Otsego Area Historical Society Memorial Brick Pavers This is an
Otsego Area Historical Society Memorial Brick Pavers This is an
Otsego Area Historical Society Memorial Brick Pavers This is an index and location plot of the over 700 individually inscribed brick pavers that have been installed in the sidewalk in front of the OAHS museum at 218 North Farmer Street, Otsego, MI. The brick pavers were purchased by individuals in tribute to family members, ancestors, anniversaries, high school classes, and current and former local businesses. The brick pavers are arranged in 4 panels, each containing 6 columns, and several rows of a mix of 4”X 8” and 8”X 8” bricks. For locating purposes, the 5 panels are identified as West, Middle, East, South-L and South-R. Museum Building East South-R Middle South-L West Copyright 2005-2015 Robert L. Gaudio These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the author. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. Brick Paver Location Index Name Panel Column Abernathy South-R B Abernathy South-R B Allegan County Hist.Soc. Middle C Allegan County Hist.Soc. Middle C American Legion West E American Legion West E Amish Oak Treasures Middle B Anderson Middle A Anderson Middle A Anderson West A Andrus South-L F Arnoldink Middle F Artist West D Artist West D Ash Middle B Ash Middle B Ash Middle C Ash Middle C Ash Middle D Ash Middle D Ash South-R A Ashley Middle E Ashley Middle E Atwood South-R D Aunt Pegg West A Baker Middle B Baker West B Baker West E Baker West E Baker West E Baptist Church West E Baptist Church West E Barber West F Barber West F Barnd East C Barton East B Barton Middle E Barton West B Barton West C Barton West C Barton West D Beals West E Beattie South-L F Beier Middle E Beier Middle E Belcher Middle F Belcher Middle F Belcher South-R D Row 4 5 27 28 12 13 10 47 48 2 20 1 24 25 3 4 3 4 3 4 12 6 7 8 21 49 4 10 44 45 31 32 13 14 14 11 57 22 21 22 21 24 5 26 27 13 14 17 Bemis Bemis Bennet's Bakery Bennett Bennett Bennett Bennett Bent Bent Berner Berner Bisel Bisel Boettcher Boettcher Bonnell Bonnell Boss Boulter Boulter Boulter Brazill Brazill Brazill Brazill Breedveld Brender Brenner Brenner Brenner Bridge Pals Brinn Brinn Brinn Bronkema Bronkema Bronkema Bronson Bronson Bronson Bronson Bronson Bronson Brown Bruner Bruner Bruner Bruner Buckmaster Buckmaster West West Middle West East Middle Middle West West Middle Middle South-R South-R West South-R Middle West Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle West West Middle Middle Middle Middle West South-L West West West East East Middle South-L South-L West West West South-R Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle West West F F C F E C C A A F F B B B B C B A B B C C E E E D B E F C C A D D C C E D D B C F D F E E F F D D 36 37 26 16 8 58 59 36 37 36 37 16 17 1 3 25 34 10 12 13 55 60 47 7 8 24 6 46 58 24 13 35 6 7 1 2 50 10 12 36 43 12 2 33 55 56 55 56 42 43 Buckner Budzinski Bunker Bunker Burd Burd Burleigh Burleigh Burns Burroughs Burroughs Bushouse Bushouse Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Caldwell Lumber Campbell Campbell Campbell Capital Consultants Capital Consultants Carter Cary Catskill Contracting Catskill Contracting Chapman Chapman Chapman Chase Cheyne Chittenden Chittenden City of Otsego DDA City of Otsego DDA Class Of 1950 Class Of 1957 Class Of 1961 Class Of 1961 Clawson Clay Clemens Clemens Coburn Coburn Colder Colder Confer Confer Congregational Church South-R Middle Middle Middle South-L South-L East East Middle East East Middle Middle Middle West West Middle East South-L West West West Middle West West West Middle West West Middle West Middle Middle Middle Middle South-L South-L South-L South-L East South-L West West South-L South-L South-L South-L South-R South-R Middle A E F F F F F F E D D F F B E E D A D F B B F D C C E A E F A F F A A B A C C E F F F E E B B D D E 7 60 52 53 9 10 14 15 51 10 11 17 18 54 22 23 54 14 1 18 23 24 39 30 26 27 47 10 36 39 8 45 46 23 24 3 3 10 11 12 7 36 37 18 19 1 2 7 8 1 Congregational Church Conlan Conlan Connor Consumers Concrete Consumers Concrete Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cook Cooley Cooley Cooley Country Way Natural Foods Covault Covault Covault Covault Cowels Cowels Cronen Cronen Cronen Cronen Cronen Cronen Cronen Cronen Cronen Cronen Cronen Crystal Club Cummings Curtis Curtis Cushman Cushman Cushman Cushman Cushman Cushman Construction Cushman Construction Cushman Construction Cushman Construction Dalrymple Dalrymple Dalrymple Dalrymple Middle West West South-R Middle Middle East East Middle Middle South-L South-L West West South-L Middle South-L South-L South-R South-R South-R South-R East East Middle West West West West West West West West East East Middle Middle East Middle Middle Middle West Middle Middle Middle Middle East Middle West West E A A A C C F F D D D D F F A D F F A A C C A A C B C C C D D D E A B A A B D D E C A A B B B B A C 2 30 31 14 48 49 11 12 13 14 2 3 43 44 17 12 3 4 8 9 14 15 6 7 30 15 13 14 15 13 14 15 14 5 6 32 33 15 58 59 38 29 37 38 38 39 18 53 32 36 Dalrymple Dalrymple Dalrymple Davis Davis Davis De Good De Good Deerwester DeGood Delemme Delor Den Braber Dendel Dendel Dendel Deneau Deneau Deneau Deneau Dennis Doelker Doelker Doss Doss Doster Draper Dreger Dugan Dugan Dumars Dunklee Dutton Dutton Dutton Earle Earle Eaton Eaton Eaton Eaton Eaton Eaton Woman's Relief Corp Eaton Woman's Relief Corp Elenbaas Eley Ettwein Evink Evink Evink West West West East Middle Middle South-L South-L East Middle West West Middle South-R South-R South-R Middle Middle South-R South-R South-L Middle Middle South-L South-L East Middle South-L East East Middle West West West West West West Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle South-L South-L South-L South-L South-L South-R C E E D C C C C B F C B A E E D F F G G A F F E E A B D A A F C C C C A D D E E F F D D E B C A A E 37 22 23 9 51 52 8 9 17 32 9 7 59 13 18 13 4 5 18 19 2 27 28 6 7 8 59 4 2 3 12 42 40 41 45 7 3 28 23 24 23 24 41 42 4 21 5 10 11 3 Ferris Filkins Filkins Fisher Flegal Forney Foster Foster Fox Fox Froelich Fuller Fuller G.C. Bean & Co. Gale Gale Galen Galen Galloway Galloway Garner Garner Gaudio Gaudio Gauther Gibson Gibson Gilliland Gilliland Gilmer Gilmer Glessner Glessner Glessner Glessner Glessner Glocheski God Bless America Golden Girls Goodall Goodall Goodrich Goodrich Goodsell Gormsen Goudy Guidebeck Hadley Hadley Hamman South-L East South-L South-R Middle Middle West South-L West West South-L Middle Middle Middle South-R South-R East East East East Middle Middle South-R South-R Middle East East West West West West Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle West West South-R South-R West South-R West Middle East East Middle D F A G D B A F F F E A A C E E B B A A D D B B C E E B B D D B B C C F E D E B B C D B D B A F F B 11 4 16 20 43 37 9 21 1 2 16 15 16 18 11 12 3 4 11 12 30 31 9 10 24 13 14 42 43 1 2 55 56 45 46 12 42 60 45 28 29 10 10 2 5 27 27 11 12 28 Hancock Hanson Harding's Market Harding's Market Hare Harmon Harrison Harrison Harter Hascall Hatten Hatten Hayman Hayse Hayse Hayse Healey Healey Healey Healey Healey Healey Hendricks Henrickson Henrickson Higby Inn Hill Hill Hinkle Hinkle Holden Holden Holes Holland Holland Holland's Dairy Holmes Holmes Hoppe Horn Horn Housel Housel Housel Housel Howrigon Hoyt Hoyt Hoyt Hubbard West South-R Middle Middle Middle South-R South-L South-L South-L West Middle Middle Middle East East Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle West West South-R Middle Middle East West West South-L West Middle Middle West South-R South-R South-R South-L South-L Middle Middle Middle South-L South-L South-R South-R West Middle South-L South-L Middle C D C C B D B B B D C C B E E C C C E F A A A F F A C C C E D D E I I I C C F D D B B D D C D A A A 25 3 1 2 47 6 5 6 21 44 15 16 46 6 7 56 40 41 17 16 43 45 17 20 21 4 31 32 1 2 50 51 9 18 19 20 6 7 6 8 9 1 2 14 15 16 7 10 11 18 Hummel Hummel Hurlbut Hurlbut Hurlbut Hurlbut Hyet Irwin Jabcon Jackson Jackson Jameson Jameson Jameson Jameson Jameson Jeansonne Jeansonne Jirgens Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Jones Jones Jones Jordan Judy's Restaurant Judy's Restaurant Judy's Restaurant Judy's Restaurant Judy's Restaurant Judy's Restaurant Judy's Restaurant Judy's Restaurant Judy's Restaurant Judy's Restaurant Julianus Jungnitsch Jungnitsch Jungnitsch Kalleward Construction Kalleward Construction Kautz Kautz Keeley East West South-R South-R South-R South-R Middle Middle Middle West South-L South-L South-L South-L South-L South-L Middle Middle West Middle Middle Middle Middle South-R South-R South-R South-R Middle Middle Middle West Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle West West West West West Middle West West West West West West Middle C C A A C C E E E A D D D E C C A A D B B D D B B C C B F F C A A C C E F A E E F A D E E B B A A C 18 23 5 6 8 9 3 4 9 23 21 7 8 12 17 18 5 6 35 38 39 58 59 1 2 2 3 14 20 21 35 30 51 12 43 21 2 13 3 34 24 1 53 22 23 32 33 27 28 30 Kelly Ketchum Kindig Kindig Kinnane Kirby Klaeren Klaeren Klein Kleinbrink Kleinbrink Kling Kling Kling Knight Knight Kniss Kohlenstein Kohlenstein Kreckman Kreighbaum Kronke Kronke Krueger Krueger Krueger Krueger Krueger Krueger Kruithoff Kruithoff Labby Labby Ladies Auxillary VFW 3030 LaDuke Laduke Laduke LaDuke LaFaire Lahuis Lahuis Lakeman Lakeman Lakeman Lakeman Lamper Landi Landi Lane LaTourette Middle West South-L South-L Middle Middle West West Middle West West Middle Middle West Middle Middle South-L South-L South-L West Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle West West West Middle Middle South-L South-L East East Middle Middle West East South-L South-L East East South-R South-R West East East Middle West C D D D A D B B D F F D D C B B A D D F F B B B B F C C D A A F F D C B B F D B B F F E E F B B E A 23 45 6 7 36 37 5 6 57 6 7 11 56 28 35 36 20 13 14 27 57 21 22 31 32 12 3 4 32 3 13 15 16 1 8 41 42 42 15 12 13 5 6 1 2 17 8 9 52 41 LaTourette Laws Lawther Leffring Leighton Leighty Leland Lester Lewis Linsley Lions Club Lions Club Livingston Livingston Livingston Lobel Lobel Lober Lober Loftus Loftus Lovett Lovett Lovett Lovett Lovett Lovett Driveway Co. Lovett Driveway Co. Lund Lutheran Church Lutheran Church Maag MacDonald MacDonald Mahieu Mahieu Malvitz Malvitz March Maidens Marcus Marshall Martin Mason Mason Mason Mason Matthews McCall McCarten McConney West South-R Middle East South-R West West Middle West South-R West West Middle Middle South-R Middle Middle Middle Middle West West Middle Middle Middle Middle South-R Middle Middle West Middle Middle West West West South-L South-L South-L South-L East South-R South-R South-R Middle Middle West West West Middle East West A D C F B F E B B D B B E E C F F B D F F A B B D D A A A C C F E E E E A A A A B B E E A C A B F B 42 17 50 10 8 22 43 15 38 11 12 13 53 54 13 49 50 29 29 4 5 2 44 45 1 16 43 44 5 19 20 38 44 45 1 2 7 8 1 1 14 6 15 16 4 1 20 11 1 39 McConney McCormick McCune McLeod McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson McPherson Meert Mehler Meles Meles Menasha Corporation Menasha Corporation Menasha Corporation Menasha Corporation Menasha Corporation Menasha Corporation Menasha Corporation Menasha Corporation Menasha Corporation Menasha Corporation Menck Menck Michaels Michaels Miles Miller Miller Mills Minehart Miner Miner Mitchell Montague Montague Montague Moore Moran Morgan West Middle South-R Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle South-R West West West Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle West West West West Middle West West West East West West Middle South-L South-L South-L East East East East Middle East East B E A A B C C C D D D D E E E E F F H A B B B B D D D D E E E E E A D D B D D B C B B A E E E B C E 40 8 2 34 33 32 33 34 32 33 34 35 32 33 34 35 34 35 20 25 9 10 8 9 25 26 44 45 19 20 40 41 46 17 9 10 1 28 29 2 14 1 2 18 3 4 5 1 3 16 Morgan Morrical Morrical Morrison Morrison Morrison Morrison Moses Moses Moyer Murray Nana's Girls National City Bank National City Bank Nederhoed Nevins Nevins Newton Newton Newton Newton Newton Nichols Nifty Lunch Nisbet Norton Norton Novotny Nowak Nowak Nowak Null Nulty Nulty Nulty Insurance Nulty Insurance Nunemaker Nunemaker Nunley Nunley Nunley OHS Class 1948 OHS Class Of 1951 OHS Class of 1953 OHS Class of 1953 OHS Class of 1954 OHS Class of 1964 OHS Class of 1964 OHS Class of 1967 OHS Class of 1967 East East East East East East East Middle Middle West South-R West West West South-L Middle South-R East East East Middle Middle South-R East Middle Middle Middle Middle West West South-R West Middle South-L Middle Middle South-R South-R Middle South-R South-L West South-L East East East South-R South-R South-R South-R E D D C C F F F F B C F B B F B F A A B E E E D A A A C C C E C E A E E A A A D D F E E E C E E D D 17 17 18 9 10 8 9 30 31 11 4 32 16 17 19 24 19 9 10 7 11 12 7 4 59 40 41 38 11 12 6 43 31 13 29 30 8 9 60 3 20 20 5 9 10 11 8 9 9 10 OHS Class of 1979 OHS Class of 1979 OHS Football Oliver Oliver O'Reilly Otsego Chamber of Commerce Otsego Class of 1955 Otsego Class of 1955 Otsego Class of 1958 Otsego Class of 1958 Otsego Class of 1959 Otsego Jazz Ensemble Otsego Lumber Company Otsego Rotary Club Otte P.E.O. Chapter P.E.O. Chapter PACE6-125 PACE6-125 Palmer Panteleo Paradine Parker Patzer Peacock Pegg Pence Pence Perricone Perricone Pirrone Plainwell Historic Soc. Plainwell Historic Soc. Plunkett Plunkett Porter Powers Powers Powers Prairewood Golf Course Pueblo Pulver Quarry Quarry Quigley Quigley Ransbottom Ray Ray East East South-R South-L South-L South-R Middle East East East East Middle South-L Middle Middle Middle East East East East West East West East Middle West South-R West West South-L South-L Middle Middle Middle South-R South-R West West West West Middle Middle South-R Middle Middle Middle Middle West Middle Middle F F C B B D E D D A A A E F D F D D E E D F B C F D B F F A A A B B E E D B B C A C D B B C D D E E 17 18 5 1 2 14 36 13 14 16 17 58 8 10 40 26 7 8 1 2 20 2 30 6 59 22 11 36 37 14 15 46 50 51 4 5 19 18 19 19 49 35 17 25 26 23 23 23 43 44 Ray Ray Ray Ray Reed Reed Rex Rex Rex Rex-Girling Rife Rife Roblyer Rogers Rohr Rohr Root Root Root Root Root Root-Trimm Root-Trimm Rose Rouse Rowe Rozeboom Rozeboom Sage Sage Sage Salisbury Sanford Saso Schanz Schanz Schanz Schanz Schanz Schmitt Schmitt School Bus 17 Scott Scott Scott Scott Scout House Sebring Seeley Seeley Middle Middle South-R South-R Middle Middle Middle Middle South-R South-L Middle South-R West East Middle Middle East East South-L South-L West South-L South-L West West South-R East East West West South-R Middle Middle West West West West West West Middle Middle West East East West West Middle Middle West West F F D D A B C C D C E D D F F F C C E E C F F E C C C C E E C E F E C D D D E A A F B B F F C E A A 43 44 12 13 56 57 45 46 4 16 46 5 27 13 8 9 15 16 13 14 17 12 13 17 33 7 4 5 28 29 17 25 48 37 38 37 38 39 38 19 20 35 3 4 43 44 7 42 30 31 Seelye Seibert Seibert Selby Selby Severy Shelton Shelton Sherwood Sherwood Sherwood Sherwood Shopper's Guide Shopper's Guide Sisson Sisson Sisson Skidmore Small Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Sparks Sparks Sparks Spencer Spencer Sprague Sprague Squires Staley Staley Stamm Standish Starr Stewart Stockwell Stockwell Stone Stopher Strater West Middle West South-R South-R East Middle Middle East Middle South-L South-L Middle Middle Middle Middle West East West Middle Middle West West West South-L East East East Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle West West South-L East East West West Middle East East East West Middle West E A B E E D C C D D B B C C A D D D D D D B B C E A D D E E E C D D A A A C D A A D F A C D D B A D 16 21 3 16 17 4 5 6 12 47 18 19 58 59 17 5 35 16 8 10 15 44 45 6 20 15 2 3 18 19 20 21 21 22 7 8 4 1 19 9 10 11 15 22 6 2 3 26 9 5 Strater Stuck Sult Sult Sult Sunnock Sunnock SW Michigan Pest Control Swanty Swanty Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Swartz Sweet Sweet Sweetland Sweetland Swinsick Swinsick Syers Tackett Tackett Tanner Tanner Tengam Engineering Thaxton Thomas Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thurston Tice Tice Tiffany Timlowski Tishhouse Todd Todd Toothman Toothman Town Town Town Trimm Trimm Trimm Tubbs South-R South-R Middle Middle West West West South-R West West South-L South-L South-L South-L South-L South-L West South-L South-L South-R South-R West Middle Middle East East Middle East West East East East Middle Middle West West Middle West West South-L South-L South-R South-R West West West East East Middle West D A F F A C C D A A A B B C C B A A A C C D D D B B B D E B C C D F B B E F F E E A A A F F D D D E 1 4 41 42 33 11 12 1 27 28 6 9 10 3 4 7 15 21 22 11 12 26 16 17 3 4 52 5 21 13 12 13 48 54 28 29 3 40 30 10 11 10 11 19 36 37 2 3 20 39 Tubbs Tucker Tucker Tucker Turner Turner Union Enterprise Union Enterprise United Methodist Church Urick V.F.W. Post 3030 V.F.W. Post 3030 Van Linden Vanarsdal Vanarsdal Vanblarcom Vanderborgh Vanderploeg Vanderploeg Vanderveen Vanderveen Venema Verhage Verhage Verhage Verhage Verhage Verhage Walters Walters Warner Warner Warren Warren Warren Warren Watson Watson Watters Weaver Weaver Weber Weber Weber Weber Wehner Wesler Wesler Wesler Wesler South-L West West West Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle South-R Middle Middle West Middle Middle East West South-L West Middle Middle South-L Middle Middle Middle West West West South-L South-L South-L South-L Middle South-R South-L South-L South-L South-L Middle South-L South-L West West West West South-L Middle Middle Middle Middle A D D F F F C C E E A A E A A E B B B C C F A E E C F F A A F F B D D D D D C C C A A A F F B B B D 19 17 18 8 8 9 36 37 14 15 11 12 18 53 54 11 21 15 41 53 54 8 26 48 49 8 10 11 4 5 1 2 27 11 17 18 13 14 8 22 22 27 28 29 45 17 17 18 19 19 Wesler Westfield Whitelow Wieber Wieber Wieber Wieber Wilder Winkel Winkel Winkel Winter Winter Winter Witters Witters Witters Witters Witters Witters Witters Witters Witters Witters Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Woodbury Young Young Young Zantjer Zantjer Zantjer Zantjer West West South-R East Middle Middle Middle South-R West West West Middle South-R South-R Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle West West West West Middle West West South-R South-R East West South-R South-R Middle West West West C A B E C E E C E E E E A A A A C C E F A E E F F B D B B F A D D E A D D 18 26 15 18 39 40 41 18 25 26 27 58 15 16 31 52 13 44 22 3 14 4 35 25 29 20 40 12 13 16 40 6 7 47 39 33 34 West Panel 1 2 A B C Robin, Susan Erin & Hans Julianus Walt and Nancy Boettcher In Memory of Elwyn Sprague Lana Mason Sophronia Anderson Ed & Frances Goodsell & Family Nancy Seibert 3 4 In Honor of Ida Sprague Lana Mason 5 Chuck & Shirley Lund 6 7 In Memory of David Earle 1934-2003 8 In Memory of Roberta Cheyne 9 Andrew Foster "Rube" Otsego Baseball 1902 10 John, Linda and Amelia Chapman Bea & George Klaeren Family 12 13 Judy's Restaurant Est 1965 14 Les Witters Enterprises Est. 2003 15 In Honor of Alvin & Nada Sweet 16 The Mencks Ken, Carol, and Dan 18 Bob's True Value Hardware The Meles Family Otsego Lions Club Maria Cronen National City Bank 20 Thomas-Jerrie Matthews Family Don Wood He Walked With God 21 In Memory of Aunt Pegg Vanderborgh Joann-Van Barton Ellen-Henry Settled 1863 23 Robert K. Jackson Family 24 25 L.O.V.E. The Mehlers Capital Consultants Engineering & Technology E In Honor Of Jack Hinkle Hinkle Family F William S. And Barbara A. Fox 2004 Judy's Restaurant Est. 1965 Les Witters Enterprises Est. 2003 Elliot Loftus In Memory of Forrest Strater Patrick Loftus Bresa Del Rio 1990 Jan-Chauncey Tommy-Trevor Brinn In Honor Of Butch Kleinbrink 40 Yrs. At The Mac-Sim-Bar Dave and Lois Delemme In Honor of Edwin & Charlotte Michaels and Family Bresa Del Rio 1963 - 1995 Tom & Sherri Janis & Joyce Wood Brazill In Honor Of Pastor Steven Tucker Janis Holes Good Friend Teacher Paula Baker Otsego Clerk 1991 - 2003 In Loving Memory of Our Parents Bob Virginia Sunnock Ron Stamm Family Francis Cronen Gerene Cronen American Legion Post 84 Otsego, MI Est. 2000 Carmen Cronen Lyndon Cronen Marion Cronen Monique Cronen Bryan Cronen Verhage Donald Carol (Smith) Kelly Cynthia - D.J. Al And Ginny Bronson "Our Parents" Gerald Lucile Barber With Love And Affection Bill Standish Otsego Barber Since 1959 Jack & Clara Howrigon Amy, Bart Ellie & Jack Seelye Hilda & Mack Bennett Janet Monteith Root In Memory Of Jared A. Rose 1974 - 2000 Gary & Becky Lamper And Family Phil And Bernice Van Linden Fred And Jill Campbell And Family Jeff-Mary Powers Family Timothy-Susan Powers Family In Honor of Stub & Esther Earle In Memory of Orin H. Small 1907-2001 Robert Wesler "Bob" 1915-1977 Larry-Sherrie Town Family Tom & Diana Gilmer In Honor Of Don & Carol Verhage Robert-Brenda Powers 19 22 Jim & Lenoa Smith In Memory of Louanne Delor 1947-2001 In Memory of Jennette Moyer 11 17 In Memory of Bud and Erma Baker The Krueger Family Joel, Lauri, Hunter, Grace D Jack Tucker Judy Tucker In Honor of The Boevers Porter Family Palmer Paul & Glenna 11-06-70 Barton Monument Co. 1933 - 1970 Mitchell St. Charlie-Jo In Memory of Grandpa Hummel Lila Brenner Teacher Dix St. Elem. A.D. Hancock Men's Store W. Allegan St. Menasha Corporation Foundation OHS Class Of 1948 Barton Eva-George M. 1897 In Memory Of Bob Thomas (Ole Dad) Cathy-Don Peacock In Memory Of C. Caldwell G. Dalrymple O. Dalrymple H. Jungnitsch In Memory Of Mary & Delos Leighty Beals Family Patrkck Teresa & Alex Judy's Restuarant Est. 1965 Winkel Family Les Witters Enterprises Est. 2003 In Memory of Grandpa Ransbottom In Honor of Linda LabbyZapf-Artist Aug. 14, 1947 Jan. 13, 1996 West Panel 26 27 28 29 30 31 A B Fred & Donna Westfield Mayor 1963-66 In Memory of Leon & Helen Stone Carl-MildredSwanty Jill Kautz Jack-Beverly Weber John and Catherine Weber In Memoriam Wm. & Laura Conlan Sid-Dorothy Seeley 32 Dalrymple's Grocery Store 381 W. Allegan 33 Marilyn Sult Mentor 36 37 The Family of Thomas & Ruth Bent Dotty & Terri Patti & Linda In Honor of Pat & Bruce Zantjer 40 In Honor of Lillian Young Good Friend 43 In Memory Ralph Latourette Mayor 1958-60 Your Family Healey Bob Marge Donna Wayne 44 45 2003 - 2004 Construction Kalleward Group Kalamazoo, MI. Bill & Wilma Cushman and Family In Memory of Rev. Lloyd Bronson Healey Wayne Cindi Ginger Mickey In Honor of George and Avis McConney Chet-Bobetta (Dalrymple) Vanderploeg In Memory of Bernie, Audrie & Helen Gilliland Loving Memory Of Merriel & Janette Smith The Children Grandchildren D John, Darlene Syers and Family Oney, Rachel Roblyer and Family Miller's Jim & Debbie Heather Garret E Winkel Funeral Home Established 1956 In Memory of Roscoe Hill Founder of Otsego Hardings The Rouse's Settled Here In The 1840's Dorothy Dalrymple Our Favorite Historian Schanz Family Kevin-Kim Mikayla-Logan The Dave Dutton Family R. Krueger's Upholstery Shop Zantjer Family Patricia Bruce, Scott, Angela Peter-Barbara (Sisson) Jirgens Schanz Family Dan Becky Danny Hannah Ellie Ben Salem Oregon In Memory of Leon Wood 100 Years Old The Chad Dutton Family The Matt Dunklee Famnily Paul and Ruth (Null) Bronson Daisey Irene And Robert Buckmaster Stroll Hand In Hand Hascall Family Everett L. Dutton 1923-1989 Doug & Judith Ketchum In Memory Of John C. Kreckman Loving Memory Mary Sage Wife & Mother Tishhouse Family Baptist Church True Blue Class Est. 1937 Nana's Girls Mikayla And Kaitlyn Morey Judy's Restaurant Est. 1965 Les Witters Enterprises Est. 2003 In Honor Of Ruth Chapman Amazing Woman Dan Bonnie Schanz John 3:16 F With Love Bob Sage Husband & Dad Pete, Bunny Chris, Peter & Kevin Cary In Memory of Earl Jordan In Honor of Dr. Barton Lewis D.O. 39 42 Charles & Ida Kling & Family Robert, Doris Paradine and Family Betty Chauncey Brinn 38 41 In Memory of Susan-Gerald Tice From The Goodall & Tice Families Catskill Remedial Contracting Services Inc. The Bonnells Brian, Sue Heather, Cody 34 35 In Memory of Pat Goudy Goudy Family C In Memory Of Marion J. Saso 1930 - 1995 Kalvin Wayne Schanz In Honor Of School Bus 17 Kids - Parents Bresa Hands Diane Town Bob Pence Dale Bemis Gary Clemens In Honor Of John Lorraine Maag In Memory Of Sandra Tubbs 1943 - 2000 Menasha Corporation Foundation Don And Faye Timlowski Clyde/Sharon LaDuke III And Family With Gratitude The Lelands Daniel & Mary MacDonald Wilfred & Florence Baker In Honor Of "Ed"-Shirley Scott "Bill"-Dacey Cooley The Tony & Janet Weber Family Middle Panel A B Flora And William Moore 1 2 Chuck Lovett Hardware 1942 - 1972 In Memory Of Gretchen And Walter Mills 3 Tom & Judy Kruithoff In Honor Of C. Lavern And Cordella Derby Ash From The Kids 4 5 6 Robert Jeansonne & Family 7 Spencer's Restaurant Jay & Iris 8 Barb, Bob, Sue, Steve, Jay Spencer 9 Bill Stopher Love Debbie Greg & Brad 10 Alyssa And Joshua Boss 11 12 13 V.F.W. Post 3030 Charter Since May 17, 1934 Arnie Ruth Kruithoff 16 Chas. Fuller Loving Grandfather Dedicated Creamery Emp. 17 The Sissons Craig & Lorna Joshua 24:15 18 David-Louise Hubbard Jo's Hallmark 19 20 In Honor Of All Our Employees At Harding's Market John W. "Bud" Ash From His Siblings Barbara Ash Jacques From Her Siblings John Shelton And Family The Scout House Est. 1935 Menasha Corporation Foundation Leo Mary Alice Watters In Memory Of Our Parents Stan & Bethel Schmitt 21 In Memory Of Jerry Seibert 22 Medford-June Starr And Family D Peter Lovett Fireman BPOE 8/43-12/67 In Honor Of Warren-Mabel Howell Ash From Their Grandkids The Hoyt's Dave, Chris, Becky & Tim In Loving Memory Sandra Horn Iria, Jayden Trinity Smith Hannah Grace McCall In Honor Of Donald & Shirley Kling David, Carol, Christopher And Patrick Boulter Judy's Restaurant Est. 1965 Les Witters Enterprises Est. 2003 In Memory Of Tony Lester 1962-2000 Wesler Earnest Robert-Howard Douglas Marc Wesler Doug & Cindy Sept 27, 1997 Joseph-Janet Kronke June 30, 1956 Lou Ann-Lori Joe Jr.-John In Memory Of Charles "Bud" Hatten May 18, 1940 July 14, 2003 Country Way Natural Foods The Cook Clan Bugbee's Corners Orangeville Michigan In Memory Of Ruth Smith 1917-1995 To Our Loving Parents J.R. & Sandy Tackett Thank You Otsego! G.C. Bean & Co. Peace Evang. Lutheran Ch. Org. 6-3-1951 Peace W/God Through Jesus Sparks Greg-Lou Ann Andrea-Lee E F First Cong'l Church Of Otsego Organized Jan. 8, 1837 Fred And Ann Arnoldink The Tiffany And Hyet Families Les Witters Enterprises Est. 2003 In Memory Of Scott And Kathryn Irwin Lyle C.-Ellen (Higby) Sisson Amish Oak Treasures Est. 1998 Steve M. Jones OHS US Navy 1963-1995 14 15 In Memory Of Peter E. Brender C Wesler Tag & Marge Sept 16, 1938 In Memory Of Dale Trimm From Verla Donald-Sandra Sparks Greg-Don Jr. Terri-Kevin Brian-Lori Lafaire Dan-Cynde (Verhage) Ashley McCormick Connie Mike Greg Lisa Sarah Jabcon Hannah Jabcon Love Grammy Judy's Restaurant Est. 1965 Detective David Deneau Allegan Co. Sheriff Dept. 1954-1989 Michael Tamara Hoppe Rohr John-Kelly (Verhage) Ethan-Jillian Turner Otsego Lumber Company Jay-Den Boss In Memory Of Alice And Don Newton, Jr. Otsego United Methodist Church 1889 In Memory Of Our GrandParents John And Addie Mason Healey Lew, Vivian Bob, Len, Jean In Memory Of Howard & Nina Snyder Sr. Howard Snyder Jr. In Memory Of Margaret Snyder Judy's Restaurant Est. 1965 Les Witters Enterprises Est. 2002 The Dumars The Glessners The Kruegers Hayes Belcher & Family U.S.A. Veteran Healey Len, Rosemary Roger, Becky Bushouse Family Dan-Linda Michael-Emily William Viola Jones A Lifetime Resident Of Otsego Stacey WC Henrickson Middle Panel A 23 24 City Of Otsego DDA 25 26 Verhage DJ Ginger Taryn Grace 27 Guidebeck Don & Andrea & Family B In Loving Memory Of Alice Nevins Daniel, Beverly, & Patrick Quarry Zach Warren Family 28 The Hal Hamman Family 29 Randy And Mary Lober Champ & Scout 30 Judy's Restaurant Est. 1965 31 Les Witters Enterprises Est. 2003 32 33 34 Pat & Howard Curtis (McLeod) Pat's Beauty Shop 36 37 38 Chuck & Tera Kinnane & Family Cushman Construction Bob & Jan Cushman 1972-2002 39 40 41 Howard & Gwen Norton 10-20-01 42 43 44 46 In Memory Of Clarence-Deke Krueger Francis Grace Krueger William And Katherine McPherson In Honor Of Kerm & Donna Knight In Our Hearts Forever Ralph Forney Cushman Construction Steven Johnson 2002 Clyde & Irene La Duke Ken & Yvonne Nutter & Fam. John 14:1-6 Lovetts John-Sue Dee-John Jr. Robin Joseph Pirrone Robert Gauther Family In Memory Of Nick & Rose Breedveld Max & Betty (Fuller) Bonnell Bennett's Bakery 1912-1929 Allegan County Historical Society Hayman Family Menasha Corporation Foundation E F In Memoriam Carl & Mae Eaton Lifelong Residents In Memoriam Robert Eaton Otsego Commissioner 1979-1993 David And Pat Salisbury Jan 17, 2004 The Beier Family Glenn, Del, Brett and Janene Mildred Eaton In Honor Of Service Floyd W. And Ileta Lober And Family Nulty Insurance Est. 1945 Otte Family Tom, Debbie & All Our Kids In Honor Of Doelker Family Carl & Terrie Wood 203 S. Farmer Elmer "Curley" & Mary Lou Garner Defend Our Freedoms Nulty Greg-Maureen Tim And Diane McPherson June 25, 1977 McPherson Plastics, Inc. Est. 1960 Bud & Hazel McPherson Jan. 22, 1939 Bud And Esta Degood Sept. 9, 1948 Sarah J. McPherson July 22, 1980 Bud & Denny McPherson May 14, 1966 Brian Lynette McPherson Mar. 14, 1992 Harry & Hazel Brown Michael J. McPherson July 21, 1982 Paul Ryan McPherson Feb. 24, 1994 Chase Kelly McPherson Aug, 14, 1995 Drew Patrick McPherson Nov. 7, 1996 Amy & Roy Pueblo June 2, 2002 Jake Maxwell McPherson May 14, 1998 Shane Lawrence McPherson Jan. 8, 2001 Luc William McPherson Mar. 30, 2003 Union-1875 Enterprise 1886 Newspapers Merged-1974 Otsego Chamber Of Commerce Dennis & Anne Kirby Steve & Terri Moses In Honor Of Phil & Joyce Berner Love, Cameron And Marissa Bob & Martha Novotny Apr. 27, 1963 Cushmans Bob & Jan Pam & Doug Von & Darryl Sherry & John Chuck & Kristi Elvin & Linda Wieber Mary Sarah Andrew Liana Seth Caleb Matthew Sara Ryan Chase Emma Carter Healey Mickey Karen Courtland Carver Ashlyne Judy's Restaurant Est. 1965 Lovett Driveway Co. Est. 1973 45 D In Memoryh Of Paul Quigley 1972-1994 Barbara Cronen Keeley Earl (Shorty) Kate McLeod 35 C In Honor Of Kelly-Quigley Family Les Witters Enterprises Est. 2003 In Memory And Honor Of The John Glessner And Harry Rex Families Otsego Rotary Club Est. 1943 W.G. Eaton Woman's Relief Corps. #189 Est. 1899 Otsego, Mich. Larry & Mary Flegal Menasha Corporation Foundation The Wieber's Ryan, Molly, Ben, Sophie Matthew Sebring-GloCheski Familyt Farm 1848-2003 In Loving Memory Of Marilyn Sult (Rishel) 1943-2003 Ritchey Ray Elieen Ray June 1940 Ritchey Titch-Ray 1951-2003 Diane Ray Ron Ray The Golden Girls In Memory Of Carolyn-Smith Chittenden The Golden Girls Lee Brenner Shirley Menck Carie Rife Middle Panel A 47 48 49 In Memory Of My Parents George & Roxanna Anderson Prairewood Golf Course Est. 1989 50 51 Judy's Restaurant Est. 1965 52 Les Witters Enterprises Est. 2003 53 54 In Memory of Perlin Vanarsdal 1900 - 1986 YourFamily 55 56 In Memory of Walt-Florence Reed. The Kids B C In Memory Of Bob J Hare Sr Friend To All Ray & Joyce Baker & Family Plainwell Historic Preservation Society Tengam Engineering Est. 1972 Roger & Dixie Dalrymple 12/3/1977 Charles & Virginia Caldwell 1954 In Memory of Our Sissy Taylor Nicole Glessner Jessica-Brook Consumers Concrete Corporation In Memory Of Jacob Lawther 1985-2003 Loving Memory "Cecil Davis Studio" Cecil & Mildred Davis Marvin Vanderveen & Sons Excavating Est. 1955 58 Otsego Class of 1959 59 DB Nisbet Agy Roger-Barbara Den Braber 60 The Nunley Family Carl and Jane Draper E Ruth Chapman Sherri Brazil Pat Zantjer Helen And Zane Thompson Remembering Curtis Holden 1989/Founder Curtis Trailer Center 1958 In Memory of Our Uncle Dan Hayse Verhage Holsteins Tim Sandy Julie, Kristi Verhage In Honor of Lynn Bronkema Good Friend Henery E. Jungnitsch 1896 - 1979 Caldwell Lumber 1957 - 1977 In Memory of Carl and Irma Kling Howard and Elaine Klein "2004" Thank You Shoppers Guide - Marty Bennett and Staff Thank You Bob and Chuck Cushman Steve Johnson Brick Layers Thank You Sherri Brazill God Bless America F Carl Sanford God Bless 1930 Remembering Max Loebel 1982/Founder Mich. Cottage Cheese 1929 In Memory of Ralph & Lila Burns In Memory of Lauren Lane Our Angel Boulter's Hardware 1979 - 1996 Walt & Vivian Reed & Family 57 D In Memory Of Romaine Sherwood Livingstons Bernard Crystal Bud Gary Bernie Terry The Bunker Family Doug & Julie Brianna & Kaylee The Thurston Family In Memory of Loraine and Garold Bruner By Reg and Sherrry Bruner In Memory of Loraine and Garold Bruner By Lyneta and Jerry Nowak Lyle & Helen Barton Kreighbaum Family 1868 to 1992 Ed & Alice Winter Oct. 23, 1948 Dick and Lee Brenner & Family Denny & Becky Patzer Ben & Irene Budzinski East Panel 1 A B C D March Maidens C,E,J,J,J M,P,P,U Bob Roberta Jeff Heather Miles To My Loving Husband-Duane Bronkema Ladies Auxillary VFW Post 3030 Mike Judy Brandi Owen-Roxanne Bronkema And Family 3 The Dugan Family Lindsey Marsha Reid, Seth 4 Higby Inn 1920's - 1930's 5 Crystal Club Established 1911 6 Larry And Robert Cronen Kitty-Jeff Cummings 7 Rip And Edna Cronen Loving Memory Elaine J. Newton 8 Rebecca & Dakota Doster 2 9 10 Dale & Glenda Roger & Becky Staley Dick & Janice Newton 11 In Memory Of Fred & Irene Galloway 12 In Memory Of Dolores R. Galloway 14 In Honor Of Fred & Jill Campbell 15 With Love To Margaret & Lloyd Snyder 17 18 In Memory Of Celio Landi Emilia Landi From Their Grandchildren Marc & Rhonda Barton Allen & Ulla Thompson 13 16 Tanner Family Marge-Galen Adam-Galen GGGGRChildren Giles Scott Otsego High School Class Of 1958 In Memory-TyBecky-LaurieDick Mitchell Kris & Bruce Kimberly And Brady Moran In Fond Memory Of Jim Rozeboom Your Loving Family In Honor Of Don & Lillian LaDuke In Memory Of Roderick J. Morrison Beloved Son Brother & Dad OHS 1954 Graduated 101 Students Richard And Helen Thompson In Loving Memory Of Vernon Root Little Pines The Deerwester's In Memory Of Vernon "Buss" Dalrymple The Nifty Lunch Lo-Ada Severy Ron & Colleen (Severy) Thaxton In Memory Of Mr. Stewart Parker Kids R. C. Barnd "Barney" P-H Gen. Mgr. Bill & Bev Cushman In Memory Of Jay & Minerva Stockwell Verla Trimm Lloyd Snyder In Memory Of Ron Hummel Sept 59 - Aug 03 E F The Proud Members Of PACE 6-1025 Employed By Menasha PACK Sarah Marie McCarten In Memory Herman Ellis Montague "Charlie" Montague Local Barber And Otsego Mayor Dan & Shirley (Smith) Hayse Mar. 13, 1965 P.E.O Chapter Ed Supporting Women's Education In Memory Of LeRoy & Helen Davis Jason & Vikki Bennett Kailey & Ryan OHS Class Of 1953 In Honor Of Skip Sherwood In Memory Of Vyvyan Clawson In Memory Of R. David Vanblarcom Mike Gibson O.H.S. Class Of 1959 In Memory Of Ruth & George Gibson Zoe LaFaire Dan And Cynde (Verhage) Our Friend Joanne Durren Skidmore In Loving Memory Of Frank-Lydia Morrical Kathy, Joshua And Dana Filkins 2004 The Lakeman's Toby-Tootie And Family Residing Here Since 1955 Steve Hayse Ashley-Kelsey Natalie Orrin "Tex" And Mary Burroughs With Love The Family Otsego School Class Of 1955 Diane Lee Pantaleo Morgan Tool & Die And The Morgan Family Forever Loved John R. Morrison Husband, Dad And Grandpa Ed & Joyce Leffring Lloyd Hadley And Roslyn Cook William "Al" Margaret M. Rogers In Memory Joseph A. Jessie F. And Alva I. Burleigh Charlie And Lulu Woodbury OHS Anthony And Clara Wieber Class Of 1979 South-Left Panel A 1 2 In Memory Of Earl & Hazel Dennis 3 Class of 1957 4 5 6 In Memory Of John-Lorraine Walters George & Linda Swartz 7 Ray & Rita Malvitz B Great Ladies Greta Oliver Laura Housel Dorothy Miner Lilian Colder Class Of 1950 Harrison's Charlie Kim Tarah Marissa Larayne Genni Beth John Sweet 10 11 Jane Evink Hoyt MN To MI 1946 Bev Mike Pat Bob Dave Doug 12 13 14 15 16 17 Jacque Nulty Chad-Marni Matt Drobny In Memory Of Sam Perricone 1941-2006 Son Husband Father Papa 19 20 21 22 In Honor Of Wonderful Parents Owen & Claire Swartz In Memory Of Rev. John R. And Eva M. Lahius Rube Tubbs Otsego Mayor 1952-1958 Loving Memory Of Ayded Kniss Great Grandma Loving Memory Rich Sweetland Kate and Girls In Memory Of Ron Hinkle Ralph And Betty Campbell In Memory Of Carl And Cora Swartz In Loving Memory Gregory S. Cook Bill & Betty Dreger Katy, Sam Tony & Molly Ettwein Merle & Luella Holmes Nov 1, 1948 Together Forever De Goods Radiator & Glass 1948 Otsego High School Class Of 1961 Bridge Pals Rosalie Barb Joeine Carol Our Friend Betty Minehart 2006 Harrison & Georgine Kindig Charles & Selma Kindig In Memory Of Shirley M. Jameson 12-19-65 Rev. Lloyd & Ica Bronson George & Anna & Susanne Bronson In Memory Elsie Myra Kohlenstein Mustang Sally Rex-Girling 1950-2005 Roswell Bud Sherwood 1944 2005 Bud and Linda Sherwood Sept 14, 1963 In Memory & Love Of My Brother Doug Jameson B. Nov 4, 1933 D. Oct. 6, 2009 Zach Warren OPS 1950 1988 Go Blue Roger Warren OHS 1983 VFR Lil Brother The Squires Family Jen, Sue, Gord Harold & Pat Elenbaas F Warner's Market 1962-1978 In Memory Of Catherine & Fred Warner Otsego TV & Appl 1951-2004 Red Monna Covault Cher Deb Pam Mike Tom In Memory Of Louie Beattie The Nowaks In Loving Memory Of Our Father John R. Doss 1936-1989 In Memory Of Rev. Seth Clay Otsego Jazz Ensemble 20 Years 2006 In Memory Of Elizabeth And Henry Venema Mark & Velma Todd Patrick, Lois Kenneth, Keith Ronald, Karen Jon F. Jameson Family In Loving Memory Of Otis-Jean Root Burd Family Ernest & Peggy Velma, Bill Robert, Melvin Jerry, Richard In Honor Of Our Mother Verla Root-Trimm Labby Family Grace & Ray Karla, Mike Autumn & Heather Wehner Cobe & Ruth Coburn Good Friends & Volunteers In Otsego Merriel Smith Mayor 9 Years 1960 - 1979 The Orval R. Jackson Family The Family Of Cloid Weaver The Mahieu's Jim And Betty Dave Sharalyn And Kathy In Memory Of Our Brother Tedd Froelich In Memory Of Tommey Nunley 1947 - 2009 Eley Family Harter Family E OHS Class Of 1951 Amanda* & Jon Ferris & Family (*Bronson) In Memory Of Chet & Frieda Vanderploeg In Memory Of "Dad" Russ Filkins The Lewis Cooley Family 18 D Bud & Esta De Good 8 9 C Beverly Nederhoed Tim & Laurie Andrus & Family Samuel Foster Otsego Town Founder South-Right Panel A 1 Jerald Marcus 2 Arthur McCune GGG Grandson Of Giles Scott 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Dr. Olin Henry & Gertrude Stuck Earl And Dorothy Hurlbut 15 16 17 In Honor Of My Kids Rick Root And Marilyn Abernathy Wilma Covault Nunemaker Michelle Joe Amber Austin Ashley Blake Toothman 1981 Printing Bob-Peggy Britt-Collin Emily-Cambria In Memory Of Basil B. Ash 1928-2006 Connor Jeff, Ronda Keenan, Colin In Living Memory Of Amy Winter - Our Hero - Amanda Allison, Andy In Memory Of Irwin & Betty Hendricks C In Loving Memory Of Steven E. Johnson 1949-2007 History Lives Forever In Otsego Bob & Elaine Gaudio Kenneth & Nellie Pegg Wood Bill & Julie Dawn Sheri Wendy Marshall Kirk & Dawn Amanda & Erica Whitelow Bob & Sherri Katrina Bisel Family Craig & Wendy Alex Brandon Kayla Allison Isaiah 40:31 Honoring All OHS Football Since 1896 Mike & Sherry Hanson Gormsen Val & Marian 1938 Tom & Judy Harmon Dan And Mary Sue Hurlbut Bob And Mary Confer Robert And Sharon Goodrich Richard S. Swinsick Who Brought Music To Otsego Craig And Leslie Warren Livingston's Of Otsego, Mich. Bar JB - Ranch Bob-Jan Cowels Celeste-David Cindy-Daniel Camille-11-17-69 In Honor Of Our Loving Parents Darryl & Marian Ray In Memory Of Pooie & Betty Wilder 19 Helen Elaine Nevins Toby & Tootie Lakemans Kids Gary & Danny Terri & Dee Kelley Harriet Evink Sons Steven Greg & Jason Stan & Carol Signe & Marc Plunkett Tim Nowak Tyler Nowak Mathew Nowak In Memory Of Milo & Gladys Nichols Lori Gale Jarred Gale Kelsey Gale Melissa Gale Ian Gale Ray & Irene Dendel Est. 1942 Bob And Barb Urick Winfield, IL Robert Pulver 2-25-27 7-18-00 F Southwest Michigan Pest Control In Memory Of T.J. And Jo Nunley Harry & Ann Rex & Family The Rife Family F. Leon, Rose Marian, Paul, Roy, Wanda, Carol Young In Memory Jesse James Atwood 2005 Class Of 1967 All Good Things Must Come To An End… June O'Reilly April 18, 1929 June 17, 2004 Carl Margaret Lovett July 16, 1938 Love To Our Parents Cliff & Jane Sage E OHS Class Of 1964 R. David Goodrich And Family 18 20 Mark & Sherri Bronson Thomas And Josephine Murray Pamela Rowe Hendricks OHS 65 Phil 1:3 In Memory Of Bill & Nina Leighton D In Honor Of Helen Strater Jack And Betty Martin Cindy Buckner Mike Buckner Steph Buckner 13 14 Steve E. Johnson Friend-Partner Cushman Const. 1979-2007 In Memory Of Gert & Wally Boettcher 3 4 B In Loving Memory Of Henrietta And Mick Selby January 2008 James & Willa Dendel Est 1963 In Memory of Burtie Deneau 1928 2011 The Deneau Family Mary K & Larry Meert Russ-Shirley Fisher Tom & Connie Dutton In Memory Of Ray & Marian Linsley Nate, Kalyn, Trey, Alex & Madi Dendel Sherda Housel Scott RN Supt Of Wm Crispe '27 Hospital '50 Sonny & Altha (Laws) Belcher Dec. 15, 1956 In Loving Memory of Carl and Kathleen Holland Holland's Dairy 1922 1956
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