Caring Imprints: Paces to Quality


Caring Imprints: Paces to Quality
HACAP Child Care Programs
Caring Imprints: Paces to Quality
Newsletter January—June 2016
HACAP Paces to Quality Phone #:
319-739-1556 or 800-233-0054
HACAP Main Phone #:
319-393-7811 x7
Amy Bruner
Child Care Programs Manager
Ext. 1044
Amy Becker
Paces to Quality Program Coordinator and
Family Connections Library Coordinator
Ext. 1087
Ashley Meincke
Paces to Quality Center-based Coordinator
Ext. 1095
Cathy Meyer
Benton/Jones/Linn County Paces to Quality and
Crisis Child Care Program Coordinator
Ext. 1034
Christene Langmann
Ext. 1055
Dee Hartley
Linn County Paces to Quality
Ext. 1023
Jeannette Fauchier
Ext. 1029
Jean Randolph
Linn and Jones Co. Nurse Consultant
Ext. 1016
Sign-up to receive the Newsletter
and other training opportunities by e-mail!
Listing your e-mail address on the Paces to Quality
distribution list enables you to receive the newsletter,
continuous training information, and updates within the
child care field.
E-mail Ashley at or call Paces to
Quality at 319-739-1556 if you would like to be added to
our e-mail distribution list or if you need to update your
e-mail address.
Paces to Quality is funded
by Linn County Early
Childhood Iowa and United
Way of East Central Iowa.
CACFP Sponsored Nutrition Trainings
Registrations for CACFP nutrition trainings are handled via mail. There will be a charge of $5 per person for all center staff and
non-CACFP home providers who wish to attend any of our nutrition trainings. This non-refundable fee must be paid prior to the
training. To register for CACFP trainings, please mail the registration form at the bottom of the page with a check made out to
HACAP to our office. CACFP-enrolled home providers must enroll by mail, but will not be charged a fee for these trainings.
*Move for Thought
Tuesday, January 12th, 6:30-8:30 pm, Cedar Rapids Public Library, 450 5th Ave SE
Room: Beems Auditorium
Implementing Team Nutrition’s Move for Thought: Integrated Physical Activities in Early Learning Environments
couldn’t be more fun than with Jo Stone. The kit provides physical activities to promote physical literacy, fundamental
gross motor skills, and development of the whole child. CDA #1—Planning a safe, healthy learning environment
*Sowing the Seed
Gardening with children provides opportunities to slow down and observe carefully, learn patience, and wait for
rewards. Kids that garden are much more likely to try new foods.
CDA #1— Planning a safe, healthy learning environment
This training is being offered on the following dates/locations:
Monday, March 21st, 6:30-8:30 pm, HACAP North Benton, 202 E. 4th St, Vinton
Monday, April 25th, 6:30-8:30 pm, 1st Congregational United Church of Christ, 107 E. 1st Street, Anamosa
Monday, May 9th, 6:30-8:30 pm, Orchard Hill, 2176 Lexington Blvd., Washington
Monday, May 16th, 6:30-8:30 pm, Marengo Memorial Hospital, 300 W. May Street, Marengo
*CACFP Orientation—6:30-8:30 pm at the HACAP Corp. Office, 1515 Hawkeye Drive, Hiawatha
Are you a registered home child care provider or in the process of registering with DHS? If you are providing meals for
children in your home, come and learn about the Child and Adult Care Food Program. You are eligible to receive
reimbursement for meals that you serve that meet USDA guidelines. Bring a copy of your current registration, or bring
your registration certificate and we will copy it for you. *There is no charge to attend this training.
CACFP Training Registration Form
Name____________________________________________________ Phone_______________________
Address___________________________________________ City___________________ Zip__________
Name and date of training(s)______________________________________________________________
I am: ___ CACFP Home (No charge for CACFP Homes)
___ Center Staff at_____________________________ ___ Registered Home ___ Non Reg. Home
Number of non-refundable registrations included at $5 per person:_____
Center and Non-CACFP home may make checks payable to: HACAP
Return to: HACAP CACFP, PO Box 490, Hiawatha, IA 52233
*There is no charge to attend CACFP Orientation
Mind of a Child:
Children’s Mental Health Summit
Saturday, February 20th
8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Registration begins 30 minutes prior to the start of the day.
Cedar Rapids Public Library
Second floor
450 5th Ave SE
Cedar Rapids, IA
Please come in the 4th Ave entrance
Sponsored by:
HACAP Paces to Quality
HACAP Head Start
Crisis Child Care
Child and Adult Care Food Program
Family Connections Library
Linn County Early Childhood Iowa
HACAP Paces to Quality is pleased to offer the second annual Mind of a Child: Children’s
Mental Health Summit! We hope you will join us for the opportunity to receive up to 4 hours of
DHS approved training! Mind of a Child has workshops for teachers and professionals who work
with infants, toddlers, preschoolers and their families.
■ Mind of a Child Fee: This year, Mind of a Child is being offered FREE of charge due to a one-time
grant from Linn County Early Childhood Iowa.
■ Pre-registration is required. No walk-ins allowed.
■ Register by: February 10, 2016. Registrations will be accepted on a “first come basis”.
Space is limited so get your registration in early!
■ Mail Registration to:
HACAP Paces to Quality
Attention: Ashley Meincke
PO Box 490
Hiawatha, IA 52233
■ CDA CEUs will be offered. Please find the CEU table at Mind of a Child to sign in and afterwards send
in the additional $15 fee along with the form given to you at the CEU table.
■ If we need to cancel due to weather, the make up date will be Saturday, March 5th.
We will notify registered participants via email of the cancellation. Participants may also check KCRG
for a cancellation notice.
■ Call Paces to Quality at 319-739-1556 or 1-800-233-0054 for more information or
e-mail Ashley at
Mind of a Child: Children’s Mental Health Summit
Schedule for Saturday, February 20, 2016 at the Cedar Rapids Public Library
7:30-8:00 am
Arrival/Registration— Please enter the library from the 4th Ave entrance
8:00-9:00 am
Session 1– Full Group
Early Experiences Elevate Everything: Early Brain and Child Development and The Future of
Society, Dr. Dipesh Navsaria, MPH, MSLIS, MD. Dr. Navsaria will discuss the critical importance of the
first thousand days of life and the key role human relationships and interactions play in that time period.
The concepts of toxic stress and how early adversity leads to lifelong issues will be reviewed, with
practical examples and discussion of research which highlights these areas. Broad policy and
programmatic principles that may help address the issue will also be discussed, providing a practical
framework for those who work with children and families. (CDA 6)
9:00-9:15 am
9:15-10:45 am
Session 2- Choose from these options to complete your registration
1. Screens: Success or Sabotage for Schools?: A Discussion of Children, Screens, and
Learning, Presenter: Dr. Dipesh Navsaria, MPH, MSLIS, MD. Dr. Navsaria will review the
contemporary state of electronic screen usage by children, including television, computers, and
handheld devices, placing it in a historical context. A discussion of developmental principles and
research around screen usage will follow, highlighting the basis for recommendations for families
as they navigate this topic. A review of marketing to children and how this is also a concern will
follow. Digital media and line-blurring topics such as e-books will also be examined. (CDA 8)
2. Maternal Depression, Presenter: RaeAnn Barnhart and panel of local mothers. Local mothers will
share their personal experience with Maternal Depression in their own words. Their stories will
give a perspective of how different types of depression (post-partum, general depression with or
without anxiety) affect women differently while also identifying barriers to diagnosis, treatment, and
accessing services and support. This panel will also give suggestions to participants in order to
engage mothers compassionately when coming in contact with them, either through work or
personal contact. (CDA 4)
3. Discipline: A Positive Approach, Presenter: Jo Stone. True discipline guides, teaches, and
invites healthy choices. We can never really control anyone’s behavior but our own. Our attempts
to control children usually create more problems, more power struggles, and more of what we are
trying to control. Positive discipline requires a radically different way of thinking about discipline—
are YOU ready to shift YOUR thinking? (CDA 3)
10:45-11:00 am Break
11:00-12:30 pm Session 3- Choose from these options to complete your registration
1. Lighten Up with Mind Body Skills, Presenter: Kristi Cooper. Most Iowans have experienced
more than one ACE—adverse childhood experience. Those experiences shape who we are as
adults and can impact our relationships and health. Understand the impact of ACEs on children
and adults. Explore the biology and benefits of mind body skills in building resilience before,
during, and after adverse experiences for adults and children. Experience several techniques
including movement and breath work. Create a self-care plan for integrating healing practices into
everyday life. (CDA 2)
2. It’s All About Relationships! How Providers Promote Caregiver Competence and
Confidence, Presenter: Amy Shriver. Parents who grew up in poverty may lack the confidence
and the tools they need to provide a positive and nurturing environment for their children. Child
care providers, home visitors, and pediatric health care providers play a key role in enhancing
parental confidence and competence to foster a positive home environment and create resilience
in families. (CDA 4)
3. Adverse Childhood Experiences: Resilience and Community, Presenter: Jude Jensen. Life
experiences of toxic stress impact the lives of young children long after the bruises fade and the
words are dismissed. Learn how building resilience and relationships can triumph over the pain
and how you can continue to help children heal, develop strengths and find the power to be
resilient with your positive attitude and your steady presence. (CDA 3)
Mind of a Child Registration Form
Saturday, February 20, 2016
8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Cedar Rapids Public Library
450 5th Ave SE
Cedar Rapids, IA
*Registration begins 30 minutes prior to the start of the day
Work Phone
Work Address
E-mail Address_____________________________________________________________________________________________
*confirmation e-mail will be sent 1 week prior to event
Circle One:
Center/Preschool- Name
Registered Home
Non-Registered Home
Community Agency Professional—Agency Name:_______________________________________
*Breakout Sessions– Please select your first and second choice for each breakout session*
*Session 2—Breakouts:
1) Children, Screens & Learning
*First Choice
*Session 3—Breakouts:
1) Mind Body Skills
*First Choice
2) Maternal Depression
*Second Choice
3) Discipline
2) It’s All About Relationships
3) Adverse Childhood Experiences
*Second Choice
Please list any special accommodations you will need to attend this conference:
Fee: FREE (Thank you to Linn Co. Early Childhood Iowa for providing a one-time grant to offer at no cost)
*Mail completed form and payment to:
A United Way Agency
HACAP, Attn: Ashley Meincke, PO Box 490, Hiawatha, IA 52233
Equal Opportunity Agency
HACAP Paces to Quality Classes
Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS)
Infant and Toddler (Revised)
Paces to Quality is pleased to offer the newly revised series promoting the social and emotional
competence of infants and toddlers.
This approach guides caregivers in the significant role of teaching and supporting infants and
toddlers. We will reflect on how children learn, as well as how to support this learning through
consistent, responsive interactions and their relationship with the child and the family.
Session and CDA content area
Saturday, March 19th
9:15 —3:45 p.m.
Monday, March 28th
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Monday, April 4th
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Monday, April 11th
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
What is Challenging Behavior?
3 hours—CDA 3
Monday, April 18th
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
A Relationship Based Approach to
Challenging behavior
3 hours—CDA 4
Developing an Individual Support Plan
1.5 hours— CDA 3 and
1.5 hours—CDA 7
Monday, May 2nd
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Monday, May 9th
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Understanding Social Emotional Development
and Understanding Behavior
6 hours—CDA 3
*Please plan to bring your own brown bag
lunch or purchase a quick lunch in the area.
Forming, Sustaining, Relationships &
Supporting Social Emotional Development
3 hours—CDA 4
Social Emotional Climate and Supportive
3 hours—CDA 1
Strategies to Build Social Emotional Skills
3 hours—CDA 3
Registration deadline: March 14th
Location: Cedar Rapids Public Library, 450 5th Ave SE, Cedar Rapids
Room: Beems A
Fee: $25 per person
**Paces to Quality reserves the right to limit the number of staff attending a training per site.
HACAP Paces to Quality Classes
Mandatory Child Abuse Reporter Training (MART)
Mandatory Child Abuse Reporter Training (MART) is valid for 5 years.
-Date/Time/Location: Tuesday, May 3rd, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
HACAP Corp. Office, 1515 Hawkeye Drive, Hiawatha
-Registration deadline: April 26th
Fee: $5 person
To register, please fill out the registration form on page 11 and mail to HACAP along with the class fee.
Director 2 Director Networking
All Linn County Directors or their representatives are invited to attend these meetings or Lunch and Learns.
Each meeting or Lunch and Learn will feature a different topic, networking, and resource sharing.
*Lunch and Learn:
Date/time: Wednesday, February 10th from 11:30-1:30 pm
(Lunch will NOT provided; please plan on bringing your own lunch)
Location: Cedar Rapids Public Library, 450 5th Ave SE, Cedar Rapids
Room: Beems Auditorium A
11:30—1:00 pm—DHS Licensing with Amy Lyons
1.5 hours DHS training credit (NAC approval pending)
1:00—1:30 pm— General networking
*Networking Meeting:
Date/Time: Wednesday, May 11th from 11:30-1:30 pm
Location: Cedar Rapids Public Library, 450 5th Ave SE, Cedar Rapids
Room: Beems Auditorium A
Meeting topic: Provider recognition / networking
Lunch will be provided.
RSVP highly encouraged, but not required to attend.
E-mail Ashley at or call 319-393-7811 ext. 1095
HACAP Paces to Quality Classes
*To register for the classes listed below, please fill out the registration form on page 11 and mail to HACAP along
with any necessary fees. All of our classes are co-sponsored by HACAP Head Start.
Let’s Talk About the Baby Brain
New and exciting discoveries of how children learn, even before birth has changed how we
provide for our very youngest. This workshop will include not only current findings about how
infant brains store knowledge, but more importantly, how the infant’s ENVIRONMENT shapes
the child’s ability to learn and how that ability affects that child’s future.
2 hours—CDA #8 Principles of child growth and development
Instructor: Mary Lukas
-Date/Time/Location: Tuesday, January 19th, 6:30—8:30 p.m.
Cedar Rapids Public Library, 450 5th Ave SE, Cedar Rapids
-Registration deadline: January 12th
Fee: $10 per person
Room: Beems A
Safe Sleep
While deaths from SIDS have declined, sleep related infant deaths have not. 10% of SIDS
deaths still occur in child care. This recently updated training presents current research on
sudden infant death causes, risk factors associated with SIDS, ways to reduce the risks
and develop a safe sleep policy for your child care. Also learn safe sleep practices to
prevent infant death due to other causes like suffocation and strangulation hazards.
2 hours—CDA #1 Planning a safe, healthy learning environment
Instructor: Jean Randolph, Child Care Nurse Consultant
-Date/Time/Location: Wednesday, January 27th, 6:30—8:30 p.m.
HACAP Corp. Office, 1515 Hawkeye Drive, Hiawatha
-Registration deadline: January 20th
Fee: $10 per person
Connections Matter
Science is showing us that the little things we do to connect make a big difference. This presentation will show you
how and why the little things we can do to connect with one another and build relationships are important for
everyone. Our brain, our relationships and our community are all inter-connected. Find out how you as a child care
provider can promote caring connections and build healthy brains.
1 hour—CDA #8 Principles of child growth and development
Instructor: Jean Randolph, Child Care Nurse Consultant
-Date/Time/Location: Monday, February 29th, 6:30—7:30 p.m.
HACAP Corp. Office, 1515 Hawkeye Drive, Hiawatha
-Registration deadline: February 22nd
Fee: $5 per person
HACAP Paces to Quality Classes
*To register for the classes listed below, please fill out the registration form on page 11 and mail to HACAP along
with any necessary fees. All of our classes are co-sponsored by HACAP Head Start.
Messing About Through Hands-on
Mathematics is a natural part of a young child’s world. It is embedded throughout each
and every day and should not be left to chance! Providers need to thoughtfully and
intentionally plan math experiences based on children’s levels of understanding. Even if
you felt you were terrible at math as a child you can learn how to create the
environment children need.
4 hours—CDA #2 Steps to advance children’s physical and intellectual development
Instructor: Jo Stone
-Date/Time/Location: Tuesday, March 8th and Tuesday, March 15th, 6:30—8:30 p.m. both nights
*You must attend both nights to receive training credit
Cedar Rapids Public Library, 450 5th Ave SE, Cedar Rapids
Room: Beems A and B
-Registration deadline: March 1st
Fee: $15 per person; FREE to current Paces to Quality home and center-based providers
Medication Administration for Child Care Providers
Provides 2 points in Health & Safety for QRS
Also meets NAEYC requirement for medication training
This professional development course is designed to address the principles and skills needed to administer
medications to children. Developed under the auspices of the Iowa Department of Public Health, this course is
specifically designed for personnel working in Iowa child care businesses. The course addresses the administration
of: oral medications, eye drops and ointments, eardrops, nasal drops and sprays, topical creams/ointments,
nebulizer treatments and metered-dose inhalers.
The course consists of two segments: a lecture portion which meets on the first two nights followed by a
Competency Skills Assessment where participants will be providing a return demonstration of their competency and
skills in accurate and safe medication measurement, administration, and record keeping using simulated
medications. Individuals will be scheduled for a personal skill review at their convenience and receive a certificate of
6 hours—CDA #1 Planning a safe, healthy learning environment
Instructor: Jean Randolph, Child Care Nurse Consultant
-Date/Time/Location: Tuesday, March 29th AND Tuesday, April 5th, 6:30—9:00 p.m.
*You much attend both nights to receive training credit
HACAP Corp. Office, 1515 Hawkeye Drive, Hiawatha
-Registration deadline: March 22nd
Fee: $15 per person
HACAP Paces to Quality Classes
*To register for the classes listed below, please fill out the registration form on page 11 and mail to HACAP along
with any necessary fees. All of our classes are co-sponsored by HACAP Head Start.
Science and Nature… on Purpose!
Young children come with an innate sense of curiosity and wonder—let’s work with that!
We’ll discuss science/nature materials and activities through the lens of intentionally,
reflecting on what experiences we’re providing and why. We’ll also explore chemistry,
gravity, and the science of learning through play.
4 hours—CDA #2 Advancing children’s physical and intellectual development
Instructor: Paula Buck
-Date/Time/Location: Saturday, May 14th, 8:30—12:30 p.m.
HACAP Corp. Office, 1515 Hawkeye Drive, Hiawatha
-Registration deadline: May 6th
Fee: $15 per person; FREE to current Paces to Quality home and center-based providers
Save the Date!
Take Care of Yourself Retreat: Celebrate You
Saturday, April 2nd
We are excited to have TOM PEASE join us this year as our keynote
presenter! Participants will receive up to 6 hours of DHS approved
training. More information and the registration form will be sent out in
Registration Form
Please complete and mail this registration form, along with any necessary payments to:
HACAP, Attn: Paces to Quality, P.O. Box 490, Hiawatha, IA 52233
Make checks payable to: HACAP
Please print clearly and use one form per person. Feel free to copy form.
*All registration fees are non-refundable*
Paces to Quality reserves the right to limit the number of staff attending a training per site.
I am: ___Center/Preschool staff at____________________________
___ Registered home
___ Non-Registered home
Participant’s Name_________________________________________________________________________________
Work Address______________________________________________________________________________________
Work Phone_______________________________________________________________________________________
E-mail Address_______________________________________________________
Please check if you want to be added to the email list
Title of Training
Training Location
ABCD Training
I-3 8 0
A United Way Agency
K ac ena Rd.
Equal Opportunity Agency
Directions to HACAP Corporate Office
1515 Hawkeye Dr., Hiawatha
S h e rm an R d .
B oy s on Rd.
N o rt h C e n t e r P o in t R d .
From the Interstate 380 - Boyson Rd. Exit, go
East one block. Turn North on to North Center
Point Rd. Go to Stamy Rd. turn right (after the
St. Luke’s sign). Go down Stamy Rd. and turn
right on Kacena Rd. Go all the way to the
end of Kacena and into the HACAP parking
lot. Look for the blue pillar on the front of the
S tam y R o ad
Crisis Child Care – answered 24 hours a day
Paces to Quality
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
(319) 393-6355 (Direct Line)
(319) 739-1556 or 1-800-233-0054 x7
(319) 739-0600
A United Way Agency/Equal Opportunity Agency
319-393-7811 or 1-800-233-0054
PO Box 490
Hiawatha, IA 52233
A unit of Hawkeye Area Community Action Program
HACAP Paces to Quality