Non-standard Plural Forms ()
Non-standard Plural Forms ()
Foreign and Irregular Plurals in CSW by David Sutton **** Now amended for CSW15 **** This document attempts to list all singular nouns in CSW (the official Scrabble word list) that have nine letters or fewer and that have irregular plurals; those plurals are shown together with a brief definition. Ten-letter singular nouns are included where they yield a nine-letter plural. By 'irregular plural' is meant a plural that is not formed according to the usual rules of English orthography, i.e. in one of the following ways: by the addition of –S, as in CATS by the addition of –ES, where the word ends in s, x, z, ch or sh, as in PRINCESSES, BOXES, QUARTZES, BEECHES, SASHES. Note that in the case of ch this applies only where ch has the soft sound, not the hard sound as in EPOCH or LOCH, where a simple S is added by the addition of –ES plus change of a terminal –Y to I, as in LAUNDRIES For completeness I have also included the following categories of word: words that do not change at all in the plural; these are denoted by a dash in the second column. Note that I have excluded 'collective' nouns that are normally used in the singular but which do have an –S form e.g. one would normally speak of a herd of twenty BISON, but BISONS does exist and might be used when speaking of different individuals. This is unlike MOOSE, where there is no MOOSES* words ending in –O that take a plural in –OES rather than, or in addition to, –OS words ending in –I that take a plural in –IES rather than, or in addition to, –IS words ending in –S or -Z that double the S or Z It should be noted that a great many of these nouns with irregular plurals also have regular plurals. These are not explicitly shown but their existence is denote by an asterisk in column 3. Thus ABDOMEN can be assumed to have the regular plural ABDOMENS as well as the explicitly given ABDOMINA, COLOSSUS can be assumed to yield COLOSSUSES as well as the explicitly given COLOSSI, ALBEDO can be assumed to yield ALBEDOS as well as the explicitly given ALBEDOES, and COMBI can be assumed to yield COMBIS as well as the explicitly given COMBIES. There are a large number of plural nouns that have no singular e.g. DOGDAYS, DOLDRUMS. These are not included here as they are covered in my previous work 'Plurals and apparent plurals with no singulars', also available from the ABSP Words page. I will be glad to hear of any errors of omission or commission. Version History: 1.0 20/1/2010 First issue 1.1 22/1/2010 Added LILANGENI; added PRODROME; added a number of 8 and 9 letter words ending in A that take an –ATA plural 1.2 27/1/2010 Added COMEDO, MYRMIDON, THEW, TUFOLI, UMBO 1.3 2/2/2010 Added CALVARIUM, CINERARIUM, XENIUM. 2.0 17/2/2012 Updated to reflect changes due to CSW12 2.1 15/9/2012 Amended to correct some minor errors; also added INGLUVIES and DISCOBOLOS Singular Plural Definition aardwolf abacus abdomen abductor aardwolves abaci abdomina abductores abiosis aboideau aboiteau abolla abomasum abomasus abscissa acantha acanthus acariasis acarus accused acervulus acetabulum acetum achaenium achenium acicula acidosis acinus acromion acroterium actinia aculeus addendum adenoma adenosis adiaphoron adieu adiposis adman adwoman adytum aecidium aecium aedes aerobium aerobus aerotaxis aesc abioses aboideaux aboiteaux abollae abomasa abomasi abscissae acanthae acanthi acariases acari acervuli acetabula aceta achaenia achenia aciculae acidoses acini acromia acroteria actiniae aculei addenda adenomata adenoses adiaphora adieux adiposes admen adwomen adyta aecidia aecia aerobia aerobusses aerotaxes aesces a hyena-like African mammal, aka earthwolf a counting device using beads in mammals, the part between diaphragm and pelvis a muscle that abducts (ABDUCTORES); one who abducts (ABDUCTORS) absence of life a tide gate a tide gate a Roman military cloak the fourth stomach of a ruminant the fourth stomach of a ruminant the horizontal distance from a fixed line to a point a thorn, a prickle a genus of herbaceous prickly plants an irritating itching insect infestation a mite a person accused the spore-producing organ of certain fungi a cuplike hollow on the hipbone to receive the thighbone vinegar a small one-seeded fruit of plant; naked seed a small one-seeded fruit a needle-like part or process the presence of acids in the blood beyond normal levels a berry which grows in clusters the outer extremity of the shoulder blade a pedestal or ornament at the angle of a pediment a sea-anemone a goad or sting something to be added a usually non-lethal tumour of a gland abnormal growth of glandular tissue a tenet or belief on which a theological system is indifferent a farewell obesity one who works in advertising a female worker in the advertising industry the sacred part of a temple or church a cup-shaped fructification in rust fungi a cup-shaped fructification in rust fungi (Greek) a genus of mosquito an aerobe an airbus movement towards or from oxygen an Old English rune used for ae * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * aesthesis afterlife agape aestheses afterlives agapae agapai * * agenesis aggada aggadah agnomen agon ageneses aggadot aggadoth agnomina agones * * * * agora agora aguna alkali agorae agorot agoroth agunot agunoth agrapha aidmen aidoi airbusses airmen airwomen akineses alae alalagmoi albarelli albedoes alberghi aldermen alewives alfereces algae algeses aliyos aliyot aliyoth alkalies alkalosis alkaloses allantois allodium alluvium almsman almswoman alodium alula alumna alumnus alveolus amaurosis ambo ambulacrum allantoides allodia alluvia almsmen almswomen alodia alulae alumnae alumni alveoli amauroses ambones ambulacra agraphon aidman aidos airbus airman airwoman akinesis ala alalagmos albarello albedo albergo alderman alewife alferez alga algesis aliyah * * * * * * * * * * * the ability to receive sense impressions life after death a love feast practiced by early Christians in connection with the Last Supper absence or imperfect development of a bodily part the homiletic part of the Jewish scripture the homiletic part of the Jewish scripture an additional name; a surname the dramatic conflict between the chief characters in a literary work in ancient Athens, the market-place where debates were held a monetary unit of Israel (Hebrew) a woman whose husband has abandoned her but fails to provide an official divorce a saying of Jesus not found in the canonical gospels a corpsman shame, modesty an aeroplane that provides the equivalent of a bus service an aviator a female aviator the loss of the power of voluntary movement an outgrowth on a fruit a war-cry a cylindrical jar used to hold drugs the proportion of radiation reflected from a surface an inn a member of a municipal legislative body a fish of the herring family (Arabic) a standard-bearer a seaweed the sensation of pain the immigration of Jews to Israel a substance which, dissolved in water, forms a solution containing hydroxyl ions and with a pH of more than 7. an illness in which the tissues of the body become too alkaline a sac-like fetal membrane forming part of the placenta an estate held in absolute ownership, without superior river deposits, such as silt, sand and mud a person supported by alms a woman who receives alms property under absolute ownership; freehold three feathers springing from the base of the primaries a female alumnus an ex-student a cell in a honeycomb partial or total blindness, without apparent change in the eye an early Christian raised reading-desk or pulpit a row of tube feet of an echinoderm ambuscado ameba amebiasis ameiosis amentum amicus amitosis amnion amoeba amoretto amorino amphioxus amphora ampulla amygdala anabasis anabiosis anaclisis anacrusis anaerobium analemma analogon analysis anamnesis anaptyxis ambuscadoes amebae amebiases ameioses amenta amici amitoses amnia amoebae amoretti amorini amphioxi amphorae ampullae amygdalae anabases anabioses anaclises anacruses anaerobia analemmata analoga analyses anamneses anaptyxes anastasis anathema anchorman ancile ancilla ancon andantino androecium anecdote anecdysis anemosis anestrum anestrus angioma anidrosis animato animus ankylosis anlage annulus anoesis anoestrum anoestrus anastases anathemata anchormen ancilia ancillae ancones andantini androecia anecdota anecdyses anemoses anestra anestri angiomata anidroses animati animi ankyloses anlagen annuli anoeses anoestra anoestri * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * an ambuscade an amoeba infection of the colon by amoebae non-pairing of the chromosomes in meiosis a catkin a legal expert witness direct cell division, without mitosis the innermost membrane enveloping the embryo a protozoon of ever-changing shape a cherub a cupid a fishlike creature a vessel for holding oil a vessel for holy oil or wine for coronations or rituals any almond-shaped formation in body, eg the tonsil an expedition or an advance, especially a military one a return to life after apparent death the state of being anaclitic one or more unstressed notes preceding the first bar line an organism that does not require air for respiration the figure-8 on a map showing the sun's seasonal course that which is analogous to some other thing the separation of a whole into its parts a preliminary case history of a medical or psychiatric patient the insertion of a vowel between two consonants for ease of pronunciation in Byzantine art, the harrowing of hell; resurrection the formal act or formula of consigning to damnation a person in a studio who links up with outside camera units the sacred shield of the Romans an assistant the elbow a movement rather quicker than andante the male organs (stamens) of a flower taken collectively a short narrative of an incident of private life a period between moults in arthropods the separation of rings in the growth of timber due to wind a period of sexual inactivity between periods of oestrus a period of sexual inactivity between periods of oestrus a tumour due to dilated blood vessels absence of sweating a musical passage to be played in a lively fashion a usually prejudiced and often spiteful or malevolent ill will the joining together of bones or hard parts; resulting stiffness the first discernible rudiment of an organ a ring, spec a partial veil round the stalk in some agarics consciousness with sensation but without thought a period of sexual inactivity between periods of oestrus a period of sexual inactivity between periods of oestrus ansa anta ansae antae antefixa antenna anthelion anthelix anthemion anthesis anthodium anthrax antihelix antihero antiman antipasto antiserum antitragus antlia antrum anuresis aorta apeman apex aphelion apheresis aphesis aphis aphtha apiculus apneusis apoapsis apocryphon apodosis apologia apomixis apophasis antefixae antennae anthelia anthelices anthemia antheses anthodia anthraces antihelices antiheroes antimen antipasti antisera antitragi antliae antra anureses aortae apemen apices aphelia aphereses apheses aphides aphthae apiculi apneuses apoapsides apocrypha apodoses apologiae apomixes apophases apophysis apoptosis apothecium appalto appendix apsis apophyses apoptoses apothecia appalti appendices apsides apterium aqua aquarium arbor arboretum apteria aquae aquaria arbores arboreta * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * part of Saturn's rings a square pilaster at either side of a doorway (ANTAE); a kind of tapir (ANTAS) an ornament at the end of a classical building either of a pair of sensory appendages on the heads of insects a luminous ring seen on a cloud opposite the sun the curved elevation of the cartilage of the ear a flat cluster of leaves or flowers as an ornament in art the time when a flower becomes sexually functional the inflorescence of a compound flower a disease of cattle the curved elevation of the cartilage of the ear a character with qualities opposite to those of the hero a homosexual man a hors d'oeuvre, an appetizer a serum containing antibodies a prominence on the lower posterior portion of the ear a suctorial proboscis a cavity, esp leading into the nose inability to urinate the main artery into the heart any of several extinct primates a summit or peak the point when the earth is farthest from the sun the omission of a letter or syllable at the beginning of a word the loss of unaccented vowel at beginning of word a plant-louse a roundish pearl-colored specks or flakes in the mouth a short sharp point in which an organ may end protracted gasping inhalations followed by short inhalations the high point in an orbit a hidden or secret thing the main clause in a conditional sentence an apology, usu in literary form non-sexual reproduction the rhetorical device of emphasizing a fact, by pretending to deny it a projecting part of an organism, especially of bone the natural self-destruction of cells in a growing organism an open cup-shaped fruiting body borne by many lichens a contract or monopoly something added on the point at which a heavenly body is most or least distant from centre of attraction a bare patch on a bird's skin water an artificial pond or tank a tree a collection of trees archaeus archeus arco area areola argulus argumentum arillus arioso arista armful armilla arroz arteritis arthritis arthrosis artsman as as as ascaris ascesis ascidium ascites ascogonium ascus asepsis ashman askesis askos aspidium aspirata astragalus asylum asynapsis asyndeton atheroma athetesis athetosis atlas archaei archei archi areae areolae arguli argumenta arilli ariosi aristae armsful armillae arroces arteritides arthritides arthroses artsmen aesir asar asses ascarides asceses ascidia ascogonia asci asepses ashmen askeses askoi aspidia aspiratae astragali asyla asynapses asyndeta atheromata atheteses athetoses atlantes atmolysis atrium att attackman auditorium aulos aura aureola atmolyses atria attackmen auditoria auloi aurae aureolae * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the Paracelsian vital principle or force the Paracelsian vital principle or force the bow of a strinbged instrument a part of the cortex a small circular area a fish louse logical argument, proof a exterior covering, forming a false coat to a seed a musical direction: in the melodious manner of an aria an awn as much as can be carried in the arms a bracelet rice inflammation of an artery or arteries inflammation of the joints a degenerative, non-inflammatory, disease of the joints one who studies arts subjects a Norse god a kame or esker a Roman coin any nematode worm of the parasitic genus ascaris the practice of self-discipline a pitcher-shaped organ or appendage of a plant dropsy of the abdomen the female reproductive structure of fungi a spore sac freedom from sepsis or blood-poisoning one who collects rubbish the practice of self-discipline an ancient Greek jar a shield-fern a type of plosive an ankle-bone; a rounded beading or moulding on column a place of refuge a failure of the pairing of chromosomes in meiosis the omission of conjunctions a type of cyst the rejection of a passage as spurious nervous twitching of digits and extremities a book of maps (ATLASES); a figure of a man serving as a column in a building (ATLANTES) a method of separating gases of different densities a square hall lighted from above a Laotian monetary unit a soldier or sportsman with attacking role the part of a theatre occupied by the audience an ancient Greek wind instrument a supposed subtle emanation from living things a crown or increment to the ordinary blessedness of heaven aureus auricula auris aurora auspex autolysis autobahn automan automaton auxesis avgas aviatrix avifauna avocado axeman axilla axolemma axis aurei auriculae aures aurorae auspices autolyses autobahnen automen automata auxeses avgasses aviatrices avifaunae avocadoes axemen axillae axolemmata axes axman baal bacca bacchius bacco bacillus bacterium axmen baalim baccae bacchii baccoes bacilli bacteria baculum badman bagful bagman bailsman balista ballabile ballista bambino ban bandeau bandsman bandyman banjo banksman barachois barbasco bargeman bargoose barman barricado barrico bacula badmen bagsful bagmen bailsmen balistae ballabili ballistae bambini bani bandeaux bandsmen bandymen banjoes banksmen barbascoes bargemen bargeese barmen barricadoes barricoes * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a gold coin of ancient Rome a species of Primula the ear a luminous atmospheric phenomenon (Lat.) a soothsayer of ancient Rome the breaking down of tissue by the action of its own enzymes a motorway an automobile maker a machine that imitates the movement of a living creature an ordering of thoughts in order of ascending importance aviation gasoline a female aviator the birdlife of a region a rough-skinned pear-shaped edible fruit of a tropical tree one who wields an axe an armpit the membrane that encloses the axons of a nerve cell the imaginary straight line about which a body such as the earth rotates (AXES); a kind of deer (AXISES) one who wields an axe a false god a berry a metrical foot composed of one short syllable and two long tobacco any rod-shaped bacterium a type of micro-organism; BACTERIA also a singular with plural BACTERIAS the penis bone in some mammals an outlaw the contents of a bag one who carries a bag for someone; a commercial traveller a person who gives bail for another a Roman military engine in the form of a crossbow part of a ballet danced by the whole corps de ballet a Roman military engine (Italian) a child a Romanian monetary unit (BANI); a prohibition (BANS) a narrow band or fillet; a part of a head-dress a member of a band of musicians in India, one who drives a bandy, a kind of carriage a stringed musical instrument an overseer at a pit-mouth a shalow lagoon formed by a sandbar a S. American plant a man who manages a barge, or one of the crew of a barge a kind of wild goose a male bartender a barricade a small cask basaltes baseman basho basidium basilica basis basso bateau batman batsman batswoman batteau batwoman bayman beadman beadsman beau bedeman bedesman bedu beef beefalo behalf bellman beltman bema bendy berceau bhat bhaji basemen basidia basilicae bases bassi bateaux batmen batsmen batswomen batteaux batwomen baymen beadmen beadsmen beaux bedemen bedesmen beeves beefaloes behalves bellmen beltmen bemata bendys berceaux bhajia bialy biennium bifidum biga bigfoot bijou bilbo billman bimbo bingo binman biogas biolysis birdlife birdman birlieman birr biscotto bialys biennia bifidum bigae bigfeet bijoux bilboes billmen bimboes bingoes binmen biogasses biolyses birdmen birliemen birrotch biscotti * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * unglazed stoneware a fielding position in baseball (Japanese) in sumo wrestling, a tournament a spore-bearing structure produced by a basidiomycete a large hall with double colonnades and a semicircular apse the foundation, or that on which a thing rests in music, the bass or lowest part a boat; esp a flat-bottomed boat used on the Canadian lakes an officer's personal servant one who bats a female person who wields the bat at cricket a boat; esp a flat-bottomed boat used on the Canadian lakes an officer's female personal attendant a person who works about a bay a monk or almoner who prays for a benefactor a monk or almoner who prays for a benefactor a dandy a monk or almoner who prays for a benefactor a monk or almoner who prays for a benefactor a tent-dwelling nomadic Arab the meat of the cow (BEEFS); a steer or cow (BEEVES) a cross between a cow and a buffalo interest, support, or benefit a watchman who patrols city streets calling out the hour the member of a lifesaving team who swims out to the rescue a synagogue platform another name for okra a cradle, a covered walk the basic monetary unit of Thailand in Indian cookery, an appetizer consisting of vegetables cooked in batter an onion roll; note also BIALIES a period of two years a bacterium often added to yogurt a two-horse chariot a large hairy humanlike creature a trinket, a jewel a rapier one who uses, or is armed with, a bill or hooked ax an attractive but dim young woman a lottery-type game a refuse disposal man any gas produced biologically e.g. methane by cows the destruction of life birds collectively a fowler or birdcatcher a byrlaw-man a monetary unit of Ethiopia; BIRRS is valid as a verb form a small Italian biscuit bisectrix bivium biz blaes blaise blaize blastema blastoma blastula blowby bluecurls bluesman boardman boatman boatsman bodyman bogeyman bogman bogyman boletus bonamano bondman bondsman bondwoman bongo bonito boogerman boogeyman boogieman boogyman booklouse bookman bookshelf borax botargo bothrium bothyman bousouki bouzouki bowman boyau bozzetto braccio brachah brachium brakeman brakesman branchia bravo bisectrices bivia bizzes blastemata blastomata blastulae blowbys bluesmen boardmen boatmen boatsmen bodymen bogeymen bogmen bogymen boleti bonamani bondmen bondsmen bondwomen bongoes bonitoes boogermen boogeymen boogiemen boogymen booklice bookmen bookshelves boraces botargoes bothria bothymen bousoukia bouzoukia bowmen boyaux bozzetti braccia brachot brachia brakemen brakesmen branchiae bravoes * * * * * * * * * * * * * the bisector of the angle between the optic axes of a crystal in echinoderms the two rays enclosing the madreporite (Sl.) business; BIZES exists as the plural of BIZE a kind of clay, livid or red in colour a kind of clay, livid or red in colour a kind of clay, livid or red in colour the structureless, protoplasmic tissue of the embryo a type of cyst a hollow sphere of cells formed by a fertilized ovum a leakage of exhaust gases a North American plant one who plays the blues a board member one who operates a boat one who operates a boat one who repairs automobile bodywork a goblin, a bugbear, an object of special dread the body of a person found preserved in a peat bog a goblin, a bugbear, an object of special dread a genus of fungi (Italian) a tip a man slave,or one bound to service without wages a man slave, or one bound to service without wages a woman who is a slave, or in bondage a kind of antelope a large fish of the mackerel family a goblin, a bugbear, an object of special dread a goblin, a bugbear, an object of special dread a goblin, a bugbear, an object of special dread a bogeyman an insect that eats books a scholar, a student a shelf for books a hydrated sodium borate a relish made of mullet or tunny roe a groove on a tapeworm one who lives in a bothy a Greek long-necked lute a Greek long-necked lute an archer a communication trench a small sketch of a projected sculpture an old Italian measure of length (Hebrew) a blessing the upper arm a man in charge of a brake or brakes a pithead winch operator a gill, a respiratory organ for breathing the air in water a thug, a hired assassin bravura bregma brideman bridesman brinkman bris bravure bregmata bridemen bridesmen brinkmen brisses broadleaf bronchium bronchus brother brucella bubkes bubo bucko bucktooth buffa buffalo buffo bulla bullosa bunde bupkes bupkes bupkus bureau bursa bus bushelman bushman bushwoman busman buttinski buttyman buzuki by byreman byrewoman byssus cabaletta cabas cabman cactus cacumen cadeau caduceus caecum caesura cafetorium broadleaves bronchia bronchi brethren brucellae buboes buckoes buckteeth buffe buffaloes buffi bullae bureaux bursae busses bushelmen bushmen bushwomen busmen buttinskies buttymen buzukia bys byremen byrewomen byssi cabalette cabmen cacti cacumina cadeaux caducei caeca caesurae cafetoria * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * spirit and dash in execution the junction of the coronal and sagittal sutures of the skull a male equivalent of a bridesmaid a male equivalent of a bridesmaid a person who practises brinkmanship a Jewish circumcision rite; BRISES is valid as the plural of BRISE (a tree) having broad leaves a middle-sized bronchial tube one of the subdivisions of the trachea or windpipe a male sibling a bacteria (Yiddish) a very small amount a plague boil a swaggerer, a domineering bully any tooth that juts out a comic actress any of several wild Asiatic oxen of the genus Bubalus a comic actor a round seal attached to a papal bull a genetic skin disorder a German federation or league (Yiddish) a very small amount (Yiddish) a very small amount (Yiddish) a very small amount a writing-desk with drawers for papers etc any sac or saclike cavity a road vehicle for transporting many passengers a tailor's assistant for repairing garments a settler or traveller in the bush a woman living in the African or Australian bush a bus operator a person given to butting in, a troublesome meddler a chum, comrade esp in a coalmine a Greek long necked lute a pass in certain card games a man who tends cattle a woman who tends cattle a filamentous tuft by which molluscs attach themselves a kind of operatic song (Fr.) a woman's work-basket. one who drives a cab a succulent plant of the family Cactaceae a top or point a present a Greek or Roman herald's wand any structure that ends in a bag or sac a pause in a poem or a song a room designed for use as both cafe and auditorium cajon calamanco calamus calathos calathus calcaneum calcaneus calcar calculus cajones calamancoes calami calathi calathi calcanea calcanei calcaria calculi caldarium calf calico caligo calix callais calvarium calx calyculus calypso calyx calzone camaieu cambium camera caldaria calves calicoes caligoes calices callaides calvaria calces calyculi calypsoes calyces calzoni camaieux cambia camerae cameraman camisado cameramen camisadoes campagna campanile campo candyman canful cannula canoeman cantharis cantharus canthus canula canzone capitano capitellum capitulum capo capriccio caput carcinoma campagne campanili campi candymen cansful cannulae canoemen cantharides canthari canthi canulae canzoni capitani capitella capitula capi capricci capita carcinomata * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a steep canyon a glossy woolen stuff, plain, striped, or checked a quill or reed used as a pen a vase-shaped Ancient Greek basket, carried on the head a vase-shaped Ancient Greek basket, carried on the head one of the bones of the tarsus one of the bones of the tarsus a spur-like projection; a furnace or oven for annealing a stone-like concretion that forms in certain vessels of the body (CALCULI); a branch of mathematics (CALCULUSES) a hot room in a Roman bath-house a young cow (CALVES); the skin of a calf, calfskin (CALFS) a plain white cotton cloth dimness or obscurity of sight (Lat.) a cup; esp. an ecclesiastical chalice a green stone bead ornament from the early bronze age the upper skull the substance of a metal or mineral left after strong heating a cuplike structure a West Indian ballad dealing with topical events the outer covering of a flower a folded over pizza a cameo soft tissue found in trees a judge's private camera (CAMERAE); a device for taking photographs (CAMERAS) one who works with a camera a shirt worn by soldiers over their uniform, in order to be able to recognize one another in a night attack an open tract of country; especially the Campagna di Roma a freestanding bell tower on church property an area of open grassland in S America a drug-pusher the contents of a can a narrow tube for removing fluid from bodily cavities a canoeist a kind of beetle a large two-handled drinking-cup the angle between the eyelids at the corner of the eye a narrow tube for removing fluid from bodily cavities a song resembling a madrigal but less strict a head-man the capitulum of the humerus a type of inflorescence in which there are many florets the head of a branch of the Mafia a kind of free composition in music the head a cancer cardia carex cargoose carina caritas carman carolus carpale carpus caryatid caryopsis * caseman casino castellum castrato casus catabasis catafalco catalexis catalo catalysis cardiae carices cargeese carinae caritates carmen caroli carpalia carpi caryatides caryopses caryopsides casemen casini castella castrati catabases catafalcoes catalexes cataloes catalyses catena catharsis cathedra cathexis cattalo cattleman cauda caudex cauf cauliculus caulis causa cavatina caveman cavetto cecum cella cellarman cello celom cembalo cementum cens catenae catharses cathedrae cathexes cattaloes cattlemen caudae caudices cauves cauliculi caules causae cavatine cavemen cavetti ceca cellae cellarmen celli celomata cembali cementa - * centas centesimo centai centesimi * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the heart a genus of plants, the sedges the crested grebe a keel-shaped ridge on a bird's breast love, charity a carter an obsolete English gold coin a bone of the wrist the part between the forearm and the metacarpus (Greek) a draped female figure supporting an entablature a one-seeded indehiscent fruit having the pericarp fused to the seed-coat, as in wheat and maize a compositor a gambling establishment a small Roman fort a male singer castrated in boyhood an event; an occurrence; a combination of circumstances the decline of a disease in a population a temporary tomb used in funerals and processions the condition of lacking one syllable in the last foot a cross between domestic cattle and N American bison alteration in speed of chemical reaction due to introduction of a substance which remains unchanged a chain or connected series of things a natural or artificial purgation the chair or throne of office of a bishop or other high official the investment of emotional energy in a thought or idea a cross between domestic cattle and N. American bison one who raises cattle the area behind an animal's anus the stem of a tree, esp. a stem without a branch, as of a palm a coal-miner's basket a stem supporting the volutes in the Corinthian capital a stem which bears leaves, and may bear flowers a (legal) cause a short operatic air a cave dweller a concave moulding the blind gut the inner chamber of a classical temple a person responsible for a cellar a stringed musical instrument a fluid-filled cavity within the body of an animal a harpsichord the hard tissue covering the roots of the teeth (Fr.) a nominal annual payment given to the owner of an estate or property in recognition of his or her title the monetary unit of Lithuania a copper coin of Italy and Spain equivalent to a centime centesis cento centrum centu centumvir centeses centones centra centumviri cercaria cercus cerebellum cerebrum cervelas cervix cestos cestus cesura chablis chaco chador chaeta chainman chairman chalah chalaza chalazion challah cercariae cerci cerebella cerebra cervices cestoi cesti cesurae chacoes chadri chaetae chainmen chairmen chalot chaloth chalazae chalazia challot challoth chalutzim chamoix chamoix chapeaux chapmen charismata charmonia charwomen chateaux chazanim chazzanim chazzenim chechakoes chadarim chedarim cheechakoes cheechalkoes chelae chalutz chamois chamois chapeau chapman charisma charmonium charwoman chassis chateau chazan chazzan chazzen chechako cheder cheechako cheechalko chela cherub chessman cherubim cherubims chessmen * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a surgical puncture, usually for diagnostic purposes a poem manufactured from passages of other poems the major part of a vertebra a Lithuanian monetary unit in Rome, one of a court of about one hundred judges chosen to try civil suits the larval form of a trematode worm a tail-like appendage the lower posterior part of the brain the front and larger part of the brain a type of French sausage, seasoned with garlic (Lat.) the neck of the womb a girdle in classical mythology, esp that of Aphrodite a girdle in classical mythology, esp that of Aphrodite a pause in a poem or a song (Fr.) a white wine made near Chablis, a town in France. the hat usually worn by members of a marching band the large veil worn by Muslim women a stiff bristle characteristic of annelids an assistant to a surveyor one who presides; CHAIRMANS is valid as verb form braided egg bread for Shabbat and holidays the base of the ovule a swollen, inflamed sebaceous gland in the eyelid braided egg bread for Shabbat and holidays an early immigrant to Israel, who worked the first kibbutzim a deerlike animal found in the Alps a goatlike antelope found in the alps a hat a peddler a personal quality of leadership arousing popular loyalty a particle containing an antiquark and a charm quark a woman hired to clean rooms in offices or houses (Fr.) the structural framework of a motor car a castle a cantor in a synagogue a cantor in a synagogue a cantor in a synagogue a tenderfoot a religious lesson, or the place where it is held a tenderfoot a tenderfoot the claw of an arthropod (CHELAE); a Buddhist disciple (CHELAS) a lower order of angel; CHERUBIM is also used as a singular with pl CHERUBIMS one of the pieces used in chess chiao chiarezza chiasma chiasmus chiarezze chiasmata chiasmi child chinaman children chirren childer chinamen chinese chivari chiz chloasma chlorosis choana choirman chondroma chondrus choragus chorda choregus choreman choriambus chorion chorisis chou chrismon chromidium chrysalis chumash chivaries chizzes chloasmata chloroses choanae choirmen chondromata chondri choragi chordae choregi choremen choriambi choria chorises choux chrisma chromidia chrysalides chumashim chuppah chuppot chuppoth churchmen ciabatte ciboria cicadae cicale cicatrices ciceroni cicisbei cilia cimices cineraria cingula cippi cirrhoses cirri churchman chylde ciabatta ciborium cicada cicala cicatrix cicerone cicisbeo cilium cimex cinerarium cingulum cippus cirrhosis cirrus * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a Chinese monetary unit, one tenth of a yuan purity, clarity a commissure; especially the union of the optic nerves the inversion of order of corresponding elements of two parallel phrases an offspring; CHILDS is valid as a verb. CHIRREN and CHILDER are dialect a ball bowled by a left-handed bowler to a right-handed batsman that spins from off to leg a Chinese meal a cacophonous mock-serenade performed for a wedding (Sl.) a cheat, a swizz a type of cutaneous affection a wasting disease typically affecting young women a funnel-shaped opening one who sings in a choir a benign cartilaginous growth a cartilage the leader of the chorus in ancient Greek drama any stringlike structure in the body the financial backer in ancient Greece, usually of a play a menial worker a metrical foot comprising a trochee and an iambus the outer foetal envelope multiplication of parts by branching or splitting a cabbage, a cream bun a Christian monogram an algal cell in a lichen a pupa enclosed in a firm case or cocoon (Hebrew) a printed book containing one of the Five Books of Moses. Note also CHUMASHES (Hebrew) a wedding canopy. Note also CHUPPAHS a clergyman or ecclesiastic a youth of gentle birth, esp in ballads Italian bread made with olive oil a freestanding canopy to cover an altar an insect like a grasshopper a cicada the scar of a healed wound, burn, etc a guide escorting tourists, sightseers a professed gallant of a married woman a hair-like lash borne by a cell (Lat.) a bed-bug a place to receive the ashes of the dead a girdle or girdle-like structure a small column used to mark a burial location a disease of the liver caused by alcoholism a type of cloud cisco cisterna clansman clarino claro classman claustrum clausula clavis clavus cleavers clergyman clinoaxis clitellum clitoris clivers cloaca clubfoot clubman clubwoman clypeus cnemis cnida coachman coagulum coalman cobloaf coccidium coccus coccyx cochlea cockleman cocksman codex coenobium coenurus cognomen colby colchicum collegium colliculus colloquium colluvies colluvium collyrium coloboma colobus colonus colorman ciscoes cisternae clansmen clarini claroes classmen claustra clausulae claves clavi clergymen clinoaxes clitella clitorides cloacae clubfeet clubmen clubwomen clypei cnemides cnidae coachmen coagula coalmen cobloaves coccidia cocci coccyges cochleae cocklemen cocksmen codices coenobia coenuri cognomina colbys colchica collegia colliculi colloquia colluvia collyria colobomata colobi coloni colormen * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a N. American lake fish a sac or space containing e.g. cerebrospinal fluid a member of a clan a reed stop in an organ a light-coloured, mild cigar one who has gained honours of a certain class at Oxford a thin lamina of gray matter in the brain of man a short clause in Latin prose a key; hence a clue or aid in solving problems a horny thickening of skin goose-grass one who works for the church in crystallography, the clinodiagonal in annelids, a swelling of the body towards the head a small erectile part of the female genitals goose-grass a sewer a deformed foot a male member of a club a female member of a club the frontal plate of the head of an insect the shin or tibia one of the peculiar stinging cells found in Coelenterata one who drives a coach or carriage a coagulated mass esp of blood one who delivers coal a rounded loaf a parasitic protozoan of the order Coccidia one of the separable carpels of a dry fruit the tailbone an appendage of the labyrinth of the internal ear a cockle fisherman a man reputed to be extremely virile (Lat.) a book; a manuscript a religious community; a colony of unicellular organisms the larval stage of a tapeworm a family name a type of cheese; note also COLBIES a genus of plants including the meadow saffron a college of cardinals a small prominence, as on the surface of the optic lobe a conference, a seminar accumulated filth; foul discharge a mixture of rock fragments an eye-salve or eyewash a fissure of the eye or eyelid a genus of monkey a freeborn serf a sportscaster colossus colourman coma colossi colourmen comae comatula combi comedo comma comatulae combies comedones commata commando compas compendium compluvium conarium conatus concentus conceptus concerto concetto conch concha concours condo condor conductus condyloma conferva confetto congius congo conidium coniosis conman consortium contadina contadino contagium continuum contorno contralto conus conwoman copula corallum coranto coremium corf corium cormidium commandoes compendia compluvia conaria concepti concerti concetti conches conchae condoes condores conducti condylomata confervae confetti congii congoes conidia conioses conmen consortia contadine contadini contagia continua contorni contralti coni conwomen copulae coralla corantoes coremia corves coria cormidia * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a person or organization of gigantic power and influence a person who prepares or sells paints a spherical cloud of material surrounding the head of a comet (COMAE); an unconscious state (COMAS) a crinoid of the genus Antedon and related genera a device having more than one function a blackhead a fragment of a few words or feet in ancient prosody (COMMATA); a punctuation mark (COMMAS) a specialist assault soldier a rhythm in flamenco an assortment, a varied collection a space left unroofed over the court of a Roman dwelling the pineal gland a natural impulse or tendency a harmony or concord of voices the products of conception a type of musical composition an ingenious expression, a witticism a kind of shell; CONCHS is used if pronounced CONK the plain semidome of an apse (Fr.) a competition, a contest (short for) condominium a coin of Chile (CONDORES); a bird (CONDORS) a style of metrical Latin song of the 12th and 13th century a wart-like growth in private parts any of a large group of simple freshwater green algae a bonbon an ancient unit of liquid measure a kind of black Chinese tea a reproductive cell in fungi an infection caused by dust inhalation a confidence trickster an association formed for commercial purposes a (female) Italian peasant an Italian peasant contagious matter a continuous extent a contour, an outline of a figure the part sung by the highest male or lowest female voices a type of ventricle in mammals a female confidence trickster a word which unites the subject and predicate the coral or skeleton of a zoophyte a rapid, lively dance an organ of certain fungi a coal-miner's basket a leather armour an aggregation of polyps in a colonial marine hydrozoan cornea cornerman corneae cornermen * cornetto corniculum corno cornu cornetti cornicula corni cornua * * corona corps corpsman corpus cortex cortile coryphaeus cosmesis costa coteau cothurnus cotta cotyle coulis couranto couteau cowlstaff cowman coxa coxitis coz cracksman craftsman cragsman crambo cranium crasis credendum creepmouse crescendo crewman cribellum crimen crisis crissum crista criterion crocus croquis crotalum crowfoot coronae corpsmen corpora cortices cortili coryphaei cosmeses costae coteaux cothurni cottae cotylae courantoes couteaux cowlstaves cowmen coxae coxitides cozzes cracksmen craftsmen cragsmen cramboes crania crases credenda creepmice crescendi crewmen cribella crimina crises crissa cristae criteria croci crotala crowfeet * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a transparent hard material protecting the eyeball the man at the end of the row in a negro-minstrel performance an old woodwind instrument a small hornlike part or process the French horn a horn-shaped process on the thyroid cartilage or certain bones; CORNUS is valid as a noun in its own right a small circle of light sometimes seen round the sun a military formation consisting of two or more divisions an enlisted man trained in first aid a body eg of literary works the outer layer of certain organs, esp. of the brain an enclosed courtyard the leader of a chorus preservation of bodily beauty, especially of face a rib of an animal or a human being uplands; higher ground of a region a buskin a short surplice an ancient Greek drinking-cup (Fr.) a thin puree of fish, fowl, fruit or vegetables an old dance with a gliding step a knife; a dagger a staff on which a vessel is supported between two persons one who looks after cows the first joint of the leg of an insect or crustacean inflammation of hip (Arch.) cousin; COZES exists from COZE a safe-breaker one who has a craft a person skilled in rock-climbing a rhyming game; doggerel the skull the melding of two vowels into a diphthong a thing to be believed a tickling game played with small children with a gradual increase in loudness a member of a crew a sieve-like spinning organ of certain spiders crime, as in crimen falsi, the crime of perjury a crucial turning point on a bird, feathers covering the underside of the tail a ridge or fold resembling a crest a means or standard of judging a kind of flower (Fr.) an outline or rough sketch a clapper or castanet used in ancient religious rites a flowering plant crowsfoot cruor crus crusado crusta crowsfeet cruores crura crusadoes crustae crux cruzado ctenidium cubiculum cubitus culex culpa culmen cultus cumulus cuneus cupful cupman cupula curia curriculum cursus cuspis cuticula cuz cyanosis cyathium cyathus cyclops cruces cruzadoes ctenidia cubicula cubiti culices culpae culmina culti cumuli cunei cupsful cupmen cupulae curiae curricula cursi cuspides cuticulae cuzzes cyanoses cyathia cyathi cyclopes cyclosis cyesis cylix cyma cymatium cymbalo cymbidium cynomolgus cypris cypsela cystitis cytisus cytolysis cytotaxis dactylus dado dago daimon cycloses cyeses cylices cylikes cymae cymatia cymbaloes cymbidia cynomolgi cyprides cypselae cystitides cytisi cytolyses cytotaxes dactyli dadoes dagoes daimones * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a wrinkle at the side of the eye (Lat.) a mass of coagulated blood; a blood-clot a part of the leg an old Portugese monetary unit a piece prepared for inlaying; a hard coating > CRUSTAE; CRUSTAS is the plural in the sense of the drink the nub, the crucial point the former monetary unit of Brazil a comb-like respiratory gill of molluscs a cubicle an old measure of length a genus of insects, including the mosquito fault, blame the top ridge of a bird's bill a religious rite, a cult a type of cloud a small wedge-shaped structure in the cortex the contents of a full cup a boon companion a cup-shaped anatomical structure a papal court and its officials a program of educational resources etc an elongated prehistoric earthwork a point e.g. the horn of the moon the outer hard covering of an insect (Obs.) cousin a heart condition causing blueness of surface of body the characteristic inflorescence of the spurges an ancient Greek or Roman filling or measuring cup a genus of crustaceans (CYCLOPS); a one-eyed monster (CYCLOPES) circulation pregnancy a shallow two-handled drinking-cup an ogee moulding of the cornice the topmost molding of a cornice the dulcimer a family of orchids a type of macaque any member of the cypris genus of ostracod crustaceans the fruit of members of the daisy family inflammation of the urinary tract a plant of the broom genus the dissolution of cells movement of cells due to external stimulus a leg joint of certain insects a skirting-board a Spaniard an inward spirit, genius dairyman dalesman darcy databus datum dayan daysman deadman deathsman decahedron decemvir decennium decidua decubitus dedans dedendum deer definiens degras deixis delf delirium delphinium deltoideus demos denar denarius dentalium deskman desperado detritus deus diaeresis diagnosis dialysis diaphysis diapyesis diastema diastasis diathesis diatretum diazeuxis diazo dairymen dalesmen darcys databusses data dayanim daysmen deadmen deathsmen decahedra decemviri decennia deciduae decubiti dedenda definientia deixes delves deliria delphinia deltoidei demoi denari denarii dentalia deskmen desperadoes dei di diaereses diagnoses dialyses diaphyses diapyeses diastemata diastases diatheses diatreta diazeuxes diazoes dibbuk dibbukim dibbukkim dichasia dictatrices dicta dichasium dictatrix dictum * one who works in a dairy one who lives in the dales unit of rock permeability; note also DARCIES a path for transferring data a given fact a senior rabbi an umpire or arbiter; a mediator a metal plate driven into snow for use as a belaying point an executioner a solid figure or body inclosed by ten plane surfaces one of a body of ten magistrates in ancient Rome a period of ten years the inner layer of the wall of the uterus posture in bed (Fr.) the body of spectators at a court tennis match the root of a gear tooth a ruminant mammal; DEERS is unusual (Lat.) a word or words used in a dictionary definition a fat obtained from sheepskins the use of words relating to the time and place of utterance pottery made at the city of Delft in Holland the state of being delirious a garden flower the deltoid muscle the people a monetary unit of Macedonia a Roman coin a genus of marine mollusks one who works at a desk a desperate fellow, an outlaw waste or debris a god the separation or resolution of one syllable into two the identification of a disease by means of its symptoms separation by diffusion through a membranous partition the shaft of a long bone release or discharge of pus the separation of two parts of a bone without fracture the separation of two parts of a bone without fracture a predisposition to a particular disease or condition a predisposition to a particular disease or condition the separation of two tetrachords by a whole tone a compound of two nitrogen atoms and a hydrocarbon radical a dead person's soul inhabiting a living person * * a flower cluster a female dictator a saying * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * dido die diegesis dieresis diesis digenesis dihedron dildo diluvium dimbo diminuendo dingo diploma diplosis diplozoon dipsas dipteros directrix discobolus discobolos discus distaff diuresis djinni doblon dochmius dodo doggerman dogma dogman didoes dice diegeses diereses dieses digeneses dihedra dildoes diluvia dimboes diminuendoes dingoes diplomata diploses diplozoa dipsades dipteroi directrices discoboli disci distaves diureses djinn ginn jinn doblones dochmii dodoes doggermen dogmata dogmen dogtooth dolichurus dolium dolos domatium domino doomsman doorman doorsman doorwoman dormouse dorsum dosa drachma dogteeth dolichuri dolia dolosse domatia dominoes doomsmen doormen doorsmen doorwomen dormice dorsa dosai drachmae drachmai draftsmen dragomen dragsmen draftsman dragoman dragsman * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * an antic, a caper a stamp for metal; DICE also treated as singular: DICES (in an oration) the narration of the facts the separation or resolution of one syllable into two in printing, a double dagger the ability to alternate sexual and asexual reproduction a figure with two sides or surfaces an object serving as an erect penis substitute a deposit of superficial loam, sand, gravel, stones, etc a stupid person a piece of music in a gradually diminishing manner the Australian wild dog a certificate a method of chromosome formation a kind of flatworm a snake whose bite was believed to cause intense thirst a building with a double peristyle or colonnade a female director a discus thrower a discus thrower a heavy thick-centred disc or plate thrown in athletic sports the stick that holds the bunch of flax or wool in spinning free excretion of urine one of a class of spirits in Muslim theology a former gold coin of Spain a foot of five syllables an extinct bird of Madagascar a sailor belonging to a dogger a settled opinion, a principle or belief a person who directs the operation of a crane while riding on the object being lifted a canine tooth a dactylic hexameter with a redundant syllable at the end a Roman earthenware jar for grain, oil etc the knucklebone of a sheep used by diviners a plant structure that harbours mites a garment worn to cover the head and shoulders a judge; an umpire a porter, a doorkeeper a porter, a doorkeeper a female doorman any member of the Myoxidae, a family of rodents the back an Indian pancake a Greek monetary unit a person whose profession is to make drawings or plans an interpreter or guide in Eastern countries the driver of a drag or coach drawknife drayman dromos drongo dry dryad duce duello duetto dulosis dumka drawknives draymen dromoi drongoes drys dryades duci duelli duetti duloses dumky duo duodenum duomo dupondius dustman dutchman duumvir dux dwarf dybbuk dui duodena duomi dupondii dustmen dutchmen duumviri duces dwarves dybbukim dybbukkim ealdormen earthmen earthwolves eaux ecclesiae eccrises ecdyses echidnae echini echoes ecstases ectases ecthymata ectozoa eddoes edemata editrices effluvia eidola eide eightsmen eikones eisegeses ekphrases elenchi elves ealdorman earthman earthwolf eau ecclesia eccrisis ecdysis echidna echinus echo ecstasis ectasis ecthyma ectozoon eddo edema editrix effluvium eidolon eidos eightsman eikon eisegesis ekphrasis elenchus elf * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a carpentry tool the driver of a dray, esp a brewer's driver a Greek race-course; an entrance or subterranean passage idiot a political right-winger; DRIES is valid as a verb form a wood-nymph a leader a duel, duelling a composition for two slavery practiced by animals, especially ants (Czech) a musical piece alternating between lively and sorrowful moods two people considered a pair for a specific reason the first portion of the small intestine a cathedral a Roman coin a trashman something used to hide structural defects one of two men sharing same office a leader a very small person a dead person's soul inhabiting a living person a chief magistrate in Anglo-Saxon England an inhabitant of earth a hyena-like African mammal, aka aardwolf water the public legislative assembly of the Athenians expulsion of waste matter the act of molting or shedding an outer cuticular layer a kind of anteater a carved molding just below the abacus of a Doric capital a reflected sound ecstasy the lengthening of a syllable from short to long a type of cutaneous eruption a parasite on the body of an animal an African tuber a swelling produced by the accumulation of fluid a female editor an invisible emanation; an offensive exhalation or smell a phantom, an image an essence one of a crew or team of eight a (religious) icon the interpretation of a text by reading into it one's own ideas a description of a work of art as rhetorical exercise refutation; esp one in syllogistic form a fairly-like being; ELFS is valid as a verb form ellipsis ellipses eluvium elytrum emacs emblema embolus emerita eluvia elytra emacsen emblemata emboli emeritae emeritus emesis emlets emphasis emphlysis emporium emptysis empyema empyesis encephalon enclisis encomium endameba endamoeba endeixis endleaf endomixis endosteum endozoon endysis enema enigma enosis ens entameba entasis enteritis enteron entozoon entremes entremets enuresis ephebos ephebus ephelis ephemera ephemeris ephor epibiosis emeriti emeses emphases emphlyses emporia emptyses empyemata empyeses encephala enclises encomia endamebae endamoebae endeixes endleaves endomixes endostea endozoa endyses enemata enigmata enoses entia entamebae entases enteritides entera entozoa enureses epheboi ephebi ephelides ephemerae ephemerides ephori epibioses * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a figure of syntax by which a word or words are left out and merely implied an accumulation of rock debris one of the anterior pair of wings in beetles a powerful computer program for editing text a carved or mounted ornament in relief a clot obstructing a blood vessel a (female) person retired with an honorary title from an office a (male) person retired with an honorary title from an office the act of vomiting as in blood-drop emlets, a Chilean flower special significance imparted to something a vesicular eruption a shop, esp one that sells unusual or fancy goods the spitting up of blood a collection of blood or pus in some cavity of the body an eruption of pustules the brain the state of being an enclitic glowing and warmly enthusiastic praise a parasitic amoeba a parasitic amoeba an indication an endpaper in protozoa, a nuclear reorganization without conjugation the internal periosteum an internal parasite the formation of new layers of integument after ecdysis a fluid injected into the rectum a riddle, a puzzle political union, esp. that proposed between greece and cyprus an entity an amoeba that causes amoebic dysentery a swelling on columns to counteract an illusion of concavity inflammation of the intestines a body-cavity in coelenterates an intestinal worm edible pastry sculpture served between main courses edible pastry sculpture served between main courses uncontrollable urination a young adult Greek a young adult Greek a freckle or mole an insect of the mayfly genus a table of the positions of celestial bodies at different times one of a body of five magistrates in ancient Sparta any relationship between two organisms where one grows on the other but is not parasitic epicalyx epicanthus epicardium epicedium epicentrum epiclesis epicranium epicrisis epifauna epigonus epilimnion epimysium epinaos epineurium epiphysis epistasis epistaxis episternum epitasis epitaxis epitheca epithelium epithema epithesis epizeuxis epizoon epulis epyllion equisetum eremurus erf erg eringo erotesis erratum eruv epicalyces epicanthi epicardia epicedia epicentra epicleses epicrania epicrises epifaunae epigoni epilimnia epimysia epinaoi epineuria epiphyses epistases epistaxes episterna epitases epitaxes epithecae epithelia epithemata epitheses epizeuxes epizoa epulides epyllia equiseta eremuri erven areg eringoes eroteses errata eruvim eruvin * eryngo escalado escapado esophagus esthesis ethnos etymon eucalyptus eulogia euripus everyman excerptum eryngoes escaladoes escapadoes esophagi estheses ethne etyma eucalypti eulogiae euripi everymen excerpta * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * bracts close to and resembling the calyx a fold of skin over the inner canthus of the eye the outer surface of the heart an epicede, a funeral ode the focus of an earthquake the act of calling on the holy spirit to consecrate the eucharist the collection of structures covering the cranium a secondary crisis occurring in the course of a disease the class of animals that inhabit river and sea beds an inferior imitator of a creative thinker or artist the upper, warm layer of water in a lake a fibrous sheet enclosing a muscle a rear vestibule the connective tissue framework and sheath of a nerve any portion of a bone having its own centre of ossification an interaction of genes that are not alleles bleeding from the nose a median bone connected with the sternum the part of the play developing the main action part of a play in which the main action develops the outer layer of the cell wall of a diatom the outer skin and cover for most internal organs a group of water-secreting cells in some leaves the addition of one or more letters to a word the immediate repetition of a word for emphasis a parasitic invertebrate a hard tumor developed from the gums a poem with some resemblance to an epic but shorter a horsetail a flower, the foxtail lily a small garden plot an area of shifting sands (AREG); a unit of work (ERGS) sea holly a rhetorical question an error; ERRATA can also be a singular: ERRATAS an area within which certain activities forbidden to Orthodox Jews on the Sabbath are permitted a plant of the genus Eryngium, sea holly the scaling of walls of a fortress by ladders an escaped evil-doer; an escapade the portion of the gut which connects pharynx and stomach the ability to receive sense impressions a group of people sharing a common culture an earlier word form a large Australian tree a blessing; holy bread an arm of the sea with strong currents the hero of an old morality play, representing mankind an excerpt exciseman executrix exedra exegesis exemplum exhedra exies exodos exordium exosmosis exosporium exostosis extremum exuvium eyetooth eyrir fabliau faceman facia facies factum facula fagotto falaj falcula falx famulus fandango farmwife farrago fasces fascia fasciculus fascio fascis fascismo fascista fatso fauces fauna faunula fecula fedayee fehm feis fellah fellatrix fellowman excisemen executrices exedrae exegeses exempla exhedrae exodoi exordia exosmoses exosporia exostoses extrema exuvia eyeteeth aurar fabliaux facemen faciae facta faculae fagotti aflaj falculae falces famuli fandangoes farmwives farragoes fasciae fasciculi fasci fasces fascismi fascisti fatsoes faunae faunulae feculae fedayeen fehme feiseanna fellaheen fellahin fellatrices fellowmen * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * an officer charged with collecting excise duty a woman exercising the functions of an executor a semicircular bench beside an episcopal throne an explanation or critical interpretation of a text a short story or anecdote with a moral a semicircular bench beside an episcopal throne (Scots) a fit, e g of hysterics or the ague a concluding dramatic scene a beginning or introduction to a composition osmosis outwards, i.e. away from the solution the outermost layer of spores of certain bacilli any protuberance of a bone which is not natural a maximum or minimum of a mathematical function the moulted covering of an animal one of the canine teeth directly under or next to the eye a monetary unit of Iceland one of the metrical tales of the Trouveres a worker at the coal-face a nameplate or sign above shop (Lat.) facial expression as a symptom; general aspect a statement of the facts of a case being considered an unusually bright spot on the sun's surface the bassoon a water-channel a curved and sharp-pointed claw the sickle-shaped fold of the dura mater in the brain an assistant, especially to a magician or a scholar a lively Spanish dance a farmer's spouse a confused collection, a mixture (Lat.) a bundle of rods with an axe, symbolising authority a band of color a little bundle; a fascicle an organized political group or club a bundle of rods with an axe used to symbolise authority the form of government in Italy from 1922-1943 fascist, the Fascist party a fat person the narrow passage from the mouth to the pharynx the animal life of a region the fauna of a small single environment a fine flour usually extracted from potatoes an Arab commando, esp one in the conflict against Israel a mediaeval German court an Irish legal assembly a peasant esp in Egypt a female who commits fellatio a human being like oneself feminie femur fenestra fenks fenman feria fermata ferryman ferula fetialis fez fianchetto fiasco fibrilla fibroma fibrosis fibula fico fieldmouse fieldsman filaria filius filopodium filum fimbria finks finnesko finnsko finsko fioritura fireman firewoman fisherfolk fisherman fishwife fistula flabellum flagellum flagman flagstaff flambeau flamen flamingo flatfoot flocculus floccus flora florula femora fenestrae fenmen feriae fermate ferrymen ferulae fetiales fezzes fianchettoes fianchetti fiascoes fiaschi fibrillae fibromata fibroses fibulae ficoes fieldmice fieldsmen filariae filii filopodia fila fimbriae fioriture firemen firewomen fishermen fishwives fistulae flabella flagella flagmen flagstaves flambeaux flamines flamingoes flatfeet flocculi flocci florae florulae * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * women collectively the thigh-bone a translucent spot eg on an insect's wing the refuse of whale blubber, used as a manure one native to the fens of East Anglia a weekday of the church calendar with no feast a pause in music one who operates a ferry an instrument used to punish children a kind of priest in ancient Rome a red brimless cap of wool or felt in chess, the development of bishop on the N2 diagonal a complete failure > FIASCOES); a wine bottle > FIASCHI a minute thread of fiber a tumour consisting mainly of fibrous tissue inflammation of the nerve fibres a bone of the leg; a brooch in the shape of a safety pin a worthless trifle a mouse which lives in woodland a fielder (cricket or baseball) a parasitic worm (Latin) a son a threadlike pseudopodium consisting of ectoplasm a threadlike anatomical structure a fringe, or fringed border the refuse of whale blubber, used as a manure (Norwegian) a reindeer-skin boot with the hair on (Norwegian) a reindeer-skin boot with the hair on (Norwegian) a reindeer-skin boot with the hair on a florid embellishment introduced into a melody a man whose business is to extinguish fires in towns a female firefighter people who fish especially for a living one who catches fish a woman who sells fish an abnormal duct to the body surface or to another cavity a fan carried by the pope a whip, a whip-like organ one who makes signals with a flag a pole for displaying a flag a flaming torch a priest of a Roman deity a long-legged tropical bird a policeman; FLATFOOTS is valid as a verb form a small flock, tuft or flake the tuft of hair terminating the tail of mammals the plant life of a region the flora of a single small environment flugelman fluorosis flyby flyleaf flyman focus foederatus foeman fogman foilsman folium folklife follis fomes fonticulus footman foramen forceps forefoot forehoof foreman foretooth forewoman forgeman forkful formula fornix forum forza forzando forzato fossa flugelmen fluoroses flybys flyleaves flymen foci foederati foemen fogmen foilsmen folia folklives folles fomites fonticuli footmen foramina forcipes forefeet forehooves foremen foreteeth forewomen forgemen forksful formulae fornices fora forze forzandi forzati fossae fossula fovea foveola fractus fraenum franglais frate fraudsman freedman freeman freewoman frenulum frenum fresco freshman fricando fossulae foveae foveolae fracti fraena frati fraudsmen freedmen freemen freewomen frenula frena frescoes freshmen fricandoes * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the lead soldier for a company an abnormal condition due to excess fluoride a flight at low altitude or close range a blank leaf at the beginning or end of a book the driver of a fly a point at which rays or waves (of light, heat etc) converge a conquered enemy of Rome an enemy in war a person who sets railway fog-signals a fencer a leaf, lamina or lamella the traditions and activities of a certain population a coin of ancient Rome (Lat.) a substance capable of carrying infection the depression just over the top of the breastbone a soldier who marches and fights on foot a small opening, perforation, or orifice a pair of pincers, usually held in one hand one of the front feet of a quadruped the hoof of a forefoot the first or chief man a front tooth a woman overseer a skilled smith the contents of a fork a prescribed or set form (Lat.) a structure resembling an arch e.g. in the brain a marketplace; a place for discussion force a musical direction with sudden emphasis the depression in which the nostril is located (FOSSAE); a Madagascan animal (FOSSAS) a small depression or groove a depression or pit a small depression a ragged cloud a connecting fold of membrane (Fr.) a mixture of French and English a friar, a mendicant Franciscan a person involved in criminal fraud a man who has been a slave and has been freed one not a slave or vassal a woman who is free or enjoys liberty a small stiff hair on the hindwings of some insects a ligament restraining the motion of a part of the body painting on fresh, moist plaster a newcomer; a fresher a ragout or fricassee of veal fris - frogman frontman frustum frutex fucus fugleman fulcrum fumado fumatorium fumetto fumulus fundus fungo fungus funiculus funnyman furca furcula fusarium fusuma gadman gadsman gagman gaijin galea gambado gambo gamesman gammadion gammation ganglion gangsman garageman garda gas gasman gasthaus gastritis gastrula gateau gateman gavelman gazabo gazebo gecko gelsemium gemma frogmen frontmen frusta frutices fuci fuglemen fulcra fumadoes fumatoria fumetti fumuli fundi fungoes fungi funiculi funnymen furcae furculae fusaria gadmen gadsmen gagmen galeae gambadoes gamboes gamesmen gammadia gammatia ganglia gangsmen garagemen gardai gasses gasmen gasthauser gastritides gastrulae gateaux gatemen gavelmen gazaboes gazeboes geckoes gelsemia gemmae * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the quick dance movement of a Hungarian csardas; FRISES exists as the plural of FRISE a person equipped for extended underwater swimming one who fronts e.g. a show the part of a solid formed by cutting off the top a plant having a woody, durable stem, but less than a tree a genus of seaweed the lead soldier for a company the prop or support on which a lever pivots a salted and smoked fish, as the pilchard a place for smoking or fumigation a cartoon or comic strip a thin cloud the inner surface farthest from the opening (as in the eye) a fly ball hit to a fielder for practice in baseball any of a division of organisms including mushrooms the umbilical cord a comedian any forklike structure esp in insects the jointed clavicles of a bird, the wishbone a type of fungus a Japanese sliding door a person who drives horses at the plough a person who drives horses at the plough one who writes jokes a Japanese term for a foreigner a helmet-shaped structure a prance, caper a Welsh farm cart a player of games a figure comprised of capital gammas a figure comprised of capital gammas a nerve centre, a collection of cells the foreman of a gang one who works at a garage an Irish policeman a state of matter one who works with gas a small German hotel inflammation of the stomach an embryo at the stage in which it forms a two-layered cup a cake a gate keeper a tenant holding land in gavelkind a fellow a summer-house any lizard of the family Geckonidae a genus of climbing plants a bud from which a new plant can grow gemman generale genesis genetrix genitrix genius genizah gentleman genu genus geognosis geotaxis germen gesso gestalt get ghetto giga gigman gildsman gingiva gingko ginglymus ginkgo ginzo gippo glabella glacis gladiolus glassman gleba gleeman glioma gliosis glissando globus glochidium glomerulus glomus glossa glottis glutaeus gluteus gnome gnosis go goadsman gobbo gemmen generalia geneses genetrices genitrices genii genizot genizoth gentlemen genua genera geognoses geotaxes germina gessoes gestalten gittin ghettoes gighe gigmen gildsmen gingivae gingkoes ginglymi ginkgoes ginzoes gippoes glabellae gladioli glassmen glebae gleemen gliomata glioses glissandi globi glochidia glomeruli glomera glossae glottides glutaei glutei gnomae gnoses goes goadsmen gobbi * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a gentleman general principles the act of producing, or giving birth or origin to anything (Lat.) a mother; a female ancestor (Lat.) a mother; a female ancestor a tutelary spirit (GENII); a very clever person (GENIUSES) a room adjoining a synagogue used to store old or damaged books a man of good birth or high social standing the knee; GENUS is valid as a separate singular noun a taxonomic group of lower rank than a family knowledge of the earth the response of an organism to gravity a germ, shoot plaster of Paris used in painting a shape or pattern a divorce by Jewish law; GETS is of course valid as a verb the Jews' quarter in a city a lively Italian dance a man who drives or keeps a gig a member of a gild the fleshy tissue that surrounds the teeth a kind of tree a joint that permits movement in one plane only a kind of tree a person of Italian descent a gypsy the space between the eyebrows, just above the nose (Fr.) a gentle slope in fortification a lilylike plant a maker or seller of glass a spore-bearing mass of some fungi an itinerant minstrel or musician a tumour of the neuroglia in the brain excessive growth of fibrous tissues in the neuroglia a gliding effect any spherelike structure the larva of a freshwater mussel a bunch of looped capillary blood vessels in the kidney a small body consisting of blood-vessels and associated tissue the tongue the opening from the pharynx into the larynx or trachea the muscle of the buttock any of the three large muscles of the buttocks a pithy saying (GNOMAE); a folklore creature (GNOMES) knowledge; especially spiritual a turn at something (GOES); a Japanese board game (GOS) a man who uses a goad a hunchback gobo gomphosis gonidium gonion gonium gonococcus goodby goodman goodwife goose gopik gorgoneion gospoda gospodin gourami gownman gownsman goy gracilis gradino graffito grantsman granuloma granum grapelouse gravamen gravida greebo gripman groomsman grosz grotto groundman grouse gruppetto guacharo guardsman gudeman gudewife guildsman gules gumma gummosis gunman gusto gutta goboes gomphoses gonidia gonia gonia gonococci goodbys goodmen goodwives geese gorgoneia gouramies gownmen gownsmen goyim graciles gradini graffiti grantsmen granulomata grana grapelice gravamina gravidae greeboes gripmen groomsmen grosze groszy grottoes groundmen gruppetti guacharoes guardsmen gudemen gudewives guildsmen gummata gummoses gunmen gustoes guttae * gymnasium gymnasia gymnasien * * * * * * * * * * * a device used to protect a camera lens from light the growth of teeth into the bone cavity an algal cell in a lichen the point of the angle on either side of the jaw an immature reproductive cell the bacterium that causes gonorrhoea a remark or gesture on parting master of the house a mistress of the house a kind of bird a monetary unit of Azerbaijan a mask carved in imitation of a Gorgon's head a Russian title of address, equivalent to Mr a Russian title of address, equivalent to Mr a very large East Indian freshwater fish one whose professional habit is a gown one whose professional habit is a gown (Yiddish) a Gentile a thigh muscle a step or raised shelf, as above a sideboard or altar also used as a singular; or verb a specialist in the art of obtaining grants for research a localized collection of granulation tissue a part of a plant chloroplast an insect of the genus Phylloxera the material part of a complaint a pregnant woman an unkempt young man a cable car operator the attendant on a bridegroom a Polish monetary unit, 1/100 of a zloty a cavern one who takes care of a (sports) ground a game bird like a partridge; GROUSES is valid as a verb a turn a nocturnal bird of South America and Trinidad, aka oilbird a soldier of the Guards a goodman (Scots) a goodwife one who belongs to a guild in heraldry, the colour red a syphilitic tumour patches of gum on fruit trees resulting from e.g. frost one who is armed with a gun zest a small, drop-like ornament on a Doric entablature (GUTTAE); a milky latex (GUTTAS) a place for gymnastics (GYMNASIUMS); a continental school (GYMNASIEN) gynaeceum gynaecium gynecium gynoecium gyrus hachis hackman haematoma haeres haftara * halakhah haler half halfen halflife halfpence halier haliotis halitosis hallah hallux halutz hammerman hamulus handful handstaff handyman hangman hangul haphtara haplosis hardman haruspex gynaecea gynaecia gynecia gynoecia gyri hackmen haematomata haeredes haftarot haftaroth haftaros haftorot haftaroth haggadot haggadoth haika halachot halachoth halakhot halakoth halakhoth haleru halves halflives halierov haliotes halitoses halloth halluces halutzim hammermen hamuli handsful handstaves handymen hangmen haphtarot haploses hardmen haruspices hatful haubois hausfrau haustellum hatsful hausfrauen haustella * haftarah haftorah haggada haggada haik halacha halakha * the women's apartments in a household the women's apartments in a household the pistil of a flower the female organs of a flower, taken collectively a convoluted ridge between two grooves (Fr.) a hash, a mess the driver of a hack or carriage for public hire a swelling composed of blood effused into tissues (Lat.) an heir a Biblical selection a Biblical selection a Biblical selection * a story, anecdote, or legend in the Talmud a story, anecdote, or legend in the Talmud an Arab outer garment the general term for the Hebrew oral or traditional law the legal component of the Jewish oral tradition * * * * * * the legal component of the Jewish oral tradition a Czech monetary unit one of two equal parts (HALVES); a half-pint (HALFS) (Spenser) half the time for half a sample of radioactive material to decay coins worth half a penny a former monetary unit of Slovakia a kind of seashell bad breath a kind of Jewish bread the big toe; the hind toe of birds an Israeli agriculturist a man who operates a hammer a small hook or hook-like process on a bone the contents of a hand a staff-like handle eg of a flail a man who does odd jobs an executioner an alphabetic script for Korean a Biblical selection the halving of the chromosome number a tough, ruthless man (Lat.) a person who inspected the entrails of sacrificial victims in order to foretell the future the contents of a hat (Fr.) a large kind of strawberry (Fr.) a large kind of strawberry the sucking organ or proboscis of an insect or crustacean haustorium hautbois hazan hazzan headman headscarf headsman heder hegumenos helibus heliman heliopsis heliosis helix helleri hello helmsman hematoma hematosis hematozoon hemelytron hemolysis hemihedron henchman henry hepatica hepatitis hepatoma herbarium herdman herdsman heres heretrix heritrix herma hernia hero herpes hetaera hetaira heterosis hetman hexahedron hidrosis highman hillfolk hillo hilum haustoria hazanim hazzanim headmen headscarves headsmen hadarim hedarim hegumenoi helibusses helimen heliopses helioses helices helleries helloes helmsmen hematomata hematoses hematozoa hemelytra hemolyses hemihedra henchmen henrys hepaticae hepatitides hepatomata herbaria herdmen herdsmen heredes heretrices heritrices hermae hermai herniae heroes hetaerae hetairai heteroses hetmen hexahedra hidroses highmen hilloes hila * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * one of the suckerlike rootlets of such plants as ivy (Fr.) a large kind of strawberry a cantor in a synagogue a cantor in a synagogue a foreman a scarf worn over the head an executioner a Jewish school the head of a monastery a helicopter bus a member of a helicopter crew a genus of herbaceous plants in the daisy family exposure to the sun; sunburn (Greek) a screw-shaped coil a tropical fish. to greet with hello one that steers a ship a swelling composed of blood effused into tissues the conversion of venous into arterial blood a protozoan that is parasitic in the blood an insect forewing thickened at base, membranous at apex destruction of red blood corpuscles a solid hemihedrally derived an unscrupulous supporter unit of electrical inductance; note also HENRIES a flower, aka liverwort inflammation of the liver a tumour of the liver a collection of preserved plants and herbs a herdsman one who looks after a herd (Lat.) an heir (Lat.) a heiress a heiress a head of Hermes on a square stone post a rupture a brave man (HEROES); a kind of sandwich (HEROS) (Lat.) a skin disease a paramour a paramour; prostitute; concubine the increased size and vigor attributable to hybridization a Cossack headman a solid body of six sides or faces perspiration, especially excessive a loaded die people living among the hills hello a mark where a seed was attached to its stalk hilus himation hindfoot hitman hoactzin hoastman hoatzin hodman hoistman holohedron homeosis homo homoeosis homolysis homotaxis homunculus honorarium hoodman hoof hordeolum hormesis hili himatia hindfeet hitmen hoactzines hoastmen hoatzines hodmen hoistmen holohedra homeoses homines homoeoses homolyses homotaxes homunculi honoraria hoodmen hooves hordeola hormeses horologium horseman hose hoseman hospitium hotelman houseman housewife humerus huntsman huppah horologia horsemen hosen hosemen hospitia hotelmen housemen housewives humeri huntsmen huppot huppoth hurricanoes huswives hydrae hydriae hydromata hygromata hymenia hypanthia hyphae hypinoses hypnoses hypogaea hypogea hurricano huswife hwan hydra hydria hydroma hygroma hymenium hypanthium hypha hypinosis hypnosis hypogaeum hypogeum * * * * * * * * * * * * * an indentation in the surface of an organ a Greek garment a rear foot a hired assassin (Nahuatl) a South American bird a member of an old merchant guild in Newcastle (Nahuatl) a South American bird a man who carries a hod a person who works a hoist a kind of geometrical form the assumption of the character of another whorl or somite (Lat.) man generically the assumption of the character of another whorl or somite decomposition into two uncharged atoms or radicals coincidence in order of organic succession but not in time a little man; a manikin a voluntary fee paid esp to a professional person the person blindfolded in the game called hoodman-blind the hard covering of animal's foot a sty of the eyelid a phenomenon whereby substances that are toxic in large doses have a beneficial effect when absorbed in very small doses a horologe; a southern constellation one who rides a horse a tube for liquids > HOSES; socks > HOSEN a fireman who directs the stream of water a hospice a hotelier a house physician or house surgeon a woman who looks after a house and has no paid job the bone of the brachium, or upper part of the arm a hunter (Hebrew) a wedding canopy a hurricane a housewife a monetary unit of S. Korea a freshwater hydrozoon of the genus Hydra a large Greek water-vase a swelling in the soft tissue that occurs over a joint a swelling in the soft tissue that occurs over a joint the spore-bearing surface of certain fungi a fruit consisting of a receptacle enlarged below the calyx threadlike elements forming the mycelium of a fungus a diminution in the amount of fibrin present in the blood an artificially induced state of relaxation an underground chamber the underground part of building hypotaxis iambus ibadah ibex iceman icon ideatum idolum ignaro ignoramus ileitis ileum ilex ilium illuvium hypotaxes iambi ibadat ibices icemen icones ideata idola ignaroes ignorami ileitides ilea ilices ilia illuvia imago imbrex imagoes imagines imbrices impatiens imperium impetigo impi impluvium impresario inamorato incavo incubus incus index indicium imperia impetigines impies impluvia impresari inamorati incavi incubi incudes indices indicia indigo individuum indumentum indusium inertia infauna infimum infula ingluvies ingo inion inkosi innings inoculum inro inselberg indigoes individua indumenta indusia inertiae infaunae infima infulae ingoes inia amakosi inocula inselberge * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a subordinate relationship of clauses with conjunctions a metrical foot in Islam, service, worship a wild mountain-goat a jewel thief an object of worship objective reality with which ideas are supposed to correspond a mental image an ignorant person an ignorant person inflammation of the ileum the lowest part of the small intestine the holm oak the anterior or superior bone of the pelvis material removed from the soil layer by rainwater and deposited in a lower layer (Lat.) an idealized mental image of a person; an insect in its final, adult, sexually mature, and typically winged state (Lat.) in Roman buildings, one of a series of usu. curved tiles fitting over flat tiles (Lat.) a genus of plants empire (Lat.) a skin disease a regiment of Zulu warriors. in Roman dwellings, a cistern or tank the manager of an opera company etc a beloved the incised part of an intaglio an evil spirit that lies on women in their sleep an anvil-shaped bone in the ear a summary, a guide an indicating mark or sign; INDICIA also used as a singular with plural INDICIAS a dark blue powder used as a vat dye an indivisible entity; an individual person a total body covering of hair, fur or feathers the protective cover of insect's wing the tendency of a body to resist acceleration the class of animals inhabiting ocean and river beds the greatest lower bound a sort of fillet worn among the ancient Romans a bird’s crop entry into or taking on a new tenancy the external occipital protuberance a traditional leader of a Zulu clan a team's or individual batsman's turn at batting in cricket, etc material used for inoculation (Japanese) a small container for pills and medicines an isolated mountain or hill insigne insignia insula intaglio interleaf interrex intima inukshuk inuksuk involucrum iris ironman ironwoman ischium isleman islesman isodicon isodomon isodomum isthmus ixodiasis jackknife jackman jambeau insulae intagli interleaves interreges intimae inukshuit inuksuit involucra irides ironmen ironwomen ischia islemen islesmen isodica isodoma isodoma isthmi ixodiases jackknives jackmen jambeaux jambeux janskys jarsful jarkmen jazzmen jejuna jeux jalabib jingkoes jingoes jizzes jugsful jugula juga juncoes junkmen jurymen jurywomen jura kabloonat kaddishim kalewives kapeek jansky jarful jarkman jazzman jejunum jesus jeu jilbab jingko jingo jiz jugful jugulum jugum jun junco junkman juryman jurywoman jus kabloona kaddish kalewife kapeyka * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a badge of office; INSIGNIA also used as a singular with plural INSIGNIAS a block of buildings, an apartment house a figure engraved into a gem or another substance a leaf inserted between other leaves one who rules during an interregnum; a regent the inner lining of an organ or vessel a stone used by Inuit people to mark a location a stone used by Inuit people to mark a location an enveloping sheath or envelope part of the eye (IRIDES); a flower (IRISES) a man who takes part in extended triathlons a woman who takes part in extended triathlons a pelvic bone an islander, esp of the Hebrides an islander, esp of the Hebrides a short anthem in the Greek church masonry of uniform blocks in course of equal heights masonry of uniform blocks in course of equal heights a narrow neck of land joining two land masses a disease caused by or transmitted by ticks a large clasp knife; JACKKNIFES is valid as a verb form a soldier wearing a jack armour worn on the legs in astronomy, the unit of strength of radio-emission the contents of a jar a vagabond who fabricates counterfeit passes, licenses etc a jazz musician the middle division of the small intestine a size of paper in France a game a long robe worn by Muslim women a kind of tree a chauvinistic, sabre-rattling patriot a wig the contents of a jug the front part of the neck a pair of leaflets in a pinnate leaf a coin of North Korea a kind of bird a dealer in junk one who serves on a jury a woman who serves on a jury a legal right Inuit word for a non-Inuit a Jewish prayer recited daily and by mourners a female vegetable vendor a monetary unit of Belarus katabasis katharsis katsina kayo kazachok kazatski keelman kennelman kenosis katabases katharses katsinam kayoes kazachki kazatskies keelmen kennelmen kenoses keratoma keratitis keratosis kerchief kerygma ketosis ketubah keratomata keratitides keratoses kerchieves kerygmata ketoses ketubot ketuboth khazenim kibbutzim kiddoes kielbasi kielbasy kineses kinsmen kinswomen kirkmen klezmorim kloochmen klootchmen knaidlach kneidlach knives knifemen kohanim kohlrabies kolhozy kolinskies kolkhosy kolkhozy kolkozy koories korai korun koruny kouroi - khazen kibbutz kiddo kielbasa kinesis kinsman kinswoman kirkman klezmer kloochman klootchman knaidel knife knifeman kohen kohlrabi kolhoz kolinski kolkhos kolkhoz kolkoz kongoni koori kore koruna koruna kouros kreplach kreplech * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a going down; a military retreat a purging a doll representing rain-bearing Hopi ancestors a knock-out a Russian folk dance a Russian folk dance. one employed in managing a Newcastle keel one employed in looking after dogs the relinquishment of the form of God by Jesus in becoming man a skin disease inflammation of the cornea excessive growth of horny tissue of skin a cloth or scarf used to cover the head the apostolic proclamation of salvation through Jesus Christ the presence of excess of ketone in body a contract that states the obligation in Jewish marriages a cantor in a synagogue in Israel, an agricultural settlement a kid, child a smoked sausage movement, change of position, esp. under stimulus a male relative a female relative a clergyman or officer in a kirk a style of Yiddish music an Indian woman, wife or squaw an Indian woman, wife or squaw in Jewish cooking, a dumpling a tool for cutting; KNIFES is valid as a verb form one who uses a knife as a weapon a member of the Jewish priestly class, descended from Aaron a variety of cabbage a collective or co-operative farm in the former USSR (Russian) a kind of Northern Eurasian mink. a collective or co-operative farm in the former USSR a collective or co-operative farm in the former USSR a collective or co-operative farm in the former USSR (Swahili) an E African hartebeest (Aborig.) a young Aborigine girl. an archaic statue of a draped maiden a Czech monetary unit a Czech monetary unit a statue of a nude male (Yiddish) small dough dumplings usu served in soup (Yiddish) small dough dumplings usu served in soup krona kronor kronur krone kroon krummholz krypsis kueh kulak kuna kurtosis kuvasz kylix kyllosis kyphosis labarum labellum labium labrum lacinia lacuna lacunar lamella lamia lamina landman landsman lapillus lapis lapsus lar larnax larva larynx lat kronen kroner krooni krypses kulaki kune kurtoses kuvaszok kylices kylikes kylloses kyphoses labara labella labia labra laciniae lacunae lacunaria lamellae lamiae laminae landmen landsleit landsmen lapilli lapides lares larnakes larvae larynges lati latu latex latigo latticino laura lavabo lawman layman laywoman lazo lazzarone lazzo leadman leadsman latices latigoes latticini laurae lavaboes lawmen laymen laywomen lazoes lazzaroni lazzi leadmen leadsmen * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * an Icelandic monetary unit (KRONUR); a Swedish monetary unit (KRONOR) a Norwegian monetary unit an Estonian monetary unit stunted forest typical of the timberline the doctrine that christ secretly exercised divine powers (Malay) any cake of Malay, Chinese or Indian origin a rich Russian peasant the standard monetary unit of Croatia the degree of sharpness of peak of a distribution curve a large dog with a white coat (Greek) a shallow two-handled Greek drinking cup club foot inward curvature of the spine an ecclesiastical banner bearing Christ's monogram the lower petal of an orchidaceous flower a lip, or liplike organ a lip or edge, as of a basin a long narrow lobe in a leaf a gap, a hiatus a sunken panel or coffer in a ceiling a thin plate or layer a mythical monster with snake's body and woman's head a thin plate or scale a man who lives or serves on land a fellow Jew from the same town in Eastern Europe a small stone ejected by volcanic eruption a stone, as in set phrases such as lapis philosophicus a slip eg of the tongue a household god in ancient Rome a terracotta chest of ancient Greece an immature free-living form of many animals the upper part of the windpipe a former monetary unit of Latvia (LATI, LATU); a latrine (LATS) the milky juice of some plants a strap for tightening a cinch an opaque white glass used in threads to decorate clear glass a group of recluse's cells a ceremony in which a priest washes his hands a law-enforcement officer a member of the laity a female member of the laity a lasso a homeless idler of Naples a piece of farce or comic dialogue one who leads a dance the man who heaves the lead leaf lebkuchen lecythus legman leiomyoma lek leaves lecythi legmen leiomyomata leku lekythos lekythus lemma lemniscus lengthman lenis lensman lentigo lento lepton lekythoi lekythi lemmata lemnisci lengthmen lenes lensmen lentigines lenti lepta letterman leu leucosis leud leukosis lev levator lew lex lex lexicon lez liber libra libretto lied liegeman life lettermen leucoses leudes leukoses leva levas levatores leva leges leges lexica lezzes libri librae libretti lieder liegemen lives liftman ligula likuta lilangeni limax limbus limen limes limosis limulus lineman linesman liftmen ligulae makuta emalingeni limaces limbi limina limites limoses limuli linemen linesmen * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * an organ of vascular plants; LEAFS is valid as a verb form a biscuit containing honey and spices a narrow-necked Greek flask one who runs errands for another a fibrous tumour the monetary unit of Albania (LEKU); a black grouse display place (LEKS) an oil jar used in ancient Greece an oil jar used in ancient Greece in lexicography, a word considered as a headword a band of fibres, esp nerve fibres a person whose job it is to maintain a length of railway line a sound with little or no aspiration a cameraman (Lat.) a freckle or freckle-like condition a slow movement a modern Greek coin, 1/100th of a drachma (LEPTA); a subatomic particle (LEPTONS) an athlete who has earned a letter in a school sport a unit of Romanian currency leukaemia a feudal vassal leukaemia a Bulgarian monetary unit (Lat.) a muscle raising limb or part a Bulgarian monetary unit law (Lat.) law a word-book (Short for) lesbian a book of public records a Roman pound the text of an opera (German) a song a vassal, a subject the quality that distinguishes animals and plants from inanimate matter (LIVES); a type of painting (LIFES) a person whose job it is to operate a lift a tongue-like part or organ a monetary unit of Zaire the standard monetary unit of Swaziland a slug a distinctive border a threshold (Lat.) an ancient Roman fortified boundary abnormally ravenous appetite a horseshoe crab a person who attends to the lines on a railway an official who helps the referee or umpire in various sports lingo lingua lingula linkman linksman lipa lipolysis lipoma lira lingoes linguae lingulae linkmen linksmen lipe lipolyses lipomata lire liri lirot liroth * * * lis litas literato lithiasis litotes lis lisses litai litu literati lithiases - liverleaf liveryman lixivium loaf lobulus lobus lockman locksman locoman loculus locus locusta lodesman lodicula loftsman liverleaves liverymen lixivia loaves lobuli lobi lockmen locksmen locomen loculi loca loci locustae lodesmen lodiculae loftsmen loggia logion logos loiasis loipe loma loggie logia logoi loiases loipen lomata * * lomentum longleaf loof lordosis lorica loti louis louse lowlife lomenta longleaves looves lordoses loricae maloti lice lowlives * * * * * * * * * language a tongue a tongue-like process or part an attendant carrying a link (torch) to light the way a golfer a monetary unit of Croatia the disintegration of fat a tumor consisting of fat or adipose tissue an Italian unit of currency (LIRE); a Maltese unit of currency (LIRI); a former monetary unit of Israel (LIORT or LIROTH) a fleur-de-lis a former monetary unit of Lithuania a learned man, one acquainted with letters the formation of stony concretions or calculi in the body the expression of an affirmative by the negative of the contrary a woodland plant one who wears a livery, as a servant a solution of alkaline salts extracted from wood ashes a shaped mass of bread; LOAFS is valid as a verb form a small lobe or lobe-like structure a lobe a lock-keeper; a public executioner a turnkey; a lock-keeper a worker on a locomotive any of a number of small cavities separated by septa a place, a locality the spikelet or flower cluster of grasses a pilot one of the membranous scales next to the stamens in grasses a person who reproduces in actual size a draughtsman's design a covered open arcade one of the sayings of Jesus not recorded in the Gospels a rational principle of Greek philosophy a tropical disease a cross-country ski-run a membranous fringe in animals (LOMATA); a flat-topped hill (LOMAS) a pod that breaks in pieces at constrictions between the seeds an evergreen tree (Scots) the palm of the hand convex curvature of the spine a leather corslet a monetary unit of Lesotho (Fr.) a former gold coin of France a wingless parasitic insect; LOUSES is valid as a verb form riff-raff luach lucumo lumberman lumbricus lumbus luchot luchot lucomones lumbermen lumbrici lumbi lumen lunula lustrum luteum lux luz lyceum lymphoma lyolysis lysis lytta maar macaroni maccaroni macchia machzor macula madame madarosis madman madwoman maenad maestro mafioso magma magnifico magsman magus mahzor mailman malleolus malleus malpighia maltman mambo mamilla mamma mammatus mammilla mammitis mamzer man mango lumina lunulae lustra lutea luces luzzes lycea lymphomata lyolyses lyses lyttae maare macaronies maccaronies macchie machzorim maculae mesdames madaroses madmen madwomen maenades maestri mafiosi magmata magnificoes magsmen magi mahzorim mailmen malleoli mallei maltmen mamboes mamillae mammae mammati mammillae mammitides mamzerim men mangoes * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a Jewish calendar showing dates of festivals and the Sabbath an Etruscan priest or prince someone employed in the felling, sawing etc of timber a genus of annelids including the common earthworm the part of the lower back and sides between the pelvis and the ribs a unit of luminous flux a Bronze Age crescent necklace a period of five years a hormone-secreting body a unit of illumination a supposedly indestructible bone a school of philosophical instruction a tumour of the lymph glands the formation of an acid and a base from a salt with a solvent the disintegration or destruction of cells a small ligament in a dog's tongue a volcanic crater without a cone, usually filled by a lake (Ital.) a form of pasta. (Ital.) a form of pasta maquis, a dense growth of small trees and shrubs a Hebrew holiday-ritual prayer book a spot, as on the skin, or on the surface of the sun an address to a married woman loss of eyelashes or eyebrows a man who is insane a woman who is insane a woman participant in orgiastic Dionysian rites a master performer a member of a mafia molten or partially molten rock material the chief magistrate at Venice a conman, a street swindler a magician a Hebrew holiday-ritual prayer book one who delivers mail a projection at the distal end of a leg bone at the ankle joint the outermost of the three small auditory bones a tropical shrub a man whose occupation is to make malt a Cuban ballroom dance resembling the rumba or cha-cha the nipple of the mammary gland the milk gland, the breast (MAMMAE); mother (MAMMAS) a type of cloud the nipple of the mammary gland inflammation of the breast an illegitimate child; a despicable person an adult human male a tropical fruit mano manteau mantis manto manubrium maquis marchen marchese marchman mare maremma markka markman marksman marsupium martyrium mas mashgiach mashgiah mashman mastitis matachin mathesis matrix matzo * * * * * mausoleum maxilla maximum mazaedium meatloaf meatman mechitza media manoes manteaux mantes mantoes manubria marchesi marchmen maria maremme markkaa markmen marksmen marsupia martyria mashgichim mashgihim mashmen mastitides matachini matheses matrices matzot matzoth mausolea maxillae maxima mazaedia meatloaves meatmen mechitzot mediae mediatrix medius medulla medusa megaron megillah meiofauna meiosis melamed melanoma melanosis melastome melisma memento mediatrices medii medullae medusae megara megilloth meioses melamdim melanomata melanoses melismata mementoes * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a king of clam a woman's cloak or mantle any of various predatory insects of the family Mantidae a woman's loose gown the upper part of the breastbone (Fr.) a guerrilla resistance force a story or fable, a folk-tale an Italian nobleman a person living in the marches between e.g. England or Wales a sea on the Moon (MARIA); a female horse (MARES) a marsh, a miasma the standard monetary unit of Finland a marksman an expert shot the pouch in which marsupials carry their young a shrine erected in memory of a martyr a house or home in the south of France (Hebrew) a person who ensures adherence to kosher rules (Hebrew) a person who ensures adherence to kosher rules a worker in a brewery who helps to make the mash inflammation of the breast or a milk gland a masked sword-dancer mental discipline; learning or wisdom the womb; that in which anything is embedded a cake of unleavened bread eaten by the Jews at the feast of the Passover a large tomb the bone of either the upper or the under jaw the largest amount the fruiting body of lichens a loaf-shaped roll of meat a seller of butcher's meat a screen in a synagogue separating men and women a voiced consonantal stop (MEDIAE); a channel of communication (MEDIAS) a female mediator the middle finger marrow; pith a kind of jellyfish the central hall of an ancient Greek, esp Mycenaean, house a scroll containing a book of the Old Testament animals less than 1 mm and larger than 01 mm across a two-stage type of cell division a teacher in a Jewish school a kind of tumour the morbid deposition of black matter a tropical flowering plant a melody, a melodic ornamentation something that serves to warn or remind; a souvenir memorandum meninx meniscus mensa mensch menshen menstruum mentum meresman merisis merman merryman mesenteron meshugaas messman mesteso mestino mestizo metabasis metacarpus metapelet metasoma metatarsus metazoon methysis metis metope mezuzah miasma micella microbus microlux micron middleman midlife midrash midwife mikron mikvah mikveh milieu milium milkman millennium memoranda meninges menisci mensae menschen menstrua menta meresmen merises mermen merrymen mesentera meshugaasen meshugasen messmen mestesoes mestinoes mestizoes metabases metacarpi metaplot metasomata metatarsi metazoa methyses metis * metopae mezuzot mezuzoth miasmata micellae microbusses microluces micra middlemen midlives midrashim midrashot midrashoth midwives mikra mikvoth mikvos mikvot milieux milia milkmen millennia * * * * * * * * * * a note to help the memory the membrane enclosing brain and spinal cord the curved upper surface of a column of liquid in a tube the grinding surface of a tooth a person of integrity and honor a Chinese door god a solvent, esp one used in the preparation of drugs the chin an officer who ascertains meres or boundaries growth by cell division a male of the mermaid kind a zany, a jester the mid-gut (Yiddish) madness, foolishness a serviceman who works in a dining facility one of mixed, esp Spanish and American-Indian parentage one of mixed, esp Spanish and American-Indian parentage one of mixed, esp Spanish and American-Indian parentage a transition, e.g. from one subject or point to another the hand or foot between carpus and phalanges a woman acting as a foster-mother to children on a kibbutz the posterior part of an arachnid's abdomen the skeleton of the lower limb between tarsus and phalanges any animal more complex than a unicellular protozoan drunkenness the (male) offspring of a white person and an American Indian; METISSES is valid as the plural of METISSE a square space between triglyphs in a Doric frieze a parchment affixed to the doorposts in Jewish houses * * * * * foul vapours from rotting matter; unwholesome air a group of molecular chains, a structural unit of colloids a minibus a millionth of a lux a micrometre an intermediary, esp between producer and consumer the middle of one's life, as in midlife crisis the segment of the rabbinic oral tradition that interprets or expounds the Bible * * * * * a woman who delivers children; MIDWIFES is valid as verb a micrometre a place for ritual bathing by Orthodox Jews a place for ritual bathing by Orthodox Jews a social environment a hard mass caused by the blockage of a sebaceous gland a man who sells or delivers milk a period of one thousand years * millihenry millilux mimesis mimosa mina minibus minimum minuteman minutia minyan miosis mir millihenrys milliluces mimeses mimosae minae minibusses minima minutemen minutiae minyanim mioses miri miracidium mirepoix mirligoes mishegaas mishegoss missa mitosis mitsvah mitzvah miz moai mobsman mockado modello modicum modiolus modius modulus miracidia meshugaasen missae mitoses mitsvoth mitzvoth mizzes mobsmen mockadoes modelli modica modioli modii moduli modus mohel moira mojo molluscum molossus moly momento momentum modi mohalim mohelim moirai mojoes mollusca molossi molys momentoes momenta momus momzer monas moner momi momzerim monades monera moneyman moneymen * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a thousandth of a henry a thousandth of a lux imitation, especially in literature and art or by an animal a flowering shrub with thorns a Greek coin a small autobus the smallest amount a militiaman ready to march at a moment's notice a minute particular or detail (Hebrew) a quorum of 10 required for certain prayers excessive contraction of the pupil of the eye a Russian farming community (MIRI); an Eastern ruler (MIRS) the ciliated first-stage larva of a trematode (Fr.) a garnish made of diced carrots, onions and celery (Scots) dizziness (Yiddish) madness, foolishness (Yiddish) madness, foolishness the service or sacrifice of the Mass an elaborate process of cell-division a Jewish commandment a Jewish commandment (Short for) misery any of the gigantic stone statues of Easter Island a member of an organised criminal gang an inferior quality woollen fabric an artist's detailed sketch or model for a larger work a small quantity the central column in the osseous cochlea of the ear a cylindrical headdress of the gods a number leaving the same remainder when divided into two others the terms of a conveyance (Hebrew) a ritual circumciser fate magic a viral skin infection a verse foot of three long syllables molybdenum (but molies for the herb) memento the quantity of motion in a body measured by the product of mass and velocity a satirist, a critic an illegitimate child; a despicable person a monad Ernst Hackel's name for a hypothetical simplest protozoan on which his theory of evolution is based one who deals with money mongo mongoose monilia monopodium monopteron monosis monsieur mooncalf moorman moose mootman mora moratorium morceau morisco morphosis mortarman morula mosasaurus moshav mosquito motorman motoscafo motto mouse moz mozetta mozzetta mucosa mulatto mungo murex musca muscleman muskox mutandum myasis mycelium mycetoma mycosis mydriasis myelitis myeloma myiasis myocardium myoma myosis myrmidon mongoes mongeese moniliae monopodia monoptera monoses messieurs mooncalves moormen mootmen morae moratoria morceaux moriscoes morphoses mortarmen morulae mosasauri moshavim mosquitoes motormen motoscafi mottoes mice mozzes mozette mozzette mucosae mulattoes mungoes murexes muscae musclemen muskoxen mutanda myases mycelia mycetomata mycoses mydriases myelitides myelites myelomata myiases myocardia myomata myoses myrmidones * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the waste produced in a woollen mill; low quality wool an Indian animal of the civet family a kind of fungus a stem involved in monopodial growth a circular temple with one ring of columns separation of parts usually fused a Frenchman a simpleton, a blockhead an inhabitant of a moor a large deer one who argued moot cases in the inns of court a unit of metrical time in prosody a legal authorization to a debtor to postpone payment a bit, a morsel a morris dance the order or mode of development of an organ or part a person firing a mortar a cluster of cells formed by division of a fertilized ovum a gigantic Cretaceous fossil pythonomorph reptile a settlement like a kibbutz, but with more private property any dipterous insect of the family Culicidae a man who controls a motor a motorboat a maxim adopted as a rule of conduct a small rodent; MOUSES is valid as a verb a type of curse; MOZES is valid as a verb form a short cape with a hood worn by Catholic prelates a short cape with ornamental hood worn by Catholic prelates a mucous membrane the offspring of a black person and a European the waste produced in a woollen mill; low quality wool (Lat.) a genus of shellfish, yielding a purple dye a genus of dipterous insects, including the common house fly a man of extravagant physical development a large bovid of arctic regions a thing which is to be changed a disease due to flies' larvae in the body the white threads from which a fungus is developed a type of fungus infection a disease due to the growth of a fungus morbid dilatation of the pupil of the eye inflammation of the spinal marrow or its membranes a tumour of the bone marrow a disease due to flies' larvae in the body the main substance of the muscular wall of the heart a tumor consisting of muscular tissue excessive contraction of the pupil of the eye a faithful follower mythos mythus myxameba myxamoeba myxoma nachas naevus naiad naos narcissus narcoma narcosis naris natatorium natis natura nauplius nautilus nebula necropolis necrosis negro mythoi mythi myxamebae myxamoebae myxomata naevi naiades naoi narcissi narcomata narcoses nares natatoria nates naturae nauplii nautili nebulae necropoli necropoleis necropoles necroses negroes nelies nelis nemesis neocortex nephridium nephritis nephrosis nereid nereis neuritis neuroma neurosis neurula nevus newsman newswoman ngwee nidamentum nidus niello nightlife nimbus nineholes nisus nemeses neocortices nephridia nephritides nephroses nereides nereides neuritides neuromata neuroses neurulae nevi newsmen newswomen nidamenta nidi nielli nightlives nimbi - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * myth, mythology myth, mythology a cell produced by a spore a cell produced by a spore a tumor made up of a gelatinous tissue (Yiddish) pride in another's accomplishments a birthmark a water-nymph the inner cell of a temple a genus of bulbous spring-flowering plants a coma caused by the intake of narcotic drugs drowsiness or unconsciousness produced by a narcotic a nostril an indoor swimming-pool a buttock nature a larval form in crustaceans a cephalopod of southern seas a hazy area in the night sky representing a cluster of stars a cemetery or burial place death of part of the living body, e.g. from gangrene a member of any of the dark-skinned peoples of Africa or a person racially descended from one of them a winter pear a winter pear retributive justice the back of the cortex a simple excretory organ of many invertebrates an inflammation of the kidneys degenerative lesions of the renal tubules a sea nymph (NEREIDES); a marine worm (NEREIDS) a sea nymph, one of the daughters of Nereus inflammation of the nerves a tumor developed on, or connected with, a nerve nervous activity distinguished from mental activity a stage in embryonic development a birthmark a news reporter a female newsman (Bantu) a Zambian monetary unit an egg-capsule a nest or breeding-place a black alloy used to fill engraved designs on metal life that goes on at night a halo; a type of cloud a game involving a ball and nine holes in the ground a mental or physical effort to attain an end, a striving nix no nobleman nodus noesis nogaku noh nomen nomos noncrisis nones nonetto nonhero nonlife nonman nonself nostos notandum notitia notturno notum noumenon nouveau nova novella novena noyau nubecula nucellus nucha nucleolus nucleus numen nunatak nuraghe nympha nymphaeum oaf oarsman oarswoman oasis obbligato obelus oblast obligato obolus occiput oceanarium nixe noes noblemen nodi noeses nomina nomoi noncrises nonetti nonheroes nonlives nonmen nonselves nostoi notanda notitiae notturni nota noumena nouveaux novae novellae novelle novenae noyaux nubeculae nucelli nuchae nucleoli nuclei numina nunataker nuraghi nymphae nymphaea oaves oarsmen oarswomen oases obbligati obeli oblasti obligati oboli occipita oceanaria * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a water-sprite a word of negation a noble a knotty point, difficulty intellectual activity; purely intellectual perception a traditional Japanese style of drama a traditional Japanese style of drama a name a province or department something that is not a crisis a prayer service held at 3 p m a composition for nine instruments one who is not a hero the absence of life one who is not a man (Something) not connected with the self a poem describing a return or return journey something to be specially noted or observed an account, a list; spec a register or list of ecclesiastical sees a nocturne the dorsal aspect of the thorax in insects an object implied by intuition rather than evidence something new an exploding star a Roman emperor's decree (NOVELLAE); a short novel (NOVELLE or NOVELLAS) a series of Catholic church services held over nine days an almond-flavoured liqueur a cloudy formation in urine the tissues within a plant's ovule containing the embryo sac the nape of the neck a little nucleus the central part or thing around which others are grouped a local or presiding divinity a point of rock appearing above the surface of land ice a Sardinian round tower a fold of the vulva a temple, sanctuary or grotto of the nymphs a lout; an idiot a person who rows a boat a woman who rows a fertile spot in a desert an accompaniment by solo instrument other than piano a dagger sign used in referring to footnotes a political subdivision of a republic in the former USSR a passage not to be left out a small coin the back of skull an enclosed part of the sea in which dolphins etc are kept oceanid ocellus ochrea ocrea octahedron octohedron octonarius octopod octopus onager oceanides ocelli ochreae ocreae octahedra octohedra octonarii octopodes octopi octopodes oculi oddsmen odea odontomata oedemata oesophagi oidia oilmen oldwives olea olpae omasa ombudsmen omenta ommatea ommatidia omnibusses omophoria omphali omphaloi onagri oncolysis oncomouse oncostman oogenesis oogonium ootheca operculum opponens optimum opus opusculum orarium oratrix orchesis ordo organum orleans oncolyses oncomice oncostmen oogeneses oogonia oothecae opercula optima opera opuscula oraria oratrices orcheses ordines organa - oculus oddsman odeum odontoma oedema oesophagus oidium oilman oldwife oleum olpe omasum ombudsman omentum ommateum ommatidium omnibus omophorion omphalos * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (Greek) an ocean nymph a small simple eye found in many invertebrates a scarious sheath round a stem a sheath of stipules enclosing the leafstalks of certain plants a solid bounded by eight faces a solid bounded by eight faces in prosody, a line having eight feet an eight-legged creature a cephalopod; OCTOPI is 'wrong' according to Chambers but valid; OCTOPODES is archaic in architecture, any eye-like feature, especially a window an umpire or arbiter a building for the performance of music a tumour arising in connection with the teeth a pathological accumulation of fluid in tissue spaces the portion of gut which connects pharynx and stomach a thin-walled fungal spore one who works in the oil industry a kind of duck fuming sulphuric acid a Greek jug the third of the four stomachs of a ruminant one representing the public a free fold of the peritoneum a compound eye one of the single eyes forming a compound eyes a large public road vehicle for carrying numerous passengers an Eastern bishop's vestment like the pallium central point, navel a military engine for throwing great stones (ONAGRI); a kind of wild ass (ONAGERS) the destruction of tumours a mouse bred for cancer treatment research a mine worker paid by the day the enlargement of an oogonium that produces an ovum the female reproductive organ in fungi or seaweed a case containing the eggs of some insects a lid-like gill flap or horny shell cover in snails a muscle of the thumb the best possibility a work, esp. an artistic or literary work a minor work a deacon's stole a woman plaintiff, or complainant, in equity pleading the art of dancing in Greek chorus an annual religious calendar showing the office for each day a method of philosophical investigation a variety of plum ornis orraman orthoaxis orthosis os os osculum osmeterium osmosis osteitis osteoma osteosis ostinato ostium ostosis ostracon ostrakon otitis ou ourself ovaritis overman oversman ovolo ovotestis ovum ox oxymoron ornithes orramen orthoaxes orthoses ora ossa osar oscula osmeteria osmoses osteitides osteomata osteoses ostinati ostia ostoses ostraca ostraka otitides ouens ourselves ovaritides overmen oversmen ovoli ovotestes ova oxen oxymora oysterman paceman packman pactum paderero padre padrone paenula paesano pailful pais paisa palais palama palazzo palea palestra palla palladium oystermen pacemen packmen pacta padereroes padri padroni paenulae paesani pailsful paise palamae palazzi paleae palestrae pallae palladia * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the birds collectively of a region; its avifauna a man who does odd jobs in crystallography, the orthodiagonal a device which supports or corrects deformities a bone an esker the excretory organ of a sponge a forked process behind the head of certain caterpillars diffusion of liquids through a semi-permeable membrane inflammation of the bone a tumor composed mainly of bone; a tumor of a bone the formation of bone a short melody or phrase constantly repeated the mouth of a river bone formation, ossification a shard of limestone or pottery used as a writing tablet a shard of limestone or pottery used as a writing tablet inflammation of the ear a man, a bloke myself -- used in formal or regal contexts inflammation of the ovaries a supervisor in mining an overseer; a superintendent a moulding with the rounded part a quarter circle an organ which produces both ova and spermatozoa an egg a bovine animal > OXEN); a clumsy person > OXES apparent paradox achieved by the juxtaposition of words which seem to contradict one another one who gathers or breeds oysters a fast bowler one who bears a pack; a peddler a pact a former short piece of chambered ordnance an army chaplain an innkeeper; an employer a Roman travelling cloak a fellow countryman the contents of a pail (Arch.) the people from whom a jury is drawn a Bangladeshi coin (Fr.) a palace a membrane extending between the toes of a bird an Italian palace, often one converted into a museum the membranous inner bract of a grass flower a wrestling school an oblong rectangular piece of cloth, worn by Roman ladies a safeguard > PALLADIA; a chemical element > PALLADIUMS pallium palmetto palpebra palpus pancratium pandanus panettone panino panjandrum panmixis pantihose pantryman pantyhose paolo paparazzo papilla papilloma pappus papula papyrus parabasis parabola paracusis parador parabema paralysis paramecium parament parapodium parashah parataxis pallia palmettoes palpebrae palpi pancratia pandani panettoni panini panjandra panmixes pantrymen paoli paparazzi papillae papillomata pappi papulae papyri parabases parabolae paracuses paradores parabemata paralyses paramecia paramenta parapodia parashot parashoth parashioth parataxes parazoon parenesis parergon paresis pargo parhelion parodos parotis parulis paruresis parazoa pareneses parerga pareses pargoes parhelia parodoi parotides parulides parureses pas passado passerby passman passadoes passersby passmen * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a white woollen vestment worn by the Pope any of various usu small and sometimes stemless fan palms the eyelid a sense organ attached to mouth-parts of certain insects an athletic contest involving both boxing and wrestling a kind of palm tree a kind of spiced cake a kind of sandwich a powerful personage or pretentious official random mating within a breeding population tights worn by women or children with ordinary dress one who looks after a pantry tights worn by women or children with ordinary dress an obsolete papal silver coin a photographer who pursues celebrities a nipple-like projection a tumor formed by hypertrophy of the papillae of the skin a downy tuft on plant seed a pimple a parchment made from reeds a speech in Greek drama where chorus addresses audience a kind of curve disordered hearing a type of tourist accommodation in Spain in Byzantine architecture, a chapel walled off from the bema the state of being unable to move a genus of tiny animals including the slipper animalcule a rich decoration, hanging or robe a muscular lateral appendage occurring in polychaete worms a passage in Jewish literature the juxtaposition of clauses or phrases without the use of coordinating or subordinating conjunctions a sponge an exhortation a piece of work in addition to one's principal employment a partial form of paralysis a kind of fish a halo-like light seen in sky opposite the sun an ode sung in ancient Greek drama the parotid gland, near the ear a small suppurating inflamed spot on the gum, aka gumboil a type of phobia in which the sufferer is unable to urinate in the presence of others (Fr.) a step; PASES exists as a plural of PASE a forward thrust in fencing one who passes by one who passes for a degree, without honors pasticcio pastorale patagium patella patera paterero patina patois patrico patrolman pease peatman peccadillo pecorino peculium pedalo pederero pedesis pediculus pedipalpus pedrero pelta pelvis pemphigus penknife penman pence pasticci pastorali patagia patellae paterae patereroes patinae patricoes patrolmen peasen peason peatmen peccadilloes pecorini peculia pedaloes pedereroes pedeses pediculi pedipalpi pedreroes peltae pelves pemphigi penknives penmen - penicillus penna penni pennill pensione pentathlum pentito penumbra penwoman peon peplum peraeon pereion pereon periaktos penicilli pennae pennia penillion pennillion pensioni pentathla pentiti penumbrae penwomen peones pepla peraea pereia perea periaktoi peribolos peribolus pericon pericope periboloi periboli pericones pericopae * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a medley, a pastiche a composition in a soft, rural style a web of skin between forelimbs and hind-limbs a kneecap a round flat dish used in Roman sacrifices a former short piece of chambered ordnance a film or surface that forms on surface of metal or wood (Fr.) a spoken regional dialect a hedge-priest a police officer on duty on a beat peas; PEASES is valid as a verb form a carter or seller of peat a slight offense or sin an Italian cheese made with sheep's milk private property a small pedal-propelled boat a former short piece of chambered ordnance Brownian movement any member of the louse genus the second paired appendage in Arachnida a former short piece of chambered ordnance a light shield the bony cavity at the lower end of the trunk the bony cavity at the lower end of the trunk a small pocket-knife a person skilled in writing really a plural, but now colloquially used as a singular with plural PENCE or PENCES a pad for wounds a feather, esp a large feather of the tail or wing a Finnish monetary unit a verse or stanza in Welsh poetry a boarding-house a pentathlon in Italy, a Mafia criminal who has become a police informer partial shade a female person skilled in handwriting a day-labourer, esp. in Spanish-speaking America a short skirt-like section attached to the waistline of a dress the thorax in Crustacea the thorax in Crustacea the thorax in Crustacea in the ancient Greek theatre, a tall revolving prism at the side of the stage, projecting a variety of backdrops a precinct; an enclosing wall of a precinct a precinct; an enclosing wall of a precinct an Argentinan folk-dance an excerpt or passage read during religious services peridinium peridium perigonium perihelion perikaryon perimysium perineum periosteum peritoneum peritus pernio perradius persona pertussis pes pessimum petechia peterman petto pfennig phalanx peridinia peridia perigonia perihelia perikarya perimysia perinea periostea peritonea periti perniones perradii personae pertusses pedes pessima petechiae petermen petti pfennige phalanges * * phallus phantasma pharynx phalli phantasmata pharynges * phasis phelonion phenomenon phases phelonia phenomena pheresis philtrum phimosis phereses philtra phimoses phiz phlebitis phoca pholas phorminx phosphorus phraseman phrenesis phrenitis phthisis phylaxis phyle phylesis phyllodium phizzes phlebitides phocae phorminges phosphori phrasemen phreneses phrenitides phthises phylaxises phylae phyleses phyllodia * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a genus of dinoflagellates the envelope or coat of certain fungi any organ inclosing the essential organs of a flower the point when the earth is closest to the sun during its orbit the cell body of a neuron containing the nucleus the connective tissue sheath which surrounds a muscle the part of the body between the genital organs and the anus a tough fibrous membrane covering the surface of bones the smooth membrane which lines the cavity of the abdomen a theological consultant in the Roman Catholic church a chilblain the primary radius of a coelenterate a character assumed by an author, performer, etc whooping cough the human foot the point at which any condition is least favourable a small red or purple spot on the skin a safe-blower the breast a small copper coin of Germany, a hundredth of a mark a formation of infantry in ancient Greece (PHALANXES); a bone of the finger (PHALANGES) the penis; a symbol of generation in primitive religions a phantasm in humans, the cavity situated behind the nose, mouth, and larynx and connecting them with the oesophagus a stage in growth or development an Eastern vestment like a chasuble anything directly apprehended by the senses; PHENOMENA also used as a singular with plural PHENOMENAS a specialised form of blood donation the vertical groove in the middle of the upper lip a condition of the penis in which the prepuce can not be drawn back so as to uncover the glans penis physiognomy, face inflammation of a vein a genus of seals a mollusc of the piddock genus of rock-boring molluscs a kind of lyre used by the Greeks an element a user or maker of fine phrases delirium; frenzy inflammation of the brain, or of the meninges of the brain a progressive wasting disease; spec. pulmonary tuberculosis an inhibiting of infection by the body an ancient Greek division of the people of a state into clans the course of evolutionary development a petiole dilated into the form of a blade phylum physis phytosis piano phyla physes phytoses piani piazza picador piccadillo pice pickadillo pieman pierogi piazze picadores piccadilloes pickadilloes piemen pierogi pierogies pifferari pignora pikemen pikestaves pilae pilei pilotmen * * * piscina pitchman pithos pitman pivotman pizzicato placebo placeman placenta pilulae pila pineta pingoes pinkoes pinnae pinnulae pinones pintadoes pintoes pirogen piroghi pirogi pirogies pirojki pirozhki piroshki piscinae pitchmen pithoi pitmen pivotmen pizzicati placeboes placemen placentae placitum plaidman plainsman placita plaidmen plainsmen pifferaro pignus pikeman pikestaff pila pileus pilotman pilula pilum pinetum pingo pinko pinna pinnula pinon pintado pinto pirog pirogi pirozhok * * * * * * * * * * a main division of the animal or vegetable kingdom the principle of growth or change in nature the presence of vegetable parasites or disease caused by them a musical instrumetn > PIANOS; a soft passage in music > PIANI in Italy, a public square a mounted bull-fighter with a lance a cut or vandyked edging an Indian coin, 1/4 anna a cut or vandyked edging one who sells pies (Russian) a small dumpling with a filling a piffero player property held as security for a debt a soldier who uses a pike the staff, or shaft, of a pike a pillar-like anatomical structure the umbrella-shaped portion of a mushroom a railway employee who guides trains across a section of single-track line a small pill a Roman javelin a collection of pine-trees a cone-shaped mound with an ice core a person who is something of a socialist but hardly a red a projecting feather one of the small divisions of a decompound frond or leaf an edible pine seed a kind of petrel; the Cape guinea fowl a piebald horse (Russian) a pastry made with meat or cabbage filling (Russian) a pastry made with meat or cabbage filling (Russian) a pastry made with meat or cabbage filling * * * * a basin set in wall of church to drain away ceremonial water a street or market trader a large Greek storage jar a man who works in a pit a soldier on whom a formation turns a direction to violinists to pluck the string with the finger a harmless substance given as medicine to humor a patient one who holds or occupies a place a round flat spongy vascular organ to which the foetus of most mammals is attached by the umbilical cord the decision of a court or assembly a Highlander a dweller in a plain, esp in N America planta plantsman planula plasmodium plateau plateful plateman platy platypus pleaseman plectrum pleiad plenipo plenum pleura plica ploughman plowman plumula pluteus podium poignado poinado pointman pointsman poisha policeman politico pollex pollinium pollman poltfoot poly polyanthus polyhedron polynya polyparium polyposis polypus polyzoon pomato ponceau pongo pontifex popliteus porosis portico portman portolano plantae plantsmen planulae plasmodia plateaux platesful platemen platys platypi pleasemen plectra pleiades plenipoes plena pleurae plicae ploughmen plowmen plumulae plutei podia poignadoes poinadoes pointmen pointsmen policemen politicoes pollices pollinia pollmen poltfeet polys polyanthi polyhedra polynyi polyparia polyposes polypi polyzoa pomatoes ponceaux pongoes pontifices poplitei poroses porticoes portmen portolani * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the sole of the foot a person who has great knowledge of gardening a free-swimming larva of coelenterates etc a naked mass of protoplasm with many nuclei a flat highland the contents of a plate a man who has the care of silver plate in a hotel, club, etc a small tropical fish; also PLATIES. an egg-laying mammal an officious fellow a pick for stringed instruments a group of seven illustrious persons an envoy having full power a space completely filled with matter a membrane lining half of the thorax a fold a man who drives or guides horses in ploughing a man who drives or guides horses in ploughing a little feather or plume a sea-urchin or brittle-star larva a low wall, serving as a foundation, a substructure a small dagger a poniard the soldier at the head of a patrol a man who has charge of railroad points or switches (Bengali) a Bangladeshi monetary unit a man who is a member of a police force a politician (Lat.) the thumb a coherent mass of pollen, as in most orchids a student with a pass degree a clubfoot (short for) polytechnic college the oxlip a body or solid contained by many sides or planes an area of open water in sea ice the framework and base of a polyp colony, esp coral the presence or development of polyps a nasal polyp one of the individual zooids forming a polyzoan a tomato grafted on to a potato a poppy-coloured red dye any large ape (Lat.) a high priest; a pontiff a muscle in the leg the knitting together of broken bones a formal entrance to a classical temple etc an inhabitant of a port, esp of one of the Cinque Ports in the Middle Ages, a navigation manual postcava postman postulatum postwoman potato potman praeludium praenomen praeses praesidium praxis precava precieux precis predella prehallux prelife preludio preman premium prenomen prepollex prepubis prepupa presa prescutum preses presidium pressman presternum priapus priedieu primo primordium principe principium privado prizeman proboscis procambium proclisis proctitis proctodeum prodrome prodromus prognosis prolepsis postcavae postmen postulata postwomen potatoes potmen praeludia praenomina praesidia praxes precavae predelle prehalluces prelives preludi premen premia prenomina prepollices prepubes prepupae prese prescuta presidia pressmen presterna priapi priedieux primi primordia principi principia privadoes prizemen proboscides procambia proclises proctitides proctodea prodromata prodromi prognoses prolepses promuscis promusces * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the inferior vena cava a mailman a postulate a female postman a S. American plant widely grown in temperate regions a pot companion a prelude the first name of an ancient Roman (Scots) a president or chairman a standing committee in the former Soviet Union the exercise or practice of an art, science, or skill the superior vena cava (French) a man affecting a fastidious over-refinement a concise summary; PRECISES is valid as a verb form a platform for an altar; a portable altar or decoration upon it an extra first toe on the preaxial side of the hallux a life conceived of as lived before one's earthly life a prelude a hominid or manlike creature a sum regularly paid for insurance the first name of an ancient Roman (Lat.) (in some animals) a rudimentary innermost finger the animal hip bone an insect in the stage of life before a pupa a musical symbol part of a thoracic segment of an insect (Scots) a president or chairman a standing committee in the former Soviet Union one who works for the Press the anterior segment of the sternum a statue or image of the god Priapus a low desk with a foot-piece for kneeling in prayer the first or principal part in a duo the first discernible rudiment a prince first principles, elements a private friend; a confidant the winner of a prize an elongated organ, usually associated with the mouth the young tissue of a fibrovascular bundle the pronunciation of a word as a proclitic inflammation of the rectum, aka rectitis a part of the anus an initial symptom of a disease a prefatory work a forecasting or forecast, esp of the course of a disease a rhetorical device of weakening objections by anticipating them a proboscis, especially an insect's pronaos pronator pronephros pronotum pronucleus promuscides pronaoi pronatores pronephra pronota pronuclei propagulum propman propositus proprium propagula propmen propositi propria proptosis propylaeum propylon proscenium proseman prosoma prosternum prostomium protasis proteus prothallus prothesis prothorax protonema protozoon proviso pruta prutah prytaneum psalterium pseudaxis psilosis psoas psoriasis psychosis pterion pterygium pteryla ptilosis ptosis ptyxis pudendum puerpera puerperium pul puli pullus proptoses propylaea propyla proscenia prosemen prosomata prosterna prostomia protases protei prothalli protheses prothoraces protonemata protozoa provisoes prutot prutoth prytanea psalteria pseudaxes psiloses psoae psoai psoriases psychoses pteria pterygia pterylae ptiloses ptoses ptyxes pudenda puerperae puerperia puli pulik pulli * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a vestibule in front of a temple the forearm muscle that effects pronation a primitive kidney that disappears in embryonic development the back of an insect's prothorax the nucleus of a germ-cell after meiosis and before fertilization a runner terminated by a germinating bud a man in charge of stage properties one to whom the family relationships of others are reckoned an attribute not essential to a species but common and peculiar to it the forward displacement of an organ, particularly the eyeball a vestibule before a building or leading into an inclosure the porch, vestibule, or entrance of an edifice the part of the stage in front of the curtain a writer of prose the anterior of the body of an animal, as of a cephalopod the sternum of the prothorax of insects that portion of the head of an annelid in front of the mouth the first or introductory clause in a sentence the olm, a blind, cave-dwelling amphibian the gametophyte in ferns and related plants the development of an extra sound at the start of a word the first or anterior segment of the thorax in insects a branched filament produced by a moss spore a single celled animal a provision or condition in a deed or other writing an Israeli monetary unit an Israeli monetary unit the town hall of an ancient Greek city the third stomach of ruminants an axis made up of the basal portions of several branches loss of hair a muscle of the loin the state of being affected with psora, a cutaneous disease a serious mental disorder characterized by e.g. illusions a suture in the skull a vertebrate limb a tract of skin bearing contour feathers in birds plumage or mode of feathering a drooping of the upper eyelid the way in which an individual leaf is folded in a bud the external female reproductive organs a woman who has recently given birth the condition immediately following childbirth a coin of Afghanistan a long-haired sheepdog a chick or young bird pulmo pulvinus punctum pundonor puntsman pupa puparium purlieu putamen putois putto pycnidium pycnosis pulmones pulvini puncta pundonores puntsmen pupae puparia purlieux putamina putti pycnidia pycnoses pygidium pyknosis pylorus pyosis pyramidion pyramis pyrolysis pyrosis pysanka pyxidium pyxis qindar qintar quadratus quadriga quadrivium quaich quale quantum quarryman quartetto quillman quintetto qwerty rabato rachilla rachis rachitis raddleman radiale radioman radius radix radula raftman pygidia pyknoses pylori pyoses pyramidia pyramides pyrolyses pyroses pysanky pyxidia pyxides qindarka qintarka quadrati quadrigae quadrivia quaichs qualia quanta quarrymen quartetti quillmen quintetti qwertys rabatoes rachillae rachides rachitises raddlemen radialia radiomen radii radices radulae raftmen * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a lung a swelling at the base of a stalk or leaf or leaflet a point or dot a point of honor one who operates a punt an insect in the usu passive stage between larva and imago the last larval skin of the pupa a neighbourhood a fruit stone; a membrane lining an eggshell (Fr.) a brush for painting pottery an artistic representation of a cherub a roundish fructification formed by many species of fungi the shrinkage of the stainable material of a nucleus into a deeply staining knot, usu. a feature of cell degeneration the posterior division of the body in trilobites the shrinkage of the stainable material of a nucleus the opening from the stomach into the intestine the process through which pus is formed the capstone of a pyramid or the top of an obelisk (Shakesp.) a pyramid decomposition due to heat cardialgia, heartburn a hand-painted Ukrainian Easter egg a capsule that opens by a transverse circular split a little box for jewels a monetary unit of Albania a monetary unit of Albania a quadrangular muscle a two-wheeled carriage drawn by four horses a higher division of seven liberal arts studied in Middle Ages (Gaelic) a drinking cup; here QUAICHES is the regular form a quality or property of something a minimum quantity a quarry worker a quartet, a composition for four voices a clerk a quintet the usual keyboard layout; note also QWERTIES a stiff collar the axis of a grass spikelet the spine or axis of a feather inflammation of the spine; rickets one who marks eg sheep with raddle a wrist-bone in line with the radius a radio operator the shorter and thicker of the two arm bones (Lat.) a root; a root-number or numerical base a mollusc's tongue, that is studded with tiny teeth one who works on the rafts raftsman ragman railbus railman railwoman ramentum rampsman ramulus ranchman ranunculus ranzelman raphe raphis rappen rearmouse rebato rectrix rectum rectus reddendum reddleman redia reedman reelman referendum reformado refugium regina regma regnum regula regulus reinsman rejon relatum raftsmen ragmen railbusses railmen railwomen ramenta rampsmen ramuli ranchmen ranunculi ranzelmen raphae raphides rearmice rebatoes rectrices recta recti reddenda reddlemen rediae reedmen reelmen referenda reformadoes refugia reginae regmata regna regulae reguli reinsmen rejones relata religieux remex renegado repairman replum repoman reptilium reremouse reseau residuum resinosis responsum rete remiges renegadoes repairmen repla repomen reptilia reremice reseaux residua resinoses responsa retia * * * * * * * * * * * * * one who operates a raft a man who collects, or deals in, rags a lightweight railway bus one who works on the railway a female railway worker thin brownish chaffy scales upon leaves or young shoots one who makes a disturbance to cover the activities of others a small branch a person who ranches a genus of flowers an official who searches for stolen goods a seam-like junction a needle-like crystal occurring in plant cells (German) a monetary unit of Switzerland a bat a stiff collar or support for a ruff (Lat.) the quill feathers of a bird's tail the last part of the large intestine a straight muscle a reserving clause in a lease one who marks eg sheep with reddle a form in the life cycle of the trematodes one who plays a reed instrument the member of a life-saving surf team who operates the reel a national vote a monk of a reformed order an area that has retained earlier geographic conditions a queen a dry fruit formed of cells which break open when ripe reign, dominion in architecture, a fillet below a triptych impure metal; an intermediate product in ore smelting a skilled rider of horses a lance used in bull-fighting in logic, one of the objects between which a relationship exists (French) a (male) person bound by monastic vows (Lat.) one of the large feathers of a bird's wing a renegade one whose job is to repair things a partition in a fruit formed by ingrowth of the placentas a person employed to repossess unpaid-for goods a place where live reptiles are kept for show a type of bat a fine-meshed ground for lacework a residue an abnormal flow of resin in rabbinical literature, a written response to a question an anatomical mesh retiarius reticulum retina retinitis retinula revers retiarii reticula retinae retinitides retinulae - * * * * reverso rex reversi reges * * rez rhachis rhaphe rhaphis rheotaxis rhexis rhinitis rhinoceros rhizobium rhizoma rhizopus rhombos rhombus rhonchus rhythmus rhyton ribes ricercare rifleman rikishi rilievo rima ringman ripieno rezzes rhachides rhaphae rhaphides rheotaxes rhexes rhinitides rhinoceri rhizobia rhizomata rhizopi rhomboi rhombi rhonchi rhythmi rhyta ricercari riflemen rilievi rimae ringmen ripieni * * * risorius rispetto riverman roadman roadsman rodman rodsman rokkaku rom rondeau rooibos rosarium rostellum rostrum risorii rispetti rivermen roadmen roadsmen rodmen rodsmen roma rondeaux rosaria rostella rostra * * * * * * * * * * * * a gladiator armed with a net the second stomach of ruminants the light-sensitive layer of the eyeball inflammation of the retina a pigmented cell in some arthropod compound eyes (Fr.) any part of a garment which is turned back; REVERSES is valid from REVERSE a back-handed sword-stroke an animal with a single layer of hair (REXES); a king (REGES) (short for) reservation the spine or axis of a feather; the spinal cord a seam-like junction a needle-like crystal occurring in plant cells the movement of an organism in response to water rupture of a blood-vessel inflammation of the nose a large heavy ungulate mammal of the perissodactyl family a bacterium effecting nitrogen fixation in leguminous plants a horizontal underground stem common bread mold a bull-roarer an equilateral parallelogram a whistling or snoring sound rhythm a drinking-cup a genus of shrubs including gooseberries and currants any of various old contrapuntal instrumental forms a soldier armed with a rifle (Japanese) a sumo wrestler a relief, a work in relief the passage in the glottis between the vocal cords the ring finger the body of instruments accompanying the concertino in baroque concerto music a facial muscle a type of Italian folk-song with 8-line stanzas one who works on the river one who works making or repairing roads one who works making or repairing roads a person who carries or uses a rod a person who carries or uses a rod (Japanese) a fighting kite a gypsy man a lyrical French poetic form tea prepared from the dried leaves of an African plant a rose garden a small beaklike process or extension of some part a spike on prow of warship for ramming rotator rotl rotula rouleau roundsman routeman roux rubai rubato rubel ruckman ruddleman ruga rumen russula rype saccos sacculus sacellum sackful sacrarium sacrum saddo saeculum safetyman sagaman sakkos salaryman salesman salicetum salix salmis salpa salpinx sambo sanatorium sanctum sandman sanitarium sanitorium santims santimu sapego saphena sarcina sarcoma sargasso sarmentum rotatores artal rotulae rouleaux roundsmen routemen rubaiyat rubati rubli ruckmen ruddlemen rugae rumina russulae ryper saccoi sacculi sacella sacksful sacraria sacra saddoes saecula safetymen sagamen sakkoi salarymen salesmen saliceta salices salpae salpinges samboes sanatoria sancta sandmen sanitaria sanitoria santimi sapegoes saphenae sarcinae sarcomata sargassa sargassoes sarmenta * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a muscle which partially rotates or turns some part on its axis a unit of weight in some Middle Eastern countries the kneecap a roll of coins, wrapped in paper a person who goes round esp one sent by a shopkeeper a shopkeeper's roundsman a thickening made of equal quantities of butter and flour a Persian verse-form a musical piece in modified or distorted rhythm a currency unit of Belarus a person who plays in the ruck a person who digs or deals in ruddle an anatomical fold the first of the four stomachs of a ruminant any fungus of the genus Russula ptarmigan an Eastern bishop's vestment a little sac; esp a part of the membranous labyrinth of the ear an unroofed space consecrated to a divinity the contents of a sack a sanctuary or sacristy (room housing sacred vessels) part of the vertebral column an unsociable person an astronomical or geological age a type of defensive player in American football a narrator of Icelandic or Norwegian sagas an Eastern bishop's vestment in Japan, an office worker a man who sells merchandise a thicket or plantation of willows (Lat.) a genus of trees or shrubs including the willow (Fr.) a ragout of roast game a genus of oceanic tunicates the tube leading from the middle ear to the pharynx a colloquial appellation for a negro a hospital, especially for tuberculosis a sacred place a mythical being that brings sleep a health station or retreat; a sanatorium a hospital, especially for tuberculosis a Latvian coin a former coin of Latvia a dry, scaly eruption on the skin one of two main superficial veins of leg a type of bacterium a tumour of connective tissue a genus of alga including gulfweed a long whiplike runner, leafless except at the tip sartorius sastruga sau sawtooth saxman saz sbirro scala scaldino scalenus scampi scapula scapus scarabaeus scarf scarpetto sceat sceatt schema scherzo schliere schnecke schnoz scholium schoolman schul scirrhus sclera scleroma sclerosis sclerotium scolex scolion scoliosis scoopful scop scopa scopula scoria scotoma scrotum scudo scungile scungille scutellum scutum scybalum scyphus sartorii sastrugi sawteeth saxmen sazzes sbirri scalae scaldini scaleni scampies scapulae scapi scarabaei scarves scarpetti sceattas sceattas schemata scherzi schlieren schnecken schnozzes scholia schoolmen schuln scirrhi sclerae scleromata scleroses sclerotia scoleces scolices scolia scolioses scoopsful scopas scopae scopulae scoriae scotomata scrota scudi scungili scungilli scutella scuta scybala scyphi * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the muscle that bends the knee long parallel ridges of snow that form on windy plains a Vietnamese coin one of a set of teeth resembling a saw, as on certain sharks one who plays the saxophone a stringed instrument of North Africa an Italian police officer a machine for reducing dislocations of the humerus an Italian earthenware brazier one of the paired muscles in the neck crustaceans of the genus Nephrops the shoulder-blade the shaft of a column or feather any of various kinds of lamellicorn beetle a piece of material worn about the neck a climbing shoes with hemp sole a small silver or gold coin of Anglo-Saxon times a small silver or gold coin of Anglo-Saxon times an outline or image applicable to a general conception in music, a lively busy movement in triple time a visible streak of different density in a fluid or rock a sweet bread roll, containing nuts and cinnamon (Yiddish) nose an annotation to an argument written in a margin a philosopher or theologian of medieval scholasticism a synagogue a hard swelling the outer membrane of the eyeball an abnormally hard patch of bodily tissue hardening; morbid hardening, e.g. of arteries a hardened body formed by certain fungi the head of a tapeworm a short drinking song of ancient Greece a lateral curvature of the spine the contents of a scoop an Anglo-Saxon bard a brush-like tuft on back legs or abdomen of bees a brush-like tuft of hairs on legs of some spiders dross or slag from metal-smelting dizziness with headache and impairment of vision the bag of skin that contains the testicles a coin formerly current in various Italian States conch used as food conch used as food the fructification of certain lichens a hard exoskeletal plate a lump or mass of hard faeces in the intestine a drinking vessel used in ancient Greece scytheman seaman seaquarium seawife seawoman secondo seculum seder sedes sedile seedman seedsman sefer segno selectman selenosis self sella semantron scythemen seamen seaquaria seawives seawomen secondi secula sedarim sedilia seedmen seedsmen sifrei segni selectmen selenoses selves sellae semantra semeion semen semidwarf semihobo seminoma semiosis semeia semina semidwarves semihoboes seminomata semioses semuncia sen senarius senhor senor senryu sensilla sensorium sensum sente senti separatum sepsis septarium septennium septum sequela sequestrum seraph semunciae senarii senhores senores sensillae sensoria sensa licente lisente separata sepses septaria septennia septa sequelae sequestra seraphin seraphins seraphim seraphims * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * one who uses a scythe a sailor an oceanarium a kind of fish, the European wrasse a woman serving at sea the second part in a concerted piece an astronomical or geological age a Jewish Pesach ceremonial meal (Lat.) a seat a seat in a church for the officiating clergy a dealer in seeds a dealer in seeds any book of Hebrew religious literature a notational sign in music one of a board of town officers in the New England States selenium poisoning one's own person; SELFS is valid as a verb form a saddle-shaped area in the sphenoid bone a wooden or metal bar struck with a mallet, used instead of a bell in Orthodox churches in ancient prosody, one of the two divisions of a foot seed a plant that is half dwarf a person having some of the characteristics of a hobo a malignant tumour of the testicle a process in which something functions as a sign to an organism a Roman coin, one twenty-fourth part of a Roman pound a Japanese monetary unit; SENS exists as old form of since a verse of six iambs (Spanish) Mr (Spanish) Mr a 3-line Japanese poem a simple sense organ the seat of sensation a sense datum a monetary unit of Lesotho a former monetary unit of Tanzania a separate offprint the state of being septic a mineral nodule with cracks filled with another mineral a period of seven years a partition which divides up a region a condition resulting from a previous disease or injury a portion of dead bone, as in necrosis a kind of angel; SERAPHIM and SERAPHIN are also used as singular with plural SERAPHIMS and SERAPHINS series serosa serpigo serpula serra serratus serum sestertium sestertius seta sextarius sforzando sforzato sgraffito shacko shako shammas shammash shammes shammos shamois shamos shantyman shareman sharesman sharif shearman sheep sheepman shegetz shekel sheqel shero shigella shilingi shindy shinleaf shipman shireman shiur shmo shochet shoe shofar shojo shophar shopman serosae serpigoes serpigines serpulae serrae serrati sera sestertia sestertii setae sextarii sforzandi sforzati sgraffiti shackoes shakoes shammasim shammashim shammosim shammosim shamosim shantymen sharemen sharesmen ashraf shearmen sheepmen shkotzim shekalim shekelim sheqalim sheroes shigellae shindys shinleaves shipmen shiremen shiurim shmoes shochetim shoon shofroth shophroth shopmen * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * an arrangement of one after another a serous membrane a dry, scaly eruption on the skin; especially, a ringworm a tubicolous annelid, esp one of the genus Serpula a serrated organ, structure, or edge a muscle of the thorax a watery liquid, esp that which separates from blood a Roman money of account equal to 1000 sesterces a Roman coin or denomination of money a bristle an ancient Roman unit of liquid measure a direction to play a passage with special emphasis a direction to play a passage with special emphasis scratching the surface of pottery to reveal a different colour the hat usually worn by members of a marching band the hat usually worn by members of a marching band the sexton in a synagogue the sexton in a synagogue the sexton in a synagogue the sexton in a synagogue a chamois the sexton in a synagogue the solo singer in shanties a fisherman who shares profits with the owner a fisherman who shares profits with the owner a descendant of Mohammed through his daughter Fatima one whose occupation is to shear cloth a ruminant mammal one who tends sheep a Jewish boy not observing traditional Jewish behaviour the standard unit of currency of Israel an ancient unit of weight a female hero a rod-shaped bacterium that causes bacillary dysentery a monetary unit of Tanzania an uproar; note also SHINDIES a perennial herb a sailor; a skipper a sheriff a lesson, esp one in which a passage of the Talmud is studied a stupid person a slaughterer who slaughters in the kosher manner an item of footwear; SHOON is archaic a trumpet used in Jewish ceremonies Japanese manga for girls a ram's horn used in Jewish religious ceremonies one who owns or operates a small store shoreman shoresman showman shrewmouse shtetl shul siciliana sickleman siddur sideman siderosis sidesman sightsman sigisbeo siglos signalman signior signore signorina signorino silenus silicosis silicula siliqua silphium silva simplex simulacrum sinciput sinfonia sinopia siriasis sistrum situla skeo skio skiwear skolion skyman skyphos smalto snowman sockman socman sokaiya sokeman solarium solatium soldado shoremen shoresmen showmen shrewmice shtetlach shuln siciliane sicklemen siddurim sidemen sideroses sidesmen sightsmen sigisbei sigloi signalmen signiori signori signorine signorini sileni silicoses siliculae siliquae silphia silvae simplices simulacra sincipita sinfonie sinopie siriases sistra situlae skeoes skioes skolia skymen skyphoi smalti snowmen sockmen socmen sokemen solaria solatia soldadoes * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * one who dwells on or by the whore one who dwells on or by the shore a person who exhibits, or owns, a show a shrew a Jewish village a synagogue a Sicilian dance one who uses a sickle; a reaper a Jewish prayer book a member of a band who does occasional solo passages a sort of pneumonia occuring in iron workers an assistant to the churchwardens of a parish or church one who reads or performs music readily at first sight a professed gallant of a married woman an ancient Persian coin a person who operates railway signals sir gentleman (Italian) Miss a young man, young gentleman a satyr-like woodland god a lung disease caused by inhaling silica dust a kind of seed vessel a type of dry fruit a plant used by the Greeks as a foodstuff and in medicine the assemblage of trees in a region a figure with a minimum number of vertices a likeness; a semblance the forehead a symphony; a symphony orchestra a preparatory drawing for a fresco sunstroke, esp. in children a kind of rattle a vessel resembling a bucket in shape a shed, a hut a shed, a hut relating to clothes for skiing a short drinking song of ancient Greece a paratrooper a drinking vessel used in ancient Greece coloured glass used in mosaics a figure of a person that is made of snow one who holds lands or tenements by socage one who holds lands or tenements by socage (Japanese) a corporate racketeer one who holds lands or tenements by socage a sun-room a solace or compensation a soldier soldo soleus solfeggio solidus solo som soma sonarman sonatina songman sopranino soprano sordino soredium sorites soldi solei solfeggi solidi soli somy somata sonarmen sonatine songmen sopranini soprani sordini soredia - sorosis soroses sortes sorus sostenuto soundman sovkhoz spaceman spademan spadesman spadix spado spaeman spaewife spatlese sori sostenuti soundmen sovkhozy spacemen spademen spadesmen spadices spadoes spadones spaemen spaewives spatlesen spaz spearman species spectrum speculum spermarium spermatium sphinx spazzes spearmen spectra specula spermaria spermatia sphinges spica spicula spiderman spina spinone spinula spiraculum spicae spiculae spidermen spinae spinoni spinulae spiracula * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * an Italian coin a broad flat muscle in the calf of the leg, that flexes the foot a singing exercise using the syllable do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti a Roman gold coin a performance by one person the standard monetary unit of Kyrgyzstan the whole axial portion of an animal a person who operates sonar equipment a short sonata a singer, a member of a choir an instrument higher than the corresponding soprano the highest singing voice a mute or damper a small vegetative reproduction body in lichen a string of statements where the end of one is the subject of the next a kind of fruit in which many flowers are united, as in a pineapple divination by chance opening of the Bible, Homer, Virgil etc a cluster of sporangia a piece played in a sustained or drawn out manner a member of a film crew whose job it is to record sound a Soviet state-owned farm an astronaut a worker with the spade a worker with the spade (Lat.) a flower-spike covered by large leaf, as of arum plant a castrated or impotent person or animal one who prophesies (Scots) a wise woman a sweet wine made from grapes harvested after the main vintage a clumsy, foolish person one who wields a spear a population of individuals which can interbreed any range of radiations in order of wavelength a coloured patch on a bird's wing the male germ gland one of the spermatozoids in the conceptacles of certain fungi any of several Egyptian stone figures of a creature with a human or animal head and a lion's body a kind of bandage a spicule, prickle, or splinter a construction worker etc employed on high buildings as in spina bifida as in Italian spinone, a wiry-coated gun dog a small spine a spiracle spirillum spirula spirulina splayfoot splenium splenius spoilsman spokesman spondulix spoonful sporangium sporidium sporozoon sportsman sputum squama squawman squilla stableman staccato staff staffman stalko stallman stamnos stanzo stapedius stapes starets stasimon stasis statesman stearsman steatosis steelman steersman stegnosis stela stemma stenosis sterigma sternum sticcado sticcato sticharion sticheron stichidium stichos stickman spirilla spirulae spirulinae splayfeet splenia splenii spoilsmen spokesmen spoonsful sporangia sporidia sporozoa sportsmen sputa squamae squawmen squillae stablemen staccati staves staffmen stalkoes stallmen stamnoi stanzoes stapedii stapedes startsy stasima stases statesmen stearsmen steatoses steelmen steersmen stegnoses stelae stelai stemmata stenoses sterigmata sterna sticcadoes sticcatoes sticharia stichera stichidia stichoi stickmen * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a spirally twisted, aerobic bacterium a genus of cephalopods any filamentous cyanobacterium of the genus Spirulina a foot that is abnormally flattened and spread out a surgical bandage a neck muscle one who serves a cause or a party for a share of the spoils a person who speaks for another, or for others (US slang) cash, money the contents of a spoon a chamber in which spores are produced through meiosis a secondary spore in certain kinds of minute fungi any parasitic protozoan of the class Sporozoa a man who engages in sport matter spat out a scale a white man with a Native American wife a kind of mantis shrimp someone who works at a stable a musical passage marked by short, clear-cut playing of notes a pole carried in the hand a person who holds the staff when a survey is being made a gentleman without fortune or occupation one who keeps a stall for the sale of merchandise an ancient Greek short-necked jar a stanza the muscle of the stapes bone inside the ear the stirrup-shaped bone of the ear an Eastern Orthodox spiritual advisor in Greek tragedy, a song of the chorus cessation, arrest e.g. of growth a person who takes an important part in governing the state a steersman adiposity a worker in steel the person who steers a vessel constipation an upright stone slab a diagram representing the interrelationships between texts narrowing of an orifice a slender projection of the basidium of some fungi the breastbone an instrument like a xylophone an instrument like a xylophone a vestment like an alb worn by Orthodox priests a short hymn a branch producing tetraspores, in red seaweeds a stichometric line of a manuscript; a verse one who supervises the play at a dice table stigma stillman stimulus stipes stoa stoccado stockman stoma stomium stomodaeum stigmata stillmen stimuli stipites stoae stoai stoccadoes stockmen stomata stomia stomodaea * stomodeum stomodea * storeman stornello stotin stotinka stratum stratus strelitz stretta stretto stria striatum striga strobila strobilus stroma strongman strophulus struma stucco stuntman stylus subcortex subcosta subcutis subecho subgenus subimago subindex storemen stornelli stotinov stotinki strata strati strelitzi strette stretti striae striata strigae strobilae strobili stromata strongmen strophuli strumae stuccoes stuntmen styli subcortices subcostae subcutes subechoes subgenera subimagoes subindices subman submatrix submentum subnucleus subphylum subschema subsellium submen submatrices submenta subnuclei subphyla subschemata subsellia * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the tip of the female part of the flower one who operates a distillery an agency that spurs something or someone to action (Lat.) a stalk, esp. of the fruiting body of a fungus a covered walk with colonnade(s) a thrust a man in charge of livestock one of the apertures between the cells in serous membranes part of the sporangium of ferns that releases the spores in embryology, the invagination that forms part of the digestive tract in embryology, the invagination that forms part of the digestive tract a storekeeper an Italian folk verse form a monetary unit of Slovenia, one hundredth of a tolar a Bulgarian monetary unit a layer e.g. of sedimentary rock a low-lying cloud resembling a horizontal fog bank a soldier of the ancient Muscovite guard the crowding of answer upon subject near the end of a fugue the crowding of answer upon subject near the end of a fugue a streak, a furrow the corpus striatum the flute of a column a stack of immature larval jellyfish a fir cone or similar fruit the connective tissue or supporting framework of an organ a person who performs feats of strength, in a circus etc a skin inflammation found primarily on small children scrofula or a scrofulous tumour a kind of plaster for exteriors of buildings a man who substitutes for an actor in dangerous feats an instrument for writing a part of the cortex the subcostal nervure or vein of an insect's wing a layer of connective tissue beneath the dermis an inferior echo a taxonomic grouping ranking next below a genus a stage in the development of certain insects a number or mark placed opposite the lower part of a letter or symbol to distinguish the symbol a creature like a man part of a matrix the basal part of the lower lip in insects a secondary nucleus the taxonomic division below a phylum part of a schema one of the stalls of the lower range where there are two substratum subtaxon succah substrata subtaxa succot succoth succes succos succuba succubus succus sudamen sudarium sudatorium sugarloaf sukkah sukkos sulcus sum summa sundrops superhero superman superwife suppeago supremum surculus surfman swagman swagsman sweetman swine swingby succubae succubi succi sudamina sudaria sudatoria sugarloaves sukkot sukkoth sulci sumy summae superheroes supermen superwives suppeagoes suprema surculi surfmen swagmen swagsmen sweetmen swingbys swingman switchman swiz swordman swordsman syconium sycosis syllabus syllepsis sylva symbiosis symphysis sympodium symposium symptosis swingmen switchmen swizzes swordmen swordsmen syconia sycoses syllabi syllepses sylvae symbioses symphyses sympodia symposia symptoses * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ranges that which underlies something a subdivision of a taxon a hut or shelter roofed with branches, used by Jews as a temporary living accommodation during Sukkoth (Fr.) success (Hebrew) a Jewish religious festival of thanksgiving a female demon or fiend a demon assuming female form to have intercourse with men juice, any fluid secretion from a plant or animal a whitish vesicle due to the retention of sweat a cloth for wiping away sweat a sweat room in a bath a loaf or hard mass of refined sugar a hut or shelter roofed with branches, used by Jews as a temporary living accommodation during Sukkoth (Hebrew) a Jewish religious festival of thanksgiving a groove, a furrow the monetary unit of Uzbekistan (SUMY); a total (SUMS) a comprehensive treatise an American evening primrose that opens at sunset any of various comic-book heroes with supernormal powers a hypothetical superior man an exceptional wife who runs a home and has a job a dry, scaly eruption on the skin in maths, a maximum bound a sucker one who serves in a surfboat in the life-saving service a man who seeks work while travelling carrying his swag a swagman; a burglar's accomplice who carries the plunder in the Caribbean, a man kept by a woman a pig; SWINES is rare the passing of a spacecraft near a planet to use its gravitational pull a basketball player who can play guard or forward a pointsman a swindle; (verb) to deceive a swordsman one who wields a sword a form of fruit with ovaries on an enlarged receptacle an inflammation of the hair follicles a prescribed course of study a type of syntactical construction the trees of a region; a treatise on trees a relationship of mutually beneficial or dependence the union or growing together of bones a stem involved in sympodial growth a conference; a collection of views on one topic emaciation synandrium synangium synapsis synaxarion synaxis synchysis syncytium syndesis synedrion synedrium syneresis synesis syngas synizesis synkaryon synodsman synopsis syntagma synthesis synthronus synura syphiloma syrinx syrtis tableau tableful tabula tacksman taenia taeniasis tagma taiglach talea talesman talipes tallis tallit tallith tallyho tallyman talpa talus synandria synangia synapses synaxaria synaxes synchyses syncytia syndeses synedria synedria synereses syneses syngasses synizeses synkarya synodsmen synopses syntagmata syntheses synthroni synurae syphilomata syringes syrtes tableaux tablesful tabulae tacksmen taeniae taeniases tagmata taleae talesmen tallisim tallises tallitot tallitoth tallithim taleysim tallithes taleysim tallaisim tallyhoes tallymen talpae tali tambala tamis matambala - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a mass of united stamens a cluster of sporangia fused in development the pairing of chromosomes of paternal and maternal origin a lection containing an account of a saint's life in the early church, meeting for worship, esp. the eucharist a confused arrangement of words in a sentence a mass of protoplasm with many nuclei but no clear cells synapsis a Sanhedrin, a Jewish council a Sanhedrin, a Jewish council the running together of vowels into a diphthong a type of grammatical construction a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide a stage of meiosis in some species the nucleus of a fertilized egg a member of a synod a general view; a summary a type of syntactic unit a putting together the seat of a bishop and his presbyters, behind the altar any of a genus of protozoa a syphilitic tumour the vocal organ of birds (Milton) a patch or area of quicksand a picture or vivid pictorial impression the contents of a table a table; a tablet one who holds a tack or lease from another a narrow band or hair-ribbon worn in Greece infestation with tapeworms any of the distinct regions of the body in arthropods a Jewish confectionery a recurring rhythmic pattern in mediaeval motets a bystander chosen to make up a deficiency in a jury (Lat.) club foot the traditional prayer shawl worn by Jewish men the traditional prayer shawl worn by Jewish men the traditional prayer shawl worn by Jewish men a hunting cry a person who keeps a tallyshop a mole or similar mark on the body the ankle bone (TALI); debris at the base of a slope (TALUSES) a monetary unit of Malawi (Fr.) a strainer; a glazed woollen or mixed fabric tapetum tapis tapsman tarsus tartufo taxi taxis taximan taxman taxon taxus tazza teargas tectrix tectum tefillah tegmen tegmentum tegula tegumen teiglach tela teleman telesis telium telly telos telotaxis temblor temenos tempo tenaculum tendenz tenia teniasis tenne tenorino tenorman tentaculum tentorium tenuis tenuto tephillah tepidarium teraph tapeta tapsmen tarsi tartufi taxies taxes taximen taxmen taxa tazze teargasses tectrices tecta tefillin tegmina tegmenta tegulae tegumina telae telemen teleses telia tellys teloi telotaxes temblores temene tempi tenacula tendenzen teniae teniases tennesi tenorini tenormen tentacula tentoria tenues tenuti tephillin tepidaria teraphim teras teratoma terebra terata teratomata terebrae * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a reflective layer of the choroid in the eyes of many animals (Fr.) a tapestry; formerly, the cover of a council table a servant in overall charge of others the part of the leg between the knee and the foot a kind of chocolate dessert a motor-car for hire movement of an organism in response to a stimulus a taxi driver one who administers taxes a taxonomical unit of classification an evergreen shrub a cup with saucer-shaped bowl on a pedestal a gas that blinds temporarily by provoking tears (Lat.) one of the coverts of a bird's wing a roof-like body structure, esp a part of the midbrain a Jewish phylactery the inner covering of a seed a bud-scale a tile the inner covering of a seed a Jewish confectionery a web-like structure a naval officer making use of natural or social processes for a goal a cluster of rust spores a television set; note also TELLIES an ultimate end a taxis by which an organism orients itself (Spanish) an earthquake or earth tremor a place dedicated to a god; a sacred precinct speed at which music for a dance etc a surgical hook or forceps tendency, esp in musical composition a ribbon or fillet pinworm infestation a monetary unit of Turkmenistan a high tenor one who plays the tenor saxophone a tentacle a fold of the dura mater an unaspirated voiceless stop consonant, such as k, p or t a sustained note or chord a Jewish phylactery a warm room between hot and cold rooms of a Roman bath a household god; TERAPHIM also singular with plural TERAPHIMS a monstrosity a tumor sometimes found in newborn children a genus of marine gastropods having a long, tapering spire teredo teres tergum terminus terra terrarium terts terzetto tessella tessera tessitura testa testatrix testis thalamus thallus theca thelf thema theotokos thesaurus thesis thew thickleaf thicko thief thirdsman thlipsis tholos tholus thorax thrombus thylosis thymoma thymus thyrsus tibia tibialis tidesman tifoso tillerman timberman timpano timpanum tinman tipstaff tirewoman tiro titman teredines teretes terga termini terrae terraria terzetti tessellae tesserae tessiture testae testatrices testes thalami thalli thecae thelves themata theotokoi thesauri theses thewes thickleaves thickoes thieves thirdsmen thlipses tholoi tholi thoraces thrombi thyloses thymomata thymi thyrsi tibiae tibiales tidesmen tifosi tillermen timbermen timpani timpana tinmen tipstaves tirewomen tiroes titmen * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a genus of bivalve mollusks which bore into wood either of two muscles of the shoulder-blade an insect's upper or dorsal surface, esp of a body segment an end the earth a vivarium for small land animals (Short for) tetrachlorethylene*, a chemical a composition in three voice parts a square block of marble, glass, tile, etc a small piece of stone, glass or tile used in mosaic the ordinary range of pitch of a voice or vocal music the hard external covering of a seed a (female) person who leaves a valid will at death a testicle a mass of nervous matter on the third ventricle of the brain a plant body not differentiated into leaf, stem and root a receptacle, a sheath, a cell (Spenser) the elf a theme a title given to the Virgin Mary as the bearer of God a storehouse of knowledge; a dictionary of synonyms a proposition laid down or stated muscle; THEWES is obsolete any of various succulent plants of the genus Crassula a stupid person one that steals a mediator constriction; compression a round building, dome, cupola a round building; dome; cupola in insects, the body region between head and abdomen a blood clot an ingrowth from a neighbouring cell into a vessel a tumour of the thymus a ductless gland in the neck, producing white blood cells the wand of Bacchus, a staff wreathed with ivy the part of the leg above the knee a muscle of the leg a customhouse officer a fan or devotee of some sport one who operates a TILLER a man employed in placing supports of timber in a mine a small drum a tympanum a worker in tin a staff tipped with metal; an officer who carries it a lady's maid a novice the smallest pig etc of a litter titmouse titulus titmice tituli tmesis tmeses tobacco toccata toga tolar tollman tomatillo tomato tomentum tomium tondino tondo tongman tonneau toolman tooth tobaccoes toccate togae tolarjev tolarji tollmen tomatilloes tomatoes tomenta tomia tondini tondi tongmen tonneaux toolmen teeth tophus topman topos topsman torah torii tormentum tornado torpedo torso torte tortrix torula torulosis torulus torus tournedos townsman toxicosis toyman toywoman trachea trackman tractrix tradesman traditor tophi topmen topoi topsmen torot toroth tormenta tornadoes torpedoes torsi torten tortrices torulae toruloses toruli tori townsmen toxicoses toymen toywomen tracheae trackmen tractrices tradesmen traditores tragus tragi * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * one of various small birds of the tit genus in crucifixion, a sign attached to the top of the cross on which wase written the condemned man's name the separation of the parts of a word by insertion of another word e.g. dis-blooming-graceful any American solanaceous plant of the genus Nicotiana a brilliant, quick, fantasia-like musical composition a Roman garment the standard monetary unit of Slovenia one who receives or collects tolls a plant of the nightshade family a S American plant related to the potato a downy nap covering the leaves or stems of some plants the cutting edge of a bird's bill a small tondo, a circular painting a circular painting or relief carving member of a Chinese tong the rear extension of body of car a man who works with tools or in a toolroom one of the bonelike structures embedded in the jawbones; TOOTHS is valid as a verb form a gouty deposit a seaman positioned in the topgallants a stock theme or topic the chief drover of those who drive a herd of cattle the entire body of Jewish law and learning a Shinto temple gateway a siege catapult a violent storm over a limited area, with whirling winds a self-propelled submarine missile the trunk of the body a kind of rich cake a tortricid moth, esp. of the genus Tortrix; a leaf-roller moth a yeast-like micro-organism an infection by a member of the torula genus the socket of an insect's antenna a large convex moulding (Fr.) a thick round beef fillet one who lives in a town a pathological condition caused by a poison or toxin one who deals in toys one who deals in toys an internal tube through which air is taken for respiration a platelayer a type of mathematical curve one who makes a living from trade an early Christian who surrendered sacred books and vessels or betrayed fellow-Christians in times of persecution the little flap of cartilage over the hole in one's ear trainman trapezium trapezius trashman trattoria trauma treponema trewsman tribesman trichina trichosis triclinium triennium triens triforium trigeminus trihedron trilby trillo tripman tripsis tripudium triquetra trainmen trapezia trapezii trashmen trattorie traumata treponemata trewsmen tribesmen trichinae trichoses triclinia triennia trientes triforia trigemini trihedra trilbys trilloes tripmen tripses tripudia triquetrae triskelion triumvir trochilus trochlea trochus tromino tropaeolum troparion truchman truckman trueman trumeau tryma tsaddik tsaddiq tsooris tsores tsoris tsorris tsouris tuba triskelia triumviri trochili trochleae trochi trominoes tropaeola troparia truchmen truckmen truemen trumeaux trymata tsaddikim tsaddiqim tubae tuberculum tufoli tumulus tubercula tumuli * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a railroad employee a quadrilateral with two parallel sides a muscle of the back a dustman an Italian restaurant a wound, an injury a kind of bacterium a wearer of trews a male member of a tribe a small, slender nematoid worm arrangement, distribution or disorder of hair a couch for reclining at meals, usually in three parts a period of three years (Lat.) a coin of ancient Rome a gallery or arcade over an aisle the trigeminal nerve a figure having three sides a soft felt hat; note also TRILBIES a rapid alternation of two notes a tone or semitone apart a man who works on a trip pulverization; shampooing; massage an ancient Roman religious dance in triple time a symmetrical triangular ornament formed of three interlaced arcs or lobes a pattern of three curved branches a member of a triumvirate, a ruling body of three a genus of humming birds a pulley-like structure of shoulder, thigh, or orbit of eye a genus of gastropods, the top-shells a three-sided shape made of identical squares edge to edge a genus of S American trailing plants in the Greek Church, a stanza or short hymn an interpreter one who does business in the way of barter or exchange an honest man a piece of wall or pillar between two openings a kind of nut-like fruit, such as walnut in Judaism, a Hasidic leader, or person of great piety in Judaism, a Hasidic leader, or person of great piety (Yiddish) grief, woe (Yiddish) grief, woe (Yiddish) grief, woe (Yiddish) grief, woe (Yiddish) grief, woe an ancient trumpet (TUBAE); a modern instrument (TUBAS) a tubercle a large macaroni shell a mound of earth over a grave tunica turf tunicae turves turfman turquois tussis tutman tutrix tuxedo tyiyn tylosis tympano tympanum tyro tzaddik tzaddiq ulex ulna ulnare ulosis ulpan ultimatum umbilicus umbo umbra umbraculum umbrello uncia uncinus unco uncus undead underleaf underman underself unfreeman unguentum unguis ungula unicum urachus uraeus uraniscus urceolus uredinium uredium uredo uredosorus uresis turfmen tusses tutmen tutrices tuxedoes tyloses tympani tympana tyroes tyrones tzaddikim tzaddiqim ulices ulnae ulnaria uloses ulpanim ultimata umbilici umbones umbrae umbracula umbrelloes unciae uncini uncoes unci underleaves undermen underselves unfreemen unguenta ungues ungulae unica urachi uraei uranisci urceoli uredinia uredia uredines uredosori ureses * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * an enclosing membrane or layer of tissue a surface layer of earth containing a dense growth of grass and its roots; TURFS is valid as verb someone devoted to horse-racing a hydrous phosphate of alumina a cough one who does piecework (Obs.) a female tutor a dinner jacket a monetary unit of Kyrgyzstan an ingrowth from a neighbouring cell into a vessel a kettledrum the membrane in the ear a novice or beginner in Judaism, a Hasidic leader, or person of great piety in Judaism, a Hasidic leader, or person of great piety any plant of the gorse genus a bone in the forearm the bone of the carpus opposite the ulna the formation of a scar a Hebrew-language course, esp in Israel final terms; a last offer or demand the navel the central boss of a shield a shadow an umbrella or umbrella-like structure an umbrella a coin of ancient Rome a hooklet, a marginal tooth of a mollusc's radula a stranger, a piece of news a hook or hooklike process or structure a vampire in liverworts, any of the leaves on the underside an inferior man the subconscious self someone who does not have the freedom of a corporation an ointment a claw or nail a hoof, claw, or talon a unique specimen a fibrous tissue extending from the bladder to the umbilicus an Egyptian symbol of kingship the roof of the mouth a pitcher-shaped sheath or structure a sorus or pustule in which urediniospores are formed a sorus or pustule in which urediniospores are formed (Lat.) any of various rust fungi a pustule producing and containing uredospores urination urethra uropygium urosis ursa urtext uterus utriculus uva uvula vacuum vagina vaginosis vaginula vagus valvula vanman vaporetto varicosis varix vas vasculum vatman vaudoux veduta vedutista vehm velamen velarium velours velum vena venireman vermis verruca vers verseman vertebra vertex vertigo vesica vesicula vestibulum vestigium vestryman vetturino vexillum via viaticum urethrae uropygia uroses ursae urtexte uteri utriculi uvae uvulae vacua vaginae vaginoses vaginulae vagi valvulae vanmen vaporetti varicoses varices vasa vascula vatmen vedute vedutisti vehme velamina velaria vela venae veniremen vermes verrucae versemen vertebrae vertices vertigoes vertigines vesicae vesiculae vestibula vestigia vestrymen vetturini vexilla viae viatica * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * the canal by which the urine is conducted from the bladder the prominence at the posterior extremity of a bird's body disease of the urinary organs a female bear an original text the womb a little sac, or bag; a utricle a grape or grape-like berry the fleshy outgrowth at the back of the soft palate an empty space a sheath; part of the female genitalia a bacterial vaginal infection a little sheath the tenth cranial nerve a little valve one who drives a man a motor-boat serving as a canal bus in Venice any condition characterized by distention of the veins (Lat.) a varicose swelling; ridge on surface of e.g. snail's shell a tube or duct; VASES is of course valid from vase a botanist's collecting case an official responsible for collecting VAT West Indian black magic a panoramic view of a town a painter of vedute, panoramic views of towns a mediaeval German court the outer covering of aerial roots of certain orchids an awning over an auditorium (Fr.) a woollen stuff with velvet-like pile a veil or integument a vein a person summoned by venire as a prospective juror a wormlike structure; esp. the median part of the cerebellum a plantar wart (Fr.) verse; VERSES is valid from VERSE one who writes verses, an inferior poet a component of the vertebral column (Lat.) a point, as of an angle or polygon a sensation of whirling motion a bladder, esp a urinary bladder a small blister; a bladder-like or rounded cavity a cavity in certain bryozoans a trace, a vestige a member of a vestry one who lets or drives a VETTURA a flag or standard; the vane of a feather way, road Holy Communion administered to dying person viator vibex vibraculum vibriosis vibrissa videndum viliaco viliago villa villiaco villagio villiago villus vimen vinculum virago virga virosis virtuosa virtuoso vis viscus vita vitellus viticetum vitrail vitta vivarium vola volcano volkslied volva volvulus vomica vomitorium vorago vortex viatores vibices vibracula vibrioses vibrissae videnda viliacoes viliagoes villae villiacoes villagioes villiagoes villi vimina vincula viragoes virgae viroses virtuose virtuosi vires viscera vitae vitelli viticeta vitraux vittae vivaria volae volcanoes volkslieder volvae volvuli vomicae vomitoria voragoes vortices vox vulsella vulsellum vulva wacko wakeman waldo warman warwolf washerman washwoman voces vulsellae vulsella vulvae wackoes wakemen waldoes warmen warwolves washermen washwomen * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * traveller; wayfarer (Lat.) a streak due to extravasation of blood one of the spinelike of certain bryozoans infection with vibrionic bacteria a sensitive whisker on animal's face a thing to be seen a coward a coward a country house or farmhouse with subsidiary buildings a coward a coward a coward soft velvety hair or fur a long flexible shoot of a plant a horizontal line placed above a part of an equation a loud overbearing woman, a termagant a trail of water droplets a disease caused by a virus a female VIRTUOSO a person who has special knowledge or skill in a fine art (Lat.) force one of the organs in the great cavities of the body life the yolk of an egg a plantation of vines stained glass a leather strap on a soldier's suit of armour an artificial enclosure for keeping live animals the hollow of the hand or foot a centre of eruption of subterranean matter a popular song, or national air a saclike envelope of certain fungi a spasmodic contraction of the intestines, causing colic an abscess cavity in the lungs an opening in a large building by which a crowd is let out a gulf (Lat.) a whirling motion of a liquid, gas or fire forming a cavity in the centre (Lat.) voice a forceps with toothed or clawed blades a forceps with toothed or clawed blades the external genital of a female animal a crazy person a watchman a gadget for manipulating objects remotely a warrior a mediaeval siege engine a man who washes clothes, esp for others a washerwoman wasserman watchman waterbus waterman wealsman webfoot weighman weirdo wendigo werewolf werwolf whacko whaleman wharf wheelman wheelsman wherryman whiz why widowman wife wassermen watchmen waterbusses watermen wealsmen webfeet weighmen weirdoes wendigoes werewolves werwolves whackoes whalemen wharves wheelmen wheelsmen wherrymen whizzes whys widowmen wives winchman windigo wingman wino wireman wisewoman wiz wolf woman woodlouse woodman woodmouse woodsman woolman workman workwoman worryguts xanthoma xenium winchmen windigoes wingmen winoes wiremen wisewomen wizzes wolves women woodlice woodmen woodmice woodsmen woolmen workmen workwomen xanthomata xenia xeransis xeroma xerosis xerostoma xerotes xiphopagus xoanon xeranses xeromata xeroses xerostomata xiphopagi xoana * * * * * * * * * a man-shaped sea monster a man employed to stand guard a lightweight railway bus a boatman or ferryman a statesman; a politician a foot the toes of which are connected by a membrane one whose occupation is in weighing goods a strange person a mythical monster a mythical being able to change from a person to a wolf a mythical being able to change from a person to a wolf a person who is whacko a whaler a landing stage, built esp along the shore a steersman a steersman a man employed in a wherry a very skilful person the reason or cause of something a widower a woman to whom a man is married; WIFES is valid as a verb form someone who operates a winch a mythical monster an aviator who flies next to another an alcoholic a journalist working for a telegraphic news agency a witch or seeress a very skilful person a predatory canine mammal; WOLFS is valid as a verb form a female any small isopod crustacean of the suborder Oniscoidea one who works in a wood a mouse living in woodland one who lives or works in the woods one who deals in wool a male worker a female workman (Coll.) someone who worries a lot a drying up a gift made to a guest or ambassador; XENIA is also a singular with plural XENIAS a drying up a type of skin disease abnormal dryness of body parts dryness of the mouth abnormal dryness of the skin a set of Siamese twins joined by the xiphoid cartilage a primitive statue xu xyloma xystos xystus yachtman yachtsman yakuza yardman yarraman yaws yeggman yeoman yersinia yeshiva yobbo yom yourself zaddick zaddik zaibatsu zakouska zakuska zampone zastruga zecchino zelatrix zemstvo zeppole zero zingano zingara zingaro zloty zoaea zoarium zoea zoecium zona zonula zoocytium zooea zooecium zooglea zoogloea zoon zoonosis zoophorus xylomata xystoi xysti yachtmen yachtsmen yardmen yarramen yeggmen yeomen yersiniae yeshivot yeshivoth yobboes yomim yourselves zaddikim zaddikim zakouski zakuski zamponi zastrugi zecchini zelatrices zemstva zeppoli zeroes zingani zingare zingari zlote zlotych zlotys zoaeae zoaria zoeae zoecia zonae zonulae zoocytia zooeae zooecia zoogleae zoogloeae zoa zoonoses zoophori * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a Vietnamese monetary unit a spore-producing body in fungi a long covered portico used by ancient Greek athletes a long covered portico used by ancient Greek athletes one who sails a yacht one who sails a yacht a Japanese gangster a person in charge of a farmyard a horse a contagious skin disease resembling syphilis a safecracker a member of a class of small farmers a bacterium a school for the study of the Jewish scripture, the Talmud a hoodlum Hebrew day a form of the 2d person pronoun in Judaism, a Hasidic leader, or person of extraordinary piety in Judaism, a Hasidic leader, or person of extraordinary piety (Japanese) a powerful, family-controlled Japanese combine a hors d'oeuvre a Russian hors d'oeuvre a stuffed pigs' trotter sausage long parallel ridges of snow that form on windy plains a former Italian gold coin (Lat.) a nun who keeps watch on the younger nuns an elected local administrative council in Czarist Russia an Italian fritter the symbol for nothing a gypsy a female gypsy a gypsy a Polish monetary unit; note also ZLOTIES a larval stage in certain crustaceans the zooids of a polyzoan colony a larval stage in certain crustaceans the body wall of marine animal a zone a small zone the tubular sheath of certain social infusorians a larval stage in certain crustaceans one of the cells which inclose the feeling zooids of Bryozoa a mass of bacteria derived from swollen cell walls a mass of bacteria derived from swollen cell walls a unified individual creature a disease of animals which can be transmitted to humans a sculptured relief frieze with a pattern of men or animals zoothecium zucchetto zuffolo zufolo zuz zygantrum zygocactus zygoma zygon zygosis zymolysis zymosis zoothecia zucchetti zuffoli zufoli zuzim zuzzim zygantra zygocacti zygomata zyga zygoses zymolyses zymoses * * * the tubular sheath of certain infusorians a round skullcap worn by Catholic clergy to indicate rank a small flute used to train songbirds a small flute used to train songbirds an ancient Palestinian coin an additional vertebral articulation in snakes and lizards a genus of Brazilian cactus the jugal, malar or cheek bone a fissure in the brain the union of two gametes the action of enzymes fermentation