July 2014


July 2014
President’s Message
Volume 130
July 2014
TMAA members traditionally love coming to San Antonio for the fall conference. What’s not to
like? We have the Riverwalk, the Alamo, Fiesta Texas, Sea World, melt-in-your-mouth delicious
Mexican food and lots of great shopping! Your Board has been hard at work planning this year’s
event. I won’t steal Education Chair Mary Barrientos’ thunder by telling about the outstanding
speaker line-up. But, we are planning on 12 speakers, and a wide array of topics, some of which were
requested via last year’s evaluation forms. Back, by popular demand, will be the silent auction. We
are also adding another shopping opportunity by bringing in a vendor who will sell purses and beautiful jewelry.
Deb Moore will be sharing details about the hotel selected for this year’s conference. Based on feedback received from members, the Board decided on a very nice, but affordable facility on the Riverwalk. It is close in proximity to all of the downtown attractions that our members enjoy when visiting
San Antonio. It is reportedly easy to get to, which sometimes isn’t the case with downtown businesses. And, it has all the amenities most of us desire in a temporary home-away-from-home.
By the way, if you have yet to return the survey, included in this newsletter, please take a few minutes
to complete it and send it back. TMAA has been experiencing several challenges, some of which are
likely related to the still recovering economy. This organization has survived and thrived for more
than 25 years. In order to continue surviving and thriving, the suggestions, recommendations, and
feedback of our members are needed. Do you have a great idea for a conference activity or speaker?
Please share your vision for the organization with the Board! We would love to hear your ideas.
I look forward to spending time with each of you at the conference. This will be my last
year as President, although I intend to support and mentor whoever is elected as our new
President. Neta Morse very graciously helped me learn the role, during her year as Past
-President. I plan to do the same with my successor. See you in September.
Shonna Macaulay, RN, BSN, CCM ,CPHM
From the Secretary
Hello All,
The time is almost here for our annual TMAA conference. The TMAA Board has a great conference
planned are tying up all the details and will be ready
to treat the attendees to a spectacular time.
The Board invites anyone who would like to help by
bringing a door prize or goodies for the goodie bags.
The Board will be meeting the night before the conference to decorate and fill the goodie bags. If you
would like to provide any of these items you can contact any of the Board members to help transport them
to San Antonio the night before so that everything
will be ready the day the conference begins.
Be sure and “Save the Date” September 18-19, 2014
at the “The Hyatt Place” San Antonio, Texas. You
www.santonioriverwalk.place.hyatt.com to see all the
attractions. Staying at the Hyatt Place will be an unforgettable experience enhanced by the exceptional
touches and personalized service they offer. Make
your reservations today.
San Antonio is one of the most culturally rich cities in
the country. There will be many ways to enjoy yourself while in San Antonio by visiting the Alamo, San
Antonio Museum of Art, walk along the River Walk,
shop at the boutiques and have a feast at any of the
amazing restaurants along the River Walk.
Hyatt Place San Antonio/Riverwalk
601 S St. Mary’s Street
San Antonio, Texas, USA 78205
Tel: 210 227-6845
Fax: 210 227-1247
Wanda Webb, RN
From the Treasurer
Treasurers Comments
To the membership I am pleased
to report that our organization is
healthy financially. As of June
1st, our bank balance was
$23,914.14. We have received
$3,050.00 for this years’ membership dues. We have
not yet shown any cost for this year’s seminar in San
Antonio, but carry over from last year’s seminar and
other expenses so far total $4,898.95. Our receipts
from the membership dues is down from previous years.
We are keeping our seminar fees the same as last year,
so hope everyone is planning on coming. It is one of
your least expensive ways to get your CEU’s for CMAS
certification, as well as those needed for your nursing
license, and also have an opportunity for professional
networking. It is a real bargain!
We are having the seminar a week earlier, since several
members have indicated that the last weekend of the
month causes them difficulties with their business
I would like to also remind members that I have “Splash
Pass’s” for Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine. All I need
to send you 2 passes (which will admit 4) via email
Linda.Hempfling@att.net (or if you prefer—snail mail)
are requests for the passes.
I hope everyone is planning their time off, vacation, or
whatever you need, in order to join everyone in San Antonio in September. I am looking forward to seeing you
Your Treasurer
Linda Hempfling
Annual Conference Date and Place Set
San Antonio, here we come! The TMAA annual conference will be held at Hyatt Place San Antonio Riverwalk, 601 St. Mary’s Street on September 18 and 19th,
Hyatt Place Hotel Site Visit
If you like surprises, then don’t read this article and you can
be surprised when you come to the seminar and check in at
the hotel. Linda Hutchinson and I went for a site visit of
the Hyatt Place hotel and were presently pleased by what we
saw. So I want to share the highlights with you.
The room rate is $129.00/night + applicable taxes for
single or double rooms. You will enjoy complimentary 1. First off, the hotel was easy to find. Driving in downtown San Antonio can be difficult because of all the one
Wi-Fi, a hot continental breakfast, and parking for the
-way streets, ongoing construction and numerous visievent. You can make your room reservations begintors lining the streets. But I used map quest and followning now up through August 17th. Just go to
ing it to a “T”...no problems. I could see the hotel sign
www.sanantonioriverwalk.place.hyatt.com and enter the
before I needed to turn in. They have free parking in
dates and group G-TMAA. You can also call the central
their lots, just need to get their parking pass once you
reservation line at 1-888-492-8847.
check in.
Please give them the group code as we need to fill the 2. Inside, the lobby is small, but clean and nice. I was immediately greeted by their friendly staff. The next site I
reserved block of rooms. The room rate is also in effect
saw was the bar and the dessert display. Nothing more
2 days pre and post conference based on hotel availabilneeds to be said, our needs can be met!
ity for those wishing to extend your stay. If you want
additional days, please contact me at 3. Conference room was viewed next. The first word that
dmoore1010@sbcglobal.net and I will provide you with
comes to mind is “spacious”. They set their conferences
contact information to get those days added on.
up so there are only 2 people per table, so plenty of
room. We will register, have the conference, eat meals,
and shop all in the same area of the building. We have
our own little wing space.
If you need to cancel your reservation for any reason, it
must be done within 48 hours of arrival or you risk being billed for the one night.
Bedrooms are very roomy. They have a king or double
beds, large pull out sofa, big screen TV, small refrigerator, coffee pot, ironing board with iron, and blow dryer.
No microwaves present. Room also have a desk area,
and large picture window with a view.
Outdoors is the veranda overlooking the riverwalk, outdoor pool, and table area. One can follow the riverwalk
path to eating places and River Center Mall for shopping. They estimate it being a 15 minute walk. Trolleys
are also available for $1.25.
Business center also present with 2 computers for our
Options for transportation from the airport to the hotel
are shuttle service, which is $20.25 one-way, or $36.50
round-trip per person or via cab, which is approximately
$26-28 (fare can be shared with up to 4 people).
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
Debra Moore, RN, CMAS
Events Coordinator
We are in a cost saving mode for both TMAA and for its
members, so this River Walk hotel fits the bill. Room rates
were the most affordable we can find plus they offered free
parking. We are also keeping the conference cost at last
years rate. The conference brochure will have more details
on the cost. Overall I think we found the best place for the
buck. Please look at the website for all the
hotel photos.
Debbie Braddock
San Antonio Board Member
Membership’s Memo
Vice President/Marketing Message
I want to take this opportunity to thank all the Board Members I
have had the opportunity to serve with and all the supporting
members I have come to know over the course of many years;
all that in one way or another have been and continue to be the
backbone of TMAA.
TMAA has always been there for us and like a good friend or
family member; we need to be there for the organization. How
much longer the current members can continue to support &
help grow this organization is up to each of us, in our own way.
Enjoy the rest of the summer and I look forward to seeing you
all in San Antonio.
Nancy Kaiserman, RN, CMAS
September 18-19, 2014
The Hyatt Place
San Antonio, Texas
Yes, that’s right. We have a shopping treat for you
Thursday evening immediately following the seminar. A
jewelry vendor will set up on site (right outside our meeting room) displaying trendy jewelry, belts, purses, flip
flops and computer cases, all full of bling and affordable.
This dynamic lady can help make a plain outfit look like a
million dollars with just a few of the right accessories.
Happy summer to all of our TMAA members! I am so glad
you are hanging in there with us. TMAA is going through a
rough patch right now because of job demands, member retirements, financial hardships and healthcare changes, but we are
not throwing in the towel. Some of our members have come
forth and volunteered to fulfill vacant offices and board positions, so there is hope and enthusiasm in TMAA.
Those of us that have been in the organization for many years
know how hard it is to start and keep an organization working.
It takes strong and dedicated members. We will survive, but it
will take support and work, but I have faith and I am willing to
give it my all….I hope you will join me in that quest. I love
TMAA! I love what it has done for me personally and professionally.
Joining as a rookie auditor, it was so reassuring to have others I
could network with and call for any issue I was facing or help I
needed to resolve a problem. TMAA members are simply wonderful people; we are all willing to share information, give guidance and offer support wherever it is needed. We are lucky to
have professionals from across Texas that care about each other
and work to make our jobs run smoothly. We need each other
and we need TMAA to bring us all together. So please do all
you can to keep this organization operating.
We have provided yearly seminars for the past 28 years at an
affordable price with excellent speakers for both internal and
external medical auditors. Each year the Board tries to present
new topics occurring in healthcare to keep us aware of medical
interventions happening in the market, and its proper charging
methods. This year will be no exception. So please find it in
your monthly budget to attend and encourage others to do the
Membership numbers are in the low 50’s. Numerous letters and
emails have been sent out since January but response has been
poor. So I need your help. Please recruit for TMAA. We have
so much to offer each individual, and at an affordable rate. I
will be happy to introduce them to TMAA, I just need the contact information, so send me an email and I can take it from
I hope each of you have a fun and safe summer. See you all in
September at the fall seminar.
Debbie Braddock
You will love her and her goods. So bring cash, your
credit cards and your checkbook. You don’t want to miss
this shopping spree, and it’s right at your front door!
Debbie Braddock
Avid Shopper
Membership Chairperson
Proposed By-Law Changes
Website News
TMAA has a new theme to show off, so please take a Reason for the change: To allow TMAA to utilize
look at our website at www.tmaa.info.
additional sources for our accredited continuing
Once all the speakers were obtained, the seminar title was nurse education.
chosen, it was time for a website facelift. So here it is!
It’s fun and uplifting and will make you happy being a
member of TMAA.
F. Continuing Education Committee: The Continuing Education Committee shall develop and
We will be in San Antonio this year, which is a fun place maintain those requirements necessary for providerto visit, and our Mexican food can’t be beat, so catch the ship of continuing education as set forth by the Texas
sombrero and join the group for learning and networking Nurses Association and by the American Association
of Medical Audit Specialist (AAMAS). The committee
this September.
shall oversee the certification of each program atNew pictures have been added to the photo gallery and tended according to the rules of continuing education
pictures of the Hyatt Place Hotel have been posted. providership. The chairman or committee representaTake a few minutes to enjoy the view. You might even tive shall be an ex officio member of the Program
catch yourself smiling as you remember last year’s event Committee.
and see old friends.
Please remember to fill out the survey that was mailed to
F. Continuing Education Committee: The Conyou regarding the future of TMAA. If you have mistinuing Education Committee shall develop and
placed yours, there is one on the web, inside the May
maintain those requirements necessary for providernewsletter as well as in this newsletter. Please print it, fill
ship of continuing education as set forth by the orin your opinions and mail it back to the address listed.
ganizations authorized to accredit continuing nurse
We need your thoughts and suggestions.
education courses and by the American Association
The website currently has information for any new pro- of Medical Audit specialist (AAMAS). The committee
spective member. Use it to introduce them to TMAA and shall oversee the certification of each program atwhat we have to offer. In the next few weeks it will also tended according to the rules of continuing education
have the seminar brochure for you to share with others. providership. The chairman or committee representaPlease invite any medical auditor you work with to join tive shall be an ex officio member of the Program
TMAA and attend the fall seminar. They will not be dis- Committee.
Linda Hutchinson
Meanwhile get in the mood by viewing the TMAA website, dream of spicy Mexican food, snappy music and
friends with sombreros! See you in September
Website coordinator
Debbie Braddock
Linda Hutchinson—President
I have been in the medical cost containment arena since
1991in auditing, and in 1991 founded
Excell Medical Cost-Containment Inc.
A long standing member of TMAA,
medical costs containment remains a
passion of mine. My goal for TMAA as
President would be to continue to be
proactive for the medical cost containment area, fostering relationships between all parties. I am home full-time, love the “open
door policy:, and welcome phone calls and participation.
This is OUR TMAA!
Wanda Webb—Secretary
I have a combined 15-year progressive experience as a
licensed Registered Nurse. During this
time, I have gained expertise in three
areas: nursing, nurse auditing, record
keeping and computer-assisted techniques. I have been a member of Texas
Medical Auditors Association since
2007 and have served in the position as
Secretary 2010 to present. I believe that
I have acquired the necessary experience to meet the
requirements to continue to fulfill the position of Secretary for the TMAA organization.
Linda Hempfling—Treasurer
I have been a Registered Nurse for just under 45 years.
I took my first position as Nurse Auditor in 1983. I have
been a member of TMAA for over twenty years, and a
member of AAMAS since its inception where I served
an internship with the Treasurer of AAMAS.
I have been asked to continue the position of Treasurer
for TMAA. If choose to elect me, I will do my best to
support the organization and member, as I have been
supported all these years.
From the Nominations Chair
I am very pleased to announce that Linda Hutchinson
has agreed to run for the President’s position; Wanda
Webb has asked to run for a THIRD term as Secretary; and Linda Hempfling a second term as Treasurer. What a blessing! Now we have one more position that needs your consideration. As you are all
aware, Nancy Kaiserman is retiring from her Board
position as Vice President. This position is open to
ALL active members of TMAA who have attended
conferences and are current in status. You do not
need to have held a prior Board position to run.
Again, though I must emphasize that ALL these positions allow for 3 people to be selected from, so please
do not feel that you are excluded from doing so if you
wish….far to the contrary. I would be more than
happy to discuss any of them with you.
The Board is very dynamic and with great anticipation
looking forward to the meeting in San Antonio this
Fall. How appropriate that the ‘ladies from San Antonio’ have the opportunity to host this event following
the NBA finals with their own Spurs being victorious!
Again, the entire Board is asking that you return the
questionnaire sent to you as soon as possible so that
we might have a “pulse” of what the general membership is feeling. Every effort is being made to accommodate your suggestions from prior Seminars….that
letter is your voice. Anonymity is assured if you so
If you personally would like to recommend some for a
position, please feel free to contact me. I would love
your input.
Take care and enjoy the warm Texas summer
(remember what you said or thought during all the
ice!!), ice cold watermelon, sweet tea, floating in the
Guadalupe, lying on the beach at South Padre, Grand
Ritas on the patio...I saw a sign here in San Antonio
today, Monday just following the Spurs triumph in the
NBA. It reads “This is South Texas….we can take the
Debbie Hewitt
Nominations Chair
Texas Medical Auditors Association 28th Annual Conference “Hot Topics in Health Care”
With the help of Marge Chavez, RN, PhD, our Nurse Planner and many Board Members we have been
able to put together one of the most interesting array of topics you could hope for. Thanks to Shonna
McCauley, Linda Hutchinson, Hortencia Gamez, and Debbie Braddock (we believe Debbie knows everyone in San Antonio) for their suggestions and their personal contacts. This is going to be one of the
most interesting conferences yet. You should make your plans to attend. Mark your calendars now!
Dr. Rajiv Vasan an Interventional Radiologist will present information on a rather new option for the
treatment of malignancies. The “Y-90” Microsphere Radioembolization procedure. Did you know
there is an exciting non-surgical procedure used to treat certain types of inoperable cancers? This innovative procedure delivers targeted, internal radiation therapy directly to the tumor utilizing Microspheres
which are lodged into small blood vessels that feed the tumor. Join us to learn more about the benefits
of this palliative treatment. Dr. Vasan will be joined by Michelle Garza, RN, who is a GI Nurse Navigator at the Baptist GI Cancer Center and will speak to us regarding her goal to help patients feel supported through their journey at such a difficult and trying time in their lives.
Elizabeth Higginbotham, RN, JD. Liz worked as a RN Nurse Auditor for several years. She brings us
the unique perspective as a practicing attorney working with health care providers legal issues in the industry regarding corporate governance and management.
We are very fortunate to have Gijs Van Oort, PhD, CEO for HASA as a presenter. HASA is a nonprofit collaborative of hospitals, health centers, provider organizations and a municipal health department. HASA is defined as Healthcare Access San Antonio. It is a Health Information Exchange which
aims to improve the medical safety net for Central and South Texas residents. He will discuss how he
manages a shared patient summary repository of patient information in order to provide high quality and
cost effective care.
Have you seen any of the interesting articles on Vitamin D and how essential it is to good health? Come
to the conference and hear Dr. JoAnne Eash tell us more about this topic.
We are excited to welcome Eunice Sheridan, BS, CCS. She will give us more information on the ICD10. Eunice is an ICD-10 Approved Trainer, and fortunately for us, she will help us make sense of the
new ICD-10 and the importance of supporting documentation which needs to be more specific now than
ever before.
Deborah James, MSN, RN, CNS, CCRN. Debbie is currently pursuing her PhD at Texas Women’s
University, Houston. Debbie will provide us with a Two Part presentation on End of Life Care, Death
and Dying and Near Death Experience.
Texas Medical Auditors Association 28th Annual Conference “Hot Topics in Health Care”
Russell Lee Autenrieth, RN, BSN will give a presentation on “Transitional Care” and methods that are
currently being used to reduce the 30 day re-admissions. Russ has worked as a critical care and cardiovascular nurse for several years and has also been an In-Patient Nursing Director prior to becoming the
Transitional Care Manager.
Dr. Naveen Kella, Urologist will present a topic regarding robotic assistant use during urological surgery risks and benefits.
We are also excited to have Lisa Compton, RN, as a Director of Denial Management at Baptist Hospital
to speak to us on Denials. She as experience in the fields as she developed and implemented the denial
dept. for a 7 hospital system. She states a 65% recovery rate. She has worked with CFOs, Case Management Directors, Adm. Directors, and Contacts MDs to reduce the denials.
We invited Jerry Hill, MS in Business Management to join us again. As many may recall he has been
an invited speaker for our conference in the past. Jerry’s presentation will be addressing Nurse Auditing in the Changing Environment. Jerry as 25 years experience in medical administration, including extensive experience with business office, patient admissions, medical records, coding, transcription services, insurance claims, processing hospital finance, billing, auditing, Charge Master Administration.
He currently was elected to the National Provider Roundtable Council with CMAS regarding hospital
reimbursement and coding issues.
We are very excited about our speakers and topics to be presented in September at our 28th Annual Conference in beautiful San Antonio. We hope you will consider the quality of our speakers and up to date
topics and make your plans to attend.
Mary Barrientos, RN
Education Committee
Dining in San Antonio
As anyone who’s been to San Antonio knows, there is no
shortage of restaurants or even cuisines. From our beloved
Tex-Mex to time-honored German and down-home Italian, a
visitor can find a taste for every craving. I would like to share
four of my favorites with you.
Schilo’s Delicatessen has been serving San Antonio since
1917. They open for breakfast at seven a.m. serving American
and German favorites from biscuits to bratwurst. The strudel
is the best I’ve ever had. Lunch service includes daily specials
as well as hot and cold plates, deli sandwiches and a variety
of domestic and imported beers. But the dinner is the real star
of the show with German favorites like Sauerbraten, (Roast
sirloin with sweet &sour gravy) Vienna Paprika Chicken,
(Sliced chicken breast, noodles w/paprika gravy) and Jaeger
Schnitzel (Breaded pork loin with mushroom gravy). But
don’t forget the strudel. Info: http://schilos.com/ 424 E Commerce St, San Antonio, TX 78205 (210) 223-6692
Map: https://www.google.com/maps/dir/29.4196713,98.4909729/424+E+Commerce+St,+San+Antonio,+TX+7820
Lüke is the newest restaurant on the list but is fast becoming
a San Antonio institution. Chef John Besh is best known for
his excellent La Province and Restaurant August in New Orleans. He brings the same love and attention to detail to Lüke
San Antonio. His eclectic menu encompasses Alsatian onion
tarts to crispy pork belly to Moules et frites. However, his
beloved gulf seafood—raw bar, gumbo, and Bam-Bam
shrimp just to name a few—is where Chef Besh shines and is
the stars of his menu are his sophisticated Creole and refined
Cajun dishes. My absolute favorite is his Jumbo Shrimp "En
Cocotte" or shrimp with roasted jalapeno cheese grits, andouille and green onion sausage. The deserts are standard and
generous. Info: http://lukesanantonio.com/ 125 E Houston St,
San Antonio, TX 78205 (210) 227-5853
Map: https://www.google.com/maps/dir/29.4196713,98.4909729/125+E+Houston+St,+San+Antonio,+TX+78205/
Lorenzo’s has been serving Italian comfort food since
1966. Forget the chains and see what three generations of
consistent, dedicated service brings to the table. I could
devote an entire review to the appetizer menu alone. You
won’t find better eggplant Parmesan anywhere else and I
challenge you to find Artichoke Pellicci on another menu.
But do not let the hand-tossed pizzas distract you from the
pasta. Excellent, generous, and reasonably-priced you cannot beat the spaghetti and ziti. But as good as the fettuccini, lasagna, and Pesce Romanza—and they are excellent—you MUST have the chocolate walnut pie. The warm
family welcome will charm you at the door but the food
will bring you back. Info: http://
www.lorenzosristorante.com/ 8032 Fredericksburg Rd, San
Antonio, TX 78229
(210) 692-9900
Map: https://www.google.com/maps/dir/29.4196713,98.4909729/8032+Fredericksburg+Rd,+San+Antonio,+TX
Last but certainly not least is San Antonio’s most beloved
institution, Mi Tierra. The Cortez family has been serving
the Tex Mex favorites, 24 hours a day, year round since
1941. Everything is made fresh from the tortillas to the tamales. The entire menu, including the Mexican breakfast is
served 24 hours a day. You cannot beat the carnitas or the
combo plates—I have never had a bad meal here. But
whatever you do, DO NOT skip the baked-on-premises pan
dulce or Mexican sweet bread. There is simply no bad
choice in the colorful and fresh selection. Special note:
don’t let the crowds deter you, service is fast and turnover
is quick. Info: http://www.mitierracafe.com/home.php 800
Dolorosa, San Antonio, TX 78207
(210) 225-3955
Map: https://www.google.com/maps/dir/29.4196713,98.4909729/800+Dolorosa,+San+Antonio,+TX+78207/
Gaye McClennan
TMAA Member
Shonna Macaulay, RN, BS, CCM, CPHM
210 386-7593
Debra Moore, RN
Nancy Kaiserman, RN CMAS
972 250-6636
Terri Harding, RN
Wanda Webb, RN
713 855-8085
Debbie Braddock, RN, CMAS
Linda Hempfling, RN, CMAS
713 729-7303
Linda Hutchinson, RN
210 497-7627
Mary Barrientos, RN
956 364-0440
Debbie Hewitt, RN, CMAS
713 202-5503
Laura Josefsen, RN
281 685-8111
Nancy Kaiserman, RN, CMAS
I would like to thank the TMAA
Board and Membership for the lovely
potted plant. Your kind thoughts,
words, and prayers have truly been a
great comfort to me while dealing with
my husbands passing.
Terri Harding
Marge Chavez, RN, PhD
The opinions expressed in The Observer
are those of the authors or persons quoted.
They do not necessarily reflect the views of
the TMAA Board of Directors
******** TMAA Survey ********
Return by July 20, 2014 to:
P.O. Box 541227
Houston, TX 77254
1. Should the TMAA continue to operate as a Professional Organization?
_____Yes _____No
2. If you answered Yes, can the organization exist without staging an annual conference offering CNEs?
_____Yes _____No
3. If you answered Yes to question 2, briefly describe what alternative TMAA operating model you envision
If you answered that TMAA should not continue to operate as a Professional Association, please share how
you arrived at that conclusion:
5. If you would like to see TMAA continue, are you willing to serve on a Board committee or run for an office?
_____Yes _____No
6. If you answered yes to question 5, is there a particular committee/task that interests you?
______Yes _____No
Committee/Task of Interest - Check all that apply:
______Membership _____Bylaws
______ Event Coordinator ______Website ______Nominations _____Education
______ President ______Vice President
Please provide any other feedback that you would like to share;
Texas Medical Auditors Association (TMAA)
Laura Josefsen, Newsletter Editor
23 Tudor Glen Place
Woodlands, Texas 77382
he W
From the Editor
The TMAA newsletter is available in full color on
the TMAA website, along with past and, when
printed-future editions. If you would at anytime
like a black and white copy, just notify any of the
Board members and one will be mailed to you. An
email will be sent to notify you when each new edition has been posted.
Are you, or do you want to be, a writer? We would
enjoy hearing about you—your stories, your experiences, your career, basically anything that is of interest to you.
Articles are always welcome! Please feel free to
contact me or any Board member for questions,
suggestions, and comments. New ideas are refreshing and make for a more interesting and well
rounded newsletter.
Laura Josefsen
Newsletter Editor
SEPTEMBER 18-19, 2014