11-24 MVT 10B
11-24 MVT 10B
CYAN MAGENTAYELLOW BLACK Lots & Acreage 855 26acCleveland, NC betw Statesville & Salisbury http://NCHorseCountry Farmland.com Restrctd. $5,500/acre. By Owner: Call 336-766-6779 2.46 ACRES - 1250 SF min. to build, restricted neighborhood, paved drive. $30,000. Newport Properties. 704-6637779 2.46 ACRES - 1250 SF min to build, restricted neighborhood, paved drive, $30,000 NEWPORT PROPERTIES 704 663 7779 175 acres Grayson Co. Virg. Creeks, open fields, timber, hunting, views, $4K per acre. 336-6962869. Save Money on Ads! Call The Classified Advertising Department and ask about our monthly specials. 704-664-5554 1.5 acre, New River, building lot, Galax Virg. Power, septic, well, barn, cement drive, camper. $105K. 336-696-2869 Developer/Investors, 44 acres of prime land, hardwoods and meadows, S Yadkin frontage on NE corner. 473TM802 $442,000 Build your dream home on 11 acres w/hardwoods, and 42 ft road frontage. Adjacent acreage available. 477TM549 $63,500 5 Acres in city of Troutman fronts on 3 streets. Investors Welcome! 449LB948 $120,000 EXIT REALTY 704-7683999 Real Estate Wanted We Will Buy or Lease your house any area any price. Call us first! Call us last! 828-304-0022. Property wanted in Mooresville area. Small Tract or lots for multi-family development. 704-8753056 780 Resort Rentals Marriot Ski In-Ski Out, 2BR/2BA Villa, Park City Utah, slps 8, avail. Dec. 5-12, $1500. 336-9221260 785 Masonry 910 David Altemose Masonry- Stone, brick, block, concrete, fireplaces, , chimneys. Quality work & repairs. 704-663-7215 860 Misc. Service SKID Steer loader work, lg or sm. 704-592-2096. Looking for Small Business Book-Keeping Service. Call P&L @ 704-996-1796 LAND Clearing, grading, stumping, large or small jobs, hauling rock/dirt, 704-682-0748 or ask for John 704-682-0749 HOME REPAIRS LIC. & INSURED All types of repairs. Garages. Additions. 12 yrs. exp., Refs. Reasonable. No job too small 704902-4633. Free! We pick up junk Georgia Boy Pursuit ’00 appliances, scrap metal 35’ 22k mi., 454 Vortect & junk cars704-585-6359 eng, 290 hp, slideout, BF Homes Lic 47493 re- loaded, has ext warranty pairs, remodels, new $46,800. 704-873-0154 const. Free est. War. 704-528-3657- 902-1348 Affordable Elder Care Do you need help in caring for an elderly loved one? Warm,caring and reliable caregiver available for part-time or fulltime in-home senior care. Call 704-892-0030. Coachman Futura 2000, 24ft., Ultralite, Fiberglass, Self-contained, Extra clean, CLOSEOUT $7,950, taylorautocenter.com, 704-637-5900 870 Painting 2000 Coachman CataliResidential Painting- in- na, rear bunks, front ter/exter, pressure wash- queen, retail $13,000 will ing, deck .Free esti- sell for $11,000. 704799-9354 Mooresville mates. 704-660-3484 Exterior painting & cleaning, pressure washing decks, piers, driveways & etc. Roof cleaning, residential, & commercial. Call 704-660-6154 790 Rooms for Rent Mvl- Exit 36, Perth & Fern Hill Rd 1 room w/ private bath, non-smoking,$350 + deposit. Includes utilities 704-9020997. Furn. cable, kit & laundry facilities. Phone Criminal background check. Proof of employment req’d. $100/weekly 704-528-5230 or 704660-3228 820 Carpenters New roofing, shingles, or metal, custom built decks, decks & pier repair, exterior home repair. NO JOB TOO SMALL. 704-660-6154 Fences, decks, painting & staining, trim work or any handyman services. 704-507-8406 DRYWALL Repairs or new construction. Experienced & local. FREE estimates. Call Alvin 704-307-7120 Roofing 834 Child Care Home Day Care Has opening for Days, nights, & weekends. 704-6601616. or 980-253-6126 Certified Child care providers to provide fun, safe care while you shop for Christmas. Fri Nov 26, 5:30am until 3:00pm. Sat Nov 27, 8:00am until 1:00pm or 6:00pm until 10:00pm. Peggy 704449-7054 & Michelle 704-799-0828 835 Domestic / Cleaning Services Yamaha ’00 650 V-star classic 8k mi, black, windshield, shaft drive. $3995. 704-924-9500 TWO 2001 Polaris 325cc Trail Boss 4-wheeler’s, automatic transmission with Triton aluminum ATV trailer, very low time, Excellent condition, $5500. 2001 Polaris 90cc Scrambler 4 wheeler, automatic transmission, very low time, Excellent condition. $1400. 704-560-5511 Suzuki ’03 Intruder, VS 1400CC, 975 miles. black, new condition, $7600. 828-256-7406.or 256-4471. Polaris Xplorer ’01. 250 4x4 automatic excellent cond. Very low hours woman ridden. $2,950.00 OBO. 828652-2609 Polaris ’05 Sportsman, all sizes, all new design. Must see before purchasing any new unit! 12 mos warr. 704-924-9500 905 Boats Yamaha ’96 Waveblaster II, needs nothing. Lake ready. 704-924-9500 90HP w/ dbl trailer $2995 We buy used units. 22’ Suntracker Regency Party Barge 2001, White ext, Tan int, 6 cyl. excellent. 12,500.00 obo. Can be seen at exit 30 Davidson Marina. Call 704953-5073 Sea Ray Seville 18 ft Bow Rider 1986-140 HP Mercruiser, rebuilt front to back, canvas boat cover, great recreational boat, EZ load trailer. Corvette ’79 350 automatic, T-Top, CD player, $3700. (704) 782-5644 new tires, needs minor Ranger ’88 364V w/ ’93 paint work. $6995. 828Johnson Faststrick 150 2 437-6960. graphs, troling motor, ex- Classic 1976 Datsun cond. $5500. 704-546- 280-Z, 2+2. Excellent 2442 condition. cover, original Pontoon boat, needs re- wheels, original radio & piars, $1425 obo (704) o w n e r ’ s m a n u a l i n cluded. Must see to ap491-0372 preciate. $10400. 704Malibu ’98 Response LX 664-2514 Inboard ski boat 139 hours 325 EFI w/ trailer, CHEVY 1927 - 4 door e x - c o n d . o p e n b o w sedan Needs restoration $4500. Call 336-764$17,950. 704-894-0721 0829 ’71 Glassmaster 15 ft ex all original cond. canopy Chevy, ’67 Chevelle, fully & cover includ, IB/OB restored,clone, 350 moengine,needs a little tor, 12 V rear, Turbo 400 work.$1100, 704-363- trans, $22,500 OBO. After 6pm 704-987-1919 6964 includes trailer 910 Campers 920 Harley-Davidson FXDX 1999 Super Glide Sport 19200 miles, Black, Excellent Condition, V& H 2into1 ProPipe exhaust, Air Cleaner kit w/Jets, Detachable windsheild, luggge rack, sissy bar, new rear tire, garage kept, storage cover, Dealer Maintained. Call 704-929-6838, evenings 2002 Harley Davidson V ride, 1100 miles, 5 year warranty, $14000. 704-664-4571. 2000 Isuzu NPR Landscape 16ft. open bed, V8 Auto, Air, 51K $14,900 1999 Isuzu NPR Stakebed 14ft, stakebed, Auto, Air, 26K, $13,900 2000 Isuzu NPR Box Trucks 14-18ft. Auto, Air, Gas or Diesel Starting at $12,900 All units are extra clean and ready to work! E-Ton ’05 Viper ages 6 & older. start. Fin avail. warranty! See Vic 704-924-9500 70 for Electric $1799 Today! BMW, ’99 R1100RT, bags & trunk, ABS, heated, grips, black, like new, 24kmi. $7,743. 828584-7056/704-616-3037 925 Pickups & Trucks Toyota - ’99 Tacoma 4x4 72,000 mi. 5 sp., tool box, good cond. extra set of all-terrain tires, $9,000 704-455-9158. TAYLOR AUTO CENTER Salisbury, NC 704-637-5900 taylorautocenter.com GMC Sonoma SLS ’99 ext cab, 4cyl, auto, am/fm CD, cold AC, 82K mi. $6800. 704450-7117/ 978-1199 GMC Sierra SLE 2000, Extra cab, 4x2, Cloth, cruise, CD, All power options, Burgundy, Local trade, Nice! 70k, $13,900 www.taylorautocenter.com, 704-637-5900 GMC 1500 SLT Serria 2003, reg. cab, 5.3 V8, AT, AC, Cruise, CD & PW, 4x4 Z71, tow pkg, carbon metallic w/gray cloth int, 17.5k mi., Toyota ’99 Tacoma, 61K, $21,900. OBO perfect air, 5-sp, Excellent Con- cond. 828-438-8080 or dition, SALE $5,950, 828-443-5345 t a y l o r a u t o c e n t e r . c o m , FORD RANGER EDGE 704-637-5900 2004- V6, pl, pw, & 4x4. Nissan ’95 X-tra cab, also has cd player. 4cyl, 5sp, ac, bedliner 27 $18,900. Call 704-902mpg, very clean, runs / 7670 looks great. $4225. 704- Ford ’02 Ranger XLT 45k 585-5353 miles, $500 down, take over payments. NISSAN - ’89 xtra cab, (704) 933-2620 4x4, V6, AC, 5-sp, bed liner, loaded, ex-cond. Let Classifieds $4850. 704-585-5353 Work for You! Call 704-664-5554 NISSAN - ’89 xtra cab, Kawasaki ’02 Vulcan 500 4x4, V6, AC, 5-sp, bed Ford ’94 Ranger STX, liner, loaded, ex-cond. LTD red, windshield, 4x4, ext cab, AT, CD, alback rest, rack, Must $4800. 704-585-5353 loys, bedcover, 126K. see, 6K mi $3495. See Mazda ’99 B3000 Troy $4800. 704-871-9301 Vic today! 704-924-9500 Lee, 4 dr, 1 owner, 71k, FORD - ’90 F350 w/ util2002 Honda VTX 1800 V 6 , p s , a m / f m C D , tiy bed, 7.3 Diesel, chromed, 9,000 miles, t i l t / c r u i s e , b e d l i n e r . trailer hitch, $2900 Call windshield, 2 helmets. $7995 (704) 795-1885 (704) 933-1870 or (704) $9,500 704-799-33060 ISUZU - ’96 pickup regu- 798-0082 for details. HONDA Rebel ’01 250 lar cab, 4 cyl, 5-speed, Ford ’02 F250 extra cab black sissy bar saddle- AC, 26 mpg, very clean 4wd, lariat trim, leather, bags windshield, full eng- $2,625/trade. 704-585- e v e r y o p t . 3 6 K m i . guards, EC 5400 mi. 5353. $22,000. 704-872-7105 $2250.704-873-8524 ISUZU - ’96 pickup regu- Ford ’00 F-150, 4.6l V8, HONDA - ’00 Rebel 250 lar cab, 4 cyl, 5-speed, longbed, pearl white silver w/black saddle AC, 26 mpg, very clean chrome wheels, bedliner, bags & mounts - wind- $2,600/trade. 704-585- extra body chrome, very shield, EC. 6200 mi 5353. sharp must see. $7125 $1950. 704-873-8524 / obo. 828-256-7799. 657-5529 FORD ’94 F150 4x2 XL, longbed, dual tanks, aut A/C, V8, 120K, Exc cond.. $3895. 336-2400950 Isuzu ’00 NPR Dump Truck, 10ft, Dump, 4.8L Ford-’95 F-150 XLT, Diesel, auto, 72K, Ready Electric Red. 28 K miles t o w o r k ! $ 1 6 , 9 0 0 , 5.8 litre engine 2 gas Honda ’96 CR125 & 98 t a y l o r a u t o c e n t e r . c o m , tanks, Like New $12,500 Suzuki RM125 $1995 ea 704-637-5900 OBO 704-663-1521 00 Honda CR250 $2495. all trail ready. 704-9249500. We buy used units Ford-’95 F-150 XLT, Electric Red. 28 K miles 5.8 litre engine 2 gas tanks, Like New $12,500 OBO 704-663-1521 Dodge ’01 Ram 2500 Diesel, Quad Cab. Loaded. Nice Condition. 125K miles. $17,800. Call 828320-8287 Dodge ’94 Ram 1500, Short bed, 318 V8 engine, pwr st, pwr mirrors, Reese hitch, $3,995.828438-8087 after 3 pm. Let Classifieds Work for You! Call 704-664-5554 Jeep ’97 Cherokee Laredo 2X4 good gas mileage Very good condition. Safe family car. Reasonably priced Asking $4.750. 123,000 Chev ’03 2500 HD dsl, miles many of which are 4wd, extra cab, lthr, on- highway miles. Call 828star Htd seats, 6 disc 652-7003. Bose fm/cd, goose neck pin, tow pkg, pm, ps, Honda - ’01 Passport EX c o m p a s s 3 9 , 8 0 0 m i 4wd all power options, sunroof, lug rack, lthr, $30,900. 704-872-7105 CD, alloy whls 63k Let Classifieds $15,700. 704-585-6161 Work for You! Call 704-664-5554 940 Dodge ’98 Dakota Club Cab, white w/chrome trim, V6, bed liner & cover, 1 owner, 96k highway miles, very clean, $5500. 704-660-1598 Chevy- ’97 Silverado Z71, 3rd dr, 4x4, stereo, CD, V8, auto, full pwr, new tires, bedliner, running boards, tow pkg, super cond, $11,700. 704892-1570 SUV’s 940 SUV’s Toyota ’94 4Runner, Dark Green, SUV. Auto. 6-cyl. 4 WD. 126000, Loaded, Power brakes, Power, steering, CD, A/C, AM/FM, rebuiltengine, runs well, sunroof, very clean, Great cond. $6500, 336-399-9463 WebPlus + 18433 Lincoln- ’99 Navigator, 4x4, 3rd seat, 6CD, new tires, heated seats, running board, white-beige interior, excell cond, Chevy ’94 S10 short $11,900. 704-309-5666 bed 4.3V6, auto, bed liner, 120K mi, ex-cond. LEXUS LX470 ’03, 15K $3500. 704-873-5389 or mi, all options, $51,500 obo. W 704-892-1234; N 657-7810 704-904-4341 CHEVY 3500 ’02 CUBE Jeep ’01 Grand CheroVAN, 15 ft box, 33K mi. Built in cabinetry. EC, kee Laredo , 54 K, Tan, $14,500 336-924-9377 Leather, Sun roof, all options exceptional cond. 336-399-3097 $14,200 704-873-2856 CHEV - ’97 Silverado Jeep ’01 Grand Chero1500, 5.7 crowl ind. kee Ltd, White, all opwhite, clean, 2-dr., ext tions incl. V8, auto, precab, leather int. 82k mi. mium sound, leather, tow $9,760. 704-902-5202. pkg,sun roof etc., very Chevrolet ’01 Silverado, nice! only 42K. $16,995. 4x4, Z71, loaded, all op- Call 828-322-8663 tions, like new, below Jeep ’00 Grand Cherobook value. Must sell, fi- kee Larado, 4x4, 6cyl, nancing avail, trade con- auto, white, 74K, all org, sidered, private owner new tires, ex-cond. 1st 704-506-6876 $11,500. 704-634-2000 CHEV - ’80 1/2 ton pick- JEEP - ’95 Grand Cheroup, 6 cyl., 3 spd on flr. kee Laredo 4x4, V8, New exhaust, body in 140K, good cond. $3700. exc shape, asking $975. 704-873-5389 or 704657-7810. 20204 704-871-1903. Auto Bath MOORESVILLE Automatic Soft Cloth New! We can now wash elevated vans & duallys in our automatic touchless pit. TOUCHLESS High Pressure Wash SUV’s FORD ’98 Explorer XLT 4.0V6, all power, new tires, 93K mi, very nice. Must move. Only $7100 obo. 704-876-1277 Ford ’97 Explorer XLT V6, 4x4, full power, alloys, org. white paint Xclean. Must see. Was $7995. Now $5750. cash 704-634-2000. Ford- ’92 Explorer Eddie Bauer Edition,4x4, mocha/tan, all lthr, sunroof, every option, HOLIDAY SPECIAL Ford ’01 Expedition XLT $3295. 704-663-3312 white, 3rd seat, V8, lthr Dodge ’99 Durango int, auto, chrome whl, green w/tan leather interunning board, all pwr rior, 3rd row seat, 94k seats, center arm rest, m i l e s , 4 w h l d r i v e am/fm cass, CD & CD ,$10,000. 828-584-2101 changer, sec. sys., remote control, rear a/c & Chevy- ’02 Tahoe Z71, heat & map light, towing gar kept, like new, 1 pkg, expensive head owner, 33k, lthr, under light guard, w/ new Con- w a r r a n t y . M u s t s e e ! tinental tires, customized $24,900. 704-799-2740 rims, Holiday Special Chevrolet ’02 SUBURPrice $12,950.(704) 890- BAN, RED, 28,500 miles. 8264 or (704) 932-4503. Loaded, leather int., GMC ’99 Suburban, 4x4, Great cond. $29,500. SLT, leather, rear air, 3rd 336-659-6295 seat, 141K Hwy. miles, Cadillac - 00 Escalade, Burgundy/gray, $9,900. 89k, TV/VCR/6 CD, on 704-664-9748 star, new tires, new brakes (rotors & pads). accept partial trade. 704-892-1570 Ford ’99 Explorer XLT. V6, 86k mi. leather, Loaded, Ex. cond. $7,200, (704) 934-2582 or cell 704-701-1104 Ford Explorer - 99 XLT , loaded, leather seats, sunroof, gray color, . $8,500. Call 704-8733905. Ford - ’00 Excursion 4x4, limited, all black, loaded, TV, leather, $19,995 704-799-0776 945 Vans Kia ’02 Sedona EX, Leather, loaded, new tires, 28K mi., Great Family Van Exc.cond. $12,995 828-495-1265. Let Classifieds Work for You! Call 704-664-5554 FORD - ’00 Windstar LX, loaded, 4-dr., CD, p seats, extra clean, 55k mi. $9,000 obo, 704-4374673 or 704-878-0380. Use the Superhighway to find a super car or truck! ULTIMATE ...................$5 Double Soft Cloth Wash with Undercarriage Wash & Foaming Wax www.classifiedmarketplace.net DELUXE ......................$4 Double Soft Cloth Wash with Undercarriage Wash EXPRESS PLUS ............$3 Basic Soft Cloth Wash HIGH-POWERED AIR BLOWER .....................$1 780 North Broad St. • Hwy. 115 Mooresville, N.C. (704) 662-3003 Open from 6 am until 11 pm Honda ’01 CBR929RR red/black 12,900 mi, jardine exhaust, perfect cond. $6995. 704-9249500. See Vic Today! Motorcycles 1994 ZX9 motorcycle F3 Jet Kit, 39 swing arm, $3500. (704) 721-6737 Yamaha ’99 Big Bear. 350cc, 4 X4, four wheeler, excellent condition. Front and rear racks. $3,500, Tiogoa “87 Ford 350 26’ Many extras. 2 chairs, couch dinette 828-652-2801 queen cab over bed, microwave, fridge, TV, large bath, awning, generator, stereo, $13,000. 828-433-0760 Winnebago ’87 Class A, 22ft., fully equipped, 454 engine, (generator low hrs.) new AC & fridg, 70K mi. $5,400. 828324-8079 after 5pm. kgrayhowell@aol.com. Valkyrie ’99 Interstate Cobra pipes & chrome, am/fm, CB, 4150 mi., like new. $10,995. (980)521-3266 MP, NC. Honda ’97 1500 Goldwing, white, 95k mi, great cond. Needs nothing. $7995. 704-9249500 Honda ’98 1100 Spirit black / orange. 5056 mi, backrest, light bar, rear rack. $5595. 704-9249500. Ready to ride! They can turn your old sofa into new money. Call now to place your ad: (704) 664-5554 Trying to sell your vehicle? Let MORE people know about it with a 5 line, 30 day ad in the classified section of all the Media General North Carolina papers for just $60. That’s 7 newspapers in different cities NO TIME TO CLEAN? JUST CALL ME!!! Experience, trustworthy & hard working. Reasonable rates. Serving all of Iredell & surrounding areas. Call Anita 704880-8366 or 704-8837584. All Best Cleaning Services- You’ve tried the Rest, Now try the BEST. Residential & new construction. 704-883-8407 or 704-902-8158 with total readership of over 400,000 which means finding the person who wants that ‘69 Dodge Dart just got easier. CALL CALL 828-322-4510 704-664-5554 Landscaping & Gardening Tree Service Stump Grinding Removal • Trimming Topping • Clearing Reasonable Rates Dependable Service 828-294-1474 866-611-7878 Mooresville Tribune LAKE NORMAN MARKETPLACE 147 East Center Avenue, Mooresville 40015166 840 ISUZU WORK TRUCKS 1/4 Midget wing cart, like new, Must see 01CR500 motor $6500. Sacrifice @ $2995. 704-924-9500 Polaris ’03 700 Sportsman Blk/silver, bumpers, hand guards, just serviced! Needs noting! $5495. 704-924-9500 Nova ’72 Supersport 355 eng, 12 blt rear end, new tires/rally whls most new chrome $8500. 828437-6960. FORD - ’67 Ranger 360 V8, automatic, dual exhaust, looks & runs great $3,800. 704-872-1307. Ford Mustang ’72 Mach I, Good condition, blue metallic with Argent stripes, 351 Cleveland, $7,500. 828-432-0231 DODGE - ’71 Dart 69,000 original mi. Runs great, good cond. $1900 firm. 704-933-7242. DODGE - ’71 Dart 69,000 original mi. Runs great, good cond. $1,900 firm. 704-933-7242. Motorcycles 925 Pickups & Trucks 925 Pickups & Trucks 925 Pickups & Trucks 940 HD ’03 Ann. Edition Knight Train. 2K mi, absolute showroom cond. new rinehart pipes, screaming eagle kit, new bars. $16,500. Firm. 704902-3992 Tree Service Terry ’94 5th wheel 27.5ft w/ superslide out queen bed, full ba, used Roofing & repair. Free very little. $9,997. 704estimates. All work guar- 873-5170 anteed.704-871-0079 or 704-500-6838 822 Motorcycles 920 Chinook Premier Motorhome 21ft. Like new, loaded, most all opts., shower/full kit., TREE SPECIALISTS generator, TV, micro, a tree removal, trimming, great buy @ $39,500. selective pruning, lot Call 828-495-7750. clearing and storm damage clean-up. Insurance Classic Cars & Kawasaki ’05 Vulcan 600 and free estimates. 704- 915 Trucks Classic Fuel injected, liq902-2935 or 902-5146 uid cooled 3.9% fin avail. PJ Enterprises-Tree reMust see! Only $10,500. moval, trimming, stump 704-924-9500 Warranty grinding, firewd, Free est 704-799-0755- 902-0032 Classifieds Work! Call 704-664-5554 895 NEW TODAY! Roommate wanted to share home in Mooresville $400/mo Utilities included. 704-658-8673 Master Br & Ba, 1st floor, shared kit & bath $130 per wk incl utils. In Mooresville. 704-872-9004. House to share, Mooresville. Avail now, priv. bed & bath, use of kit & laundry $340 mo & 1/2 elect. 704-663-1108. Playmor 21’ 1996 self contained, has bath & shower, microwave, refrig., TV, chairs, all access. $4000 704-4363885 or 980-521-4370. MONOCO DYNASTY ’99, 40 ft, 35,700 mi. 7.5 kw die. gen. 350HP die., 2 TV, W/D, 4dr frig/freezer, micro/conv. oven. Loaded, Kernersville 336-785-0917 Leonard Camper Cover. Fits Ford F150 ’99-’04. White, interior light, felt, 3rd brake light, clamps, exc. cond. $550. 828437-8439 JAYCO - ’01 EAGLE 281 5th Wheel, 30 ft. 2 Slides. Has extended warrenty good until ’08. $15,500. 704-664-1800. Handyhes for water damage, drywall, plumb, etc I show up 704-450-0690 Roommate Wanted Wanted mature adult to share Townhouse, lake community, Cornelius. Private room & bath, shared kitchen & laundry Tennis Court & Pool. $485. 704-895-2589 or 704-807-4046 Campers 920 50011012_BJB 765 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2004 40068782_aam 760 MOORESVILLE TRIBUNE 40018134 10B • HICKORY DAILY RECORD • INDEPENDENT TRIBUNE (CONCORD/KANNAPOLIS) • WINSTON SALEM JOURNAL • STATESVILLE RECORD & LANDMARK • NEWS HERALD (MORGANTON) • McDOWELL NEWS (MARION) • MOORESVILLE TRIBUNE
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