The Puggle Post - Wandong Primary School


The Puggle Post - Wandong Primary School
Rail Street, PO Box 402, Wandong 3758
P: 5787 1232
F: 5787 1821
Principal: Rhonda Cole
‘The Puggle Post’
5th December 2012
Encouraging all members of the school community to work together
to create a positive and motivating environment, allowing all students to maximise their educational
opportunities in an ever changing world.
Congratulations to our ”Students of the Week.”
162 families at
= 71%
(116 families)
Have you
recently asked
did you
Prep B: William Bellman—(Persisting with his learning at all times)
Prep G: Cody Cartwright—(Showing great respect for his classmates)
1/2 M: Ryan Fitzgerald—(Being focussed and absorbed in his learning)
1/2 C: Karlee-Rae Ritchie—(A Fabulous week of learning)
1/2 H: Hayley Browne (Trying hard to improve her handwriting)
3/4 C: Mohamad Al-Ghazawi—(Always sitting respectfully whilst on the floor)
3/4 S: Ryan Battistin—(Having neat handwriting)
3/4 Y: Paul Morgan-Watt—(Always helping others in the classroom)
5/6 E: Izzy Kareroa—(Always doing her best when presenting work)
5/6 K:- Brittnee Marke—(Being a kind and considerate member of her classroom)
Booklist due back by the 10th
December, 2012
A Message from the Assistant Principal….
The end of the year is quickly closing in and the school is hive of activity.
ThinkLinks has now finished for the year. It has been a wonderful
experience for both teachers and students and the groups have produced,
created or designed some amazing and wonderful items. We will be
holding a ThinkLinks display in the hall showcasing the semester two
items. The display will run from Wednesday 12th – Friday 14th December between 8:45 – 9:00 and 3:30
– 3:34 each day. Students will be able to take home their creations on Monday 17th December. If you
want a sneak peak, you can check
out the ThinkLinks video on the
school website at
Christmas Concert and Grades
The dates are in and the times have been finalised. This year’s Christmas concert will be on Monday
17th December. We will be holding a BBQ between 6:00pm – 7:00pm with the concert beginning at
7:30pm sharp. This year we are running things a little differently. From 7:00pm – 7:30pm your child’s
2013 teacher will be available for a quick informal chat and to introduce themselves. Your child will be
notified of their 2013 teacher during the day on Monday 17th December during our final transition visit.
Teachers are breathing a sigh of relief now that their reporting requirements are finished for another
year. Mrs Cole and I have spent the week reading over the reports and are thrilled with the growth and
achievement of so many of our students. Student reports will be sent home with your child on Friday
14th December.
St John’s First Aid
Last week, the team from St. John’s Ambulance gave important and relevant first aid advice to our
students. The information was age appropriate and covered advice from dealing with cuts and bruises
to CPR. This is a great, innovative program which we hope to be part of again next year.
5/6 Pool Party and Tour de Wallan
Yesterday the 5/6 students had their end of year party at the new WaterMarc swim centre in
Greensborough. I was lucky enough to tag along and geeee wizzzz………….was it fun. Crazy mad
waterslides and water activities filled the day. Everyone had a great time. The fun doesn’t stop there
for the grade 5/6s with the Tour de Wallan on Friday. Tour de Wallan is the final stage in the Bike Ed
program and will be departing the school at 9am on Friday to ride to Wallan. After a quick lunch break
we will be back on the bikes and arrive back at school in the afternoon. Thank you also to the parent
helpers who will be riding down to Wallan with us. The peloton will set a cracking pace, so hope you
can keep up 
Christmas Raffle
A reminder to all students and parents that tomorrow is an out of school uniform day. To support the
day, please bring an item for our Christmas Raffle. All of the items will be wrapped into hampers and
raffled off at the Christmas Concert. We hope you can bring lots of goodies.
Prep Camp
On Friday the Prep students will have their first camping experience at the school. There will be a BBQ
and activities from 6:00 onwards. We’ll have lots of photos in next week’s newsletter and on the website.
Premier’s Reading Challenge
Congratulations to all of the students who completed the Premier’s Reading Challenge. Each student
received a very special and unique certificate at last week’s assembly.
New Website:
Our new website has gone LIVE!!! The new website can be found at the same address It is more aesthetically pleasing and much easier to navigate.
We also have a new feature which allows users to subscribe to the newsletter. Simply click
on the link located on the lower right hand side of the home page, put in your email
address, and you will receive each week’s newsletter in your email inbox.
Over the coming weeks, if you would prefer to receive the newsletter in this way instead of
a hardcopy, please let us know and we will won’t send home a copy with your child. This
will help us to be
more kind to the environment by keeping our paper usage
down as well as
saving money. Also, check out the videos of school events
in the video page! These will be updated weekly.
Please have a scroll through the site and let us know what you think.
Yellow House
Yellow House won last
week with the most
house points.
Holding the winner’s cup
this week is
Yellow House Captain
and Vice Captain
Hayley Cashen and
Abby Hurst
Social Table Tennis
Expressions of interest are sought
for any people wanting to
participate in a regular social game
of table tennis. The intention will
be to eventually build up to the
availability of 3-4 tables for a
regular night at a very low cost. If
you are interested, please email
your interest to Tony Heathcote at
Uniform Shop
Any orders for uniforms can
be placed at anytime at the
office. The orders can be filled
and picked up the next day. If
there are any items out of
stock, they will be ordered
and delivered usually within
one week.
If you need any uniforms for
please order now.
There will be a
second hand
uniform stall in the
Art room on the
6th December.
Chook News…
Congratulation 125
nights reading:
Chad Ion
Congratulation 150 nights reading:
Izzy Kareroa, Kyle Bittles, Zoe Coad,
Ruby Stebbing
Congratulation 175 nights reading:
5 cent Friday…
Thomas Downey
To help our lovely chooks,
we would like you to bring
in any loose change to help
with the supplies they need
such as grain, nesting
straw and fresh greens to
supplement the chickens
regular meals of the lunch
scraps. The money will be
placed in a class jar and
sent over to the office for
counting each week.
Congratulation 200 nights reading:
Last week’s total…$13.25
(This total also contains
the money from the sale
of the very fresh eggs
which are available from
the office)
Trinity Hobson, Oliver McKinlay,
Campbell Edwards, Mathew Robinson,
Jack James, Findlay Edwards,
Grace Hannemann, Shani McLeish,
Jaidyn Stuart
Congratulation 250 nights reading:
Brooke Mazzarella,
Nicholas Adam, Sean Duffy,
Justine Nastevski, Charli McClure,
Kaitlin O’Neill, Hassn Al-Ghazawi,
Ben Drury, Charlotte Robertson,
Kate Leavold, Claire Selvaggio,
Hayden Coad, Ali Al-Ghazawi,
Joshua Selvaggio.
St John’s Anglican Church
Christmas Services
Christmas Eve—7:30pm
Family Carol Service
Christmas Day Eucharist 8:30 am
All Welcome
On Tuesday 18th December, last years Grade
Six students and our current Grade Six
students are invited to an afternoon tea at
school. This is a fantastic opportunity for our
current students to ask current Year Seven
students about their experiences at
Secondary School, especially any questions
they might have after Orientation Day.
We are all looking forward to seeing our past
students again.
Time: 3:30pm—5:00pm
Muffin Break Muffin Vouchers: Haven’t got your vouchers yet? Time is running out for this great bargain.
Earlier this year we were fortunate to win the Muffin Break Facebook competition. Half of the muffins were sold to families with
the remainder of the muffins being provided through a voucher system. Vouchers are available for purchase through the newsletter
or directly from the front office….. What a great idea with the school holidays coming up. No doubt many of us will be at Epping
Plaza enjoying endless hours of shopping over the holiday break and a cheap nice muffin with a nice cuppa will fill that hunger gap.
Cost: Each voucher will provide you with FOUR Muffin Break Weight Watchers Muffins
Each voucher of four muffins costs $8.00 each (which totals $2.00 per individual muffin) or 3 vouchers
(12 muffins) for $20 (which totals $1.60 per muffin)
Vouchers can only be used at the Epping Plaza store and are valid until 31st December 2012.
Don’t forget that these muffins can be frozen so they are also a cheap, nice lunch box filler.
Money raised is all profit for the school and will be used to pay for the instant turf we have laid on our new terraced area near the
hall. Thank you for your support.
In the early years of primary
school, students learn to read
through rhymes, storytelling and
following along with their
favourite book. Learning to write
begins with scribble and
Point out and talk about
letters and words all around
you. For example, on cereal
boxes, car number plates,
Cook simple things together.
Read out the recipe, talk
through what you are doing.
Join a toy library and
choose toys together.
Look at junk mail and talk
about the things for sale.
Provide materials and
create a writing/drawing
table or area.
Max Davies
Talk about family photos
and histories.
Max is holding his trophy for
Bushido Freestyle Martial Arts
Wandong DOJO
Rising Star
Student attendance
in semester two:
Thursday 6th December
Staying below
absent days for semester
three and four.
(approx 3.5 absent days
per child)
Number of students
per grade level at
school every day last
Preps: 17
- Out of uniform day (Xmas hamper
Friday 7th December
- Swimming Session
Friday 7th December
- Prep ‘Camp’
Friday 7th December
- Grade Five/Six bike ride to Wallan
Friday 7th December
- Grade 3/4 movie excursion notice due
Monday 10th December
- Booklists for 2013 due back today
(Any late booklists cannot be accepted
at the school)
Monday 10th December
- Parent Helper’s morning tea—11:00am
Monday 10th December
- School Council Meeting 6:00pm
Wednesday 12th—14th December—”Thinklinks Display” in the Hall
before and after school.
Thursday 13th December
Friday 14th December
- Grade Six Graduation
- Grade 3/4 break up excursion to the
(Total number of preps: 37)
Grade one/twos: 53
(Total number of 1/2s: 67)
Grade three/fours: 46
(Total number of 34s: 61)
Grade five/sixes: 61
(Total number of 5/6s: 79)
Friday 14th December
- Prep/One/Two excursion notice due
Monday 17th December
- School Christmas Concert
Wednesday 19th December - Pizza in the Park with the Principal—
(starting at 1:15pm)
Wednesday 19th December - Grade Prep/One/Two excursion to
Jungle Kids—(9:00am—12:45pm)
Friday 21st December
- Last day of term four (1:30 finish)
Assembly is at 1:00pm on this day
Total absence days across
the school for this
(You can check the website for more information or forms)
Congratulations to
this week’s winners….
One/Two Unit
(79% of students had
full attendance)
Awesome effort!
“Every day is an important
day to be at school.”
Friday 25th January
- Book pickup day
Thursday 31st January
- Term one begins for all students
Dear Parents of One/ Twos,
What a great way to finish the term with a Grade 1 Sleepover and Grade 2
Camp on Friday the 23rd of November. All of the children who attended were
really well behaved and participated in some great activities. A special thank
you to Ashley Christensen, Natasha Nastevski, and Tony McKinlay for their
assistance and support. Without parent helpers these activities would not be
possible. So thank you again. Ashley did a great job on the guitar for our concert- he entertained us all. Videos and photos of these events can be viewed on
our website
Home learning has finished for the grade 1s and 2s and most children did a
great job week in, week out to complete
their tasks and have the home learning
back by the Friday. Take home readers
will not be sent home after this Friday
the 7th of December. If you have found
any books that belong to the school
(either library or take home
readers)-could they please be returned
as soon as possible. Remember to
encourage your child to read regularly
at home over the holidays. There are
great libraries both at Wallan and Kilmore that have a great range of books- a
great way to spend a morning or afternoon in an air conditioned room on a
sweltering hot summer day.
A big THANK YOU to all parent helpers who have assisted in the
classrooms this year and we hope your time and support will continue in
2013. The children love you coming in and the teachers really appreciate
Our end of year celebrations will be held at Jungle Kids in Wallan. It will
be on Wednesday 19th of December- a note will go home shortly with all
Finally we have some children
from the 1 / 2 unit leaving us at the end of this year. Corey Frith,
Hannah Flannery, Nathan Young and Brodie Garratt are leaving to
attend other schools and we wish them luck at their new schools. Thank
you for being such great friends and classmates to all.
Have a great end of year break and looking forward to working with you
Courtney McLure, Heather Chisholm and Carol McIntyre
Wandong Fire Brigade
are organising Santa visits again
this December.
The cost is $5 per child which
includes a showbag and lolly bag.
If you would like Santa to visit your kids at home,
please contact
Deb Hanson on 0405 645 212.
Library News
Could all outstanding
library books please be
returned to the library or
Borrowing services will be suspended shortly
due to the year end and in order to complete a
Please notify the office if you have an
outstanding book that you are unable to find.
Last week, all students participated in St. Johns “First Aid In Schools Program”.
The program aims to deliver first aid training to school children.
St. John is about saving lives through first aid and seeking to realise the goal of at
least one person educated, equipped and prepared to provide First Aid in every home,
workplace and gathering.
Wandong students were among the first in the state to be a
part of this program.
Students were educated on topics such as the;
DRS of the DRSABCD Action Plan
Recovery Position
Basic management of bleeding
Bandage a bleeding hand
Management of a nose bleed