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7<A723 /2/G7<6/<2 B63AB=<3E/:: /E/@2A E=@:2/72A2/G 7/<2@C;;=<2 5/G63:A7<97 A13<3 E7:24@C7B¸A @32>/@BG 97;=<= 9@CA6 :=D3167:2 >@=47:3 >:CA ;CA71=4 B63G3/@ ' >/B@719 E=:4 EEE=Cb;/51=C9 2=7<57B67AE/G 7AAC3B67@BGA7F ' 4@33 B63C:B7;/B35C723B=5/G:=<2=< WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM :=@3; =CbZ]`S[ =CbT`]\b PAGE 22 PATRICK WOLF EDITORIAL// ADVERTISING PAGE 45 OUT THERE Upcoming scene highlights for December, plus coverage of Profile, Love Child, Freedom and Kimono Krush Editor David Hudson +44 (0)20 7258 1943 Contributing Editor Adrian Gillan Staff writer John Kelly Design Concept Boutique Marketing Art Director Thom Rhein Graphic Designer Ryan Beal Sub Editor Kathryn Fox Contributors Richard Bevan, Adrian Foster, Edward Gamlin, Den Maloney, Mark Palmer-Edgecumbe, Richard Tonks, Michael Turnbull, Steve Watson Photographer Chris Jepson Publishers Sarah Garrett//Linda Riley Group Sales Manager Rob Harkavy +44 (0)20 7258 1832 Commercial Director Bryan Rodrigues bryan@ultimateguide +44 (0)20 7258 1777 Senior Advertising Executive Dan Goodban +44 (0)20 7258 1832 Senior Advertising Executive Maz Ogden +44 (0)20 7258 1777 Square Peg Media Ltd. 37 Ivor Place London NW1 6EA Phone +44 (0)20 7258 1777 Fax +44 (0)20 7258 1787 The content of this publication, either in whole or in part may not be reproduced, stored in a data retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior permission from the publishers. Opinions expressed in Out In The City are not neccessarily those of the publishers. © Square Peg Media Ltd 2000 - 2009. Square Peg Media Ltd t/a Out In The City magazine will not take any responsibility for any loss/claim resulting from a transaction with one of our advertisers/ Media Partners. PAGE 66 OUTNEWS All the gay news from home and abroad PAGE 70 CAREER Mark PalmerEdgecumbe on careers in the military CONTENTS PAGE 04 LETTERS Send your correspondence to HUDSON’S LETTER The arrival of December means that World AIDS Day is again upon us. At the time of going to press, the latest statistics concerning HIV transmission had not been released, although for the last 20 years, the number of new cases diagnosed in the UK has risen each year. We’ll be able to tell you in the next issue whether that’s the case again for 2008/09. However, for once, this year I was heartened to read some positive HIV-related news. President Obama has announced that from the beginning of 2010, his government is officially ending the ban on HIVpositive people entering the United States. I know many HIV-positive people that have been affected by this unnecessary and Draconian measure. Some have simply decided to not visit the US, while others have felt moved to attempt to hide their medication and pray not to be searched at customs. It’s a long overdue decision, and one that will change the lives of some people affected by HIV – some of whom have felt barred from visiting friends or family in the US. Finally, December is also Out In The City’s third birthday. Do help us celebrate our anniversary – we’re throwing a party at the Shadow Lounge on Friday 11 December and you’re all invited. See you there! PAGE 06 MY LONDON The Ku Bar’s Gary Henshaw gives us his capital highlights PAGE 08 SHOPPING Christmas gift ideas PAGE 11 DIARY December’s cultural highlights in and around London PAGE 22 PATRICK WOLF The precociously talented singer and songwriter sits down with Michael Turnbull PAGE 48 LOVECHILD The Box, The Descent 2 and Cracks reviewed PAGE 34 THEATRE The Rise and Fall Of Little Voice reviewed plus theatre news PAGE 84 MOTORING We test drive the new Renault Mégane Coupé Dynamique PAGE 36 FOOD Aqua on Regent Street and Table in Brighton PAGE 26 MUSIC Our favourite music of 2009, plus gay rapper E.N.V PAGE 30 FILM PAGE 76 PROPERTY Living in Wood Green and the latest products for the home PAGE 6 MY LONDON PAGE 86 TRAVEL Gay Helsinki PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON ISDN: 1473-6039 PAGE 64 OUTREACH A Day In Hand campaign PAGE 92 HOROSCOPES PAGE 94 HEALTH World AIDS Day PARTY TIME! Out In The City will be celebrating is third birthday on Friday 11 December with a party at the Shadow Lounge in Soho - check out page 40 for full details... ! =CbT`]\b :3BB3@A ON FIRE OLLY MURS We do, we must say, also love Danyl Johnson, but we reckon the super cute and cheeky Olly is our X Factor winner this year. IKEA Donated 10,000 candles for the recent hate-crime vigil in Trafalgar Square. Yet more reason to love the Swedish super store. TONY A gritty, low-budget flick about a serial killer stalking the streets of east London. Released in January 2010, it’s already one of our films of the coming year. BELOVED 2SO`=cb7\BVS1Wbg 7¸dSXcabPSS\`SORW\U bVSW\bS`dWSeeWbVbVS [Og]`]T:O[PSbV ;`1V`Wab]^VS` ESZZPSZ]dSI=7B1 ³<]dS[PS` 'K EVObOZ]dSZg`SOR O\ROe]\RS`TcZWRSO b][OYSc\[OW\bOW\SR U`SS\O`SOaOQQSaaWPZS T]`^S]^ZSb]^ZO\b7 \SdS`Y\SebVS`SeOa O[Og]`W\:O[PSbV O\RVS¸aO\]cbUOg [O\5`SObW\bS`dWSe eWbV5]YOaeSZZ5]b [g[c[OQbcOZZg `SORW\UbVS[OUOhW\S ³aVSZ]dSa5]Y BVO\YaT]`O\]bVS` e]\RS`TcZWaacS Mr Jon Island, Leyton, E10 WHAT’S HOT AND WHAT’S NOT THIS MONTH’S RISE AND FALL POLITICO CALVIN HARRIS Invaded the X Factor stage to muscle in on one of John and Edward’s performances… and ended up looking a bit of an idiot in the process. XMAS SHOPPING ONLINE Do you trust the postman to deliver on time this Christmas? The year it’s all about returning to the high street. 6W7eOaW\bS`SabSRb] `SORbVSW\bS`dWSeeWbV bVS[Og]`]T:O[PSbV I=7B1³<]dS[PS` 'K7\SdS`Y\Se VSeOaUOgBVO\Yg]c T]`^`]TWZW\UUOg[S\ bVObO`S\¸be]`YW\U W\bVSb`ORWbW]\OZ BDQSZSP`WbgUOgaQS\S e]`ZRa³Wb¸aU]]R b]aSSO[OUOhW\S `STZSQbW\UbVSTOQbbVOb bVS`SO`SUOg[S\W\OZZ eOZYa]TZWTS³W\QZcRW\U U`Oaa`]]ba^]ZWbWQa Carl, Vauxhall FARE RISES Despite the sluggish economy, both tube and bus fares are set to rise above the inflation rate in January. Thank you, Boris Johnson. ON ICE FIRST LOVE 7dS`g[cQVS\X]gSR 2O\WSZ4`g¸a^WSQS " OP]cbbVSa^WbSTcZO\R \Oabg^WSQSe`WbbS\ Pg8O\;]W`W\bVS 2OWZg;OWZQ]\QS`\W\U AbS^VS\5ObSZg¸a RSObV AVSO^^SO`ab]VOdS RWa[WaaSRbVS Q][^ZOW\bab]bVS >`Saa1][^ZOW\ba 1][[WbbSSOP]cb bVS^WSQSOaaW[^Zg ·O\]`QVSab`ObSR QO[^OWU\¸Q][^ZSbSZg [WaXcRUW\UO\R `STcaW\Ub]OQQS^b bVSRS^bV]Tc^aSb O\R]TTS\QSbVObaVS 6WbVS`S7`SOZZgZWYSRbVSV]\SabO\RSOag`SORW\U VOaQOcaSRAVSXcab R]Sa\¸bUSbWbR]Sa W\bS`dWSeeWbV5]YEO\I=7B1³<]dS[PS` aVS- 'K/\RSdS\bV]cUVeSOZ`SORgY\]eO\R A]AbS^VS\¸aRSObV O`STO[WZWO`b][]ab]TbVSbVW\UaVS^]W\bSR ab`WYSaO\]bVS`PZ]e ]cbbVSPcZZgW\UbVS]RRW\acZbWbeOaU]]R b]bVS·VO^^gSdS` T]`VW[b]]TTS``SOaac`O\QS]\a][SbVW\UbVOb OTbS`[gbV]TQWdWZ 7PSZWSdSGSabVS`SO`S^S]^ZS]cbbVS`SeV] ^O`b\S`aVW^a¸-A]``g eWZZTW\Rg]cQ]]ZeVObSdS`g]cZ]]YZWYSeVWQV [SO\aeSR]\¸b\SSRb]T]ZZ]eO[]RSZ]``SQW^S eVOb[gbVe]cZR b]TWb[SRWOabO\RO`Ra7bVW\YeSaV]cZRbOYSbVWa bVObPS-7¸dSQS`bOW\Zg \SdS`VSO`R]TbVOb Oa]c`[]bb]T]` [gbVPST]`SO\RO[ Marcio Rodrigo Delgado, E4 V]^W\U8O\eWZZa]]\ PSOPZSb]^`]RcQS bVSSdWRS\QST]`bVWa a]QOZZSR[gbVb] /\g]\SeV] POQYc^VS`OaaS`bW]\a VOaOZSbbS` /aTO`Oa7¸[OeO`S ^cPZWaVSRW\ OZZbVSUOg^S]^ZS7 bVS8O\cO`g Y\]eQ]\aWRS`QWdWZ WaacS]T=cb7\ ^O`b\S`aVW^ab]PS]\ BVS1WbgeWZZ O\S_cOZT]]bW\Ub] `SQSWdSOQ]^g [O``WOUS³a][S]T ]TbVS\Se bVS[eWZZe]`YO\R 2D2EVW`ZeW\R@SZSOaSR a][S]TbVS[aORZg Pg>SQQORWZZ]>WQbc`SabVSQ][SRgR`O[OWa e]\¸bA][SbW[Sa OP]cbO[gabS`W]caO\RQVO`[W\Uab`O\US`eV] ZWYSW\VSbS`]aSfcOZ W\TWZb`ObSaOU`]c^]TUOgT`WS\RaW\<SeG]`Y7b¸a [O``WOUS]\SVOZT]T ]cb8O\cO`g³eee^SQQO^WQaQ][ O^O`b\S`aVW^[WUVb BVSe`WbS`]T8O\cO`g¸aAbO`:SbbS`eWZZ`SQSWdSO Q]^g]TEVW`ZeW\RO\ROQ]^g]T/\3\UZWaV[O\ b`OUWQOZZgRWSg]c\U T`][\Obc`OZQOcaSa 7\<SeG]`YBVSSOUS`ZgOeOWbSRT]ZZ]ec^b] bVSU`]c\RP`SOYW\U'%aR`O[OBVS<OYSR1WdWZ B]^cPZWaVacQVO AS`dO\bbVSTWZ[TW\Ra8]V\6c`b`S^`WaW\UVWa`]ZS ^WSQS]\bVSSdS]TbVS [O\¸aTc\S`OZeVS\Wb Oa?cS\bW\1`Wa^bVWabW[SSf^Z]`W\UVWaZObS`ZWTS [WUVbQOcaS[OfW[c[ W\<SeG]`Y7beWZZPSOdOWZOPZS]\2D2T`][ & c^aSbb]bV]aSQZ]aSb] 2SQS[PS`Q]c`bSag]T;][S\bc[>WQbc`Sa B]PSW\eWbVOQVO\QS]TeW\\W\U^ZSOaSPSac`S VW[eOa_cWbSaW[^Zg b]W\QZcRSg]c`TcZZ\O[SO\R^]abOZORR`SaaeWbV RWaUcabW\U Robert, Bethnal Green bVSZSbbS`g]caS\Rca 3[OWZSRWb]`WOZ.]cb[OUQ]cY STAR LETTER WAN FAN WIN! OP]cbTW`abZ]dSaI=7B1 ³<]dS[PS` 'K BVS`SO`Sa][S^S]^ZS eV]eWZZOZeOgaPS OPZSb]bcU]\]c` VSO`bab`W\Ua\][ObbS` V]eZ]\UWbVOaPSS\ aW\QSeSZOabaOebVS[ ³O\RWbeOaV]\Sab]T VW[b]e`WbSOP]cbVWa Sf^S`WS\QSa³7V]^S VWaQc``S\bP]gT`WS\R RWR\¸b[W\R7¸[\]b ac`S[W\Se]cZR VOdSPSS\a] c\RS`abO\RW\U7Z]]Y T]`eO`Rb]`SORW\U []`ST`][;`4`g Emmanuel, W2 DAILY HATE 7eOaOPa]ZcbSZg RWaUcabSRb]VSO` Everyone who had a letter published this month won a copy of new DVD, Boys On Film 3: American Boy =CbT`]\b MY LONDON 9C0/@=E<3@5/@G63<A6/E57D3A CA67A1/>7B/:6756:756BA >=@B@/7B0G16@7A83>A=< E63@32=G=C1=;34@=;=@757</::G7U`Sec^W\O^WQbc`Sa_cSaSOaWRSb]e\QOZZSR;OZOVWRSeVWQVWaaWbcObSRO TSe[WZSa\]`bV]T2cPZW\QWbg E63@32=G=C1C@@3<B:G:7D3/<2E63<272G=C;=D3B63@37¸dSZWdSRW\6]ZP]`\T]`bVS^OabbV`SSgSO`a/TbS`ZWdW\UW\bVSESab3\RT]` #gSO`a7RSQWRSRb][]dSOeOgT`][bVSVcabZSO\RPcabZSO\R[gZWbbZS8OQY @caaSZZBOaVOZ]dSabVSTOQbbVObaVSUSbaOZ]\US`eOZYeWbV[Sb]e]`Y E6/B¸AB6303ABB67<5/0=CB:=<2=<7VOdSb`OdSZZSROZZ]dS`bVSe]`ZRO\R7VOdSb]aOgbVOb:]\R]\VOaPgTO`bVS U`SObSabO\R[]abRWdS`aSUOgaQS\SBVS`SO`Sa][O\g]^bW]\aT]`eVObSdS` \WUVb]TbVSeSSYg]cO`S]cbES]^S\SR:]\R]\¸aTW`ab:50Bb]c`Wab W\T]`[ObW]\]TTWQSOP]dS9c:WaZSAb`SSbbVWa[]\bVO\R^S]^ZSeV]Q][SPg O`S`SOZZgW[^`SaaSRObbVSVcUSO\RRWdS`aSaQS\SbVOb:]\R]\]TTS`a /<2B63E=@AB7bVW\YbVOb:]\R]\QO\PS_cWbSc\T`WS\RZgeVS\g]cW\WbWOZZgO``WdS>S]^ZS ]\bVSbcPS]`ZWdW\U\SfbR]]`R]\¸bbOZYb]SOQV]bVS`1][W\UT`][Oa[OZZ b]e\bVObeOaa][SbVW\U7T]c\R_cWbSVO`Rb]USbcaSRb]6OdW\UaOWRbVOb OTbS`ObbS\RW\UbVS`SQS\b·<]B]6ObS1`W[S¸QO\RZSZWbdWUWZW\B`OTOZUO`A_cO`S WbeOadS`gb]cQVW\Ub]aSSV]ea][O\gRWTTS`S\b^S]^ZSW\bVWaQWbgUSb b]USbVS`b]abO\Rc^T]`eVObeSPSZWSdSW\ E6/B/@3G=C@4/D=@7B3@3AB/C@/<BA7SObOb0OZO\a]TbS\OaWb¸adS`g`SZWOPZS7O[OZa]OPWUTO\]T@O\ROZZ/cPW\ ]\0`SeS`Ab`SSbbVSZ]PabS`O\RQVW^aO`SO[OhW\U7b¸aOZa]dS`gUOgO\R7 O[OPWUPSZWSdS`W\ac^^]`bW\UUOg`c\O\RabOTTSRPcaW\SaaSa E63@32=G=C5=2@7<97<5=PdW]caZg7a^S\R[]ab]T[gbW[SW\[gbe]PO`a]\4`WbVAb`SSbO\R:WaZS Ab`SSb<]bXcabPSQOcaSbVSg¸`S[gPO`aPcb7TW\RbVS^S]^ZSeV]U]bVS`SO`S bVSa]`b]T^S]^ZSbVOb7ZWYSb]a]QWOZWaSeWbVO\R9cPO`VOaPgTO`bVSPSab [caWQO\RbVSaSfWSabPO`abOTTW\:]\R]\ 4/D=C@7B35@33<A>/137OR]`S6O[^abSOR6SObV7bbOYSaXcabbeS\bg[W\cbSa]\bVSbcPSO\R]\QS g]c¸`SbVS`Sg]cTSSZZWYSg]c¸`SW\bVSQ]c\b`gaWRS E6/B¸AB63;=ABG=C¸D33D3@>/724=@/1/0/<2B=E63@37`O`SZgbOYSZ]\UQOPX]c`\SgaPcbeVS\7R]7¸[OZeOgaZSOdW\UeOZZSba^V]\Sa ]`W>]RaW\bVS[a]bVSgS\Rc^PSW\UdS`gSf^S\aWdSX]c`\SgaW\RSSRBVS []abSf^S\aWdSbOfW7¸dSSdS`bOYS\eOaeVS\7OaYSRO\/RRWa]\:SSb]eOWb T]`[SeVWZS7eObQVSRO;OR]\\OQ]\QS`bObbVS= 7bVW\YWbaSb[SPOQY OP]cb"OaeSU]babcQYW\bVSQO`^O`YT]`bV`SSV]c`aOTbS`eO`RaPSQOcaS bVS8cPWZSSZW\SeOaR]e\AbWZZ;OR]\\O`]QYSR 74G=CE3@3;/G=@4=@B632/GE6/BE=C:2G=C2=B= 7;>@=D3:=<2=<7e]cZRQVO\USbVSZWQS\aW\UZOeaW\bVSQO^WbOZa]bVOb`Sa^]\aWPZSO\ReSZZ `c\PO`aUSb`SeO`RSRO\R]\ZgbV]aSPO`a^S`^SbcOZZgQOcaW\U^`]PZS[aUSb ^S\OZWaSR<]bXcab9c0O`PcbOZZ]TbVSPO`abVOb[OYSc^bVSaQS\SORRa] [cQVb]bVSdWP`O\Qg]TA]V]O\RbVOb¸aU]]R\SeaT]`SdS`g]\S 4/D=C@7B3:=<2=<A=<5:]\R]\a]\U-ESZZOa]\UbVObOZeOga`S[W\Ra[S]TU]]RbW[SaW\:]\R]\ 7\bVS'a7`O\bVS:W[SZWUVbQZcPeWbV2cabg=7¸[\]bac`SV]eeS e`O\UZSRWbPcbeSU]bbVSSfQZcaWdS`WUVbab]aQ`SS\bVSTW`abaV]eW\U]TbVS ·4`]hS\¸dWRS]Pg;OR]\\OEVObOU`SOb\WUVb7beOabVS:W[SZWUVbQZcPbVOb UOdS[SbVSQ]\TWRS\QSb]abO`bbVS]`WUW\OZ9cPO`O\ReVS\SdS`7VSO`bVOb a]\UWbbOYSa[SPOQYb]bVObbW[S /@3G=CA7<5:3=@2/B7<5/Pa]ZcbSZgb`OUWQOZZgaW\UZSc\T]`bc\ObSZg6]eSdS`5O`g6S\aVOe>:1 WaQc``S\bZgZ]]YW\UT]`O\Obb`OQbWdSTc\\gO\RUS\cW\SUcgb]TWZZbVS`]ZS]T P]gT`WS\R 7<D7B3CAB=/>/@BG 9c0O`eWZZPSQSZSP`ObW\UWba"bVPW`bVROg]\4`WROgbV2SQS[PS`O\ReWZZPS V]abW\UO^O`bgOb]c`4`WbVAb`SSb9c0O`[]dW\U]\b]:WaZSAb`SSbZObS` 4OQSP]]Y(·9c0O`>S]^ZS¸ $ % =CbaV]^ >@=2C1BA THIEF FAVES SHOPPING... STICK IT TO US Looking for a product that marries practicality with sentimentality? We believe that you can never have enough USB sticks, so were taken by the Suck UK Mix Tape USB - which houses a stick in a retro cassette-shaped case. Suck UK USB Stick, £20.99, from DOLL FACE Unfortunately, these won’t be available in time for Christmas (released in February 2010), but we know that some of you will be excited to hear about them, nonetheless. Mattel are releasing a new series of ‘Ladies of the 80s’ Barbie dolls: Debbie Harry (pictured above), Cyndi Lauper and Joan Jett. Could Barbie possibly get any more kitsch? MUG’S GAME If you want to help Stonewall this Christmas, you could always invest in one of its new ‘Some people are gay. Get over it!’ mugs. The bright red mugs cost £4.99 plus £3.95 P&P Have you spent hours attempting to take the perfect profile picture? Something that might help is the new Samsung ST550 (£269.99) – the first digital camera with two screens. The 12.2-megapixel camera has a 3.5in touchscreen on the back, and a postage-stamp sized screen on the front, perfect for taking self-portraits. & WATCH OUT If you want to stand out from the crowd, skip the iPhone and plump instead for LG’s super sci-fi looking Watch Phone (LG GD910). The unit features a touchscreen interface, eight different watch faces, plus an MP3 player. Sadly, there are no web-browsing capabilities – making this one more for fans of design than function. It’s £500, exclusively from Orange on a pay-as-you-go basis. GILES FOR CRUSAID PICTURE THIS Looking to purchase some bling for your man this Christmas? Check out the menswear at bespoke Brighton jewellers Jewel Thief (26 Dukes Lane, Brighton, BN1). We like the Amber France cable tie bracelet (£185) and cable tie ring (£100), as well as the chunky skull pendant (£165) by Tina Lilienthal (not shown). Buy online at Singer Dan Gillespie Sells models a new Giles Deacondesigned T-shirt for Crusaid. The limited edition T-shirts, featuring the GILES collection mascot, ‘Eek’, are being sold to help promote Crusaid’s new Think.Talk. Act.Give! campaign, and have been launched to coincide with this year’s World AIDS Day on 1 December. The T-shirts cost £30 from =CbT`]\b 27/@G CALENDAR EVENTS// DECEMBER 2009 06 & 13 DEC: Pam Ann, the eternally glamorous creation of comedienne Caroline Reid, touches down in London for just two dates this month. Long loved on the gay scene, fans that have seen her perform throughout the capital can expect a venue upgrade as this time she performs in the renowned London Palladium. An impressive accolade, but it’s unlikely that the grand setting will see her tone down her notoriously sharp-tongued take on all that’s flawed and fabulous in the world of flight. FRI 01 DEC Eurythmics singer, gay icon, human rights activist and all-round good egg, Annie Lennox is honoured at a gala dinner in the special event ‘A Tribute To Annie Lennox’. Not just a celebration of the star’s enduring appeal, the event in The Guildhall purposefully takes place on World AIDS Day and raises funds for the tireless work of the British Red Cross. 26 NOV-20 DEC: BVS B`c[O\0`SeS`g^ZOga V]abb]·/ZZ7EO\b4]` 1V`Wab[Oa¸³O^]^c^ aV]^^W\US[^]`Wc[ O\RRSaWU\S`[O`YSb `c\\W\UW\bVS[]\bV ^`SQSRW\U1V`Wab[Oa 3f^SQbOeWRSdO`WSbg ]TSfQZcaWdSU]]Ra]\ aOZST`][W\RS^S\RS\b `SbOWZS`aaV]eQOaSR W\UWTb[O`YSba SfVWPWbW]\aRSaWU\S` aOZSaO\RW\RS^S\RS\b aV]^a¬OZZc\RS` ]\S`]]T/R[WaaW]\ WaT`SSO\RS\b`O\QS eWZZPSdWO3Zg¸aGO`R #6O\Pc`gAb`SSb O\R&0`WQY:O\S3 7b¸a]^S\bWZZ$^[]\ 4`WROgaAObc`ROgaO\R Ac\ROgaO\RbWZZ'^[ ]\BVc`aROgaeee b`c[O\P`SeS`gQ][ TUE 01 DEC: @SZWUW]\ =T:]dSWaO\Se^ZOg bVObSfO[W\SabVS aWbcObW]\TOQSRPgUOg ;caZW[aE`WbbS\Pg HOY2SS\O\RRW`SQbSR Pg1VO\R`WYO>ObSZ bVWaQ][SRgR`O[O eWZZQ][ST]`]\S\WUVb ]\Zgb]bVS@WQV;Wf O`badS\cS]\BcSaROg 2SQS[PS`!#"% 0SbV\OZ5`SS\@]OR 3BWQYSba eee`WQV[Wf]`UcY 01 DEC-10 APR:<]e TW`[ZgW\[]bW]\OTbS` Wba <]dS[PS`RSPcb 1Ob=\/6]bBW\ @]]TQ]\bW\cSab] aV]eObbVS<]dSZZ] BVSOb`Sc\bWZ /^`WZ/a]\S]TbVS OZZbW[SQZOaaWQa]T /[S`WQO\bVSOb`SbVS ^ZOg`SQS\bZgTW\WaVSR Oa]ZR]cb`c\]\ 0`]OReOgO\RC9 bVSOb`SU]S`aVOdS bVS`O`S]^^]`bc\Wbg ]TaSSW\Ua][S]T bVST]`[S`Q]c\b`g¸a SAT 02 DEC As part of its current retrospective of director Sally Potter’s work, the BFI is giving fans of her 1992-film Orlando a rare chance to see the cult classic with a screening and Q&A at the BFI Southbank. Although unconfirmed at time of press, it was also rumoured that the film’s star, Tilda Swinton, would also be in attendance. []abdS\S`ObSR OQb]`a]\bVS:]\R]\ abOUSBOYW\UbVSZSOR Wa3[[gB]\gO\R 5]ZRS\5Z]PSOeO`R eW\\S`8O[Sa3O`Z 8]\SaeWbVac^^]`b Q][W\UT`][>VgZWQWO @OaVOReV]`S[OW\a W\abO\bZg`SQ]U\WaOPZS Oa1ZOW`S6cfbOPZS]T BVS1]aPgAV]eBVS ^`]RcQbW]\VOaPSS\ RW`SQbSRPg2SPPWS =CbT`]\b 27/@G IMAGE © MONA HATOUM – HOT SPOT, 2006, DAVID ROBERTS COLLECTION, LONDON CALENDAR EVENTS// DECEMBER 2009 03 DEC-31 JAN: The Royal Academy of Arts, Burlington Gardens, will be playing host to the GSK Contemporary exhibition this winter, featuring 20 art exhibitions, 40 live events and 100 film screenings – showcasing new international artists from Europe, Asia and the US and highlighting emerging 03-07 DEC Eddie Izzard is a man on the move. Following his seven-week marathon through the British Isles, he’s now running an extended tour of his latest production, Stripped, through the UK, before hotfooting it over to Europe and the US. Concluding his English shows are five London dates split between the O2 and Wembley Arena, suitably large-scale venues from this big-league performer. /ZZS\]T4O[S¬S` S\Rc`W\UQZOaaWQeee TO[SBWQYSbaQ]abT`][ YW\UaVSORbVSOb`S]`U b]"'#eee QObeSabS\RQ][ THUR 03 DEC: Ag\bV ZSUS\R5O`g<c[O\ SAT 02 DEC >]eS`TcZ ^ZOgaO]\S]TT TS[OZSd]QOZWaba1VOYO :]\R]\RObSObbVS 9VO\/\OabOQWOO\R 7\RWU]= /`S\O S`:cZcQ]\dS`US]\ A3eee\c[O\ bVS6O[[S`a[WbV Q]cY /^]ZZ]b]QSZSP`ObS ·OZZbVObWb[SO\ab] 04-06 DEC: A^]bO PSOe][O\¸OabVSW` RSaWU\abO`]TbVS 6S`S1][SBVS5W`Za Tcbc`SObOaV]eOb b]c`[OYSaWbaeOg 0`WQY:O\S¸aB`c[O\ b]:]\R]\eee 0`SeS`gbVWa[]\bV VS`SQ][SbVSUW`Za]`U 8cabT]`bV`SSROga WbeWZZPSV]abW\U 02 DEC-10 JAN(/[]\U /^^ZWSR7[OUW\ObW]\ bVSOaa]`b[S\b ³0`W\UW\U;SbV]R ]TaSOa]\OZ^ZOga B];OR\Saa³O bOYW\U^ZOQS]dS` aV]eQOaS]T`SQS\b bVSTSabWdS^S`W]R e]`YT`][bVS WabVS9W\U¸a6SOR U`ORcObSa]T1S\b`OZ BVSOb`S^`]RcQbW]\ Ab;O`bW\¸a;/2SaWU\ ]T/1V`Wab[Oa AbcRWSaQ]c`aS 1O`]ZEWbVOQOab W\QZcRW\U8]\ObVO\ 04-06 DEC: BVS 0ObbS`aPgO\R/RO[ QOdS`\]caQVO[PS`a Ab]\SWb¸aOTO[WZg ]TbVS2]QYZO\Ra¸ T`WS\RZg`SbSZZW\U]TbVS 3f1SZV]abOQcZW\O`g trends. Sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline (hence GSK), this year’s show is entitled Earth: Art of a Changing World, and it seeks to encourage debate, discussion and creative thinking around the role art can play on the relevance that climate change has on our daily lives. www. MON 04 DEC US singer/songwriter Regina Spektor concludes her brief UK tour with this solitary gig in the Hammersmith Apollo. Expect to hear hits from her latest album Far, released in June. Q][[]bW]\eWbV bVWagSO`¸aBOabS =T1V`Wab[OaTOW` 2`OeW\Ub]USbVS` QVSTaU]c`[SbaeW\S Sf^S`bae`WbS`aT]]R ^`]RcQS`aQV]Q]ZObWS`a O\R[]`SdWaWb]`aO`S W\dWbSRb]aO[^ZSbVS eO`Sa]\]TTS`W\O\ SdS\bc\`S^S\bO\bZg RSRWQObSRb]bVS =CbT`]\b 27/@G CALENDAR EVENTS//DECEMBER 2009 ^ZSOac`Sa]TSObW\U R`W\YW\UO\RPSW\U [S``gBWQYSbaQ]ab 'W\ORdO\QS ]`#T]`OD7> bWQYSbT`][eee bOabS]TQV`Wab[OaQ][ MON 21 DEC To tie in with the release of their Christmas EP, and to round off a high-profile year, including the release of the excellent album Yes back in March, the Pet Shop Boys play a full concert at the O2 Arena, SE10. 02, 09, 16 DEC Musical comedy duo Topping & Butch continue their Wednesday night residency at theLeicester Square Theatre with their new show Sex, Drugs & Harriet Harman – An Evening with Topping & Butch. " WED 09 DEC: 4O\a]T aW\US`O\Ra]\Ue`WbS` @cTcaEOW\e`WUVb eWZZ^`]POPZgOZ`SORg VOdSPOUUSRbWQYSba T]`bVSEOW\e`WUVb ;Q5O``WUZS4O[WZg 1V`Wab[Oa1]\QS`b bOYW\U^ZOQSObbVS @]gOZ/ZPS`b6OZZ 3\bWbZSR·/<]bA] AWZS\b<WUVb¸bVSaV]e eWZZTSObc`S@cTcaO\R ;O`bVOEOW\e`WUVb O\RbVSW`[]bVS` 9ObS;Q5O``WUZSeWbV Q]\TW`[SRa^SQWOZ UcSabaW\QZcRW\U0]g 5S]`US2Oe\4`S\QV 5cg5O`dSg8S\\WTS` AOc\RS`aO\RBVS BV][^a]\aBSRRg 9O[W:W\ROO[]\Uab ]bVS`a>`]QSSRaT`][ bVSSdS\beWZZU]b] bVS9ObS;Q5O``WUZS 4c\R³O\]\^`]TWb ]`UO\WaObW]\RSRWQObSR b]QO\QS`QO`SO\R IMAGE © JIM STARR PHOTO © BILL COOPER 10 DEC-24 JAN: Choreographer Matthew Bourne’s acclaimed and now classic production of Swan Lake returns to Sadler’s Wells Theatre for a limited Christmas run. First premiered in 1995, this ground-breaking allmale production has played to packed houses around the world. Tickets cost £10-£50. `SaSO`QVeee O\]ba]aWZS\b\WUVb\Sb 10 DEC-6 FEB: BVS /Z[SWROBVSOb`S W\7aZW\Ub]\eWZZPS V]abW\UO`SdWdOZ]T >Ob`WQY6O[WZb]\¸a QZOaaWQbV`WZZS`@]^S T`][2SQS[PS` c\bWZSO`Zg4SP`cO`g 4W`ab^`S[WS`SR W\' 'O\RZObS` bc`\SRW\b]OTWZ[Pg /ZT`SR6WbQVQ]QYbVS ^ZOgSfO[W\SaO\ O^^O`S\bZg[]bWdSZSaa [c`RS`QO``WSR]cbPg be]c\RS`U`ORcObSa BWQYSba&! eeeOZ[SWROQ]cY 10 DEC-31 JAN FRI 11 DEC: 8]W\bVS =cb7\BVS1WbgbSO[ OaeSQSZSP`ObSbVS [OUOhW\S¸abVW`R PW`bVROgeWbVOaeO\Yg 1V`Wab[OaPOaVObbVS AVOR]e:]c\USW\ A]V]3\b`gWa#T`][ '^[]\eO`Ra Drinking den Dalston Superstore may have already cemented a reputation for holding raucous parties, but the latest exhibition to be held here – by artist Jim Starr – shows that it’s also committed to accumulating creative kudos. Entitled ‘See It Now or Miss It Forever’ the work comprises unique prints conveying Starr’s interest in the louche and the lowbrow, with pin-ups and pop-culture references frequently found in his work. Running until the end of January, it’s another option for East End partygoers seeking to combine cavorting and culture over the winter months. # =CbT`]\b 27/@G CALENDAR EVENTS// DECEMBER 2009 08 & 10 DEC: Anyone who PHOTO ©ANDREW MACPHERSON saw her powerful acrobatic performance at the VMAs this year will already know that Pink’s shows pack serious muscle. Continuing with the circus theme, the feisty singer brings her Funhouse tour to London’s O2 Arena for two more daredevil dates this month. 20-31 DEC Ahead of a European tour in 2010, Boy George will be performing a series of intimate shows at the Leicester Square theatre – stripped down, acoustic and unplugged. Expect both solo hits and Culture Club classics. Tickets cost £35-£45. Shows are at 9.30pm, with a 4.30pm show on New Year’s Eve (there are no shows on 24, 25 and 26th December). Box office 0844 847 24 75. $ 15-24 DEC:/\g]\S SUN 13 DEC:4Z]`S\QS O\RBVS;OQVW\S Q]\QZcRSbVSW`Qc``S\b [W\Wb]c`eWbVO]\S ]TTUWUW\0`Wfb]\¸a = /QORS[geee TZ]`S\QSO\RbVS [OQVW\S\Sb eV]ObbS\RSRbVS RSS^Zg[]dW\U QO\RZSZWUVbdWUWZW\ B`OTOZUO`A_cO`S `SQS\bZgeWZZVOdSPSS\ W[^`SaaSRPgV]ab AO\RWB]YadWU¸aOPWZWbg b]STTcaSbVS^]WU\O\b ]QQOaW]\eWbVeO`[bV Vc[]c`O\RV]^S /UOW\bOYW\U]\ Q][^|`SRcbWSabVWa []\bVaVS[OYSaVS` eOgb]bVSA]cbVPO\Y 1S\b`ST]`O[]`S ZWUVbVSO`bSR]QQOaW]\( AO\RWB]YadWU¸a 1V`Wab[Oa1`OQYS` /QSZSP`ObW]\]TbVS TSabWdSaSOa]\WbaSSa VS`X]W\SRPgQSZSP`Wbg UcSabaT]`OUZWbbS`W\U [Wf]T[caWQ[OUWQ O\RQ][SRgeee a]cbVPO\YQS\b`S Q]cY 15-17 DEC: 4]ZZ]eW\U bVSacQQSaa]TVS` aSQ]\ROZPc[:WZg /ZZS\`]c\Ra]TT Ob`Wc[^VO\bgSO` eWbVOQ]c^ZS]T ^`S1V`Wab[OaUWUa ObbVS /QORS[g W\0`Wfb]\eee ZWZgOZZS\[caWQQ][ THUR 17 DEC: 0OaS[S\b8OffeWZZ PSbV`]eW\UOPWU ^`S1V`Wab[OaQ]\QS`b ObbVS= /`S\OW\ 5`SS\eWQVAc^^]`b eWZZQ][ST`][bVS ;S`Qc`g>`WhSeW\\W\U A^SSQV2SPSZZSeee POaS[S\bXOff\Sb WED 09 DEC Placebo and their enigmatic frontman Brian Molko continue to command a loyal following. Proving their pulling power, they’re taking to the sizeable stage of the O2 Arena to promote their latest album, Battle For The Sun. PHOTO © DEAN CHALKLEY 11-13 DEC: 4]ZZ]eW\U bVSTc`]`S]dS`]\S ]TVWa`SQS\bX]YSa Wb¸aPSQ][S^`Sbbg ]PdW]cabVOb8W[[g 1O``R]Sa\¸bbOYSO R]\¸b[S\bW]\bVS eO`O^^`]OQVb] Q][SRgA]ZRWS`W\U ]\RSa^WbSbVS Q]\b`]dS`agVS Q]\QZcRSabVS :]\R]\RObSa]T VWaQ]\bS\bW]ca @O^WS`EWbb]c`eWbV bV`SSRObSaObbVS 6O[[S`a[WbV/^]ZZ] eeeXW[[gQO``Q][ 15-16 DEC Legendary British group Depeche Mode return to the O2 Arena as part of their current global tour. Promoting their new album Sounds Of The Universe, it’s a fleeting opportunity to see the electro pioneers perform live before the tour concludes in February. % =CbabO\RW\U B63/<<C/: AB=<3E/::/E/@2A B==9>:/13/BB63D/ 7<<=D3;03@³/<2 A?C/@3>35;327/B63 >C0:7A63@A=4B67A ;/5/H7<3E3@3/;=<5 B63E7<<3@A BVST]c`bVO\\cOZAb]\SeOZZ/eO`Rab]]Y^ZOQS Ob:]\R]\¸aD/]\BVc`aROg#<]dS[PS`O\R [O\g]TbV]aSeV]VOdS^`SdW]caZgObbS\RSRbVS SdS\bQ][[S\bSRbVObbVWagSO`¸aPOaVeOabVS aZWQYSabO\R[]abeSZZ^`]RcQSRgSb BVSSdS\ba^]\a]`SRPg0O`QZOgaWaVSZRb] QSZSP`ObSOZZbV]aSeV]VOdS[ORSO^]aWbWdS W[^OQb]\bVSZWdSa]TZSaPWO\UOgO\RPWaSfcOZ ^S]^ZS]dS`bVSZOab []\bVa³O\Rb] VWUVZWUVba][S]TbV]aSeV]VOdSPSVOdSRW\O ^O`bWQcZO`ZgV][]^V]PWQTOaVW]\/\SabW[ObSR "^S]^ZSObbS\RSRbVSSdS\bW\QZcRW\U ^ZS\bg]TQSZSP`WbWSa^]ZWbWQWO\aa^]`ba^S]^ZS O\Re`WbS`aBVS`SeS`SR`W\YaO\R\WPPZSa PST]`SVO\RW\bVSD/¸aabc\\W\U`]bc\RO PST]`SSdS`g]\S[]dSR\SfbR]]`b]bVS [caSc[¸aPSOcbWTcZ@O^VOSZ5OZZS`gT]`bVS OeO`RaUWdW\UQS`S[]\g >O`b]TbVS`SOa]\bVObbVSSdS\b^OaaSRa] 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BVSAb]\SeOZZA^]`ba/eO`ReS\bb] Q][^SbWbWdS[]b]`QgQZWab;WQVOSZ6WZZeVWZSbVS The g3 team from Square Peg Media Representatives from the Allsorts youth project collect their award and cheque Gok Wan Kristian Digby (second left) and Ivan Massow (third right) with Stonewall staff and supporters Brian Paddick (second left), Joan AmyBakewell Lamé (centre) and friends PHOTOS CHRIS JEPSON AND PIERS ALLARDYCE AWARDS 2009 Sarah Garrett and Linda Riley Gok Wan, Ben Summerskill and Andrew Cowles Ab]\SeOZZ0O`QZOga1][[c\Wbg5`]c^]TbVS GSO`OeO`RO\RO#QVS_cSeS\bb]bVS /ZZa]`bag]cbV^`]XSQbW\0`WUVb]\4W\OZZgeSW\ bVS^`SaaO`SOZeOgaYSS\b]Y\]eeV]e]\bVS ·>cPZWQObW]\=TBVSGSO`¸OeO`Ra]eSeS`S ^O`bWQcZO`ZgRSZWUVbSReVS\bVWagSO`¸aV]\]c` eOaUWdS\b]U![OUOhW\S³aWabS`^cPZWQObW]\]T =cb7\BVS1Wbg:W\RO@WZSgO\RAO`OV5O``Sbb eV]b]USbVS`VSORA_cO`S>SU;SRWOQ]ZZSQbSR bVSOeO`RT]`bVSQ][^O\gµ7b¸aOb`S[S\R]ca V]\]c`T]`U!b]PSOeO`RSRbVWaOQQ]ZORS¶aOWR :W\ROOTbS`eO`RaµSa^SQWOZZgeVS\g]cQ]\aWRS` bVSVWUVQOZWP`S]T]c`TSZZ]e\][W\SSaBVWaWa 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His next single, O`S\]bOR]UPcba][SX]c`\OZWabaO`SR]UaeWbV ‘Damaris’ is out 15th December. /Z]b]T^S]^ZSVOdSd]WQS]dS`abVSaSROga :WbbZS0]]baVOaa][S]\S]\VS``SQ]`R:O @]cfVOaODW\QS\b>`WQSa]c\ROZWYS 6OVOEV]QO[STW`ab-BVSQVWZR`S\QO\^ZOgW\ bVSW`^ZOgU`]c\R0cbO\geOgeWbVBWZRO7eS\b c^b]bVS@WbhgeVS`SaVSeOaR]W\UO?/T]` ]\S]TVS`TWZ[a³8cZWO;g_cSabW]\eOa·E]cZR g]cPS]\[g`SQ]`R-¸BWZRObSabO[S\bb]VS` US\WcaO\RV]ea^]\bO\S]caaVSWaaOWR·gSa¸ LOVE, AT THE END OF THE DAY, WHETHER IT’S GAY OR STRAIGHT, IS AN EMOTION WE ALL SHARE " =Cb\]e ;CA71 THE YEAR IN MUSIC B63=CB7<B6317BGB3/;¸A4/D=C@7B31CBA4@=; '¬ ALBUMS FLORENCE AND THE MACHINE LUNGS 02 LADY GAGA The Fame Monster (Polydor) 03 THE XX XX (Young Turks) 04 LILY ALLEN It’s Not Me It’s You (Regal) 05 LA ROUX La Roux (Polydor) 06 PET SHOP BOYS Yes (Island) 07 BLACK EYED PEAS The E.N.D (Polydor) 08 PALOMA FAITH Do You Want The Truth Or Something Beautiful (Sony) 09 THE HORRORS Primary Colours (XL) 10 PEACHES I Feel Cream (XL) 11 DEPECHE MODE Sounds Of The Universe (Mute) 12 CHERYL COLE 3 Words (Polydor) 13 FRANKMUSIK Complete Me (Island) 14 DIZZEE RASCAL Tongue N’ Cheek (Dirtee Stank) 15 PATRICK WOLF The Bachelor (Bloody Chamber) 16 MCALMONT & NYMAN The Glare (MN) 17 ROBBIE WILLIAMS Reality Killed The Video Star (EMI) 18 FUCK BUTTONS Tarot Sport (ATP) 19 MORRISSEY Years Of Refusal (Polydor) 20 GRIZZLY BEAR Veckatimest (Warp) $ SINGLES LADY GAGA POKER FACE (Polydor) 02 LA ROUX In For The Kill (Polydor) 03 PALOMA FAITH Do You Want The Truth Or Something Beautiful (Sony) 04 BLACK EYED PEAS I Got A Feeling (Polydor) 05 LILY ALLEN The Fear (Regal) 06 LADY GAGA Just Dance (Polydor) 07 SHAKIRA She Wolf (Sony) 08 DAVID GUETTA FEAT. KELLY ROWLAND When Love Takes Over (EMI) 09 JAY-Z & ALICIA KEYS Empire State of Mind (Roc Nation) 10 FLORENCE AND THE MACHINE Rabbit Heart (Island) 11 CIARA FEAT. JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE Love Sex Magic (Jive) 12 THE FREEMASONS FEAT. SOPHIE ELLIS BEXTOR Heartbreak (Make Me A Dancer) (Rom/Universal) 13 DIZZEE RASCAL Bonkers (Dirtee Stank) 14 LILY ALLEN It’s Not Fair (Regal) 15 PET SHOP BOYS Love, Etc (Island) 16 CHERYL COLE Fight For The Love (Polydor) 17 BWO Right Here Right Now (Conehead) 18 PEACHES I Don’t Wanna Lose You (XL) 19 LA ROUX Bulletproof (Polydor) 20 GOSSIP Heavy Cross (Sony) =Cb\]e ;CA71 TAKING THE RAP 23A>7B3@/><=B037<5B63;=AB5/G4@73<2:G =4;CA7153<@3A !G3/@=:23<D7A/:=<2=< 0/A325/G@/>>3@/BB3;>B7<5B=;/937<@=/2A 7<B=B6316/@BA EVS`SeS`Sg]cP]`\O\R`OWaSR- 7eOaP]`\W\@]QVT]`RO\R`OWaSRW\1O\dSg 7aZO\R3aaSfO\RO[\]eZWdW\UW\1O\\W\U B]e\ EVS\RWRg]cabO`b[OYW\U[caWQO\R ^S`T]`[W\U/bbVSOUS]TaWf7PSUO\b]PSQZOaaWQOZZgb`OW\SR ]\bVS^WO\]O\RbVOb¸aPOaWQOZZgV]e[g[caWQ QO`SS``SOZZgabO`bSR7PSUO\e`WbW\U[g]e\ [caWQObO`]c\RbVSOUS]T7TW`ababO`bSR ^S`T]`[W\U[gVW^V]^O\R`¸\¸P[caWQObO`]c\R bVSOUS]T EVWQVOQbaVOdSPSS\g]c`PWUUSabW\TZcS\QSa- =\S]T[gPWUUSab[caWQOZW\TZcS\QSaVOa PSS\[g^WO\]bSOQVS`AVSb]ZR[SO\gbVW\U eOa^]aaWPZSO\R\]e7¸[R]W\UO\gbVW\UO\R SdS`gbVW\Ub]ZWdS[gR`SO[O\R[OYSWbQ][S b`cS EVS\RWRg]c`SZSOaSg]c`TW`ab[ObS`WOZ7`SZSOaSR[gRSPcbOZPc[c\RS`[gT]`[S` \O[S;13\dg]\bVS!ab/cUcab & G]c¸`SXcabTW\WaVW\UO\/[S`WQO\b]c`EVOb VOdSPSS\bVSVWUVZWUVbaBVS/[S`WQO\b]c`VOaPSS\PSbbS`bVO\7SdS` Q]cZRVOdSW[OUW\SRSdS\bV]cUV7`SOZZgRWR\¸b Y\]eeVObb]Sf^SQbBVS`SeS`Sa][O\g VWUVZWUVbabV`]cUV]cbbVSb]c`bVSQ`Ohg^S]^ZS bVOb7[SbO\ReV]QO[Sb][gaV]ea¬ZOZa] RWROaV]eeVS`S7`O^^SR]dS`OUcg^ZOgW\U bVSdW]ZW\ZWdSb]]\S]T[gb`OQYa³bVObeOa OeSa][S & 7abVSUOg`O^O\RVW^V]^aQS\SOZ]b[]`S RSdSZ]^SR]dS`W\bVSCA;caWQW\US\S`OZ7bVW\YWa[]`SRSdSZ]^SR]dS` W\bVSCABVS[O`YSbWa[cQVPWUUS`O\R7TSSZ bVS`SWaO^ZOQST]`SdS`gbVW\U]cbbVS`S7TSZbbVOb [g[caWQeOaUWdS\O\S_cOZ]^^]`bc\Wbg]cb bVS`SeVS`SOaa][SbW[Sa7TSZZWbWa]dS`Z]]YSR ]dS`VS`S /`SbVS`SO\gOQbabVObg]cbVW\YeSaV]cZR QVSQY]cbA^]YS\4]`[cZO]bVS`eWaSY\]e\Oa5`O\R @]gOZO\R>VOhSO`SO`O^Rc]T`][<SeG]`Y 1Wbg³bVSW`abcTTWaU`SOb7U]bb]e]`YeWbV5`O\R @]gOZeVWZab7eOaW\<G1ESe`]bSOa]\UT]`O \SeTWZ[Q][W\U]cbO\ROZa]e]`YSR]\O\Se aW\UZS]T[W\SeVWQVeWZZPS`SZSOaSRZObS`]\ \SfbgSO` BVSVW^V]^aQS\SQO\PS_cWbSV][]^V]PWQ ³VOdSg]cSf^S`WS\QSRV][]^V]PWOg]c`aSZT ³acQVOa\OabgQ][[S\ba]\;ga^OQS]` b`]cPZSP]]YW\UUWUa7bWadS`gb`cSabWZZbVObbVSVW^V]^aQS\SQO\PS _cWbSV][]^V]PWQ6]eSdS`7TSSZ[g[caWQ WaU]]RS\]cUVT]`[gaSfcOZWbgb]\]bSdS\ Q][SW\b]^ZOgO\RPSO\WaacS7^S`T]`[W\a] [O\gRWTTS`S\bdS\cSaO\Rb]a][O\gRWTTS`S\b OcRWS\QSaO\Ra][SbW[Sag]cUSbbVS]RR `STS`S\QSaPcb7Z]dSeVOb7R]O\R7¸[\]bU]W\U b]ZSb[gaSfcOZWbgab]^[ST`][[OYW\U[g R`SO[VO^^S\6]eSdS`7VOdS`SQSWdSROTSe \OabgQ][[S\baO\RVOdSOZa]VORb`]cPZSeWbV P]]YW\Ua][SUWUaPcb7¸[R]W\UeSZZO\RVOdS Z]ORa]TP]]YW\Uaa]Wb¸aOZZU]]R 2]g]cbVW\YbVSe]`ZRWa`SORgT]`O\]cbUOg `O^O`bWab-=`WaWbOZZO\c^VWZZab`cUUZSb]USb ObbS\bW]\ESZZOa7aOWRPST]`S7¸[XcabO`O^^S`bVOb VO^^S\ab]PSUOgPcb7bVW\YbVSe]`ZR\SSRa b]PS`SORgQOcaS7¸[Q][W\U7TSSZbVObT]`[]ab O`bWabaWb¸aO\c^VWZZab`cUUZSb]USbObbS\bW]\ 5WdS\bVSabObS]TbVS[caWQW\Rcab`gZOPSZaO`S PSW\U[]`SQOcbW]cabVO\SdS`W\bVSW`aWU\W\Ua 2]g]cbVW\Y[OW\ab`SO[`SQ]`RZOPSZaO`S ZWYSZgb]aWU\O\]cbUOg`O^^S`]`O`Sg]c `SaWU\SRb]^cbbW\UabcTT]cbg]c`aSZT7bVW\YPSW\Uµ]cb¶QO\SWbVS`PS\STWbg]c]`\]b RS^S\RW\U]\eVOb[O`YSbO\RRS[]U`O^VWQ g]cO`SbO`USbW\UeWbVg]c`[caWQ7¸[Qc``S\bZg aWU\SRb][g]e\W\RS^S\RS\bZOPSZO\R bVWaUWdSa[Sb]bOZQ`SObWdSO\RbW[SQ]\b`]Z ]dS`OZZ[g`SZSOaSaO\R7USbbVSTW\OZaOgW\ SdS`gbVW\U0cb7R]PSZWSdSbVObWTg]c`[caWQ WaU]]RS\]cUVbVS\aSfcOZWbgaV]cZR\¸bbc`\O [OW\ab`SO[ZOPSZOeOgaV]cZRWbEVObW\a^W`Sag]cO\Rg]c`Zg`WQa7USbW\a^W`ObW]\T`][SdS`geVS`S)ZWTSSf^S`WS\QSa TSSZW\UaS[]bW]\aO\Ra][SbW[SaWbaU]]Rb]PS Q`SObWdSOaeSZZOa^]ZWbWQOZO\RV]\Sab EVS\QO\eSSf^SQba][S\Se[ObS`WOZT`][ g]cO\ReVS\O`Sg]c`\SfbUWUaW\bVSC9- 7¸[Qc``S\bZg`SQ]`RW\U[gaSQ]\ROZPc[eVWQV7 e]\¸bPS`SZSOaW\Uc\bWZbVSac[[S`]T\SfbgSO` 6]eSdS`7eWZZPS`SZSOaW\UOTSe\SeaW\UZSaW\ bVSa^`W\U]T 7¸[]TTb]0S`ZW\a]]\R]b] OTSeaV]ea]dS`bVS`SO\RVOdSOTSeaV]ea Q][W\Uc^W\:]\R]\O\R;O\QVSabS`PST]`SbVS S\R]TbVSgSO`4c`bVS`W\T]`[ObW]\QO\PST]c\R Ob[geSPaWbSa7\ORRWbW]\b]bVWa7VOdSOZa]Xcab abO`bSR^ZO\\W\U[gTW`abe]`ZRb]c`³a]eObQV bVWaa^OQS =Cb\]e 47:; FILMS OUT IN DECEMBER THE BEST DVDS DECEMBER ’09 MAKE THE YULETIDE GAY Christmas time can be difficult for many gay folk – with many leaving their self-created gay families behind to return to the bosom of their blood relatives. That’s the scenario explored in this witty but warm-hearted movie, which has proved a hit at gay festivals around the world. Chris is resigned to a dull family at home… until his boyfriend Nathan turns up on the doorstep. Can the boys keep the true nature of their relationship a secret… LAW ABIDING CITIZEN OUT: NOW Sf^Z]`ObW]\]TacQVO\WaacSQ]cZR\¸bPSZSaaacPbZS +++++ O\Ra][S[Og`SQ]WZObbVSPZ]]RbVW`abgUZSSO\R THE HANGOVER P`cbWaV[O\\S`W\eVWQVbVSP]RgQ]c\bPSUW\ab] []c\b7\bS`SabW\UZgOZbV]cUVbVSOcRWS\QS[Og Despite not featuring any abO`b]cb`]]bW\UT]`AVSZb]\OaVWa[c`RS`a^`SS big names, this bawdy stag PSUW\ab]TO\]cbPgbOYW\UW\^S`a]\aeV]ZZg night comedy proved to c\W\d]ZdSReWbVVWaTO[WZg¸aRS[WaS³eSTW\R]c` be something of a sleeper ag[^ObVWSaaVWTbB]aOgbVObbVS^Z]bWaTO`TSbQVSR summer hit. Four male e]cZRPSO\c\RS`abObS[S\bES¸`SOaYSR\]ba] friends hit Vegas ahead of [cQVb]aca^S\RRWaPSZWSTOab]aS\RWbPc\USS the wedding of one of their Xc[^W\U<]baW\QS9SdW\A^OQSg¸a8]V\2]S party… just how much W\ASdS\VOaa][S]\S[OabS`[W\RSRacQVO\ drunken trouble can they get Sfb`OdOUO\bO\R³_cWbST`O\YZg³ZcRWQ`]ca[c`RS` themselves into in one night? This a better-than-average a^`SS/\gObbS[^bObaS`W]caQ][[S\bWaZ]abOa comic outing will ring bells with anyone who’s woken up bVSTWZ[[]`^VaW\b]OZZ]cbdWUWZO\bSOQbW]\ unsure of what they may have got up to the night before. CZbW[ObSZgbVS\Wb¸a\]\aS\aS¬PcbOaRW`SQb]`4 OUT: 7 DECEMBER 5O`g5`OgR]Sa\¸bZSbbVS^OQSR`]^T`][abO`bb] +++++ TW\WaVWb¸aZ]cRSf^Z]aWdSbV]`]cUVZgS\bS`bOW\W\U \]\aS\aS]TbVSVWUVSab]`RS`7Tg]cZWYSP`cbWaV INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS `SdS\USbV`WZZS`a³eWbVa][S\OYSRaV]ba]T;` 0cbZS`bV`]e\W\T]`U]]R[SOac`S³g]c¸ZZTW\R Brad Pitt, Christoph Waltz, :Oe/PWRW\U1WbWhS\OU`W^^W\UUcWZbg^ZSOac`S26 and Eli Roth star in Quentin =cb( %<]dS[PS` Tarantino’s unique take +++++ THE BOX 2WaOPZSRRSa^S`ObSO\RTOQW\UO[]`OZ RWZS[[OOa<]`[O:SeWaW\@WQVO`R9SZZg¸a \SeTWZ[BVS0]f1O[S`]\2WOhRSZdSaW\b] c\QVO`OQbS`WabWQOZZga][P`SbS``Wb]`gASbW\ DW`UW\WOW\'%$<]`[OO\RVcaPO\R/`bVc` 8O[Sa;O`aRS\O`SO\c\Oaac[W\UQ]c^ZS TOQW\UTW\O\QWOZQ]ZZO^aSeVS\OaV]QYW\UZg RST]`[SRab`O\US`QOZZac\O\\]c\QSRO\R ^`SaS\babVS[eWbVO\W\\]Qc]caP]fO\RO aW\WabS`^`]^]aWbW]\7TbVSg^`SaabVSPcbb]\]\ bVSP]fbVSgeWZZPSOeO`RSRO[WZZW]\R]ZZO`a O\ROa]ZcbW]\b]OZZbVSW`TW\O\QWOZe]SaPcbeWZZ aW[cZbO\S]caZgS\RbVSZWTS]Ta][S]\SbVSgR]\¸b Y\]e/ZcRWQ`]ca^`S[WaSOR[WbbSRZgPcbT]` TO\a]T9SZZg¸a[]abTO[]caTWZ[2]\\WS2O`Y]Wb aV]cZRPS\]ac`^`WaSbVObbVWaWa[S`SZgO^`SZcRS b]OTWZ[bVObPSQ][SaW\Q`SOaW\UZgWZZ]UWQOZO\R TO\bOabWQOZeWbVSdS`gQ]\d]ZcbSRbeWabO\R Q]\b`ORWQb]`gbc`\0cbaORZgbVS`SWaORWTTS`S\QS PSbeSS\bVSbe]EVWZS2O`Y]RSa^WbSWbaS``ObWQ SZS[S\baab]]R]cbOaPSW\UP]bVc\aSbbZW\UO\R W\b`WUcW\UBVS0]faYSZbS`abV`]cUVWbaab]`gZW\S eWbVacQVORWaQ]`RO\b`VgbV[O\Rc\Q]\dW\QW\U ! on the Second World War, focusing on a band of Jewish-American renegades who set out to foil the German army – claiming as many Nazi scalps as they can in the process. It might boast questionable historical accuracy, but many critics found it to be Tarantino’s finest offering since Pulp Fiction. OUT: 7 DECEMBER +++++ DISTRICT 9 ac^^]`bW\UQOabbVObWb¸aVO`Rb]TSSZQ]\dWQbW]\ W\SWbVS`bVS^Z]b]`bVSQVO`OQbS`aBVSQ]c^ZS¸a \]\RSaQ`W^ba]\T]`SfO[^ZSQZO\YaVWaeOg bV`]cUVbVSTWZ[eWbVO^S`T]`[O\QSa]e]]RS\ bVObVS[WUVbPSPSbbS`QOabOabVSP]fWbaSZTWT bVSgSdS`TWZ[OaS_cSZ 7b¸aOZZ`ObVS`O^WbgEVWZSbVSTWZ[]PdW]caZgb`WSa VO`RWTg]c¸`SZ]]YW\UT]`Ob`cZgQ][^SZZW\UTWZ[ `ObVS`bVO\Obe]V]c`RWab`OQbW]\^S`VO^aWb PSbbS`b]¬c[bVW\Y]cbaWRSBVS0]f89 =cb("2SQS[PS` +++++ Peter Jackson produces and Neill Blomkamp directs this sci-fi blockbuster. A huge spaceship hangs over Johannesburg, unable to return home. It’s alien inhabitants live in a ghetto beside the human population, and it falls upon Afrikaner bureaucrat Wikus van de Merwe (Sharlto Copley) to evict the so-called ‘prawns’. However, things go awry when he becomes infected by a potion created by one of the aliens. An intelligent, thrilling piece of sci-fi. OUT: 28 DECEMBER +++++ REVIEWS: DAVID HUDSON AND JOHN KELLY 2]g]cZWYSg]c`OQbW]\TZWQYab]Q][SeWbV O\Sfb`OVSZ^W\U]TbSab]abS`]\S-:]]Y\] Tc`bVS`bVO\]cbZO\RWaVdS\USO\QSbV`WZZS`:Oe /PWRW\U1WbWhS\1ZgRSAVSZb]\¸a5S`O`R0cbZS` eWTSO\RROcUVbS`O`SdW]ZS\bZg[c`RS`SRPg O^OW`]TPc`UZO`aa]VS¸aV]``WTWSReVS\bVS ^`]aSQcbW\UObb]`\Sg<WQY@WQS8O[WS4]ff OZZ]ea]\S]TbVSOQQcaSRb][OYSORSOZBVS bVcUacPaS_cS\bZgbSabWTWSaOUOW\abVWa^O`b\S` O\R^ZSORaUcWZbgb]bVSZSaaS`QVO`US]TbVW`R RSU`SS[c`RS`³bVcaS\ac`W\UOaV]`bS`^`Wa]\ aS\bS\QSBVSO[PWbW]caObb]`\SgWaaObWaTWSROa Wb[OW\bOW\aVWaVWUVQ]\dWQbW]\`ObSO\RXcabWQS VOaPSS\aSS\b]PSR]\SAVSZb]\]\bVS]bVS` VO\RWaRWaUcabSRO\RbVcaaSbaOP]cb^Z]bbW\UO\ SZOP]`ObSO\Ra]^VWabWQObSR[SbV]R]TW\TZWQbW\U XcabWQS\]b]\Zg]\bV]aSUcWZbg]TVWaTO[WZg¸a [c`RS`¬PcbOZa]]\OZZbV]aSeV]Q]ZZcRSRW\bVS RSOZ[OYW\U^`]QSaa :Oe/PWRW\U1WbWhS\WaO^`]d]QObWdSTWZ[eVWQV ORR`SaaSaUS\cW\SQ]\QS`\aOP]cbbVSCAXcabWQS agabS[O\RbVSOPWZWbgT]`bV]aSOQQcaSR]T Q`W[Sab][OYS^ZSOPO`UOW\RSOZaeWbVObb]`\Sga RSa^S`ObSb]aSQc`SQ]\dWQbW]\a6]eSdS`Wba ! =Cb\]e FILMS OUT IN DECEMBER THE DESCENT: PART 2 /aTO`Oa0`WbWaVV]``]`TWZ[aU] RW`SQb]`<SWZ;O`aVOZZ¸a #bV`WZZS` BVS2SaQS\beOa³bVO\YTcZZg³O QcbOP]dSbVS\]`[]TTS`W\UOZ]e PcRUSbPcbacWbOPZgbS\aSR`O[O aSbRSS^PS\SObVbVS/^^OZOQVWO\ []c\bOW\a<]eT]c`gSO`aZObS` O\RVSZ[SRPgTW`abbW[SRW`SQb]` 8]\6O``WaeV]e]`YSROaSRWb]` ]\bVSTW`abTWZ[eSVOdSBVS 2SaQS\b(>O`b eVWQV^WQYac^ SfOQbZgeVS`SbVSTW`abTWZ[ZSTb]TT @SaQcSbSO[aO`SObbS[^bW\U b]b`OQYR]e\bVSe][S\eV] eS\b[WaaW\UeVWZSQOdW\UW\bVS []c\bOW\aAc`dWd]`AO`OV1O`bS` AVOc\O;OQR]\OZRWaRWaQ]dS`SR OP]dSU`]c\RPcbWab`Oc[ObWaSR O\RQO\\]b³W\WbWOZZg³`S[S[PS` O\gbVW\U]TbVSSdS\babVObb]]Y ^ZOQSW\bVSQOdSagabS[AQS^bWQOZ bVSZ]QOZaVS`WTTRSQWRSab]bOYSVS` POQYPSZ]eU`]c\ReWbVbVS`SaQcS bSO[ZSRPg0`WbOQb]`2]cUZOa 6]RUSb]VSZ^bVS[Z]QObSbVS [WaaW\UU`]c^/\g]\SeV]aOe bVSTW`abTWZ[QO\UcSaabVS`SabOa MR RIGHT CRACKS 7b¸aOP]cbbW[SbVWaQ][SRgR`O[O U]bRWab`WPcbSRb]OeWRS`OcRWS\QS Q]\aWRS`W\Ua][S]TbVSQVSO^ V][S[]dWS_cOZWbgb]aVbVOb¸a O`]c\RObbVS[][S\b 0OaWQOZZgbVWaWaOUOgBVWa:WTSaSbW\ OeSZZVSSZSRe]`ZR]TA]V]WbSa7b¸a VS`SeS[SSbO\Oaa]`b[S\b]TUOg Q]c^ZSac\WbSRW\bVSW`T`WS\RaVW^ eWbVPSOcbWTcZTOUVOU:]cWaS 5S]`UWOHO`WaeV]WaVOdW\U aSQ]\RbV]cUVbaOP]cbbVSaSfcOZ ^`SRWZSQbW]\a]TVS`QcbSP]gT`WS\R 7b¸abVObYW\R]T_cSabW]\W\U]TaSfcOZ ]`WS\bObW]\bVObWaObbVSVSO`b]TbVS [cZbWab`O\RR`O[O /bbVSS^WQS\b`S]TbVSab]`gWa 6O``g8O[Sa:O\QSeV]ZWdSaeWbV eO\\OPSOQb]`Qc[eOWbS`/ZSf :cYSRSE]]ZTa]\O\ReV]aS `SZObW]\aVW^Wa`SOQVW\UOQ`WaWa^]W\b Oa/ZSfPSUW\ab]`SOZWaSbVObVS¸a b]][cQV]TOYS^b[O\=bVS` QVO`OQbS`aW\QZcRSB][OacQQSaaTcZ O`bWab^ZOgSRPgbVSTWZ[¸ae`WbS` O\RQ]RW`SQb]`2OdWR;]``Wa³eV] `STcaSab]eOYSc^O\Ra[SZZbVS Q]TTSSeVS\^SOQ]QY^`SS\W\U ^]aS`:O`a0S\XO[W\6O`bcaSaVW[ OaO[SOZbWQYSb7b¸aOZa]`ST`SaVW\U b]aSSOZSaa]PdW]caUOgQVO`OQbS` ZWYSP]fS`TOQSREWZZWO[@]QYg ;O`aVOZZeV]OaOT]`[S`ab`OWUVb /RO^bSRT`][O'''\]dSZPg AVSWZO9]VZS`1`OQYaWaaSbW\O 0`WbWaVP]O`RW\UaQV]]ZT]`UW`Za W\'!"/R]`[Wb]`g]TUW`ZaO`S `cZSR]dS`PgVSORUW`Z2W8c\] BS[^ZSO\RO`SQ]ZZSQbWdSZgW\ OeS]T`SPSZZW]caO\RS\WU[ObWQ g]c\UbSOQVS`;Waa53dO5`SS\ eV]^`SaWRSa]dS`bVSUW`Za¸RWdW\U ZSaa]\a2W^O`bWQcZO`ZgWaS\`O^bc`SR Pg;Waa5PcbWaRWa^ZOQSROabVS bSOQVS`¸aTOd]c`WbSPgbVSO``WdOZ ]T\SeA^O\WaV^c^WZ4WO[[O ;O`WODOZdS`RS³bVSPSOcbWTcZ O\RaS`S\SROcUVbS`]TOA^O\WaV O`Wab]Q`Ob4WO[[O¸aO``WdOZaS`W]caZg c\POZO\QSabVSU`]c^Rg\O[WQ b`WUUS`W\UOQ]\TZWQb]TZ]gOZbWSa O[]\UabbVSUW`ZaO\RabW``W\U c^T]`PWRRS\^OaaW]\aW\;Waa5 8SOZ]cagZ]\UW\UO\RZcabPcWZRb]O ^O`bWQcZO`ZgaV]QYW\UQZW[Of 1`OQYaWaac`Sb]RS[O\RW\bS`Sab WT]\ZgT]`bVSTOQbbVObWb¸abVS TcZZZS\UbVRW`SQb]`WOZRSPcb]T 8]`RO\AQ]bbbVSROcUVbS`]TbVS ZSUS\RO`g@WRZSgAQ]bbBVO\YTcZZg bVSTW\WaVSR^`]RcQb]TTS`a^ZS\bg b]V]ZRbVObObbS\bW]\7bZ]]Ya abc\\W\UTSObc`SaOQZcbQV]TU`SOb ^S`T]`[O\QSaT`][Wbag]c\UQOab O\R]TTS`aO\W\bS`SabW\UTS[OZS bOYS]\bVSeOgQVWZR`S\O\R ! 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The Vaudeville Theatre, 404 The Strand, WC2. SHORE THING Celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, Hampsted Theatre shows no signs of slowing down with two diametrically opposed plays running in repertory throughout the festive season. For evening audiences, the premiere of Michael Punter’s new play Darker Shores is a sinister and foreboding tale set on the desolate Sussex coast during Christmas 1875. Professor Gabriel Stokes (Mark Gatiss of The League of Gentlemen) arrives at a decaying family retreat to be disturbed by a series of mysterious and troubling occurrences. Enlisting the help of spiritualist Tom Beauregard (Julian Rhind-Tutt), he embarks on a terrifying journey to discover the true history of the house. Darker Shores runs from 3 December to 16 January, with tickets costing £15-£25. PHOTO © CATHERINE ASHMORE DISSENTING VOICES Surely a contender for the campest panto this Christmas is Leicester Square Theatre’s adults-only production of Sinderfella. Flourishing in the title role is drag queen Bette Rinse, while Kat the Cookie Monster, who some of you may remember from a stint on Big Brother, plays Fairy Gone Wong. A playfully subversive take on the classic fairytale Cinderella, Sinderfella sees Bette Rinse turn drag debutante when the real Cinderella fails to show at the ball. Firmly tongue-incheek throughout, expect a bawdy mix of fabulous crossdressing and near-knuckle comedy. Sinderfella runs in Leicester Square Theatre’s Basement Theatre from 4-30 December, with tickets costing £15. HEY, BIG SPENDERS Continuing its hugely successful festive tradition of reviving classic musicals, the Menier Chocolate Factory in London Bridge presents its revamped interpretation of Sweet Charity, with Tamzin Outhwaite taking the lead as the idealistically named Charity Hope Valentine. Running for over 600 performances on Broadway when it first appeared, Sweet Charity deals with a subject matter that is easy to relate to. Gullible but loveable dreamer Charity faces various misadventures in love as she combats her complete inability to resist the charms of men who are no good for her. Haven’t well all been there? The soundtrack features upbeat classic tracks such as ‘Hey, Big Spender’ and ‘If My Friends Could See Me Now’. Sweet Charity runs at Menier Chocolate Factory until 7th March, with tickets costing £29.50. =CbbVS`S 4==2 (a Spanish restaurant) and Aqua Kyoto (a Japaneseinspired restaurant) – plus a large roof terrace that will be particularly handy in the summer. You enter via a lift on Argyll Street (opposite the Palladium) and – for Kyoto – ascend to the fifth floor, where gorgeous staff usher you through to the main dining area. If you didn’t know that this was previously a Dickens & Jones canteen, you’d certainly never guess. Thousands of pounds have been spent on transforming the space into a dark and sexy dining room. There are mahogany floorboards and tables, deep red lighting and gold, oriental silks on the walls. Mirrors disguise the square columns, while backlit screens adorn the ceiling. Sushi chefs busy themselves in an island bar in the centre of the room, and on my visit the atmosphere was noisy and bustling (the nearby bar was busy with invitees for an Elle Decoration party taking place in the adjoining room). Aqua Kyoto offers plenty of choice on its menu, and you are encouraged to choose several dishes for sharing, rather than just a starter and main course. Throwing ourselves with gusto into this task, myself and my companion began our meal with seared beef tataki with chilli ponzu (£9.50) – six pieces of lightly seared, amazingly tender beef topped with finely chopped spring onion and chilli. It was similar to a Japanese beef carapaccio, and the meat was truly melt-in-the-mouth. The prawn tian (£8.50) – a finely chopped pile of papaya, cucumber and prawn with crab caviar was refreshing, but for our money, the beef was the better choice. Neither of us would normally have chosen the spinach rolls with homemade sesame sauce (£5), but our waiter, Jimmy, recommended the dish… and we were glad he did. Lightly blanched spinach, tightly squeezed and rolled into rolls and accompanied by a delicious, nutty sauce. It might not sound like much, but we wiped the plate clean. This was followed by Alaskan King Crab tempura with crab miso (£18) – flavoursome chunks of crab, wrapped in seaweed, briefly fried and then served with a crab miso sauce. The Aqua Kyoto Saikyo miso black cod (£26) was generous, although a tiny bit more of the wonderfully syrupy miso coating wouldn’t have gone amiss. Grilled beef tenderloin with Japanese mustard sauce (£19) was a winner, although it did rather resemble slivers of tenderloin with a dab of mustardy mayonnaise. Not everything was so highly priced. Cheaper hot dishes included a scallop and salmon tempura with soba noodles (£11.50), or braised octopus with taro and pumpkin (£9.50). Naturally, we had to try some sushi, and here Kyoto excelled. Its soft-shell crab sushi rolls (£11.50) and grilled fatty tuna rolls (£18) were faultless works of art – the latter being truly to die for. Finally, for dessert, we indulged in a green tea tiramisu (£5) and a yuzo chocolate fondant with yuzo sorbet and sweet rice sauce (£7.50). The latter was especially goo-ey and comforting. Aqua Kyoto is an accomplished and slick operation offering very good Japanese cuisine and excellent sushi in seductive surroundings. It might not – yet – boast Nobu’s celebrity count, but is a welcome addition to the central London restaurant scene. Rose ‘Le Grand Fricambault’ Domaine Andre Neveu (£33). Starters cater for both the vegetarian as well as the fish and game lover. I opted for the red cabbage, gorgonzola, discovery apple and walnut salad (£4.50). This looked gorgeous but it was dwarfed by the daily special – the broken crab claws (£12 for a dozen, £6 for six). These were ornately arranged on a silver salad platter with all the necessary accessories for devouring them in style. The bowl of lemon water kept our fingers smelling sweet. After much deliberation concerning main courses, this lapsed vegetarian succumbed to trusting our waiter’s recommendation once again and opted for the soy-marinated skirt steak, onion rings, bean sprouts and coriander salad (£12). My faith was rewarded with a generous and beautifully presented portion of medium rare steak skirt. With such a reasonable price for this treat we were happy to pay £2.50 for green salad and minted new potatoes. My partner chose seared local scallops with a creamy cauliflower burell (mash to the rest of us!), pancetta, sage and merlot vinegar (£17). Scallop portions are rarely enormous, although it was more than enough even without the massive crab claw starter. Despite being pleasantly full, it would have been wrong not to make space for Table’s ‘dessert menu with a difference’. We decided to share the chocolate fanatic’s dream Chocolate Brownie Sundae (£4.50) and the Coconut rice pudding, passion fruit and coriander (also £4.50). Adding passion fruit and coriander gave our dessert a delightful zing that encouraged us to finish it in a lazy, contented style with a glass of 10-year Fonseca Tawny Port (£6.50). After that, we could happily have spent the rest of the night at Table. If we tired of looking at each other, Table’s expansive windows are a people watcher’s paradise. The sushi bar at Aqua Kyoto REGENT STREET SPICE DAVID HUDSON REVIEWS AQUA KYOTO 240 Regent Street, W1 (entrance at 30 Argyll Street, W1) 020 7478 0540 Taking over the space formerly occupied by Dickens & Jones, Aqua is a lavish new restaurant and bar development on Regent Street. The brand is already well established in Hong Kong, but this is the first branch in to the UK. Clearly not one to do things by halves, the company has launched in London with some ambition. This prime, central London site is vast, and the group have designed three distinct areas within it. There’s Aqua Spirit (a bar), Aqua Nueva TOP TABLE MAZ OGDEN REVIEWS TABLE My Hotel Brighton, 17 Jubilee Street, The Lanes, Brighton, 01273 900 383 Modern British cuisine, meat and seafood specialities sourced straight from the south coast coupled with fantastic service awaited us at Table. Located in the heart of Brighton’s famous North Laines adjoining the stylish, boutique My Hotel, Table is the place to impress a date or make your office party feel appreciated without blowing a banker’s budget. On arrival, we were instantly impressed by the contemporary yet comfortable décor. Even our silver chairs were ornately designed in keeping with Table’s funky image. Friendly, knowledgeable, yet discreet, staff put us at ease as did their gorgeous house aperitif, the Table Kir Royal (“Bolney Bubbly” 2006 and crème de cassis – £6.75). Table’s fabulous wine and champagne list had just enough selection for my partner to enjoy making the decision without getting lost. Upon the French head waiter’s recommendation we opted to go local with the Sancerre !$ =CbdWSe 1=:C;<7AB GIVING TO RECEIVE 23<;/:=<3GE=<23@A74/<G=<3@3/::G 57D3A574BA/<23F>31BA<=B67<57<@3BC@<¬ BVW\Y]TOTSee]`RabVObg]cOaa]QWObSeWbV 1V`Wab[Oa7T·b`Oc[O¸Wa\¸b]\S]TbVS[^S`VO^ag]c¸dS bV]cUVb]TWba]bVS`\O[S(^`SaS\ba7T7VORb]ZWab[g bV`SSe]`ab1V`Wab[OaSaWb¸RPSbVSgSO`7U]bb]bVS Q]\TSQbW]\O`gRS^O`b[S\bZObSb]TW\RbVS`SeOa]\Zg Bc`YWaV2SZWUVbZSTbO\ggSO`eWbV0WZZ ;c``OgW\OTSabWdSTWZ[O\RbVSgSO`7 RSQWRSRb]PSV]\Sab 7RWR\¸beO\bb]PSPcbWbeOa `S_cW`SR;gaWabS`RS[O\RSRbVOb c^]\SfQVO\UW\UUWTba\]b]\ZgeS`S eSb]PSa]PS`QO\g]cW[OUW\S- eSOZa]VORb]PSV]\SabOP]cb eVSbVS`eSZWYSRbVS[]`\]b1cbO Z]\Uab]`gaV]`bO\Rg]cVOdS]\S /ZSaaWQ]`YaQ`SeO`]eZ]cRS\]cUV b]eOYSbVSRSORO\ROP`]bVS`eV] eOa\¸ba^]YS\b]c\bWZ[WR8O\cO`g ;gaWabS`¸aW\bS\bW]\aeS`SU]]R S\]cUV³PgUWdW\U[Sa][SbVW\U ZW\YSRb][gU`SObSabZ]dSeW\S aVSQ]cZRObbVSaO[SbW[SW[^`Saa [SeWbVVS`TZOeZSaabOabSEVOb aVSRWR\¸bPO`UOW\T]`eOabVSTOQb bVOb]c`bOabSaeS`SRWTTS`S\b³bVS VSWUVb]TRSaWU\T]`]\SWa^]W\bZSaa bObT]`O\]bVS`6]eSdS`eVOb P]bVS`SR[S[]abeOabVObaVSb]]Y Wba]^S`a]\OZZg/TSegSO`aZObS`aVS `S[O`YSRbVObWbeOa\¸bbVOb7RWR\¸bZWYS bVSUWTbWbeOabVSTOQb7RWR\¸b]TTS`O\g ^`OWaS1]abeOa\¸bW[^]`bO\b)WbeOa bVSZOQY]TYcR]abVObaVS¸R`SQSWdSR POQYAVS¸R]^S\ZgOR[WbbSRaVS eOa]\S]TbV]aS^S]^ZS(aVSUOdSb] `SQSWdSC\R]cPbSRZgaVS¸a\]bOZ]\S 7eOa]\QSOQQcaSR]TUWdW\UO `cPPWaV^`SaS\b^c`SZgW\bVSV]^S ]TUSbbW\UOPSbbS`UWTbW\`Sbc`\=\ bVWa^O`bWQcZO`]QQOaW]\7eOaT]`QSR b]OU`SS5cWZbg[¸Z]`R7eOaaYW\bPcb bVSaS\bW[S\bWabVSaO[SW``Sa^SQbWdS ]T[]\Sg³eVSbVS`WbPSW\bVSV]^S ]TOVWUVS`dOZcS]\SW\`Sbc`\PSW\U Q][^ZW[S\bSR]\OTOPcZ]caaS\aS ]TbOabS]`[S`SZgO^]W\baQ]`W\U SfS`QWaSb]PSS_cOZZSR\SfbPW`bVROg []ab]Tca]\a][SZSdSZaSSUWTbW\U OaObe]eOgab`SSbEVOb[ORSca bVWaeOg- AS TIME GOES ON, PRESENTS FOR NO OTHER REASON THAN THE FACT YOU’RE RELATED, WEAR A LITTLE THIN 7VOdSObVS]`gESa^S\R[]ab]T]c`QVWZRV]]R PSW\UbOcUVbbVSaSS[W\UZgc\OaaOWZOPZSWRSOZa]T OZb`cWa[`Sa^SQbQO`W\UO\RUS\S`]aWbgO\RgSbaZO^ PO\USdS`ggSO`W\bVS1V`WabWO\QOZS\RO`WaO\SdS\bbVOb Waa]]cb`OUS]caZgaSZTWaVWb¸ac^bVS`SeWbV]`RS`W\UbS\ Q]QYbOWZaW\OPcag^cPeWbV]\Zg]\SPO`[O\5S\bZS[S\ !& 7UWdSg]cbVSaQ]c`US]T]c`a]QWSbg³bVSZSbbS`b] AO\bO/R[WbbSRZgWb¸a\]bSfOQbZgW\bVS0WPZSPcbOTbS` OeV]ZSgSO`]TPSW\Ub]ZRb]aVO`Sb]bVW\Y]T]bVS`a O\RZ]dW\U]\S¸a\SWUVP]c`O\ReVOb\]b]cbQ][SbVS TOW`gZWUVbaO^ORO\RO^S\O\ROQVWZRPSW\UT]`QSR b]ZWabbVSW`RSS^SabRSaW`Sa³PSWb e]`ZRR][W\ObW]\]`OVcUSPcQYSb]T :SU]C\RS`OZ]]aS^`S[WaS]TPSW\U ·U]]R¸eVWQVT`O\YZg]\ZgbOYSa]\S 1V`Wab[Oab]Y\]ebVWaWaO^O`S\bZSdSZ S[^bgbV`SObbVSZSbbS`Wa^]abSRO\R Z]BVSUWTbaQ][S >S`VO^a\]bbVSeV]ZSZWabO\R ^S`VO^a\]bbVSSfOQbbVW\Ug]c OaYSRT]`PcbbVSUWTbaR]Q][SA] OaQVWZR`S\eSO`SbOcUVbb]Z]dS]\S O\]bVS`O\ROZeOga^cb]bVS`aTW`abO\R USb\]bVW\UBVS\]\S[]\bVOgSO` aWbO`]c\RR]W\UPcUUS`OZZO^O`bT`][ SObW\UbO\US`W\SaO\RQV]Q]ZObSO\ROb bVSS\Rg]c¸ZZUSb^`SaS\ba /abW[SU]Sa]\^`SaS\baT]`\] ]bVS``SOa]\bVO\bVSTOQbg]c¸`S `SZObSReSO`OZWbbZSbVW\PcbT]`[]ab bVS]PaSaaW]\eWbV`SQSWdW\UbVS[ `S[OW\aESZSO`\dS`g_cWQYZgbVObW\ ]`RS`b]USbOUWTbeSVOdSb]ac^^Zg ]\STW`abBVW\YOP]cbWb/baQV]]ZeWbV 1V`Wab[OaQO`Rac\ZSaag]ceS`SbVS []ab^]^cZO`YWRW\QZOaaWbeOa\]bW[S b]`Sab]\g]c`ZOc`SZaeWbVbVOb[WfSR P]f]T#QO`Ra³g]cVORb]VO\R bVS[]cbOaa]]\Oa2SQS[PS`VWb]` g]cQ]cZRS\Rc^eWbV\]\Sg]c`aSZT BVSQ]\QS^b]TVO\RW\U]dS`O^WQbc`S ]TOYWbbS\Vc[^W\UOUZWbbS`gPOcPZS]\ eOTS`bVW\QO`RbVObTSZZR]e\eVS\g]c P`SObVSR]\Wbb]a][S]\Sg]c\SdS` a^]YSb]PSQO[SQ][[]\^ZOQS6]e SZaSQO\eSbSZZeS¸`S^]^cZO`7TbVS^c`^]aS]TUWTbaWa³Oa^S]^ZS eWbVOaZWUVbZgZSaaQg\WQOZdWSee]cZR aOg³bVSX]g]TUWdW\UOaYg]c`aSZT bVWa(e]cZR\¸bbVObTSSZW\U]TX]gPSa] [cQV\WQS`e`O^^SRW\O^`SbbgP]f eWbV`WPP]\Q]\bOW\W\Ua][SbVW\U U]`US]ca->S`VO^aT`][ASZT`WRUSa- BVSO`b]TUWdW\Ub]`SQSWdSWa\¸b bVW\YW\Ug]c¸`SaSZTWaV³Wb¸aOQQS^bW\U bVObOZZUWTbaVOdSOaSZTWaVSZS[S\b ObbOQVSR7b¸aXcabbVObg]c¸`STO`[]`SZWYSZgb]USbbVSX]g ]`bVS^`OWaS]`bVS[ObS`WOZSc^V]`WO]Ta][SbVW\UW\ `Sbc`\WTWb¸aa][SbVW\Ug]ceO\bg]c`aSZT /a7`Sbc`\SRbVS/ZSaaWQ]`YaQ`Seb][gaWabS`aVS OU`SSR5SbbW\Ua][SbVW\Ug]cOQbcOZZgeO\bWaT]`ZWTS \]bXcabT]`1V`Wab[Oa CLUBS>BARS>FASHION>GOSSIP>NEWS>TRENDS>SCENES>QUEENS>FACTS> PHOTO © CHRISJEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM =CbbVS`S PAGE 44 PROFILE Looking for a stylish destination for drinks and food in Soho? Look no further than Profile on Wardour Street... PAGE 46 KIMONO KRUSH Evolving in to one of the scene's most unmissable dates is this once-a-monther at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern BIRDS OF A FEATHER PAGE 48 LOVECHILD LoveChild has returned to the scene, having 4:=19B=53B63@/BB634/0C:=CAB@/<<GA6/19 now taken up a new residency at Fire in A=6=A5:7BH73ABE32<3A2/G<756B3@ Vauxhall... This camp and colourful outing takes place at Madame JoJo's on Brewer Street, and its large and loyal following turned out in force to help the night celebrate its fourth birthday in November. Check out our full review of the night on page 42... " @3D73E =CbbVS`S TRANNY SHACK /::2@3AA32C>/<2<=E63@3B=5=-747B¸A /E32<3A2/G<756B53BG=C@A3:42=E<B= B@/<<GA6/19¬ Leona Lewis and friend " WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM =CbbVS`S @3D73E One of the scene’s late November highlights, ahead of the Christmas party season in December, is the Trannyshack birthday. Having had a somewhat turbulent time recently, co-promoter Dusty O and the rest of the Trannyshack girls are now happily settled in that West End bastion of drag, Madame Jojo’s, and are pulling in more punters than ever. Rocking up to this legendary venue just before midnight, we were obviously one of the latecomers as the club was already nipple-to-nose with boys dressed as girls and the boys who like them that way. There were some intentionally comical creations on display, as well as some stunning post-operative works of art. Dusty O and partner in crime, Tasty Tim, were on the decks playing an eclectic soundtrack of pop classics and feel-good disco, and just after 1am a whiskeylubricated Dusty hosted a show of mixed talents and much enthusiasm. Sahara went live with a club version of ‘When Love Takes Over’, Ritzy Crackers came over all Lady Gaga with a version of ‘Paparazzi’, Camile and Lady Muck were ‘Sisters’ and the wonderful Glendora went back to the 70s with the ‘Yo Yo Song’ before the fabulous Transisters did a bitingly sharply choreographed take on Beyoncé's ‘Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)’. There was then plenty more time to groove to some more of Tasty’s tunes and chat with the ladies at what is consistently one of the most fun weekly parties in London. Trannyshack at Madame JoJo’s, 8-10 Brewer Street, W1, every Wednesday from 10.30pm-3am. "! =CbbVS`S @3D73E Definitely one of Soho’s best new additions in 2009, QSoft’s Profile bar continues to pick up a following on Wardour Street. Where else can you go and enjoy a bite to eat, a gossip with friends in a diner-style leather booth, cheap cocktails, and some cute eye-candy? Despite what other bars may claim, we reckon Profile is easily the most stylish bar in gay Soho, with its bright yellow seating, glossy black tiles, slate wall and dinky pink lighting. It’s rarely overbearingly crushed either, having established a discerning following of Soho drinkers and diners. The bar features DJs every weekend, with Gaydar’s Phil Marriott as the "" resident each Friday. Upcoming special parties over the next couple of weeks include a Soho Gyms 15th anniversary party on Thursday 26 November, and Lo-Profile’s second anniversary on Friday 4 December. This will be followed on Friday 11 December by a special Gaydar party. If you’re not a night person, don’t forget that Profile is open throughout the day, offering a full food menu from lunchtime through ‘til evening – and Sunday brunches, in particular, are becoming something of an institution. Profile/Lo-Profile, 84-86 Wardour Street, Soho, W1 – PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM PROFILE :==97<54=@A=;3E63@3B=3<8=GA=;3 43AB7D32@7<9AB67A2313;03@-A=17/:7A37< ABG:3/B>@=47:3=<E/@2=C@AB@33B¬ PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM @3D73E "$ =CbbVS`S =CbbVS`S @3D73E KIMONO KRUSH =<3=4A=CB6:=<2=<¸A1==:3AB<756BA 7B¸A<=AC@>@7A3B6/BB634=::=E7<54=@ 97;=<=9@CA67A5@=E7<53/16;=<B6¬ Running for over a year now, monthly club night Kimono Krush has been quietly and steadily building up a following down at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern. Running on the second Friday of each month, we paid a visit for the club’s November date, and found the place comfortably busy with a real hotchpotch of Friday night drinkers and lovers of eclectic disco. Promoter Panos (pictured on the facing page in yellow) was celebrating his birthday on the night, and as it fell on Friday the 13th (November), the whole shebang was based upon a horror theme – the perfect opportunity to use up that leftover Halloween make-up. A professional make-up artist was on hand to give everyone ghoulish makeovers, while cabaret was provided by Lazy Susan. Spinning the rather excellent selection of tunes were Al Dente, The Duchess of Pork and The Sugarlow Boys, who dropped in plenty of one-hit wonders and dance classics. ‘The alternative gay disco with a tranny edge’, Kimono Krush has really begun to come in to its own, and word is spreading that this is one monthly party well worth traveling for… not to mention slapping on some panstick or throwing some glitter in your beard. The team return with a Christmas bash, following the RVT’s Vixens In The Wood pantomime, on Friday 11 December from 10.30pm till 2.30am. Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11. "% =CbbVS`S @3D73E Earlier this year, promoter Alex Erfan threw a party at Pacha in Victoria called Lovechild. In October, he brought the night back to the London scene, but this time at the Vauxhall King (Queen?) of clubs – Fire. Revamped, pumped-up and full of testosterone, this new glossy version was slicker than a slick stick covered in Slik lube. It boasted a whole raft of porn stars, muscle boys, go-go dancers and performers, all cavorting and baring all for those assembled masses with a penchant for the male form. Sporting wrestling singlets, jock straps and… um, just boots, the über-hot stage shows had us sweating around the collar and "& grabbing a tall iced drink in a bid to cool down. Elsewhere in the three arches, some fresh faces on the Fire wheels of steel included Lee Harris, Gabriel Cutrano, Max Sanna and Phil Hewson – who spun a pumped-up selection of funky house tunes. Designer Edna had gone mad with sheets of polystyrene, a hot wire and a ton of glitter to transform the ceiling into a porn-nativity for the sexy crowd, and when topped off with a naughty playroom of cavorting man-toys, it all made for a near perfect night out! Catch Lovechild again on Saturday 12 December. Full details at www. PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM LOVECHILD :=D3167:27A0/196/D7<5B/93< C>/<3E;=<B6:G@3A723<1G/B 47@37<D/CF6/::¬ WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM =CbbVS`S A13<3 "' =CbbVS`S A13<3 [S`SQ]WZW\UT`][Pc`\W\UW\\S``OUS7aWbbVOb 7[Waa[gOR]`SR:]\R]\a][cQVbVOb7QO\ PO`SZgSfWab]cbaWRSWb-=`^S`VO^a[gTO[WZgO`S []`SW\acTTS`OPZSbVO\[]ab]TbVSC9^]^cZObW]\ O\R7PgRSTOcZbO[a][SeVOb[]`SP`WZZWO\b eVWQVRS\WSabVSW``WUVbb]OaY[Sb]R]O\gbVW\U 6[[[¬7bVW\Y\]b <]7TSO`[gb`]cPZSaO`S[cQV[]`S ^agQV]Z]UWQOZZgS\U`OW\SRAWbcObW]\OZQcSaVOdS ObS``WTgW\UZgab`]\UV]ZR]\g]ceVS\bVSTO[WZg V][SbVObg]c\]edWaWbeOabVS]\Sg]cU`Se c^W\<]b]\ZgR]g]c`SOQbb]bVSe]`RaO\R PSVOdW]c`abVObbg^WTgg]c`O\\cOZ`]c\R`]PW\]T `SZObWdSaPcbg]cOZa]`SOQbb]bVSac``]c\RW\Ua( BVSTO[WZWO`ZO\R[O`YaO\RW\bVSESab;WRZO\Ra bVSaSQO\PS`SOZZgcUZg¬TO[WZWO`a[SZZabVS Q`SOY]\bVSZO\RW\UbVSP`O\R]TT]]RW\bVS WHAT I DON’T DO WELL IS CHRISTMAS AT HOME... 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Expect a line-up of Trade stalwarts on the decks and an especially seasonal crowd of cool-kid clubbers, beefed-up muscle and locals dancing off the turkey. Trade’s Christmas Day Party is on Christmas Day at Fire, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall (entrance on Parry Street). Doors are open from 10pm till late. Check www.tradeuk. net for more details. If domestic seasonal cheer all gets and bit much and you’re sick of turkey stuffing leftovers, get down to Hard On on Boxing Day (26 Dec) for a splash of seasonal wrongness. Expect all the usual sexiness and facilities, with Suzie Krueger and her band of residents supplying the hardcore atmosphere. Strict dress code on the door of leather, rubber, military, skinhead or just boots – membership is available online and required 24 hours before the event. Hard On is on Boxing Day at Hidden, 100 Tinworth Street, Vauxhall. Doors are open from 10pm till 6am and entry is £15 members, £20 non-members. =CbbVS`S A13<3 KINKY KABARET When the flyer boy is dressed in a confederate cap, jack-boots and silver gas mask, you know you are in for something special and/or weird. Nowhere is this truer than at Kinky Kabaret! The Monday nighter at Freedom in Soho is going from strength to strength under the steady hands of hosts Dusty O and Nathan. Always a visual treat, on our recent visit we caught Miss O resplendent in 50s Hollywood siren glamour, spinning an eclectic set of tunes as the crowds gathered. On the stroke of ‘fashionably late’, the show opened with the lovely Nathan James who sang a selection of girls' classics (Donna Summer, Gloria Gaynor) with his own soulful twist. Next up, pocket-sized crooner Ben Evans (currently appearing # in Jersey Boys) gave us Frankie Valli’s ‘Can’t Take My Eyes Off You’, before handing over to a very young and cute Sam Taylor and his haunting vocals. Putting the ‘K’ in to Kinky, act one was closed with the fabulous and bitingly sharp choreography of The Transisters with a ‘Single Ladies’ medley that had the audience whooping. After a brief cocktail break, all three singers were back with more upbeat numbers – including an Abba medley – before another Transisters finale. With a happy hour and drink promotion right through ‘til 3am, it was then drinking and throwing shapes on the dancefloor ‘til the small hours. Freedom, 66 Wardour Street, W1. Dusty O WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM 74G=CB6=C56BB6/BB63@3E/A:7BB:3 B=2==</;=<2/G<756BB63<53B G=C@A3:42=E<B=4@332=;7<A=6= HIGHLIGHTS OUT TURNS THREE Out In The City, the world’s greatest gay magazine (ahem… well, we would say that, wouldn’t we?) will be celebrating its third birthday this month. Yes, the lovely magazine that you lovingly hold in your hands has notched up three years of fabulousness. To celebrate, we’re throwing a party and you are all invited. We will be taking over the swanky Shadow Lounge on Brewer Street, Soho, on the evening of Friday 11 December. Doors will be open from 9pm onwards. Look out for a flyer in Soho for free entry between 9 and 11.30pm. Admission will be £5 after 11.30pm. Expect DJs, entertainment, Out In The City staff giddy on champagne, and probably the odd celebrity or two! Out In The City’s third birthday takes place at the Shadow Lounge, 5 Brewer Street, W1, on Friday 11 December. RED HEADS One of the biggest parties to take place in Brighton each year, and well worth traveling for, is the annual Wild Fruit World AIDS Day event. Entitled The Red Party – in honour of the red ribbon – this year’s event is due to take place on Sunday 6 December at the huge Oceana nightclub. Besides offering an excellent night of entertainment, the Red Party aims to remind people that the AIDS epidemic has not gone away. It also helps raise much-needed funds, with all proceeds from the 2009 event earmarked for the Sussex Community Rainbow Alliance. Headlining this very special night will be one of the UK’s most successful and respected singers – the amazing Beverley Knight (MBE). Other famous faces taking part in the event will include DJs Boy George and the Freemasons, Patsy Palmer, Rowetta, Dusty O, Tasty Tim, Leon Lopez, Dulcie Danger, Queen Josephine and Dolly Rocket, amongst many, many others. The stage entertainment is due to kick off at 11pm, and Oceana will offer no less than seven themed party rooms. As always, all those attending are encouraged to wear red – ensuring that this is one of the most visual nights out in the UK! Although it’s a fundraiser, joining the fun won’t cost you an arm and a leg. In fact, if you join the Red party early (from 8.30–10.30pm) for pre-party drinks you can gain entry for only £7. It’s also only £6 NUS before 11.30pm (£8 NUS after). Advance tickets (available from Charles Street, Dr Brighton’s, the Dome box office and the ticketweb website) are £10, and guests on the door pay just £12. Of course, you can always donate more if you wish! Oceana can be found on West Street, Brighton. For full party details, check www. NEW YEAR G-A-Y PHOTO © CHRISJEPSON.COM Saturday nights at G-A-Y at Heaven have been particularly packed out over recent weeks – due in part to the phenomenal interest around this year’s X Factor competition. Host Jeremy Joseph has been introducing PAs from all the contestants that have been voted off this year’s show, so has already had appearances from Miss Frank, Rachel and Kandy Rain. That’s set to continue in to December, with appearances on Saturday 5 and Saturday 12 December from those who came 4th and 3rd respectively. At the time of going to press, Jeremy was still waiting for confirmation that he might host a PA from the eventual winner. However, he has already arranged details for his New Year’s Eve party arranged, which will feature a very exclusive PA from reformed boy band A1 (‘Take On Me’, ‘Caught In The Middle’). Advance tickets for the party – which is sure to be a sell out – are now available from the G-A-Y bar on Old Compton Street. For the month of November, advance tickets cost just £10 – probably one of the cheapest New Year’s Eve tickets for any of the big London gay clubs! G-A-Y takes place at Heaven, under The Arches, Villiers Street, Charing Cross, WC2. The G-A-Y Bar can be found at 30 Old Compton Street, W1, and G-A-Y Late is at 5 Goslett Yard, W1. For full details, check the ‘G-A-Y Official’ page on Facebook. #" BEYOND CHRISTMAS Unsurprisingly, the Orange team have some huge parties lined up for the festive season. Special dates to look out for at Fire (South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall) include the Beyond Christmas Spectacular on Saturday 5 December. Offering the ‘12 Hours Of Christmas’, the event will run from midnight till noon on Sunday, and will feature 12 amazing DJs and a dozen of the scene’s sexiest go-go dancers. There will also be a surprise PA. In keeping with the ‘12’ theme, admission, naturally, will be £12. Get advance tickets from www. and all the usual outlets (Clone Zone, Prowler, DV8, etc). This will be followed on Saturday 19 December by the Juicy Christmas Party, again at Fire, from 11pm till 8am. Special guest DJ Pagano will join the Juicy line-up, spinning the big, sexy, uplifting tunes for the sexy, tops-off crowd of late-night dance addicts. Advance tickets cost £10. There’s no rest for the team over the Christmas Day itself, when the doors of Fire will be opened for Trade’s annual Christmas Day party. The Orange Trade ‘Magic Of Christmas Night’ party will take place on 25th December from 10pm till 8am. This is always a wellattended and very special party – with a truly unique atmosphere. Advance tickets cost £12 from Fire, Area, the usual Soho outlets and Finally, there’s a Beyond New Year’s Day spectacular arranged for Friday 1 January – from 5.30am till 2pm in the afternoon. Maximise your New Year’s Eve partying by ending your night at the most debauched and hedonistic afterhours in gay London. Again, advance tickets will cost £15 from PHOTO & STYLING © JEZ EATON =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A A13<3 =CbbVS`S GOING=Cb Following the huge success of last year’s event, the Ku Bar will be hosting another World AIDS Auction this December. Once again, the gorgeous Ku staff will be auctioning themselves for charity, raising funds for the Food Chain. Last year’s event raised over £2,500, and this year the team wants to do even better. The action all takes place on Tuesday 1 December at 7.30pm at the Ku Bar on Lisle Street. Boogaloo Stu is your host and you’ll be able to bid on a choice of ten of the bar’s finest bar hunks. The winning bidders will have the pleasure of accompanying their “dates” to an exclusive reception in the venue’s Champagne Bar directly after the auction. If you don’t fancy bidding for one of the boys, there will be plenty of other goodies up for grabs, including a PlayStation 3, and VIP X Factor Live tickets. All winning bidders will be able to attend the after party in the Champagne bar, which will include complimentary champagne and canapés. Also being launched on the night will be the first Ku Bar calendar, which will again feature several of the beautiful Ku bar boys. The calendars will be on sale from 1 December, and proceeds from its sale will go to the Food Chain. The Ku Bar, 30 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, WC2. VENUES: CENTRAL LONDON 79 CXR, 79 Charing Cross Road, WC2. 020 7734 0769. Leicester Square tube. Mon-Sat 1pm-3am, Sun 1pm-10.30pm. Cover charge after 11pm. Large, cruisy, late-night bar - always busy after 10.30pm with those who don’t want to head home too early. ADMIRAL DUNCAN, 54 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7437 5300. Leicester Square tube. Friendly, famous, traditional gay pub - just look out for the purple and pink exterior! BARCODE, 3-4 Archer Street, W1. 020 7734 3342. www. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Sat 4pm-1.30am. Sun until 10.30pm. Dance bar on three floors, with club-style basement. Comedy Camp stand-up night each Tuesday, and more danceoriented sessions at weekends. THE BOX, 32-34 Monmouth Street, Seven Dials, WC2. 020 7240 5828. Leicester Square tube. 11am-11pm. Stylish and awardwinning gay café bar popular with scene and muscle queens. Frequent exhibitions on the walls and great food. CANDY BAR, 4 Carlisle Street, W1. 020 7494 4041. Tottenham Court Road tube. Mon-Thu 5-11.30pm. Fri & Sat 5pm-2am. Sun 5-11pm. Longrunning and famed lesbian bar. COMPTONS, 52 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7479 7961. Leicester Square tube. Noon-11pm. A Soho institution. Large, traditional gay boozer on two floors, attracting a butch and manly crowd. www. THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON, 77 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7439 1274. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Thu noon-11pm, Fri & Sat noon-midnight, ‘til 10.30pm on Sun. Traditional and fun gay pub over two floors, attracting a good cross-section from across the scene. THE EDGE, 11 Soho Square, W1. 020 7439 1313. Tottenham Court Road tube. Noon-1am, Sun 2pm11.30pm. Stylish, hip gay bar spread over four intimate floors, with regular nights from top DJs, regular piano bar and tasty food. ESCAPE, 10a Brewer Street, W1. 020 7734 2626. Piccadilly Circus tube. 5pm-3am. Cover charge after 11pm. Every night’s a party at this late-night video dance bar. FIRST OUT CAFÉ, 52 St Giles High Street, WC2. 020 7240 8042. Tottenham Court Road tube. 10am-11pm. Sun 10.30pm. Over 20 years old and still going strong. Long-running community café bar. FREEDOM, 66 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7734 0071. Piccadilly Circus tube. Opulent style bar, with late-night club promotions for a mixed, metrosexual crowd. FRIENDLY SOCIETY, 79 Wardour Street, WC1. Trendy and unique, intimate basement bar with quirky decor and fun atmosphere – attracts a mixed crowd. G-A-Y BAR, 30 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7494 2756. Leicester Square tube. 12pm12am. Huge, poptastic gay bar, with a multitude of video screens, pop tunes and drinks promotions. G-A-Y LATE, 5 Goslett Yard, off Charing Cross Road, WC2. Tottenham Court Road tube. 11pm-3am. Late-night sister venue to G-A-Y Bar – more video screens, camp pop fun and cheap drinks.Gets very busy most nights of the week. crowd. Weekend jazz sessions in the basement. KU BAR, 30 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, WC2. 020 7437 4303. Leicester Square tube. Large, award-winning, upmarket gay bar spread over three floors, open till 3am daily and always busy throughout the week. www. KU BAR SOHO, 25 Frith Street, W1. Leicester Square tube. New, smaller sister venue to Lisle Street Ku Bar, with entrances on Old Compton Street and Frith Street - open till 11pm daily.. www. LO-PROFILE, The Basement, 84-85 Wardour Street, W1. Swanky, sophisticated, 400-capacity late-night basement bar and club space – from the people that bring you Open 10pm-4am on Fridays and Saturdays. www. LONG YANG CLUB, long-running social group for East Asian gay guys and friends. Regular parties and social events. Check website at for full details. MADAME JO JO’S, 8-10 Brewer Street, W1. Long-running, late night gig venue, nightclub and cabaret bar - open to very mixed crowd. Home to popular Wednesday nighter Trannyshack. MOLLY MOGG’S, 2 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7434 4294. Tottenham Court Road tube. Small, intimate little gay pub, with regular drag shows attracting a mixed crowd of theatre folk and tourists. PENDULUM, 56 Frith Street, Soho, W1. 0207 734 8300 . Tottenham Court Road tube. Stylish, big gay bar – spread over three floors, PHOTO © MAGNUS HASTINGS KU CALENDAR BOYS A13<3 THE GREEN CARNATION, 4-5 Greek Street, Soho, W1. 020-7434 3323. Stylish, three-floored late night gay venue, with bar, dancefloor and nightly promotions. Attracts a mixed crowd. www.greencarnationsoho. HALFWAY TO HEAVEN, 7 Duncannon Street, WC2. 020 7321 2791. Charing Cross tube. Mon-Thu noon-11pm, Fri & Sat 12pm-12am. Old-style gay pub spread over two floors. HEAVEN, The Arches, Villiers Street, WC2. Charing Cross Road tube. Huge, world-famous gay club, which is now home to G-A-Y, along with mixed/studenty Monday nighter Popcorn. Check for details THE KINGS ARMS, 23 Poland Street, W1. 020 7734 5907. Oxford Circus tube. Mon-Thur 12pm–11pm, Fri-Sat 12pm-12am, Sun 12pm-11.30pm. London’s bar for bears and blokes. Traditional atmosphere plus pool table. Sunday night karaoke very popular. KUDOS, 10 Adelaide Street, WC2. 020 7379 4573. Charing Cross tube. 3pm-11pm, Sat noon-11pm, Sun noon-10.30pm. Beautiful and stylish café bar, with clubbier vibe and video screens in the basement. Popular with Asian GLITTERBALL 2010 Scene favourite Jodie Harsh has been chosen to host this year’s New Year’s Eve extravaganza from Hed Kandi. The respected house music brand’s NYE party – this year entitled Glitterball 2010 – will be returning to London’s Indigo2 venue for the third consecutive year. Expect the world’s biggest glitterball as a centerpiece to the celebrations – which will itself house the DJ booth and some state-of-the-art projectors! Spinning the music will be DJs Phil Faversham, Andy Daniels and Dean Rigg, and besides the hottest Hed Kandi house tunes all night long, you can expect a live performance from revered vocalist Julie McKnight (‘Finally’, ‘Diamond Life’), plus live musicians and a host of Kandi dancers throughout the night. Jodie will be overseeing proceedings in the VIP room. Hed Kandi events are mixed but predominantly straight affairs, but everyone is united by a common love for quality house tunes. Doors to the Glitterball 2010 will be open from 9pm till 4am. General admission tickets will cost £45, with VIP tickets at £85. Check www. for full details. ## =CbbVS`S A13<3 with food, drink, art displays and pre-club promotions. www. PROFILE, 84-84 Wardour Street, W1. Piccadilly Circus tube. Upstairs bar above Lo-Profile, owned and run by the team behind Gaydar. Stylish gay bar/diner, open for food and drink from early morning through till 11pm – when the action moves downstairs. www. THE QUEBEC, 12 Old Quebec Street, WC1. 020-7629 6159. Marble Arch tube. Long-running and huge pub, on two floors, attracting an older crowd. Open till 3am at weekends. Off the beaten Soho track but well worth checking out. THE QUEEN’S HEAD, 25 Tryon Street, SW3. 020-7589 0262. Sloane Square tube. Popular, very long-running, cosy gay pub –a Chelsea institution. RETRO BAR, 2 George Court, WC2. 020 7321 2811. Charing Cross tube. Mon-Fri noon-11. Sat 5pm-11pm, Sun 5pm-11pm. A traditional boozer for the gay scene’s indie, alternative and student-types – Tuesday’s pop quiz is an institution. RUPERT STREET, 50 Rupert Street, W1. 020 7292 7141. Piccadilly Circus tube. 12-11pm, Sun 10.30pm. Large, designer style bar, popular with professional gay boyz. SHADOW LOUNGE, 5 Brewer Street, W1. 020-7287 7988. Piccadilly tube. Exclusive, gorgeous, late-night bar and club for A-list gays and celeb-spotters. Open from late each evening. SWEATBOX, 1-2 Ramillies Street, Soho, W1. 020-3214 6014. Exclusively gay gym (ground floor) and sauna (first floor), which now hosts occasional late-night parties with a late-night alcohol licence. Open Sun-Thurs noon-midnight, and till 5am Friday and Saturday. VAULT 139, 139 Whitfield Street, W1. 020-7388 5500. Newlyopened, central, daytime intimate cruise club, for a men-only crowd. Open 1pm-1am seven days a week. VILLAGE, 81 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7434 2124. Piccadilly Circus tube. 12-1am, Sun 11.30pm. Late night door charge. Soho’s original gay café bar, spread over four floors, and now with basement dancefloor and discos. Popular with a youngish crowd of boys and girls. HATEFUL BIRTHDAY Eat Your Heart Out, the avant-garde cabaret night from performer Scottee, will be celebrating its first birthday on Saturday 5 December… adopting a loose theme of ‘We hate you’ for the night! “I know you’re thinking ‘hate’ is a strong word… Well, it’s not fucking strong enough,” explains Scottee. “Everyone knows we would love to bring back capital punishment for those who remotely look like they’re from the burlesque clan, or to slice the tongues off any drag queens who lip sync to Whitney’s awful new record, but there are much more important issues to hand.” “This month we’re wearing our heart on our sleeve and offering a space for our performers to vent their anger. It won’t be nice, it quite possibly will be violent and it will definitely be hateful. Jan Moir, Nick Griffin, Paris Hilton – you’re all in for it!” Expect live performances from Scottee, Holestarr, Jordan Hunt, Mitzi Von Melbatoast, Miss Anabel Sings, Bird La Bird, Myra Du Bois and Pop Collective, with video work from Steph Bedford and Rebecca Landey. Eat Your Heart Out takes place at the Marie Lloyd Bar, Hackney Empire, 291 Mare Street, E8. Tickets cost £7 on the door, £5 in advance, or £3 for NUS. #$ THE YARD, 57 Rupert Street, W1. 020 7437 2652. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Thur 4pm-11pm, Fri & Sat 1pm-11pm, Sun 1pm1.10.30pm. Busy gay bar with hugely popular courtyard area, outdoor balcony and cosy loft bar. SAUNAS CHARIOTS WATERLOO 101 Lower Marsh, Waterloo, SE1. 020 7401 8484. Waterloo tube. Well-presented, popular sauna, open 24/7. PLEASUREDROME 124 Cornwall Road, Waterloo, SE1. Waterloo tube. Big venue with lots of different areas – open 24 hours, 365 days of year. www. SAUNABAR PORTSEA 2 Portsea Place, Marble Arch, W2. 020 7402 3385. Marble Arch tube. Small and friendly gay sauna with masseurs. SAUNABAR COVENT GARDEN 29 Endell Street, Covent Garden, WC2. 020 7836 2236. Covent Garden tube. Basement sauna with pool, sauna and rest rooms. Check website for discount entry. www. SWEATBOX SOHO Ramillies House, 1-2 Ramillies Street, Soho, W1. 020 3214 6014. Oxford Circus tube. Gay-owned and run gym and basement sauna. NORTH LONDON THE BLACK CAP, 171 Camden High Street, NW1. 020 7485 0538. Camden Town tube. Shufflewick Bar: Mon-Thu Noon-1am, Fri-Sat 12noon-2am, Sun Noon-10.30pm. Club: Mon-Thu 10pm-2am, Fri-Sat 10pm-3am, Sun 10pm-1am. Longrunning, famed gay pub – probably the most famous cabaret pub in London. CENTRAL STATION, 37 Wharfdale Road, N1. Tel: 020 7278 3294. Kings Cross tube. Big, late-opening gay bar on three floors, with ground floor cabaret and infamously cruisy cruise nights in basement. Upstairs restaurant offering gastropub menu, plus B&B accommodation. www. CLUB KALI, The Dome, 1 Dartmouth Park Hill, Tufnell Park, N19. World’s biggest lesbian and gay Southern Asian music night, running every third Friday of the month. Always busy and rather unique. THE GREEN, 74 Upper Street, N1. 020-7226 8895. Angel tube. London’s first ‘gay gay-stropub!’ Stylish, Islington bar, serving full food menu and wide range of cocktails. Mixed, chilled crowd - now run by the same team as The Edge in Soho. KING EDWARD VI, 25 Bromfield Street, N1. Tel: 020 7704 0745. Angel tube. Sun-Thu 12noon12midnight, Thu 12noon-1am, Fri-Sat 12noon-2am. Very long-running gay pub, with ‘local’ atmosphere and character, plus popular beer garden. KW4, 77 Hampstead High Street, NW3. 020-7435 5747. Large, cosy, traditional old gay pub, with regular SHIFT LAUNCHED Pictured here are partygoers and celebrity guest Philip Oliver at big new gay night Shift – a scintillating monthly affair for those in Hertfordshire. This monthly night has confirmed dates lined up for Thursday 13 December (a ‘Winter Fairyland’ party) and Thursday 28 January (‘Shift Ahoy! Sexy Sailors Night!’). It takes place at the Forum, at the University of Hertfordshire’s Student Union (College Lane, Hatfield, AL10 9AB), but don’t be put off by the ‘student’ tag – the night is open to all members of the public. Doors are open from 9pm till 3am, and tickets cost just £4 in advance, £5 on the door or £7.50 after midnight. Besides Mr Oliver, the night has also hosted Charlie Drummond from the recent series of Big Brother. Expect more celebrity guests at future club outings. More details at entertainment, beer garden and food. One of London’s longestrunning gay establishments. www. THE LOAD OF HAY, 207 Pinner Road, Watford, 01923-441113. Watford’s only gay pub, with big beer garden and regular entertainment. www.loadofhay. THE OAK BAR, 79 Green Lanes, N16. 020-7354 2791. Manor House tube. Friendly, diverse gay bar with late-night club promotions, and open ‘til 3am at weekends. Very popular with lesbians and male friends. www. PLAYPIT, 357 Caledonian Road, N7. Caledonian Road tube. 0333 700 1231. Intimate, King’s Cross sleaze club – basically a basement darkroom. Open Thur-Sat 9pm3am, Sun 3pm-1am. Take your own booze. www.londonplaypit. SOUTH LONDON AREA, 67-68 Albert Embankment, SE1. Gorgeously-designed, hard dance club and cabaret rooms, with eclectic roster of different gay nights and one-off promotions, including Jason’s Jukebox on Thursdays, and Friday nighter Onyx, amongst others. BARCODE VAUXHALL, Arch 69, Albert Embankment, SE11. 0207 734 3342. Vauxhall tube. Open 7 days a week. Mon-Thu 4pm-1am, Fri-Sun 4pm-4am. Very popular club bar, with dancefloor and mezzanine chill-out space - gets busy at weekends. CLUB COLOSSEUM, 1 Nine Elms Lane, Vauxhall, SW8. Huge, late-night venue for after-hours crowd – hosting various monthly promotions. THE EAGLE, 349 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7793 0903. Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 9pm-late, Tue 9pm-2am, Sun 9pm-late. Vauxhall tube. Large, club-bar with nightly promotions. Tonker (Fridays) and Horse Meat Disco (Sundays) are particularly popular. EGO, 82 Norwood High Street, SE27. 020 8761 5200. West Norwood BR. Sun-Thu 8pm-late, 7pm-4am. Door charge on weekend. Large, popular bar and club, attracting big crowds at weekends. EXILIO, Bar Rez, Club Colosseum, 1 Nine Elms Lane, SW8. Vauxhall tube. Long-running, Friday night gay Latin and salsa night. Open 11pm till 4am. FACTORY, 65 Goding Street, SE11. Stylish, railway arch Vauxhall venue, hosting occasional dance and cruise nights. THE FORT, 131 Grange Road, SE1. 020-7237 7742. Small cruise club, open till 11pm throughout week, with regular boots-only and underwear parties. FIRE, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8. Vauxhall tube. Infamous, late-night gay venue =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A KAZBAR, 50 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020 7622 0070. Clapham North tube. Mon-Thu 4pmmidnight, Fri 4pm-1am, Sat noon1am, Sun noon-midnight. Clapham video bar, popular throughout the week, with DJs at weekends. LITTLE APPLE, 98 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7735 2039. Kennnigton tube. Open 7 days a week. Small, traditional gay boozer for local gay boys and girls - open till 1.30am Fri-Sat. PARIS GYM 73 Goding Street, Vauxhall, SE11. 020 7735 8989. Vauxhall tube. Huge, well-equipped men-only gym with large, devoted following. Regular classes. Tourists welcome – check website for entry details and membership. www.parisgym. com beneath the Vauxhall railway arches, host to the likes of Orange, A:M, Later and Gravity. Open around the clock at weekends. or FEELING DANDY? Dandy Boys is a brand new gay night being launched on Wednesday 2 December at new 80s-themed Visage nightclub in Gants Hill, on the east London/Essex border. The launch night will be a World AIDS Day fundraiser in aid of Positive East. Lesbian comic Suzi Ruffles will be on hand to host the Dandy Boys Boy Auction, allowing you the chance to ‘Date A Dandy!’ Anyone interested in being auctioned off for charity can email dandyboysclub@ DJ Julio Bravo will be spinning the 80s retro and remix sounds from 8pm till late, and the night will run every Wednesday. Gants Hill is on the Central Line, just 20 minutes from central London, and the Visage club is just by the station. Alternatively, you can get an overground train from Liverpool Street to Iford station (12 minutes), which is also not far away. The area has not had a regular gay club night, so organizers are hoping for plenty of support. Admission will be free, but any donation to Positive East on the door will be more than welcome. For more details, check the Facebook group ‘Dandy Boys’. Dandy Boys at Visage, 442 Cranbrook Road, Gants Hill, Essex, IG2 6LL. THE GEORGE & DRAGON, 2 BlackheathHill, Greenwich, SE10. 020 8691 3764. Deptford Bridge DLR. Mon-Thu 4pm-1am, Fri & Sat 4pm-4am, Sun 4pm-2am. Late-night pub with nightly entertainment and cabaret. www. HIDDEN, 100 Tinworth Street, SE11. Railway arch venue, home to infamous Hard On night once a month (, and now also Megawoof (www. and Work on Wednesdays. THE HOIST, Arch 47c, South Lambeth Road, SW8. 020 7735 9972. 10pm-late. Door charge and strict dress code. One of London’s most famous dress-code and cruise clubs - busy with a men-only crowd. Open Friday-Sunday and occasional Thursdays (SM Gays every third Thursday of the month - www. JACKIE’S JUKEBOX, Rivoli #& ROYAL VAUXHALL TAVERN, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7840 0596. Opening times vary. Vauxhall tube. Door Charge. Huge, traditional and historic gay pub, with long history of hosting cabaret. Packed to rafters on Saturday (Duckie) and Sunday (S.L.A.G.S/Chill-Out). Check or the facebook group RV Taverners for information. THE STAG, 15 Bressenden Place, SW1. 020 7828 7287. Victoria tube. Mon & Tue midday-midnight, Wed-Fri midday-2am, Sat 5pm2am, Sun 4pm-midnight. Dark and atmospheric gay bar in Victoria, with occasional cabaret and DJs at weekends, and now an upstairs theatre space. 286, 286 Lewisham High Street, SE14. 020-8690 7648. Large, lateopening gay venue, with regular entertainment, DJs and cabaret. Open till 2am Sun-Thur and 4am Fri-Sat. THE TRAFALGAR ARMS, 148 Tooting High Street, SW17. 020-8767 6059. A spacious, lively, attitude-free pub. Excellent food served all day. Weekly DJs on Friday and Saturday nights. Karaoke on Wednesdays. THE TWO BREWERS, 114 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020 7819 9539. Clapham Common tube. Mon-Thu 5pm-2am, Fri & Sat 5pm-4am. South London’s most famed gay cabaret venue. Large bar and separate dancefloor room. It’s been pulling in the punters for over 20 years. UNION, 66 Albert Embankment, SE1. 020-7793 9262. Cruisy dance club which hosts regular promotions. Plays areas and hot go-go’s. XXL, The Arches, 51-53 Southwark Street, SE1. www.xxl-london. com. London Bridge tube. Huge world-famous club for bears, big men and admirers, on Saturday and Wednesday. Pulls in 1,000+ customers each Saturday with uplifting dance anthems and occasional guest DJs. 020 8696 0929. Streatham station. Large sauna, with weekly theme nights (bears, men of colour, etc). CHARIOTS VAUXHALL 63-64 Albert Embankment, Vauxhall, SE1. 020 7247 5333. Vauxhall tube. Large, modern sauna in converted railway arch. THE LOCKER ROOM 8 Cleaver Street, Kennington, SE11. 020 7735 6064. Kennington tube. Long-running, intimate gay-owned and run sauna. www. STEAMWORKS 309 New Cross Road, New Cross, SE14. 020 8694 0606. New Cross/New Cross Gate station. Small, long-running establishment. SAUNAS EAST LONDON CHARIOTS STREATHAM 292 Streatham High Road, SW16. THE ANGEL, 21 Church Street, PHOTO © DICK GOOSE Ballroom, 350 Brockley Road, SE4. First Saturday of the month, 7pm-midnight (£7). Gay ballroom and Latin dancing night, attracting up to 300 dancers a month to the glam 1950s-style Rivoli Ballroom. Crofton Park BR. XXL CHRISTMAS December is one of the busiest months down at XXL in London Bridge. The world’s most famous bears club loves to get into the full festive spirit… and there never any shortage of jolly Santa bears! Expect the club to be fully decked out for the Yuletide season, with several special parties – including its official Christmas Party on Saturday 19 December. This will be followed by XXL’s Boxing Day Blowout on Saturday 26 December, and the mega New Year’s Eve party on Thursday 31st December. Limited ‘early bear’ tickets are available now costing £20 for members and £25 for guests – check the website at for full details. Before all that, the club will be throwing its annual World AIDS Day event, with a special club night on Saturday 5 December. The club recently announced new opening hours. It’s now throwing open the doors at 10pm on both Saturdays and Wednesday nights (staying open till 6am on the former and 3am on the latter). It also introduced a new ‘Naughty Night Cap Drinks Promotion’ at the Saturday night club from 4-6am, when you might be feeling a bit cashstrapped but not yet in the mood to head home. Expect various reductions at the bar at this time. You’ll find XXL at the London Bridge Arches, 51-53 Southwark Street, SE1 each Wednesday and Saturday night. DJs on rotation include Christian M, Leonardo Glovibes, Joe Egg, Mark Ames, Steve Felice and Alex Logan. Full details at #' =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A E15. Tel: 020 8555 1148. Stratford BR and tube. Big gay pub, always popular at weekends, with regular cabaret, DJs and disco nights. THE BACKSTREET, Wentworth Mews, off Burdett Road, E3. 020-8980 8557. Over 24 years old – small but legendary East End dress code leather club, open Thur-Sun. Very strict rubber and leather dresscode, ensuring a wide and loyal following. www. BISTROTHEQUE, 23-27 Wadeson St, E2. Tel: 020 8983 7900. Bethnal Green tube. Very mixed, gay/straight crowd of trendy metrosexuals. Great bar, restaurant, plus separate cabaret room. www. CHARLIE’S BAR, 124 Globe Road, E1. Tel: 020 7790 1007. Whitechapel tube. Recently refurbished, Moroccan style – friendly, local gay bar. DALSTON SUPERSTORE, 117 Kingsland High Street, E8. 020 7254 2273. Highbury & Islington tube. New, two-floor mixed gay-straight venue - café by day and fashionable performance space and club promotions at night. Open noon-2am seven days a week. GHETTO OLD STREET, 58 Old Street, EC1. 020-7287 3726. Trendsetting gay club venue - now in a new Old Street home! Spread over two floors, with Trash Palace bar upstairs (open from 5pm) and late night club downstairs. Nightly alternative promotions, such as Wig Out (Sat). THE JOINERS ARMS, 116 Hackney Road, E2. Tel: 020 7739 9854. Debauched decadence – old-skool boozer popular with post-club crowd at weekends. Gets busy later in the evenings. KINGS HEAD, 11 Church Street, E15. Tel: 020 8534 0197 Stratford BR and tube. Intimate and welcoming East End gay pub – regular cabaret. Open till late throughout the week. THE OLD SHIP, 17 Barnes Street, E14. Tel: 020 7790 4082. Limehouse DLR. Small, local, traditional gay pub, with regular cabaret - five minutes’ walk from BJ’s White Swan (see below). MID-WINTER MATINEE Matinee London returns for its big Christmas bash on Saturday 5 December to the fabulous Cable club complex (Bermondsey Street Tunnel, London Bridge, SE1) in London Bridge. Last month’s party was heaving, so you can expect this December date to be nose-to-nipple with hot hunks. This month’s event has been themed ‘The Red Party’ (or ‘La Noche Roja’), and the team will be decking out the club appropriately scarlet for the evening. DJs on the night will include Oliver M, Guy Williams, Pier Morrocco, Paul Heron, Jonny M, Alessandro, Brent Nicholls and Saki, and you can expect at least 15 sexy dancers from the Fierce International collective. The special guest DJ from Matinee in Spain will be Lydia Sanz. Needless to say, all those attending are encouraged to wear red for this very special Christmas affair. Doors will be open from 11pm till 8am, and advance tickets are available now from Matinee will follow this with a big afterhours party on New Year’s Day (Friday 1 January 2010) morning, from 5am on 1 January till 2pm in the afternoon. $ BJ’s WHITE SWAN, 556 Commercial Road, E1. Tel: 020 7780 9870. Limehouse DLR. A large, long-running gay pub and club, open throughout the week and legendary across London! Wednesday’s Amateur Strip is an institution. www.bjswhiteswan. com SAUNAS CHARIOTS LIMEHOUSE 574 Commercial Road, E14. 020 7791 2808. Limehouse rail station. Multi-level, well-established sauna. CHARIOTS SHOREDITCH 1 Fairchild Street, Shoreditch, EC2. 020 7247 5333. Liverpool Street station. Biggest gay sauna in UK, with a maze of rest rooms. www. E15 CLUB 6 Leytonstone Road, Stratford, E15. 020 8555 5455. Stratford tube. Deceptively large sauna behind a discreet facade. www.londonnoise. com/e15 WEST LONDON THE CULVERT, 54 Cowley Mill Road, Uxbridge. 01895 256 690. Uxbridge tube. Mon-Wed 4pm-1am, Thu noon-2am, Fri & Sat noon-3am, Sun 3pm-1am. Regular discos, cabaret, karaoke and one-off events. Established, local gay venue. ESCAPE, 184 London Road, Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey, KT2. 020 8549 9911. Revamped, longrunning gay club open WednesdaySunday. THE HOPE & ANCHOR, 20 Macbeth Street, Hammersmith, W6. (020 8748 1873). New gay pub for Hammersmith and Chiswick. Traditional boozer with nightly entertainment – open noon-11pm throughout week, with popular karaoke at weekends. INFINITY, 294 Old Brompton Road, SW5. 020 7370 3494. Earls Court tube. Big gay pub and disco, formerly Bromptons. Open late throughout the week, with weekend cabaret. THE RICHMOND ARMS, 20 The Square, off Princes Street, Richmond. 020-8940 2118. Longrunning, traditional gay pub, with regular cabaret and entertainment. One of gay London’s better locals. TED’S PLACE, 305a North End Road, West Brompton, W14. 0207 385 9359. Earls Court or West Brompton tube. Mon-Fri from 7pmlate, closed Sat & Sun. Small, West London cruise club. Dark and sleazy. WEST 5, Popes Lane, South Ealing, W5. 020-8579 3266. Large, popular gay pub with Piano Room and cabaret bar, open till late at weekends with entertainment and DJs. Attracts a big local crowd - particularly at weekends. WINDSOR CASTLE, 152 Bath Road, Hounslow, TW3. 0208577 6590. Large, local gay pub with regular cabaret and entertainment throughout the week. www. TO UPDATE LISTINGS, PLEASE SEND INFORMATION TO EDITORIAL@OUTMAG.CO.UK ROYAL VAUXHALL CHRISTMAS The Royal Vauxhall Tavern will be kicking off December with a World AIDS Day special gathering of Bar Wotever on Tuesday 1 December, with an appearance from Ajah. Doors will be open from 6pm till midnight and admission is free. Things turned seasonal with A Festive Happening, a special Christmas-themed event featuring Bourgeois & Maurice, Jonny Woo and Scottee that will run on the 2, 3 and 4 December. Expect songs, spoken word and festive refreshment. Doors will open at 8pm, with admission £10. It’s preceded at 7.30pm on those same dates by performances of Dogging – a new play by Tony Higgins that will take place in the Vauxhall Tavern’s neighbouring car park. The RVT’s traditional Christmas pantomime, this year entitled Vixens In The Wood, will take place on the following on the evenings of 10 and 11 December, with matinees on Saturday 12 and 19th December. Written by Natalie McGrath and presented by Lustre & Bluster productions, the panto is described as “a thigh-slappingly dark comic tale of babes in the wood.”Tickets will cost £10. Sure to be one of the venue’s busiest nights this month will be Dave’s Drop-In Centre – Yule Special, when the inimitable David Hoyle will return for a special festive performance ‘for debtors, dropouts, deviants, drunks, the disturbed, the disempowered and the discerning’ (which just about covers all of us, yes?). It all takes place on Wednesday 16 December, with admission £10. Singer Alp Haydar will be hosting the one-off night Alparet on Friday 18 December, crooning his way through some Christmas favourites with accompanist Richard Link, followed later in the evening by Boogaloo Stu’s monthly Splosh-a-rama club night. The venue’s second festive pantomime, Scallyladin, will take place on Monday 21st, Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, Tuesday 29th and Wednesday 30th December. Written and directed by Nathan Evans, this lavish cabaret production will feature Fancy Chance, Scottee, Dickie Beau, La John Joseph and David Hoyle, alongside MD Simon Wallace and DJ Dawn Right Nasty. Tickets will cost £8… and will be worth every penny! There’s a Wotever Slumber Party on Christmas Eve (24 Dec), and then Duckie returns for a Boxing Day blowout on Saturday 26 December. The venue will then ring in the New Year (31 Dec) with a S.L.A.G.S/ChillOut New Year’s Eve Party (tickets £20), followed by an extra helping of S.L.A.G.S/Chill-Out on 1 January. Tickets for most cabaret shows can be obtained through & For full details of everything happening at the venue, check =Cb`SOQV 1=;;C<7BG David Watkins (centre - wearing a red ribbon) meets Prime Minister Gordon Brown at Downing Street to collect a Social Inclusion Award for the Day In Hand campaign HAND IN HAND? /2/G7<6/<21/;>/75<4=C<23@2/D72E/B97<A ³=<5/GD7A707:7BG/<2E6G63B67<9A6=:27<5 6/<2A7<>C0:717AµE=@B6/B6=CA/<2>@723A¶ 7\:]\R]\Q][W\U]cbWa\]ba][SbVW\U7¸dS XcabR]\S]\QSPOQYW\'''7R]WbSdS`gbW[S 7V]ZRO[O\¸aVO\R]cbaWRSbOZYOP]cb[g eSSYS\Rb]Q]ZZSOUcSa]`]PXSQbb]a][SacPbZS ]`]dS`bPWb]TV][]^V]PWOA][S^S]^ZSaOg bVObg]cZWbS`OZZgbOYSg]c`ZWTSW\b]g]c`]e\ VO\RaeVS\g]cV]ZRVO\RaeWbVg]c`^O`b\S` 6]eSdS`7bVW\Y[gZWTSWaOb[]`S`WaYeVS\7bOYS bVS[]b]`eOgb]e]`YBVSaSROga7e]``g[]`S OP]cba][S]\SVc`bW\U[gVSO`bbVO\OTWabW\ bVSTOQS:]dW\U[gZWTSWaOP]cbZWdW\U[gZ]dS 7R]\¸baSS[O\gUOgQ]c^ZSaW\^cPZWQZWTSBVS eSWUVb]TQ][W\U]cb]dS`O\R]dS`OUOW\ ]TbS\^`SdS\ba:50B^S]^ZST`][V]ZRW\UbVSW` ^O`b\S`¸aVO\RW\^cPZWQ;S\VO`RZgSdS\V]ZR VO\RaW\A]V]7b¸aOZ[]abZWYSeS¸dSU]bObS``]` ]Tb]cQVW\UBVSab`OWUVb^`]U`O[[W\UWaOb]cUV \cbb]Q`OQY7[WUVbaSSZSaPWO\Q]c^ZSaPcbbVSg Q]cZRPSaWabS`aQ]caW\aT`WS\RaO\ReSR]\¸b [W\Re][S\V]ZRW\UVO\RaOa[cQV³WTbVSg Z]]Yab`OWUVbS\]cUVb]^Oaa 4]`[SW\bVSC9S_cOZ`WUVbaO`S\¸bS\]cUV 7eO\bS_cOZ`Sa^SQbASdS\gSO`aOU]7eOa aSdS`SZgPOaVSRW\Oab`SSbW\1VSZaSOBVS Sf^S`WS\QSabW``SROTW`SeWbVW\[SOTSSZW\U]T RSTWO\QS7QV]aSb]bc`\bVObV][]^V]PWOW\b] a][SbVW\U^]aWbWdS/2OgW\6O\RWabVS`SacZb BVSQO[^OWU\WaO\]\dW]ZS\bW\RWdWRcOZ QS\b`SReOgb]OTTW`[g]c`aSZTO\Rg]c`aO[S aSfZ]dS^cPZWQZg7bOZa]^`]dWRSaO`Sd]ZcbW]\O`g eOg]TQVO\UW\UQcZbc`OZ^S`QS^bW]\a]T aO[SaSfZ]dS(O`Sd]ZcbW]\bVObO\gP]Rg³UOg ]`ab`OWUVbaW\UZS]`Q][[WbbSRO\R]\O\gROg ³QO\PSO^O`b]T >`WRSaUWdScaQ]c`OUSO\ROPa]ZcbS^]eS`T]` ]\Zg]\SROg]TbVSgSO`/2Og7\6O\ReO\ba b]ac^^]`bg]cW\bVObTSSZW\UT]`bVS]bVS`!$" ROga7T]c`>`WRS`Sd]ZcbW]\eOaOP]cbab`S\UbV W\\c[PS`abVS\bVWaWa^`SQWaSZgeVg[]`SO\R []`SaO[SaSfVO\RV]ZRS`a\SSRb]USb]cb]\ bVSab`SSbab]ROg=\SaO[SaSfVO\RV]ZRW\U Q]c^ZS]\bVSVWUVab`SSbOZbS`aObbWbcRSaO\R ^S`QS^bW]\aW\acQVO^]eS`TcZeOgO\RWa[]`S OQQSaaWPZSbVO\>`WRSaT]`bVSUS\S`OZ^cPZWQ 7T]c`O`Uc[S\bWabVObµUOgWaU]]R¶bVS\eS \SSRb]PSQ]\dW\QW\U^S]^ZS]TbVObSdS`gROg /ab`OWUVb^S`a]\[WUVbaOg(µ7TUOgWaU]]R bVS\eVgR]7\SdS`aSSUOg^S]^ZS-¶ESY\]e bVS`SWaV][]^V]PWOPcbeS\SSRb]ORR`SaaWb ^`]OQbWdSZgDWaWPWZWbgWabVSYSg ESY\]ebVSTWUc`SaT]`V][]^V]PWQVObSQ`W[S O`Sc^³OZPSWbeVSbVS``S^]`bSR]`OQbcOZWb¸a VO`Rb]c\^WQY6]eSdS`cZbW[ObSZgW\Q`SOaW\U ]c`^`SaS\QS]\bVSab`SSba]T0`WbOW\eWZZ`SRcQS VObSQ`W[S6][]^V]PWOWaPgRSTW\WbW]\bVSTSO` ]TV][]aSfcOZWbg7TeSO`SdWaWPZSSdS`gROgW\OZZ Q][[c\WbWSabVS\]c`SfWabS\QSeWZZPS[ORSO ^O`b]TSdS`gROgZWTST]`^S]^ZSO\ReSeWZZQSOaS b]PSbVSµc\Y\]e\¶7caSObS`[µcacOZWaSR¶b] RSaQ`WPSbVWa^VS\][S\]\PSQOcaSeV]eO\ba b]PSµ\]`[OZWaSR¶-EVWZabWb¸aW[^]`bO\bb]Q][S b]USbVS`OaOQ][[c\Wbgb]ac^^]`bbV]aSeV] VOdSPSS\dWQbW[a]TVObSQ`W[SeS[cab\¸bZSb bVSb`OUWQab]`WSa^`SdS\bcaT`][PSW\U]^S\ OP]cbeV]eSO`SW\^cPZWQES[cabZ]dS]^S\Zg eWbV]cb`Sab`OW\bSdS\[]`S^`]cRZgbVO\PST]`S /2Og7\6O\RWa\]bOaYW\U^S]^ZSb]^cb bVS[aSZdSaW\RO\US`<]`WaWbOaYW\UbVS[b] WU\]`Sac`dWdOZW\abW\QbabVObaOgµBVWaWa\¸bbVS `WUVbbW[S]`^ZOQS¶EVObeSO`SUWdW\U:50B ^S]^ZSO`SOZbS`\ObWdSab]bVSWRSObVObbVS]\Zg ^ZOQSg]cQO\V]ZRVO\RaWa]\ORSaS`bSRab`SSb ]`Ob!O[]\bVSeOgV][ST`][bVSQZcPEVOb OP]cbObZc\QVbW[Sc\RS`bVSac\-=`W\OQ`]eR ObbVSaV]^^W\UQS\b`S-7\Q`]eRa7TSSZaOTS0cb WTbVObabWZZa]c\RaOPWb`Wa_c{bVS\eVg\]bZW\Y g]c`TW\US`a_cWSbZg^]eS`TcZZgW\bVS_cScSOb BSaQ]¸a]`bVS^]ab]TTWQS-AbO`bb]bVW\Y]TbVS ^cPZWQOa]\g]c`aWRS;]ab^S]^ZSW\0`WbOW\O`S b]ZS`O\b]^S\[W\RSRT]ZY>`OQbWQOZZgSdS`g]\S ]PXSQbab]dW]ZS\QS >`][W\S\b/2Og7\6O\Rac^^]`bS`aW\QZcRS AO\RWB]YadWU0`WO\>ORRWQY0]g5S]`US0]`Wa 8]V\a]\>SbS`BObQVSZZ;WQVOSZ1OaV[O\O\R 8]\A\]e³eV]VOdSOZZR]\SOPWb]T^cPZWQ aO[SaSfVO\RV]ZRW\UT]`caEVgOb<] 2]e\W\UAb`SSbSdS\bVS>`W[S;W\WabS`P`WSTZg VSZRO\RaV]]Y[gVO\R³W\`SQ]U\WbW]\]TbVS A]QWOZ7\QZcaW]\/eO`R7e]\T]`bVWaQO[^OWU\ @Sa^]\aWPWZWbgT]`dWaWPWZWbgWa\]eOb]c`R]]` 7Tg]ceO\bb]ZWdSW\Oe]`ZReVS`Sg]cQO\V]ZR g]c`^O`b\S`¸aVO\ReOZYW\UR]e\bVSab`SSb bVS\V]ZRg]c`^O`b\S`¸aVO\ReOZYW\UR]e\bVS ab`SSb $! =Cb`SOQV :7AB7<5A ONLINE COUNSELLING Kairos: 020 7437 6063, www. Soho project promoting health and wellbeing among LGBT community. Terrence Higgins Trust has launched “Connect Online Counselling” for the LGBT community. Sessions can be used to discuss anything, and take place over the internet using MSN, Skype or via the THT “counselling room” on Gaydar. Each session lasts for up to 50 minutes on a weekly basis at a pre-agreed time. The initial assessment and first two sessions are free, then £30 per session afterwards.Details at www. Lesbian Gay Christian Movement: 020 7739 1249, GROUPS//ORGS London Friend: 020 7837 3337. Groups in Islington. Albert Kennedy Trust: 020 7831 6562 (London). Housing advice for under 21s. Lesbian & Gay Immigration Group: – 020 7922 7811. Every Mon 2-6.30pm, Tue 10am-5pm and Wed/Thur 10am-1.30pm. Helpline and meetings. LGBT Choir: 07980 023578. Call Michael for more information. Quaker London Lesbian & Gay Fellowship: Religious group – 020 8675 6740. Antidote: 020 7437 3523. Counselling, Thursday drop-in, complementary therapies around alcohol and drug issues. Metro Centre: 020 8265 3311, Greenwich-based LGBT support. BKY - Alternative Jewish Community: www.bkylondon. Mosaic: 0800 0433 411. www. Youth group based in Brent. Croydon Area Gay Society: One-Up: LGBT under-18 youth group, meets every Monday 4-7pm (based in Hendon - North West London) - contact Theresa (PACE) 07504226793 (mobile). Friendly social group in Croydon. 020 8645 0943 - ELOP: 020 8509 3898. Support and community events in Walthamstow. Youth, advice, counselling and groups. Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association, (GALHA): 01926 858450, OutZone: London-based social and support group for gay and bisexual young men under 25. Every Friday 6.30-9.30pm - - www. Outrage!: 020 8240 0222. Political campaiging group. PACE: 020 7700 1323. Counselling and support groups. Islington LGB Forum: Rachael: 07989 747824. An initiative between local police, the council and victim support. Step Out Tower Hamlets: Social & support group for LGBT and questioning young people. 5-8pm Tues 079 4633 7160 South London Gays: 020 8672 5268/020 8674 5191. Friendly social group. Stonewall: 020 7593 1850. Campaign group for LGBT rights. HATE CRIME Gay Police Association: Action Line 07092 700 000 (24hrs), Galop: 020 7704 2040. www. Advice and support for victims of hate crime. HIV//AIDS Crusaid: 020 7539 3880, GMFA: 020 7738 6872. Gay men’s health charity. world’s only gay cricket club! or 020 8376 0630. Terence Higgins Trust: 02078121777. Counselling Services. Irons: . Gay golfing, events for all levels. SPORTS King’s Cross Steelers Rugby Football Club: 07090 421 367, Gay men’s rugby. Cruisers basketball: 020 8960 0750 (Debbie)/ 020 7582 7009, (Jordi). Mixed basketball. Frontrunners: 07092 346340, Gay running group. Quest LGB Catholics: 0808 808 0234. Regard: Regard, BM REGARD, Grace’s Cricket Club: The ALBERT KENNEDY AUCTION DIVERSITY CHOIR Diversity, London’s LGBT chamber choir, was formed in 1992 by singers who wanted to perform some of the most beautiful classical, religious and sacred music written for choirs – along with the best of other musical genres. The past years have included successful performances of Mozart’s Requiem, Bach’s Magnificat and Britten’s Ceremony of Carols – as well as madrigals, part-songs and show songs. Diversity’s membership is a mix of 40 men and women from all backgrounds, professions and ages. Regular weekly rehearsals – on Wednesdays, 7.15pm-9:30pm, at the Grosvenor Chapel in South Audley Street, W1 – and ensuing social events help build a friendly, inclusive and fun group. New members are always welcome but, due to rehearsal schedules, auditions occur at specific times – the next being January 2010. Sight-reading is useful, although not essential. If you want to be part of it all, but don’t want to sing, Diversity also needs help selling tickets and setting up concerts. If you just want to come along and listen, imminent concerts include the Faure Requiem and Vaughan William’s Fantasia on Christmas Carols, on Tues 1 Dec at 7.30pm, at St Martin-inthe-Fields, Trafalger Square; and Carols from Africa, the Far East and Deep South, on Sat 12 Dec at 7.30pm, at St Pancras Parish Church, Euston Road. National AIDS Trust: 020 7814 6767, Goslings Swimming: 07814 258 055. Gay social swimming group, Thur 8.30pm-9.30pm. Following the success of a similar event last year, the Albert Kennedy Trust will be hosting its second Christimas Auction Party on Thursday 3 December. This year, the event will take place on the second and third floors of The Edge on Soho Square between 6.30pm and 1am. Hosting the event will be drag duo Crystal D’Canter and Kelly Mild (aka CK), who will preside over both the auction and raffle (which will take place from around 7.30pm). $" London WC1N 3XX, secretary@ uk. Disabled LGBT group. CK will also offer cabaret in the Al Fresco bar, while DJs will lay down a festive soundtrack in the club bar until late. The event is free of charge and all are welcome… but make sure you take along some money for the raffle and auction, which last year included some high-quality prizes going for very attractive prices indeed. All proceeds from the event will go towards helping young LGBT people in crisis. The Edge, 11 Soho Square, W1. London Amateur Wrestling: The London Royals Hockey Team: Mixed hockey for all levels. or email iainkimmins115@ Out to Swim: 07090 422 526, Gay swimming group. Raiders Softball Club: 07931 721 377, www.rainbowraiders. com. Mixed baseball in Regents Park / Primrose Hill area. Stonewall Football Club: 07090 422 390. Sunday soccer. PACE: 0808 1807 223. Helpline open Monday 9.30am-12.30pm and Thursday 6.30-8.30pm, offering structured telephone counselling or 30-minute counseling sessions. Or email HELPLINES POSITIVELINE: 0800-1696806. Broken Rainbow: LGBT Domestic Violence Helpline. 08452 60 44 60 (Mon and Thurs, 2-8pm/Weds, 10am-1pm). HIV info and counselling (weekdays: 11am-10pm and weekends: 4pm -10pm). www. Stonewall Housing Advice: 020 7359 5767. Dazz-elle: 020 8257 3068. London drug/alcohol support. Stonewall infoline: London Lesbian & Gay Switchboard: 020 7837 7324 Information on all LGB rights - 08000 50 20 20 (Mon- Fri 9.30am- 5.30pm). London Friend: 020 7837 3337. Counselling service. WANT TO GET LISTED? Please send listings to PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON Jewish Gay and Lesbian Group: 020 8952 0137. $# =Cb\Sea <3EA NEWS FLASHES UK NEWS TRAINEE POLICEMAN ASSAULTED IN LIVERPOOL CANDLE-LIT VIGIL HELD AGAINST HATE CRIME Twelve boys have been arrested and bailed in Liverpool following what police are describing as a homophobic hate-crime in the city’s gay district. Trainee police officer Jamie Parkes, 22, was assaulted on the evening of Sunday 25 October by a large gang of youths on Stanley Street, after leaving well-known gay venue Superstar Boudoir. He was with his partner and another man and woman. Parkes was taken to hospital in a critical condition with multiple skull fractures and other injuries, but has since been released. Those arrested and bailed by police range in age from 13 to 17. The attack has prompted widespread anger and shock amongst Liverpool’s gay community. Speaking of the attack, Det Chief Inspector Tim Keelan, who has appealed for witnesses to come forward, said: “We are treating the assault as a homophobic hate crime and this incident shows there are still some people who have not learnt that crimes of this type are completely unacceptable.” Parkes parents, Ann and Roy, also issued a statement, saying, “We can’t believe the ignorance of the young people who carried out the attack on someone who was just on a night out with friends and had done nothing wrong. We are really keen that the young people involved in the attack are caught and brought to justice and would ask anyone who knows anything about the attack to contact the police.” 50-PLUS AND POSITIVE SURVEY The Terrence Higgins Trust, Age Concern and Help the Aged have launched a survey to determine the needs and concerns of people living with HIV who are aged over 50. The findings of the research, titled 50Plus, will be made available to services for both older people and people with HIV, to help them develop appropriate support. Online and paper questionnaires will be distributed and can be filled in until January 4th, when the survey closes. The survey is anonymous, and those taking part may enter into a prize draw to win £100 in shopping vouchers. To find out more, please visit uk/howyoucanhelpus/surveys/ GAY CHATLINES BURGLAR A Walthamstow man, Adil Zahid, 27, had been sentenced to six years in prison after being found guilty of four counts of robbery, one of false imprisonment, and one theft of a car. The court heard that Zahid, a drug addict with a history of armed robbery, had used gay chatlines to find his victims. Although none of his victims were assaulted, Judge Peter Ader said that Zahid had subjected them all to fear and trauma. BLACKMAIL PAIR JAILED Two men from South Shields have been jailed after pleading guilty to charges of blackmail. The victim, who was gay and works in the civil service, sent a series of raunchy text messages accidentally to one of the men, David McSthey, aged 27. When McAthey realised who the text messages were from, he and a friend, John Mercer, 29, threatened the victim with exposure in a local newspaper. The victim then handed over a total of £5,300, but went to the police after the men demanded a further £5,000. McAthey and Mercer were jailed for six months and 18 months respectively. $$ October’s candle-lit vigil in memory of the victims of hate crime attracted around 8,000 people to Trafalgar Square Organisers of a candle-lit vigil that took place in Trafalgar Square on Friday 20 October have the hailed the event a huge success. An estimated 8,000 attended the vigil, which was arranged to demonstrate against a recent rise in hate-crimes – particularly against the gay community. The vigil location was chosen following the tragic death of Ian Baynham in October. Baynham, 62, had been enjoying a night out with a friend in late September when he was subjected to a homophobic assault in Trafalgar Square. He died two weeks later from his injuries. Three people have been arrested in connection with his death. “It all started when a friend called me to say that his friend Ian Baynham had died and would I bring it up at the Westminster Community/Police Consultative forum that I was attending that night,” said Mark Healey, who was instrumental in getting the vigil idea off the ground. “On the way, I thought about organising a vigil for Ian, like the Tel Aviv Vigil that I had attended earlier in the year [commemorating those killed and injured when a gunman attacked a young person’s group at the Tel Aviv gay centre].” Healey co-ordinated events through a Facebook group that he had already set up [17-24-30], which was established earlier in the year to remember those killed or affected by the London nail bomb attacks of 1999. He was soon flooded by messages of support. Many in London’s gay community shared the desire to respectfully express their outrage at Baynham’s murder and to unite at a time when anti-gay hate crimes in the capital appear to be on the rise. The vigil was hosted by Sandi Toksvig, while members from several gay choirs provided musical interludes. Guest speakers included deputy mayor Richard Barnes and Galop’s Deborah Gold. Also attending were friends of Ian Baynham and his sister, Jenny. Messages of support were also sent from the leaders of all the main political parties. “It was an amazing event and the response from the LGBT community has been overwhelming,” said Healey afterwards. “Thousands of people attended the event in London, whilst many more joined us throughout the world – with reports coming in that vigils were held in New Zealand, Canada, America, South Africa and Eastern Europe. I’m really pleased with the way that things turned out and there is a lot of positive energy being created around this that I hope will take things forward… The International Day Of Remembrance for Victims of Hate Crime looks like it will become an annual event – hopefully in many countries.” =Cb\Sea <3EA CRUSAID’S SUPPER CLUB FUNDRAISER Jodie Prenger and Graham Norton Kenny Goss and Brian Paddick 67DO\RaSfcOZVSOZbVQVO`WbgBS``S\QS6WUUW\aB`cab`OWaSRW\SfQSaa]T 'ObWbaO\\cOZAc^^S`1ZcPSdS\beVWQVb]]Y^ZOQSW\:]\R]\]\ bVSSdS\W\U]TBcSaROg!<]dS[PS`6WUV^`]TWZSUcSabaeV]ac^^]`bSRbVS SdS\bW\QZcRSR5`OVO[<]`b]\1WZZO0ZOQY5OWZ>]`bS`8Oa]\7aOOQa9S\\g 5]aa0`WO\>ORRWQYO\R>ObbWS0]gR BVSO\\cOZSdS\baOe]dS`#RW\\S`^O`bWSabOYW\U^ZOQSaW[cZbO\S]caZgW\ bVSQO^WbOZ¸aPSab`SabOc`O\baW\QZcRW\U<]PcAQ]bb¸aO\R;O`QcaEO`SW\U ObBVS0S`YZSgO\R^`WdObSV][Sa/TbS`RW\\S`UcSabaeS`SQVOcTTSc` R`WdS\b]O^O`bgOb1cPO\dS\cS4Z]`WRWbO]\EO`R]c`Ab`SSbA]V]T]` QVO[^OU\SO\RQ]QYbOWZa^Zca[caWQT`][/Z^VOPSObO\RZSUS\RO`g28 2O\\g@O[^ZW\U 2SPPWS6]Z[Sa2W`SQb]`]T4c\R`OWaW\UObBS``S\QS6WUUW\aB`cabaOWR OTbS`eO`RaµBVWagSO`bVSAc^^S`1ZcPVOaPSS\PWUUS`bVO\SdS`PST]`S eWbV]dS`$UcSaba[]`SbVO\#RW\\S`aO\RO\O[OhW\UZWdSaSbT`][ /Z^VOPSOb/ZZbVS[]\Sg`OWaSReWZZU]RW`SQbZgb]eO`Ra]c`dWbOZe]`Y ac^^]`bW\U^S]^ZSZWdW\UeWbV]`OTTSQbSRPg67Da]eS¸`SRSZWUVbSRbVObbVS SdS\beOaa]eSZZac^^]`bSR¶ NEWS FLASHES INTERNATION NEWS OUTSPOKEN: JAMAICA PC JOHN FRAME In a sign of the everconstant homophobia faced by the LGBT community in Jamaica, a suburb of east Kingston declared a local ‘Gay Eradication Day’ at the end of October. Residents of McGregore Gully announced the day to the Jamaica Star newspaper after giving local lesbians and gay men two weeks to leave the area, or “suffer the consequences”. It’s believed that the residents had taken offence to a local hangout that they claimed was frequented by lesbians, who “kiss, hug, and even touch each other.” KENYA The National AIDS/STD Control Programme of Kenya (Nascop) has announced that it will launch a six-month study to try to determine the number of gay men living in the country. This is despite the fact that homosexuality is illegal in Kenya. Nicholas Muraguri, director of Nascop, said the results of the study would facilitate targeted interventions, such as condom distribution. ...AND FINALLY BEA ARTHUR LEAVES MONEY TO GAY TEENAGERS Much loved-actress Bea Arthur, who shot to worldwide fame in the 1980s playing the part of Dorothy in Miami sitcom The Golden Girls, and who died earlier this year aged 86, has reportedly left $300,000 in her will to a shelter for homeless gay teenagers. It’s believed that Arthur was a keen supporter of the New York-based Ali Forney Centre since its inception in 2003. She attended benefits for the organisation and told gay magazine Next that she believed the centre was saving lives. The centre now plans to purchase a building that will be able to house 12 teenagers, and will name it after the late actress. MORE PLAQUES FOR WILLIAMS You wait years for a plaque and then three turn up at once! Last month we carried news of the unveiling of a commemorative blue plaque to camp comedian Kenneth Williams. The Heritage Foundation plaque is at 56 Marchmont Street, Bloomsbury, WC1, where Williams lived as a young man. Camden New Journal has reported that two other bodies have announced plans for similar plaques, with the British Comedy Society indicating plans for a plaque on nearby Osenaburgh Street, and English Heritage also announcing interest in commemorating Williams. Ricci de Freitas, chairman of the Marchmont Association, who campaigned for the Marchmont Street plaque, said: “It is not unheard of for people to be recognised more than once. We support any additional plaques.” FESTIVE GEORGE AND PET SHOP BOYS Two of the UK’s most high-profile gay artists are to release Christmas songs. George Michael has confirmed that he is giving a full release to his ‘December Song’, which was released as a free download from his website on Christmas Day last year. It will be available to buy on 13 December, and it’s believed that Michael will perform the track on TV show X Factor. Meanwhile, the Pet Shop Boys have announced their own Christmas EP, out on the same day. It will include a re-recording of ‘It Doesn’t Often Snow At Christmas” (previously released as a fan club single in 1997), a cover of ‘My Girl’ by Madness, and new versions of ‘All Over The World’ and ‘Viva La Vida/Domino Dancing’. THE LGBT LIAISON OFFICER FOR THE LONDON BOROUGH OF WANDSWORTH GIVES OUT IN THE CITY HIS TOP SEASONAL SAFETY TIPS FOR THE COMING PARTY SEASON. At this time of year, everyone’s mind is on the joys of the season, meeting friends and what to wear at the office party. What people are not always thinking about is how vulnerable they might be to attacks, theft or sexual assaults. I want to remind you how you can keep yourself safe during the party season. Here are two hot tips for starters. First: Don’t let alcohol affect your judgment. Most of us like a drink or two at a party but remember that alcohol will make you more relaxed and could affect your decisionmaking – don’t let it endanger your personal safety. PEOPLE ARE NOT If out and about please pay special THINKING ABOUT attention to your drinks. Don’t leave HOW VULNERABLE any drink lying THEY MIGHT around; and, if you’re unsure that BE TO ATTACKS, someone may have put something in THEFT OR SEXUAL your drink, don’t ASSAULTS drink it. Moreover, don’t flaunt valuables – why not leave them at home? And try to make sure you and your friends look after each other and all get home safely. Second: Be safe on the streets. Research shows that looking confident and purposeful on the street is a real deterrent to criminals. So, look purposeful, be alert, hold your head up and be aware of your surrounding – even if it is not an area you know well. Use all your senses, so don’t limit your ability to see or hear trouble by wearing hoods, listening to music through earphones or talking on your mobile. These are just a few things to look out for to ensure you have a safe and happy time over this festive period. May I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year but – above all – may I wish you a safe one. Should you encounter difficulties and need to report an incident there are several ways to do so: In an emergency you should always dial 999. In a non-emergency situation you can contact your local police station direct. You might prefer to contact your local LGBT Liaison Officer – their contacts can be obtained on-line: www.met.police. uk/contacts/lgbt.htm You may prefer to report via a third-party reporting site such as Galop ( or London Friend (www., either on the record or anonymously. $% =Cb\Sea <3EA NEWS FLASHES NEWS TERRENCE HIGGINS’ NEW BUMBOY CAMPAIGN Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) is launching a new campaign called ‘Bumboy’, teaching gay men in London just how HIV is passed on during unprotected anal sex. With little or no sex education relevant to young gay men in schools, this new campaign aims to provide a valuable biology lesson to fill these important knowledge gaps. The ‘Bumboy’ campaign, aimed especially at younger men, utilises different bottom-themed images, illustrating how HIV can be transmitted via anal sex. From now until 13 December, specially-trained teams of THT staff and volunteers will tour over 40 gay venues across Soho and central London, Vauxhall and the East End, distributing condom packs and handing out information on the campaign. Marc Thompson, Deputy Head of Health Promotion said: “Many men become sexually active having left school without the basic HIV facts they need to stay safe. Young men have been very enthusiastic about this new campaign. With its simple language and easily understood visuals, men of all ages will benefit from hearing how HIV is transmitted and how condoms – or having sex without fucking – greatly reduces their risk.” HEAVENLY QUEEN PROTESTS A theatre production at the Tron Theatre in Glasgow, running as part of this year’s Glasgay! Arts festival, has prompted protests from local Christians. An estimated 300 protestors stage a candle-lit vigil outside the Tron in protest against a production of Jesus, Queen Of Heaven, a production that imagines Jesus as a man who wants to be a woman. Glasgay! organisers said that it had not intended to incite or offend anyone. “Jesus, Queen Of Heaven is a literary work of fiction exploring the artists own personal journey of faith as a transgendered person,” said Glasgay! producer Steven Thomson. “Glasgay! supports the right to freedom of expression and offers audiences a diverse view of LGBT life.” ghghghghgh hghghghghgh(left), hghghghghh hghghghgh hghghghhg ghghhghg Mark Palmer-Edgecumbe Stonewall’s Ben Summerskill (centre), Square Peg Media’s Sarah Garrett (right), with Stonewall volunteers at the inaugural Diversity Careers Show CAREERS SHOW SUCCESS Prime Minister Gordon Brown has heaped praise on the first ever Diversity Careers Show, which was held at the Grand Connaught Rooms in London’s Covent Garden on 20 November. In a letter to organisers, the PM stated that he was “proud of the massive progress made under this Government with the establishment and strengthening of the law on equality”, while at the same time acknowledging that, “there is more to do, and that is why we are proposing the Equality Bill which will, for the first time, place a duty on public bodies to proactively consider the needs of their LGBT staff and service users.” The Diversity Careers Show – which was sponsored by Credit Suisse, The Guardian and Stonewall – was organised by Square Peg Media, publishers of Out in the City, Stonewall ‘Publication of the Year 2009’ g3 magazine, Out At Work and Proud!, and this year attracted around 70 top-quality exhibitors. These included American Express, Shell, Deutsche Bank, Tesco and many more blue chip employers, all of whom are committed to LGBT recruitment. Seminars and workshops by Strudel and Interbank took place during the day, and the exhibition welcomed students, graduates and other potential employees from all over the country, many of whom had been bussed in free-ofcharge by the event organisers. “It’s really great to see so many companies supporting diversity in the workplace,” enthused Linda Riley of Square Peg Media. Her comments were echoed by Stonewall’s Laura Doughty: “It’s been a resounding success with lots of positive feedback from recruiters and those attending.” Following the popularity of this year’s event, next year’s show has already been confirmed for 22 November 2010. Keep watching for all the latest updates at L-R: Ivan Massow, Boy George, Sir Ian McKellen and the Albert Kennedy Trust’s Tim Sigsworth JAKE HELPS RAISE £15,000 FOR ALBERT Over £15,000 was raised for young homeless LGBT charity the Albert Kennedy Trust at an exclusive event held in conjunction with social networking site Jake and members club Quintessentially. The event, which was hosted by Sir Ian McKellen, took place on Sunday 8 November at the House of St. Barnabus, a Grade-1 listed Georgian building in Greek Street, Soho, W1. BBC TV’s Open House presenter Kristian Digby and Dr David Bull encouraged partygoers to dig deep by auctioning an oil painting of Sir Ian McKellen for £5,700, along with a host of other lots, including a night for two at the five-star Mayfair hotel in London, and top price tickets for the musical, Sister Act. Celebrity DJs Boy George and Fat Tony brought the evening to a climax with uplifting sets of house and disco anthems. The joint event was held to mark the 20th anniversary of the Albert Kennedy Trust, and the 10th anniversary of the launch of networking group Jake. $& The London Ambulance Service Notting Hill Housing representatives with Rob Harkavy and Linda Riley of Square Peg Media Representatives from the Army Stonewall’s Laura Doughty and Jemima Jefferson of Credit Suisse $' =Cb\Sea 1/@33@ BROTHERS IN ARMS ;/@9>/:;3@32531C;033F/;7<3A6=EB63C9;7:7B/@G 6/A16/<5327<B63G3/@AA7<13B630/<=<=>3<:G5/G >3@A=<3::E/A:74B32/<2:==9A/BE6/B1/@33@A/@3=< =443@B=>=B3<B7/::50B@31@C7BA Mark Palmer-Edgecumbe is the founder of Ari Consulting, and is one of the world’s leading diversity professionals, having been the Global Head of Diversity at Barclays Group. =TOZZbVS^`][WaSa ]TQVO\USbVObaeS^b 0O`OQY=PO[Ob] ^]eS`W\/[S`WQO\]\SaSS[SRSOaWS`b] W[^ZS[S\bbVO\bVSPO\]\]^S\ZgUOg[S\ O\Re][S\aS`dW\UW\/[S`WQO¸aO`[SRT]`QSa 0cb]\SgSO`]\O\RbVSCA¸aUOgO\RZSaPWO\ a]ZRWS`aO`SabWZZPO``WQORSRW\bVSQZ]aSbBVS ^`SaWRS\bQ]\bW\cSab]]TTS`\]a]ZWRbW[SbOPZS T]`RSZWdS`W\U]\VWa^`][WaSb]S\RbVS·2]\¸b /aY2]\¸bBSZZ¸ZOebVObQO[SW\b]T]`QSW\''! 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=Cb\Sea >@=>3@BG GOING OUT TOP HANGOUTS We find the most popular hotspots in Wood Green Wood Green Crown Court MOSAICA 5 CLARENDON ROAD, N22 With a somewhat bohemian vibe, Mosaica has often been categorised as Wood Green’s best restaurant. PLACE TO BE: WOOD GREEN 8=6<93::G63/2A<=@B6B=3F>:=@3B63< :=<2=<¸AE==25@33<¬ :]QObSRW\bVSP]`]cUV]T6O`W\USg E]]R5`SS\¸ab`O\_cWZ\O[SO\R H]\S!Z]QObW]\[OgacUUSabbVOb bVWaO`SOWa]\S]T:]\R]\¸a`SZObWdSZg `SZOfSR]cb^]abaPcbWbaabO\RW\UOa ]\S]T:]\R]\¸a[OX]`[Sb`]^]ZWbO\ QS\b`Sa[SO\abVS`S¸a[cQVVS`S b]S\bWQS^`]a^SQbWdSV][SPcgS`a BVST]QOZ^]W\b]TbVSO`SOWaE]]R 5`SS\6WUV@]OReVWQVWa^S`T]`ObSR PgP]bVE]]R5`SS\O\RBc`\^WYS :O\SbcPSabObW]\aeWbV0]c\Ra 5`SS\abObW]\OZa]\SO`Pg/ZZ]\bVS >WQQORWZZg:W\SbVSg^`]dWRSW[[SRWObS RW`SQbZW\Yab]P]bVQS\b`OZ:]\R]\ O\R6SObV`]eeVWZS0]eSa>O`YO\R /ZSfO\R`O>OZOQS`OWZeOgabObW]\aO\R T`S_cS\bPcaaS`dWQSaS\ac`SSfQSZZS\b Q]\\SQbW]\ab]]bVS`^O`ba]TbVSQWbg /aO[OX]`[Sb`]^]ZWbO\O`SOE]]R 5`SS\WaOZa]W\Q`SRWPZgRWdS`aSeWbV O\Oab]c\RW\U ZO\UcOUSaa^]YS\ W\bVSP]`]cUV³bVOb¸a[]`SbVO\ SdS\<SeG]`YQO\QZOW[/[]\UbVS WOOD GREEN WHAT YOU CAN BUY IN THE AREA 01. MANOR ROAD, N22, £295,000 This ground-floor twobedroom flat (right) boasts charming original features throughout. Foxtons: 020 8829 4040 %" [O\gQ][[c\WbWSaeV]VOdSaSbbZSR VS`SO`SaWhSOPZS1g^`W]b8O[OWQO\ 5`SSYO\RBc`YWaV^]^cZObW]\aO\RbVS `SUW]\P]OabaO^`]TcaW]\]TSfQSZZS\b Z]QOZ`SabOc`O\babVOb`STZSQbWbadO`WSR QVO`OQbS` /[]`SZ]\UabO\RW\UObb`OQbW]\ V]eSdS`Wa/ZSfO\R`O>OZOQSb] bVS\]`bVeSab0cWZb]`WUW\OZZgOa O^cPZWQQS\b`ST]`SRcQObW]\O\R S\bS`bOW\[S\bWb\]eV]abaUWUaO\R SfVWPWbW]\aPcbWa^S`VO^a[]abeWRSZg Y\]e\T]`]TTS`W\Ua^SQbOQcZO`dWSea ]T:]\R]\¸aWQ]\WQaYgZW\SBVSORXOQS\b /ZSfO\R`O>O`YWaOZa]^]^cZO`eWbV X]UUS`aeVWZS\SO`Pg;caeSZZ6WZZ5]ZT 1ZcPWabVS[]abQS\b`OZZgZ]QObSR]TOZZ ]T:]\R]\¸a^`S[Wc[U]ZTQ]c`aSa 4]`bV]aSeV]^`STS`W\R]]`OQbWdWbg BVS;OZZE]]R5`SS\WaOVcUSZ]QOZ aV]^^W\UQ][^ZSfAbWZZQ][[]\Zg `STS``SRb]PgWba^`SdW]ca\O[SE]]R 5`SS\AV]^^W\U1WbgWbV]caSaOZZbVS /@3//@=C<2 VWUVab`SSbab]`Sag]c¸RSf^SQbOaeSZZ OaOPWU[cZbW^ZSfQW\S[O/R[WbbSRZg \]bbVS[]abObb`OQbWdSO[S\WbgW\bVS O`SOPcbWb¸ac\R]cPbSRZgcaSTcZO\R bVS`SO`S]bVS`TOQWZWbWSabVObW\RWQObS bVSO`SOWaRSdSZ]^W\U[]`SQcZbc`OZ QO^WbOZ<]eW\WbaaSdS\bVgSO`bVS E]]R5`SS\7\bS`\ObW]\OZAV]`b4WZ[ 4SabWdOZaV]eaR]hS\a]TaV]`bTWZ[a T`][bV`]cUV]cb3\UZO\RO\ROQ`]aa bVSUZ]PSeVWZSa][S]TbVSe]`ZR¸a []abQ`SRWPZS[caWQOZO`bWabaacQV Oa0X`YO\R@3;VOdSOZZ`SQ]`RSR ]`[WfSRbVSW`OZPc[aOb\SO`Pg :WdW\Uab]\@SQ]`RW\UAbcRW]a >S`VO^abVS[]ab^S`bW\S\bZ]QOZ Obb`OQbW]\T]`^`]a^SQbWdSV][SPcgS`a V]eSdS`Wa^`]^S`bg^`WQSabVObO`S TO`[]`SOTT]`ROPZSbVO\bVSW`H]\S ]` Q]c\bS`^O`baEWbVQ][T]`bOPZS []RS`\O\Ra^OQW]cabe]PSR`]][ O^O`b[S\baOdOWZOPZST]`O^^`]fW[ObSZg WbWaO[]\U]\S]TbVS[]`S `SOa]\OPZg^`WQSR^O`ba]TbVSQO^WbOZ 02. RUSSELL ROAD, N13, £215,000 03. ARCADIAN GARDENS, N22, £399,950 Housed within a period property, this first-floor, two-bedroom flat has benefited from a complete refurbishment. It now boasts a modern design and pristine features. Nearby transport links provide direct access to the city. Foxtons: 020 8829 4040 Attractively spacious, this three-bedroom freehold property (left), with a large private garden, is located in a quiet residential area, but is just minutes away from all the amenities and transport links of Wood Green High Road. Foxtons: 020 8829 4040 THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY CLARENDON ROAD, N22 An artists’ consortium and collection of studios, The Chocolate Factory is Wood Green’s creative nucleus. LABORATORY SPA & HEALTH CLUB MUSWELL HILL, N10 Fitness fanatics have numerous keep-fit options in Wood Green, but with its gym, spa, sauna and studios, Laboratory is among the most luxurious. ALEXANDRA PARK Just a ten minute stroll from Wood Green station, Alexandra Park is a green haven for those in the area, while Alexandra Palace itself offers indoor ice-skating and outdoor boating. 02 03 01 04 WE WANT B67A;=<B6¸A6=B >@=2C1BA4=@B636=;3 %& 01 GRAHAM & GREEN DEER HEAD Regal as the animals undoubtedly are, we’ve never understood why handing a stuffed deer’s head above one’s fireplace was a sign of manor-born majesty. An infinitely better choice is this aluminium version, a perfect trophy piece for bargain hunters who want to stay ahead of the game. 02 ADUKI NI Solid as a rock it may be, but the stone-shaped appearance of the Aduki Ni is deceptive. When switched off, the silver surface maintains a slate-grey metallic sheen, but switch it on and the orb glows a spectrum of luminescent colours. Rechargeable and splash-proof, it’s another diamond design from Mathmos. £75 £40 03 KARTELL CABINETS It’s not just their cylindrical form that prevents these curvaceous containers from being slotted in a bedroom corner – the brash red colour also demands they be placed centre stage. One of a series of new creations from decadent designers Kartell, they can also be stacked should you wish to admire them from a distance. From £54 WORDS: JOHN KELLY =CbV]caS >@=2C1BA =CbV]caS >@=2C1BA 05 06 07 08 04 CALLIGARIS TABLE LAMP The smouldering glow emitted by this Calligaris lamp may be quite useless should you actually need to see something in detail, but as a piece of contemporary design it could well become a modern classic. Also available in white, it adheres to the Italian firm’s mission to imbue tired furnishings with a new aesthetic. £381 05 ORIGAMI WASTE BIN If you were the type of child that enjoyed making origami cranes then you’ll want to get your hands on this wastepaper bin – it can be unfolded and refolded repeatedly. Admittedly, however, this curious design quirk serves a more important purpose: with the bin being so easily dismantled and cleaned, it loses the need for bin liners and adds green credentials. 06 CECILIA FABRIC We’ve featured IKEA’s affordable range of fabrics before, but the geese and robins found nestling in the Cecilia range have an undeniable seasonal appeal. Fulfilling various festive functions, whether as a tablecloth or wrapping paper, it’s another versatile design from the Swedish specialists, and at only £1.99 a metre, it’s cheap (cheep) too! 07 INDEX CHOPPING BOARD Those concerned about cross contamination in the kitchen this Christmas might want to invest in this handy set of chopping boards rather than constantly lathering on the antibacterial gel. With each of the colour-coded boards labelled according to which foodstuff should be placed on it, it’s a stylish and simple way to keep things sanitary. 08 RETRO FLUELESS FIRE Admittedly, the cost of the unit alone could cover your conventional central heating bills for many years to come, but if you’ve got money to burn then this flueless fire is perfect for watching it go up in flames. Easily installed and powered by environmentally friendly fuel, it’s one of a number available from innovative company EcoSmart. £18.50 £1.99 per metre £42 £5,992 %' /2D3@B=@7/: THE ARMOURIES =CbV]caS ALEXIA SQUARE ;6=>@3A3<BB637@:/B3AB /44=@2/0:3:=<2=<23D3:=>;3<B A=CB63@<6=CA7<5C<D37:A7BA :/B3AB23D3:=>;3<BB63 /@;=C@73A7<@=G/:/@A3</: BVSVWab]`WQ@]gOZ/`aS\OZW\E]]ZeWQVeOa]\QSbVS\ObW]\¸aT]`S[]ab aWbST]`bVS^`]RcQbW]\]TO[[c\WbW]\O\ReSO^]\`g7ba`]]baQO\PS b`OQSRPOQY]dS`!gSO`a6]eSdS`bV]aSROgaO`SZ]\UU]\SB]ROgbVS aWbSWaV][Sb]]\S]TbVS[]ab^`SabWUW]ca`SUS\S`ObW]\^`]XSQbaOQ`]aa a]cbVSOab3\UZO\ReWbVVWUV_cOZWbg[]RS`\V][Sa\]eaWbbW\UQZ]aSb] bVSPO\Ya]TbVS@WdS`BVO[Sa =\SacQVSfO[^ZSWaBVS/`[]c`WSaOabgZWaVO\RQ]\bS[^]`O`g RSdSZ]^[S\bbVObQ][^`WaSaO[Wfbc`S]T]\SO\Rbe]PSR`]][ O^O`b[S\baOdOWZOPZSbV`]cUV<Se0cWZR6][S0cgO\R7\bS`[SRWObS ;O`YSb@S\b³P]bV]TeVWQVO`SU]dS`\[S\bPOQYSRaQVS[SaRSaWU\SR b]VSZ^^S]^ZS]\b]bVSV]caW\UZORRS`BVWaT`SSR][]TQV]WQSOdOWZOPZSOb BVS/`[]c`WSaWaU`SObT]`^]bS\bWOZPcgS`aeV]O`SZWdW\UeWbVSZS[S\ba]T 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A press of its electronic key fob triggers the gull-wing doors, like an albatross taking flight. Scramble over the wide door sill and time spins 60 – no, 100 – years forward: check out the Bang & Olufsen 11-speaker audio setup and elsewhere in the cabin a 7-inch colour display lets you view options for the sat-nav and audio, as well as – if you must – watch video via your iPod, courtesy of a dock. The 6.3-litre V8 SLS AMG is ridiculously quick, pulling 0-60mph in 3.8 seconds and more than 195mph flat out. Mercedes-Benz is also planning an electric-only version of the SLS AM with similar acceleration, although top speed is likely to be reduced to maximise driving range. Price: from £125,000 Visit: COVERTIBLE EAR RISK Although an increasing number of people are aware of the damage that can be done to one’s hearing through repeated exposure to loud music, few of us may stop to think about damage caused through driving. However, hearing experts recently have recently announced that driving a convertible car can pose a particular problem to hearing. They claim that driving with the top down at speeds of 50-70mph exposes your ears to a level of noise not dissimilar to that generated by a pneumatic drill! When the sun is shining, the appeal of a convertible is undeniable, but the ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) experts reckon that regular drivers of convertibles – who expose themselves to the noise of the engine, other traffic and frequent high winds – should think about wearing some sort of protection. The problem is the same for motorcyclists, but their hearing is generally protected by the helmets they wear. The experts found that keeping the windows of your car up, even when the top is down, helped to cut noise levels around your ears. Dr Mark Downs, of the Royal National Institute for Deaf People, told the BBC news website: “Regular exposure to noise levels of 88-90 decibels when driving a convertible for several hours a day can lead to permanent hearing loss over time. By winding up the windows or wearing basic ear protection, such as earplugs, drivers of convertibles can still enjoy driving whilst protecting their hearing.” WORDS BY ADRIAN FOSTER/DRIVELINES Renault Mégane Coupé Dynamique =CbeO`R B@/D3: 2/D726C2A=<3<8=GA /E7<B3@B@7>B= 63:A7<97B631/>7B/: =447<:/<2¬ BALTIC STAR =\S]TbVS[]`SabW[cZObW\UOa^SQba]T b`OdSZZW\UOP`]ORWaS\X]gW\USf^S`WS\QSa g]ce]cZR\¸b\SQSaaO`WZgTW\RObV][S7 Q]\bS[^ZObSRbVWaTOQbeVWZS`SQZW\W\UW\[g PObV`]PSObbVSC`X\YORc\CW[OVOZZWG`X\YObc P!#&'!&%"aeW[[W\UPObVa O\RaOc\OW\6SZaW\YW4W\ZO\RBVWaPSOcbWTcZ O`bRSQ]PcWZRW\UeVWQVRObSaPOQYb]bVS ' a^S`TSQbZgSfS[^ZWTWSaORWTTS`S\QSW\ ObbWbcRSaPSbeSS\]c`be]\ObW]\aEVS`SOa C9aOc\OaVOdSOa][SeVObU`cPPg`S^cbObW]\ AQO\RW\OdWO\Q]c\b`WSabOYSbVSW`abSO[dS`g aS`W]caZg³\]eVS`S[]`Sa]bVO\W\4W\ZO\R /ZbV]cUV[O\g]TWbab`ORWbW]\OZaOc\Oa[Og VOdSRWSR]cb]dS`bVSgSO`a³b]PS`S^ZOQSRPg []`S[]RS`\TOQWZWbWSa³OVO\RTcZ]TVWab]`WQOZ SabOPZWaV[S\ba`S[OW\³acQVOaC`X\YORc\O\R 9]bWVO`XceeeY]bWVO`Xc\aOc\OTWAObc`ROgaOb 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Albertinkatu 30, 00120 Helsinki. +358 20 1234 638. Sokos is the largest hotel chain in Finland, operating a large number of well-designed, stylish hotels across the country, including seven branches in Helsinki alone. The Sokos Hotel Albert is the one Sokos Hotel closest to the city’s gay scene, in the designer district. • Sokos Hotel Aleksanteri, Albertinkatu 34, 00180 Helsinki. +358 (0)20 1234 643. Another Sokos hotel, close to the gay bars (just a few doors from Sokos Hotel Albert), and next door to the historic Alexander Theatre. • Hotel Glo, Kluuvikatu 4, 00100 Helsinki. +358 9 5840 9540. Great hotel in the heart of Helsinki – currently top rated on • Best Western Premier Hotel Katajanokka, Vyökatu 1, Helsinki. +358 9 686 456. Stylish hotel in a former prison – && Wa6S`QcZSaeeeVS`QcZSaUOgQZcPQ][eVS`S g]cVOdSb]PS]dS` "b]UOW\OR[WaaW]\BVS be]dS\cSaaSS[RSbS`[W\SRZga^ZWbR]e\ OUSZW\SaOZbV]cUV2B;Wab`gW\Ub]bS[^bVS ]ZRS`QZWS\bSZSPOQY]\OAObc`ROg\WUVbeVS\ OR[WaaW]\WaXcab¼ T]`O\g]\SeV]QO\ ^`]dSbVObbVSg¸`S]dS`!#Pcb¼&T]`O\g]\S g]c\US` 6SZaW\YW¸a]\ZgR]e\aWRSWabVObWb¸a \]bbVS[]abSQ]\][WQOZ]^bW]\T]` O3c`]^SO\QWbgP`SOYO\ROZbV]cUV Wb[OgPS^]aaWPZSb]V]ZWROgµ]\bVS QVSO^¶R]W\Ua][WUVbW\d]ZdSaYW^^W\U a][S]TbVSQWbg¸a^O`bWQcZO`RSZWUVba]` QcZW\O`gRSZWQOQWSaa][OYSac`Sg]c¸`S ^OQYW\Ua][S^ZOabWQBVObaOWRWTg]c¸`S Z]]YW\UT]`Oc\W_cSSf^S`WS\QS³]\S bVOb¸aaVO^SRPgAQO\RW\OdWO\0OZbWQ O\R@caaWO\W\TZcS\QSabVS\6SZaW\YW ^`][WaSaOeO`[O\Ra][SbW[Sa abSO[geSZQ][S FOOD • Café dtm, Iso Robertinkatu 28. +359 (0)10 841 6996. Evening ay club with a daytime gay café, selling coffee and light bites. • Ravintola Nokka, Kanavaranta 7 F. 6128 5600. Award-winning Finnish restaurant offering traditional cuisine. • Saaga, Bulevardi 34 B. (09) 7425 5544. Lapland themed restaurant – advanced booking advisable. Discounts available for those carrying a Helsinki card. • Aino, Norra esplanaden 21, +358 9 624 327. Charming, traditional Finnish restaurant in the heart of the city. • Bear Park Café, Karhupuisto, Kallio. +358 (0)44 567 0679. Very gay-friendly summer café (closed in winter months). • Café Ekberg,Bulevardi 9, +358 9 6811 8660. Helsinki’s oldest café, and still hugely popular - selling a wide range of coffee, cakes and pastries. www. Café Ekberg The LGBT community of California is still smarting following the passing of last year’s Prop 8, but neighbouring Nevada has had recent cause to celebrate. This October the state’s Domestic Partnership bill came into force, and Las Vegas (of course) has come up with its own inimitable way of celebrating the occasion. Among the more colourful packages on offer in venues throughout the city is the Zumanity Commitment Ceremony package. In partnership with the New York-New York Hotel and Casino, gay couples can declare their love in a commitment ceremony at the Luxor Las Vegas Wedding Chapel, before redeeming VIP tickets to Zumanity, Cirque du Soleil’s new adultthemed extravaganza, and then cavorting with the crowds at the ROK Vegas nightclub. Admittedly not the romantic ceremony most couples initially consider, but a quiet time for two is also promised with complimentary spa treatments and two nights’ accommodation at the hotel. Packages cost from $638 - details at www. AFRICAN ECLIPSE TOURS A combination of its unfavourable position and typically overcast weather is set to obscure London’s view of the ten-minute solar eclipse due to take place on 15 January 2010, but tour operator Gap Adventures has announced three separate winter tours that incorporate the spectacular occurrence into their itineraries. The 15-day Kenya and Tanzania Wildlife Adventure (£1,759) sees explorers witness the solar eclipse from the shores of Kenya’s Lake Nakuru – in the company of hundreds of thousands of flamingos – while a seven-day trek to the summit of Kilimanjaro (£729) gives intrepid travel the opportunity to observe the sun rise twice over Africa’s highest mountain. Equally spectacular is the eight-day Tanzania Wildlife Adventure (£979), with the eclipse occurring as the group lays in the shadow of the Ngorongoro volcano crater. Further information about each of the packages is available at GAY TRAVEL AWARDS Another indicator of the growing power of the gay travel market, the inaugural gay travel awards from travel website received over 100,000 entries and the recently announced results should be of interest to anyone planning a gay getaway in 2010. Bolstered, no doubt, by its recent Olympic coup, Rio is honoured as best global destination; the Caribbean island of Curacao is this year’s breakout destination; and the City of Light, Paris, continues to smoulder as the sexiest place on earth. =CbeO`R B@/D3: POSTCARD FROM GRAN CANARIA bVS[]dSOUOW\³bVWabW[SQ`]aaW\UbVSGc[P] b]X]W\bVSUO\UObbVSSdS`^]^cZO`@WQYg¸a 1OPO`Sb0O`/\ReWbV;a;WQVOSZa^S`T]`[W\U bVS`ST]c`\WUVbaOeSSY]TTS`W\UVS`cacOZP`O\R ]TQOcabWQVc[]c`O\RW[^`SaaWdSZg^]eS`TcZ aW\UW\Ud]WQSaVS¸a`SOZZgVSZ^W\Ub]R`OUW\bVS Q`]eRaB]TW\R]cb[]`SOP]cbB8O\RbVS`Sab]T bVS@WQYg¸aQ`]eRQVSQY]cbbVS]TTWQWOZ@WQYg¸a 1OPO`Sb0O`4O\>OUS]\4OQSP]]Y /ZbV]cUV5`O\1O\O`WOWa^`W[O`WZgOeW\bS` RSabW\ObW]\ac[[S` 'eWZZabWZZU]R]e\]\ `SQ]`ROa]\S]TbVS_cWSbSab]T`SQS\bgSO`a eWbVTSeS`0`WbWaVb]c`WababVO\cacOZVSORW\Ub] bVSWaZO\R³W\[cQVbVSaO[SeOgbVOb[OW\ZO\R A^OW\VOaacTTS`SR6O^^WZgbV]cUVbVWaeW\bS`Wa aVO^W\Uc^b]PSO[]`SacQQSaaTcZ^S`W]ReWbV <]dS[PS`aSSW\UO\W\Q`SOaSW\P]]YW\UaO\R eVObZ]]YaZWYSPSW\UOVSOZbVgUOg[O`YSbT]` bVS[]\bVaOVSOR 3F>/B>/C:;C@>6G 0@7<5ACAB63:/B3AB <3EA/<2C>2/B3A4@=; 3C@=>3¸A4/D=C@7B35/G 6=:72/G7A:/<2¬ bOYS\^ZOQSaWf[]\bVaZObS`bVO\]`WUW\OZZg ^ZO\\SRBVObaOWRT]`O\gP]RgZ]]YW\UT]`O `SZOfW\UdS\cSb]S\X]ga][SSdS\W\UQ]QYbOWZa ]`OTbS`\]]\Q]TTSSO\RQOYSWb]TTS`aOa[O`b Q]\bS[^]`O`gO^^SO`O\QSO\R^ZS\bg]T OZT`SaQ]Q][T]`b :O:SQVSWaSOagb]TW\ROaWb¸aRW`SQbZg]dS`0/A3 0O`T]`[S`Zg1OT{:O0SZZS]\bVSU`]c\RTZ]]` /a TOabO^^`]OQVSabVSQ]c\bR]e\b]bVS ]TbVSGc[P]1S\b`SO\RWa`c\PgEVWbS0SZZ \Sfb5Og>`WRS;Oa^OZ][OaWac\RS`eOgEWbV 5`]c^³bVSaO[SQ][^O\g`Sa^]\aWPZST]`bVS 0OaS[S\bAbcRW]aQ][^ZSfO\RbVS\SO`Pg@]0 O^`SZW[W\O`gZWab]TOQbWdWbWSaOZ`SORg`SZSOaSRWb Z]]YaZWYS5`O\1O\O`WO¸a\Sfb>`WRSeWZZPSPWUUS` AV]^/\ROa:O:SQVSWa]^S\SdS`gROgT`][ O\RPSbbS`bVO\SdS`7bbOYSa^ZOQST`][!';Og O[bV`]cUVb] O[Wb¸aWRSOZOaOab]^]TT^]W\b YWQYW\U]TTeWbVab`SSbS\bS`bOW\[S\bW\O\R T]`OR`W\YO\ROQVObB]TW\R]cb[]`SQVSQY ]cbeeeZOZSQVSUQQ][ O`]c\RbVSZSUS\RO`gGc[P]1S\b`S]\bVS TW`abROg;]\ROgT]ZZ]eSRPgOTOaVW]\aV]e ;SO\eVWZSR]e\abOW`aT`][:O:SQVS0/A3 O\R>W\Y<WUVbW\bVSGc[P]]\bVSBcSaROg 0O`Q]\bW\cSab]R]eSZZObb`OQbW\UbVSaO[S ESR\SaROgaSSabVS=TTWQWOZ=^S\W\U>]]Z YW\R]T[S\]\ZgQ`]eROa1]\ab`cQbW]\ >O`bgTSObc`W\UbVS;`5Og5`O\1O\O`WO BVSQ][^SbWbW]\PSbeSS\bVSbe]dS\cSa Q]\bSabeWbVbVS=TTWQWOZ=^S\W\U0OZZW\bVS ³aWbcObSRdW`bcOZZg]^^]aWbSSOQV]bVS`³VOa SdS\W\U PSS\W\bS\aSOZZgSO`eWbVdO`W]ca^`][]bW]\a /aWTbVOb¸a\]bS\]cUVbVS`S¸aZWYSZgb]PSO `c\\W\UW\QZcRW\UT`SSR`OcUVbPSS`T]`OTSe :SaPWO\>]]Z>O`bg]\bVS4`WROgT]ZZ]eSRPgO 2`OU5OZO1][^SbWbW]\ObA^O`YZSaAV]e0O`Ob eSSYaPOQYW\bVSac[[S`W\O\STT]`bb]Obb`OQb \WUVb/\R]TQ]c`aSbVSeSSYS\RaSSabVSVcUS Qcab][BVSaSROgabV]cUVP]bVPO`aO`S [OW\^O`ORS]\AObc`ROg]\QSOUOW\TSObc`W\U S\X]gW\U^ZS\bg]Tac^^]`bO\RO^^SO`b]PSQ] SfWabW\U_cWbSVO^^WZg¬ Oe]`ZR`SQ]`RR`OUObV]\eVWZSAc\ROgabO`ba bVSeW\RR]e\^`]QSaaeWbVbVS·1VWZZ>WZZ @SQ]dS`g>O`bg¸ BVc`aROg4`WROgO\RAObc`ROg]TTS`Tc`bVS` >`WRSVWUVZWUVbaeVS\O\O``Og]TOQbabOYSb] bVS[OW\abOUSW\bVS·a_cO`S¸ObbVSGc[P] 7\bVSZOab>]abQO`RT`][5`O\1O\O`WOaSSbVS ^`]dWRW\UbV`SSQ]\aSQcbWdS\WUVba]TTc\O\R AS^bS[PS`WaacS]T=cb7\BVS1WbgeS`S^]`bSR S\bS`bOW\[S\bEV]¸aO^^SO`W\U-3`[¬Wb bVObR`OUabS`B8;WQVOSZa^WQbc`SR¡³]\S]T aSS[abVOb¸aabWZZW\bVS^ZO\\W\UabOUSaa]g]c¸ZZ bVSGc[P]¸aVO`RSabe]`YW\UR`OU_cSS\a³VOR \SSRb]QVSQY]cbbVS]TTWQWOZeSPaWbSeee []dSRb]/\USZabVSZObSabaV]ePO` UOg^`WRS[Oa^OZ][OaQ][T]`\Sea0SbbS` b]]^S\W\bVSGc[P]0cbeWbV abWZZX]W\bVS5Og>`WRS;Oa^OZ][Oa^OUS]\ bVS^`S[Obc`SQZ]ac`S]T 4OQSP]]YO\R`SQSWdSRW`SQbc^RObSaOaa]]\Oa /\USZaXcabOTbS`eS bVSg¸`SOdOWZOPZS eS\bb]^`W\bB8VOa PSS\]\ Club Mancha 2]W\U^O`bWQcZO`ZgeSZZ`WUVb\]eWa1ZcP;O\QVO bVS[S\]\ZgV]ZWROgPc\UOZ]eQ][^ZSf`c\Pg UOgb]c`]^S`Ob]`;O\B`Od7b¸aOa[OZZT`WS\RZg Q][^ZSfWRSOZZg^ZOQSRXcabbe][W\cbSa¸eOZY T`][bVSGc[P]/\ReWbVOU`SObbSO[bVS`S b]QObS`T]`g]c`SdS`g\SSRWb¸aeSZZe]`bV Q]\aWRS`W\UT]`g]c`\SfbP`SOY 3dS\WTg]c¸`S\]babOgW\UOb1ZcP;O\QVOWb¸a ]^S\b]\]\`SaWRS\baOZZROg³a]PSO`WbW\[W\R Oaa][SeVS`Sb]^]^OZ]\Ub]]\g]c`\SfbdWaWb 4]`Tc`bVS`W\T]QVSQY]cbeeeQZcP[O\QVO Q][/\RWTg]c¸`SVSORW\U]dS`b]5`O\1O\O`WO T]`a][S[cQV\SSRSR ac\aVW\SRc`W\UbVSPcag 1V`Wab[OaO\R<SeGSO` ^S`W]R¬VOdSTc\ ONTHEMOVE NEWOPENING BVSSOUS`ZgOeOWbSR]^S\W\U]TbVS\SeQVWZZ]cb Z]c\USPO`³Y\]e\Oa:O:SQVS³VOaTW\OZZg ' TJ Michaels =CbRW`SQb]`g >@=>3@BG @31@C7B;3<B ' =CbaQ]^S AB/@A 23 AUG-22 SEP VIRGO Wishing for riches to fall into your lap is a waste of time Virgo – you really need to examine ways to earn your way. Put additional effort into using your strengths and finding ways to develop them, because if you’re doing something that you have a genuine interest in then you’re going to effortlessly shine. 23 SEP-22 OCT 23 OCT-21 NOV 22 NOV-21 DEC SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS There will be a positive change of luck for you this December, Scorpio. The beginning of this month will see your fortunes turn for the better and things will start going your way. However, this isn’t a time to rest on your laurels – you need to keep the momentum going as we move into the New Year. Don’t be so ready to throw accusations around. You’re not so perfect yourself – a fact that will be highlighted if you start wagging your finger at others. Have a little patience and accept that not everyone has the same level of ability as you do. Remember that you have your failings too. LIBRA SAGITTARIUS There’s too many people taking advantage of your good nature and it’s starting to take its toll on you. You need to be a little bit less willing to please people. Request that they please you for once. Try to think of what you want instead of what others require, which is just sapping your energy. 22 DEC-19 JAN There’s been a poor line of communication between you and your family recently and this is something that you need to address – particularly ahead of the approaching festive season. All it takes is to keep an open mind and be willing to listen. You might be amazed at how painless it can be if you’re prepared to allow others to speak their mind. CAPRICORN Britney Spears 02.12.81 Britney, who was born in Mahon, Mississippi in 1981, has packed more into her 28 years than many people twice her age… including husbands, babies, breakdowns and an A-list superstar career. As a Sagittarian, Britney has a naturally cheerful, social and optimistic nature. Kind and open hearted, with Sagittarians, what you see is what you get. 20 JAN-18 FEB There’s a tremendous month up for you Aquarius, AQUARIUS coming when everything you touch will turn to gold! Be it work, relationships or pleasure, you won’t be able to put a foot wrong. While you’re having a wonderful time, remember to spread some happiness around to those friends and family that deserve it. It is, after all, the season for giving. 19 FEB-20 MAR 21 MAR-19 APR 20 APR-20 MAY 21 MAY-21 JUN 22 JUN-22 JUL 23 JUL-22 AUG PISCES ARIES TAURUS GEMINI CANCER LEO Pisces, be aware that even though you’re in a successful place just now, all it takes is for the wrong thing to be said to the wrong person for it all to come crashing down. Be aware of how you put yourself across, as someone may be taking you the wrong way. Show your nice side. Watch out whom you’re gossiping to Aries. You may believe that it’s all in the strictest confidence, but everything you’re saying is reaching the ears of the people you’re talking about. Have a little more tact and be more selective in your confidantes… especially after drinks at the Christmas party! There are a lot of people out there who mistake kindness for weakness. You don’t have to be nice to everyone all of the time to earn respect – people will sometimes respect you more if you say ‘no’ occasionally. It might feel uncomfortable to do so, but you need to show that you’re not a pushover. Don’t worry so much about money Gemini, as there’s plenty of it coming your way soon. However, be wise with it and don’t just squander it on another nice pair of shoes! Put it away for when you really need it. After recent cash problems, having some savings will give you precious peace of mind Cancer, you are a very sexy person indeed – so allow yourself to be adored! There’s plenty of attention coming your way but don’t shy away from it and become bashful – grab that mistletoe and indulge in some fruity festive spirit! It doesn’t happen all the time so make the most of it. 23A75</<2;/7<B3</<13 ' Whatever you do Leo, don’t bury your head in the sand and hope your problems will go away of their own accord, because they’ll still be there when you pop your head up… only much worse than before. As 2010 approaches, you need to tackle them head on and make a plan of action before they become un-fixable. =CbRW`SQb]`g 63/:B6 5@==;7<5/<2A3@D713A To take advantage of our fabulous advertising opportunities, contact Dan Goodban on 0207258177 or '! =CbTWb E=@:2/72A2/G TAKE CONTROL, GET TESTED ;=AB3F>3@BA/5@33B6/B5/G;3<A6=C:253BB63;A3:D3A@35C:/@:G B3AB324=@67D74G=C¸@37<431B320GB63D7@CAB63<B63A==<3@G=C 9<=EB6303BB3@B6316/<13=4@3137D7<534431B7D3B@3/B;3<B/63/2 =4B67AG3/@¸AE=@:2/72A2/GE3B/:932B=BE=5/G;3<E6=4=C<2 =CBB637@>=A7B7D327/5<=A7A034=@37BE/AB==:/B3 GARY WHITTAKER, 33 6S¸a\SUObWdSPcbVS¸aO\c`aSa]VSVOa\] ^`]PZS[eWbV[gabObcaObOZZBVS`SVOdSPSS\ OTSebW[SaeVS\7VOdS\¸bPSS\eSZZeVWQVVOa [ORS[SOPWbe]``WSRPcb7PSZWSdSbVOb¸a_cWbS Q][[]\eWbV^S]^ZSeV]VOdSPSS\`SQS\bZg RWOU\]aSReWbV67D³g]cQO\T`Sb]dS`O\gZc[^ ]`Pc[^]`Q]ZRbVObg]cUSb³WbR]Sa[OYSg]c OPWb^O`O\]WR0cbVS¸aPSS\TO\bOabWQO\R7¸RPS Z]abeWbV]cb[gac^^]`b\Sbe]`Y 7eOaWZZT]`OP]cbOgSO`eWbVeVObbc`\SR ]cbb]PSO67D`SZObSRWZZ\SaaQOZZSR1;D 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We asked the clinic’s Dr Iain Reeves, a consultant in HIV Medicine, to tell us a little more about the service. Hi Iain – Why do you think it’s important for there to be a special clinic aimed at gay men? Gay men continue to be disproportionately affected by sexually transmitted infections and HIV. Most transmissions of HIV occurring within the UK happen via sex between men. There are limited services for gay men in this part of London and we know from community surveys that quite a large proportion of men have not been to a GUM clinic or had an HIV test in the '& previous year. It’s important for us to aim to deliver more accessible, specialist services to diagnose and treat infections so as to relieve disease and also to reduce transmission. We also aim to help individuals who are engaging in riskier sex but want to change their behaviour. What services are available at the clinic? Sexual health information. Condoms and lube. Testing for sexually transmitted infections and HIV. Treatment for sexually transmitted infections. “Rapid” or “point of care” HIV tests – i.e. a preliminary SECOND SKIN Not everyone enjoys wearing a condom, but with the prevalence of HIV and other sexuallytransmitted infections, we all know the importance of doing so. In response to this, Skins are a new brand of condom that its makers are hoping will appeal to all men - even those who are condom-phobic. For a start, they’ve sourced the very best quality latex. Secondly, to avoid that unpleasant latex smell, they’ve infused the condoms with vanilla, so that they actually smell nice. The condoms are transparent, and contain extra lubrication, to minimise the chances of them ever splitting. The brand is available in three varieties: natural, ultra-thin and dots and ribs. The ultra-thin ones are just as adequate for anal sex as extrastrong condoms, but it hardly feels like you’re wearing a condom at all. Skins are on sale at all good retailers, online on the web, or available at all branches of Chariots sauna across the capital. HIV result is available at the time of the visit. Vaccination against Hepatitis B and A. Post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) against HIV, for people who have been at significant risk of HIV infection in the preceding 72 hours, and access to counselling – we are soon going to have a clinical psychologist working with us, delivering short-term “talking therapy”. If men want to book an appointment, how can they do so? The gay men’s clinic is on a Thursday evening from 5 ‘til 7pm. There are some appointments but you can also “drop-in” (no appointment needed). The address is: Department of Sexual Health, Clifden House, Homerton Hospital, Homerton Row, London, E9 6SR. Telephone to make an appointment: 020 8510 7989 or 020 8510 7988