ACCIS Member Roundtable
ACCIS Member Roundtable
ACCIS Member Roundtable 22 March 2016, Vienna Programme • 14.00-14.15 Welcome by Gerhard Wagner (KSV1870 Information GmbH) • 14.15-15.00 Public Affairs update • 15.00-16.00 ACCIS management re-structuring project - update (including Q&A) • 16.00-16.20 European Code of Conduct project – update • 16.20-16.40 Cross-border Data Exchange project - update • 16.40-16.55 AGM & Conference 2016 and WCCRC 2016 – update • 16.55-17.00 AOB Public Affairs Update ACCIS Member Roundtable 22 March 2016, Vienna Enrico Lodi, Head of the Public Affairs Working Group Allocation of dossiers Dossier(s) People involved ● Data Protection and FSUG Fabrizia Giacomini (L), Serena Holm, Agnieszka Marzec, Stefan Reyak, Valerijus Ostrovskis, Federica Boledi ● Access to Finance, CMU, AnaCredit Luisa Monti (L), David Pernia Ramirez, Fabrizia Giacomini, Claudia Pollio, Vlaerijus Ostrovskis ● PSD2 Serena Holm (L) ● Digital Single Market Emma Thomas (L), Claudia Pollio, Federica Boledi ● Retail Financial Services Green Paper Fabrizia Giacomini (L), Emma Thomas, Claudia Pollio, Valerijus Ostrovskis ● ICCR Fabrizia Giacomini, Luisa Monti, Serena Holm Agenda • Data Protection • AnaCredit • Retail Financial Services Green Paper • ACCIS response to FSUG paper • Capital Markets Union Data Protection • On 15 December 2015 European Institutions reached a political agreement on the General Data Protection Regulation State of play and timeline: • Agreed text currently under translation in the different official languages of the EU by the Council • April 2016 – expected review and adoption of the text in the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament (EP) • April/May 2016 – expected adoption of the text in plenary by the EP • June 2016 – expected publication of the Regulation in the Official Journal of the EU • June 2018 – expected entry into force Data Protection All stakeholders, including companies European Institutions and national authorities have two years to comply with the new Regulation. Data Protection Latest ACCIS Activities: • 2016 Computer, Privacy and Data Protection Conference (January 2016) • Meeting with European Data Protection Assistant Supervisor Wojciech Wiewiórowski (9 February 2016) • PAWG specific call on GDPR and ACCIS strategy (11 March 2016) • Gathering of information at the national level on local approaches and interpretations (on-going) Envisaged next steps: • preparation of a high level briefing note to the membership • gathering of information on the situation in the different MS and possible threats to our industry Analytical Credit Datasets (AnaCredit) • 4 December 2015: publication of draft Regulation on the collection of granular credit and credit risk data (AnaCredit) by ECB • Stakeholders where invited to submit their comments • Main features of the project u u u credit institutions will report to National Central Banks an extensive list of data attributes about loans and borrowers National Central Banks will pass the reported data to AnaCreidit through the European Central Bank Feedback Loop • The exact date of the adoption of the AnaCredit Regulation currently remains unclear, but it is likely to be adopted in April-May 2016. Analytical Credit Datasets (AnaCredit) ACCIS response • Based on the feedback collected, ACCIS submitted its position paper raising the following concerns: 1. Legal basis and process: potentially incorrect legal basis chosen by the ECB for the draft Regulation, exceeding its competence related to statistical data collection; 2. Unclear objectives and purpose of the draft regulation and disproportionate requirements imposed by it; 3. The feedback loop, as it is currently designed in the draft Regulation could impact negatively the competitive position of private credit reporting service providers (CRSP). 4. Lack of data protection safeguards in the draft regulation; 5. The draft regulation could result in excessive reporting burden imposed on credit institution. In order to avoid imposing disproportionate costs for credit institutions. Analytical Credit Datasets (AnaCredit) ACCIS approach: • Meetings and conference calls with Eurofinas, European Commission, ECB, and relevant MEPs to generate support to ACCIS position paper • Meeting request with the European Commission's Directorate General for Competition (DG COMP) to assess the draft AnaCredit Regulation from an EU competition law perspective • Analysis and guidelines for ACCIS members on AnaCredit Regulation and organisation of a webinar to present the content of the Regulation to the members Latest Developments: • The ECB, together with national central banks, is assessing the responses to the consultation received from stakeholders • An amended version of the draft regulation will be submitted to the ECB's Governing Council for adoption not earlier than April 2016 Retail Financial Services Green Paper 10 December 2015 – EC published Green Paper Consultation on Retail Financial Services and Insurance: Relevance for ACCIS: Among the subjects covered the Green Paper directly addresses the subject of credit information, particularly: The amount of data collected by credit bureaus and its relevance to creditworthiness assessment; Cross-border access to credit information to improve cross-border access to credit; Possible policy actions on credit registers to improve consumer protection and provision of services. Retail Financial Services Green Paper State of Play and Next Steps • 10 December 2015 – Publication of the Green Paper • 10 December 2015 – 18 March 2016 – public consultation • Q2/Q3 2016 - EC to present an Action Plan ACCIS Activities: • February-March 2016 – the PAWG prepared a response to the European Commission's consultation u with input from the wider membership • 1 March 2016 – the PAWG organised a webinar on the Green Paper • 2 March 2016 – ACCIS attended the Hearing organised by the EC on the Green Paper ACCIS response to FSUG paper • February 2016 – the Financial Services User Group (FSUG) published a position paper on credit registers and credit data • The Position Paper contains negative conclusions regarding the role of credit register and credit data. In particular, the Position Paper concludes that: 1) Credit registers and the use of credit data do not help prevent overindebtedness; 2) Credit Registers and the use of credit data does not contribute to a better credit at a more affordable cost; 3) There is no evidence that credit registers and the use of credit data help fulfil prudential regulation objectives (better manage and hedge risks etc.). ACCIS response to FSUG paper The FSUG is an expert group set up to advise the European Commission on consumer-related aspects of EU legislation and policy initiatives in the field of financial services. THEREFORE Its conclusions and recommendations are likely to affect future Commission's policy proposals relevant for the credit reporting industry. ACCIS activities: • The PAWG drafted a response presenting evidence-based arguments rejecting the findings of the FSUG's position paper. • The ACCIS response to the Position Paper will be submitted to the FSUG, the European Commission and other relevant EU stakeholders in March 2016. Capital Markets Union / Access to Finance • 18 February – 13 May 2015 – European Commission public consultation on 'Building a Capital Markets Union (CMU)' • 30 September 2015 – European Commission published a CMU Action Plan • Q1-Q2 2016 – mapping exercise on advisory capacities and pan-European information systems • Objectives of the CMU: to diversify financing sources; improve access to finance (esp. SMEs); remove barriers to cross-border flows of capital • Top political priority for the new EU Commission (Commissioner Jonathan Hill) Capital Markets Union / Access to Finance State of Play CMU Action Plan: 3 pillars regarding SME access to finance: • Improving Banks' feedback to SMEs on rejected credit application • Strengthening advisory capabilities (also public) directing SMEs to alternative funding sources • Developing informational infrastructures/platforms to matching SMEs with finance providers Commission's focus for the next months – discussions with banking associations (feedback to SMEs) and 'mapping exercise' (advisory capabilities and information infrastructure/platforms) Capital Markets Union / Access to Finance ACCIS envisaged activities: ACCIS objectives: improving information availability and sharing SME data and making such data available on a reciprocity basis to alternative finance providers. Clarify the distinction among different SME information (credit, trade credit, public, other due diligence related info.) • Reach out to industry associations and MEPs engaged in CMU discussions in order to get support • April 2016 - contact the European Commission to revisit the proposal for national workshops on SME information (together with UEAPME). • Maintain regular contact with the European Commission's DG Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union regarding the status of the actions undertaken on SME access to finance. Questions and Answers Questions? Follow-up For further details, please contact: • Enrico Lodi: • Valerijus Ostrovskis (ACCIS Secretariat):, • Federica Boledi (ACCIS Secretariat):, THANK YOU!!! ACCIS management restructuring project - update ACCIS Member Roundtable 22 March 2016, Vienna Neil Munroe, ACCIS President Anne Keane, Director at Afore Consulting Survey of members – main findings • Purpose of survey • Main findings • Questions that arose Afore Recommendations • To retain ACCIS role as a platform for the members to meet and share information. • To provide additional resources for the EU Public Affairs function. u u • engagement in pro-active EU thought leadership in at least one policy area agreement on a clear set of messages. The industry needs to speak with one voice Allocation of resources: u 60% of resources directly or indirectly allocated to the EU Public Affairs function u 40% of resources for the established networking activities. • Tiered membership: based on service offering and size of the individual member by turnover and cross-border activity. • Tiering should be clear and transparent and be associated with additional services and influence Afore Recommendations • To hire an individual who would run the Secretariat of ACCIS (subject to the overall resources available to ACCIS). This could be a part time role although the preference would be for a full time position. u u u • Executive Committee and membership to agree on the profile of the individual to run the Secretariat and initiate the recruitment process. Individual to have sufficient expertise in Public Affairs engagement and organizational skills to run the networking function of the association Executive Committee and membership to decide the mandate of the Head of the Secretariat (Public Affairs and networking goals, performance measurement criteria, …) The Head of the Secretariat to present to the Executive Committee a business plan setting the budget against the association’s agreed mandate (based on the budget parameters) Afore Recommendations Envisaged timeline March 2016 ExCom to review the Recommendations and discuss whether they agree to progress on this basis Late May 2016 Second ExCom meeting to finalise position and present blueprint for the new association June 2016 General Meeting: blueprint to be formally presented to the membership July 2016 Initiate recruitment of the Head of Secretariat September 2016 Decision on the Head of Secretariat November 2016 Head of Secretariat to take up position and present business plan December 2016 to February 2017 Transition from current to new Secretariat Questions and Answers Questions? European Code of Conduct project ACCIS Member Roundtable 22 March 2016, Vienna Neil Munroe, ACCIS President European Code of Conduct project • Objective: drafting of a European Code of Conduct for the industry to explain to our stakeholders: u who we are u what we stand for • Why: This will benefit the industry by increasing transparency and streamlining some definitions and principles that are shared by all ACCIS members. European Code of Conduct project • Actions taken: u January 2015: Kick-off of the working group u 4 calls organised since the kick-off u • Allocation of responsibilities to each member of the group to draft sections of the document Next steps: u u u The group aims at finalising the draft of the document before the Annual General Meeting in June 2016 Presentation of the Code of Conduct at the AGM The group is also considering the development of a Code of Conduct responding to the requirements of the GDPR. European Code of Conduct project • Members of the working group: u Neil Munroe (ACCIS President, Head of the Working Group) u Mijo Brković (HROK, Croatia) u Fabrizia Giacomini (Experian, Italy) u Serena Holm (SCHUFA, Germany) u Marta Liberda–Stembalska (KRD, Poland) u Luisa Monti (CRIF, Italy) u Vanessa Vijn (BKR, the Netherlands) Cross-border Data Exchange project ACCIS Member Roundtable 22 March 2016, Vienna Luisa Monti, (CRIF) member of the PAWG Cross-border Data Exchange project Objective: revising the existing system of cross border data exchange (based on bilateral agreements) and define a truly pan-European multilateral system under ACCIS umbrella Why: on-going regulatory and policy context at the EU level demanding more and more credit data sharing across the EU (e.g. AnaCredit and CMU) Task: perform a feasibility assessment and establishing a detailed proposal on the contents of the new cross-border data exchange system, including an implementation plan with concrete actions and an estimate of costs of the project Cross-border Data Exchange project Actions taken: • Q4 2015: establishment of the Task Force in charge of developing the project • January 2016: kick-off of the project and establishment of sub-groups • February-March: organisation of work within the three sub-groups u u u Legal: to investigate the legal and regulatory framework for the exchanging of information among CRAs. Data analysis: developing a proposal on harmonising the terminology and data concepts used by the credit reporting industry across the EU. Technical: technical feasibility and architectural structure of the data exchange system. Next steps: • Prepare a comprehensive document including proposals for implementation of the project Cross-border Data Exchange project • Members of the task force: Head of the Task Force: Neil Munroe (ACCIS President) Deputy Head of the TF: Luisa Monti (CRIF, Italy) Sub-Group Member Company Legal Axel Bysikiewicz (L) Schufa Fabrizia Giacomini Experian Lucie Anna Melkova CCB Sándor Mikle Bisz Alessio Milani (L) Crif Sabine Malik Schufa Sean Hutchins Experian Safcsák Richárd Bisz Emanuel Venturi Crif Peter Strauss Callcredit Ivelin Nikolaev Experian Data Analysis Technical AGM & Conference 2016 and WCCRC 2016 update ACCIS Member Roundtable 22 March 2016 Vienna Jan Smith, Head of the Internal Member Management Work Stream AGM & Conference 8-10th June 2016 • Sheraton Hotel Lisbon • Conference website link on ACCIS website • Sponsorship opportunities available – Gala Dinner entertainment sold • 17 registrations @ 17th March WCCRC 25-27 September 2016 • Fairmont Royal York Hotel Toronto • Pre-conference trip to Niagara Falls and local wineries • Promotional campaign underway • Website & Registration live 21st March • Keynote speakers confirmed • Global and digital agenda • Sponsorship opportunities available Questions and Answers Questions? ACCIS Member Roundtable 22 March 2016 Vienna