Financial Services
Financial Services
2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Financial Services Methodology General Online Population ‣ 5 years in 25+ markets ‣ Ages 18+ ‣ 1,150 respondents per country Informed Public Online Survey in 28 Countries ‣ 8 years in 20+ markets ‣ 16 years of data ‣ Represents 15% of total global population ‣ 33,000+ respondents total ‣ 500 respondents in U.S. and China; 200 in all other countries ‣ All fieldwork was conducted between October 13th and November 16th, 2015 Must meet 4 criteria: ‣ Ages 25-64 ‣ College educated ‣ In top 25% of household income per age group in each country ‣ Report significant media consumption and engagement in business news Mass Population ‣ All population not including Informed Public ‣ Represents 85% of total global population 28-country global data margin of error: General Population +/-0.6% (N=32,200), Informed Public +/- 1.2% (N=6,200), Mass Population +/- 0.6% (26,000). Countryspecific data margin of error: General Population +/- 2.9 ( N=1,150), Informed Public +/- 6.9% (N = min 200, varies by country), China and U.S. +/- 4.4% (N=500), Mass Population +/- 3.0 to 3.6 (N =min 740, varies by country), half sample Global General Online Population +/- 0.8 (N=16,100). 2 Trust in Retrospect 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Rising Influence of NGOs Fall of the Celebrity CEO Earned Media More Credible Than Advertising U.S. Companies in Europe Suffer Trust Discount Trust Shifts from “Authorities” to Peers “A Person Like Me” Emerges as Credible Spokesperson Business More Trusted Than Government and Media Young Influencers Have More Trust in Business 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Business Must Partner with Government to Regain Trust Trust is Now an Essential Line of Business Rise of Authority Figures Fall of Government Crisis of Leadership Business to Lead the Debate for Change Trust is Essential to Innovation Growing Inequality of Trust 3 General Population Trust Matters Percent who engage in each behavior based on trust Behaviors for Distrusted Companies 48 Refused to buy products/services 42 Criticized companies 26 Shared negative opinions 35 Disagreed with others 20 Paid more than wanted Behaviors for Trusted Companies 68 Chose to buy products/services 59 Recommended them to a friend/colleague 41 Shared positive opinions online Defended company Paid more trusted #1 most content creators: Friends and Family 38 37 trusted #1 most media source: Online Search Engines 12 Sold shares Bought shares 18 Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q371-589. Thinking back over the past 12 months, have you taken any of the following actions in relation to companies that you trust? Please answer yes or no to each action. General Population, 28-country global total, questions asked of half the sample. Q377-380. Still thinking about the past 12 months, have you taken any of the following actions in relation to companies that you do not trust? Please answer yes or no to each action. General Population, 28-country global total, question asked of half the sample. 4 1 State of Trust Globally and in the Financial Services Sector Post-Recession Highs Percent trust in the four institutions of government, business, media and NGOs, 2012 vs. 2016 Informed Public Media NGOs 64 57 66 65 56 63 53 60 General Population 53 51 53 55 54 51 50 49 46 Business 49 48 46 Government 62 58 48 58 46 56 54 48 45 53 50 2013 42 41 49 49 2014 2015 2016 2012 43 39 38 47 2012 51 2013 2014 2015 2016 Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q11-14. Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right using a nine-point scale, where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.” (Top 4 Box, Trust) Informed Public and General Population, 25-country global total. 6 Sector Trends: General Population Financial Services Rebounds Percent change in trust in each industry sector, 2012-2016 75% 70% Food & Beverage Food & Beverage 1 Consumer Packaged Goods Telecommunications 4 2 Energy 5 65% Consumer Packaged Goods 60% Telecommunications 55% Energy 50% Financial Services 45% Financial Services 40% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 8 Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q45-429. Please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following industries to do what is right. Again, please use the same nine-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal”. (Top 4 Box, Trust) General Population, 25-country global total. 7 General Population Increased Trust in Financial Services Percent trust in the financial services sector, 2015 vs. 2016 (27-country global total) 2016 2015 Increased or equal trust in financial services in 24 countries 75 77 73 69 67 67 67 62 64 57 50% 48 51 56 56 55 56 50 54 51 59 52 45 45 48 43 47 39 37 41 43 43 40 42 41 36 35 36 40 36 39 34 37 36 35 33 34 +13 32 -7 +7 France Spain Ireland Sweden Turkey Poland Japan +7 Italy Australia +5 U.K. +9 Russia +8 Netherlands +5 Argentina +7 S. Korea U.S. Canada Brazil Singapore Mexico Malaysia UAE Indonesia China GDP5 54 25 22 +10 61 57 46 29 Global 27 74 Hong Kong 72 S. Africa 76 India 72 Germany Five of six major financial centers saw increased or equal trust Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q45-429. Please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following industries to do what is right. Again, please use the same 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal”. (Top 4 Box, Trust) General Population, 27-country global total. 8 GDP 5 = U.S., China, Japan, Germany, U.K. Financial Services Sub-Sectors: Mobile Banking Most Trusted General Population Credit Cards/Payments & Banks Biggest Gainers Trust in various industry sub-sectors (27-country global total) 2016 2015 63% 59% 52% 57% 51% 51% 47% 49% Not asked in 2015 46% Credit Cards/ Payments Banks Banks Financial Advisory/ Asset Management Mobile banking/ e-payments Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q61A-65A. Now thinking about specific sectors within the financial services industry, please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following sectors to do what is right. Again, please use the same 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.” General Population, 27-country global totals, question asked of one-fifth the sample. 9 Mass Population Least Trusting Trust in the financial services sector, Informed Public vs. General Population vs. Mass Population, 2016 Trusters Neutrals Distrusters Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q45-429. Please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following industries to do what is right. Again, please use the same 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal”. (Top 4 Box, Trust) Informed Public, General Population, and Mass Population, 28-country global total. General Population Informed Public Financial Services Index: Mass Population 59 Global 52 Global 51 Global 84 84 84 77 72 70 69 69 69 67 62 57 56 55 55 52 51 China India Indonesia Mexico Malaysia Colombia Singapore UAE U.S. Brazil S. Africa Australia S. Korea Canada Hong Kong U.K. Turkey 76 75 74 73 67 67 65 64 China Indonesia India UAE Malaysia Mexico Colombia Singapore 74 73 72 72 66 65 64 63 Indonesia UAE China India Malaysia Mexico Colombia Singapore Canada S. Africa Brazil Hong Kong U.S. S. Korea Italy Japan Spain France Netherlands Argentina Ireland Russia Poland Sweden Germany S. Africa Brazil Canada Hong Kong U.S. S. Korea Australia Japan Turkey Argentina Netherlands Russia U.K. Italy Poland Sweden Ireland Spain France Germany 56 56 54 53 51 50 49 48 47 44 44 41 41 40 38 36 34 57 56 56 54 54 52 48 47 46 43 43 42 41 40 39 37 36 35 34 32 47 47 45 44 43 42 40 40 38 36 36 33 32 32 Australia Japan Turkey Argentina Netherlands Russia Poland U.K. Italy Ireland Sweden Spain France Germany 8 point gap between informed public and mass population Half of countries are distrusters for mass population 10 2 Trust Inequality A Significant Divide Percent trust in the four institutions of government, business, media and NGOs, 2012 to 2016 Informed Public 60 Mass Population 58 56 56 12pt Gap 53 9pt Gap 48 47 46 46 2014 2015 in trust inequality-which jumps to a 5-point increase among the GDP5 44 2012 2013 3-point increase 2016 Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q11-14. Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right using a nine-point scale, where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.” (Top 4 Box, Trust) Informed Public and Mass Population, 25-country global total. 12 GDP 5 = U.S., China, Japan, Germany, U.K. Financial Services: Following the Same Trend Percent trust in financial services, 2012 to 2016 (25-country global total) Informed Public Mass Population Trust in Financial Services 56 50 4pt Gap 47 46 51 52 47 47 2014 2015 50 6pt Gap 43 2012 2013 2016 Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q45-429. Please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following industries to do what is right. Again, please use the same 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal”. (Top 4 Box, Trust) Informed Public and Mass Population, 25-country global total. 13 Accelerating Disparity: A Global Phenomenon Trust Index 2012 – 2016, percentage point change in the size of the trust gap between Informed Public and Mass Population 12 Decreased Gap Increased Gap Five of six major financial centers see growing trust disparity 10 8 8 7 5 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 Gap has increased in 16 of 25 countries Canada Japan 8 6 6 4 13 8 7 6 14 8 2 7 8 3 10 13 6 13 10 14 15 2016 Gap 12 12 16 17 19 9 15 10 10 8 16 11 10 9 16 10 3 8 8 3 8 11 3 9 6 10 10 GDP 5 Sweden Poland 1 UAE Russia 11 Argentina Ireland 7 Italy Germany 4 Indonesia Brazil 7 Australia China 9 India Malaysia 2012 Gap Global 25 S. Korea -5 Singapore Netherlands -4 Mexico Hong Kong -4 Spain -4 U.S. -3 U.K. -2 France -2 Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q11-14. Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right using a nine-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.“ (Top 4 Box, Trust) Informed Public and Mass Population, 25-country global total, 2012 vs 2016. 14 GDP 5 = U.S., China, Japan, Germany, U.K. Financial Services Sector Gap Disparity Trust in the financial services sector, Informed Public vs. Mass Population, 2016 Informed Public Mass Population Gap U.S. 69 51 18 Spain 47 33 14 Brazil 67 54 13 Mexico 77 65 12 France 44 32 12 UK 52 40 12 China 84 72 12 Italy 49 38 11 Indonesia 84 74 10 Singapore 69 63 6 Germany 34 32 2 Hong Kong 55 53 2 Country Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q45-429. Please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following industries to do what is right. Again, please use the same 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal”. (Top 4 Box, Trust) Informed Public and Mass Population, 28-country global total. 15 High-income respondents Trust Index: Low-income respondents A Link to Income Inequality Average trust in institutions, respondents in top quartile of income vs. respondents in bottom quartile of income in each country, ranked by the size of the gap between them Four of six financial centers see a doubledigit trust gap between high and low income respondents 18 of 28 countries have a double-digit trust gap between high-income and low-income respondents 52 China Canada Malaysia Australia U.K. 27 Indonesia Russia 58 37 Germany Netherlands 55 30 South Korea India 36 Argentina Brazil 66 48 44 UAE 19 55 51 38 South Africa 19 37 71 62 59 59 46 40 40 Poland 20 56 Spain 22 32 Sweden 26 31 Turkey 29 32 Japan 31 46 73 68 65 53 50 45 33 France 30 U.S. GDP 5 45 50 49 40 35 Global 52 48 49 Singapore 42 56 Hong Kong 52 69 62 62 57 46 67 Ireland 68 64 Italy 50% 74 Mexico 71 60 80 79 78 Colombia 78 Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q13. Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right using a nine-point scale, where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.” (Top 4 Box, Trust) General Population, 28-country global total, lower vs. upper quartile income in each country. [“CEOs are fairly paid relative to the rest of the workforce”] 16 GDP 5 = U.S., China, Japan, Germany, U.K. The Inversion of Influence Authority & Influence of 85% population Mass Population 48 Trust Index Influence Authority of 15% population Informed Public 60 Trust Index Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q11-14. Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right using a nine-point scale, where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.” (Top 4 Box, Trust) Informed Public and Mass Population, 28-country global total. 17 General Population Inversion: Peers, Employees More Credible than Leaders Percent who rate each spokesperson as extremely/very credible 2015 2016 67 63 64 64 CEO credibility increased the most 63 57 53 52 50 49 48 50 48 44 41 39 35 +8 +6 Technical expert Academic expert A person like yourself 33 Financial industry analyst Employee CEO NGO representative Board of Directors Government official/regulator Source: 2016 Edelman. Trust Barometer Q130-587. Below is a list of people. In general, when forming an opinion of a company, if you heard information about a company from each person, how credible would the information be—extremely credible, very credible, somewhat credible, or not credible at all? (Top 2 Box, Very/Extremely Credible) General Population, 27-country global total. 18 3 An Opportunity for Business A Position of Strength Trust 2015 Percent trust in the four institutions of government, business, media and NGOs, 2015 vs. 2016 and percent trust, 2015 and 2016, and percent who trust each institution to keep up with the changing times, 2016 Business closing NGO’s long-held lead in trust 63 67 63 +4 Trusted to keep pace Business most trusted to keep pace 63 67 69 63 57 Informed Public Trust 2016 63 57 +6 61 51 General Population 55 +4 NGOs 53 48 51 55 55 48 53 +5 Business NGOs Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q11-14. Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right using a nine-point scale, where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.” (Top 4 Box, Trust) Informed Public and General Population, 27-country global total. Q441-444 Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to keep up with the changing times using a 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all to keep up with change” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal to keep up with change”. (Top 4 Box, Trust) Informed Public and General Population, 28-country global total. Business 20 Business Must Lead to Solve Problems General Population 80% agree up from 74% in 2015 “A company can take specific actions that both increase profits and improve the economic and social conditions in the community where it operates.” Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q249. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statement? (Top 4 Box, Agree). General Population, 27-country global total, question asked of half the sample. . 21 4 Leadership in a Divided World Addressing Trust Inequality Employee Advocacy Engagement Trust Actions Values 23 Leadership in a Divided World: Employee Advocacy General Population Employees are Essential Advocates Company CEO Senior executive Most trusted spokesperson to communicate each topic Employee Activist consumer Employees Most Trusted Academic 48 Media spokesperson 37 33 32 25 27 28 27 30 28 24 21 21 19 19 25 22 19 Financial earnings & operational performance 9 Business practices/ crisis handling 31 26 25 24 23 20 19 14 8 28 18 16 18 13 Treatment of employees/customer 11 10 8 Partnerships/ Programs to address societal issues Innovation efforts Views on industry issues Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Q610 Who do you trust MOST to provide you with credible and honest information about a company's financial earnings and operational performance, and top leadership’s accomplishments? 25 Q611 a company’s business practices, both positive and negative, and its handling of a crisis? Q612 a company’s employee programs, benefits and working conditions, and how a company serves its customers and prioritizes customer needs ahead of company profits? Q613 a company’s partnerships with NGOs and effort to address societal issues, including those to positively impact the local community? Q614 a company’s innovation efforts and new product development? Q615 Who do you trust MOST to provide you with credible and honest information about a company’s stand on issues related to the industry in which it operates? General Population, 28-country global total. General Population Financial Services: Least-Trusted Sector is Most-Trusted Employer GAP Percent trust in own company within each industry by employees, and trust in that industry sector among the general population Automotive 74 / 61 13 Telecommunications 75 / 60 15 Financial Services 80 / 52 Fashion 77 / 62 15 Trust in Own Company General Sector Trust Professional Services 79 / 63 16 28 Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q420. Which of the following industries best describes the company you work for…? Q525-526. Thinking about your own company and other companies in your industry, please indicate how much you trust each to do what is right using a 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal”. (Top 4 Box, Trust) Q206 Which of the following best describes your current employment status? (Net: “Employed full-time” and “Employed part-time”) General Population among those employed (Q206), 28-country global total. Q525-526 asked of half the sample. Q45-429. Please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following industries to do what is right. Again, please use the same 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal”. (Top 4 Box, Trust) General Population, 28-country global total. 26 General Population Financial Services Employees Weigh-In on Societal Issues Company engaged Employees who say their company and their CEO are engaged in societal issues, by industry sector 62% 61% 53% 52% 40% Technology Food & Beverage 60% 52% 51% CEO engaged 52% 41% Health Financial Services Energy Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q527-529. Does your company and your company’s CEO get involved in addressing broader societal issues beyond the core business, through programs or relationships with other companies? (Yes summary) General Population, 28-country global total, question was asked of half the sample. 27 General Population Employee Advocacy in Financial Services Sector Increases With Societal Issue Engagement Employees of F.S. companies NOT engaged in societal issues Percent who agree with each statement, comparing those who work at companies involved in addressing broader societal issues vs. those who do not, financial services sector Impact of Company Engagement Level of Employee Advocacy/Commitment 93 75 Do the best possible job for the customer 71 Committed to achieving our strategy 92 89 70 Confidence in the future of the company Stay working for the company Employees of F.S. companies engaged in societal issues 88 64 Recommend products and services to others 68 Motivated to perform 68 Recommend company as an employer 68 87 86 83 Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q527-529 Does your company get involved in addressing broader societal issues beyond the core business, through programs or relationships with other companies? (Yes summary) Q530-536. Thinking about your current company, please indicate how much you agree with each of the following statements using a nine-point scale where one means that you “strongly disagree” and nine means that you “strongly agree”. (Top 4 Box, Agree) General Population, 28-country global total, question was asked of half the sample. 18 21 19 24 19 18 15 28 Leadership in a Divided World: Engagement General Population Transformed Media Landscape Percent trust in each source for general news and information 2012 2013 2014 2015 Search engines* 61 58 61 62 63 66 3 58 Traditional media 62 59 61 57 58 58 0 53 Online-only media** 46 44 47 45 53 58 5 Owned media 41 40 43 43 46 51 5 Social media 44 41 44 45 44 51 7 63 46 44 Industry 2016 Millennials Gap Millennials 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 even more trusting of digital media than general population Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q178-182. When looking for general news and information, how much would you trust each type of source for general news and information? Please use a nine-point scale where one means that you “do not trust it at all” and nine means that you “trust it a great deal.” (Top 4 Box, Trust) General Population and Millennials, 25-country global total. *From 2012-2015, “Online Search Engines” were included as a media type. In 2016, this was changed to “Search Engines.” **From 2012-2015, “Hybrid Media” was included as a media type. In 2016, this was changed to “Online-Only media.” 30 General Population Every Voice Matters Percent who trust information created by each author on social networking sites, content sharing sites and online-only information sources, 2015 vs. 2016 2016 2015 78 67 61 65 62 55 53 50% 49 46 39 46 44 40 42 34 +11 My friends and family 37 30 32 31 26 +10 An academic expert Companies Employees of A company that I use a company CEO A journalist A well-known online personality Elected officials Celebrities Companies I don’t use* Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q598-609. Thinking about the information you consume, how much do you trust the information from each of the following authors or content creators? (Top 4 Box, Trust) General Population, 27-country global total, question asked of half the sample. * Asked as “Brands I don’t use” in 2015. 31 Peers Influence Purchase The impact of online and offline conversations about brands with friends and other people like me Build Inspiration They give me a sense of community They get me Push Consideration They push me to try new things They suggest products/services They make me trust the brand more Moment of Truth They help me overcome concerns They help me make decisions They warn me about the risks % 16 17 % 25 27 29 % 37 44 45 75% peers influence purchase decisions at the moment of truth Source: 2015 Earned Brand Study of Global Consumers Source: The Edelman Earned Brand study 2015, Q41: Thinking about the conversations you have online and offline with friends and other people like you about brands, products and services you purchase, what impact do they have on you? 32 Leadership in a Divided World: Values CEO Challenge: More Than Half Don’t Trust FS CEOs General Population Percent who trust CEOs to do what is right, financial services sector Five of six financial centers fall into distruster territory regarding CEOs Mexico Indonesia China 71 76 India 71 Malaysia Argentina 69 UAE Canada Brazil S. Korea 65 Colombia Australia Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q450. Please indicate how much you trust CEOs in the financial services industry to do what is right. Please use the 9point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal”. (Top 4 Box, Trust) General Population, 28country global total. GDP 5 = U.S., China, Japan, Germany, U.K. 64 68 76 56 Singapore Japan 51 Hong Kong 42 50 Turkey 40 47 U.S. 40 Poland Germany 33 40 41 44 39 Italy 32 Netherlands 31 Russia 29 31 U.K. 27 Spain Ireland GDP 5 26 30 France 45 Sweden 48 Global 28 50% 53 S. Africa In 20 of the 28 countries, the general population do not trust CEOs in the financial services industry to do what is right 34 General Population Personal Values and History Matter Percent who agree that each type of information is important in building trust in a CEO CEOs must engage both directly (86%) and via media (75%) 79% 70% Their personal values The obstacles they have overcome 65% Their personal success story 62% Their education and how it shaped them Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q507-514. Thinking about how a CEO communicates with a variety of groups and individuals, how important are each of the following activities a CEO could engage in? Please use a nine-point scale where one means that attribute is “not at all important to building your trust” and nine means it is “extremely important to building your trust”. [Media Engagement net = Q507 ‘Interviews with the media,’ and ‘Q512 ‘Sharing their views on a blog or on social media.’ Direct Engagement net = Q508 ‘Communications with employees,’ and ‘Participation in industry conferences.’] Q516-524. For you to trust a CEO, how important is it that you have information on each of the following aspects of the CEO’s personal life outside of their business? Please use a nine-point scale where one means that attribute is “not at all important to building your trust” and nine means it is “extremely important to building your trust. (Top 4 Box, Important) General Population, 28-country global total, question asked of half the sample. 35 Leadership in a Divided World: Actions General Population Purpose and Profits Matter Percent who agree that CEOs should be personally visible in discussing… 7 in10 8 in10 Financial Results Societal Issues ‣ Income inequality ‣ Public policy discussions ‣ Personal views on societal issues Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q496-506. How visible do you think a CEO should personally be in these different types of business situations? Please use a 9-point scale where one means that it is “not visible at all” and nine means that it is “extremely visible”. (Top 4 Box, Visible) General Population, 28-country global total, question asked of half the sample. 37 General Population Trust-Building Behaviors: Data, Quality and Safety Are Critical for Financial Services Importance vs. performance of behavior in building trust in a company Protects Consumer Data 86 / 65 21 Importance 23 Ensures Quality Control 85 / 62 24 Transparent Social Responsibilities 80 / 56 GAP 23 Keeps Me and My Family Safe 81 / 58 16 Makes My Life Easier 80 / 64 Performance 18 Develops Intellectual Property 74 / 56 Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer. Q335-440 How important is each of the following behaviors to building your TRUST in a company? Use a 9-point scale where one means that behavior is “not at all important to building your trust” and nine means it is “extremely important to building your trust” in a company. (Top 4 Box, Importance) Q344A-J How well do you think the financial services industry is performing on the behaviors listed below. Use a 9-point scale where one means they are “performing extremely poorly” and nine means they are “performing extremely well”. (Top 4 Box, Performing) General Population, 28-country global total. 38 Trust Building Behaviors: Actions Leading to Better Performance BEHAVIORS ACTIONS Protects Consumer Data BEHAVIORS ACTIONS Transparent Social Responsibilities Business + Social Purpose Develops Intellectual Property Research & Analytics Keeps Me and My Family Safe Financial Education Data Privacy & Security Ensures Quality Control Makes My Life Easier Digital Strategy Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer. Q335-440 How important is each of the following behaviors to building your TRUST in a company? Use a 9-point scale where one means that behavior is “not at all important to building your trust” and nine means it is “extremely important to building your trust” in a company. (Top 4 Box, Importance) Q344A-J How well do you think the financial services industry is performing on the behaviors listed below. Use a 9-point scale where one means they are “performing extremely poorly” and nine means they are “performing extremely well”. (Top 4 Box, Performing) General Population, 28-country global total. 39 Embracing the New Reality of Influence to Address Trust Inequality Influence ‣ Ignite your most powerful advocate, your employees ‣ Engage cross channel to meet stakeholders, where they are, about what most interests/concerns them ‣ Express your values through honest, ethical engagement in which you share your story Employee Advocacy TRUST Engagement Actions Values ‣ Bridge the gap in trust building behaviors by taking action Leadership 40 Appendix: 2016 Trust Barometer Additional Data Sector Trends: General Population Financial Services Rebounds Trust in each industry sector, 2012-2016 Industry 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 5 yr. Trend Technology 76% 73% 75% 73% 74% 2 Food & Beverage 63% 63% 64% 63% 64% 1 Consumer Packaged Goods 57% 60% 61% 60% 61% 4 Telecommunications 58% 60% 61% 59% 60% 2 55% Automotive 62% 65% 69% 66% 60% 2 50% Energy 53% 57% 57% 56% 58% 5 45% Pharmaceutical 54% 54% 55% 54% 53% 1 Financial Services 43% 47% 48% 48% 51% 8 75% 70% 65% 60% 40% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q45-429. Please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following industries to do what is right. Again, please use the same nine-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal”. (Top 4 Box, Trust) General Population, 25-country global total. *From 2012-2014, Pharma included as subsector(Q). **From 2012-2015, Pharma included as an industry sector (Q43-60). 2012-2014 data recalibrated as a sector. 42 Mass Population Less Optimistic Percent of the Informed Public vs. Mass Population who believe they and their families will be better off in five years’ time Informed Public Mass Population In 19 of 28 countries, less than half of Mass Population think they will be better off in five years 87 81 81 79 69 63 50% 58 57 55 48 47 46 41 37 28 21 20 19 31 47 45 31 33 33 46 44 42 34 50 34 36 36 52 46 37 39 45 46 49 47 55 49 57 55 49 49 73 64 62 64 64 65 69 73 70 83 74 51 24 India Colombia Indonesia UAE China Brazil Argentina Mexico Malaysia Spain S. Africa Ireland Turkey Canada 18 Singapore 13 U.S. 10 Russia 21 Hong Kong Italy 10 Poland Australia 13 Sweden 12 Netherlands 10 S. Korea 17 U.K. Germany France Japan GDP 5 Global 15 Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q445. Thinking about the economic prospects for yourself and your family, how do you think you and your family will be doing in five years' time? (Top 2 Box, ‘Much better off than today,’ and ‘Somewhat better off than today.’) Informed Public and Mass Population, 28-country global total. GDP 5 = U.S., China, Japan, Germany, U.K. 43 Desired Leadership Qualities 60% of Characteristics that make a CEO trustworthy, percent who selected each as one of the top five in each region North America Latin America General Population global respondents cannot name any CEOs* Europe APAC Honest 59% Ethical 47% Honest 53% Honest 39% Ethical 48% Honest 44% Competent 43% Visionary 35% Competent 26% Competent 36% Experienced 28% Decisive 31% Transparent 26% Visionary 34% Ethical 27% Ethical 31% Sincere 24% Innovative 33% Transparent 27% Competent 26% Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q515. Which of the following personal characteristics make a CEO trustworthy? Please select the five most important characteristics that make a CEO trustworthy. General Population, 28-country global total, question asked of half the sample. * Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer CEO Supplement Q1. Thinking about company CEOs in general, how many CEOs could you name in full? General Population, 10-country global total. 44 General Population Purpose Impacts Trust Percent who cite each as a reason for why their trust in business has increased or decreased Reasons Trust in Business Has Increased Reasons Trust in Business Has Decreased 59% Produces economic growth 50% Fails to contribute to the greater good 45% Contributes to the greater good 39% Lacks economic growth 40% Allows me to be a productive member of society 36% No public services Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q328-329. For which of the following reasons, if any, has your trust in each institution listed below increased over the past year? Q330-331. For which of the following reasons, if any, has your trust in each institution listed below decreased over the past year? General Population, 28-country global total. 45 General Population Global Increase in Business Trust Percent trust in business, 2015 vs. 2016 2016 2015 Increased or equal trust in business in 25 countries 76 50 48 51 60 53 43 52 51 51 48 46 44 46 46 46 46 36 36 40 43 42 42 42 32 +16 +10 Sweden 30 France U.K. Spain U.S. +12 Australia Argentina Canada Italy Singapore S. Africa Brazil UAE +10 India China +12 Indonesia Mexico GDP5 Global 27 +12 43 38 39 36 38 37 38 30 58 57 56 33 Netherlands 47 56 Malaysia 48 57 S. Korea 50% 60 60 56 57 Russia 58 53 64 59 Poland 67 Hong Kong 65 Germany 68 69 Turkey 64 Japan 70 Ireland 70 71 Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q11-14. Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right using a nine-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.“ (Top 4 Box, Trust) General Population, 27-country global total. 46 GDP 5 = U.S., China, Japan, Germany, U.K. General Population Trust-Building Attributes Company Importance vs. Performance % % Importance Performance Gap Integrity 54 31 23 Has Ethical Business Practices 51 31 24 Takes Responsible Actions To Address An Issue Or A Crisis 54 31 23 Has Transparent And Open Business Practices 55 31 24 Engagement 55 32 23 Treats Employees Well 58 33 25 Listens To Customer Needs And Feedback 58 33 25 Places Customers Ahead Of Profits 55 31 24 Communicates Frequently And Honestly On The State Of Its Business 48 29 19 Products 49 34 15 Offers High Quality Products Or Services 58 35 23 Is An Innovator Of New Products, Services Or Ideas 41 32 9 Purpose 43 28 15 Works To Protect And Improve The Environment 50 30 20 Creates Programs That Positively Impact The Local Community 44 29 15 Addresses Society's Needs In Its Everyday Business 45 29 16 Partners With NGOs, Government And Third Parties To Address Societal Issues 34 24 10 Operations 37 28 9 Has Highly-Regarded And Widely Admired Top Leadership 39 27 12 Ranks On A Global List Of Top Companies, Such As Best To Work For Or Most Admired 36 27 9 Delivers Consistent Financial Returns To Investors 36 28 8 Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q80-95 How important is each of the following attributes to building your TRUST in a company? Use a 9-point scale where one means that attribute is “not at all important to building your trust” and nine means it is “extremely important to building your trust” in a company. (Top 2 Box, Importance) Q114-129 Please rate businesses in general on how well you think they are performing on each of the following attributes. Use a 9point scale where one means they are "performing extremely poorly" and nine means they are "performing extremely well". (Top 2 Box, Performance) General Population, 28country global total. 47 General Population Leaders Seen As Underperforming Importance vs. performance of 16 trust-building leadership attributes % % Importance Performance Gap Integrity 51 27 24 Exhibits highly ethical behaviors 50 24 26 Takes responsible actions to address an issue or crisis 53 33 20 Behaves in a way that is transparent and open 50 24 26 Engagement 49 24 25 Treats employees well 52 25 27 Listens to customer needs and feedback 50 25 25 Places customer ahead of profits 47 23 24 Communicates frequently and honestly on the state of their company 46 23 23 Products 45 33 12 Places a premium on offering high-quality products or services 48 34 14 Is focused on driving innovation and introducing new products/services/ideas 42 32 10 Purpose 40 25 15 Is dedicated to protecting and improving the environment 41 22 19 Ensures that the company creates programs that positively impact the local community in which it operates 42 28 14 Ensures that the company addresses society's needs in its everyday business 43 26 17 Ensures that the company partners with NGOs, government and third parties to address societal issues 33 24 9 Operations 37 28 9 Attracts and retains a highly regarded and widely admired top leadership team 40 29 11 Is ranked on a global list of top CEOs, such as "The Best Performing CEOs in The World" 29 25 4 Manages the company in a way that delivers consistent financial returns 41 29 12 Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer. Q462-478 How important is each of the following attributes to building your trust in CEOs? (Top 2 Box, Important) Q479-495 Please rate CEOs on how well you think they are performing on each of the following attributes. Use a nine-point scale where one means they are “performing extremely poorly” and nine means they are “performing extremely well.” CEO questions use the same scales as the business questions. (Top 2 Box, Performance) General Population, 28country global total. 48 General Population CEO Focus Misplaced Percent who agree with each statement about CEOs Too Much Not Enough 67% Focus on short-term financial results 57% Positive long-term impact 57% Lobbying 49% Job creation Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q451-461. Thinking about CEOs, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements? General Population. [‘CEOs do too much lobbying,’ ‘Given that the average tenure of CEOs is just four years, CEOs aren’t in their role long enough to make a positive impact,’ ‘CEOs are too focused on short-term financial results’ (Top 4 Box, Agree), ‘CEOs can be trusted to create jobs’ (Bottom 5 Box, Do Not Agree)], 28 country global total. 49 General Population Increased Trust in Banking Percent trust in the banking sector, 2015 vs. 2016 (27-country global total) 2016 2015 Increased or equal trust in banking in 25 countries 73 70 57 50% 51 77 73 71 71 67 57 57 56 65 64 56 51 64 60 61 57 54 48 51 51 43 51 46 48 46 46 40 46 46 37 35 41 39 30 29 38 33 34 30 28 Spain France Italy Turkey 53 49 25 19 +13 +10 Germany +17 Netherlands +11 U.K. Sweden Russia Poland +11 Australia +12 S. Korea +10 Argentina Brazil S. Africa UAE Singapore Hong Kong Mexico +22 Indonesia Malaysia China India GDP 5 Global 27 +13 U.S. 17 57 Japan 79 Canada 83 81 82 Ireland 85 87 83 84 Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q61A-65A. Now thinking about specific sectors within the financial services industry, please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following sectors to do what is right. Again, please use the same 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.” General Population, 28-country global total and regions, question asked of one-fifth the sample. GDP 5 = U.S., China, Japan, Germany, U.K. 50 General Population Increased Trust in Credit Cards/Payments Percent trust in the credit cards/payments subsector, 2015 vs. 2016 (27country global total) 2015 2016 Increased or equal trust in Credit Cards/Payments in 24 countries 8282 54 50 64 62 57 51 62 53 61 50 71 68 66 65 58 49 57 46 54 45 52 51 50 50 47 46 46 46 49 4648 48 40 48 33 28 Poland Australia Russia Ireland U.K. France Germany Sweden +17 Netherlands S. Africa S. Korea Italy Canada Argentina +11 +11 Malaysia +13 U.S. Brazil Singapore Indonesia Mexico India China GDP 5 Global 27 +12 5250 45 39 32 +22 48 +20 +12 Japan 56 66 UAE 60 67 67 62 61 Hong Kong 50% 52 6768 Turkey 59 72 Spain 73 69 Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q61A-65A. Now thinking about specific sectors within the financial services industry, please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following sectors to do what is right. Again, please use the same 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.” General Population, 27-country global total, question asked of one-fifth the sample. GDP 5 = U.S., China, Japan, Germany, U.K. 51 General Population Increased Trust in Financial Advisory/Asset Management Percent trust in the financial advisory/asset management subsector, 2015 vs. 2016 (27-country global total) 2015 2016 Increased or equal trust in Financial Advisory/Asset Management in 19 countries 21 +15 +10 +10 2827 Japan 22 Italy 23 Russia 3735 3332 31 Canada 32 5655 5754 Hong Kong 34 3232 29 UAE Poland Argentina U.S. Singapore S. Africa Brazil Malaysia 38 Indonesia 3840 3739 India 35 Germany 43 +10 China Mexico GDP 5 44 39 Ireland 36 +15 Global 27 46 4445 U.K. 42 48 42 45 Turkey 49 S. Korea 46 5557 Netherlands 50% 5961 5859 5858 France 58 71 69 66 64 64 59 Sweden 66 63 Spain 72 69 Australia 73 Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q61A-65A. Now thinking about specific sectors within the financial services industry, please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following sectors to do what is right. Again, please use the same 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.” General Population, 27-country global total, question asked of one-fifth the sample. GDP 5 = U.S., China, Japan, Germany, U.K. 52 General Population Increased Trust in Insurance Percent trust in the insurance subsector, 2015 vs. 2016 (27-country global total) 2015 2016 Increased or equal trust in Insurance in 20 countries 32 43 40 4039 38 38 37 37 3536 31 29 27 25 Germany Poland Italy France Australia S. Africa Sweden Turkey Argentina U.S. Singapore Brazil Malaysia China Mexico GDP 5 39 +14 +18 Global 27 38 5150 45 41 39 39 37 36 +10 +12 S. Korea 38 47 Japan 49 47 45 44 Canada 47 52 Indonesia 48 Hong Kong 56 67 66 63 63 60 59 UAE 51 India 62 56 U.K. 47 51 64 60 Russia 57 54 50% 66 Spain 67 63 Ireland 71 66 77 71 Netherlands 72 Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q61A-65A. Now thinking about specific sectors within the financial services industry, please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following sectors to do what is right. Again, please use the same 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.” General Population, 27-country global total, question asked of one-fifth the sample. GDP 5 = U.S., China, Japan, Germany, U.K. 53 Financial Services Sub-Sectors: Mobile Banking Most Trusted General Population Credit Cards/Payments & Banks Biggest Gainers 2015 Germany 2016 2016 Trust in various industry sub-sectors (27-country global total) and Germany 63% 59% 49% 52% 57% 51% 51% 51% 47% 46% 39% 49% 38% 31% N/A Mobile banking/ e-payments Credit Cards/ Payments Banks Insurance Financial Advisory/ Asset Management Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q61A-65A. Now thinking about specific sectors within the financial services industry, please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following sectors to do what is right. Again, please use the same 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.” General Population, 27-country global totals and Germany, question asked of one-fifth the sample. 54 General Population Nearly Two-Thirds Trust Mobile Banking/e-Payments Percent trust in the mobile banking/e-payments subsector, 2016 (28-country global total) 83 80 80 80 79 71 70 70 69 67 67 67 63 64 63 63 62 61 58 60 59 58 56 50% 53 52 49 49 47 46 France Spain Japan U.K. Germany Ireland Canada Australia S. Korea Italy U.S. Poland Russia S. Africa Hong Kong Turkey Singapore Netherlands Argentina UAE Sweden Colombia Brazil Indonesia India Malaysia Mexico China GDP 5 Global 28 39 Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q61A-65A. Now thinking about specific sectors within the financial services industry, please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following sectors to do what is right. Again, please use the same 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.” General Population, 28-country global total, question asked of one-fifth the sample. GDP 5 = U.S., China, Japan, Germany, U.K. 55 General Population Financial Services Sub-Sectors: Regional Trust Levels Vary Global North America Trust in various industry sub-sectors Latin America European Union APAC 63% 72% 71% 68% 68% 65% 66% 64% 57% 59% 58% 61% 65% 62% 55% 51% 49% 63% 57% 52% 59% 55% 41% 39% 36% Banks Credit Cards/ Payments Financial Advisory/ Asset Management Insurance Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q61A-65A. Now thinking about specific sectors within the financial services industry, please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following sectors to do what is right. Again, please use the same 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.” General Population, 28-country global total and regions, question asked of one-fifth the sample. Mobile banking/ e-payments 56 General Population Financial Services CEO Trust Varies by Region Respondents who trust CEOs in each industry Global North America Latin America European Union 76% APAC 67% 66% 64% 61% 57% 58% 49% 54% 52% 46% 61% 57% 51% 58% 50% 46% 48% 48% 47% 46% 56% 37% 37% 32% Technology Food & Beverage Health Financial Services Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q450. Please indicate how much you trust CEOs in the [INSERT INDUSTRY] industry to do what is right. Please use the 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal”. (Top 4 Box, Trust) General Population, 28country global total and regions. Energy 57 Majority of Financial Services Workers Trust Their Employer General Population Percent who trust the company for which they work, financial services sector 80 78 76 Global GDP 5 European Union 88 92 North America Latin America 80 APAC Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q525-526. Thinking about your own company and other companies in your industry, please indicate how much you trust each to do what is right using a nine-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal”. (Top 4 Box, Trust) General Population, 28-country global total, question was asked of half the sample. 58 GDP 5 = U.S., China, Japan, Germany, U.K. General Population Financial Services: Least-Trusted Sector is Most-Trusted Employer 73 71 66 65 57 60 64 63 62 3 6 10 10 13 13 9 17 9 15 13 15 3 16 28 Energy Retail Telecommunications Entertainment Fashion Technology Professional Services Financial Services 52 Education 61 Consumer Packaged Goods 61 80 79 Automotive 63 78 75 77 Food and Beverage 61 77 75 Health Care 64 74 75 74 Transportation 70 74 Manufacturing 70 67 74 General Sector Trust Trust in Own Company Percent trust in own company within each industry by employees, and trust in that industry sector among the general population Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q420. Which of the following industries best describes the company you work for…? Q525-526. Thinking about your own company and other companies in your industry, please indicate how much you trust each to do what is right using a 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal”. (Top 4 Box, Trust) Q206 Which of the following best describes your current employment status? (Net: “Employed full-time” and “Employed part-time”) General Population among those employed (Q206), 28-country global total. Q525-526 asked of half the sample. Q45-429. Please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following industries to do what is right. Again, please use the same 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal”. (Top 4 Box, Trust) General Population, 28-country global total. 59 General Population Trust-Building Behaviors: Data, Quality and Safety Are Critical for Financial Services Importance vs. performance of behavior in building trust in a company % % Importance Performance Gap Protects consumer data Ensures quality control Keeps me and my family safe 86 85 81 65 62 58 21 23 23 Is transparent in reporting progress on company’s social responsibilities 80 56 24 Makes my life easier Embraces sustainable business practices Has leadership that effectively represents the interests of all stakeholders Supports local charities and good causes Develops intellectual property Makes me feel connected to something bigger 80 80 79 75 74 70 64 59 57 55 56 53 16 21 22 20 18 17 Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer. Q335-440 How important is each of the following behaviors to building your TRUST in a company? Use a 9-point scale where one means that behavior is “not at all important to building your trust” and nine means it is “extremely important to building your trust” in a company. (Top 4 Box, Importance) Q344A-J How well do you think the financial services industry is performing on the behaviors listed below. Use a 9-point scale where one means they are “performing extremely poorly” and nine means they are “performing extremely well”. (Top 4 Box, Performing) General Population, 28-country global total. #1 gap? social responsibility 60 Trust-Building Behaviors: Financial Services Falling Short General Population Financial services tied for largest gap Gap in importance of behaviors in building trust vs. percent who agree each industry is performing well against these behaviors Protects consumer data Ensures quality control Keeps me and my family safe 19 11 15 Health Care 18 19 15 Is transparent in reporting progress on company’s social responsibilities 18 1 14 24 15 22 23 11 18 24 16 21 26 12 22 14 15 1 4 11 22 19 13 17 18 20 17 14 17 18 22 20 18 17 21 25 22 17 19 21 Technology Makes my life easier Embraces sustainable business practices Has leadership that effectively represents the interests of all stakeholders Supports local charities and good causes Develops intellectual property Makes me feel connected to something bigger AVERAGE GAP Food & Beverage 23 16 21 Financial Services 21 23 23 Source: 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Q335-440. How important is each of the following factors to building your TRUST in a company? Use a 9-point scale where one means that action is “not at all important to building your trust” and nine means it is “extremely important to building your trust” in a company. (Top 4 Box, Trust) General Population, 28-country global total. Q344-348. How well do you think the [INSERT SECTOR BEING RATED] industry is performing on the behaviors listed below. Use a 9-point scale where one means they are “performing extremely poorly” and nine means they are “performing extremely well”. General Population, 28country global total. Energy 24 23 20 61 Kontakt Edelman.ergo Tobias Mündemann Senior Partner Tel.: +49 (0)221/ 912 887 13 E-Mail: Edelman.ergo 62