June 1, 2016


June 1, 2016
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The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #5, Supplement
Wednesday, 01 June 2016
As we move into the glorious sunny and hot summer days here “at the top of
the world”, many of us are thinking about our beach bodies and regretting how we
didn’t follow through with all those well intentioned New Year’s resolutions – I know
– those few extra pounds or a little bit of a “muffin top” with those treasured skinny
jeans. And did you succeed at quitting smoking? Yeah, yeah I know we are all
doctors and none of us really do smoke, do we?
Well there are some answers to these quandaries and it’s not too late to get
going with our old standby regimens. But will this attempt be any more successful
than the last? And even – as the healthy always slim and trim doctors that we are –
what are our patients and clients facing? Is there a place in your practice for the kind
of treatments and procedures that don’t just make us feel better, but also make us
look better?
Many of you have heard me talking about the MORA® Beauty since last fall,
and it gives me great pleasure to bring you more information and details about this
amazing device. The concept is the marriage of classical BioResonance Therapy with
cosmetic applications. It is extremely effective, completely assistant delegable and is
a definite money maker in any practice. The four main programs for this device are:
1) Biophonie: Developed in France, this program combines classical
BioResonance with sound and provides general relaxation, detoxification,
stress relief and revitalization.
2) JENU: This is the “biggie”. This is the program for the treatment of cellulite
(beach body here I come!). Well documented and very effective this program
alone can pay for your Beauty within months of purchase.
Based on OIRF’s old Rejuvenessence© acupuncture facial wrinkle program
they are developing new MORA® Beauty programs for facial, neck and
cleavage wrinkle reduction (now since I’m still only 39 again, I think we’ll be
trying out this one here in our own offices!).
Page Two; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #5 Supplement; June 2016
3) Smoking Cessation: This program is extremely well documented with
multiple studies and long standing success rates. The program was initially
developed in Turkey and boasts 85%+ (actually well into the 90% bracket but
I won’t brag!) success rates. Another great money maker.
4) And finally Nutrition: This program has various applications to optimize
nutrition, weight loss, detoxification and revitalization.
Okay you can tell I really like this device, right? It’s relatively inexpensive and
because of its primarily cosmetic applications it has not yet been designated as
“medical” in terms of application and import even into the US. In some practices, the
JENU cellulite application alone allows the device to pay for itself within a matter of
months. After we used this unit at the Florida A4M congress last year, we were
amazed to see initial and visible cellulite improvement even after only short demo
applications. You’ll see the recommended treatment process in the following article
and I have seen and can confirm the efficacy of this treatment.
I remember one doc walking up to the booth in Florida, quite smugly saying
“Well, you know that cellulite always comes back – you can’t fix that!” On the one
hand, “yes it does come back” but on the other hand, it takes awhile and at that
point you can charge for one or two “touch up treatments” – about six months later!
I’ve yet to hear of an “unhappy” patient with this procedure.
I know, we’re doctors and we’re into the medical procedures. But I also know
that we are all more than a little vain about our appearance. If we are not feeling
well or are ill, our appearance changes. If we struggle with weight control or
smoking, our appearance changes – in some cases dramatically. And think about it,
even small improvements in our appearance will affect how we feel about ourselves
and our bodies. And it changes how we respond to the therapeutic procedures that
will then take care of the more “serious” medical problems we – or our patients – are
I was absolutely thrilled when Med-Tronik came up with the concept of using
classical BioResonance for the so called cosmetic applications. Imagine the boost to a
patient when they can literally and successfully quit smoking without the usual
withdrawal symptoms and cravings but after only 2 or at most 3 treatments? Won’t
that help your patient accept and respond to your interventions for their other more
serious medical symptoms?
I have personally seen amazing responses both to the Cellulite and the
Smoking Cessation programs. Mr. Unger from Med-Tronik is apparently working on
the weight loss program to hone his beach body for the summer and I’ll be checking
in with him to see his progress. I don’t personally have much experience with the
Biophonie program, but reports on its success and effectiveness for relaxation and
stress relief are very positive.
Page Three; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #5 Supplement; June 2016
Together with Med-Tronik and NovaCutis, OIRF will be demonstrating the
MORA® Beauty at the December A4M Congress in Las Vegas, Nevada on Dec. 9-11,
2016. If you’re “still thinking” by that time we invited you to drop by and see us to
get a free demo and more detailed information. Well, drop by and see us anyway,
we’ll be happy to see you again!
Here now is an interesting article recently published in the famous CO’MED journal in
Germany. You can see some short biographies of the 3 authors at the end of the
article and the article itself will give a much better idea about the application of the
Beauty in practice.
And then, here is some further information (based on the literature published by the
manufacturer Med-Tronik in Germany). For pricing, order and delivery details please
contact the OIRF offices toll free 1-800-663-8342. Our feature for June will be the
MORA® Beauty and we’ll pay the shipping (up to €300).
Read on, call us and let’s get one of these amazing devices into your practice before
all those wannabe summer bodies come through your clinic door!
Follow this link to get your PDF print copy of “The Bridge” Volume 12, Issue #5
Another exclusive article for OIRF Supporters, published June 2016
by Occidental Institute Research Foundation . . .
Beauty and Natural Healing
Cellulite and Natural Healing
Holistic, Individual Beauty
By Anne-Kathrin Liedel, Peter Mahr and Yvonne Dauer
From an article in CO’Med, Volume 21, November 2015
Machine Translation by SYSTRAN, Lernout & Hauspie, LogoMedia & Promt
Translation & redaction by: Carolyn L. Winsor, OIRF
© Copyright 2015, Liedel, Mahr and Dauer, Med-Tronik, Friesenheim, Germany
Page Four; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #5 Supplement; June 2016
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which
contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.”
(David Hume)
Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder
This attempt at a definition of beauty made by the Scottish philosopher David Hume in
“Of the Standard of Taste” ([first published in 1742], 1910) already shows how “beauty”
was not very tangible more than a hundred years ago and that one of the few continuities
exists in the fact that it is subject to constant change.
With the Egyptians hairless bodies lay in focus for esthetic endeavors, then in ancient
Greece they concentrated on athletically formed bodies. Symmetrically and perfectly
proportioned [1], they should be the result of intensive physical training. Above all the
Spartans symbolized visible physical strength, willpower and moral superiority.
Overweight and inadequately defined muscles were immediately associated with lack of
discipline and physical as well as psychic weakness.
Roman society went back to the value system of external characteristics, although here
absolutely desirable attributes were ascribed to a person with imposing body fullness in
the same ways as wealth, power and joy of living [1].
This positive reception is also found again in art. From the Baroque up until Realism with
painters like Peter Paul Rubens (“Adam and Eve”, 1628-1629; “The Three Graces”,
around 1635) or Gustave Courbet (“The Bathers”,
1853; “The Source”, 1868) partly provocative
sumptuous forms are explicitly presented over and over
again allegorically for beauty and sensuousness.
That these works of art portray women who casually
display legs and bottoms may surprise nobody today.
Nevertheless the fact that they are not even very taut and
trained, but are provided with rich furrows and
depressions probably puts the majority of (female)
observers into a state between amazement and relieved
satisfaction. And actually at that time cellulite was not
perceived as a flaw, or even as an abnormal situation
which was a matter for repair, but rather as a quite
obviously natural part of a “beautiful” body.
Figure 1: “The Three Graces” by
Peter Paul Rubens as a stamp motif.
Page Five; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #5 Supplement; June 2016
Today “Orange Peel Skin” is Out
Only in 1920 the French Alquier and Paviot * characterized this concept – and with it the
destructive judgment: unaesthetic [2]. Subsequently, the New York owner of beauty
salons Nicole Ronsard published her book in 1973: “Cellulite: Those Lumps, Bumps and
Bulges You Couldn’t Lose Before” and thus announced cellulite as a battle which in the
meantime seems ubiquitous. An end is not to be foreseen.
As a result of visual parallels cellulite is described in colloquial
language as “orange peel skin” [“cottage cheese skin”]. Up to now
there are various explanatory models for potential physiological
causes. As a starting point they generally take changes of the fatty
tissues and the microcirculation, which result from disturbances in the
blood and lymph systems. These changes then lead to lymphostasis
and a solidification of the tissues: which many regard as the unsightly
look of cellulite [2].
Cellulite: Treatment Options
Even if excess weight and weak muscle tone are factors
which can favor the formation of cellulite, normal or
even underweight women and rarely men are also
affected. There are three different grades of cellulite
where Grade 3 represents the most severe development
(see Fig. 2). Although it is completely harmless from
the medical viewpoint, most people have the desire to
seize countermeasures giving a helping hand for the
sake of that [which is] once more regarded as a reduced
Figure 2: Grade 3 Cellulite
During recent years a keyboard of possibilities were developed for this, which extend
from body compresses, various lotions through a procedure with a vacuum, laser, current
or injections and up to expensive high-risk surgical interventions. In most cases these
methods turn out ineffective, and in the worst cases as a health danger.
Safe alternatives for this offer natural healing and complementary medical
measures which can quite fundamentally promote substantial progress
especially with Grade 3 cellulite.
* The works of French scientists Dr. Louis Alquier and Dr. Paviot (published in the 1920s) which describe
cellulite as a non-inflammatory cellular disorder of mesodermal origin – the result of poor circulation and
water metabolism – which extends to the adjacent tissues between cells.
Page Six; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #5 Supplement; June 2016
First it is advisable to balance an often present mineral substance deficiency and
consequently to also support connective tissue regeneration. A Silicon-Magnesium
combination (e.g. KlinSiMag**) can be of great use in most cases.
As already mentioned because excess weight as well as an over acidification of the body
can provoke the origin and intensity of cellulite, an analysis of the diet is also
recommended with regard to a possible deficiency in the basic foods. It is additionally
advised that athletic activity be coordinated to the individual constitution for the increase
of muscle tone and respectively ensuing from that a strengthening of the connective
tissue. Furthermore the hormone status can be checked in order to exclude an increased
estrogen role which also represents a risk factor, or to correct this when required. The
activity of the lymph system profits from drainage, lymph remedies (e.g. Solunat No. 9)
or lymph ointments (e.g. Schüßler Ointment No. 11, Silicea).
Figure 3: Skin cross section. Left: With existing cellulite the fat cell cluster (yellow) is enlarged
within the connective tissue septa (grey). Right: In comparison here skin without cellulite
(© BlueRingMedia/Shutterstock.com)
Also BioResonance Can Help
A relatively recent treatment method in the range of cellulite problems is that of
BioResonance. In this case, application of the principle of classical BioResonance is
found with a special adaptation for the regulation of cellulite. Endogenic as well as
external frequencies support the self-regulation of the whole body and also thus
positively affect the texture of the tissues.
** KlinSiMag by SoluMed according to Dr.med. Bodo Köhler)
Page Seven; The Bridge, Volume 12, Issue #5 Supplement; June 2016
For application on the affected body areas a so called Active Electrode is softly massaged
in circular movements after applying a body oil. This application takes place once a week
over a period of eight weeks. After six months the result can be checked and refreshed.
Although no side effects are to be expected, there are contraindications:
• Menstruation
• Pregnancy
• Carriers of a pacemaker
• Epilepsy
Case studies from the practice already show smoother and tauter skin after the first
application. The result improves during the course of the application series and also
continues pleasantly long after their end.
Thus the term “beauty” may also be defined individually, however it thus mostly means a
balance of single components within a whole system. Here natural healing establishes
success – when the focus does not lie in the details, but rather the holistic – nevertheless
individual beauty plays a crucial role.
1. Eco, Umberto: On Beauty. A History of A Western Idea. Maclehose Press, 2010.
2. Hexel, Doris et al. (2010): Definition, Clinical Aspects, Classifications, and Diagnostic
Techniques. In: Cellulite. Pathophysiology and Treatment. 2. Aufl.: 13-23
Anne-Kathrin Liedel is a beauty expert of the MORA Institute for Beauty and Wellness in
Friesenheim, Germany. She is a certified biological assistant and specializes in beauty
applications with BioResonance.
Yvonne Dauer is a freelance journalist (among other things for medicine) and a scientific
employee of Med-Tronik, GmbH.
Peter Mahr, HP has worked as a Heilpraktiker [Naturopath] in private practice since 1991 and as
a professional lecturer for holistic natural healing methods. His main focuses are BioResonance
Therapy, ElectroAcupuncture According to Voll and cell milieu revitalization. After founding and
managing the Heilpraktikerschule Kinzigtal Süd [Naturopathic School of South Kinzigtal] with
outpatient apprenticships, in the beginning of 2015 in cooperation with Med-Tronik GmbH he
opened the MORA Practice for Natural Healing and the MORA Institute for Wellness and Beauty
in Friesenheim.
A brand of Med-Tronik GmbH.
World leader in BioResonance technology!
For beauty and joy in life
The effect will amaze
even professionals
In the early 70s of the last century, Franz Morell MD and his son-in-law, engineer
Erich Rasche, researched BioResonance. Their groundbreaking discoveries led to
the construction of bio-physical, technical medical equipment.
In 1977 they developed the unique MORA®-Therapy: A holistic diagnostic and
treatment procedure with patented MORA® oscillations.
Over the years, the equipment, the software and applications have been
continuously improved and expanded. With great effort, the products are thoroughly
investigated, tested and analyzed in the MORA® research laboratory.
The result of this work is MORA® Beauty. The applications are designed for both men
and women who wish to preserve or restore their natural beauty. Personal well-being
is at the center of all treatments. Invigorating, relaxing and releasing applications
interact with skin, hair, connective tissue and personal charisma.
The therapies have been extensively tested having confirmed its effectiveness in
numerous internal studies with test subjects. Even professionals will be impressed:
Never before has there been a comparable therapy that is as gentle, sustainable and
MORA® Beauty – the latest spa trend
for beauty and joy in life.
Tested in the
. . . AND MORE
Nine out of ten women over 30 years of age can testify to the frustration they
experience due to cellulite on their thighs and buttocks. Even top models and movie
stars have not been spared. The connective tissue weakness is indeed a purely
cosmetic problem – for the women involved this is of little consolation.
Despite great promise from numerous manufacturers, treatments are often very
expensive and lengthy and remain thus far with little or no success, mainly due to
the lack of scientific basis.
MORA® Beauty is different – MORA® Beauty is effective!
The ultra-modern combination of the latest BioResonance technology and intelligent
software achieves visible results after just a few treatments.
But MORA® Beauty can do even more: Specific software modules extend the range of
treatment applications for wrinkle reduction, detoxification and more.
All modules can be installed and used individually or in combination.
This device sets new standards
in BioResonance technology!
An innovative milestone since the
development of MORA®-Therapy
The advantages of MORA® Beauty
The ideal device for beginners
Secure, fast, delegable operation
Modern design
Simple installation
Full network integration
Online updates
Retractable touch screen for high mobility and flexibility
Patented 2-channel technology
Produced under the highest quality standards
Proudly Made in Germany by Med-Tronik GmbH
MODULE 1: Biophonie
Including headphones
Various applications to the areas of skin,
hair, nails and eyes
General: relaxation, detoxification, stress
relief and revitalization
Including small UV-active probe
Specific applications for different grades
of cellulite
Coming soon: Facial, neck and cleavage
wrinkle reduction
MODULE 3: Smoking Cessation
Application for smoking cessation
MODULE 4: Nutrition
Including measurement stylus
Various applications to optimize nutrition,
weight loss, detoxification and
For order and delivery details contact:
Occidental Institute Research Foundation
P. O. Box 100, Penticton, BC V2A 6J9 Canada
Telephone: (250) 490-3318
Fax: (250) 490-3348
Website: www.oirf.com Email: support@oirf.com
Published in Canada