recibido 23 nov 2d15
recibido 23 nov 2d15
. . :. '. , ' SOVRANO MILITARE DI SAN GIOVANNI ••• • . ORDINE OSPEDALIERO DI GERUSALEMME DI RODI E DI MALTA IL GRAN CANCELLIERE Ref. no. 1'1830 Rome, 18th November 2015 /15/mdp Excellency, 1 have the honour to inform you that His Most Eminent Highness the Prince and Grand Master and the Sovereign Council ofthe Order, at the meeting held on 12th - 13th October 2015, approved your reelection as President of the Dominican Association and the electionl of the Members of the Board of Presidency of the same As~ociation for the period 2015 - 2017, as per the attached listo Please accept, Excellency, the expression of my confratemal regards. S.E. Don Marino A. GINEBRA HURTADO, President of the Dominican Association of the Sovereign Order of Malta Calle Dr. Gilberto Gómez Rodríguez 36, 2do. Piso Edif. Corporación América, Ensanche Naco SANTO DOMINGO DOMINICAN REPUBLIC PALAZZO MAGISTRALE TEL. +39.06.67581225/288 - FAX +39.06.6797202 VIA CONDOTTI, RECIBIDO 23 NOV 2D15 OFICINA GINEBRA MAR(NO 68 - 00187 H ROMA - E-MAIL: GRJ\NDCHANCELLOR@ORDEROFMALTA.I 'T - \V\Xf\\:ORDEROF:\L\LTA.J~T I First Vice President: Arcq. José Luis RODRIGUEZ-BONETTI, Cross of Magistral Grace; Knight Grand Second Vice President: Mr. Alberto SALAZAR UGARTE, Knight of Magistral Grace; Chancellor: Mr. Mano José CABRERA MORÍN,Knight of Magistral Grace; Vice Chancellor: Mr. Alejandro José PEÑA PRIETO, Knight of Magistral Grace; Hospitaller: Mrs. Clara JIMENES de HOULLEMONT, Dame of Magistral Grace; Vice Hospitaller: Mrs. Angélica GAUTIER de PÉREZ, Dame of Magistral Grace; Treasurer: Mr. José Miguel BONETTI GUERRA, Knight Grand Cross, Knight of Magistral Grace; , Vice Treasurer: I Delegate or die CommunicatiOñs:-Vice Delegate for the Communications: Mr. José VITIENES COLUBI, Knight Grand Cross of Grace and Devotion; Mrs. María Teresa HERMIDA de RODRÍGUEZ, Dame of Magistnil Grace; --- - ---------------1 Mrs. Isabel Elena VIYELLA de BRACHE, Dame of Magistral Grace; Councilors: - H.E. Frank RAINIERI, Knight of Magistral Grace, Ambassador of the Sovereign Order of Malta to the Dominican Republic; - Mr. Enrique Antonio VALDEZ AGUIAR, Knight of Magistral Grace; Chief Chaplain: His Eminence Cardinal Nicolás de Jesús LÓPEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Archbishop of Santo Domingo, Bailiff Grand Cross of Honour and Devotion