Udaipur, Surajkund - Haryana, Taj Mahotsav, at Agra


Udaipur, Surajkund - Haryana, Taj Mahotsav, at Agra
Government of India
Ministry of Textiles
Office of the Development Commissioner for Handlooms
Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi
Dated the 31't August,2015.
The Commissioner/Director
Incharge of Handlooms of all States
The Zonal Director of W.S.Cs
The Officer Incharge of all Weavers Service Centres
Guidelines for Nomination of Handloom Weavers for participation in the Craft
Melas during 2015-16.
As you are aware that this office has been extending financial assistance for organising Craft
Melas in various parts of the country. The craft melas at Shilparamam- Hyderabad, ShilpgramUdaipur, Surajkund - Haryana, Taj Mahotsav, at Agra and Toshali National Crafts Mela at
Bhubaneswar (Orissa) have become very popular annual events for marketing of handlooms
products. The handloom weavers are nominated by this office for participation in these craft melas
based on the recofltmendation of the State Directors of Handlooms and Weavers Service Centres.
Obtaining applications from weavers, verifying them and selecting weavers for the various craft
melas will be done as per the time schedule & targets indicated in the statement enclosed.
While nominating the weavers for each craft mela, due care may be taken on the following
The time schedule indicated by the Office of DC
Up to
(HL) should be strictly observed.
of the weavers recommended for nomination should be Sant Kabirl National
Awardees, State Awardees or National Merit certificate holders and rest 40Yo may be
recommended from among other weavers.
of Surajkund Mela about 80% Handloom weavers should be Kant Kabir/ National
Awardees and State AwardeesA{ational Merit Certificate holders.
Representation should be given to majority of handloom clusters of the States especially
those in remote areas, rather than nominating several weavers from a single cluster or a few
Preference should be given weavers who are registered under
Efforts should be made by the field offices of the State Director of Handlooms/WSCs to
motivate genuine handloom weavers to apply for selection by giving wide publicity. The
names of weavers may be sent to the concerned W.S.C. for selection.
the Handloom Brand.
The list of Handloom weavers of Theme State, as and
when decided, will be sent to this
office for approval & onward transmission to the Mela
Authorities in case of Surajkund Mela
The weavers/Awardees participated in the Mela in the previous
years are not eligible to
All the Anqliglions (in original) received in the weavers Service
centres should be
office of Shri M.c.Gupta, Afc(Handlooms). The draw will be
Delhi. The comprete list should
arso be sent by E-mail.
sent to
in the Head euarter,
A copy of the guidelines for nomination of weavers is enclosed for information.
publicity of the Mela may also be taken up by the state
Govt./field offices.
All zonal Directors of weavers Service centres are requested to
furnish complete list of
handloom weavers
have applied for each craft mela within the time prescribed.
Kindly ensure
that while forwarding the list of handloom weavers, it may also
be sent through e.mail
The last date to received the application has been fixed
as 15.09.2015. The list of all weavers
whose application has been received must be sent to
office of the Development commissioner for
Handlooms, Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi latest by 22.09.20T5
without fail.
Addt. Development commissioner
-Time schedule
Photo duly
attested by the
Name of the Craft
Identify Card No.
Name of weaver in Capital Letters
& Address
Father's NameA.{ame of Spouse
Date of Birth
Whether SC/ST/OBC/
Physically Handicapped
Whether National/State Awardee/
Merit Certificate Holder
No. of persons in family engaged
in weaving,
Whether register under Handloom Mark Scheme
Registration No. with date
Details of Items produced
Price Range
& Signature of the Weaver
Signature of the recommending authority
Name & Designation with Office Seal
S/o, Dlo, Wo
house at
from Handloom side. I will
I undertake to abide by the
display/sell only those products
terms and conditions mentioned in the guidelines.
(Name& Signature of the Weaver
with complete address)
is a genuine weaver and practicing the
fuither certified
that Shri/Smt.Avls
has not participated in Dilli HaatlCraft. Melas
in the previous year.
It is also certified that:-
the name, address
& disciplines noted in the bio d.ataby the Weaver is genuine;
the nominations made are those of actual weavers and not that
Signature of the recommending authority
Name & Designation with Office Seal
Guidelines for allotment of stalls to handloom weavers in Dilli Haat
Dilli Haat, INA, New Delhi has been set up jointly by the Delhi Tourism, Govemment of
Delhi and Ministy of Textiles, Goverrment of tndia to provide platforrn to individual handloom
weavers and artisans for marketing the handloom & handicraft products respectively. This haat is
now very popular and hence, there has been great demand for allotment of stalls by the
handloom weavers. However, looking to the limited number of stalls, there is a need to have a
system in place for allofrnent of stalls in
Dilli Haat.
The guidelines for allotment of stalls to handloom weaver in
Dilli Haat are as follows
Office of DC(HL) will prepare slots of 15 days duration.
For inviting applications from the handloom weavers, an advertisement will be issued by
the Office of the Development Commissioner for Handlooms in regular/national
newspapers biannually for participation in Dilli Haat.
Statewise, slotwise will be pared by Office of DC(HL) for allotment of stalls.
d) The handloom
will be required to submit the applications to the Weavers'
Service Centre concerned-
Weavers' Service Centre (WSC) concerned.will receive the applications from the
handloom weavers in a stipulated time frame.
On receipt of applications, the same will be examined by the Weavers' Service Centre
concerned to ensure that all particulars are filled up and certiff genuinity of the weaver
and forward the same to Office of DC(HL).
Selection of handloom weavers for a particular slot against the cluster/general quota
be done by a Committee through computerised draw in the office of DC(HL)
The main list as wellas waiting list (maximum 5-10 weavers) willbe prepared
Above procedure will be applicable to the handloom weavers of all States. However, it
has been observed that response of the weavers for participation in Dilli Haat from the
States of Kamataka, Kerala, Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh & NER has almost been NIL.
Therefore, to have participation from these States to ensure availability of the handloom
products of all States at one place, weavers who are members of the Primary Handloom
Weavers' Co-operative Societies shall be eligible to participate in Dilli Haat as per the
allocated quota. The applications in respect of these weavers based on the advertisement
shall also be submitted to the WSC concerned and they shall be considered at par with the
weavers of the other States for the purpose of allotment. Similar procedure shall be
followed for allotment of the stalls to them.
Wait list comes into force if any weaver from the main list has not tumed up and the
vacancy against any State shall be filled up from the same State only.
k) One helper with the allottee/weaver is eligible for photograph in Dilli Haat. Both the
weaver/allottee and helper should be from the same State. The helper will be required to
submit requisite document i.e. Identity proof, photographs etc. in support of his
Those weavers who confirmed their participation in Dilli Haat for a particular slot will
deposit Rs. 3,000/- (DD) in favour of PAO, Textiles as refundable security deposit to
the WSC concerned or WSC, Delhi as the case may be. On deposit of the security fee
WSC concemed will issue the yellow card having the photograph of both weaver/allottee
and helper.
m) Allottee will be required to report to Dilli Haat on a day prior to the commencement of
the slot so that stalls may be allotted to them by a committee, comprising representative
of WSC, Delhi, Office of DC (HL), representative of ACASH & Craft Museum. The
weaver/allottee should report to Dilli Haat along with a copy of the allotment letter.
n) From the day of commencement of the slot till it ends, all allottees and helpers will
required to mark their attendance both in morning and evening through biometric
helper remain absent on two consecutive days they will
be debarred from participation in Dilli Haat or any other craft mela for two years and
their security deposit shall be forfeited.
o) In case, both weaver and his/her
Allottee shall sell only handloom products.
q) Allottee shall not lease out the stall
or sublet to others'
Dilli Haat in last 6
The handloom weaver/helper who should not have participated in
months shall be eligible to participate.
The allottee is required to put price tag on each product'
The allottee is also required to attach handloom mark label on each product and the same
is compulsory from I't September2014-
No TA/DA / Transportation charges etc., will be paid to the weavers
preference will be given to those handloom weavers who are registered under
Handloom Brand.