Solera Spirit - Solera at Johnson Ranch
Solera Spirit - Solera at Johnson Ranch
Solera at Johnson Ranch February 2016 An Active Adult Community Solera Spirit Inside this issue: Board of Directors 2 Bocce Ball Landscape Committee 3 In the Spotlight 4 Relay for Life 5 Solera’s Elections & Annual Meet- 6 ing Electronic voting Johnson Ranch & Solera Annual Meeting Information 7 Johnson Ranch BOD Annual Election and Meeting 8 Farmers Markets 9 Farmers Markets Cont’d 10 Resident Board Upcoming Activities 11 Committee Meetings Finance Committee 12 Free Spirit Vacations T’ai Chi 13 Johnson Ranch Activities New Year’s Eve 14 Snapshot of January Activities 15 February Calendar of Activities 16 Billiards 17 Advertising Advertising 18 Reminders 19 COMING SOON! Board of Directors Election and Annual Meeting Important information! Page 2 A Message From the Board of Directors Happy 2016 from your Board! We are looking forward to a wonderful year! Submitted by Laurie Gentile We are happy to report that the Desert Lily project has been completed, which should greatly improve the flooding problems in that area. The two large pool shades have been installed and the felt on the billiards table, closest to the parking lot, has been replaced. Triple AAA has added some plants around the water feature behind the clubhouse and some broken blinds were replaced in the multipurpose room. Rural Metro started testing fire hydrants in Solera in January. The new Johnson Ranch security company has begun nightly perimeter checks around our community center. As for the new building, we are still waiting for approval from Pinal County and the next step would be to begin the bid process for a general contractor. The Election Committee is working hard to streamline the voting process now that we are moving to electronic balloting, both for efficiency and cost savings. The Board hosted a catered volunteer luncheon on Jan. 30th for all who have volunteered their time to help make Solera a wonderful place to live. Ambassadors, committee members, day to day volunteers... we thank them all for the dedicated service and time to Solera. We couldn’t do without them! It was wonderful to see everyone enjoying our holiday activities. A big thank you to the Activities Committee for all the fun events they planned for us and we're looking forward to everything coming up in the next few months. Upcoming Board of Directors Meetings: Thursday, February 18, 2016 at 6PM Thursday, March 17, 2016 at 6PM, Annual Meeting Page 3 Solera Men’s Bocce Ball League The men’s bocce league resumed play after a two week hiatus during the Christmas and New Year holidays. Unfortunately the rainy weather caused some doubt as to whether we could get to play our matches. Fortunately, on both days we got a window of several hours of no rain and were able to play. The court was very wet but all prevailed. We have two undefeated teams, John Cerra and Lance Mitchell (Wednesday) and Ed Arfman and Bruce Berman (Thursday, leading the pack). The chasing pack is close so we still have many teams that can make the playoffs. The Solera Men’s Bocce League trophy will be presented to the first place winners. Landscape Committee February Tree Pruning Have you ever wondered when you should prune your trees? Here is some information from our Landscape Committee and Integrity Tree Service. They suggest that you should schedule citrus and frost sensitive pruning after February 15, the average last day of frost in Phoenix. Pruning can be done through the end of March. This timing starts after the danger of frost damage but before citrus blossoms set for next season's harvest. February/March pruning also allows the new growth following pruning to "harden off" before high temperatures arrive. Resource: Integrity Tree Service, Inc at This site has a “Tree Care Calendar” that is very informative. Two additional good sources for tree information is the Arizona Municipal Water Users Association at, and Arid Zone Trees at Texas Mountain Laurel This large shrub/small tree is one of many listed at the Arizona Municipal Water Users Assoc. Page 4 Solera’s Book Club Calling all Readers! Do you like to read? Do you have a favorite author? Do you have a favorite book? Do you like curling up with a good book? If so, you certainly would like the Solera Book Club. Solera has many avid readers and they meet on a monthly basis, the 4th Thursday of every month at 4PM in the library where they discuss their most recent book. The book they have recently finished and discussed is “The Wright Brothers” by David McCullough. Others that they have read and discussed are “Moloka’i” by Alan Brennert about a leper colony in Hawaii, “Something Missing” by Matthew Dicks, a very strange mystery, and “The Girl on the Train” by Paula Hawkins, a psychological thriller. Generally, books are suggested by the club members. If your book is chosen by the group as the next one read, you will also lead the discussion of the book at the next meeting. Membership fluctuates between 6+ in our summer months, and up to 15 during the other times of the year. The Book Club meets year round. BOSTON GIRL by Anita Diamant February Book of the Month An unforgettable novel about a young Jewish woman growing up in Boston in the early twentieth century, told “with humor and optimism…through the eyes of an irresistible heroine” (People)—from the acclaimed author of The Red Tent. Written with the same attention to historical detail and emotional resonance that made Diamant’s previous novels bestsellers, The Boston Girl is a moving portrait of one woman’s complicated life in twentieth century America, and a fascinating look at a generation of women finding their places in a changing world. “Diamant brings to life a piece of feminism’s forgotten history” (Good Housekeeping) in this “inspirational…page-turning portrait of immigrant life in the early twentieth century” (Booklist). Page 5 Relay for Life The American Cancer Society Relay for Life is a global fundraising event to end cancer. It unites communities across the globe to celebrate people who have battled any type of cancer, remember loved ones lost and take action to finish the fight once and for all. Team a group of volunteers from our community who help organize and support a series of fundraisers for the annual spring San Tan Valley Relay held in April. These fundraisers include a bake sale in January and a garage sale in February. We also have a raffle and tickets are sold at these events. Raffle items may include a bicycle, wine basket, restaurant lunches/dinners, quilts and golf rounds from local courses and are donated from local business and community members. Fundraising also includes luminaries. Each luminaria candle represents a person. They are personalized with a name, photo, message or drawing in memory or honor of a friend or loved one who has been affected by cancer – may be our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, friends, coworkers, and so many others. Luminaria bags are transformed and illuminated after dark at our local Relay For Life event. They are hung in our tent during the RFL event. Team Solera held their coffee and bake sale fundraiser on Saturday, January 23. All proceeds from the sale of baked goods, raffle tickets, etc. are given to The American Cancer Society. Their next fundraiser is a garage sale and is scheduled on Saturday, February 20 – the same day as our community yard sale. Your donated items will be very much appreciated. All proceeds from all the sales will be given to The American Cancer Society. Watch for email and bulletins on when and where to drop off your items. Friday, April 22 – Celebration for the entire community Team Solera will join other Relay For Life teams walking or running around a track or path at a local high school. This year’s event will be held April 22 at Combs High School on Germann Road (off Ironwood). Events are up to 24 hours long, and because cancer never sleeps, each team is asked to have at least one participant on the track at all time. The event also includes a survivor dinner, live music and a walk in silence to honor loved ones fighting the battle or those who has lost the battle. It’s a powerful event and the entire community is invited to attend, walk, just cheer or visit with participants. For more details…contact Nancy Miller ( or Penny Phelan 480-458-5787. Page 6 Solera’s Board of Directors Election and Annual Meeting There is one three year position open on our Board of Directors with elections being held and the position being filled the night of the Annual Meeting on March 17, 2016. One candidate has announced their intent to run, Roger Grundman, the current incumbent of this position. Two “Meet the Candidate” sessions were scheduled in January and one additional one will be held on February 8 at 7 PM. However, the February 8 meeting may be cancelled depending on community attendance and the number of BOD candidates, so watch for any additional information from our Community Manager. NEW VOTING METHODS For the first time, electronic voting will be available to all Solera Homeowners. Here is how it will work. An email will be sent to you on February 9 from Vote HOA. The email will contain instructions on how to register and create an account. This email will come from will available to begin at noon on Tuesday, February 9, 2016. However, if you would prefer, you will still be able to vote by mail or in person by absentee ballot. For those who do not have email or don’t use email, there will be absentee ballots available beginning February 9, 2016 at the Solera Front Desk. There will also be ballots available at the Annual Meeting on March 17 should you wish to vote in person. If you are not in Arizona at the time of the election, please call the management office at 480-987-7966 and we can mail you an Absentee Ballot. Watch for any further updates from our Community Manager, Ed Towill. Page 7 Coming soon………. Solera & Johnson Ranch Annual Meeting’s Solera Annual meeting Date: March 17, 2016 Time: 6:00 PM – Sign in, Refreshments 6:30 PM – Annual Meeting Place: Walker Butte School Cafeteria 29697 Desert Willow Blvd, San Tan Valley, AZ 85143 Johnson Ranch Annual meeting Date: March 22, 2016 Time: 6:30 PM – Annual Meeting Place: Central Arizona College 3736 E Bella Vista Road San Tan Valley, AZ 85143 Look for more details on page 6 and page 8. Mark your calendars! Page 8 2016 Board Election and Annual Meeting of the Members March 22, 2016 The Johnson Ranch Community Association has accepted applications from individuals with an interest in serving on the Nominating Committee. The deadline for these applications was January 18, 2016. The purpose of this committee is to accept applications for the Board election and to assist in the 2016 Board Election process. At this meeting, you, the owners, will elect two homeowners to fill the open Director positions. Applications for these positions, along with short biographies, have been accepted through January 29, 2016. Watch for more details and information about our new electronic ballots. Feel free to contact Jessica Houston, assistant community manager, What do you think? The Communications Committee would like to know if the monthly Solera Spirit is providing you the information that you would like to have and need. Do you have any suggestions for us? Please send us your comments. We would like to hear from you. Committee members are Marilyn Kellough, Nita Moore, Kathy Paulsen and Barb Stones. The Communications Committee contact info: Page 9 To Market, To Market...for fruits, vegetables and other treats! Farmers’ Markets to visit! At this time of the year, many people focus on healthy eating. Here are several options for you to get involved in the Buy Local, Eat Local health movement. How about shopping at a Farmers Market? You can visit an orchard, a dairy farm, a community barn, or a downtown center. Several of the markets have food trucks serving a variety of ‘eats’. Many of the vendors at these markets sell organic or pesticide free goods as well as local artisan goods. Here are several local markets you may want to visit: Super Farm Market If you are looking to get ‘down on the farm’, you can head over to Superstition Farm for their Thursday night Super Farm Market! The market is open from 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Come out and enjoy all that the farm market has to offer! They have a BARN-FULL of vendors for you to browse. In addition to their own FARM FRESH milk, eggs, butter, cheese and ice cream. Taste of Paradise offers Arizona grown produce. Come hungry because SuperFarm SuperTruck will be on hand. Don’t forget there is a free petting zoo with $1 cups of feed AND $2 hayrides! 3440 S Hawes Rd (Hawes and Elliot Rds.) Mesa, AZ 85212 Gilbert Farmers Market (GFM) is located in Downtown Gilbert just west of the iconic Water Tower and is open every Saturday. Reaching close to 100 vendors in the fall/ spring, the GFM offers a wide variety of locally grown produce from near by farms as well as many local Arizona Food Producers. The GFM features some amazing Food Trucks and local eats along with games and entertainment for the whole family to enjoy! The GFM is a year round market. Where? GFM is located in the Park and Ride just west of the Water Tower in Downtown Gilbert. Corner of Gilbert and Ash Roads. When? Saturdays from 8AM to 12PM during fall/spring season (October through March) Saturdays from 7AM to 11AM during summer season (April through September) 222 N.Ash Street Gilbert, AZ 85234 Gilbert Farmers Market at Power Ranch Wednesdays 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Stop by The Barn at Power Ranch for a selection of vegetables, breads, sweets, other artisan goods as well as several food trucks, too. 3685 W Autumn Drive Gilbert, AZ 85297 Cont’d on next page Page 10 To Market, To Market...Cont’d More Farmers Markets! Schnepf’s Farm Schnepf’s Farm offers a UPICK garden. Thursdays - Sundays 8:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Time to get out and enjoy picking from the 7 acre pesticide free organic gardens. You pay only $1.50 per lb for fresh, Clean Energy Grown organic vegetables. At this time of the year, you may find kale, swiss chard, zucchini, green beans, sugar snap peas, beets, butternut squash, cucumbers, radishes, spinach, and broccoli. There is often lavender, basil and mint available as well. Please call ahead or email for current availability due to mother nature. The Peach Blossom Celebration is scheduled to run February 4 - March 1. There will be UPICK opportunities in the beautiful peach orchards also. 24610 South Rittenhouse Road Queen Creek, Arizona 85242 480-987-3100 Chandler Every Thursday from 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. the Chandler Farmers Market is run by the Downtown Chandler Community Partnership. It is located in Dr. AJ Chandler Park East, between Boston and Buffalo Streets under the blue ramadas. They are open yearround. 3 S. Arizona Place Chandler, AZ 85225 Mesa Open since 1995, they are one of the longest running farmers markets in the valley. Every Friday from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Open year round. 20 E Main St (City Hall Plaza) Mesa, Arizona 85201 Resident Board Have you looked at our Resident Bulletin Board located in the Center lobby? You will find all kinds of items that Solera residents have for sale. Or have you looked on Solera’s website, as items are also listed there. This is a method of communicating to Solera residents about items that others may be interested in purchasing. Have a look! Page 11 Upcoming Activities Save the Dates! The coming months are full of great activities. The Activities Committee would like you to mark your calendars for the coming months. March 2016 3rd—Murder Mystery Dinner Theater Central Arizona College 6PM– More info to follow! 5th—Ladies Tea 12pm 9th– 60’s Dance with That Kool Band 6pm 12th/13th—Solera Choir Spring Concerts 7pm 17th—Annual Meeting 6PM 18th—St. Patrick’s Show Bracken School of Dance 26th—Easter Brunch 11am April 2016 2nd—2nd Annual Solera’s Got Talent Committee Meetings Monthly Meetings Board of Directors | 3rd Thursday Activities | 2nd Monday Architectural Review (ARC) | 1st & 3rd Monday Communications | 1st Tuesday Facilities | 2nd Thursday Finance | 3rd Tuesday Landscape | 2nd Wednesday Welcome | 1st Wednesday Library | 4th Wednesday Welcome Rosemary Kurtz to the Activities Committee! We currently have 3 openings for the Library Committee. For further info on how to apply email Becky Page 12 Finance Committee Submitted by Reg Bellomo This month I thought I will expand on the basic categories of our financial statements. We will examine the Operating Funds expenses so you can get an idea of where your monies are spent. We receive revenues of approximately $860,000. The bulk of which is comprised of our HOA dues. The Expense side of the financials can be broken into several general categories. Administrative costs are about $218,000. This amounts to slightly over 25% of the total expenses we incur. Common Area expenses are about $104,000, which is just below 12%. This would include repairs, maintenance, supplies, etc. Contract Services cost us over $225,000. This is approximately 26% of our costs. This category includes cable, gate, janitorial, pool and landscape contracts which are locked in for a specific time frame. Utility costs amount to $146,000 which breaks down to slightly less than 17%. These include gas, water and power. There is a small amount set aside for taxes, less than 1%. Finally there is an allowance set aside, classified as “Contingency”, which in broad terms is a ‘just in case’ or making allowances for unexpected expenses, etc. This is about 2.3%. The remainder, which is approximately 16.5%, is set aside for future expenses. Some of the largest costs include: Landscaping ($17,4000) - Contract ($144,000)+ Additional costs not covered in the contract ($30,000), salaries, wages and benefits ($106,000), water ($63,500+), power ($37,000+), gas ($25,000) to name some of them. Totaled together these main 5 comprise close to 50% of our costs. I have taken the liberty to round the figures to simplify the data. This still gives you a fairly accurate indication of where our monies are spent. Hopefully, this has shed some light of where our monies go and the categories where we spend the largest percentage of our monies. Until next time, enjoy our wonderful community and be sure to participate in the numerous activities that are available. February Free Spirit Vacations Activities Tucson Quilt Show Offsite Trips with Free Spirit February 19th More Info: Click Here Tubac Arts & Crafts Show February 13th Algodones Shopping Trip More Info: Click Here February 28th More Info: Click Here Page 13 T’ai Chi Submitted by Roxanne Reynolds Tai Chi improves overall fitness, coordination, and agility. People who practice tai chi on a regular basis tend to have good posture, flexibility, and better balance, are mentally alert, and sleep more soundly at night…… Tai chi is both a preventive and a complementary therapy for a wide range of conditions. Specifically, it is beneficial for chronic pain, gout, heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, osteoporosis, headaches, and sleep disorders. Tai chi is also beneficial for the immune system and the central nervous system, which makes it especially good for people with chronic illness, anxiety, depression, or any stress-related conditions. The deep breathing of tai chi regulates the respiratory system, helping to treat respiratory ailments such as asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema. It also stimulates the abdomen, which aids digestion and helps relieve constipation and gastrointestinal conditions. Tai chi is a ancient Chinese form of gentle movement that's been around for hundreds of years, often described as “meditation in motion” tai chi takes you through a full range of motion and it just feels really good. Tai Chi Chih has been called “Serenity in the Midst of Activity” this easy to learn style includes 19 movements and can be learned by anyone regardless of age or physical condition. Classes are every Wednesday morning at 9am through March 2nd. Wear soft soled shoes and bring water. Questions? Call instructor Roxanne 480-357-2919 Johnson Ranch Activities in February Community Sock Hop & Classic Car Cruise Indigo Sky Park on Johnson Ranch Blvd Saturday, Feb 13th 6p-8pm This event is a community sock hop complete with DJ, Hula Hoops, soda fountain and Classic Car Cruise. Lisa Vernon, Johnson Ranch Lifestyle Director, is looking for Classic Cars! If you’d like to enter your classic car, contact Lisa: San Tan Artists—Art Show Lakeview Recreation Area Saturday, February 27th 10AM-2PM Art Show! The San Tan Artists are a collection of artists from the Southeast Valley of Arizona who focus on promoting visual arts within the community. The San Tan Artists believe that the Southeast Valley and the San Tan Mountains exhibit a beautiful palette from which to inspire them to create art and share those personal interpretations of beauty with others. More Info: Click Here Page 14 New Year’s Eve Too much fun! Page 15 Snapshot Review of January Activities and Events Tea Club January 6th Tasty Tuesday January 19th Relay for Life Fundraiser January 23rd Volunteer Luncheon January 31st Wine Tasting January 17th Page 16 Solera Monthly Calendar of Events & Activities February 2016 Sun 7 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fitness Orientation Ladies Bunco 10AM Morning Mingle 9AM-1030AM Community Mixer 5PM 2nd Annual Chili Cook Off 4PM Bingo 7PM Tea Club 1PM 8 9 10 11 12 13 Meet the Candidates Forum for the Board Election 7PM Computer Fort McDowell Zumba 1PM Technology Club 6PM Free Casino Trip What’s Funny After 50? Comedy Show 7PM Community Breakfast 930AM 1-4PM Morning Mingle Texas Hold ‘Em 9AM-1030AM 15 JR Sock Hop 6PM 630PM-Card Room Mexican Train 7PM 14 Western Night 6PM 16 17 18 Tasty Tuesday 530PM Morning Mingle 9AM-1030AM Board Mtg 6PM 19 20 Solera & JR Community Yard Sale 7AM-1PM A Night of Music Senior Olympics 7PM Anthem 21 22 Wine Group 23 24 25 26 27 Morning Mingle Book Club 4PM 9AM-1030AM Coed Bunco 7PM Computer Technology 2PM Bernie & Red Comedy & Music Show 7PM Texas Hold ‘Em 630—Card Room 2-4PM 28 San Tan Artists Art Show—Lakeview 10AM-2PM 29 Weekly Scheduled Activities For details on our weekly scheduled activities refer to our website calendar at Like Us on Facebook! Solera at Johnson Ranch is now on Facebook! Our new page will be used to promote fun, informational and educational events at Solera and within the community. It is for informational purposes only. Like Us Now Page 17 The next Weight Watchers series starts March 16th. To enroll or reenroll, please plan to attend the March 2nd or March 9th meeting. The Weight Watchers group meets every Wednesday at 6:30PM in the Multi Purpose room. Billiards Club Forming Solera is forming a Billiards Club. For more information or to join, contact Jerry Schmidt 480-664-3138 or Advertising Advertising in the Solera Spirit newsletter is now being offered. For further info, please email your proposed ad or questions to Barb Stones at Advertising Page 18 Advertising in the Solera Spirit newsletter is now being offered. For further info, please email your proposed ad or questions to Barb Stones at Page 19 Reminders Reaching Pinal County’s Citizen Contact Center is now as simple as dialing 3-1-1. Dial 3-1-1 On November 6th, Pinal County activated 3-1-1 services to allow citizens to contact local government for non–emergency issues. Internet access is available throughout the Community Center and nearby areas. When visiting the Community Center, you can access the Solera Wi-Fi network by clicking on the Solera_Guest connection on your electronic device with the password of solera318. Watch your neighborhood Please keep a watchful eye out. As a reminder, if you see ANY suspicious activity, please call the Pinal County Sheriff’s department. Call 911 for emergencies. If you feel it is not an emergency and you want the sheriff to investigate, call the PCSO Communications Division at (520) 866-5111. GENTLE REMINDER to please pick up after your pets when you are out walking with them in our community. They should also be on a leash so that no harm may come to them while walking along our busy streets. And know that only service pets are allowed in our Community Center rooms. Please do not let your pets “do their business” on plants in resident yards, as it will kill some plants. Thank you! Board of Directors Solera at Johnson Ranch Management Contacts Michael Clarke, President 31891 N. Echo Canyon Rd San Tan Valley, AZ 85143 Ed Towill Community Manager 480-987-0650 Roger Grundman, Vice President Bob Martin, Director Laurie Gentile, Director Jan Rodeghero, Director Phone:480-987-7966 Fax: 480-987-3058 Becky Bullard Activities Director 480-987-7926 Amanda Robinson Administrative Assistant 480-987-7926
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