Release fat and Firm wherever you want !
Release fat and Firm wherever you want !
N E W L I POM AS S AGE TM Release fat and Firm wherever you want ! Despite a perfectly healthy lifestyle, fat cells FAT CELLS GROW AND HINDER CIRCULATION (adipocytes) often store more than they eliminate. When fat and water accumulate, the cell walls (septa) start to pull on the skin’s surface and cellulite dimples appear. UNDER STAND the natural slimming mechanisms SEPTA PULL ON THE SKIN AND FORM CELLULITE Unsightly and sometimes even painful, these fatty areas are resistant to physical exercise and diets. Moreover, with time, the production of collagen and elastin by “youth cells” (fibroblasts) decreases, causing the skin to sag. LIPOMASSAGE RESTORES CIRCULATION AND BOOSTS FAT RELEASE FOCUS ON LPG MÉCANO-STIMULATION ® SIMULTANEOUS ACTION THAT RELEASES FAT AND PREVENTS SKIN FROM SAGGING World leader in Mécano-Stimulation™, LPG® has created the new CELLU M6® generation for faster,* natural, and scientifically-proven results on your figure. The ERGODRIVE treatment head delivers a multi-dimensional, pleasant, and natural stimulation at the surface of the skin to boost fat release as well as the natural production of collagen and elastin. ROLL’INTM RELEASE FAT ROLL’OUTTM FIRM +70 %** fat release ROLL’UPTM RESCULPT SMOOTH FIRM LIPOMASSAGE targets localized stubborn fat RELEASE FAT RESCULPT Collagen and elastin fibers Epidermis SMOOTH Septa SLIMMING AND ANTI-AGING EXPERT FOR NEARLY 30 YEARS Adipocytes * Proven to be 50% more effective than the older generation of CELLU M6® ** MARQUES MA. et al. Impact of mechanical massage on gene expression profile and lipid mobilization in female gluteofemoral adipose tissue. Obesity Facts. 2011; 4(2): 121-9. “ I used CELLU M6 a few years ago before going on vacation. I got the results I wanted, but I didn’t maintain them… Big mistake! After my two successive pregnancies, I really needed help getting my old figure back and especially improving my skin’s quality. The CELLU M6 sessions helped me quickly lose volume around my waist, thighs, and stomach. My skin is much smoother, softer, and firmer too. This time, I won’t stop my sessions. Amelia C. 32 years old ” MY BOD Y reactivates its slimming & anti-aging potential! › Noticeable results after the very 1st session › After 6 sessions, cellulite dimples are smoothed › After 12 sessions, +70% of fat released ** 110 SCIENTIFIC STUDIES 200,000 PEOPLE TREATED AROUND THE WORLD EVERY DAY 1/ ASSESS YOUR FIGURE’S NEEDS >with the LPG® evaluation file Release localized fat and resculpt your figure 2/ CREATE YOUR LIPOMASSAGE™ TREATMENT PROGRAM 1586-Fiche-evaluation-A4-GB_vect.indd 1 11/04/12 12:22 >smooth cellulite, release localized fat, drain excess water, resculpt volumes, and firm contours... T HE LIPOMASSAGE EXPERIEN C E TM Your new, healthy lifestyle ! 3/ PUT ON YOUR ENDERMOWEARTM >This patented LPG clothing is personal and guarantees perfect hygiene and the effectiveness of your treatment. 4/ ENJOY YOUR TREATMENT >Once your skin has been prepared with LPG® Soins Techniques, your specialist applies the ERGODRIVE head to stimulate the natural slimming and rejuvenation processes. Your body wakes up and rediscovers its beauty balance! 5/ CONTINUE AT HOME WITH LPG® SOINS TECHNIQUES 35 MINUTES OF STIMULATION TO REACTIVATE THE NATURAL SLIMMING AND REJUVENATION PROCESSES >They maximize tissue response by +50%* *2014 Humbert study, study report. THIGHS & KNEES NEW 15-MINUTE “TARGETED” TREATMENTS Target the area of your choice with a quick and highly effective treatment Arms - Back - Stomach - Waist - Buttocks Saddlebags - Thighs - Knees - Calves Specially for men: Pecs - Back - Waist and Stomach - Thighs BEFORE AFTER NEW LIPOMASSAGE TM targeted and rapid slimming & antiaging treatments SADDLEBAGS & BUTTOCKS CLASSIC TREATMENTS ANDROID35min > Waist, stomach, arms, back BEFORE AFTER GYNOID35min > Buttocks, saddlebags, legs TOTAL CARE35min >W hole body SHORTY > Waist, stomach, buttocks, thighs 35min CELLULITE SMOOTHING 35min > Adipose and fibrous cellulite STOMACH & WAIST CELLULITE DRAINING 35min > Aqueous cellulite FIRMING & CONTOURING35min ENDERMO-DRAINING 20min > Light legs BEFORE AFTER TREATMENT FOR MEN35min HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO SEE RESULTS? >You will start seeing results after the very 1st session: targeted areas are less compact and decongested. Your legs feel lighter, like After 6 sessions, the results intensify: fatty volumes start to decrease, cellulite dimples become smoother and your skin firmer. Lipomassage TM in 3 questions DOES IT HURT? >Although intense and effective, LIPOMASSAGE treatments should never hurt you and should be an enjoyable, relaxing experience. Ask your LPG specialist to adapt the settings depending on how it feels. DO I HAVE TO DIET OR EXERCISE IN ADDITION TO MY LIPOMASSAGE™ PROGRAM? >It is not necessary but it is recommended! Thanks to its targeted action, LIPOMASSAGE targets fat that is resistant to dieting and physical exercise. Eating healthy and staying active can only be a beneficial part of a RÉF.: 101918100 comprehensive body care program. ASK YOUR LPG® EXPERT FOR A TRIAL SESSION Find us at 1767 - GB- Ed. 03/14. © LPG Systems 2014. S.A. à Directoire et Conseil de surveillance au capital de 2 124 950 euros – Siren 335 183 836 RCS Romans. Any reproduction – even in part – is strictly prohibited. Non-binding photos. “deflated.” Your skin is smoother and softer.
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