Hamdenvale Catalogue
Hamdenvale Catalogue
Females of the Future Sale 7pm wednesday 6th may 2015 - the great western hotel brahmans you are invited to the Females of the Future Sale 7pm wednesday 6th may 2015 - the great western hotel welcome on behalf of hamdenvale brahmans, our family and our guest vendors, we have pleasure in welcoming you to our “females of the future” sale at the great western hotel, rockhampton during our international beef expo. thank you for your interest in our genetics. the sale provides brahman breeders seeking to continuously improve their herds, with an opportunity to obtain females that have been selectively bred to improve with each generation. only quality breeds quality, we believe the depth of breeding in these females offers something for all stud masters. as breeders you are always looking forward, searching for the kind of brahmans that will produce you a great outcome in your herd. here this evening, we offer you an opportunity to share some of our genetics so that together we can continue to build the australian brahman into the most desirable breed for this great country of ours. regards, david & Joy deguara & family Hamdenvale BraHmans, tOgetHer WitH invited vendOrs FeneCH grazing & PiOneer Park BraHmans, are PrOUd tO OFFer... 28 quALity gRey AND ReD BRAhmAN femALes alsO selling FOUr OUtstanding semen PaCkages brahmans PrinCiPal vendOr: DAviD & JOy DeguARA Phone: 07 4954 1747 mobile: 0419 776 568 Lots: 1-5,8-16,23-30 invited vendOrs: feNech BRAhmANs Fenech grazing “Craigleigh” Wowan Qld 4702 Phone: 0428 371 384 Lots: 6-7, 21-22 AA BROWN Catalogue with full pedigrees and photos available online at www.brahman.com.au sale agents: landmark - mark sCHOles 0409 229 651 • elders - rOBert mUrraY 0419 644 813 1 Pioneer Park Brahmans PO Box 24 Pleystowe via mackay Qld 4741 Phone: 0429 349 438 Lots: 17-20 Taryn 1 Hamdenvale tarYn 587/0 (H) selling WitH HeiFer at side identifier: DJD587/0f(Reg) Calved: 15/02/10 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 587/0 age: 62 mths Hamdenvale miss kara (ai) (H) JDH MR SHANNON MANSO (IMP US) s. PBf Justice mANsO 679/6 (ivf) (h) fgB679/6m(Reg) identifier: DJD1126/5f(Reg) Calved: 20/08/14 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 1126/5 age: 8 mths PBF DADDY’S GIRL MANSO (AI) (ET) (H) CHEROKEE MI GREY DUKE (H) JDH A DAKOTA MANSO (IMP US) (H) + D. De PARK ADAPt (h) DPB840f(Reg) s. JDh KARu mANsO 800 (imP us) + JDh800m(Reg) DE PARK DIEDRE (H) eBv Acc BW JDH LADY REM S MANSO APRIL 2015 BRAhmAn GROUP BREEDPLAn 200m 200g +26 55% 400g +39 55% 600g +51 63% ss Dtc emA RBy PBF JUSTICE MANSO 679/6 (IVF) (H) RBf D. hAmDeNvALe tARyN 587/0 (h) DJD587/0f(Reg) DE PARK ADAPT (H) Hamdenvale Taryn 587/0 sells with Heifer at side Hamdenvale Miss Kara 1126/5 (AI). What an opportunity here in this value packed lot. Taryn is a lovely 5year old daughter of our home based sire PBF Justice Manso. She has a great udder and is a very quiet and sound cow. Her heifer, Miss Kara was born on 20.8.2014 and is a stylish daughter of the world renowned JDH Karu Manso 800. Adding value to an already great offering, Taryn carries a positive test to mr J&m new York 825, a son of JDH Karu Manso 800. It gives us great pleasure to offer such a rarely seen package as Lot 1 at our first Females of the Future Sale - we believe she and her heifer will make a great contribution to the future of our breed. 2 Miss Denver 2 Hamdenvale miss denver 001 (et) (H) selling WitH HeiFer at side identifier: DJD001f(Reg) Calved: 01/11/04 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 001 age: 126 mths Hamdenvale miss denver (ai) (H) JDH MR CHARLEY MANSO 590/6 (IMP SA) + s. JDh DeNveR De mANsO 818/7 (imP us) JDh818/7m(Reg) identifier: DJD1061/13f(Reg) Calved: 10/07/14 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 1061/13 age: 9 mths JDH ESTA MANSO 839/5 JDH MR MANSO 920/8 (IMP US) JDH MR ECHO MANSO (IMP US) D. sAvANNAh miss ReXcRAtA (et) (h) Deg0536/2f(Reg) s. JDh ROmA mANsO 713/1 (imP us) (h) JDh713/1m(Reg) MISS E2 265 (IMP US) eBv Acc BW +2.4 53% JDH LADY FISK MANSO APRIL 2015 BRAhmAn GROUP BREEDPLAn 200m +1 53% 200g +15 54% 400g +18 54% 600g +25 54% ss +1.0 52% Dtc +5.7 48% emA +3.2 49% RBy +0.2 47% JDH DENVER DE MANSO 818/7 (IMP US) D. hAmDeNvALe miss DeNveR 001 (et) (h) DJD001f(Reg) RBf -0.5 48% SAVANNAH MISS REXCRATA (ET) (H) We are offering Hamdenvale Miss Denver 001, who has been used as a Donor Female in some of our IVF Programs with a beautiful JDH Roma Manso heifer, Hamdenvale Miss Denver 1061/13 (AI) born on 10.7.2014 at foot. Her fertility is evidenced by the fact that she was AI’d on 21.10.2014 and has a positive pregnancy test to mr J&m new York 825. A number of Miss Denver 001’s heifers have been retained for in herd use. 3 Robina Adeline 3 Hamdenvale rOBina (ivF) (H) 4 Hamdenvale adeline (H) identifier: DJD976/2f(Reg) Calved: 10/08/12 Colour: ReD status: horned P.H. no. 976/2 age: 32 mths identifier: DJD874/31f(Reg) Calved: 14/10/12 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 874/31 age: 30 mths HK PASSPORT (IMP US) LANCEFIELD BURTON MANSO 3251 (ET) (H) s. mR WiNchesteR mAgNum 999 (imP us) (et) KcR999/3m(Reg) s. AKAmA meRtON (et) (h) 25A0131m(Reg) 5M MISS MAGNUM MOLLY + LANCEFIELD BRANCHA 3167 (H) JDH WESTIN MANSO (IMP US) LANCEFIELD SIGNATURE 9153 (AI) (ET) (H) D. PBf ReBeccA mANsO 647/6 (Ai) (et) (h) fgB647/6f(Reg) D. eLROse ANNie De mANsO 4882 (et) (h) eLR4882f(Reg) JDH LADY LAMAR H MANSO (IMP US) (H) ELROSE ANNIE DE MANSO 3490 (ET) (H) Adeline carries some of the best Australian bloodlines available today with her breeding including Lancefield Burton and Lancefield Signature. She shows great breed character with lovely head, hooded eye and long deep body. Adeline is a very stylish heifer and carries a positive pregnancy test to USA Sire Dreamboy 165 who has produced some excellent progeny for us. Hamdenvale Robina 976, without a doubt, could easily be one the best Red Heifers to be offered for sale carrying the JA. Brand. She is a very attractive daughter of Winchester Magnum 999 out of a JDH Westin daughter in PBF Rebecca Manso 647/6 who has been a great producer for us. Robina carries a positive pregnancy to the USA sire in Mr K C Nikon 500/6. 4 Miss Padget 5 Hamdenvale miss Paget (H) identifier: DJD219/11f(Reg) Calved: 15/10/12 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 219/11 age: 30 mths JDH WESTIN MANSO (IMP US) s. PBf O’hARA mANsO 811/7 (Ai) (et) (h) fgB811/7m(Reg) FBC F LADY DORIS MANSO 200FF (AI) (ET) (H) DE PARK PAGET (H) D. hAmDeNvALe PAge 305 (h) DJD305f(Reg) DE PARK EUREKA (H) eBv Acc BW APRIL 2015 BRAhmAn GROUP BREEDPLAn 200m 200g +20 56% 400g +31 51% 600g +38 50% ss Dtc emA RBy RBf Miss Paget is a long bodied feminine daughter of our Herd Sire, PBF O’Hara Manso. She has great temperament, tidy underline and will mature into a very nice female. She carries a positive pregnancy test to our Herd Sire, Akama Merton. We have found the O’Hara Manso - Akama Merton cross is proving to be successful for us and surely will be for her new owner. siRe: PBf O’hARA mANsO 811/7 (Ai) (et) (h) 5 p Se Av Ac M A k e I l Ag N A e b S le JDH SUMMIT MANSO 941/1 ABBA#: 912299 • DOB: 21/03/2012 • POLLED Smooth polled great bone eye Appeal JDH DOMINO MANSO 42 (B 683995) (+)JDH SIR MARRI MANSO (B 718788) JDH QUEEN LILA MANSO (C 530303) Sire: JDH Sir TOBe MANSO (B 839744) (+)JDH MADISON DE MANSO (B 669048) =JDH MADDIE REM MANSO 28 (C 776603) =JDH MS. REM MANSO 7 (C 627689) (+)JDH REMINGTON MANSO (B 350425) (=)JDH SIR ALEXO MANSO (B 615510) JDH MISS ALEXA MANSO (C 530840) DAM: rWT MS ALeXO rANCHO 432 (C 781521) SIR RANCHO 1556 POLLED (B 622109) LADY RANCHO 1669 (P) (C 714386) LADY LONG 1482 (P) (C 571708) For further information contact: David & Joy Deguara P 07 4954 1747 M 0419 776 568 Email enquiries@hamdenvalebrahmans.com.au 6 Anne Dakota Manso 668/1 Anne Dakota Manso 650/1 6 FBC ms anne dakOta mansO 668/1 (d) 7 FBC ms anne dakOta mansO 650/1 (d) identifier: fBc668/1f(Reg) Calved: 07/02/13 Colour: gRey status: Dehorned P.H. no. 668/1 age: 26 mths identifier: fBc650/1f(Reg) Calved: 14/02/13 Colour: gRey status: Dehorned P.H. no. 650/1 age: 26 mths JDH ROMAN MANSO (IMP US) (H) JDH GARDNER MANSO (IMP US) (H) s. fBc D mR ARNie mANsO (h) fBD620Dm(Reg) s. fBc D chARLes De mANsO (Ai) (et) (h) fBD696Dm(Reg) FBC D MISS SPRING GIRL (ET) (H) JDH LADY MANSO 969/8 (IMP US) FBC D MR ZEUS DE MANSO 488D (AI) (ET) (H) FBC D MR ARNIE MANSO (H) D. fBc D ms ANNe DAKOtA mANsO 920D (h) fBD920Df(Reg) D. fBc ms ANNe DAKOtA mANsO 174/1 (Ai) (et) (h) fBc174/1f(Reg) FBC D MS ANNE DAKOTA MANSO 507D (AI) (ET) (H) eBv Acc BW +4.8 60% APRIL 2015 BRAhmAn GROUP BREEDPLAn 200m -2 43% 200g +26 59% 400g +32 57% 600g +39 58% ss Dtc emA +4.1 34% FBC D MS ANNE DAKOTA MANSO 844D (H) RBy +1.0 28% RBf -1.0 34% eBv Acc FBC MS Anne Dakota Manso 668/1 is AI’d to JDH Modelo Manso 268/5. Pregnancy status available at sale. 668/1 is an extremely long, correct and well balanced female with a very powerful pedigree with all the modern greats in ARNIE, ZEUS, DATAPACK and MADISON. Please refer to www.fbcattle.com.au for additional notes. BW +3.4 55% APRIL 2015 BRAhmAn GROUP BREEDPLAn 200m -6 39% 200g +17 54% 400g +22 50% 600g +26 55% ss Dtc emA RBy RBf FBC MS Anne Dakota Manso 650/1 is AI’d to JDH Modelo Manso 268/5. Pregnancy status available at sale. 650/1 is an elegantly feminine Charles daughter with a lot of style and presence. Please refer to www.fbcattle.com.au for additional notes. 7 Amity Andrea 8 Hamdenvale amitY (ivF) (H) 9 Hamdenvale andrea 953 (ai) (H) identifier: DJD923/95f(Reg) Calved: 29/09/13 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 923/95 age: 19 mths identifier: DJD953f(Reg) Calved: 17/10/13 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 953 age: 18 mths JDH WOODSON DE MANSO (IMP US) (H) JDH WOODSON DE MANSO (IMP US) (H) s. JDh DuKe De mANsO 695/7 (imP us) (h) JDh695/7m(Reg) s. JDh DuKe De mANsO 695/7 (imP us) (h) JDh695/7m(Reg) JDH LADY MELZOW MANSO JDH LADY MELZOW MANSO JDH MR DAVID MANSO 231/1 (IMP US) (H) JDH MR SHANNON MANSO (IMP US) D. hAmDeNvALe miss RONNie 126/9 (ivf) (h) DJD126/9f(Reg) D. PBf sheRiDAN mANsO 971/6 (Ai) (et) (h) fgB971/6f(Reg) PBF MARRI ‘S RONNIE (H) eBv Acc BW APRIL 2015 BRAhmAn GROUP BREEDPLAn 200m -3 39% 200g +28 49% 400g +36 49% 600g +48 46% ss Dtc emA PBF JULIA’S GIRL MANSO (AI) (ET) (H) RBy RBf eBv Acc Amity 923/95 is a September, 2013 daughter of our USA Sire JDH Duke De Manso 695 who is doing a great job in our herd. She is a very correct heifer with eye appeal and lots of style she will mature into a lovely female. We try to keep all of our females looking feminine and we feel that we have been successful in achieving this with this female and all of the heifers to follow. BW +5.0 59% APRIL 2015 BRAhmAn GROUP BREEDPLAn 200m -5 38% 200g +30 67% 400g +40 66% 600g +58 72% ss Dtc emA RBy RBf Andrea is another daughter of JDH Duke De Manso 695 out of one of our star performers, PBF Sheridan Manso 971/6 who has produced 9 calves with 2 daughters retained in the stud with the balance of her progeny doing well in the sale ring. Andrea is another stylish daughter of JDH Duke De Manso 695 who we believe is making a great contribution to our female lines within the stud. 8 Kendall 10 Hamdenvale kendall 974 (imP et) (ai) (et) (H) identifier: DJD974f(Reg) Calved: 03/02/14 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 974 age: 15 mths Hamdenvale Kendall 974 offers most breeders a once in a lifetime opportunity to bring some direct V8 Ranch genetics into your herd. Kendall is one of two females by Mr H Maddox Manso 684, achieved from a Flush we purchased from V8 Ranch is the USA. We have elected to offer Kendall at this sale as we believe she truly epitomizes what we are trying to achieve with Females of the Future Sale. We have retained Hamdenvale Melinda 939 in our Show Team with the jury still out on which of these heifers will mature into the best female. We believe Kendall has everything that a stud breeder is looking for, femininity, eye appeal, bone, spring of rib and excellent temperament. She is giving the other heifers 4 - 5 months in age. This is your chance to get the real deal - genuine, direct V8 Ranch bloodlines into your herd. JDH MR MANSO 360/1 + s. mR h mADDOX mANsO 684 (imP us) (h) heR684m(Reg) LADY HERITAGE MANSO 173 JDH KARU MANSO 800 (IMP US) + D. miss v8 43/7 (imP us) (et) (h) v8R43/7f(Reg) MISS V8 484/4 eBv Acc BW APRIL 2015 BRAhmAn GROUP BREEDPLAn 200m 200g +28 42% 400g +41 38% 600g +52 37% ss Dtc +4.1 38% emA RBy RBf 9 Kayley Fleur 11 Hamdenvale kaYleY (ivF) (H) 12 Hamdenvale FleUr (ai) (H) identifier: DJD911/51f(Reg) Calved: 22/08/13 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 911/51 age: 20 mths identifier: DJD909/00f(Reg) Calved: 20/09/13 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 909/00 age: 19 mths JDH BAXTER MANSO 33/1 (IMP US) (H) JDH A DAKOTA MANSO (IMP US) (H) + s. LANcefieLD BuRtON mANsO 3251 (et) (h) LAN3251/1m(Reg) s. JDh KARu mANsO 800 (imP us) + JDh800m(Reg) LANCEFIELD MARY LOU MANSO 1897 (AI) (ET) (H) JDH LADY REM S MANSO JDH KARU MANSO 800 (IMP US) + JDH WESTIN MANSO (IMP US) D. hAmDeNvALe giRLie 023 (et) (h) DJD023f(Reg) D. PBf fLOReNce mANsO 70/8 (ivf) (h) fgB70/8f(Reg) SAVANNAH MISS GOLD 0425/0 (ET) (H) eBv Acc BW +4.3 50% PBF MARIE MANSO (H) APRIL 2015 BRAhmAn GROUP BREEDPLAn 200m -2 45% 200g +26 55% 400g +35 56% 600g +51 56% ss +1.2 47% Dtc -1.2 36% emA +4.7 44% RBy +0.9 34% RBf -1.4 43% eBv Acc Kayley 911/51 is a daughter of the great sire in Lancefield Burton and she carries a lot of his attributes. She has great bone, a lovely topline and very tidy underline and is very quiet. Her dam Hamdenvale Girlie 023 (ET) is a daughter of JDH Karu Manso 800 and a good donor in our herd. Hamdenvale Kayley 911/51 has the potential to become a donor female in your herd. BW +5.2 67% APRIL 2015 BRAhmAn GROUP BREEDPLAn 200m +3 55% 200g +38 71% 400g +51 69% 600g +66 76% ss +0.9 50% Dtc +2.9 40% emA +4.3 46% RBy +1.2 43% RBf -0.9 45% Fleur is sired by the great JDH Karu Manso 800 who is still producing top females throughout the world. Her Dam, PBF Florence Manso 70/8 is one of our favourite cows. She is a slightly taller heifer, showing signs of developing into a top matron with lots of fertility in this family line. Hamdenvale Fleur 909/00 carrier full American breeding. 10 Sharon Olga 13 Hamdenvale sHarOn (ai) (H) 14 Hamdenvale Olga (H) identifier: DJD934/26f(Reg) Calved: 27/10/13 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 934/26 age: 18 mths identifier: DJD968/11f(Reg) Calved: 14/10/13 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 968/11 age: 18 mths JDH SIR LAWFORD MANSO JDH WESTIN MANSO (IMP US) s. JDh siR ALAmO mANsO (imP us) JDh126/7m(Reg) s. PBf O’hARA mANsO 811/7 (Ai) (et) (h) fgB811/7m(Reg) JDH LADY VADO MANSO 751/5 FBC F LADY DORIS MANSO 200FF (AI) (ET) (H) FBC F MARSHALL MANSO 225FM (AI) (ET) (H) JDH PALESTIMO R MANSO (IMP US) (H) D. PBf gLAmOuR giRL 317 (Ai) (et) (h) fgB317f(Reg) D. hAmDeNvALe miss OLgA 232/0 (et) (h) DJD232/0f(Reg) JDH LADY LAMAR H MANSO (IMP US) (H) eBv Acc BW +3.7 60% HAMDENVALE MISS SINGH (IVF) (H) APRIL 2015 BRAhmAn GROUP BREEDPLAn 200m -4 41% 200g +20 67% 400g +24 67% 600g +28 74% ss Dtc emA RBy RBf eBv Acc Sharon is the only daughter of JDH Sir Alamo Manso 126 that we will be offering for sale this year and she is a beauty. This Sire is doing a great job for us in the stud and this is evidenced in this beauty. She has a lovely head, tidy underline, great temperament and most importantly has the feminine look. Her Dam, PBF Glamour Girl 317 is another of our leading donor females. BW +4.5 58% APRIL 2015 BRAhmAn GROUP BREEDPLAn 200m -3 37% 200g +33 64% 400g +46 63% 600g +61 72% ss Dtc emA RBy RBf This beautiful daughter of PBF O’Hara Manso 811 carries full Americal Bloodlines. She displays type, temperament, bone and quality at its best. A Grandaughter of JDH Palistimo R Manso 787/6 and JDH Westin Manso 80/1. 11 Party Girl Petunia 15 Hamdenvale PartY girl (H) 16 Hamdenvale PetUnia (ai) (H) identifier: DJD1042/4f(Reg) Calved: 02/11/13 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 1042/4 age: 18 mths identifier: DJD1034/4f(Reg) Calved: 27/10/13 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 1034/4 age: 18 mths LANCEFIELD BURTON MANSO 3251 (ET) (H) JDH SIR AVERY MANSO (IMP US) (H) s. AKAmA meRtON (et) (h) 25A0131m(Reg) s. mR v8 473/6 (imP us) (h) v8R473/6m(Reg) LANCEFIELD BRANCHA 3167 (H) MISS V8 827/4 ROXBOROUGH COLLEAGUE (AI) (H) DE PARK HUGHENDEN (AI) (H) D. hAmDeNvALe sLiPuP 848 (h) DJD848f(Reg) D. De PARK guiDe (h) DPB598f(Reg) HAMDENVALE PARTY MISS 541 (H) DE PARK JERRY (H) Sired by another of our USA Sires in Mr V8 473, a sire with great beef qualities, this heifer has the presence and strength of breed type displayed together with the good looks of her Dam, De Park Guide, a very feminine, stylish female. Again, we will offer 2 straws of JDH Sir Alamo Manso 126 to the successful purchaser of Petunia - the combination of Mr V8 473 and JDH Sir Alamo Manso 126 should breed you great offspring. This daughter of Akama Merton is a big boned, long, powerful heifer who will grow into a good doing matron. We feel JDH Sir Alamo Manso 126 will suit this heifer so we are offering 2 straws in this great sire with Party Girl. 12 17 Dooley Street, Rockhampton Qld 4701 Phone (07) 4927 8806 Fax (07) 4927 8858 100% OWNED AND OPERATED 13 Beef Feeds Bos Indicus Stud Bull Pellet Beef Grower Pellet 18% Production Plus Pellet 34% Emma Mia 17 PiOneer Park emma mansO 941 (H) 18 PiOneer Park mia mansO 70/3 (H) identifier: AAB941f(Reg) Calved: 20/12/13 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 941 age: 16 mths identifier: AAB70/3f(Reg) Calved: 22/12/13 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 70/3 age: 16 mths JDH WOODSON DE MANSO (IMP US) (H) JDH WOODSON DE MANSO (IMP US) (H) s. PBf chesteR mANsO 19/9 (Ai) (et) (h) fgB19/9m(Reg) s. PBf chesteR mANsO 19/9 (Ai) (et) (h) fgB19/9m(Reg) PBF EDIE MANSO 632/6 (AI) (ET) (H) PBF EDIE MANSO 632/6 (AI) (ET) (H) TARTRUS ARISTOTLE MANSO 5128 (ET) (H) PBF HARPER MANSO 853/7 (AI) (ET) (H) D. PiONeeR PARK gyPsy mANsO (h) AAB770f(Reg) D. PiONeeR PARK LADy mANDy mANsO (h) AAB727f(Reg) PIONEER PARK CARMEN (H) PIONEER PARK ROSE (H) *Vendors Choice* Very feminine heifer that would be a great acquisition for the astute stud breeder. Inspections from other breeders rate this female very highly. Would suit any red or grey herd. 14 Riley Jackie 19 PiOneer Park rileY mansO 939 (H) 20 PiOneer Park JaCkie mansO 936 (H) identifier: AAB939f(Reg) Calved: 03/01/14 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 939 age: 16 mths identifier: AAB936f(Reg) Calved: 12/12/13 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 936 age: 16 mths JDH WOODSON DE MANSO (IMP US) (H) JDH WOODSON DE MANSO (IMP US) (H) s. PBf chesteR mANsO 19/9 (Ai) (et) (h) fgB19/9m(Reg) s. PBf chesteR mANsO 19/9 (Ai) (et) (h) fgB19/9m(Reg) PBF EDIE MANSO 632/6 (AI) (ET) (H) PBF EDIE MANSO 632/6 (AI) (ET) (H) PBF HENNESSY MANSO (H) TARTRUS ARISTOTLE MANSO 5128 (ET) (H) D. PiONeeR PARK JAcKie mANsO (h) AAB762f(Reg) D. PiONeeR PARK JeNNy mANsO (h) AAB867f(Reg) PBF JACQUELINE MANSO 613 (AI) (ET) (H) TARTRUS MISS CRUZ 4049 (H) A very appealing female by PBF Chester which is producing very good females. Identical female to the previous lot. 15 Bonny Jo Jewel Power 21 FBC miss BOnnY JO mansO 864/1 (ivF) (d) 22 FBC ms JeWel POWer mansO 865/1 (ivF) (d) identifier: fBc864/1f(Reg) Calved: 22/03/14 Colour: gRey status: Dehorned P.H. no. 864/1 age: 13 mths identifier: fBc865/1f(Reg) Calved: 27/03/14 Colour: gRey status: Dehorned P.H. no. 865/1 age: 13 mths s. fBc tRAmPAs mANsO 494/1 (h) fBc494/1m(Reg) s. JDh cutLeR De mANsO 816/7 (imP us) (h) JDh816/7m(Reg) FBC D MR ARNIE MANSO (H) JDH MR BREMSER MANSO FBC D LADY BRONY MANSO 619D (AI) (ET) (H) JDH BEYLA MANSO JDH NAVASOTA MANSO 55/1 (IMP US) (ET) JDH GARDNER MANSO (IMP US) (H) D. fBc D miss BONNy JO mANsO 392 (Ai) (et) (h) fBD392Df(Reg) FBC D MISS BONNY JO MANSO (ET) (H) APRIL 2015 BRAhmAn GROUP BREEDPLAn eBv Acc BW +5.8 62% 200m -4 44% 200g +35 66% 400g +49 62% 600g +69 63% ss +0.2 42% Dtc emA D. fBc D ms JeWeL POWeR mANsO 669 (h) fBD669Df(Reg) FBC D MS JEWEL POWER MANSO (H) RBy RBf eBv Acc FBC Miss Bonny Jo Manso 864/1 is the first progeny of FBC Trampas to be offered, she possesses his profile and style like all of his calves. 864/1 is out of one of our most prolific, consistent and proven cows Miss Bonny Jo 392, she is a true “Super Cow” who needs no introduction and at 14 years old still has a perfect udder and teats. We have sold many sons out of 392 up to $90,000 and retained a son for our own single sire use (FBC Jordan). Heifers like 864/1 don’t come around often and its even more rare when they come on the market.” Please refer to www.fbcattle.com.au for additional notes. BW +4.8 53% APRIL 2015 BRAhmAn GROUP BREEDPLAn 200m -3 41% 200g +30 61% 400g +39 58% 600g +48 54% ss Dtc emA RBy RBf FBC MS Jewel Power Manso 865/1 is sired by the very impressive International Champion sire JDH Cutler Manso 816/7 and out of a beautiful proven Gardner cow. This eye catching heifer gets better and better as she get older. Please refer to www.fbcattle.com.au for additional notes. 16 Zena Cindy 23 Hamdenvale zena (H) 24 Hamdenvale miss CindY (H) identifier: DJD1012/4f(Reg) Calved: 10/12/13 Colour: Light ReD status: horned P.H. no. 1012/4 age: 16 mths identifier: DJD1021/95f(Reg) Calved: 10/10/13 Colour: ReD status: horned P.H. no. 1021/95 age: 18 mths WANDILLA ZULU 544/8 (H) WANDILLA ZULU 544/8 (H) s. LANes cReeK Zeus 995 (Ai) (h) LcB995m(Reg) s. LANes cReeK Zeus 995 (Ai) (h) LcB995m(Reg) LANES CREEK 753 (AI) (H) WANDILLA PANELIST 276/7 (H) LANES CREEK 753 (AI) (H) HAMDENVALE MISS WEED 410 (H) TARTRUS EXCALIBUR 4518 (H) D. hAmDeNvALe miss ROJO 661 (h) DJD661f(Reg) eBv Acc BW APRIL 2015 BRAhmAn GROUP BREEDPLAn 200m 200g +16 56% 400g +23 54% 600g +37 65% ss Dtc emA D. hAmDeNvALe miss miche 966 (h) DJD966f(Reg) RBy HAMDENVALE MICH AGAIN (H RBf Miss Cindy is another daughter of Lanes Creek Zeus 995 out of our top producing red cow, Hamdenvale Miss Mich with most of her daughters being retained in our red herd. Miss Cindy also carries the medium red pigment, has a tidy underline and udder setting and is a very feminine heifer. She is a gentle heifer and would make a great addition to your herd. Zena is a daughter of our Red Herd Sire, Lanes Creek Zeus 995 out of Hamdenvale Miss Rojo, a daughter of Wandilla Panelist 276/7. She is a nice red pigmented heifer, shows good breed character, and will make a great addition to your red herd. 17 Madlyn 25 Hamdenvale madlYn (ai) (H) We are very proud to offer these next 4 lots (25 to 28), they will be sold on their Reciepent mothers. They are the pick of our current IVF Program and we have chosen calves that we believe to be sired by some of the top Bulls available to us. identifier: DJD1083/13f(Reg) Calved: 24/08/14 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 1083/13 age: 8 mths JDH MR ECHO MANSO (IMP US) s. JDh ROmA mANsO 713/1 (imP us) (h) JDh713/1m(Reg) JDH LADY FISK MANSO FG MONTERREY MANSO 153/0 (IMP US) D. hAmDeNvALe mADLyN 1105 (et) (h) DJD1105f(Reg) LADY H MADLYN MANSO 601 (IMP US) Madlyn 1083/13 is the daughter of our former show cow Hamdenvale Madlyn 1105 (Sire FG Monterrey - Dam Lady H Madlyn Manso) who is in the top 5 of our donor cows. She is the daughter of our USA Sire JDH Roma Manso 713. This young female has a beautiful outlook, she is very quiet and is very correct at this young age 18 Trudy 26 Hamdenvale trUdY (ivF) (H) identifier: DJD1085/5f(Reg) Calved: 27/09/14 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 1085/5 age: 7 mths MR V8 202/3 (IMP US) (H) + s. JDh mADisON De mANsO (imP us) (et) (h) + JDh737/4m(Reg) JDH LADY REM J MANSO 2 + JDH KARU MANSO 800 (IMP US) + D. hAmDeNvALe ZARiZA 206/0 (ivf) (h) DJD206/0f(Reg) EL JA SHERRI MANSO (ET) (H) Trudy 1085/5 is an absolutely classically bred heifer being Sired by JDH Madison Manso 737 out of our JDH Karu Manso 800 daughter in Hamdenvale Zariza 206/0 who is a beautiful deep bodied cow herself. Trudy has been bred to become a great donor in her own right. DAm: hAmDeNvALe ZARiZA 206/0 19 Lucy 27 Hamdenvale lUCY (ivF) (H) identifier: DJD1132/5f(Reg) Calved: 03/10/14 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 1132/5 age: 7 mths JDH PRESCOT MANSO 82/6 s. JDh siR ReNO mANsO (imP us) (h) JDh761/6m(Reg) JDH LADY LY MANSO JDH KARU MANSO 800 (IMP US) + D. hAmDeNvALe ZARiZA 206/0 (ivf) (h) DJD206/0f(Reg) EL JA SHERRI MANSO (ET) (H) Lucy 1132/5 is another daughter of our JDH Karu Manso 800 daughter, Hamdenvale Zariza 206/0, sired by JDH Reno Manso 761/6. This heifer is a slightly different type of female, a little thicker set with plenty of eye appeal, correct conformation and great temperament. siRe: JDh siR ReNO mANsO 20 Aimee 28 Hamdenvale aimee (ai) (H) identifier: DJD1131/5f(Reg) Calved: 01/10/14 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 1131/5 age: 7 mths JDH SIR BHUTAN MANSO 498/6 s. JDh LiNcOLN De mANsO 818 (imP us) (h) JDh818/6m(Reg) JDH LADY CRA MANSO MR V8 51/6 (IMP US) D. hAmDeNvALe miss RAcheL 497/9 (Ai) (h) DJD497/9f(Reg) FBC F LADY SUGAR MANSO 141F (ET) (H Aimee 1131/5 is sired by JDH Lincoln De Manso 818 out of our V8/JDH cow Hamdenvale Rachel 497. Aimee’s grandsire, Mr V8 51/6 brings some polled genes to her breeding. She is another great female with everything going for her, she is long and smooth and combines this with plenty of bone and eye appeal to say nothing of the breeding she brings to your herd. siRe: JDh LiNcOLN De mANsO 818 21 Duke De Manso selling 5 straWs OF semen & 5 registratiOns 29 A JdH dUke de mansO 695/7 (imP Us) (H) 29 B JdH dUke de mansO 695/7 (imP Us) (H) identifier: JDh695/7m(Reg) Calved: 18/01/07 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 695/7 age: 99 mths identifier: JDh695/7m(Reg) Calved: 18/01/07 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 695/7 age: 99 mths JDH MR WOODMAN MANSO (IMP US) (ET) JDH MR WOODMAN MANSO (IMP US) (ET) s. JDh WOODsON De mANsO (imP us) (h) JDh206/7m(Reg) s. JDh WOODsON De mANsO (imP us) (h) JDh206/7m(Reg) JDH LADY IRMA MANSO JDH LADY IRMA MANSO JDH SIR PARKER MANSO (IMP US) (H) JDH SIR PARKER MANSO (IMP US) (H) D. JDh LADy meLZOW mANsO 000830663f(Reg) D. JDh LADy meLZOW mANsO 000830663f(Reg) TD MISS WRINKLE 99/4 eBv Acc BW +4.6 67% TD MISS WRINKLE 99/4 APRIL 2015 BRAhmAn GROUP BREEDPLAn 200m -5 57% 200g +30 76% 400g +40 76% 600g +58 71% ss Dtc emA RBy RBf eBv Acc BW +4.6 67% APRIL 2015 BRAhmAn GROUP BREEDPLAn 200m -5 57% 200g +30 76% 400g +40 76% 600g +58 71% ss Dtc emA RBy RBf JDH Duke De Manso has produced excellent calves for us as is evidenced in his 2 Sale Lots in this sale. He produces calves with bone, length, depth of body and most importantly, temperament. He is a large framed Sire so is best suited to small or medium framed females. The purchaser of Lot 29A shall have the first right of purchase on Lot 29B at the same price. If declined, Lot 29B will be auctioned immediately after Lot 29A. These are the only 10 straws to be offered this year in this Sire. Extra Authorisations available at $100 each. 22 Roma Manso selling 5 straWs OF semen & 5 registratiOns 30 A JdH rOma mansO 713/1 (imP Us) (H) 30 B JdH rOma mansO 713/1 (imP Us) (H) identifier: JDh713/1m(Reg) Calved: 10/03/10 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 713/1 age: 61 mths identifier: JDh713/1m(Reg) Calved: 10/03/10 Colour: gRey status: horned P.H. no. 713/1 age: 61 mths JDH SIR LIBERTY MANSO 847/5 JDH SIR LIBERTY MANSO 847/5 s. JDh mR echO mANsO (imP us) JDh237/1m(Reg) s. JDh mR echO mANsO (imP us) JDh237/1m(Reg) JDH MADDIE REM MANSO 28 JDH MADDIE REM MANSO 28 JDH SIR LAWFORD MANSO JDH SIR LAWFORD MANSO D. JDh LADy fisK mANsO 000846641f(Reg) D. JDh LADy fisK mANsO 000846641f(Reg) JDH LADY VERA MANSO eBv Acc BW +3.8 67% JDH LADY VERA MANSO APRIL 2015 BRAhmAn GROUP BREEDPLAn 200m -3 62% 200g +23 74% 400g +32 76% 600g +40 68% ss Dtc +2.8 33% emA +4.6 41% RBy +0.8 37% RBf -0.7 39% eBv Acc BW +3.8 67% APRIL 2015 BRAhmAn GROUP BREEDPLAn 200m -3 62% 200g +23 74% 400g +32 76% 600g +40 68% ss Dtc +2.8 33% emA +4.6 41% RBy +0.8 37% RBf -0.7 39% JDH Roma Manso 713 is also producing top calves for us. He works best with bigger cows as he is a medium framed Sire. He is thick set, long, deep and heavy boned. His female calves have been outstanding and very quiet. Again, the Purchaser of Lot 30A shall have the first right of purchase on Lot 30B at the same price. If declined, Lot 30B will be auctioned immediately after Lot 30A. These are the only 10 straws to be offered this year in this Sire. Extra Authorisations available at $100 each. 23 fO S e r Me SA N le JdH sir alamO mansO mr J&m neW YOrk Sire of Lot 13 - Hamdenvale Sharon (AI) (H) Sire of the pregnancies of both Lot 1 & 2 . . . s e t o N 24 terms and COnditiOns OF sale such payment have been paid and liquidated, and until property shall pass, the Purchaser shall hold such lot as bailee, provided that in all cases should such payment not have been made and liquidated within 14 days of the date of the sale the Auctioneer reserves the right to:— ImPORTAnT nOTICE: All bids shall be treated as offers made upon the following Terms and Conditions of Sale and all persons present are admitted to attend the sale on the basis that they have notice of these Terms and Conditions. 1. 2. The highest bidder shall, subject to Condition 2, be the Purchaser provided that the Vendor reserves the right to bid either by himself or through his Agent or Auctioneer and should any dispute arise among the bidders for any lot, during or immediately after the sale of the lot, it shall be settled at the Auctioneers absolute discretion who may, should one of the disputants advance, put the lot or lots up again. The bidding from time to time shall be regulated by the Auctioneer and no bid shall be retracted. (i) Rescind the contract on behalf of the Vendor and repossess and resell any lot; (ii) Recover from the Purchaser interest upon the purchase price at a rate per annum which aggregates the AMBA Bill Rate plus two percentum. For the purposes of this condition, the expression “the AMBA Bill Rate” is the rate published by the Australian Merchant Bankers Association in good faith as at the date of the sale as its bill rate for 180 day bills of exchange expressed as a percentage per annum. If at any time the AMBA Bill Rate becomes unavailable for any reason, the Auctioneer shall determine and advise the Purchaser of the interest rate to apply for the purposes of this condition. The sale will be conducted on a “Sale” or “No Sale” basis whereby the lot for sale shall be knocked down to the highest bidder, but the sale will be subject to the acceptance of the highest bid by the Vendor who will immediately after the fall of the hammer declare “Sale” or “No Sale”. Should the Vendor reject the bid of the highest bidder such bidder will have the right of first refusal of the lot at the Vendor’s nominated price for one hour after the lot has been passed out of the ring on the Terms and Conditions herein set forth in so far as they shall apply. 3. The details of the Purchaser, the purchase price and the lot sold as recorded by the sale clerk for and on behalf of the Auctioneer shall be equally binding on both Purchaser and Vendor. 4. The Auctioneer expressly reserves the right, without giving any reasons therefore, to:— 9.(b) The Auctioneer is selling as the del credere agent of the Vendor and the full purchase price of any lot sold shall be payable by the Purchaser to the Auctioneer and be fully recoverable by the Auctioneer in its own name. (a) Refuse to acknowledge any bid; (b) Withdraw any lot or lots before or during the sale; 10. If the Purchaser shall neglect or fail to comply with any of the within conditions, any lot purchased by him may be immediately resold by public auction or private contract, with or without notice, at the risk of the former Purchaser, who will be held responsible for all loss and expenses arising out of such resale, and shall not participate in any profit accruing therefrom. 11. Any Vendor or Purchaser removing the sale number from any lot after it has been sold will fully indemnify all affected parties for any loss, costs or damage should the lot be wrongly delivered. 12. The Purchasers, if any more than one, shall be jointly and severally bound by these Terms and Conditions, and shall jointly and severally carry out and perform same. 13. Any person who advances a bid on a lot shall do so on the expressed condition and understanding that should that person’s bid be the highest bid and such bid is accepted by the Vendor, then that person will be held personally liable for the price so agreed upon, regardless of the fact that that person may be acting on behalf of another party, either disclosed or undisclosed to the Vendor or Auctioneer, provided however, that this Condition shall not in any way negate the Vendor’s right to claim against any principal and in such case the bidder’s liability shall be construed to be by way of guarantee. 14. The Auctioneer may, should it think fit, make arrangements on a Purchaser’s behalf for the feeding, watering, trucking, shipping of and general attendance to any lot after sale but no responsibility will be accepted by the Auctioneer and all such service will be at the Purchaser’s risk and expense. 15. No lot will be delivered until the sales invoice has been checked and signed by the Purchaser or his duly authorised representative. (c) Exclude any person from the auction venue should it think fit. 5. Each lot in all cases shall be at the risk and expense of the Purchaser upon acceptance of his bid by the Vendor or upon acceptance of the highest bidder’s offer by the Vendor whichever shall be the earlier. 6. Except as expressly provided in these Terms and Conditions of Sale no guarantee or warranty shall be given in respect of any lot sold under these Conditions as to pedigree, sex, age, breeding condition or otherwise howsoever, and no guarantee, warranty or condition whatsoever shall be implied from any affirmation made before or at the time of the sale, or from any circumstances of the sale, but in all cases where a guarantee is intended the same shall attach and be enforceable only if reduced to writing before delivery of the lot and signed by the Vendor or by the Auctioneer acting as agent for the Vendor, and the absence of such writing shall be conclusive evidence in case of dispute that no guarantee, warranty or condition whatsoever was given or implied. 7. In the event of any dispute in respect to the sale of any lot: 16.(a) Each lot in all cases shall be sold with all faults, if any, and excepting those conditions and warranties implied by the Trade Practices Act or any applicable State legislation which cannot be contractually excluded and excepting conditions and warranties expressly contained in these Terms and Conditions of Sale, any express or implied condition, statement of warranty, statutory or otherwise, is hereby excluded. The Auctioneer is not liable in respect of any error, misdescription or omission in any particulars appearing or stated regarding the description of pedigrees of any lot offered for sale and no such error, misdescription of omission shall entitle the Purchaser to annul the sale or reject the lot or claim any compensation, damage or abatement in price. (i) The Purchaser shall nevertheless be obliged to pay to the Auctioneer the full purchase price and any other monies or interest payable by the Purchaser in accordance with these terms and conditions; (ii) The Vendor and the Purchaser shall resolve the dispute between themselves; (iii) The Auctioneer shall have no liability or responsibility in regard to the dispute; and (iv) No lot shall be returned to the Auctioneer and the Purchaser shall indemnify the Auctioneer for all costs, expenses and damages which the Auctioneer is put to or incurs by reason of the Purchaser so doing. 8. The name of the Vendor for whom the Auctioneer acts is acknowledged to have been furnished to Purchasers prior to the sale and further particulars will in all cases be furnished to a Purchaser if required. In the case of any disputes the remedy of the Purchaser shall be against the Vendor only and in no case or under any circumstances against the Auctioneer who is to be regarded for all intents and purposes as agent for a disclosed principal. (b) Each lot will be sold subject to passing all veterinary tests required by the law of the state or country to which the Purchaser intends to transport that particular lot, such tests to be undertaken at the Purchaser’s expense and concluded immediately following the sale. In the event of a lot failing to pass these tests, the sale shall be null and void, any purchase moneys paid by the Purchaser shall be refunded and property in the lot shall revert to or remain with the Vendor. 9. (a) PAYMENT — Unless prior credit arrangements have been made in writing with the Auctioneer the full purchase price for each lot shall be due and payable to the Auctioneer in cash upon acceptance of the highest bid or the highest bidder’s offer by the Vendor and prior to delivery. Notwithstanding that delivery is given to or possession obtained by the purchaser or his representative prior to the payment of the purchase money in full the property in any lot which is sold shall not pass to the Purchaser until the full purchase price and all cheques, promissory notes, bills of exchange, acceptance orders or drafts given in connection with 17. Guarantees of Fertility:— (1) BULLS - Save and except for calves at foot, all bulls are guaranteed breeders and to so prove by the later of: 25 (a) six months after the date of sale or (b) the animal reaching the age of 24 months terms and COnditiOns OF sale (2) FEMALES - Save and except for female calves at foot, all females are guaranteed to be in calf or go into calf by the later of: (a) 6 months of the date of sale (b) the animal reaching the age of 30 months (9) RELIEF FROM GUARANTEE — If the Vendor seeks to be relieved from the obligations which would otherwise be imposed upon him by this clause by virtue of Clauses 17(3)(b) or 17(6)(a), the onus of proof is upon the Vendor to establish that: A positive pregnancy test certified by a qualified veterinary surgeon shall be sufficient evidence that the animal is in calf. (a) The animal suffered the injury or disease or is in poor physical condition due to circumstances and events occurring after the sale, and (b) The injury, disease of physical condition is the sole cause of the animal’s infertility or failure to prove fertility within the guarantee period. (10) DEFINITION — For the purpose of this Clause 17, the expression “guarantee period” means: (3) Claims under Clauses 17(1) and 17(2). A claim that an animal has failed to satisfy a guarantee of fertility under Clause 17(1) or 17(2) must be made to the Vendor within the relevant guarantee period but prior to the animal entering a quarantine area other than on the Vendor’s property. (a) (a) All claims must be accompanied by a certificate from a registered veterinarian surgeon in accordance with the guidelines established by the Australian Association of Cattle Veterinarians which must clearly identify the basis of the claim. in relation to bulls — the period specified in Clause 17(1) as being the period in which the bull must prove his fertility; and (b) (b) Subject to Clause 17(9), infertility resulting from injury or disease occurring after the sale of the animal is not covered by this guarantee. in relation to females — the period specified in Clause 17(2) as being the period in which the female must go into calf. 18.(a) Each lot shall be at the risk of the Vendor in respect of any damage or injury, whether by disease, accident or otherwise, or whether caused by the negligence of the Auctioneer for the period that the lot be in the custody of the Auctioneer, unless such lots shall have been sold in which latter case such lot shall be at the risk of the Purchaser in all such respects. (c) The Vendor retains the right to have the animal placed on a property nominated by him or returned to his own property for further assessment of fertility for a period not exceeding six months. If the animal proves fertile within the period such status must be confirmed by a certificate issued by a registered veterinary surgeon in accordance with the guideline established by the Australian Association of Cattle Veterinary and costs incurred must be borne by the Purchaser. If the animal not proven fertile within the period, the costs incurred must be borne by the Vendor. (4) LIABILITY OF A VENDOR - Except for costs defined elsewhere in the conditions of sale, the liability of a Vendor in respect of claims relating to fertility shall not exceed the purchase price of the animal(s) or provide mutually agreed upon replacement animal(s). 18 (b) If any Vendor brings to the sale premises any lot which is dangerous, or infected with any disease, that Vendor shall be liable for all injury, damages, costs, losses or expenses which the Auctioneer may sustain, incur or be put to either directly or indirectly as a result of the Vendor so doing. The Auctioneer reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to exclude from the sale, or put out of the sale venue or dispose of, any lot which in its opinion shows signs of any disease, whether infectious, contagious or not, or of any serious fault or of being dangerous. 19. DELIVERY — Except at the discretion of the Auctioneer no lot shall be delivered to the Purchaser unless payment of the purchase money together with any additional charges incurred including those expenses incurred by the Auctioneer pursuant to Condition 14 hereof, is first made by the Purchaser to the Auctioneer. Release of lots may be withheld by the Auctioneer until personal cheques are cleared. 20. In these Conditions:— (5) In the event of a claim being substantiated: (a) The purchase price shall be refunded within 14 days unless a mutually agreed upon replacement animal has been provided. (a) References to “Auctioneer” shall be taken to mean as the context so admits, the Selling Agent or any member, subsidiary or related corporation or body, officer, agent or employee thereof, authorised by the Vendor to conduct the sale of the lot; (b) The animal/s which are the subject of the claim and any stocks of stored semen shall automatically become the property of the vendor and be returned to him or disposed of according to his instructions at his expense. (b) “Purchaser” shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Condition 1; (6) Subject to Clause 17(9), this guarantee is of no effect if: (c) “Vendor” shall mean the person or corporation upon whose account lots are offered for sale and where a stud or farm is named shall mean the proprietor of that stud or farm; (a) The animal is returned to the Vendor. (d) “Lot” shall be taken to mean the animal offered for sale and/or sold by the Auctioneer on behalf of a Vendor. (i) In poor physical condition or with any injury; HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (ii) Tests carried out on behalf of the Vendor within fourteen days of such return proved positive to any diseases which may affect the animal’s fertility or ability to breed naturally; or IMPORTANT NOTICE The Selling Agent, its members, subsidiary or related corporations, officers, agents, and employees for themselves and for those for whom they act while exercising due care provide all information without responsibility and give no guarantee whatsoever as to its accuracy. (b) The Purchaser has collected and stored embryos from a female. (7) In the event of a dispute as to whether a lot is a breeder, such dispute shall be resolved by the Vendor and the Purchaser and the Auctioneer, while he will use his best endeavours to assist, shall have no liability or responsibility in that regard. If an animal is alleged or proved not to be a breeder, the Purchaser must nevertheless pay the Auctioneer the full purchase price and any other monies or interest payable by the Purchaser in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. All persons who attend the Sale do so entirely at their risk and the Selling Agent, its members, subsidiary or related corporations, officers, agents, employees and its principals, for themselves and for those for whom they act, do not assume or accept any responsibility or liability of whatever nature for any injury or damage whatsoever which may occur. special note: delivery from gracemere saleyards from 9.00am on thursday 7th may until 11.00am saturday 9th may 2015. (8) EVIDENCE OF FERTILITY — A Certificate issued by a registered veterinary surgeon at or before the time of sale than an animal is fertile (unless it is a certificate stating in respect of a female that she is in calf at the time of sale) does not, of itself, satisfy or discharge the Vendor’s obligations under the guarantee of fertility given under this Clause 17. All animals, except calves at foot, must prove their fertility within the relevant guarantee period. 26 Females OF tHe FUtUre sale - 7Pm WednesdaY 6tH maY 2015 - tHe great Western HOtel Buyer Instructions Sheet BID CARD nO. Name: ............................................................................................................ Address: .......................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... Email: ............................................................................................................. Delivery - Carrier arranged by buyer ........................ Phone No:. ...................................................................................................... Delivery - Sale Agent to arrange Mobile No:...................................................................................................... TOTAL LOTS Lots Purchased: ................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................... DestiNAtiON ............................................................................................... YES Carrier.................................... Insurance (State Period).......................................... feeDiNg RequiReD? Yes no Invoice to ............................................................ is DiPPiNg RequiReD? For Clean Country entry Y Signature of Buyer (dPi insp.) N For ticky areas Only Y ......................................................................... YES NO Date .................................................................. Is Registration Transfer required? NLis Pic YES NO If yes, Name & Address for transfer of Registration ...... PLEASE NOTE: The buyers instruction sheet must be completed in full and signed by the buyer of their authorised representative 27 ......................................................................... ......................................................................... 28 thank you david and Joy deguara and their invited vendors, pioneer park brahmans & fenech grazing sincerely thank all buyers, bidders and underbidders and wish all buyers every success with their purchases. we look forward to seeing you next year in 2016. Females of the Future Sale quality grey and red brahman females thank you