KV Series - Fittings
KV Series - Fittings
i' ,,: lir ,. r 'i lr : " r i, .-:,,ii' r,, n One-touch reduces connection installation timeand costs. n Rugged,vibrationresistant composite body. n Variousshapesand configurations to meetvehicleapplications and makeinstallation easier. tr Nylontubing n Pipefittings D0T/$trlFrlltinm lu $efies Taile 0lConleilts lil 0ne-Iouclt Page Body o MaleConnector. . . S t r a i g hUtn i o n, . . . FemalaConnecior P l u g - iR n e d u c e.r. . M a l e E l b o.w ..... P l u g - iEnl b o w. . . . . UnionElbow. . . . . . F e m a lE e l b o w. . . . 45" MaleElbow . . . 45' FemaleElbow M a l eR u n T e e . . . . . MaleBranchTee . , UnionTee , . . . . . . , FemaleBranchTee BulkheadConnector BulkheadUnion . . , MaleBranch'Y" . . . Union"Y" . . . . . . . . Caps Plugs Cartridge FittingBoot. . . . . . . H H__ F R L L__ L LF K KF Y T T TF E E U U KQ2C P Q KR .6 .7 .7 .7 P .8 .8 .9 .9 o 't0 10 10 11 11 11 12 Spucial [nnlhunilions Page14 lltliltg IIUlrlylon Page 15 Phetittittg$pase Bmss Nipples Cdinlinars Bushings Aalaolers -...-......17 - -. -14 18 '18 1q Ts6s Pftr^q o SAE45"Flares G e n e rA a ls s e m b l y . . , . . lmoortantOo'sand Dont's Resistance . .. Chemical .20 .20 21 . -..22-23 .24 .26 3 lflSenics Htiur 00I/$AElln Low dlsconnectlng force. Whenthe fittingis removedfromthe tubing,thecfiuckandcolletare rsloa8gd, lhusprsv€nting th€mfromscrapingand bitingintothelubalo an unn€€essary degree. Aocopistublngconiormlngto Doth sAEJSrt4.nd F VSS106. Has high retaininglolce. Can b€ us€d tor a wlde rang6 of pregaurefrom a low vacuumup to a pressureol 150psl. Theuseof a specialprolile snsur€spooitiv€ saalingand reducadresistance whenthe lub€is b€inginse edor removed. Sealantis oiandardon all nal€ NPTF litiings Eftuctlvewhen plplng In a contined space. p,orlion cantumlnd€p€ndenlly. Thebodyandhrcaded o MaleConnsctor Plug-inElbow 01 ,/g -/92 10 11 ll MaleBranch Union'Y" 05 -/1 07 ,4 11 3t' o 13 1; ' Pr. SAE propo€ad 3p€ci{icrto.i€, all mal€ ttr.ad8 wltl incorporEt6 18 shce OOTdoe€not " Note:1/8 tub€ sizesar6 de6onatEdby a KO s€dospad numb6(end arc not covgredund€rtho OOt or SAE€p€cificetions, sp€cityp€rirmanc€ Fquiromehls. lln D0I/$[E &$lttmwoilfi[hry ltr tdts ltU-||UT fiee|ficrilotr ProofPressur€ 1200psi(8.3Mpa) 450psi (3.1Mpa) -40.F- 200'F G40'C- 93'C) 7 Ncm3/min,or less 1.20,1-1983(NPTthread) ANSUASME ApplicableTubing mobrlNl hftEllf,]elcmenfi and res€rws of Americahasa policyof continualproductdsv€lopment SIVIC CorDoration rhe dgmto changediflEnsionsor specilicationswithoutprior notilication. lill|/ l(01$enies [0I/$AIllr fiilinm MaleConnector:KVH 7 t6 8 9 14 I 10 13 14 24 E ; 40 Consultfactorvfor irformation at timeot catalogprinting. Con6unfactoryfot availability. " Notavailable Referencetoroue sDecificationTable#3 StraightUnion: o Dor/$rE ril'Hrirm lflL/l0L$epie ilUf/ fiOf I Wn1il0fi1 FemaleConnector:KVF 14.29 17.6 1.5 9.2 14.5 14.29 't0 27 10.8 11.4b 14.29 10.7 17.46 14.29 |.44 12.5 40.7 '10.9 15.5 16 1.6 16.5 31.3 13.6 '10.6 3 1 . 2 13-3 22.23 17 15.2 r.3 30.8 15 34.5 17.4 ,t ,a 36.6 23.81 40.6 1 8 . 9 17.46 2l it.4 22.23 23.81 Ref€renc€torquespecificationTable#3 21 r5.4 6.4 40.8 13,8 14.8 1E.8 Plug-inReducer:KVR** MaleElbow: KVL I 18 E 11 30 28 ;a Consullfactorytor intormation r' Nol ayailablsat lime of catalogpdnting.Consultfactorytor availability. Relersn@torcuesoecificationTaHe*3 lUL / l0t/ lfltt/ l0[F$srios Plug-inElbow: -99* 9. UnionElbow:KVL [0T/$lt lir t7 24.5 -oo 17.9 1 8 . 9 21.7 | 22.7 FemaleElbow: KVLF Reler€nce torquespecilication Table#3 21 28.9 IUT / l0T/ lflTF $mies [0T/$AElFtiltnlr MaleBranchTee: KVT Rsfgrencs torquespocific€tion Table#3 UnionTee: KVT -oo 11.4 13.2 17.9 FemaleBranchTee: KVTF Relerence torcuesDecificalion Table#3 10 19. 20.6 26.2 4.4 16.5 17 21 2.2 ml/$ltfiir BulkheadConnector:l(VE plat€ Mounting RelorencetorouesoecilicationTable#4 Bulkhead Union:KVE-- -OO t-12 I 28.57 1,14.1 2t 6,1 2 Table#4 torquesDecification Reference MaleBranch"Y': KVU'* " Not avgileble El lim6 ot calEl€ prtnfng. CoDsuil taclory tor availabjlily. Tabl€*3 torquesDecificalion R6teren@ '11 lflU/ [[U$enies D0I/$[EfirHulnr Union'Y': KVU*- _ - OO l02C / lffi/ lflP$mics D0I/8[EthHtm Caps: KQ2C FittingBoot: KR 6D r-'---t-----1 Plugs: KVP 12 D0r/$uffnFll|lnm Cartridge:KVOA DOTSpecilications tul $enie Tabl€ 1 - Not alaihu€ at lim6 of cablog prinling,Corbulthdory br a\bilability. PlastlcCavity Dlmensions ConsultFactoryForMotal Cartridge:KVOB* DOT/SAESpeciflcations " Nol availablg al limo of calatog pdrning. Consult hclory |or availability. AluminumCavity Dimenslons ConsultFactoryFor Plastic lduanWs Cilfim fiEhllffim Cartridgesare a compact, SMC Encapsulated economicaldesignthat allowsthe userto reduce the spaceand laborrequiredto installand assempipethreadfittingconnection. ble a conventional Weightreductionand the eliminationof pipethread leakagerelatedto improperassemblytechniques are also improved.The SMC SingleStepCartridge designallowsfor fasterand easierinstallationof An externalO ringis components andassemblies. preassembled on the SMCSingleStepCartridgeto insurea leakfree cavity.The SMCSingleStep Cartridgeincludesa tubesupport.Oncethe SMC in a singlestep SingleStepCartridgeis installed cavity,no specialtoolsare neededto connecttubing. Just bottomthe tubingintothe carttidgebody for a positiveseal. Foi'colorcodinguse the KQ2C colorcaps. Afterinstallationinto a cavity,simply snapthe colorcodedcap ontothe releasebutton. jellyor Applya lightgrease,lightoil,petroleum siliconelubricant to the cartridgeO ring. Usea tool that fits over the releasebuttonand presses on the cartridgeflange. Applypressurewithan arborpressor assemblymachinethat will keep the cartridgesquareto the cavityduringinstallation. Pressthe cartridgeintothe cavityuntilthe bottomot the flangemakescontactwith the cavitybody. lfthnhlt SMCSingleStepCartridgesare designedcurrently (SeeTable1) to be installed intoa thermoplastic [Nylon/GlassFilledNylor/Acetal/Polybutylene Terephthalatel or Aluminum(SeeTable2) [T-6061factoryfor specialcavityor T6l cavities.Consult housingmaterialsthat wouldbe suitablefor a particularapplication. Forair brakeapplications, (usingSAEJ8zl4 TypeA and B Nylontubing)sizes5/32"and abovemeetD.O.T. FMVSS571.106,S.A.E. J1131andiorthe proposedS.A.E.J2494air brakeperformance The 1/8"SMC specifications. Encapsulated Cartridgesare not D.O.T./S.A.E. ratedand are designedf,cruse in pressure protectedair accessorylinesthat are isolated from the air brakesvstem. $Fciffi(|il-548-m ilfril2 lmh $ilc Utrffil tihbffitil: IWYT mfrl$"nmmu [illuqttdFmileo 3/8"Dia.x NPT 3/8 1/4"NPT 114"Dia.x 3/8"Dia.x 1/4 NPT ConsultSalespersonfor Information 14 IIU$crigs ror/$AEriim O ryn'rur Max.Operating Specifications 150psi Performance requirements of SAEJ1131 TubeO.D. Minimum (mm) Radius All colorsare availablein all tubesizes Burst Minimum Pressure at 24'C For use in Air Brakesystemson Heavy DutyVehicles. Coldand heatstabilized UV resistant lhwh0nfrr . = Box/ A = Heel/' Spscial Order: O= Boxn= Reel ilrhh 0rftn I . For a specialorder length,add sutfix"U" to end of part number. *. Not availableat time ol catalogprinting. Consultfactoryfor avaitability. fttnlfibftilmm'solM 1/8', 5t32 311d' 114" 5/16' o o o c o o o 15 milbFffiHFmW 22 Plpe ReduclngThr€adSizo 41 9 19 20 20 18 20 20 21 18 17 't7 Plp€ ThFad SEe I*',.o... .,"," | ."n*n" ,n ,n"n"" 19 19 21 t8 18 18 21 '17 17 17 19 19 29 23 I,u,*""0" Note: See specificpage # for which combinationsar€ available. fcEdlmft [ilrtrc olPSlhcaft 1/8 NPT A /A, \v .,tsS'DIA 16 1/4NPT B 3/8 NPT 1i2 NPT D .666"DIA .840' OIA (#) .540"DtA T.Pl.= Threadsoer inch O L.NGNTPPLE Long€r lengihs a\,ailaH€ upon r€qu$t CLOSENIPPLE HEXNIPPLE Longpau€rn- 138Inchs HEXREDUCING NIPPLE I- D _T H 17 COUPLING BUSHING a4 1t8 9 / 1 6 - t 5 1/8 1'v16 1t4 1 1 / 1 6 . t J 1t8 7B 1 . 0 0 1 t 4 7t8 1 . 0 0 7t8 1.00 3/8 1t2 Consultlactorv br 3t4 1t4 114 3/8 g8 112 1/2 1t2 324 .328 .422 .328 .422 inbrmalion Consufl fEstorylor inlormalion Mal€pipelistedlirst REDUCING COUPLING T1 REDUCINGADAPTER Femalepip€ list€dlirsl AOAPTER Femalepioe listed first 18 _T . D Male: FORGED90' ELBOW FORGED90'ELBOW Male: REDUCING " ConsultlacloryJorinlorma$on Female:FORGED90' ELBOW " Consultlactorvbr inbrmalion 90'STREETELBOW Male- Female:FORGED/EXTRUDED ' Extruded Malepipelistedfirst Male - Female: FORGED/EXTRUDED45" STREET ELBOW - Exruded 19 BnaslPiruflltin[l FORGED/EXTRUDED MALEBRANCHTEE 'Extruded FORGED/EXTRUDED STREETTEE *Extruded FORGEDCROSS 20 Bmm Pim Htlins Hex Head: PLUG \T SouareHead:PLUG HexCountersunk:PLUG 1,," 21 Bmm S.l.E.45'tlme TubeTo MalePioe: CONNECTOR 1la 3/16 3/16 1B 'v8 114 1t4 1te 1t4 1t4 1t4 5/16 3/8 1t2 1t8 5/r6 'l 14 5/16 3y8 318 1t8 3i8 1t4 3tg 3t8 7t16 1t2 1/2 112 ate 114 1t2 1t4 1t4 3i8 c/6 3/8 5/8 1t2 5t16-24 7t16 .91 sl8-24 7t't6 .98 3ta-24 9/16 1 . 1 7 7t16-20 7116 1.O4 7t16-20 9/16 1 . 2 5 7t16-2011116 7t16-20 718 1 . 5 4 1/2-20 1/2 . 1 4 1t2-20 9/16 1 . 3 2 'lt2-20 1 1 / 1 6 t . ! t o .078 .125 .125 .189 .189 .189 .189 .220 .220 .220 5/8-18 5/8 1 . 2 3 .220 .242 5/8-18 c/o .282 11116 5/8-18 1 . 6 7 .242 18 7/8 5,/8Consultlactory tor inlolmalion sl4-'16 g4 1 . 6 0 .408 .408 314-16 gt4 1.60 t.79 ./t08 7la 314-16 t . 7 9 .408 718-14 7ls 1 . 9 8 .501 718-14 7t8 TubeTo MalePipe: 90' ELBOW 1i8 1ts 3/16 3/16 1t8 114 114 114 1t4 1t8 114 vl6 5/16 5/16 5/16 3i/S 3/8 3/8 UB 112 1t2 112 5'l8 518 22 'v4 3/8 1t2 1/8 114 318 'v2 1/8 1t4 3lS 1t2 'tt4 318 3/A Consultfactoryfor iniormation .220 112-20 .90 .vc .220 1t2-20 qt .219 1t2-20 .98 1.01 Consultiactorylor iniormation .220 5/8-18 1 . 0 1 5/8-18 1 . 0 1 1 . O 5 .283 y8-18 1 . O 4 1 . 0 7 .28'l s/8nI 1 . 1 5 1.27 .281 .312 3/4-'16 1 . 2 0 1 7 '1.20 1 . 0 9 .408 3/4-16 3,/4-16 1 . 2 5 1.38 7/8-14 1 . 4 1 1 . 2 5 718-14 t q o 1 . 3 6 .408 .408 .502 TubeTo MalePipe: ,15'ELBOW 1/4 'lt4 5/16 5/16 g8 U8 3ri8 112 112 5/8 1t8 7t16N .78 ,co .188 7116-20 .75 .84 .188 118 112-20 . / c .65 .220 'U2-20 .75 .81 1t4 .220 1 t 4 5/8.18 .89 .86 .283 3i8 5/8-18 .91 .93 .283 112 Consultfactorytor inlormation 3/8 u4-16 1.06 .95 .408 1t2 3V4-16 1.00 .97 .406 112 7lS-14 1 . 2 1 1 . 1 6 .502 1t4 SteelTerminalBolt: FEMALEBULKHEAD' * ZincDichromate Plating '-Consult tactory lor inlormation SteEITerminalBoIt: MALE BULKHEAD* * Zinc DichromatePlating "Consultlactoryforinformation H1 \ H2 T3 23 lff $enies Bur/$rErhrilri GcnGnnlls$cilily PffI M€tallic:Alutninum, zinc.st€el.andbr6ss. MolalllciAluminum, zinc,sl€el,andbress. ftlirulmtuc{ions Pnsrualin olluilnl IuhInseilon m mnouallnstilc{ils The use ol a sharptube cutter,such is highlyrecomas SMC'slN-548-13, mended.Thistoolwillinsurea clean, perpendicular cut of thetubing.Never use diagonal oliers. a razor knlie. saw.or dull cutting tool to cut Nvlon tubing! The use of suchtoolsleaves the tubingwith a sharpedge,a burr,or out-of-round condition, whichcan packing whenthe tube is damagethe insertedintothe titting.This reduces the sealingabilityof the fitting. 1. Tubeinsertions: a) Insertend of tubingintofittinguntilit bottoms. b) Pullon tubingto verifythat it is properlyretained. 2. Tubingdisassembly: a) Be surethe air systempressurehas beenreducedto zero (0 psi) beforeattemptingto removethe tubing. b) Simplypushthe tubingintothe fitting c) Pressand holdthe releasebuttonagainstthe body. d) Thenremovethe tubing. 3. Tubingreassembly: a) Lubricateleadingend of the tubingwith lightoil, jellyor siliconelubricant. petroleum b) Bepeatstep1. 24 tUSel'igs o 00'$ 1 f Tighten fifting by hand. Apply final torque with wrench at the hex. squar€wlth a cleanedge. 00ll|T'$ I I Avoidusingwrenchon push-to+onnect end. Avoidercessivetubeanglecut which can leadto impropersealing, "unubing Avold uslng dikes, a knife, a saw or $ r"" SMCtubecutter. Avoid kinking the tublng and applying excessiveside load which can cause leaks. Simplypushthe tubinguntltlt bottomsout. Holdlngand seeling is accomplishedinstantaneously. Preventcontaminant'sf romentering fittingeandcartridges. Do not attemptto disassemble tublng lrom fitting with vehicle air systemunderpressure, Glnflhdhhftilco ffiilt hr:iffi,bJn-|d$u[,ru,fl O- Highly€sistrrt O- Graduallycorro&s (cl€pendson oporatingconditions) V- l,lodelEl8ly.onodes (dependson opelatingconditions) Not r6comm€nd6d br highconc€nlcrlions& €)posur€ coraoded - l- Body Stud Guide Body Brass PBT Acetone Alcohols - Amyl Alcohols- Butyl Alcohols- Ethyl Alcohols - lsopropyl Alcohols - Methyl o o o tr c tr o o Aluminum Nitrate Aluminum Sulfate AmmoniumPhosohate AmmoniumSulfate Benzene(Benzol) V o o I V v o CalciumChloride CarbonTetrachloride Compressor Oil EthylAcetate o EthylAlcohol tr Ewlene Glycol Formaldehyde Gasoline Glycerin Heptane Hexane HydrochloricAcid o o o o D 'lO"/" o MachineOil MethylAlcohol Mineral Oil o o o o tr o tr o D D o o o o o tr o tr o tr o o tr o o o o o o I I I o o o o V V D o o o D o tr o o tr 10oi0 Nitrate Ozone Ozon€LowConcenlration Petroleum Petroleum Oils SoapyWater SodiumChloride I I o o o o a EI o o 1O"h tr I o o o a V B tr o o o o o D o o o o o o o D o I I o o o o o I I D o o o o tr V o o o o o tr V o o I I I I V o tr o o o o tr D D o o I tr I o I o o o o tr V I o o I o o o I o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o n tr o o D D B o [l V tr D o o I D tr Nylon11 Nylon 6/6 v o o o D o I For For Ret€renceRefer6nce o o o o o o a tr o S€alanl T D o v o o o SMC o Naphtha 26 n o o tr o MotorOil Turpentine Urea Water ZincChloride ZincSultate o o o o MethylEllrylKetone Tolu6ne V o o o o NBR I a o o o Lubricating Oil sus304 POM o o I I LinseedOil Releass Bushing Oring Packing Collet o o o o V HydrogenPeroxide Kerosene SodiumNikate SodiumSulfide SulturicAcid(H2SO4) o Chuck c o I o o v o o o o o o o I I o tr o o o o V V V V o o tr B D o o V D tr o o o a I o V o o o v o o I o o o V V o o o o o o o I Y o o o o o tr WorldWideQS\E Support... (762-7621) North American Branch Offices Fora branchofficenearyoucall:1-800-SMC-SMC1 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Atlanta) 1440 Lakes Parkway,Suite 600 Lawrenceville,GA 30043 Tel: (770) 624-1940 FAX: (770) 624-1943 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Cleveland) 2305 EastAurora Rd., Unit A-3 Twinsburg,OH 44087 Tel: (330) 963-2727 FAX:(330) 963-2730 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Milwaukee) 16850W. Victor Road New Berlin.Wl 53151 Tel: (414) 827-0080 FAX: (414) 827-OO92 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Richmond) 5377 Glen Alden Drive Richmond,VA 23231 Tel: (804) 222-2762 FAX: (80a) 222-5221 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Austin) 2324-D Ridgepoint Drive Austin,TX 78754 Tel: (512) 926-2646 FAX: (512) 926-7055 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Columbus) 3687 Corporate Drive Columbus,OH 43231 Tel: (614) 895-9765 FAX: (614) 895-9780 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Mnpls.) 990 Lone Oak Road, Suite 162 Eagan,MN 55121 Tel: (651) 688-3490 FAX:(651)688-9013 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Rochester) 245 Summit Point Drive Henrietta,NY 14467 Tel:(716)321-1300 FAX:(716)321-1865 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Boston) Zero CentennialDrive Peabody,MA01960 Tel: (978) 326-3600 Fax: (978) 326-3700 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Dallas) Ste.815 12801N. StemmonsFrutry, Dallas,TX 75234 rel: (972\ 406-0082 FAX: (972) 406-9904 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Nashville) 5000 LinbarDrive,Suite 297 TN 37211 Nashville, Tel:(615)331-0020 FAX:(615)331-9950 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (S.F.) 85 NicholsonLane San Jose,CA 95134 Tel: (408) 943-9600 FAX: (408) 943-9111 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Charlotte) 5029-8 West W.T.Hanis Blvd. Charlotte,NC 28269 Tel: (704) 597-9292 FAX: (704)596-9561 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Detroit) 2990 TechnologyDrive RochesterHills,Ml 48309 Tel: (248) 299-O2O2 FAX: (2a8) 293-3333 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Newark) 3434 US Hwy.22 West, Ste. 110 Somerville,NJ 08876 Tel: (908) 253-3241 FAX: (908) 253-3452 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (St. Louis) 4130 RiderTrail North Earth City, MO 63045 Tel: (314)209-0080 FAX: (314) 209-0085 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Chicago) 27725 Diehl Road Warrenville,lL 60555 Tel: (630) 393-0080 FAX: (630)393-0084 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Houston) 9001Jameel,Suite180 Houston,TX77O4O Tel: (713) 460-0762 FAX:(713)460-1510 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Phoenix) 2001 W. MelindaLane Phoenix,AZ85027 Tel: (623)492-0908 FAX: (623) 492-9493 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Tampa) 8507-HBenjaminRoad Tampa,FL 33634 Tel: (813)243-8350 FAX: (813) 243-8621 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Cincinnati) 4598 OlympicBlvd. Erlanger,KY 41018 Tel: (606) 647-5600 FAX: (606) 647-5609 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (L.A.) 14191MyfordRoad Tustin.CA 92780 Tel: (714\ 669-1701 FAX:(714)669-1715 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Portland) 14107N.E.AirportWay Portland,OR 97230 Tel: (503) 252-9299 FAX: (503) 252-9253 SMG Pneumatics Inc. (Tulsa) 10203A East 61st Street Tulsa.OK 74146 Tel: (918) 2s2-782O FAX: (918) 252-9511 Europe ENGLAND SMC Pneumatics(U.K.) Ltd. GERMANY SMC Pneumatik GmbH ITALY SMC ltalia SpA FRANCE SMC PneumatiqueSA HOLLAND SMC Controls Bv SWEDEN SMC Pneumatics Sweden AB SWITZERLAND SMC PneumatikAG AUSTRIA SMC Pneumatik GmbH SPAIN SMC Espafra,S.A. IRETAND SMC Pneumatics (lreland) Ltd. Asia JAPAN SMC Corporation KOBEA SMC Pneumatics Korea Co., Ltd. CHINA SMC (China) Co., Ltd. HONG KONG SMC Pneumatics (Hong Kong) Ltd. SINGAPORE SMC Pneumatics (S.E.A.)Pte. Ltd. PHILIPPINES SMC Pneumatics (Philippines),Inc. MALAYSIA SMC Pneumatics (S.E.A.)Sdn. Bhd. TAIWAN SMG Pneumatics (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. THAILAND SMC Thailand Ltd. INDIA SMC Pneumatics (lndia) Pvt., Ltd. North America CANADA SMC Pneumatics (Canada) Ltd. MEXICO SMC Pneumatics (Mexico) S.A. de C.V. South America AFGENTINA SMC Argentina S.A. CHILE SMC Pneumatics (Chile) Ltda. Oceania AUSTRALIA SMC Pneumatics (Australia) Pty. Ltd. NEW ZEALAND SMC Pneumatics (N.2.) Ltd. SMCoffers the samequality and engineeringexpertisein many other pneumaticcomponents Valves DirectionalControlValves ManualValves Mufflers ExhaustCleaners Quick ExhaustValves Valves ProoortionalValves MechanicalValves MiniatureValves FluidValves Cylinders/Actuators CompactCylinders MiniatureCylinders RodlessCylinders RotaryActuators PneumaticGrippers Vacuum VacuumEjectors VacuumAccessories Instrumentation Pneumatic Positioners Pneumatic Transducers SMC PneumaticsInc. P.O.Box 26640, Indianapolis,lN 46226 Tel:(317)899-4440.FAX:(317)899-3102 O 1978-1999SMC Pneumatics,Inc.All RightsReserved. RevisedOctober1999 Air PreparationEquipment Filters-Regulators-Lubricators Coalescing Filters MicroMistSeDarators Fittings Air Fiftings
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5kPa. Efficiency time weighted average at > 15 µm(c). Opposite page tested per ISO 4548/12 and ISO 3968. Using Donaldson filters will not void your engine manufactureer’s warranty.