.. - ---- .> SSC-190 * c “BENDING MOMENT DISTRIBUTION IN A MARINER CARGO SHIP MODEL IN REGULAR AND IRREGULAR WAVES OF EXTREME STEEPNESS m This document for ● public has been release and distribution approved sale; its is unlimited. SHIP STRUCTURE COMMITTEE . . SHIP STRUCTURE COMMITTEE MEMBER AGENCIES: UNITED NAVAL ADDRESS CORRESPONDENCE ST AT ES COA5T SHIP SYSTEMS GUARD COMMAND MILITARY SEA MARITIME ADMINISTRATION AMERICAN TRANSPORTATION BUREAU OF TO: SECRETARY SfilP SERVICE U.S. STRUCTURE COAST WASHINGTON. COMMITTEE GUARD D.C. HEADQUARTERS 20591 SHIPPING November 1968 Dear Sir: A Mariner ship-model study at Stevens Institute of Technology sponsored by the Ship Structure Corrsnitteehaa developed data to support the measurement of the maximum vertical wavebending moment at the midship section of ships in both regular and irregular waves. Herewith is a copy of a report on the In A lkri%e~ model study entitled ,Bending Moment %skribution Cargo Ship ModeZ .Tn Reguza~ And Imegulur Waves Of Extreme Steepness by Naresh M, Maniar and Edward Numata. to individuals This report is being distributed and roups associated with or interested in the work of the Ship ?!tructure Conmnittee. Comments concerning this report are solicited. Sincerely, . , QL$*. D. B. Henderson Rear Admiral, U. S. Coast Guard Chairman, Ship Structure Committee — — . SSC-190 Final Report on Project SR-165 “Bending Moment Determination” to the Ship Structure Committee BENDING MOMENT DISTRIBUTION IN A MARINER CARGO SHIP MODEL IN REGULAR AND IRREGULAR WAVES OF EXTREME STEEPNESS by Naresh M. Maniar and Edward Numata Department of the Navy Naval Ship Engineering Center Contract Nobs 88263 This document has been approved for public release and sale; its distribution is unlimited. U. S. Coast Guard Headquarters Washington, D. C. November 1968 ABSTRACT An experimental investigation was undertaken to determine (1) the lengthwise vertical wave-bending-moment distribution within the midship half-length and (2) the relationship between bending moment and extreme wave steepness, for a MARINERtype cargo ship. A l/96-scale model was cut to form six segments, which were joined by a flexure beam. The beam was strain-gaged to measure bending moments at the hull cuts at stations 5, 7%, 10, 12%, and 15. The model was tested with normal weight distribution and with an extreme “cargo amidship” loading in both head and following seas. The range of regular-wave steepness (height/ length) was 0.05 to 0.11; the irregular waves had an equivalent full-size significant height of 39 feet. Within practical operational limits ofspeed forthe~RINER-type ship, the maximum wave “bending moments in high regular waves were found to occur in the region from amidship to 0.125L aft of amidships. Thus the practice of concentrating on midship bending moments both in design studies and full-scale measurements appears to be justified for ships of the MARINER-type. Hogging and sagging moments at any section were found to be generally proportional to wave height, up to a wave-height to wavelength ratio of 0.11, the steepest wave that could be generated. The bending-moment and wave data from the test in irregular waves were processed by spectral analysis to obtain equivalent regular-wave responses. These were ”shown to be, generally, in good enough agreement with the bending-moment response obtained directly in regular waves to inspire confidence in the use of regular-wave response operators and spectral-analysis technique to predict the vertical wave bending moment of a ship in irregular-waves. CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION ...*.... .....*.. .......................... 1 DESCRIPTION OF THE EXPERIMENT ......................... 2 ............................... 25 SUMMARY ......** ........ *...... .,..*... ....*... ....*.. 32 ...*... ......* ........................... 32 .*.*.... ............................... 32 ..*.*... .....*.. ................ ..... 32 ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION ● CONCLUSIONS ● RECOMMENDATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REFERENCES ● ...**... .....*.. ............................ 33 SHIP STRUCTURE COMMITTEE is constituted to prosecute a ~esearch program to The SHIP STRUCTURE COMMITTEE improve the hull structures of Shfps by an extension of knowledge per’cain~ngto design, materials and methods of fabrication. RADM D. B. Henderson, USCG - Chairman Chief, Office of Engineering U. S. Coast Guard Headquarters Captain William 1?.Riblett l-lead Ship Engineering Division Naval Ship Engineering Cet?ter Mr. E. Scott Dillon Chief, Division of Ship Design Office of Ship Construction Maritime Administration Captain T. J. Banvard, USN Maintenance and Repair Officer Military Sea Transportation Service Mr. D. B. Bannerman, Jr. Vice President - Technical American Bureau of Shipping SHIP STRUCTURE SUBCOMMITTEE acts for the Ship Structure Committee on technical matters by providing technical coordination for the determination of goals and objectives of the program, and by evaluating and interpreting the results in terms of ship stmc?ural The SHIP STRUCTUPI SUBCOMMITTEE design, construction and operation. NAVAL SHIP ~NGINEERIl{GCENTER OFFICE OF NAVAL RESEARCH Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. J. M. Crowley - Member Dr. Wm. G. Rauch - Alternate J. J. Nachtsheim - Chairman John Vasta - Contract Administrator Georqe Sorkin - Member Harr;son Sayre - Alternate Ivo Fioriti - Alternate MARITIME ADMINISTRATION Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Frank Dashnaw - Member Anatole Maillar - Member R. Falls - Alternate b!.G. Frederick - Alternate MILITARY SEA TRANSPORTATION SERVICE LCDR R. T, Walker, USN - Member Mr. R. R. Askren - Member U. S. COAST GUARD CDR C. R. Thompson. USCG - Member LCDR R, L. Prnwn, USCG - Alternate LCDR James L. Howard, i.SCG- Alternate LCIIRLeroy C. Melberg, USCG - Alternate AF”ERIcANBUREAU OF SHIPPING Mr. G. F. Casey - Member Mr. F. J. Crum - Member NAVAL SHIP RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT CENTER Mr. A. E. Stavovy - P.lternate LIAISON REPRESENTATIVES NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCESNATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL Mr. A. R. Lytle - Technical Director, MTRB Mr. R. W, Rumke - Executive Secretary, SRC AMERICAN IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE Mr. J. R. LeCron BRITISH NAVY STAFF Mr. H. E. Ho~ben Staff Constructor Officer Douglas Faulkner, RCNC WELDING RESEARCH COUNCIL Mr. K. H. Koopman, Director Mr. Charles Larson,Secretary LIST 1. Model Drawing. 2. Structural 3. Weight Distribution 4. Filter Response. 5. 6. Irregular Bending Model 7. Bending Model 8. Bending Model 9. Bending Model 10. Bending Model 11. Bending Model 12. Bending Model 13. Bending Model 14. Bending Model 15. Bending Model 16. Bending Model 17. Bending Model Length 18. Bending Model Length 19, Bending Model . Beam. Wave . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . and Still-Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 . . . . . 11 , . . . . 11 . . . . . 12 . . . . . 12 . . . . . 12 . Spectrum Moments Var~ation Heading 180 Moments Variation Heading 1800; Moments Var~ation Heading 18o Moments Var~ation Heading 18o Momen’cs VarJation Heading 18o Moments Variation Heading 1800; Moments VarJation Heading 180 Moments Variation Heading 1800; Moments Variation Heading 1800; Moments VarJation Heading 18o Moments Variation Heading 1800; Moments Variation Heading 1800; O,.75L . . ; ; Along Along . Moments Variation Heading 1800; . . . . Model = O; Wave . . the . No. the = . . . . . -.o9 . Model Drift; . to . Length, Drift, . Length -.09 Model = . . Length Length, Drift, . . . to . Length, Wave 1.50L 2681-2. Length 1.75L Model 2681-2. 0.75L . Model 2681-2. 1.00L . Model 2681-2. 1.25L . . 1.25L . . Model 2681-2. 1.50L . Model 2681-2. 1.75’L . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . . . . . . . 13 . . . . . . . . 13 . . . . . . . . 13 . . . . . . . 13 . . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . .14 . . . . . . .14 . . . . . . . 14 . 2681-2. Length, Model = Model Length Length, the No. Along Froude Model O; Wave . Length Wave = the Along Froude O; the No. . Length, Wave Height, = No. Froude O; 2681-2. Model Length 1.25L Length Wave Length, Model = No. Froude 1800; O; Wave Wave Along . Model = 2681-2. Model Length 1.00L Length Wave .14; 2681-2. Model .14; 0.75L Length Wave Length, the No. Froude . O; Wave the with . Model = No. Froude Variation . Along Model Length, to the No. Froude Heading . Along .13 .15; 2681-2. Length Wave Length, to Model = No. Froude .12 the Along .14; to Model Wave Length, Model = No. Length, .14; to .13 the Along Moments Model Length, = No. Froude .13 the Along to Model = No. Froude ,12 the Along Froude ; = No. Froude ; . the Model No. Along ; ; Bending Along Froude Froude Moments 1.00L OF FIGURES . . . . . Model 2681-2. -.12; Wave . . . . . . Model 2681-2. -.12; Wave . . Model Length . . . . 2681-2. 1.2LjL . vi 20. Bending Model Length 21. Bending Model Length 22. 23. 2.4. ; Froude . . . . Moments Variation Headinq 180°; l.75L. . . . . . . . . . . Bending Model Moments Heading Variation OO; Froude Along No. = Bending Moments Variation Along Heading OO; Moments Variation Heading OO; Moments Variation Heading OO; Bending No. No. Maximum Bending WaveHeight/Wave Moments Variation Length, .05 Maximum Moments Bending WaveHeight/Wave Maximum Bending 32. Bendinq Station Moments ~ Bending Moments Station 33. 34. 35. 7+ Variat . . on . . Moments 10 . Variat . . . . . Bending Station Moments 12_$ . Variation . . . . . Bending Moments . . 36. Comparison 37. Comparison Weight on . . . . . . . Steepness, . . . . . . . . 15 . . . . . . 16 . . . . . . 16 . . . . . . 16 . . . . . . . . . 17 Model . . . 2681-2. . . . . . . . . 18 . . . . . . . 19 . 2681-2. . . . . . . 2681-2. . . . . . . . . . . 20 . . . . . . . . 21 2681-2. . . . . . Model 2681-2, . Variation vs. Wave . Wave . . . . . Steepness, . . . Responses, . with Encounter . . . Wave . . . Normal Responses, . . 2681-2. 2681-2. Moment . Model Model . . . Bending . Steepness, . . . . 15 . 1.75L Model Model 15 2681-2. Model . . . 1.50L Length Length, . . 2681-2. Model . . . 1.25L Length . . 2681-2. Model . . . with Wave Steepness, . . . . . . . . . of Moment . . . 1.00L Length Length, . . 15 ,.,., 2681-2. Model Wave . . . . . . . , . . . Length Wave . 2681-2. 0.75L Wave Wave . . Wave . with . Distribution Bending . . . . Moment 39. . . . . Bending Moments Model Wave . . . of Bending . Wave with Variation . 38. . . with . . Wave . 2681-2. Length, 2681-2 . Wave Model .21; . -.13; with Wave Length, . . . , . . . . with . Model . . . . Variat on with Wave Steepness, Model 2681-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bending Station Station15 . . Length, to Wave Length, Length .Z3; Model 2681-2. -,13; . . with . to Length, to Model . Length, Model . . . .23; Model .20 . . .22; to the .10 . Model .22 Variation Length, . to the .07 . Model .21 . Length, Model the = Variation Moments . Maxima, Length, WaveHeight/Wave 31. Moments . to -.12 . .20 = 28. Bending . .18; Wave = Location of . the Along Froude . Model the Along Froude 27. 30. . = Bending -.11 =Drift, . No. . the Along No. Froude . No. Length, Drift, . Along Froude Model = Variation OO; Froude Model 29. the No. Moments l-leading Model 26, 1,50L Along 180° Bending Model Model 25. Variation Moments Heading . . . . . . . . . Weight . . . . . . . 23 . . . 24 . . . . . . . . 26 . 27 . .,,. . . . . . . . . . Distribution 22 25 Cargo-Amidship . . Height, Frequency, . . . . Model Model . . . 2681-1 2681-1 . . . . , . . ,. . . . . . . . . . 30 . . . . . . . . 31 LIST 1. Model Character istics 2. Model -Segment Properties.. 3. Test Program . . . . . . . . . . . . OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...8 viii SYMBOLS h wave I weight L model LCB longitudinal center of buoyancy LCG longitudinal center of gravity RAO response amplitude operator s N$% spectral densities of v/@ Froude A wave height, crest to of inertia, moment length on 20 ft trough, n. lb- 2 t stations, wave and moment, respectively number length, ft bending moment midship section, coefficients, station 10 sag and hog respectively INTRODUCTION In 1960 entitled bending Ship An the that Structure Moment moments midship of the “Bending in regular earlier pilot bending moment quite of authorized extreme involving might have in forms such hull T-2 upper moments work used tanker limit height/length extreme as a destroyer, project was Project for to sR-157 commercial be Since conclusion maximum investigations extreme were calendar years Project 1963 sR-165 represent The model for essentially of investiga~inq reduction held together 12$, and 15, During zero seas. The were performed 0.75 to The (]) same the to a latter The program 1.75 in and the conclusions waves the of the the beam of and in was moments extended in over report ship It with was experiments. the effect The the on here of at a to The model strain-gaged distribution seas; tested the and zero at normal be tested purpose a significant was segmented stations and 5, 73, was tested at forward with forward speed in speed in head seas. wave-length/ship-length ratios investigations the waves study weight head where cargo ranged were limits MARINER, occur in the the as ratios from 0.05 10, following The ranged to tests from 0.11. follows: OF ship speed in head maximum wave bending region from amidships and moments to 0.lZ5L amidships. Hogging and sagging wave bending moments at any section proportional to wave height -up to a wave-height/wave-length the steepest wave that could be generated. Ofo.11, conclusion program was the reported loading. moments. was operational for it is moments. normal 1963 practical waves, regular and progress MARINER earlier to wave-height/wave-length of Within in was bending condition the bending The a of used speed, regular limits elsewhere, investigations cargo-amidship case with drift that on beam. cargo-amidship aft The wave model only, occur first freighters. design distribution The the this moments at amidships of about 0.11. SR-165 1963,the of obtain For modern moments Project SSC-163.4 extreme vertical and end was an gyradius the speed, following in extreme (2) SR-165 with flexure under to and could by cargo 1964. cargo-amidship m~asure 1963 speed, for the Report year iangitudinal by At bending longitudinal came was of the explored selected operational midship that and a dry Ship Structure purpose vessel circumstances determining as the and the in 1964. selected distribution in to presented work to be tanker, representative practical certain hull than the waves It was concluded 0.14.”1 limit of wave bending increases to a value limited investigations and was the weight , within under extended These waves. was moments cargo fairly no dramatic upper wave-height/wave-length as this that that is ships, expected known which concluded The waves.2J3 indicated should a in MARINER, program investigate steep of waves bending standard to less ratio high midship a research had waves in freeboard and weight distribution. covered those model tests, whose extreme a tests model in vessel, with variations Committee Project SR-157 moments on model steepness. a an maximum bending different which of calculated subject testing waves program theoretically the Committee Determination,” substantiated for (1) Completion (2) Testing 1964 of of both was the as tests models the findings of Project are generally ratio SR-157. follows: for in the realistic cargo-amidship case irregular waves, in regular and waves. comparison of the -2results (3) with those Hypothesizing the variatiofl from on of drift-speed the regular-wave why, in bending case; and in tests. the ]963 results, moment along the the DESCRIPTION a double reversal appeared in model length in the head seas, following-seas OF THE forward-speed case. EXPERIMENT Mode 1 The of the tests standard These loadina. Figure-l shows were conducted FWRINER, two the model body on with a a 65-inch normal conditions plan and are model (1/96-scale) weight six-segment distribution and with fiberglass a 2681-1 and 2681-2, respectively. designated Tables 1 and 2 contain the model layout; o L.\/.L. 10 12 ~13 Hull 1 Cut 7 J L.W.L. -- ....“,. —— +_! I 20 15 20 15 Fig. 1 Model D?awing dk 12-1/2 ~ 10 ~ 7-1/2 Q 5 -— 0 model cargo-amidship -3- TABLE MODEL 1 CHARACTERISTICS 1:96 Scale Length on Beam, stations, 9.5 3.47 in, Beam/Draft 2.72 Block 0.61 Coefficient Midship Section Coefficient condition Weight LCB, 65 in. in. Draft, Model 20 distribution % ship Gyradius, length % ship from ~ length 2681-1 2681-2 Norma 1 Cargo 1.44 1.42 aft aft MODEL-SEGMENT 2 PROPERTIES Model 2681-1 A { From ~ —&_ 1 Actual (lb 1 -1 { LC G I (in.) Segment About Seg. LCG 2681-2 A > LC G ~ 19.5 24.3 TABLE Model 0.98 in.2) From Req’d I ~ About LC G Seg. (in.) (lb in.2) 1 8.04 23.29F 165 1.17 5,33 22.75F 157 2 6.5o 11.95F 38 1.23 4.32 12.06F 35 3 8.17 3-99F 45 1.10 10.63 2.81F 83 4 8.34 3.91A 53 1.32 18.22 3.87A 111 5 7.49 12.31A 39 1.o8 4.45 12.00A 37 6 9.84 22.18A 1.04 5.45 22. 78A characteristics and 168 seqment 5, 7*, 10, 12& and 15V beam, which cuts were with vinyl rubber to was bolted 0.125-inch plastic ensure to wide ~ro~erties. The’ aluminum and electrical that it se~ments sealed tape. would not res~ectivelv. were plates ‘joined imbedded The t~gether in with 0.008-inch-thick An accordian fold contribute to hull the was hull by was an segment cut aluminum bottoms. rubber fixed put into the stiffness. 163 at stations flexure The to the sealing hull hull -4- Strain Gages o o~ ( Material:Aluminum A = 1.041’ B = Fig. strain-gage deep wide; at decked necessary the structural-beam about the hull they stations were of less The the of model to 7-]/2, 10 STN 5 and and 12-1/2 15 over except for a for accommodation small of hatch in the towing into parts center to This be of was in noise are 2681-1, Model beam flexures appreciably source distributions for six longitudinal and reduced weight and a The drawing. The corresponding the to done so six six segments gravity, and moments of inertia It was possible to ballast scale. the moment of inertia was somewhat of the larger towing was considered a part longitudinal of on gear the gyradius the over-all located ballast as in inertia the Model weight. of segment the model immediately 2681-2 was obtain of than the vibration frequency, to for each part each segment 1.5- 0.95-inches than model. weight inertias and larger In order Fig. 3. weight distribution The the 12$ and fundamental I aCtual/I requiredis given for each sewen~. of sections, long larger than the encounter the bending-moment record. given in normal the the Table 2 the ratio the excess segment small the segment gear and flexure 4-inches that of model LCG, but had were 10, and deep at stations 7+, beam moment of inertia was made inertia. would be weight distribution divided ship model likely cuts. 1.04-inches The 15. 5 and value frequency weight STN wiring. scaled-down hence was completely 10 and 12+, Figure 2 is centrally inches at 0.95”at Strucihmal Beam. 2 The model between stations located -’-+ —--t--’ ~’-’ie t--+ and the the ship The weight, was were calculated to its required required. In The influence ‘f was negligible. aft of ballasted amidships to obtain as possible. Apparatus The x experiment was conducted in the Davidson Laboratory’s Tank 3 (300’ x 12’ 5.5’). — -5- )7 2.5 /1 I / I /’ I I 2.0 MARINER I CARGO MODEL / I I WITH AMIDSHIP 2681-2 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I MARINER .0006 .0004 0.5 .0002 0 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 ~42 STATIONS STILL WATER BENDING MOMENTS MARINER MODEL \ .0002 .0004 .0006 The heave, a model and consisted by Weight Disi%but<on ..hdS-k<zlWater Bending Moments. 3 Fig. heave was of a main mast to vertical translational had fore only attached (*6 ft) surge and to but carriage a towing apparatus it attached sub-carriage motion aft a restrained translational on guided in to the the by which roll, towing rail. The ball-bearing motion. The gave yaw, cable. towing rollers, model it and was freedom sway. The to pitch, apparatus The model was connected mast was permitted only and the sub-carriage attached to the bottom -6- of the heave while mast restraining The model through led a over were pulley by The servo an forward of system a athwartship speed falling fixed loop, axis by which applying weights to was the at allowed the known the end of model The main-carriage run , of force end model the towing the at carriage. with the a placed main matched automatically a was time elapsed 6-inch range covered straight-line 11 Bending The (the locations Gages, inches a to The and model the to string speed. station the hull is the pitch the sub- which was speed, towing The test. The 1 percent the weights slowed of its cuts). shown in of the sketch surge model tachometer obtained over data points of by of stations of appears for the gages the by 5, on use The ~-’ SR-4, A-19 1.04” at stations 7%, A = 0.9511 at stations 5 and 10, and 15 12~ the flexure below. ‘.,, v B The bending four strains gages only. together formed a full Wheatstone-bridge circuit, type 7&, 10, 12+, and ---- A = probe model. T -A. in wave- deviated calibration. measured at layout designed linear position strains which a was and was range measured A typical the the bending were the by speed type, probe null which apart. static-calibration from beam over obtained average resistance than of was 20-feet range. forward lengths, record The points of determined in model speed two was less were four sub-carr~~ge. probe moments of measuring model in.the 2 moments gages. about wave-amplitude plot feet, was A continuous between wave minus located strain speed. to the 2-foot-long or amplitude from length constant fixed the The plus 15 at use recording-run measuring each run with roll. accord. moved with and a roller, a in the disconnected own pivots it was carriage controlled by T registering at -7- The beam, application there was the no five moment before of of couples was order to electronic filters amplifiers and the at moment the Each metal beam through a introduced The was gages At system noise the the a of calibrated proved underwent in recorders. 15 was noise. model, of high-frequency were pen the set hysteresis. flexure minimize the high-frequency of applied station in moments. indication sections In installation known Because each calibration. adjustable weights. only filter-response of the four it curve is test record, filters the least presented the active available, to Fig. of carrier were likely in and day, each A range of between active was the outputs, bending-moment circuit, by linear check in since statically have start electrical unfiltered, to experience 4. ENCOUN” “ER FREQUE NCY RANGE o 2 4 6 8 10 FREQUENCY - 12 CYCLES PER 14 16 18 The bv Dre/,outputs 20 SECOND Fi175QP Response. outputs amplifiers recorded all by six of w“ith a a Sanborn channels the strain carrier of qaqes . - frequency pen writer information and of on of the wave 24OO cps and chart were paper. recorded on wire 4.5 For the magnetic were volts am~lified rms. tests tape in irregular as well as paper. Test The test amidship) appears which and in the program was irregular Table models 3, were composed wave which tested. lists tests Proqram of regular of both heading and wave the tests models. speed of Model 268I-2 The outline combinations, and were waves, on chart (cargo of the program the waves in -8- TABLE TEST Wave Heading Heights, 2681-2 Wave Speed 1.00 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 3 18@ drift forward High Irregular Waves for the nominal wave In waves of h/Lti 0.09. The actual 2 18@ 18@ Drift 1 2 Forward 2 The aimed at Dalzell.2 the speed with the applying The test from the the to term at which reverse wave table 1.75L+ waves, were were the 0.75, refers Froude to number speed” needs the MARINER wave -thrust length. on properties of below. the per-Formed ratios 1.00, speed the of 1.25, as forward, at the qualification. model In drifted lower in 1.50, Runs 1963. nominal 0.05, 0.07, wave-maker appears speed at which the model was established the drift speed are listed to length covered were the capacity of the , of “drift particular regular 1.75 terms was the Dalzell 1.00L program h/Lw in of Zero test-program speed No. 2681-2 Forward height to and 18cP of by 2681-1 Speed lengths case Models Heading P covered 1.75 1.50 1.25 5 5 In Length 5 zero length Length/Model 3 .?. - “ 18@ wave Waves 5 5 in Regular 5 forward ‘:Tests in 5 1800 the PROGRAM Model 0.75 @ 3 wave 0.09, limited zero, head or of length 1.75. and the 0.10, the drift; data to The model ratios and wave but of 0.11. height the curves. For each wave length, the speed in the previous investigation by all waves of the same length as run for astern in the waves that speed highest wave associated was maintained by model. reproducible, Sea long-crested irregular, State : High 7 Average Period, sec 12.6 Average Height, Ft 26 waves employed in -9- Figure spectrum 5 shows having the Pierson-Moskowitz nations as of 1/3 Average of 1/10 the measured same interim s~eed sample. At ea;h sample. Speeds the were Highest been for was d~ift averaged Heights3 a ‘t 47 of these is included adopted in sea sufficient two run the waves; United a for States and to runs length obtain an were taken of 150 adequate to obtain statistic~ an adequate feet. ft2-sec 350 l\ l\ PI ERSON MOSKOWITZ 300 \ / / \ A MEASURED / I 250 I I I I 200 ; / 150 I I I I 100 \\ \ I I \ / ), , \ \ i I 0 o \ \ i I I 50 0.2 0.4 \ ‘L 0.6 WAVE FREQUENCY, RAD/SEC Fig. 5 Imeguhr Wave Sp@ctrm. The foreign DENSITY P, tz Pierson-Moskow comparison. spectra. speed, over 39 height typical lenqth and ‘t spectrum wave has run Height~~ energy standard forward Highest significant formulation an At zero Average 0.8 1.0 1.2 -1o- Data Regular-Wave The zero Test magnitudes obtained by the the of wave averaging speed speed Reduction the averaging number of heights data was cycles and bending recordeG for performed depended on moments 20 feet for 20 the model for of cycles each model of the speed, model time as run were In the case travel. At history. noted in the of forward outline which follows. Head seas, forward Head drift seas, Following For waves, were These zero. Electronic at which when moments the all 5, 7+, stations All the heights presented as data were were non-dimens wave coefficient p L water, is irregular-Wave The spectra wave Associates, For the the in moment and them was quantity length, process dividing the B is of by the to , where for out reduction. lengths, the by eye The and were non-dimensional is model 15, station smoothed pg maximum moments, n-water moments. bending-moments data wave converted pgL3B bending sag moments from sti noise and whipping noise in by Bending by in records height Inc. was bending ionalized ionalized model magnetic-tape , and at the moment amplitude high-frequency amplitude. the weight density beam. Test of output non-dimens dividing the the cycles record and 12z&. The bending-moment had a small noise content which was 10, steepness. by of the double of both hog and of high-frequency made exclusive rejected 5-10 speed maxima did not have a filter, the record was analyzed. wave of f-orward were of were filters record seas, made 10-15.cycles speed measurements measurements 10-20 cycles speed their form (hog operator, processed moments, computation of plus were bending tables ~ was analog work center of sag), RAO , by This in spectral , at obtained of New wave frequency obtain by energy Electronic Jersey. SH The computer , and Bending-moment response height, frequencies. each to performed Princeton, densities discrete at computer was by: (ft-ton)2 f t2 Bending-moment frequency Where averages at each response, of wave two of wave runs The forward were (ft-ton/ft taken spectral frequency spectrally have given KO was s then calculated and plotted versus encounter. were speed analyzed, rise to density calculated. runs since difficulties in the at a given (SN )a The following speed and average seas narrow range in interpreting to obtain a bendinq-moment RAO- was sample, spectral then’ (zero-degree of longer low frequencies the results. two-run densitv (~)a/(SW)a heading) of were encounter (% . ,-, .)a‘ not would -11- DAta Regular Waves The basic combination curves of for model variation the These graphs and data of along P5 Presentation hull in and wave in the length L coefficients . @sag of for a series of constant values in verSuS B speed, bending-moment length, appear 268I-2 at-bpresented Model heading, 6 Figs. h/L to 26, with the exception form of a graph for each Each graph shows the and wave of Whog (v=mo~~;t/pgL’B) steepness . Fig. 14, which shows . h It is necessary moments and moment that to the bear mind in origin of the that !+ graphs is and the refer to dYnamic bendi:9 ~h still-water, zero-speed MODEL, ?601-2 MODEL WAVELENGTHS. MDDEI. ,— .0018 — —– SPELO, —— . ,. —----- hl~ ..— . .ly*--- ~ ‘3/3 ---- l+J- ‘“ ‘ 093 / 000R x 0006 .CO06 — ‘ ‘ #- --% hli, .<< --”” h /A 0“ _ / A ~’ /’ 0004 -— ,1 ,/ : !, ‘004 HA%3:’- .- ,’ ,/’ ,m 09( = -, C ,.‘“=”’ hli f .. . .0010 ‘“ .14 ., . ---- 0012 .0012 . “.- ‘mm 0008 NG_,!”H:m .~. — 0016 --- .0010 ~EAol v/~L Oole . .- 0016 0014 bending (Fig. 3). ., .“, 083 “— .* .Ubl -—c L , \\ —“ \ --.., ‘/ ‘ \ D—— /) ‘ , ‘~ -.. ‘\ nl>7 \ \ ,/<) > .- .0002 0002 3TATION3 ,0 ,;! 15’, ,1 5 0 * 0002 , c> <,- . \:-0004 0004 .0006 0006 . . ,r \ \ \ — 1 ‘. <“./’ n67 //// ~.i _ ~,/; 0010 0012 .0012 0014 0014- Vmiation Along The F;g. 7 “ h/i: .083 L w“ /~ 0010 y /’ h 1> x’ ‘“”’t-ttmti Fig.6 Eami-in Momm-k Model %zgtlz. 01t7 = \. ‘\, 0008 h/J ,( )/> ~ ., .“----- ~ lb/). = .09L, .108 .Bend{n Moments VariationAZong l?l-w lb3aZ Length. 1 -12MODEL, WAVELENGTH MODEL Fig. 8 ~ ~, MODEL, MQDEL sPEED, ulfiL HEAOINGJJR. =~ Binding Moments Variat{on Alozg The Mode2 Length. MODEL, wAVELENGTHJd5L, MODEL ~ 9 ~ , MODEL MODEL 5PEE0, MODEL, Vl~L HEADING* =&o MEnD, NG_. v/&L =-o .)4 Bending Momants Variation Along The ModeZ Leng5h. ~ MODEL SPEkl), WAVELENGTH IS 2681-2 wAvELENGTH~, .III MOOEL MODEL SPEED, HEAOING~ u!&L =~ .001, .00(6 0014 .00,2 1 1 I I I ! ! I I “tL&E% I ,0002 1/,” I f.-+- —.L.i. 7 hlA .050 ,T*T, 15 0 Fig. 10 Bending Moments Va~iatizons AZong The ModeZ Length. 1 1,4 ON* 10 ~+ ‘--=: 1 11 Bending l.umentaVa~iation Azong The Model Length. -13- _ MOOEL , MODEL MoDEL, ~ MODEL, WAVELENGTH sPEED, wAvELENGTH HEADING% vl@ MODEL ‘~ ,00!, ,0018 0016 0016 om. 0014 .0012 ,0012 0010 00,0 .000. Oooe 0.00. .0006 .0004 000, ~ MODEL SPEED, “lfiL HEADING? ,~ .0002 0002 0 0 0002 .0002 .004 0004 ,000. .0004 Oooe 0000 Fig. s, 00,0 0010 0012 00,? 004. 0014 12 Bending Mom@nt Vcmiak<on A20ng The Mode2 Length. MODEL, kq 13 . Bmdinq Moments Vmiation AzOng The Mo&Z Length. & WAVELENGTH—, MODEL MODEL, HEADINGS WAVELENGTH~, MoDEL SPEED, v!m 1MODEL HEADINGLBY .L MODEL .00!8 SPEKD, v!fiL ‘1 0018 00,6 .Oolc 0014 00,, 00!2 0.,, .00(0 00,. < < 000. 0000 0006 0006 ,0004 0004 .0002 .0002 0 0 ,0002 .0002 000* 0004 ,000. 000. < 0000 .0008 .00!0 Oom .00,2 0012 .0014 00,. Fig. 14 Bend<ng Moment VcwtationWikh Wave Height. Bending Moments Variation Along The Modal Length. -14MODEL, Wavelength MODEL Fig. 16 MODEL, ~ U4, MODEL SPEED, Vl&L MODEL, MODEL, MODEL MODEL SPEED, “l&L HE bDtNG~ =%, ‘.09 to -.12 17 Bending Moments Va~iation Along The Model Leng-th, ~ wAVELENGTH~. , MODEL W- Bending Moments Variation A20ng The Model L@ngt/i. L6~ WAVE LEF4GTH~ HEADING= HEADINGA. WAVEL<tiGTU~, MODEL ~ MQDEL SPEED, v,&L HEADING= . Drifr .oo14LLL—kL!!LLl_Lu—.—l ,00,2 ,00,0 < 000B .0006 0004 .0002 0 .0002 0004 ,0006 < 0008 / I h/ ,-.1 0 00,0 ,0012 18 Bending Moments VariatfonAzong The ModeZ.L@zgth. 19 Bending Momen-& VariationAZong The Model Length. -15MODEL, MODEL MODEL, .@k,L WAVELENGTi4~, MODEL ..— 5P<E0, vL~L = Ur~+t, II m I I I I I MODEL MODEL -.1? SPEED, HEADINGK v1&L .~ . . IZ tO . . II ,0018 00, s 0016 ~ WAVELENGTH~, HEADING= I I — .00I* 00,4 0014 00(2 ,00,2 00!0 00,0 < 0008 0008 0006 0006 0004 000. 000, 0002 0 0 ,002LLLLJ- ! !..4-4 I .0002 0004 000. < ., “:m+ 0006 0000 00(0]+,--, ‘i I I I I I I 00,, 00(0 I I I I 00,2 .00(, Fig. .001” 20 Bending Momw+s Vaxiat-ion Along The Model Length. MODEL, WAVELENGTH~, MODEL ~ MODEL, MO,DEL SPEED, Fig. 21 Bending Mom@n-LsVariationAlong Th@ Model Length. vl&L HEADINGX ~ WAVELENGTH~, .JJ_ MODEL 001 n MODEL SPEED, “/fiL HE ADINGLe .~ ,22 ‘“”~ 0.,6 ..,6 00!4 00!4 .00(2 0012 .0010 0010 < 0000 Ooot! 0006 0006 0004 .0004 0002 “1 000, .000, /4!!:1°’>1 ,.&w L“”+*< . /“ h/A .0006 .0002 ,—. .091 0008 . * 00,0 llllll\ h ,’).= .0 99 ~ I 000. 00,0 00!2 0012 Oo,.- Fig. 22 Banding Moments Var<ation A20ng The Model Length. Fig. 23 Bending Moment Variation Along the Modal Length. -16MoOh L, WAVELENGTH ~, MODEL ~ MODEL SPEED, ,/fiL r,40DEL, HE AOING~ .~ WAVELENGTH .23 ~, MoDEL ~ MODEL SPEED, v&@ HE AD(NG~, .~ ,zj 0018 00,6 0014 0012 0010 ,0008 0006 0004 .0002 ,0002 ,0004 \ I Fig. 24 Bending MomaztisVariation Along The Model Length. MODEL, wAvELENGTH~, MODEL ~ MODEL SPEEO, 25 Bending Momen-k Vcu%ation Along Tha Model Length. vl&L HEADING_Q_a .-O .21 .0016 Oola .001. 00,, .0010 . 4 .000. 0.0. .0004 0002 0 0002 .0004 ,000. 0000 .0,0 .0012 .m. Fig. 26 Bending Moments Variation AZong Xhe Model Length. 2681-2 MODEL L = h/A < 0.07 H = hlk > 0.07 o ! 1.,75 A. ● 0.75 I.oo A ● --+ o + A ● 1.25 o + A 1.50 1800 Heading, + - Fwd Speed 0 -t A Drift 0° Fig. Figure during h/k = each 0.05, respectively. Z7 Fwd Speed O 27 Eoeak’ionOf Bending Momen_& Maz%ma. shows different 0.07, Heading, . the location condition and 0.10, the of bending-moment of heading, values of maxima speed, and maxima appear the hull wave length. in Figs. z8, along For 29, length con$tant and 30, Model BOTH HEADINGS 2681-2 AND ALL SPEEDS *.-. ,,-! .Uul( ‘ave Wave ‘e;qht Length = .05 .001[ .ool~ .0012 .0010 .0008 * .0006 o e 1 .25L 1 .50L .0004 .0002 .75L ] .00L ] .75L [ WAVE LENGTH, .0002 o o A .0006 0 A .0004 ● L ☞ ☞ ● ✘ A + ☞ ● ● .0008 .0010 Fig. 28 Mcmim 1800 Heading, Fwd 1800 1800 Heading, Heading, Zero Drift Speed 00 Heading, Fwd Speed Speed speed ● + A o Bending Moments Va~iation With Wave L@zgtk. 2-OOL -19Model BOTH HEADINGS 2681-2 AND ALL SPEEDS .0018 ‘ave Wave ‘eiqht Length .07 = .0016 .0014 + .0012 .0010 ● ● A o .0008 .0006 _ .0004 ! .0002 I .00L ,75L 1 .25L 1 .50L 1 .75L 0 1 WAVE .0002 LENGTH, o $ 0 0 0 .0004 0 A A .0006 k + ● A + $ ● .0008 ● ● .0010 Fig. .— — 29 1800 Heading, Fwd 1800 Heading, Zero Speed Speed m + 180~ O Heading, Heading, Drift Fwd Speed Speed A O Maximum Bending Moments Vmiation With Wave Length. -20Model 2681-2 BOTH HEADINGS AND ALL SPEEDS .0018 Wave Heiqht Wave Length = .10 A + .0014 ●} M + A ●} X* o 0 * o ● .0010 $ 8 .0006 .0002 .75L ] .00L 1 I .25L I .50L I WAVE LENGTH, k .0002 : i- 0 0 .0006 + ● A .0010 Fig. 30 Maxim 1 .75L A 1800 Heading, Fwd 1800 Heading, Zero 1800 Heading, Drift 0° Heading, Fwd Speed ● Speed Speed Speed i o Binding Moments Variation With Wave Length. -21- Model 2681-2 Station BoTH HEAOINGS AND ALL WAVE 5 LENGTHS AND SPEEDS .0018 .0014 I am .0010 F .0006 .0002 I .0006 *z 1800 .0010 Head ins. “; 0° Heading, Fwd zero Drift Speed Speed Speed . + A Fwd Speed o I Fig. For points 31 over-all each through 35). the of an of four the speed basic data; case. 31 Bending Momentis Va~iation With Wav@ Steepness. view of bending-moment test station are Four different plotted symbols trends with on a single are used to heading and speed conditions. one includes all the data and Two one wave graph of distinguish envelopes excludes data height, 1A are of all versus between drawn the the h/1 data to the head-seas data (Figs. for scatter forward- -22- 2681-2 Model 7+ Station BOTH HEADINGS ANO ALL WAVE LENGTHS AND SPEEDS -001 .001 .001 .000 .+ .OOOi o +9 .08 -04 I 1 .12 I h/X I I I I I .0002 .0006 .0010 1800 0° Head ing, Heading, Fwd Speed Zero Speed Drift Speed Fwd Speed ● ☞ A o .0014 32 Bending Mom@nts Vcu-iatioti With which The data for were obtained the in head-seas, 1963 the zero-speed tests, are case reproduced in wave lengths 1.00L to from Reference 4. 1.75L, -23- 2681-2 Model Station BOTH HEADINGS ANO ALL 10 WAVE LENGTHS AND SPEEDS .CIO18 .0014 .0010 5 WI .0006 ‘~ o .0002 .08 .04 I .0002 0: hll .12 I I I I I 0 .0006 I 3 .00[0 1800 0° Head ing, Heading, Fwd Zero Drift Fwd ● ☞ Speed Speed Speed Speed A 0 .0014 Irregular Waves Curves the energy Superimposed data. These of bending-moment spectra have been on each plot are points represent response charted (~on a , base bending-moment the sum of hog of ft-ton/ft) wave response and sag which frequency points moments were of derived from encounter. from regular-wave divided by wave test height -242681-2 Model Station BOTH HEADINGS AND ALL 12+ WAVE LENGTHS AND SPEEDS .001/ .00IL .0010 5 m .0006 -0002 .04 I .08 I I .12 i I hlk I I I I o .0002 0 .0006 5L .0010 180° Heading, Fwd , 0° Heading, Spee > 4 Zero Speed + Drift Fwd Speed Speed A o .0014 at h/A te5t = 0.08 . range of wave condition stations. Bending Moments VaPiation With Wave Steepness. 34 ,F{g. 2681-1 This height/length steepness. and 2681-2, Figures respectively, ratio 36 was and chosen 37 within as present a matrix being all in such of the middle plots speeds and for hull of model the .25- 2681-2 Model Station BOTti HEADINGs 15 AND ALL WAVE LEt4GTHs AND smEmi .00IE .001 + m 5 + .001 / ● e‘P + * + !$ ++* ‘ ●oem A+ ● +tA o I h/L .12 .08 .04°0 I I 1 ● &o ● ● , % f ● o Q+ ++A;~# / .00 ,4A #’%o~ / + .00 -1 +4 I I I 1 I \ .00 ‘--- r .00 3 .00 1800 0° Heading, Fwd Speed Zero Speed Drift Speed Fwd Speed Heading, ● + A o .001 Fig. Bending Moments Variation With Wave Staepnasz. 35 ANALYSIS The case; (b) distribution; and (d) regular-wave comparison (c) comparison data of are model comparison between discussed with of cargo station regular-wave AND in DISCUSSION the following amidship 10 and data and for sequence: model this irregular-wave with test and data. (a) normal Dalzell’s cargo-amidship weight test;2 -26— Derived from Spectra Regular Wave Re5ult5 froIIl Irregular WaVC Tests Hog + Sag Htight ft-tOns/ft wave v/&L V/a = .12 ,ta,~ “/.& = o ~ i-. ll Ifl, J’? k Y J“(/) r, S.12.5F r 1P ,ta.l,~~ y 1.0 .5 .5 Frequency Fig The measured coefficients are moments shown 1.0 T@r, are dynamic The moments. 15 Normal-weight static a wave standard moments L/20 0.00047 0.00043 hog hog hog calculated wave, Speed various range, and combinations the location of speed 7$ 0.00040 0.00039 without and and Weight wave model and for 0.00059 0.00029 hog 0.00007 sag sag correction sag 5 0.00013 0.00053 sag 0.00078 are Cargo-Amidship for moment hog sag in bending 10-(1) 12+ 0.00004 amidship The still-water 0.00022 distribution midship 1.0 .5 radl~ec below. Station Cargo encOUfi Compczx=ison Of Bending Momenk Responses Nomal Weight Distiibutiion. 36 . of Smith hog effect, at hog. Distribution length direction, in which the are plotted maximum in moments Fig. occur 27. — -27— . . Derived from Spectra Regular Wave Results Hog + Sag = .12 “/&L Tests .. k v/a = o .k IL .. 7.5 Sta. wave . i!! IL .. 5 5ta. I rregular 18@ Head Seas Height $t-t0n5/ft Wave Sta. from 10 PIL . .“ Sta. 12.5 I!EIL “. Sta. 15 Frequency 37 Fig. is lt and 14 the more important 18 to severe of the be maintained to knots in sea MARINER is in recognize that following such that only n the case of head ng are moments are ocated Figures that the wave maximum A complete wave set In the of cargo-amidship which noted. it proportional are can to the the be seen wave the maximum in zero to in to !1 speed shown, for the and head seas realize horsepower speed drift both at speeds hog- all do 1.75L in could five and on with “it may coefficient the report, normal only purposes. sag-moment locations. appreciably Generally, bending-moment the waves, maximum the $ogging 27). vary heading in The wave be said lengths. reportq present short 12+. speed. wave of the not zero 180-degree attainable relatively Fig. (see illustrative the in Il& at to in for speed 11 and curves presented is that test. knots for the ship The installed stations moments except 1.25L streamlining trends forward 10 and of height at showing was only the of between 1.00L, charts case of 9 impossible conditions seas occur interests representative speed, that ratio of speeds be during stations above moments height/length tion. the show lengths the located between 2~-30 for 1.0 .5 rad/sec waves. sagg length would simulated steepest moments en.ountcr, forward waves maximum Except of Comparison Of Bending Momant Responem Ca~go-AmidshipWeight .Distpibution. conditions the 1.0 .5 1.0 .5 at highest waves, coefficients An on~ Figure zero alternative versus weight such 14 speed distribuchart for is and drift as previously are roughly interpretation is -28- that there is no Generally, In moments. when added the to Figures figures of at occur speed. In forward forward to and zero speeds zero hogging collected stations in of Results maximum An not examination of necessarily always Gross other. appears “x,” models estimate against means that the the station. 10, the and 15 they moments of the to the maximum at magnitudes in than sagging found conclusion moments the Four head seas, highest moment smaller These in in are similar highest significantly Weight Normal data the for larger of test which, moments. that, occurs the in zero occur if at the zero drift-speed the case case of forward seas. for the each hogging present sagging and leads head large 12~ the not dynamic are 7+, then (Magnitude are 5, stations This are v~ry at seas. head the moments the magnitude of moments The largest moments occur unattainable, be noted that case speed Comparison data glance moment, in considered it should in a at bound. than sagging the while upper larger result speeds. of an are moments, at speed, reach still-water combinations. At zero case following-seas and all compare the speed. high present to to moments sagging forward and speed 35 or speed is However, the area, speed-heading at moments sagging dynamic forward moments at the intended conditions for dynamic midship 31 are mostly tendency the or tendencies model are of and Cargo Amidship of Moments) two models smaller is which moments Distribution reveals for one summarized has the the same below larger that in model in moment; magnitude, or the dynamic comparison table moments with form. the A mark, an “x” against do not show both a clear tendency. MAXIMUM Heading & Speed 180°, + { Cargo amidship ]8cf, Zero x Norma 1 Sag { Cargo The hogging cargo-amidship higher case has case. with of P, Fwd x x x x x x amidship moments, associated Drift x weight-distribution cantly 1800, Norma 1 Hog waves station r-d MOMENT and, the total h/h = 10 are: Since furthermore, 0.10 cargo-amidship moment , at than drift x generally larger dynamic since there distribution, does speed a sagging sagging normal in head moments is a large moments are the moment the than still-water such a loading weight distribution. seas, than larger normaldynamic sagging results in a Imoment signifi- For example, coefficients at in -29- Normal Hog Highest dynamic Still water Tots hog Although two plus the than the total 0.00047 0.00047 0.00053 0.00053 0.00134 0.00080 0.00030 0.00183 and is speed Model maxima stations models to loss of remain Comparison (a) than (b) For 6 percent and deviations in (c) in comparable which is for the one-third larger reflected in a reduced pitch radius of easing pitching and heaving architect this type maxima and of around ship operator loading. station 10 and hogging- 2681-2 had sagging- Model length. Results moments and hogging-moment maxima for both of the maximum moments However, quarter 10 bending the two groups one with satisfactory with at Results station of test and seas were drift 12 of of 10 with results is 10 percent. hogging speed. Reference Dalzel 2 l’% midship-moment consistently of ten higher following was seas, ten or the In following two tests that instrumentation, the out less; Visual comparison sagging-moment in curves Dalzell ’s have of 21 or lower comparable speed were people, the slopes generally the results are slightly Regular and Irregular is, if the of sets at the of zero speed, average performed on results show slopes, higher percent. of between Average corresponding same speed, 7 was differences forward comparison zero deviation twenty of between Average at was 16 percent. speed, 6 percent at sets of percent. showed different of comparable differences average six seas under by twenty showed speed, 6 percent forward moments, considers slopes out less; deviation at percent different reported curves while than different the those in the here. Comparison superposition maximum percent In 6 six or and the maximum deviation were 10 percent at forward seas drift the ship-wave length the 13 of percent; at hogging-moment [-F a percent speed. case head moments, 6 of agreement. that sagging differences was If of percent; the 3 percent deviation Fixed sagging-moment are Thus, any tendency to from the ~oint of view of naval of -- moment -- case 12 For and results wave head showed percent shows the O* respectively. differences at deviations models which is effects effects Station case. undesirable Clearly, midship sag sag loading beneficial 12& the of of the percent results and had ion stal and that showed 6 the plus total other. results and of Neither the have hog a tendency, conflicting within indicates total has appears ,, a n waves. the Comparison results 0.00213 normal such 2681- around 11* the amidships known cognizant Whereas moment around the near -case of However, reducing be ranges moment loads loads. gyration, must 6 0.00130 cargo-amidship hog concentrate ‘bending of 0.00083 0.00214 bending-moment the sag 0.00127 sag loadings, Loading Sag Hog 0.00087 ] Total Cargo-Amidship Loading is system proportional may be applied. Between is linear, to that wave amplitude, The principle may ship Wave motion Data amplitude then the principle be stated as follows, of in waves of linear according to -30- 2681-1 Model Station 180° Heading; 5 v/ti= .12 - .14 kIL = 1.25 ,@ ‘h + ‘s / 0’ ,’ .0015 1.00 75 .0010 .0005 0 I I I 1 1 .02 .04 .06 .08 .10 IIIL Fig. E V. Lewis:5 1 near “ The summation tl 5 sea respective and In the testing (a) the measured the 36 sources. two in is regular-wave augmented was range nearest (sag to the an irregular sea components of in regular 37 tests the to plus the hog) waves quotient show that Only at can the there region at 5 derived spectrum the 4). 38 h/L ; defined Fig. 5. by the of their ““ is relationship divided by wave at slamming curves show results speed is detected at of the explanation therefore, particularly response spectrum). forward were curves method implicit equals between possible, presents these A common A possible and have functions spectrum loading a components by tested. agreement normal manner, Figure versus It The wave difference. non-linear represented response from times emergence 2 and a and ship reasonable for significant of impact. station is 5 forefoot in applied compare (b) be sea.” condition in regular waves linear with. wave height. function (response References moment be to and station significant (see bending can is (response a consistent, case, of each loading are reasonably principle applicability the and there this tests which of obtaining the 36) ship to principle Figures (Fig. a superposition degree directly by that, of responses instance, results superposition spectrum) from its the linear summation of ship responses are each energy spectra, for example the wave spectrum of Accordingly, in response of the present bending-moment yielded of Bending Moments Variation With Wave Height. 38 in that station slamming 5, bending-moment pronounced the which -31- non-linear that trends the by spectral in rough wave of points at a moderate results are from To h/k of- 0.05 on Fig. irregular-wave In seas range Reference at distributions distinct 4 drift (see and 7+ approaches whereas in the cases different values as well as its 12*, trends to with the data be From in 0.08, which of Fig. 38 These curve shown Fig. is 36; clearly forward at this wave normal The weight speed, curves behavior moment and along sagging model distribution, experienced were remains bending hogging location Length characterized for both moments length. 2681-1 5 v/@= Head i~g; .12- .14 Rrgular D ,\, /’ /’ h/), = .08 “.! ‘0 d “ Waves . /, ,/m’\ l’” ,/ h/i. = .05 ‘{ ‘* j“ f From spectrum analysis :/ /.% $“ &, I I 1 .4 .6 .8 Wave encounter frequency, Bending Moment VS. I 1.0 in unusual by unexplained. Hog 39 valid regular linear. - Fig. is in response points Model with same with Along length. Station + from appears hlh seas question Model Sag an MARINER and the under 1800 at tests wave-bending-moment regular-wave Moment the along and predict hogging, derived technique from regular moment data following moment stations frequencies responses 38). that in wave the calculated a~reement the from of Bending shown the better do these than obtained been where show at superposition are have region than Fig. and hogging at Theoretical was speed of peaks it 39 that finding, 36, calculated Variation head the tests were non-linear this is . showed Fig. in It larger functions test question, 1.25. icantly hull, response in results and signi da & MARINER motion case plotted latter the the ship 1.00, are irregular-wave height. the derived in if moderate for these of using seas 0.75, = responses analysis Ochi,ealso waves k/L at regular I 1.2 radlsec Wave Encounter FTequency. sagging have and markedly -32- In the is no in sagging test results evidence or ‘icargo for such of amidshipll a double-peak weight trend in speed 6-26), there (Figs. distribution any or heading condition, either hogging. SUMMARY (1) An extreme MARINER condition cargo and following (a) Reach to (b) peak (c) OF Are in the are regular denoted within dynamic stations waves to “cargo practical wave 10 and larger in moment, total bending of wave amidship,” operating moments for limits which height/wave the in head -- length ratios up 12+. wave in reasonable sag height than result moment Tests of the MARINER hull loading in high irregular which in proportional sagging than speeds up to a wave-height/wave-length 0.11. generally water (2) values between distribution, at results generally ratio weight running seas, 0.11 Are of ship in in for a a more with head when sagging weight normal added to moment with similar a sizable still- significantly larger distribution. loadinci and the a normal yield wave-bend~ng-moment both seas agreement and, hog total responsa “carcio amidship” res~onse results curv’es from regular-wave tests. CONCLUSIONS (1) The pract and full-scale ce of concentrating on measuremen’cs midship appears to bending be moments justified both for in ships design of the studies MARINER type. (2) The good agreement in confidence technique o between the use predict of the irregular-wave regular-wave the vertical and response wave regular-wave operators bending moment responses and of a inspires spectral-analysis ship in irregular waves. RECOMMENDATION This MARINER six broad cargo years and The is have modei believe been diminishing results of has documented authors steepness yield investigation ship in that the a bending actively series to of five trends bending stress acting over of on the hull a-period technical the extent should now Efforts full-scale moments continued significant established, returns. against wave been of girder of reports. wave bending that further be directed measurements moment with work in toward collected this checking wave area would model test under SR-153. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Mr. T. testing, M. authors Buermann, and data wish to for analysis thank its the Ship guidance phases of Response Advisory and encouragement the project, a app~oximately Panel, during 1964-1965. headed the planning, by model -33- REFERENCES (1) LEWIS, E. V. and Ship M“ (2) DALZELL, Extreme Ship (3) J. June (5) (6) N. by Research Proqram Serial SSC-124, November of Models of Serial SSC-156, Model in of of Extreme M4RINER SSC-155, of Bendinq Midship the Ship and Ship Structural 1959. Experienced and Three in Variants. 1964. Bendinq Midship in Moments Type January a Tanker February Investigation M., Lonq-Ranqe Investigation Committee, Serial MARINER a Moments Experienced Destroyer. Ship in Structure 1964. Bendinq Moments Ship Waves. Within Structure the Half Midship Committee, Serial Lenqth SSC-163, 1964. COMSTOCK, Architects OCHI, of A G., Committee, F., An Investigation J. Reqular Waves by Models ktANIAR, a An Waves Structure DAEELL, Extreme of F., Reqular Committee, (4) Gerard, Structure K. Green J. P. (cd.), and Marine M., llExtreme Water,” Trans —. Principles Engineers Behavior SNAME, of Naval Architecture. (sNAME), 1967; Chap. of Vol. a ship in Rough 72, 1964, p. IX by Society E. V. SeaS ‘- Slammin9 of Nava Lewis, p and ‘h 660. pping 143. . UNCLASSIFIED Secl[ritv Classiflcalton DOCUMENT ORIGINATING of tot! fiflc, (Corpora ACTIVITY Davidson Stevens REPORT lical c[a. ,., ,st~ct,rjry !mdy tee,, 01 vhxtmrf CONTROL :Ir IfJ irIL!ox IrIL: DATA - R R D .l!l. ! b? Wlrcrcd .mrtol:lfil,n fhor) 2D. Wircn !ho RE$70RT UVf>r;lll rc,p,>rf 5ECUPITV CL. i. <-f.t.. .ilr,, cll A5%IF1CATIOP4 Unclassified Laboratory institute of 2b. GROUP Technology T,TLE BENDING MOMENT DISTRIBUTION IN A MARINER REGULAR AND OF EXTREME DESCRIPTIVE IRREGULAR NOTES (Type WAVES o{rcport and. in,l mive CARGO SHIP MODEL IN STEEPNESS dafc$) Final AU (First THOR(S1 Naresh M. Edward REPORT name, middle ‘asf flare?) Numata 7a. DATE November 1968 .. CONTRACTORGPAMTMO b. initial, Maniar PROJECT NO. TOTAL NO. OF 7!>. PAGES No. OF 3il. 882bj Nobs 0RlGlNATOR,5 flEp0RT,NuMBER(3) 2882/233 Task 20.22 sF-0130304, eEFs 6 33 SR-i65 .. ~b. OTHER REPORT th,. .eoort) D, ST R, BUTl ON 5uPPLEME.N1&wY of this document is nwnbcrs that rnuy he .s. iAned unlimited t40TE5 tb~;lllee Systems Command of the Navy D. C. 20360 ‘2’Yl?Y~Y?~ti&YITI~Y Naval Ship Department Washington, 3. other STATEMENT Distribution 1. (AtIy Ssc-lgo d, O NO(5) ABSTRACT An experimental investigation was wave-bending-moment distribution vertical relationship cargo bending moment and extreme to the wave determine midship (1) the half-length steepness, for lengthwise and (2) the a MARINER-type ship. A beam. between undertaken within l/96-scale The model beam was was cut to strain-gaged form to six measure segments, bending which moments were at joined the hull by a flexure cuts 5, 7+, 10, 12~,and 15. stations The model was tested with normal weight distribution and with an extreme The range of regular-wave amidship” loading in both head and following seas. ness (height/length) was 0.05 to 0.11; ‘the irregular waves had an equivalent size significant height of 39 feet. at “cargo steepfull- Within practical operational limits of speed for the MARINER-type ship, the maximum wave bending moments in high regular waves were found to occur in the region from amidships to 0.125L aft of amidships. Thus the practice of concentrating on midship bending moments both in design studies and full-scale measurements appears to be justified for ships of the MARINER type. Hogging and sagging moments at any section were found to be generally to wave-length ratio of 0.11, the ing-moment and wave data from the proportional to wave height, up to a wave-height The bendsteepest wave that could be generated. tests in irregular waves were processed by spectral analysis to obtain equivalent regular-wave responses. These were shown ‘co be, generally, in good enough agreement with the bending-moment responses obtained directly in regular-wave response operators and regular waves to inspire confidence in the use of spectral-analysis -irreqular waves. DD,F:5:,,1473 s/N0101-807-6811 technique (PAGE 1) to predict the vertical wave bending moment of a ship in Security Class iflration 4 ~EY Lltd ROLE Cargo K 4 LI c WORDS Wr ROLE WT ROLE *T Ship Ship Hulls Ship Bending Model Tests Water Waves Moment m UNCL/SSIFIED S/N 0101 .807. f,071 Secutity Classification A-31d09 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES-NATIONALRESEARCH COUNCIL DIVISION OF ENGINEERING This pro.jecti nas been conducted under *he adviso~y guidane~ of the SW Research Cf”m{tt@ of the NationaZ Academy of Sciences NationaZ Res@areh C0Unei2. Yhe Committee asstinessuch cognizance of p~o~-eetsin mazkria2s, design <nd fabz-kution as relatiingto improved ship stme-bmws, when such activities are acceptied.bythe Aead~my and ass{gnd tiln-ough its Maritime recommends TrarsporbationRese~rch Board. In addition, this e.ommititiee research objectives and p~ojeets; p~ouides liaison and t~ekn<cal guidance to such studies; ~evievs p~ojeek repo~ts; and stimulates productive avenues of researeh. SHIP Chaiman: RESEARCH COMMITTEE M. L. Sellers, Naval (I, II, III) Architect Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Co. Vice Gka-bman: J. M. Frankland (I, II, III) (Retired) Mechanics Division National Bureau of Standards Membem William H. Chief, Buckley Bell (Retired) Bath Joseph E. Herz Chief Fletallurgist (I, II) Design Engineer Sun Shipbuilding and Drydock Co. G. E. Kampschaefer, Jr. (111) Manager, Application Ellgineerlng (111) ARMCO Steel Scientist S. Structural rlorks Corp. Clausing Senior Company Chemist Iron D. P. John E. Goldberg, (I, II) School of Civil Engineering PurdueUniversity II) (III) Chief and I, Criteria Aerosystems B. B. Burbank U. ( Structural Steel Corporation Corporation Noton (II, III) Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Stanford University BryanR. D. P, Courtsal (II, 111) Principal Hull Design Engineer Dravo corporation Stanley T. Rolfe (III) Section Supervisor U. S. Steel Applied Research Center A. E. COX (I, 11) LHA Project Director Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Co. Merville Willis (I) Assistant Naval Architect Sun Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co. F. V. Daly (111) Manager of Welding Newport and News Drydock Shipbuilding Co. and R. i!. Yagle Department. John Senior F. Dalzell Research Hydronautics (1) Scientist (II) of and Marine University of Naval Architecture Engineering Michigan Incorporated (1) - Advisorg Group I, Ship StPain Measurement & Anal>sis (II) - Advisoyg Group 11, Ship Stmeku~aZ Design (III) - Adviso~ GYoup 11~ Ship MetalZurgiealStudies R. W. Rumke Executive See~etaw SHIP STRUCTURE COMMITTEE PUBLICATIONS These documents are disbibuted by the Clearinghouse, Sp~ingfieZd, Vu. 22151. These documents have been announced in the Technical Abstract Bulletin (TAB) o.fthe Defense Documentation Center (DDC). Cwneron Station, Alexandp~a, VA. - 22314, undep the -indicated AD numbexw. SSC”178, A Survey of Some Recent British JJoPkon the Behavior of Warship Stxwcrhwes by J. Clarkson. November 1966. AD 644738. SSC-179, Residual Strains and Dis~laeements Within the Plastic Zone Ahead of A Crack by J. Cammett, A’. R. Rosenfield, and G. T. Hahn. Novembe; 1966. AD 644815. SSC-180, Experimental Determination of Plastic Constraint Ahead of a Sharp Crack unde~ Plane-%~ain Conditions by G. T. Hahn and A. R. AD 646034. Rosenfield. December 1966. SSC-181, Results ,PromFull-Scale Measurements oj?Midship Bending St~esses on Two ~y-Ca~go Ships- Report #2 by D. J. Fritch, F. C. Bailey, J. M. Wheaton. March 1967. AD 650239. SSC-182, Tuentg Y?ars of Researeh Unde~ the Ship Stmeture A. R. Lykle, S, R. Heller, December 1967. AD 663677. R. Jr., Niplsen, SSC-183, Me_tallu~,jicalStm.m=b.me and the B?ittb Morris C]hen. May 1968. AD 670574. Corrrrrit-tee by and John Va.sta. Behavior of Steel by SSC-184, Exhaustim of Ductility in Compr~ssad 3ars tiithHoles by S. Kabay~shi and C. Mylonas. June 1963. AD 67~4~7. SSC-185, Effect o,FSu~faee Condition On The Exhnwtion Of Ductility .RyCoZd or Hot S&aining by J. Dvorak and C. Mylonas, July 1968, SSC-186, On the Effect of Ship Stiffness Upon tbe Structural Response of a Cargo Shtp to an Inpukive Load by Manley St. Denis. September 135L SSC-187, BieninialReport of Ship Structure Committee, June SSC-188, Effect Gf Repeated Loads On The L& Of fl]otckzd And Welded Plates. Kiefner. October 1968. Tmpe?ature Fracture Behavior W. H. hlunse, J. P. Cannon and J. F. 1968. SSC-189, T% Video Tape Recording of Ultrasonic Test In ormation by Robert A. Youshaw, Charles H. Dyer and Edward L. ~rlscuo {0. October 1968. SSC-190, Bending Moment Distribution In a Ma~iner Cargo Ship Model In Regular and IrreguZa? Waves of Ext~eme Steepne~s. by Naresh M. Maniar and Edward Numata. November 1968.