/8” Line 399.99 ea. 16 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 16 shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:35 PM BRAKES Front Brake Pad Sets • Made In The U.S.A • For Vehicles With 4 Piston Calipers • Set Completes Driver And Passenger Sides 55-285882 49.99 set Brake Drums 1966-87 Hawk Brake Pads Ultra Quiet OE Grade Shim Technology Smooth Engagement Manufactured In ISO Certified Facilities • Keeps Wheels Clean • No Bedding Required 55-295461 1966-77 OES Front 39.99 set 55-295468 1978-87 OES Front 44.99 set 55-351059 1968-87 HPS Performance NEW 55.99 set 55-351049 1968-87 HPS Compound NEW 55.99 set 1968-1987 Hawk Performance Quiet Slot Front Disc Brake Rotor • • • • 98.99 ea. 55-194640 55-194085 1959-60 For 11”x 2-3/4” Brakes 39.99 ea. 55-194086 1959-60 For 11”x 2” Brakes 49.99 ea. 55-194095 1964-65 Front 9” 79.99 ea. 55-194096 1964-65 Front And Rear 11” 39.99 ea. 55-194097 1964-65 Rear 9” 45.99 ea. 55-194098 1 9 6 7 - 7 2 R e a r 45.99 ea. 55-194099 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 F r o n t , 2 n d D e s i g n 79.99 ea. 55-194100 1 9 7 3 - 7 5 R e a r 59.99 ea. 55-249542 1964-77 Complete Rear Assembly Direct OE Replacement Increases Initial Bite Visual Wear Indicator Unidirectional Vanes Eliminate The Need For Left And Right Side Rotors Improves Wet Weather Brake Performance Effectively Removes Gas And Wear Debris All Rotors Are Finished With A GEOMET® Coating Recommended For Street Use Only 56-11513 55-194086 • Reproduction Of Original • Outer Brake Drum Spring P/N 55-194087-1 (Sold Separately) • • • • • • • • 55-249542 599.99 ea. Brake Hardware Kits • Replacements For Originals 55-194109 1959-60 Front Only 31.99 ea. 55-194110 1959-60 Rear Only 31.99 ea. 55-194111 1 9 6 4 - 8 7 F r o n t A n d R e a r 14.99 ea. 55-194645 55-194094 Front Disc Brake Components 55-194637 1959-60 2” Drop Spindles 254.99 kit 55-194640 1959-60 Disc Brake Bracket Kit 133.99 kit Wheel Brearings, Cylinders And Seals 55-194643 1959-60 Power Brake Booster Kit 359.99 kit 55-194090 1959-60 Front Wheel Bearing, Outer 48.99 kit 55-194646 1959-60 Manual Master Cyl. And Prop. Valve Kit 169.99 kit 55-194091 1959-60 Front Wheel Bearing, Inner 69.99 kit 55-194648 1959-60 Complete Brake Lining Kit 129.99 kit 55-194092 1959-60 Wheel Cyl. Front, LH 39.99 kit 55-194649 1959-60 Complete Brake Lining Kit, Stainless 149.99 kit 55-194093 1959-60 Wheel Cyl. Front, RH 29.99 kit 55-194644 1964-66 Power Brake Booster Kit 359.99 kit 55-194094 1959-60 Wheel Cyl. Rear, RH or LH 27.99 kit 55-194650 1964-66 Brake Line Kit 35.99 kit 55-197378 1959-60 Front Wheel Bearing Seal, RH or LH 6.99 kit 55-194638 1964-72 2” Drop Spindles 289.99 kit 55-197379 1959-60 Front Wheel Bearing Dust Cap 55-194641 1964-72 Disc Brake Spindles 179.99 pr. 55-197030 1964-72 Front Wheel Seal, RH or LH 3.99 kit 55-194642 1964-72 Brake Caliper Brackets 59.99 pr. 55-197032 1 9 6 4 - 7 2 F r o n t D u s t C a p , D i s c o r D r u m 19.99 kit 55-194647 1964-72 Manual Master Cyl. And Prop. Valve Kit 55-194651 1964-72 Loaded Caliper Set 55-194645 1964-72 Power Brake Booster Kit 07-3052 55-194639 1964-72 Brake Line Kit 1979-87 2” Drop Spindles 169.99 kit 79.99 kit 55-197028 1964-78 Front Wheel Bearing, Outer, Drum or Disc 9.99 kit 55-197029 1964-87 Front Wheel Bearing, Inner, Drum or Disc 11.99 kit 189.99 kit 55-197031 1973-78 Front Wheel Seal, RH or LH 1.99 kit 79.99 kit 55-197033 1 9 7 3 - 8 7 F r o n t D u s t C a p , D i s c o r D r u m 13.99 kit 279.99 pr. 55-198353 1979-87 Front Wheel Bearing, Outer 4.99 kit toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 17 13.99 pr. 17 1/29/15 4:35 PM BRAKES 55-194553 Brake Hoses • Replacements Of Original • CNC Bent From Original GM Patterns • Correct Diameter lines Pre Flared With Correct Fittings • 7 Piece Brake Line Set • General Picture Shown, Lines May Differ Slightly Full Brake Line Sets • Replacements Of Original • CNC Bent From Original GM Patterns • Correct Diameter lines Pre Flared With Correct Fittings • 7 Piece Brake Line Set • General Picture Shown, Lines May Differ Slightly 55-194112 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 F r o n t 19.99 ea. 55-194129 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 R e a r 19.99 ea. 55-194130 1959-60 Rear Stainless Flex 45.99 ea. 55-194206 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 R e a r 16.99 ea. 55-194207 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 F r o n t D r u m 15.99 ea. 55-194553 1959-60 Manual Drum, OE Steel 169.99 set 55-194208 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 F r o n t D i s c 14.99 ea. 55-194554 1959-60 Manual Drum, Stainless 159.99 set 55-194209 1966-67 Front Drum, GM Original 11.99 ea. 55-194555 1959-60 Power Drum, OE Steel 139.99 set 55-194113 1968 Front, w/Disc or Drum 13.99 ea. 55-194556 1959-60 Power Drum, Stainless 159.99 set 55-194131 1 9 6 8 R e a r 19.99 ea. 55-194561 1964-65 Manual Drum, V8 non-SS, OE Steel 147.99 set 55-194212 1 9 6 9 - 7 1 F r o n t D i s c 31.99 ea. 55-194562 1964-65 Manual Drum, V8 non-SS, Stainless 159.99 set 55-194114 1 9 6 9 - 7 2 F r o n t D r u m 13.99 ea. 55-194563 1964-65 Power Drum, V8 non-SS, OE Steel 137.99 set 55-194132 1969-72 Rear, All 22.99 ea. 55-194564 1964-65 Power Drum, V8 non-SS, Stainless 159.99 set Call 55-194565 1964-67 Power Disc, OE Steel 147.99 set 55-194136 1969-77 Front, Stainless Steel 79.99 pr. 55-194566 1964-67 Power Disc, Stainless 174.99 set 55-194213 1 9 7 2 F r o n t D i s c 35.99 ea. 55-194567 1966 Manual Drum, SS Only, OE Steel 137.99 set 55-194133 1974-77 Rear, All, GM Original 13.99 ea. 55-194568 1966 Manual Drum, SS Only, Stainless 169.99 set 55-194134 1978-87 Rear, All 29.99 ea. 55-194569 1966 Power Drum, SS Only, OE Steel 137.99 set 55-194214 1979-87 Front Disc, GM Original 10.99 ea. 55-194570 1966 Power Drum, SS Only, Stainless 159.99 set 55-194571 1966 Manual Drum, non-SS, OE Steel 137.99 set 55-194572 1966 Manual Drum, non-SS, Stainless 159.99 set 55-194573 1966 Power Drum, non-SS, OE Steel 137.99 set 55-194574 1966 Power Drum, non-SS, Stainless 159.99 set 55-194575 1967 Manual Drum, SS Only, OE Steel 147.99 set 55-194576 1967 Manual Drum, SS Only, Stainless 169.99 set 55-194577 1967 Power Drum, SS Only, OE Steel 147.99 set 55-194578 1967 Power Drum, SS Only, Stainless 169.99 set 55-194579 1967 Power Disc, SS Only, OE Steel 147.99 set 55-194580 1967 Power Disc, SS Only, Stainless 169.99 set 55-194581 1967 Manual Drum, non-SS, OE Steel 147.99 set 55-194582 1967 Manual Drum, non-SS, Stainless 169.99 set 55-194583 1967 Power Drum, non-SS, OE Steel 147.99 set 55-194584 1967 Power Drum, non-SS, Stainless 169.99 set 55-194585 1967 Power Disc, non-SS, OE Steel 147.99 set 55-194211 1968-72 Front w/Disc 55-194398 55-194396 Brake Hose Clips And Hardware • Stock Replacement • Correct Color Coating 55-194391 1959-60 Rubber Brake Line Hose Clips 6.99 ea. 55-194586 1967 Power Disc, non-SS, Stainless 169.99 set 55-194392 1959-60 Brake Line at Front Crossmember, 3/16” 4.99 pr. 55-194591 1968 Power Drum, OE Steel 154.99 set 55-194393 1959-60 Brake Line at Front Crossmember, 1/4” 4.99 ea. 55-194592 1968 Power Drum, Stainless 184.99 set 55-194394 1959-60 Brake And Fuel Line On Inner Frame 7.99 ea. 55-194593 1968 Manual Drum, OE Steel 154.99 set 27.99 ea. 55-194594 1968 Manual Drum, Stainless 184.99 set 55-194395 1972-77 Disc Brake Hose at Caliper Bolt 3.99 ea. 55-194595 1968 Power Disc, OE Steel 149.99 set 55-194397 1979-87 Disc Brake Hose at Caliper Bolt 5.99 ea. 55-194596 1968 Power Disc, Stainless 169.99 set 55-194398 1982-87 Brake Hose Retainers 2.99 ea. 55-194597 1968 Manual Disc, OE Steel 147.99 set 55-197420 1967-68 Support Brackets On Caliper 18 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 18 shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:35 PM BRAKES Full Brake Line Sets (Cont.) 55-194598 1968 Manual Disc, Stainless 169.99 set 55-194615 1968-72 Power Disc, OE Steel, Conversion 144.99 set 55-194616 1968-72 Power Disc, Stainless, Conversion 174.99 set 55-194617 1968-72 Manual Disc, OE Steel, Conversion 134.99 set 55-194618 1968-72 Manual Disc, Stainless, Conversion 174.99 set 55-194603 1969 Power Disc, OE Steel 147.99 set 55-194604 1969 Power Disc, Stainless 169.99 set 55-194605 1969 Manual Disc, OE Steel 147.99 set 55-194606 1969 Manual Disc, Stainless 169.99 set 55-194599 1969-72 Power Drum, OE Steel 154.99 set 55-194600 1969-72 Power Drum, Stainless 184.99 set 55-194601 1969-72 Manual Drum, OE Steel 154.99 set 55-194602 1969-72 Manual Drum, Stainless 184.99 set 55-194607 1970 Power Disc, OE Steel 147.99 set 55-194608 1970 Power Disc, Stainless 169.99 set 55-194609 1970 Manual Disc, OE Steel 147.99 set 55-194610 1970 Manual Disc, Stainless 169.99 set 55-194611 1971-72 Power Disc, OE Steel 147.99 set 55-194612 1971-72 Power Disc, Stainless 169.99 set 55-194613 1971-72 Manual Disc, OE Steel 147.99 set 55-194614 1971-72 Manual Disc, Stainless 169.99 set 55-194620 1973-77 Manual Drum, Stainless 169.99 set 55-194621 1973-77 Manual Disc, OE Steel 147.99 set 55-194622 1973-77 Manual Disc, Stainless 169.99 set 55-194625 1973-77 Power Disc, OE Steel 147.99 set 55-194626 1973-77 Power Disc, Stainless 179.99 set 55-194627 1978-82 Power Disc, OE Steel 154.99 set 55-194628 1978-82 Power Disc, Stainless 169.99 set 55-194629 1983-87 Power Disc, OE Steel 149.99 set 55-194630 1983-87 Power Stainless 178.99 set 55-194368 Front Brake Line Kits • Replacements Of Original • CNC Bent From Original GM Patterns • Correct Diameter lines Pre Flared With Correct Fittings • 4 Piece Brake Line Set • General Picture Shown, Lines May Differ Slightly 55-194366 1959-60 Front Power Brake Set 54.99 set 55-194367 1959-60 Front Power Brake Set, Stainless 72.99 set 55-194368 1959-60 Front Standard Brake Set 59.99 set 55-194369 1959-60 Front Standard Brake Set, Stainless 74.99 set 55-194587 1967-68 Dual Piston Caliper Lines, 3/8” Fitting, OE 19.99 set 55-194588 1967-68 Dual Piston Caliper Lines, 3/8” Fitting, SS 25.99 set 55-194589 1967-68 Dual Piston Caliper Lines, 1/2” Fitting, OE 19.99 set 55-194590 1967-68 Dual Piston Caliper Lines, 1/2” Fitting, SS 25.99 set 55-194514 1968 Power Drum, OE Steel 59.99 set 55-194515 1968 Power Drum, Stainless 84.99 set 55-194516 1968 Manual Drum, OE Steel 59.99 set 55-194517 1968 Manual Drum, Stainless 84.99 set 55-194518 1968 Power Disc, OE Steel 59.99 set 55-194519 1968 Power Disc, Stainless 84.99 set 55-194520 1968 Manual Disc, OE Steel 59.99 set 55-194521 1968 Manual Disc, Stainless 84.99 set 55-194538 1968-72 Drum Wheel Lines, OE Steel 21.99 set 55-194539 1968-72 Drum Wheel Lines, Stainless 29.99 set 55-194526 1969 Power Disc, OE Steel 59.99 set 55-194527 1969 Power Disc, Stainless 79.99 set 55-194528 1969 Manual Disc, OE Steel 69.99 set 55-194529 1969 Manual Disc, Stainless 94.99 set 55-194522 1969-72 Power Drum, OE Steel 59.99 set 55-194523 1969-72 Power Drum, Stainless 84.99 set 55-194524 1969-72 Manual Drum, OE Steel 59.99 set 55-194525 1969-72 Manual Durm, Stainless 84.99 set 55-194530 1970 Power Disc, OE Steel 59.99 set 55-194531 1970 Power Disc, Stainless 84.99 set 55-194532 1970 Manual Disc, OE Steel 69.99 set 55-194533 1970 Manual Disc, Stainless 94.99 set 55-194534 1971-72 Power Disc, OE Steel 59.99 set 55-194535 1971-72 Power Disc, Stainless 84.99 set 55-194536 1971-72 Manual Disc, OE Steel 69.99 set 55-194537 1971-72 Manual Disc, Stainless 94.99 set toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 19 19 1/29/15 4:35 PM BRAKES Brake Line Clip Sets 55-194545 Front To Rear Brake Lines • Correct Diameter Pre Bent Front To Rear Brake Lines • Features Appropriate Nuts And Flared Ends 55-194370 1959-60 Front to Rear, 6 or 8 Cyl. OE Steel 39.99 kit 55-194371 1959-60 Front to Rear, 6 or 8 Cyl. Stainless 59.99 kit 55-194543 1968 1 Piece, OE Steel 47.99 kit 55-194544 1968 1 Piece, Stainless 64.99 kit 55-194545 1969 1 Piece, OE Steel 47.99 kit 1969 1 Piece, Stainless 64.99 kit 07-2525S 55-194547 1970 2 Piece, Disc Brakes Only, OE Steel 47.99 kit 55-194548 1970 2 Piece, Disc Brakes Only, Stainless 64.99 kit 55-194549 1970 1 Piece, Drum Brakes Only, OE Steel 59.99 kit 55-194550 1970 1 Piece, Drum Brakes Only, Stainless 69.99 kit 55-194551 1971-72 1 Piece, OE Steel 47.99 kit 55-194552 1971-72 1 Piece, Stainless 64.99 kit 55-194400 1 9 6 4 - 6 6 18.99 ea. 55-194401 1 9 6 7 24.99 ea. 55-194402 1 9 6 8 12.99 ea. 55-194403 1 9 6 9 29.99 ea. 55-194404 1 9 7 0 37.99 ea. 55-194405 1 9 7 1 - 7 2 37.99 ea. 55-194119 Brake Master Cylinder And Booster Sets • Beautiful Replacement Of Original • Direct Replacement Using Original Firewall Holes • May Vary In Appearance From Originals 55-194372 Rear Axle Brake Lines 55-194120 1964-66 OE Style Repro. w/Delco Stamp 149.99 ea. 55-194119 1964-66 OE Style Repro. w/Delco Stamp And Mstr 199.99 ea. 55-194121 1964-66 OE Style Repro. w/o Delco Stamp 139.99 ea. 55-194124 1967-75 OE Style Repro. w/Delco Stamp 189.99 ea. 55-194123 1967-75 OE Style Repro. w/Delco Stamp And Mstr 239.99 ea. 55-194125 1967-75 OE Style Repro. w/o Delco Stamp 119.99 ea. • Bolts To Factory Rear Ends 55-194372 12.19” Plain Vented Rotor, Black 29.99 kit 55-197023 12.19” Drilled And Slotted Vented Rotor, Black 39.99 kit 55-194374 12.19” Plain Vented Rotor, Red 25.99 kit 55-194375 12.19” Drilled And Slotted Vented Rotor 35.99 kit 55-197605 55-199311 Power Brake Fittings Brake Distribution Blocks 55-197608 1964-66 Man. Vac. Fitting w/Auto Trans. 19.99 ea. 55-197600 1964-66 Man. Vac. Fitting w/4 Spd 19.99 ea. 55-197601 1967-70 Man. Vac. Fitting w/4 Spd, BB 19.99 ea. 55-197605 1967-70 Man. Vac. Fitting w/Auto, AC, BB 18.99 ea. 55-197389 1964-65 Front Main Block 26.99 ea. 55-197602 1967-70 Man. Vac. Fitting w/4 Spd, 327-350HP 19.99 ea. 55-197390 1966 Front Main Block 26.99 ea. 55-197603 1967-70 Man. Vac. Fitting w/Auto, BB 18.99 ea. 55-197391 1964-67 Front Main Block (Dual Master Conv.) 34.99 ea. 55-197604 1967-70 Man. Vac. Fitting w/Auto, 327/350 18.99 ea. 55-197394 1964-68 Rear Hose Tee (slotted) 19.99 ea. 55-197606 1970 Man. Vac. Fitting w/Auto, AC, 327/350 18.99 ea. 55-197395 1964-68 Rear Hose Tee (non-slotted) 17.99 ea. 55-197607 1970 Man. Vac. Fitting w/Auto, Cowl Ind. 18.99 ea. 20 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 20 shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:35 PM BRAKES 55-194127 Vacuum Booster Pipes • Reproduction Of Original 55-194540 All SB or BB 23.99 set Brake Master Cylinder Caps • Gold Cad Produces That Correct Factory Greenish Gold "Oily" Look • Gasket Not Included 55-194126 1 9 6 4 - 6 6 R o u n d 34.99 ea. 55-194127 1967-69 Original w/Clip 26.99 ea. 55-194128 1970-75 Original w/Clip 49.99 ea. 55-194137 55-279671 Steel Power Brake Vacuum Lines 55-194137 1 9 6 7 - 6 9 59.99 ea. 55-194138 1 9 7 0 59.99 set 1959-87 Clevis Style Master Cylinder Pushrod Kits • Clevis Style 55-279671 Long 16.99 ea. 55-279670 S h o r t 16.99 ea. 07-3028 Brake Booster Check Valves • Quality Replacement • Black Molded Plastic • No Longer Available With Grommet 55-194080 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 1959-87 Heim Style Master Cylinder Manual Pushrod Kit 4.99 set • For Custom Brake System Applications 55-279670 16.99 kit 55-194142 1959-60 Power Brake Firewall Pushrod Boot • Reproduction Of Original Brake Master Cylinder And Booster Sets 55-286282 8.99 ea. • Beautiful Replacement Of Original • Direct Replacement Using Original Firewall Holes • May Vary In Appearance From Originals 55-194140 1959-60 Fits Pwr Drum Brakes w/ Delco Booster 144.99 ea. 55-194141 1964-66 w/Drum Brakes 49.99 ea. 55-194142 1967 w/Disc Brakes 59.99 ea. 55-194143 1967-72 w/Drum Brakes 93.99 ea. 55-194144 1968-70 w/Disc Brakes And 2 Wire Hold Down 59.99 ea. 55-194145 1970 w/Disc Brakes And 1 Wire Hold Down 59.99 ea. 55-194146 1971-77 w/Disc Brakes 94.99 ea. 1959-67 Without Power Brakes Booster Shaft Seal • Reproduction Of Original • Seals Behind Booster To Firewall 55-194542 toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 21 19.99 ea. 21 1/29/15 4:35 PM BRAKES 55-197393 55-256165 Brake Proportiong Vaves And Brackets • Replacement Of Original • Beautifully Machined Out Of Billet Aluminum • Standard Thread Block, Can Replace 1982-87 Metric Thread 1.25 Block With Modifications • Required On All Dual Master Cylinder Installations 55-256165 1 9 5 9 - 8 7 59.99 ea. 55-256179 1959-87 Chrome Plated 79.99 ea. 55-194122 1959-72 Bracket, Mounts By Booster 17.99 ea. 55-197392 1971-72 Bracket, Mounts On Frame 77.99 ea. 55-288430 Secondary Proportioning Hold-off Valve • Correct Cast Iron Construction • Used On All Factory Front Disc Brake Cars 55-197393 1964-66 OE Style Repro. w/Delco Stamp 99.99 ea. 55-256639 1964-66 OE Style Repro. w/Delco Stamp And Mstr. 99.99 ea. 55-256640 1967-75 Chrome Repro. w/Master Cylinder 99.99 ea. 55-197045 55-241677 55-288472 SSBC Adjustable Proportioning Valve With Brake Light Switch • • • • • • • • • SSBC Quality Includes Brake Light Switch and Wiring Harness Includes 5 3/16" Stainless Steel Fittings Has Two Inlets From The Master Cylinder Has Two Outlets To The Front Brakes Has One Outlet To The Rear Brakes Used With Dual Bowl Master Cylinders Only This Is NOT A Direct Replacement For Original Blocks Some Modifications To The Brake Lines Is Required If you are having issues with the front brakes having to much stopping power and you want a more equal braking system then this is the adjustable proportioning valve you need. This is the lastest valve design available. Not only is it adjustable by turn the control knob but in also includes a brake light switch. This is a universal proportioning valve and can be used in any brake system. Included are wiring for the switch and 5 stainless steel 3/16" fittings. The valve has 2 inlets from the master cylinder, 2 outlets to the front brakes and 1 outlet for the rear brakes. This valve is to be used with dual bowl master cylinders only. 55-288430 Black Anodized Finish 104.99 ea. 55-288472 Polished Finish 139.99 ea. Parking Brake Pedal Assemblies • Beautiful Replacement Of Original 55-241677 1 9 6 9 99.99 ea. 55-197045 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 Call 55-194452 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 233.99 ea. 55-197605 1970 Correction Valve This item is an exact reproduction disc brake hold off valve. This valve was used to hold off pressure to the rear brakes so the front brakes would go on a split second before the rears. 55-198389 22 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 22 Parking Brake Release Handles 55-194454 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 10.99 ea. 55-194455 1970-72 Handle And Rod Assembly 19.99 ea. 55-194457 1978-87 Handle w/Cable Call 49.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:36 PM BRAKES 55-194184 55-194181 02-1020 02-1010 Emergency Parking Brake Pads 55-251622 This little pad is made to original 02-1030 GM specifications using modern manufacturing techniques with the highest quality materials which make such a difference you can feel it. Replacing a worn or missing pad with this new unit is not only a good cosmetic choice, but a critical safety item for a proper shoe to pad contact point. The El Camino Store knows there is no substitution for quality when it comes to safety. 55-192886 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 7.99 ea. 55-192887 1 9 6 4 - 7 7 5.99 ea. 55-192888 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 5.99 ea. 55-194182 55-194457 55-194193 Parking Brake Cable Kits • Reproduction Of Originals • Complete Set Of Parking Brake Cables To Rebuild Your Emergency Brake System • Incudes Front, Intermediate And Rear Cables • Necessary Hooks, Guides And Equalizer • Factory Correct Galvanized Cables • Picture May Vary Slightly From Actual Content 1978-87 Parking Brake Cables And Hardware • • • • Reproduction Of Originals Correct Factory Hardware Factory Correct Galvanized Cables Picture May Vary Slightly From Actual Content 55-194193 1964-67 TH350 or Manual, OE Steel 89.99 ea. 55-194194 1964-67 TH350 or Manual, Stainless 209.99 ea. 55-194195 1967 TH400, OE Steel 129.99 ea. 55-194196 1967 TH400, Stainless 209.99 ea. 55-194197 1968-72 TH350 or Manual, OE Steel 107.99 ea. 55-194181 1978-87 #1 Screw 55-194198 1968-72 TH350 or Manual, Stainless 139.99 ea. 55-251622 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 # 2 R e a r 74.99 ea. 55-194199 1968-72 TH400, OE Steel 129.99 ea. 55-194192 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 # 3 R e a r 64.99 ea. 55-194200 1968-72 TH400, Stainless 139.99 ea. 55-194182 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 # 5 N u t 2.99 ea. 55-194201 1973-77 All Except TH400, OE Steel 149.99 ea. 55-194184 1 9 8 2 - 8 8 # 6 C o n n e c t o r 55-194202 1973-77 All Except TH400, Stainless 319.99 ea. 55-194185 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 # 7 R e t a i n e r 29.99 ea. 55-194203 1973-77 TH400, OE Steel 209.99 ea. 55-194186 1978-87 #8 Frt. w/Manual Trans. 56-1/4” 49.99 ea. 55-194204 1973-77 TH400, Stainless 319.99 ea. 55-194187 1981-87#8 Frt w/Automatic Trans. 56-1/4” 49.99 ea. 55-194205 1978-87 Manual Trans. OE Steel 184.99 ea. 55-194188 1978-80 #8 Frt w/Automatic Trans. 54-3/4” 64.99 ea. 55-197462 1981-87 Automatic Trans. OE Steel 184.99 ea. 55-194181 1978-87 #10 Screw 6.99 ea. 55-197463 1978-80 Automatic Trans. OE Steel 184.99 ea. 55-194457 1978-87 #13 Handle 19.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 23 6.99 ea. 4.99 ea. 23 1/29/15 4:36 PM BRAKES 55-194171 55-248223 55-194154 55-197393 55-194153 55-194169 55-194147 1964-77 Parking Brake Cables And Hardware 55-194161 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 # 3 R e a r 55-194162 1964-67 #3 Rear, Stainless 55-194172 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 # 3 R e a r 38.99 ea. 55-194179 1973-77 #3 Rear (need 2) 57.99 ea. 55-194158 1964-67 #7 Intermediate, TH350 or Manual 23.99 ea. 55-194159 1964-67 #7 Int., TH350 or Manual, Stainless 33.99 ea. 55-194160 1 9 6 7 # 7 I n t e r m e d i a t e 24.99 ea. 55-194166 1968-72 #7 Intermediate, TH400 34.99 ea. 55-194167 1968-72 #7 Intermediate, TH350 or Manual 24.99 ea. 55-194178 1973-77 #7 Intermediate, TH400 31.99 ea. 55-194171 1964-77 #11 Equalizer w/Two Nuts 1959-60 Parking Brake Cables And Hardware 69.99 ea. 104.99 ea. 55-194154 1964-67 #14 Front, TH350 or Manual 55-194155 1964-67 #14 Front, TH350 or Manual, Stainless 9.99 ea. 49.99 ea. 104.99 ea. 55-194147 F r o n t 23.99 ea. 55-194156 1967 #14 Front, TH400 55-194148 I n t e r m e d i a t e 24.99 ea. 55-194157 1967 #14 Front, TH400, Stainless 55-194149 Intermediate, Stainless Steel 33.99 ea. 55-194163 1968-72 #14 Front, TH400 55-194150 R e a r 62.99 ea. 55-194164 1968-72 #14 Front, TH400, Stainless 104.99 ea. 55-194151 Rear, Stainless Steel 69.99 ea. 55-194165 1968-72 #14 Front, TH350 or Manual 61.99 ea. 55-194153 Parking Brake Cable Adjusting Rod 27.99 ea. 55-194174 1973-77 #14 Front, All 82.99 ea. 55-194175 Rollers, Plastic 11.99 pr. 55-194168 1964-72 #17 Guide, Large Hook for Front 8.99 ea. 3.95 ea. 55-194169 1964-72 #17 Guide, Large Hook for Front 14.99 ea. 8.99 pr. 55-194170 1964-72 #18 Guide, Small Hook (need 2) 55-197455 Vertical Rod to Upper Bracket Clip 55-194176 Bolts for Rollers 55-248223 Rollers And Bolts, Steel 24 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 24 17.99 set 55-194180 1973-77 #18 Side Hook (need 2) 74.99 ea. 104.99 ea. 44.99 ea. 7.99 ea. 11.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:36 PM COOLING 1955-87 Radiators This El Camino copper core radiator is a very close replacement of the stock original radiator. The brass top 55-194169 and bottom tanks are correctly ribbed with the inlet and outlet in the stock location. It is d e s ig n e d fo r u s e o n c a r s without air conditioning. This new El Camino automatic tr a n s m is s io n c o p p e r c o r e radiator is ready to replace your leaky, overheating original! 55-198543 1959-60 348, 4 Row 419.99 ea. 55-197207 1964-65 283-350, 4 Row (curved outlet) 509.99 ea. 55-197209 1966-67 283-350, 3 Row, Top Outlet on LH Side 299.99 ea. 55-197211 1966-67 396-454, 4 Row 55-197212 1967 396-454, 3 Row, Top Outlet on LH Side 299.99 ea. 55-197217 1969 396-454, 3 Row, No Htr Hose Tubes 55-197219 1970-71 396-454, 3 Row, No Htr Hose Tubes 399.99 ea. 55-197233 1978-87 305-350, 3 Row Radiator Drain Valves • Correct Petcock Style Drain Valve • Correct Drain Hose 55-197242 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 9.99 ea. 55-197243 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 9.99 ea. 55-197244 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 9.99 ea. 359.99 ea. 399.99 ea. 429.99 ea. Radiator Hoses • Correct Hose With GM Stamping • Part Number Silk Screen Like Original 55-196549 1959-60 Upper, V8 348 2-4bbl 29.99 ea. 55-196550 1959-60 Upper, V8 348 3-2bbl 29.99 ea. 55-196551 1959-60 Upper, V8 283-327 (except Fuel Inj.) 29.99 ea. 55-196552 1959-60 Upper, V8, 283-327 w/4bbl 28.99 ea. 55-196553 1959-60 Upper, V8 348 (except 3-2bbl) 29.99 ea. 55-196554 1959-60 Lower, 6 Cylinder 29.99 ea. 55-196555 1959-60 Lower, V8 283 29.99 ea. 55-196556 1959-60 Lower, V8 348-409 29.99 ea. 55-196577 1959-60 Bypass Hose, V8 348 3-2bbl 17.99 ea. 55-196578 1959-60 Bypass Hose, V8 348-409 (exc 3-2bbl) 14.99 ea. 55-196579 1959-60 Upper Radiator Hose Clamps 10.99 ea. 55-196580 1959-60 Upper Radiator Hose Clamps 10.99 ea. 299.99 ea. 55-196557 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 U p p e r 2 8 3 - 3 2 7 19.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 55-348366 1964-68 Champion Aluminum Radiator • All Aluminum Construction • Redesigned For V8 Applications • Includes: Small Block And Big Block 55-348366 Four Row 55-348365 Three Row 229.99 ea. 55-196558 1964-65 Upper 283-327, w/Factory A/C 55-348364 Two Row 189.99 ea. 55-196559 1964-65 Upper 327-L79 19.99 ea. 55-196560 1964-67 Lower 283-327 w/o A/C 19.99 ea. 55-196561 1964-67 Lower 283-327 L79 w/ A/C 19.99 ea. 55-196562 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 U p p e r 2 8 3 - 3 2 7 19.99 ea. 55-196563 1966-67 Upper 283-327, w/Factory A/C 19.99 ea. 55-196564 1966-67 Upper 327-L79 19.99 ea. 55-196565 1966-67 Upper 396, ‘66 All & ‘66-67 w/ A/C 19.99 ea. 55-196567 1966-67 Lower 396 17.99 ea. 55-196566 1967 Upper 396 w/o A/C 17.99 ea. 55-196568 1968 Lower 396 19.99 ea. 55-196569 1968-70 Upper 307-327-350 w/Manual Trans. 21.99 ea. 55-196570 1968-70 Upper 307-327-350 w/Auto Trans. 19.99 ea. 21.99 ea. 55-197610 55-197612 Radiator Caps • Reproduced Using Original GM Blueprints 55-197611 1964 V8, Correct, AC RC-15, Made in USA 39.99 ea. 55-196571 1968-70 Upper 396-402-454 w/o A/C 55-197610 1965-72 V8, Correct, AC RC-15, Dimpled Rivet 39.99 ea. 55-196572 1968-72 Upper 396-402-454 w/HD Cooling & A/C 21.99 ea. 55-197609 1965-72 V8, Correct, AC RC-15, Solid Rivet 32.99 ea. 55-196573 1969-72 Lower 307-350 19.99 ea. 55-196574 1969-72 Lower 396-402-454 19.99 ea. 55-197612 1973-77 Without Turning Ears 9.99 ea. 55-197613 1973-77 WithTurning Ears 10.99 ea. 55-196575 1971-72 Lower 396-402-454 w/o HD Cooling 19.99 ea. 55-197614 1978-87 WithTurning Ears 11.99 ea. 55-196576 1971-72 Upper 307-327-350 w/Auto Trans. 19.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 25 25 1/29/15 4:36 PM COOLING 55-195921 55-195939 Coolant Overflow Tank Caps 55-195937 1 9 7 5 - 7 7 5.99 ea. 55-195939 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 9.99 ea. 55-195931 55-196529 Water Pump Rebuild Kits 55-196529 1959-60 283-327 Complete 59.99 ea. 55-196530 1959-60 348-409 Complete 59.99 ea. 55-195924 Fan Shrouds Universal Stainless Steel Hose Cover 55-261359 Red Clamps 52.99 kit 55-261360 Stainless Steel Clamps 47.99 kit 55-261358 Red/Blue Clamps 47.99 kit 55-261354 Blue Clamps 47.99 kit 55-198256 Water Pump Fasteners 55-198232 1964-65 Water Pump, SB 55-198233 1964-65 Water Pump, SB w/ A/C 55-198236 1964-68 Water Neck, SB 55-198255 1966-68 Water Pump, SB w/o A/C 1964-65 Small Block 64.99 ea. 55-195922 1966-67 Small Block 89.99 ea. 55-195923 1966-67 Big Block 89.99 ea. 55-195924 1968 Big Block 89.99 ea. 55-195925 1969-70 Small Block w/o A/C, Reproduction 69.99 ea. 55-195926 1969-70 SB, Will Fit All, 68-72 w/31” Top Plate 87.99 ea. 55-195927 1969-70 BB, Will Fit All, 68-72 w/31” Top Plate 67.99 ea. 55-195928 1969-70 Big Block, All, GM 55-195929 1969-70 Big Block, Reproduction 55-195930 1971-75 BB w/ A/C or HD Cool 89.99 ea. 55-195931 1971-75 BB w/o A/C or HD Cool 129.99 ea. 55-197066 1971-77 Small Block (upper & lower) 55-195934 1980-87 Upper, All Small Blocks 169.99 ea. 55-195935 1980-87 Lower, All Small Blocks 151.99 ea. 129.99 ea. 324.99 ea. 69.99 ea. 99.99 ea. 8.99 set 4.99 set 12.99 set 4.99 set 55-198260 1967-69 Water Neck w/Spacer 5.99 set 55-198265 1969-72 Water Pump 396-454 8.99 set 55-198270 1969-73 Water Neck, SB 7.99 set 55-198271 1969-73 Water Pump 396 10.99 set 55-198272 1969-73 Water Pump, SB 8.99 set EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 26 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 2 8 3 R e p r o d u c tio n 55-197124 10.99 set 55-198256 1966-72 Water Neck, 396-454 26 55-195921 Radiator Top Supports 55-198402 1968-77 Four Bolt Top Plate 31.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:36 PM COOLING 1968-72 4-Row Core Radiator Core Support Cushion 55-196596 • Reproduction Of Original • Fits Big Block Engines • Fits Small Block With Four-Core Radiator • Used As An Upper Or Lower 55-195570 8.99 ea. Fan Clutches • Stock Replacement • Correct GM Part 55-196596 1985 305-350 w/ Air Conditioning 69.99 ea. 55-196597 1985 305-350 w/o Air Conditioning 49.99 ea. 55-196590 Radiator Fans 55-196585 1959-60 V8 & 6 Cylinder, 17 1/2” diameter 55-196586 1965-67 6 Cylinder w/ A/C, 18” Diameter 55-196589 1968-72 7 Blades 44.99 ea. 159.99 ea. 79.99 ea. 55-196590 1969-70 w/Special High Perf. 350-396-454 55-196592 1980-81 5 Blades, 229-267-305H, w/o A/C 55-196593 1983-84 350N Diesel, w/HD Cooling, 7 Blades 55-198358 157.99 ea. 89.99 ea. 139.99 ea. 55-298089 55-278070 Thermostat Housings 55-198358 1 9 6 6 - 7 3 V 8 44.99 ea. 55-297380 1 9 6 6 - 7 3 49.99 ea. 55-198360 1 9 7 4 - 7 7 V 8 15.99 ea. 55-198362 1 9 7 8 3 0 5 - 3 5 0 15.99 ea. 55-198363 1978 3.8L 21.99 ea. 55-198366 1979 4.4L-305-350 w/One Threaded Hole 15.99 ea. 55-198367 1979 3.8L Federal Motor 19.99 ea. 55-198368 1979 3.8L California 24.99 ea. 55-198371 1980 4.4L-305 w/One Threaded Hole 15.99 ea. 55-198373 1981 4.4L-305 w/One Threaded Hole 15.99 ea. 55-198374 1982-84 305 w/VIN #7, G or H 19.99 ea. 55-198375 1982 4.4L 19.99 ea. 55-198376 1984 3.8L Canadian Export Only 21.99 ea. 55-198377 1984 3.8L California & Federal 29.99 ea. 55-198379 1985 305 w/VIN #G or H 19.99 ea. 55-198380 1985 305 w/Vin #H, California 19.99 ea. 55-198382 1985 305 w/VIN #G, H Federal 19.99 ea. 55-198384 1986 305 w/VIN #G, H Federal 19.99 ea. 55-278029 55-278039 1959-87 Electric Cooling Fans 55-278070 14” 59.99 ea. 55-278050 10” 39.99 ea. 55-278039 1959-87 Electric Fan Mounting Feet 12.99 ea. 55-278029 1959-85 Temperature Sending Switch 55-298089 500 CFM Flex-A-LIte Dual Electric Fan Kit 35.99 ea. 419.99 kit 55-197641 Thermostats 55-197641 1 9 8 5 - 8 7 2 6 2 toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 27 7.99 ea. 27 1/29/15 4:36 PM ELECTRICAL 55-193695 Printed Circuits • Reproduction Of Original Printed Circuit Located Behind Dash Carrier • Correct Plastic Unit With Flat Copper Photo Etched Wiring • Replaces Commonly Burned Or Broken Originals • Essential For Proper Gauge And Dash Light Operation After 1969, all El Caminos were equipped from the factory with printed circuits behind the instrument cluster instead of a harness to operate the gauges and lights. Not only was it more cost effective for the factory to use a printed circuit, but it saves space, weight and reduces the “rats nest” of wires typically found behind your cluster. 55-193695 1970-72 w/Gauges 59.99 ea. 55-193696 1970-72 w/o Gauges 79.99 ea. 55-243834 1973-74 w/Gauges (Repl. GM #8908200) 79.99 ea. 55-243837 1973-77 w/o Gauges (Repl. GM #8908198) 79.99 ea. 55-243839 1975-77 w/Gauges (Repl. GM #8986113) 79.99 ea. 55-243835 1978-87 w/Gauges (Repl. GM #25016702) 79.99 ea. 55-243836 1978-87 w/Gauges (Repl. GM #25046676) 79.99 ea. 55-243838 1978-87 w/o Gauges (Repl. GM #25046675) 79.99 ea. 55-197563 1982-87 w/o Gauges (Repl. GM #25016703) 229.99 ea. 55-243833 1982-87 w/o Gauges (Repl. GM #25016403) 79.99 ea. 55-193591 55-193590 Turn Signal Switch Assemblies 55-193592 Your El Camino turn signal switch does more than just merely operate your turn signals. It controls your brake lights and emergency flasher. One of the most important switches on your El Camino, proper operation is a critical to your safety and the others around you. Over time, corrosion and deterioration leads out right failure of the electromechanical function of the switch. Remember to reference your El Camino’s service shop manual before attempting any kind of electrical replacement project. 55-193587 1959-60 w/o Tilt Wheel 55-193544 55-193538 55-193545 55-193539 Neutral And Backup Safety Switches Neutral safety switches are found on all automatic transmission El Caminos and manual transmissions as a clutch safety switch. The neutral safety switch is a critical safety device that disables the starter operation when the vehicles transmission is not in neutral or park. When in park or neutral, this switch carries starter solenoid voltage when the ignition key is turned to the start position. If the engine was allowed to start in gear, your El Camino could jump forward cause a dangerous accident situation or front end damage to your baby. It also serves a reverse light switch and has this function integrated in the circuit. The location of the switch can vary from selector shaft to steering column to center console shifter. 55-197688 1959-60 w/Four Spd. Manual Trans. 64.99 ea. 55-193538 1959-66 w/Auto Trans. Column Shift 14.99 ea. 55-197689 1964 w/Four Spd. Manual Trans. 64.99 ea. 55-193544 1964-67 Automatic Console Shift Only 59.99 ea. 55-197690 1965-68 w/Four Spd. Manual Trans. 39.99 ea. 55-255748 1968-72 w/Floor Shift And Center Console 29.99 ea. 55-193539 1967-68 w/Auto Trans. Column Shift 22.99 ea. 55-193545 1969 w/Man. Trans. (on clutch pedal) 65.99 ea. 55-193540 1969-73 w/Auto Trans Column Shift 18.99 ea. 55-193537 1969-77 Backup w/Manual Trans. (on column) 51.99 ea. 55-193543 1973 Neutral Start Switch Only 18.99 ea. 55-193542 1973-87 w/Auto Trans Column Shift 17.99 ea. 55-193541 1974-77 w/Auto Trans Column Shift 15.99 ea. 55-193536 Call 55-193588 1964-66 Stamped (BPC) 89.99 set 55-193589 1964-66 Cast (Guide) 59.99 set 55-193590 1964-66 w/Tilt Wheel 69.99 set Ignition Switches 55-193591 1967-68 All (Delco) 49.99 set 55-193532 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 24.99 ea. 55-198331 1977 All 49.99 set 55-193533 1969-87 w/o Tilt Wheel 12.99 ea. 55-193592 1978-87 All 49.99 set 55-193536 1969-87 w/Tilt Wheel 19.99 ea. 28 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 28 55-193533 shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:36 PM ELECTRICAL 55-197009 55-193551 55-193567 55-193554 55-193570 55-193553 55-193568 55-193569 Headlight Switches 55-193567 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 31.99 ea. 55-193568 1 9 6 4 - 6 9 25.99 ea. 55-193569 1964-69, 71-73 Original GM 16.99 ea. 55-193570 1 9 7 0 19.99 ea. 55-193571 1 9 7 1 - 7 3 17.99 ea. 1 9 7 4 -8 7 No Match! ea. 06-0260 55-193555 Windshield Wiper Switches We usually don’t pay as much attention to the health of our wipers until they struggle or out right fail. Often, out right failure will be caused by faulty, worn or broken wiper switch. Usually replacement can be done with simple hand tools in an afternoon. Remember to always reference your El Camino’s service shop manual before starting any electrical project. The El Camino Store is proud to offer the very best in high quality, replacement parts to not only keep your El Camino running its best, but keep you safe on the road. 55-197010 1959-60 Single Speed w/Washer 39.99 ea. 55-193546 1959-60 Two Speed w/Washer 45.99 ea. 55-197011 1964 Single Speed w/Washer 39.99 ea. 55-193547 1964-65 Single Speed 51.99 ea. 55-193548 1964-65 Two Speed 39.99 ea. 55-197012 1965 Single Speed w/Washer 38.99 ea. 55-193549 1966 Two Speed 51.99 ea. 55-193550 1967 Two Speed 39.99 ea. 55-193551 1968 Two Speed 44.99 ea. 55-197009 1968 Two Speed, w/o Recessed Park 45.99 ea. 55-193553 1969-71 All w/o Recessed Park 39.99 ea. 55-193554 1969-71 All w/Recessed Park 49.99 ea. 55-197508 1972 All w/Recessed Park 44.99 ea. 55-197509 1972 All w/o Recessed Park 45.99 ea. 55-193555 1973-77 w/o Pulse 42.99 ea. 55-193556 1976-83 Wiper Park Switch 27.99 ea. 55-193559 1982-83 w/o Tilt Wheel, Two Speed Call 55-193560 1982-83 w/Tilt Wheel, w/Pulse 124.99 ea. 55-193562 1984-87 w/o Tilt Wheel, Two Speed 159.99 ea. 55-193563 1984-87 w/Tilt Wheel and Pulse 149.99 ea. 55-193585 55-193584 55-193586 Headlight Dimmer Switch 55-193584 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 19.99 ea. 55-198414 1 9 6 4 - 7 7 7.99 ea. 55-193586 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 9.99 ea. 1964-77 Headlight Dimmer Switch Wiring Connector Pigtail • Replacement • 18 Gauge Pigtail • Black Plastic Clamp Style Three Terminal Connector 55-290612 toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 29 3.99 ea. 29 1/29/15 4:36 PM ELECTRICAL 55-193645 Power Window Relays • Correct Firewall Cover P/N 55-199313 Sold Separately 55-197759 1969-87 w/Tilt Wheel 51.99 ea. 55-193646 Back-up Light Switch Assemblies 55-195022 55-197003 55-193645 1964 Manual Transmission 64.99 ea. 55-193646 1965-68 Manual Transmission Call 55-193647 1978-80 Manual Transmission 13.99 ea. 55-193648 1981 Manual Transmission 19.99 ea. 55-195029 55-193642 55-195023 55-198558 Power Window Switches 55-193641 Door Jamb Dome Light Switches • 2 Required Per El Camino • Includes Gasket This switch consists of the operating buttons or toggles, circuit board inside the unit, and contact points for your wiring. When you move the button or toggle, an electrical connection is made by touching contact points together and power is routed accordingly. This is one of the highest failure items on any car. If your El Camino’s power window switch starts to smoke, button develops excessive play or button breaks off of the switch completely, you will need to replace the switch. If both windows stop working at the same time, the problem almost always lies with the driver’s side switch. When you open your car door, this little switch spring loaded plunger engages contact points closing the circuit and sending an electrical current to your dome light. Remember to check your connections and consult your El Camino’s service shop manual before doing any electrical project. 55-197003 1964-72 One Button, RH 36.99 ea. 55-198558 1964-71 30 Amp Circuit Breaker 28.99 ea. 55-195022 1973-78 One Button, RH, w/Cover And Clips 97.99 ea. 55-195023 1973-78 Two Button, LH, w/Cover And Clips 59.99 ea. 55-249058 1959-60 Left or Right Switch 55-195024 1979-87 One Button, RH, Switch Only 12.99 ea. 55-195026 1979-87 Two Button, LH, Switch Only 31.99 ea. 55-193641 1964-69 One Circuit w/o Gauges 55-193642 1968-87 Two Circuit, LH 15.99 ea. 6.99 ea. 13.99 ea. 55-195029 1974-88 Clip 2.99 ea. Courtesy Light Delay Module • Allows Courtesy/Dome Lights To Remain On For A Set Time After Doors Are Closed • Fully Adjustable From 17 To 80 Seconds • Gradually Fades To Dark • Automatic Shut-Off When Key Is Turned On 55-250871 1 9 5 9 - 8 7 30 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 30 55-195035 55-251015 Power Window Wiring Conduit 84.99 ea. 55-251015 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 79.99 ea. 55-195036 1 9 6 8 57.99 ea. 55-197413 1 9 6 9 - 7 2 22.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:37 PM ELECTRICAL Power Door Lock Switches 55-195084 08-1042 • Stock Replacement • Original GM • Correct Chrome Plastic Switch 55-195039 1978-87 LH or RH 49.99 ea. Horn Relays 39.99 ea. 55-196752 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 16.99 ea. 55-196754 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 39.99 ea. 55-196755 1 9 6 6 - 7 1 Call 55-196756 1 9 7 4 - 7 9 10.99 ea. 55-193633 Power Door Lock Parts • • • • 55-196753 1 9 5 9 Stock Replacement Fits Left Or Right Hand Side Stamped Steel Construction Used To Mount Power Door Lock Actuator To Door 55-195040 1977-87 Actuator Bracket 5.99 ea. 55-193638 Stop Light Switches 1959-1987 Stainless Steel Door Jamb Wiring Looms • 5/8" Braided Stainless Steel Prevents Moisture Intrusion And Radio Interference • Teflon Inner Sheath For Insulation • Simple Installation: Drill Two 1/2" Holes And Tighten The Set Screws • Wires Not Included, Shown For Example Only • Made In The USA 55-353840 89.99 pr. Malfunctioning brake lights are down right dangerous to you and other drivers on the road. At all times, everyone needs their brake lights to perform perfectly each and every time. As you depress the brake pedal on your classic El Camino, the spring-loaded switch closes the contacts allowing current to flow through the circuit and illuminating the brake light bulbs at the rear. Typically mounted under the dash, replacement of this switch can be done in an afternoon with basic hand tools and a little mechanical knowhow. 55-193632 1959-60 All 6.99 ea. 55-193633 1964-72 w/o Cruise Control 6.99 ea. 55-193634 1967-79 w/Cruise Contol 9.99 ea. 55-193635 1973-79 w/o Cruise Control 4.99 ea. 55-193636 1976-81 w/o Cruise Control 6.99 ea. 55-193637 1980-86 w/o Cruise Control 10.99 ea. 55-193639 1986-87 w/Cruise Contol 14.99 ea. 55-193640 1986-87 w/o Cruise Control 14.99 ea. 1982-1985 Compressor Cut-Out Relay • • • • • • Quality Replacement OE Style Molded Connectors Durable Injection-Molded Plastic Case Precision Engineered Quality Contacts For Proper Conductivity Fits: 3.8L, 4.3L, 4.4L And 5.0L V6 And V8 Engines 55-356469 25.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 31 31 1/29/15 4:37 PM ELECTRICAL 55-193679 55-193664 55-193680 55-193665 55-193666 55-193675 55-193668 Blower Motor Relays 55-193664 1 9 6 4 - 6 8 17.99 ea. 55-193665 1 9 6 9 - 7 2 14.99 ea. 55-193666 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 12.99 ea. 55-193668 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 16.99 ea. Blower Switches Blower Motor Resistors This little electo-mechanical device allows current to flow to the blower motor to warm or cool your interior or defrost your windows. Over time, the contacts wear and switch begins to fail. We are here to help, replacement can be done with a little mechanical know-how, some simple and tools and a few hours. Remember to check your El Caminos service shop manual before attempting to replace any electrical device. • Stock Replacement • Original GM • For El Camino's Without Air Conditioning This little fiberglass board uses a series of progressive resistors to regulate the motors speed throughout the switch range. The highest speed of the heater blower motor is not controlled by the resistor; so when the resistor fails, the fan will often work on the highest speed setting and not the lower speeds. 55-193672 1 9 6 4 - 7 2 32 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 32 55-193682 21.99 ea. 55-193669 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 H e a t e r 49.99 ea. 55-193670 1964-65 A/C And Heater 57.99 ea. 55-193673 1967 Heater w/o A/C 49.99 ea. 55-193675 1968-69 Heater w/o A/C 36.99 ea. 55-198388 1970-72 w/ A/C 32.99 ea. 55-193679 1973-77 Heater And A/C Fan - 4 Prong 26.99 ea. 55-193682 1984-87 Fan Switch 9.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:37 PM ELECTRICAL 55-193910 55-193908 55-193914 55-193911 Temperature Sender Switches 55-193910 1959-67 6 cyl. w/Gauges 21.99 ea. 55-193908 1964-65 8 cyl. w/o Gauges 19.99 ea. 55-193909 1964-75 8 cyl. w/Gauges 9.99 ea. 55-193911 1968-69 6 cyl. w/o Gauges 55-193913 1976-78 8 cyl. w/Gauges 17.99 ea. 9.99 ea. 55-193914 1976-80 8 cyl. w/o Gauges 18.99 ea. 55-193915 1979 8 cyl. w/Gauges And Goodwrench Motor 14.99 ea. 55-193916 1979 8 cyl. w/Gauges no Goodwrench Motor 14.99 ea. 55-193917 1980 8 cyl. w/Gauges 14.99 ea. 55-193918 1981-87 8 cyl. w/Gauges 14.99 ea. 55-193919 1981-87 8 cyl. w/Gauges 19.99 ea. 55-193929 Transmission Control Spark Solenoids 55-193902 1971 V8 w/2bbl and 350 w/4bbl 89.99 ea. 55-193903 1 9 7 2 V 8 3 0 7 , 3 5 0 a n d 4 0 0 92.99 ea. 55-193904 1972 w/California Emmission Option 402, 454 92.99 ea. 55-193905 1973 V8 307 w/Manual Trans. 92.99 ea. 55-193907 1974 V8 307 w/Manual Trans. (excl. High Perf) 91.99 ea. Starter Solenoid Switch • Fits Manual And Automatic Applications 55-193928 Oil Pressure Sending Units And Switches 55-193928 1959-60 w/348 or 409 55-193938 1959-81 All 6 cyl. 19.99 ea. 11.99 ea. 55-193929 1959-60 All (except 348 And 409), 8 cyl. 5.99 ea. 06-4408 1964-66 w/o Gauges (except SS), 8 cyl. 11.99 ea. 06-4412 1967-75 w/o Gauges (except SS), 8 cyl. 11.99 ea. 55-193933 1969 w/ Gauges, 8 cyl. 06-4418 55-193902 67.99 ea. 1977-79 w/o Gauges, 8 cyl. 11.99 ea. 55-193932 1978-87 w/ Gauges 23.99 ea. 55-193935 1980-86 w/o Gauges, 8 cyl. 13.99 ea. 55-193936 1987 w/o Gauges, 8 cyl. 9.99 ea. Lock-Up Switch Kit • Reproduction Of Original • For 700R4 And 200R4 Transmissions • Allows Externally Switched Torque Converter LockUp 55-193920 55-193921 55-261644 1 9 5 9 - 8 7 89.95 kit Smog Spark Control Switch 55-193920 1970-71 Smog Spark Control for TH400 10.99 ea. 55-193921 1970-73 Smog Spark Control for TH350 10.99 ea. Ballast Resistors • Has Correct Delco-Remy Logo • Correct Ohm Rating And Brackets 1959-77 Under Hood Light Assembly 55-197239 1959-60 6 or 8 cyl. except High Performance 21.99 ea. 55-197240 1959-60 8 cyl. w/High Performance 21.99 ea. • Reproduction Of Original 55-193174 1 9 5 9 - 7 7 toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 33 39.99 ea. 33 1/29/15 4:37 PM ELECTRICAL Retro Headlight Bulbs The H4 bulb with diamond cut reflector delivers unsurpassed illumination. We have six brilliant styles to accommodate any taste. Each lamp comes with a H4 55/60 watt xenon filled bulb. Our 7" headlamps for 1971-1975 are able to be installed directly into your original buckets. The 53/4" headlamps for 1959-1970 also fit in original buckets with minor modifications. 55-198499 1959-70 5 3/4" Diamond Cut With Skull 55-193131 75.99 ea. 1959-1970 Retro Headlight Bulbs 55-193132 • 5 3/4" • Diamond Cut With Blue Dot With Tri-bar Sealed Beam Headlights Great looks and safer lighting make these D.O.T. approved lamps a smart upgrade. The H4 bulb with diamond cut reflector delivers unsurpassed illumination. We have six brilliant styles to accommodate any taste. Each lamp comes with a H4 55/60 watt xenon filled bulb. Our 7" headlamps for 1971-1975 are able to be installed directly into your original buckets. The 5 3/4" headlamps for 1959-1970 also fit in original buckets with minor modifications. 55-198500 64.99 pr. 55-242986 1959 T3 Reproductions, set of 4 55-193130 1959-60 Low 55-193131 1959-60 Low, Quartz 55-193133 1964 Low, Quartz 55-193134 1965-70 Inner, Low 55-242987 1968-70 T3 Reproductions, set of 4 9.99 ea. 9.99 ea. 12.99 ea. 139.99 set 15.99 ea. 55-193137 1 9 7 6 - 7 7 U p p e r , H i g h 41.99 ea. 55-193138 1976-77 Lower, Low 14.99 ea. 55-193139 1978-81 High And Low (#4) or (#11) 16.99 ea. 55-193140 1982-87 High (#19) 17.99 ea. 55-193141 1982-87 Low (#19) 17.99 ea. 55-198496 55-193108 55-326101 • Awesome Accessory For Your El Camino! • 7” Ultra White Halogen Headlight Replaces Original H6014 And H6024 • Parabolic Headlamp Provides 50% More Light Than Original Equipment • Simple Plug 'n Play Harness For Headlight Bulb • LED Halo May Be Spliced In As A Daytime Running Lamp, Parking Light Or Turn Signal • Angel Eyes LED SMD Halo Ring Provides 100,000+ Hours • Halo Ring Draws Very Low Voltage So They Can Be Left On At Car Shows • Glass Lens With Thermoformed Plastic Parabolic Reflector For Long Service Life 55-326083 Single Color White LED 194.99 pr. 55-326101 Multi-Color LED 249.99 pr. EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 34 DISC set 12.99 ea. 55-193136 1971-72 Round, High And Low 55-326083 1971-75 Replacement Headlight With LED Angel Eyes 34 55-193137 Headlight Capsules 55-198496 1967-69 Inner, LH or RH 55-198495 1967-69 Outer, LH or RH 55-193103 1976-77 Rectangle, Lower, LH 51.99 ea. 51.99 ea. 179.99 ea. 55-193104 1976-77 Rectangle, Lower, RH 49.99 ea. 55-193105 1976-77 Rectangle, Upper, LH 179.99 ea. 55-193106 1976-77 Rectangle, Upper, RH 144.99 ea. 55-193107 1978-81 Rectangle, LH or RH (#2 or #8) 55-193108 1982-87 Quartz, Inboard, LH (#16) 55-193110 1982-87 Quartz, Outboard, LH (#16) 74.99 ea. Call 179.99 kit shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:37 PM ELECTRICAL 1959-77 Under Hood Light Assemblies Dome Light Accessories 55-193159 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 H o u s i n g 19.99 ea. 55-193160 1 9 6 8 - 8 7 H o u s i n g 89.99 ea. 55-193161 1 9 6 8 - 8 7 H o u s i n g , R e p r o d u c t i o n 34.99 ea. 55-193163 1968-87 Bulb • Reproduction Of Original 55-193174 2.99 ea. 39.99 ea. Need help understanding the alphabet soup of the El Camino body styles? 1959 - 1960 : B-Body, also Impala and Biscayne 1964 - 1981: A-Body, also Chevelle and Malibu 1982 - 1987: G-Body, also Malibu and Monte Carlo Want LED bulbs? We now have them! Please inquire. 1959-1960 Interior Replacement Lightbulbs — 1.99 each High Beam Indicator Instrument Lights Turn Signal Indicators Radio Light Glovebox Light Dome Light Clock Light Courtesy Light Heater Control Panel 5 5 -1 9 7 0 6 8 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 7 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 6 9 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 3 1 6 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 6 8 1964-1972 Interior Replacement Lightbulbs — 1.99 each Year High Beam Indicator Instrument Lights Turn Signal Indicator Parking Brake Warning Transmission Indicator Light Radio Light Glovebox Light Map Light Dome Light 1964 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 8 4 5 8 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 7 5 5 -1 9 8 4 5 8 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 7 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 9 2 5 5 -1 9 3 1 6 2 1965-67 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 7 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 7 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 9 2 5 5 -1 9 3 1 6 2 1968-69 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 7 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 7 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 7 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 9 2 5 5 -1 9 3 1 6 3 1970 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 8 4 5 8 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 7 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 7 5 5 -1 9 7 0 9 2 5 5 -1 9 3 1 6 3 1971 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 8 4 5 8 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 8 4 5 9 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 7 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 9 2 5 5 -1 9 3 1 6 3 1972 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 9 1 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 7 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 7 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 9 2 5 5 -1 9 3 1 6 3 1973-1977 Interior Replacement Lightbulbs — 1.99 each Year High Beam Indicator Seat Belt Warning Instrument Lights Turn Signals Parking Brake Transmission Indicator Radio Light Glovebox Light Map Light Dome Light Center Console 1973 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 8 4 5 8 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 8 4 5 8 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 8 4 5 8 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 7 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 8 4 5 9 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 9 2 5 5 -1 9 3 1 6 3 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 4 1974-77 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 8 4 5 8 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 8 4 5 8 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 8 4 5 8 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 n/a 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 7 5 5 -1 9 7 0 9 2 5 5 -1 9 3 1 6 3 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 4 1978-87 Interior Replacement Lightbulbs — 1.99 each Year Seatbelt High Beam Indicator Warning Light Indicator Brake Light Check Engine Light Choke Light Oil / Choke Light Temp Light Trans Indicator Light Volts Light Turn Signal Indicator Lights Parking Brake Light n/a 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 n/a 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 1978 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 n/a n/a 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 1979 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 n/a n/a 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 1980 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 3 g a u g e 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 n o n -g a u g e 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 n/a n/a 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 n/a 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 g a u g e 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 n o n -g a u g e 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 n/a 1981 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 3 g a u g e 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 n o n -g a u g e 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 n/a n/a 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 n/a 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 n/a 1982 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 3 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 n/a 1983 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 3 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 n/a 1984 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 3 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 3 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 3 water in fuel, (diesel) 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 (55-197515 wait, diesel) 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 n/a 1985 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 3 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 3 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 n/a 1986 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 3 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 3 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 n/a 1987 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 3 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 3 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 4 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 n/a toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 35 35 1/29/15 4:37 PM ELECTRICAL 1978-87 Interior Replacement Lightbulbs (cont’d) — 1.99 each Glovebox Light Ashtray Light Dome Light Under Hood Heater Control Instrument Cluster n/a 03-9062 stereo And 8 track 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 5 n/a 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 8 4 6 0 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 n/a 03-9062 stereo And 8 track 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 4 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 5 n/a n/a 5 5 -1 9 3 1 6 3 5 5 -1 9 3 1 6 3 5 5 -1 9 8 4 6 0 5 5 -1 9 8 4 6 0 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 5 5 -1 9 8 4 6 1 5 5 -1 9 3 1 6 3 5 5 -1 9 8 4 6 0 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 Year Radio Dial Light Radio Indicator Light 1978 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 8 m o n o 0 3 -9 0 6 0 s te re o 1979 55-197088 mono and 8 track 0 3 -9 0 6 0 s te re o 1980 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 8 m o n o 0 3 -9 0 6 0 s te re o n/a 55-197088 8 track 1981 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 1982 5 5 - 1 9 7 0 7 2 am/fm 55-197088 am/fm 8 track 03-9058 am/fm/cassette n/a 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 5 5 5 -1 9 8 4 6 3 5 5 -1 9 3 1 6 3 5 5 -1 9 8 4 6 0 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 1983 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 0 3 -9 0 5 8 s te re o a n d c a s s e tte n/a 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 4 5 5 -1 9 8 4 6 3 5 5 -1 9 3 1 6 3 5 5 -1 9 8 4 6 0 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 1984 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 0 3 -9 0 5 8 s te re o a n d c a s s e tte n/a 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 4 5 5 -1 9 8 4 6 3 5 5 -1 9 3 1 6 3 5 5 -1 9 8 4 6 0 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 1985 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 0 3 -9 0 5 8 s te re o a n d c a s s e tte n/a 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 4 5 5 -1 9 8 4 6 3 5 5 -1 9 3 1 6 3 5 5 -1 9 8 4 6 0 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 5 1986 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 0 3 -9 0 5 8 c a s s e tte n/a 1987 n/a n/a 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 3 n/a 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 5 55-198461 8 track or cassette 5 5 -1 9 8 4 6 3 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 4 5 5 -1 9 8 4 6 3 5 5 -1 9 8 4 6 0 5 5 -1 9 3 1 6 3 1959-1977 Exterior Replacement Lightbulbs — 1.99 each Parking and Front Turn Signal Lights Year Tail, Stop and Rear Turn Signal Lights License Plate Light Back Up and / or Cornering Front Side Marker Lights Rear Side Marker Lights Under Hood Light n/a n/a 1959 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 5 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 5 o u te r 5 5 - 1 9 7 0 7 6 in n e r 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 7 n/a 1960 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 5 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 7 n/a n/a n/a 1964 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 8 n/a n/a 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 3 1965- 67 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 8 n/a n/a 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 7 1968 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 9 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 8 5 5 -1 9 7 0 9 1 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 7 1969 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 7 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 9 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 8 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 7 1970 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 7 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 9 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 8 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 7 1971 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 7 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 9 5 5 -1 9 7 0 9 1 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 8 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 7 1972 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 7 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 9 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 8 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 3 1973 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 7 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 9 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 8 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 3 1974- 75 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 55-197517 Laguna S-3 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 6 0 3 -0 3 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 8 4 6 0 1976- 77 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 8 5 5 -1 9 8 4 6 4 5 5 -1 9 8 4 6 4 5 5 -1 9 8 4 6 0 1978-1987 Exterior Replacement Lightbulbs — 1.99 each Parking and Front Turn Signals Park Light Signals Tail, Stop and Rear Turn Light 1 9 7 8 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 n/a 1 9 7 9 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 n/a 1 9 8 0 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 1 9 8 1 1 9 8 2 -8 7 Year License Plate Cornering Back Up and / or Markers Front Side Markers Rear Side 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 8 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 8 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 n/a 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 8 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 n/a 5 5 -1 9 7 0 8 6 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 8 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 4 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 5 1 4 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 8 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 5 5 -1 9 7 0 7 2 36 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 36 shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:37 PM ELECTRICAL 55-193923 55-193922 55-193924 Turn Signal Switch Assemblies Your El Camino turn signal switch does more than just merely operate your turn signals. It controls your brake lights and emergency flasher. One of the most important switches on your El Camino, proper operation is a critical to your safety and the others around you. Over time, corrosion and deterioration leads out right failure of the electromechanical function of the switch. Remember to reference your El Camino’s service shop manual before attempting any kind of electrical replacement project. 55-249057 1968-72 Side Marker Socket w/Pigtail 4.99 ea. 55-193922 1973-77 Inner Backup Socket w/Pigtail 10.99 ea. 55-193924 1973-77 Outer Taillight Socket w/Pigtail 19.99 ea. 55-193923 1973-87 Front And Rear Marker Lights 19.99 ea. 55-197429 1978 Taillights (2 per housing) 19.99 ea. 55-197430 1978 Backup Lights (1 per housing) 10.99 ea. 55-197433 1978-87 License Plate Light, Rear, 2 Prong 15.99 ea. 55-197434 1979-87 Taillight, Small Socket (1 per housing) 15.99 ea. 55-197431 1979-87 Taillight, Large Socket (2 per housing) 19.99 ea. 55-197432 1979-87 Backup Lights (1 per housing) 10.99 ea. Dome Lamp And Fuse Holder Our new Classic Auto Fuse Series Dash Harnesses allow the professional restorer to maintain the easy plug and play function of original factory type harnesses, while converting the entire fuse block to an Auto Fuse Series (ATO Type) fuse block. The Classic Auto Fuse Series Dash Harnesses give restorers the flexibility to add additional power circuits, without the installation headaches normally associated with this type of fuse box conversion. • Upgraded Main Power Circuits • Three Constant Battery Power Accessory Ports • One Instrument Cluster Lamps Accessory Port The main power circuits have been upgraded to ensure the extra capacity of the new Classic Auto Fuse Series fuse block. No need to worry about splicing onto existing fuses and circuits for aftermarket type accessories and overloading the fuse. Original Glass Series fuse boxes have only one port. These three ports supply constant battery power regardless of the ignition switch position. Each of these ports has a maximum fuse capacity of 10 amps. Original Glass Series fuse boxes have only one port. This port is used to access the rheostat circuit on the headlamp switch, so the optional lamps connected to this port will dim and brighten with the dash lamps. This port has a maximum fuse capacity of 1 amp which is perfect for night lights in tachs and gauges etc. • Two Accessory Power Accessory Ports • Three Spare Fuse Ports Original Glass Series fuse boxes have only one port. These two ports supply switched battery power when the ignition switch is in the run position only. Each of these ports has a maximum fuse capacity of 5 amps. Original Glass Series fuse boxes have only one port. These two ports supply switched battery power when the ignition switch is in the run or accessory position only. Each of these ports has a maximum fuse capacity of 5 amps. These three Spare Fuse Ports have an undefined fuse rating that can be designed by the customer based on the individual need and each port can handle up to 20 amps per cavity. If all three are not used, restorers may increase the remaining individual fuse ratings up to 30 amps for the remaining one to two cavities. In order to use these spare fuses, the optional kit part number 55-198396 “Spare Fuse Power Wiring Extension Harness” will be required. Instructions are included with this kit. Dash Harnesses 55-195391 1 9 5 9 - 7 2 2.99 ea. 1964-72 Wiring Harness Retainer Strap • Reproduction Of Original • Retains Front Light Harness To Drivers Side Fender • Used On 1970-1972 El Camino To Retain Hood Harness On Cowl Induction Cars 55-198920 Inner Fender, LH ABOUT OUR ATO TYPE HARNESSES FOR 1968-72 EL CAMINOS 1.99 ea. • Includes Fuse Block • Correct Wire Color And Gauge • Correct Connectors Pre Installed • Correct Style Electrical Tape Wrapping • Incudes All Standard Wiring Items Such As Ignition Switch, Wiper Switch, Turn Signal Switch, Brake Light Switch, Head Light Switch, And The Instrument Cluster • Replaces Commonly Worn, Frayed Or Broken Harness 55-193723 1959 Auto Trans. 349.99 ea. 55-193725 1959 Manual Trans. 349.99 ea. 55-193726 1960 Auto Trans. 349.99 ea. 55-193727 1960 Manual Trans. 349.99 ea. 55-193728 1964 w/Warning Lights 469.99 ea. 55-193729 1964 w/Factory Gauges 479.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 37 37 1/29/15 4:37 PM ELECTRICAL Dash Harnesses (Continued) 55-193730 1965 w/Warning Lights 469.99 ea. 55-193731 1965 Factory Gauges 469.99 ea. 55-193732 1966 Column Shift w/Warning Lights 469.99 ea. 55-193733 1966 Column Shift w/Warning Lights And A/C 469.99 ea. 55-193734 1966 Console Shift w/Warning Lights 469.99 ea. 55-193735 1966 Console Shift w/Warning Lights And A/C 469.99 ea. 55-193736 1966 All w/Factory Gauges 469.99 ea. 55-193737 1966 All w/Factory Gauges And A/C 469.99 ea. 55-193738 1967 w/Warning Lights 469.99 ea. 55-193739 1967 w/Factory Gauges 469.99 ea. 06-1650 1968 w/Warning Lights 55-202373 1968 w/Warning Lights And ATO Fusebox 06-1660 1968 w/Factory Gauges 55-202376 1968 w/Factory Gauges And ATO Fusebox 06-1670 1969 w/Warning Lights 55-202379 1969 w/Warning Lights And ATO Fusebox 06-1680 1969 w/Warning Lights And A/C 1969 w/Factory Gauges 55-202385 1969 w/Factory Gauges And ATO Fusebox 06-1700 1969 w/Factory Gauges And A/C 1970 Round Gauge w/Warning Lights 21.99 ea. 499.99 ea. 499.99 ea. 499.99 ea. 499.99 ea. 499.99 ea. 499.99 ea. Dash Harness Fuse Kits • Kit Contains 2 Flashers And Complete Set Of ATO Fuses 499.99 ea. 55-198392 1970 License Plate Light, Rear, 2 Prong 19.99 ea. 499.99 ea. 55-198393 1968 Taillight, Small Socket (1 per housing) 19.99 ea. 499.99 ea. 55-198394 1971-72 Taillight, Large Socket (2 per housing) 20.99 ea. 55-198395 1969-71 Backup Lights (1 per housing) 19.99 ea. 55-202388 1969 w/Factory Gauges, A/C And ATO Fusebox 499.99 ea. 06-1710 • Adds the Functionality of 3 Extra Spare Fuses 55-198396 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 499.99 ea. 55-202382 1969 w/Warning Lights, A/C And ATO Fusebox 499.99 ea. 06-1690 Dash Harness Spare Fuse Wiring Extensions 499.99 ea. 55-202391 1970 Round Gauge w/Warning Lights And ATO 499.99 ea. 06-1720 1970 Round Gauge w/Factory Gauges 499.99 ea. 55-202394 1970 Round Gauge w/Factory Gauges And ATO 499.99 ea. 06-1730 1970 w/Sweep Style Speedometer 55-202397 1970 w/Sweep Style Speedometer And ATO 06-1740 1971 Round Gauge w/Warning Lights 499.99 ea. 499.99 ea. 499.99 ea. 55-202400 1971 Round Gauge w/Warning Lights And ATO 499.99 ea. 06-1750 1971 Round Gauge w/Factory Gauges 499.99 ea. 55-202403 1971 Round Gauge w/Factory Gauges And ATO 499.99 ea. 06-1760 1971 w/Sweep Style Speedometer 55-202407 1971 w/Sweep Style Speedometer And ATO 06-1770 1972 Round Gauge w/Warning Lights 499.99 ea. 499.99 ea. 499.99 ea. 55-202410 1972 Round Gauge w/Warning Lights And ATO 499.99 ea. 06-1780 1972 Round Gauge w/Factory Gauges 499.99 ea. 55-202413 1972 Round Gauge w/Factory Gauges And ATO 499.99 ea. 06-1790 1972 Round Ga w/Warn Lts. And St Blt. Warn 499.99 ea. 55-202416 1972 Rnd Ga w/Warn Lts., St. Blt. Warn And ATO499.99 ea. 06-1800 1972 Rnd Ga w/Factory Ga. And St. Blt Warn 499.99 ea. 55-202419 1972 Rnd Ga w/Factory Ga. And St. Blt Warn,ATO 499.99 ea. 06-1810 1972 w/Sweep Style Speedometer 55-202422 1972 w/Sweep Style Speedometer And ATO 06-1820 1972 w/Sweep Style Speedo And St. Blt. Warn 499.99 ea. 499.99 ea. 499.99 ea. 55-202425 1972 w/Swp Style Speedo And St. Blt. Warn,ATO499.99 ea. 55-193740 1973 Lower Half w/Gauges (incl. Fusebox) 419.99 ea. 55-193741 1973 Inst. Clstr, Upr. Half, w/Ga (incl Fusebox) 149.99 ea. 55-193742 1974 w/Factory Gauges 519.99 ea. 38 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 38 Speed Warning Harnesses • Replaces Commonly Worn, Frayed Or Broken Harness • Correct Wire Color And Gauge • Correct Connectors Pre Installed • Show Ready Harness • Picture May Differ Slightly From Actual Part 55-193896 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 13.99 ea. 55-193897 1 9 6 8 13.99 ea. 55-193898 1 9 6 9 13.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:37 PM ELECTRICAL Front Light Harnesses (continued) Seatbelt Warning Harnesses • Correct Wire Color And Gauge • Correct Connectors Pre Installed 55-193900 1 9 7 2 31.99 ea. 55-193890 55-202571 1960 V8 w/Alt, LH Side Front 139.99 ea. 55-202572 1960 V8 w/Alt, RH Side Front 159.99 ea. 55-202573 1960 w/Factory Gauges 104.99 ea. 55-193794 1960 V8 w/HD Generator 104.99 ea. 55-202575 1964 w/Factory Gauges And Int. Reg., LH, Front 169.99 ea. 55-202576 1964 w/Factory Gauges And Int. Reg., RH, Front 179.99 ea. 55-202577 1964 w.Factory Gauges 149.99 ea. 55-202582 1964 w/Warning Lights And Int. Reg., LH, Front 169.99 ea. 55-202583 1964 w/Warning Lights And Int. Reg., RH, Front 179.99 ea. 55-202584 1964 w/Warning Lights 149.99 ea. 55-202586 1965 w/Factory Gauges And Int. Reg., LH, Front 169.99 ea. 55-202587 1965 w/Factory Gauges And Int. Reg., RH, Front 179.99 ea. 55-202588 1965 w/Factory Gauges Backup Light Harnesses 149.99 ea. 55-202590 1965 w/Warning Lights And Int. Reg., LH, Front 169.99 ea. 55-202591 1965 w/Warning Lights And Int. Reg., RH, Front 179.99 ea. 55-202592 1965 w/Warning Lights • Show Ready Harness 149.99 ea. 55-193888 1959-60 19” Diameter, 5 Blades 21.99 ea. 55-202594 1966 w/Factory Gauges And Int. Reg., LH, Front 169.99 ea. 55-193889 1959-60 5 Blades, 229-267-305H, w/o A/C 21.99 ea. 55-202595 1966 w/Factory Gauges And Int. Reg., RH, Front 179.99 ea. 55-193890 1964 V8 And 6 Cylinder, 17 1/2” diameter 23.99 ea. 55-202596 1966 w/Factory Gauges 55-193891 1965-66 350N Diesel, w/HD Cooling, 7 Blades 23.99 ea. 55-202598 1966 w/Warning Lights And Int. Reg., LH, Front 169.99 ea. 55-193892 1967-68 350N Diesel, 5 Blades 23.99 ea. 55-202599 1966 w/Warning Lights And Int. Reg., RH, Front 179.99 ea. 55-202600 1966 w/Warning Lights 149.99 ea. 149.99 ea. 55-202602 1967 w/Factory Gauges And Int. Reg., LH, Front 169.99 ea. 55-202603 1967 w/Factory Gauges And Int. Reg., RH, Front 179.99 ea. 55-202604 1967 w/Factory Gauges 149.99 ea. 55-202606 1967 w/Warning Lights And Int. Reg., LH, Front 169.99 ea. 55-202607 1967 w/Warning Lights And Int. Reg., RH, Front 179.99 ea. Headlight Bucket Harnesses • Critical Extension From Front Light Harness To Headlights 55-193855 1 9 5 9 30.99 ea. 55-202608 1967 w/Warning Lights 149.99 ea. 55-193795 1968 6 cyl. Chevelle w/Warning Lights 149.99 ea. 55-202610 1968 V8,w/Factory Ga And Int. Reg., LH, Front 169.99 ea. 55-202611 1968 V8,w/Factory Ga And Int. Reg., RH, Front 179.99 ea. 55-202612 1968 V8, w/Factory Gauges 149.99 ea. 55-202614 1968 V8, w/Warn Lights And Int. Reg., LH, Front 169.99 ea. 55-202615 1968 V8, w/Warn Lights And Int. Reg., RH, Front 179.99 ea. Firewall Wiring Harness Grommet • Fits All 1959-1960 Chevrolet B-Bodies Including Passenger Car, Wagon And Sedan Delivery 55-192999 1 9 5 9 - 1 9 6 0 B - B o d y 7.99 ea. 55-202616 1968 V8, w/Warning Lights 149.99 ea. 55-193796 1969 6 cyl. 149.99 ea. 55-202618 1969 V8,w/Factory Ga And Int. Reg., LH, Front 209.99 ea. 55-202619 1969 V8,w/Factory Ga And Int. Reg., RH, Front 169.99 ea. 55-202620 1969 V8, w/Factory Gauges 149.99 ea. 55-202622 1969 V8, w/Warn Lights And Int. Reg., LH, Front 169.99 ea. 55-202623 1969 V8, w/Warn Lights And Int. Reg., RH, Front 149.99 ea. 55-193789 Front Light Harnesses • Reproduction Of Original 55-202568 1959 V8 w/Alt, LH Side Front 119.99 ea. 55-202569 1959 V8 w/Alt, RH Side Front 139.99 ea. 55-193788 1959 6 cyl. 104.99 ea. 55-193789 1959 6 cyl. w/HD Generator 104.99 ea. 55-193790 1 9 5 9 V 8 104.99 ea. 55-193791 1959 V8 w/HD Generator 104.99 ea. 55-202579 1960 w/Alt., LH Side Front 139.99 ea. 55-202580 1960 w/Alt., RH Side Front 159.99 ea. 55-193792 1960 6 cyl. 104.99 ea. 55-193793 1960 6 cyl. w/HD Generator 104.99 ea. 55-193797 1970 6 cyl Chevelle w/Warning Lights 149.99 ea. 55-202625 1970 V8, Chevelle, w/Factory Gauges, LH, Frt. 169.99 ea. 55-202626 1970 V8, Chevelle, w/Factory Gauges, RH, Frt. 149.99 ea. 55-202628 1970 V8, Chevelle, w/Warning Lights, LH, Frt. 169.99 ea. 55-202629 1970 V8, Chevelle, w/Warning Lights 149.99 ea. 55-202631 1970 V8, Chevelle, w/Warning Lights, LH, Frt. 169.99 ea. 55-202632 1970 V8, Chevelle, w/Warning Lights, RH, Frt. 149.99 ea. 55-193798 1971 6 cyl Chevelle w/Warning Lights 149.99 ea. 55-202634 1971 V8, Chevelle, w/Factory Gauges, LH, Frt. 169.99 ea. 55-202635 1971 V8, Chevelle, w/Factory Gauges, RH, Frt. 149.99 ea. 55-202637 1971 V8, Chevelle, w/Warning Lights, LH, Frt. 169.99 ea. 55-202638 1971 V8, Chevelle, w/Warning Lights, LH, Frt. 149.99 ea. 55-193799 1972 Front Light Harness 149.99 ea. 55-193800 1973 Front Light Harness 157.99 ea. 55-193801 1974 Front Light Harness 157.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 39 39 1/29/15 4:37 PM ELECTRICAL 55-193789 Rear Body Lighting Harnesses 55-193789 Air Conditioning Harnesses • Correct Color Coded Wires • Correct Connectors Pre-Attached • Replaces Often Brittle, Broken Or Petrified Harnesses • Correct Style Electrical Tape Wrapping 55-193873 1 9 5 9 F r o n t S e c t i o n 79.99 ea. 55-193874 1 9 5 9 R e a r S e c t i o n 89.99 ea. 55-193875 1959 Rear Tailgate Lamps (reuse boot) 64.99 ea. 55-193876 1 9 6 0 R e a r S e c t i o n 97.99 ea. 55-193877 1 9 6 0 F r o n t S e c t i o n 89.99 ea. 55-193878 1964 w/o Backup Lamps 129.99 ea. 55-193879 1964 w/Backup Lamps 129.99 ea. 55-193880 1965 Standard w/o Backup Lamps 129.99 ea. 55-193881 1965 Custom w/Backup Lamps 129.99 ea. 55-193856 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 99.99 ea. 127.99 ea. 55-193857 1959-60 For ‘Cool Pack’ Under-Dash Unit 55-193882 1 9 6 6 99.99 ea. 129.99 ea. 55-193858 1 9 6 4 55-193883 1 9 6 7 99.99 ea. 144.99 ea. 55-193859 1 9 6 5 - 6 6 55-193884 1968 Rear Panel w/Side Markers 99.99 ea. 55-193885 1968 Rear Panel w/o Side Markers 129.99 ea. 55-193860 1 9 6 7 109.99 ea. 139.99 ea. 55-193861 1 9 6 8 55-193886 1969 Rear Panel 109.99 ea. 139.99 ea. 55-193862 1 9 6 9 55-193887 1970-72 Rear Panel And Tailgate 109.99 ea. 55-193863 1 9 7 0 109.99 ea. 55-193864 1 9 7 1 109.99 ea. 55-193865 1 9 7 2 109.99 ea. 1959-60 Quarter Panel Wiring Grommet • Reproduction Of Original • Seals Rear Body Harness Hole At Rear Inner Quarter 55-193008 17.99 ea. 55-193789 Rear Body Intermediate Light Harness • Replaces Commonly Worn, Frayed Or Broken Harness • Correct Wire Color And Gauge • Correct Connectors Pre Installed • Correct Style Electrical Tape Wrapping • Show Ready Harness 55-193789 Power Window Harnesses 55-198408 1964 Passenger Side 55-198409 1964-66 Drivers Side And Crossover 55-198410 1965 Passenger Side 67.99 ea. 139.99 ea. 67.99 ea. 55-193869 1968 Dash to Quarter Panel 74.99 ea. 55-198411 1966-67 Passenger Side 55-193870 1969 Dash to Quarter Panel 74.99 ea. 55-198412 1967 Drivers Side And Crossover 139.99 ea. 55-193871 1970-72 Dash to Quarter Panel w/o SB Warning 74.99 ea. 55-198415 1969 Drivers Side And Crossover 184.99 ea. 55-193872 1972 Dash to Quarter Panel w/SB Warning 74.99 ea. 55-198416 1969 Passenger Side 40 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 40 67.99 ea. 92.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:37 PM ELECTRICAL 55-198400 06-2173 Alternator Conversion Harnesses • External to Internal Regulated Conversion Kit 55-198400 1964-72 SI Series, non-Serp. Int. Regulated Alt. 21.99 ea. 55-198399 1964-72 CS Series, Serp. Internal Regulated Alt. 21.99 ea. Engine Harnesses 55-193763 1959 6 cyl. 64.99 ea. 55-202427 1959 V8 283cu in w/Hei 79.99 ea. 55-202428 1959 V8 283cu in w/o Hei 79.99 ea. 55-202430 1959 V8 348cu in w/Hei 77.99 ea. 55-202431 1959 V8 348cu in w/o Hei 64.99 ea. 55-202433 1960 V8 348cu in w/Hi-Perf 3x2, w/Hei 77.99 ea. 55-202434 1960 V8 348cu in w/Hi-Perf 3x2, w/o Hei 64.99 ea. 55-193764 1960 6 cyl 64.99 ea. 55-202436 1960 V8 w/Hei 77.99 ea. 55-202437 1960 V8 w/o Hei 77.99 ea. 55-202439 1960 V8 348cu in w/Hei 77.99 ea. 55-202440 1960 V8 348cu in w/o Hei 64.99 ea. 55-202442 1960 V8 348cu in w/Hi-Perf 3x2, w/Hei 77.99 ea. 55-202443 1960 V8 348cu in w/Hi-Perf 3x2, w/o Hei 64.99 ea. 55-193765 1964 6 cyl w/Lights 55-202445 1964 V8 283cu in w/Warning Lights And Hei Cowl Induction Hood Harness • Replaces Commonly Worn, Frayed Or Broken Harness • Correct Wire Color And Gauge • Correct Connectors Pre Installed • Correct Style Electrical Tape Wrapping • Show Ready Harness 55-193899 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 41.99 ea. 55-202446 1964 V8 283cu in w/Warning Lights 99.99 ea. 112.99 ea. 99.99 ea. 55-202448 1964 V8 307-350cu in w/Factory Gauges w/Hei 112.99 ea. 55-202449 1964 V8 307-350cu in w/Factory Gauges 99.99 ea. 55-193766 1965 6 cyl w/Factory Gauges 99.99 ea. 55-193767 1965 6 cyl w/Warning Lights 99.99 ea. 55-202451 1965 V8 283-327cu in w/Factory Gauges And Hei112.99 ea. 55-202452 1965 V8 283-327cu in w/Factory Gauges 99.99 ea. 55-202454 1965 V8 283-327cu in w/Warning Lights And Hei 112.99 ea. 55-202455 1965 V8 283-327cu in w/Warning Lights 55-202457 1965 V8 396cu in w/Factory Gauges And Hei 55-202458 1965 V8 396c.i w/Factory Gauges 99.99 ea. 109.99 ea. 99.99 ea. 55-193768 1966 6 cyl w/Factory Gauges, w/o A/C 99.99 ea. 55-193769 1966 6 cyl w/Factory Gauges And A/C 129.99 ea. 55-193770 1966 6 cyl w/Warning Lights w/o A/C 99.99 ea. 55-193771 1966 6 cyl w/Warning Lights And A/C 129.99 ea. 55-202460 1966 V8 283-327c.i w/Factory Ga., w/o A/C,, Hei 112.99 ea. 55-202461 1966 V8 283-327c.i w/Factory Ga., w/o A/C Cruise Control Harnesses 99.99 ea. 55-202463 1966 V8 283-327c.i w/Factory Ga., w/ A/C,, Hei 144.99 ea. • Replaces Commonly Worn, Frayed Or Broken Harness • Correct Wire Color And Gauge • Correct Connectors Pre Installed • Correct Style Electrical Tape Wrapping • Show Ready Harness 55-202464 1966 V8 283-327c.i w/Factory Ga., w/ A/C 129.99 ea. 55-202466 1966 V8 283-327c.i. w/Warn Lts w/Hei w/o A/C 112.99 ea. 55-202467 1966 V8 283-327c.i. w/Warn Lts w/o A/C 55-193866 99.99 ea. 55-202469 1966 V8 283-327c.i. w/Warn Lts w/Hei And A/C 144.99 ea. 55-202470 1966 V8 283-327c.i. w/Warn Lts w/ A/C 129.99 ea. 55-202472 1966 V8 396cu in w/Factory Ga. And Hei w/o A/C112.99 ea. 55-202473 1966 V8 396cu in w/Factory Ga. w/o A/C 99.99 ea. 55-202475 1966 V8 396cu in w/Factory Ga. And Hei w/ A/C 144.99 ea. 55-193866 1 9 6 7 51.99 ea. 55-202476 1966 V8 396cu in w/Factory Ga. And A/C 55-193867 1 9 6 8 51.99 ea. 55-202478 1966 V8 396cu in w/Warn Lts. And Hei w/o A/C 112.99 ea. 55-193868 1 9 6 9 - 7 2 51.99 ea. 55-202479 1966 V8 396cu in w/Warn Lts. w/o A/C toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 41 129.99 ea. 99.99 ea. 41 1/29/15 4:38 PM ELECTRICAL Engine Harnesses (continued) Engine Harnesses (continued) 55-202481 1966 V8, 396 C.i., w/Warning Lights And A/c w/Hei 55-202551 1970 V8, 396-454 C.i., w/Th400 139.99 ea. 55-193777 1971 6 Cyl. w/Auto Trans 137.99 ea. 55-193778 1971 6 Cyl. w/Manual Trans 137.99 ea. 55-202484 1966 V8, Spc Hi-perf 327ci, 350hp,Factory Ga Hei112.99 ea. 55-202553 1971 V8, 307-350ci, w/Auto Trans, w/Hei 149.99 ea. 55-202485 1966 V8, Spc Hi-perf 327ci, 350hp,Factory Ga 55-202554 1971 V8, 307-350ci, w/ Auto Trans 137.99 ea. 55-202556 1971 V8, 307-350ci, w/Man Trans, w/Hei 149.99 ea. 55-202557 1971 V8, 307-350ci, w/Man Trans 137.99 ea. 55-202490 1966 V8, Spc Hi-perf 327ci, 350hp,Warn Lts, Hei 112.99 ea. 55-202559 1971 V8, 350ci, w/ Th400, w/Hei 149.99 ea. 55-202491 1966 V8, Spc Hi-perf 327ci, 350hp,Warn Lts 55-202560 1971 V8, 350ci, w/ Th400 137.99 ea. 55-202493 1966 V8, Spc Hi-perf 327ci, 350hp,Warn Lts Hei 144.99 ea. 55-202562 1971 V8, 396-454ci, w/Man Trans, w/Hei 149.99 ea. 55-202494 1966 V8, Spc Hi-perf 327ci, 350hp,Warn Lts 55-202563 1971 V8, 396-454ci, w/Man Trans 137.99 ea. 55-202565 1971 V8, 396-454ci, w/Th400, w/Hei 149.99 ea. 112.99 ea. 55-202566 1971 V8, 396-454ci, w/Th400 137.99 ea. 99.99 ea. 55-193779 1972 6cyl., w/Warning Lights 147.99 ea. 55-193780 1972 V8, 307-350ci, w/ Factory Ga 147.99 ea. 55-193781 1972 V8, 307-350ci, w/Th400 And Factory Ga 147.99 ea. 55-193782 1972 V8, 307-350ci, w/Th400 And Warn Lts 147.99 ea. 55-193783 1972 V8, 307-350ci, w/Warn Lts 147.99 ea. 55-193784 1972 V8, 396-454ci, w/Mt And Factory Ga 147.99 ea. 55-193785 1972 V8, 396-454ci, w/Mt And Warn Lts 147.99 ea. 55-193786 1972 V8, 396-454ci, w/Th400 And Factory Ga 147.99 ea. 55-193787 1972 V8, 396-454ci, w/Th400 And Warn Lts 147.99 ea. 55-202511 1968 V8, 327ci, Factory Ga And Idle Stop Sol.,Hei112.99 ea. 55-193942 1973 6 Cyl., w/Warning Lights 149.99 ea. 55-202512 1968 V8, 327ci, Factory Ga And Idle Stop Sol 55-193943 1973 V8, w/Warning Lights 149.99 ea. 55-193944 1973 V8, w/Gauges 149.99 ea. 144.99 ea. 55-202482 1966 V8, 396ci, w/Warning Lights And A/c 6-2390-1 129.99 ea. 99.99 ea. 1966 V8, Spc Hi-perf 327ci, 350hp,Factory Ga Hei144.99 ea. 55-202488 1966 V8, Spc Hi-perf 327ci, 350hp,Factory Ga 55-193772 1967 6 Cyl., w/Warn Lts 55-202496 1967 V8, 283-327ci, w/Factory Gauges, w/Hei 55-202497 1967 V8, 283-327ci, w/Factory Gauges 55-202499 1967 V8, 283-327ci, w/Warning Lights w/Hei 55-202500 1967 V8, 283-327ci, w/Warning Lights 55-202502 1967 V8, 396ci, w/Factory Gauges, w/Hei 55-202503 1967 V8, 396ci, w/Factory Gauges 55-202505 1967 V8, 396ci, w/Warning Lights, w/Hei 55-202506 1967 V8, 396ci, w/Warning Lights 55-202508 1968 V8, 327-396ci, w/Factory Gauges, w/Hei 55-202509 1968 V8, 327-396ci, w/Factory Gauges 55-202514 1968 V8, 327ci, w/Warning Lights, w/Hei 129.99 ea. 99.99 ea. 129.99 ea. 99.99 ea. 112.99 ea. 99.99 ea. 112.99 ea. 99.99 ea. 112.99 ea. 99.99 ea. 112.99 ea. 99.99 ea. 99.99 ea. 112.99 ea. 55-202515 1968 V8, 327ci, w/Warning Lights 99.99 ea. 55-193945 1973 V8, w/Th400 And Warning Lights 149.99 ea. 55-193773 1968-69 6 Cyl., w/Warning Lights 99.99 ea. 55-193946 1973 V8, w/Th400 And Gauges 149.99 ea. 55-193774 1968-69 6 Cyl., w/Warning Lights And Idle St 99.99 ea. 55-193947 1973-74 454ci, w/Auto Trans. And Warn Lts 154.99 ea. 55-202517 1968-69 V8, 396ci, w/Warning Lights, w/Hei 112.99 ea. 55-193948 1973-74 454ci, w/Manual Trans. And Warn Lts 154.99 ea. 55-193949 1973-74 454ci, w/Auto Trans And Gauges 154.99 ea. 55-193950 1973-74 454ci, w/Manual Trans And Gauges 154.99 ea. 55-193951 1974 6 Cyl., w/Warning Lights 149.99 ea. 55-193952 1974 V8, w/Auto And Warning Lights 149.99 ea. 55-193953 1974 V8, w/Auto And Gauges 149.99 ea. 55-202524 1969 V8, 307-327ci, Factory Ga And Idle Stop Sol 99.99 ea. 55-193954 1974-75 V8, w/Manual And Warning Lights 149.99 ea. 55-202526 1969 V8, 307-327ci, w/Warning Lights, w/Hei 55-193955 1974 V8, w/Manual And Gauges 149.99 ea. 55-193956 1975 6 Cyl., wo/Integrated Cyl Head 149.99 ea. 55-202529 1969 V8, 307-327ci, w/Warn Lts, Idle Stp Sol, Hei112.99 ea. 55-193957 1975 6 Cyl., w/Integrated Cyl Head 149.99 ea. 55-202530 1969 V8, 307-327ci, w/Warn Lts And Idle Stop Sol 99.99 ea. 55-193958 1975 V8, w/Hei Except Th400 149.99 ea. 55-202532 1969 V8, 396ci, w/Factory Gauges, w/Hei 112.99 ea. 55-198385 1975 V8, w/Hei And Th400 149.99 ea. 99.99 ea. 55-198386 1981 V8, w/Warning Lights 179.99 ea. 55-198387 1981 V8, w/Gauges 175.99 ea. 55-202518 1968-69 V8, 396ci, w/Warning Lights 55-202520 1969 V8, 307-327ci, w/Factory Gauges, w/Hei 55-202521 1969 V8, 307-327ci, w/Factory Gauges 99.99 ea. 112.99 ea. 99.99 ea. 55-202523 1969 V8, 307-327ci. Fcty Ga And Idle Stop Sol, Hei 112.99 ea. 55-202527 1969 V8, 307-327ci, w/Warning Lights 55-202533 1969 V8, 396ci, w/Factory Gauges 112.99 ea. 99.99 ea. 55-202535 1969 V8, 396ci, w/Factory Ga And Idle Stop Sol, Hei 112.99 ea. 55-202536 1969 V8, 396ci, w/Factory Ga And Idle Stop Sol 99.99 ea. 55-202538 1969 V8, 396ci, w/Warn Lts And Idle Stop Sol, Hei112.99 ea. 55-202539 1969 V8, 396ci, w/Warn Lts And Idle Stop Sol 99.99 ea. 55-193775 1970 6 Cyl., w/Auto Trans 137.99 ea. 55-193776 1970 6 Cyl., w/Manual Trans 137.99 ea. 55-202541 1970 V8, 307-350ci, w/Auto Trans, w/Hei 149.99 ea. 55-202542 1970 V8, 307-350ci, w/Auto Trans 137.99 ea. 55-202544 1970 V8, 307-350ci, w/Manual Trans, w/Hei 149.99 ea. 55-202545 1970 V8, 307-350ci, w/Manual Trans 137.99 ea. 55-202547 1970 V8, 396-454ci, w/Manual Trans, w/Hei 149.99 ea. 55-202548 1970 V8, 396-454ci, w/Manual Trans 137.99 ea. 55-202550 1970 V8, 396-454 C.i., w/Th400, w/Hei 149.99 ea. 42 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 42 55-193720 Clock Harnesses 55-193718 1959-60 Dash Mounted Clock 21.99 ea. 55-193719 1964-65 Dash Mounted Clock 15.99 ea. 55-193720 1968-69 Dash Mounted Clock 15.99 ea. 55-193721 1970-72 Dash Mounted Clock (except SS Dash) 15.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:38 PM ELECTRICAL 55-193686 Dome Light Harnesses 55-193692 Under Dash Courtesy Light Harnesses 55-193687 1959-60 Harness Only 31.99 ea. 55-193693 1959-70 Mounting Brackets 10.99 ea. 55-193688 1964-65 Harness Only 31.99 ea. 55-193689 1966-67 Harness Only 31.99 ea. 55-193690 1968 Harness Only 31.99 ea. 55-193691 1969-70 Harness Only 31.99 ea. 55-193692 1971-72 Harness w/Brackets 31.99 ea. This reproduction harness starts with the correct gauge wire, colorcoded to match the factory wiring diagram. Each wire is cut to the exact length required and wiring terminals are crimped-on just like the originals. If specifications call for it, the terminals are also dip soldered to limit resistance voltage loss. Hand-assembly of the harness is completed by wrapping the wires with factory-correct, non-adhesive or cloth woven tapes, where applicable, providing a 100% original appearance. 55-193683 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 29.99 ea. 55-193684 1 9 6 4 19.99 ea. 55-193685 1 9 6 5 - 6 7 19.99 ea. 55-193686 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 19.99 ea. 55-193762 55-193709 Alternator Conversion Harnesses • External to Internal Regulated Conversion Kit 55-193702 1964 Automatic Transmission 51.99 ea. 55-193703 1964-65 Manual Transmission 19.99 ea. 55-193704 1965 Automatic Transmission 51.99 ea. 55-193705 1966 Automatic Transmission 42.99 ea. 55-193706 1966 Manual Transmission 46.99 ea. 55-193707 1967 Automatic Transmission 42.99 ea. 55-193708 1967 Manual Transmission 42.99 ea. 55-193709 1968-72 Automatic Transmission 42.99 ea. 55-193710 1968-72 Manual Transmission 19.99 ea. Horn Harnesses 55-193759 1 9 6 8 - 6 9 15.99 ea. 55-193760 1 9 6 8 - 6 9 15.99 ea. 55-193761 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 15.99 ea. 55-193762 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 15.99 ea. Neutral Safety Switch Harnesses 55-193901 1 9 6 9 - 7 2 17.99 ea. 55-193716 Console Extension Harnesses 55-193893 55-193711 1 9 6 6 23.99 ea. 55-193712 1 9 6 6 23.99 ea. 55-193713 1 9 6 7 23.99 ea. 55-193714 1 9 6 7 23.99 ea. Automatic Transmission Kickdown Switch Harnesses 55-193715 1 9 6 8 42.99 ea. 55-193893 1 9 6 6 31.99 ea. 55-193716 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 19.99 ea. 55-193894 1 9 6 6 31.99 ea. 55-193717 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 42.99 ea. 55-193895 1 9 6 7 23.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 43 43 1/29/15 4:38 PM ELECTRICAL 55-193842 Ground Wires 55-193842 1964-67 Instrument Cluster 13.99 ea. 55-193843 1964-67 Voltage Regulator 13.99 ea. 55-193844 1964-68 A/C Compressor 13.99 ea. 55-193845 1969-72 A/C Compressor Power Feed Wire 16.99 ea. 06-1300 06-2458 Tachometer Harnesses 55-193698 1964 In-Dash Mounted 36.99 ea. 55-193699 1 9 6 5 36.99 ea. 55-193700 1 9 6 6 42.99 ea. 55-193701 1 9 6 7 42.99 ea. 55-193744 55-193847 55-193848 Fuel Tank Sending Unit Wires 55-193743 1 9 6 7 21.99 ea. 55-193744 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 20.99 ea. 55-193849 55-193850 55-193854 Ground Strap Kits 55-193746 Wiper Motor Harnesses 55-193846 1959-60 6 or 8 cyl. (incl. Hardware And Instr.) 21.99 ea. 55-193847 1964-65 6 cyl 12.99 ea. 55-193848 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 V 8 19.99 ea. 55-193849 1966 6 cyl 19.99 ea. 55-193850 1 9 6 6 V 8 19.99 ea. 55-193851 1 9 6 7 V 8 19.99 ea. 55-193745 1959 Single Speed 19.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 55-193746 1959 Single Speed w/Washer 55-193853 1967-69 6 cyl 21.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 55-193747 1959 Two Speed w/Production Washer 55-193852 1 9 6 8 V 8 21.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 55-193748 1960 Single Speed 55-193854 1 9 6 9 - 7 2 V 8 19.99 ea. 55-193749 1960 Single Speed w/Washer 21.99 ea. 55-193750 1960 Single Speed w/Production Washer 21.99 ea. 55-193751 1960 Single Speed w/Accessory Washer 21.99 ea. 55-193752 1960 Two Speed w/Production Washer 21.99 ea. 55-193753 1964 Single Speed w/Washer 23.99 ea. 55-193754 1964 Two Speed w/Washer 23.99 ea. 55-193755 1965 Single Speed w/Washer 27.99 ea. 55-193756 1965 Two Speed w/Washer 27.99 ea. 55-193757 1966 Two Speed w/Washer 27.99 ea. 55-193758 1966 Two Spd from Sw to Wpr Harness 17.99 ea. 44 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 44 1964-77 Firewall Wiring Gutter • Show Quality Reproduction • Slotted Mounting Holes • Correct Finish • (2) Correct Mount Screws Included 55-192861 8.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:38 PM ENGINE AND RELATED 55-196026 55-196034 55-196025 55-196031 55-196033 Motor Mounts 55-196021 1959-60 All 39.99 ea. 55-197094 1964 235, 6 cyl. 13.99 ea. 55-196022 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 2 8 3 , 3 2 7 39.99 pr. 55-196023 1964-67 Big Block 39.99 pr. 55-197093 1965-69 235, 6 cyl. 12.99 ea. 55-196024 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 3 0 7 63.99 ea. 55-196025 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 3 2 7 , 3 5 0 , 3 9 6 , 4 0 0 , 4 5 4 24.99 pr. 55-197100 1 9 7 3 - 7 5 4 5 4 13.99 ea. 55-196026 1 9 7 3 - 8 7 2 5 0 , 3 0 7 , 3 0 5 , 3 5 0 , 4 0 0 18.99 ea. 55-197098 1978 3.3L (200), LH, 2nd Design 14.99 ea. 55-197097 1978-79 3.3L (200), LH, 1st Design 29.99 ea. 55-197099 1978-79 3.3L (200), RH 20.99 ea. 55-196027 1978-81 229 LH 13.99 ea. 55-196028 1 9 7 8 - 8 1 2 2 9 R H 13.99 ea. 55-196029 1978-81 231 LH 63.99 ea. 55-197095 1979-82 4.4 (267), LH or RH 14.99 ea. 55-197102 1980-83 229 LH 13.99 ea. 55-197101 1 9 8 0 - 8 3 2 2 9 R H 13.99 ea. 55-197096 982-83 350 Diesel 15.99 ea. 55-196032 Engine Mounting Brackets 55-196031 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 V 8 43.99 ea. 55-196032 1966-67 Big Block 55-196033 1966-67 Small Block 84.99 pr. 109.99 pr. 55-196034 1968-72 V8, LH & RH 69.99 pr. 55-196036 1968 350 Diesel, LH 79.99 ea. 55-196017 55-196019 55-287615 1978-87 LS Engine Conversion Kits Motor Mounts, Urethane • Replacement Of Original • Urethane Construction • • • • • Makes LS Series Engine A Bolt-In Operation Kit Includes Frame Mounts, Motor Mounts, Transmission Crossmember, & Transmission Mount Kit Allows The Use Of All GM Accessories Built Around The LH8 Oil Pan 55-196018 59-60, 283-348; 65-67, 396; 67-72, 327-307 Chr 64.99 ea. 55-196016 59-60, 283-348; 65-67, 396; 67-72, 327-307 Zin 75.99 ea. 55-287615 1978-81 4L60E Auto Trans. 549.99 ea. 55-196017 1968-72 350, 396, 400, 454 Zinc Finish 79.99 ea. 55-287674 1978-81 T-56 Manual Trans. 549.99 ea. 55-196019 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 3 5 0 , 3 9 6 , 4 0 0 , 4 5 4 C h r o m e F i n i s h 67.99 ea. 55-287677 1982-87 4L60E Auto Trans. 529.99 ea. 55-196020 1973-87 307, 350, 267, 305 (reuse outer shells) 69.99 pr. 55-287675 1982-87 T-56 Manual Trans. 529.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 45 45 1/29/15 4:38 PM ENGINE AND RELATED 55-280382 1959-87 LS1 Engine Conversion Bracket Kit • For Use When Converting To A Late Model LS Series Or VORTEC Engine NOTE: For 1973 to 1987 models, the rubber mounts included in this kit will not be used. 55-278481 99.99 kit 11-1480 1964-83 Motor Mount Thru Bolt Set • Correct Point • Marsden Lock Nuts 11-1485 55-278495 3-7/16" in Length 12.99 set 55-278496 4-7/16" in Length 12.99 set 1978-84 229 3.8 Liter V6 Chrome Valve Covers • Replaces Stock Valve Covers • 229 3.8L V6 Unbaffled 55-305573 55-280383 1959-87 Aluminum Classic-Style Valve Covers 55-280376 • Features Classic Fins and Chevrolet Script • Two-Bolt Mounting • Internal Baffling • Sand-Cast Aluminum • Black Powder Coating • Oil Filler And PCV Provisions Can Be Easily Added To The Covers By A Machine Shop 55-280382 Black 369.99 pr. 55-280383 Orange 369.99 pr. 55-280376 Polished Aluminum 449.99 pr. 55-281962 55-281995 39.99 set 1959-87 Small Block Cork Valve Cover Gasket Sets 55-281962 1 9 5 9 - 8 7 9.99 pr. 55-291765 1 9 5 9 - 8 7 19.99 set 55-281995 1964-78 Correct Silver Sealant Over Cork As Original 21.99 pr. 1964-78 One-Piece Small Block Engine Oil Pan Gasket Sets 1960-67 Valve Cover, Small Block 55-196357 1960-67 Small Block, Chrome 134.99 ea. 55-196358 1960-67 Small Block, Painted Chevy Orange 109.99 pr. 55-196362 1965-75 BB w/Drprs, Pw Brks, Slant Crnr DS 119.99 pr. 55-281970 • Features Molded Neoprene Construction • Installs Easily As A One-Piece Design • Eliminates Chronic Oil Pan Leaks 55-196359 1966-69 Big Block, Complete Assembly 97.99 pr. 55-281970 46.99 set 55-198333 1976-80 SB, 262, 267, 305, 400, GM, RH 85.99 ea. 55-281972 Replacement 17.99 set 46 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 46 shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:38 PM ENGINE AND RELATED 88-1302-3 55-196099 PCV Pipes 55-196100 1970-87 All w/ 4bbl 5-3/4” 88-1313-3 13.99 ea. 88-1306-3 55-196097 PCV Hoses 1958-86 Chevy Valve Covers • Alternative To 88-1324-3 Expensive Valve Covers At A Decent Price! • Fits Chevy Motors 283, 305, 327, 350, & 400 • Baffled 88-1302-3 1958-86 SB, Chevy Orange, 3 5/8” Tall 88-1306-3 1965-87 BB, Polished Aluminum, 2 7/8” Tall, 29.99 pr. 55-196095 1964-72 1-1/32”x 29” 16.99 ea. 55-196096 1 9 6 8 3 2 7 15.99 ea. 55-196097 1 9 7 0 - 7 1 3 9 6 , 4 5 4 19.99 ea. 55-196098 1971-72 350 High Performance 15.99 ea. PVC System Related Bolt Kits • • • • Reproduction Of Original Hold Down Hardware Includes 12 Washers And 12 Bolts Factory Style Silver Cad Plating Will Work On 409 Motors Also 88-1309-3 1958-86 SB, Chevy Orange, 2 5/8” Tall 29.99 pr. This El Camino reproduction valve cover hold down hardware kit has been manufactured to original factory specifications using today's modern manufacturing techniques. You will find the fit, finish and function will work superbly for your restoration. 88-1313-3 1958-86 SB, Chrome With 350 Logo, 2 5/8” Tall 31.99 pr. 55-197859 1964-65 PVC Adapter & Tube Intake, SB 5.99 ea. 88-1324-3 1958-86 SB, Black EDP, 3 5/8” Tall 29.99 pr. 55-197860 1965 PVC Adapter & Tube Intake, 327 8.99 ea. For Cars W/Power Brakes * 119.99 pr. 55-197861 1965-70 PVC Hose Clamps * Fits Big Block Chevy Motors 396, 427, 454, & 502. Hardware included 55-197862 1966-67 PVC Adapter Intake, 283, 302,327 Chrome Valve Cover Wingnuts 3.99 ea. 10.99 ea. 55-197863 1967 PVC Hose Clamps, SB w/Smog 3.99 ea. 55-197864 1968-69 PVC Small Block Air Cleaner 4.99 ea. 55-197865 1969 PVC Line Clip, Carb Stud, 396 Hi-Perf. 2.99 ea. 55-197866 1971-72 PVC Hose Clamps 3.99 ea. • Custom Chrome Wingnuts With 5" Long Shafts • Fits All 1955-86 Small Blocks • Set Of 4 Completes One Valve Cover • Easy To Install - No Tools Required 55-261217 1959-86 Chrome Valve Cover Wingnut 7.99 set Valve Cover Elbow 55-197526 1966-70 Small Block Valve Cover Elbow 10.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 47 47 1/29/15 4:38 PM ENGINE AND RELATED 55-196353 55-197616 55-197617 Oil Filler Caps Timing Covers and Hardware 55-196353 1959-60 Timing Cover Screws 8.99 set 55-196354 ALL 327 & 348 Timing Cover Screws 8.99 ea. 55-258317 1964-74 SB Timing Gasket Set 10.99 set 55-260976 1975-83 SB Timing Gasket Set 10.99 set 55-258328 1965-72 SB Timing Gasket Set 12.99 set 55-197615 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 2 3 0 12.99 ea. 55-197616 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 2 8 3 , 3 2 7 9.99 ea. 55-197617 1968 230, 250, 396 (plastic) 13.99 ea. 55-197618 1969 230, 396 (plastic) 13.99 ea. 55-197619 1970 All (plastic) 13.99 ea. 55-197622 1973 307, 350 (plastic) 13.99 ea. 55-197624 1974 350 (plastic) 13.99 ea. 55-197625 1975-80 All (plastic) 13.99 ea. 55-197626 1981 231, 267, 305 (plastic) 13.99 ea. 55-197627 1982 229, 231, 267, 305 (plastic) 13.99 ea. 55-197628 1983-84 229, 231, 305 (plastic) 13.99 ea. 55-197629 1985-87 262, 305 (plastic) 13.99 ea. 55-199079 55-199077 Timing Cover Fasteners • Replacement Of Original Authentic hardware you need to correctly reassemble the engine components. Most fasteners have correct markings for the time period. This kit includes one "L" marked stainless steel external screw and washer assembly. 55-198241 1964-73 SB Timing Cover and 396, 454 7.99 ea. Oil Filter Parts 55-196084 11.99 ea. 55-357489 1959-60 Oil Filter Canister Mount Valve NEW 32.99 ea. 55-199077 1959-67 Correct Black Cannister Oil Filter 99.99 ea. 55-196325 1959-60 Oil Filter Hoses 42.99 ea. 55-357987 1964-67 Oil Filter, Canister Type NEW 11.99 ea. 55-199079 1969-74 Oil Filter 37.99 ea. • Hold Down Hardware • Includes 12 Washers And 12 Bolts Oil Pans • Replacement Of Original • Can Be Used For Big Block Conversions • Fits 396, 402, 427, 454 Motors 55-196084 1 9 6 4 - 8 8 B B , 3 9 6 , 4 0 2 , 4 2 7 , 4 5 4 U n p a i n t e d 55-261195 1959-87 Magnetic Oil Pan Drain Plug, 1/2-20 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 48 55-357440 1959-60 Oil Filter, Canister Type NEW Oil Pan And Filter Fasteners 55-261195 48 55-357987 55-198234 1964-67 Oil Filter Valve 55-198240 1964-73 Oil Pan SB 55-198247 1965-72 Oil Pan 396, 454 54.99 ea. 4.99 ea. 4.99 ea. 9.99 ea. 13.99 ea. 55-198261 1968 Oil Filter Valve 4.99 ea. 55-198268 1969-73 Oil Filter Valve 4.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:38 PM ENGINE AND RELATED 55-196339 55-197414 55-195875 55-195874 Oil Pan Bolt Kits • Features Molded Neoprene Construction 55-196338 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 3 4 8 17.99 set 55-196339 1959-60 Small Block 11.99 set 55-195876 55-195878 55-195880 55-196346 55-195877 Oil Dipstick Tubes 55-197417 55-196340 1 9 6 4 V 8 23.99 ea. 55-196341 1965-77 Small Block, also fits 1978 350 23.99 ea. 55-197411 1966-71 6 cyl 15.99 ea. 55-196342 1967-72 Big Block 43.99 ea. 55-196343 1 9 7 6 - 7 9 2 5 0 39.99 ea. 55-196346 1 9 7 8 - 7 9 3 0 5 44.99 ea. 55-196347 1 9 7 8 - 7 9 3 5 0 U p p e r 22.99 ea. 55-196348 1978-79 350 Lower 16.99 ea. 55-196351 1 9 8 2 - 8 5 3 5 0 17.99 ea. 55-195881 55-195897 55-255378 55-195894 55-196337 55-195893 55-198544 1959-60 Generator/Atlernator Brackets And Braces • Includes 12 Washers And 12 Bolts 55-196328 Oil Dipsticks 55-195893 1959-60 Brace, Bolts to Front of Head w/o PS 54.99 ea. 55-255377 1959-60 6” Lower Gen. Bracket 23.99 ea. 55-255394 1959-60 7” Lower Gen. Bracket 25.99 ea. 55-195894 1959-60 SB, Upper Gen. Adj. Brace 23.99 ea. 55-195897 1959-60 SB, Upper Adj. Brace (alternator) 25.99 ea. 55-195898 1959-60 SB, Lower Bracket (alternator) 25.99 ea. 55-195874 1966-68 BB, Front Mounting Brace 24.99 ea. 55-196327 1965-77 Small Block, also fits 1978 350 17.99 ea. 55-195875 1966-68 BB, Rear Mounting Brace 24.99 ea. 55-196328 1967-72 Big Block 19.99 ea. 55-195876 1966-68 SB, Front Mounting Brace 24.99 ea. 55-196329 1 9 7 6 - 7 9 2 5 0 39.99 ea. 55-195877 1966-68 SB, Rear Mounting Brace 24.99 ea. 55-196330 1 9 7 8 - 7 9 3 5 0 17.99 ea. 55-197417 1969-70 BB, Front Bracket 29.99 ea. 55-196331 1980 231 (also fits 1984, 86-87) 39.99 ea. 55-197414 1969-70 BB, Rear Bracket 24.99 ea. 55-196333 1980-81 267, 305, 350 w/o A/C 21.99 ea. 55-195879 1971-75 BB, Front Lower Support 79.99 ea. 55-196334 1 9 8 0 - 8 4 2 2 9 46.99 ea. 55-195880 1969-75 BB, Rear Lower Support GM 51.99 ea. 55-196335 1 9 8 2 2 3 1 39.99 ea. 55-197684 1969-75 BB, Rear Lower Support Reproduction 51.99 ea. 55-196336 1 9 8 2 - 8 7 2 6 7 , 3 0 5 21.99 ea. 55-195881 1971-75 BB, Front Bracket 39.99 ea. 55-196337 1982-87 4.3L 41.99 ea. 55-195882 1 9 7 1 - 7 5 B B , R e a r B r a c e 27.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 49 49 1/29/15 4:38 PM ENGINE AND RELATED 1959-60 Generator/Atlernator Brackets And Braces (Continued) 55-195895 1964-68 Lower w/PS, Complete w/Roll Pin 39.99 ea. 55-278716 1964-68 Support on Exhaust Manifold 69.99 ea. 55-195899 1964-68 BB, Upper Adjustment 27.99 ea. 55-195901 1964-68 BB, Lower Mounting 52.99 ea. 55-195900 1964-75 Brace, Except 62 Amp, PS, 6 cyl, NOS 21.99 ea. 55-195902 1966-68 SB, Lower Mounting 44.99 ea. 55-195911 1968-77 Long Alternator Bolt 10.99 ea. 55-195904 1969-72 SB, w/Long Water Pump 69.99 ea. 55-195908 1969-71 SB, Rear Lower Spacer Bracket 15.99 ea. 55-195909 1969-71 SB, Lower Bracket, w/Long WP 14.99 ea. 55-197427 55-195859 55-196904 55-195910 1969-71 SB, Lower Brace & Spacer, w/Long WP 15.99 ea. 55-195906 1 9 6 9 - 7 2 B B , R e a r B r a c e 18.99 ea. 55-195912 1 9 6 9 - 7 2 B B , S p a c e r 18.99 ea. 55-195903 1 9 6 9 - 7 5 B B , 3 p i e c e s e t 59.99 ea. 55-195905 1 9 6 9 - 7 5 B B , B r a c e 15.99 ea. 55-195907 1969-75 SB, Upper Bracket w/Long WP 41.99 ea. 55-195914 1972-75 Front Brace, Lower Rear 12.99 ea. 55-195915 1972-79 Front Brace Lower, All, Except BB 39.99 ea. 55-197652 1978-87 Front Brace, Lower Rear 229, 267, 305 12.99 ea. 55-195916 1980-87 Front Brace Lower 267 & 305 32.99 ea. 55-195864 55-195861 55-195865 55-195866 55-195862 55-195867 55-198510 55-195863 55-195868 55-197846 Alternator Bolt Kits • Reproduction Of Original Hold Down Hardware 55-197840 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 6 2 A m p 13.99 ea. 55-197841 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 S B 13.99 ea. 55-197842 1 9 6 5 3 2 7 15.99 ea. 55-197843 1 9 6 5 - 6 8 3 9 6 15.99 ea. 55-197844 1 9 6 6 6 2 A m p 13.99 ea. 55-197845 1 9 6 6 S B , 6 2 A m p 13.99 ea. 55-197846 1 9 6 6 - 6 8 3 2 7 , 3 5 0 13.99 ea. 55-197847 1 9 6 7 - 6 8 3 0 2 15.99 ea. 55-197848 1 9 6 9 - 7 2 3 9 6 , 4 5 4 31.99 ea. 55-197849 1 9 6 9 - 7 3 3 0 2 , 3 0 7 , 3 2 7 , 3 5 0 13.99 ea. Smog Pump Brackets • Reproduction Of Original 55-195919 1969-81 Small Block 50 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 50 47.99 ea. Power Steering Brackets 55-195856 1960 SB, Pump Brackets 87.99 ea. 55-195857 1960 Hose Bracket (4” long), 2 hole mount 28.99 ea. 55-195858 1960 Hose Clamp 17.99 ea. 55-195859 1960 348, 409 Cradle & Adjuster 109.99 ea. 55-197427 1960 SB, Pump Brackets (cradle) 53.99 ea. 55-197428 1960 SB, Pump Brackets (adjuster) 39.99 ea. 55-196904 1964-68 SB, Lower Main Pump Brace 45.99 ea. 55-195860 1964-68 SB, Adjustment Bracket 23.99 ea. 55-195862 1965-66 BB, Reservoir Bracket 23.99 ea. 55-195861 1965-68 BB, Cradle 42.99 ea. 55-197027 1965-68 BB, Adj. Brkt w/o Cast Crank Pulley 28.99 ea. 55-198510 1965-68 BB, Cradle (remote reservoir) 84.99 ea. 55-195863 1967-68 BB, Reservoir Bracket 25.99 ea. 55-195864 1 9 6 9 - 7 2 B B , s e t o f 3 62.99 ea. 55-195866 1969-72 69-70 SB, 71-72 All V8 Mount Brkt. 26.99 ea. 55-195867 1969-72 69-70 SB, 71-72 All V8 Rear Adj Sup. 32.99 ea. 55-247662 1970-72 BB, Upper & Lower 75.99 ea. 55-195865 1970-72 BB, Pump Bracket 38.99 ea. 55-195868 1973-75 454 Pump Bracket 25.99 ea. 55-195870 1976-87 Main Bracket, 305, 350 & 267 21.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:38 PM ENGINE AND RELATED 55-197527 55-198552 55-197528 55-198551 Alternator Pulleys • Stock Replacement • Correctly Stamped With GM Part Number 55-197527 1966 Deep Groove (P/N 3829387) 55-197528 1968-70 w/ Special Hi-Performance 396 55-196158 44.99 ea. 41.99 ea. 55-196160 55-196161 Crankshaft Pulleys • Stock Replacement 55-198552 1965-68 BB, Stamped Steel, One Groove 55-198551 1 9 6 4 - 6 8 S B 44.99 ea. 44.99 ea. 55-196161 1965-68 BB, Cast Iron Deep Groove, w/PS 229.99 ea. 55-196162 1965-68 BB, w/Dealer Inst. PS, One Groove 57.99 ea. Power Steering Pump Pulleys • Stock Replacement 55-197485 55-196158 1964-72 Most V8 (excl. Sp. Hi-Perf. & w/ A/C) 69.99 ea. 55-196160 1965-68 BB, Cast, Deep Groove, SP. Hi-Perf. 139.99 ea. 55-196159 1971-74 All w/V8 and A/C (also 1969) 49.99 ea. 55-197486 1969-74 BB, One Groove (P/N 3941105DD) 51.99 ea. 55-197484 Water Pump Pulleys • Stock Replacement • Correctly Stamped With GM Part Number 55-197483 1965-68 BB, Two Groove (P/N 3906656) 139.99 ea. 55-197484 1969 BB, One Groove (P/N 394782BV) 51.99 ea. 55-197485 1970-71 BB, One Groove (P/N 3932456DV) 75.99 ea. 55-197454 • Correctly Stamped With GM Part Number 3932458DA 55-198545 1959-60 w/o Power Steering Smog Pump Pulleys • Replaces All Wear Parts In Your Original Core 99.99 ea. 55-195888 1959 Generator Rebuild Kit w/PS 59.99 kit 55-195887 1959-60 Generator Rebuild Kit 34.99 kit toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 51 312.99 ea. 1959-60 Generator Rebuilt Kit • Reproduction Of Original • Correctly Stamped With GM Part Number 3932458DA 55-197454 1970-72 454 LS5 and LS6 Idler Pulley Assemblies 51 1/29/15 4:39 PM ENGINE AND RELATED 55-197310 55-197293 55-197305 55-197323 Vintage Air Front Runner Systems Small Block • Serpentine Upgrade Our FrontRunner Drive System was engineered to convert any small block Chevrolet to the popular and more dependable serpentine belt design. The only design on the market that utilizes a spring-loaded tensioning system for a no-nonsense, trouble free operation. This totally engineered package solves the most critical shortcomings of conventional after-market accessory brackets such as; premature belt failures caused by mechanical tensioning, excessive belt length runs, awkward component placement, and cylinder head mount-bolt variations. The modular design based on the latest CAD/CAM architecture places all driven components in the tightest possible configuration. Count on the El Camino Store for the latest in serpentine systems for your ride 55-197293 Standard Sys, No PS, Coated Pulleys 1824.99 ea. 55-197294 Standard Sys, No PS, Chrome Pulleys 1874.99 ea. 55-197295 Standard Sys, w/PS, Coated Pulleys 2064.99 ea. 55-197307 55-197324 Vintage Air Front Runner Systems – Accessories 55-197305 High Capacity Comp., SB, Standard Finish 299.99 ea. 55-197307 140 Amp Alternator, Natural Finish 289.99 ea. 55-197308 140 Amp Alt, Chrome Pulley, Chrome Finish 299.99 ea. 55-197309 140 Amp Alt, Chrome Pulley, Polished Finish 299.99 ea. 55-197310 Comp. Clutch Cover, Polished Finish 64.99 ea. 55-197311 Comp. Clutch Cover, Brushed Finish 49.99 ea. 55-197312 Belt Tensioner Cover, Polished Finish 53.99 ea. 55-197313 Belt Tensioner Cover, Brushed Finish 39.99 ea. 55-197323 Power Steering Pump Hardline Kit 55-197324 1965-81 Braided Power Steering Hoses 86.99 ea. 164.99 ea. 55-197325 1982-87 Brd Pwr Strg Hoses (600, 800 gearbox) 199.99 ea. 55-197301 Vintage Air Front Runner Systems - Small Block • Serpentine Upgrade Vintage Air Sure-Fit Systems – Accessories 55-197326 235 6 cyl. Brackets, 1959-60 159.99 ea. 55-197327 250 6 cyl. Brackets, 1978-84 289.99 ea. 55-197328 Trinary Switch Kit for Barbed Crimp 64.99 ea. 55-197329 Trinary Switch Kit for Beadlock Crimp 64.99 ea. 55-197301 Standard Sys, No PS, Coated Pulleys 1899.99 ea. 55-197330 Trinary Switch Kit Replacement Only 41.99 ea. 55-197302 Standard Sys, No PS, Chrome Pulleys 1999.99 ea. 55-197331 Binary Switch Kit for Barbed Crimp 39.99 ea. 55-197303 Standard Sys, w/PS, Coated Pulleys 2129.99 ea. 55-197332 Binary Switch Kit for Beadlock Crimp 41.99 ea. 55-197304 Standard Sys, w/PS, Chrome Pulleys 2179.99 ea. 55-197333 Binary Switch Kit Replacement Only 25.99 ea. 52 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 52 shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:39 PM ENGINE AND RELATED 1964 Belts 55-196684 55-196621 1964 Gen Belt, 283 & 327 c.i. w/o AC 35.99 ea. 55-196622 1964 Gen Belt, 283 & 327 c.i. w/AC, w/o PS 35.99 ea. 55-196623 1964 Gen Belt, 283 & 327 c.i. w/AC & w/PS 35.99 ea. 55-196624 1964 Gen Belt, 283 & 327 c.i. w/62 amp gen 35.99 ea. 55-196625 1964 Power Steering Belt, 283 & 327 c.i. 31.99 ea. 55-196626 1964 Air Conditioning Belt, 283 & 327 c.i. 41.99 ea. 1965 Belts GM Licensed Belts • GM Licensed, Original Style Belt • Indented GM Logo, Codes & Part Numbers • For Use With Correct Pulleys & Accessory Brackets Only Our Licensed GM Restoration belts have been manufactured to original factory specifications using today’s modern manufacturing techniques for increased quality and durability over originals without sacrificing that show look. Belts from the El Camino Store are cloth wrapped with the GM emblem, has the Chevrolet part number, broadcast code (where applicable), belt size (where applicable), manufacturers symbol and construction codes. These are the most authentic El Camino belts on the market and will bring that perfect detailed touch to your engine compartment. 1959 Belts 55-196627 1965 Gen Belt, 283 & 327 c.i. 35.99 ea. 55-196628 1965 Gen Belt, 283 & 327 c.i. w/62 amp gen 41.99 ea. 55-196629 1965 Gen Belt, 396 c.i. 35.99 ea. 55-196630 1965 Power Steering Belt, 283 & 327 c.i. 33.99 ea. 55-196631 1965 Air Conditioning Belt, 283 & 327 c.i. 41.99 ea. 1966 Belts 55-196632 1966 Gen Belt, 283 & 327 c.i. 35.99 ea. 55-196633 1966 Gen Belt, 283 & 327 c.i., w/A.I.R. & AC 35.99 ea. 55-196634 1966 Gen Belt, 396 c.i., (early 66, <11/65) 35.99 ea. 55-196635 1966 Gen Belt, 396 c.i., (11/65 or later) 35.99 ea. 55-196636 1966 Gen Belt, 396 c.i.,w/375 hp 35.99 ea. 55-196637 1966 Gen Belt, 283 & 327 c.i. w/62 amp gen 39.99 ea. 55-196638 1966 Gen Belt, 396 c.i. w/375 hp & 62 amp gen 39.99 ea. 55-196639 1966 Gen Belt, 396 c.i. w/62 amp generator 37.99 ea. 55-196640 1966 Gen Belt, 396 c.i. w/AC & 62 amp gen 37.99 ea. 55-196641 1966 Water Pump Belt, 396 c.i. w/375 hp 34.99 ea. 55-196642 1966 Power Steering Belt, all 283 & 327 c.i. 31.99 ea. 55-196643 1966 Power Steering Belt, all 396 c.i. 33.99 ea. 55-196712 1959 Gen Belt, 283 c.i. w/o AC., w/o PS 39.99 ea. 55-196644 1966 Air Conditioning Belt, all 283 & 327 c.i. 41.99 ea. 55-196713 1959 Gen Belt, 283 c.i. with AC., w/o PS 39.99 ea. 55-196645 1966 Air Conditioning Belt, all 396 c.i. 41.99 ea. 55-196714 1959 Gen Belt, 348 c.i. w/o AC., w/o PS 39.99 ea. 55-196646 1966 A.I.R. Pump Belt, 283 & 327 c.i. w/o AC 33.99 ea. 55-196715 1959 Gen Belt, 348 c.i. w/PS with or w/o AC 39.99 ea. 55-196647 1966 A.I.R. Pump Belt, 283 & 327 c.i. with AC 26.99 ea. 55-196716 1959 Gen Belt, 283 c.i. w/PS with or w/o AC 39.99 ea. 55-196648 1966 A.I.R. Pump Belt, 396 c.i. w/o AC 35.99 ea. 55-196717 1959 Gen Belt, 283 c.i w/PS & Air Susp. 39.99 ea. 55-196649 1966 A.I.R. Pump Belt, 396 c.i. with AC 31.99 ea. 55-196718 1959 Gen Belt, 348 c.i w/PS & Air Susp. 39.99 ea. 55-196719 1959 Gen Belt, 283 c.i. w/o PS., w/Air Susp. 39.99 ea. 55-196720 1959 Gen Belt, 283 c.i. w/60 amp generator 39.99 ea. 55-196721 1959 Gen Belt, 348 c.i. w/60 amp generator 43.99 ea. 55-196722 1959 Water Pump Belt, 348 c.i. 33.99 ea. 55-196723 1959 Air Conditioning Belt, 283 c.i. 43.99 ea. 55-196724 1959 Air Conditioning Belt, 348 c.i. 43.99 ea. 55-196725 1959 Air Suspension Compressor Belt, 348 c.i. 37.99 ea. 55-196726 1959 Air Suspension Compressor Belt, 283 c.i. 37.99 ea. 1960 Belts 1967 Belts 55-196650 1967 Generator Belt, all SB except w/Auto & AC 31.99 ea. 55-196651 1967 Generator Belt, all SB w/Auto & AC 37.99 ea. 55-196652 1967 Generator Belt, 396 c.i. w/o AC 37.99 ea. 55-196653 1967 Generator Belt, 396 c.i. w/AC 37.99 ea. 55-196654 1967 Power Steering Belt, all Small Block V-8 31.99 ea. 55-196655 1967 Power Steering Belt, 396 c.i. 37.99 ea. 55-196656 1967 Air Conditioning Belt, all SB 42.99 ea. 55-196657 1967 Air Conditioning Belt, w/o A.I.R. 41.99 ea. 55-196658 1967 Air Conditioning Belt, 396 c.i. w/A.I.R 41.99 ea. 55-196727 1960 Gen Belt, 283 c.i. 39.99 ea. 33.99 ea. 55-196728 1960 Gen Belt, 348ci, w/o AC., w/o hi lift cam 55-196659 1967 A.I.R. Pump Belt, all SB w/o AC 39.99 ea. 31.99 ea. 55-196729 1960 Gen Belt, 348ci, w/o AC. w/hi lift cam 55-196660 1967 A.I.R. Pump Belt, all SB w/AC 39.99 ea. 34.99 ea. 55-196730 1960 Gen Belt, Hi Perf 348 c.i.,w/o AC. 55-196661 1967 A.I.R. Pump Belt, all 396 c.i. w/o AC 39.99 ea. 31.99 ea. 55-196731 1960 Gen Belt, All 348 c.i.,w/AC 55-196662 1967 A.I.R. Pump Belt, all 396 c.i. w/AC 39.99 ea. 55-196732 1960 Water Pump/Idler, Hi-Perf 348ci. w/o AC 33.99 ea. 1968 Belts 55-196733 1960 Power Steering Belt, 283 c.i. w/o AC 34.99 ea. 55-196663 1968 Generator Belt, All SB 35.99 ea. 55-196734 1960 Power Steering Belt, 283 c.i. with AC 34.99 ea. 55-196664 1968 Generator Belt, 396 c.i. w/o AC 37.99 ea. 55-196735 1960 Power Steering Belt, 348 c.i. w/o AC 36.99 ea. 55-196665 1968 Generator Belt, 396 c.i. w/AC 37.99 ea. 55-196736 1960 Power Steering Belt, 348 c.i. with AC 34.99 ea. 55-196666 1968 Power Steering Belt, All SB 36.99 ea. 55-196737 1960 Air Conditioning Belt, 283 c.i. 43.99 ea. 55-196667 1968 Power Steering Belt, All 396 c.i. 34.99 ea. 55-196738 1960 Air Conditioning Belt, 348 c.i. 43.99 ea. 55-196668 1968 Air Conditioning, All 396 c.i. 41.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 53 53 1/29/15 4:39 PM ENGINE AND RELATED 1968 Belts (Continued) 55-196669 1968 A.I.R. Pump Belt, SB w/MT w/o AC 34.99 ea. 55-196670 1968 A.I.R. (Smog) Pump Belt, SB w/MT & AC 27.99 ea. 55-196671 1968 A.I.R. (Smog) Pump Belt, 396 c.i. w/o AC 31.99 ea. 55-196672 1968 A.I.R. (Smog) Pump Belt, 396 c.i. with AC 27.99 ea. 55-198825 1969 Belts 55-195197 55-196673 1969 Generator Belt, SB w/o AC., w/MT 34.99 ea. 55-196674 1969 Gen Belt, SB w/63 amp gen & MT w/o AC 34.99 ea. 55-196675 1969 Generator Belt, SB w/o AC, w/AT 31.99 ea. 55-196676 1969 Gen Belt, SB w/63 amp gen & AT w/o AC 31.99 ea. 55-196677 1969 Generator Belt, SB w/AC & MT 34.99 ea. 55-196678 1969 Gen Belt, SB w/63 amp gen., AC & MT 34.99 ea. 55-196679 1969 Generator Belt, SB w/AC & AT 31.99 ea. 55-196680 1969 Gen Belt, SB w/63 amp gen., AC & AT 31.99 ea. 55-196681 1969 Generator Belt, 396 c.i. w/o 63 amp gen 34.99 ea. 55-196682 1969 Generator Belt, 396 c.i. w/63 amp gen 34.99 ea. 55-196683 1969 Generator Belt, 427 c.i. "COPO" 39.99 ea. 55-196684 1969 Gen Belt, 396 c.i./325 hp w/63 amp gen 34.99 ea. 55-196685 1969 Power Steering Belt, 307/350 c.i. 31.99 ea. 55-196686 1969 Power Steering Belt, 396 c.i. (L-78) 31.99 ea. 55-196687 1969 Power Steering Belt, 396 c.i. (L-34, L-35 ) 31.99 ea. 55-196688 1969 Power Steering Belt, 396 c.i. w/AC & AT 33.99 ea. 55-196689 1969 Air Conditioning Belt, All SB 41.99 ea. 55-196690 1969 Air Conditioning Belt, 396 c.i. 41.99 ea. 55-196691 1969 Air Conditioning Belt, 396 c.i. w/AT (M40) 43.99 ea. 1970 Belts 55-196692 1970 Generator Belt, SB 32.99 ea. 55-196693 1970 Generator Belt, SB w/AC (early only) 32.99 ea. 55-196694 1970 Gen Belt, 396 c.i. & 454 c.i. (LS3 & LS5) 32.99 ea. 55-196695 1970 Gen Belt, L78 & LS6 (Sp Hi Perf. BBs) 34.99 ea. 55-196696 1970 Power Steering Belt, all SB 31.99 ea. 55-196697 1970 Pwr Strg Belt, 396/454ci, exc, L78 & LS6 33.99 ea. 55-196698 1970 Power Steering Belt, L78 & LS6 32.99 ea. 55-196699 1970 Air Conditioning Belt, all SB w/o PS 41.99 ea. 55-196700 1970 Air Conditioning Belt, all SB w/PS 37.99 ea. 55-196701 1970 AC Belt, all 396 (402)c.i. & 454 c.i. 43.99 ea. 55-195198 55-195193 Hood Insulation The El Camino Store understands your hood insulation serves a very critical safety purpose. It’s not there to merely offer sound suppression from your engine or to protect your paint from heat. Your hood insulation is there to offer you some protection in case of an engine fire. Running a car without hood insulation can be a critical safety error that no one should make. Our affordable hood insulations are carefully sourced from quality manufacturers and made from modern asbestos free materials. 55-195191 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 55-195192 19.99 ea. 1959-60 Retainer Kit w/Hardware 54.99 ea. 55-195193 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 16.99 ea. 55-195194 1 9 6 6 16.99 ea. 55-195195 1 9 6 7 16.99 ea. 55-195196 1 9 6 8 - 6 9 16.99 ea. 55-195197 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 S t a n d a r d 16.99 ea. 55-195198 1970-72 Cowl Induction Hood 16.99 ea. 55-195199 1970-72 Cowl Hood w/Funtional Flapper 16.99 ea. 55-195200 1973-77 with Retainers 19.99 ea. 55-198825 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 R e p r o d u c t i o n 34.99 ea. 1971-72 Belts 55-196703 1971 Generator Belt, SB w/63 amp gen w/o AC 32.99 ea. 55-196705 1971 Gen Belt, V-8 w/K85 63 amp gen w/AC 34.99 ea. 55-196702 1971-72 Generator Belt, SB 34.99 ea. 55-196704 1971-72 Gen Belt, 400 (402) c.i. & 454 c.i. 33.99 ea. 55-196708 1971-72 Power Steering Belt, SB 33.99 ea. 55-196709 1971-72 Pwr Strg Belt, 400 (402) c.i. & 454 c.i. 33.99 ea. 55-196710 1971-72 Air Conditioning Belt, SB 43.99 ea. 55-196711 1971-72 AC Belt, 400 (402) c.i. & 454 c.i. 43.99 ea. 55-196706 1972 Gen Belt, V-8 w/NB2 or K19 Emissions 34.99 ea. 55-196707 1972 Generator Belt, V-8 w/K85 63 amp gen 33.99 ea. Yes, there are 1988 El Caminos. Although identical to the 1987 model, there were a little over 500 El Caminos produced in 1988. 54 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 54 Hood Insulation Retainer Clip • Reproduction Of Original • Fits Most A & G-Body Applications 55-195367 1 9 7 3 - 8 7 0.99 ea. Hood Release Assemblies • Stock Replacement • Original GM • Correct Pull Release Handle And Cable • Retainer P/N 55-195205 Sold Separately • Fits Other G-Body Applications 55-195206 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 DISC ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:39 PM ENGINE AND RELATED Hood Hinges This stock replacement h o o d h in g e is m a n u fa c tu r e d by GM or by one of its authorized suppliers for use as a factory replacement part. You will find the fit, finish and function meets all GM specifications. Using stock replacement parts from the El Camino Store, such as th is h o o d h in g e , is a s o u n d investment in the restoration or repair of your vehicle. 55-195174 1964 LH Hood Hinge Springs 55-195188 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 21.99 ea. 55-195189 1 9 6 6 - 7 2 19.99 ea. 55-198566 1 9 6 6 - 7 2 17.99 ea. 55-195190 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 21.99 ea. 49.99 ea. 55-195175 1 9 6 4 R H 49.99 ea. 55-195176 1965-67 LH, GM 189.99 ea. 55-195177 1966 LH, Reproduction 46.99 ea. 55-195179 1 9 6 8 - 6 9 R H , R e p r o d u c t i o n 46.99 ea. 55-195180 1968 LH 56.99 ea. 55-195181 1 9 6 8 R H 56.99 ea. 55-195182 1969 LH 49.99 ea. 55-195183 1 9 6 9 R H 39.99 ea. 55-263336 1968 Hood Hinges w/Springs 189.99 ea. 55-263353 1969 Hood Hinges w/Springs 189.99 ea. 55-263344 1970-72 Hood Hinges w/Springs 189.99 ea. 55-195184 1970-72 LH, GM 230.99 ea. 55-195185 1970-72 LH, Reproduction 55-195186 1970-72 RH, GM Hood Side To Hood Hinge Clip • • • • Stock Replacement Original GM 1 Required Per Hinge 2 Required Per Car 55-198588 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 1.99 ea. 55-196750 49.99 ea. 230.99 ea. 55-195187 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 R H , R e p r o d u c t i o n 49.99 ea. 1964-72 Billet Aluminum Hood Hinges • High Quality Custom Machined Finish Hinges • Manufactured Using 6061-T6 Aluminum • Integral Stainless Steel Gas Struts • Sealed Bearings For Maximum Smoothness And Longevity • Stainless Steel Mounting Hardware Included Horns • Correct Low Tone Horn (F Tone) • Universal Bracket Can Be Mounted In Other Locations • Driver Quality Replacement 55-196750 1959-83 All Low Tone (F Note) 39.99 ea. 55-196751 1959-83 All High Tone (A Note) 39.99 ea. 55-278448 1964 Machined Finish 494.99 pr. 55-278449 1964 Polished Finish 569.99 pr. 55-278469 1964 Clear Powder Coated Finish 624.99 pr. 55-278422 1965-67 Machined Finish 499.99 pr. 55-278425 1965-67 Polished Finish 569.99 pr. 55-278436 1965-67 Clear Powder Coated Finish 624.99 pr. 55-278439 1968 Machined Finish 549.99 pr. 55-278378 1968 Polished Finish 624.99 pr. 55-278451 1968 Clear Powder Coated Finish 674.99 pr. 55-278456 1969-72 Polished Finish 624.99 pr. 55-278445 1969-72 Clear Powder Coated Finish 674.99 pr. 55-283723 1965-67 Natural Billet Aluminum Solid Frame 649.99 pr. 55-283725 1965-67 Natural Billet Aluminum Air Frame 649.99 pr. 55-193925 1959-60 All w/Power Steering and A/C 35.99 ea. 55-283724 1970-72 Natural Billet Aluminum Solid Frame 699.99 pr. 55-193926 1959-60 All w/o Power Steering and A/C 89.99 ea. 55-283736 1970-72 Natural Billet Aluminum Air Frame 699.99 pr. 55-281357 1964-72 Used w/32, 37, 42, 55, 60, 61 Amp Alt. 19.99 ea. 55-281357 Voltage Regulators • Critical For Consistent Voltage In Your Electrical System • Correct For Cars With Power Steering And AC toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 55 55 1/29/15 4:39 PM ENGINE AND RELATED Voltage Regulator Hardware • Reproduction Voltage Regulator Grommet • Isolates The Voltage Regulator • Correct Threaded Brass Core With Vulcanized Outer Rubber Coating 55-193927 1964-72 Voltage Reg. Mounting Grommets 19.99 ea. Air Cleaner, Chrome, 14" X 3" • • • • • Replacement Air Cleaner Fits All 4-Barrel Carburetors With 5-1/8" Neck 14" X 3" With 5 1/8" Neck (Check Measurements) Includes Filter & Mounting Stud Recessed Base 55-316807 88-1332-3 29.99 ea. 55-196092 88-1335-3 Air Cleaner Heat Riser Tubes • Correct Aluminum Tube • Original GM Part • Critical In Some States To Pass Emissions 88-1339-3 88-1334-3 55-196090 1 9 7 5 4 5 4 49.99 ea. 55-196092 1 9 7 9 - 8 5 2 3 1 34.99 ea. 55-196093 1985-87 4.3L 49.99 ea. Air Cleaner Hardware • Stock Replacement • Original GM 55-195258 55-195267 1959-72 Wing Nut 9.99 ea. 55-195268 1973-87 Wing Nut 25.99 ea. 55-195264 55-195261 Choke Coil Covers • Reproduction Of Original • 4bbl Carb. Air Cleaners 88-1332-3 Round Smooth Polished Aluminum, 14" X 3" 49.99 ea. 88-1339-3 Round Black, 14" X 3" 29.99 ea. 88-1333-3 Round Smooth Chrome Aluminum, 14" X 3" 59.99 ea. 88-1334-3 Oval Full Finned Polished Aluminum, 12” 49.99 ea. 88-1335-3 Oval Smooth Polished Aluminum, 12" 69.99 ea. 88-1336-3 Oval Full Finned Polished Aluminum, 15" 149.99 ea. 55-195253 1966 396/325 174.99 ea. 55-195257 1966-67 Most SB w/Rochester Q-jet 55-195198 79.99 ea. 134.99 ea. 55-195258 1966-69 Base, Open Element, Original 51.99 ea. 55-195259 1966-69 Cover, Open Element, Original 42.99 ea. 55-195260 1966-69 Chrome, Open Element, Original 92.99 ea. 55-195261 1970-72 Cowl Induction Air Cleaner 6.99 ea. 59.99 ea. 55-198548 1964-65 Small Block, w/4 bbl 55-195254 1966-67 396/325 Chrome Lid Only 55-197524 1 9 6 6 - 7 0 141.99 ea. Choke Heat Riser Tubes • CNC Bent To Match Factory Originals 55-196363 1959-60 348 w/4 bbl 55-196364 1959-60 348 w/4 bbl, Stainless Steel 9.99 ea. 13.99 ea. 55-195262 1970-72 Cowl Induction Flange 31.99 ea. 55-196365 1959-60 348 Tri-Power 9.99 ea. 55-195264 1970-72 Cowl Induction Seal 26.99 ea. 55-196366 1959-60 Choke Tube Cover Insulation (15”) 8.99 ea. 55-195265 1970-72 Cowl Induction Carb Spacer 34.99 ea. 55-196367 1959-60 Choke Tube Cover Insulation (9¾”) 6.99 ea. 56 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 56 shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:39 PM ENGINE AND RELATED 55-195233 Intake Manifolds • Gm Part Number 3933163 Cast In Manifold 55-247613 1968-69 Aluminum 396/427 334.99 ea. 55-198435 1970 396/454, LS6, L78, & L89 Big Blocks 319.99 ea. 55-357150 1959-87 Edelbrock 3x2, Small Block NEW 329.99 ea. 55-195249 55-195242 55-195237 55-195239 55-195234 55-195241 55-195235 55-198263 Intake Fasteners 55-195236 55-198228 1964-65 Intake Manifold, SB, (iron) 15.99 ea. 55-198239 1964-73 Intake Manifold, SB, (iron) 15.99 ea. 55-198242 1965-68 Intake Manifold, 396, (aluminum) 24.99 ea. 55-198243 1965-68 Intake Manifold, SB, (aluminum) 23.99 ea. 55-198244 1965-68 Intake Manifold, 396, (iron) 24.99 ea. 55-198245 1965-68 Intake Manifold, 396, (iron) 24.99 ea. 55-198253 1965-73 Intake Hole Plug 55-195247 55-195246 55-195238 55-195240 55-195250 55-195248 3.99 ea. 55-198254 1966-68 Intake Manifold, SB, (iron) 18.99 ea. 55-198262 1968-73 Intake Manifold, SB, (aluminum) 21.99 ea. 55-198263 1969 Intake Manifold, 396, (aluminum) 29.99 ea. 55-198264 1969-72 Intake Manifold, 396/454, (iron) 24.99 ea. 55-198267 1969-73 Intake Manifold, SB, (iron) 18.99 ea. 55-198273 1969-73 Intake Manifold, 396/454, (aluminum) 24.99 ea. 55-196521 1959-60 Intake Manifold Washer 9.99 ea. 55-196525 1959-60 Intake Manifold Washer, 348 & 409 9.99 ea. 55-195251 Cowl Induction Hood Parts 55-195249 1970-72 Cowl Induction Hood Screen 55-195242 1970-72 Valve Retainer D o o r A c tu a to r 29.99 ea. 55-195238 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 V a c u u m D o o r A c tu a to r S u p p o rt 18.99 ea. 55-195233 1970-72 Complete Kit 55-195239 1970-72 Valve Cage Frame 1.99 ea. 14.99 ea. 55-195235 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 D o o r S u p p o r t s 19.99 ea. 55-195246 1970-72 In-Line Reduction Valve 28.99 ea. 55-195234 1970-72 Hood Door (show quality) Engine Vacuum Fittings Call 27.99 ea. 55-195241 1970-72 Valve Cage Frame, Flapper 55-195236 1970-72 Door Bushing & Pivot Bolt Set 55-196103 Call 5.99 ea. 55-195237 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 V a c u u m 55-195240 1970-72 Valve Cage Frame Screw Set 55-196102 55-195245 11.99 ea. 155.99 ea. 55-282417 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 H o o d D o o r 31.99 ea. 55-195245 1970-72 Air Control Valve, Bracket 23.99 ea. 55-195247 1970-72 Firewall Relay 24.99 ea. 55-195248 1970-72 Hood Wiring Grommet 9.99 ea. 55-196102 1970-72 All 6 cyl. w/Power Brakes, ⅜” w/1 Port 19.99 ea. 55-195250 1970-72 Cowl Induction Hood Seals w/Clips 10.99 ea. 55-196103 1973-75 V8, 5/16” w/3 Ports 18.99 ea. 55-195251 1970-72 Wiring Harness 33.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 57 57 1/29/15 4:40 PM ENGINE AND RELATED Pertronix Chrome Flame Thrower Ignition Coil • • • • 25% Additional Voltage Output 40,000 Volts, 1.5 Ohm For Use With Factory Distributor Or Flame Thrower III Upgrade P/N: 55246206 • Chrome Body For That Show Shine SS Hood Pin Kits 55-246201 1 9 5 9 - 7 4 40.99 ea. • Correct For 1970-1972 El Camino, Can Be A Great • Upgrade For Other Years 55-195207 1970-72 Hood Pin Plates 55-195208 1970-72 Pin Plate Gaskets 55-195209 1970-72 Hood Pin Bolts 55-195210 1970-72 Cables 9.99 ea. 3.99 ea. 11.99 ea. Call 55-195211 1970-72 Hood Pin Clip 6.99 ea. 55-195212 1970-72 Complete Set 34.99 ea. Hood Lock Kits • Replacement Of Original 55-195213 1 9 5 9 - 8 7 24.99 ea. 1964-83 Small Body HEI Billet Distributor For Small Block Or Big Block • Stock Replacement • Original GM 55-192913 1 9 5 9 - 7 4 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 58 2.99 ea. Distributor Vacuum Controls 109.99 ea. • Fits Small Block And Big Block 55-197460 1959-60 6 cyl. 55-196104 1959-74 283 & 348 except Fuel Injection • 67 Percent More Energy Than OE Modules • Module Operates Misfire-Free Up To 7500 RPM • Thick Film On Alumina Ceramic Substrate Removes Heat For Better Accuracy And Reliability • Laser Trimming Provides Precise Peak Current Control For Increased Energy Output 58 142.99 ea. Distributor Wire Grommet 1982-92 7-Pin HEI Flame-Thrower Ignition Module 55-279446 • Replaces Points And Condenser With Modern Electronic Ignition • Completely Hidden Inside Your Stock Distributor • HEI Gives Improved Mileage And Horsepower • Fits 1957-74 GM V8 Distributors Small Block And Big Block • Works On 348 And 409 Motors • Magnetic Type Sensor Never Requires Adjustment • Bolts In Place Of Points And Has Simple Two Wire Hook-Up • Instructions Included • Must Use Flame Thrower Coil • Huge Dwell Accuracy Improvement 55-246206 • Replacement Distributor • Use With 1957-Up Small Or Big Block V8 Engines (Will Not Fit 348 Or 409) • Billet Aluminum Body • 50,000 Volts • Small Diameter Clears All Firewalls • 2 Wire Hook Up 55-288193 Pertronix Electronic Ignition, Ignitor III, V8 59.99 ea. 55-195256 Call. 17.99 ea. 55-195198 Ignition Related Bolt Kits 55-197850 1964-73 Ignition Coil and Strap 5.99 ea. 55-197851 1964-73 Ignition Coil and Strap (327 L79) 4.99 ea. 55-198237 1964-70 Ignition Wire Brackets 3.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:40 PM ENGINE AND RELATED Negative Battery Cables Spark Plug Wire Retainers • Protects Wires From Heat Damage 55-197005 1959-60 283 V8, 2 Wire Retainer 4.99 ea. 55-197006 1959-60 283 V8, 4 Wire Retainer 7.99 ea. 55-197007 1959-60 283 V8, 2 Wire Clip 7.99 ea. 55-197008 1959-60 283 V8, Spark Plug Heat Shields 55-196537 1976-87 All Small Blocks 23.99 ea. 2.99 ea. Junction Blocks • Stock Replacement • Original GM 55-193937 1 9 6 5 - 6 7 8.99 ea. 55-193822 1959-60 6 cyl. 49.99 ea. 55-193823 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 V 8 49.99 ea. 55-193824 1964 6 cyl. 45.99 ea. 55-193825 1 9 6 4 45.99 ea. V 8 55-193826 1965 6 cyl. 45.99 ea. 55-193827 1 9 6 5 V 8 45.99 ea. 55-193828 1 9 6 5 3 9 6 c i 45.99 ea. 55-193829 1966 6 cyl. 45.99 ea. 55-193830 1 9 6 6 V 8 45.99 ea. 55-193831 1 9 6 6 3 9 6 c i 49.99 ea. 55-193832 1967 6 cyl. 45.99 ea. 55-193833 1 9 6 7 45.99 ea. V 8 55-193834 1968 6 cyl. 45.99 ea. 55-193835 1 9 6 8 V 8 45.99 ea. 55-193836 1 9 6 8 3 9 6 c i 45.99 ea. 55-193837 1969 6 cyl. 45.99 ea. 55-193838 1 9 6 9 V 8 45.99 ea. 55-193839 1 9 6 9 3 9 6 c i 45.99 ea. 55-193840 1970 6 cyl. 49.99 ea. 55-193841 1 9 7 0 3 0 7 , 3 5 0 , 3 9 6 , 4 5 4 c i 45.99 ea. 1959-87 Chrome Gear Reduction Starter • Automatic or Manual Transmission • Fits 153 or 168 Tooth Flywheel 55-193802 1959 6 cyl. & V8 49.99 ea. 55-193803 1960 6 cyl. & V8 49.99 ea. 55-193804 1964 6 cyl. 45.99 ea. 55-193805 1 9 6 4 V 8 45.99 ea. 55-193806 1965 6 cyl. 45.99 ea. F o r th e c h ro m e th a t g e ts y o u home, this Tuff Stuff 1.9hp g e a r r e d u c tio n s ta r te r h a s twice the torque of the original starter making hot start problems a thing of the past. Manufactured with all new parts, it accepts 153 or 168 tooth flywheels and features an adjustable drive-end frame for added oil pan and header clearance. The triple chrome plated body adds a sharp dress-up touch to the engine compartment. New mounting bolts and necessary shims are included. 55-193807 1965 V8 & 396ci 45.99 ea. 55-286896 1 9 5 9 - 8 7 55-193808 1966 6 cyl. 45.99 ea. 55-193809 1 9 6 6 V 8 45.99 ea. 55-193810 1 9 6 6 3 9 6 c i 45.99 ea. 55-193811 1967 6 cyl. 45.99 ea. 55-193812 1 9 6 7 V 8 45.99 ea. 55-193813 1 9 6 7 3 9 6 c i 45.99 ea. 55-193814 1968 6 cyl. 45.99 ea. 55-193815 1 9 6 8 V 8 45.99 ea. 55-193816 1 9 6 8 3 9 6 c i 45.99 ea. 55-193817 1969 6 cyl. 45.99 ea. 55-193818 1 9 6 9 V 8 49.99 ea. 55-193819 1 9 6 9 3 9 6 c i 54.99 ea. 55-305587 1 4 0 A m p 199.99 ea. 55-193820 1970 6 cyl. 45.99 ea. 55-305585 1 0 0 A m p 129.99 ea. 55-193821 1 9 7 0 3 0 7 , 3 5 0 , 3 9 6 , 4 5 4 c i 45.99 ea. 55-305586 7 0 A m p 129.99 ea. Positive Battery Cables 199.99 ea. 55-305585 1964-72 Chrome Alternators • Built From All New Parts • Show Quality Chrome toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 59 59 1/29/15 4:40 PM ENGINE AND RELATED Smog System Related Bolt Kits Authentic hardware you need to correctly reassemble the engine components. Most fasteners have correct markings for the time period. Starter Braces • Original GM Part • Supports The Starter To The Engine Block • Critical For Proper Starter Operation 55-196545 1959-60 All 10.99 ea. 55-196547 1 9 6 9 - 7 1 3 5 0 7.99 ea. 55-198391 1 9 6 9 - 7 5 3 9 6 , 4 0 2 , 4 5 4 11.99 ea. 55-198390 1 9 7 1 - 7 3 3 0 7 12.99 ea. 55-196546 1 9 7 5 13.99 ea. 2 6 2 55-197867 1966 Smog Pump, SB w/ A/C 13.99 ea. 55-197868 1966 Smog Pump, SB, w/o A/C 23.99 ea. 55-197869 1967 Smog Pump, SB w/ A/C 23.99 ea. 55-197870 1967 Smog Pump, SB, w/o A/C 23.99 ea. 55-197871 1968 Smog Pump, 302, 327, 350 w/ A/C 18.99 ea. 55-197872 1968 Smog Pump, 302, 327, 350 w/o A/C 24.99 ea. 55-197873 1969-70 Smog Pump 15.99 ea. 55-197874 1970-72 Smog Pump, K19 Type 15.99 ea. 55-197875 1970-73 Smog Pump, 350, NB2 Type 72 13.99 ea. Starter System Related Bolt Kits Authentic hardware you need to correctly reassemble the engine components. Most fasteners have correct markings for the time period. 55-197876 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 S t a r t e r a n d B r a c e , S B 10.99 ea. 55-197877 1 9 6 5 - 6 7 S t a r t e r a n d B r a c e , 3 9 6 10.99 ea. 55-197878 1 9 6 8 - 6 9 S t a r t e r a n d B r a c e , 3 9 6 10.99 ea. 55-197879 1 9 6 8 - 6 9 S t a r t e r a n d B r a c e , S B 10.99 ea. 55-197880 1970-73 Starter and Brace, 396 (excl. 72 w/AT) 10.99 ea. 55-197881 1972-73 Starter and Brace, 350 & 396 w/AT 10.99 ea. Small Block Engine Bolt Kits • Authentic Style Hardware • Most Correct Kit Available • Made In USA Smog Related Parts • Reproduction Of Original • Fits Small Block And Big Block 55-197510 1971-73 Carb Emsn Ctrl Idle Stop Sol. 6 cyl. 55-197718 1982-84 EFE Valve w/Actuator, All, 6 cyl. 64.99 ea. 309.99 ea. 55-197765 1964 283 & 327 w/ A/C 109.99 ea. 55-197766 1964-65 283 & 328 w/o A/C 109.99 ea. 55-197767 1965 327 (L79) 109.99 ea. 55-197768 1966-67 327 (L79) 109.99 ea. 55-197769 1 9 6 6 - 6 8 2 8 3 , 3 2 7 , 3 5 0 109.99 ea. 55-197770 1 9 6 6 - 6 8 2 8 3 , 3 2 7 , 3 5 0 109.99 ea. 55-197771 1 9 6 9 - 7 1 3 0 7 , 3 2 7 , 3 5 0 109.99 ea. 55-197772 1 9 7 2 109.99 ea. 3 0 7 , 3 5 0 Big Block Engine Bolt Kits • Authentic Style Hardware • Most Correct Kit Available • Made In USA 55-197773 1965 396 w/Aluminum Intake 109.99 ea. 55-197774 1966-67 396 w/Iron Intake 109.99 ea. 55-197775 1966-67 396 w/Aluminum Intake 109.99 ea. 55-197776 1964 396 w/Iron Intake 109.99 ea. 55-197777 1965 396 w/Aluminum Intake 109.99 ea. 55-197778 1965 396 w/Aluminum Intake 109.99 ea. 55-197779 1969-72 396 & 454 w/Iron Intake 109.99 ea. 55-197780 1970-72 396 High Perf & 454 w/Alum Intake 109.99 ea. Smog Hose Sets • Original GM Part 55-197596 1969 Small Block 39.99 ea. 55-197597 1969 Big Block 39.99 ea. 55-197598 1970 Big Block 39.99 ea. 55-195461 1981 Emissions Hose Strap 60 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 60 2.99 ea. Firing orders for El Camino engines: L6: 1-5-3-6-2-4 V6: 1-6-5-4-3-2 V8: 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2 shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:40 PM EXHAUST Doug’s Headers is the most respected name in the header industry since 1958. Every Doug’s header is tuned with the proper tube size and length to efficiently remove all the exhaust from each cylinder, reducing pumping losses resulting in a dramatic increase in horsepower and torque. Doug’s headers are carefully developed on the vehicles they are intended to fit and are re-checked numerous times during the design and manufacturing process. Doug’s headers come with all the necessary mounting hardware, collector reducers or connector pipes, premium gaskets and detailed installation sheets. Extra thick gaskets are rated up to 1100ºF, pressure to 3700 psig (255 bar) and are designed for an exact, port match with Doug’s headers. Headers are offered bare or in an optional high luster metallic ceramic thermal barrier coating. This ceramic coating is simply the best header finish on the market, it protects and extends the life of headers by creating a thermal barrier which significantly lowers under hood temperatures and protects the substrate metal from thermal fatigue. Prior to the application of the coating, all header tubes are pre-polished to remove clamp marks and scratches which result from the mandrel bending process. After the coating is applied, it is polished with a vibratory finishing process which produces a high luster aluminum appearance. The polishing process compresses and activates the coating, which increases the surface hardness to produce a finish that is 60% more corrosion resistant than an unpolished surface. This coating is easy to maintain and will last for years under normal operating conditions. Doug’s will not compromise performance, quality or fit to compete with inferior designs. Year 6 4 -6 7 6 4 -6 7 6 4 -6 7 6 4 -6 7 6 4 -7 2 6 4 -7 2 6 4 -7 2 6 4 -7 2 6 4 -7 2 6 4 -7 2 6 4 -7 2 6 4 -7 2 6 5 -7 2 6 5 -7 2 6 8 -7 2 6 8 -7 2 6 8 -7 2 6 8 -7 2 6 8 -7 2 6 8 -7 2 Mtr S B S B B B B B S B S B S B S B S B S B S B S B B B B B S B S B B B B B B B B B A/C Y Y N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y P/B Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y P/S N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Auto Col Flr Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Manual Col Flr Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N Y N Y N Y N Y N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y NOTE: 1) Will not fit Saginaw Close Ration 825 steering box 2) Big block frame stands and motor mounts must be used to ensure proper engine location and header fit 3) Does not fit with power glide transmission 4) Fits D-Port cylinder heads including ZZ4 crate engines 5) Will fit most angle plug heads including factory Chevrolet “Bowtie” h e a d s 6) Requires removal or modification of locking steering columns if equipped 7) Installation requires left side A/C bracket (PN 631046). 1976 and later motors with short compressors can use the stock bracket 8) Tri-Y design 9) Shorty design for maximum ground clearance 10) Must use non-shell type motor mount Ceramic Coated Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Notes 3 , 4 , 5 , 7 3 , 4 , 5 , 7 1 , 2 , 3 1 , 2 , 3 4 , 5 , 6 4 , 5 , 6 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 1 , 2 , 3 1 , 2 , 3 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 1 , 2 , 3 , 6 1 , 2 , 3 , 6 1 , 2 , 3 1 , 2 , 9 , 8 ,8 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 1 0 , 9 , 1 0 , 7 , 8 , 7 , 8 Price 634.99 511.99 716.99 624.99 634.99 511.99 634.99 563.99 634.99 563.99 655.99 511.99 634.99 511.99 634.99 511.99 716.99 624.99 645.99 573.99 1964-72 Doug’s Headers Air Conditioning Conversion Bracket 55-248895 29.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 61 Part 55-248234 55-248857 55-248235 55-248236 55-248862 55-248863 55-248865 55-248859 55-248867 55-248868 55-248229 55-248231 55-248874 55-248875 55-248872 55-248230 55-248860 55-248877 55-248884 55-248878 61 1/29/15 4:40 PM EXHAUST 88-1349-3 88-1350-3 Thermo-Tec Insulating Wrap, Locking Ties And Header Manifold Blanket • Reduces Under-Hood Temperatures up to 70% • Increases Horsepower & Fuel Efficiency • Withstands Heat up to 2000 Degrees 11-3012 88-1349-3 Graphite Black Wrap 88-0173-1 Insulating Wrap NEW 88-1350-3 Manifold Blanket * 59.99 rl. 51.99 rl. 99.99 set 88-0174-1 Stainless Steel Locking Ties NEW * (2) 20” X 24” Blankets For V6 & V8 Applications 34.99 kit 1959-60 Exhaust Systems • • • • • Exact Fit Mandral Bent Pipes Complete Set Includes Muffler Hangers Not Included Easy To Install Accepted As Correct For Judging Includes Exhaust Pipe, Muffler, Tailpipe, Flange And Gasket 11-3000 Compl 6 cyl Single Exh, Alum. 239.99 ea. 11-3002 Compl 6 cyl Single Exh, Stainless 499.99 ea. 11-3012 Compl 348, Dual Exh., Aluminum 459.99 ea. 11-3014 Compl 348, Dual Exh., Stainless 999.99 ea. 11-3024 Compl 348, 2½” Dual Exh, Alum. 499.99 ea. 999.99 ea. 11-3026 Compl 348, 2½” Dual Exh, Stnless 11-3052 Compl 283, Single Exh. Aluminum 329.99 ea. 11-3054 Compl 283, Single Exh. Stainless 599.99 ea. 11-3064 Compl 283, Dual Exh. Aluminum 499.99 ea. 11-3066 Compl 283, Dual Exh. Stainless 999.99 ea. 1978-87 2.5” Aluminized Chambered Exhaust System • 2.50" Chambered Aluminized Pipe • Highly Polished Tips Includes Clamps and Hangers • Complete Front Manifold to Tips • For Off Road Use Only 55-261302 Compl 6 cyl Single Exh, Alum. 899.99 ea. 55-261293 55-310594 1978-87 SB Aluminized Steel Side Pipe Exhaust System 1964-87 Small Block Shorty Headers • Stainless Steel Tips • For Off Road Use Only • Requires Attachment Kit 55-196165 • Fits 1964-1987 Small Block • Will Not Fit Saginaw Close Ratio 825 Power Steering Box • Imported • Includes Studs, Nuts, & Flange Gaskets 55-196164 2” Baffles, Connects to Headers 499.99 ea. 55-261293 2.5” Baffles, Connects to Headers 529.99 ea. 55-310569 C h ro m e 199.99 set 55-261294 2” Includes Front Manifold Pipes 709.99 ea. 55-310518 Black 179.99 set 55-261295 2-1/4” Includes Front Manifold Pipes 729.99 ea. 55-310594 Black 249.99 set 55-196165 Attachment Kit 62 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 62 59.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:40 PM EXHAUST Exhaust Manifold Fasteners • Authentic Hardware Exhaust Manifolds 55-196521 1959-60 Intake Manifold Washer • Stock Replacement • Original GM Part • Cast Iron Construction 9.99 ea. 55-196522 1959-60 Exhaust Manifold Bolt Locks, set of 4 15.99 ea. 55-196523 1959-60 Exhaust Manifold Bolt Locks, set of 4 15.99 ea. 55-196524 1959-60 Exhaust Manifold Tube 8.99 ea. 55-196069 1965-74 BB, RH, (has smog tube holes) 499.99 ea. 55-196525 1959-60 Intake Manifold Washer 55-196070 1969-75 SB, LH, (has smog tube holes) 349.99 ea. 55-196526 1959-60 Exhaust Manifold Heat Riser 59.99 ea. 55-196071 1969-77 SB, RH, (has smog tube holes) 399.99 ea. 55-197883 1964-73 All, 12 pieces 22.99 ea. 55-196072 1970-72 350 Hi-Perf, RH, NOS 429.99 ea. 55-196520 ALL Exhaust Manifold Washer, each 9.99 ea. 8.99 ea. 55-279850 Exhaust Tips • Great Upgrade For Any El Camino 55-279851 55-196076 1959-87 Bowtie Tips, Gold, 21⁄2" x 8", 21⁄2" inlet 50.99 ea. 55-196078 1959-87 Bowtie Tips, Chrome, 21⁄2" x 6", 21⁄2" in 21.99 ea. 55-196079 1959-87 Bowtie Tips, Chrome, 21⁄2" x 8", 21⁄4" in 23.99 ea. 55-196080 1959-87 Bowtie Tips, Chrome, 31⁄2" x 9", 21⁄4" in 24.99 ea. 55-196081 1959-87 Bowtie Tips, Chrome, 31⁄2" x 20", 21⁄4" in 29.99 ea. 1967-70 Big Block Exhaust Manifolds 55-196082 1959-87 Bowtie Tips, Stainless, 21⁄2" x 6", 21⁄2" in 38.99 ea. • Excellent Reproduction Exhaust Manifolds • With Casting Numbers (Lh 3909879, Rh 3916178) • Fits All 1967-70 Big Blocks 55-279850 With Smog Fittings 349.99 pr. 55-279851 Without Smog Fittings 349.99 pr. 55-197024 1959-87 Bowtie Tips, Stainless, 31⁄2" x 9", 23⁄4" in 49.99 ea. 55-196083 1959-87 Bowtie Tips, Stainless, 31⁄2" x 9", 3" inlet 49.99 ea. 55-197025 1959-87 Bowtie Tips, Stainless, 21⁄2" x 8", 21⁄4" in 45.99 ea. 55-196077 1 9 6 9 - 7 2 R e p r o d u c t i o n , p a i r 55-196075 1969-72 Stock Replacement, Chrome NEW 55-195472 1967-68 Small Block Exhaust Manifolds Without Smog Fittings 55-195472 1959 Tailpipe Hanger Frame Bracket 319.99 pr. 14.99 ea. 55-195473 1959-60 Flange, 3 bolt, fits 2" exhaust pipe 6.99 ea. 55-195475 1959-60 #08-5008 in Stainless Steel 8.99 ea. 55-195476 1959-60 Gasket, Donut 2" 3.99 ea. 55-195477 1959-60 Gasket, Donut 21⁄2" 2.99 ea. 55-332355 1978-79 ACDelco EFE Valve 169.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 63 55-332355 Exhaust Sytem Hardware • Excellent Reproduction Exhaust Manifolds • With Casting Numbers (Lh 3892679, Rh 3840912) • Fits All 1967-68 Small Blocks 55-279855 57.99 pr. 220.99 ea. 63 1/29/15 4:40 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-193190 55-193179 55-193181 55-193180 55-193182 55-193269 55-193268 55-193184 55-193187 55-193194 55-193191 55-193185 55-193183 55-193197 55-193189 55-196935 Grille Emblems 55-193179 55-193188 1960 6 cyl Emblem 84.99 ea. 55-193181 1960 348 Grille Emblem 77.99 ea. 55-193183 1967 “SS” Grille Emblem 69.99 ea. 55-193184 1967 Grille Emblem 74.99 ea. 55-193186 1968 Grille Emblem 77.99 ea. 55-193185 1968 “SS” Grille Emblem, 396 74.99 ea. 55-193187 1969 “SS” Grille Emblem, 396 55-193192 55-193193 64 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 64 55-193196 69.99 ea. 55-193188 1969 Bowtie Grille Emblem, Blue 65.99 ea. 55-193190 1970 Bowtie Grille Emblem, Clear 84.99 ea. 55-193193 1971-72 Bowtie Grille Emblem, Clear 84.99 ea. 55-193189 1970 “SS” Grille Emblem (Replacement) 49.99 ea. 55-196935 1970 “SS” Grille Emblem (Reproduction) 22.99 ea. 55-193192 1971 “SS” Grille Emblem 64.99 ea. 55-193269 1971-72 454 Grille Emblem 54.99 ea. 55-193268 1971-72 350 Grille Emblem 54.99 ea. 55-193191 1970 Grille Emblem 55-193195 91.99 ea. 55-193180 1960 283 Grille Emblem 42.99 ea. 55-193194 1971-72 Grille Emblem 42.99 ea. 55-193195 1972 “SS” Grille Emblem 67.99 ea. 55-193196 1973 “SS” Grille Emblem 64.99 ea. 55-193197 1982-87 Grille Emblem 34.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:40 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-193198 55-193199 55-193214 55-193211 55-193200 55-193208 55-193201 55-193213 55-193210 55-193202 55-193209 55-193203 55-193238 55-193206 55-193204 55-199449 55-197643 55-193205 Hood Emblems 55-193198 Fender Emblems 1959 Hood Emblem 55-193199 1959 Hood Emblem 1959 Fender Emblem 94.99 ea. 55-193208 58.99 ea. 55-193209 1959 Bird Ornament 88-1160-3 97.99 pr. 97.99 pr. 55-193200 1960 Hood Emblem (set of 9) 51.99 ea. 55-193210 1960 Fender Top Ornament 55-193201 1964 Hood Emblem (set of 9) 64.99 ea. 55-193211 1960 Fender Bars (set of 8) 55-193202 1965 Hood Emblem (set of 9) 61.99 ea. 55-193213 1964 Fender Emblem 55-193203 1967 Hood Emblem 42.99 ea. 55-193214 1964 Fender Emblem 37.99 ea. 55-193204 1968-69 Hood Emblem 15.99 ea. 39.99 ea. 55-193215 1965-67 Fender Emblem (Reproduction) 55-193205 1970-72 Hood Emblem (GM “Cowl” Only) 44.99 ea. 55-193238 55-193206 1970-72 Cowl Induction Hood Emblem 34.99 ea. 55-197643 1974-77 “Classic” Fender Emblem 55-199449 1980-87 Header Panel Emblem 79.99 ea. 88-1160-3 1970-72 454 Fender Emblem All 427 Red 3D Domed Letters toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 65 99.99 pr. 179.99 set 35.99 pr. 41.99 ea. 35.99 ea. 69.99 ea. 65 1/29/15 4:41 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-193236 55-197683 55-193221 55-193237 55-193234 55-193239 55-193238 55-193233 55-193240 55-282016 55-193228 55-193241 55-193280 55-197643 Fender Emblems 55-197644 55-193242 55-197511 55-197512 These El Camino reproduction fender emblems have been manufactured to original factory specifications using today's modern manufacturing techniques. You will find the fit, finish and function will work superbly for your restoration. 55-193278 1964-67 502 Fender Emblem 34.99 pr. 55-193216 1965-67 283 Fender Emblem (Original GM) 62.99 ea. 55-193217 1965-67 283 Fender Emblem (Reproduction) 29.99 pr. 55-193220 1965-67 327 Fender Emblem 12.99 pr. 55-193221 1965-67 396 V With Flags 59.99 pr. 55-193277 1968-77 383 Fender Emblem 55-193277 55-193278 55-193232 55-193220 55-193216 66 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 66 39.99 pr. 55-197683 1965-67 502 V With Flags 25.99 pr. 55-193228 1968 Malibu Fender Emblem 55-193239 1969-70 350 Fender Emblem 59.99 pr. 55-193233 1969-72 “SS” Fender Emblem 41.99 ea. 79.99 pr. 55-193234 1969-72 396 Fender Emblem (Original GM) 89.99 ea. 55-193235 1969-72 396 Fender Emblem (Reproduction) 39.99 ea. 55-282016 1969-72 “SS” Fender Emblem, Black 39.99 pr. 55-193280 1969-72 502 Fender Emblem 39.99 pr. 55-193236 1970 El Camino Fender Emblem 87.99 pr. 55-193237 1970 Malibu Fender Emblem 79.99 pr. 55-193238 1970-72 454 Fender Emblem 41.99 pr. 55-193232 1970 307 Fender Emblem 59.99 pr. 55-193241 1971-72 Malibu Fender Emblem 79.99 pr. 55-193240 1971-77 El Camino Fender Emblem 77.99 pr. 55-197644 1973-75 350 Fender Emblem 39.99 ea. 55-193242 1973-75 454 Fender Emblem 106.99 ea. 55-197511 1973-75 454 Fender Emblem 24.99 ea. 55-197512 1973-77 502 Fender Emblem 24.99 ea. 55-197643 1974-77 “Classic” Fender Emblem 35.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:41 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-193222 55-193223 55-193224 04-0900 55-193225 04-0904 04-0902 55-324652 04-0908 55-324695 55-193226 1968 Side Marker Bezel Emblems 55-193222 1 9 6 8 3 0 7 79.99 pr. 55-193223 1 9 6 8 3 2 7 79.99 pr. 55-193224 1 9 6 8 3 5 0 79.99 pr. 55-193225 1 9 6 8 3 9 6 82.99 pr. 55-193226 1 9 6 8 4 2 7 79.99 pr. 55-193229 55-193230 55-193231 1969 Side Marker Bezel Emblems 55-193229 1 9 6 9 2 5 0 87.99 pr. 55-193230 1 9 6 9 3 0 7 87.99 pr. 55-193231 1 9 6 9 3 5 0 77.99 pr. 04-0912 55-324664 04-0916 Engine Displacement Numbers • • • • Custom Engine Numeral Apply Anywhere Self-Adhesive Available In 0, 2-9 Available In Black , White Or Red 04-0900 1959-87 “0” Black or White 15.99 ea. 04-0902 1959-87 “2” Black or White 15.99 ea. 04-0904 1959-87 “3” Black or White 15.99 ea. 04-0906 1959-87 “4” Black or White 15.99 ea. 04-0908 1959-87 “5” Black or White 15.99 ea. 04-0910 1959-87 “6” Black or White 15.99 ea. 04-0912 1959-87 “7” Black or White 15.99 ea. 04-0914 1959-87 “8” Black or White 15.99 ea. 04-0916 1959-87 “9” Black or White 15.99 ea. 55-324693 1959-87 “0” Red 16.99 ea. 55-324651 1959-87 “2” Red 16.99 ea. 55-324652 1959-87 “3” Red 16.99 ea. 55-324653 1959-87 “4” Red 16.99 ea. 55-324694 1959-87 “5” Red 16.99 ea. 55-324695 1959-87 “6” Red 16.99 ea. 55-10378-3 1959-87 “7” Red 15.99 ea. 55-324664 1959-87 “8” Red 16.99 ea. 55-324667 1959-87 “9” Red 16.99 ea. 55-197336 55-193243 55-197337 55-197334 55-193244 55-197335 55-193245 Fuel Injection Emblems • Great Upgrade From Original 55-197336 72.99 pr. Quarter Panel Emblems 55-197337 64.99 pr. 55-193243 1964 Quarter Panel Emblem 119.99 ea. 55-197334 79.99 ea. 55-193244 1965 Quarter Panel Emblem 129.99 ea. 55-197335 72.99 pr. 55-193245 1966 Quarter Panel Emblem 129.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 67 67 1/29/15 4:41 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-193258 55-193246 55-193264 55-193247 55-193260 55-193248 Quarter Panel Emblems 55-193246 1967 Quarter Panel Emblem 106.99 pr. 55-193247 1968-69 Quarter Panel Emblem 72.99 pr. 55-193248 1978-87 Quarter Panel Emblem 76.99 ea. 55-193255 55-193263 55-193249 55-193266 55-193254 55-193252 55-193257 55-193251 55-193259 55-193265 Tailgate Emblems 55-193256 55-193261 55-193262 55-193267 55-193253 55-193250 68 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 68 55-193249 1959 Tailgate Emblem 54.99 ea. 55-193251 1960 Tailgate Emblem 41.99 ea. 55-193252 1960 Tailgate Emblem 74.99 ea. 55-193253 1960 Tailgate Emblem 79.99 ea. 55-193254 1964-65 Tailgate Emblem 59.99 ea. 55-193255 1964-65 Tailgate Emblem 64.99 ea. 55-193256 1966 Tailgate Emblem 59.99 ea. 55-193257 1967 Tailgate Emblem 59.99 ea. 55-193258 1967 Tailgate Emblem 64.99 ea. 55-193259 1968 Tailgate Emblem 55.99 ea. 55-193260 1968-69 Tailgate Emblem 59.99 ea. 55-193261 1969-70 Tailgate Emblem 59.99 ea. 55-193262 1969-70 Tailgate Emblem 53.99 ea. 55-193263 1970-72 Tailgate Emblem 55.99 ea. 55-193264 1970-72 Tailgate Emblem 55.99 ea. 55-193265 1970-72 Tailgate Emblem 39.99 ea. 55-193266 1970-72 Tailgate Emblem 39.99 ea. 55-193267 1978-87 Tailgate Emblem 67.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:42 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM Front Turn Signal And Parking Lamp Assemblies GMC Sprint Emblems 55-193012 1959 Clear, Reproduction 31.99 pr. 55-193014 1960 Clear, Reproduction 35.99 pr. 55-202288 1964 In Bumper, Clear 38.99 pr. 55-202287 1 9 6 4 I n B u m p e r , A m b e r 11.99 pr. 55-193037 1964 Lens and Housing, LH or RH 64.99 ea. 55-193015 1 9 6 5 I n B u m p e r 10.99 pr. 55-193038 1965 Lens and Housing, LH 64.99 ea. 64.99 ea. 55-193270 1 9 7 1 -7 2 F e n d e r 99.99 pr. 55-193039 1965 Lens and Housing, RH 55-193271 1971-72 Tailgate 54.99 ea. 55-193016 1 9 6 6 I n B u m p e r 34.99 pr. 55-193040 1966 Lens and Housing, LH 49.99 ea. 55-193041 1966 Lens and Housing, RH 49.99 ea. 55-193272 1971-72 Roof Side Panel 109.99 pr. 55-193017 55-193037 55-197050 41.99 pr. 55-193042 1967 Lens and Housing, LH 49.99 ea. 55-193043 1967 Lens and Housing, RH 49.99 ea. 55-193018 1968 Lens 37.99 pr. 55-193044 1968 Lens and Housing, LH or RH 49.99 ea. 55-193045 1969 Lens and Housing, RH 64.99 ea. 55-193046 1969 Lens and Housing, LH 64.99 ea. 1 9 7 0 In B u m p e r 29.99 ea. 55-193047 1970 Lens and Housing, LH or RH 67.99 ea. 55-193019 55-193045 1 9 6 7 In B u m p e r 55-193029 1971 Lens 59.99 pr. 55-193021 1 9 7 2 A m b e r , 1 s t D e s ig n 59.99 pr. 55-193022 1972 Clear, 2nd Design 56.99 pr. 55-193020 1973 In Bumper, LH or RH 41.99 ea. 55-197051 1980 LH 49.99 ea. 55-197052 1 9 8 0 R H 49.99 ea. 55-198572 1981 LH 49.99 ea. 55-198571 1 9 8 1 R H 49.99 ea. 55-193023 1982-87 Under Hdlmp, Choo-Choo Cstm, LH 99.99 ea. 55-193024 1982-87 Under Hdlmp, Choo-Choo Cstm, RH 98.99 ea. 55-197050 1982-87 Under Headlamps, LH (#14) 57.99 ea. 55-197049 1982-87 Under Headlamps, RH (#14) 57.99 ea. 55-193021 55-193026 55-197051 55-193028 55-193035 Fender Side Marker Lamps 55-193025 1968 LH or RH, Clear, GM 64.99 ea. 55-193026 1968 LH or RH, Clear, Reproduction 12.99 ea. 55-193027 1969 LH or RH, Amber 13.99 ea. 55-193028 1 9 7 0 i n F e n d e r 47.99 pr. 55-193031 1 9 7 3 -7 7 R H 24.99 ea. 55-193032 1973-77 LH 24.99 ea. 55-193035 1982-87 LH (#15) 29.99 ea. 55-193019 55-193036 1982-87 RH (#15) 41.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 69 69 1/29/15 4:42 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 1964-71 Body Paint Seal Set These gasket kits are generally used to replace the gaskets when p a in tin g y o u r car. Kits will vary 55-192980 d e p e n d in g o n th e year, but most kits include gaskets for the side markers, back up lights, parking light, mirrors, taillight lenses, antenna base, door locks, door handles and license plate lamps. 55-192980 1 9 6 4 19.99 ea. 55-192981 1 9 6 5 19.99 ea. 55-192982 1 9 6 6 29.99 ea. 55-192983 1 9 6 7 19.99 ea. 55-192984 1 9 6 8 19.99 ea. 55-192985 1 9 6 9 16.99 ea. 55-192986 1 9 7 0 19.99 ea. 55-192987 1 9 7 1 - 7 2 19.99 ea. 55-193058 55-193053 55-193062 55-193065 55-193060 55-193063 55-193064 55-193066 55-193067 Fender Side Marker Molding Nut • • • • Stock Replacement 3/16 Shelf Thread Cutting Nut 3/4" Outside Diameter Nut Head 3/8" Hex Head 55-195378 55-193069 55-193070 0.99 ea. 55-193048 55-193074 Rear Side Marker Lamps 55-193048 1968-69 LH or RH 55-193051 12.99 ea. 55-193049 1 9 7 3 -7 7 R H 29.99 ea. 55-193050 1973-77 LH 29.99 ea. 55-193051 1978-87 LH or RH 55-193052 1978-87 Mounting Hardware Kit 35.99 ea. 1.99 kit 55-243004 Tail Light Lenses 55-193053 1959 Complete Set, All 4 69.99 ea. 55-193055 1959 Outer, LH 69.99 ea. 55-193056 1959 Inner, LH 59.99 ea. 55-193057 1 9 5 9 I n n e r , R H 59.99 ea. 55-193058 1960 with Guide Markings 55-193059 1960 without Guide Markings 55-193060 1964 Red, LH 22.99 ea. 55-193061 1 9 6 4 R e d , R H 22.99 ea. 55-193062 1965 Red, Pair 44.99 pr. 55-193063 1965 Inners, LH & RH, Pair 35.99 pr. 1966 Inners, RH and LH, pair 55-193066 1967 Red with Chrome, pair 37.99 pr. Call 1968-69 Red, LH 33.99 pr. 55-193068 1 9 6 8 -6 9 R e d , R H 33.99 ea. 55-193069 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 R e d , p a i r , R e p r o d u c t i o n 71.99 ea. 55-193070 1973-77 Red, Outer, LH (#23) 35.99 ea. 55-193071 1973-77 Red, Outer, RH (#24) 35.99 ea. 55-193074 1978 Lens and Housing, LH 74.99 ea. 55-193075 1978 Lens and Housing, RH 55-193166 Bowtie, Polished Billet Aluminum 83.99 ea. 55-243004 1979-87 Lens and Housing, Reproduction EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 70 57.99 pr. 55-193067 55-193165 Bowtie, Brush Billet Aluminum 70 7.99 ea. 32.99 ea. 55-193065 • Replacement Light • Third Brake Light Can Be Mounted Inside Cab And On Bed Lids • Machined Billet Construction 8.99 ea. 55-198630 1960 LED Complete Assembly, each 55-193064 1966 Red, Pair Third Brake Light Pedestals 244.99 set 55-193054 1959 Outer, RH 94.99 ea. Call 139.99 pr. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:42 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-198580 55-193100 55-193079 55-193080 55-193099 Reflectors 55-198580 1964 Center Lens Holder with Reflector 69.99 pr. 55-193098 1 9 6 9 - 7 2 R e a r B u m p e r 27.99 pr. 55-193099 1969-72 Lens and Housing 55-193100 55-193092 55-193083 54.99 pr. 1970-72 Rear Tail Lamp, Long Strip 26.99 pr. 55-193089 55-193085 55-193084 55-193095 55-193087 55-193097 55-193086 License Plate Lenses and Assemblies 55-193089 1959 Lens 27.99 ea. 55-193090 1960 Lens 19.99 ea. 55-193092 1964-65 Assembly, GM 58.99 ea. 55-198225 1964-65 Assembly, Reproduction 16.99 ea. 55-193094 1966-77 Lens 6.99 ea. 55-193095 1966-69 Assembly 22.99 ea. 55-246048 1970-77 Lamp Assembly 24.99 ea. 55-193097 1978-87 Lamp Assembly with Gasket 32.99 ea. 55-198332 1978-87 License Plate Light Pigtail 15.99 ea. 55-193088 55-193072 Backup Light Lenses 55-193079 55-193173 55-193171 1 9 5 9 -6 0 22.99 ea. 55-193081 1964 Clear Backup, RH 22.99 ea. 55-193082 1 9 6 5 25.99 pr. 55-193083 1965 & 67 Assembly 44.99 ea. 55-193084 1 9 6 6 37.99 pr. 55-193085 1 9 6 7 Lens Fasteners and Hardware 10.99 ea. 55-193080 1964 Clear Backup, LH 55-193086 25.99 pr. 1 9 6 8 29.99 pr. 55-193170 1965 Front Parking Lamp Screw 2.99 ea. 55-193087 1969-72 Assembly 55-193171 1965-67 Backup Lens Screw 2.99 ea. 55-193088 1969-72 Lens 55-193172 1969-72 Rear Reflector and Backup Lens Screw 2.99 ea. 55-193072 1973-77 Clear Backup, Inner, LH (#25) 43.99 ea. 55-193173 1970-72 Taillight Lens Screw 2.99 ea. 55-193073 1973-77 Clear Backup, Inner, RH (#26) 43.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 71 69.99 ea. 28.99 ea. 71 1/29/15 4:42 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-193294 55-193282 55-197381 55-193283 55-197382 55-193284 55-193295 55-193285 55-193297 55-193286 55-193287 55-193298 55-193288 55-193299 Grilles 55-193289 55-193290 55-193291 55-193292 55-193293 55-261339 72 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 72 55-193282 1964 Silver 199.99 ea. 55-193283 1 9 6 6 S ta n d a rd 127.99 ea. 55-193284 1 9 6 6 S S 124.99 ea. 55-193285 1 9 6 7 S ta n d a rd 132.99 ea. 55-193286 1 9 6 7 S S 132.99 ea. 55-193287 1968 Fits SS & Standard 214.99 ea. 55-193288 1969 GM 359.99 ea. 55-193289 1969 Std w/holes for center molding 139.99 ea. 55-193290 1969 Std w/o holes for center molding 139.99 ea. 55-193291 1970 GM 369.99 ea. 55-193292 1 9 7 0 R e p r o d u c tio n 159.99 ea. 55-193293 1971 Silver 119.99 ea. 55-261339 1971 SS Black 119.99 ea. 55-193294 1972 Black 55-197381 1972 with upr & lwr mldg (SS & Sprint) 119.99 ea. 55-197382 1972 w/upr, cntr & lwr molding 159.99 ea. 55-193295 1978 Reproduction, except SS 74.99 ea. 55-193296 1 9 7 9 R e p r o d u c tio n , S S 55-193297 1979 Except SS, Reproduction 77.99 ea. 55-193298 1 9 8 1 R e p r o d u c tio n 79.99 ea. 55-193299 1 9 8 2 - 8 7 R e p r o d u c tio n 69.99 ea. 95.99 ea. Call shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:43 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM Grille Guard Bumpers 55-357634 • Reproduction Of Original 55-192997 1959 w/Mounting Studs & Hardware 1966-87 Grille And Headlight Bezel Kit • • • • 55-193310 Save By Buying The Complete Kit! Quality Construction Grille Emblem Included Installation Hardware Included 55-354872 1966 Standard w/Headlight Extension 289.99 kit 55-354878 1966 Super Sport 396 w/Headlight Exten. 229.99 kit 55-354590 1967 Standard w/Headlight Bezel 289.99 kit 55-357636 1969 Non Super Sport w/Headlight Bezel 389.99 kit 55-357637 1969 Super Sport 396 w/Headlight Bezel 389.99 kit 55-357634 1970 Super Sport w/Headlight Bezel 314.99 kit 55-357638 1972 Super Sport w/Headlight Bezel 219.99 kit 55-354868 1 9 7 0 S u p e r S p o rt 176.99 kit 55-354869 1 9 7 2 S u p e r S p o rt 164.99 kit 55-343775 1982-87 Grille And Headlight Bezel 149.99 kit 55-193315 Front Grille Moldings 55-193310 1959 Screens, RH and LH Header Panel Hardware Kits • Stock Replacement • Correct Factory Hardware 55-195516 • Correct Headlight Bezel Screws • Hard to Find “Push-In” Style Grille Fasteners 55-195514 1978-79 42 piece kit 5.99 kit 55-195515 1980-81 24 piece kit 10.99 kit 55-195516 1982-87 14 piece kit 5.99 kit 72.99 set 55-193312 1 9 6 4 U p p e r 61.99 ea. 1964 Lower Valance Fill Panel, with clips 55-193314 1965 Lwr, Under Headlight, Repro 55-193315 1966 Lwr Valance Panel, LH & RH, Repro Grille Retainers 65.99 ea. 39.99 pr. 94.99 pr. 55-193316 1966 Lower Valance Panel, Center 45.99 ea. 55-193317 1968-69 Front Header Panel 27.99 ea. 55-193318 1969 Lower 55-193319 1 9 6 9 C e n te r 55-193320 1969 Small Molding Between Headlamps 55-193321 1970 Outer, LH, (need 2) 55-193322 1970 Outer, RH, (need 2) 55-193323 1970 Center, (need 4) 55-195522 144.99 pr. 55-193311 1959 Grille Knob Ornament 55-193313 55-195517 49.99 set 32.99 ea. 47.99 ea. 15.99 ea. 9.99 ea. 9.99 ea. 11.99 ea. 55-193324 1970 Center, vertical, (need 2) 4.99 ea. 55-193325 1970 Complete Set, 10 pieces 89.99 set 55-193326 1970 Lower Headlamp Molding, LH 35.99 ea. 55-193327 1970 Lower Headlamp Molding, RH 35.99 ea. 55-193328 1970 Lower Headlamp Molding 69.99 pr. 26.99 ea. 55-195517 1973 5 oval and 1 square 3.99 ea. 55-193329 1971 Outer, LH 55-195518 1976-77 6 oval 2.99 ea. 55-193330 1971 Outer, RH 55-195522 1978-79 Screw for Retainers, need 6 0.99 ea. 55-193331 1971 Upper, Center and Lower, (need 3) 55-195519 1978-81 5 oval and 1 square 3.99 ea. 55-193332 1971 Complete Set, 5 pieces 55-195520 1978-81 Oval, need 5 0.99 ea. 55-193333 1 9 7 2 U p p e r 29.99 ea. 55-195521 1978-81 Square, upper center, need 1 1.99 ea. 55-193334 1972 Center, (need 2) 29.99 ea. 55-195523 1980-81 Screw for Retainers, need 6 1.99 ea. 55-193335 1972 Lower toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 73 26.99 ea. 25.99 ea. 117.99 ea. 29.99 ea. 73 1/29/15 4:43 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM Headlight Bezels (continued) 55-193341 1 9 6 5 p a i r 99.99 pr. 55-193342 1 9 6 6 p a i r 55-193303 99.99 pr. 55-193343 1966 with Extensions 129.99 set 55-193344 1 9 6 7 p a i r Grille Extensions 55-193301 1966 Pair 35.99 pr. 55-193302 1967 Pair 89.99 pr. 55-193303 1968 Pair 37.99 pr. 55-193304 1968 Outer Grille Extension Moldings 31.99 ea. 55-193305 1969 LH 43.99 ea. 55-193306 1 9 6 9 R H 47.99 ea. 55-193307 1 9 6 9 R e p r o d u c t i o n 24.99 pr. 55-193308 1969 Molding, LH 22.99 ea. 55-193309 1969 Molding, RH 22.99 ea. 99.99 pr. 55-193345 1968 LH Inner and Outer 144.99 pr. 55-193346 1968 RH Inner and Outer 144.99 pr. 55-193347 1969 LH Inner and Outer 84.99 pr. 55-193348 1969 RH Inner and Outer 84.99 pr. 55-193349 1970 LH, (need two) 29.99 ea. 55-193350 1970 RH, (need two) 29.99 ea. 55-193351 1970 LH and RH, set of 4 149.99 set 55-193352 1 9 7 1 p a i r 90.99 pr. 55-193353 1 9 7 2 p a i r 112.99 pr. 55-193358 1981 LH, Reproduction 24.99 ea. 55-193359 1 9 8 1 R H , R e p r o d u c t i o n 24.99 ea. 55-193360 1982-87 LH 94.99 ea. 55-193361 1982-87 LH, Reproduction 26.99 ea. 55-193362 1 9 8 2 - 8 7 R H , R e p r o d u c t i o n 26.99 ea. Headlight Bezel Nuts • Correct Nylon Mounting Nut 55-193341 55-193148 1966-72 Nylon 1.99 ea. 55-193149 1973-77 Nylon 1.99 ea. 55-193339 55-193346 55-193351 55-193371 55-193352 55-193353 55-193375 Headlight Bezel Hardware • Correct Hardware 55-193371 1968-69 Mounts Four Bezels 55-193357 55-193355 55-193358 55-193346 55-193339 1 9 5 9 p a i r 144.99 pr. 55-193340 1 9 6 4 p a i r 99.99 pr. EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 74 7.99 set 55-193373 1978-79 Screws, need four per bezel 1.99 ea. 55-193375 1980-81 Screws, need 6 per bezel 2.99 ea. Visit our new and improved website where you can not only browse our extensive catalog of parts, but you can also place and track your order. We’re at Headlight Bezels 74 24.99 set 55-193372 1970 Mounts Four Bezels shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:43 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-197396 55-197521 Headlight Buckets 55-197521 1959-60 Set of four, w/retainers & scews 99.99 set 55-249111 1964-70 Set of four, w/retainers & scews 99.99 set 55-193175 1 9 7 6 - 7 7 U p p e r , R H 69.99 ea. 55-193176 1976-77 Upper, LH 95.99 ea. 55-193178 1976-77 Lower, LH 36.99 ea. 55-198466 1978-81 All 59.99 ea. 55-198467 1982-87 All 95.99 ea. 55-197521 1959-60 Set of four, w/retainers & scews 99.99 set 55-249111 1964-70 Set of four, w/retainers & scews 99.99 set 55-193175 1 9 7 6 - 7 7 U p p e r , R H 69.99 ea. 55-193176 1976-77 Upper, LH 95.99 ea. 55-193178 1976-77 Lower, LH 36.99 ea. 55-198466 1978-81 All 59.99 ea. 55-198467 1982-87 All 95.99 ea. 55-193145 Adjustable Headlight Hardware 55-193121 55-197396 1959 Complete Set, Reproduction 39.99 set 55-193112 1960 Complete Set, Reproduction 34.99 set 55-193113 1959-60 Complete Set, Original 86.99 set 55-193114 1959-60 Adjuster and Screw, GM 10.99 ea. 55-193115 1959-60 Adjuster and Screw, Reproduction 2.99 ea. 55-193116 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 S p r i n g 6.99 ea. 55-193117 1964-70 Screw 2.99 ea. 55-193118 1 9 6 4 - 7 0 N u t 1.99 ea. 55-193120 1 9 6 8 - 7 0 S p r i n g 55-193121 1968-70 Set, Mounts Two Headlamps 1.99 ea. 18.99 set 55-193122 1 9 7 1 - 7 7 N u t 1.99 ea. 55-193123 1 9 7 1 - 7 7 S p r i n g , R o u n d 1.99 ea. 55-193124 1973-74 Spring, Round, Laguna Nose 1.99 ea. 55-193125 1976-77 Spring, Rectangle 1.99 ea. 55-193126 1978-87 Screw and Nut (#3, #9 or #17) 3.99 ea. 55-193127 1980-87 Spring (#10) or (#18) 5.99 ea. 55-193142 55-193144 Headlamp Retaining Rings 55-193142 1964-70 GM 189.99 ea. 55-197016 1 9 6 4 - 7 0 R e p r o d u c t i o n 55-193526 16.99 ea. 55-193143 1 9 7 1 - 7 2 12.99 ea. 55-193144 1 9 7 3 - 7 5 R o u n d 139.99 ea. 55-193145 1976-77 Rectangle 67.99 ea. 55-193146 1978-81 Single Headlight (#5) or (#12) 43.99 ea. 55-193147 1982-87 Rectangle (#20) 69.99 ea. 55-198468 1982-87 Headlamp Retaining Screw 1.99 ea. 55-193364 55-193369 Front Parking Light Bezels 55-193396 55-193397 55-193397 1 9 7 3 -7 7 R e a r 99.99 pr. 55-193364 1971 LH 44.99 ea. 55-193365 1 9 7 1 R H 44.99 ea. 55-193366 1971 LH and RH 79.99 pr. 55-193367 1972 LH 44.99 ea. 28.99 ea. 55-193368 1 9 7 2 R H 44.99 ea. 41.99 pr. 55-193369 1972 LH and RH 79.99 pr. Marker Light Bezels 55-193396 1 9 6 9 R e a r 55-193526 1 9 5 9 p a i r toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 75 75 1/29/15 4:43 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-193383 55-193379 55-193387 55-193385 55-193382 Hood Moldings 55-193383 1960 Front Edge 219.99 ea. 55-193384 1964 Front Edge 74.99 ea. 55-193385 1 9 6 4 C e n te r S p e a r 81.99 ea. 55-193386 1965 Front Edge with clips 44.99 ea. 55-193387 1966 Front Edge 55-193388 1 9 6 6 C e n te r S p e a r 44.99 ea. 31.99 ea. 55-193389 1967 Front Edge 44.99 ea. 55-193390 1 9 6 8 -7 2 R e a r, S ta n d a rd H o o d 39.99 ea. 55-193392 1968-72 Extensions on Fender, Repro 32.99 ea. 55-193393 1970-72 Rear, SS, Cowl Hood, GM 169.99 pr. 55-193394 1970-72 Rear, SS, Cowl Hood, Repro 49.99 ea. 55-193405 SS Hood Louvers 55-193376 Eyebrow Moldings 55-193376 1 9 6 0 F r o n t F e n d e r S p e a r 129.99 ea. 55-193374 1 9 6 4 p a i r 74.99 pr. 55-193377 1 9 6 5 4 p i e c e s e t 74.99 set 55-193378 1 9 6 6 p a i r 74.99 pr. 55-193379 1 9 6 8 p a i r 67.99 pr. 119.99 pr. 74.99 ea. 55-193406 1966 Louver Housing 55-193380 1969 LH, Long 159.99 pr. 55-193382 1 9 6 9 S S , S h o r t , p a i r 64.99 pr. 55-261304 1966 Louvers and Housing 269.99 set 55-193405 1966 Louvers only 55-193407 1 9 6 7 p a i r 89.99 pr. 55-193408 1 9 6 8 - 6 9 p a i r 99.99 pr. 55-193402 55-193403 1967 Body Side Moldings Eyebrow Molding Clip Set 55-195357 1 9 6 0 2 0 p i e c e s 76 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 76 55-193398 1967 Fender, LH 29.99 ea. 55-193399 1 9 6 7 F e n d e r , R H 29.99 ea. 55-193400 1967 Door, LH 43.99 ea. 55-193401 1 9 6 7 D o o r , R H 43.99 ea. 55-193402 1967 Door to Rear Wheel, LH 32.99 ea. 55-193403 1967 Door to Rear Wheel, RH 10.99 ea. 55-193404 1 9 6 7 S e t o f 8 Call 269.99 set shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:44 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-193417 55-195384 55-195394 55-195395 55-195396 55-195358 55-195362 55-255427 55-195360 55-195361 55-195397 55-195355 55-195363 55-195398 55-195356 55-195364 1968-69 Body Side Moldings 55-193409 1968 Rear of Frt Fender w/clips, LH 55-193410 1968 Rear of Frt Fender w/clips, RH 55-193416 1968 Complete Set 35.99 ea. 35.99 ea. 299.99 set 55-193413 1968-69 Door w/clips, LH or RH 57.99 ea. 55-193414 1968-69 Door to Rear Wh w/clips, LH or RH 45.99 ea. 55-193415 1968-69 Rear Wh-Bumper w/clips, LH or RH 45.99 ea. 55-193411 1969 Rear of Front Fender w/clips, LH 35.99 ea. 55-193412 1969 Rear of Front Fender w/clips, RH 35.99 ea. 1969 Complete Set 269.99 set 55-193417 55-193418 55-193420 55-193424 1970-72 Body Side Moldings 55-193418 1970-72 Front of Front Fender w/clips, LH or RH 37.99 ea. 55-193419 1970-72 Rear of Front Fender w/clips, LH 37.99 ea. 55-193420 1970-72 Rear of Front Fender w/clips, RH 37.99 ea. 55-193421 1970-72 Door w/clips, LH or RH 65.99 ea. 55-193422 1970-72 Door to Rear Wheel w/clips, LH 45.99 ea. 55-193423 1970-72 Door to Rear Wheel w/clips, RH 45.99 ea. 55-193424 1970-72 Rear Wh to Bumper w/clips, LH or RH 51.99 ea. 1978-87 Rear Wheel Opening Molding With 2 Tone • Fits Rear Left And Right Wheel Opening • Fits El Caminos With Aluminum Body Side Molding Only • Anodized Aluminum Construction • Does Not Include Mounting Screws 55-195411 55-195412 Side Molding Clips and Accessories 55-195384 1959-87 Molding Clip Replacement Stud 1.99 set 55-195394 1959 1st Clip on Front Fender w/Nut 2.99 set 55-195395 1959 Body Side Mldg Clip (13 per side) 3.99 set 55-195396 1959 Fender Molding Clip 1.99 ea. 55-195358 1959 Side Fin Molding Clip (13 per side) 3.99 ea. 55-195362 1960-77 Body Side Molding Clip 1.99 ea. 55-198769 1960 Body Side Molding Clip 1.99 ea. 55-195360 1960 Fin Molding Clip 55-195361 1960 Fin Molding Clip Set 55-195397 1968-72 Body Side Molding Clip 2.99 ea. 49.99 set 0.99 ea. 55-195355 1973-77 Upper 2-Tone Body Molding Clip 2.99 set 55-195363 1973-77 2-Tone Molding Clip 1.99 ea. 55-195398 1973-77 Body Side Molding Clip 1.99 ea. 55-195356 1978-87 Upper Body Molding Clip 1.99 ea. 55-193499 Left 79.99 ea. 55-195364 1978-87 Front Wheel Opening, 2-tone Molding 1.99 ea. 55-358460 R i g h t 79.99 ea. 55-195411 1978-87 2-Tone Body Side Molding Clip 2.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 77 77 1/29/15 4:44 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-195376 55-195375 55-195374 55-195377 55-197018 55-195379 55-196967 55-196895 Molding Nuts 55-195374 6/32 Thread Molding Nut 0.99 ea. 55-195375 8/32 Thread Molding Nut 0.99 ea. 55-195376 10-24 Thread Molding Nut 0.99 ea. 55-195377 1/4-20 Thread Molding Nut 0.99 ea. 55-197018 Tubular Barrel Nut for 1/8” Stud 0.99 ea. 55-195379 Tubular Barrel Nut for 3/16” Stud 0.99 ea. 55-196895 Tubular Barrel Nut for 3/32” Stud 0.99 ea. 55-196967 Tubular Barrel Nut for 5/32” Stud 0.99 ea. 55-195403 55-246103 55-195399 Tailgate Clips 55-195403 1959 Tailgate Fin Molding Clip 55-246103 1968-72 Tailgate Upper & Lower Face Set 55-195399 1973-77 Upper Tailgate Outer End Clip 78 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 78 5.99 ea. 11.99 ea. 1.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:44 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-193449 55-193433 Door Edge Moldings 55-193431 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 R e p r o d u c t i o n 33.99 pr. 55-193433 1 9 6 8 - 6 9 R e p r o d u c t i o n 32.99 pr. 55-261990 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 R e p r o d u c t i o n 34.99 pr. 55-193451 55-193452 55-193434 55-193457 55-193455 55-193456 Door Frame Moldings 55-193434 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 4 p i e c e s 159.99 set 55-193435 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 4 p i e c e s 144.99 set 55-199404 Bed Moldings 55-193449 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 R o o f , f o u r p i e c e s e t 91.99 ea. 55-197762 1964-67 Top of Roof, RH 91.99 ea. 55-197763 1964-67 Roof Lower, LH 91.99 ea. 55-197764 1964-67 Roof Lower, RH 91.99 ea. 55-193450 55-193504 1964-67 Long Side Bed Rails w/clips, LH or RH 69.99 ea. 55-193451 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 R e a r C o r n e r s 109.99 pr. 55-193452 1964-67 Top of Tailgate w/clips 89.99 ea. 55-198475 1964-67 Top of Tailgate Clip Set 22.99 set 55-193453 1968-72 Under Rear Window 34.99 ea. 55-193454 1968-72 Molding Clips under Rear Window 26.99 ea. 55-193455 1968-72 Front Corner, LH 62.99 ea. 55-193456 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 F r o n t C o r n e r , R H Tailgate Moldings 285.99 set 55-197761 1964-67 Top of Roof, LH 62.99 ea. 55-193457 1968-72 Long Side Bed Rails w/clips, LH 58.99 ea. 55-193458 1968-72 Long Side Bed Rails w/clips, RH 69.99 ea. 55-193500 1 9 6 8 - 6 9 U p p e r 44.99 ea. 55-193459 1968-72 Rear Corners, LH 89.99 ea. 55-193501 1968-69 Lower 44.99 ea. 55-193460 1968-72 Rear Corners, LH, Reproduction 55.99 ea. 55-193502 1968-69 Upper Small Extensions 21.99 pr. 55-193461 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 R e a r C o r n e r s , R H , R e p r o d u c t i o n 52.99 ea. 55-193503 1968-69 Lower Small Extensions 23.99 pr. 55-193462 1968-72 Rear Corners to Taillight, V Molding 29.99 ea. 55-193504 1968-69 Complete Set 98.99 set 55-193463 55-193505 1970-72 Upper w/clips 44.99 ea. 55-193464 1968-72 Clips, Top of Tailgate 55-193506 1970-72 Lower w/clips 44.99 ea. 55-193468 79.99 set 55-193469 1978-87 Rear Corners, LH 55-193507 1970-72 Complete Set 55-256945 1978-87 Tailgate Top Molding 119.99 ea. 55-256945 1968-72 Top of Tailgate (need clips) 1978-87 Long Side, RH 1978-87 Top of Tailgate w/clips toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 79 69.99 ea. 17.99 ea. 339.99 ea. 99.99 ea. 119.99 ea. 79 1/29/15 4:44 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-193151 55-198581 55-193440 Rocker Moldings 55-193152 55-193436 1964 LH 64.99 ea. 55-193437 1 9 6 4 R H 64.99 ea. 55-193438 1965 LH w/clips 59.99 ea. 55-193439 1965 RH w/clips 59.99 ea. 55-193440 1966 LH w/clips 73.99 ea. 55-193441 1966 RH w/clips 69.99 ea. 55-193442 1967 LH w/clips 66.99 ea. 55-193443 1967 RH w/clips 66.99 ea. 55-193446 55-193153 Rocker Molding Caps 55-193446 1 9 6 4 F r o n t 37.99 pr. 55-193447 1 9 6 4 R e a r 39.99 pr. 55-193154 55-193155 55-193156 Taillight Housings 55-198581 1960 LH 39.99 ea. 55-198582 1 9 6 0 R H 37.99 ea. 55-193151 1 9 6 4 p a i r 159.99 pr. 55-193152 1 9 6 5 p a i r 159.99 pr. 55-193153 1968-69 LH and RH 132.99 pr. Rocker Molding Clips 55-193154 1970-72 LH and RH 149.99 pr. 55-198578 1964-67 Rocker Molding Clip Set 15.99 pr. 55-193155 1973-77 LH (#27) 69.99 ea. 55-195393 1978-79 Rocker Molding Clip Call 55-193156 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 R H 69.99 ea. 55-198937 1980-87 Rocker Molding Clip 7.99 pr. 80 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 80 shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:45 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-193480 55-193483 55-193485 Our Names for Different Moldings This diagram shows the names we use for various moldings on the rear of the El Camino. Knowing the name of the molding you need ahead of time will help us process your order quickly and correctly. 2. Roof Bed Molding 11. Body Side Molding, Rear of Wheelwell 12. Rear Window Molding 13. Top of Tailgate Molding 14. Rear License Plate Pocket 15. Tailgate Body Molding — Two-Tone Paint 55-193486 Wheel Opening Moldings 55-193471 55-193472 55-193475 55-193476 55-193470 1964 Front, LH 27.99 ea. 55-193471 1 9 6 4 F ro n t, R H 27.99 ea. 55-193472 1964 Rear, LH 33.99 ea. 55-193473 1 9 6 4 R e a r, R H 33.99 ea. 55-193474 1965 Front, LH 33.99 ea. 55-193475 1 9 6 5 F ro n t, R H 27.99 ea. 55-193476 1965 Rear, LH 33.99 ea. 55-193477 1 9 6 5 R e a r, R H 33.99 ea. 55-193478 1966 Front, LH 27.99 ea. 55-193479 1 9 6 6 F ro n t, R H 27.99 ea. 55-193480 1966 Rear, LH 33.99 ea. 55-193481 1 9 6 6 R e a r, R H 33.99 ea. 55-193482 1967 Front, LH 29.99 ea. 55-193483 1 9 6 7 F ro n t, R H 31.99 ea. 55-193484 1968-69 Front, LH 27.99 ea. 55-193485 1 9 6 8 -6 9 F ro n t, R H 33.99 ea. 55-193486 1968-69 Rear, LH, GM 27.99 ea. 55-193487 1 9 6 8 -6 9 R e a r, R H 27.99 ea. 55-193488 1970-72 Front, LH, GM 33.99 ea. 55-193489 1 9 7 0 -7 2 F ro n t, R H 33.99 ea. 55-193490 1970-72 Rear, LH 33.99 ea. 55-193491 1 9 7 0 -7 2 R e a r, R H 33.99 ea. 55-193492 1973-77 Screws for moldings 55-193479 1978-87 Front, LH 34.99 ea. 55-193494 1 9 7 8 -8 7 F ro n t, R H 34.99 ea. 55-193495 1978-87 Rear, LH 79.99 ea. 55-193496 1 9 7 8 -8 7 R e a r, R H 79.99 ea. 55-193499 1978-87 Rear, LH, with 2-Tone Paint 79.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 81 1.99 ea. 55-193493 81 1/29/15 4:45 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-193509 55-195347 55-195348 55-195350 55-195400 55-193512 Front Windshield Moldings 55-193508 1964-67 5 Piece Complete Set 179.99 set 55-193509 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 S i d e , R H 149.99 ea. 55-193510 1968-72 Lower 55-193511 1968-72 Complete Set 55-193512 1978-87 Side, LH Call 89.99 set 55-246117 55-195349 239.99 ea. 55-195351 55-195401 55-195380 Window Molding Clips 55-195347 1959-60 Frt. Lwr Windshield Center Mldg Clip 55-193522 4.99 ea. 55-195348 1959-60 Frt. Lwr Windshield Outer Mldg. Clip 4.99 ea. 55-195349 1959-60 Lower Windshield Molding Clip Set 32.99 set 55-195350 1959-60 Frt. Upr. Windshield Molding Clip 55-193516 2.99 ea. 55-195351 1959-60 Lower Windshield Molding Clip Set 15.99 set 55-195380 1959-60 Rear Window Molding Clip 0.99 ea. 55-195400 1959-60 Rear Roof Molding Clip 3.99 ea. 55-195401 1959-60 Rear Roof Molding Clip Set 32.99 set 55-246117 1968-72 Rear Window Set 9.99 set 55-242324 55-195408 55-195404 Rear Window Moldings 55-193514 1964-67 Lower, LH 55-193516 1964-67 Complete Set 55-195410 37.99 ea. 189.99 set 55-195405 55-193517 1968-72 Upper Side, LH 74.99 ea. 55-193518 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 U p p e r S i d e , R H 74.99 ea. 55-193519 1968-72 Corner, LH 24.99 ea. Bed Molding Clips 55-193520 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 C o r n e r , R H 24.99 ea. 55-193448 1959-60 Bed Molding Clip & Screw Set 55-193521 1968-72 Lower 37.99 ea. 55-195404 1959-60 Bed Molding Clip 55-195406 59.99 set 3.99 ea. 55-193522 1968-72 Complete Set 189.99 set 55-195405 1964-67 Bed Molding Clip Set 19.99 set 55-242323 1978-87 Complete Set (4 pcs.) 299.99 set 55-195406 1968-72 Bed Molding Clip Set 17.99 set 55-242327 1978-87 Lower, RH 79.99 ea. 55-193464 1968-72 Top of Tailgate Kit 17.99 set 55-242325 1978-87 Lower, LH 79.99 ea. 55-195199 1968-72 Under Rear Window Kit 16.99 kit 55-242326 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 U p p e r R H 89.99 ea. 55-195408 1978-87 Long Bed Rails & Tailgate Mldg Clip 2.99 ea. 55-242324 1978-87 Upper LH 89.99 ea. 55-195410 1978-87 Roof Bed Molding Clip 3.99 ea. 82 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 82 shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:45 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-193525 55-246118 Drip Rail Moldings 55-193523 1964-67 Complete Set 55-193524 1968-72 Pillar Front, pair 55-193525 1968-72 Complete Set 69.99 set 37.99 pr. 119.99 set 55-195346 55-195352 55-193395 55-246116 Vinyl Top Moldings 55-193395 55-195345 1968-72 with Clips 97.99 pr. 55-195343 55-195354 Bed Molding Clips 55-246118 1964-65 Rear Window Set 9.99 set 55-195346 1964-72 Front & Rear Window Molding Clip 0.99 ea. 55-195352 1968-72 Windshield Molding Clip 1.99 ea. 55-246114 1968-72 Rear Window Set 9.99 set 55-246116 1968-72 Rear Window Set w/Vinyl Top 9.99 set 55-195345 1973-77 Front & Rear Window Molding Clip 1.99 ea. 55-195343 1973-87 Front Window Molding Clip 2.99 ea. 55-195353 1978-87 Rear Window Molding Clip 55-195354 1978-87 Rear Window molding Clip Set 1.99 ea. 14.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 83 83 1/29/15 4:45 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-195325 Bumpers, Fiberglass 55-195322 55-247879 55-195318 Bumpers, New • Reproduction Of Original 55-247879 1959 Grille guard with rubber bullets • Light Weight Replacement Of Original • Enhances Performance By Drastically Reducing BumperWeight • Plain Fiberglass Must Be Painted • Bumper Only, Brackets Must Be Fabricated For This Bumper 55-195462 1 9 6 5 F ro n t 219.99 ea. 55-195463 1 9 6 6 F ro n t 219.99 ea. 55-195464 1 9 6 7 F ro n t 219.99 ea. 55-195465 1 9 6 8 F ro n t 219.99 ea. 55-195466 1 9 6 9 F ro n t 239.99 ea. 55-195467 1 9 7 1 -7 2 F ro n t 229.99 ea. 55-195468 1 9 7 3 -7 7 F ro n t 55-195469 1 9 7 3 -7 7 R e a r 244.99 ea. 239.99 ea. 554.99 ea. 55-195314 1 9 6 4 F ro n t 189.99 ea. 55-195315 1 9 6 4 R e a r 199.99 ea. 55-195316 1 9 6 5 F ro n t 189.99 ea. 55-195317 1 9 6 5 R e a r 199.99 ea. 55-195318 1 9 6 6 F ro n t 189.99 ea. 55-249091 1 9 6 6 R e a r 299.99 ea. 55-195319 1 9 6 7 F ro n t 189.99 ea. 55-195320 1 9 6 8 F ro n t 179.99 ea. 55-195324 1 9 6 8 -7 2 R e a r 189.99 ea. 55-195321 1 9 6 9 F ro n t 179.99 ea. 55-195322 1 9 7 0 F ro n t 199.99 ea. 55-195325 1978-87 Rear, w/out holes for impact strip 239.99 ea. 55-195326 1978-87 Rear, w/ holes for impact strip 55-198779 1978-87 Front, w/out holes for impact strip 219.99 ea. 229.99 ea. 1978-87 Tucked Front Bumper Cover • • • • Fantastic Upgrade For Any El Camino Sturdy Fiberglass Construction Easy Installation Using Your Existing Hardware Comes In Plain Fiberglass Finish, Must Be Painted 55-195442 289.99 ea. 1967 Rear Chrome Bumper • Reproduction Of Original This El Camino reproduction rear bumper has been manufactured to original factory specifications using today's modern manufacturing techniques. You will find the fit, finish and function will work superbly for your restoration. In addition, using a reproduction rear bumper from the El Camino Store will add authenticity and value to your vehicle. 55-289446 84 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 84 279.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:45 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 1978-87 Tucked Front Bumper Cover With License Plate Cut-Out • New Fiberglass Front Bumper • Replaces Original Bumper & Supports This fiberglass constructed front bumper bolts into original factory holes and includes instructions and hardware for an easy installation. 55-195443 299.99 ea. 1978-87 Roll Pan With ZR-1 Taillights • Fantastic Upgrade For Any El Camino • Adds A Smooth Sleek Modern Finish To The Rear Of Your El Camino By Eliminating The Back Bumper • Fiberglass Construction • Includes Mounting Hardware, Instructions And Taillight Lenses 55-195435 319.99 ea. 55-195341 1978-87 Roll Pan • Fantastic Upgrade For Any El Camino • Adds A Smooth Sleek Modern Finish To The Rear Of Your El Camino By Eliminating The Back Bumper • Taillights Not Included • Retains Your Stock Factory Taillights, Or Purchase Right New Ones • Fiberglass Construction • Includes Mounting Hardware 55-195431 1968-72 Bumper Guards • Reproduction Of Original 55-197409 1968-69 Frt brackets 55-195341 1 9 7 1 - 7 2 F r o n t 28.99 pr. 129.99 pr. 239.99 ea. 55-195335 55-195336 Roll Pan With Or Without Bumper License Plate Pocket Same as 55-195431 above, but to be used when you want to fill in your tailgate and relocate your license plate mounting. 55-195432 55-195433 w/License Plate and Taillight Cut-outs w/o License Plate or Taillight Cut-outs (Blank) 55-195434 249.99 ea. 199.99 ea. w/License Plate Cut-out only (no Taillight) 219.99 ea. Bumper Guard Rubber Pads 55-195335 1 9 6 7 R e a r 45.99 pr. 55-195336 1 9 6 7 F r o n t 138.99 pr. 55-195337 1 9 6 8 F r o n t Call 55-195338 1 9 6 9 F r o n t Call 55-195339 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 F r o n t Call toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 85 85 1/29/15 4:45 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-195328 55-195501 Bumper Impact Strip and Accessories Bumper Brackets 55-195496 1 9 6 4 F r o n t , 4 p i e c e s e t 139.99 ea. 55-195497 1 9 6 6 F r o n t , 4 p i e c e s e t 139.99 ea. • Black Rubber Impact Strip • Includes Mounting Hardware 55-195498 1 9 6 7 F r o n t , 4 p i e c e s e t 99.99 ea. 55-197692 1978-87 Frt Bumper Impact Strip w/Guards 124.99 set 55-195500 1 9 6 8 F r o n t , 4 p i e c e s e t 139.99 ea. 55-195328 1978-87 Frt Bumper Impact Strip w/o Guards 124.99 set 55-195503 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 R e a r , 7 p i e c e s e t 149.99 ea. 55-195329 1978-87 Frt Impact Strip, RH or LH w/Guards 76.99 ea. 55-195501 1 9 7 0 F r o n t , 4 p i e c e s e t 139.99 ea. 55-197693 1978-87 Rear Bumper Impact Strip w/Guards Call 55-195502 1 9 7 1 - 7 2 F r o n t , 4 p i e c e s e t 144.99 ea. 55-197691 1978-87 Rear Bumper Impact Strip w/o Guards 55-195330 1978-87 Cage Nut for Impact Strip Bolts Call 2.99 ea. 55-192841 55-195482 55-195484 55-192851 Body To Bumper Seals • Fiberglass Reproduction 55-195483 1960 Frt & Rear Assy. & Mtng Kit (68 pcs.) 47.99 kit These El Camino reproduction body to bumper seals have been manufactured to original factory specifications using today's modern manufacturing techniques. You will find the fit, finish and function will work superbly for your restoration. In addition, using reproduction body to bumper seals from the El Camino Store will add authenticity and value to your vehicle. 55-195484 1960 Front and Rear (36 pieces) 35.99 ea. 55-192841 1964-65 Three pieces 24.99 ea. 55-195485 1964 Front and Rear (40 pieces) 31.99 ea. 55-192844 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 29.99 ea. 55-195486 1966 Mounting Kit, Rear (21 pieces) 16.99 kit 55-192843 1973 Filler, Front, LH, Fiberglass 69.99 ea. 55-195487 1966 Mounting Kit, Front (22 pieces) 16.99 kit 55-192845 1973 Filler, Front, RH, Fiberglass 69.99 ea. 55-197717 1966 Front or Rear Kit (32 pieces) 14.99 kit 55-192846 1973 Filler, Front, Center, Fiberglass 69.99 ea. 55-195488 1968-72 Front (12 pieces) 7.99 ea. 55-192851 1973-77 Filler, Rear, Left, Fiberglass 74.99 ea. 55-195489 1968-72 Rear (12 pieces) 7.99 ea. 55-192852 1973-77 Filler, Rear, Right, Fiberglass 74.99 ea. 55-195490 1968-72 Rear, Lower (12 pieces) 6.99 ea. 55-192853 1973-77 Filler, Rear, Center, Fiberglass 69.99 ea. Bumper Bolt Kits 55-195481 1959 Complete Mounting Kit, Front (136 pcs.) 43.99 kit 55-195482 1960 Complete Mounting Kit, Front (100 pcs.) 43.99 kit 55-195491 1973 Front (16 pieces) 10.99 ea. 55-192847 1974-75 Filler, Front, Left, Fiberglass 69.99 ea. 55-195492 1 9 7 3 - 7 5 R e a r 1 6 p i e c e s 10.99 ea. 55-192848 1974-75 Filler, Front, Right, Fiberglass 69.99 ea. 55-195493 1974-77 Front (16 pieces) 13.99 ea. 55-192849 1976-77 Filler, Front, Left, Fiberglass 69.99 ea. 55-195494 1976-77 Rear, (8 pieces) 13.99 ea. 55-192850 1976-77 Filler, Front, Right, Fiberglass 69.99 ea. 55-195495 1978-87 Compl Kit, Rear w/o Impact Strip 15.99 kit 55-247453 1978-87 Front Center, Metal 59.99 ea. 86 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 86 shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:45 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-284028 License Plate Accessories 55-195332 1960 Frt Bumper License Plate Panel 64.99 ea. 55-195327 1973-77 Plastic License Plate Nuts 55-195333 1978-87 Rear License Plate Pocket (#1) 55-197058 1978-87 Rear License Plate Pocket,Repro (#1) 1.99 ea. 197.99 ea. 99.99 ea. 1964-67 Show Quality Exterior Front Door Handles • Highest Quality Reproduction Of Originals Available 55-284028 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 89.99 pr. 55-284016 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 89.99 pr. 55-194952 Accessory Door Handle Shields Exterior Door Handles 55-194952 1959 Set with Buttons and Gaskets 55-194953 1960 Set, complete 55-194954 71.99 set 1960 Push Buttons, pair 55-194955 1964-65 Set with Buttons and Gaskets 55-194956 107.99 set 28.99 pr. 59.99 set 239.99 ea. 55-194959 1968-72 without Buttons, RH, each 249.99 ea. 55-246000 1968-72 Set w/Buttons & Gkts, show quality 29.99 pr. 34.99 pr. 55-194958 1968-72 without Buttons, LH, each 55-194960 1968-72 Set w/Buttons & Gaskets, driver quality Call 55-194967 1 9 6 0 79.99 set 1964-72 Push Buttons, pair 55-194957 1966-67 Set with Buttons and Gaskets 55-194966 1 9 5 9 39.99 set 77.99 set 55-194961 1973-87 Escutcheon, each 11.99 ea. 55-194962 1976-87 521⁄36" Long, LH, GM 83.99 ea. 55-194963 1976-87 521⁄36" Long, LH, Reproduction 12.99 ea. 55-194965 1976-87 521⁄36" Long, RH, Reproduction 12.99 ea. Tailgate Handles 55-194968 1964-67 With Washer 31.99 ea. 55-194969 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 14.99 ea. Designer Series Door Handle Emblem Choo Choo Customs Designer Series Emblems were used on all El Camino SS door handles and on the sides of cowl induction hood scoops. Fits 1978-87. Sold individually. Cowl Screens 55-195231 1968-72 Without Air Conditioning 24.99 set 55-196807 55-195232 1968-72 With Air Conditioning 24.99 set 16.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 87 87 1/29/15 4:46 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 1973-77 Cowl Screen • Officially Licensed GM Restoration Part • Made On Original GM Tooling • Correct GM Part Number Cast In The Part • Fits AC and Non AC El Camino's • Correct Black Plastic Injected Screen • Replaces Typically Damaged And Fragile Originals • Perfect in Every Detail • Also Fits Chevelle, Monte Carlo, Laguna, S3 And Chevelle Wagons 55-285099 Hoods, Fiberglass 55-195761 1973-77 69 Z-28 Style Cowl Ind. 2" Bolt-on 459.99 ea. 55-195763 1978-87 69 Z-28 Style Cowl Ind 2” Bolt-on 479.99 ea. 55-195767 1978-87 4" Z-28 Cowl Induction Bolt-on 479.99 ea. 49.99 ea. 55-263336 Hood Hinges With Springs • Quality Reproduction Show Quality • Correct Dark Gray Phosphate Coating • Comes With Springs Installed 55-195525 55-195526 55-263336 1 9 6 8 189.99 pr. 55-263353 1 9 6 9 189.99 pr. 55-263344 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 189.99 pr. 88-1321-3 88-1322-3 55-195530 Aluminum Hood Pin Kits 55-195532 Hoods • Silver, Red, Blue, Black Or Gold Aluminum • Easy Installation • Universal Kit Can Be Used On Hood Or Trunk 55-195525 1 9 6 6 S S 299.99 ea. 55-195526 1 9 6 7 S S 269.99 ea. 55-195527 1967 Cowl Induction 459.99 ea. 55-195528 1968 SS, Repro. (uses 1969 hood hinges) 299.99 ea. These heavy duty hood pins will secure your hood or trunk yet still allow them to be quickly opened or removed. Every kit includes 2 hood pins, two torsion flip over clips, two self adhesive scuff plates, and the necessary hardware. 55-195529 1 9 6 9 S S , R e p r o d u c tio n 299.99 ea. 88-1315-3 Gold 9.99 kit 55-195530 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 S S , R e p r o d u c tio n 299.99 ea. 88-1316-3 Silver 9.99 kit 55-195531 1970-72 Cowl Induction, Reproduction 299.99 ea. 88-1321-3 R e d 9.99 kit 55-195532 1978-87 SS Cowl Hood, Steel 399.99 ea. 88-1322-3 Blue 9.99 kit 55-195533 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 R e p r o d u c tio n 259.99 ea. 88-1323-3 Black 9.99 kit 88 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 88 shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:46 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM Fender Upper Tie Bar • Stamped Steel Construction 55-197675 1965 Steel 56.99 ea. 55-195585 1970 Steel 55.99 ea. 55-195581 Original Choo Choo Custom Hood Scoop Patented one-piece cowl induction-style hood scoop constructed of reaction injection molded (RIM) elastometric polyurethane. Simulated non-functional inlet. Patented mounting ledge for original equipment fit and finish. Primed and ready to paint. This scoop does not include a hardware kit. It is not bolt on. Installation requires 3M double-sided tape and 5-6 self-tapping screws. Installation instructions included. Fits 1978-87. 27" wide x 31" long x 11⁄2" high. 55-196805 209.99 ea. 55-195582 Front Lower Valance Panels 55-195579 1966 Steel 79.99 ea. 55-195580 1967 Steel 79.99 ea. 55-195581 1968 Steel 62.99 ea. 55-195582 1969 Steel 65.99 ea. 55-195583 1969 Valance Grill Bezel Mounts, set 55-195584 1970 Steel 34.99 set 79.99 ea. 09-4018 09-4017 09-4019 Hood Scoop • Fiberglass Construction This hood scoop is designed after the 1969 Camaro and measures 24" wide by 48" long. It is 2" high. It can be bolt-on or mold-on and includes instructions and hardware for installation. 55-195449 184.99 ea. Hood Latch Supports • Vertical Support • Center Grille Support 55-246290 1 9 6 7 33.99 ea. 55-246292 1 9 6 8 33.99 ea. 55-246286 1 9 7 0 32.99 ea. 55-195577 55-195202 55-195578 Front Header Grille Panels 55-246287 • Reproduction Of Original • Completes The Front Of The Hood Between The Fenders • Replaces Commonly Dent Or Rusted Originals Hood Lock Latches And Catches 55-246287 1965 Latch 104.99 ea. 55-195577 1 9 6 8 -6 9 122.99 ea. 55-195202 1970-72 Upper Latch 44.99 ea. 55-195578 1 9 8 2 -8 7 199.99 ea. 55-195203 1978-87 Latch Assembly 14.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 89 89 1/29/15 4:46 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-195560 55-195711 55-248121 Front Fender Extensions 55-195711 1970 LH 64.99 ea. 55-195712 1 9 7 0 R H 64.99 ea. 55-248121 1970 Fender Extensions Brackets 32.99 ea. 55-195561 55-199361 55-195562 Radiator Core Supports 55-195560 1 9 6 6 139.99 ea. 55-195561 1 9 6 7 128.99 ea. 55-195562 1 9 6 8 -6 9 159.99 ea. 55-195564 1 9 7 0 179.99 ea. 55-195563 1 9 7 1 -7 2 179.99 ea. 55-195538 55-195544 Front Fenders 55-249167 55-195568 55-195574 Radiator Core Support Bushings 55-199362 1965 LH 389.99 ea. 55-199361 1 9 6 5 R H 389.99 ea. 55-195535 1966 LH 359.99 ea. 55-195536 1 9 6 6 R H 359.99 ea. 55-195537 1967 LH 359.99 ea. 55-195538 1 9 6 7 R H 359.99 ea. 55-195539 1968 LH, Reproduction 359.99 ea. 55-195541 1 9 6 8 R H , R e p r o d u c tio n 359.99 ea. 55-195542 1969 LH, Reproduction 359.99 ea. 55-195543 1 9 6 9 R H , R e p r o d u c tio n 359.99 ea. 55-195544 1 9 7 0 R H , R e p r o d u c tio n 349.99 ea. 55-249139 1959 Incl. Rubber Bushings & Hardware 21.99 ea. 55-195545 1970 LH, Reproduction 349.99 ea. 55-249167 1960 Incl. Rubber Bushings & Hardware 19.99 ea. 55-195546 1971-72 LH 299.99 ea. 55-195565 1965-67 Includes Bolt Kit 23.99 kit 55-195547 1 9 7 1 -7 2 R H 299.99 ea. 55-195566 1965-67 Bushings only, set 22.99 set 55-195548 1978-81 LH 209.99 ea. 55-195567 1968-72 Includes Bolt Kit 24.99 kit 55-195549 1 9 7 8 -8 1 R H 189.99 ea. 55-195568 1968-72 Bushings only, set 22.99 set 55-195550 1982-87 LH 189.99 ea. 55-195574 1978-87 Hardware Kit 31.99 ea. 55-195551 1 9 8 2 -8 7 R H 189.99 ea. 90 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 90 shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:46 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-198456 55-195623 55-195512 Front End Sheet Metal Fastener Kits 55-195625 55-195624 55-195512 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 1 7 0 p i e c e s 41.99 kit 55-195513 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 1 7 0 p i e c e s 41.99 kit Front Fender Lower Rear Patch Panels 55-198456 1959-60 LH, 18” height 72.99 ea. 55-198457 1959-60 RH, 18” height 72.99 ea. 55-195623 1964-65 LH 72.99 ea. 55-195624 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 R H 64.99 ea. 55-195625 1966-67 LH 57.99 ea. 55-195626 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 R H 64.99 ea. 55-195627 1968-72 LH 82.99 ea. 55-195628 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 R H 99.99 ea. 55-195553 55-195554 55-195724 Fender Braces 55-195724 1966-72 Lower 23.99 pr. 55-256131 1968-72 Fender to Firewall 49.99 pr. 55-195555 55-197888 55-195556 Inner Fender Skirts Fender Related Bolts 55-195552 1966 LH 109.99 ea. 55-195553 1 9 6 6 R H 109.99 ea. 55-197888 1964-65 26 piece kit 21.99 kit 55-195554 1967 Steel, LH 109.99 ea. 55-197889 1966 24 piece kit 24.99 kit 55-195555 1967 Steel, RH 109.99 ea. 55-197890 1967 25 piece kit 24.99 kit 55-195556 1968-72 Plastic 214.99 pr. 55-197891 1968 28 piece kit 24.99 kit 55-195557 1968-72 Steel, LH 129.99 ea. 55-197892 1969 28 piece kit 24.99 kit 55-195558 1968-72 Steel, RH 129.99 ea. 55-197893 1970-72 32 piece kit 26.99 kit 55-195559 1968-72 Steel, RH and LH 259.99 pr. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 91 91 1/29/15 4:46 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-195592 55-195594 55-199218 1968-72 Firewall Patch Panels 55-195595 55-195593 55-199218 With Air Conditioning 339.99 ea. 55-199219 Without Air Conditioning 349.99 ea. 55-199220 55-195596 339.99 ea. 1968-69 Firewall Wiper Mounting Plate 55-195597 • Reproduction Of Original Outer Rear Wheelhouses 55-199440 55-195592 1 9 6 4 -6 5 R H 114.99 ea. 55-195593 1964-65 LH 116.99 ea. 55-195594 1966-67 LH 89.99 ea. 55-195595 1 9 6 6 -6 7 R H 89.99 ea. 55-195596 1968-72 Wheelhouse, LH 84.99 ea. 55-195597 1968-72 Wheelhouse, RH 84.99 ea. 32.99 ea. Firewall Brackets 1970 Inner Fender To Radiator Core Support • Correct Heavy Gauge Stamped Part • Give Proper Attachment Support To The Front Of TheInner Fender • Critical For Proper Inner Fender Alignment 55-256134 No Cut Outs 29.99 pr. • Repairs Commonly Rusted Or Damaged Lower Corner Firewall Panel On The Body Above The Frame Rail • Repairs Damages To Front Body Mount Area • Includes Left And Right Outer Sections • Must Be Welded In Eckler's Select Series 55-199368 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 119.99 ea. 55-195768 55-197716 1966-67 Hinge Side Cowl Panel Brackets Frame Brackets And Braces • Fanatastic Reproduction Of A Hard to Find Original • Correct Heavy Gauge Stamped Part 55-195768 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 R e a r C r o s s m e m b e r R e i n f o r c e m e n t 55-197716 1964-67 Frame to Body Mount Bracket 92 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 92 104.99 ea. 55-256835 Left 59.99 ea. 69.99 ea. 55-256836 R i g h t 59.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:46 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 1968-69 Lower Cowl Panel • Reproduction Of Original • Bare Assembly Bare Assembly 55-246307 399.99 ea. 55-195586 Cowl Tag Rivets • Stock Replacement • Attaches Cowl Tag To Cowl 55-195383 1 9 5 9 - 7 7 9.99 pr. 55-197060 Door Skins 55-195586 1 9 6 4 -6 5 R H 169.99 ea. 55-195587 1964-65 LH 169.99 ea. 55-195588 1 9 6 6 -6 7 R H 131.99 ea. 55-195589 1966-67 LH 131.99 ea. 55-197059 1 9 6 8 -7 2 R H 179.99 ea. 55-197060 1968-76 LH 179.99 ea. Lower Front Windshield Repair Panels 55-195629 1966-67 Forward Edge 54.99 ea. 55-195630 1966-67 Reinforcement (Under Windshield) 52.99 ea. 55-198489 Dash Structure 55-246203 1968 Steel 339.99 ea. 55-261888 55-261906 Door Shells 1966-67 Outer Windshield A-Pillar Cover 55-198492 • Bare Shell Ready For Hardware And Paint 55-198489 1 9 7 8 -8 5 R H 569.99 ea. 55-198490 1978-85 LH 569.99 ea. 55-261888 Left 129.99 ea. 55-198491 1 9 8 6 -8 7 R H 569.99 ea. 55-261906 R i g h t 129.99 ea. 55-198492 1986-87 LH 569.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 93 93 1/29/15 4:47 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-195631 55-195632 55-195672 Door Patch Panels, Lower 55-195672 1964-65 LH 39.99 ea. 55-195673 1 9 6 4 -6 5 R H 39.99 ea. 55-195674 1966-67 LH 39.99 ea. 55-195675 1 9 6 6 -6 7 R H 39.99 ea. 55-195676 1968-72 LH 39.99 ea. 55-195677 1 9 6 8 -7 2 R H 39.99 ea. 55-195678 1973-77 LH 36.99 ea. 55-195679 1 9 7 3 -7 7 R H 36.99 ea. 55-195680 1978-87 LH 36.99 ea. 55-195681 1 9 7 8 -8 7 R H 36.99 ea. 55-195633 55-195634 55-195682 55-195637 55-195638 55-240508 55-195688 Rocker Panels 55-195682 1959-60 Outer LH 55-195683 1959-60 Outer RH 55-240508 1959-60 Inner LH/RH, pair 70.99 ea. 70.99 ea. 139.99 pr. 55-195684 1964-67 LH 54.99 ea. 55-195685 1 9 6 4 -6 7 R H 54.99 ea. 55-195686 1968-72 LH 79.99 ea. 55-195687 1 9 6 8 -7 2 R H 99.99 ea. 55-195688 1978-87 LH 36.99 ea. 55-195689 1 9 7 8 -8 7 R H 36.99 ea. 55-195660 Floorpan to Firewall Patch Panels 55-195640 55-195639 Floor Pans 55-195631 1959-60 Front, LH 109.99 ea. 55-195632 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 F r o n t , R H 109.99 ea. 55-195633 1959-60 Rear, LH 104.99 ea. 55-195634 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 R e a r , R H 104.99 ea. 55-195636 1 9 6 4 - 7 2 F r o n t , R H 59.99 ea. 55-195637 1964-72 Rear, LH 64.99 ea. 55-195638 1 9 6 4 - 7 2 R e a r , R H 64.99 ea. 55-195639 1964-72 Frt and Rear, 1 piece, LH, 60" x 28" 99.99 ea. 55-195640 1964-72 Frt and Rear, 1 piece, RH, 60" x 28" 99.99 ea. 55-195647 1968-72 Full Floor Pan with Hump 55-198509 1968-72 Full Floor Pan w/Hump and Braces 569.99 ea. 289.99 ea. 55-195648 1973-77 Front, LH 109.99 ea. 55-195649 1 9 7 3 -7 7 F ro n t, R H 109.99 ea. 55-195650 1973-77 Rear, LH 109.99 ea. 55-195651 1 9 7 3 -7 7 R e a r, R H 109.99 ea. 55-195652 1978-87 Front and Rear, 1 Piece, LH 349.99 ea. 55-195660 1964-72 LH 57.99 ea. 55-195653 1978-87 Front and Rear, 1 Piece, RH 349.99 ea. 55-195661 1 9 6 4 - 7 2 R H 57.99 ea. 55-322685 1978-87 Full Floor Pan with Hump 369.99 ea. 94 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 94 shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:47 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-195656 55-197677 55-195664 55-195658 Four-Speed Shift Humps 55-195656 1964-67 with Console 47.99 ea. 55-195657 1964-67 without Console 47.99 ea. 55-195658 1968-72 with Console 79.99 ea. Under Rear Window Patch Panels 55-195659 1968-72 without Console 49.99 ea. 55-197677 1964-67 Lower Divider Panel, 3 pcs. 55-195662 1964-67 60" x 5" 55-195663 1968-72 Inside Rear Shelf 119.99 ea. 55-195664 1968-72 Full Panel 279.99 ea. 55-195665 1968-72 60" x 4" x 2" 55-195666 1968-72 Storage Box Panel 55-195666 159.99 set 39.99 ea. 34.99 ea. 159.99 ea. 55-193000 55-193001 Floor Pan Plugs 55-193000 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 2.99 ea. 55-193001 1 9 6 4 - 7 2 2.99 ea. 55-246313 55-195667 55-246306 55-195668 55-195716 55-195720 Floor Support Braces 55-195716 1959-60 LH, Front 106.99 ea. 55-195717 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 R H , F r o n t 106.99 ea. 55-195718 1959-60 LH, Center 137.99 ea. 55-195719 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 R H , C e n t e r 137.99 ea. 55-195720 1959-60 LH, Rear 106.99 ea. 55-195721 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 R H , R e a r 106.99 ea. 55-195722 1959-60 LH Underseat Mounting Bracket 84.99 ea. 55-195723 1959-60 RH Underseat Mounting Bracket 84.99 ea. Bed Floor Access Panels 55-195715 55-195654 1 9 6 4 - 6 9 F r o n t 107.99 ea. 55-195668 1959-60 LH Floor Pan Under Access Panel 121.99 ea. 55-195655 1 9 6 4 - 6 9 C e n t e r 107.99 ea. 55-195669 1959-60 RH Floor Pan Under Access Panel 121.99 ea. 55-197676 1 9 6 4 - 7 2 R e a r 124.99 ea. 55-197678 1964-67 Bed Lift Panel Support 55-246306 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 F r o n t 129.99 ea. 55-195667 1 9 6 8 -7 2 55-246313 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 C e n t e r 129.99 ea. 55-195715 1968-72 Floor Pan Under Access Panel toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 95 Call 119.99 ea. 99.99 ea. 95 1/29/15 4:47 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-195598 Tailgate Shells • Steel Reproductions • Ready For Paint And Hardware Shell has tailgate handle hole for wagon application, must be filed or can be covered with an emblem. Includes no mounting hardware, hinges or top of tailgate. Tailgate And Bed Floor Bolts • • • • • • • • • • Reproductions Of Original Correct Mounting Hardware 84-Piece Set Latch Bolts Tailgate Hinge Lower Bolts Tailgate Hinge Upper Bolts Tailgate Inner Mechanism Bolts Tailgate Handle Screw Tailgate Inspection Cover Screws Access Panel Bolts Taillight Access & Side Panel Screws 55-246120 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 55-195598 1 9 6 8 299.99 ea. 55-195599 1 9 6 9 -7 2 289.99 ea. 55-197056 1 9 7 8 -8 7 359.99 ea. 41.99 set 55-195602 55-197369 55-195603 55-197368 Tailgate Skins 55-195605 55-195602 1 9 6 4 -6 6 159.99 ea. 55-195603 1 9 6 7 159.99 ea. 55-195604 1 9 6 8 169.99 ea. 55-195605 1 9 6 9 -7 2 159.99 ea. 55-249110 Bed Floor Panels • 77" L x 35" W 55-197368 1968-77 LH 179.99 ea. 55-197369 1 9 6 8 -7 7 R H 179.99 ea. 55-249110 1968-72 Tail Panel 55-247657 1978-87 Full, With Hump 96 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 96 159.99 ea. Tailgate Inner Panels 299.99 ea. 55-195606 1968-72 Three Piece Set 99.99 set shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:47 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM Tailgate And Bed Panel Hardware Kits Tailgate Latch Assemblies • Reproduction Of Original • Includes 28 Plastic Washers & 28 Screws • Used To Attach Inner Tailgate Panels To Tailgate Shell 55-195296 1964-72 Screws & Washers, w/nylon washers 55-195478 1968-72 Three piece set 119.99 set 12.99 ea. Tailgate Bolts 55-195479 1968-77 Cable to Body 10.99 ea. 55-195333 55-197058 Rear License Plate Pockets 55-195333 1978-87 GM Tailgate Hinge Escutcheons 197.99 ea. 55-197058 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 R e p r o d u c t i o n 55-195169 1964-67 Black Rubber 21.99 ea. 99.99 ea. 55-195165 55-195167 Tailgate Cables 55-195170 1968-77 Complete Assembly, Reproduction 42.99 set 55-195171 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 R e p r o d u c t i o n 44.99 set 55-195168 Tailgate Hinge Rebuild Kits • One Set Rebuilds Both Hinges • Correct Circular Head Markings • Upgrade Self-Lubricated Bronze Bushings Ensure Maximum Durably Over Originals 55-195165 1964-67 Two Pins and Two Bushings 21.99 ea. 55-195166 1968-72 Two Pins and Two Bushings 21.99 ea. Tailgate Cable Springs 55-195167 1973-77 Two Pins and Two Bushings 21.99 ea. 55-195172 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 4.99 pr. Call 55-195173 1 9 7 3 - 8 7 4.99 pr. 55-195168 1978-87 Pins Only toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 97 97 1/29/15 4:47 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-195690 55-195709 55-195694 55-199231 55-195696 55-195590 55-255552 55-195705 Quarter Panels 55-195690 1959 Lower Front, LH 113.99 ea. 55-195691 1959 Lower Front, RH 113.99 ea. 55-195694 1960 Lower Front, LH 142.99 ea. 55-195695 1960 Lower Front, RH 113.99 ea. 55-195696 1960 Lower Rear, LH 185.99 ea. 55-195697 1960 Lower Rear, RH 135.99 ea. 55-255552 1964-65 Lower Rear, Left 99.99 ea. 55-195702 1964-65 Lower Rear, Right 55-195705 1968-72 LH 239.99 ea. 55-195706 1968-72 LH, Original Style, Full Panel 439.99 ea. 55-195707 1 9 6 8 -7 2 R H 239.99 ea. 55-195708 1968-72 RH, Original Style, Full Panel 439.99 ea. 55-195709 1973-77 LH 239.99 ea. 55-195710 1 9 7 3 -7 7 R H 239.99 ea. 55-199231 1978-87 LH, Reproduction 379.99 ea. 55-199232 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 R H , R e p r o d u c tio n 379.99 ea. 55-195590 1978-87 LH, Reproduction 289.99 ea. 55-195591 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 R H , R e p r o d u c tio n 289.99 ea. 99.99 ea. 55-246204 55-246205 Inner Sail Panels 98 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 98 55-246204 1978-87 Inner Sail, LH 74.99 ea. 55-246205 1978-87 Inner Sail, RH 74.99 ea. shop 24/7 at 1/29/15 4:47 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-195607 Fuel Filler Doors 55-255227 • Reproduction Of Original • Correct Style Spring Pre Attached • Ready For Primer And Paint 55-197488 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 49.99 ea. Battery Trays 55-195607 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 34.99 ea. 55-195608 1964-65 Replacement Tray 55-255227 21.99 ea. 1964-65 Show Quality 29.99 ea. 55-195609 1 9 6 6 55-195700 Rear Of Rear Wheel Patch Panels 55-195698 1968-72 Lower, 37" Long, LH 82.99 ea. 55-195699 1968-72 Lower, 37" Long, RH 82.99 ea. 55-195700 1978-87 27" x 9" LH 91.99 ea. 55-195701 1978-87 27" x 9" RH 91.99 ea. 55-195610 12.99 ea. 1 9 6 7 24.99 ea. 55-195612 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 R e p r o d u c t i o n 19.99 ea. 55-195614 1978-87 GM 49.99 ea. 55-195616 55-195618 55-195725 Fender Skirts 55-195725 1959 Steel, Reproduction 124.99 pr. 55-195727 1959 Scuff Pads for Skirts 32.99 pr. 55-195729 1959-60 Skirt, Rubber 10.99 ea. 55-195730 1959-60 Skirt, Metal Clip Set 7.99 set 1960 Steel, Reproduction 146.99 pr. 55-195726 55-195728 1960 Scuff Pads for Skirts 32.99 pr. 55-195620 Battery Accessories 55-195618 1959-60 Bolt Hook End 55-195616 1960 Hold Down 55-195617 1964-65 Hold Down Roof Panels • Reproduction Of Original 55-197044 1 9 6 8 -7 2 299.99 ea. 9.99 ea. 16.99 ea. 55-197884 1964-65 Battery Tray Bolt Kit, 3 pieces 4.99 kit 55-195619 1964-65 Bolt Hook End 3.99 ea. 55-197885 1966 Battery Tray Bolt Kit, 4 pieces 4.99 kit 55-257949 1966-77 Hold Down Clamp, Stainless Steel 6.99 ea. 55-195620 1966-77 Hold Down Clamp 3.99 ea. 55-197886 1967 Battery Tray Bolt Kit, 4 pieces 4.99 kit 55-255442 1968 Battery Tray Bolt Kit, 4 pieces 5.99 kit 55-255446 1969 Battery Tray Bolt Kit, 4 pieces 4.99 kit 55-197887 1970-77 Battery Tray Bolt Kit, 4 pieces 4.99 kit 55-195621 1978-87 Hold Down Clamp 6.99 ea. 55-195622 1978-87 Hold Down Bolt 2.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 99 17.99 ea. 99 1/29/15 4:48 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM Exterior Screw Kits 55-195504 1959 34 Screws 15.99 kit 55-195505 1960 52 Screws 21.99 kit 55-195506 1964-65 68 Screws 22.99 kit 55-195507 1 9 6 6 6 2 p i e c e s 21.99 kit 55-195508 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 4 0 p i e c e s 18.99 kit 55-195509 1973-77 with wheelwell, 66 screws 26.99 kit 55-195510 1973-77 Laguna (46 pieces) 19.99 kit 55-195511 1973-77 Laguna w/wheelwell (72 pieces) 28.99 kit Urethane Reproduction Front Spoiler with Air Deflector This urethane front spoiler is made from urethane and has the urethane air deflector that bolts on for a one-piece construction. Includes all hardware and installation instructions. Fits 1978-87. 55-195446 55-191844 309.99 ea. 55-191846 Cargo Bed Rail Hardware 55-191844 1978-87 Screw, original GM 12.99 ea. 55-191846 1978-87 Torx Head Bolt, original GM 2.99 ea. Stage II Front Spoiler with Air Deflector Urethane Reproduction Front Spoiler • Correct Urethane Construction • Deflector Not Included • Great Upgrade For Any El Camino • Same Great Looks As The Stage I Except The Stage II Has Sleek Side Scoops Molded In • Made To Match The Stage II Body Kit Exactly • Constructed From Heavy Duty Fiberglass • Fits All 1978-87 El Camino's With Factory Header Assembly (Non Choo Choo) This front spoiler is made from urethane. Includes all hardware and instructions for easy installation. Does not include the air deflector. Fits 1978-87. This Stage II front spoiler with air deflector is the same as part #08-4054 except the Stage II side vents are built in to match our Stage II line. Constructed from heavy-duty fiberglass. Fits 1978-87. 55-195445 55-195444 100 229.99 ea. 259.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 100 1/29/15 4:48 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM Stage I Ground Effects Kit • Fiberglass Ground Effects Kit • 6-Piece Set Includes, 2 Main Rocker, 2 Door & 2 Quarter Panel Flares • Hardware & Instruction Included • Adds A Sleek Look To Any El Camino • Works With Stage I Spoiler P/N 55-195445 (Sold Separately) This El Camino replacement stage 1 ground effect kit has been manufactured to meet or exceed factory specifications and performance. You will find the fit, finish and function will work perfectly for your vehicle. You will also be pleased to know that the El Camino Store has sourced this stage 1 ground effect kit among other possible parts as the best choice for your repair or restoration project. 55-195428 339.99 ea. CUSTOM FIBERGLASS BED LIDS Available with a smooth finish (shown) or a textured finish. primed, ready for paint. FEATURES Stage II Ground Effects Kit This package consists of two Stage II main rockers, two Stage II door pieces, and two rear quarter panels. Includes all hardware and instructions. Entire package can be installed with basic hand tools. Fits 1978-87. 55-195439 419.99 ea. Drainage Trough — Water that collects and is trapped behind the rear window is drained through the wheel wellsvia a special drainage trough. Hinge System — The unique hinge and gas shock system allows smooth, easy access to the bed. Weather–Resistant Seal — Lid shape and special weatherstripping keeps water out. Secure Locking System — Two “cylinder-type” locks are used to provide the security you want. Custom Fiberglass Bed Lids These bed lids are manufactured by Gaylord's Lids and we believe them to be the best on the market for the El Camino. We sell any of Gaylord's products so if you have another pickup bed that you need a lid for, please inquire with one of our sales reps for pricing. When Ordering Stage I or II Ground Effects the Following Rocker Panel Dimensions Should be Considered: 00-1660 1978-87 Black, White, Primered 1299.99 ea. Width - The amount the rocker panel ground effect extends perpendicular from the side of the body. Sill Measurement - The amount the rocker panel ground effect extends above or below the centerline of the door sill parallel to the body. This includes the fender, quarter panel and door portions. Type Stage I S ta g e II Width 2.5" 5.5"* Above Door 3.5" 4" Below Door 3.5" 3.5" * Please note that the Stage II rocker panel ground effects have a width or profile that is twice as wide as the Stage I units. 55-191866 55-191876 Bed Lid Replacement Parts 55-191866 1978-87 Southco Lid Lock 55-191876 1978-87 20" Replacement Gas Shocks 35.99 ea. 55-197366 1978-87 Weatherstrip, Black 139.99 ea. 55-197367 1978-87 Weatherstrip, Chrome 141.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 101 39.99 ea. 101 1/29/15 4:48 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 1978-88 Class II Trailer Hitch • 3500 lb. Trailer 350 lb. Tongue Weight • Requires Drilling Includes Receiver, Pin and Clip • Manufactured By Curt 1 1/4" Receiver System 55-281313 1964-87 Upholstered Bed Liner 229.99 ea. 55-195214 55-195227 Covers entire truckbed. Includes padded flooring, two wheel well covers and tailgate cover. Easy to install using hook and loop fasteners—no tools needed. Boot for tailgate seal (eliminates dust and dirt). Gray. 55-199668 1964-67 Gray Only 499.99 ea. 55-199669 1968-72 Gray Only 499.99 ea. 55-199670 1973-77 Gray Only 499.99 ea. Door Hinges 55-199671 1978-87 Gray Only 499.99 ea. 55-195217 1964 Lower, RH 61.99 ea. 55-195214 1965 Lower, LH 59.99 ea. 55-195215 1965 Lower, RH 59.99 ea. 55-195218 1966-67 Upper LH or RH 46.99 ea. 55-195219 1966-67 Lower, LH 56.99 ea. 55-195220 1966-67 Lower, RH 56.99 ea. 55-195221 1968-72 Upper, LH or RH 60.99 ea. 55-195222 1968-72 Lower, LH 59.99 ea. 55-195223 1968-72 Lower, RH 63.99 ea. 55-195225 1978-87 Upper, LH 216.99 ea. 55-195227 1982-87 Lower, LH or RH 179.99 ea. 55-195159 Door Hinge Rebuild Kits • Each Door Uses Two Pins, Four Bushings, And One Roller Kit 55-195157 1959-60 Two Pins and Four Bushings 55-195158 1964-67 Two Pins and Four Bushings 55-195159 1964-67 Roller Kit 55-195160 1968-72 Two Pins and Four Bushings 102 8.99 ea. 9.99 ea. 15.99 pr. 9.99 ea. 55-195161 1968-72 Roller Kit 28.99 pr. 55-195162 1973-77 Two Pins and Four Bushings 11.99 ea. 55-195163 1978-87 Two Pins and Four Bushings 11.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 102 1/29/15 4:48 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM Striker Silencers • Stock Replacement 55-195156 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 3.99 ea. Door Hinge Screw Sets • One Set Does Two Hinges 55-195228 1964-67 Mounting Screws, Upper, set of 12 11.99 set 55-195230 1968-72 Mtng Screws, Upr or Lwr, set of 12 16.99 set 55-195015 55-195113 Window Regulators, Complete Door Latch Assemblies 55-195113 1964-67 LH 69.99 ea. 55-195114 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 R H 69.99 ea. 55-195115 1968 LH 49.99 ea. 55-195116 1 9 6 8 R H 49.99 ea. 55-195117 1969 LH 49.99 ea. 55-195118 1 9 6 9 R H 49.99 ea. 55-195119 1970-72 LH 69.99 ea. 55-195120 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 R H 49.99 ea. 55-195147 1980-87 LH 389.99 ea. 55-195013 1959-60 Vent, LH 139.99 ea. 55-195014 1 9 5 9 -6 0 V e n t, R H 145.99 ea. 55-195015 1966-67 Manual, LH 72.99 ea. 55-195016 1966-67 Manual, RH 72.99 ea. 55-195017 1968-72 Vent, LH 65.99 ea. 55-195018 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 V e n t , R H Call 55-195019 1968-72 Power, LH, with Motor 129.99 ea. 55-195020 1968-72 Power, RH, with Motor 129.99 ea. 55-195151 55-194981 55-199152 Door Release Mechanism 55-195152 Door Lock Strikers 55-195151 1959-60 Striker Plates 47.99 pr. 55-195152 1 9 6 4 - 7 2 10.99 ea. • Correct Short Shaft • Rod Hole May Need To Be Drilled Out To 13/64 On Some 1959-60 Models 55-261011 1964-72 Stainless Steel 39.99 pr. 55-195154 1977 with Silencer, Metric Thread 79.99 ea. This El Camino reproduction door handle release mechanism has been manufactured to original factory specifications using today's modern manufacturing techniques. You will find the fit, finish and function will work superbly for your restoration. 55-195155 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 10.99 ea. 55-194981 1959-60 LH 19.99 ea. 55-261014 1978-87 Stainless Steel 44.99 pr. 55-199152 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 R H 20.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 103 103 1/29/15 4:48 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-199429 55-195105 55-195099 55-195106 55-199430 Original Key Blanks 55-199433 55-199434 55-195096 1959-60 Ignition and Door, Octagon Head 1.99 ea. 55-195097 1959-60 Ignition and Door, Pearhead Head 2.99 ea. 55-195098 1967 Ignition and Door, Octagon Head 5.99 ea. 55-195099 1967 Ignition and Door, Pearhead Head 5.99 ea. 55-195100 1968 Ignition and Door, Octagon Head 5.99 ea. 55-195101 1968 Ignition and Door, Pearhead Head 5.99 ea. 55-195102 1969 Ignition and Door, Square Head 1.99 ea. 55-195103 1969 Ignition and Door, Octagon Head 1.99 ea. 55-195104 1970 Ignition and Door, Square Head 1.99 ea. 55-195105 1970 Ignition and Door, Octagon Head 1.99 ea. 55-195106 1971 Ignition and Door, Square Head 1.99 ea. 55-195107 1971 Ignition and Door, Octagon Head 1.99 ea. 55-195108 1972 Ignition and Door, Square Head 1.99 ea. 55-195109 1972 Ignition and Door, Octagon Head 1.99 ea. Key Cover Sets • Offers Great Protection For Original Keys • Keeps Rare Originals Form Premature Wear And Discoloration Power Window Kits 55-199429 1959-60 Door, left and right 519.99 kit 55-199434 1959-60 Vent, left and right 449.99 kit 55-199430 1964-67 Door, left and right 529.99 kit 55-199431 1968-72 Door, left and right 519.99 kit 55-199432 1973-77 Door, left and right 509.99 kit 55-199433 1978-87 Door, left and right 519.99 kit 08-0858 1968-87 Specify color No Match! pr. 55-195060 55-195069 Ignition and Door Lock Sets 55-195030 Power Window Motors 55-195060 1959-60 Original 59.99 ea. 55-195061 1964 Original 53.99 ea. 55-195062 1964 Octagon 49.99 ea. 55-195063 1965 Original 53.99 ea. 55-195064 1966-67 Original 26.99 ea. 55-195065 1966-67 Later 21.99 ea. 55-195066 1968 Original 36.99 ea. 55-195030 1 9 6 4 - 7 2 R H 99.99 ea. 55-195067 1968 Later 26.99 ea. 55-195031 1973-77 LH 99.99 ea. 55-195068 1969-78 Later 28.99 ea. 55-195034 1979-87 LH or RH 39.99 ea. 55-195069 1977-87 Later 26.99 ea. 104 shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 104 1/29/15 4:48 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-195078 55-195070 Door Locks, Pair 55-195082 55-195070 1959-60 Original 44.99 ea. 55-195071 1964-66 Original 21.99 ea. 55-195073 1964-76 Later 15.99 ea. 55-195074 1967-68 Original 19.99 ea. Door Lock Pawls 55-195075 1977-87 Later 19.99 ea. 55-195078 1964-65 LH 7.99 ea. 55-195079 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 R H 7.99 ea. 55-195080 1966-67 LH 7.99 ea. 55-195081 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 R H 7.99 ea. 55-195082 1968-72 LH 7.99 ea. 55-195083 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 R H 7.99 ea. 55-195084 1973-76 LH 7.99 ea. 55-195085 1 9 7 3 - 7 6 R H 7.99 ea. 55-195086 1964-87 Pawl to Lock Cylinder Retainer Clip 1.99 ea. 55-195076 55-192263 Door Lock Cylinder Retainers 55-195076 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 7.99 pr. 55-195077 1 9 6 4 - 7 7 1.99 ea. 55-192264 55-195037 Automatic Door Lock Actuators 55-195037 1977-86 1st Design, LH or RH 59.99 ea. 55-195038 1986-87 2nd Design, LH or RH 66.99 ea. Door Jamb Louvers 55-192263 1 9 6 9 16.99 ea. 55-192264 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 55-195111 15.99 ea. 55-278433 1970-72 Polished Billet Door Jamb Vents 129.99 pr. 1970-72 Polished Billet Door Jamb Vents Window Guides 55-195111 1978-87 Nylon Window Guide 20.99 ea. 55-195144 1978-87 Door Guide Rivet, need 2 per door 1.99 ea. 55-195145 1978-87 Door Regulator Rivet, need 5 per door 1.99 ea. • Billet Construction • Beautiful Polished Finish • Direct Bolt-On With Out Modifications 55-278433 129.99 pr. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 105 105 1/29/15 4:48 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 1964-’67 Door And Parts or 55-199152 RH 1959-’60 Door and Parts 55-195072 1964-’67 Door And Parts Although many of the parts in the diagram above are no longer available, we hope that you will find this illustration useful for your vehicle. If you are looking for a specific part that is not listed as available above, please inquire. 55-194955 1964-67 #2 Ext Door Hdl 79.99 set 55-195071 1964-66 #3 Door Locks, Original 21.99 pr. 55-195073 1964-76 #3 Door Locks, Later 15.99 pr. 55-195077 1964-87 #4 Door Lock Retainer Clip 55-195000 1959-’60 Door And Parts Although many of the parts in the diagram above are no longer available, we hope that you will find this illustration useful for your vehicle. If you are looking for a specific part that is not listed as available above, please inquire. 1.99 ea. 55-195113 1967 #5 Door Latch, LH 69.99 ea. 55-195114 1967 #5 Door Latch, RH 69.99 ea. 55-194985 1964 #11 Wdw Hdl, Dlx Int, Repro 14.99 ea. 55-194984 1964-65 #11 Wdw Hdl, Std Int, Repro 14.99 ea. 55-194987 1967 #11 Wdw Hdl, Dlx Int, Repro 23.99 ea. 55-194988 1968-87 #11 Wdw Hdl, Blk Knob, GM 67.99 ea. 55-194989 1968-87 Wdw Hdl, Blk Knob, Repro 7.99 ea. 55-194990 1968-87 Wdw Hdl, Clr Knob, Repro 7.99 ea. 55-194998 1959-87 Plastic Washer, Repro 2.99 ea. 55-195786 1959-60 #1 Vent Window Glass, Clear 29.99 ea. 55-194999 1959-87 Door Handle Washer 55-195787 1959-60 #1 Vent Window Glass, Tinted 29.99 ea. 10-0280 55-195781 1959-60 #5 Door Glass, Clear 79.99 ea. 55-194994 1964-67 #22 Vent Wdw Hdl, LH, GM 69.99 ea. 55-195782 1959-60 #5 Door Glass, Tinted 79.99 ea. 55-194995 1964-67 #22 Vent Wdw Hdl, RH, GM 71.99 ea. 1964-67 #20 Vent Wdw, Tint, RH or LH 55-192857 1959 #7 Door Handle Lock Gaskets 4.99 ea. 55-192266 1964-66 #23 Door Lock Knobs, Blk 55-192858 1960 #7 Door Handle Lock Gaskets 4.99 ea. 55-192267 1964-66 Door Lock Knobs, Chr 55-194952 1959 #8 Exterior Door Handles 107.99 set 55-192268 1967 Door Lock Knobs, Chr 55-194953 1960 #8 Exterior Door Handles 71.99 pr. 55-195072 1964-81 Lock Rod to Lock Cyl Clip 55-192763 1959-60 #11 Door Weatherstrip 34.99 ea. 10-0180 1964-67 #26 Door Glass, Tint, RH or LH 8.99 ea. 84.99 ea. 5.99 pr. 6.99 pr. 13.99 pr. 3.99 ea. 175.99 ea. 55-195121 1959-60 #16 Rubber Door Glass Stop, Round 3.99 ea. 55-194972 1964 #27 Interior Door Hdl, Dlx Int 14.99 ea. 55-195122 1959-60 #16 Rubber Door Glass Stop, Square 8.99 ea. 55-194974 1965-67 #27 Interior Door Hdl, Dlx Int 13.99 ea. 55-195000 1959-72 Window Reg Roller & Rivet 6.99 ea. 55-195000 1959-72 Wdw Reg Roller & Rivet 6.99 ea. 55-194991 1959-60 #24 Vent Window Hdl, Std Int 12.99 ea. 55-193641 1964-69 Door Jamb Dome Light Sw 6.99 ea. 55-194992 1959-60 #24 Vent Window Hdl, Dlx Int 12.99 ea. 55-195132 1 9 6 6 - 7 7 # 2 9 R e t a i n e r 2.99 ea. 106 shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 106 1/29/15 4:48 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 1968-’72 Door And Parts 55-194989 1968-’72 Door And Parts Although many of the parts in the diagram above are no longer available, we hope that you will find this illustration useful for your vehicle. If you are looking for a specific part that is not listed as available above, please inquire. 55-194999 1968-72 #53 Door Handle Washer 8.99 ea. 55-195030 1964-72 #57 Power Window Motor, RH 99.99 ea. 55-195152 1964-72 #58 Door Striker 10.99 ea. 55-192807 1968-72 #2 Vent Window Rubber 57.99 ea. 6.99 ea. 55-192819 1968-72 #10 Glass Run Channels 55-195000 1959-72 Window Reg Roller & Rivet 39.99 ea. 55-192911 1 9 6 8 - 8 7 # 6 3 D o o r B u m p e r 2.99 ea. 3.99 ea. 55-194958 1968-72 #29 Ext Dr Hdl w/o btn, LH 239.99 ea. 55-194959 1968-72 #29 Ext Dr Hdl w/o btn, RH 55-195072 1964.81 #66 Lock Rod to Latch Clip 249.99 ea. 55-195125 1968-87 #69 Door Latch Rod Retainer 55-194960 1968-72 #29 Ext Dr Hdl, w/Btn & Gskt * 39.99 ea. 55-192269 1968-70 #70 Door Lock Knob, Chr 3.99 ea. 15.99 ea. 55-246000 1968-72 #29 Ext Dr Hdl, w/Btn & Gskt ** 77.99 ea. 1968-72 #36 Dr Hinge, Upr, LH or RH 55-192270 1971-87 #70 Door Lock Knob, Chr 55-195221 60.99 ea. 55-195074 1967-68 #73 Door Lock 19.99 ea. 9.99 kit 55-195073 1964-76 #73 Door Lock 15.99 ea. 55-195160 1968-72 #37 Door Hinge Rebuild Kit 8.99 ea. 55-195222 1968-72 #40 Door Hinge, Lower, LH 59.99 ea. 4.99 pr. 55-195223 1968-72 #40 Door Hinge, Lower, RH 55-192859 1964-72 #74 Door Lock Gaskets 63.99 ea. 1.99 ea. 55-195161 1968-72 #37, #38 Door Hinge Roller Kit 55-195077 1964-87 #75 Lock Retainer Clip 28.99 pr. 10-0200 55-195115 1968 #43 Door Latch, LH 49.99 ea. 55-195116 1968 #43 Door Latch, RH 55-192786 1968-72 #93 Window Felts, Standard 49.99 ea. 59.99 set 55-195117 1969 #43 Door Latch, LH 55-192787 1968-72 #93 Window Felts, Deluxe 49.99 ea. 11.99 ea. 55-195118 1969 #43 Door Latch, RH 55-194996 1968-72 #98 Vent Wdw Hdl, Clr Knob 49.99 ea. 55-194997 1968-72 #98 Vent Wdw Hdl, Blk Knob 15.99 ea. 55-195119 1970-72 #43 Door Latch, LH 69.99 ea. 1.99 ea. 55-195120 1970-72 #43 Door Latch, RH 55-195366 1968-72 #100 Window Handle Spring 49.99 ea. 8.99 ea. 55-192560 1968-72 #48 Door Sill Plate, w/Ribs, LH 55-194999 1968-72 #101 Vent Window Washer 104.99 ea. 67.99 ea. 55-192562 1968-72 #48 Door Sill Plate, RH, Repro 55-194988 1968-87 #103 Window Hdl, Blk Knob 26.99 ea. 55-194989 1968-87 #103 Wdw Hdl, Blk Knob, Repro. 7.99 ea. 55-192563 1968-72 #48 Door Sill Plate, LH, Repro 26.99 ea. 7.99 ea. 55-195017 1968-72 #49 Vent Window Reg, LH 55-194990 1968-87 #103 Wdw Hdl, Clr Knob, Repro. 65.99 ea. 1.99 ea. 55-195018 1968-72 #49 Vent Window Reg, RH 55-195366 1968-72 #105 Window Handle Spring 65.99 ea. 8.99 ea. 55-194975 1968-72 #52 Interior Door Handle, LH 55-194999 1959-87 #106 Window Handle Washer 16.99 ea. 55-194976 1968-72 #52 Interior Door Handle, RH 16.99 ea. * - Driver Quality ** - Show Quality 1968-72 #78 Door Glass, Tint toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 107 175.99 ea. 42.99 set 107 1/29/15 4:49 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 1973-’77 Door And Parts 55-195153 1973-’77 Door And Parts Although many of the parts in the diagram above are no longer available, we hope that you will find this illustration useful for your vehicle. If you are looking for a specific part that is not listed as available above, please inquire. 55-195012 1968-87 #32 Lock Knob Ferrules, Chr 13.99 ea. 55-195073 1964-76 #33 Door Lock 15.99 ea. 55-195075 1977-87 #33 Door Lock 19.99 ea. 55-195077 1964-87 #36 Door Lock Retainer Clip 1.99 ea. 55-192795 1973-77 #1 Window Felt, Outer, RH 179.99 ea. 55-195132 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 # 3 7 R e t a i n e r 55-195785 1973-77 #2 Glass, Tinted 169.99 ea. 55-195154 1977 #41 Striker w/Silencer, metric 79.99 ea. 55-195133 1973-77 #42 Door Latch Bolts 10.99 ea. 55-195129 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 # 3 N u t 13.99 ea. 2.99 ea. 55-195128 1973-77 #4 Washer 3.99 ea. 55-195125 1973-77 #50 Lock Rod Clip 55-195127 1973-77 #5 Glass Retainer DISC ea. 55-195072 1964-81 #59 Door Handle to Rod Clip 3.99 ea. 55-195127 1973-77 #8 Glass Retainer DISC ea. 55-195022 1973-78 #63 Pwr Wdw Sw, 1 Btn, RH 97.99 ea. 55-195130 1973-77 #9 Washer 5.99 ea. 55-195023 1973-78 #63 Pwr Wdw Sw, 2 Btn, LH 59.99 ea. 55-195128 1973-77 #10 Washer 3.99 ea. 55-195029 1974-87 #64 Power Window Sw Clip 55-195129 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 # 1 2 N u t 13.99 ea. 3.99 ea. 2.99 ea. 55-195031 1973-77 #67 Pwr Wdw Motor, LH 99.99 ea. 67.99 ea. 55-195128 1973-77 #13 Washer 3.99 ea. 55-194988 1968-87 #68 Wdw Hdl, Blk 55-195128 1973-77 #14 Washer 3.99 ea. 55-194989 1973-77 #68 Wdw Hdl, Blk, Repro 7.99 ea. 55-195127 1973-77 #15 Glass Retainer DISC ea. 55-194990 1973-77 #68 Wdw Hdl, Clr, Repro 7.99 ea. 55-195129 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 # 1 9 N u t 13.99 ea. 55-195001 1959-87 #69 Handle Spring 55-194961 1973-87 #21 Door Handle Escutcheon 11.99 ea. 55-195162 1973-77 #84 Door Hinge Rebuild Kit 11.99 kit 55-194962 1976-87 #23 Door Handle, LH 83.99 ea. 55-195162 1973-77 #85 Door Hinge Rebuild Kit 11.99 kit 2.99 ea. 55-195162 1973-77 #89 Door Hinge Rebuild Kit 11.99 kit 53.99 ea. 55-195162 1973-77 #91 Door Hinge Rebuild Kit 11.99 kit 55-192911 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 # 2 6 D o o r B u m p e r s 55-192796 1973-77 #30 Window Felt, Inner, LH 55-192270 1971-87 #31 Door Lock Knob, Chr 108 8.99 ea. 55-195136 1973-87 #93 Wdw Reg Roller 0.99 ea. 9.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 108 1/29/15 4:49 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 1986-’87 Door And Parts 1978-’85 Door And Parts 55-194962 1986-’87 Door And Parts 1978-’85 Door And Parts Although many of the parts in the diagram above are no longer available, we hope that you will find this illustration useful for your vehicle. If you are looking for a specific part that is not listed as available above, please inquire. Although many of the parts in the diagram are no longer available, we hope that you will find this illustration useful for your vehicle. If you are looking for a specific part that is not listed as available above, please inquire. 55-194962 1976-87 #2 Door Handle, LH 55-195137 1978-87 #4 Ext Door Hdl to Rod Clip 83.99 ea. 0.99 ea. 55-198440 1978-87 #1, #3 Wdw Felt Set, Repro. 89.99 set 55-195146 1986-87 #5 Door Handle Rod 55-192800 1978-87 #3 Window Felt, Inner, LH 93.99 ea. 55-194961 1973-87 #6 Door Hdl Escutcheon 11.99 ea. 55-192801 1978-87 #3 Window Felt, Inner, RH 93.99 ea. 55-195110 1986-87 #8 Cylinder 44.99 ea. 55-194962 1976-87 #12 Ext Door Handle, LH 83.99 ea. 55-192860 1973-87 #9 Key Lock Gaskets 2.99 pr. 55-195077 1964-87 #13 Door Lock Retainer Clip 1.99 ea. 55-195137 1978-87 #14 Ext Handle to Rod Clip 0.99 ea. 7.99 ea. 55-194961 1973-87 #16 Door Hdl Escutcheon 11.99 ea. 55-192911 1 9 6 8 - 8 7 # 1 4 D o o r B u m p e r s 55-195075 1978-87 #18 Door Locks 19.99 pr. 55-195075 1977-87 #16 Door Locks 19.99 pr. 55-192911 1 9 6 8 - 8 7 # 2 1 D o o r B u m p e r 2.99 ea. 55-195139 1978-87 #22 Spring, LH 9.99 ea. 55-192270 1971-87 #26 Door Lock Knob 8.99 ea. 55-195140 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 # 2 2 S p r i n g , R H 1.99 ea. 55-195139 1978-87 #31 Spring, LH 9.99 ea. 55-195139 1978-87 #27 Spring, LH 9.99 ea. 55-195140 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 # 3 1 S p r i n g , R H 1.99 ea. 55-195140 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 # 2 7 S p r i n g , R H 55-195037 1977-86 #33 Door Lock Actuator 59.99 ea. 55-194988 1968-87 #37 Wdw Hdl, Blk Knob 55-195141 1978-85 #42 Window Reg Roller 8.99 ea. 55-194989 1968-87 #37 Wdw Hdl, Blk Knob, Repro. 55-194979 1978-87 #46 Int Door Handle, RH 49.99 ea. 55-194990 1968-87 #37 Wdw Hdle, Clr Knob, Repro. 55-195072 1964-81 #48 Int Door Hdl to Rod Clip 55-195142 1982-87 #48 Int Door Hdl to Rod Clip 3.99 ea. 55-194979 1978-87 #41 Interior Door Handle, RH 3.99 ea. 2.99 ea. 1.99 ea. 67.99 ea. 7.99 ea. 7.99 ea. 49.99 ea. 55-195142 1982-87 #43 Door Lock Clip 3.99 ea. 67.99 ea. 55-195136 1973-87 #47 Door Regulator Roller 9.99 ea. 55-194989 1968-87 #54 Wdw Hdl, Blk Knob, Repro. 7.99 ea. 55-195134 1986-87 #48 Door Regulator Roller 2.99 ea. 55-194990 1968-87 #54 Wdw Hdl, Clr Knob, Repro. 7.99 ea. 55-195146 1 9 8 6 - 8 7 # 5 5 N u t 55-195144 1978-87 Door Guide Rivet 1.99 ea. 55-192800 1978-87 #62 Window Felt, Inner, LH 93.99 ea. 55-195145 1978-87 Door Regulator Rivet 1.99 ea. 55-192801 1978-87 #62 Window Felt, Inner, RH 93.99 ea. 55-194988 1966-87 #54 Wdw Hdl, Blk Knob toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 109 7.99 ea. 109 1/29/15 4:49 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-193973 07-0019 07-0020 55-193975 07-0021 Windshield Washer Pumps Windshield Wiper Motors 07-0019 1959-60 2 Speed, w/o wshr pump (core $240) 269.99 ea. 07-0020 1959-60 One Speed (core $155) 179.99 ea. 07-0021 1959-60 2 Speed w/washer pump (core $275) 269.99 ea. 55-193972 1964-87 Rubber Motor Mount 14.99 ea. 55-193966 1965-66 One Speed, Rebuilt 139.99 ea. 55-193967 1967 Two Speed, Rebuilt 189.99 ea. 55-193968 1968-83 with Hidden Wipers 127.99 ea. 55-193970 1984-87 Need Old Mtr Cvr for Pump Access 114.99 ea. 55-197694 1968-72 Cover with Pump, 1st design 63.99 ea. 55-197695 1973-83 Cover with Pump, 2nd design 63.99 ea. 55-193973 1964-72 w/o Hidden Wpr, Original 45.99 ea. 55-193974 1964-72 w/o Hidden Wpr, Repro. 71.99 ea. 55-193975 1973-83 All with Round Motor 39.99 ea. 55-193976 1984-87 All 39.99 ea. 55-193006 55-193007 55-193977 55-192958 55-192959 Windshield Washer Pump Repair Kits Wiper Motor Seals 55-193007 1959-60 Wiper Motor Crank Arm Seal 29.99 ea. • • • • Replacement Kit Rebuild Worn Or Broken Washer Pump Includes Two Choices Of 90° Washer Pump Tops Includes New Seal & Screws 55-193006 1959-72 Wiper Motor Driveshaft Sealing Cap 3.99 ea. 55-192958 1964-67 Wiper Motor to Firewall Seal (1 speed) 7.99 ea. 55-193977 1959-74 With 90 Degree Pipes 19.99 ea. 55-192959 1964-72 Wiper Motor to Firewall Seal (2 speed) 7.99 ea. 55-193978 1982-83 All 19.99 ea. 110 shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 110 1/29/15 4:49 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-193987 55-193982 55-193979 Windshield Washer Nozzles Windshield Washer Bottles 55-193984 1 9 6 4 - 6 9 15.99 ea. 55-193985 1964-69 Repro w/Cap, Hose, and Filter 16.99 ea. 55-193986 1970-72 GM 42.99 ea. 55-198626 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 R e p r o d u c t i o n 23.99 ea. 55-193987 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 29.99 ea. 55-193988 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 29.99 ea. 1964-83 Windshield Washer Bottle Cap • Stock Replacment • Correct Black Cap 55-193989 55-193979 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 33.99 pr. 55-193980 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 33.99 pr. 55-193981 1 9 6 8 - 6 9 33.99 pr. 55-193982 1970-72 with SS or Cowl Hood 33.99 pr. 07-4592 Wiper Transmissions With Arms 55-246333 1968-72 w/o Depressed Park 69.99 ea. 7.99 ea. 55-198540 55-193989 55-193991 Windshield Washer Bottle Brackets 55-193991 1964-66, 68-69 GM 17.99 ea. 55-193992 1 9 6 4 - 6 6 , 6 8 - 6 9 R e p r o d u c t i o n 11.99 ea. 55-197424 1 9 6 7 34.99 ea. Windshield Wiper Transmission And Drive Links • Stock Replacement Includes 2 copper socket inserts, 2 screws, 2 nuts and packet of lubricant. 55-198540 1965-77 Trans Socket Rebuild Kit, Each Socket 55-197273 7.99 ea. 55-194803 Windshield Wiper Motors Select-A-Speed This kit contains a low profile, seven speed wiper motor with five delays, low speed and high speed, a rotary switch with a billet knob to match your vehicle, adapter plate and wiring harness. The CNC hard-coated aluminum adapter plate mounts the wiper motor to the stock firewall bolt pattern. The low profile wiper motor mounts to the firewall and clears the valve cover and brake booster. 55-194804 Windshield Wiper Blades And Insert Assemblies • Made Of Polished Stainless Steel 55-197272 1964-65 Originally Equipped w/1 Spd Motor 529.99 ea. 55-197273 1964-65 Originally Equipped w/2 Spd Motor 529.99 ea. 55-194803 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 25.99 ea. 55-197274 1966-67 Originally Equipped w/1 Spd Motor 529.99 ea. 55-194804 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 R e p r o d u c t i o n 25.99 ea. 55-197275 1966-67 Originally Equipped w/2 Spd Motor 529.99 ea. 55-194806 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 15.99 ea. 55-197276 1968-72 with Recessed Park 579.99 ea. 55-194807 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 14.99 ea. 55-197277 1968-72 without Recessed Park 529.99 ea. 55-194808 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 15.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 111 111 1/29/15 4:49 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM Vinyl Roof Covering — This high-quality levant-style vinyl makes an excellent replacement for that worn out vinyl top on your 1964-’84 El Camino. The tops are custom-made to fit your year model. Vinyl top moldings are also available for 1968-’72 El Caminos on page 83. 55-194811 Windshield Wiper Arm Assemblies 55-194809 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 R H 23.99 ea. 55-194810 1959-60 LH 23.99 ea. 55-194811 1964-67 RH or LH 55-194812 1968-72 Blade and Arm, Complete Set 29.99 ea. 109.99 pr. 55-197983 T-848 Black T-828 Buckskin T-3967 White T-5547 Green PLEASE NOTE: D u e t o t h e limitations of the four-color printing process, some samples shown in this catalog may differ slightly in color from actual products. For questions regarding exact color matches, please contact us. Vinyl Tops 55-197986 55-197977 00-1560 1964-67 Black, Buckskin, White or Green 169.99 ea. 00-1570 1968-72 Black, Buckskin, White or Green 174.99 ea. 00-1580 1973-77 Black, Buckskin, White or Green 189.99 ea. 00-1590 1978-84 Black, Buckskin, White or Green 199.99 ea. Windshield Wiper System Related Bolts Authentic hardware you need to correctly reassemble the wiper system components. Most fasteners have correct markings for the time period. This kit includes three nylon straps. 55-197972 1964-66 Anti-Freeze Jar Bracket 2.99 ea. 55-197973 1964-66 Windshield Wshr Bottle Brkt. 3.99 ea. 55-197974 1964-66 Windshield Washer Nozzles 3.99 ea. 55-197976 1964-67 Wiper Arm Pivots at Cowl 4.99 ea. 55-197977 1964-67 Wiper Motor Linkage Retainer 3.99 ea. 55-197978 1964-69 Wpr Mtr Brkt, 1 or 2 spd w/o Wshr. 3.99 ea. 55-197979 1964-72 Wiper Motor, 3 pieces 4.99 ea. 55-197980 1966 Wiper Hoses, 2 pieces 3.99 ea. 55-197982 1967 Washer Bottle Bracket, 6 pieces 4.99 ea. 55-197983 1967 Wiper Hose Straps, 3 pieces 4.99 ea. 55-197984 1967-70 Washer Nozzles, 2 pieces 2.99 ea. 55-246125 1959-60 Clear (No upper tint strip) 479.99 ea. 55-197985 1968 Wiper Arm Pivots at Cowl, 5 pieces 7.99 ea. 55-195770 1959-60 Tint 499.99 ea. 55-197986 1968-69 Washer Bottle Bracket, 3 pieces 3.99 ea. 55-195771 1964-67 Tint 169.99 ea. 55-197987 1968-69 Wiper Switch, 3 pieces 3.99 ea. 55-195772 1968-72 Without Antenna, Clear 199.99 ea. 55-197989 1969-72 Wiper Arm Pivots at Cowl, 5 pieces 7.99 ea. 55-195773 1968-72 With Antenna, Tint 179.99 ea. 55-197990 1970 Wpr Mtr Brkt, 1 or 2 spd w/o Wshr. 3.99 ea. 55-195774 1968-72 Without Antenna, Tint 169.99 ea. 55-197991 1970-71 Wiper Switch and Strap, 6 pieces 3.99 ea. 55-195775 1973-77 Without Antenna, Clear 289.99 ea. 55-197992 1970-72 Washer Bottle Bracket, 2 pieces 3.99 ea. 55-195776 1973-77 With Antenna, Tint 279.99 ea. 55-197994 1971-72 Washer Nozzles, 2 pieces 2.99 ea. 55-195777 1973-77 Without Antenna, Tint 219.99 ea. 55-197995 1971-72 Washer Nozzles, SS, 4 pieces 3.99 ea. 55-195779 1978-87 With Antenna, Tint 179.99 ea. 55-197996 1972 Wiper Switch, 4 pieces 3.99 ea. 55-195780 1978-87 Without Antenna, Tint 179.99 ea. 112 Windshields shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 112 1/29/15 4:49 PM EXTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-195784 55-195810 Exterior Mirrors 55-195810 1959-60 With Door Glass 55-195781 1959-60 Clear 79.99 ea. 55-195782 1959-60 Tint 79.99 ea. 55-195783 1959-60 Tinted Door & Vent Set, both s id e s 249.99 set 10-0180 1964-67 Tint, LH or RH 55-195784 1964-67 Tinted Door & Vent Set, both s id e s 175.99 ea. 499.99 set 10-0200 1968-72 Tint (specify LH or RH) 175.99 ea. 55-250349 1973-77 Clear, LH 159.99 ea. 55-250350 1973-77 Clear, RH 159.99 ea. 55-250367 1978-87 Clear, LH 129.99 ea. 1978-87 Clear, RH 55-250355 129.99 ea. 10-0280 Hardware 51.99 ea. 55-195811 1964-65 With Bowtie 39.99 ea. 55-195813 1966-68 With Bowtie 39.99 ea. 55-195814 1968 LH, Chrome, R e m o te 119.99 ea. 55-195817 1969-72 LH, With Hardware 29.99 ea. 55-195818 1969-72 RH, With Hardware 29.99 ea. 55-195821 1978-85 Bullet, Std (Manual), RH, GM 124.99 ea. 1968-69 Clear Shot Outside Door Mirrors Superior quality USA made mirror. Includes mounting kit and exclusive thicker right side gasket. Backed by a 3 year warranty. 55-326048 C h r o m e 195.99 pr. Vent Windows 55-195786 1959-60 Clear 29.99 ea. 55-195787 1959-60 Tint 29.99 ea. 10-0280 1964-67 Tint, Specify LH or RH 84.99 ea. 10-0300 1968-72 Tint, Specify LH or RH 85.99 ea. 55-195833 Exterior Mirror Gaskets 55-195836 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 6.99 ea. 55-195832 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 6.99 ea. 55-195831 1966-72 Chrome Mirror Gasket 55-195788 Quarter Window Glass 55-195788 1978-87 Tint, LH 84.99 ea. 55-195789 1978-87 Tint, RH 84.99 ea. Call 55-195833 1973-77 Gaskets, Bullet Sport 23.99 pr. 55-195835 1978-85 Gaskets, Bullet Sport 26.99 pr. 55-195837 1986-87 Gaskets, Bullet Sport Call “Objects In Mirror Are Losing” Rearview Mirror Decal • Looks Like Etching • Easy To Install 88-1945-3 5.99 ea. 1986-87 Exterior Mirror Replacement Glass 55-195840 Left Rear Windows 55-197491 49.99 ea. Exterior Mirror Mounting Kits 1959-60 Tint 299.99 ea. 55-195823 1959-60 Mounting Kit 55-195790 1964-67 Clear 109.99 ea. 55-195824 1964-65 Mounting Kit 55-195791 1964-67 Tint 149.99 ea. 55-195827 1964-65 Bracket 1968-72 Tint 7.99 kit 7.99 kit 20.99 ea. 169.99 ea. 55-195829 1964-72 Screws and Washers for Bracket 1.99 ea. 55-195793 1973-77 Clear, Flat 198.99 ea. 55-195830 1964-72 Mirror Screw, Chrome 0.99 ea. 55-195794 1973-77 Tint, Flat 198.99 ea. 55-195825 1966-72 Mounting Kit 55-246027 1978-87 Clear 379.99 ea. 55-197426 1967 Bracket, Remote Mirror 23.99 ea. 55-246033 1978-87 Tint 399.99 ea. 55-195826 1969 Bracket, Remote Mirror 20.99 ea. 55-195792 toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 113 5.99 kit 113 1/29/15 4:49 PM FUEL SYSTEM 55-195714 Fuel Tank Brace 55-195954 Fuel Tanks (with Filler Neck) 55-195949 55-199335 55-195950 55-199336 55-195951 55-199338 55-195952 55-195953 55-195954 55-195955 55-195956 55-195957 1964-67 20 Gallon 1964-67 20 Gallon EFI 1968-70 20 Gallon without EEC 1968-70 17 Gallon EFI, without EEC 1970-72 20 Gallon with EEC 1971-72 17 Gallon EFI, without EEC 1973-74 26 gallon 1973-77 26 Gallon, without Filler Neck 1978-87 22 Gallon without Fuel Injection 1978-87 17 Gallon without Fuel Injection 1985-87 22 Gallon with Fuel Injection 1985-87 17 Gallon with Fuel Injection 129.99 ea. 545.99 ea. 119.99 ea. 545.99 ea. 129.99 ea. 545.99 ea. 199.99 ea. 199.99 ea. 246.99 ea. 239.99 ea. 179.99 ea. 239.99 ea. • Replaces Commonly Rusted, Bent Or Damaged Originals • Correct Rectangular Fuel Strap Access Slot 55-195714 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 107.99 ea. 55-197489 55-195947 55-195960 Fuel Caps 55-196906 Fuel Tank Mounting Straps 55-195961 55-195958 55-195959 55-196906 55-195960 55-196906 1959-60 Mounting Kit, 2 Bolts & 2 Nuts 1964-67 Mounting Kit 1968-72 Mounting Kit 1968-72 Mounting Kit, 4 Bolts & 2 Clip Nuts 1978-87 Mounting Straps Only 1968-197 Fuel Tank Strap Mounting Kit 2.99 pr. 29.99 pr. 24.99 pr. 22.99 kit 29.99 pr. 22.99 kit 55-195940 55-195941 55-195942 55-195944 55-197489 55-195943 55-195945 55-195946 55-195947 55-195948 1 9 6 9 -6 0 S ta n d a rd 1959-60 Locking 1964-70 Vnt Lkg, ‘70 non-Calif. Emissions 1964-72 Vented, GM 1 9 6 4 - 7 2 N o n - V e n te d , R e p r o d u c tio n 1966-67 396 with Power Steering 1970 Non-Vnt Lkg, w/Calif. Emissions 1971-72 Locking 1973-87 with Handle 1982-85 Diesel only 9.99 ea. 14.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 27.99 ea. 11.99 ea. 39.99 ea. 16.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 10.99 ea. 34.99 ea. 55-195962 55-195964 Fuel Tank Anti-Squeak Kits • Great For Reducing Fuel Strap To Gas Tank Vibration 55-195962 1 9 5 9 - 8 7 55-198926 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 114 29.99 kit 7.99 pr. Fuel Tank Filler Neck Hoses 55-195965 1964-67 Original Hose with original clamps 21.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 114 1/29/15 4:49 PM FUEL SYSTEM Fuel Door Springs • Correct Style Spring 55-195966 1 9 6 4 - 7 5 23.99 ea. 55-196541 55-196542 55-195967 55-195982 Fuel Sending Unit Lock Ring & Gaskets 55-196538 55-196539 55-196541 55-196540 55-196542 1959-60 Gasket 1964-72 Gasket 1964-72 Lock Ring 1973-87 Gasket 1973-87 Lock Ring 3.99 ea. 2.99 ea. 4.99 ea. 10.99 ea. 7.99 ea. 55-195976 Fuel Tank Sending Units These El Camino reproduction fuel tank sending units have been manufactured to original factory specifications using today's modern manufacturing techniques. You will find the fit and function will work superbly for your restoration. In addition, using a reproduction fuel tank sending unit from the El Camino Store will add authenticity and value to your vehicle. 55-195967 55-195968 55-195970 55-195971 55-195973 55-195974 55-195975 55-195976 55-195977 55-195979 55-195980 55-195981 55-195982 55-195983 55-195984 1959-60 5⁄16" 1959-60 348, 3⁄8" 1964 Repro 5⁄16" w/gasket, float, filter 1964 Repro 3⁄8" w/gasket, float, filter 1965-67 except 4 Barrel, 5⁄16" Original 1965-67 except 4 Barrel, 5⁄16" Reproduction 1965-67 4 Barrel, 3⁄8" Reproduction 1968-70 Small Block, 1 line, 3⁄8" 1968-70 Small Block, 1 line, 3⁄8" Reproduction 1969-70 350 w/ A/C & 4 Bbl & 396/400/454 R e p r o d u c tio n 1971-72 Small Block, 3⁄8", 1 line, Repro 1971-72 Big Block 1971-72 Big Block, 3⁄8", 2 line, Reproduction 1978-87 17 gallon with carb 1978-87 17 gallon with carb, Reproduction Fuel Sending Unit Screws • New Phillips Heads Screws Replaces Clutch Head Screws 55-195992 1959-60 Mounting Kit (screws) 49.99 ea. 59.99 ea. 49.99 ea. 49.99 ea. 139.99 ea. 47.99 ea. 49.99 ea. 169.99 ea. 47.99 ea. 49.99 ea. 39.99 ea. 174.99 ea. 49.99 ea. 169.99 ea. Call Fuel Sending Unit Filters This stock replacement fuel tank sending unit filter is manufactured by GM or by one of its authorized suppliers for use as a factory replacement part. You will find the fit and function meets all GM specifications. 55-195988 55-195991 55-195989 55-195990 1959-60 Filter, 5⁄16" Tube 1959-60 Filter, 3⁄8" Tube 1973-81 Filter 1982-87 Filter toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 115 2.99 kit 13.99 ea. 9.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 13.99 ea. 115 1/29/15 4:50 PM FUEL SYSTEM Fuel Tank Sending Unit Float • Reproduction Of Original • Correct Brass Float • 1.222" Diameter at Center Seam 55-195993 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 Fuel Pump Fasteners 10.99 ea. 55-198238 1964-73 Fuel Pump & Plate, Small Block 55-198246 1965-72 Fuel Pump, 396, 454, 2 pieces 55-198249 1965-72 Plug Beneath Fuel Pump, 396, 454 7.99 ea. 4.99 ea. 3.99 ea. 55-196186 55-211604 55-195997 55-196010 55-196014 Fuel Pumps 55-195994 55-195995 55-195996 55-195997 55-195998 55-195999 55-196000 55-196001 55-196002 55-196003 55-196004 55-196005 55-196006 55-196007 55-196008 55-196009 55-196010 55-196011 55-196013 55-196012 55-196014 55-196015 55-355586 116 1959-60 6 cylinder 1959-60 283, 8 cylinder 1959-60 348, 8 cylinder 1964-66 All 283 with 2 Brl 1964-66 283, 327, 409, with 4 Brl 1 9 6 7 2 8 3 , 3 2 7 , 3 5 0 , 1 s t D e s ig n 1 9 6 7 3 2 7 , 3 5 0 , 2 n d D e s ig n 1967-70 396, 454, Hi-Performance Type 1 9 6 8 3 2 7 , 3 5 0 1 9 6 8 -7 2 3 0 7 1969-80 305, 327, 350, without A/C 1973 454, 1st Design, 41⁄2" 1973-75 350, 400, with A/C, 2 and 4 Brl 1973-75 454, 2nd Design, 4" 1 9 7 6 2 5 0 1976-77 350, 400, with A/C, 4 Brl 1976-78 305, 350, 2 and 4 Brl 1978-84 231, 6 cylinder, 2 Brl 1979-80 267, 305, 350, 4 Brl 1979-84 200, 229, 6 cylinder 1981-87 267, 305, 350, 2 and 4 Brl 1985-87 4.3L, Fuel Injected, Electric 1964-1966 6 Cylinder, without Air Injection Reactor (AIR) Pump NEW 54.99 ea. 38.99 ea. 69.99 ea. 37.99 ea. 62.99 ea. 37.99 ea. 39.99 ea. 39.99 ea. 39.99 ea. 37.99 ea. 31.99 ea. 52.99 ea. 29.99 ea. 62.99 ea. 31.99 ea. 29.99 ea. 31.99 ea. 37.99 ea. 31.99 ea. 27.99 ea. 39.99 ea. 55.99 ea. 51.99 ea. 55-196202 Engine Lines 55-196186 55-196187 55-196188 55-196189 55-196190 55-196191 55-196192 55-196193 55-196194 55-196195 55-196196 55-196197 1959-60 Pump To Carb, 8 Cyl, Tri-Power 348 1959-60 #11-4020 in Stainless Steel 1959-60 8 Cylinder, 348 bbl 1959-60 #11-4021 in Stainless Steel 1959-60 Pump To Carb, 8 Cylinder, 283, 2 bbl 1959-60 #11-4022 in Stainless Steel 1964-65 Pump To Carb, 283, 2 bbl, OE Steel 1964-65 #11-4024 in Stainless Steel 1964-65 Pump To Carb, 283, 4 bbl, OE Steel 1964-65 #11-4025 in Stainless Steel 1964-65 Pump To Carb, 327, 4 bbl, OE Steel 1964-65 #11-4026 in Stainless Steel 57.99 ea. 80.99 ea. 21.99 ea. 29.99 ea. 57.99 ea. 80.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 25.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 25.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 25.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 116 1/29/15 4:50 PM FUEL SYSTEM 55-196198 55-196199 55-196200 55-196201 55-196202 55-196203 55-196204 55-196205 55-196206 55-196207 55-196208 55-196209 55-196212 55-196213 55-196214 55-196215 55-196216 55-196217 55-196218 55-196219 55-196220 55-196221 55-196265 55-196266 55-196267 55-196268 55-196269 55-196270 55-196271 55-196272 55-196273 55-196274 55-196275 55-196276 55-196277 55-196278 55-196279 55-196280 55-196281 55-196282 55-196283 55-196284 55-196285 55-196286 55-196287 55-196288 55-196289 55-196290 1966-67 Pump To Carb, 283, 2 bbl, OE Steel 1966-67 #11-4027 in Stainless Steel 1966-67 Pump To Carb, 283, 4 bbl, OE Steel 1966-67 #11-4028 in Stainless Steel 1966-67 Pump To Carb, 327, 2 bbl, OE Steel 1966-67 #11-4029 in Stainless Steel 1966-67 Pump To Carb, 327, 4 bbl, OE Steel 1966-67 #11-4030 in Stainless Steel 1966-67 Pump To Carburetor, 396, 4 bbl w/QJet, OE Steel 1966-67 #11-4031 in Stainless Steel 1966-67 Pump To Carburetor, 396, 4 bbl w/single feed Holley carb, OE Steel 1966-67 #11-4032 in Stainless Steel 1968 Pump to Carb, 396, 4 bbl, OE Steel 1968 #11-4033 in Stainless Steel 1969 Pump to Carb, 307, 2 bbl, OE Steel 1969 #11-4035 in Stainless Steel 1969 Pump to Carb, 350, 4 bbl, OE Steel 1969 #11-4036 in Stainless Steel 1969 Pump to Carb, 350, 2 bbl, OE Steel 1969 #11-4037 in Stainless Steel 1969 Pump to Carburetor, 396, 4 bbl, 3 lines w/return, OE Steel 1969 #11-4038 in Stainless Steel 1969 Pump to Carburetor, 350, 4 bbl, 3 lines w/return, OE Steel 1969 #11-4120 in Stainless Steel 1969 Pump to Carburetor, 350, 4 bbl, Holley, 3 pcs, OE Steel 1969 #11-4121 in Stainless Steel 1970 Pump to Carb, 350, 4 bbl, OE Steel 1970 #11-4122 in Stainless Steel 1970 Pump to Carb, 396, 4 bbl, OE Steel 1970 #11-4123 in Stainless Steel 1970 Pump to Carburetor, 454, 4 bbl, Long fuel pump,OE Steel 1970 #11-4124 in Stainless Steel 1970 Pump to Carburetor, 454, 4 bbl, Short fuel pump,OE Steel 1970 #11-4125 in Stainless Steel 1971-72 Pump to Carb, 402, 4 bbl, OE Steel 1971-72 #11-4126 in Stainless Steel l 1971-72 Pump to Carb, 350, 4 bbl, OE Steel 1971-72 #11-4127 in Stainless Steel 1971-72 Pump to Carb, 350, 2 bbl, OE Steel 1971-72 #11-4128 in Stainless Steel 1973-77 Pump to Carb, 350, 2 bbl, OE Steel 1973-77 #11-4129 in Stainless Steel 1973-77 Pump to Carb, 350, 4 bbl, OE Steel 1973-77 #11-4130 in Stainless Steel 1978-82 Pump to Carb, 305, 2 bbl, OE Steel 1978-82 #11-4131 in Stainless Steel 1978-82 Choke Tubes, 305, 2 bbl, OE Steel 1978-82 #11-4132 in Stainless Steel 19.99 ea. 25.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 25.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 25.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 25.99 ea. 55-196232 44.99 ea. 25.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 25.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 25.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 25.99 ea. 24.99 ea. 29.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 25.99 ea. 44.99 ea. 54.99 ea. 31.99 ea. 39.99 ea. 31.99 ea. 39.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 25.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 39.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 25.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 25.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 25.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 25.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 25.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 29.99 ea. 24.99 ea. 29.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 29.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 29.99 ea. Fuel Lines 55-196222 55-196223 55-196224 55-196225 55-196258 55-196226 55-196227 55-196228 55-196229 55-196230 55-196231 55-196259 55-196260 55-196232 55-196233 55-196234 55-196235 55-196236 55-196237 55-196238 55-196239 55-196261 55-196262 55-196240 55-196241 55-196242 55-196243 55-196244 55-196245 55-196246 55-196247 55-196248 55-196249 55-196250 55-196251 55-196252 55-196253 55-196254 55-196255 55-196256 55-196257 1959-60 Pump To Tank 348 & 283 4 bbl, 3⁄8" 64.99 ea. 1959-60 #11-4040 in Stainless Steel 94.99 ea. 1959-60 Pump To Tank, 6 Cyl & 8 Cyl 283, 5⁄16" 64.99 ea. 1959-60 #11-4042 in Stainless Steel 94.99 ea. 1959-60 Fuel Line Clip & Bolt use w/ 3⁄8" Line 11.99 ea. 1964-65 Main Fuel Line, 5⁄16", SB, OE Steel 59.99 ea. 1964-65 #11-4044 in Stainless Steel 89.99 ea. 1964-65 Main Fuel Line, 3⁄8", BB, OE Steel 59.99 ea. 1964-65 #11-4045 in Stainless Steel 89.99 ea. 1964-65 Fuel Return Line, 1⁄4", OE Steel 59.99 ea. 1964-65 #11-4046 in Stainless Steel 89.99 ea. 1964-65 Fuel Line Clip Set, no rtn line 18.99 ea. 1964-65 Fuel Line Clip Set, w/rtn line 12.99 ea. 1966-67 Main Fuel Line, 5⁄16", SB, OE Steel 59.99 ea. 1966-67 #11-4047 in Stainless Steel 89.99 ea. 1966-67 Main Fuel Line, 3⁄8", BB, OE Steel 69.99 ea. 1966-67 #11-4048 in Stainless Steel 89.99 ea. 1968-69 Main Fuel Line, 3⁄8", OE Steel 59.99 ea. 1968-69 #11-4050 in Stainless Steel 89.99 ea. 1968-69 Fuel Return Line, 1⁄4", OE Steel 59.99 ea. 1968-69 #11-4051 in Stainless Steel 89.99 ea. 1968-72 Fuel Line Clip Set, 5 pcs, no rtn line 11.99 ea. 1968-72 Fuel Line Clip Set, 5 pcs, w/rtn line 11.99 ea. 1970-72 Main Fuel Line, 3⁄8", OE Steel 59.99 ea. 1970-72 #11-4052 in Stainless Steel 94.99 ea. 1970-72 Fuel Return Line, 1⁄4", OE Steel 59.99 ea. 1970-72 #11-4053 in Stainless Steel 89.99 ea. 1973-77 Main Fuel Line, 3⁄8", OE Steel 64.99 ea. 1973-77 #11-4054 in Stainless Steel 99.99 ea. 1973-77 Fuel Return Line, 1⁄4", OE Steel 67.99 ea. 1973-77 #11-4055 in Stainless Steel 99.99 ea. 1978-82 Main Fuel Line, 3⁄8", OE Steel 64.99 ea. 1978-82 #11-4056 in Stainless Steel 99.99 ea. 1978-82 Fuel Return Line, 1⁄4", OE Steel 64.99 ea. 1978-82 #11-4057 in Stainless Steel 99.99 ea. 1983-87 Main Fuel Line, 3⁄8", carb, OE Steel 64.99 ea. 1983-87 #11-4058 in Stainless Steel 104.99 ea. 1983-87 Fuel Return Line, 1⁄4", OE Steel 64.99 ea. 1983-87 #11-4059 in Stainless Steel 99.99 ea. 1983-87 Main Fuel Line, 3⁄8", FI, OE Steel 69.99 ea. 1983-87 #11-4060 in Stainless Steel 104.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 117 117 1/29/15 4:50 PM FUEL SYSTEM Fuel Emission Lines 55-196303 55-196304 55-196307 55-196308 55-196305 55-196306 55-196309 55-196310 55-196311 55-196312 55-196313 55-196314 55-196315 55-196316 55-196317 55-196318 1970 Fuel Vapor Lines, 5⁄16", OE Steel 1970 #11-4150 in Stainless Steel 1970 Vapor Tank Line Set, OE Steel 1970 #11-4152 in Stainless Steel 1971-72 Fuel Vapor Lines, 5⁄16", OE Steel 1971-72 #11-4151 in Stainless Steel 1971-72 Vapor Tank Line Set, OE Steel 1971-72 #11-4153 in Stainless Steel 1973-77 Fuel Vapor Line, 5⁄16", OE Steel 1973-77 #11-4154 in Stainless Steel 1973-77 Tank Vent Line, OE Steel 1973-77 #11-4155 in Stainless Steel 1978-82 Fuel Vapor Line, 5⁄16", OE Steel 1978-82 #11-4156 in Stainless Steel 1983-87 Fuel Tank Vent Tubes carb, OE Steel 1983-87 #11-4157 in Stainless Steel 69.99 ea. 104.99 ea. 26.99 ea. 34.99 ea. 69.99 ea. 104.99 ea. 29.99 ea. 39.99 ea. 69.99 ea. 104.99 ea. 29.99 ea. 34.99 ea. 64.99 ea. 99.99 ea. 29.99 ea. 82.99 ea. 55-196321 55-196320 Charcoal Canisters 55-196320 1980 1980 only 55-196321 1978-87 Clips, spring loaded to mount canister 189.99 ea. 31.99 ea. 55-196261 Fuel Line Clip Set 55-196258 55-196259 55-196260 55-196261 55-196262 1959-60 For Use With 3/8" Fuel Line 1964-65 For Cars With No Return Line 1964-65 For Cars With Return Line 1968-72 For Cars With No Return Line 1968-72 For Cars With Return Line 11.99 ea. 18.99 ea. 12.99 ea. 11.99 ea. 11.99 ea. 55-196263 55-196264 Fuel System and Related Parts 55-196263 1959-60 Glass Fuel Bowl Assembly 36.99 ea. 55-196264 1959-60 Fuel Filter Element & Gskt for 55-196263 6.99 ea. 55-332811 1976-87 AC Delco Fuel Filter NEW 4.99 ea. 118 shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 118 1/29/15 4:50 PM FUEL SYSTEM 55-196324 Carburetor Brackets • Reproduction Of The Original 396/325Hp Or 395/350Hp Fuel Filter Bracket • For Use With Original Quadrajet Carburetor With Vapor Lines • Bolts To The Manifold Boss Hole On The Forward Edge Of The Intake Manifold • Holds the Original Fuel Filter Securely To The Front Of The Motor 55-196163 1969 Fuel Filter Bracket, 325 or 350hp, 396 55-196322 Carburetor Linkage Parts 55-196322 1959-60 Linkage Rod Kit - 348 TriPower 55-196324 1959-60 Accelerator Linkage Rod Bushing Kit 37.99 kit 6.99 kit 14.99 ea. 55-194215 55-198570 Accelerator Return Springs • Perfect When Adding A 2-4 Barrel Carburetor Set Up • Reproduction Of Later Style Factory Set Ups • Correct Manifold Mounted Spring Mounts • Includes Springs And Mounts 55-197241 1959-60 Carb / Accel Linkage Brkt & Spring 16.99 ea. 55-194220 Accelerator Cables 55-194215 55-198570 55-194216 55-194217 55-194218 55-194219 55-194220 55-194221 55-194224 1 9 6 4 -6 6 R o d 1964-67 Firewall Rod Support 1965-67 Big Block Rod w/ Swivel 1968 327, Small Block 1968-72 with 2 Brl, Small Block 1968-72 with 4 Brl, Big Block 1969-72 with 4 Brl, 350 1970-72 BB w/Special Hi-Performance, 21" 1 9 7 8 -8 7 3 0 5 16.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 31.99 ea. 40.99 ea. 38.99 ea. 61.99 ea. 39.99 ea. 56.99 ea. 46.99 ea. Accelerator Return Spring Bracket • Correct Carburetor Return Spring Bracket • Connects Return Spring From Coil Bracket To Carburetor • Critical For Proper Accelerator Articulation 55-194388 1968-70 Rtn Spring Bracket w/SB & QJet Carb toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 119 12.99 ea. 119 1/29/15 4:50 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 1959-’73 Loop Carpet Colors — These quality carpet kits are manufactured by Auto Custom Carpets. ACC is officially licensed by General Motors and produces the highest quality carpet on the market. The loop carpet kits are molded to the exact dimensions of the floor pan Every 1959-’73 carpet kit is made with the original-type 80% rayon / 20% nylon blend loop carpet. Kits come complete with the original-style 36 ounce jute padding attached to the underside of the carpet and a correct, color-keyed reproduction of the original heel pad, dielectrically heat sealed to the carpet. Please specify when ordering if your car is a four-speed manual or an automatic transmission. 5-883 Aqua 9-009 Medium Blue 2-005 Red 20-022 Gold 35-1956 Charcoal 13-010 Maroon 4-015 Ivy Gold 11-022 Light Saddle 1-003 Black 31-6364 Saddle 17-001 Bright Blue 22-893 Gunmetal Gray 7-878 Dark Blue 19-020 Fawn 45-1970 Dark Green 8-1011 Dark Green 14-018 Moss Green If you’re replacing your carpet, be sure to inspect the floor pans for rust. You may need to replace the floor pans or apply a rust preventative. Tuxedo Colors — Our loop carpet kits are available in Tuxedo colors for an additional charge of $50 per set. D-4 Tux Blue H-8 Tux Grey 983 Tux Olive A-1 Tux Olive Black C-3 Tux Red B-2 Tux Turquoise 1974-’87 Cut-Pile Carpet Colors — These quality carpet kits are manufactured by Auto Custom Carpets. ACC is officially licensed by General Motors and produces the highest quality carpet on the market. The cut-pile carpet kits are molded to the exact dimensions of the floor pan. Every 1974-’87 carpet kit is made with the original-type 100% nylon cut-pile carpet. Kits come complete with the original-style 36 ounce jute padding attached to the underside of the carpet and a correct, color-keyed reproduction of the original heel pad, dielectrically heat sealed to the carpet. On 1974-’77 cars, please specify whether your car is a four-speed manual or an automatic transmission. 840 Navy 835 Firethorn 4305 Oxblood 7500 Dk. Briar Brown 869 Willow Green 802 Blue 807 Dark Gray 819 Dark Blue 830 Buckskin 854 Caramel 4643 Powder Blue 4880 Sage Green 7039 Carmine 852 Silver 7295 Med. Doeskin 7504 Briar Brown 877 Dove Gray 7037 Camel Tan 7130 Dark Blue 8042 Jadestone 7298 Dark Maple 7625 Blue 7705 Med. Fern Gray 839 Federal Blue 801 Black 120 875 Oxblood shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 120 1/29/15 4:50 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM Carpet Color Table Use this chart in conjunction with the color samples on page 120 to determine which colors are available for your car. Carpet Kits See color samples on previous pages and applications in chart at right. For Tuxedo colors add 50 to prices shown below. “Mass Backing" is a part of the manufacturing process, a special latex coating is thermo-bonded to the back of the carpet to substantially increase the insulating and sound deadening properties of the basic carpet set. These carpet kits most closely resemble the original carpet that was used with cut pile kits. All items in this section are subject to oversize shipping charges. 01-4110 1959-60 Loop Starting at 149.99 ea. Loop (Tuxedo) 259.99 ea. 01-4120 1964-67 Loop 169.99 ea. 01-4130 1968-72 Loop 139.99 ea. 01-4140 1973 Loop 139.99 ea. 01-4150 1974-76 Two Pieces, Cut Pile 179.99 ea. 01-4151 1974-76 Two Pieces, Cut Pile w/Mass Backing 219.99 ea. Mass Backing—Dark Blue 219.99 ea. 01-4152 1977 1 Piece, Cut Pile 159.99 ea. 01-4153 1977 1 Piece, Cut Pile w/Mass Backing 199.99 ea. 01-4160 1978-87 Cut Pile 169.99 ea. 01-4161 1978-87 Cut Pile w/Mass Backing 199.99 ea. 01-4162 1 9 7 8 -8 7 S to ra g e C o m p a rtm e n t 79.99 ea. 01-4164 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 S to r a g e C u r ta in 71.99 ea. 01-4166 1978-87 Lower Door Panel 29.99 pr. Year Color Color Code Style 59-73 59-73 59-69 59-68 59-60 59-60 59-60 59-60 59-60 59-60 64-65 64-68 64-68 64-68 66 66 66 66 68 69 69-72 69-72 69-70 69-73 70 70-71 70 70 71 73 73 74-87 74-75 74-75 74 74-75 75-76 75-77 75 75 76-77 76 77 77-79 77-78 78-81 78-79 78-81 78-81 78-82 81 81-87 81-84 81-82 82 82-84 82-84 82-84 85-87 85-87 85-87 85-87 Black Red Aqua Medium Blue Tuxedo Black* Tuxedo Turquoise* Tuxedo Red* Tuxedo Blue* Tuxedo Gray* Tuxedo Olive* Light Medium Saddle Fawn/Sandalwood Gold Maroon Dark Blue Dark Green Saddle Charcoal Gunmetal Gray Moss Green Ivy Gold Bright Blue Dark Blue Dark Green Medium Blue Fawn/Sandalwood Dark Green Gold Moss Green Medium Blue Maroon Black Willow Green Waxberry Navy Oxblood Blue Buckskin Dark Gray Dark Blue Firethorn Navy Caramel Powder Blue Sage Green Silver Carmine Willow Green Camel Tan Dark Blue Waxberry Medium Doeskin Dark Maple Jadestone Briar Brown Dark Briar Brown Blue Medium Fern Gray Federal Blue Oxblood Dove Gray Sage Green 1-003 2-005 5-883 9-009 A-1 B-2 C-3 D-4 H-8 983 11-022 19-020 20-022 13-010 7-878 8-1011 31-6364 35-1956 22-893 14-018 4-015 17-001 7-878 8-1011 9-009 19-020 45-1970 20-022 14-018 9-009 13-010 801 869 7296 840 4305 802 830 807 819 835 840 854 4643 4880 852 7039 869 7037 7130 7296 7295 7298 8042 7504 7500 7625 7705 839 875 877 4880 Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile Cut Pile * An additional charge of $50 applies to Tuxedo colors. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 121 121 1/29/15 4:50 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM Carpeted Floor Mats • • • • Officially Licensed GM Floor Mats High Quality Rubber Back Carpeted Floor Mats Skid Resistant Backing Choose From One Of Our Many Exciting Custom Logos • Made from the Same Material As Our High Quality Floor Carpet For Exact Match • Quality Custom Floor Mats Offer That Extra Show Touch Over Generic Part Store Mats 01-4272 1959-60 Embroidered Floor Mats 109.99 set 55-283920 1964-67 Embroidered Floor Mats 99.99 set 55-283952 1968-72 Embroidered Floor Mats 109.99 set 55-283909 1973-77 Embroidered Floor Mats 109.99 set 55-283937 1978-87 Embroidered Floor Mats 97.99 set Pick Your Carpet Color Pick Your Logo Pick Your Thread Color 122 shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 122 1/29/15 4:51 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-192570 Floor Mats, Original GM Accessory • GM Approved • Original GM Accessory 55-192570 1959-60 Original GM Accessory Mats, Gray 159.99 ea. 55-192574 1959-60 Original GM Accessory Mats, Black 159.99 ea. 55-192575 1959-60 Original GM Accessory Mats, Blue 159.99 ea. 55-192576 1959-60 Original GM Accessory Mats, Red 159.99 ea. 55-192578 1959-60 Original GM Accessory Mats, Tan 159.99 ea. 55-192566 Sound Deadeners, Under Carpet 55-192571 55-192566 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 35.99 ea. 55-192567 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 35.99 ea. 55-192590 1964-67 Original Style 74.99 ea. 55-192568 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 35.99 ea. 55-192592 1968-72 Original Style 39.99 ea. 55-192569 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 35.99 ea. 55-192557 Floor Mats, Vintage Rubber • Era Correct Vintage Style Rubber Floor Mats • Includes Left And Right Side • Adds A Fantastic look To Your Interior • Replaces Rare, Often Damaged Or Crumbling Originals 55-192571 1964-67 “El Camino” Block Letters w/Bowtie Black 01-4263 123.99 ea. 55-192558 1964-67 “El Camino” Block Letters w/Bowtie, Dk Bl, Brt Red, Tan, Maroon, or Grn 124.99 ea. 55-192572 1968-72 Vintage Rubber—“El Camino” Block Letters w/SS emblem, Black 01-4265 123.99 ea. 1968-72 Vintage Rubber—“El Camino” Block 129.99 ea. 55-192573 1968-72 Vintage Rubber—“El Camino” Block Letters w/Bowtie, Black 01-4267 • Anodized Aluminum Construction • Includes Fisher Emblem 55-192557 1959-60 With screws Letters w/SS emblem, Dark blue, Bright Red, Tan, Maroon, Green Door Sill Plates 123.99 ea. 55-192558 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 139.99 ea. 55-192560 1968-72 Ribs, LH 104.99 ea. 55-192562 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 R H Letters w/Bowtie, Dark Blue, Bright Red, Tan, 55-192563 1968-72 LH 129.99 ea. 55-192564 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 123 44.99 pr. 55-192559 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 S m o o t h F i n i s h 1968-72 Vintage Rubber—“El Camino” Block Maroon, Green 112.99 pr. 26.99 ea. 26.99 ea. 107.99 pr. 123 1/29/15 4:51 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-192593 Acoustic Insulation Kits • Best Quality Sound Deadener For El Camino • Kit Does Inner Door Section Behind Door Panels Of El Camino • Pre-cut Strips For Easy Inner Door Access • Heat Barrier and Sound Deadener All In One Complete Kit Turn your El Camino into “Quiet Riding Comfort”! Introducing a multi-stage, automotive insulation and sound damping system to give older El Camino’s the “quiet riding comfort” found in today’s new cars. These kits are designed on current state of the art auto acoustic technology, to insulate and control the noise, vibration and heat in the passenger cabin. Kits are pre-cut and installed in a couple of hours with easy to follow illustrated instructions – everything you need to do the job right! 55-192712 1959-60 Floor Kit 189.99 kit 55-192713 1959-60 Roof Kit 104.99 kit 55-192714 1959-60 Rear Cab Wall Kit 104.99 kit 55-192715 1959-60 Cowl Kit 99.99 kit 55-192716 1959-60 Door Kit 49.99 kit 55-192717 1959-60 Floor, Roof, Rear Cab, Cowl and Doors 429.99 kit 55-192718 1964-67 Floor Kit 195.99 kit 55-192719 1964-67 Roof Kit 109.99 kit 55-192720 1964-67 Rear Cab Wall Kit 119.99 kit 55-192721 1964-67 Cowl Kit 99.99 kit 55-192716 1964-67 Door Kit 49.99 kit 55-192723 1964-67 Floor, Roof, Rear Cab, Cowl and Doors 449.99 kit 55-192594 55-192595 Thermal Acoustic Insulation • • • • • • Quality Replacement 99% Aluminum Foil Backing Natural Fiber Insulation Trim To Fit 6' X 4' X ½" Sheet Class A Fire Rating This natural fiber insulation with a 99% aluminum foil barrier provides superior protection against heat, sound, moisture and airflow. All this plus a Class A fire rating, easy to use, and install. With no fiberglass resin or formaldehyde used you will need no protective clothing when installing. This product comes in a 4' x 6' x 1⁄2" sheet, trims easy and is installed with spray adhesive. 55-192593 4' x 6' x 1/2" sheet 39.99 ea. 55-192724 1968-72 Floor Kit 189.99 kit 19.99 ea. 55-192725 1968-72 Roof Kit 55-192594 16 ounce spray adhesive 109.99 kit 55-192726 1968-72 Rear Cab Wall Kit 55-192595 30 foot roll, aluminum seam tape 109.99 kit 55-192727 1968-72 Cowl Kit 99.99 kit 55-192716 1968-72 Door Kit 49.99 kit 8.99 ea. 55-192729 1968-72 Floor, Roof,Rear Cab, Cowl and Doors 489.99 kit 55-192730 1973-77 Floor Kit 189.99 kit 55-192731 1973-77 Roof Kit 109.99 kit 55-192732 1973-77 Rear Cab Wall Kit 109.99 kit 55-192733 1973-77 Cowl Kit 99.99 kit 55-192716 1973-77 Door Kit 49.99 kit 55-192735 1973-77 Floor, Roof, Rear Cab, Cowl and Doors 459.99 kit 55-192736 1978-87 Floor Kit 189.99 kit 55-192737 1978-87 Roof Kit 114.99 kit 55-192738 1978-87 Rear Cab Wall Kit 114.99 kit 55-192739 1978-87 Cowl Kit 97.99 kit 55-192716 1978-87 Door Kit 49.99 kit 55-192741 1978-87 Floor, Roof, Rear Cab, Cowl and Doors 469.99 kit 124 shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 124 1/29/15 4:51 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 1959-’60 Seat Covers and Door Panel Colors Year 59 59 59 59 59 59 Color Copper Turquoise Gray Green Blue Red Code 865 852 809 825 841 873 Year Color 60 Copper 60 Turquoise 60 Green 60 Blue 60 Red and White 60 Black and White Code 865A 852A 825A 841A 873A 809A Seat Cover Pricing is on Page 130 Door Panel Pricing is on Pages 135, 138 865 Copper - Medium Vinyl / Light Vinyl / Patterned Cloth / Embossed Vinyl 865A Copper - Medium Vinyl / Light Vinyl / Patterned Cloth 809 Gray - Medium Vinyl / Light Vinyl / Patterned Cloth / Embossed Vinyl 809A Black and White - Black Vinyl / White Vinyl / Patterned Cloth 841 Blue - Medium Vinyl / Light Vinyl / Patterned Cloth / Embossed Vinyl 841A Blue - Medium Vinyl / Light Vinyl / Patterned Cloth 852 Turquoise - Medium Vinyl / Light Vinyl / Patterned Cloth / Embossed Vinyl 852A Turquoise - Medium Vinyl / Light Vinyl / Patterned Cloth 825 Green - Medium Vinyl / Light Vinyl / Patterned Cloth / Embossed Vinyl 825A Green - Medium Vinyl / Light Vinyl / Patterned Cloth 873 Red - Red Vinyl / Patterned Cloth / Gray Embossed Vinyl 873A Red and White - Red Vinyl / White Vinyl / Patterned Cloth toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 125 125 1/29/15 4:51 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 1964-’77 Door Panel and Seat Cover Colors M35 Lt. Saddle M33 2Tone Dark Red S69 White S57 Fawn M22 Fawn S65 Saddle S64 Red S58 Light Fawn S56 Light Blue M37 White M25 Green M42 Dark Saddle M41 Sandalwood M19 Jade Green M14 Bright Blue M27 Parchment M24 Dk. Met. Green M23 Light Green M16 Dk. Met. Blue M46 Ivy Gold M30 Red M28 Pearl M17 ‘68’ Blue M15 Blue M12 Light Blue M10 Black S55 Black M04 Dark Aqua M02 Aqua S50 Aqua M47 Tan M43 Gold M31 Red M36 Saddle M20 Bronze PLEASE NOTE: M18 Navy Blue M32 Bright Red Seat Cover Pricing is on Page 130 Door Panel Pricing is on Pages 135, 138 Due to the limitations of the four-color printing process, some samples shown in this catalog may differ slightly in color from actual products. For questions regarding exact color matches, please contact us. 1973-87 Lower Door Panel Colors — These colors are NOT OEM colors and are not an exact match to a stock interior. Inquire with a sales representative for the best color for your interior or consider purchasing our vinyl dyes which will give you an exact match. 15013 Black 15133 Wedgewood 15213 Bluemist 15123 Santa Fe 15323 Palomino 15183 Warm Gray 15303 Graphite 15423 Taupe 15273 Napa Red 15063 Burgundy 15363 Portola Red 126 15043 Shadow Blue 15033 Saddle Tan 15163 Presidio 15173 Camel 15093 Lt. Buckskin 15023 Cordovan 15403 Evergreen 15113 Firethorn 15003 Phantom White shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 126 1/29/15 4:51 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 1973-’77 Custom Seat Cover Colors — These seat covers are made from top-quality Oxen grain vinyl and when applicable, Regal velour cloth. Whether you have bucket or bench seats, there are several options to choose from. Each seat cover set includes hog rings and hog ring pliers for installation. See page 130 for details and pricing. Seats can be ordered in all Oxen grain vinyl or with custom Regal velour cloth insert. Each color group shows the vinyl color on the left and the available velour cloth on the right. Colors cannot be mixed. Please inquire with one of our sales representatives if you need samples or further clarification. 4560 Black 898L Silver 4566 Sandalwood 014M Sandstone 4562 Medium Blue 015M Blue 4568 Maroon 899L Burgundy 4567 Dark Saddle 014M Sandstone 0815 Light Blue 015M Blue 4998 Firethorne 899L Burgundy 0803 Buckskin 014M Sandstone PLEASE NOTE: Due to the limitations of the four-color printing process, some samples shown in this catalog may differ slightly in color from actual products. For questions regarding exact color matches, please contact us. 1978-’80 Custom Seat Cover Colors — These bench seat covers are one of the newest additions to our catalog. They are made from top-quality Madrid grain vinyl and when applicable, Madrid velour cloth. Whether you have a straight bench, a split bench or center armrests, there are several different seat options to choose from. Please inquire with one of our sales representatives if you need further clarification. Each seat cover set includes hog rings and hog ring pliers for installation. See page 130 for details and pricing. Seats can be ordered in all Madrid grain vinyl or with custom Madrid velour cloth insert. Each color group shows the vinyl color on the left and the available velour cloth color on the right. Colors cannot be mixed. 2295 Black 6T79 Charcoal 2309 Medium Blue 626H Royal Blue 90022 Palomino P775 Sandstone 4545 Maroon 3X73 Brick 4489 Navy Blue 6T78 Ocean Blue 0702 Charcoal 3X72 Silver 1981-’87 Custom Seat Cover Colors — See page 130 for details and pricing. Seats can be ordered in all Madrid grain vinyl or with custom Madrid velour cloth insert. Each color group shows the vinyl color on the left and the available velour cloth color on the right. Colors cannot be mixed. 2295 Black 898L Silver 2309 Medium Blue 015M Blue 90022 Palomino 014M Sandstone 4545 Maroon 899L Burgundy 4489 Navy Blue 015M Blue 0702 Charcoal 628H Charcoal toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 127 127 1/29/15 4:51 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 1978-’87 Door Panel and Seat Cover Kits — Superior craftsmanship and a two year warranty make these OEM style door panels and seat covers the best you can buy. Manufactured by PUI Interiors, a manufacturer of quality automotive interior restoration components for over 25 years. PUI takes great pains to reproduce upholstery in the exact material grains, colors and patterns as the original. The panels are ready to install and include inner window felts, lock knob ferrules and correct mylar striping. Door panels and seat covers are subject to UPS Oversize shipping charges. Seat Cover pricing is on page 130 Door Panel pricing is on page 135, 138 05 Black Cloth 03 Blue Cloth 02 Gray Cloth 01 Maroon Cloth 04 Saddle Cloth Z7O Black Vinyl Z36 Buckskin Vinyl Z48 Camel Vinyl Z38 Carmine Vinyl Z02 Gray Vinyl Z90 Light Blue Vinyl Z18 Navy Blue Vinyl Z04 Saddle Vinyl Z41 Sandalwood Vinyl Z66 Silver Vinyl Z21 Willow Green Vinyl Z03 Dark Blue Vinyl Year Color Z01 Claret Vinyl Door Panel and Seat Cover Color Table Use this chart in conjunction with the color samples on pages 125-128 to determine which colors are available for your car. Year Color Color Code 5 9 C o p p e r 59 Turquoise 59 Gray 59 Green 59 Blue 5 9 R e d 6 0 C o p p e r 60 Turquoise 60 Green 60 Blue 60 Red and White 60 Black and White 64 White 64 Saddle 6 4 R e d 64 Light Fawn 64 Light Blue 64 Black 64 Aqua 65, 74 Light Saddle 65 Two-Tone Dark Red (w/M30) 65-66 Two-Tone Fawn (w/M22) 65-66 Fawn 65-66 Two-Tone Dark Aqua (w/M02) 65-66 Two-Tone Blue (w/M12) 65-67 Aqua 65-67, 72, 74, 76-77 White 65-67, 68 Light Blue 65-67, 68-69, 76 Red 65-77 Black 66 Bronze 66-67, 70 Bright Blue 67, 70 Gold 68 Ivy Gold 8 6 5 852 809 825 841 8 7 3 8 6 5 A 852A 825A 841A 873A 809A S69 S65 S 6 4 S58 S56 S55 S50 M35 M33 S57 M22 M04 M15 M02 M37 M12 M30 M10 M20 M14 M43 M46 68 68, 70 68-70, 74, 76 69 69 69, 76 69-70 70 71, 75 71, 74 71-75 71-74 72 72 74 77 77 78-80 78-79 78-80 78-79 79-80 80 80 81 81 81 81, 83-87 81-84 82 82 85-87 85-87 85-87 ‘68’ Blue Pearl Saddle Parchment Light Green Dark Metallic Blue Dark Metallic Green Red Dark Saddle Jade Green Sandalwood Navy Blue Tan Green Bright Red Light Blue Firethorne Black, vinyl Light Blue Camel Carmine Willow Green Navy Blue Maroon / Claret Buckskin Sandalwood Light Blue Maroon / Claret Navy Blue Camel Silver Dark Blue Saddle Gray Color Code M17 M28 M36 M27 M23 M16 M24 M31 M42 M19 M41 M18 M47 M25 M32 Z90 Z45 Z70 Z90 Z48 Z38 Z21 Z18 Z01 Z36 Z41 Z90 Z01 Z18 Z48 Z66 Z03 Z04 Z02 Did you know that the 1968-’72 and 1978-’87 assembled door panels include the inner window felts and door lock ferrules? 128 shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 128 1/29/15 4:51 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM Style E Style A S tr a ig h t Bench with 50/50 split back and headrests. S tr a ig h t B e n c h , split back with h e a d re s ts , n o a rm re s t Style F Style B S tr a ig h t Bench with 50/50 split back, center a rm re s t a n d headrests. S tr a ig h t Bench with split back, h e a d re s ts , c e n te r a rm re s t, a n d back rest buttons. Style C Style G Swivel Bucket S e a t S tr a ig h t B e n c h with 50/50 split back, h e a d re s ts a n d 1 0 pleats. Style D Split Bench with 50/50 split back, dual a rm re s ts a n d headrests. Style H Bucket Seat with built-in headrest. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 129 129 1/29/15 4:51 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM Style I Straight Bench with split back and headrests. No armrests. Style L Split Bench with 60/40 split back, c e n te r a rm re s t a n d headrests. Style J Straight Bench with split back, headrests and armrests. Style K Straight Bench with 50/50 split back, c e n te r a rm re s t, h e a d re s ts a n d 9 pleats. Style M European Reclining Bucket with headrest. Seat Covers We offer a variety of choices for your seat covers. The “OEM style” covers are manufactured by PUI Interiors, a manufacturer of quality automotive interior restoration components for over 25 years. PUI takes great pains to reproduce upholstery in the exact material grains, colors and patterns as the original. If you are purchasing new upper door panels, the “OEM style” seat covers are highly recommended because they will be an absolute match. The 73-80 “OEM style” seat covers are only available in vinyl. The 81-87 “OEM style” seat covers come in Empress cloth and feature Sierra grain vinyl subassemblies. The vinyl and vinyl w/velour seat covers that we offer are high quality seat covers made for your vehicle. These seat covers are offered in a wider variety of colors and styles, but are not exact to your original color. When in doubt, please ask us for color samples. We would be happy to provide them. (See color samples on pages 125-128 and application table on page 128. Please specify color group when ordering) Year Seat Style 1959 B e n c h 1960 B e n c h Year 1973 Seat Style C 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971-72 130 Seat Style Bucket 289.99 Bucket 179.99 Bucket 179.99 Bucket 179.99 Bucket 179.99 Bucket 219.99 Bucket 219.99 Bucket 179.99 A n/a 1974-77 B ‘74-’76 01-2850 249.99 ‘7 7 0 1 -2 8 6 0 249.99 ‘74-’75 01-2909 ‘7 6 0 1 -2 9 1 0 ‘7 7 0 1 -2 9 1 1 349.99 C D 1978-80 n/a E Vinyl with Cloth 0 1 -2 6 8 2 519.99 0 1 -2 6 8 4 499.99 OEM Vinyl Seat Style 0 1 -2 6 9 0 B e n c h 0 1 -2 7 1 0 B e n c h 0 1 -2 7 3 0 B e n c h 0 1 -2 7 5 0 B e n c h 0 1 -2 7 7 0 B e n c h 0 1 -2 7 9 0 B e n c h 0 1 -2 8 1 0 B e n c h 0 1 -2 8 3 0 B e n c h OEM Vinyl 0 1 -2 7 0 0 289.99 0 1 -2 7 2 0 179.99 0 1 -2 7 4 0 179.99 0 1 -2 7 6 0 179.99 0 1 -2 7 8 0 179.99 0 1 -2 8 0 0 219.99 0 1 -2 8 2 0 219.99 0 1 -2 8 4 0 179.99 0 1 -2 9 0 8 289.99 1973-77 1978-82 0 1 -2 8 5 2 289.99 F n/a G n/a H Year OEM Vinyl 0 1 -2 8 5 3 289.99 I n/a J n/a K 01-2864* 1981-87 284.99 L 01-2865* 284.99 M 01-2866* 284.99 * OEM Cloth with Vinyl Madrid/Oxen Grain Vinyl 0 1 -2 8 6 2 234.99 0 1 -2 9 1 2 319.99 Vinyl with Velour Inserts 0 1 -2 8 6 3 239.99 0 1 -2 9 1 3 399.99 0 1 -2 9 1 4 326.99 0 1 -2 9 1 5 359.99 0 1 -2 8 5 5 349.99 0 1 -2 9 2 4 239.99 0 1 -2 9 2 6 259.99 0 1 -2 9 3 0 214.99 0 1 -2 9 1 7 239.99 Black and Silver 239.99 0 1 -2 8 5 6 359.99 0 1 -2 9 2 5 249.99 0 1 -2 9 2 7 279.99 0 1 -2 9 3 1 234.99 0 1 -2 9 1 8 264.99 0 1 -2 9 1 9 269.99 0 1 -2 8 5 7 214.99 0 1 -2 8 5 8 269.99 0 1 -2 8 5 9 249.99 0 1 -2 9 2 8 329.99 0 1 -2 9 2 1 254.99 n/a 0 1 -2 9 1 6 234.99 n/a 0 1 -2 8 6 1 299.99 0 1 -2 9 2 9 369.99 0 1 -2 9 2 2 279.99 shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 130 1/29/15 4:51 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-192457 55-192749 Bucket Seat Back Spring Assemblies Seat Foam 55-192456 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 B e n c h 55-192748 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 119.99 ea. 55-192749 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 119.99 ea. 55-192750 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 119.99 ea. 289.99 set 55-192457 1964-65 Buckets 55-192376 89.99 ea. 55-192459 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 B e n c h 179.99 set 55-192458 1966-67 Buckets 89.99 ea. 55-192460 1968-70 Buckets 89.99 ea. 55-192461 1968-72 Bench, thin foam for backrest w/spring assy. 189.99 ea. 55-192462 1968-72 Bench, thick foam for backrests w/o spring assy. 179.99 ea. 55-192463 1971-72 Buckets 89.99 ea. Seat Frame Assemblies • Perfect For Rebuilding Worn Or Damage Factory Units • Great For Adding Bucket Seats To A Non Bucket Car • Comes With Spring Assemblies 55-192375 1966-68 RH Bucket Seat 419.99 ea. 55-192376 1966-68 LH Bucket Seat 397.99 ea. 55-192377 1969-72 LH or RH Bucket Seat 379.99 ea. 55-192742 Bucket Seat Bottom Spring Assemblies • Easy Installation • No Cutting, Welding, or Additional Modifications Needed 55-192742 1964-65 Assembly with side supports 119.99 ea. 55-192743 1966-67 Assembly with side supports 119.99 ea. 55-192744 1968-72 Assembly with side supports 119.99 ea. 55-192378 55-192745 Seat Side Support Springs 55-192745 1964-65 Buckets 24.99 ea. 55-192746 1966-72 Buckets 39.99 ea. 55-192747 1 9 6 6 - 7 2 B e n c h 39.99 ea. Seat Assemblies, Aftermarket • Best Quality Replacement Seat • Not A Correct Replacement For The Factory Seat, But A Good Replacement To Start With If You Have Nothing In Your El Camino • Must Use Aftermarket Or Custom Made Seat Covers • Bolt Pattern 44-3/4" Center To Center 55-192378 1 9 6 4 -7 2 F ra m e 55-192464 1 9 6 4 - 7 2 S e a t F o a m 999.99 ea. fo r B e n c h S e a t toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 131 369.99 ea. 131 1/29/15 4:52 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-192437 55-192379 Headrests • Complete Bucket Headrest Ready For Your Seat • Left And Right Included These El Camino reproduction bucket seat headrests have been manufactured to original factory specifications using today's modern manufacturing techniques. You will find the fit, finish and function will work superbly for your restoration. 55-211518 55-192437 1966-67 Bucket, Black 01-2933 Seat Track Assemblies • Spring Assembly Pre Attached • Perfect For Bench Seat To Bucket Conversions • Correct Chrome Knob 55-192379 1968-72 RH Bucket Seat 89.99 ea. 55-192380 1968-72 LH Bucket Seat 99.99 ea. 55-211518 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 B e n c h S e a t 84.99 ea. 229.99 pr. 1966-67 Bucket, Specify Color 279.99 pr. 55-192438 1969 Bucket, Black 01-2935 179.99 pr. 1969 Bucket, Specify Color 209.99 pr. 55-192439 1970-72 Bucket, Black 174.99 pr. 55-192384 55-192383 01-2940 Headrest Covers for Bucket or Bench Seats Seat Conversion Brackets 55-192383 1964-72 Mounting Conversion Brackets 39.99 pr. 55-192384 1964-72 Power Seat Mounting Brackets 64.99 pr. • Authentic Style Outer Cover • Replaces Commonly Cracked, Torn Or Faded Originals • Perfect For Any Level Restoration 01-2940 1968-72 Bench, Specify Color and Code 39.99 pr. 01-3131 1968-72 Bucket, Specify Color and Code 39.99 pr. 55-192370 55-262513 1969-72 Strato Bucket Seat Back Latch • Completes One Seat • Includes Entire Seat Back Latch Mechanism • Chrome Button And Bezel Included 55-192371 Now you can restore your old seats back to show room condition with the confidence of a 100% new unit made with modern manufacturing techniques. These high-quality reproductions feature an original style, correct release button, complete lock mechanism, and mechanism sheathing. 55-262513 132 129.99 ea. Bucket Seat Headrest Escutcheons • Correct Chrome Style Headrest Locks • Includes Mounting Screws 55-192370 1969 Headrest Lock Assy 41.99 pr. 55-192371 1970-72 Headrest Lock Assy, 2 bkts, 4 pcs. 25.99 set shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 132 1/29/15 4:52 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 1966-72 Strato Bucket Seat Headrest Guides • Completes One Seat • Includes Guides, Trim Plates, Bezels, Knobs And Hardware 55-262497 56.99 set Chrome Seat Trim Bullet Ends 55-192369 1968-72 Molding End Caps, set of 12 25.99 set 55-192372 55-192453 Bucket Seat Release Buttons Bucket Seat Backs And Bottoms • Chrome Trim Pre-Attached 55-192448 1966 Backs, Black 01-3224 69.99 pr. 1966 Backs, specify color and code 55-192453 1966 Complete 6 piece set, Black 84.99 pr. 1966 Complete 6 piece set, specify color 199.99 set 01-3228 1966-67 Bottoms, specify color and code 74.99 pr. 1967 Backs, specify color and code 01-3354 1967 Complete 6 piece Set, specify color 55-192445 1968 Backs, Black 1968 Complete 6 Piece Set, specify color 55-192446 1969-72 Back, Black 69.99 pr. 149.99 set 199.99 set 74.99 pr. as original with bullet ends 89.99 pr. Bench Seat Hinge Arm Covers 55-192440 1966-72 Black 1969-72 Bottom, Colors, Spec. Color and Code 1969-72 Complete 6 Piece Set, specify color 69.99 pr. 149.99 set 199.99 set 55-192441 Bucket Seat Back And Bottom Chrome Trim • Reproduction Of Original 55-192366 1 9 6 6 - 7 2 57.99 pr. 59.99 pr. 55-192452 1969-72 Complete 6 Piece Set, Black 01-3330 89.99 pr. 1969-72 Back, Colors, Spec. Color and Code, 55-192450 1969-72 Bottom, Black 01-3321 84.99 pr. 179.99 set 74.99 pr. 1968 Bottoms, specify color and code 55-192451 1968 Complete 6 Piece Set, Black 01-3261 54.99 pr. 69.99 pr. as original without bullet ends 01-3323 20.99 ea. 55-192374 1969-72 Seat Back Lock Button 1968 Back, Colors, Spec. Color and Code, 55-192447 1968 Bottoms, Black 01-3219 35.99 ea. 55-192373 1969-72 Seat Back Lock Button 69.99 pr. 01-3348 01-3211 55-192372 1967-68 Seat Back Lock Button 149.99 set 01-3344 55-192454 1967 Backs, Black 55-192374 55-192442 Seat Adjustment Knobs 55-192441 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 C h r o m e 16.99 ea. 55-192442 1 9 6 4 - 6 6 C h r o m e 23.99 ea. 55-192444 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 C h r o m e 10.99 ea. 55-192385 1968-77 Front Seat Adj Knobs, Black 33.99 set 55-192386 1968-72 Front Seat Adj Knobs, Chrome toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 133 55-192444 2.99 ea. 11.99 ea. 133 1/29/15 4:52 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM Seatbelts (Continued) 01-1857 1968-72 Retrofit Kit- Lap and Shoulder Combowith Deluxe Metal Buckles, Set of 2, (Specify color: Black, Blue, Burgundy, Gray or Tan) Seat Back Stops 01-1860 55-192381 249.99 set 1973-77 Seatbelts for Bench Seats (Specify color: Black, Blue, Burgundy, Charcoal,Gray, Tan or 55-192381 1966-72 Seat Back Oval Bumpers Red) 19.99 set 55-192382 1964-72 Seat Back Round Bumpers 7.99 set 01-1859 249.99 set 1978-87 Retrofit Kit—Lap and Shoulder Combo with Deluxe Metal Buckles, Set of 2, (Specify color: Black, Blue, Burgundy, Gray or Tan) 249.99 set Seat Cover Emblems 55-192751 55-192751 1 9 6 6 Call 55-192752 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 Call 55-192352 Seatbelt Bolts 55-192352 1972-75 GM Replacement 8.99 ea. 55-192353 1 9 7 6 - 8 7 F o r s p a r e t i r e a n d s u p p o r t t o g u i d e , 10.99 ea. 55-192354 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 F o r r e t r a c t o r s , n e e d 2 15.99 ea. Seatbelt Retractor 01-1859 Seatbelts 01-1850 1959-60 Aircraft-Style Buckle, each side, (Specify color: Black, Blue, Burgundy, Dark Brown, Green, Gray, Ivory, Red, Orange, Tan, Turquoise, White, Purple Navy Blue, Powder Blue, Desert Tan, Medium Beige, Silver, Glove Red, Charcoal) 01-1851 27.99 ea. 1959-60 Aircraft-Style Buckles w/Retractors, 55-192348 Seatbelt Retractor Covers • ABS Plastic With Proper Texture and Codes 55-197457 Safety Code) Burgundy, Dark Brown, Green, Gray, Ivory, Red, 47.99 ea. 55-197458 1968-70 Standard Cover (Robbins 6715 Safety Orange, Tan, Turquoise, White, Purple, Navy Code) Blue, Powder Blue, Desert Tan, Medium Beige, 01-1853 29.99 pr. 55-197457 1965-70 Dlx and Some Std Covers (RCF-300 2 Point Kit, Set of 2, (Specify color: Black, Blue, Silver, Glove Red, Charcoal) 55-192348 1 9 5 9 - 6 5 159.99 set 47.99 ea. 55-197490 1968-69 Finish Knob Button, Black 13.99 ea. 55-197459 1965-70 Deluxe Cover (RCF-400 Safety Code) 47.99 ea. 1964-67 Deluxe Metal w/Retractors, 2 Point Kit for Bench Seat, Set of 2, (Specify color: Black, Blue, Burgundy, Gray or Tan) 01-1854 159.99 set 1964-67 Deluxe Metal w/Retractors, 2 Point Kit for Bucket Seats, Set of 2, (Specify color: Black, Blue, Burgundy, Gray or Tan) 01-1852 197.99 set 1964-87 Lap Belts w/Deluxe Buckles, each side, (Specify color: Black, Blue, Burgundy, Gray or Tan) 134 74.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 134 1/29/15 4:52 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM Door Panels – Assembled • Era Correct Vinyl Material • New Reproduction Metal Top Rails Pre Installed (No Core Required) • Inner Window Felt Pre-Installed • Lock Ferrules Pre-Installed • Front and Rear Kick Panels Included • Extra Vinyl Material To Cover Your Original Arm Rest Pads Shoulder Harness Retainers 55-242267 1 9 6 9 - 7 2 7.99 pr. 55-192362 See color samples on page 125. The 1959-’60 door panels are built around your clean top metal rails, which must be received at the time you place your order. If you no longer have your top rails, please inquire with one of our sales representatives. We may be able to assist you. 01-0007 1959 Colors - Specify Color and Code 789.99 pr. 01-0016 1960 Colors - Specify Color and Code 789.99 pr. 55-198576 1959-60 Cardboard Panels, Uncovered 55-192233 1964 Black 01-0071 Shoulder Belt Guides 55-192362 1974-77 Bench, RH or LH, Black 10.99 ea. 55-192361 1974-87 Bucket, RH or LH, Black 22.99 ea. 1964 Colors - Specify Color and Code 55-192234 1965 Black 01-0181 1965 Colors - Specify Color and Code 55-192235 1966 Black 01-0281 1966 Colors - Specify Color and Code 55-192236 1967 Black 01-0341 1967 Colors - Specify Color and Code 55-192237 1968 Black 01-0401 1968 Colors - Specify Color and Code 55-192238 1969 Black 55-192357 55-192358 Seatbelt Emblems 01-0471 55-192239 1970 Black 01-0531 55-192357 1964 Bowtie in Circle 12.99 pr. 55-192358 1 9 6 5 - 6 6 S t a n d a r d I n t e r i o r 15.99 pr. 55-192359 1966 Deluxe Interior 12.99 pr. 1969 Colors - Specify Color and Code 1970 Colors - Specify Color and Code 55-192240 1971 Black 01-0571 1971 Colors - Specify Color and Code 55-192241 1972 Black 01-0621 1972 Colors - Specify Color and Code 01-0715 1973-77 Lower only, Black (specify with or w/o pwr wdw and /or locks) 01-0725 Console 1 9 7 0 -7 2 44.99 ea. 139.99 pr. 147.99 pr. 139.99 pr. 146.99 pr. 139.99 pr. 149.99 pr. 146.99 pr. 236.99 pr. 224.99 pr. 236.99 pr. 224.99 pr. 236.99 pr. 224.99 pr. 236.99 pr. 224.99 pr. 236.99 pr. 224.99 pr. 199.99 pr. 1973-77 Lower only, Colors, (Specify Color, also specify with or w/o pwr wdw and/or pwr Seatbelt Pockets 55-192556 25.99 pr. 139.99 pr. door locks) 55-192242 1978-80 Upper only, Black 01-0756 1978-80 Upper only, Colors Specify Color and 01-0735 1978-87 Lower only, Black (specify with or w/o C o d e pwr door locks and/or remote mirror) 01-0745 214.99 pr. 279.99 pr. 264.99 pr. 259.99 pr. 1978-87 Lower only, pair, Colors (Specify Color, also specify with or w/o pwr door locks and/or remote mirror) 01-0765 a n d C o d e 319.99 pr. 55-192350 01-1862 Product Illustrations on Page 136-137 Seatbelt Replacement Covers 55-192349 1967 with Fisher Coach Emblem 27.99 ea. 55-192350 1968-72 w/GM Mark of Excellence Emblem 25.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 135 219.99 pr. 1981-87 Upper only, pair, Colors - Specify Color 135 1/29/15 4:52 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 1959 1966 01-0007 55-192235 1960 1967 01-0016 *Does Not Include Handles And Armrests 01-0341 1964 1968 *Does Not Include Handles And Armrests 1965 136 55-192233 55-192234 01-0401 1969 55-192238 shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 136 1/29/15 4:52 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 1970 1978-87 01-0745 1981-87 01-0765 55-192239 1971 1978-87 55-199418 55-192241 1972 1978-87 55-199419 01-0621 1973-77 01-0715 toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 137 137 1/29/15 4:52 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-192276 01-0670 Door Panels - Unassembled 01-0630 1964 Specify Color and Code 112.99 ea. Armrest Bases 01-0640 1965 Specify Color and Code 104.99 ea. 55-192276 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 C h r o m e 27.99 pr. 01-0650 1966 Specify Color and Code 104.99 ea. 55-192277 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 R e d 35.99 pr. 01-0660 1967 Specify Color and Code 104.99 ea. 55-192278 1968-72 Medium Blue 35.99 pr. 01-0670 1968 Specify Color and Code 104.99 ea. 55-192279 1968-72 Ivy Gold 35.99 pr. 01-0680 1969 Specify Color and Code 104.99 ea. 55-192280 1968-72 White 35.99 pr. 01-0690 1970 Specify Color and Code 104.99 ea. 55-192281 1968-72 Dark Blue 35.99 pr. 01-0700 1971-72 Specify Color and Code 104.99 ea. 55-192282 1968-72 Dark Green 35.99 pr. 01-0710 1974-76 Upper, Specify Color and Code 249.99 ea. 55-192283 1968-72 Black, LH 16.99 ea. 55-192284 1968-72 Black, RH 16.99 ea. 55-192285 1968-72 Black 24.99 pr. 55-192286 1968-72 Stainless Steel Moldings 43.99 pr. Note: Firethorn and Light Blue are 249.99 ea. 1977 Upper, Specify Color and Code 01-0711 234.99 ea. 55-192287 1968-72 Screw Kit, 6 pieces 7.99 kit 01-1121 Door Panel Moldings 55-192271 1 9 6 4 - 6 6 F r o n t Armrest Pads 55-192288 1964 Black 01-1061 51.99 pr. 1964 Colors, Specify Color and Code 55-192289 1965-67 Black 01-1121 1965-67 Colors, Specify Color and Code 55-192290 1968-72 Black 01-1291 1968-72 Colors, Specify Color and Code 55-192271 32.99 pr. 55-192272 1964-67 Top Retainer Moldings 41.99 pr. 55-192274 1966 Metal buttons, 2 pieces 32.99 set 55-192275 1967 Metal buttons, 8 pieces 49.99 set 55-192273 1 9 6 8 F r o n t 23.99 pr. 49.99 pr. 51.99 pr. 49.99 pr. 44.99 pr. 89.99 pr. Note: Navy Blue, Parchment, Pearl and Red M30 are 89.99 pr. 55-192291 1973-77 Black 79.99 pr. 55-192292 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 B u r g u n d y 89.99 pr. 55-192293 1973-77 Gray 89.99 pr. 55-192294 1973-77 Shadow Blue 89.99 pr. 55-192296 1978-80 Buckskin 89.99 pr. 55-192295 1978-87 Black 99.99 pr. 55-192300 1978-87 Charcoal 99.99 pr. 55-192298 1980-82 Dark Blue 99.99 pr. 55-192297 1980-85 Claret 89.99 pr. 55-192299 1983-84 Royal Blue 89.99 pr. 55-192301 1983-84 Briar Brown 99.99 pr. 55-192303 1984-88 Dark Gray 89.99 pr. 55-192302 1985-88 Saddle 89.99 pr. 138 55-192243 Door Panel Water Shields 55-192244 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 13.99 pr. 55-192243 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 10.99 pr. 55-192245 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 10.99 pr. 55-192246 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 10.99 pr. 55-197650 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 11.99 pr. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 138 1/29/15 4:53 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM Lock Knob Ferrules 55-195010 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 C h r o m e 55-195011 1964-67 Clear 55-195012 1 9 6 8 - 8 7 C h r o m e 13.99 pr. 6.99 ea. 13.99 pr. 01-0390 01-0808 55-195387 55-192247 55-195388 55-192248 Door Pull Strap Components 01-0808 55-195390 55-195389 Door Panel Clips 55-195387 1964-72 Door Panel Molding Clip 55-195388 1964-72 Door Panel Mounting Plugs 8.99 ea. 1981-87 Madrid Vinyl Covers, Specify color: Black, Charcoal, Maroon, Medium Blue, Navy Blue, Palomino 55-192247 1981-87 Brushed Aluminum 55-192248 1981-87 Chrome Escutcheon 29.99 pr. 6.99 ea. 16.99 ea. 11.99 ea. 55-195389 1973-77 Lower Door Panel Clip 1.99 ea. 55-195390 1978-87 Lower Door Panel Clip 1.99 ea. 55-194971 55-194972 55-194975 55-194973 Door Panel Emblems 55-192253 55-192252 1968 “SS 396” 64.99 pr. 55-192253 1969 “SS 396” 49.99 pr. 55-192255 1970-72 “SS” 49.99 ea. 55-194980 55-194976 55-192269 Interior Door Handles 55-194971 1959-60 w/Std and Dlx Int, incl Escutcheon and Clip 55-192266 Door Lock Knobs 55-192266 1959-66 Black with Correct Shape 5.99 pr. 55-192267 1 9 5 9 - 6 6 C h r o m e F i n i s h 6.99 pr. 55-192268 1 9 6 7 C h r o m e F i n i s h 13.99 pr. 55-192269 1 9 6 8 - 7 0 C h r o m e F i n i s h 15.99 ea. 55-192270 1 9 7 1 - 8 7 C h r o m e F i n i s h 8.99 ea. 14.99 ea. 55-194973 1965-67 with Deluxe Interior, GM 13.99 ea. 55-194974 1965-67 with Deluxe Interior, Repro 13.99 ea. 55-194975 1968-72 LH 16.99 ea. 55-194976 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 R H 16.99 ea. 55-194978 1978-87 LH 19.99 ea. 55-194979 1978-87 RH, GM 49.99 ea. 55-194980 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 R H 19.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 139 9.99 ea. 55-194972 1964 with Deluxe Interior, 139 1/29/15 4:53 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-194984 55-195006 55-195005 55-194983 Window Crank Knobs 55-194985 55-195005 1966-87 Replacement Clear Knob 5.99 ea. 55-195006 1966-87 Replacement Medium Red Knob 8.99 pr. 55-194987 55-194990 55-194986 Window Handles 55-194982 1959-60 with Standard Interior 14.99 ea. 55-194983 1959-60 with Deluxe Interior 12.99 ea. 55-194985 1964 with Deluxe Interior 14.99 ea. 55-194984 1964-65 with Standard Interior 14.99 ea. 55-194986 1965-66 w/Deluxe Interior w/Chrome Knob 19.99 ea. 55-194987 1967 Chrome Knob, Reproduction 23.99 ea. 55-194988 1968-87 Black Knob, GM 67.99 ea. 55-194989 1968-87 Black Knob, Reproduction 7.99 ea. 55-194990 1968-87 Clear Knob, Reproduction 7.99 ea. Window Handle Spring • Keeps Forward Tension On The Inside Window Handles • Must Be Used With Washer P/N 55-194998 Or P/N 55-194999 (Sold Separately) 55-195366 1968-72 Window Handle Spring 1.99 ea. 55-194992 55-194991 Door and Window Handle Plastic Washer 55-194997 • Fits Between The Inside Door Or Window Handles And The Interior Panels • Protects The Door Panel From Wear 55-194998 1959-87 Plastic Washer 2.99 ea. 55-194999 1959-87 Plastic Washer 8.99 ea. 55-195001 1959-87 Door and Window Retainer Clips 0.99 ea. 55-195003 1964-72 Vent Window Rivets 1.99 ea. 55-199445 Vent Window Handles 55-194996 55-194991 1959-60 with Standard Interior 12.99 ea. 55-194992 1959-60 with Deluxe Interior 12.99 ea. 55-194993 1964-67 with pins, Reproduction 61.99 ea. 55-194994 1964-67 LH, GM 69.99 ea. 55-194995 1964-67 RH, GM 71.99 ea. 55-194996 1968-72 with Clear Knob 11.99 ea. 140 Handle Clip • Spring Steel • Retains Window Crank Handles and Standard Inner Door Handles 55-299516 1959-87 Window Crank Handle Retaining Clip 1.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 140 1/29/15 4:53 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-192596 55-192597 55-192705 55-198928 55-192338 Kick Panel Insulation 55-192339 55-192596 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 10.99 ea. 55-192597 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 17.99 ea. 55-198928 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 9.99 ea. 01-1761 55-192338 Kick Panels 55-192695 1959-60 Black 23.99 pr. 55-192696 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 R e d 24.99 pr. 55-192697 1959-60 Medium Blue 27.99 pr. 55-192701 1964 Black, with A/C 71.99 pr. Interior Rear Side/Kick Panels 55-192702 1965-66 Black, with A/C 79.99 pr. 01-1761 55-192703 1967 Black, with A/C 71.99 pr. 55-192704 1968-72 Black, with A/C 79.99 pr. 55-192705 1968-72 Compl. w/Vent Air Flow and Vent Pulls 169.99 pr. 55-192337 1978-87 Kick Panel, w/o Comp Repro Fiberglass Call 55-192338 1980-87 Kick Panel with Computer, RH, Inner 32.99 ea. 55-192339 1980-87 Kick Panel w/Computer, LH, Outer 32.99 ea. 1959-60 Specify color: Black, Red, Light Aqua, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Fawn, Light Green, Dark Green, Saddle 01-1760 Aqua, Dark Fawn, Saddle, Dark Aqua 55-192347 1968-72 Black only toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 141 39.99 pr. 1964-67 Specify color: Black, Red, Light Blue, 12.99 pr. 79.99 pr. 141 1/29/15 4:53 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 1978-’87 Sunvisor and Headliner Kits (Foam Backed) — These foam backed headliners are excellent reproductions of the headliner material that came originally in your car. To save time and headaches, the headliners are available already installed on the backing board, or you can order the material by itself. See page 143 for year, model and color applications. See below for 1959-’77 samples. 8402A Med. Dk. Gray 8392A Sand Gray 7719A Sage Green 8047A Clarette 8269A Charcoal 8277A Redwood 8168A Lt. Saddle/Doeskin 7868A Buckskin 7769A Black 7717A Light Blue 8070A Dark Blue 8373A Briar Brown 8317A Royal Blue 7919A Willow Green 7881A Carmine Red 8177A Maple 8156A Jadestone 1959-’77 Sunvisor and Headliner Kits — Our reproduction headliners and sunvisors are made to original factory specifications from matching duplicates of the original grain and colors used. The headliners are stitched with loop on the backside, just as the originals. The sunvisors have double fold binding and attachment pins. See page 143 for year, model and color applications. 7038X Black 7041X White 6577X Dark Red 6517X Light Blue 7148X Red 7610X Grey 7112X Green 6606X Turquoise 6777B Red 6407B Fawn 6805B Medium Blue 6769B Black 6769 Black 6777 Red 969L Black 6971L White 7317 Lit. Blue 7517 Med./Powder Blue 7408 Light Saddle 7368 Dark Saddle 142 6805L Medium Blue 6970L Dark Blue 6615X Bright Blue 7030X Dark Blue 6506B Aqua 7055X Ginger 7329X Tan 7111X Blue 6418B White 6508B Saddle 6517B Light Blue 6717 Medium Blue 775 Copper 6715 Metallic Blue 6706 Turquoise 6919L Dark Green 6846L Ivy Gold 7069 Black 7218R Off-White 7077 Red 7570 Dark Blue 7307 Sandalwood/Gold 7608 Saddle/Buckskin 7219 Dk. Green 7319 Jade Green 7370 Navy Blue 7377 Oxblood 7581 Red/Firethorne 7677 Mahogany shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 142 1/29/15 4:53 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM Sunvisor and Headliner Color Table Use this chart in conjunction with the color samples on page 142 to determine which colors are available for your car. Year Color Style Code 59-60, 65-66 Black Diamond/Tier Grain 7038X 59-60, 65-66 White Diamond/Tier Grain 7041X 59-60, 65-66 Dark Red Diamond/Tier Grain 6577X 59-60 Light Blue Diamond/Tier Grain 6517X 59-60, 65-66 Bright Blue Diamond/Tier Grain 6615X 59-60 Dark Blue Diamond/Tier Grain 7030X 59-60 Ginger Diamond/Tier Grain 7055X 59-60 Tan Diamond/Tier Grain 7329X 59-60 Blue Diamond/Tier Grain 7111X 59-60 Red Diamond/Tier Grain 7148X 59-60 Gray Diamond/Tier Grain 7610X 59-60 Green Diamond/Tier Grain 7112X 64-65 Black Basketweave 6769B 64-65 Red Basketweave 6777B 64-65 Aqua Basketweave 6506B 64-65 White Basketweave 6418B 64-65 Saddle Basketweave 6508B 64-65 Light Blue Basketweave 6517B 64-65 Fawn Basketweave 6407B 64-65 Medium Blue Basketweave 6805B 59-60 Turquoise Diamond/Tier Grain 6606X 67 Black Surrey/Line Dot 6769 67 Red Surrey/Line Dot 6777 67 Metallic Blue Surrey/Line Dot 6715 67 Turquoise Surrey/Line Dot 6706 67 Medium Blue Surrey/Line Dot 6717 67 Copper Surrey/Line Dot 6775 68-69 Black Ribbed/Bedford 969L 68-69 White Ribbed/Bedford 6971L 68-69 Medium Blue Ribbed/Bedford 6805L 68-69 Dark Blue Ribbed/Bedford 6970L 68-69 Dark Green Ribbed/Bedford 6919L 68-69 Ivy Gold Ribbed/Bedford 6846L 70-77 Black Perforated 7069 70-77 Off-White Perforated 7218R 70-72 Red Perforated 7077 70-77 Light Blue Perforated 7317 70-77 Med. Blue/Powder Blue Perforated 7517 70-77 Dark Blue Perforated 7570 70-77 Sandalwood/Gold Perforated 7307 70-77 Saddle/Buckskin Perforated 7608 70-72 Dark Green Perforated 7219 73-77 Jade Green Perforated 7319 73-74 Navy Blue Perforated 7370 73-77 Oxblood Perforated 7377 73-77 Light Saddle Perforated 7408 73-77 Dark Saddle Perforated 7368 73-77 Red/Firethorne Perforated 7581 73-77 Mahogany Perforated 7677 78-80 Black Foam Back 7769A 78-79 Light Blue Foam Back 7717A 78-80 Buckskin Foam Back 7868A 78-81 Carmine Red Foam Back 7881A 78 Sage Green Foam Back 7719A 79-80 Willow Green Foam Back 7919A 80-82, 85-87 Dark Blue Foam Back 8070A 80, 85-87 Claret Foam Back 8047A 81-87 Light Saddle/Doeskin Foam Back 8168A 81 Maple Foam Back 8177A 81-82 Jadestone Foam Back 8156A 82-84 Redwood Foam Back 8277A 83-84 Royal Blue Foam Back 8317A 83-84 Briar Brown Foam Back 8373A 84-87 Medium Dark Gray Foam Back 8402A 83-86 Sand Gray Foam Back 8392A 83-84 Charcoal Foam Back 8269A 01-4910 Headliners • Reproduction Of Original 01-4850 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 D ia m o n d 179.99 ea. 01-4860 1964-67 with Ear Muff Boards 134.99 ea. 01-4870 1964-67 without Ear Muff Boards 79.99 ea. Note: Basketweave Black, Diamond Tier Grain Black and Dark Red,and Surrey and Line Dot, Black are 79.99 ea. 01-4880 1968-72 with Ear Muff Boards 119.99 ea. Note: Ribbed and Bedford Black and White and Perforated Black are 97.99 ea. 01-4890 1968-72 without Ear Muff Boards 01-4900 1973-77 Perforated, comes with bows includes plastic T-hangers 01-4910 1978-87 Foam Back Material Only, 54" x 36" 149.99 ea. 82.99 ea. Note: Sage Green is 82.99 ea. 55-192626 1978-87 Backing Board Only 01-4913 1978-87 Backing Board w/Material 129.99 ea. 179.99 ea. Please specify color when ordering: (See color samples on pages 142 and applications to the left.) 55-192629 55-192631 Headliner Bows • Reproduction Of Original 55-192629 1964-67 Three Bow Set 36.99 set 55-192631 1968-72 Three Bow Set 36.99 set toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 143 119.99 ea. 143 1/29/15 4:53 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-192249 55-192250 55-193158 Coat Hooks Dome Light Lenses 55-192249 1 9 5 9 - 6 6 C h r o m e Call 55-193157 1 9 5 9 - 6 7 7.99 ea. 55-197487 1964-72 Black 12.99 pr. 55-193158 1 9 6 8 - 8 7 15.99 ea. 55-192250 1973-77 Black 11.99 ea. 55-193160 55-193159 55-193162 55-193161 55-193163 01-1305 1959-60 Specify color 99.99 pr. 01-1310 1964-65 Specify color 89.99 pr. 01-1320 1966-67 Specify color 99.99 pr. 01-1330 1968-70 Specify color 139.99 pr. 01-1340 1971-72 Specify color 84.99 pr. 01-1342 1973-77 Specify color 99.99 pr. 01-1348 1978-87 Specify color 94.99 pr. * Table and Colors on Page 142 and 143 Dome Light Accessories 55-193159 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 H o u s i n g 19.99 ea. 55-193160 1 9 6 8 - 8 7 H o u s i n g 89.99 ea. 55-193161 1 9 6 8 - 8 7 H o u s i n g , R e p r o d u c t i o n 34.99 ea. 55-193163 1968-87 Bulb 01-1305 Sunvisors 55-192308 2.99 ea. 55-192311 55-192310 55-192306 01-4920 Sunvisor Accessories 55-192306 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 C h r o m e S u p p o r t s 51.99 pr. 55-192308 1 9 6 4 - 7 2 C h r o m e S u p p o r t s , R e p r o d u c t i o n , Excellent Quality Ear Muff Boards 01-4920 1964-67 Covered 55-192627 1964-67 Plain 01-4940 1968-72 Covered 55-192628 1968-72 Plain 144 55-192309 1 9 6 4 - 7 2 S u p p o r t B u s h i n g 23.99 ea. 11.99 pr. 69.99 pr. 55-192310 1964-72 Rubber End Tips 7.99 pr. 27.99 ea. 55-246256 1964-72 Screws, set of 4 4.99 set 69.99 ea. 55-192311 1 9 7 3 - 8 7 C h r o m e S u p p o r t s , R e p r o d u c t i o n , 27.99 pr. w/o hole for elect. 49.99 pr. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 144 1/29/15 4:54 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-195799 55-195796 Interior Rearview Mirrors Headliner Interior Window Seal Kits And Front/Rear Windlace 55-192632 1964-67 Int Rear Window Seal Kit, 6 pcs. 59.99 kit 55-192633 1964-67 Int Upper Windshield Trim, Black 14.99 ea. 55-192634 1968-72 Windlace, Frt Windshield, Black 45.99 ea. 55-192635 1968-72 Windlace, Frt Windshield, White 45.99 ea. 55-195796 1959-60 Non-Glare, 7" 23.99 ea. 55-195797 1959-60 Day and Night, 10" 62.99 ea. 55-198585 1964-65 Day and Night, 10" 62.99 ea. 55-195798 1964-67 Standard, 8" 29.99 ea. 55-195799 1966-68 Day and Night, 10" 49.99 ea. 01-4985 55-195800 1964-68 Day and Night, 8" 49.99 ea. 55-195801 1969-72 Day and Night, 12" 49.99 ea. 55-198406 1978-86 10" Tilt w/Mntg Bracket, Repro 54.99 ea. 1968-72 Windlace, Frt Windshield, Colors - Specify from Color Chart on page 144 54.99 ea. 55-192636 1968-72 Windlace, Rear Window, Blk 59.99 ea. 55-192637 1968-72 Windlace, Rear Window, Wht 59.99 ea. 01-4989 1968-72 Windlace, Rear Window, Colors - Specify from Door Panel/Seatcover Chart 69.99 ea. 55-195806 55-195807 Windlace Door Jamb Windlace Strip 01-4999 1959-60 20 feet, Specify color: 78 Black, 85 White, 00 Dark Green, 55 Lt Green, 82 Dk Blue, 99 Copper, 67 Turquoise, Interior Mirror Supports 01-5000 55-195805 1959-72 Screw, Mirror to Arm 81 Red, 80 Brown, 83 Tan, 84 Dk Grey 19.99 pr. 1964-67 Specify color: Black, White, Aqua, Red 17.99 pr. 3.99 ea. 55-197461 1959-72 Anti-Movement Insert 3.99 ea. 55-195806 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 A r m 39.99 ea. 55-195807 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 A r m 39.99 ea. 55-195808 1968-70 Mirror Bracket (Cover) Black Only 29.99 ea. 55-195809 1973-87 Rectangle, Glue to Windshield 15.99 ea. Aftermarket PillarMounted Gauge Pods • Prefect Upgrade For Any El Camino • Accepts Most 2-1/16" Gauges • Fits Over Interior Pillar Molding Billet Bowtie Shaped Interior Mirrors 55-192326 1968-72 Dual Opening 40.99 ea. 55-192327 1968-72 Single Opening 33.99 ea. 55-192328 1978-87 Dual Opening 41.99 ea. 55-249486 1 9 5 9 - 7 2 B r u s h e d 119.99 ea. 55-249468 1959-72 Polished 119.99 ea. 55-249467 1959-72 Black Powder coated 119.99 ea. 55-249485 1959-72 White Powder coated 119.99 ea. 55-249484 1 9 7 3 - 8 5 B r u s h e d 129.99 ea. 55-249483 1973-85 Polished 125.99 ea. 55-249482 1973-85 Black 125.99 ea. 55-249465 1973-85 White Interior Pillar Moldings 125.99 ea. 55-192324 1968-69 Black toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 145 74.99 pr. 145 1/29/15 4:54 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-192330 55-195414 55-192332 55-195381 Molding Clips 55-195414 1978-87 Int. Back Window Upper Molding Clip 7.99 ea. 55-195381 1973-77 Rear Upper Headliner Trim Mldg Clip 1.99 ea. 55-192333 Interior Dyes, 1978-87 55-192334 55-192335 55-192336 This proprietary formula penetrates the surface and molecularly bonds to permanently seal in color. Dries to the touch in 45 seconds. Forms a complete molecular bond in 10 minutes. UV stable and color fast, it will not crack, flake or peel. Other benefits include heat deflectors for dark colors. Works on vinyl, leather, ABS plastic, polycarbonate, polypropylene, polyurethane, acrylic, lexan, fiberglass and recycled plastics. All 1978-87 plastic interior moldings must use 55-198428 Adhesion Promoter. 55-198420 1978-87 Black 18.99 ea. 55-198421 1978-87 1980-81, 1983-87 Maroon 15.99 ea. 55-198422 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 1 9 7 8 - 7 9 C a r m i n e R e d 16.99 ea. 55-198423 1978-87 1980-84 Navy Blue 15.99 ea. 55-198424 1978-87 1978-79, 1981 Light Blue 15.99 ea. 55-198425 1978-87 1978-80,1982 Camel Tan 18.99 ea. 55-198426 1978-87 1981, 1985-87 Saddle 15.99 ea. 55-198427 1978-87 1985-87 Gray 16.99 ea. 55-198428 1978-87 Adhesion Promoter—Must be used with all brand new 1978-87 plastic interior moldings for proper adhesion. 15.99 ea. If you want new 1978-’87 plastic interior pieces to exactly match the original color of your interior, we suggest you try our vinyl dye listed to the right. 1978-87 Interior Trim 55-192330 1978-87 Windshield Int. Molding, Lower LH 29.99 ea. 55-192332 1978-87 Windshield Int. Molding, Upper LH 34.99 ea. 55-192333 1978-87 Windshield Int. Molding, Upper RH 29.99 ea. 55-192334 1978-87 Roof Int. Molding, LH Inner 39.99 ea. 55-192335 1978-87 Roof Int. Molding, RH Inner 39.99 ea. 55-192336 1978-87 Lower Rear Window Int. Molding 67.99 ea. 146 shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 146 1/29/15 4:54 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM Behind Seat Storage Boxes 55-192599 1 9 6 8 -7 2 130.99 ea. 55-192511 Interior Screw Kits 55-192256 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 8 5 p i e c e s 29.99 kit Center Consoles 55-192257 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 4 5 p i e c e s 17.99 kit 55-197541 1966 Complete with Four-Speed 639.99 ea. 55-192258 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 4 8 p i e c e s 17.99 kit 55-197540 1966 Complete with PowerGlide 639.99 ea. 55-192260 1 9 6 9 1 0 4 p i e c e s 24.99 kit 55-197539 1966 Complete with TurboHydromatic 639.99 ea. 55-192261 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 8 7 p i e c e s 24.99 kit 55-197538 1967 Complete with Four-Speed 639.99 ea. 55-192259 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 7 8 p i e c e s 29.99 kit 55-197537 1967 Complete with PowerGlide 639.99 ea. 55-192262 1 9 7 8 - 8 0 7 1 p i e c e s 24.99 kit 55-197536 1967 Complete with TurboHydromatic 639.99 ea. 55-192509 1968 Complete with Four-Speed 392.99 ea. 55-192510 1968 Complete with PowerGlide 479.99 ea. 55-192511 1968 Complete with TH350,TH400 489.99 ea. 55-192512 1969 Complete with Four-Speed 392.99 ea. 55-192513 1969 Complete with PowerGlide 489.99 ea. 55-192514 1969 Complete with TH350,TH400 489.99 ea. 55-192515 1970 Complete with PowerGlide 489.99 ea. 55-192516 1970 Complete with TH350,TH400 489.99 ea. 55-192517 1970-72 Complete with Four-Speed 392.99 ea. 55-192518 1971-72 Complete with TH350,TH400 489.99 ea. 55-195454 01-3760 55-195455 Spare Tire and Jack Holder Assemblies 55-197506 1967 Bumper Jack Assy. (cradle not incl) 55-195453 1968-72 Threaded Rod 119.99 ea. 9.99 ea. 55-195458 1978-87 Handle 37.99 ea. 55-195454 1981-88 Kit (#2, #3, #5) 37.99 ea. 55-195455 1981-88 Wing Nut (#2) 5.99 ea. 55-195456 1981-88 Bracket (#5) 9.99 ea. 55-195457 1981-88 U-Bolt (#3) 14.99 ea. Console Compartment Base 55-197531 1966-67 Automatic Transmission 219.99 ea. 55-197532 1966-67 Four-Speed Transmission 219.99 ea. 01-3760 1978-87 Automatic Transmission toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 147 269.99 ea. 147 1/29/15 4:54 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-192507 Black Bright Blue White Ivy Gold Red Light Green Granada Gold Light Aqua Dk Green Red 55-192508 Custom Deluxe SS Floor Console With Drink Holders 1966-87 Console Trim Plates • Correct Outer Body And Finish 55-192507 1966-67 Automatic Center Console Top Plate 79.99 ea. 55-192508 1986-87 Sport Package Console Trim Plate 74.99 ea. • Two Color With Chrome Trim • Easy Velcro Installation (No Drilling Or Modifications) • Use W/ Manual Or Automatic Transmission (Will Not Fit With Factory Console) • Easy Store Compartment • Factory Colors • Made In USA • Lifetime Warranty 55-313124 1 9 6 4 - 7 2 159.99 ea. Custom Deluxe Floor Console With Drink Holders • One Color With Chrome Trim • Easy Velcro Installation (No Drilling Or Modifications) • Use W/Manual Or Automatic Transmission (Will Not Fit With Factory Console) • Easy Store Compartment • Factory Color (See Website For Color Options) • Made In USA • Lifetime Warranty Add a custom touch with this El Camino TMI deluxe floor console from The El Camino Store. Adds the fininshing touch and convenience to your interior. NOTE: Console measurements: height- 11", width at front- 6", width at back- 6", length- 21 1/4". Compartment: width- 5 3/4", length- 11 1/2", depth- 3 1/2" in back, 4" in front. Custom Deluxe Floor Console With Drink Holders • One Color With Out Chrome Trim • Easy Velcro Installation (No Drilling Or Modifications) • Use W/ Manual Or Automatic Transmission (Will Not Fit With Factory Console) • Easy Store Compartment • Factory Colors (See Website For Color Options) • Made In USA • Lifetime Warranty 55-10230 1964 Black Only 139.99 ea. 55-10219 1 9 6 5 149.99 ea. 55-10231 1 9 6 5 139.99 ea. 55-10223 1 9 6 6 149.99 ea. 55-10233 1 9 6 6 139.99 ea. 55-10224 1 9 6 7 149.99 ea. 55-10235 1 9 6 7 139.99 ea. 55-10225 1 9 6 8 149.99 ea. 55-10236 1 9 6 8 139.99 ea. 55-10226 1 9 6 9 149.99 ea. 55-10237 1 9 6 9 139.99 ea. 55-10227 1 9 7 0 149.99 ea. 55-10238 1 9 7 0 139.99 ea. 1 9 7 1 -7 2 149.99 ea. 55-10239 1971-72 Black Madrid/Elk Only 139.99 ea. 55-10228 148 shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 148 1/29/15 4:54 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-192467 55-192554 55-197533 Console Top Plates Center Console Compartment Lids • Reproduction Of Original 55-197533 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 D o o r 69.99 ea. 55-197534 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 D o o r H i n g e 29.99 ea. 55-192467 1968 Pad With Trim 79.99 ea. 55-192466 1968-72 Chrome Trim Only 45.99 ea. 55-192468 1969 Pad With Trim 69.99 ea. 55-192469 1970-72 Pad With Trim 79.99 ea. • Reproduction Of Original • Correct Die Cast Top Plate • Black Inlay 55-192554 1968-72 For Manual Transmission 119.99 ea. 55-192555 1968-72 For Automatic Transmission 119.99 ea. Center Console Bumpers • Reproductions Of Original 55-247437 1 9 6 4 - 7 2 2.99 pr. Manual Console Top Plate • Reproduction Of Original 55-197535 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 Heater Box Lower Air Deflector • Reproduction Of Original • Redirect Air Around Center Console Or 8 Track Equipped El Caminos • Mounts On Interior Heater Box 55-199211 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 75.99 ea. 129.99 ea. Automatic Transmission Center Console Dial Assembly • Reproduction Of Original • Correct Die Cast Dial Plate With Satin Finish • Sold Without Lens 55-192519 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 104.99 ea. 55-192487 Center Console Shift Indicator Lens Backing Plate For Cars With Automatic Transmission Console Floor Dust Tunnel • Reproduction Of Original • Correct Plastic Tunnel For Manual Shift Console Car • Keeps Road Dust From Entering The Cab Through The Console 55-192498 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 41.99 ea. • Reproduction Of Original • Correct Black Plastic Backing Plate • A Must To Properly Highlight Your Shift Indicator Lens 55-192486 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 9.99 ea. 55-192487 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 9.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 149 149 1/29/15 4:55 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM Console Mounting Brackets Console Insert Kits 55-192470 1968-72 Aluminum, Automatic 16.99 ea. 55-192471 1968-72 Aluminum, Four-Speed Manual 17.99 ea. 55-192472 1970-72 Burlwood, Automatic 47.99 ea. 55-192473 1970-72 Burlwood, Four-Speed Manual 37.99 ea. 55-192494 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 A u t o m a t i c , 2 p i e c e s 23.99 ea. 55-192495 1964-65 Manual, 3 pieces 27.99 ea. 55-192496 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 A u t o m a t i c , 2 p i e c e s 23.99 ea. 55-192753 1966-67 Manual, 3 pieces 27.99 ea. 55-192497 1968-72 Automatic and Manual 19.99 ea. Center Console Rear Panels 55-192492 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 R e a r , C h r o m e 89.99 ea. 55-192493 1968-72 w/Lens, Bulb Clips, Wiring, Screws 29.99 ea. 55-192489 Floor Shift Boot Retainers 55-192532 1964-67 Except 1967 without Console 24.99 ea. 55-192533 1966-67 3 and 4-Speed Console Retainer 47.99 ea. 55-192534 1968-72 Bezel and Retainer, without Console 72.99 ea. 55-192535 1968-72 with Console 23.99 ea. 55-198932 1978-87 for 3 and 4-Speed Transmission 34.99 ea. Console Shift Sliders 55-192489 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 A u t o m a t i c 10.99 ea. 55-192490 1968-72 Four-Speed Manual 29.99 ea. 55-192491 1 9 7 3 - 8 1 A u t o m a t i c Three and Four-Speed Shifter Covers 55-198434 1966-67 w/o Console, diecast and chr. plated 55-192545 1978-87 Blk Plastic 3 and 4-spd Shifter Cvr 150 129.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 55-192490 DISC ea. Console Locks 55-195112 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 17.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 150 1/29/15 4:55 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-198781 Drink Holders Console Sealing Strip Kits • Reproduction Of Original • 4 Piece Set 55-192474 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 55-192475 14.99 kit 55-192478 55-192476 Installation is fa s t a n d simple, no permanent alterations are necessary. Our Plug and Chug Drink Holder is designed especially for your El Camino. Just slip out the ashtray and slip in the Plug and Chug Drink Holder. Looks like a factory option! 55-198781 1964-65 Black Only 37.99 ea. 55-198786 1966-67 Black Only 36.99 ea. 55-198782 1968-69 Black Only 39.99 ea. 55-198783 1970-72 Black Only, Non-SS 36.99 ea. 55-198784 1970-72 Black Only, SS 37.99 ea. 55-192476 Console Shift Indicator Lenses 55-192475 1964-65 Powerglide 14.99 ea. 55-192476 1966-67 Powerglide 24.99 ea. 55-192477 1966-67 Turbo Hydromatic 26.99 ea. 55-192478 1966-67 Four-Speed Manual 24.99 ea. 55-192479 1968-70 Powerglide 19.99 ea. 55-192481 1968-72 Turbo Hydromatic 19.99 ea. 55-192482 1968-72 Four-Speed Console Shift Plate 24.99 ea. 55-192483 1971-72 Turbo Hydromatic 19.99 ea. 55-192484 1971-72 Powerglide 19.99 ea. Black Deluxe Console/Organizer With Drink, Coin And CD Holders • Designed With Two Adjustable Locking Drink Holders To Avoid Spills - 6 To 64 Ounces • Large Storage Area For Notebooks, PDA's And MP3 Players • Removable Trash Receptacle Attaches On Either The Side Or The Back 88-3579-3 29.99 ea. 55-192317 Dash Pads 55-192502 55-192493 Console Lamp Lenses 55-192317 1964-65 Black 149.99 ea. 55-192318 1966 Black 149.99 ea. 55-192319 1967 Black 149.99 ea. 55-192320 1968-69 Black 199.99 ea. 55-192502 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 14.99 ea. 55-192321 1970-72 with Stereo Speakers 349.99 ea. 55-192499 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 7.99 ea. 55-192322 1970-72 with Mono Speaker 329.99 ea. 29.99 ea. 55-192323 1970-72 with No Speaker Holes 289.99 ea. 55-192493 1968-72 w/Lens, Bulb Clips, Wiring, Screws toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 151 151 1/29/15 4:55 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-192392 Dash Insulation 55-192393 55-192589 1964-67 All 16.99 ea. 55-192591 1968-72 All 29.99 ea. 55-192397 55-192398 55-198328 55-198329 DashTop™ Molded Dashpad Shells • Colors Available on Page 153 Dash Pad Clips 55-198328 1970-72 Dash Pad Clips, .70 wide x 2.44 long 2.99 ea. 55-198329 1970-72 Dash Pad Clips, .70 wide x 2.87 long 7.99 ea. 55-192387 55-192387 1964-65 Black 01-2156 1964-65 Colors, Specify Color and Code 55-192388 1966 Black 01-2158 1966 Colors, Specify Color and Code 55-192389 1967 Black 01-2161 1967 Colors, Specify Color and Code 1968-69 Black 1968-69 Colors, Specify Color and Code 109.99 ea. 55-192391 1970-72 with Center Speaker, Black 119.99 ea. 01-2181 1970-72 w/Center Spkr, Specify Color 55-196979 1970-72 with Outside Speakers, Black 01-2191 1970-72 Outside Spkr, Specify Color 114.99 ea. 119.99 ea. 110.99 ea. 01-2201 1973-77 w/ A/C, Specify Color and Code 139.99 ea. 55-192393 1973-77 without A/C, Black 110.99 ea. 01-2211 1973-77 w/o A/C, Specify Color and Code 129.99 ea. 55-192395 1978-80 Full Cover w/Center Spkr, Blk 01-2223 1978-80 Full Cover w/Center Spkr, Blk 01-2233 129.99 ea. 149.99 ea. 1978-80 Full Cover w/Outside Speakers, 117.99 ea. 1978-80 Full Cover w/Outside Spkr, Specify Color and Code 152 119.99 ea. 1973-77 with A/C, Black Specify Color and Code 55-192399 1981-88 Full Cover w/Outside Spkr, Blk 01-2253 1981-88 Full Cover w/Outside Spkr, Specify Color and Code 55-192391 84.99 ea. 55-192392 55-192397 55-192390 89.99 ea. 109.99 ea. 55-192390 a n d C o d e 55-192389 84.99 ea. 119.99 ea. 01-2171 a n d C o d e 55-192388 79.99 ea. 109.99 ea. 189.99 ea. 117.99 ea. 149.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 152 1/29/15 4:55 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM DashTop™ Plastic Dash Covers — These DashTop™ covers fito over your existing dash and are glued in place. All DashTop™ covers come with silicone adhesive and complete instructions for installation. Note: These colors are NOT OEM colors and are not an exact match to a stock interior. Inquire with a sales representative for the best color for your interior or consider purchasing our vinyl dyes which will give you an exact match. 55-192399 15013 Black 15133 Wedgewood 15213 Bluemist 15043 Shadow Blue 15033 Saddle Tan 15173 Camel 15093 Lt. Buckskin 15123 Santa Fe 15323 Palomino 15183 Warm Gray 15303 Graphite 15163 Presidio 15023 Cordovan 15403 Evergreen 15423 Taupe 15273 Napa Red 15063 Burgundy 15363 Portola Red 15113 Firethorn 15003 Phantom White Carpeted Dash Covers PLEASE NOTE: Due to the limitations of the four-color printing process, some samples shown in this catalog may differ slightly in color from actual products. For questions regarding exact color matches, please contact us. • Offerers Great Protection From The Sun • Protect The Top And Partial Face Of Your Dash Pad • Made From Cut-Pile Carpet 01-1844 1978-80 Specify color and code Call 01-1846 1981-87 Specify color and code 40.99 ea. Carpeted Dash Covers — Protect your dash from the damaging rays of the sun with these quality carpet dash covers. Each one is made to exacting specifications to fit your El Camino perfectly. 22CP Caramel 47CP Gray 23CP Beige 25CP Black 82CP Taupe 62CP Navy 73CP Red 76CP Smoke 27CP Crystal Blue toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 153 28CP Claret 32CP Dash Blue 153 1/29/15 4:55 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-192404 55-192428 55-192406 55-192435 55-192405 55-197020 Dash Lenses, Clear 55-192407 55-192414 55-192422 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 S p e e d o m e t e r 51.99 ea. 55-192423 1959-60 Clk, Westclox, (has 1⁄8" Slot on Top) 34.99 ea. 55-192424 1959-60 Clk, Borg, (has 3⁄8" Slot on Top) 37.99 ea. 55-192425 1959-60 Temperature 34.99 ea. 55-192426 1959-60 Generator/Oil 34.99 ea. 55-192427 1959-60 Gasoline 149.99 set 55-192433 1959-60 Borg, with 3⁄8" Slot 159.99 set 55-197020 1964-65 with Factory Gauges 61.99 ea. 55-192430 1964-65 without Factory Gauges 61.99 ea. 55-192431 1964-65 Turn Signal Indicator Lens in Dash 55-192412 55-262050 Dash Face Plates 55-192404 1964 with A/C, Chromed and Detailed 141.99 ea. 55-192405 1964 w/o A/C, Chromed and Detailed 141.99 ea. 55-192406 1965 with AC, Chromed and Detailed 141.99 ea. 55-192407 1965 w/o A/C, Chromed and Detailed 141.99 ea. 55-192409 1 9 6 6 U p p e r D a s h S t r i p 104.99 ea. 55-192408 1966-67 Chrome Speedometer Bezel 5.99 pr. 55-192434 1966-67 Powerglide and Column Shift 32.99 ea. 55-192435 1966-67 Turbo-Column Shift 32.99 ea. 55-192436 1966-67 Floor Shift 33.99 ea. 55-197021 1 9 6 8 S p e e d o 33.99 ea. 55-197022 1968 Clock 33.99 ea. 55-197388 1968 Tach 69.99 ea. 55-192429 1969 with or without gauges 69.99 ea. 55-192432 1970-72 with gauges 99.99 ea. 52.99 ea. 55-192410 1 9 6 7 U p p e r D a s h S t r i p 104.99 ea. 55-262050 1968 w/o AC, Chromed and Detailed 229.99 ea. 55-262051 1968 with AC, Chromed and Detailed 229.99 ea. 55-192411 1969 Dash without AC 164.99 ea. 55-192412 1969 w/Astro Ventilation and no A/C 164.99 ea. 55-192413 1969 with A/C 164.99 ea. 55-192414 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 S S D a s h 479.99 ea. 55-255222 1971-72 Front Inst Gauge Housing 119.99 ea. 154 34.99 ea. 55-192428 1959-60 Westclox, with 1⁄8" Slot 55-192485 Column Shift Indicator Lenses 55-192485 1959-60 Powerglide 29.99 ea. 55-192488 1959-60 Turbo Hydromatic 29.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 154 1/29/15 4:55 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-194239 55-194232 55-194229 55-197375 55-194231 55-194244 55-194240 Tachometers 55-194228 1964-65 All 159.99 ea. 55-194225 1966 Knee Knocker, 5200 Red Line 229.99 ea. 55-194226 1966 Knee Knocker, 5500 Red Line 229.99 ea. 55-194227 1966 Knee Knocker, 6200 Red Line 229.99 ea. 55-194229 1967 5000 Red Line 229.99 ea. 55-194230 1967 5500 Red Line 214.99 ea. 55-194231 1967 6000 Red Line 214.99 ea. 55-197364 1968 6000 Red Line 159.99 ea. 55-197365 1969 6000 Red Line 165.99 ea. 55-197374 1970 w/o Factory Ga. 6000 Red Line 159.99 ea. 55-194232 1970 396 and 402 w/350hp L34, 454 w/360hp LS5 w/Factory Gauges, 5500 Red Line 219.99 ea. 55-194233 1970 396 and 402 w/275hp L78 and L89, 454 w/450hp LS6 w/Factory Gauges, 6500 Red Line 219.99 ea. 55-194234 1971 454 w/425hp LS6 w/Factory Gauges, 6500 Red Line Speedometers When ordering a rebuilt speedometer, please tell us what mileage you want placed on the odometer. 55-194238 1964-65 All 219.99 ea. 55-194239 1966-67 All 219.99 ea. 55-194240 1 9 6 8 254.99 ea. 55-194243 1970 w/Round Speedo (console shift) 209.99 ea. 55-194244 1971-72 w/Round Speedo (console shift) 209.99 ea. 55-194210 1978-87 140 mph Decal for Round Speedo w/Factory Ga 5000 Red Line 209.99 ea. 55-197375 1971-72 w/o Factory Ga., 6000 Red Line 149.99 ea. 55-194236 1971 ‘71 400-402 w/240hp LS3, 454 w/365hp; 1972 ‘72 454 w/270hp LS5 w/Factory Gauges, 5500 Red Line 209.99 ea. 39.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 155 209.99 ea. 55-194235 1971-72 350 w/270hp L48, 350 w/245hp L65 155 1/29/15 4:56 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-194253 Clock and Odometer Knob Kits 55-194254 55-192598 1964-87 Knob and Nut Fuel Gauges • Reproduction Of Original 55-194293 55-251245 55-194253 1965 with Standard Dash 55-194254 1966-67 with Standard Dash 55-251245 1969 without gauges 55-194295 11.99 ea. 55-194292 249.99 ea. 99.99 ea. 229.99 ea. 55-197504 1970 with Factory Gauges 94.99 ea. 55-197505 1971-72 with Factory Gauges 94.99 ea. 55-194261 1978-85 with Factory Gauges 49.99 ea. 55-194262 1986-88 with Factory Gauges 49.99 ea. 55-194277 Clocks, New 55-194280 • Quartz Movement • Correct Font And Color • Superior Construction Over Low Quality Originals 55-194292 1965 Dash Clock 189.99 ea. 55-194293 1966-67 Console Clock 139.99 ea. 55-251242 1 9 6 9 D a s h 239.99 ea. 55-194294 1970 Dash Clock, quartz, SS 174.99 ea. 55-194295 1971-72 Dash Clock, quartz, SS 174.99 ea. Temperature Gauges 55-194276 1970 w/Factory Gauges, incl temp and fuel w/backing plate 94.99 ea. 55-194277 1971-72 w/Factory Gauges, incl temp and fuel w/backing plate 149.99 ea. 55-194280 1978-85 with Factory Gauges 49.99 ea. 55-194281 1986-88 with Factory Gauges 52.99 ea. 55-194289 Amperage or Voltage Gauges • Correct Lettering • Correct Color Needle 55-194288 Oil Pressure Gauges 55-194268 1970 with Factory Gauges 94.99 ea. 55-194269 1971-72 with Factory Gauges 87.99 ea. 55-194288 1978-85 with Factory Gauges 49.99 ea. 55-194271 1978-85 with Factory Gauges 49.99 ea. 55-194289 1986-88 with Factory Gauges 58.99 ea. 55-194273 1986-87 Rebuilt 49.99 ea. 156 shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 156 1/29/15 4:56 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-194408 Instrument Gauge Clusters • • • • 55-197373 Reproduction Of Original Correct Silk-Screened Face Includes Fuel, Oil, Temperature and Battery Gauge Must Be Used With Gauge Style Dash Harness (Sold Separately) 55-194290 *1965 Factory Gauges 07-1998 284.99 ea. 07-1990 55-197372 **1966-67 All with Factory Gauges—Fuel, Temp, Oil, and Amp Ga. 219.99 ea. 55-197373 **1966-67 All with Factory Gauges—Fuel, Temp, Oil, and Volt Ga. 219.99 ea. 55-251246 **1965 Assembly with Tach 309.99 ea. 55-246702 **1968 Gauge Conversion Kit 339.99 ea. 55-194291 1986-88 Front Housing for gauges (not incl) 119.99 ea. *Reproduction of the original standard dash gauge cluster. Each gauge includes the fuel, temperature, battery and oil gauges in one cluster. Correct in every detail. Must be used with Gauge Style harnesses. **Converts standard dash to factory SS style gauges. Fits all existing openings in the back of the dash. Includes all necessary parts for installation. Manufactured in the U.S.A. Digital Dashes 55-194414 55-194291 1 9 7 0 119.99 ea. Dakota Digital instrument systems offer the latest technologies and features for your custom vehicle. High brightness vacuum fluorescent displays providea lifetime of trouble free use while offering increased accuracy and features! Choose between blue, green or teal for your display colors. 55-255222 1 9 7 1 - 7 2 119.99 ea. 07-1990 Gauge Carrier Housing 55-199438 1970-72 Rear Gauge Housing 75.99 ea. 1959-60 Complete System with Wiring 829.99 ea. 55-194407 1964 Complete System without A/C, with New Dash Face Plate 829.99 ea. 55-194408 1964 Complete System with A/C,with New Dash Face Plate 829.99 ea. 55-194409 1965 Complete System without A/C, with New Dash Face Plate 829.99 ea. 55-194410 1965 Complete System with A/C, with New Dash Face Plate 55-257166 1970-72 Instrument Cluster Assembly • Green Letter And Numbered Gauge Faces • Includes Fuel, Oil, Temp, Battery, Clock, Speedometer, Tachometer, Dash • Harness Sold Separately 799.99 ea. 55-194412 1968 Complete System 749.99 ea. 55-194413 1969 Complete System Also Optional Clock Add 110.00 07-1998 749.99 ea. 1970-72 Complete System for SS style Dash, (Must Send in Your Gauge Cluster for Conv), S p e c ify S S o r N o n - S S 55-257165 1970 SS with 5500 RPM Tachometer 899.99 ea. 55-257166 1970 SS with 6500 RPM Tachometer 899.99 ea. in your Original Bezel Clock 110.00 extra. 55-257176 1971-72 SS with 5000 RPM Tachometer 899.99 ea. Please Call. 55-257164 1971-72 SS with 5500 RPM Tachometer 899.99 ea. 799.99 ea. 55-194414 1973-87 Custom Mounted Digital Instruments toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 157 829.99 ea. 55-194411 1966-67 Compl. Sys. w/New Dash Face Plate 749.99 ea. 157 1/29/15 4:56 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-288994 55-289005 55-289006 55-289000 55-251727 1970-72 Classic Instruments Custom Gauge Packages 55-251721 55-251722 55-251721 • Plastic Lens and Dash 55-289007 Housing Not Included • For Calibration Ease Use Part Number 88-1235 Or 88-1236 • 5 Year Warranty • Made In The USA • NOTE: Dash Housing Shown, But Not Included 55-251715 55-251726 55-251724 1978-81 Instrument Cluster Panels With Phantom Gauges Perfect Upgrade For Any El Camino Replaces Original Gauge Housing Converts Gauge And Non Gauge Cars UV Resistant ABS Plastic Housing Is A 2 Piece Construction Like The Original Beautiful 5" Speedometer 5" 10,000 RPM Tachometer 2-5/8" Fuel, Oil, Water And Volt Gauges Wiring Harness And Instructions Retains Your Original Wiper And Headlight Components, Wiper And Headlight Components Shown In Picture Not Included • Wiper And Headlight Access Lazer Cut (78-81 Only) • Speedometer Sending Unit To Convert Analog Signal To Electric P/N 55-251781 (Sold Separately) 55-288994 G-Stock 899.99 kit 55-289005 White Hot 899.99 kit 55-289006 H o t R o d 899.99 kit 55-289000 Velocity Black 899.99 kit 55-289007 Velocity White 899.99 kit • • • • • • • • • • 55-192581 55-192588 Firewall Insulation 55-192579 1959-60 All 44.99 ea. 55-192580 1959-60 All (Concours Quality) 233.99 ea. 55-192581 1964-67 All, with clips 44.99 ea. 55-251715 Black Finish, Ultra-Lite Gauges 1099.99 ea. 55-192582 1964-67 All (Concours Quality) with clips 55-251720 Brushed Alum Finish, Ultra-Lite Gauges 1149.99 ea. 55-192583 1968-72 with Air Conditioning with clips 55-251692 Carbon Fiber Finish, Ultra-Lite Gauges 1059.99 ea. 55-192584 1968-72 (Concours Quality), w/ A/C w/clips 55-251743 Black Finish, Phantom Gauges 1099.99 ea. 55-192585 1968-72 without Air Conditiong w/clips 55-251721 Brushed Alum Finish, Phantom Gauges 1149.99 ea. 55-192586 1968-72 (Concours Quality), w/o A/C w/clips 159.99 ea. 55-251722 Carbon Fiber Finish, Phantom Gauges 1089.99 ea. 55-192587 1973-77 (Concours Quality), w/ A/C w/clips 159.99 ea. Call 55-192588 1978-87 (Concours Quality), w/ A/C w/clips 197.99 ea. 55-251723 Black Finish, Carbon Gauges 55-251744 Brushed Alum Finish, Carbon Gauges 1299.99 ea. 55-251724 Carbon Fiber Finish, Carbon Gauges 1199.99 ea. 55-251725 Black Finish, Sport Comp Gauges 1099.99 ea. 55-251726 Brushed Alum Finish, Sport Comp Gauges 989.99 ea. 55-251727 Carbon Fiber Finish, Sport Comp Gauges 999.99 ea. 55-251781 AutoMeter Electric Speedometer Sender 99.99 ea. 158 159.99 ea. 45.99 ea. 159.99 ea. 39.99 ea. Firewall Insulation Tack 55-193575 1 9 5 9 - 8 7 14.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 158 1/29/15 4:56 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM Nut Headlight Switches • Reproduction Of Original 55-193580 1 9 5 9 - 6 6 55-193576 5.99 ea. 55-193649 55-193650 55-193651 55-193654 55-193579 55-193552 1968 Dash Bezel Nut Sets 55-198334 1968 Ignition Sleeve 55-193655 10.99 ea. 55-193579 1968 Ign and Sleeve, Ltr, Hdlp Sw and Wpr 117.99 set 55-193552 1968 Wiper, Black with Chrome Outside 29.99 ea. 55-193659 1968 Cig Ltr, Blk w/Chrome Outside 29.99 ea. 55-198443 55-193656 55-193662 55-193661 55-193657 55-193566 55-193565 Windshield Wiper Switch Knobs 55-193565 1967 with Screw 9.99 ea. 55-193566 1 9 6 9 C o r r e c t R e p r o d u c t i o n 4.99 ea. 55-193575 55-193658 Cigarette Lighters and Accessories 55-193649 1959-60 Knob and Heating Element, Casco 29.99 ea. 55-193655 1 9 5 9 - 6 9 H o u s i n g , R o c h e s t e r 29.99 ea. 55-193650 1964 Knob and Heating Element, Roch 29.99 ea. 55-193657 1 9 6 4 - 7 1 R e t a i n e r , R o c h e s t e r 11.99 ea. 55-193654 1964-85 Housing Assembly, Casco 18.99 ea. 55-193651 1965-66 Knob and Heating Element, Roch 27.99 ea. 55-193658 1967 Lighter Assembly, Rochester 21.99 ea. 55-193660 1969-70 Knob and Element, Rochester 25.99 ea. 55-198443 1971-72 Knob and Element, Rochester 29.99 ea. 55-193656 1970-71 Housing, Roch w/spade terminal 25.99 ea. 55-193661 1 9 7 1 - 8 7 R e t a i n e r , C a s c o 55-193577 6.99 ea. 55-193662 1974-77 Knob and Element, Blk Plastic, Casco 13.99 ea. 55-193663 1978-87 Knob and Element, Roch. (Repl. style) 44.99 ea. 55-197507 1978-87 Knob and Element, Roch (OE style) 49.99 ea. 55-193578 Knob and Rod Headlight Switches 55-193575 1 9 6 7 14.99 ea. 55-193577 1 9 6 9 - 7 0 16.99 ea. 55-199281 1 9 7 1 16.99 ea. 55-193578 1 9 7 1 - 7 2 16.99 ea. 55-251248 1 9 7 7 21.99 ea. Ignition Switch Bezels • Reproduction Of Original • Can Be Used On 1964 (Not Cosmetically Correct) 55-193583 1 9 6 7 9.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 159 55-193660 159 1/29/15 4:56 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-199376 55-199375 55-197403 55-192625 55-199377 Ashtrays and Receivers 55-197403 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 S p r i n g s , p a i r 12.99 pr. 55-192625 1970-72 Ashtray and Receiver, SS Dash 49.99 ea. 55-192617 55-192618 55-300438 Dash Emblems • Fantastic Reproduction Of Original • Replaces Unsightly Faded And Often Scratched, Crack, Broken Or Missing Originals • Correct Black Plastic Backing With Dual Stud And Small Locating Pin • Correct Clear Face Emblem Over Film Inlay • One of The Most Visually Striking Interior Pieces On Your Super Sport El Camino • A Must For Any Restoration 55-199375 1 9 8 1 - 8 5 S u p e r S p o r t 18.99 ea. 55-199376 1981-85 “El Camino” 18.99 ea. 55-199377 1981-85 Conquista 19.99 ea. 55-300438 1969 Astro Ventillation Emblem 17.99 ea. 55-192619 Glove Box Doors 55-192620 55-192621 55-192623 • Reproduction Of Original • Correct Plastic Door With Factory Style Graining • Includes Glove Box Stop And Grommet (Arm) • Does Not Includes Mounting Hardware Or Lock 55-192607 1970-72 All 55-192624 49.99 ea. 55-192889 55-192890 55-192400 Glove Box Name Plates 55-192891 55-192617 1964 “Malibu” 19.99 ea. 55-192618 1964 “El Camino” 24.99 ea. 55-192619 1965 “El Camino” 19.99 ea. 55-192620 1966 Glove Box Bezel w/ “Malibu” emblem 59.99 ea. 55-192621 1966 Glove Box Bezel with “SS” emblem 64.99 ea. 55-192400 1967 Glove Box Bezel with “SS” emblem Glove Box and Console Door Bumpers 49.99 ea. 55-192889 1959-60 Door Arm Grommets 7.99 ea. 55-192622 1967 “Malibu” emblem 12.99 ea. 55-192890 1959-60 Glove Box Door Bumpers 4.99 ea. 55-192623 1968 Glove Box Insert - SS 396 41.99 ea. 55-192891 1964-77 Glove Box Door Bumpers 1.99 ea. 55-192624 1969 Glove Box Insert - SS 396 41.99 ea. 55-247437 1964-72 Console Door Bumpers 2.99 ea. 160 55-247437 shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 160 1/29/15 4:57 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-192604 55-192615 55-192605 Glove Box Lock Retainers Glove Boxes 55-192615 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 4.99 ea. 55-192616 1968-87 Screws into Latch Assembly 9.99 ea. 55-192600 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 Call 55-192601 1964-65 with Air Conditioning 13.99 ea. 55-192602 1964-65 with Dealer Air Conditioning 13.99 ea. 55-192603 1964-65 without Air Conditioning 13.99 ea. 55-192604 1966-67 with Air Conditioning 16.99 ea. 55-192605 1966-67 without Air Conditioning 16.99 ea. 55-192606 1968-69 without Air Conditioning 21.99 ea. 55-195087 55-193722 55-195089 Glove Box Lamp Kits 55-193722 1959-69 Socket, Bulb and Wire 23.99 ea. 55-193724 1970 Harness to Glove Box Sw Assy 16.99 ea. 55-195094 55-195091 55-196802 Glove Box Locks 55-195087 1959-60 Original 21.99 ea. 55-195088 1959-60 Later 19.99 ea. 55-195089 1964-65 Original 19.99 ea. 55-195090 1964-65 Later 17.99 ea. 55-195091 1966-67 Original without Case 19.99 ea. 55-195092 1966-67 Later without Case 17.99 ea. 55-195093 1968 Original 28.99 ea. 55-195094 1968-69 Later 24.99 ea. 55-195095 1970-77 Later 24.99 ea. Accessory Tissue Dispensers These are identical to the originals that were an accessory item when the car was purchased new. Mounts under dash with bracket supplied. Kleenex included! 55-196802 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 91.99 ea. 55-196803 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 91.99 ea. 55-196804 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 89.99 ea. 55-197046 55-192608 55-192611 Glove Box Lock Assemblies - Uncoded 55-192608 1 9 6 8 - 7 7 C a s e 35.99 ea. 55-192611 1970-72 Cylinder 26.99 ea. Accelerator Pedal Assemblies 55-197046 1 9 6 8 - 6 9 R e p r o 57.99 ea. 55-197047 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 R e p r o 64.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 161 161 1/29/15 4:57 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-192869 55-192863 55-192870 55-192864 55-196884 Accelerator Pedal Hardware 55-192869 1959-67 Accelerator Pedal Ball Stud 5.99 ea. 55-192870 1968-87 Accelerator Pedal Spring 4.99 ea. 55-196884 1968-87 Accelerator Pedal Pin 3.99 ea. 55-192880 55-192881 55-192882 55-192883 55-192866 55-192867 55-192884 Accelerator Pedal Pads 55-192863 1959-60 Rubber Accel. Pedal, Repro. 34.99 ea. 55-192864 1959-60 GM Accessory Pedal, Repro. 29.99 ea. 55-192866 1968-72 Accelerator Pedal, Original GM 15.99 ea. 55-192867 1968-72 Accelerator Pedal, Repro. 6.99 ea. 55-192885 Brake Pedal Pads, Automatic Transmission 55-192880 1959-60 Brake Pedal Pad w/Power Brakes 7.99 ea. 55-192881 1959-60 Brake Pedal Pad w/o Power Brakes 8.99 ea. 55-192882 1964-72 Brake Pedal Pads w/Drum Brakes Stainless Pedal Trim • Reproduction Of Original 55-192871 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 162 8.99 ea. 55-192883 1966-72 Brake Pedal Pad w/Disc Brakes 15.99 ea. 55-192884 1973-77 Brake Pedal Pad 12.99 ea. 55-192885 1978-87 Brake Pedal Pad 19.99 ea. 11.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 162 1/29/15 4:57 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-192875 55-192874 55-192658 55-192657 55-192666 55-192661 55-192876 55-192878 55-192661 55-192879 55-197495 Four Speed Brake And Clutch Pedal Pads 55-192874 1959-60 Brake Pedal Pad 6.99 ea. 55-192875 1964-72 Brake Pedal Pad 6.99 ea. 55-192876 1966-72 Brake Pedal Pad 11.99 ea. 55-192878 1973-77 Brake Pedal Pad 6.99 ea. 55-192879 1978-87 Brake Pedal Pad 7.99 ea. Steering Wheels 55-192657 1964-66 Wood, Two Spoke 239.99 ea. 55-192659 1967 Deluxe SS Wheel 289.99 ea. 55-198586 1967 Deluxe SS Wheel, Complete Kit 359.99 kit 55-192658 1967-68 Simulated Walnut Wood Wheel 274.99 ea. 55-192660 1969 Simulated Rosewood Wood Wheel 279.99 ea. 55-192661 1969 SS Steering Wheel Kit, Complete, includes aluminum shroud, horn center cap, h o rn c o n ta c t, h o rn b u tto n s , a n d h o rn c a p installation kit 55-192662 1969-70 3 Spoke, Black Cushion Rim 369.99 kit 174.99 ea. 55-192663 1969-70 Three Spoke Complete—Hub, Horn Contact and Cap w/Screws Accelerator Pedal Hardware 239.99 ea. 55-192664 1969-70 2 Spoke, Black, Complete Kit, includes horn buttons, steering wheel center shroud 55-192873 1967-72 Clutch and Brake Stainless Trim 7.99 ea. 55-192872 1968-72 Accelerator Stainless Trim 7.99 ea. assembly and horn button contacts 329.99 kit 55-192665 1969-70 2 Spoke, Cherrywood, Complete Kit, includes horn buttons, steering wheel center shroud assembly and horn button contacts 55-192666 1969-70 Standard Sport Wheel 299.99 kit 229.99 ea. 55-197493 1969-70 Complete Kit, Two Spoke Wheel, Dark Blue 55-197494 1969-70 Complete Kit, Two Spoke Wh, Red 299.99 ea. 299.99 kit 55-197495 1969-70 Complete Kit, Two Spoke Wheel, Dark Green Accelerator Pedal Hardware 55-192886 1959-60 Parking Brake Pad 7.99 ea. 55-192887 1964-77 Parking Brake Pad 5.99 ea. 55-192888 1978-87 Parking Brake Pad 5.99 ea. horn button toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 163 299.99 kit * Includes horn buttons, steering wheel center shroud assembly and 163 1/29/15 4:57 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-192652 55-192644 55-192645 55-197496 55-192646 Steering Wheel Center Shrouds 55-197496 1969-70 Dark Blue for Two Button Shroud 59.99 ea. 55-197497 1969-70 Red for Two Button Shroud 59.99 ea. 55-192652 1969-72 Black for Two Button Shroud 59.99 ea. 55-192667 55-192647 Steering Wheel Horn Caps and Emblems 55-192668 55-192638 1959-60 Horn Cap Emblem, Impala Style 37.99 ea. 55-192639 1959-60 Horn Ring, Impala Wheel 69.99 ea. 55-192640 1959-60 Inner Horn Cap, Impala Wheel 54.99 ea. 55-192641 1959-60 Strg Wh. Paint Dividers,Impala Wh 10.99 ea. 55-192642 1964 Bowtie 59.99 ea. 55-192643 1965 Bowtie 61.99 ea. 55-192644 1966 “Chevelle” 49.99 ea. 55-192645 1967 Bowtie 37.99 ea. 55-192646 1967 “Chevelle” 37.99 ea. 55-192647 1967 “SS” 37.99 ea. 55-198587 1967 “SS” Cap with Emblem 55.99 ea. 55-246805 1968 “SS 396” 31.99 ea. 55-192648 1969 “SS” Steering Wheel Emblem 10.99 ea. 55-192649 1970 “SS” Steering Wheel Emblem Call 55-192650 1984 Steering Wh. Horn Cap, Round 19.99 ea. 55-192669 55-192683 55-192682 Horn Contact Kits and Related 55-192667 1959-60 Horn Contact Repair Kit 19.99 kit 55-262098 1964-66 All (excluding Wood Wheel) 20.99 kit 55-192668 1964-66 Wood Wheel Mtg and Horn Parts 33.99 kit 55-192676 1964-72 Contact, w/Wood and Cushion ,3 Spoke 14.99 kit 55-192671 1964-87 Horn Pin and Spring Package 55-192681 1 9 6 5 - 6 7 S t a n d a r d H o r n C a p R u b b e r R e t a i n e r 4.99 ea. 5.99 ea. 55-192673 1967 SS Horn Cap Installation Kit 33.99 kit 55-192674 1 9 6 7 S S H o r n C o n t a c t s 23.99 kit 55-192675 1 9 6 7 S S H o r n B u t t o n s 33.99 kit 55-192680 1967-69 Standard Wheel Horn Kit 37.99 kit 55-192669 1967-69 Wood Wheel Mtg and Horn Parts 29.99 kit 55-192678 1969-70 Horn Contact, Sport w/2 Btn 23.99 pr. 55-192670 1 9 7 1 - 8 7 H o r n R e t a i n e r B u t t o n 7.99 ea. 55-192679 1973-77 Horn Contact Wire 21.99 kit 164 55-192684 55-192685 Wood Wheel Horn Cap Emblems 55-192682 1964 Bowtie 57.99 ea. 55-192683 1965 Bowtie 54.99 ea. 55-192684 1966 Bowtie 54.99 ea. 55-192685 1967-72 Bowtie 47.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 164 1/29/15 4:57 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-11002 55-193601 55-193602 55-10995 55-193603 1959-87 Custom Steering Wheel • Awesome Upgrade For Your El Camino • Polished Auminum Center Spokes Are Clear Anodized • Premium Black Leather Wrapped Comfort Grip • 14" Diameter • 2" Deep From Center To Outer Steering Rim • Choose From 4 Different Types Of Spoke Designs • 6 Bolt Pattern For Use With Our Custom Billet Hubs 55-11002 Simulated Walnut Wood Finish 179.99 ea. 55-10995 Black Leather 159.99 ea. 55-193604 55-193606 06-11007 Turn Signal Cancel Cams 1959-87 Custom Steering Wheel Adapter Hub • • • • • Awesome Upgrade For Your El Camino Highly Polished Billet Aluminum Works With Our Volante S9 Custom Steering Wheels 9 Bolt Pattern On Wheel Side Choose From Original Steering Column & Flaming River Applications 06-11007 69.99 ea. 55-193601 1959-60 without Tilt Wheel 10.99 ea. 55-193602 1964-66 with Tilt Wheel 22.99 ea. 55-193603 1964-66 without Tilt Wheel 29.99 ea. 55-193604 1967-68 with Tilt Wheel 31.99 ea. 55-193606 1969-75 with Tilt Wheel 15.99 ea. 55-249408 1969-75 without Tilt Wheel 15.99 ea. Need Fuses? We’ve got ‘em. Just give us a call and let us know what you’re looking for. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 165 165 1/29/15 4:57 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM Steering Column Cables This cable goes from the switch on the side of the steering column, up to the cancel cam on top of the column. Used only on tilt column. 55-197492 1964-66 Tilt Column Cable Assembly 51.99 ea. 55-192655 Upper Steering Bearing • Correct Upper Bearing With Hon Contact Attached • Replaces Worn Upper Steering Column Bearing 55-194458 1959-60 Upper Steering Column Bearing Kit 16.99 kit Steering Wheel Hubs 55-192654 1964-66 for Wood Wheel 55.99 ea. 55-192655 1967-68 for Three Spoke Wheel 39.99 ea. 55-192656 1969-70 for Three Spoke Wheel 39.99 ea. 55-192415 55-245992 1959-60 Lower Steering Column Bearing Upgrade Kit • For Cars With Column Shift • Upgrade Design From The Original • Superior Ball Bearing Design, Not A Bushing 55-192416 55-245992 Manual Trans, 1/4 -20 Bolts Included 112.99 55-245998 Auto Trans, 1/4 -28 Bolts Included 112.99 55-192418 55-192417 55-192419 Lower Column Shift Lever Grommet • Replaces Commonly Worn Or Missing Grommets In Steering Column Shift Arms • 1 Required For Automatic Shift Column Cars • 2 Required For Manual Shift Column Cars • Reduces Wear on Shift Arm Assembly 55-194459 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 166 2.99 ea. Steering Column Covers (on Dash) 55-192415 1967 Lower, all 33.99 ea. 55-192416 1968 Lower, all 36.99 ea. 55-192417 1969 Lower, all 29.99 ea. 55-192418 1970-72 Lower, non-SS 36.99 ea. 55-192419 1970-72 Lower, SS 32.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 166 1/29/15 4:57 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-192420 55-192523 Steering Column Covers (on Floor) 55-192420 1964-67 with Mounting Hardware 29.99 ea. 55-192421 1968-72 with Mounting Hardware 27.99 ea. 55-192524 55-193620 Automatic Transmission Knobs 55-193621 55-192523 1959-60 Gear Shift and Turn Signal 10.99 set 55-192524 1968-77 On Column, Reproduction 10.99 ea. 55-192528 1973-77 Handle Retainer 3.99 ea. 55-192529 1984-87 Handle Retainer 4.99 ea. Turn Signal Levers 55-193609 1959-60 All Call 55-193610 1964-66 without Tilt Wheel 19.99 ea. 55-193611 1964-66 with Tilt Wheel 18.99 ea. 55-193612 1967 with Tilt Wheel 22.99 ea. 55-193613 1968-70 All 33.99 ea. 55-193614 1971-77 without Cruise Control, GM 22.99 ea. Automatic Transmission Shift Levers, Column 55-192530 1959-60 Auto and Three-Speed without Tilt 29.99 ea. 55-193630 55-193620 1982-83 w/Wiper (except Pulse) and Dimmer Switch, Bright 55.99 ea. 55-193621 1982-83 with Pulse and Cruise Control 144.99 ea. 55-193622 1982-87 with Wiper (except Pulse) and Dimmer Switch, Black 55-193010 39.99 ea. 55-193623 1982-87 with Pulse Wiper and Dimmer Switch, B r ig h t 14.99 ea. 55-193624 1982-87 with Pulse Wiper and Dimmer Switch, Black 19.99 ea. 55-193626 1984-87 with Cruise Control, Pulse Wiper and Dimmer Switch, Sport Pkg. 69.99 ea. 55-193625 1986-87 with Wiper (except Pulse) and Dimmer Switch (Bright) 55.99 ea. Tilt Wheel Release Levers 55-193627 1 9 6 4 - 6 6 17.99 ea. 55-193628 1 9 6 7 23.99 ea. 55-193629 1 9 6 8 - 7 0 19.99 ea. 55-193630 1 9 7 1 - 7 7 25.99 ea. 55-193010 1959-60 Gear Shift Grommet toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 167 6.99 ea. 167 1/29/15 4:57 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 1969-72 Steering Column And Parts Key Cover Sets • Colors: Black, Red, Gray, or Blue. Please specify. 08-0858 1968-87 Specify color 2.99 pr. 55-193534 Although many of the parts in the diagram below are no longer available, we hope that you will find this illustration useful for your vehicle. If you are looking for a specific part that is not listed as available below, please inquire. 55-194817 1969-81 #3 Retainer, Upr Shaft Plate 55-193606 1969-75 #5 Turn Sgnl Cancel Cam, w/Tilt 55-194818 1969-72 #6 Spring, Cancelling, LH 1.99 ea. 55-194820 1969-87 #7 Screw, Signal Switch 5.99 ea. 55-194822 1969-87 #11 Washer, without Tilt 55-195060 1959-60 Original 59.99 ea. 55-195061 1964 Original 53.99 ea. 55-195062 1964 Octagon 49.99 ea. 55-195063 1965 Original 53.99 ea. 55-195064 1966-67 Original 26.99 ea. 55-195065 1966-67 Later 21.99 ea. 55-195066 1968 Original 36.99 ea. 55-195067 1968 Later 26.99 ea. 55-195068 1969-78 Later 28.99 ea. 55-195069 1977-87 Later 26.99 ea. 168 7.99 ea. 55-194827 1969-87 #18 Spring, Ignition Switch 10.99 ea. 55-194830 1969-72 #30 Wshr, Shift Lever w/o Tilt, NOS 79.99 ea. 55-194832 1969-87 #32 Screw, Ignition Switch Ignition And Door Lock Sets 8.99 ea. 15.99 ea. 5.99 ea. 55-193533 1969-87 #33 Ign Sw, w/o Tilt 12.99 ea. 55-193536 1969-87 #33 Ign Sw, with Tilt 19.99 ea. 55-194817 1969-72 #45 Ring, Lock Plate 8.99 ea. If you don’t see what you are looking for in this catalog, give us a call! We are adding new parts daily. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 168 1/29/15 4:58 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-194850 1973-87 #3 Pin 7.99 ea. 1973-81 Non-Tilt Steering Column And Parts 55-194852 1973-87 #5 Spring, Shoe Release 9.99 ea. 55-194833 1973-87 #2 Retainer, Stg Wheel Nut 55-194850 1973-87 #6 Pin 7.99 ea. 55-194817 1 9 6 9 - 8 1 # 5 R e t a i n e r , U p p e r S h a f t 1973-77 Tilt Steering Column And Parts 5.99 ea. 8.99 ea. 55-194839 1973-87 #9 Shaft, w/o Round Flange Under Head 32.99 ea. 55-194866 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 # 8 S p r i n g 55-194855 1973-78 #16 Hazard Knob 10.99 ea. 55-194820 1969-87 #9 Screw, Manual Trans 55-195058 1969-78 #18 Lock, Ignition, Coded, w/Key 11.99 ea. 55-193592 1969-87 #10 Turn Signal Switch Assy 49.99 ea. 55-194834 1973-87 #12 Screw, Upr Bearing Support 14.99 ea. 55-194858 1973-87 #20 Switch, Alarm 55-193592 1969-87 #25 Turn Signal Switch 55-194820 1969-87 #26 Screw, Manual Transmission 9.99 ea. 49.99 ea. 5.99 ea. 55-194822 1969-87 #13 Washer 5.99 ea. 7.99 ea. 55-194837 1 9 7 3 - 8 7 # 1 4 B e a r i n g , U p p e r 59.99 ea. 43.99 ea. 55-193606 1969-75 #27 Turn Signal Cancel Cam 15.99 ea. 55-194867 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 # 1 4 B e a r i n g 55-193607 1973-87 #27 Turn Signal Cancel Cam 32.99 ea. 55-194838 1973-87 #17 Cover, Lock 55-194817 1 9 6 9 - 8 1 # 3 1 R e t a i n e r , U p p e r S h a f t 17.99 ea. 29.99 ea. 8.99 ea. 55-194869 1978-81 #17 Housing, Man. Trans 55-194859 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 # 3 2 S p r i n g 6.99 ea. 55-194856 1979-87 Hazard Knob 55-194838 1973-87 #34 Cover 29.99 ea. 55-194839 1973-87 #18 Shaft, w/o Round Flange 32.99 ea. 55-194827 1969-87 #45 Spring, Rack Preload 10.99 ea. 55-194840 1973-87 #20 Spring, Rack Preload 10.99 ea. 55-194860 1973-87 #46 Rack Kit, incl #39 Screw 39.99 ea. 55-194870 1978-81 #22 Rack, Manual Trans 16.99 ea. 55-194862 1973-87 #52 Plate, Strg Col. Support Lock 19.99 ea. 55-198414 1964-77 #24 Dimmer Switch, Repro 55-194850 1973-87 #55 Pin 7.99 ea. 55-194863 1 9 7 3 - 7 8 # 5 8 S p h e r e 16.99 ea. 55-194852 1973-87 #59 Spring, Preload 55-194847 1973-81 #60 Steering Column, Upper w/Race 9.99 ea. 241.99 ea. 171.99 ea. 3.99 ea. 7.99 ea. 55-194841 1973-81 #25 Screw, Detent 29.99 ea. 55-194871 1978-87 #26 Gate, Shift Lever 19.99 ea. 55-194844 1973-87 #32 Bearing, Lower Bowl 79.99 ea. 55-194832 1969-87 #34 Screw, Ignition Switch 5.99 ea. 55-194864 1973-87 #61 Screw, Housing Support 12.99 ea. 55-194831 1 9 6 9 - 8 7 # 3 4 R e i n f o r c e m e n t 12.99 ea. 55-193542 1973-87 #68 Neutral and Backup Safety Sw 17.99 ea. 55-193533 1969-87 #35 Ignition Switch 12.99 ea. 55-193536 1969-87 #69 Ignition Switch 19.99 ea. 55-194874 1978-81 #38 Washer 55-194831 1969-87 #70 Screw 12.99 ea. 55-194845 1973-87 #40 Lwr Brng Conv, Brng and Adapter 119.99 ea. 55-194846 1973-87 #72 Clip, Lower Bearing Adapter 9.99 ea. 8.99 ea. 55-194845 1973-87 #80 Lwr Brng Conv, Brng and Adapter 119.99 ea. 55-194817 1 9 6 9 - 8 1 # 8 2 R e t a i n e r 8.99 ea. 55-194865 1973-87 #86 Spring Assembly 13.99 ea. 1973-’77 Steering Column with Tilt Wheel toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 169 169 1/29/15 4:58 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 1973-81 Non-Tilt Steering Column And Parts (Continued) 55-194831 1 9 6 9 - 7 7 # 4 1 R e i n f o r c e m e n t 12.99 ea. 55-194832 1969-87 #41 Screw, Ignition Switch 55-194844 1973-87 #43 Lower Bearing 5.99 ea. 79.99 ea. 55-194845 1973-87 #43 Lwr Brng Conv, Brng and Adapter 119.99 ea. 55-194844 1973-87 #47 Bearing, Lower Bowl 79.99 ea. 55-194845 1973-87 #47 Lwr Brng Conv, Brng and Adapter 119.99 ea. 55-194817 1 9 6 9 - 8 1 # 4 7 R e t a i n e r , U p p e r S h a f t 8.99 ea. 55-194817 1 9 6 9 - 8 1 # 4 8 R e t a i n e r , U p p e r S h a f t 8.99 ea. 55-194847 1973-81 #49 Steering Column, Upper 241.99 ea. 55-194831 1 9 6 9 - 7 7 # 5 0 R e i n f o r c e m e n t 12.99 ea. 55-194848 1 9 7 3 - 8 1 # 5 2 A r m 21.99 ea. 55-194867 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 # 5 4 B e a r i n g 43.99 ea. 55-194846 1973-87 #56 Clip, Lower Bearing Adapter 55-194849 1973-87 #57 Pin Pivot, Dimmer 8.99 ea. 17.99 ea. 55-194845 1973-87 #58 Lwr Brng Conv, Brng and Adapter 119.99 ea. 55-194838 1973-87 #59 Cover, Lock 29.99 ea. 55-195058 1969-78 #61 Lock, Ignition, Coded w/Key 11.99 ea. 55-195059 1979-87 #61 Lock, Ignition, coded w/Key 11.99 ea. 55-194822 1969-87 #63 Washer 7.99 ea. 55-194876 1 9 7 8 - 8 1 # 6 4 B u s h i n g 17.99 ea. 55-194817 1 9 6 9 - 8 1 # 6 5 R e t a i n e r 8.99 ea. 1973-81 Steering Column Without Tilt Wheel 1978-81 Tilt Steering Column And Parts Although many of the parts in the diagram at left are no longer available, we hope that you will find this illustration useful for your vehicle. If you are looking for a specific part that is not listed as available below, please inquire. 55-194837 1973-87 #2 Bearing Kit 55-194850 1973-87 #3 Pin 55-194852 1973-87 #5 Spring, Preload 59.99 kit 7.99 ea. 9.99 ea. 55-194877 1978-87 #6 Pin Pivot Kit, incl #6, 17, 18, 31-33 52.99 kit 55-194839 1973-87 #8 Shaft, Strg w/o Round Flange 32.99 ea. 55-194879 1978-87 #12 Bolt 17.99 ea. 55-194837 1973-87 #13 Bearing Kit 59.99 kit 55-194858 1973-87 #15 Switch, Ignition Key Warning 55-194877 1978-87 #17 Pin Pivot Kit, incl #6, 17, 18, 31-33 9.99 ea. 52.99 kit 55-194877 1978-87 #18 Pin Pivot Kit, incl #6, 17, 18, 31-33 52.99 kit 55-193592 1969-87 #19 Turn Signal Switch 49.99 ea. 55-194820 1969-87 #20 Screw 5.99 ea. 55-193607 1973-87 #21 Turn Signal Cancel Cam 32.99 ea. 55-194880 1981 # 22 Lock, Auto Trans. 44.99 ea. 55-194833 1973-87 #25 Retainer, Steering Wheel Nut 55-194817 1 9 6 9 - 8 1 # 2 6 R e t a i n e r , U p p e r S h a f t 55-194881 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 # 2 7 S p r i n g 55-194856 1979-87 Knob, Hazard 5.99 ea. 8.99 ea. 17.99 ea. 3.99 ea. 55-194882 1978-81 #30 Shield 10.99 ea. 55-194877 1978-87 #31 Pin Pivot Kit, incl #6, 17, 18, 31-33 52.99 kit 55-194877 1978-87 #32 Pin Pivot Kit, incl #6, 17, 18, 31-33 52.99 kit 55-194877 1978-87 #33 Pin Pivot Kit, incl #6, 17, 18, 31-33 52.99 kit 55-194879 1978-81 #34 Bolt 17.99 ea. 55-194857 1978-87 #35 Clip, Alarm DISC ea. 55-194860 1973-87 #36 Rack Kit, incl #36, 40, and 82 39.99 kit 55-194827 1969-87 #39 Spring, Rack Preload 10.99 ea. 55-194860 1973-87 #40 Rack Kit, incl #36, 40, and 82 39.99 kit 55-194858 1973-87 #42 Switch, Ignition Key Warning 9.99 ea. 55-195058 1978 #43 Lock, Ignition, coded w/key 11.99 ea. 55-195059 1978-87 #43 Lock, Ignition, coded w/key 11.99 ea. 55-194884 1979-87 #45 Bowl, without Console 51.99 ea. 55-194885 1978-87 #47 Washer, Automatic 55-194862 1973-87 #48 Plate, Strg Col Support Lock 55-194885 1978-87 #49 Washer, Automatic 55-194886 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 # 5 0 R i n g , R e t a i n e r 55-194864 1973-87 #54 Screw, Housing Support 55-194850 1973-87 #55 Pin DISC ea. 19.99 ea. DISC ea. DISC ea. 12.99 ea. 7.99 ea. 55-194847 1973-81 #56 Shaft, Steering Lower 241.99 ea. 55-194847 1 9 7 3 - 8 1 # 5 9 S h a f t , S t e e r i n g U p p e r 241.99 ea. 55-193536 1969-87 #61 Ignition Switch 55-194846 1973-87 #63 Clip 19.99 ea. 8.99 ea. 55-194845 1973-87 #66 Lwr Brng Conv, Brng and Adapter 119.99 ea. 55-194844 1973-87 #67 Brng, Strng Col Shaft Tube 79.99 ea. 55-194845 1973-87 #68 Lwr Brng Conv, Brng and Adapter 119.99 ea. 55-193592 1969-87 #72 Turn Signal Sw, Auto and Man 55-193586 1978-87 #79 Dimmer Switch 170 49.99 ea. 9.99 ea. 55-194882 1978-81 #79 Shield 10.99 ea. 55-194888 1978-81 #81 Spring, Pin Preload 29.99 ea. 55-194860 1973-87 #82 Rack Kit, incl #36, 40 and 82 39.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 170 1/29/15 4:58 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 1978-81 Steering Column With Tilt Wheel 1982-87 Steering Column Without Tilt Wheel 55-193559 1982-83 #12 Wiper switch,Two Speed 55-193562 1984-87 #12 Wiper switch, Two Speed 55-194840 1 9 7 3 - 8 7 # 1 4 S p r i n g 55-193562 55-194820 1969-87 #16 Screw, Signal Switch Man 55-194871 1978-87 #19 Gate 19.99 ea. 55-194856 1979-87 Hazard Knob 55-194833 1973-87 #23 Retainer, Wheel Nut 55-194834 1973-87 #1 Screw, Cancel Cam 55-194822 1969-87 #2 Washer 7.99 ea. 55-195059 1978-87 #7 Ignition Lock 11.99 ea. 55-194867 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 # 8 B e a r i n g 43.99 ea. 55-194900 1982-87 #11 Retainer, Upper Strng Col. 19.99 ea. 3.99 ea. 5.99 ea. 32.99 ea. 55-194866 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 # 2 9 S p r i n g 17.99 ea. 55-193592 1969-87 #33 Turn Signal Switch 55-194904 1 9 8 2 - 8 7 # 3 6 S p r i n g , S h i f t R e t u r n 55-194845 1973-87 #37 Adapter, Strng Shaft Lwr Brng 55-194844 1973-87 #38 Bearing, Lower Shift Tube 55-194832 1 9 6 9 - 8 7 # 3 9 R e i n f o r c e m e n t toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 171 17.99 ea. 189.99 ea. 55-193608 1976-87 #28 Turn Signal Cancel Cam 55-194820 1969-87 #30 Screw, Col. Signal Sw, Man 14.99 ea. 5.99 ea. 29.99 ea. 55-194903 1982-87 #22 Housing Kit 1982-87 Non-Tilt Steering Column and Parts 10.99 ea. 55-194838 1973-87 #17 Cover 55-194849 1973-87 #20 Pin 55-195059 Call 159.99 ea. 5.99 ea. 49.99 ea. 14.99 ea. 119.99 ea. 79.99 ea. 5.99 ea. 171 1/29/15 4:58 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 1982-87 Tilt Steering Column And Parts 55-194837 1 9 7 3 - 8 7 # 1 B e a r i n g , U p p e r 55-194850 1973-87 #3 Pin 55-194852 1973-87 #4 Spring, Shoe Release 55-193560 55-194844 1973-87 #41 Bearing, Lower Shift Tube 55-194905 1 9 8 2 - 8 7 # 4 2 S p r i n g 8.99 ea. 79.99 ea. 9.99 ea. 55-194831 1969-87 #47 Screw, Ignition Switch 12.99 ea. 55-193533 1969-87 #49 Ignition Switch 12.99 ea. 55-193560 1982-85 #51 Windshield Wiper Switch 1982-87 Steering Column With Tilt Wheel 124.99 ea. 55-194879 1978-87 #11 Bolt 17.99 ea. 55-194844 1973-87 #12 Bearing, Lower Shift Tube 79.99 ea. 59.99 ea. 55-193560 1982-85 #14 Wiper Switch, w/Pulse 124.99 ea. 55-193563 1985-87 #14 Wiper Switch, w/Pulse 149.99 ea. 55-195059 1978-87 #15 Ignition Lock 11.99 ea. 55-194892 1982-87 #16 Cover 74.99 ea. 55-194820 1969-87 #20 Screw 9.99 ea. 5.99 ea. 55-193607 1976-87 #21 Turn Signal Cancel Cam 32.99 ea. 55-193592 1969-87 #23 Turn Signal Switch 49.99 ea. 55-194833 1 9 7 3 - 8 7 # 2 5 R e t a i n e r 5.99 ea. 55-193607 1973-87 #31 Turn Signal Cancel Cam 32.99 ea. 55-194881 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 # 3 2 S p r i n g 17.99 ea. 55-194820 1969-87 #33 Screw, Signal Switch 55-194893 1982-87 #37 Pin 5.99 ea. 8.99 ea. 55-194892 1978-87 #38 Cover 74.99 ea. 55-194877 1978-87 #39 Pin Pivot Kit, incl #39-41, 62 52.99 ea. 55-194877 1978-87 #40 Pin Pivot Kit, incl #39-41, 62 52.99 ea. 55-194877 1978-87 #41 Pin Pivot Kit, incl #39-41, 62 52.99 ea. 55-194860 1973-87 #42 Rack Kit, incl #42-44, 47 39.99 ea. 55-194860 1973-87 #43 Rack Kit, incl #42-44, 47 39.99 ea. 55-194860 1973-87 #44 Rack Kit, incl #42-44, 47 39.99 ea. 55-194827 1969-87 #46 Spring, Ignition Switch 10.99 ea. 55-194860 1973-87 #47 Rack Kit, incl #42-44, 47 39.99 ea. 55-194884 1979-87 #49 Shift Bowl 51.99 ea. 55-194896 1 9 8 2 - 8 7 # 5 0 S p r i n g 13.99 ea. 55-194862 1973-87 #52 Plate, Strng Col Sppt Lock 19.99 ea. 55-194886 1978-87 #54 Ring, Col Support Retainer DISC ea. 55-194871 1981 #56 Gate 19.99 ea. 55-194864 1973-87 #58 Screw, Column Support 12.99 ea. 55-194850 1973-87 #59 Shoe Release Lever Pin 7.99 ea. 55-194863 1 9 7 3 - 8 7 # 6 1 S p h e r e 16.99 ea. 55-194877 1978-87 #62 Pin Pivot Kit, incl #39-41, 62 52.99 ea. 55-194831 1969-87 #64 Screw, Ignition Switch 12.99 ea. 55-194898 1 9 8 2 - 8 7 # 6 7 R o d 14.99 ea. 55-193560 1982-85 #68 Windshield Wiper Sw 124.99 ea. 55-194845 1973-87 #73 Lwr Brg Conv, Brg and Adapter 119.99 ea. 55-194844 1973-87 #74 Bearing, Lower Shift Tube 55-194832 1 9 6 9 - 8 7 # 7 5 R e in fo r c e m e n t 55-194846 1973-87 #76 Clip 172 9.99 ea. 32.99 ea. 55-194858 1973-87 #19 Switch, Ign Key Warning 55-194846 1973-87 #40 Clip 7.99 ea. 55-194839 1 9 7 3 - 8 7 # 8 S h a f t 55-194837 1 9 7 3 - 8 7 # 1 3 B e a r i n g 1982-87 Non-Tilt Steering Column And Parts (Continued) 59.99 ea. 79.99 ea. 5.99 ea. 8.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 172 1/29/15 4:58 PM INTERIOR PARTS AND TRIM 55-198590 07-8600 55-198600 07-8624 55-198602 ididit Replacement Steering Columns For twenty years ididit has been the industry leader in steering column innovation. They are proud to say that each of the more than 100,000 steering columns that they have produced have been built right here in the U.S.A. While the size and shape may have changed, the quality has always stayed the same. Ididit did not spend their time or money reinventing the wheel (or the column in this case), instead they expanded on a design that engineers at GM have been using for more than 35 years. Although only replacement columns for 1959-’68 are listed here, please inquire if you are interested in another column. We may be able to assist you. Floor Shift Column with Tilt, Specify: Paintable Steel - 359.95 each Chrome - 469.95 each Brushed Aluminum - 689.95 each Polished Aluminum - 689.95 each Order 07-8600 Order 07-8616 Order 07-8632 Order 07-8648 For 1959-’60 El Camino For 1964-’65 El Camino For 1966 El Camino For 1967-’68 El Camino 55-198590 1959-60 Install Kit, Man 3⁄4" 30 Spline 284.99 ea. 55-198591 1959-60 Install Kit, Man 3⁄4" 36 Spline 284.99 ea. 55-198592 1964-65 Install Kit, Man 3⁄4" 30 Spline 249.99 ea. 55-198593 1964-65 Install Kit, Man 3⁄4" 36 Spline 249.99 ea. 55-198594 1964-65 Install Kit, Pwr 13⁄16" 36 Spline 249.99 ea. 55-198595 1966 Install Kit, Man 3⁄4" 30 Spline 249.99 ea. 55-198596 1966 Install Kit, Man 3⁄4" 36 Spline 249.99 ea. 55-198597 1966 Install Kit, Pwr 13⁄16" 36 Spline 249.99 ea. 55-198600 Cruise w/Computerized Engines 269.99 ea. 55-198601 Cruise w/Non-Computerized Eng 379.99 ea. 55-198602 Turn Signal Lever Cruise Control Cover, Brushed Aluminum Paintable Steel - 579.95 each Chrome - 739.95 each Brushed Aluminum - 1049.95 each Polished Aluminum - 1049.95 each Polished Aluminum 36.99 ea. 55-198604 Aluminum Shift Indicator Housings, 3 speed, C h ro m e 76.99 ea. For 1959-’60 El Camino For 1964-’65 El Camino For 1966 El Camino For 1967-’68 El Camino C h ro m e 76.99 ea. 55-198606 Aluminum Shift Indicator, Housing and Pointer only, Chrome 59.99 ea. 55-198607 Aluminum Shift Indicator, Housing only, Chrome 47.99 ea. 55-198608 Aluminum Shift Indicator, Pointer only, Chrome 17.99 ea. 55-198598 1964-65 Column to Dash Harness Adapter 36.99 ea. 55-198599 1964-65 Column to Dash Harness Adapter 19.99 ea. 55-198609 Acrylic Shift Ind and Pointer, 3 spd 31.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 173 36.99 ea. 55-198603 Turn Signal Lever Cruise Control Cover, 55-198605 Aluminum Shift Indicator Housings, 4 speed, Column Shift with Tilt, Specify: Order 07-8608 Order 07-8624 Order 07-8640 Order 07-8656 ididit Column Accessories 173 1/29/15 4:58 PM STEERING AND SUSPENSION 55-194466 55-194471 55-194472 Steering Conversion Kits • Provides Near Rack And Pinion Road Feel • Easy Bolt-On Installation Convert over to power steering with one of our 605 kits designed to be a direct bolt-on for your car. Kit includes: Quick Ratio Power Steering Box, Steering Rag Joint, Power Steering Pitman Arm and Power Steering Pump.The Delphi 600 series Power Steering Gear utilizes the latest in steering technology including a rack and pinion style servo and specifically tuned effort characteristics. The gear provides quick response and precise control. The recirculating ball gear offers low friction with smooth and quiet operation throughout the entire steering range. This produces excellent road feel and driver feedback just like that found in modern day cars and trucks. Kit includes gear, coupler and adapter fittings. 55-194944 1959 Stock Col 605 Conv w/Rag Joint 119.99 ea. 55-194946 1959 Pwr Strg Box w/Mtg Plate 399.99 ea. 55-194948 1959 Pwr Strg Pump Brkt w/Adj 55-194466 #1 Gasket 49.99 ea. 55-194471 #6 Seal 39.99 ea. Numbers listed after part numbers refer to above diagram numbers. 69.99 ea. 55-194945 1959 605 Conv Mtng Bracket Kit w/Hdwr. 55-194947 1959 Hose Kit for 605 Box 1959-60 Steering Box Rebuild Parts 61.99 ea. 55-194460 82.99 ea. 55-194949 1959 605 Pwr Strg Conv Kit, Compl 624.99 ea. 55-194950 1964 605 Pwr Strg Conv Kit, Compl 629.99 ea. 55-197257 1964 Delphi 600 Conv Kit, 12.7:1 Ratio 577.99 ea. 55-197258 1964 Delphi 600 Conv Kit, 14:1 Ratio 579.99 ea. 55-194951 1968 605 Pwr Strg Conv Kit, Compl 629.99 ea. 55-197263 1981 Delphi 600 Gr Box Only, 12.7:1 Ratio 579.99 ea. 55-197264 1981 Delphi 600 Gr Box Only, 14:1 Ratio 579.99 ea. Rag Joint Rebuild Kit If you don’t see what you are looking for in this catalog, give us a call! We are adding new parts daily. 174 • (2) Special Shouldered Bolts • (2) Coupler Repair Bolts • (1) Steering Coupler Repair Bushing 55-194460 1964 Rag Joint Rebuild Kit, 17 Pcs 11.99 kit shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 174 1/29/15 4:58 PM STEERING AND SUSPENSION 1964-67 605 Series Steering Conversion Kit • Replaces Sluggish Stock System To Provide A More Positive Road Feel • Adds Power Steering To Non Power Steering Cars • Includes Steering Box, 605 Hose Kit, & Power Steering Pump • Power Steering Pulley P/N 55-199409 Sold Separately 55-198556 55-198554 Convert over to power steering with one of our power steering kits. Our kits are designed to be a direct bolt-on into your car. Kits include: Quick Ratio Power Steering Box, Steering Rag Joint, Power Steering Pitman Arm and Power Steering Pump. 55-194950 55-198227 629.99 ea 55-194936 1964-’72 Power Steering 55-194931 55-198226 1966 Remote Pwr Strg Res Cap, 1st design 36.99 ea. 55-198554 1966 Remote Pwr Strg Res Brkt 29.99 ea. 55-196936 1966-67 Remote Pwr Strg Res 64.99 ea. 55-198555 1967-68 Remote Pwr Strg Res Brkt 29.99 ea. 55-198556 1968 Remote Pwr Strg Res 64.99 ea. 55-198227 1968 Remote Pwr Strg Res Cap, 2nd design 36.99 ea. 1959-60 Power Steering 55-194918 1959 Pump Vane and Rotor Kit 124.99 kit 55-194919 1959 Pump Vane Set 54.99 set 55-194920 1959 Pump Rotor 84.99 ea. 55-194922 1959 Pressure Relief Valve 67.99 ea. 55-194925 1959 Pump Seal Kit 23.99 kit 55-197000 1959-60 Seal 55-197857 9.99 ea. 55-194931 1959 Pump Cam Ring 189.99 ea. 55-194932 1959 Cam Pack, Cam Ring, Rotor, Vanes 349.99 ea. 55-194936 1959 Pwr Strg Pump (Exchange only) 289.99 ea. 55-194941 1959 Cyl Mtng Brkt (will work on ‘60) 56.99 ea. 55-194914 1959-60 Valve Cover Stud Dust Cover 11.99 ea. 55-194916 1959-60 Cyl Mtng Brkt Reinforcement Plates 55-194917 1959-60 Seal, Ctrl Valve Stud to Pitman Arm 55-194923 1959-60 Seats, Valve Ball Stud, pair 55-194924 1959-60 Valve (Dust Cap) at Adj Nut End 55-194933 1959-60 Cylinder Mount Kit 55-194934 1959-60 Hose Brkt (Bolts to Frame) 9.99 ea. 6.99 ea. 24.99 pr. 7.99 ea. 11.99 kit Call Power Steering Related Bolt Kits 55-194939 1959-60 Control Valve 299.99 ea. 55-194940 1959-60 Cylinder Authentic hardware you need to correctly reassemble the engine components. Most fasteners have correct markings for the time period. 129.99 ea. 55-197852 1964-65 Pwr Strg Pump, 283, 327, 12 pcs 10.99 kit 55-197853 1965-66 Pwr Strg Pump, 396, 10 pieces 10.99 kit 5.99 ea. 15.99 kit 55-194928 1960 Plate 55-197854 1966-68 Pwr Strg Pump, 283, 327, 12 pcs 12.99 ea. 15.99 kit 55-194929 1 9 6 0 S p r i n g 55-197855 1966-68 Pwr Strg Pump, 396 (1966 smog) 7.99 ea. 55-197856 1969 Pwr Strg Pump, 396, 20 pieces 15.99 kit 55-194935 1959-60 Hose Brkt (Bolts to Splash Pan) 55-194921 1 9 6 0 C a m R in g a n d 1 2 V a n e s 55-194927 1 9 6 0 R i n g 29.99 ea. 69.99 ea. 55-194938 1960 Power Steering Pump (w/o core) 94.99 ea. 15.99 kit 55-194930 1960-64 Pulley 55-197857 1969-72 Pwr Strg Pump, Small Block,19 pcs 79.99 ea. 55-197858 1970-72 Pwr Strg Pump, 396, 454, 19 pcs 15.99 kit toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 175 175 1/29/15 4:58 PM STEERING AND SUSPENSION 55-196534 1964-72 Forged Steering Arms • Mid-Length Arms For Power Steering Cars Only • Bolts To Back Of Stock Or Aftermarket Spindles • Connects To Outer Tie Rod Ends 55-279743 84.99 pr. 55-197355 55-197325 Power Steering Hoses 55-196533 1959 4 Pieces 94.99 ea. 55-196534 1960 4 Pieces 99.99 ea. 55-196535 1960 Steel Line from Pump to Pres. Hose 10.99 ea. 55-196536 1960 #11-5312 in Stainless Steel 55-197324 1965-81 Braided Hoses For Type II PS Pumps 16.99 ea. 164.99 set 55-333554 1971-75 AC Delco Pressure Line Hose Assembly 20.99 ea. 55-333357 1979-87 AC Delco Pressure Hose 22.99 ea. 55-199070 1964-72 Hose Kit 19.99 ea. 55-197325 1982-87 Braided Hoses For Type II PS Pumps 199.99 pr. 55-199410 1959-60 Adaptor W/Inverted Flare For 1980 And Up 605 Boxes 37.99 ea. 55-198284 1964-69 Return Hose Clamps 22.99 kit 55-194947 1959-60 Hose Kit For 605 Box 61.99 ea. Suspension Kits • Replacement Of Original • Does Not Include Sway Bar Hardware, Idler Arm Or Center Link Kit Includes: 2 Upper Ball Joints, 2 Lower Ball Joints, 2 Outer Tie Rods, 2 Inner Tie Rods, 2 Adjusting Sleeves, 2 Front Upper Control Arm Bumpers, 2 Front Lower Control Arm Bumpers, 4 Front Upper Control Arm Bushings, 4 Front Lower Control Arm Bushings, 6 Rear Control Arm Bushings (Upper And Lower), 2 Panhard Bushings, 2 Rear End Bumpers. 55-197351 1959-60 Original Style, Front and Rear 55-194934 399.99 kit 55-197352 1966-67 Front and Rear with Lower Front Large-67 A-Arm Bushing, 1.90 449.99 kit 55-197354 1966-67 Front and Rearwith Lower Front Large A-Arm Bushing, 1.67 55-197355 1 9 6 8 - 6 9 F r o n t a n d R e a r 469.99 kit 419.99 kit 55-197356 1970 Front and Rear with Round Lower 55-195858 1959-60 Power Steering Hose Brackets • Reproduction Of Original • Commonly Rusted, Damage Or Missing F ro n t A -A rm B u s h in g 419.99 kit 55-197357 1970 Front and Rear with Oval Lower Front A -A rm B u s h in g 449.99 kit 55-197358 1971-72 Front and Rear with Round Lower F ro n t A -A rm B u s h in g s 449.99 kit 55-197359 1971-72 Front and Rear with Oval Lower F ro n t A -A rm B u s h in g s 449.99 kit 55-194934 1959-60 Bracket 27.99 ea. 55-194935 1959-60 Bracket And Clamp 29.99 ea. 55-197360 1 9 7 3 F r o n t a n d R e a r 55-195858 1960 Hose Clamp 17.99 ea. 55-197361 1 9 7 4 - 7 7 F r o n t a n d R e a r Call 55-195857 1960 Bracket 28.99 ea. 55-197362 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 F r o n t a n d R e a r Call 176 289.99 kit shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 176 1/29/15 4:58 PM STEERING AND SUSPENSION 55-194430 Urethane Suspension Kits These complete kits come with everything you need to upgrade your suspension; ball joint boots, front control arm bushings, rear control arm bushings, end links, tie rod boots, and transmission mounts are all included. 55-194430 1968-72 Complete 299.99 kit 55-194431 1974-77 Complete 244.99 kit 55-194432 1978-88 Complete 269.99 kit 55-194482 Front Upper Control Arm Bushings (#1) • Replacement Of Original • Two Kits Needed Per Car 55-194481 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 S e t o f 2 , N e e d n e s e t p e r s i d e 11.99 ea. 55-194482 1964-72 Set of 2 w/shaft, need one set per side 63.99 ea. 55-194483 1 9 7 3 S e t o f 2 , n e e d o n e s e t p e r s i d e 9.99 ea. 55-194484 1974-77 Set of 2 w/shaft, need one set per side 49.99 ea. 55-194485 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 S e t o f 2 , n e e d o n e s e t p e r s i d e 14.99 ea. 55-197340 Front End Kits Kit Includes: 2 Upper Ball Joints, 2 Lower Ball Joints, 2 Outer Tie Rods, 2 Inner Tie Rods, 2 Adjusting Sleeves, 2 Upper Control Arm Bumpers, 2 Lower Control Arm Bumpers, 4 Upper Control Arm Bushings, 4 Lower Control Arm Bushings, DOES NOT INCLUDE SWAY BAR HARDWARE, IDLER ARM OR CENTER LINK. 55-197340 1959-60 Original Style Components 249.99 kit 55-197341 1964-65 Original Style Components 299.99 kit 55-197353 1966-67 Original Style Components with Large Lower Bushing, 1.90 299.99 kit 55-197342 1966-67 Original Style Components with Large Lower Bushing, 1.67 55-197343 1968-69 Original Style Components 299.99 kit 329.99 kit 55-197350 1970 Original Style Components with Large Lower Round Bushing 329.99 kit 55-197345 1971-72 Original Style Components with Large Lower Round Bushings 329.99 kit 55-197346 1971-72 Original Style Components with Large Lower Oval Bushing 55-197347 1973 Original Style Components Front Lower Control Arm Bushings (#2) • Replacement Of Original • Includes One Large And One Small Bushing • Two Kits Needed Per Car 55-194492 1959-60 Each, need two per side 329.99 kit 179.99 kit 55-197348 1974-77 Original Style Components Call 55-197349 1978-87 Original Style Components Call 64.99 set 55-194494 1 9 6 4 - 6 6 1 s t D e s i g n 21.99 set 55-194495 1966-72 Set of 2-1 large 1 small 23.99 set 55-194496 1970-72 Set of 2-1 oval 1 round 21.99 set 55-194497 1973-77 Set of 2-1 large 1 small 12.99 set 55-194498 1978-87 Set of 2-1 large 1 small 14.99 set The Body Number Plate, also known as the trim tag, gives complete identification of each El Camino’s body. In 1959-1985 it can be found on a plate riveted to the top of the cowl usually on the left side of the car. In 1986-1987 it was called the Service Parts Identification Label and is located on the glovebox door or behind the seat. This identifying label/plate will tell you the production number and birthplace of your car as well the paint, trim and option codes. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 177 5.99 ea. 55-194493 1959-60 Set of 2 w/shaft 329.99 kit 55-197344 1970 Original Style Components with Large Lower Oval Bushing 55-194493 177 1/29/15 4:58 PM STEERING AND SUSPENSION 55-194476 55-194438 Control Arm Bushing Kits, Urethane 55-194433 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 F r o n t 74.99 kit Ball Joints, Upper 55-194434 1959-60 Rear (must use outer shells) 84.99 kit 55-194475 1959-60 (2 Required) 24.99 ea. 55-194435 1959-60 Rear Panhard Rod 16.99 kit 55-194476 1964-72 (2 Required) 19.99 ea. 55-194477 1973-87 (2 Required) 19.99 ea. 99.99 kit 55-291074 1964-72 Tall Upper 49.99 ea. 55-194437 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 F r o n t 79.99 kit 55-291079 1978-87 Tall Upper 49.99 ea. 55-194449 1 9 6 5 - 8 8 R e a r 99.99 kit 55-194438 1966 Front with 1.9" OD Lower 91.99 kit 55-194439 1966 Front with 1.65" OD Lower 74.99 kit 55-194440 1967-72 Front with Oval Lower 79.99 kit 55-194441 1967-72 Front with Round Lower 89.99 kit 55-194442 1973 Front w/ 15⁄8" OD Front Lwr 84.99 kit 55-194443 1973 Front w/ 13⁄8" OD Front Lwr 84.99 kit 55-194444 1974 Front w/ 15⁄8" OD Front Lwr 84.99 kit 55-194445 1974 Front w/ 13⁄8" OD Front Lwr 79.99 kit 55-194446 1 9 7 5 - 7 7 F r o n t 84.99 kit 55-194447 1 9 7 8 - 8 8 F r o n t 84.99 kit 55-194448 1964 Rear (Use existing outer shells on uppers only) 55-194479 Ball Joints, Lower 55-194425 55-194478 1959-60 (2 Required) 24.99 ea. 55-194479 1964-72 (2 Required) 19.99 ea. 55-194480 1973-87 (2 Required) 19.99 ea. 55-291075 1964-72 Tall Lower 49.99 ea. 55-291088 1978-88 Tall Lower 49.99 ea. 55-197385 Front Control Arm Bumpers, Rubber 55-194415 1959-60 Lower, GM, each 9.99 ea. 55-194416 1959-60 Upper, GM, each 5.99 ea. 55-194417 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 U p p e r , R e p r o d u c t i o n , e a c h 5.99 ea. 55-194418 1959-60 Lower and Upper Kit 19.99 kit 55-194421 1 9 6 4 - 7 2 U p p e r , e a c h , R e p r o d u c t i o n 12.99 ea. Front Control Arms 55-246152 55-194422 1964-72 Lower and Upper Kit 29.99 kit 55-197383 1964-72 Lower LH, bare 55-194419 1964-73 Lower, each 12.99 ea. 55-197384 1964-72 Lower RH, bare 55-194425 1973 Lower and Upper Kit 31.99 kit 55-197385 1964-72 Lwr LH, w/bushings And ball joint 159.99 ea. 55-194424 1 9 7 3 - 8 7 U p p e r , e a c h 6.99 ea. 55-197386 1964-72 Lwr RH, w/bushings And ball joint 159.99 ea. 55-194423 1974-87 Lower, each 12.99 ea. 55-246152 1964-72 Complete, LH 139.99 ea. Call 55-246149 1964-72 Complete, RH 139.99 ea. 55-194429 1974-87 Lower and Upper Kit 178 89.99 ea. 89.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 178 1/29/15 4:58 PM STEERING AND SUSPENSION 55-194505 55-192829 55-194506 “A” Arm Seals 55-192827 1 9 5 9 10.99 pr. 55-192828 1 9 6 0 10.99 pr. 55-192829 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 11.99 pr. 55-192830 1 9 6 6 15.99 pr. 55-192831 1 9 6 7 14.99 pr. 55-192832 1968-72 Metal Skirt 14.99 pr. 55-192833 1968-72 Plastic Skirt 12.99 pr. 55-192834 1974-77 Steel Skirt, with Staples 19.99 pr. Adjusting Sleeves 55-194505 1959-60 (2 Required) 14.99 ea. 55-194506 1978-87 (2 Required) 13.99 ea. 55-194507 1971-77 (2 Required) 15.99 ea. 55-194508 1978-87 (2 Required) 13.99 ea. 55-197001 55-194488 55-198546 Pitman Arms Outer Tie Rods • Reproduction Of Original • Fits Left Or Right • Includes Hardware 55-194486 1959-60 (2 Required) 21.99 ea. 55-194487 1964-70 (2 Required) 21.99 ea. 55-194488 1971-72 (2 Required) 24.99 ea. 55-194489 1973-77 (2 Required) 21.99 ea. 55-194490 1978-87 (2 Required) 21.99 ea. 55-197001 1964-67 Manual Steering 49.99 ea. 55-198546 1964-67 Power Steering 49.99 ea. 55-194784 1968-72 Manual Steering 49.99 ea. 55-198547 1968-72 Power Steering 49.99 ea. 55-194500 07-2640 55-194509 Inner Tie Rods • Reproduction Of Original • Fits Left Or Right • Includes Hardware Center Links 55-197246 1959-60 Felted Washer 3.99 ea. 55-194499 1959-60 (2 Required) 34.99 ea. 55-194509 1964-67 1964 with 7/8" Bar, 1965-67 ALL 89.99 ea. 55-194500 1964-70 (2 Required) 19.99 ea. 55-194510 1 9 7 1 - 7 2 69.99 ea. 55-194501 1971-77 (2 Required) 21.99 ea. 55-194511 1973-77 w/power steering 49.99 ea. 55-194503 1978-87 (2 Required) 21.99 ea. 55-194513 1 9 8 2 - 8 7 54.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 179 179 1/29/15 4:58 PM STEERING AND SUSPENSION 55-197034 55-197518 Idler Arms 55-197034 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 119.99 ea. 55-197036 1964 13/16” Diameter 39.99 ea. 55-197035 1964-67 7/8” Diameter 49.99 ea. 55-197037 1968-72 13/16” Diameter 39.99 ea. 55-197041 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 39.99 ea. Rear Axle Components 55-197518 1959-60 Boxed Rear Ctrl Arms w/Bushings 199.99 pr. 55-199182 1978-87 Rear Control Arm, Upper, LH 295.99 ea. 55-199183 1978-87 Rear Control Arm, Upper, RH 279.99 ea. 1959-60 Rear Upper Torque Arm 55-194381 • Replaces Commonly Bent Damaged Or Crushed Upper Control Arm • Can Be Used At Add A "Dual" Upper Control Arm Set-Up* • Includes Installed Bushings 55-194389 The El Camino Store is proud to offer this new control arm with the bushing properly pre-installed. A new stamped steel unit insures that the geometry will be correct and you’ll go down the road straight. *NOTE: For those project adding a second rear control arm, please remember that some fabrication and welding of the upper control arm mount on the frame and rear end is necessary. 55-194390 55-283303 Rear Control Arm Bushings, Rubber • Reproduction Of Original • Correct Rubber Bushing • Fits Only Lower Front Position On Rear Control Arms 55-194365 1959-60 Lower Front 14.99 ea. 55-194373 1959-60 Upper and Lower Rear 14.99 ea. 55-194376 1959-60 Panhard Rod Bushing 55-194377 1959-60 Upper And Lwr w/Panhard 25.99 ea. 97.99 set 55-194379 1 9 6 4 U p p e r R e a r 44.99 ea. 55-194380 1965-77 Upper and Lower 14.99 ea. 55-194381 1 9 6 5 - 7 7 S e t o f 8 99.99 set 55-194390 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 U p p e r 15.99 ea. 180 55-194344 109.99 set 55-194378 1 9 6 4 S e t o f 8 55-194399 1978-87 Lower and Upper, Set of 8 89.99 ea. Call Rear Control Arm Inserts 55-194344 1964-72 Rear Boxed Control Arm Inserts 29.99 pr. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 180 1/29/15 4:59 PM STEERING AND SUSPENSION 55-194755 55-194756 HORSEPOWER FOR YOUR SUSPENSION 55-194757 Rear Panhard Bar • • • • Reproduction Of Original Bushings Pre Installed Correct Cast Iron Bar Prefect Replacement For Commonly Warped Or Stressed Originals 55-194755 1959-60 Rear Trac-Bar, original style, black 59.99 ea. 55-194756 1959-60 Rear Trac-Bar, original style, chrome 79.99 ea. 55-194757 1959-60 Rear Adjustable Trac-Bar 79.99 ea. When altering your car’s ride height, it is recommended that our adjustable trac-bar be used to keep the rear end in the correct position. All bars come gold zinc plated and have polyurethane bushings. HOTCHKIS TOTAL VEHICLE SYSTEM (TVS) The Hotchkis TVS (Total Vehicle System) concept was designed for the driving enthusiast who demands the ultimate in vehicle handling and performance without sacrificing a comfortable ride. Using our TVS system guarantees that all the suspension components for your vehicle have been thoroughly engineered and designed to work together as a complete suspension system. This completely tuned suspension package eliminates the poor ride quality that often results from the use of components produced by different manufacturers. THE HOTCHKIS PERFORMANCE ADVANTAGE The obvious Hotchkis Performance advantage is improved traction and handling for your performance vehicle. We go a step further giving you the additional advantage of convenience and product longevity with the inclusion of all necessary heavy duty hardware. This ensures our products live up to what performance magazine articles have described about Hotchkis Performance suspension: “Install on Saturday, drive on Saturday!” 07-5318 55-194435 TVS SUSPENSION SYSTEMS The Hotchkis TVS is a all inclusive kit that has been designed and tested as a system. No need to mix and match components. The TVS system includes Sport Coils, Sport Sway Bars, Heavy Duty Tie Rod Sleeves, and a Adjustable Rear Suspension Package. 55-194376 Rear Panhard Bar Bushings 55-197143 1964-66 TVS Suspension System, BB 1839.99 kit 55-197144 1964-66 TVS Suspension System, SB 1839.99 kit 55-197145 1967 TVS Suspension System, SB 1839.99 kit 55-197147 1968-70 TVS Suspension System, BB 1839.99 kit 55-197146 1968-70 TVS Suspension System, SB 1839.99 kit 55-197148 1971-72 TVS Suspension System, BB 1849.99 kit 55-194376 1959-60 Panhard Rod Bushing 25.99 ea. 55-197149 1971-72 TVS Suspension System, SB 1849.99 kit 55-194435 1959-60 Panhard Rod Bushing 16.99 ea. 55-197185 1978-82 TVS Suspension System, SB 1839.99 kit toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 181 181 1/29/15 4:59 PM STEERING AND SUSPENSION 55-197136 Lower Trailing Arms Hotchkis Performance lower trailing arms improve traction, reduce wheel hop, and improve handling and stability. Designed as direct replacements for weak stock trailing arms, Hotchkis trailing arms feature Tig welded construction from one piece of parent material, quiet operating greasable polyurethane bushings, sway bar mounts and a powder coated finish. Black Powder coat. 55-197159 Tubular Upper A-Arms Upgrade your El Camino's front suspension with the use of our Tubular A-Arms. Our Tubular A-Arms are designed to adapt the use of taller GM F or B-Body spindles allowing for improved suspension geometry by creating a negative camber curve and increased caster. Disc brakes are easily upgraded with factory 11" or 12" rotors available from F or B Body vehicles. These arms feature TIG welded construction, and greasable polyurethane bushings, upper and lower ball joints, and chromoly offset cross shafts. Note: Arms do not work with factory spindles! Spindles required are 1970-’76 GM F-Body, or 1978+ GM B-Body. Spindles will lower vehicle 3⁄4" and widen track width 3⁄8" per side. Please consult an El Camino Store Representative with any specific questions regarding this conversion. 55-197159 1964-72 Tubular Upper A-Arms 749.99 ea. 55-197188 1978-87 Tubular Upper A-Arms 719.99 ea. 55-197136 1959-60 Lower Trailing Arms 499.99 ea. 55-197158 1964-72 Lower Trailing Arms 319.99 ea. 55-197181 1973-77 Lower Trailing Arms 349.99 ea. 55-197189 1978-87 Lower Trailing Arms 319.99 ea. 55-197173 Performance Springs Lower your El Camino 1" Below stock ride height to give it the right look, with an aggressive stance and a lower center of gravity. Our springs provide a firm, but not harsh ride. Each gray powder coated spring is precision wound using the highest quality steel. Specs: 1" Lowered Front 500 lb/in, Rear 135 lb/in. Motor: Small Block, Pontiac 400 or Big Block with Aluminum Heads and Aluminum Manifold. Applications: GM A-Body Sedans Note: Wagons and El Caminos should not use rear springs without the use of 55-197155 air bag kit. Set of 4. 55-197160 Upper Trailing Arms Hotchkis Performance upper trailing arms improve traction, reduce wheel hop, and improve handling and stability. Designed as direct replacements for weak stock trailing arms, Hotchkis trailing arms feature TIG welded construction from one piece of parent material, quiet operating greasable polyurethane bushings, and a powder coated finish. Black Powder coat 55-197167 1964-66 Perf Spring Set 419.99 set 55-197168 1964-66 Perf Rear Springs 209.99 set 55-197169 1964-66 Perf Sport Coil Spring Set 419.99 set 55-197170 1964-72 SB Front Sport Coil Springs 209.99 set 55-197171 1964-72 BB Front Sport Coil Springs 209.99 set 55-197172 1967-72 SB Perf Sport Coil Spring Set 419.99 set 55-197173 1967-72 BB Perf Sport Coil Spring Set 419.99 set 55-197160 1964-67 Upper Trailing Arms 319.99 ea. 55-197174 1967-72 Perf Rear Sport Coil Springs 209.99 set 55-197165 1968-72 Upper Trailing Arms 319.99 ea. 55-197194 1978-87 SB Perf Sport Coil Spring Set 419.99 set 55-197182 1973-77 Upper Trailing Arms 319.99 ea. 55-197195 1978-87 Perf Rear Sport Coil Springs 211.99 set 55-197647 1978-87 Upper Trailing Arms 319.99 ea. 55-197196 1978-87 SB Perf Front Sport Coil Springs 209.99 set 182 shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 182 1/29/15 4:59 PM STEERING AND SUSPENSION 55-197175 Performance Sway Bars 1967-72 Hotchkis Rear 2" Drop Performance Coil Spring Set • 2" Lowered Rear Or Front Springs • Made In The USA 55-302818 1967-72 Small Block, Rear 124-159 lb/in 219.99 pr. 55-302820 1967-72 Big Block, Rear 124-159 lb/in. 219.99 pr. 55-302822 1964-66 Small Block, Front 512 lb/in. 55-302824 1964-66 Small Block, Rear 512 lb/in. 55-302825 55-302892 Improve cornering by reducing body roll with a set of Hotchkis Performance Sway Bars. Hotchkis bars are CNC bent for a precise fit and feature lightweight hollow construction and include greasable polyurethane bushings, end links, brackets, and all necessary hardware. Hotchkis bars are powder coated for durability, and tested and tuned to ensure the best performance possible. 13⁄8" Hollow Front, 1" Solid Rear. 55-197175 1964-72 Performance Sway Bar Set 479.99 set 55-197176 1964-72 Performance Front Sway Bar 269.99 ea. 219.99 pr. 55-197197 1978-87 Performance Sway Bar Set 469.99 set 219.99 pr. 55-197198 269.99 ea. 1967-72 Small Block, Front 512 lb/in. 1978-87 Performance Front Sway Bar 219.99 pr. 55-197199 1978-87 Performance Rear Sway Bar 209.99 ea. 1967-72 Big Block, Front 512 lb/in. 219.99 pr. 55-302851 1964-66 Big Block, Front 512 lb/in. 219.99 pr. 55-302854 1964-66 Big Block, Rear 512 lb/in. 219.99 pr. 55-302859 1967-72 Big Block, Front 580 lb/in, Rear 124-159 lb/in (Set Of 4) 55-302869 439.99 set 1967-72 Small Block, Front 580 lb/in, Rear 124-159 lb/in (Set Of 4) 55-302873 439.99 set 1964-66 Small Block, Front 580 lb/in, Rear 124-159 lb/in (Set Of 4) 55-302961 55-197154 439.99 set 1964-66 Big Block, Front 580 lb/in, Rear 124-159 lb/in (Set Of 4) 439.99 set Tie Rod Sleeves Enhance steering precision with our Machined Tie Rod Adjusting Sleeves. They feature machined hex bodies, jam nuts and are finished in durable gloss black powder coat. 5/8" Thread. 55-197154 1964-70 Tie Rod Sleeves 69.99 ea. 55-197166 1971-72 TIe Rod Sleeves 79.99 ea. 55-197134 55-197156 HPS 1000 Shocks The HPS 1000 shock is designed like all other Hotchkis Performance parts, it's designed to perform. Shocks need to be tuned with spring rates and vehicle weights in mind, that's why one valve fits all or universal shocks just don't optimize performance often sacrificing ride comfort for performance. Tuned in house and manufactured by Bilstein TM this shock offers a seamless transition between comfort and control. Each shock is specifically engineered and tuned to offer the ultimate performance and ride. HPS 1000 shocks make a great addition to the Hotchkis TVS packages. Shocks are sold each. 55-197156 1964-72 HPS 1000 Front Shock 109.99 ea. 55-197157 1964-72 HPS 1000 Rear Shock 109.99 ea. 55-197192 1978-87 HPS 1000 Front Shock 109.99 ea. 55-197193 1978-87 HPS 1000 Rear Shock 119.99 ea. 1959-1960 Rear Suspension Packages Improve handling and traction on your El Camino by upgrading your flimsy stock suspension. 55-197134 1959-60 Rear Ctrl Arm Pkg w/Dbl U p p e r A rm s 55-197135 U p p e r A rm s toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 183 1099.99 ea. 1959-60 Rear Ctrl Arm Pkg w/Single 899.99 ea. 183 1/29/15 4:59 PM STEERING AND SUSPENSION Adjustable Rear Suspension Packages 55-197161 Our Adjustable upper and lower trailing arms work together to positively locate and control the rear axle. Launches are quicker, smoother and more consistent by eliminating wheel hop. The adjustable upper arms allow for easy pinion angle changes to better tune your vehicle. Cornering and overall stability are dramatically improved through increased roll stiffness and sway bar effectiveness. The fabricated trailing arms are constructed from one piece of .120" wall TIG welded steel tubing and include greasable polyurethane bushings. Trailing arm mount braces and hardware are also included. 55-197150 1964-67 Adj Rear Suspension Package 899.99 pkg. 55-197161 1968-72 Adj Rear Suspension Package 899.99 pkg. 55-197186 1978-87 Adj Rear Suspension Package 899.99 pkg. 55-197137 Panhard Bars Improve handling and traction on your El Camino by upgrading your flimsy stock pan hard rod with our adjustable model. Pan hard rods positively locate the rear axle and control lateral, sideto-side movement. Our adjustable pan hard rod features greasable bushings, grade 8 hardware, TIG welded construction and a durable powder coated finish. 55-197138 1959-60 Panhard Bar 189.99 ea. 55-197155 55-197187 Rear Suspension Packages Our upper and lower trailing arms work together to positively locate and control the rear axle. Launches are quicker, smoother and more consistent by eliminating wheel hop. Cornering and overall stability are dramatically improved through increased roll stiffness and sway bar effectiveness. The fabricated trailing arms are constructed from one piece of .120" wall TIG welded steel tubing and include greasable polyurethane bushings. Trailing arm mount braces and hardware are also included. 55-197152 1964-67 Rear Suspension Package 829.99 pkg. 55-197163 1968-72 Rear Suspension Package 819.99 pkg. 55-197187 1978-87 Rear Suspension Package 869.99 pkg. Airbag Kits Improve launches and weight capacity by inserting these air bags inside your rear springs. Air bags work much better than air shocks offering a better ride by still allowing a performance shock to be used. A must for wagons or El Caminos. Sold as a pair with air lines. 55-197155 1964-77 Air Bag Kit 139.99 kit 55-197191 1978-87 Air Bag Kit 132.99 kit 55-197164 55-197137 Trailing Arm Mount Braces 55-197137 1959-60 Adjustable Upper Trailing Arms 199.99 ea. 55-197151 1964-67 Adjustable Upper Trailing Arms 399.99 ea. Hotchkis Performance Trailing Arm Mount b r a c e s a r e d e s ig n e d to r e in fo r c e th e u p p e r cross member of your vehicle for added strength and performance. High horsepower cars can bend or break the upper frame cross member. Protect your vehicle and your performance with this simple bolt in application. Braces include grade 8 hardware, and feature TIG welded construction, durable black powder coat, and an adjustable design. 55-197162 1968-72 Adjustable Upper Trailing Arms 389.99 ea. 55-197153 1964-67 Trailing Arm Mount Braces 169.99 ea. 55-197177 1973-77 Adjustable Upper Trailing Arms 399.99 ea. 55-197164 1968-72 Trailing Arm Mount Braces 169.99 ea. 55-197646 1978-87 Adjustable Upper Trailing Arms 389.99 ea. 55-197190 1978-87 Trailing Arm Mount Braces 169.99 ea. Adjustable Upper Trailing Arms Improve handling and traction on your El Camino by upgrading your flimsy stock trailing arms with our Adjustable upper trailing arms. Fabricated and tig welded from .120 wall rectangular tubing these adjustable arms feature greasable bushings, grade 8 hardware, and a durable powder coated finish. 184 shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 184 1/29/15 4:59 PM STEERING AND SUSPENSION STOCK FRONT COIL SPRING SETS Year & Model Cyl. 1959 6 6 1960 Regular Part # / Price 2 8 3 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 9 149.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 0 149.99 3 4 8 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 9 149.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 0 149.99 ALL 5 5 -2 0 2 6 7 4 143.99 ALL 5 5 -2 0 2 6 7 5 131.99 2 8 3 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 9 149.99 3 4 8 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 9 149.99 8 6 ALL 8 2 8 3 1964 6 6 6 1967 8 1968 SS 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 6 121.99 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 6 121.99 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 6 9 5 99.99 3 2 7 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 6 121.99 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 5 129.99 2 8 3 0 7 - 3 2 4 4 119.99 3 2 7 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 6 121.99 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 6 9 7 121.99 6 1970 5 5 -1 9 4 6 9 4 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 6 9 4 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 6 9 4 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 6 9 8 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 6 9 9 121.99 1978’80 Regular Part # / Price 350 / 400 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 0 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 2 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 8 149.99 4 5 4 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 3 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 4 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 5 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 4 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 6 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 8 149.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 7 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 2 121.99 4 5 4 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 8 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 2 121.99 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 6 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 8 149.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 7 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 2 121.99 6 2 5 0 8 350 / 400 5 5 -1 9 4 6 9 8 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 6 9 8 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 6 9 8 121.99 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 6 9 7 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 1 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 2 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 3 121.99 3 0 7 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 2 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 3 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 2 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 3 121.99 3 5 0 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 2 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 3 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 2 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 3 121.99 3 9 6 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 3 121.99 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 4 121.99 6 8 6 8 6 1983 8 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 2 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 3 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 1 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 2 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 3 121.99 400 / 454 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 3 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 6 9 8 121.99 307 / 350 5 5 -1 9 4 6 9 9 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 2 121.99 400 / 454 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 2 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 5 121.99 307 / 350 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 6 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 7 129.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 8 149.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 9 121.99 4 5 4 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 8 149.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 9 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 0 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 1 121.99 6 1984 8 6 1985 8 1986’87 8 6 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 6 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 6 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 8 149.99 Heavy Duty Part # / Price 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 8 149.99 305 / 350 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 8 149.99 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 9 121.99 305 / 350 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 6 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 9 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 7 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 2 121.99 ALL 3.3L 3.8L 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 0 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 1 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 2 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 3 106.99 267 / 305 4.4L / 5.0L 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 4 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 3 106.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 4 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 5 119.99 3 5 0 5.7L 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 6 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 5 119.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 6 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 5 119.99 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 0 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 0 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 1 121.99 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 2 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 4 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 3 106.99 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 0 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 0 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 1 121.99 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 2 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 4 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 3 106.99 N o n Diesel 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 0 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 0 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 1 121.99 2 6 2 4.3L Diesel 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 2 121.99 3 0 5 5.0L 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 2 121.99 3 5 0 5.7L Diesel 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 9 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 7 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 2 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 1 6 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 1 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 2 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 4 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 5 119.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 3 106.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 8 139.99 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 2 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 1 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 4 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 3 106.99 3 0 5 5.0L 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 4 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 3 106.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 6 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 5 119.99 3 5 0 5.7L Diesel 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 7 149.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 8 139.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 7 149.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 9 139.99 2 6 2 4.3L 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 0 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 1 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 2 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 1 121.99 3 0 5 5.0L 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 2 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 4 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 3 106.99 ALL 4.3L 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 0 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 0 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 1 121.99 ALL 5.0L 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 2 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 4 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 3 106.99 toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 185 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 8 149.99 ALL 1982 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 3 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 1 121.99 ALL 1981 5 5 -1 9 4 7 0 0 121.99 3 9 6 8 8 5 5 -1 9 4 6 9 6 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 6 9 8 121.99 8 6 8 5 5 -1 9 4 6 9 8 121.99 3 0 7 8 6 5 5 -1 9 4 6 9 5 99.99 Heavy Duty Part # / Price 1977 1977 Classic 5 5 -1 9 4 6 9 8 121.99 8 1971’72 6 5 5 -1 9 4 6 9 8 121.99 1969 8 8 With Air Conditioning Regular Part # / Price 1976 3 0 7 8 6 6 Without Air Conditioning Cid / Liter 8 1975 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 4 121.99 3 0 7 Cyl. 1974 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 0 149.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 5 129.99 1968 Engine Size 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 9 149.99 ALL 8 6 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 3 139.99 Year & Model Heavy Duty Part # / Price 5 5 -2 0 2 6 7 4 143.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 4 121.99 1966 8 Regular Part # / Price 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 4 121.99 1965 8 Heavy Duty Part # / Price With Air Conditioning Cid / Liter 8 1973 Without Air Conditioning Engine Size All items in these sections are subject to Oversize 1 shipping charges. 5 5 -1 9 4 7 2 1 121.99 185 1/29/15 4:59 PM STEERING AND SUSPENSION STOCK REAR COIL SPRING SETS Year & Model Engine Size Without Air Conditioning With Air Conditioning Cargo Coil Springs Cyl. Cid / Liter Regular Part # / Price Heavy Duty Part # / Price Regular Part # / Price Heavy Duty Part # / Price 1959 6&8 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 0 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 1 149.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 0 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 1 149.99 1960 6&8 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 0 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 1 149.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 0 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 1 149.99 6 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 2 116.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 3 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 2 116.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 3 121.99 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 3 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 3 121.99 6&8 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 2 116.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 2 116.99 6 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 5 154.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 5 154.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 283 / 3 2 7 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 5 154.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 5 154.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 3 9 6 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 5 154.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 5 154.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 307 / 3 2 7 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 3 9 6 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 3 9 6 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 5 154.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 5 154.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 6 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 8 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 307 / 3 5 0 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 400 / 4 5 4 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 6 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 6 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 7 99.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 6 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 7 99.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 6 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 307 / 3 5 0 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 7 99.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 6 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 7 99.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 6 121.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 400 / 4 5 4 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 307 / 3 5 0 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 400 / 4 5 4 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 1964 8 1965-66 1967 8 6 1968 8 1968 SS 8 1969 6 1970 8 6 1971 8 6 1972 8 6 1973 8 1974 8 Part # / Price 1978-87 Eibach Pro-Kit Coil Springs 2 5 0 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 5 154.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 5 154.99 307 / 3 5 0 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 5 154.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 5 154.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 4 5 4 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 5 154.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 5 154.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 4 109.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 299.99 set 55-194747 Lowered Springs 55-194747 1964-66 Front Coil Springs, 11⁄2" Drop 125.99 pr. 55-194748 1967-72 Front Coil Springs, 11⁄2" Drop 109.99 pr. 55-194749 1967-72 Rear Springs, 2" Drop 114.99 pr. 55-194750 1967-72 Rear Springs, 3" Drop 114.99 pr. 55-194751 55-243910 6 ALL 8 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 5 154.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 5 154.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 1976-77 6&8 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 5 154.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 5 154.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 1978-80 6&8 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 8 106.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 8 106.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 2 109.99 Spring Anti-Squeak Insulators 1981-84 6&8 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 7 99.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 7 99.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 2 109.99 55-194751 1964-66 Upper Insulators 24.99 pr. 6&8 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 8 106.99 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 2 109.99 10.99 pr. 1985-87 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 8 106.99 55-247466 1 9 6 7 - 8 7 R e a r , u r e t h a n e 186 ALL 5 5 -1 9 4 7 4 1 123.99 55-283605 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 5 154.99 1975 5 5 -1 9 4 7 3 5 154.99 • Provides Excellent Handling And Control • Lowers Vehicle Approximately 1" From Stock Ride Height • Provides A Firm Stable Base For Aggressive Street Or Road Course Driving shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 186 1/29/15 4:59 PM STEERING AND SUSPENSION 55-197519 55-194754 Shock Mount Bolts 55-197519 1959-60 Rear Shock Mount Bolts 47.99 ea. 55-197421 1964-87 Shock Mount Bolt 22.99 ea. 55-199072 1964-72 Shock Mounting Kit 10.99 kit Doetsch Tech Nitrogen Gas Shock Absorbers 55-195305 • Lifetime Manufacturer’s Warranty Doetsch Tech Nitrogen Gas Shocks are designed to enhance your car’s performance and provide quick response to road conditions. 55-202685 1959-60 Front Shock, Specify stock or lowered, And valve ratios of 90/10, 80/20, or 60/40 49.99 ea. 55-202688 1959-60 Rear Shock, Specify stock or lowered, and valve ratios of 70/30, 50/50, or 40/60 62.99 ea. 55-194753 1964-72 Front 3 Way Adjustable Shock, Specify valve ratios of 90/10, 80/20, or 70/30 49.99 ea. 55-194754 1964-72 Rear 3 Way Adjustable Shock, Specify valve ratios of 70/30, 50/50, or 40/60 59.99 ea. 55-197421 55-198403 Body Mount Bushings 55-195297 1 9 5 9 B o d y t o F r a m e 55-195299 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 R e a r F r a m e R u b b e r S h i m s Shock Absorber Accessories 55-202679 1964-67 Factory Air Shock Lines, OE Steel 49.99 ea. 55-202680 1964-67 Factory Air Shock Lines, Stainless Steel 64.99 ea. 55-197421 1964-87 Shock Mount Bolt 22.99 ea. 55-202682 1968-72 Factory Air Shock Lines, OE Steel 49.99 ea. 55-202683 1968-72 Factory Air Shock Lines, Stainless Steel 59.99 set Call 55-195298 1 9 6 0 B o d y t o F r a m e 35.99 ea. 55-195300 1964 Urethane Kit 114.99 kit 55-195301 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 B o d y t o F r a m e 67.99 ea. 55-195302 1965-67 Urethane Kit 99.99 kit 55-195303 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 B o d y t o F r a m e 89.99 ea. 55-195304 1968-72 Urethane Kit 79.99 kit 55-195305 1973-77 Original GM Call 55-198403 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 R e p r o d u c t i o n 279.99 set 55-195308 1978-88 Urethane Kit 144.99 kit 55-195307 1 9 8 1 - 8 7 toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 187 99.99 ea. Call 187 1/29/15 4:59 PM STEERING AND SUSPENSION 55-195308 55-194436 Body Mount Bushings 55-195300 1964 Urethane Kit 55-195302 1965-67 Urethane Kit 114.99 kit 99.99 kit 55-195304 1968-72 Urethane Kit 79.99 kit 55-195308 1978-88 Urethane Kit 144.99 kit Body Mount Hardware Sway Bar End Links • Enhances Your Stock Sway Bar By Replacing Mushy Original Rubber End Links 55-194436 1959-60 End Links Kit, Urethane 23.99 kit 55-194781 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 R u b b e r 36.99 kit 55-194771 1964-72 End Links Kit, Urethane 26.99 kit 55-194772 1973-77 End Links Kit, Urethane 22.99 kit 55-194773 1978-88 End Links Kit, Urethane 21.99 kit 55-195310 55-195311 1959-60 Body Mount Shims 17.99 kit 55-195310 1964-72 Bolt Kit 28.99 kit 55-195312 1973-77 Bolt Kit 24.99 kit 55-196881 Sway Bars 55-194774 55-194764 1959-60 1" diameter Rear, Kit 169.99 kit 55-194768 1959-60 1" diameter Front, Urethane 152.99 kit 55-194765 1964-72 Rear, Kit, 1" diameter 159.99 kit 55-194770 1964-72 Rear Shim Kit (6 pieces) Sway Bar Bushings 18.99 kit 55-196880 1964-77 Front 11⁄8" Diameter w/Mtg Kit 189.99 kit 55-196881 1964-77 Front 11⁄4" Diameter w/Mtg Kit 193.99 kit 55-198432 1964-77 Front 13⁄8" Diameter w/Mtg Kit 325.99 kit 1969-72 Front 11⁄16" SS F41 Susp OE Style 129.99 ea. 55-194774 1959-88 7⁄8" Bar, Urethane 23.99 ea. 55-197530 55-194775 1959-88 15⁄16" Bar, Urethane 17.99 ea. 55-196891 55-194776 1959-88 1" Bar, Urethane 17.99 ea. 55-194777 1959-88 1 1⁄16" Bar, Urethane 17.99 ea. 55-194767 1978-87 Rear, Original Kit, GM, Complete 229.99 kit 55-194778 1959-88 1 1⁄16" Bar, Urethane 17.99 ea. 55-196882 1978-87 Front 11⁄8" Diameter w/Mtg Kit 189.99 kit 55-194779 1959-88 1 1⁄4" Bar, Urethane 17.99 ea. 55-198431 1978-87 Front 13⁄8" Diameter w/Mtg Kit 279.99 kit 55-194780 1959-88 1 5⁄16" Bar, Urethane 17.99 ea. 55-196883 1978-87 Rear 1" Kit for Boxed Lwr Ctrl 55-194783 1970-72 1" Bar, each, Rubber 8.99 ea. 188 1973-77 Rear 1" Kit, Lwr Non-Boxed Ctrl A rm 162.99 kit A rm s 195.99 kit shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 188 1/29/15 4:59 PM TRANSMISSION AND DRIVELINE 55-281517 55-196181 1964-72 Turbo Hydra-Matic 700R4 Automatic Transmission Conversion Kits • Update With A TH700R4 Transmission • Bolt-On Installation • Requires Minor Drilling This kit includes: the bellhousing area mounts, rear crossmember And brackets, rear transmission mount, column shift linkage, installation hardware And instructions. 55-281517 1 9 6 4 -6 7 389.99 kit 55-281521 1 9 6 8 -7 2 389.99 kit Flywheel Dust Covers 55-196181 1964-73 1964-67 w/283, 1964-69 w/327, 1964-73 w/6 cyl, 1968-73 w/307, w/Powerglide 49.99 ea. 55-196183 1967-69 1968-69 w/307, 1967-69 w/327, 1967-69 w/350, 1968-69 w/396, w/TH400 34.99 ea. 55-196184 1970-74 1970-72 w/307, 1970-74 w/350, 1970-74 w/400, with TH400 49.99 ea. 55-196185 1970-79 1970-75 w/350, 1976-79 ALL, w/TH350 44.99 ea. 1959-64 Tubular 700R4 Overdrive Transmission Crossmember 1959-72 TH700R4 Automatic Transmission Dipstick And Tube 55-279459 34.99 kit • Installs A 700R4 In Your El Camino • Requires Minor Drilling • Includes Hardware 55-278773 134.99 kit 55-197013 Transmission Dipsticks 55-196167 • Stock Replacement • Original Equipment 55-197013 1968-73 TH 350 16.99 ea. 55-197412 55-196166 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 7 0 0 R 4 229.99 ea. 55-196167 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 2 0 0 R 4 199.99 ea. 55-196169 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 7 0 0 R 4 239.99 ea. 55-196170 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 2 0 0 R 4 299.99 ea. 55-196171 1964-67 4L80E Transmission Filler Tubes 239.99 ea. 55-196173 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 2 0 0 R 4 239.99 ea. 1968-72 Racing Crossmember (high horsepower applications), Provides Almost 100% 23.99 ea. More Exhaust Clearance toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 189 Call 55-196172 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 7 0 0 R 4 55-197014 • Stock Replacement • Original Equipment 55-197412 1965-73 TH 400 Crossmembers 299.99 ea. 189 1/29/15 4:59 PM TRANSMISSION AND DRIVELINE 55-197109 55-196177 55-196180 55-196179 55-197118 55-196176 1978-’87 Double Hump Crossmembers • A Must For Any Engine And Transmission Swap • Heavy Duty Construction Unlike Flimsy Tube-Bent Originals • The 200R4 transmission was factory installed by GM, beginning with the 1984 model of the El Camino. GM altered the common frame configuration to accommodate the longer 200R4. Because the 200R4 crossmember mounting pad is further back than the TH350, a newly designed, stock crossmember was installed also. This stock crossmember mounts in a new set of holes in the frame on the driver side. The new holes in the frame can be identified as 14 inches rearward of the first set on the driver side frame rail. Therefore, pre-1984 vehicles will require the frame extension kit to install a 200R4 or a TH400 transmission. (The TH400 has the same mounting distance as the 200R4) Part #11-3604 — Kit includes crossmember, frame extension, and the installation kit for 1978 through ‘83 G-Body cars using a 200R4 or TH400 transmissions. The kit requires the installer to drill two holes with the provided template. Part #11-3602 — Crossmember is designed for short tail TH400 transmissions only. Long tail TH400 crossmembers are available as custom orders and require additional time for delivery. 55-196177 1978-83 200R4, TH400 Short Tail And Frame Ext 55-196175 55-197019 Transmission Mounts And Brackets 55-197104 1959-60 2 speed Powerglide 10.99 ea. 55-197106 1959-60 Manual Trans and non-Powerglide 12.99 ea. 55-196038 1959-68 All with Powerglide 14.99 ea. 55-196037 1959-77 All, except TH400 12.99 ea. 55-196041 1959-88 Urethane, All w/1 or 2 Bolt Mount 38.99 ea. 55-197105 1964-67 283 with Automatic Trans 12.99 ea. 55-197107 1964-68 235, all 12.99 ea. 55-196039 1965-77 Turbo Hydro 350 / 400 12.99 ea. 55-197109 1970-72 402 w/4 spd M38 or 3 spd Auto Trans 9.99 ea. 55-197111 1970-72 454, all 9.99 ea. 55-197112 1973 400 w/M38, three speed Auto Trans 329.99 kit 259.99 kit 55-196040 1973-88 All (except Turbo Hydro 400) 79.99 ea. 55-197116 1974-76 402 w/M38, 3-speed Auto Trans 12.99 ea. 55-197115 1973-77 235 w/four speed Manual Trans 55-196178 1978-87 700R4 (4L60, 4L60E thru 1996) 259.99 kit 55-196176 1984-87 200R4, TH400 Short Tail 259.00 kit 55-197117 1974-76 402 w/M40 329.99 kit 55-197019 1 9 8 0 - 8 1 2 2 9 - 2 3 1 V 6 329.99 kit 55-197121 1982-83 4.3, 4.4, 350 Diesel, all 55-196179 1984-87 1984 and on only, for 1993-’97 F-Body T56 Trans 55-196180 1984-87 1984 and on only, for 1998 and up LS1/4L60E Transmission 190 9.99 ea. 55-197114 1973-75 350, 454 w/MT or Automatic Trans 1978-87 TH350, PG, Saginaw, T-10 And Muncie 55-197120 55-197118 1978-87 350 w/Man Trans or 3 spd Auto Trans 55-197120 1980-83 3.3, all 12.99 ea. 9.99 ea. 9.99 ea. 12.99 ea. 124.99 ea. 9.99 ea. 12.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 190 1/29/15 5:00 PM TRANSMISSION AND DRIVELINE Automatic Transmission Lines 55-194310 1959-60 Oil Cooler Lines Turbo 350 or 400 49.99 pr. 55-194311 1 9 5 9 -6 0 # 0 7 -1 8 6 0 79.99 ea. 55-194312 1959-60 Oil Cooler Lines 8 cyl. Turboglide 49.99 pr. 55-194313 1 9 5 9 -6 0 # 0 7 -1 8 6 2 79.99 ea. 55-194314 1959-60 Oil Cooler Lines w/clips Pwrglide 49.99 ea. 55-194315 1 9 5 9 -6 0 # 0 7 -1 8 6 4 79.99 ea. 55-194318 1964-65 Powerglide, 5/16”, 2 pcs 43.99 ea. 55-194319 1964-65 Powerglide, 5/16”, 2 pcs 59.99 ea. 55-194320 1964-65 Vac. Line, Pwrglide, 283, 2 bbl 29.99 ea. 55-194321 1 9 6 4 -6 5 # 0 7 -1 8 7 0 39.99 ea. 55-194322 1964-65 Vac. Line, Pwrglide, 283, 4 bbl 29.99 ea. 36.99 ea. 55-194323 1 9 6 4 -6 5 # 0 7 -1 8 7 1 39.99 ea. 55-198568 1967-70 Rod And Swivel, 4 Barrel w/PowerGlide 31.99 ea. 55-194324 1966-67 Powerglide, 2 pcs 43.99 ea. 55-198569 1967-72 Rod And Swivel, 2 Barrel w/PowerGlide 29.99 ea. 55-194325 1966-67 Powerglide, 2 pcs 62.99 ea. 55-194451 1968-69 Cable Bracket, TurboHydromatic 350 19.99 ea. 55-194326 1966-67 TH400 and TH350, 2 pcs 43.99 ea. 55-194450 1968-72 TurboHydromatic 350, GM 54.99 ea. 55-194327 1966-67 TH400 and TH350, 2 pcs 59.99 ea. 55-198405 1968-72 TurboHydromatic 350, Reproduction 19.99 ea. 55-194328 1966-67 Vac. Line, Pwrglide, 289, 2 bbl 29.99 ea. 55-194329 1 9 6 6 -6 7 # 0 7 -1 8 7 4 39.99 ea. 55-194330 1966-67 Vac. Line, Pwrglide, 289, 4 bbl 29.99 ea. 55-194331 1 9 6 6 -6 7 # 0 7 -1 8 7 5 39.99 ea. 55-194332 1966-67 Vac. Line, Pwrglide, 327, 2 bbl 29.99 ea. 55-194333 1 9 6 6 -6 7 # 0 7 -1 8 7 6 39.99 ea. 55-194334 1966-67 Vac. Line, Pwrglide, 327, 4 bbl 29.99 ea. 55-194335 1 9 6 6 -6 7 # 0 7 -1 8 7 7 39.99 ea. 55-194336 1966-67 Vac. Line, Pwrglide, BB, 4 bbl 29.99 ea. 55-194337 1 9 6 6 -6 7 # 0 7 -1 8 7 8 39.99 ea. 55-194338 1968 Powerglide, 5/16”. 2 pcs 43.99 ea. 55-194339 1968 Powerglide, 5/16”. 2 pcs 59.99 ea. 55-194347 1968-69 Vac. Line, TH400, V8 29.99 ea. 55-194348 1968-69 Vac. Line, TH400, V8 39.99 ea. 55-194349 1968-69 Vac. Line, TH350, V8 29.99 ea. 55-194350 1968-69 Vac. Line, TH350, V8 39.99 ea. 55-194351 1968-69 Vac. Line, Powerglide, V8 29.99 ea. 55-194352 1968-69 Vac .Line, Powerglide, V8 39.99 ea. 55-194340 1968-72 TH 350, 5/16”, 2 pieces 43.99 ea. 55-194341 1968-72 TH 350, 5/16”, 2 pieces 63.99 ea. 55-194342 1968-72 TH 400, 5/16”, 2 pieces 43.99 ea. 55-194343 1968-72 TH 400, 5/16”, 2 pieces 59.99 ea. 55-194345 1968-72 6 Cylinder, 5/16”, 2 pcs 43.99 ea. 55-194346 1968-72 6 Cylinder, 5/16”, 2 pcs 59.99 ea. 55-194353 1973-77 TH 350, 5/16”, 2 pcs 49.99 ea. 55-194354 1973-77 TH 350, 5/16”, 2 pcs 79.99 ea. 55-194355 1973-77 TH 400, 5/16”, 2 pcs 49.99 ea. 55-194356 1973-77 TH 400, 5/16”, 2 pcs 79.99 ea. 55-194357 1978-82 TH 350, 5/16”, 2 pcs Call 55-194358 1978-82 TH 350, 5/16”, 2 pcs 79.99 ea. 55-194359 1978-82 Vac. Line, TH350 29.99 ea. 55-194360 1978-82 Vac. Line, TH350 49.99 ea. 55-194361 1983-87 TH 350, 5/16”, 2 pcs 54.99 ea. 55-194362 1983-87 TH 350, 5/16”, 2 pcs 82.99 ea. 55-194363 1983-87 Vacuum Line, TH350, V8 29.99 ea. 55-194364 1983-87 Vacuum Line, TH350, V8 38.99 ea. 55-194450 Kick-Down Rods And Cables 55-194309 1964-72 Lower w/Swivel, V8 And PowerGlide 23.99 ea. 55-197410 1967 Switch Bracket And Paddle for TurboHydromatic 400 w/QuadraJet 1964-65 700R4 Transmission Cooling Lines 55-281299 • Custom Replacement Lines • A Direct Fit When Installing A 700R4 Transmission When Using An Automatic Trans Radiator 55-281299 1 9 6 4 -6 5 39.99 pr. 55-281301 1 9 6 6 -6 7 39.99 pr. 55-281303 1 9 6 8 -7 2 39.99 kit How To Identify Your El Camino Transmission The diagrams below show some of the most common transmission pan designs for the El Camino. All items in this section are subject to extra shipping charges. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 191 191 1/29/15 5:00 PM TRANSMISSION AND DRIVELINE 5-Speed Manual Transmission 6-Speed Transmission Conversion Kit • The Most Complete 6-speed Conversion Kit In The Industry • 700 Ft./Lb. Torque Rating • Improves Gas Mileage • Reduces Cruising RPM Up To 36% The El Camino Store is proud to offer the most complete 6-speed conversion kit on the market! To make our kit work for you, you will need a set of pedals and a shortened driveshaft that is it. Our kit even comes with the hydraulic clutch kit which others add only as an expensive option! 55-261604 1968-72 Tremec T-56 Magnum • Replacement 5-Speed Overdrive Transmission • Able To Withstand The Torque From HighPerformance Engines • Gear Ratios: First Gear 2.87, Second Gear 1.89, Third Gear 1.28, Fourth Gear 1., Fifth Gear .64 • Capable Of Handling Up To 600 ft/lbs. Of Torque • 5th Gear Gives 36% Reduction In Engine RPM Over 4th Gear • Internal Three-Rail Top Loader Design With Cast Iron Shift Forks • High-Grade Steel Gears (ASTM 4615) • Mechanical And Electronic Speedometer Senders 55-213223 1959-87 Tremec TK0600 2449.99 ea. 6299.99 ea. Bellhousings 5-Speed Transmission Conversion Kit • The Most Complete 5-speed Conversion Kit In The Industry • Improves Gas Mileage • Reduces Cruising RPM Up To 30% • Two Shifter Locations For More Flexibility • Rated To Handle 600 Ft./Lbs.Of Torque 55-261605 192 1964-72 Tremec TKO • Exact Lettering As Original, Has GM Logo Not CM Like Other Reproductions • 3899621 Casting # • For 11" Clutch And Flywheel The El Camino Store now offers a superior reproduction of a tough to find (in good condition anyway) bellhousing for your El Camino. Precision casting and machining processes insure this is the highest quality bellhousing you can buy for your El Camino. Why waste your time and money trying to find and use an original bellhousing which may have cracks or stripped holes? Buy the best bellhousing available from The El Camino Store today! 55-197048 1964-81 High Perf. Bell Housing, Style 621 229.99 ea. 5399.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 192 1/29/15 5:00 PM TRANSMISSION AND DRIVELINE 55-196617 Clutch Linkage Conversion Kit • Used To Convert Automatic El Camino's To Manual Use • Lazer Cut And Stamped Pieces • Higher Quality The GM Originals • Dipped In GM Correct Frame Black Like The Factory Units • Clutch Fork P/N 55-251517 Sold Separately This is the most complete four-speed transmission conversion kit on the market. Everything needed to change an automatic 1978’87 G-body vehicle to a manual transmission is included. This is a high quality kit made right here in the good old USA. Laser cut, not stamped, bead blasted and painted with GM restoration black paint. Easy to install and comes with diagram. 55-196617 1978-87 Complete Kit 529.99 ea. Clutch Linkages 1959-’77 55-251157 1959-81 Clutch Throw Out Bearing, 4-spd 45.99 ea. 55-251094 1959-60 Clutch Fork Push Rod, Lwr, except 348 25.99 ea. 55-251088 1959-60 Clutch Fork Push Rod, Lower, w/ 348 69.99 ea. 55-196109 1959-87 4 Clip 55-196110 1964-66 5Pedal Assembly 55-196111 1967 5 Pedal Assembly 55-196112 1968-72 5 Clutch And Brake Pedal Assy 6.99 ea. 6.99 ea. 55-192878 1973-77 6 Clutch Pedal Pad 6.99 ea. 55-196114 1970-87 7 Washer 0.99 ea. 55-196115 1 9 5 9 - 6 9 8 N u t 1.99 ea. 55-196116 1 9 7 0 - 8 7 8 N u t 1.99 ea. 55-196121 1964-87 9 Dust Seal 4.99 ea. 55-196122 1 9 5 9 - 8 7 1 0 S p r i n g 3.99 ea. 55-196127 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 1 3 S p r i n g 55-196599 1978-87 Brake Pedal, #1 55-196128 1967-69 13 Spring for Big Block 129.99 ea. 90.99 ea. 55-192875 1964-72 6 Clutch Pedal Pad 55-196124 1959-69 12 Ball Stud Four Speed Brake Pedal Assemblies 114.99 ea. 55-192874 1959-60 6 Clutch Pedal Pad 55-196123 1959-87 11 Ball Seal (need two) 55-196599 2.95 ea. 99.99 ea. 4.99 ea. 12.99 ea. 6.99 ea. 6.99 ea. 55-196129 1 9 6 8 - 7 0 1 3 S p r i n g 10.99 ea. 55-196130 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 1 4 R o d 23.99 ea. 55-196131 1964-67 14 Rod Adjuster, 43⁄4" 14.99 ea. 55-196132 1968-77 14 Rod Adjuster, 61⁄4" 19.99 ea. 55-196134 1 9 6 4 - 8 7 1 5 N u t 1.99 ea. 55-196135 1959-60 16 Swivel 6.99 ea. 55-196136 1967-72 16 Swivel 18.99 ea. 55-196139 1959 17 Z-Bar 74.99 ea. 55-251087 1960 17 Z-Bar 109.99 ea. 55-196140 1960 18 Z-Bar Supt Brkt (weld on frame) 19.99 ea. 55-196141 1964-67 17 Z-Bar, Small Block (#17) 39.99 ea. 55-196142 1964-67 17 Z-Bar, Big Block 39.99 ea. 55-196152 1964-67 18 Z-Bar Supt Brkt (weld on frame) 15.99 ea. 55-196607 1959-87 Brake And Clutch Pedal Bushings NEW 6.99 set Clutch Arm Bumpers 55-192917 1 9 6 4 - 6 9 3.99 pr. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 193 193 1/29/15 5:00 PM TRANSMISSION AND DRIVELINE 55-196620 Clutch Forks 55-196618 1959-60 All, w/Adj. Rod, Swivel, Spring And Pin 79.99 ea. 55-196619 1964-72 All 39.99 ea. 55-196620 1973-77 All 79.99 ea. Clutch Linkages 1978-’87 55-196599 1 Brake Pedal 55-196600 2 Pivot Bolt, Nut, and Washer 129.99 ea. Call 55-196601 3 Nylon Locknut 1.99 ea. 55-196602 4 Washers 1.99 pr. 55-196603 5 Pedal Stop 55-192965 18.99 ea. 55-196604 11 Retainer Clip 1.99 ea. 55-196605 12 Pivot Sleeve 11.99 ea. 55-196607 13 Bushing (need four) 6.99 ea. 55-196608 14 Washers 1.99 pr. 55-196609 15 Nylon Locknut 1.99 ea. 55-192879 17 Brake or Clutch Pedal Pad 55-196610 18 Clutch Pedal 55-192899 1 9 B u m p e r 7.99 ea. 129.99 ea. Call 55-196611 22 Clutch Rod Boot 28.99 ea. 55-196123 23 Seal 4.99 ea. 55-196122 25 Spring Clip 3.99 ea. 55-196121 26 Seal 4.99 ea. 55-196120 27 Washer 55-192966 55-192967 55-192968 0.99 ea. 55-196147 28 Z-Bar Support Brkt (weld on frame) 29.99 ea. 55-196114 30 Star Washer 0.99 ea. 55-196115 3 1 N u t 1.99 ea. 55-196133 32 Rod Adjuster, 61⁄4" 19.99 ea. 55-196138 33 Swivel 18.99 ea. 55-196612 35 Stud Ball Fork 9.99 ea. 55-192968 3 8 B o o t 8.99 ea. 55-196134 3 9 N u t s 1.99 pr. 55-196613 4 0 R e t a i n e r 1.50 ea. 55-196615 42 Spring Washer 55-196148 44 Ball Stud to Engine (incl. dust seal) 55-192969 55-192970 14.99 ea. 13.99 ea. 55-196146 45 Z-Bar 139.99 ea. 55-196617 Complete Kit 529.99 kit 55-197513 1978-87 Complete Pedal Assembly Kit 259.99 kit Clutch Rubber Boots and Retainers 55-192965 1959-60 Leather Clutch Fork Boot 21.99 ea. 55-192966 1964-67 Clutch through Firewall Boot 13.99 ea. 55-192967 1964-67 Firewall Clutch Boot Retaining Ring 55-192968 1964-68 Clutch Fork Boot 194 6.99 ea. 8.99 ea. 55-192969 1968-72 Clutch through Firewall Boot 13.99 ea. 55-192970 1968-72 Firewall Clutch Boot Retaining Ring 18.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 194 1/29/15 5:00 PM TRANSMISSION AND DRIVELINE 55-197133 55-196063 1978-81 Automatic Column Shifter And Parts 1959-75 Automatic Shifter and Parts 55-196054 1964-67 Shifter Rod, for Powerglide floor shifter rod only with swivel 47.99 ea. 55-196057 1964-67 Shifter Bracket to Rod, Powerglide floor s h ift 39.99 ea. 55-197697 1 9 7 8 - 8 1 N u t # 2 2.99 ea. 55-197702 1 9 7 8 - 8 1 R e t a i n e r # 1 3 3.95 ea. 55-197703 1978-81 Sleeve #14 4.99 ea. 55-197363 1968-69 TH350 and 400 Transmission Gear Selector (mts on trans for floor shift cars) 16.99 ea. 55-196063 1968-72 Horseshoe Auto Trans Shift Hdl 95.99 ea. 55-197133 1968-72 Horseshoe AT Shift Hdl (compl assy) 159.99 ea. 55-255734 1968-77 Auto Trans with Center Console Gear Selector Lever Hardware 12.99 set 55-249041 1970-81 Floor Shifter Cable/Gear Select Lever TH350 And 400 19.99 ea. 55-197422 1973-75 Brkt, holds shift cable, TH400 18.99 ea. 55-196050 55-196051 1978-87 Automatic Floor Shifter And Parts 55-197721 1978-81 Screw #23 55-196059 1979-87 Brkt, holds cable on floor shift Shifter Conversion Kits 55-196050 1959-60 Powerglide, 3-4 spd shifter conv 49.99 ea. 55-196051 1964-67 Powerglide, 2-3 spd shifter conv 53.99 ea. The Muncie 4-speed transmission was used on GM models from 1963 through 1974. To distinguish the Muncie from a Saginaw 4-speed, check the reverse lever. On a Muncie, the reverse lever is mounted in the extension housing, where the Saginaw reverse lever is mounted in the side cover. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 195 6.99 ea. 37.99 ea. 195 1/29/15 5:00 PM TRANSMISSION AND DRIVELINE 55-196154 Automatic Transmission Cable Brackets 1982-87 Automatic Column Shifter And Parts 55-197705 1 9 8 2 - 8 7 R e t a i n e r # 1 1.99 ea. 55-197707 1982-87 Sleeve #3 34.99 ea. 55-197709 1982-87 Lever #7, TH200 only 69.99 ea. 55-197714 1 9 8 2 - 8 7 N u t # 1 6 55-196154 1968-72 Turbo Hydromatic 400 17.99 ea. 55-196155 1968-72 Powerglide 23.99 ea. 55-196156 1968-72 Turbo Hydromatic 350 19.99 ea. 55-196157 1973-75 Turbo Hydromatic 350 8.99 ea. 2.99 ea. 55-196052 55-196066 Muncie Four-Speed Shifter And Parts Shift Cables 55-196065 1968-72 With Floor Console 109.99 ea. 55-198404 1968-72 With Floor Console, Repro 59.99 ea. 55-196066 1978-87 With Floor Console 39.99 ea. 55-288328 1984-87 With Floor Console 49.99 ea. 55-196049 1964-66 with Buckets, Shifter Handle 99.99 ea. 55-196053 1964-67 with Bench, Shifter Handle 119.99 ea. 55-196056 1964-67 with Bench, Linkage Rods 112.99 ea. 55-196058 1964-67 with Bench, Gate Set Up 199.99 ea. 55-196060 1964-67 with Bench, Complete Set 294.99 set 55-196048 1964-72 Manual Shifter Support Bracket (welds to crossmember) 55-196043 1965-68 Backup Switch Mounting Brkt 55-196061 1967 with Buckets, Shifter Handle 55-196045 1968 Shifter Linkage Kit 1968-72 Shifter Support Brace, Rod To Crossmember • Use With 4 Speed Shifter Assembly • Made From Hardened Steel With Pressed Eyelets And Ends • Bind Free Shifting • Will Also Work For 70-72 4-Speed Shifter Monte Carlo 55-328623 196 55-196044 1968-72 Upr Shifter Support Rod And Brkt 55-242176 1968-72 Shifter Only 44.99 ea. 21.99 ea. 94.99 ea. 127.99 kit 54.99 ea. 134.99 ea. 55-196064 1968-72 Lower Support Rod 28.99 ea. 55-196042 1969-72 Reverse Lock Out Assembly 99.99 ea. 55-196046 1969-72 Linkage Kit, incl 3 rods, levers And swivels 55-196047 1969-72 Lower Lockout Rod 134.99 ea. 26.99 ea. 29.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 196 1/29/15 5:00 PM TRANSMISSION AND DRIVELINE 55-192551 55-192547 55-198518 55-198515 Four-Speed Transmission Shift Knobs • Correct "Small" Style Shift Ball • Correct Four Speed Pattern This El Camino reproduction four speed shift ball has been manufactured to original factory specifications using today's modern manufacturing techniques. You will find the fit, finish and function will work superbly for your restoration. In addition, using a reproduction four speed shift ball from the El Camino Store will add authenticity and value to your vehicle. 55-192546 1959-60 White Shift Knob Hurst Shifter and Parts The industry standard for over 30 years, the Hurst Competition/ Plus shifters offer state-of-the-art control for popular four, five, and six-speed manual transmissions. Dedicated applications assure a custom fit on a wide variety of vehicles with factory consoles without any floor pan modifications. Other features include race track proven design and reliability, adjustable gear stops to prevent overshifting and prolong transmission life. Comes with a chrome knob and an easy-to-follow installation guide. The shifter installation kits are designed to go with each of the shifters available for a specific application. These kits are vehicle, transmission, and shifter specific. Get the right fit. Hardware is included. Not for console mounted shifters. For correct appearing shift handle for Hurst shifters, see part number #11-8200 or #11-8204. This handle can not use the shift ball supplied with the original Hurst shifter. Must use our part # 55-192546 shift knob, not included. 55-198514 1959 Shifter Only, T-10 349.99 ea. 55-198519 1959 Installation Kit Only, T-10 199.99 ea. 55-198515 1960 Shifter Only, T-10 349.99 ea. 55-198520 1960 Shifter, Muncie, w/ or w/out Cnsl 189.99 ea. 55-198542 1959-60 Correct Shifter Arm, Hurst Conv 104.99 ea. 55-198516 1964-67 Shifter, Muncie, w/ or w/out Cnsl 324.99 ea. 55-198525 1964-67 Installation Kit Only, T-10 184.99 ea. 55-198517 1966-67 Shifter, Saginaw, w/ or w/out Cnsl 324.99 ea. 55-198526 1966-67 Install Kit, Saginaw, w/ or w/out Cnsl 199.99 ea. 55-198518 1968 Shifter, Muncie, w/ or w/out Cnsl 349.99 ea. 55-198527 1968 Install Kit, Muncie, w/ or w/out Cnsl 192.99 ea. 55-198521 1968-72 Shifter, Saginaw, w/ or w/out Cnsl 309.99 ea. 55-198528 1968-72 Install Kit, Saginaw, w/ or w/out Cnsl 199.99 ea. 55-198522 1969-72 Shifter, Muncie, w/ or w/out Cnsl 324.99 ea. 55-198529 1969-72 Install Kit, Muncie, w/ or w/out Cnsl 189.99 ea. 55-242177 1970-72 w/Factory Cnsl, Shifter Handle 55-242178 1970-72 w/o Factory Cnsl, Shifter Handle 69.99 ea. 69.99 ea. 55-198523 1973-74 Shifter, Muncie, w/o Console 349.99 ea. 55-198530 1973-74 Install Kit, Muncie, w/o Console 219.99 ea. 55-198524 1978-80 Shifter, Saginaw, w/ or w/out Cnsl 349.99 ea. 55-198531 1978-80 Install Kit, Saginaw, w/o Console 192.99 ea. 23.99 ea. 55-192548 1964-68 Black, 5⁄16" Shift Knob 23.99 ea. 55-192549 1964-68 Chrome, 5⁄16" Shift Knob 22.99 ea. 55-192550 1964-72 Black, 3⁄8" Shift Knob 23.99 ea. 55-192552 1969-72 White, 3⁄8" Shift Knob 23.99 ea. 55-192544 Four-Speed Transmission Gearshift Boots • Correct Rubber Boot • This El Camino reproduction four speed shift boot has been manufactured to original factory specifications using today's modern manufacturing techniques. You will find the fit, finish and function will work superbly for your restoration. In addition, using a reproduction four speed shift boot from the El Camino Store will add authenticity and value to your vehicle. 55-192536 1959 Shifter Linkage Cover, w/bench seat 55-192537 1959 Floor Shift Boot 55-192538 1960 Boot w/metal retainer And bench seat 55-192539 1964-65 with Console, Upper 7.99 ea. 54.99 ea. Call 9.99 ea. 55-192540 1964-66 without Console, Lower 29.99 ea. 55-192541 1966-67 with Console, Upper 39.99 ea. 55-192542 1968-72 with Console 24.99 ea. 55-192543 1968-75 without Console 32.99 ea. 55-192544 1978-87 without Console 44.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 197 9.99 ea. 55-192547 1964-68 White, 5⁄16" Shift Knob 197 1/29/15 5:00 PM TRANSMISSION AND DRIVELINE 55-194661 55-193002 55-193003 Speedometer Cable Grommet • Seals Speedometer Cable To Lower Firewall 55-193002 1959 Grommet 5.99 ea. 55-193003 1960 Grommet 5.99 ea. 55-261873 55-194653 55-261875 Speedometer Cables All speedometer cables come with the housing. 55-194653 1959 All, 1525mm, 60" 24.99 ea. 55-194657 1966 All, excl 4-Speed Man, 1525mm, 60" 24.99 ea. 55-194658 1967 All w/Auto, 1525mm, 60" 24.99 ea. 55-194659 1967 with 4-Speed Man, 1725mm, 68" 29.99 ea. 55-194665 1971 Cruise, upper, 1050mm, 413⁄8" 44.99 ea. 55-194667 1972 Cruise, upper, 1050mm, 413⁄8" 44.99 ea. 55-194673 1976-77 w/Cruise, 1800mm, 707⁄8" 51.99 ea. 55-194674 1976-77 w/Cruise, upr, 1900mm, 747⁄8" 56.99 ea. 55-194680 1978-81 w/Cruise, 1050mm, 413⁄8" 45.99 ea. 55-194677 1978-83 w/o Gear Adaptor, w/o Cruise, 2475mm, 971⁄2" 53.99 ea. 55-194684 1981-83 w/Cruise, upr, 1050mm, 413⁄8" 45.99 ea. 55-194686 1982-83 w/o Cruise or Gear Adaptor, 2475mm, 971⁄2" 53.99 ea. 55-194688 1983 Four-Speed, 2475mm, 971⁄2" 53.99 ea. 55-194690 1984-85 3 Spd w/Gear Adaptor, 831⁄2" 53.99 ea. 55-194691 1984-87 w/o Gear Adaptor, 2475mm, 971⁄2" 33.99 ea. 55-194689 1985-87 All, excl 200R4, 2125mm, 831⁄2" 53.99 ea. 198 Cruise Control Transducers • Critical For Proper Cruise Control Operation • Transducer May Differ Slightly From Picture Does your El Camino decelerate or surge like a bucking bull when you set your cruise control? If so, then you might have a Transducer problem. First, check your ground. Then, look for vacuum leaks. If it still kicks or stalls when you set your cruise control, then most likely the transducer has failed. This little aluminum box sits on your inner fender is the brains in your cruise control system. When energized, the solenoid inside engages getting its signal to maintain a constant speed from the speedometer cable. Like most automotive solenoids, original transducers have a limited life of about 15-20 years and then need to be changed or rebuilt. The El Camino Store has spent countless hours sourcing only the best quality transducers on the market at the best price possible. Our transducers are rebuilt using only the highest quality materials to factory standards to insure many years of happy cruising. 55-261875 1978-80 2-Wire Connector 109.99 ea. 55-261873 1982-83 3-Wire Connector 109.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 198 1/29/15 5:00 PM TRANSMISSION AND DRIVELINE 55-194785 55-194786 Driveshaft Support Bearings 55-194785 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 55-194786 1959-60 Billet Alum, Poly, HD Brg 15.99 ea. 159.99 ea. 1978-83 Cruise Control Components 55-197746 1 9 7 8 - 8 3 S p r i n g # 1 3.99 ea. 55-197748 1 9 7 8 - 8 3 C o n n e c t o r # 4 8.99 ea. 55-197756 1978-83 Switch #9 19.99 ea. 55-197753 1 9 7 8 - 8 3 R e t a i n e r # 2 5 1.99 ea. 55-197754 1978-83 Cable #26 45.99 ea. 55-197398 55-194787 Driveshaft Universal Joints 55-194787 1959-60 with clips (need three) 12.99 ea. 55-197397 1964-72 with Man Trans, frt or rear 12.99 ea. 55-197402 1964-72 Frt or Rear w/1.125 And 1.063 caps 19.99 ea. 55-197399 1970-72 454 w/Auto Trans, front 12.99 ea. 55-197401 1970-72 454 w/Auto Trans, rear 19.99 ea. 55-197398 1973-87 w/Inside Lock-up Rings, Frt or Rr 12.99 ea. 55-197400 1973-87 w/Outside Lock-up Rings, Frt or Rr 12.99 ea. 55-194759 55-198397 Rear Axle Bearing 55-194759 1959-60 Rear Axle Brg Seal, LH or RH 55-198397 1967-79 Rear Axle Brgs w/Seals, 10 Bolt, L or R 17.99 ea. 9.99 ea. 1984-87 Cruise Control Components 55-197725 1 9 8 4 - 8 7 C h a i n # 1 39.99 ea. 55-197726 1984-87 Screw #4 7.99 ea. 55-197727 1984-87 Module 305H #6 55-197729 1984-87 Switch #10 209.99 ea. 19.99 ea. 55-197732 1984-87 Bolt #12 5.99 ea. 55-197733 1 9 8 4 - 8 7 R e t a i n e r # 1 3 2.99 ea. 55-197735 1984-87 Bolt #16 1.99 ea. 55-197737 1984-87 Tee #18 24.99 ea. 55-197738 1984-87 Valve #18 55-197739 1 9 8 4 - 8 7 C a p # 1 8 55-197740 1984-87 Tank #19 7.99 ea. 7.99 ea. 32.99 ea. 55-197741 1 9 8 4 - 8 7 N u t # 2 0 3.99 ea. 55-197743 1984-87 Bolt #22 6.99 ea. 1964-87 Eaton 3 Series Positraction Carrier Assembly For Cars With 10-Bolt Differential • Replacement Performance Case With Spider Gears • The Best Way To "Bulletproof" Your Posi Or Non-Posi Rear End • Converts Non-Posi Traction Rears To Posi-Traction • Use With 3.08-3.73 8.2" Ratio Gear Sets 55-213217 toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 199 589.99 ea. 199 1/29/15 5:00 PM TRANSMISSION AND DRIVELINE Eaton 3-Series Positraction Differential Case With Spider Gears • Replacement Performance Case With Spider Gears • Includes Spider Gears, Discs, Springs, Pole And Retainers Race ready heavy duty all new carrier from Eaton, the original manufacturer! Completely assembled, ready for ring gear. Professional installation recommended. 55-194763 55-283097 1959-60 8.2" 10-Bolt 739.99 ea. Front Pinion Seals 55-213216 1964-87 12-Bolt NEW 599.99 ea. 55-194761 1959-60 Front Pinion Seal 5.99 ea. 55-194762 1964-72 Front Pinion Seal, 10 bolt 19.99 ea. 55-194763 1964-72 Front Pinion Seal, 12 bolt 5.99 ea. 55-194760 Center Section Gasket 55-194760 1959-60 Third Mbr to Rear Axle Hsg Seal 55-247798 6.99 ea. 55-196088 1964-1975 10 Bolt Rear End Differential Gasket NEW 13.99 ea. 55-199066 Differential Pinion Flange 55-199209 55-247798 1965-69 Diff pinion flange 12-bolt, w/o/1330 149.99 ea. 55-199209 1964-72 Diff pinion flange And Hdwr Set, 12 Bolt, w/1330 Yoke 129.99 ea. Rear End Housing Cover 55-199066 1965-71 12 Bolt Rear End Housing Cover 55-202974 10 Bolt 8.5 Ring Gear Differential Cover 55-196087 1964-75 10 Bolt 41.99 ea. 169.99 ea. 39.99 ea. 55-202966 10 Bolt 7.5 Ring Gear Differential Cover 169.99 ea. 55-202978 12 Bolt 8.75 Ring Gear Differential Cover 199.99 ea. 55-202982 12 Bolt 8.75 Ring Gear Differential Cover 199.99 ea. 55-198276 Rear Axle Housing Nut 55-197245 1959-60 Rear Axle Hsg Nut And Copper Wshr Kit 11.99 kit Axle Wheel Studs 55-197649 1959-60 Axle Wheel Studs 3.99 ea. 55-198276 1964-72 Whl Studs, Frt or Rr, 10 pcs 1959-60 Axle Flange Gaskets (does 2 whls) 07-3402 • Reproductions Of Original • Fits Between The Axel Tube And Axel Flange 3.99 ea. 55-194428 Rear Axle Bump Stops 55-199081 1959-60 (Set Of 4) 2 Front, 2 Rears 4.99 set 55-194426 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 29.99 ea. 55-199379 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 2 R e a rs 6.99 pr. 55-194427 1 9 6 4 - 7 2 10.99 ea. 55-199423 1 9 6 4 - 7 2 R e a r 3.99 ea. 55-194428 1972-77 Pinion Nose 200 8.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 200 1/29/15 5:01 PM WEATHERSTRIPPING 1959-’72 Door Weatherstripping Windshield Rubber 55-192811 1959-60 Front Windshield 59.99 ea. 55-192812 1959-60 Rear Window 55.99 ea. Door Weatherstripping 55-192763 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 # 1 34.99 pr. 55-249780 1959-60 Door Weatherstrip Plugs, 24 pcs. 18.99 ea. 55-192764 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 # 1 49.99 pr. 55-192765 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 # 1 49.99 pr. 55-192766 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 # 1 49.99 pr. 55-192815 88-0119-1 Window Sealants - Front and Rear 55-192815 1959-72 Glass Setting Tape 88-0119-3 1964-87 Butyl Adhesive 2.99 ft. 12.99 roll 1973-’87 Door Weatherstripping 55-192767 1973-77 Door Seals, Reproduction, pair, #2 55-192768 1973-77 Roof Rails, Reproduction, pair, #3 55-192769 1973-77 Roof Rail, LH, Original, each, #3 84.99 pr. 69.99 pr. 134.99 ea. 55-192771 1973-77 Door & Roof Rail Seals, Reproduction, s e t, # 2 a n d # 3 Glass Drain Seals 55-192942 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 F r o n t 12.99 pr. 55-192943 1959-60 Rear (need 2 pair) 17.99 pr. 82.99 ea. 55-192776 1978-87 Roof Rail Seals, Repro set, #3 79.99 set 55-192777 1978-87 Door & Roof Rail Seals, Reproduction, s e t, # 2 a n d # 3 88-0273-3 149.99 set 1973-87 Adhesive, 5 oz. tube (used on roof rail seals) 13.99 ea. Weatherstripping Retainer Clip Drain Grommet 55-192944 1959-60 Gutter Drain Hose Grommet 14.99 pr. 55-195385 1 9 7 3 - 8 7 toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 201 149.99 set 55-192774 1978-87 Door Seals, Repro, set, #2 1.99 pr. 201 1/29/15 5:01 PM WEATHERSTRIPPING 55-192809 55-192810 Door Drain Seals 55-193004 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 S e t Call Door Seals At Cowl 55-192809 1959-60 Door Seal w/Metal Core, 11” Long 55-192810 1959-60 “J” Rubber Door Seal 123.99 pr. 25.99 pr. 55-192804 55-192818 Vent Window Rubber 55-192804 1959 without division bars, #8 108.99 pr. 55-192805 1960 without division bars, #8 109.99 pr. 55-192806 1964-67 w/division bars, #7 and #8 97.99 pr. 55-192808 1964-72 Pivot Pins for Vent Assembly 55-192807 1968-72 w/division bars, #7 and #8 2.99 pr. 55-192817 57.99 pr. 55-192819 Glass Run Channels Vent Window Division Bars 55-192803 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 # 7 40.99 pr. 55-192816 1959-60 Vertical, #10 29.99 pr. 55-192818 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 D o o r F r a m e , # 1 1 56.99 pr. 55-192817 1964-67 Compl Kit, 4 pieces, #10 & #11 19.99 kit 55-192819 1968-72 Compl Kit, 4 pieces, #10 & #11 39.99 kit Vent Window Rivets 55-195003 1 9 6 4 - 7 2 1.99 ea. Quarter Window Outer Felts Gaskets and Seals 55-193009 1959-60 Door Jamb Bumper (by vent window) 202 2.99 pr. 55-192802 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 R e p r o d u c t i o n 39.99 pr. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 202 1/29/15 5:01 PM WEATHERSTRIPPING 55-198440 Rubber Bumper Kits • Kits Contain Door, Hood, Glove Box, Fuel Filler Door And Tailgate Rubber Window Felt Sets (Inner and Outer) • • • • Reproduction Of Original Made From OE Materials Factory Correct Style Felt Set Completes Both Doors, Inside And Out Each kit comes ready to install. Most kits are also available in either Standard or Original. Standard have what some folks like to consider “improvements” to the originals, or at the very least, modifications encouraged by design or materials. However, our original style felts are produced with materials supplied by the original supplier to GM, and this material matches original specifications and profiles. 55-192780 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 S t a n d a r d , # 5 44.99 ea. 55-192781 1959-60 Dlx Kit, w/All Glass Run Chnl 55-192971 149.99 kit 55-192782 1 9 6 4 S t a n d a r d , # 5 44.99 ea. 55-192783 1 9 6 5 S t a n d a r d , # 5 44.99 ea. 55-192784 1 9 6 6 - 6 7 S t a n d a r d , # 5 42.99 ea. 55-192785 1966-67 Deluxe, Original Style, #5 59.99 ea. 55-192787 1968-72 Deluxe, Original Style, #5 59.99 ea. 55-192786 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 S t a n d a r d , # 5 42.99 ea. 55-198440 1978-87 2 Inner & 2 Outer, Repro, #5 89.99 set 55-192971 1 9 5 9 36.99 kit 55-192972 1 9 6 0 31.99 kit 55-192973 1 9 6 4 34.99 kit 55-192974 1 9 6 5 39.99 kit 55-192975 1 9 6 6 39.99 kit Weatherstrip Lubricant A budget alternative to Krytox, this product was designed for brake system use but also works well as a weatherstrip lubricant, extending its life and protecting against cracking and discoloration. 88-0197-3 5.3 Oz Tube 3M Interior Trim Adhesive, Fast Tack • Excellent For Regluing Loose Vinyl Trim • 5 Oz. Tube 88-0274-3 C a n n o t S h ip B y A ir 15.99 ea. Super Black 3M Weatherstrip Adhesive 55-192790 • Attaches All Types Of Rubber Weatherstripping • Also Use To Install Trunk & Body Insulation • Fast Drying • 5 Oz. Tube 88-0273-3 55-192792 18.99 ea. C a n n o t S h ip B y A ir Yellow 3M Weatherstrip Adhesive 88-0272-3 • 5 Oz. Tube Individual Window Felts 88-0272-3 C a n n o t S h ip B y A ir 11.99 ea. 55-192790 1964 Outer, LH and RH, set, #5 54.99 set 55-192791 1965 Outer, LH and RH, set, #5 37.99 set 55-192792 1966-67 Outer, LH and RH, set, #5 39.99 set 55-192793 1968-72 Outer, LH and RH, set, #5 44.99 set 55-192796 1973-77 Inner, LH, GM, #5 53.99 set 55-192800 1978-87 Inner, LH, GM, #5 93.99 set The easy way to remove old or excess weatherstrip adhesive. 55-192801 1978-87 Inner, RH, GM, #5 93.99 set 88-0280-3 C a n n o t S h i p B y A i r 3M General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 203 13.99 ea. 17.99 ea. 203 1/29/15 5:01 PM WEATHERSTRIPPING 55-192976 55-192899 55-192900 55-192893 55- 192912 55-192977 55-192978 55-192895 55-192894 55-192979 55-192897 55-192896 Hood Bumpers Rubber Bumper Kits • Kits Contain Door, Hood, Glove Box, Fuel Filler Door And Tailgate Rubber 55-192899 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 Call 55-192900 1 9 6 4 - 6 6 3.99 kit 55-192893 1 9 6 7 6.99 kit 55-192976 1 9 6 7 33.99 kit 9.99 kit 55-192977 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 55-192894 1 9 5 9 - 7 2 25.99 kit 3.99 kit 55-192978 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 55-192912 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 40.99 kit 6.99 kit 55-192979 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 55-192895 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 63.99 kit 55-192896 1 9 7 3 - 8 7 6.99 kit 55-192897 1 9 7 3 - 8 8 6.99 kit 55-192909 55-192901 55-192908 55-192910 55-192902 55-192911 Door Bumpers 55-192908 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 9.99 kit 55-192909 1 9 6 4 - 6 6 9.99 kit Hood Side Bumpers 55-192910 1 9 6 7 9.99 kit 55-192901 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 5.99 pr. 55-192911 1 9 6 8 - 8 7 2.99 kit 55-192902 1 9 6 4 9.99 set 204 shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 204 1/29/15 5:01 PM WEATHERSTRIPPING 55-195371 55-192903 55-192904 55-195372 Hood to Cowl Seal Clips 55-195371 1968-69 Hood to Cowl Seal Set, Metal 9.99 ea. 55-195372 193-77 Hood to Cowl Seal Clip 1.99 ea. 55-192906 55-192905 55-192907 Hood Side Bumpers (continued) 55-192903 1 9 6 5 5.99 set 55-192904 1 9 6 6 5.99 pr. 55-192905 1 9 6 7 - 7 2 5.99 pr. 55-192906 1 9 7 3 - 7 7 3.99 ea. 55-192907 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 8.99 ea. 55-192955 55-192956 Cowl To Side Seals 55-192955 1964-65 Side Cowl to Grille Seal 55-192956 1964-65 Cowl Panel Seal 17.99 pr. 4.99 ea. 55-241292 Hood Panel Filler Seals 55-192998 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 55-192988 5.99 pr. 55-192824 55-192989 Hood to Cowl Seals 55-192820 1959-60 w/Retaining Clips 12.99 ea. 55-192821 1 9 6 4 - 6 7 12.99 ea. 55-192822 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 D e n s e 11.99 ea. 55-192823 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 S p o n g e 11.99 ea. 55-192824 1968-72 Cowl Seal Clip Kit, 15 pieces 6.99 kit 55-192825 1973-77 w/Retaining Clips 35.99 ea. 55-192826 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 29.99 ea. Inner Fender Seals 55-241292 1968-72 Inner Fender to Firewall Seals 18.99 pr. 55-192989 1960 Inner Fender to Frame Seals 23.99 set toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 205 13.99 pr. 55-192988 1959-60 Sponge “U” Inner Fender Seals 205 1/29/15 5:01 PM WEATHERSTRIPPING 55-192916 55-192915 Fuel Filler Door Bumpers 55-192914 1959 Reproduction Bumpers & Screws 6.99 set 55-192915 1960 Reproduction, With Washers & Screws 7.99 set 55-192916 1964-87 Replacement 8.99 pr. 55-192980 55-192918 55-192919 License Plate Bumpers 55-192982 55-192918 1 9 5 9 3.99 pr. 55-192919 1 9 6 4 - 7 7 5.99 pr. Side Marker Lens Gasket 55-192932 • Reproduction Of Original 55-192932 1 9 6 9 4.99 pr. 55-192919 1 9 6 4 - 7 7 5.99 pr. 55-192984 5 5 -1 9 2 9 8 7 Body Paint Seal Sets These gasket kits are generally used to replace the gaskets when painting your car. Kits will vary depending on the year, but most kits include gaskets for the side markers, back up lights, parking light, mirrors, taillight lenses, antenna base, door locks, door handles and license plate lamps. 206 55-192980 1 9 6 4 19.99 ea. 55-192981 1 9 6 5 19.99 ea. 55-192982 1 9 6 6 29.99 ea. 55-192983 1 9 6 7 19.99 ea. 55-192984 1 9 6 8 19.99 ea. 55-192985 1 9 6 9 16.99 ea. 55-192986 1 9 7 0 19.99 ea. 55-192987 1 9 7 1 - 7 2 19.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 206 1/29/15 5:01 PM WEATHERSTRIPPING 55-197057 55-197055 55-192935 55-192925 55-192937 55-192926 55-192936 55-192939 55-192938 55-192927 55-192940 55-192928 55-192941 55-192929 Parking Light Lens Gaskets 55-192934 1959 Lens to Bezel, cork, 55-197057 1959 Bezel to Housing 5.99 set 54.99 pr. 55-192935 1 9 6 0 5.99 pr. Taillight Lens Gaskets 55-192936 1 9 6 4 3.99 pr. 55-197055 1959 Set Of Four 55-192937 1 9 6 5 - 6 6 4.99 pr. 55-192925 1 9 6 0 7.99 set 55-192938 1 9 6 7 - 6 8 3.99 pr. 55-192926 1 9 6 4 3.99 set 55-192939 1 9 6 9 4.99 pr. 55-192927 1 9 6 5 3.99 set 55-192940 1 9 7 0 3.99 pr. 55-192928 1 9 6 6 4.99 set 55-192941 1 9 7 1 - 7 2 4.99 pr. 55-192929 1 9 6 7 3.99 set toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 207 57.99 set 207 1/29/15 5:01 PM WEATHERSTRIPPING 55-192946 55-192945 55-192930 55-192931 55-192964 55-192948 Backup Light Lens Gaskets 55-197687 55-192945 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 4.99 set 55-192946 1 9 6 5 4.99 set 55-192947 1 9 6 7 4.99 set 55-192948 1 9 6 8 4.99 pr. 55-192964 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 3.99 pr. 55-192857 55-192858 Taillight Lens Gaskets (Continued) 55-192930 1960 Housing at Socket to Body 4.99 set 55-192931 1960 Taillight Seal Cord 4.99 set 55-197687 1966 Taillight Housing Gaskets 8.99 set 55-192951 55-192860 55-192859 Door Handle Gaskets And Seals 55-192857 1959 Door Handle and Lock Gaskets 4.99 pr. 55-192858 1960 Door Handle and Lock Gaskets 4.99 pr. 55-192859 1964-72 Door Handle and Lock Gaskets 4.99 pr. 55-192860 1973-87 Key Lock Gaskets 2.99 pr. 55-197651 1978-87 Inside Door Handle Seal 4.99 ea. 55-192960 55-192954 55-192962 55-192963 Taillight Housing Gaskets And Seals 55-192950 1960 Housing at Socket to Body 11.99 set 55-192951 1960 Taillight Seal Cord 16.99 set License Plate Lens Gaskets 55-254933 1966 Taillight Housing Gaskets 59.99 set 55-192962 1 9 6 4 - 6 5 55-192954 1 9 6 8 - 6 9 24.99 pr. 55-192960 1 9 6 6 - 7 2 4.99 pr. 55-193169 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 24.99 pr. 55-192963 1 9 7 8 - 8 7 8.99 ea. 208 3.99 pr. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 208 1/29/15 5:01 PM WEATHERSTRIPPING 55-192836 Rocker Panel Drain Flapper Seal 55-193011 1 9 5 9 - 6 8 2.99 pr. 55-192995 55-192837 55-192996 55-198573 55-192838 55-192839 Tailgate Seals 55-192995 1978-87 Vertical Seal 12.99 ea. 55-192996 1978-87 Bottom Seal 19.99 ea. 55-198573 1978-87 Square Body Plug (Need 2 per side) 6.99 ea. 55-192840 55-192992 55-192990 Steering Column Seals 55-192837 1959-60 Steering Column Seal w/Man. Trans. 36.99 pr. 55-192838 1959-60 U-Joint Seal on Lower Column 19.99 pr. 55-192839 1964-67 Steering Column Sponge Seal 4.99 ea. 55-192840 1968-77 Steering Column Sponge Seal 7.99 ea. 55-192994 55-192993 55-192991 Door Handle Gaskets And Seals 55-192990 1959-60 Tailgate Stops (need 2) 10.99 ea. 55-192992 1959-60 Tailgate Vertical Seal. LH & RH 29.99 pr. 55-192993 1959-67 Tailgate Bumpers 9.99 pr. 55-192991 1964-67 Tailgate Stops (need 2) 7.99 ea. Steering Column Seals 55-192994 1968-72 Tailgate Bumpers (in gate latches) 5.99 ea. 55-192836 1959-60 Steering Column Seal w/Auto Trans. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 209 34.99 ea. 209 1/29/15 5:01 PM WHEELS AND TIRES 55-195281 55-195285 Lug Nuts 55-198275 1964-72 Original w/Diamonds Rally Wheel Assemblies 55-195281 1967 Rally Dish 49.99 ea. 55-195282 1967 Center Cap with “Disc” 59.99 ea. 55-195285 1968-77 Rally Dish and Cap, Repro 39.99 set 31.99 ea. 55-193275 55-193276 55-258316 1959-60 Wheel Spinner Sets • Reproductions Of Original 55-193276 1959-60 Silver With Crossed-Flags & Bowtie 55-193275 1959-60 Black With Crossed-Flags 55-192070 55-192077 329.99 set 329.99 set 55-192076 Rally Wheel Trim Rings 55-195270 1967-75 14" x 7", Original GM 179.99 ea. 55-195272 1967-75 15" x 8", Original GM 349.99 ea. 55-195276 1967-75 14" x 7", set of 4, Repro 55-195277 1967-75 15" x 7", set of 4, Repro 55-195292 1969-70 SS Trim Ring, Set of 4 55-258316 1971-72 15" x 7", SS 5 Spoke, set 89.99 set Call 99.99 set 139.99 set 55-195279 Super Sport (SS) Wheel Assemblies 55-195279 1964 “SS” Wheel Cover Emblem 43.99 ea. 55-195280 1967 “SS” Wheel Cover Emblem 29.99 ea. 55-195287 1969-70 “SS” Center Cap, each 47.99 ea. 55-195288 1969-70 “SS 396” Insert, set of 4 24.99 set 55-195289 1969-70 “SS 454” Insert, set of 4 32.99 set 55-195290 1969-70 “SS” Retainer 26.99 ea. 55-195291 1969-70 “SS” Insert 24.99 ea. 55-196998 1969-70 “SS” Insert, Repro 19.99 set 55-195293 1969-70 SS Lug Nuts 55-195294 1971-72 SS, Bowtie, Center Cap, GM 3.99 ea. 139.99 ea. 1959-77 Standard Wheel Lug Nut • Stock Replacement • Fits Standard Stamp Steel Wheels 55-197645 210 3.99 ea. 1969 Tire Pressure Decals • Reproduction Of Original 55-192070 1 9 5 9 - 6 0 4.99 ea. 55-192072 1 9 6 6 5.99 ea. 55-192073 1 9 6 7 3.99 ea. 55-192074 1967 Without Air & 396 3.99 ea. 55-192075 1969 Without 396 3.99 ea. 55-192076 1 9 6 9 - 7 0 S u p e r S p o r t 5.99 ea. 55-192077 1 9 7 1 N o n S u p e r S p o r t 4.99 ea. 55-192078 1972 El Camino & Sprint 5.99 ea. 55-192079 1 9 7 2 S u p e r S p o r t 4.99 ea. 55-192080 1 9 7 4 - 7 6 4.99 ea. 1964-67 605 Series Steering Conversion Kit • Replaces Sluggish Stock System To Provide A More Positive Road Feel • Adds Power Steering To Non Power Steering Cars • Includes Steering Box, 605 Hose Kit, & Power Steering Pump • Power Steering Pulley P/N 55-199409 Sold Separately 55-353092 84.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 210 1/29/15 5:01 PM WHEELS AND TIRES 1972 G60/15 With Raised White Letters 1964-83 15” X 8” Rally Wheel • Polyglas GT Bias Ply • 2-Ply Polyester Plus 2-Ply Fiberglass • Features Original Argent Silver Finish • 5 x 4-3/4" Bolt Circle • 4” Backspacing 55-282002 55-261785 124.99 ea. Corvette-Style Aluminum Replacement Wheel 1973 G70/14 With Raised White Letters • Polyglas GT Bias Ply • 2-Ply Polyester Plus 2-Ply Fiberglass • Quality Reproductions • Of 1980-82 Corvette Wheels • Requires Wheel Caps (#55-10598) & Lug Nuts (#55-10593) • Aluminum Construction • 5-Lug Orientation 55-261782 240.99 ea. 55-195416 55-333335 15” x 8” 299.99 ea. 55-333302 15” x 8” (Set of 4) 899.99 set Corvette Pace Car-Style Aluminum Replacement Wheel 55-195415 1978-87 Bracket 49.99 ea. 55-195424 1978-87 Inner Bezel, Square Trim 49.99 ea. 55-195416 1982-87 Ctr Cap w/Red Emb, Wire Wh 55-195426 1 9 8 3 - 8 5 C a p 55-333497 15” x 8” 365.99 ea. 55-333486 15” x 8” (Set of 4) 999.99 set 52.99 ea. 55-195427 1983-85 Emb, Silver & Black, Chevrolet 55-333700 112.99 ea. 24.99 ea. 55-333687 1978-82 Corvette Style Center Cap Set For Corvette Style Aluminum Wheels 1971-74 15” X 7” 5 Spoke Steel Wheel • Quality Reproductions • Applicable On P/N's 55-333222 & 55-333302 • Set Of 4 • Reproduction Of Original • 5 X 4 3/4" Lug Pattern • Trim Rings And Center Caps Sold Seperately 214.99 ea. 55-333679 1978 Pace Car Style 64.99 set 55-333700 1 9 8 2 C h r o m e C e n t e r 64.99 set 55-333710 1980-81 Pace Car Style 64.99 set 55-333687 1973-79 Black Center 64.99 set toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 211 55-195427 1978-87 Wheel Caps And Trim • Quality Reproductions Of 1978 Corvette Pace Car Wheel • Requires Wheel Cap (#55-10596) & Lug Nuts (#55-10593) • Aluminum Construction • 5-Lug Orientation 55-290851 289.99 ea. 211 1/29/15 5:02 PM BOOKS, MANUALS, DECALS, AND CDS SS Stripe Kits Tailgate Woodgrain 55-191795 1973-77 Complete, Black 189.99 ea. 55-191833 1967 Brazilian 27.99 ea. 55-191796 1973-77 Complete, White 189.99 ea. 55-191834 1968-72 American Walnut 37.99 ea. Paint Stencil Kits 55-191809 1970-72 Complete 59.99 kit Choo Choo SS Decal Sets Set includes two ‘El Camino SS’ door decals, one ‘SS’ tailgate decal, two ‘SS’ front bumper decals (one large, one small), squeegee, and instructions. Conquista Tailgate Decals 55-191815 1984-87 Silver 134.99 ea. 55-191816 1984-87 Black 134.99 ea. 55-191822 1984-87 Red (Non-factory color) 134.99 ea. 55-191821 1978-79 Charcoal / Red 49.99 ea. 55-191818 1978-81 Black / Flame 49.99 ea. 55-191820 1978-81 Blue / Lime 49.99 ea. 55-191819 1978-84 Gold / Orange 49.99 ea. 55-191835 1978-87 Black (not original color) 49.99 ea. 55-191836 1978-87 White (not original color) 49.99 ea. 55-191837 1978-87 Gold (not original color) 49.99 ea. 55-191839 1978-87 Red (not original color) 49.99 ea. 55-191840 1978-87 Blue (not original color) 49.99 ea. 55-191841 1978-87 Brown (not original color) 49.99 ea. 55-191843 1978-87 Charcoal (not original color) 49.99 ea. 55-191823 1980-82 Medium Blue / Dark Blue 49.99 ea. 55-191824 1983-84 Red / Charcoal 49.99 ea. 55-191825 1983-84 Creme / Dark Blue 49.99 ea. 55-191826 1983-84 Gray Fern / Creme 49.99 ea. 55-191827 1983-84 Creme / Dark Briar 49.99 ea. Set includes two ‘Super Sport’ door decals (large), one ‘Super Sport’ tailgate decal (small), three color lower body side stripes for fenders, doors, and quarter panels with separating two-tone paint lines, squeegee, and instructions. 55-191828 1985-87 Black / Red 49.99 ea. 55-191804 1978-83 Gold 229.99 set 55-191829 1985-87 Silver / Red 49.99 ea. 55-191805 1 9 7 8 - 8 3 R e d 229.99 set 55-191830 1985-87 Blue / Bright Blue 49.99 ea. 55-191806 1978-83 Blue 229.99 set 55-191831 1985-87 Brown / Orange 49.99 ea. 55-197674 1983-84 Charcoal / Red 229.99 set 212 Super Sport Decal Sets shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 212 1/29/15 5:02 PM BOOKS, MANUALS, DECALS, AND CDS Owner’s Manuals These are reproductions of the original manuals that came in the glove box with a new El Camino. No restoration is complete without it. It includes operation instructions, instrument control information and much more. 5 1⁄2" x 8 1⁄4", approximately 100 pages. 55-191645 1 9 5 9 11.99 ea. 55-191646 1 9 6 0 11.99 ea. 55-191647 1 9 6 4 11.99 ea. 55-191648 1 9 6 5 12.99 ea. 55-191649 1 9 6 6 11.99 ea. 55-191650 1 9 6 7 1978 Black Knight Decal Set This kit proudly proclaims the name Black Knight, expressing the “top-of-the-line” El Camino of all versions produced in 1978. With its lettering, hood decal, and multi-colored striping, there will be no question that this El Camino is a General Motors special option vehicle! Kit includes one large hood decal (dragons on shield), two ‘Black Knight’ fender decals, one ‘Black Knight’ tailgate decal, all multi-color upper and lower body side stripes for fenders, doors, quarter panels and tailgate, squeegee, and instructions. 55-191811 1978 Gold 289.99 set 11.99 ea. 55-191651 1 9 6 8 11.99 ea. 55-191652 1 9 6 9 11.99 ea. 55-191653 1 9 7 0 11.99 ea. 55-191654 1 9 7 1 11.99 ea. 55-191655 1 9 7 2 11.99 ea. 55-191656 1 9 7 3 11.99 ea. 55-191657 1 9 7 4 11.99 ea. 55-191658 1 9 7 5 11.99 ea. 55-191659 1 9 7 6 11.99 ea. 55-191660 1 9 7 7 11.99 ea. 55-191661 1 9 7 8 11.99 ea. 55-191662 1 9 7 9 11.99 ea. 55-191663 1 9 8 0 11.99 ea. 55-191664 1 9 8 1 11.99 ea. 55-191665 1 9 8 2 11.99 ea. 55-191666 1 9 8 3 11.99 ea. 55-191667 1 9 8 4 11.99 ea. 55-191669 1 9 8 6 29.99 ea. 55-191670 1986 Caballero 54.99 ea. 55-191671 1 9 8 7 27.99 ea. 55-191672 1987 Caballero 27.99 ea. Royal Knight Decal Kits Set includes one large hood decal (dragons on shield), two ‘Royal Knight’ fender decals, one ‘Royal Knight’ tailgate decal, all threecolor upper and lower body side stripes for fenders, doors, quarter panels and tailgate, squeegee, and instructions. 55-191812 1979-84 Lt Blue / Md Blue / Dk Blue 289.99 kit 55-191813 1979-84 Gold / Orange / Brown 289.99 kit 55-191814 1979-84 Lt Red / Md Red / Dk Red 289.99 kit Owner’s Manual Storage Bags These were kept in the glove box to keep the owners manual and other important papers looking like new. ‘Facts and Features’ Manuals 55-191746 1 9 6 4 - 6 6 4.99 ea. These manuals cover options, accessories, trim, engines, transmissions, dimensions, payload information, tire and wheel combinations, and other pertinent information. 8 1⁄2" x 11", 20 pages. 55-191747 1 9 6 7 - 6 8 4.99 ea. 55-191761 1 9 6 4 7.99 ea. 55-191764 1 9 6 9 7.99 ea. 55-191748 1 9 6 9 - 7 2 4.99 ea. 55-191762 1 9 6 7 7.99 ea. 55-191765 1 9 7 0 8.99 ea. 55-191749 1 9 7 3 - 8 7 4.99 ea. 55-191763 1 9 6 8 7.99 ea. 55-191766 1 9 7 1 8.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 213 213 1/29/15 5:02 PM BOOKS, MANUALS, DECALS, AND CDS Chevrolet El Camino and SS Articles from Road and Track, Car and Driver, Motor Trend and more of today’s leading magazines cover road tests, comparison, owner’s reports and more on Chevrolet’s El Camino and SS models, including new model introductions, performance and technical data and specs. Models covered include: Super Sport, 283, 305, 327, 348, 350, 396, 454, and diesels. Softbound, 8" x 10 5⁄8", 140 pgs., 180 bandw illustrations. Accessory Installation Manuals 55-191751 1959-87Chevrolet El Camino and SS These reference manuals assisted GM service managers in training their personnel on the proper installation of all accessories for the specific year model. The manuals contain detailed diagrams and instructions on installation of all optional accessories for your car. Softbound, 280 pages, black and white illustrations. 55-191736 1 9 5 9 18.99 ea. 55-191737 1 9 6 0 18.99 ea. 55-191739 1 9 6 5 21.99 ea. 55-191738 1 9 6 4 18.99 ea. 55-191740 1 9 6 6 18.99 ea. ‘Chevrolet by the Numbers’ Book Series Subtitled: How to Id e n tify a n d V e r ify All V-8 Drivetrain Parts For Small and Big Blocks. R e s to r in g y o u r Chevy to original factory specs? Avoid buying and being sold the wrong parts. Find the casting numbers that correspond to your car's VIN. Determine whether your car has been authentically restored with this neverbefore seen information from the Chevrolet Archives. Essential for Chevrolet restorers. Softbound, 8 3⁄8" x 11", approx. 300 pages, more than 350 black and white illustrations. 88-3766-1 1955-59 Chevrolet by the Numbers 31.99 ea. 88-3767-1 1960-64 Chevrolet by the Numbers 46.99 ea. 88-3768-1 1965-69 Chevrolet by the Numbers 41.99 ea. 88-3769-1 1970-75 Chevrolet by the Numbers 41.99 ea. Factory Assembly Manuals These manuals were originally used by assembly line workers. They are completely illustrated and show how all the various pieces of the car fit together. 8 1⁄2" x 11", 150 - 300 pages. 55-191702 1 9 5 9 27.99 ea. 55-191703 1 9 6 0 27.99 ea. 55-191708 1 9 6 8 22.99 ea. 55-191704 1 9 6 4 21.99 ea. 55-191709 1 9 6 9 21.99 ea. 55-191705 1 9 6 5 21.99 ea. 55-191710 1 9 7 0 27.99 ea. 55-191706 1 9 6 6 21.99 ea. 55-191711 1 9 7 1 27.99 ea. 55-191707 1 9 6 7 21.99 ea. 55-191712 1 9 7 2 27.99 ea. Factory Assembly Instructions Manual On CD • Easy To Use • Detailed Illustrations And Information • Same Information Found In The Standard Assembly Manual • Made In USA 55-241504 214 29.99 ea. 55-329094 55-329094 1 9 6 4 - 6 6 24.99 ea. 55-329102 1 9 6 7 - 6 9 24.99 ea. 55-329113 1 9 7 0 - 7 2 24.99 ea. ‘Body By Fisher’ Manuals El Camino By Chevrolet Book One of the most detailed books made on the subject of the El Camino to date. 112 pages with 105 highlydetailed, color photos cover every generation of El Camino from origin and concept, to subsequent demise, with the last G body rolling off of the line in 1988. “El Camino by Chevrolet” touches on rare options, power train combinations, MSRP and production numbers. You will find the technical information and pictorial time-line a must for any automotive enthusiast’s library. 112 Pages/105 Illustrations, Softbound/8.25" x 9". 25.99 ea. If you’ve ever been stumped by a piece of trim that just didn’t want to come loose, then these books are for you. These manuals contain instructions for removal and installation of doors, sheet metal, glass, interior and exterior trim, seats, vinyl top and all interior electrical component except the instrument cluster. 8 1⁄2" x 11", approximately 300 pages. 55-191726 1 9 6 5 27.99 ea. 55-191731 1 9 7 0 27.99 ea. 55-191727 1 9 6 6 28.99 ea. 55-191732 1 9 7 1 27.99 ea. 55-191728 1 9 6 7 27.99 ea. 55-191733 1 9 7 2 27.99 ea. 55-191729 1 9 6 8 27.99 ea. 55-191734 1 9 7 3 88.99 ea. 55-191730 1 9 6 9 27.99 ea. 55-191735 1 9 7 4 129.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 214 1/29/15 5:02 PM BOOKS, MANUALS, DECALS, AND CDS 55-191724 Wiring Diagram Manuals This booklet contains diagrams taken directly from GM’s blueprints. They are an excellent supplement to the service manual if you are planning on replacing one or more wiring harnesses in your car. 8 1⁄2" x 11", 5 - 10 pages. 55-191690 55-191692 55-191713 1 9 5 9 6.99 ea. 55-191714 1 9 6 0 6.99 ea. 55-191715 1 9 6 4 6.99 ea. 55-191716 1 9 6 5 6.99 ea. 55-191717 1 9 6 6 6.99 ea. 55-191718 1 9 6 7 6.99 ea. 55-191719 1 9 6 8 6.99 ea. 55-191720 1 9 6 9 6.99 ea. 55-191721 1 9 7 0 6.99 ea. 55-191722 1 9 7 1 6.99 ea. 55-191723 1 9 7 2 6.99 ea. 55-191724 1 9 7 3 6.99 ea. 55-191725 1 9 7 4 6.99 ea. Service Shop Manuals This is required reading during your restoration. Covers removal and installation of major components such as transmission, clutch, fuel system, chassis, exhaust and more. 8 1⁄2" x 11", number of pages varies by year. Many of the Service Shop Manuals are shop manual sets. Please inquire with a sales rep to find out exactly what is included with each part number. 55-191673 1958-60 Main Manual 31.99 ea. 55-191674 1959-60 Supplement To Main Manual 21.99 ea. 55-191675 1 9 6 4 31.99 ea. 55-191676 1 9 6 5 21.99 ea. 55-191677 1 9 6 6 27.99 ea. 55-191678 1 9 6 7 28.99 ea. 55-191679 1 9 6 8 27.99 ea. 55-191680 1 9 6 9 27.99 ea. 55-191681 1 9 7 0 27.99 ea. 55-191682 1 9 7 1 27.99 ea. 55-191683 1 9 7 2 27.99 ea. 55-191684 1 9 7 3 46.99 ea. 55-191686 1974 Full Coverage Manual 46.99 ea. 55-196892 1 9 7 5 27.99 ea. 55-196894 1 9 7 6 27.99 ea. 55-191688 1976 GMC, Caballero 82.99 ea. 55-191689 1977 Full Coverage Manual Call 55-191690 1978 Full Coverage Manual 339.99 ea. 55-191692 1980 Full Coverage Manual Call 55-191696 1983 Full Coverage Manual 124.99 ea. 55-191697 1983 Caballero Shop Manual 89.99 ea. 55-191698 1984 Full Coverage Manual Call 55-191700 1986 Service Shop Manua 199.99 ea. 1964-75 Color Laminated Wiring Diagrams • Full Color Easy To Read • 11" X 17" Laminated • Covers Complete Car 55-286186 1 9 6 4 17.99 ea. 55-286182 1 9 7 0 - 7 1 55-286187 1 9 6 5 17.99 ea. 55-286183 1 9 7 0 - 7 1 55-286188 1 9 6 6 17.99 ea. 55-286189 1 9 6 7 17.99 ea. 55-286196 1 9 7 2 55-286190 1 9 6 8 17.99 ea. 55-286185 1972 w/Ga. 17.99 ea. 17.99 ea. 17.99 ea. 55-286191 1968 w/Ga. 17.99 ea. 55-286197 1 9 7 3 17.99 ea. 55-286192 1 9 6 9 17.99 ea. 55-286198 1 9 7 4 17.99 ea. 55-286125 1969 w/Ga. 17.99 ea. 55-286193 1 9 7 5 17.99 ea. 1959-82 Chevrolet El Camino Trace the history and development of Chevrolet's El Camino in this in-depth, factfilled volume. Filled with all the options, specs, and production changes, plus original prices, special features, competition results and more. Perfect for the owner and restorer, packed with hard-to-find facts and details. “...a solid value.” Classic Sixties. Softbound, 8 1⁄2"x 11", 80 pages, 150 black and white illustrations. 55-191750 toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 215 w/Ga. 17.99 ea. 16.99 ea. 215 1/29/15 5:02 PM CAR CARE, PROTECTION, AND TOOLS INDOOR/OUTDOOR 3 Ye Limi ar Warr ted anty 1959-87 Eckler’s Execu-Guard Car Cover • • • • • • • • 4 Layer Construction Thick To Protect Damage Soft For Paint Protection Breathable Best Water Resistant Custom Fit To Generation And Body Style Indoor And Outdoor Use 5 Year Warranty Now Eckler's has sourced the best covers for your El Camino. The Execu-Guard car covers are manufactured for Ecklers by one of the leading manufacturers but offered at a very special price. These covers are 4 layer material, breathable and water resistant. Also recommended for Moderate Weather or indoor use. Soft inside to not damage your El Camino paint but also thick enough to protect it against dinges from the outside. Custom fit to your generation. 5-Year Limited Warranty. 55-308385 Specify Year and Body Style 154.99 ea. INDOOR/OUTDOOR 1959-87 Eckler’s Secure-Guard Car Cover • • • • • 3 Layer Construction Thick To Protect Damage Soft For Paint Protection Breathable • Water Resistant Custom Fit To Generation And Body Style Now Eckler's has sourced the best covers for your El Camino. The Secure-Guard car covers are manufactured for Ecklers by one of the leading manufacturers but offered at a very special price. These covers are 3 layer material, breathable and water 216 3 Ye Limi ar Warr ted anty resistant. Also recommended for Moderate Weather or indoor use. Soft inside to not damage your El Camino paint but also thick enough to protect it against dinges from the outside. Custom fit to your generation and body style. 3 Year Limited Warranty. 55-308392 Specify Year and Body Style 99.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 216 1/29/15 5:02 PM CAR CARE, PROTECTION, AND TOOLS INDOOR/OUTDOOR ear d Y 3 ite Limrranty Wa 1959-87 Eckler’s Base-Guard Car Cover • • • • • • 3 Layer Construction Thick To Protect Damage Soft For Paint Protection Breathable Water Resistant Custom Fit To Generation And Body Style Now Eckler's has sourced the best covers for your El Camino. The Secure-Guard car covers are manufactured for Ecklers by one of the leading manufacturers but offered at a very special price. These covers are 3 layer material, breathable and water resistant. Also recommended for Moderate Weather or indoor use. Soft inside to not damage your El Camino paint but also thick enough to protect it against dinges from the outside. Custom fit to your generation and body style. 1 Year Limited Warranty. 55-308283 Specify Year and Body Style 49.99 ea. Clear Disposable Car Cover • Excellent Cover To Prevent Paint Damage From Tree Sap, Overspray and Bird Stool • Use Over Your Good Cover To Keep It Dry Overnight At Car Shows • May Be Reused Several Times Then Tossed • Fits Any Type Of Vehicle • 1 mil Polyethylene With Elastic Waist Cord • Stores At 15" x 11" x 3" • Expands To 22' x 12' NOTE: Not to be used over freshly painted cars 6 months or newer. 55-253844 toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 217 19.99 ea. 217 1/29/15 5:02 PM CAR CARE, PROTECTION, AND TOOLS See Website For Complete Line of Ramps Garage Floor Oil and Fluid Absorber • Perfect 18" x 24" Size • Bound Carpet Mat With Marine Backing Helps Keep Floor Clean 55-253731 8.99 ea. Race Ramp Cribs • Wheel Cribs Hold Tires With Diameters From 25 To 30 Inches • Special Construction and Won't Scratch Or Mark Your Floors! • Lightweight and Easy To Carry And Maneuver • Works On Virtually Any Surface, Including Sand! • Unscootable! Won't Slip Or Slide, No Matter The Surface Race Ramps • Accommodates Low Front Ends • Holds 1500 Lbs. Each • Lightweight Polystyrene 1-Piece and 2-Piece Construction • 2-Piece Design Allow Easier Side Access Under Car Race Ramps allow you to get under your car quickly and safely without any frustrating hassles. Race Ramps will not slide across your garage floor, dig into your asphalt driveway or scratch your painted floors. They will raise your car 8" and you never have to worry about rust. Another beauty of Race Ramps; they will accommodate tires up to 10" in width. Race Ramps are lightweight, easy to transport and they are supplied with straps for easy carrying. You can use the straps to hang them on the wall when you're done. 55-253717 56” 1-Piece Design 214.99 pr. 55-253714 67” 1-Piece Design 308.99 pr. 55-253718 56” 2-Piece Design 240.99 pr. 55-253715 67” 2-Piece Design 352.99 pr. 55-308687 8”, 1 Piece 102.99 pr. 55-308691 8”, 2 Piece 133.99 pr. 55-253713 10”, 1 Piece 109.99 pr. 55-308688 10”, 2 Piece 143.99 pr. 55-308695 12”, 1 Piece 121.99 pr. 55-308693 12”, 2 Piece 174.99 pr. For Auto Dolly Car Skates, Please Visit Our Website Rubber Wheel Chock • Works Alone Or WIth Any Race Ramp • 6" Long x 4" High x 5" Wide • Made Of Solid Rubber • Extra Grip Bottom 55-253712 17.99 ea. Flat Stoppers LED Cordless Worklight • 80 Super Bright White LEDs • Rechargeable And Cordless • Cool-To-The-Touch This Slim 80 LED Cordless work light is designed to fit in confined engine compartments and other hard-to-reach places. Long life LED rated up to 80,000 hours is cool-to-the touch and because LED bulbs do not get hot, they reduce the possibility of a burn or fire. A comfortable non-slip grip. 88-0103-3 218 C a r s th a t s it fo r m o n th s in o n e place will create flat spot tires, it’s a fact. You can prevent tire flat spotting by placing Flat Stoppers underneath your tires to insulate them from temperature extremes. The special lightweight polystyrene construction eliminates uneven pressure points regardless of how long your car sits. Put an end to ruining expensive tires. 55-253707 S e t o f 4 269.99 set 79.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 218 1/29/15 5:02 PM CAR CARE, PROTECTION, AND TOOLS Dual Chamber Brake Master Cylinder Pressure Bleeder "King of the Road" Exhibition Carpet Center Stage • Custom Display Carpet For Your Vehicle • Outdoor Or Indoor Use • Easy To Use Center Stage Exhibition Carpet is unlike any other exhibition carpet. In fact it’s so unique it’s patented. The 10’ x 16’ carpet mat is constructed of 100% polypropylene industrial faced fiber. It resists mold, mildew, grease, oil and even bleach. Its closed cell rubber backing provides a barrier that keeps spills and leaks from penetrating onto the surface of a showroom, museum or garage floor. Additionally it eliminates tire imprints, scratches and other unnecessary scuffs. Each carpet mat is hand bound around all edges for a custom look. The carpet mat is easy to install – simply unroll it! No glue. No mess. No tape. Make your vehicle "King Of Road" with this Center Stage Exhibition Carpet. 55-253720 299.99 set • Bleeds Brakes Like The Professionals • Pressurized Brake Fluid Forces Trapped Air From The Brake System • Fits All Dual Chamber Automobile Metal Master Cylinders Finally an affordable and easy-to-use brake pressure bleeder for the do-it-your-self mechanic is now available. This tool uses air pressure to force brake fluid through the system during the brake bleeding process. Pressurized fluid forces all the trapped air in the hydraulic system out, providing the most efficient way to have a firm brake pedal. This kit will work on any dual chamber, metal master cylinder and eliminates the need for a second person during the bleeding process. 55-253999 Catch Bottle Kit 55-291609 55-253736 55-291610 79.99 ea. • The Perfect Companion To The Power Bleeder These bleeder bottles feature a stainless lanyard to hold the bottle to a suspension component and a return nipple to prevent spills. Set of two 500 ml polyethylene bottles. 55-291613 55-254005 26.99 set Motive Products Power Extractor 55-278285 55-278287 Fender Covers • Impervious To Oil, Gas, Brake Fluid, Coolants, Lacquer Thinners, Etc. • Thick Cushioned PVC Material Is Super Strong With Nylon Mesh Reinforcement • Guaranteed Not To Slide Off Fenders • 22" x 34" 55-253736 Black SS Logo 22.99 ea. 55-291610 Orange Flames Gripper 22.99 ea. 55-291611 Red/Silver Flames Gripper 22.99 ea. 55-291609 Blue/Silver Flames Gripper 22.99 ea. 55-291613 Yellow /Silver Flames Gripper 22.99 ea. 55-278285 Truck 22.99 ea. 55-278287 Impala 22.99 ea. • 10 Quart High Density Polyethylene Tank (Resistant To All-Chemicals) • Chemical Resistant Tubing • Integrated Dual Vacuum/Pressure Gauge • Firm Polyethylene Tube For Oil Changing • Flexible Tube For Brake Bleeding Allows easy evacuation of engine oil, transmission fluid, brake fluid and other vehicle fluids. Pumping the intergrated hand pump creates a vacuum in the tank and fluid is pulled into the unit through the attached tubing. Comes with dipstick tube for oil changing and stretchable tubing for vacuum brake bleeding. 55-254002 69.99 ea. Brake Line Double Flaring Tool • Allows You To Shorten and Properly Re-Flare Brake Lines • Hardened Bar Assembly With 1/4", 3/16", 5/16" and 1/2" Flaring Dies • Will Also Flare Metric Tubing 55-309758 toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 219 39.99 kit 219 1/29/15 5:02 PM CAR CARE, PROTECTION, AND TOOLS Clutch Head Screwdriver Set 1968-82 Vacuum Brake Bleeders • Fits The Clutch Head “Figure 8” Screws On All GM Cars • Includes 4 Popular Sizes 5/32”, 3/16”, 1/4”, 5/16” Make brake bleeding a one man job. The vacuum reservoir draws air out of the caliper, collecting it and excess fluid for a mess free operation. Step-bystep instructions included. 55-309721 Standard Bleeder 49.99 kit 55-309720 Heavy Duty Metal Bleeder w/Case 89.99 kit 55-309705 Clutch Head Screw Bit Set • Includes 3 Popular Sizes 1/8”, 3/16”, 5/32” • Fits All 1/4” Hex Drivers • Hard To Find! Master Cylinder Bleeder Tool • Removes All Air From Master Cylinder For Proper Braking • Simple To Use Simple to use and makes certain your master cylinder is ready to install. This tool takes less time and is a more effective way to purge the system of air. 55-253249 18.99 ea. 175 Piece Socket and Wrench Set Gorilla Power 4-Way Extend Lug Wrench Tool Use the wrench that provides 200% more torque than a standard lug wrench. The 21" telescoping handle extends for extra torque, and is collapsible for easy storage. Includes two sockets for 17m/19m and 3/4"/13/16". 24.99 ea. • For Bending Brake and Fuel Lines • Will Bend 3/16”, 1/4”, 5/16" and 3/8" Tubing 55-253546 15.99 ea. Interior Door Panel Removal Tool Front End Suspension Fork Tool Set • Specialized Forks For Tie Rods, Ball Joints and Pitman Arms • Interchangeable Handles For Hand Use Or Air Hammer 55-253799 39.99 set Torque Wrench Set 1/2" drive, reversible wrench features a n e a s y to u s e clicker type register. Measures from 10 to 150 ft./lbs. or 1.4 to 20.7 m/kg. Includes a 4" extension, 1/2" to 3/8" drive adapter and molded plastic carrying case. Manufacturer’s lifetime warranty. 220 28.99 set Tube Bending Tool 68.99 set 55-253277 55-309704 55-253283 Wrench set is supplied in a 20-1/2" x 14-1/2" molded storage case with a convenient flip-out carrying handle. The wrenches are made of forged steel and the sockets have handy rapid access indexes. This set carries the tools most commonly used on GM Vehicles. 55-309719 19.99 set 39.99 set This tool makes access to the door glass easier. Place the tool under the edge of the door panel, insert tool under the fastener as far as possible, and then simply pry up. Rugged tool with a large comfortable handle. Care must be used during the removal to not dimple the exposed metal of the door. 55-253789 16.99 ea. Brake and Fuel Line Flare Nut Wrench Set • Prevents Rounding Of Brake and Fuel Line Nuts • Makes Removal Of Old Line Easy • Set Includes 1 Each Wrench: 3/8" x 7/16", 1/2" x 9/16" and 5/8" x 11/16" 55-253534 18.99 set Weatherstrip Removal and lnstallation Tools • 4-Piece Kit Tools assist in removal of clips, old glue and adhesive and installation of new weatherstrip. 55-253300 24.99 kit shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 220 1/29/15 5:03 PM CAR CARE, PROTECTION, AND TOOLS Battery Tender CTEK 800 and 3300 Battery Chargers • Safe, Reliable, Trouble Free Battery Care • Developed To Maintain Batteries Not In Constant Use Or Storage Automatically switches off after fully charging and, constantly monitors the battery without the damaging effects of trickle charging. The initial charge cycle of the Battery Tender brings a battery to a full charge at approximately 14.4 volts about 1.25 amps. After a full charge is reached, the Battery Tender automatically converts to a float charger and monitors the battery at 13.6 volts. Although there is a constant voltage of 13.6 volts being applied to the battery, it is doing so at very little or no current. What this means to the user is safe, reliable, trouble free battery care. Equipped with 6' power cord, and 6' output cord with clamps, 5 year warranty. 55-253878 • Provides Automatic Four-Step "Smart" Charging • Will Never Overcharge Your Battery 55-324826 • Ideal For Occasionally Driven Cars • Compact and Weatherproof For In-Car Mounting • Charges Lead Acid Batteries (Wet, MF, Gel and AGM) 55-309737 CTEK 800 Charges From 1-2Ah To 32Ah, 1.2-100Ah 49.99 ea. 55-324826 CTEK 3300 Charges From 2Ah To 90Ah 69.99 ea. See Website For More Specs On These Products Battery Mat Mats absorb battery acid to protect the battery, holder and surroundings from corrosion. Mats are 8” x 12”, trim to fit. 63.99 ea. 55-253885 6.99 ea. Battery Quick Disconnect Switches Battery Tender Waterproof 800 Charger • Charges Battery and Maintains Proper Storage Voltage Without Damaging Effects Caused By Trickle Chargers The Battery Tender Waterproof 800 is perfect for outdoor use. Its circuitry is totally epoxy encapsulated so it will perform even while submersed under water. The unit packs 800 milliamps of pure charging power yet it is no larger than the size of a standard computer mouse. You can use Battery Tender anywhere in the world (100-240VAC 50/60 Hz) and the unit is reverse polarity protected, spark proof and it complies to international safety standards (UL/CSA/CE). Like all Battery Tenders, it has a microprocessor (brain) that controls the charging of each battery so that your battery doesn't get "cooked" the way conventional chargers can do. This lightweight unit weighs only 1 lb. and carries a manufacturer’s 2 year warranty. 55-309723 44.99 ea. • Avoid Short Circuits And Battery Drain Just twist the handy knob and cut off current at the battery. Simple switch installs in minutes and easily removes to return to original condition. Purchase bypass wire to eliminate hassle of resetting stereo and other ECM functions. 55-253922 Top Post Battery 9.99 ea. 55-253492 Side Post Battery 9.99 ea. 55-253660 Bypass Circuit for ECM/Radio Memory (Top Post) 3.99 ea. 55-253657 Bypass Circuit for ECM/Radio Memory (Side Post) 3.99 ea. Side Terminal Battery Wrench Ratcheting box wrench features an insulated handle and nickel plating for faster, safer disconnection. 55-253305 5.99 ea. OPTIMA® Batteries • Great For High Watt Demand Electrical Systems • Won't Leak Like Stock Batteries • Spiralcell® Technology • 750 Cold Cranking Amps 12 Volt Automatic Battery Storage Float Charger See Website For Ordering • Keeps 12V Battery Fully Charged Without Overcharging • For Long Term Storage • Provides Constant, Regulated Current To Keep Battery At Peak Capacity • 1 Year Warranty 55-253259 18.99 ea. Competition Tire Gauge • Easy-To Read Gauge This deluxe model has a hose fitting and features a quick bleed valve for quick pressure setting, 0-60 PSI. 55-253837 toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 221 19.99 ea. 221 1/29/15 5:03 PM CAR CARE, PROTECTION, AND TOOLS Forever Black™ Tire Gel Zaino Z-18 Clay Bar 55-253951 8 oz. 55-253989 The small clay bars remove im b e d d e d c o n ta m in a n ts fr o m the paint which cannot be removed using conventional methods. Clay Bar is safe for all paint finishes. • Restores Brilliant Black Surface • Silicone-Free/Oil Free • Supplied Hand-Held Applicator 12.99 ea. RAGGTOPP Vinyl Convertible Top Care Kit • Contains Cleaner and Vinyl Protectant • Also Excellent For Vinyl Covered Hardtops, Tonneau and Spare Tire Covers 55-253774 6 oz. Spray 31.99 kit 22.99 ea. Zaino Z-7 Car Wash/Clay Bar Lubricant • Gently Cleans Without Detergents, Alkali Or Acids • Concentrated Blend Of Cleaners and Conditioners • Mix With Water To Use As Z-18 Clay Bar Lubricant 55-253369 10.99 ea. RAGGTOPP Cloth Convertible Top Care Kit • Contains 16 Oz Cleaner and Fabric Protectant • Buy The Kit and Save 55-253777 16 oz. Spray 33.99 kit RAGGTOPP Convertible Top Cleaner 55-309810 Safely removes even the toughest soils and stains. 55-253783 16 oz. Spray • Ideal For Protecting New Tops • Renews and Extends The Life Of Older Tops Ragg Topp is for the top cloth and plastic windows of all convertible tops. Ragg Topp just sprays on to keep water, oil and stains off the top. It also provides UV protection and can be reapplied as needed. 24.99 ea. Z2 Pro Show Car Polish - (Clear Coat Paint) Molecular chemistry provides “ wettest-looking, “ distortion-free, ultra-deep look to your Corvette’s paint. Easy to use polish leaves no residue. 55-309810 8 oz. 17.99 ea. Z6 Ultra Clean Gloss Enhancer Spray For fast cleaning of dust, water spots and light soil between washes. Anti-static formula reduces dust and dirt pick-up. Cloth Convertible Top Care Kit 55-309822 16 oz. This kit will protect and preserve your costly cloth top from weather as harsh as northern winters. A two-step process first cleans and deposits a powerful ultraviolet inhibitor then the water-proofer will extend the life of your top and improve color retention. The kit also contains non-abrasive plastic cleaner polisher to help prevent hazing and yellowing of rear windows. 222 55-309822 • Wettest-Looking, Longest-Lasting • Formulated For Show Winning Paint • No Abrasives Or Silicone Oils RAGGTOPP Cloth ConvertibleTop Protectant 55-253928 55-309864 Zaino Brothers Pro Show Car Products 13.99 ea. 55-253780 14 oz. 55-309873 57.99 ea. 12.99 ea. Z10 Leather In A Bottle Treatment/ Conditioner Contains a perfectly balanced, solvent-free blend of mink oil and other natural nutritives which penetrate, soften and preserve the leather. Non-oily, non-sticky. 55-309864 8 oz. 13.99 ea. Z16 Perfect Tire Gloss (Rubber/Trim) Protectant Non-oily rubber protectant that holds up thru multiple washings. Slightly glossy finish. 55-309873 16 oz. 15.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 222 1/29/15 5:03 PM CAR CARE, PROTECTION, AND TOOLS P21S Chrome Polish P21S Paintwork Cleanser This thick gloss-enhancing liquid removes water acid spots, swirl marks and other minor imperfections without scratching. Easy to apply without leaving powder residue; ideal for all modern clearcoats. 55-253970 11.8oz 15.99 ea. A unique multi-surface polish specifically formulated for the variety of surfaces found on today’s automobiles. P21S Chrome Polish and Finish Restorer easily renews badly tarnished metals to a brilliant shine, yet remains mild enough to use on paintwork and plastics. 55-253979 3.56 oz Connolly Hide Care P21S Window Wash Boost Hide Care is a concentrated cleaner that feeds the leather to achieve a rich, polished finish, and to help prevent cracking. Great for vinyl, as well. High performance detergent eliminates dangerous windshield streaking. Easy to use. Concentrated mixture makes 6-1/2 gallons. 55-253967 1 8 o z 8.99 ea. 55-309710 13 oz. Give your car the ultimate Concours shine in minutes! A rich blend of pure Brazilian #1 yellow carnauba and beeswax delivers a dynamite shine that lasts and lasts. A paste wax that’s virtually as easy to use as liquid, P21S wax goes on and comes off with incredible ease and no powder residue. 55-253973 6.2 oz. 33.99 ea. P21S 100% Carnauba Paste Wax The leather care kit contains leather cleaner (17 oz), and leather conditioner (10 oz). Specially blended with lanolin conditioners that will penetrate and soften all the leathers. 55-253936 P21S breaks the ‘carnauba barrier’ with its 100% carnaubabased Paste Wax. 55-253976 29.99 ea. Connolley Leather Care Kit P21S Concours Paste Wax 79.99 kit Zymol Field Glaze When your car needs a quick complete waxing or a touch-up between waxing. Simply mist a little on a clean car, let stand 30 seconds, and buff off with a cloth. Great way to remove fingerprints. 54.99 ea. 55-309712 8 o z P21S Polishing Soap The power of a polish, with the ease of a soap. Wet the sponge, r u b it a c r o s s th e s o a p , s c r u b , th e n rinse with water. Use on chrome, stainless and aluminum to remove rust, oxidation and dullig in seconds! 55-253982 10.6oz 10.99 ea. 24.99 ea. Zymol Titanium Wax Contains mixture of yellow and white carnuba for higher level of shine and protection. 10.99 ea. 55-309713 72.99 ea. Zymol Carbon Wax Zymol Concours Glaze Great for medium and dark colored paint...37% carnuba for better UV protection. For those who demand “show-car” gloss and depth of shine. 55-309717 8 o z 179.99 ea. 55-309734 8 o z 54.99 ea. Zymol Glasur™ Glaze The Glasur Glaze contains 56% Brazilian Yellow Carnauba Wax (100% by volume), and other natural oils and ingredients to bring out your car’s paint finish. 55-309718 8 o z Zymol Creame Wax 109.99 ea. For lighter colored paint. 33% yellow carnauba combined with coconut and banana oils for that wet look. 55-309715 8 o z toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 223 54.99 ea. 223 1/29/15 5:03 PM CAR CARE, PROTECTION, AND TOOLS Eckler’s Select Series Car Duster • Picks Up Dirt Like A Magnet! • Special Cotton Fiber Cleans Without Water • Safe On All Surfaces • Storage Bag Included 55-253901 55-253898 The Original California Car Dusters • Quick And Easy To Use • Treated Fibers Attract Dust Dusters absorbent 100% cotton yarn soaks up dust and loose dirt in seconds and never needs cleaning. The dirtier they get, the better they work! Perfect for touch-ups at car shows. 55-253900 Car Duster (Includes Storage Bag) 55-253903 Mini Car Duster 19.99 ea. 9.99 ea. Wool Wash Mitt • Synthetic Wool Is Extra Soft And Dense • Great Suds Maker • Elastic Cuff Keeps Mitt Snug • 7" X 10" 55-309815 5.99 ea. Microfiber Max Car Duster • Treated Fibers Attract Dust • 20" Extended Reach • Plush Microfiber Strands Grab and Hold Surface Dust • Washable and Completely Reusable • Cleans Car Without Water and Safe On All Paint Surfaces 55-309680 12.99 ea. Drip-Stop Microfiber Drying Towel • 3-In-1 Premium Microfiber Design 100 Times Finer Than Human Hair • Built-In Drip-Spot Detailer Pulls Water From Grille Insert, Mirror Seams, and Body Panels • Snag-Free Satin Edging Glides Over Wipers and Emblems • Extra Large 6sq ft. (24" X 36") 55-309647 7.99 kit Drip-Stop Microfiber Drying Towel 224 55-299302 16.99 ea. Water Bead Blade With Microfiber Drier • Two-Sided Design Provides More Complete Drying For All Types Of Vechicles • Durable Silicone Blade Sheets Water From Body Panels • Premium Microfiber Bonnet Pulls Water From Seams And Detail Areas • Bonnet Is Removable For Easy Cleaning 55-309682 12.99 ea. Wipe Out Water Blade With Evaporator PVA Drying Towel • Cuts Drying Time In Half! • Durable PVA Towel With Center Mesh Absorbs Water Like A Sponge • Wipeout Silicone Blade Removes Water From Body and Window 55-309685 12.99 ea. California Dry Blade • Ergonomic Curved Handle • Cuts Drying Time By 1/3 • 100% Medical Grade Silicone V-Blade 55-254424 • 3-In-1 Premium Microfiber Design 100 Times Finer Than Human Hair • Built In Clean-Seam Tool Removes Wax & Dirt From Between Seams • Snag-Free Satin Edging • Flexiable & Safe On All Surfaces • 2-Sided Luxury Soft Microfiber (16" X 16") 55-288827 This Duster is custom-formulated to grab and lift away dust for a quick shine every time. The ultrasoft cotton fibers will not scratch vehicle finishes or clear coats, and are perfectly suited for collector cars, hot rods, luxury vehicles, trucks or SUVs. 16.99 ea. Kozak®Auto Dry Wash® • Wash Your Car Without Water Made Of Specially Woven 100% Cotton Fibers Will Not Harm Finish 6.99 ea. 55-253847 4.5 sq. ft. 12.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 224 1/29/15 5:03 PM CAR CARE, PROTECTION, AND TOOLS Surf City Garage Dash Away Interior Detailer Spray • Spray On For Super-Fast Cleaning With No Greasy Film Residue and No Sticky Surfaces • Cleans Carpet, Cloth, Vinyl and Leather-100% Safe • Pleasant Smell • 24 Oz. Spray 55-253460 10.99 kit 303 Aerospace Vinyl Protectant • SPF Of 40 For UV Protection • Stain Resistant-Repels Water, Dirt and Resists Stains • 16 Oz Spray • Of all the products offered by 303 Products, this one has to be the most versatile. Vinyl convertible tops, boat enclosures, tonneau covers, car bras, vinyl RV awnings, headlights, spa covers, these are just a few of the places that benefit from this protectant that contains an SPF 40 sunscreen. 55-292846 15.99 kit Deluxe Wheel And Brake Dust Brush • Strong Scour Pad Action Removes Dust From Wheel • Outer Soft Bristle To Clean Wheels While Protecting The New Wheel Finish • Soft Rubber Handle For Comfort and Function • Here is the best of the best in cleaning hand tools. Each Grip Tech Brush uses a patented triangular grip design to promote comfort and enhance function. Flared design and molded ribbing ensure superior grip in dry or wet conditions. Every brush fiber has been selected to match specific use. 55-309818 5.99 kit • 5 Gallon Heavy-Duty 90 Mil Bucket With Spin-On Lid and Gamma Seal® • Heavy-Duty 4-Wheel Dolly • Includes Seat Cushion and Grit Guard® • Can Be Used To Store Supplies When Not In Use 55-309653 72.99 kit Interior / Exterior Detail Brush Set • • • • 2-Sided Vent Louver Detailer Dust and Crevice Brush Vent and Seam Detailer Here is the best of the best in cleaning hand tools. Every brush fiber has been selected to match specific use. 55-309650 7.99 kit Aluminum Deluxe Polishing Kit • Easy To Use • Works Great On Aluminum Wheels • Utilize your electric drill or pneumatic die grinder with the supplied 1/4" arbors for polishing jobs on or off the vehicle. 55-287898 39.99 kit Wheel Spoke Cleaning Brush Interior 2-In-1 Detail Brush • Non-Scratch Soft Bristles • Tapered Tip Is Great For Plunging • Comfort Molded Handle • Protective Rubber Tip • Dash Dusting Fibers • Vent and Detail Brush • Perfect For Vents and Seams 55-309813 3.99 kit Deluxe Tire, Bumper And Grille Brush • Stiff Bristles Clean Bumper, Grille and Wheels • Side Protective Bumper • Soft Rubber Handle For Comfort and Function 55-309692 Complete Wash System With Grit Guard and Dolly 8.99 kit 55-309633 3.99 kit Windshield Polishing Kit Used by professional shops, this kit eliminates light scratches, wiper haze, sand sparkle and clears up old glass (scratch cleanup is limited to defects that cannot be caught with your fingernails). Kit includes buffing wheel, 1/4" shank adapter and a 1 lb. can of compound. Enough to do a couple windshields. 55-253834 59.99 kit toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 225 225 1/29/15 5:03 PM CAR CARE, PROTECTION, AND TOOLS Air Force Master Blaster 8.0 HP Car Dryer Deluxe Wash-Jet Power Wand Sprayer With Adjustable Spray Nozzle • Cuts Drying Time By Up To 80% • Better/Safer Than Compressed Air Or Leaf Blowers • 8.0 Peak HP (Two Motors) • 58,500 ft./min. Air Flow • 2 Stage Dual Fans, 2 Speeds, 2 Temperatures • 18 Amp/2160 Watts • Heavy-Duty Attachments • 10' x 1.5" Flexible Hose • 12' Heavy-Duty Cord • Professional Cleaning Power From Your Garden Hose • Easily Fills With Any Car Wash Soap • Mixes Soap and Water Automatically (No Bucket Needed) • Molded Rubber Protective Spray Tip, Trigger Lock and Hose Swivel Control • Includes Adjustable Spray Nozzle 55-309673 Kit 31.99 kit 55-309674 Sprayer Only 26.99 ea. 55-283056 1 Year Warranty 55-309659 379.99 ea. Air Force Blaster Side Kick Car Dryer • Cuts Drying Time By Up To 80% • Better/Safer Than Compressed Air Or Leaf Blowers • 18,000 Ft/Min Air Flow • Single Stage Fan • 8 Amp/950 Watts • Heavy Duty Attachments • 1.3 Hp • E Z Change Foam • 12 Ft Heavy Duty Cord 55-283055 1 Year Warranty Random Orbital Polisher 79.99 ea. • Designed For The Do-It Yourselfer • Heavy-Duty 3300 RPM-120V Motor UL Approved • Includes Foam Applicator Bonnet and Microfiber Removal Bonnet • Will Not Harm Paint This AutoSpa polisher is grounded in a deep understanding of how DIYers polish their vechicles. Integrating multiple position handles makes this polisher easier to use on any part of the vechicle. Combined with our premium foam, microfiber, and wool bonnets, protecting your finish has never been easier! 55-309659 10” Bonnets 39.99 ea. Replacement Bonnets 55-309694 10” 7.99 pr. 55-309703 6” 7.99 pr. Stainless Steel Portable Detailing Vacuum • • • • • 500 Watts Of Power Light Weight For Easy Handling 11’ Cord 6’ Hose Includes Soft Brush, Carpet Wand, Crevasse Tool and 2 Dust Bags 55-283054 224.99 ea. Race Ramps Wheel Cribs Auto-Vac 120V Portable Bagless Vacuum With Accessories • Heavy Duty 560 Watt-120V Motor ETL Approved • Professional In-Line Air Flow Design • Includes Carpet, Console, Crevice and Blower Tools With Handy on-Board Storage • 44% More Air Flow Than Others 55-309654 226 49.99 ea. • Lightweight Alternative To Jack Stands • Allows You To Work Under Vehicle While In The Road Position • Excellent For Exhaust Or Suspension Work • 10" Tall x 15" Long x 12" Wide • Wheel Cribs Hold Tires With Diameters From 25" To 30" 55-253713 109.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 226 1/29/15 5:04 PM CAR CARE, PROTECTION, AND TOOLS 55-279718 55-279727 Auto Dolly Car Skates • • • • Park Smart Parking Mat • Eliminates Crashing Into Garage Walls • Heavy-Duty Rubber Construction 55-253288 221.99 ea. Park Smart Wall Door Guard Makes Moving Car In Tight Spaces Easy 4-Piece Set Extra Heavy-Duty Construction Polyurethane Casters Won’t Mar Floor 55-279727 8"x16" Skates 154.99 set 55-279724 12"x16" Skates 164.99 set 55-253606 16"x16" Skates 179.99 set 55-279718 Roll Around * 115.99 pr. * Provides A 360° Mount For Vehicles Without Tires. Mounts to Auto • Protects Car Doors and Garage Wall • Easily Attached To Wall • Mounting Hardware Included Dolly, P/N 55-253606 55-253291 13.99 ea. Maxsa Garage Laser Park • Perfect Parking Every Time • Installs In Minutes Take the guesswork o u t o f g a ra g e parking with the Maxsa Garage Laser Park. The unit automatically activates every time your vehicle enters the garage; just guide your vehicle into the ultra-bright laser beam and park in exactly the same spot time after time. Includes a 110 watt adapter. 55-253945 Stick-On Parking Ding Protection 25.99 ea. When you leave your car unattended in a public parking lot, simply stick the suction cup rubber strip on your door and walk away with confidence. 55-253297 15.99 ea. Sta-Dri Moisture Protection Kit Hanging Door Ding Protection • Protects Against Moisture During Storage • Non-Corrosive and Non-Toxic • Four Reusable Bags If you live in a condo or park in a tight private lot, you can prevent damage by hanging this convenient rubber barrier between your car and your neighbor. This durable, yellow rubber-like pad comes complete with string, hooks and anchors to install to wood rafters or drywall ceilings. Place the bags inside your classic and protect the interior by eliminating the undesirable effects of humidity, mold and mildew. Also protects against rusting and corrosion. Bags work at all temperatures and are ideal for protection during storage. Bags are non-corrosive, non-toxic and produce no dust. 55-253294 55-309759 22.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 227 34.99 kit 227 1/29/15 5:04 PM GIFTS AND APPAREL Men's Black Full Zip Lightweight Microfleece Chevy Jacket • 100% Polyester • Gold Bowtie On Front Left Chest • Color: Black • Imported • Sizes: M-4XL Lambskin Leather Jacket With Chevy Bowtie • • • • • • • Classic Black Lambskin Jacket Gold Embroidered Chevy Bowtie Gold Bowtie Closeup Zipper And Snap Front Closure Elasticized Leather Waistband • Snap Cuffs Outer Slash Pockets • Inside Breast Pocket Nylon Lining With Polyester Fiberfill Insulation Imported • Specify Sizes: M-XXL 55-253552 For cool-to-cold weather, this lightweight microfleece jacket is perfect either alone or layered. Available at a great value, it features clear coil zippers with dyed-to-match chain stitching and taping. (Grey chain stitching on White.) An anti-pill finish helps preserve a clean appearance. 55-316809 34.99 ea. 249.99 ea. Men’s Craftsman Thermal Sweatshirt 55-311447 • 80/20 Cotton/ • Polyester Blend • Gold Bowtie On Left Chest • Imported • Sizes: M-XXL 55-311459 Versatile full zip workman’s hooded sweatshirt with 7oz. poly-thermal insulation. Rugged 10.5oz. 80/20 cotton/polyester fleece shell with rib knit cuffs and waistband. Machine washable. Contrasting embroidered Bowtie emblem. 55-311445 Black 64.99 ea. Chevrolet Ladies Full Zip White Lightweight Microfleece Jacket Men’s 3-In-1 Heavyweight Chevy Jacket • 100% Polyester • Gold Bowtie On Left Chest • Imported • Sizes: M-XXXL Windproof, water-resistant shell that can be zipped together or worn separately. Front slash pockets with embroidered gold bowtie emblem on left chest. 55-311453 Cobalt/Black 109.99 ea. 55-311434 Black/Black 109.99 ea. 228 • 100% Polyester • Gold Bowtie On Front Left Chest • Color: White • Imported • Sizes: S-4XL 55-316773 34.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 228 1/29/15 5:04 PM GIFTS AND APPAREL White Chevrolet Legends T-Shirt • 100% Pre-Shrunk Cotton • M-XXXL Available • Imported 55-286105 White 16.99 ea. 55-286112 Black 16.99 ea. Back Back Front Kiss My SS White T-Shirt Front • Silk-Screened Artwork On Back • Left Front Chest Logo • 100% Cotton • Imported • Sizes M-XXL • Silk-Screened Design • 100% Cotton • USA • Sizes M-XXL • Imported 55-253329 Chevrolet Blur White T-Shirt 16.99 ea. 55-253321 16.99 ea. GM Genuine Parts T-Shirt Chevy Bowtie Distressed T-Shirt • Silk-Screened Vintage Bowtie Logo Over Wood • Imported • Sizes S-XXXL 55-261327 Gray 16.99 ea. • 100% Pre-Shrunk Cotton • Reads: GM Genuine Parts • Color: Black • Imported • Sizes: S-XXXL 55-303508 toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 229 15.99 ea. 229 1/29/15 5:04 PM GIFTS AND APPAREL Chevrolet Racing Tribal Razor Flames T-Shirt • Silk-Screened Design • 100% Cotton • Imported • Sizes: M-XXXL Pure Muscle and Street Lethal T-Shirt • Perfect Gift For The El Camino Enthusiast • Import • Sizes: L-XL 55-314876 55-203129 18.99 ea. Super Chevrolet Service T-Shirt • 100% Cotton • Silk-Screened Design On Front • Color: Ash • Imported • Sizes: M-XXL 55-312012 • 100% Pre-Shrunk Cotton • Shadowed Chevy Bowtie Logo • Color: Black • Imported • Sizes: M-XXXL 230 Chevrolet Flamed Mr. Crosswrench T-Shirt • 100% Cotton • Screen Printing On The Back and Front Chest • Color: Black • Imported • Sizes: M-XXXL 55-313926 21.99 ea. 14.99 ea. We Use Genuine Chevrolet Parts T-Shirt Distressed Chevy With Bowtie T-Shirt 55-303521 17.99 ea. • 100% Cotton • Silk-Screened Design On Front • Color: Ash • Imported • Sizes: M-XXL 55-312021 14.99 ea. 19.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 230 1/29/15 5:04 PM GIFTS AND APPAREL Chevrolet Red Line Fever T-Shirt • 100% Cotton • Imported • Sizes: M-XXXL 55-311396 Black Blue American Original T-Shirt 15.99 ea. • 100% Cotton • Sizes: M -XXL • Imported 55-287384 18.99 ea. Laid Back Garage GM Power T-Shirt • Large Front Print Design • 6.1oz 100% Ringspun Cotton • Washed To Ensure Maximum Softness, Comfort and Durability • Official Licensed GM Product • Sizes: S-XXL 55-325609 Yam Laid Back Chevy Dream Garage T-Shirt Chevrolet Size Matters 572 T-Shirt • • • • • • 100% Cotton Logo On Left Front Chest Silk-Screened Design On Back Color: Black Imported Sizes: M-XXXL 55-312079 14.99 ea. • Large Rear Print and Left Chest Print • 6.1oz 100% Ringspun Cotton • Washed To Ensure Maximum Softness, Comfort, and Durability • Official Licensed GM Product • Sizes: S-XXL 55-325473 Gray toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 231 19.99 ea. 21.99 ea. 231 1/29/15 5:04 PM GIFTS AND APPAREL Back Black Muscle Garage T-Shirt • Silk-Screened Designs On Front and Back • 100% Cotton • Sizes: S-XXXL 55-299288 14.99 ea. Front Back Chevrolet Powering Winners Long Sleeve T-Shirt Grey Laid Back Chevy Dream Garage T-Shirt • 6.1oz 100% Ringspun Cotton • Washed To Ensure Maximum Softness, Comfort, & Durability • Official Licensed GM Product • Small - XXL 55-325473 21.99 ea. • 100% Cotton • Long Sleeve T-Shirt • Color: Black • Imported • Sizes: S-XXL • Screen Printing On The Back And Front Chest We've brought the Power back to this classic tee! Now bigger and better than ever. Front art is printed on pocket. 100% Preshrunk Cotton. 55-312179 55-314214 17.99 ea. 55-312162 Ladies Chevy Hooded Pullover Sweatshirt • • • • 55/40/5 Cotton/Polyester/Spandex Chevy Script On Front Left Chest Color: Raspberry Swirl Or Tidal Wave Imported • Sizes: S-XXL An all over burn out washed pattern is applied to a classic pullover hooded sweatshirt with “V” front opening. Embroidered Chevy emblem. 232 55-312189 Raspberry Swirl 49.99 ea. 55-312173 Tidal Wave 49.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 232 1/29/15 5:04 PM GIFTS AND APPAREL Back Three Chevelles T-Shirt Chevelle Bad Boys T-Shirt • • • • • 100% Cotton • Sizes: M-XXL • Color: Charcoal 100% Cotton Color: White Imported Sizes: M-XXXL 55-304080 55-288003 15.99 ea. 17.99 ea. Front 50-00069 Back 50-00070 Chevelle “BAD SS” T-Shirt Front • 100% Cotton • Color: Black • Sizes: M-XXXL 55-293530 16.99 ea. Chevelle Freak Vintage Long Sleeve Baseball T-Shirt Eight Chevelles T-Shirts • 100% Cotton • Color: Black • Imported • Sizes: M-XXL 55-304047 Black 18.99 ea. 55-304057 White 18.99 ea. Chevelle Freak Vintage Ash T-Shirt • High-End Jersey Blend With A Slight Heathered Appearance • Extreme Softness • Contrast Colored Sleeves, Cuffs, and Neck Trim • Made In The USA • Official GM Licensed Product 55-290467 • High-End Jersey Blend With A Slight Heathered Appearance • Extreme Softness • Made In USA • Official GM Licensed Product • Sizes: S-XXL 55-290387 19.99 ea. 29.99 ea. Back Chevelle Big Block T-Shirt Back • Features Front and Back Artwork • 100% Cotton • Imported • Sizes: M-XXL 55-249269 18.99 ea. Chevelle Flames Black T-Shirt Front Front • Silk-Screened Designs • 100% Cotton • Imported • Sizes: M-XXL 55-249273 18.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 233 233 1/29/15 5:05 PM GIFTS AND APPAREL El Camino Vintage T-Shirt • High-End Jersey Blend With A Slight Heathered Appearance • Extreme Softness • Made In USA • Official GM Licensed Product • Sizes S-XXL Back 55-290430 19.99 ea. Nova Flame T-Shirt • 100% Cotton • M-XXL Front 85-20131 23.99 ea. Classic Haulers El Camino T-Shirt • Silk-Screened Design On Front and Chest • 100% Cotton • Imported Back 55-203132 Sizes M, L, XL 19.99 ea. 55-203135 Sizes XXL 19.99 ea. Front Back Front El Camino Flames Black T-Shirt • Silk-Screened Designs • 100% Cotton • Imported • Sizes M-XXL Flat Out Hauls T-Shirt • Prefect Gift For The El Camino Enthusiast • Imported 55-203126 L-XL 234 16.99 ea. 55-249308 19.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 234 1/29/15 5:05 PM GIFTS AND APPAREL Chevrolet Cowboy Hat • Straw Cowboy Hat With RopeLike Chin Strap and Band • Includes Leather Embossed Chevy Bowtie Medallion In Front • Elastic Inner Headband- Fits All Head Sizes • Has Weathered Worn-In Look • Imported 55-253565 Vintage Distressed Chevrolet Caps 24.99 ea. Chevrolet Straw Hat • Traditional Straw Hat • Cotton Logo Band • One Size Fits All • Imported 55-253567 • Color Matched Mesh Back • Adjustable Velcro Strap • Available In Red or Navy 55-285956 23.99 ea. 24.99 ea. 55-253403 55-253405 55-253407 55-253409 Embroidered Chevrolet Caps • Embroidered Chevrolet Bowtie and Script • 100% Cotton Brushed Twill • Adjustable Strap • Imported Chevrolet Collegiate Cap • Adjustable Sliding Closure • Brushed Cotton • Available In Charcoal Or Off-White In 1911, the first shipboard landing of an airplane occured on the USS Pennsylvania, the one millionth patent was issued for a tubeless tire, and the Chevrolet motor company was founded. Make sure you remember at least one of those events with this low-profile, brushed cotton Chevrolet Collegiate Cap with contrast stitching. 55-286099 18.99 ea. Chevrolet Liquid Metal Cap • • • • 16.99 ea. 55-253407 Green 16.99 ea. 55-253405 B o n e 16.99 ea. 55-253409 Gray 16.99 ea. Chevy Freedom Cap • Brushed Navy Blue Cotton Twill • Adjustable Velcro Strap • Embroidered Chevy Bowtie And American Flag On Bill • Imported 55-253336 18.99 ea. Chevrolet Bowtie Cap • Cotton Brushed Twill • Embroidered Logo • Adjustable • Imported 18.99 ea. 55-253396 American Flag Chevrolet Cap Est. 1911, Chevy has been a ro u n d fo r o n e c e n tu ry a n d counting. It is honored along with hot dogs and apple pie as an American standard. 55-285982 23.99 ea. 14.99 ea. Chevrolet Bowtie Flames Caps • Cotton Brushed Twill • Embroidered Logo • Adjustable Strap • Imported 55-253399 Black/Red/Yellow 17.99 ea. 55-253401 Black/Silver/Blue 17.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 235 Back 55-253403 Blue Brushed Cotton Liquid Metal Chrome Logo Checkered Sandwich Bill Velcro Closure • Imported 55-304258 55-253419 235 1/29/15 5:05 PM GIFTS AND APPAREL Ladies Realtree Bowtie Pink Cap • • • • Lady’s Chevrolet Military Style Cap 100% Cotton Twill Adjustable Velcro Strap Imported Color: Pink 55-304204 17.99 ea. Bowtie Mossy Oak Breakup Cap • 3-Panel Military-Style Cap • Embroidered Chevrolet cript • Enzyme-Washed For A Vintage Look • Available In Brown, Khaki, and Olive • Import 55-286022 Distressed Chevrolet Racing Cap • 100% Brushed Cotton Twill • Adjustable Velcro Strap • Imported • Color: Camouflage 55-304186 • • • • • 15.99 ea. King’s Mountain Camouflage Bowtie Cap Chevy Bowtie Beanie • 100% Acrylic • Red Bowtie Embroidered On Front • One Size Fits All • Imported • • • • 55-304284 Blue 14.99 ea. 55-304286 Black 14.99 ea. Cotton Brushed Twill Embroidered Logos Adjustable Strap Imported 55-253569 • Adjustable Velcro Strap • Vintage Look • Made-To-Last 3-Ply Sharp Contrast Stitching • Available In Red Or Black • Import 55-286013 23.99 ea. El Camino By Chevrolet Hat • Beautiful El Camino Cap • Embroidered With Bowtie Emblem • Available In Black, Blue With Black Bill Or Tan With Black Bill • Imported 55-203177 Specify Color • • • • • • 3-D Chevy Buck Caps 55-304141 Orange/Bark 20.99 ea. 55-304144 Bark/Orange 20.99 ea. Black Premium Quality 100% Cotton Velcro Back Strap Hurst Logo On Front One Size Fits Most Black 55-337638 Dri Duck 3-D Buck Series unstructured, low profile, 100% brushed chino twill cap with embroidered 3-D Chevrolet bowtie. 236 16.99 ea. Hurst Logo Hat 15.99 ea. • 100% Brushed Cotton Twill • Adjustable Velcro Strap • Imported 21.99 ea. Mr Crosswrench Chevrolet Racing Cap 15.99 ea. Chevrolet Bowtie Camouflage Cap Adjustable Tuck Strap Washed-Out, Vintage Look Cotton Twill • Import Sharp Contrast Stitching Available in Olive and Navy 55-285983 • 100% Brushed Cotton Twill • Adjustable Velcro Strap • Imported 55-304180 23.99 ea. 17.99 ea. Bowtie Mossy Oak Breakup Knit Beanie • Cotton/Polyester • 12” Style • Black Interior Lining • One Size • Imported 55-287916 18.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 236 1/29/15 5:05 PM GIFTS AND APPAREL 55-253770 55-253764 Chevy Realtree Camo Sunglasses • • • • 55-253768 Key Rings • High Quality Chrome And Satin Finishes • Embossed Logos 55-253765 Chrome Chevrolet Teardrop 9.99 ea. 55-253771 Satin/Chrome Bowtie Steering Wheel 9.99 ea. 55-253769 Satin/Chrome Bowtie 9.99 ea. Realtree Camo Style Closed Frame Sunglasses Large Lenses To Maximize Peripheral Vision TCG (Temperature Controlled Grip) Molding Made In The USA 55-334142 39.99 ea. Chevy iPhone 4 and 4S Skin Cover • Made Of Thick and Heavy Duty Materials • Washable • Adhesive Is Repositionable • No Sticky Residue 55-333592 15.99 ea. Chevy Bowtie Silver Logo Seat Belt • • • • • • Belt For Your Pants Buckles In Just Like A Seatbelt Made From High Quality Materials Available In 24-32" Adjustable And X-Large 32-52" Show Your Love For Your Favorite Brand Logo On Belt 55-343895 18.99 ea. Pocket Knife • • • • Locking Stainless Steel Blade Silver Western-Style Bolsters Laser Engraved Wooden Handle Length 3” When Closed 55-253592 Tri-Fold Wallet 37.99 ea. • Chevrolet Logos • Finely Stitched Genuine Leather 55-253583 29.99 ea. Bowtie Leather Money/Credit Card Clip • Genuine Leather • Measures 3.75"L x 3"W • Choose From Either Black or Brown Checkbook Cover • Chevrolet Logos • Finely Stitched Genuine Leather • Generous Size And Compartments 55-253585 55-287924 29.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 237 54.99 ea. 237 1/29/15 5:05 PM GIFTS AND APPAREL Chevy Grille Neon Sign 55-285845 55-285840 Chevrolet Mouse Pads • Non-Slip Rubber Backing • Works With Any Type Mouse (Optical Or Ball) • Measures 9.25" X 7 .75" X .25" • Neon In Red, Yellow and White • Color: Multi • Great For Man Caves, Pool Rooms, Bars, Game Rooms And Garages As Well As Homes And Businesses • For Indoor Use Only • Electric Sign Easily Plugs Into Regular Outlets • Vibrant Array Of Colors • Supported By A Black Finished Metal Grid • Dimensions: 13" H x 28" W x 4" D 55-285840 Gold Bowtie 12.99 ea. 55-287804 55-285845 Super Service 12.99 ea. Chevy Genuine Neon Sign Chevy Genuine Heritage Neon Sign • Neon In Yellow, Red And White • Great For Man Caves, • Pool Rooms, Bars, Game Rooms, Garages As Well As Homes And Businesses • Self Standing Or Wall Mount • Electric Sign Easily Plugs Into Regular Outlets • Vibrant Array Of Colors • For Indoor Use Only • Neon In Red and White NEW • Color: Multi • Great For Man Caves, Pool Rooms, Bars, Game Rooms and Garages As Well As Homes and Businesses • Electric Sign Easily Plugs Into Regular Outlets • Vibrant Array Of Colors • Supported By A Black Finished Metal Grid • For Indoor Use Only • Dimensions: 23" H x 27" W x 4" D 55-287841 C a n n o t S h i p B y A i r 55-302577 Chevy Bowtie Neon Sign 399.99 ea. Chevrolet Yellow Neon Bowtie Clock Neon In Yellow 15" Diameter Chrome Outer Shell Display's Chevrolet And Bowtie 55-281699 238 • Large 20" Size • Perfect For The Garage Or Den • Neon Can Be Turned Off While The Clock Keeps Running • Genuine 1/2" Diameter Neon Tube-Life Up To 15 Years • Spun Aluminum Housing • Face Is 5/32" Thick Single Strength Glass • 110-Volt Electric Clock Movement 23-1017 • Neon In Red And Blue • • • • 399.99 ea. 20” Signal Gasoline Neon Clock 399.99 ea. 55-287839 C a n n o t S h i p B y A i r 399.99 ea. 79.99 ea. 279.99 ea. Chevrolet Bowtie Crossed Pistons Metal Sign • Licensed By GM • 25” X 7” 14 Gauge Steel • Black Carbon Fiber Look This metal sign is of high quality with a three-dimensional look and heavyweight feel. It is weather and rust resistant-nearly indestructible. PhotoSTEEL™ is rustproof and can be used in outdoor, harsh environments. 55-327481 39.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 238 1/29/15 5:06 PM GIFTS AND APPAREL 55-253338 55-325711 Wall Clock And Thermometer 55-253340 • 12” Diameter • Clock Powered By 1 “AA” Battery (Not Included) 55-325613 Laid Back Dream Garage Tin Signs • Perfect For The Office Or Mancave • 12” X 16” Tin Sign • Distressed, Vintage-Appearance For Aged Tin Sign Look • Corner Holes For Easy-Mount Display 55-325613 Dream Garage 24.99 ea. 55-325711 Chevy Garage 24.99 ea. 55-253338 Clock 37.99 ea. 55-253340 Thermometer 39.99 ea. Genuine Chevrolet Parts Metal Sign With Flange • Silk-Screened Metal Sign • Has Mounting Flange To Secure Perpendicular To Wall • 18" x 14" 55-253495 27.99 ea. 55-253497 Chevy Diamond Plate Signs • Silk-Screened Aluminum 100th 24" X 12" Black Metal Sign • 14 Gauge Steel • 24" X 12" 55-286841 49.99 ea. 55-253497 Chevy Avenue Street Sign 18"x 4" 13.99 ea. 55-253499 Chevy Country Arrow Sign 18"x 6" 13.99 ea. Weathered Route 66 Metal Road Sign • Silk-screened Design With Simulated Rust And Bullet Holes • 15" x 15" • 20-Gauge Steel Chevrolet 100th 16" X 14" Metal Sign • 14 ga Steel • 16" X 14" PhotoSTEEL™ is rustproof a n d c a n b e u s e d in o u td o o r , harsh environments. It c a n b e m o u n te d o n a wall without any need for framing. It is sturdy enough to stand independently, lean against a wall, use as a table top or hang freely from the ceiling or an outside eave. The finished product, typically made from heavy fourteen gauge steel, gives it a substantial and rich feel that will continue to impress for years to come. 55-286851 55-253875 29.99 ea. 39.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 239 55-253499 Weathered Super Chevrolet Service Metal Sign • High-Quality Weathered Look Silk-Screened Design • Measures 16" x 12-1/2" 55-253503 12.99 ea. 239 1/29/15 5:06 PM GIFTS AND APPAREL Chevrolet Vintage Bowtie Metal Sign • Licensed By GM • 25” X 7” 14 Gauge Steel This metal sign is of high quality with a three-dimensional look and heavyweight feel. It is weather and rust resistant-nearly indestructible. Not a vinyl overlay! PhotoSTEEL™ is rustproof and can be used in outdoor, harsh environments. It can be mounted on a wall without any need for framing. It is sturdy enough to stand independently, lean against a wall, use as a table top or hang freely from the ceiling or an outside eave. 55-327483 39.99 ea. Chevrolet Outlined Bowtie Metal Sign • Perfect For The Office Or Mancave • 15 3/4" X 21 3/4" Tin Sign • Distressed, Vintage-Appearance For Aged Tin Sign Look • Corner Holes For Easy-Mount Display • Made In The USA 55-348401 • Licensed By GM • 25” X 7” 14 Gauge Steel • Black Carbon Fiber Look With Crossed Pistons 55-327482 29.99 ea. Metal El Camino Trail Sign, 39.99 ea. Chevy Bowtie Private Parking Metal Sign • • • • Perfect Gift For Any El Camino Enthusiast Reads "El Camino Drive" 32" x 6" Perfect Display At Your Next Car Show 55-341599 This metal sign is of high quality with a threedimensional look and heavyweight feel. It is weather and rust resistant-nearly indestructible. It can be mounted on a wall without any need for framing. It is sturdy enough to stand independently, lean against a wall, use as a table top or hang freely from the ceiling or an outside eave. 55-327755 32.99 ea. Cookie Cutter, Chevrolet Bowtie • Licensed By GM • 18" X 14" 14 Gauge Steel 29.99 ea. 55-196821 Chevelle and El Camino Parking Only Signs • Prefect Upgrade For Any Shop Or 55-261528 Garage • Screen Printed With High Quality Enamel Paint • Baked Enamel Finish 55-196821 El Camino Parking Only 29.99 ea. 55-261528 El Camino, 9" X 12" 24.99 ea. 240 Laid Back Dream Garage Tin Sign • Unique Metal Cookie Cutter • A Must For Any Kitchen • Cookie Cutters Are 5 Inches Wide • Made From Copper • Collectable • Made In USA 55-331379 19.99 ea. Chevrolet Koozie Can Cooler • Foam Insulation • Silk Screened Chevrolet Bowtie Logo • Specify Color Black, Red, Navy Or Grey • Import 55-310560 4.99 ea. Hot Or Cold Mugzie Travel Mug With Heartbeat Logo • 16oz Capacity • Weighted Bottom To Prevent Tip Over • Stainless Steel Construction 55-310531 16.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 240 1/29/15 5:06 PM GIFTS AND APPAREL Genuine Chevrolet Logo Cooler • Rust Resistant Zinc Steel • Powder Coat Finish In Black, Red Or Blue • Snack Tray Inside • Outside Bottle Opener • Locking Handle • 18" Long X 8.25" Wide X 12" Tall 55-322786 Specify Color Chevy Car Cookies • Great Tasting Organic Shortbread Cookies • Shapes Include 57 Chevy, 55 Nomad, 60 Impala, 69 Camaro, 70 Chevelle, Chevy Bowtie And More 55-253916 99.99 ea. Chevrolet Plastic Tumbler With Straw Dog Leash • Woven With Bowties And Chevy Script • Durable Construction • Includes Hand Loop At Top End • Includes Chrome QuickDisconnect Clasp At Lower End • Double Walled For Insulation • Silk Screened Chevrolet Bowtie Logo • Screw-Top With SipStraw • Colors: Blue, Gray, Orange And Red • Import 55-253575 21.99 ea. Dog Collars 55-310590 15.99 ea. Chevrolet Maui Fusion Stainless Steel Tumbler • Stainless Steel • Double Walled For Insulation • Silk Screened Chevrolet Bowtie Logo • Push On Swivel Lid • Colors: Navy, Blue, Pink And Purple 55-310365 2.99 ea. • Woven With Bowties And Chevy Script • Durable Construction • Includes Chrome Leash Loop • Adjustable 55-253580 Small (Up To 16” Neck) 19.99 ea. 55-253578 Medium (Up To 20” Neck) 19.99 ea. 55-254040 Large (Up To 26” Neck) 19.99 ea. 19.99 set 55-253483 55-288523 55-253487 55-288494 Chevy Coaster Sets 55-253481 55-253485 • 5 Ceramic Coasters • Protective Cork Bottom • Wood Holder With Felt Protectors Fuzzy Dice • Custom 1950’s Era Accessory 55-288523 Bow Tie Logo 24.99 set 88-0043-3 White 9.99 pr. 25-253486 R e d 4.99 pr. 55-288494 Chevrolet Super Service 24.99 set 25-253484 Black 9.99 pr. 25-253488 Blue 4.99 pr. toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 241 241 1/29/15 5:07 PM GIFTS AND APPAREL Chevy Camo Duffel Bag With Side Cooler Chevy Trucks Flip Top Cooler • Embroidered Chevy Bowtie • 24"W x 12"H x 12"D • Color: Camouflage • Imported • Embroidered Chevy Trucks With Gold Bowtie • 15"W x 11"H x 10"D • Color: Brown • Imported Quick access lid with Velcro closure, bungee cord details, structured bottom, adjustable shoulder strap. Embroidered Chevy Trucks emblem. 55-306204 39.99 ea. Bowtie Large Competition Duffel Bag They'll never see you coming and they'll never see you...Cooler! Made of 600D polyester in a cool, camo print, this discreet duffel boasts a clever cooler pocket, keeping food and beverages coolin transit. Other fierce features include a full-length front zip pocket, side zip pocket, fabric wrapped handles, and detachable adjustable shoulder strap. 55-305952 Chevy Deluxe Travel Duffel Bag • Embroidered Bowtie Emblem • Color: Black/Red • 25"W x 14"H x 13"D • Imported This duffel is spacious and rugged, with zippered front and side pockets. Removable, adjustable padded shoulder strap and side entry shoe compartment. Plenty of room inside. 55-287917 49.99 ea. Bowtie Colorblock Sport Duffel Bag • Embroidered Gold Bowtie Emblem • Color: Black/Grey • 27.25"W x 13.5"H x 14.5"D • Imported Chevy Bowtie Canvas Bags 32.99 ea. • Embroidered Chevy Emblem • 18"L x 11"W x 10 1/2"H • Color: Pink • Imported All purpose duffel, large m a in c o m p a r tm e n t fo r s p o r t o r weekend activity, two zippered front pockets organizes for accessories. Padded handle and adjustable shoulder strap, front mesh pocket for water bottle or accessories. Permanent hard bottom for durability. Embroidered Chevy emblem. 55-305905 55-253872 55-253872 Blue With Yellow Border 29.99 ea. 55-253874 Black With Red Border 29.99 ea. 242 Sporty yet professional design and bold color are ideal for any outing. Large main compartment with U-zip opening, separate ventilated zippered end pocket ideal for shoes or a wet compartment. Zippered end mesh pocket for easy access to essentials, additional zippered end pocket for accessories. Padded handle and adjustable shoulder strap, permanent hard bottom with riveted Chevy emblem. Chevy Pink Weekender Duffel Bag 33.99 ea. • Embroidered Designs • Structured Of Heavy Canvas • Sturdy Loop 55-253874 Handles • Double Zipper Top Closure • 27-1/2" L x 6" W x 10" H • Perfect For Carrying Cleaning Supplies Or Personal Items • Embroidered Chevy Bowtie • 22"L x 10"W x 11"H • Color: Pink • Imported 55-305907 Perfect for the weekend getaway. Large main pocket to hold essentials, D-shaped zip opening for easy access. Two front pockets, two large side pockets, adjustable removable shoulder strap, padded handle for easy grip and comfort. 55-287920 49.99 ea. 24.99 ea. V8 Power Piston Cooler • Fully Assembled • Push Button Activated Sound Chip “Start Your Engine” • Holds Up To 12 Can Drinks And Ice • Light Weight To Take It Anywhere 55-327085 55-342666 C a r r y i n g S t r a p 19.99 ea. 7.99 ea. shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 242 1/29/15 5:07 PM GIFTS AND APPAREL 55-282734 El Camino Class II Trailer Hitch • • • • • • 55-282735 3500 lb. Trailer 350 lb. Tongue Weight Requires Drilling Receiver & Hardware Included Manufactured By Curt 1 1/4" Receiver System 55-281313 55-282732 229.99 ea. Polished Aluminum Billet 2" Hitch Receiver Cover • • • • • • • 1978-1987 Trailer Hitches Class II Frame Hitch • • • • • • • 3500 Lbs 1-1/4” x 1-1/4" Reciever Tube Opening Includes Drawbar, Pin & Clip Manufactured By Drawtite E-Coat Base With Black Powder Coat Finish Solid All-Welded Construction Backed By A Nation Wide Limited Lifetime Warranty 55-196812 Easy Installation Manufactured In The U.S.A. Official GM Licensed Manufacturer Made From T6061 Aircraft Grade Aluminum One Year Warranty Hand Polished To A Brilliant Shine Fits All Years With 2" Hitch 55-282734 Bowtie Shaped 54.99 ea. 55-282735 Bowtie Logo 59.99 ea. 55-282732 Genuine Cheverolet Logo 59.99 ea. 259.99 ea. 1959-1987 4-Flat Vehicle Towing Wiring Connector • Complete Vehicle Wiring Harness • Choose 48" Or 60" Wire Length • Corrosion Resistant Terminals • Wiring Connectors Included • This is Non-LED Connector Smart Hitch Camera & Sensor System 55-351844 48" 7.99 kit 55-351845 60" 7.99 kit 1959-1987 4-Flat Vehicle Towing Wiring Connector • Complete Vehicle Wiring Harness • 48" Length • L.E.D.s Verify Vehicle Side Wiring Is Correct • Built-In Trouble-Shooting • Easy-Pull Grip Design • Corrosion Resistant Terminals • Ring Terminal On Ground Wire 55-351842 • Smartzone Sensor Camera Plugs Into Existing Tow Wiring, No Splicing Needed • Clearly Watch Right Where You're Backing On The 3.5in. Color Monitor • Includes Loud Audible Sensors (up to 95dB ) W/ 3 Audible Detection Zones For Safety • 0-5.5ft. Sensor Range 12.5in.L x 6.5in.H x 1.5in.D Overall Size If you trailer your car or truck, don't run the risk of damage to your truck from your trailer hitch. The Hopkins Smart Hitch Camera and Sensor System helps you easily align the ball to the trailer for hassle-free trailer hitch alignments every time. Weather-resistant backup camera and sensor with exclusive hitch mode has 110° viewing angle to increase visibility, eliminate guesswork and see behind the vehicle for everyday backing safety. 9.99 kit 55-253792 toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 243 199.99 kit 243 1/29/15 5:07 PM GIFTS AND APPAREL 244 shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 244 1/29/15 5:07 PM GIFTS AND APPAREL toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 245 245 1/29/15 5:07 PM ORDER FORM Please Print Clearly E-mail Address ______________________________________ Name ____________________________________________ Date _________________ Shipping Street Address (no PO boxes) __________________________________________ 5200 S. Washington Ave. Titusville, FL 32780 City _____________________ State _____ Country _______ Zip/Postal Code _______ Area Code and Phone ( ______ ) _____________ Cell Phone ( ______ ) ______________ ORDER LINE Billing Street Address (if different than shipping address) ________________________________ US, Canada, Hawaii, Alaska, Guam, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and other Caribbean Islands City _____________________ State _____ Country _______ Zip/Postal Code________ (888) 685-5987 Local and International Is this your first order with Eckler’s? Order by 24 Hour Fax (321) 269-9651 (321) 383-2059 Yes No Customer # _______________ E-mail Website Payment Options Payment Enclosed (Bank or Postal Money Orders and Checks) Please do not phone in an order for which you are mailing a check Card # Signature ________________________________________________ Expiration Date ____________________ 3-Digit CCV Items Ordered # Part Number Vehicle Year ______ Model ______________________ Body Style ________________ Page # Part Name Qty. Price Ea. Total Amt. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Shipping Charges EASY RATE SHIPPING Parts Total Cost ESTIMATED EXPRESS SHIPPING RATES (from far right column) Parts Total Cost Regular Rate Within the Contiguous U.S. 2-DAY NEXT DAY $.01 — $50 $51 — $100 $101 — $200 $201 — $400 $401 — $600 $601 — $800 $801 — $1,000 $1,001 + Additional OS item charge(s) $9.99 $16.99 $22.99 $30.99 $38.99 $44.99 $50.99 $55.99 + $9.99 ea OS item * $34.99 $41.99 $47.99 $55.99 $63.99 $69.99 $75.99 $81.99 + $19.99 ea OS item $49.99 $56.99 $62.99 $70.99 $78.99 $84.99 $90.99 $95.99 + $29.99 ea OS item * In addition to normal shipping, each OS item will incur this charge with no limit to the number of items. 246 used to figure shipping costs Shipping fixed rate (contiguous U.S.) or estimated (all other) see chart at left Miscellaneous Fees Cores, Crating, Flat-Rate Shipping, OS items, Fenders and some parts might have extra fees—see catalog Sales Tax all Florida, Georgia, and New York sales are subject to applicable sales tax q check if walk-in TOTAL PAYMENT shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 246 1/29/15 5:07 PM TERMS AND CONDITIONS We Make it Easy to Order! Toll-Free 1-888-685-5987 Includes U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands Customer Service/Retail Sales Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Showroom Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Technical Assistance Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. International Sales/Service/Tech 1-321-269-9651 Monday – Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Order Online 24 Hour Fax Ordering 1-321-383-2059 24 Hours a day, 7 days a week International Fax 1-321-268-0022 24 Hours a day, 7 days a week Mail Order Form on Opposite Page to 5200 S. Washington Ave. Titusville, FL 32780 Email Eckler’s Family of Automotive Parts Companies also includes MAC’s Auto Parts, Automotion, and Rick’s Camaro. Ordering is Easy! International Orders We accept credit and debit cards, checks, and money orders, as well as first party, preprinted checks from U.S. banks with your order. There will be a $25.00 charge for all checks returned for insufficient funds. Returns We understand that from time to time, parts might not meet your expectations. You may return most parts for a full refund. Product must be received within 30 days of the date of the invoice to be eligible for a full refund. Items received from 31-60 days after invoice are subject to a 25% restocking fee. When returning an item, please enclose a copy of the original sales invoice and package the item in its original packaging. All returns must be unused, in original packaging, and prepaid. Allow up to 3 weeks from the date of shipment for processing, refunds, credits, and exchanges. Unfortunately, not all items are eligible for return. Date-coded (stamped) items, personalized items, custom carpet and floor mats, and custom clothing are some of the items that cannot be returned. Shipping and Handling Rates Once we package your order, we choose the fastest, most economical way to ship the packages from our facility to you. Depending on the weight and size of the package(s) in your order, we utilize services that offer package tracking. Items that are oversized (denoted by ), heavy (denoted by ), or exceed shipping limits, are sent to you via truck. Rates apply to ground service shipping within the 48 contiguous states. Truck-shipped parts and rates for Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico might vary. denotes items that ship via truck. denotes oversized dimensions or weight. An additional $9.99 is added to the shipping and handling charges for each symbol shown. Shipping Table These costs include Eckler’s exclusive Package Protection Plan. Orders up to $50.00 $50.01 to $100.00 $100.01 to $200.00 $200.01 to $400.00 $400.01 to $600.00 $600.01 to $800.00 $800.01 to $1,000.00 Over $1,000.00 add $9.99 add $16.99 add $22.99 add $30.99 add $38.99 add $44.99 add $50.99 add $55.99 We are International shipping experts. Many of our customers live internationally. With very few exceptions, all items are available to purchase either on the web or via phone or fax. Need an interpreter to place your order? Simply ask your sales agent and we’ll assist you. We select the best carrier to ship parts to you most efficiently. Canadian and International shipping will be determined by your country, product dimensions, and product weight. We would be happy to give you an estimate over the phone or via email. Need it Fast? Have your order delivered within 1 or 2 business days by using Express Shipping! Express shipping is limited to in-stock, non-oversized items weighing less than 20 pounds. Orders must be placed Monday–Friday before 1:00 p.m. EST. • Add $19.99 to your shipping and handling rates for two-day delivery. • Add $29.99 to your shipping and handling rates for one-day delivery. • For next day delivery of oversized or heavier items, please call our sales team for rates. Same-Day Processing Our standard U.S. order processing time for in-stock items is 24 hours. If you need your order processed the same day, simply call us M-F before 1:00 pm EST and request same day-processing. For $3.95, we’ll provide special processing of all in-stock parts through the warehouse the same day. Prices in this Catalog Eckler’s is not responsible for pricing changes, errors, or omissions in this catalog or online. Limited Warranty Eckler’s will not be responsible for any damage or loss caused by delays, failures, or other consequential damage, nor for labor, transportation, or any other charges incurred in the replacement or repair of a defective item. Eckler’s is not responsible of any consequences resulting from the installation of any parts. Gift Certificates Gift certificates are available in any denomination and are redeemable for any items we sell. Visit the Eckler’s Showroom! 7980 Grissom Pkwy, Titusville, FL 32780 See Showroom hours in blue box on the left. We Will Be Closed On These Days: Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Christmas New Year’s Day Monday, May 25, 2015 Friday, July 3, 2015 Monday, September 7, 2015 Thursday, November 26, 2015 Friday November 27, 2015 Thursday, December 24 Friday, December 25, 2015 Friday, January 1, 2016 toll free 1•888•685•5987 EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 247 247 1/29/15 5:07 PM INDEX AIR CONDITIONING and HEATING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–8 A/C Deflectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 A/C Hoses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Accumulators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Blower Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 C o m p r e so r s a n d D r ie r s ......... 2 , 3 F a st e n e r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6–8 Heater Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 H e a t e r C o r e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Hose Clamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 AUDIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–14 A n t e n n a s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 4 Knobs and Face Plates . . . . . . . . .13–14 Speakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11–12 S t e r e o s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9–11 BRAKES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15–24 B o o st e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 0 Calipers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 6 Disc Brake Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15–16 D r u m s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 7 Emergency Brake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 3 Hoses and Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18–20 Master Cylinders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 1 Proportioning Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 2 R o t o r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 3 Shoes and Wheel Cylinders . . . . . . . .1 7 COOLING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25–27 C a p s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25–26 Fan Clutches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 7 F a n S h r o u d s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 6 H o se s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 5 R a d i a t o r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 5 R a d i a t o r S u p p o r t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 6 Thermostats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 7 Water Pump Rebuild Kits . . . . . . . . . .2 6 ELECTRICAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28–44 Battery and Related . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 , 5 9 Bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34–36 F u se s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 8 H a r n e se s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39–44 Printed Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 8 Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28–34 Turn Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 7 ENGINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45–60 Air Cleaners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 6 Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53–54 Bolts and Fittings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 7 Brackets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49–50 Dipsticks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 9 Engine Mounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 5 Hood and Related . . . . . . . . . . . . .54–55 H o r n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 5 Ignition and Wiring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 8 Oil Pan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 8 Pulleys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51–52 S m o g ...................... 4 7 , 6 0 S t a r t e r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 9 Valve Covers and Related . . . . . .46–47 EXHAUST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61–63 Exhaust Manifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 3 Exhaust Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 2 H e a d e r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 1 EXTERIOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64–113 Aluminum Body Parts . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1 3 Back–Up Lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 2 Battery Tray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 9 Bed Floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 6 Bed Lids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 0 1 Bed Liners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 0 2 Bed Moldings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 9 Body Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . .100–101 B o d y F a st e n e r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1 , 1 0 0 Bumpers and Guards . . . . . . . . . .84–86 248 Bumper Brackets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 6 Dash and Cowl Panels . . . . . . . . 8 8 , 9 3 D o o r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 3 Door Handles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 7 D o o r H i n g e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 0 2 Door Jamb and Latch . . . . . . . .103–109 Emblems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64–69 F e n d e r s a n d B r a ce s . . . . . . . . . . .90–92 Floor Pans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 4 Grilles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72–73 Headlight Bezels . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74–75 Hood Ornaments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5 H o o d s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88–89 License Lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 1 Locks and Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 0 5 Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1 3 Moldings and Clips . . . . . 76–79, 81–83 Park Lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69–70 Power Window Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 0 4 R a d i a t o r S u p p o r t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 0 R e a r Q u a r t e r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 8 Rear Wheel Wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 2 Rocker Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 0 , 9 4 Roof Panels and Braces . . . . . . . . . . .9 9 Side Marker Lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 9 Spoilers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 0 0 Taillights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70–71, 80 Tailgate and Related . . . . . . . . . . .96–97 Valance Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 9 Window Glass . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112–113 Window Moldings . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2 , 1 1 0 Window Regulators . . . . . . . . . .103–104 Windshield Wiper . . . . . . . . . . .110–112 FUEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114–119 Air Cleaners and Filters . . . . . . . . . . .5 6 Carburetor Linkage . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1 9 Fuel Caps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1 4 Fuel Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1 8 Fuel Tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1 4 Lines and Fittings . . . . . . . . . . .116–118 S e n d i n g U n i t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1 5 INTERIOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120–173 A r m r e st s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 3 8 Ash Tray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 6 0 C a r p e t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 2 1 Consoles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147–151 Courtesy Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 4 4 Dash Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 5 6 Dash Lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 5 4 Dash Knobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 5 9 Dash Pads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152–153 Dash Shells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 5 2 Door Handles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 3 9 Door Moldings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 3 8 Door, Side Panels . . 125–128, 135–138 Door Watershields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 3 8 Drink Holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 5 1 Firewall Pads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 5 8 Floor Mats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .122–123 Gauges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156–158 Glove Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160–161 Headliner Moldings . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 4 5 Headliners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 4 3 Horn Caps and Emblems . . . . . . . . .1 6 4 Interior Trim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 4 6 Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 1 , 1 6 8 Kick Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 4 1 Lighter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 5 9 Pedal Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . .161–163 Pillar Posts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 4 5 Rear View Mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 4 5 Screw Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 5 8 Seat Back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 3 3 Seat Belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134–135 Seat Covers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126–130 S e a t F o a m a n d F r a m e . . . . . . . . . . .1 3 1 Shift Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 1 , 1 5 4 Sill Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 2 3 S o u n d D e a d e n e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 2 4 Spare Tire and Jack . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 4 7 Speedo/Tach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 5 5 Steering Column . . . . . . . . . . . .165–171 Steering Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . .163–164 Sunvisors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142–144 Turn Signal Lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 6 7 Window Cranks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 4 0 STEERING and SUSPENSION . . . . . . . . . . 174–188 A r m s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176, 179–180 Ball Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 7 8 Body Mounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .187–188 B u sh i n g s a n d B u m p e r s . . . . . . 1 7 8 , 1 8 0 Coil Springs . . . . . . . . . . . 183, 185–186 Control Arms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 7 8 Couplings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 7 9 Panhard Bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 8 1 Pumps and Hoses . . . . . . . . . . .175–176 Shock Absorbers . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8 3 , 1 8 7 Spring Mounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 8 6 Steering Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 7 4 Steering Conversion Kits. . . . . . . . . .1 7 4 Suspension Kits . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 6 , 1 8 1 Sway Bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 8 3 Trailing Arms . . . . . . . . . . 180, 182–183 TRANSMISSION and DRIVETRAIN . . . . . . . . . . 189–200 Bellhousings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 9 2 Cables and Grommets . . . . . . . . . . .1 9 1 Clutch Boots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 9 4 Clutch Conversion Kits . . . . . . . . . . .1 9 3 Clutch Linkages . . . . . . . . . . . . .193–194 Cruise Transducers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 9 8 Conversion Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8 9 , 1 9 2 Differential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 0 0 Drive Shaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199–200 Rear End Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 0 0 Shift Knobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 9 7 S h i f t e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .195–197 Speedometer Cables . . . . . . . . . . . .1 9 8 S u p p o r t B e a r i n g s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 9 9 Trans Crossmembers . . . . . . . .189–190 Trans Dipstick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 9 1 U–Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 9 9 WEATHERSTRIPPING . . . . 201–209 WHEELS AND TIRES . . . . 210–211 C a p s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Trim Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 BOOKS, MANUALS, and DVDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212–215 Books and Manuals. . . . . . . . . .213–215 Decals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .212–213 Stencil Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 1 2 CAR COVERS . . . . . . . . . . 216–217 CAR CARE and TOOLS . . 218–227 Battery Related . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 2 1 Brake Bleeders . . . . . . . . . . . . .219–220 Cleaning and Detailing . . . . . . .222–227 R a m p s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 1 8 Tire Gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 2 1 Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 2 0 GIFT and APPAREL . . . . . 228–243 Bar Stools, Chairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 4 3 Caps/Hats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235–236 Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .238–239 Jackets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 2 8 S i g n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .238–240 Sun Glasses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 3 7 Tote, Duffel Bags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 4 2 T–Shirts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .228–234 shop 24/7 at EL CAMINO SPRING 2015.indb 248 1/29/15 5:07 PM 55-357634 1981-1987 Black Door Pull Strap Insert • Quality Reproduction • Made From High Quality Plastic • Injection-Molded • Correct Black Finish • Fits Other 1981-1987 G-Body Pull Straps 55-359109 P o l y U r e t h a n e B u s h i n g s 4.99 ea. 55-357638 1978-1987 Rubber Bed Mat • Great Way To Protect Your Bed! • Designed Specific To Ensure A Perfect Fit • Made From Durable Nyracord Rubber • Underside Knobby Design That Promotes Aeration And Drainage • 3/8" Thick And Virtually Indestructible • Made In USA Super Sport Grille Kit With Headlight Bezel 55-358535 99.99 ea. 55-357636 • Great Savings For Your El 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55-357599 154.99 kit toll free 1•888•685•5987 1/29/15 6:08 PM 5200 S. Washington Ave. Titusville, FL 32780 1-888-685-5987 Eckler’s 2015 El Camino Store Catalog PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID ECKLER’S 2015 Restoration, Performance, and Accessories Catalog 1959–87 El Camino • Broadest Selection of Parts in the Industry • Your One-Stop Shop for More Than 50 Years 1973-77 Molded Dash Pad Outer Shell, With Air Conditioning, Colors, • Length Of The USB And Aux Cables Is 54" And Includes An Under Dash Panel Adapter • Mount It In A Cigarette Lighter Hole, Or Under The Dash Or Glove Box • Chrome Finish 55-200880 119.99 ea. • Restore, Upgrade, or Modify Your El Camino 1964-67 Fuel Tank Support Brace Set • Quality Replacement • Made From Durable Metal • EDP Coated • Correct Mounting Points • Complete Two Piece Set • Installation Hardware Included 55-358549 1959-60 Radio Bezel And Knob Set • Quality Replacement • Made From Durable Molded Plastic • Quality Plastic Chrome Finish • Bright Chrome Finish • Set Includes: Tone Control Ring, Fader Ring, Volume And Channel Selection Knobs • Save Money When You Purchase The Complete Kit 55-358806 El Camino 2015 outside cover spread.indd 1 25.99 set 53.99 set 1978-87 Right Rear Wheel Opening Molding With 2 Tone • Quality Reproduction • Fits Rear Right Wheel Opening • Fits El Caminos With Aluminum Body Side Molding Only • Anodized Aluminum Construction • Does Not Include Mounting Screws 55-358460 79.99 ea. toll free 1•888•685•5987 1-888-685-5987 1/29/15 6:14 PM
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Note 2: With the LK-F type, a larger control range than 1 : 10 is available. In this case, however, the discharge accuracy and the linearity may be affected due to a stroke speed as low as 15 spm.