Issue 620 - The Mercury Bay Informer
Issue 620 - The Mercury Bay Informer
The Mercury Bay Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 Ph 07 866 2090 PORTING P U S S L A LOC LOCALS In the middle of a bumper game fishing season Circulation 6,000 Go to the Whitianga Summer Concert and win big see page 9. By Stephan Bosman Not much needs to be said, the numbers speak for themselves Mercury Bay is in the middle of a bumper game fishing season. From the start of the season towards the end of last year to 18 January (last Sunday), the Mercury Bay Game Fishing Club has weighed or its members have tagged and released eight blue marlin, 18 striped marlin, four big eye tuna, 13 yellow fin tuna, nine shortbill spearfish and 11 mahimahi. The same time last season three striped marlin were caught or tagged and released, one blue marlin, one big eye tuna, two shortbill spearfish and five mahimahi. The season before that only two striped marlin were caught and nothing else. “We can easily add to this season’s numbers 10 to 15 marlin caught in Mercury Bay and the surrounding waters that were weighed somewhere else,” says Alan Proctor, manager of the Mercury Bay Game Fishing Club. “We are by a long shot the most successful club in New Zealand at the moment and boats come from far and wide to fish in our waters.” The past weekend alone saw 10 marlin weighed in Whitianga, including a blue marlin that pulled the Game Fishing Club’s heavy duty scales at an impressive 281.6kg. Unconfirmed reports indicate that this is the second heaviest marlin caught in New Zealand this season to date, behind a 300kg plus blue marlin caught by ex-Member of Parliament Shane Jones in the Bay of Islands. “A statistic we’re really proud of is that about half of the marlin our members catch are tagged and released,” Alan says. “That’s where we like to see the percentage. Obviously if it’s a member’s first marlin and it’s above 90kg, they would like to keep it. But for many of our members a fish has to be exceptional or is likely to die in any event for them not to let it go again. “We encourage the anglers in our competitions to tag and release. If you let a marlin go in any of our competitions, you win a prize, no questions asked.” Talking about competitions, from 5 to 7 February (Waitangi Weekend) Bonze Lures will be hosting Australasia’s richest game fishing tournament at the Mercury Bay Game Fishing Club. Up for grabs is not only a “lucky draw” brand new Ford Ranger, but also a cash prize of $250,000 for the heaviest marlin overall weighing more than 350kg. “Bonze Lures are expecting more than 400 anglers from all over New Zealand in the competition,” Alan says. “It’s been a while since a marlin close to 350kg has been caught in our waters, but with that many anglers and the way the game fish seem to prefer us at the moment, a bit of history may well be made on Waitangi weekend.” The proud crew of the vessel Chances R responsible for last weekend’s 281.6kg blue marlin weighed by the Mercury Bay Game Fishing Club, from left to right - Shane Pullen, Kevin Coughey and angler Pete McGrath. It was a first marlin for the vessel and also for all three crew members (who are all Whitianga locals). 33 Albert St Whitianga Ph 07 866 2546 Sleep Station + free mattress Was $1599 Now $899 Bed & Bedroom Furniture SALE (on selected items only) Trundler Bed Was $1,499 now $999 Covering Whangapoua to Pauanui, including Whitianga, Hot Water Beach and Tairua - Whitiangler - the tale of Facebook and fishing You grew up in the far north of the Coromandel, yes we’re talking Sandy Bay just outside Port Charles, where school really interfered with your fishing. You later-on lived in Sweden and realised Facebook was by far the best means to stay in touch with your mates back home. Back on the Coromandel, this time in Whitianga, your passion for rod and reel was reinvigorated. Inevitably then you’re going to start a Facebook page singing the praises of the Mercury Bay and northern Coromandel fishing grounds. Pleased to meet you, Gene Denton - Whitianga local since August last year, family man and mad keen fisherman. “I remember when I was 11 years old my folks gave me this little boat with a 2hp engine,” Gene said. “I had to wear a lifejacket and wasn’t allowed to go outside Sandy Bay. I absolutely loved it. And when I wasn’t fishing from the boat, I was surfcasting or snorkelling. The water and the world underneath the surface was my entire life. “After school I went on an OE that lasted about six years longer than planned. The average January temperature in Stockholm is 1°C. At some point I couldn’t stand it anymore. I came back to New Zealand, started a new career, met my partner and fortunately things worked out that we could settle with our 10-year-old daughter Aaria and six-year-old son Reef in Whitianga.” Upon arriving in Mercury Bay, Gene’s first order of business was to join the Mercury Bay Game Fishing Club. “Of course,” he said. “The Game Fishing Club is an awesome community. Everyone has a common interest and the experience of the members is really unbelievable. If you’re serious about catching a good feed every now and again or that elusive big one, you cannot afford to not be part of the club. “After only a few months of fishing in the Mercury Bay waters and a bit further afield, I thought this is too good not to share with the world. I became quite social media literate while overseas and thought a Facebook page with regular updates and photos and videos may get a bit of traction. I spoke to a few of the longstanding members of the local fishing community. They thought it was a good idea and in October last year I created the Whitiangler Facebook page. And people seem to like it.” And that’s an understatement. As at last Sunday, the page had 2,217 likes, quite possibly making it the fastest growing Facebook page in the central and northern Coromandel. More remarkable is that the growth of the page, in social media speak, is all organic. “I don’t pay Facebook to promote the page,” Gene said. “The people who are following it either heard about it or had some of the content shared into their own Facebook pages by their friends.” The page has followers from all over the world, including the USA, Europe and Asia. Even Captain Dave Marciano from National Geographic’s “Wicked Tuna” is a follower. Gene puts a lot of effort into the page. “I make sure I stay up to date with good catches in the area and every now and again I’ll post a video I shot on the water. A few weeks ago Reef took me fishing for kingfish. It was a great outing. The two of us videoed the whole thing on my smartphone and GoPro sports camera. Back home we edited the video and posted it on Whitiangler. More than 4,900 people have looked at the video to date. That’s pretty awesome.” Although Gene is very proud of the page’s popularity, he’s quick to point out that he wouldn’t have been able to do it without help. He mentioned his great friend and local accountant Louis Wright for his moral support and local knowledge, local businessman Cam Walls (importer of Avet reels and Pelagic clothing), NZ Fishing Magazine, Tony Lotua-Marsters from PowerVamp Racing NZ and also his partner Rata Drum for sharing him with the computer and his phone and camera in addition to his Bluefin 4.9m boat, which he inherited from his dad and which he and Louis have recently rigged to catch a worldrecord-breaking black marlin. Looking forward, Gene said he would like Whitiangler to continue to be a reliable source of Mercury Bay and northern Coromandel fishing information. He also Gene Denton looks forward to filming and uploading more of his own fishing adventures. And he’ll be happy to talk to businesses who would like to become part of the Whitiangler family. “There’s definitely an opportunity for gear to be reviewed and products to be promoted,” he said. He also would like to get a bigger boat one day, although he’s quite adamant that the black marlin is reserved for his 4.9m Bluefin with Louis and Reef videoing the whole thing on a smartphone and a GoPro sports camera. High & Low Tides for Mercury Bay and Hot Water Beach DAY/ DATE HIGH AM LOW AM HIGH PM LOW PM Wed 21 8:24 1:52 8:45 2:22 Thu 22 9:16 2:44 9:38 3:15 Fri 23 10:07 3:36 10:30 4:07 Sat 24 10:58 4:27 11:22 4:59 Sun 25 11:50 5:19 Mon 26 0:15 6:11 12:42 6:44 Tue 27 1:09 7:06 1:35 7:39 5:51 Tide data sponsored by 4 Dakota Drive Whitianga Tel 07 869 5990 The Mercury Bay Informer is published weekly on Wednedsays and circulated throughout the Coromandel Peninsula. Readers’ contributions of articles and letters are welcome. Publication of contributions are entirely at the discretion of the editor. Contributions will only be considered for publication when accompanied by the author’s name and surname, telephone number and residential address. All reasonable steps are taken to ensure accuracy. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the owner or publisher. Published by: Mercury Bay Media Limited Publisher: Petra Roodt Editor: Stephan Bosman Contributing Editors: Rowena Brown, Bryan Layton, Hayden Smith, Len Salt, Alison Smith and Meghan Hawkes Motoring Columnist: Jack Biddle Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter. Deliveries: 14 Monk St, Whitianga 3510 Mail: PO Box 426, Whitianga 3542 Tel: (07) 866 2090 Fax: (07) 866 2092 Editorial - email:, tel: (07) 866 2090 Advertising - email:, tel: (07) 866 2094 ISSN 2230-2719 © 2014 Mercury Bay Media Limited Should Whitianga get a statue of Cook and Kupe? Have your say - at Want to view a PDF copy of every week’s Informer online? Just visit Page 2 What’s that Number? Emergency (Ambulance, Fire, Police)............................................................111 Police (Whitianga) ...............................................................................866 4000 Police (Tairua) .....................................................................................864 8888 Police (Coromandel) ...........................................................................866 1190 Fight crime anonymously - Call Crime Stoppers .................. .......0800 555 111 Dog and Noise Control .................................................. .....................868 0200 Poison Centre ................................................................ ..............0800 764 766 Dental Emergency (Mercury Bay) .......................................................869 5500 Civil Defence ......................................................................................868 0200 Medical Centre (Mercury Bay) ............................................................866 5911 Doctors Surgery (Mercury Bay) ..........................................................866 4621 Medical Centre (Tairua) ........................................................................864 8737 Harbour Master (Whitianga) .........................................................027 493 1379 Harbour Master (Tairua) ................................................................027 476 2651 Coastguard Radio Operators .............................................................866 2883 Social Services Whitianga ............................................. .....................866 4476 Do you want the local community to celebrate your new baby’s arrival with you? Please phone or email us, it will be our pleasure to publish your baby’s photo and details in The Informer. Think there’s a local resident who need some recognition? Let us know and that person may just be our LOCAL OF THE MONTH. At The Informer LOCAL IS WHAT WE DO! The Mercury Bay Informer - Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 New World “add a dollar” donation to Hot Water Beach Surf Lifesaving HOT DEAL The past week, coinciding with their “sandpit” activities, New World Whitianga ran an “add a dollar campaign” for the benefit of Hot Water Beach Surf Lifesaving (HWBSL). In addition to adding a dollar to their purchases every time they shopped at New World, shoppers could also make a donation to HWBSL in return for a sausage at the sandpit. The campaign raised an amount of $4,862.50. That’s on top of $5,000 New World owner Stacey Rolton has already donated to HWBSL the beginning of this surf lifesaving season to cover operating expenses. Pictured this past Monday 19 January accepting a cheque for the amount raised from Stacey (on the left) are HWBSL chairman Gary Hinds and member Olivia Turnock. Stay sun safe all Daylong SPF 50+ Gives you up to 8 hours protection from harmful UV Water resistant for up to 4 hours HOT DEAL $29.99 Usually $36.99 Mercury Bay Pharmacy Loyalty Club Proud sponsor of the MB Game Fishing Club Women’s Fishing Tournament Spend $120 and receive a $10 voucher FREE TYRE Buy three Firestone branded car, van or 4x4 tyres and get the fourth absolutely FREE. Offer en nds 30 Januaryy 2015. Terms & conditions apply. pp y See in store or online for details Whitianga Tyre & Alignment. 83 Albert St, Whitianga. Ph 866 5540. Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 The Mercury Bay Informer - Page 3 Museum Musings with Richard Gates In researching the history of Polynesia, in particular the ability of these intrepid island peoples to voyage across the Pacific from the heart of the Polynesian triangle, an area which encompasses the Society, Marquesas and Cook Islands, then the 1981 Oxford History of New Zealand published by Clarendon Press in Oxford UK is an excellent first reference point. It was from the Polynesian triangle in the eastern Pacific - these islands long supposed to be the traditional Hawaiki - that the more isolated parts of the Pacific such as New Zealand (Aotearoa), Hawaii and Easter Island were settled. The nature of and reasons for such voyages has long been a subject of fierce debate amongst both Maori and Pakeha academics. Many credit the Polynesians with the ability to make two-way voyages between the most far-flung parts of the Pacific, others have attributed almost all Polynesian colonization to the accidental voyages of parties blown off shore. Whatever the case may be, there can be little doubt that time and again Polynesians set out into the unknown to find new land, only thus could the plants and animals on which they depended have been transported throughout Polynesia. Oral traditions offer one explanation for such expeditions - the desire of the vanquished and oppressed to find a better way of life. The Polynesians’ arrival in a vast and varied country extending some 1,500 km from north to south would have been a daunting prospect for the weary and emaciated travellers - the date of their arrival being a subject of conjecture amongst academics, both archaeologists and anthropologists, to this day. Those courageous people would have been expecting to make landfall at another island similar to tropical Rarotonga, Tahiti, or Hiva Oa and would have faced many problems establishing themselves in their new land with its Open 9am - 2pm Brunch/Lunch Come in for the Biggest Dinner from 6pm Bookings required Big Breakfast in Mercury Bay Did you know… PROCAFFINATING $1 from EVERY The tendency to not start cake, muffin or anything until you’ve had a cup of coffee… slice sold here gets donated to COROGLEN SCHOOL Chocolate-Blueberry-Caramel Open 7 Days From 5pm Dine In • Takeaway • Delivery 13 / 1 Blacksmith Lane, Whitianga Lunch/Dinner Band tonight! The House Warmers Featuring Ted Clarke World Class Right here on our deck from 6pm DV D Buy One Main and enter into the draw to win Dinner for Two! Lunch/Dinner Sea Views Crispy Chicken Wrap Crispy Chicken Salad Crispy Chicken Burger LEGAL TENDER Live and Dangerous from 7pm Koha in settlements as far south as Palliser Bay and in the central North Island, silcrete and nephrite (greenstone) from Central Otago and the West Coast of the South Island. In our own neck of the woods, Mercury Bay (Te Whanganui O Hei) was highly regarded for its abundance of seafood - from fish to lobsters to shellfish. Hence the ancestors of our local iwi, Ngati Hei, being subjected to many aggressive attacks by tribes from other areas who were not quite so well off in natural resources. The Mercury Bay Museum in Whitianga has an award winning display on fishing, one of the highlights being the representational models of Maori traditional fishing methods and elaborate hooks, implements and traps used by the ancestors of our local iwi, Ngati Hei. Also on display is a large collection of traditional obsidian adzes and implements used for cultivation of crops. The best Pizza Full Menu at takeaway Closed today. 30 different beers in Cooks Beach Ph. 867 1215 80 different wines and Also available for for bookings 20 stunning Kaizen plates Hair of the dog? Cheeky Banter? Early Morning Lala Fix? You are getting very hungry… Come check out our delicious menu!! FREE POOL ALL DAY! Gotta LOVE SUNDAYS Dine In FREE on your Birthday One main, rice & naan. Minimum 2-person party. Lunch/Dinner Band Live music most fine evenings on the deck! 2 B sure! temperate climate. For example the climate in much of the South Island prevented them from growing any of their traditional crops. Everywhere, however, they found an abundance of birds, particularly large flightless birds previously undisturbed by predators - the exception being birds of prey such as the now extinct eagle. Seafood was also in abundance. Interestingly Polynesians were the first to introduce mammals to Aotearoa, namely dogs and rats. Notwithstanding the challenges they faced, the early Maori settlers of New Zealand proved to be adaptable, resourceful and hardworking. Over time the range of contacts and trade they had with iwi and tribes in other parts of New Zealand is evidenced by the variety of raw materials used for tools found in far flung settlements which originated elsewhere in the country. Examples being obsidian from the Coromandel Peninsula being found Lunch/Dinner Thames Tinkers From 6pm on the deck A show not to be missed! SURF ‘n’ TURF STEAK EGG ‘n’ CHIPS STEAK BURGER P 866 3809 Authentic North Indian Cuisine Wide selection of seafood, vegetarian & gluten-free. Children’s menu available. Closed today Dinner only Lunch / Dinner sorry Open at 5pm Free Wi Fi Friend us on FB Island style atmosphere Bookings for large See FB Best sea views in groups or functions for Menu town with Text 027 486 6744 and Gig Guide Live Music most or ph 07 866 2275 nights Check out our new Fish Curries - Open Every Day Delicious and Affordable Indian Food. Enjoy restaurant quality food in the comfort of your own home. Food made with freshly ground spices. Enjoy real curry pies. What’s New REVIEW • Sean brings his dance crew known as The Mob to Los Angeles to try and make it. But they haven’t had • much luck and eventually The Mob decides it’s time to go back to Miami. Sean decides to stay, however. • He learns of a dance competition in Las Vegas where the winner will get a three year contract. Sean • Step Up: All In (PG) (Out Now) needs a new crew to take on the Vortex. This is another fun installment of the Step Up franchise. It brings together all your fave charcters from the previous four films. Well worth a watch. Reviewed by Cara. • Page 4 Put your feet up and let us do the cooking FULL TAKEAWAY SERVICE The Mercury Bay Informer - TOP MOVIES Fury Maze Runner Boxtrolls Cowgirls ‘n Angels 2 Wolfcop Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 Enjoy our Sunny Garden Bar Jameoke D.J. Mighty LIVE BAND 9pm Splinta 9pm WIN A BAR 9pm TAB!! Ali’s Restaurant Ali’s Restaurant Meat/Seafood $10 ROAST Dinner & Bar Raffles DINNER 5pm Snacks Open 5:30pm Play Bar Trivia 5:30pm MEMBERS DRAW From 4pm Lunch 11am Open for breakfast every day from 10am Open 7 days From 11:30am until late Lunch Menu TAB POKIES Wishing Tree from 5-7pm Karaoke from 8pm Complimentary Ladies tastings Fishing every night - with drinks Comp - Drink Specials ordered 5 - 7pm Meat/Seafood RAFFLES 11am LUNCH 11am - 2pm Sports Bar Bistro Open The Home 12-2:30pm of Summer Concert 5-9pm After Party!! Summer Fun 7 days Official Club Opens 11am Sports Bar TAB Pod Free Pool Tables LIVE SPORT FREE POOL Piano plays Thursday to Sunday from 6pm until late Live pianist all day long Drink Specials Meat/Seafood Enjoy Club Raffles Hospitality Garden 5:30pm Bar Games Room MEMBERS Free Pool Tables DRAW Happy Hour Every Week Day 4-6:30pm QUIZ NIGHT 7:30pm Piano plays Our Specialty Thursday to Home Grown Sunday Pacific Oysters from 6pm $22 per dozen until late Valentines Show them how much you care with something a little special Dinner at No 8 two course $50 - three course $75 Day View menu on Facebook No 8 Bar and Grill or CONCERT IN THE VINES Open 7 days from 9am Come and enjoy a gourmet breakfast with coffee, or lunch with a glass of wine! Saturday 24 January Get your tickets from us or at any Westpac Branch on the Peninsula or from the iSITES in Whitianga, Tairua or Pauanui or online at www. Brewery Award Lunch winning & & beers Dinner Bar 11A Coghill Str, Whitianga Tel: 07 866 2200 Mon - Thur 4pm - 10pm Fri - Sat 4pm - 10:30pm Sunday 4pm - 9:30pm Large Sunny Patio Try one of our tasting flights to sample an assortment of different wines. $8-00 for 2 wines & $14-00 for 4 wines (60ml pour) Open 11am every day CHILLI and PRAWN PIZZA $10 Coffee & Chef’s Freshly Baked Treat (muffin or quiche) from 9am daily Cheers All from summer Tim & long Crew NEW Fresh Seasonal FRUIT PLATTERS Available SUMMERTIME ONLY Come in and try our new Cocktails with a view available - all day! Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 Interested in a wine tasting? We are now FULLY LICENCED No surcharge on public holidays 07 866 0456 The Mercury Bay Informer - Page 5 OPEN Seven Days from 11:30am To the Editor See page 2 for our requirements with regard to letters and contributions Dear Editor - The Hot Water Beach Ratepayers Association Meeting I note that both the Simpsons Beach and Mercury Bay South ratepayers are having their annual general meetings this coming weekend. I hope they are more successful in getting attendance from Mercury Bay Community Board members than we were at Hot Water Beach earlier this month. This was the second consecutive year we have had no representative from either the Community Board or Thames Coromandel District Council attend our annual general meeting. Hot Water Beach probably has more absentee ratepayers than any other Mercury Bay area and our AGM is the one opportunity for them to meet Community Board members or join in discussion with them over various issues they may have. Those at the meeting were disappointed as the previous Community Board always had one or two of their members attend and speak to our ratepayers. We do have issues at Hottie, mostly safety related and mainly caused by the huge influx of people attracted to the beach through the summer period. I know that Community Board members visited the area a few months ago, but feel it is important that they come at the peak time at low tide and arrange to meet with representative/s of our association to see first-hand the issues that the huge number of visiting people and vehicles create, problems that are not necessarily obvious at other times. Trevor Knight Chairman of the Hot Water Beach Ratepayers Association Editor’s Note - We’ve passed Mr Knights letter on to the Mercury Bay Community Board and was advised that the letter will be tabled at the next Community Board meeting, after which a formal reply will follow. 2 X TARAKIHI, 2 X HOT DOGS, 5 X CHICKEN NUGGETS, $2.50 CHIPS - $15 Dear Editor - The Whitianga Pontoon Boat Ramp I recently witnessed an event while using our new pontoon boat ramp by Whitianga Wharf. A charter fishing boat from outside the Mercury Bay area was motorpowering onto a trailer under full power (as witnessed by many others as well). The skipper then left the outboard running while he got out of the boat and proceeded to secure the boat to his trailer, then climbed back into the boat and turned off the engine. Right in front of him was a sign that says no powering of boats onto trailers. We are very proud of our boat launching facilities now and waited a long time to get it and to see these charter boats from out of town abusing the laws related to the boat ramp and wrecking the boat ramp is hard to accept. Please take notes, photograph and report these culprits to the harbour master and get this practice stopped. Mike Stanley Whitianga 2 X HOKI, 5 X MUSSELS, $2 CHIPS - $11 CHICKEN BURGER, $1.50 CHIPS, $2 DRINK - $9.50 The pontoon at the Whitianga boat ramp. The Espy Cafe Great food, great coffee Pat’s Pantry pies 10 The Esplanade 07 866 0778 Page 6 Free coffee & muffin winner Rewards card no 10248 Delicious Affordable Indian Food 39 Albert Street, Whitianga (Westpac Arcade) Ph 07 866 2666 Open Lunch 11 - 2 Dinner 5 onwards House Combo 1/2 Curry and 1/2 Rice & Naan $9.95* Chicken or Vegetarian Available anytime *(Lamb, Beef and Prawn Extra) The Mercury Bay Informer - Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 News from Thames-Coromandel District Council N 2 0 J A N U A R Y, 2 0 1 5 “Someone has to pick up the mounting unpaid bill and that now amounts to a 3.5% rate rise in itself to deal with this one issue. It should have been addressed in 2008/2009,” says Mr Hammond. rates increase with a final figure available early next year. at Council offices, i-Sites and District Libraries. However our base position has been helped by a reduction of rates, which hit a remarkable – 6% decrease in 2012/2013 from what was charged in 2010/2011. This has allowed Council to have a lower starting base to cope with future pressures and shocks, including dealing with the present debt on the Sewerage plants. Cumulative Average District Rates 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Annual Rate Movement N/A -0.92% -5.39% 1.33% 2.21% Cumulative Average District Rate Increase from 2010/11 Rates 2% -0% FIRE BAN We will also be monitoring our Daily Fire Indices around the Coromandel. AZI NE 2014-2015 Make the Move Walks, trails and cycleways We show you how easy it is to move to the Coromandel for a better work-life balance. Find out about our short and long walks, mountain bike tracks and cycleways. Boating and Fishing news What you need to know about fishing and boating around the Coromandel. + events 0 000238 214187 Festivals, fairs, fun days and everything in between. A guide of what’s on from November through until Easter. Dog control Summer restrictions are in place for exercising your dog on beaches and Council reserves. To get the list of all the areas and restrictions go to Cumulative 0.00% -0.92% -6.27% -5.01% -2.92% Rate Movement We’re now looking at ways to lessen the projected From Monday 20 October 2014 fire permits will be issued with a maximum duration of 14 days (2 weeks). A Total Fire Ban starts on 20 December 2014 through to 8 February 2015. This means no permits will be issued during this time – and this period could be extended depending on weather. Or read online at SUMMER MAG l District Council “It was the belief of council in the early 2000s that future developers would pay at least 66% of that cost, and that growth would take off in the Coromandel at a fast rate,” says ThamesCoromandel Chief Executive David Hammond. “The developers didn’t come and instead we were all hit by the recession”. Out now Thames-Coromande W e’re looking at a possible average district rate rise of 5.5%, as we deal with a $31m debt relating to the Eastern Seaboard Sewerage Schemes which were completed in 2009. As we prepare to put out our Draft Long Term Plan (2015 – 2025) early next year, this projected 5.5% average district rates increase is a proposed first cut as we deal with debt from the sewerage schemes and peripheral works. These plants in Whangamata, Tairua-Pauanui and Whitianga, cost in excess of $93M. COROMANDEL SUMM E RT I M E S 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 Possible 5.5% rate rise next year OUR COROMANDEL -3% -5% -7% 2010/11 2011/12 2010/11 2010/11 2010/11 Tra ransfield sfie Tri Cooks Beach Cooks Beach, Sunday 1st February Distances for all the family to enjoy. Enter online at or go to for more details. “Council and staff have done so much work over the last four years to bring out-of-control debt and rates back under strong management,” says Mayor Leach. “We’ve had a reduction in rates. Without the sewerage plant issue, we would have been on target to deliver a rise of less than 2% again,” says Mayor Glenn Leach. MERCURY BAY SOUTH Monday Blue Bags and Green Crate To find out more go to: Thursday Blue Bags and Green Crate Saturday Bin Kerbside collections Starting 27 December – 31 January (weekly) MERCURY BAY NORTH AND WHITIANGA Starting 26 December – 31 January (weekly) Summer Shuttle Bus Wanting to visit Cathedral Cove without the hassle of driving and parking? Take the Summer Shuttle Bus – Whitanga to Hahei. For timetable and fare details go to Purchase your essential Coromandel camping pack from our Council offices, information centres and i-Sites. TCDC/0549 Follow us on Twitter! ThamesCoromandelDistrictCouncil Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 Tuesday Blue Bags, Bin and Green Crate Friday Blue Bags and Green Crate Summer Refuse Transfer Station Hours Whitianga From Monday 23 December 2014 to end of summer Monday to Friday 8.00am to 5:00pm Saturday 10:00am to 5:00pm Sunday 10:30am to 7:30pm Private Bag, 515 Mackay St, Thames Phone: 07 868 0200 The Mercury Bay Informer - Page 7 Talking to the owner of Whitianga’s newest daycare centre Peanuts, Whitianga’s newest daycare centre, opened its doors a week and a half ago. The centre is situated at Aotearoa Lodge in Racecourse Road, where the Rudolph Steiner Kindergarten used to be. We caught up with Julie PennettCoughey, owner of the centre and immediately it was obvious that Peanuts isn't just another business, it’s a reflection of Julie’s passion for early childhood education - a passion that has developed over 26 years of utter dedication to the development and learning of the children in her care. “I consider myself extremely lucky to have a career in something I absolutely love,” Julie said. “I cherish every day, I feel very privileged to be a part of the daily life of the children I look after and to share with them the wonder of learning.” In Auckland, where Julie and her husband Kevin (the owner of Endeavour Print in Whitianga) came from, Julie worked with preschoolers of all ages and in a variety of settings. “I really enjoy a small group setting and a high teacher ratio,” Julie said. “I feel with a smaller group you can develop good quality relationships with both the children and their families. Parents’ input is highly valued and I want the Peanuts families to feel comfortable to share their views with us so we can provide the absolute best for the children we teach. A child’s parents are their first and most important teachers in life. This is something I take to heart.” Peanuts is licensed for 21 children, two to five year old, and Julie said she will have two professional staff working with her once they are at full capacity. Already by her side is Sue Skipper, another very experienced, dedicated and skilled early childhood teacher. Sue moved to Whitianga four years ago and has worked with Julie for the past two years. Julie has dreamed of owning her own daycare centre for many years and when she and Kevin moved to Whitianga in 2009 after they’ve purchased Endeavour Print, she didn't think the opportunity would ever arise. “But Peanuts certainly isn’t just about my dreams,” Julie pointed out. “It’s about providing a calm and nurturing environment to enhance all learning opportunities for the children in my care. And yes, no denying, my dream is now a reality.” Peanuts has a massive outdoor area and a roomy indoor facility with plenty of space for exploring and learning. The children are enjoying planting their own new vegetable gardens so that they can gather and eat their own produce throughout the year. “Just like I did when I was a child,” Julie said. “The vegetable gardens and all the outdoor space are a special place full of science and nature. We can cook soups and stews and yes, we can make mud pies too.” And where does the name Peanuts come from? “That’s easy,” answered Julie. “Peanut was my nickname at school. I wanted a name for my centre that can be fun for the children in my care, after all this is their place, and I really didn’t have to look further than myself.” Julie admitted that she simply can’t stop talking about the centre. “Kevin now constantly tells me to remember to come home,” she said. “And he has a point. I absolutely love being here. If I’m not careful, I just won't leave.” Julie Pennett-Coughey at the jacaranda tree that has pride of place in the outdoor space of the new Peanuts daycare centre in Whitianga. See us on The Espy Cafe Ice-cream Parlour Opposite the playground Bring the kids out! • Real fruit smoothies • Real fruit juices • 21 ice-cream flavours • We stock Movenpick • Try our competition entry milkshake (Oh Fudge I crushed my n_ tz) and get $1-00 off any other shake 10 The Esplanade 07 866 0778 Page 8 The Mercury Bay Informer - Come see out! w s ab i s s u f e h hat t Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 Q & A with Danny Hutton, founding member of Three Dog Night Go to the Whitianga Summer Concert and win big This Sunday’s Whitianga Summer Concert featuring international bands Heart, Foreigner and Three Dog Night at the Whitianga Waterways Arena isn’t just an opportunity to experience rock and roll that stood the test of time, it’s also an opportunity to win an exclusive Mercury Bay winter weekend breakaway. To go into the draw is easy - all you have to do is to go to the Summer Concert and let us have proof no later than 13 February that you were there. You can drop your ticket (with your name and phone number) in the bin that will be provided inside the Waterways Arena (at the gates), you can drop your ticket with your contact details off at our offices, you can mail your ticket to us (once again, don’t forget your contact details) or you can email us a photo of you at the concert, whatever you find easiest. Some conditions apply. And this is what you can win - two nights’ accommodation for two at Waterfront Apartments in Whitianga, two day passes (and two cocktails) to The Lost Spring in Whitianga, a scenic tour for two on Whitianga’s Glass Bottom Boat, a $50 voucher from The Espy Café in Whitianga, a $50 voucher from Hot Water Brewing Co Bar and Restaurant in Whenuakite and a $100 voucher from No 8 Bar & Brasserie in Whitianga. Even if you live in Whitianga, this prize is too good to ignore. But remember, if you don’t go to the concert, you can’t win. So, make sure you get your tickets now. Preparations for the concert are in full swing, the stage is going up (pictured) and the rest of the Waterways Arena is a hive of activity. Yes, Sunday is going to be a big day! With the Whitianga Summer Concert this Sunday 25 January, we had a quick question and answer session with Danny Hutton (pictured), founding member of Three Dog Night. This is what he had to say Q - You’ve been to New Zealand before, what’s the best memory you have from your time here? A - We had a great time touring with The Guess Who. Q - With a few free days in between gigs you may get time to go exploring while you’re here is there anywhere around New Zealand that you’re keen to visit? A - My wife and I are driving to Marlborough after the Whitianga Waterways show to stay with our friends, Joanne & Bruce Kerner, who have a vineyard called Kerner Estates. They grow award winning white wine. Then we're driving to Queenstown. Q - We hear a lot about New Zealand music doing well overseas - are there any Kiwi musicians that you listen to? A - I like Split Enz and Crowded House. Q - Ever been to Whitianga before? If yes, any memories or experiences to share? If not, what do you know about our part of the world? A - I haven't been to Whitianga before but I hear the seafood is wonderful. Alone PRESENTS Barracuda These Dreams Magic Man What About Love Crazy On You Heartless I Want To Know What Love Is Waiting For A Girl Like You Feels Like The First Time Hot Blooded Urgent Cold As Ice Mama Told Me (Not To Come) Black And White An Old Fashioned Love Song Joy To The World Shambala One WHITIANGA SUMMER CONCERT SUN 25 JAN ONLY $99* FROM STRICTLY LIMITED LOCAL TICKETS $89* AVAILABLE AT: i-SITE WHITIANGA, i-SITE THAMES, i-SITE TE AROHA, TAIRUA INFO CENTRE, PAUANUI INFO CENTRE AND INFO PLUS WHANGAMATA * Plus booking fee. Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 The Mercury Bay Informer - Page 9 Charlotte’s mural is coming along MERCURY BAY PHYSIOTHERAPY CLINIC Robert Lindsay Dip Phty(Otago) ADP(OMT), Dip.MT. Co-author of ‘Treat Your Own Shoulder’ and Associates Crystal Vause BHScPhysiotherapy Manipulation / Back and Neck Pain / Work Injuries Sports Injuries / Post Surgery and Fracture Rehab Acupuncture / Hand Therapy / Women’s Health Clinic Physiotherapists with the qualifications to provide excellence in physical health care Mercury Bay Medical Centre - Ph 866 5911 Revitalize with Eve’s Eden Massage & Beauty Full Hr Massage $60 1/2 Hr Massage + Facial $99 027 777 6644 Whitianga Chiropractic & Massage 109 Albert Street Whitianga It’s about a week since Mercury Bay artist Charlotte Giblin has started her mural at the premises of Blue Water Marine Services Limited in Bryce Street in Whitianga and it’s already looking impressive. “If the weather holds, I should be finished in the next week or so, but let’s say the end of January to be safe,” Charlotte said. Charlotte also said the support of the community is overwhelming, people just stopping by for a quick chat or a word of encouragement. “Everyone agrees that the mural is going to be a great new asset to the town,” she said. Picture is Charlotte (right) in front of the mural with Verena Tagmann, a fellow artist who owns Blue Water Marine Services with her partner Craig Comstock. Reflexology Thumbs Up Nick Reynolds To the kind gentleman who brought ice blocks to the volunteers at the Whitianga Social Services Op Shop in Coghill Street last week. Sleep better Less Pain More Energy i nternati onal i nsti tute of reflexology 0274 799 763 7 Punga Place HOW OUR DISTRICT NURSES CAN HELP YOU The MERCURY BAY HEALTH SUPPORT GROUP invites you to our first meeting for the year. THURSDAY 22nd JANUARY at 1:25pm, Social Services Building, 2 Cook Drive, Whitianga. $2 charge, afternoon tea provided. For further information phone Mary-Anne 869 5952. Health Improvement and Maintenance Shiatsu Massage and Jin Shin Jyutsu Gentle Experienced Therapist Phone 021 250 1278 or Phone 866 2313 Claudia Pentner 14 Monk Street, Whitianga House visits available jandy's For Fashionable Women & Menn 11 Monk Street, Whitianga P (07) 866 4411 SUMMER SALE 30% off selected Summer Stock Your One Stop Shop To Look Good & Feel Great Got guests coming? Need an affordable bed? See your sleeping specialists - Bedpost Whitianga Lee Street, Whitianga P: 07 866 2448 Page 10 The Mercury Bay Informer - Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 Realignment of Tairua Hill on a road to nowhere By Alison Smith A concerned Cooks Beach resident has called for follow up action on realigning SH25 on the Tairua Hill, which was the subject of a major consultation exercise almost two decades ago, but appears to be firmly on the backburner now. Jan Riddle says it would have taken a large sum of money back in 1996 to undertake consultation over roading realignment options for the area north of Tairua. The area was acknowledged by Transit New Zealand at the time to be poorly aligned, with the result of low traffic speeds and limited sight distances. There were also no suitable passing opportunities and high annual maintenance costs for sub-standard pavement (road) width and depth. There are three one way bridges on the roads either within or approaching Tairua. Mrs Riddle says no efforts to widen these to two-lane and the lack of action on the realignment of Tairua Hill appeared to be another unacceptable outcome for the Coromandel. Despite the consultation in 1996, and public displays that were held with numerous consultants taking part to propose three options, it looks likely that the realignment project is on a road to nowhere. New Zealand Transport Agency Waikato Expressway and Highways Projects spokesman Simon Brandon says projects come and go and this one at Tairua Hill was not included on the last two regional transport programmes Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 or plans, which indicates it is not high in current regional priorities. “The Transport Agency often investigates projects but, they don’t necessarily move to design - let alone construction. “Our priorities currently are completion of the Waikato Expressway (and other Roads of National Significance projects nationally) and big safety-focused projects - like roundabouts at key state highway intersections and Safe System works proposed on State Highway 2. “Things that can trigger an elevation up the priority list include increased volumes of traffic (capacity issues or trips being unreliable for key freight routes), crash rates (safety issues) or resilience (the ability to deal with disruptions like earthquakes). Mr Brandon says the Transport Agency - which builds, maintains and operates state highways - faces a number of challenges regarding rural Coromandel Peninsula highways. “Resilience is a key one and keeping roads open in all weathers is a priority. So maintenance work has a higher priority than, say, replacing one-lane bridges. And while capacity issues arise in summer peaks, they are not such an issue year-round. Safety will always be a high priority and works are done as needed. “But sections of road-straightening and road-widening on the network, such as the Tairua Hill realignment, while nice to have, won’t be proceeded with in the foreseeable future.” Mrs Riddle says despite accidents involving tourists and the Coromandel continuing to get busier with visitor numbers, it is disappointing to see the project has slipped off the radar. “With the amount of traffic it’s high time something was done with the Tairua Hill,” she says. “We promote tourism to the Coromandel, but are not putting the infrastructure in. I don’t know what it would have cost for all the consultation on this project years ago, but it seems to have been put on the backburner and it’s time we all started to put a bit of pressure on.” SH25 on the Tairua Hill - not an easy stretch of road. The Mercury Bay Informer - Page 11 Page 12 The Mercury Bay Informer - Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 Family tree classes proving very popular By Len Salt One of the fastest growing hobbies in the world today is genealogy. With the growth of the internet and access to literally millions of records online, researching your family history has become easier and more accessible to people who may not have ready access to libraries and the archives where those records might be kept. Whitianga residents Elder Richard Gordon and his wife Claudene are missionaries from the Church of Latter Day Saints, or Mormons as they are more commonly known. The LDS church, based in Utah, has for some years been a leader in the field of family research. Their genealogy website,, now gets 7 million hits a day and provides a platform from which people can enter their family information and begin to build the framework of their own family tree. Access is free and you don’t need to be a church member to use it. This process can be a bit daunting for some people, however Richard explained to me that, because family is seen as important to the Mormon Church, part Some of the people who attended the first series of genealogy classes presented by Elder Richard Gordan and his wife Claudene last year in Whitianga. of their mission is to help people to find and connect with their own family histories. “We made contact last year with the local genealogy group here in Whitianga and as a result of that meeting, last November we started the first of a series of classes aimed at helping people to set up their own family histories using the website. The software is now in its third generation and has become quite extensive in what tools it has for people to use.” I got a firsthand demonstration and the results were impressive. By starting with the names of yourself and your immediate family, you get the basic framework underway. “Some people already have a substantial amount of information about their relatives, both living and deceased. Other people don’t and sadly many people don’t know the names of their own grandparents,” Richard told me. “The more information you have the better the result, however the interesting thing is that, once you reach a certain point in the names that you have entered, the software starts picking up the connections that already exist in the various databases.” Claudene described making a family connection of her own, “Suddenly information was being filled in and we’re all the way back to 1711. It was very exciting.” It’s been described as a “Eureka moment” when empty spaces on your tree start being filled in by the programme and people suddenly see connections to ancestors, relatives, cousins that they may not have known about. “It’s an emotional experience when that happens and people can end up in tears from suddenly discovering all these unknown family connections,” Richard said. There are restrictions and privacy firewalls in place around the software that’s used so that information on living relatives that you enter is kept confidential. Richard and Claudene have been conducting classes throughout the Coromandel/Waikato area and will be doing another series of four classes in Whitianga towards the end of February. “Classes are held in the Mercury Bay Area School computer rooms and school computer tech Patrick Pfister has been very helpful in setting up and assisting us to get things running. We are limited to 28 places due to access to computers, so it’s important that people book a place if they are keen to come along,” said Richard. People who would like to attend can contact Richard on email or phone (027) 560 2469 for more information or to reserve a place. Sunair Aviation (2006) Ltd Whitianga to: Ardmore Airport Great Barrier Tauranga Sunair Aviation is excited about the amount of locals and tourists alike who are taking advantage of our new operation. With our 15 minute flights to Auckland and Great Barrier Free Parking at both Ardmore Airport in Auckland and Whitianga Airport on the Coromandel, And our customer-focussed staff, Let alone the really affordable shuttle which meets all our flights at Ardmore Airport, we encourage more customers to try our new service! Look out for our aircraft with “Sunair” on the tail, four times a day into Whitianga. Cut here for timetable Sunair Aviation (2006) Ltd Bookings W: (book online) E: P: 0800 SUNAR (0800 786247) P: (07) 575 7799 Back to School Netbook • Memory stick • Computer headset Need a Netbook? See 100% Whitianga 49 Albert Street, Whitianga P: 07 866 5726 Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 The Mercury Bay Informer - Page 13 AutoCare Whitianga Limited Trading As Free cooking class for Whitianga local Subaru Authorised Parts & Service Centre We Will Service & Repair Any Make & Model WoF Electronic Diagnostics On Car Brake Lathe New & Used Vehicle Sales # Tyres~Fitted & Balanced Test Drive the exciting new 2014 Subaru XV Today! Call Wayne Wilson & the Team 6 Abrahamson Drive E: # 07 866 4134 Vehicles sold in conjunction with Bay Subaru Whitianga’s Cathy Brown received last week the good news that she’s the winner of a cooking class for two at the Auckland Seafood School. Included in her prize are petrol vouchers to cover her costs to get to Auckland and back (it would have been airfares had she lived further afield), one night’s accommodation in Auckland and a cookbook. All Cathy had to do to go in the nationwide draw to win was to purchase a Sunbeam Café Series product from 100% Whitianga. In her case a blender did the trick. Asking Cathy who she’s going to take with her to the cooking class, she answered, “That’s up for discussion.” Pictured is Cathy with Ian Hogg, the owner of 100% Whitianga. Let us take care of it for you! • Window cleaning inside & out • Meet & greet holiday homes • Specialist cleaning for: • Meeting quests for instructions CLEANS Spring Builders Moving in or out Office & Commercial Sanitary bins & rules • Exit cleans & reports to owners for bond release • Key service for maintenance entry Whitianga Property Services Call Larry on 07 869 5998 or 021 172 0767 HIP, HOPS & VINES Summer Tour With Go Kiwi Need transport to Auckland? GOING TO AUCKLAND AIRPORT? GOING TO AUCKLAND CITY? Catch your locally owned & operated Go Kiwi shuttle! We are local, we are friendly and we will go the extra mile for you Departs daily from the iSite or even from your house! HIP, HOPS & VINES SUMMER TOUR Stopping at the hip COROGLEN TAVERN .... the POUR HOUSE BREWERY for your hops .... and MERCURY BAY ESTATE WINERY for the vines! We supply the sober driver and free tasty nibbles and free ferry transfers. Departs Whitianga 7.30am every day Arrives Auckland Airport 10.30am, Auckland City 11.00am Departs Auckland City 1.30pm, Auckland Airport 2.00pm Arrives Whitianga 5.00pm every day Bookings are essential on all services: book online AVO: departs Whitianga 12 noon, finishes Ferry Landing 5pm EVE: departs Ferry Landing 3:30pm, finishes Whitianga 8:30pm $34 pp FreePhone 0800 44 65 49 to book. Page 14 The Mercury Bay Informer - freephone 0800 44 65 49 local 07 866 0336 email Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 CT A F ! PROPERTY INFORMER Here are great reasons to choose Harcourts 1. Harcourts is New Zealand's most trusted Real Estate Brand 2013/2014. 2. We give back to our local community through the Harcourts Foundation. 3. Harcourts is ranked No. 1 online by Nielsen Online Rankings. Call our duty agent on 07 866 4981 today! NEW LIST NEW LIST 63B Catherine Crescent $280,000 2 bdrm plus garage. Ideal for couple or retirees Ann Hamilton 027 488 6675 $215,000 285 Cook Drive Holiday special - Utility with water and power Marie Osborn 027 433 4027 16 Kupe Drive $615,000 5 bdrm, 2 bthrm, 2 living areas. Dble garage. Fully fenced Peter MacGregor 027 224 7332 51 Cholmondeley Crescent B&B ready plus 2 separate self contained units rented out as office space Noelene Bellingham 027 2808 477 173 Buffalo Beach Road $715,000 Big 4 bdrm home with awesome views. Down the drive to the beach Helen Larsen 027 263 2344 16 Kelly Place $1,230,000 Big home with canal frontage and pontoon Peter MacGregor 027 224 7332 Katrina Carlyon 021 724 200 11 Ohuka Place $949,000 Exclusive B & B for sale as going concern Bronee Stanfield 027 292 9742 7 Punga Place $429,000 Great Views! 3 bdrm home, garage Peter MacGregor 027 224 7332 NEW LIST Unit 28/1 Centennial Drive 2 bdrm apartment in Aqua Soleil Rob Ball 021 0238 9767 NEW LIST NEW LIST 464 Rangihau Road $820,000 Plus GST (If any) Enchanting 4 bdrm, 4 bthrm home on over 6.5 ha of flat land. 7 paddocks, stock yards, lush grazing. Beth Evans AREINZ Property Manager 021 153 8593 Bronee Stanfield 027 292 9742 Marie Osborn 027 433 4027 Testimonials available. Top service, top team 464 Rangihau Road $820,000 Plus GST (If any) HARCOURTS - WE’RE WHERE YOU ARE WE’RE YOUR LOCALS! 71 Albert Street, Whitianga Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 The Mercury Bay Informer - Page 15 SeniorNet Update with Mavis Hicks Carpet Cleaning Charlie Lodge & Restoration Another year underway and your committee members have been busy getting prepared for another year of classes and workshops. The first newsletter of the year will have important dates for registration day and a schedule of classes. There is also a new handbook which will be included with the email as a PDF Some members will have acquired new tech devices during the break. There is a MEMBERS ONLY Questionand-Answer workshop scheduled for Wednesday 18 February. The time is 11:45am to 1:45pm. Bring your new device/s with you if it’s practical. Until then if you are having problems connecting or managing new devices, there are some excellent tutorials on YouTube that may help. Google the device and model and look for tutorial videos. At the Q&A Peter Bethall will talk about Chromecast, a device to assist your TV to become a smart TV. Readers joining SeniorNet will be able to take part in this workshop. Watch for an advertisement in The Informer for registration day details. There seems to be a new scam going around - a caller pretending to be from Spark, asking for the details of your bank or credit card and asking you to access a website that is not the Spark one. Again the usual warning - BEWARE and don’t forget virus protection on new devices if they need it. Your committee and tutors are looking forward seeing you all during the new term. Mavis Hicks Residential Commercial Industrial Carpet Cleaning & Restoration - Marine Carpet & Upholstery Upholstery Cleaning - Stain Removal - Rug Cleaning Vinyl Floor Restoration - Spot Dyeing - Odour Control All work undertaken will be to the AS/NZ Standard Institute of Inspection Cleaning And Restoration Certification T: 07 866 0075 M: 027 2806374 Whitianga Social Services where the members of SeniorNet meet every week. Need a decent pillow? Large selection in store. See your sleeping specialists - Bedpost Whitianga Lee Street, Whitianga P: 07 866 2448 Page 16 The Mercury Bay Informer - Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 “Dark side” helicopter pilot in the business of saving lives By Len Salt The television news the week before last played footage of an accident in the Karangahake Gorge. A cyclist had ended up in trouble down a tunnel and had to be dragged up the side of a fairly decent cliff which dropped down towards the water below. The film showed a group volunteers gathered up from motorists and passersby, all pitching in to physically drag the injured victim up the hill with ropes. Parked on the road at the top, waiting to take the patient to the nearest hospital was the Westpac Rescue Helicopter. The footage was taken on a cellphone by the pilot, 44 year old Paul Robinson, who skippers one of crews based in Whitianga during the summer months. I interrupted Paul having a well earned holiday with his family in between missions to ask him a few questions about a typical day in the Mercury Bay area as a rescue helicopter pilot. “There is no typical day,” Paul told me. “Each day or night can bring a whole new challenge, so we never know what to expect.” Paul said that they work four days on - and their duty is 24 hours, so a call can come in at any time. They work closely with the Mercury Bay St John Ambulance crews and the time they spend in Whitianga has been getting gradually longer each season. They now have a crew based full time in Whitianga from Boxing Day until sometime in March, depending on how busy things are. “Some of what we do is about taking the pressure off the ambulance crews so that that they remain available for local emergencies,” Paul said. “If a crew are attending an accident in Hahei, for example, and then transporting that patient to Waikato Hospital, an ambulance and officers are tied up for the best part of seven hours by the time they get back. That means the ambulance is unavailable for other patients for all of that time. We can be in Hahei in five minutes, Waikato Hospital 30 minutes later and back in Whitianga or available for another call within two hours.” Paul told me that it’s not uncommon for them to do back to back jobs, getting a patient to hospital and then straight on to the next one. “Sport and outdoor activities have become more extreme and there are of course the old problems of people not wearing lifejackets on boats and others mixing alcohol and driving which continue to cause needless tragedy.” I was curious about the chopper crew. “We have a team of three, myself as pilot, a crew member who is medically trained to ambulance officer standard and an advanced paramedic who is trained for higher level interventions if the need is there,” Paul said. “The advanced paramedic also has a higher level of medical authority - they can administer certain medications and procedures if that’s what’s required for the patient.” Examples could be anything from intubation for breathing, to an induced coma, particularly for head injuries. Paul flew commercially for a while on fixed wing planes before going over to the “dark side” - pilot speak for flying helicopters. He was on the police Eagle chopper for a stint before moving to EMS (emergency medical service) flying. I’ve never met a pilot who regards what they do as a job. Paul is no exception. Talking to him you get the feeling that he’s doing what he loves. But it’s not all “flying ace” fun. There’s a high level of responsibility that goes along with the job, particularly when it comes to managing crew safety. “We have strict rules regarding hours that the crew can fly and schedules for chopper maintenance and checks,” Paul said. “If we hit the limit of those hours, I stand my crew down, and we are no longer available.” What happens if there is an emergency and his crew is unavailable? The Westpac service is a two chopper system, so there’s a second chopper that can come down from Auckland. Paul thinks there will come a time when we have a rescue helicopter based in Whitianga full time. Until then, we are lucky to have the services of a great team to look after us if the need is there. Concert in the Vines, a major Westpac Rescue Helicopter Fundraiser, will take place this Saturday 24 January at Mercury Bay Estate and Lonely Bay Vineyard outside Cooks Beach. On stage will be a number of New Zealand music heavyweights, including Anna Hawkins, Joseph & Maia and favourite Bee Gees tribute band The Gee Bees. The fun will kick off at 3:00pm. Tickets cost $30 each ($40 on the day). Children under 12 can enter free. Tickets are available from the Whitianga, Tairua and Pauanui information centres, all Westpac branches on the Coromandel Peninsula and at the Mercury Bay Estate cellar door. For more information see Cellphone images taken by pilot Paul Robinson of the Westpac Rescue Helicopter in the Karangahake Gorge the week before last. YOUR DREAM COASTAL LIFESTYLE IN SUNNY COOKS BEACH E! L A S D N E K E E W Y R A S R E ANNIV The Cooks Beach area offers beautiful beaches, superb fishing and boating, and a mix of parks, reserves, tennis courts, boat launching and a selection of local shops and eateries. D N A L AUCK • SALES OFFICE & SITE ENTRANCE: Sales office & site entrance located at 60 Charles Green Drive and will be open throughout summer. Please feel free to visit the site yourself or phone one of the Richardsons’ team for a personal tour. LONGREACH SALES OPEN DAY Come and join us onsite for this one off special developer sale. M 2.30P O T M 0.30A ROM 1 NF TH JA 5 2 Y DA Lot size and layout subject to survey and TCDC approval. E SUN Contours, dimensions, availability, pricing and timing subject to change without notice. T I S N O Phillip Dawson Paulette Tainsh Mob. 027 477 3443 Bus. (07) 866 5826 Mob. 027 241 2001 Bus. (07) 866 5826 Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 Richardsons and a representative of the Longreach development team will be onsite ready to help with any enquiries you might have. On the first five section sales on this Anniversary weekend only the developer will sell for $25,000 less than list price! Get in quick for a bargain in this idyllic development! The Mercury Bay Informer - LONGREACH.CO.NZ Page 17 Police Report Coastguard News with Sergeant Andrew Morrison with Stuart Brown - Whitianga Coastguard President Welcome to 2015. Hopefully, given the weather, everyone has enjoyed being able to get out on the water. December Whitianga Coastguard had 12 callouts with one emergency callout where both our vessels were dispatched to look for three overdue children travelling the coastline between Otama and Kuaotunu. While wet and cold, they were located by our vessel Endeavour and transferred to a Kuaotunu Search and Rescue crew at the Kuaotunu boat ramp. The balance of callouts were for general assists with the most memorable one a trip up to Channel Island at 2:00am for a tow back to Whitianga. Flat seas and a beautiful sunrise were the features of that trip. Given the number of boats on the water over the Christmas break, the relatively low number of callouts we had is a testament to the skippers who set their boats up well and were well prepared for the season. Congratulations to all. Our unit manages under licence four radio channels - #23 for Weather, #61, #78 and #86. Channel 86 is the channel for trip reports and is the only channel monitored (as a Search and Rescue channel) 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Thank you to those vessels giving their call sign or membership number. This certainly speeds up the trip report and provides Coastguard with the beginnings of a search profile if required. To our members, if you have changed your boat or had other details change, please ensure that you let us know so that we can update our register. You can do this either online by logging on at www.whitangacoastguard. or by sending an email to info@ Earlier this month, Coastguard New Zealand in conjunction with Burnsco and Hutchwilco were in Mercury Bay with their Old4New lifejacket upgrade. I understand that this was well received by all. The old life jackets will be tested and sent over to the Pacific Islands to be given away. Happy New Year and Safe Boating. Stuart Brown Whitianga Coastguard Monday 5 January to Monday 12 January 2014 GENERAL That time of year again when we need to remind a few people who are lucky enough to still be on holiday that most people are now back at work, so keeping noise levels reasonable and turning stereos off at a reasonable hour will go a long way to keeping the neighbours happy. We have had another theft from a bag while the owner has been swimming, this time from Cathedral Cove on the 9th. While most of the people sun bathing around your stuff can be trusted, unfortunately it only takes one thief to spoil your day. Leave valuables at home or lock them in your car out of sight and let us know if you see anyone acting suspiciously around other people's property. ARRESTS 12th - 1 x 23yr old local woman for Theft Ex-Shop. OCCURRENCES Three domestic incidents attended last week. On the 10th a drunk ex-partner was removed from an Annette Place address as he was not welcome there, while on the 11th two sisters were arguing at a Cook Drive address with alcohol a major factor. Both were given sound advice. Then on the 11th a couple arguing over custody issues at a Grange Road address were advised to read their agreement and stick to it. On the 8th a car was damaged outside a Kenwood Drive address when the offender climbed on the vehicle denting the roof and bonnet. A group of youths banging on the windows of a Cordyline Crescent address and running off on the 10th need to grow up and start thinking about others, while also that night a yellow mountain bike was stolen from a Hannan Road address and a letterbox was damaged at a Springbok Ave address. We have had another theft from a produce stall at a Hodge Road address on the 11th and again excellent security footage has been obtained to help identify the offender. A car was unlawfully converted when an ex-partner failed to return a borrowed car as agreed and our enquiries are continuing to locate her. TRAFFIC No drunk drivers were apprehended this week. A couple of crashes this week with a truck full of molasses rolling on SH25 near Whenuakite being the standout. Minor injuries resulted. on Garages, Carports, Sleepouts and Cottages, Hurry, Ends 31st January 2015. IDL0027 NEW YEAR SPECIALS! GARAGES SLEEPOUTS COTTAGES Ideal Buildings Coromandel Page 18 The Mercury Bay Informer - 71A Cook Drive, Whitianga 07 866 5544 Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 Brand new ambulance for St John Whitianga St John Whitianga received a brand new ambulance last week. The vehicle cost $240,000 and is painted in the new yellow colour St John is rolling out across their entire fleet. “Like all organisation and businesses, St John needs to keep their image fresh and functional,” said Mike Burrows, St John Whitianga station manager. “That’s why the new ambulances aren’t white anymore. That’s also the reason why our uniforms have recently changed.” St John had an additional crew on duty during the holiday period in Whitianga. “The cost of that was in excess of $15,000, but it was worth it,” Mike said. “It’s always reassuring to know that we’ll be able to respond to a call in good time because we have sufficient staff on duty.” Pictured is Mike (on the left) with fellow St John officers Ron Carter (centre) and Danny Kake at the new Whitianga ambulance. Whitianga 07 866 0070 • Spouting • Roofing • Water treatments systems • Septic tanks • Hot Water cylinders • New Housing • Alterations • General Maintenance • Solar water heating • All LPG gas installation Display home now open. 4 Roseberry Place Whitianga Waterways Friday to Monday from 11am - 1pm or by appointment. Auckland anniversary weekend Saturday 10am - 2pm. Sore back at night? Need a better bed? See your sleeping specialists - Bedpost Whitianga Lee Street, Whitianga P: 07 866 2448 Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 The Mercury Bay Informer - Page 19 P: 07 866 5787 F: 07 866 5780 M: 0274 521 298 MERV GEORGE Plumbing & Drainage Ltd “Do it by George and you’ll be right” PO Box 74 Whitianga Tile & Grout restoration work including cleaning, repair work Grout clear/colour sealing, re-colouring silicone work Shower glass/glass cleaning/treatment Phone/txt Jack 021 775 118 Willis Electrical Electrical installations and maintenance DOMESTIC | COMMERCIAL | INDUSTRIAL Paul Willis Registered Electrician Phone: 07 866 2413 Mobile: 027 404 8941 E: W: What’s On the next few weeks Sponsored by Dive Zone Whitianga Tel (07) 867 1580 Op-Shops and JP Social Services Op Shops - 2 Cook Drive, Whitianga. Open Monday to Friday, 9:00am - 4:30pm and Coghill Street (west of Albert Street), Whitianga. Open Tuesday to Saturday, 9:00am - 1:00pm. Also JP at Social Services, every Monday 10:00am - 12:00 noon. Phone (07) 866 4476 for more information. The Church Op-Shop, at St Andrews by the Sea Community Church, Owen Street, Whitianga. Open Thursday to Saturday 8:30am - 12:30pm. St John Op-Shop, Coghill Street (east of Albert Street), Whitianga. Open Tuesday to Saturday, 10:00am - 4:00pm. Phone 869 5416. Every first Saturday of the month a special promotion. Free Community Meals At St Andrews by the Sea Community Church, Albert Street, Whitianga. Phone St Andrews on 867 1102 or email for more information. Mercury Bay Community Bus Available for transport to hospital, specialist or health related appointments outside of the Whitianga area. Phone 866 4993 for information and bookings. “Whitianga Movers and Losers” (the Old WW’s) Wednesdays 5:00pm - 6:00pm at St Peters Anglican Church, Dundas St, Whitianga. $2 donation (to cover cost of room rent). We promote a slow, steady weight loss based on eating well, nourishing foods and moving more - towards maintaining our our ideal weight and optimal health. New members always welcome. Whitianga Senior Citizens Club Meet Mondays in the Whitianga Town Hall, 1:00pm - 4:00pm. Bowls, scrabble, card games, housie etc. Afternoon tea, 55 plus age group. Contact Pam Phillips (president) 866 5908 for more information. Road Cycling and Mountain Biking Road cycling meet every Saturday at 8:00am at the Fire Station intersection, Whitianga. Phone Bryan on 022 155 8944 for more information. Mountain biking meet every Tuesday at 5:15pm and every Saturday at 7:30am at the Fire Station intersection, Whitianga. Phone Paul on 021 605 230 for more information. SeniorNet Whitianga Incorporated Classes held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at various times. We give older adults an opportunity to demistify their computers and to learn more about new communications and information technology. Contact Lorna Russell on 866 4215 for more information or to join. Mercury Bay Table Tennis Every Tuesday 9:30am - 11:30am at the Whitianga Town Hall. All welcome. Phone Pat or Neville on 867 1447 for more information. Mercury Bay Badminton Every Wednesday 9:30am - 11:00am at the Whitianga Town Hall. All welcome. Phone Diane on 027 246 1915 for more information. Whitianga Tramping Group Tramps every second Sunday. All welcome. Phone Bev on 869 5457 or Deidre on (021) 101 2388 for more information. Whitianga Social Services Youth Space Will re-open on Wednesday 4 February. Local (Whitianga) youth will be contacted regarding dates for outdoor activities. For more information see the Youth Space’s Facebook page. Whitianga Toy Library Isabella Street (off Coghill St), Whitianga. Open Tuesday 4pm - 6:30pm and Friday 10am - 12.30pm. New members welcome. Coroglen Farmers Market Every Sunday from 9:30am - 1:00pm at the Coroglen Hall, SH25, Coroglen. Pauanui Summer Series Sunday 28 December - Sunday 25 January. A variety of events. Coming up - KAT Race (Saturday 24 January) and Summer Market (Sunday 25 January). For more information see or The Mercury Bay Informer Summer Guide 2014-2015. Whitianga Art Group’s Annual Exhibition of New Work Sunday 4 January - Saturday 31 January, 10:00am - 5:00pm every day. At the Whitianga Art Centre, School Road, Whitianga. All welcome. Lions Fish Auction Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 January at approximately 4:30pm at Taylor’s Mistake, Whitianga. Fish caught in the New Zealand National Spearfishing Championships to be auctioned. All proceeds to the Whitianga Lions’ general fund. Mercury Bay Game Fishing Club Ladies Tournament One day only - Saturday 24 January. Great prizes (including lucky draw prizes) up for grabs. Entry forms available at the MBGFC or at Whitianga Art, Craft and Farmers Market Saturday 24 January from 8:30am - 1:00pm at Soldiers Memorial Park, Whitianga. Concert in the Vines Saturday 24 January at Mercury Bay Estate and Lonely Bay Vineyard, Cooks Beach from 3:00pm to 9:00pm. See for more information. Whitianga Summer Concert Sunday 25 January at the Whitianga Waterways Arena in Whitianga. Featuring Heart, Foreigner and Three Dog Night. Venue gates open 11:00am. See for more information. Transfield Tri Triathlon at Cooks Beach on Sunday 1 February. Starts at 10:00am. Enter online at Leadfoot Festival Friday 6 February - Sunday 8 February at Leadfoot Ranch, Hahei. Gates open at 7:00am. For more information see Weekly Church Services Mercury Bay Co-operating Parish St Andrews by the Sea Community Church, 9:30am every Sunday worship service and kids friendly Bible sessions with Rev Mary Petersen, Albert St, Whitianga. Anglican Services St Peter the Fisherman, 9:30am Sunday services. All are welcome, Dundas St, Whitianga. Crossroad Encounter Fellowship 10:00am Sundays, cnr Joan Gaskell Drive and Cook Drive, Whitianga. St Patrick’s Catholic Church Weekend Mass Saturday 5:30pm and Sunday 8.30am, Monday - Friday 9:00am (except Tuesday no Mass, Wednesday 12:00 noon). Tairua Sunday 10:30am, Tuesday 9:00am, tel 866 2189. Whitianga Baptist Church 10:00am every Sunday, children’s programme, 112 Cook Drive, Whitianga, tel 866 4027. C3 Whitianga 10:30am every Sunday, children’s programme, 23 Coghill St, Whitianga, email Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) Meet on Sundays 10:00am - 11:30am in the Mercury Bay Community Boardroom (at the back of TCDC’s offices at 10 Monk Street, Whitianga). Children’s programme. Phone 021 277 2126 for more information. Seventh Day Adventists Home study group. Phone Laurie/Lois on 866 2808 for more information. Mobility equipment available for locals or visitors. Walking frames, crutches, walking sticks and mobility scooters Phone Roger on 07 867 1986 for more information Page 20 The Mercury Bay Informer - Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 Giant bromeliad flowering after 20 years • PLU NG• MBI P LUS P 07 866 0377 M 027 227 7252 E A 32 Campbell St, Whitianga When Whitianga’s Dennis Barnes bought a giant bromeliad 20 years ago for the eye watering amount of $150, he knew he was going to wait a long time for it to flower. But it was worth it. A few weeks ago the plant, which was planted in Dennis and wife Sue’s backyard, started to flower. “It’s astonishing,” Dennis said. “It grows taller virtually every day. I have no idea what the end result is going to be. I suspect the plant will flower for two months or so and the main part of it will then die. In the meantime, we are certainly enjoying this very rare sight.” Pictured is Dennis next to his flowering giant bromeliad. MERCURY BAY POOLS LTD Concrete Swimming Pool Builders Ph 07 866 0937 Mob 021 063 8367 • • • • • Design and build new pools • Renovations of existing pools • Pool covers, auto or manual • Quality portable spa pools Contact Peter Thomas M: 0274 806 288 A/h 07 866 4358 INCLUDING REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 101 PEEBLES LANE KUAOTUNU RD 2 WHITIANGA • 021 130 8745 • 07 - 866 2175 07 869 5149 Rob Duxfield 027 4467 961 Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 The Mercury Bay Informer - Page 21 3 1 95 4 6 2 87 Sudoku Fishing Report with Alan Proctor Sponsored by H&M Pascoe Tel 0274 852 046 Puzzle 620 Name: ___________________________________________________________ Tel no: ___________________________________________________________ Fill in the boxes using the numbers 1 to 9. Every row and column, and every group of nine boxes inside the thick lines, must contain each number only once. Deliver or mail your entry to The Mercury Bay Informer, 14 Monk St, Whitianga or PO Box 426, Whitianga, to reach us by 6:00pm Monday each week. The weekly prize is one free Current Release from Civic Video, Whitianga. The winner must please claim his/her prize from Civic Video directly. The fine weather continues and hand in hand with that is the fine fishing out wide. We’ve had a sensational start to the game fishing season and it continues unabated with marlin, large tuna, shortbill spearfish and mahimahi almost becoming a regular catch. Our area is fishing so well that it is drawing boats from as far away as The Bay of Islands in the north and from Tauranga down south. Less than half the marlin that were caught in our area over the weekend just gone were weighed by our club, such is the attraction here at the moment for members from other clubs. Already at least three fish that have been landed have been too big and heavy for the crew to drag onto their own boats and they have needed to gain assistance from other vessels or in one case, tow the fish to the weigh station. At this early stage the wind forecast for the weekend is very good which bodes well for our one day Ladies Tournament taking place this Saturday. There will be prizes and giveaways worth well over $50,000 and these ladies sure know how to have a good time on the water during the day and at the prize-giving celebrations later on. For those fishing closer in, we have a bit of the same old story with snapper. Several accounts that there may be less of this species hanging around the puddle than in recent weeks, but there are still plenty there. Night fishing or early dawn/late dusk is providing the best results, although the odd soft bait is managing to snag one at other times a fair bit off the bottom. Fishers with a favourite tarakihi or gurnard spot should try that now as it is likely to result in more success than targeting snapper. South of Devils Point, around the Bay and up the river snapper are more difficult to come by, but several crews have picked up a few kingies and flounder are present in their well-known spots too. There are also some fairly good size trevally loitering in most areas and these soft-mouthed fish will give you a good run for your money if you can keep attached to them. All in all it has been an exciting couple of weeks for our club with all the game fish being caught and we are looking very positively at the remainder of our tournament season through to late March. We have several people, including our radio operator doing a great job, keeping our Facebook page up to date and if you want to see all the action as it happens, including action shots of some great fish, search for Mercury Bay Game Fishing Club on Facebook and “like” our page. Tight lines, Alan Last week’s solution Last week’s winner - Barbara McCook Site Safety Services Local assistance with subdivisions, site surveys and boundary pegging Workplace Drug & Alcohol Screening On Site Medics & Event Medical Services 19 Monk Street, Whitianga Tel 0800 268 632 Phone Tracy 021 462 554 Page 22 The Mercury Bay Informer - Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 Fifty plus Formula 5000 line-up for Hampton Downs By Jack Biddle An unprecedented turnout of Formula 5000 cars looks set to secure the 2015 Gulf Oil Howden Ganley Formula 5000 Festival of Speed's place in motorsport history as one of the largest ever gatherings of the iconic race cars. This coming weekend (23-25 January), the Hampton Downs motor racing circuit in the North Waikato will host the second round of the 2015 Festival of Speed extravaganza. It will be a good place for all Mercury Bay motorsport enthusiasts to hang out if they’re not into the concerts and water-based events that will be on offer on home soil the weekend. The Festival of Speed is a celebration of the Formula 5000 type of racing car and to rekindle fond memories of former driver Howden Ganley. Unheralded Kiwi Ganley's story is a fascinating one that took the former team mechanic to sports cars, F5000 and the dizzy heights of Formula One. Heading the entries for cars that will be racing is Kiwi legend Kenny Smith well into his seventies now and still the man to beat in his Lola T332. The car is not only one of the fastest in Kenny's hands, but is arguably the best presented Formula 5000 car in the world today, having been rebuilt with fastidious attention to detail and quality. If all cars that have been entered for the racing and those set to be part of a Formula 5000 and Formula One display turn up, then organisers are confident fans will see 50 plus of the V8, V10 and V12 powered machines. These iconic machines will cover all years of the Formula 5000’s life and most, if not all, of the manufacturers who built cars for the series, which ran in various guises in the USA, Europe and Australasia between 1968 and 1982. The festival also marks the first “Formula 5000 World Series” the champion of which will be crowned after the last race of the weekend. Organizers are hopeful that at least one full grid of Formula 5000s will race during the festival and that could mean as many as 35 of the earth-shaking single seaters roaring around the Hampton Downs track almost five seconds a lap quicker than the best tin-top V8 is capable of. Along with the cars actually racing, there will also be a number doing demonstration runs and another significant number on static display throughout the weekend in the Hampton Downs conferencing facility. “Quite simply, there is nowhere else in the world where you will be able to see such a fine collection of Formula 5000 The unstoppable Kenny Smith will go for go for glory in the “Formula 5000 World Series” this coming weekend at Hampton Downs in his pristine Lola T332. and F1 cars running and on display,” says festival chairman Jim Barclay. Along with the Formula 5000 content, the demonstration sessions will also see as many as six Formula One cars on track and there is a huge Historic Muscle Car entry with eight cars heading to New Zealand from the historic Australian TransAm series. A packed programme for the weekend will also include a spectacular NZ Warbirds display on Sunday 25 January featuring World War II fighter aircraft. For further information, check out OPPORTUNITY FOR 16 -17 YEAR OLDS! COROGLEN FARMERS MARKET & CRAFT BY THE RIVER A truly unique rural market with quality products from ‘local’ growers & crafts people. Every Sunday 9.30-1pm Enq: 07 866 3315 @ Gumtown Hall, State Highway 25, Coroglen Every Sunday A chance to get qualifications. Available FREE to 16 &17 year olds not currently working or in school. Dedicated support and guidance in a safe and fun environment. Contact Sharon TODAY! Transport available p 027 496 2684 (phone or text) e It’s digital. Call for all your installation and maintenance needs. Contact us, your dedicated LOCAL Mercury Bay installer. Top of bed. Large selection. See your sleeping specialists - Bedpost Whitianga Lee Street, Whitianga P: 07 866 2448 Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 The Mercury Bay Informer - Page 23 US Style Crossword Puzzle US 620 Name: ___________________________________________________________ Tel no: ___________________________________________________________ Go in the draw to win a weekend for two in Queenstown next winter (transport to Auckland Airport, flights, accommodation and $500 spending money included). Deliver or mail (or scan and email) your entry to The Mercury Bay Informer, 14 Monk St, Whitianga or PO Box 426, Whitianga, to reach us by 6:00pm Monday each week. The winner will be notified by phone. No correspondence will be entered into once the winner has been notified. Conditions apply. CHANGELINGS BY JOE KROZEL / EDITED BY WILL SHORTZ Last week’s solution © The New York Times ACROSS 1 Hirer/firer 5 Iron setting 10 Food processor setting 14 One with accounts, for short 19 Darn, e.g. 20 Jets or chargers starter 21 Doozy 22 Revolutionary patriot Silas 23 Asian cuisine 24 Put in the minimum stake 25 Actress Lena 26 Willing to do 27 Gigantic sled hauls firewood quite a bit 31 1970s-’80s TV sheriff 32 Tell a story 33 Grub 34 Domestic worker claimed shifting beach engulfed basin 43 Hong Kong, e.g.: Abbr. 44 No-no on gym floors 45 Voting no 46 Band news 48 Put an end to 51 Catastrophic start or end? 52 Word after camper or before Camp’s 53 Fused 54 It may go from sea to shining sea 55 Word in many California city names 56 Blue 59 “You wish!” 60 Friends who have never been to the beach don’t walk by the girl so often 64 Characteristic times 65 Driver’s assignment: Abbr. 66 Arrangement of hosing? 67 Children show their affection for model Kate above all others 76 Comics canine 77 Energetic sort 78 “That’s ___-brainer” 79 Stuffing ingredient 81 “Waking ___ Devine” (1998 movie) 82 Hubbub 83 Solution for some housework 84 Villain 85 [I am shocked!] 87 ___ Romeo 89 Generic 91 Lines around Chicago 92 Boisterous oaf confused the previous set of actors 97 Outdoor party 98 Info for a limo driver 99 “Ta-ta” 100Mr. Chamberlain intends to top off his gas tank 109Capital where snail noodle soup is popular 110 Pew, for one 111 Coquette 112 Sly 113 When prompted 114 Sleeveless item, for short 115 Like some brewing containers 116 Mosque leader 117 Bog accumulations 118 Head of a Tatar group 119 Comics canine 120Early 1900s gold rush locale DOWN 1 This and that 2 Home of Hanauma Bay 3 Solo, in a way 4 BP logo shape until 2000 5 QB who led the Cowboys to victories in Super Bowls VI and XII 6 Varnish ingredient 7 Art Deco artist 8 First person to die in the Bible 9 Adjust, as pitch 10 Shut 11 Oceanic body 12 This and that 13 Strong and sharp 14 Majority group 15 Silt, e.g. 16 Whole bunch 17 Nephew of 8-Down 18 As stated in 28 “Was ist ___?” 29 Bombay and Boodles 30 H. H. Munro pseudonym 34 This and that: Abbr. 35 Music grp. 36 Actress Massey 37 Model add-on 38 Composer Camille Saint-___ 39 Cars once advertised with the slogan “Find your own road” 40 Record of the year 41 “Necktie” 42 Mila of “That ’70s Show” 47 Court V.I.P.’s 49 Literature’s Nan or Gay 50 Supply room worker 52 Metaphors for serious headaches 55 Flip 56 “Midnight Cowboy” role 57 Loop around the West? 58 Mil. decorations 59 “Sometimes you feel like a nut” nut 61 Not free 62 Super 63 Pago Pago locale 67 “King ___” 68 Toy company that made Betsy Wetsy 69 Playground comeback 70 Bungle 71 Upset with 72 Quaint contraction 73 “Love Story” co-star 74 The Beach Boys’ “Surfer Girl” vis-àvis “Little Deuce Coupe” 75 Works 80 Egg holder 83 California city where the first Apple computer was built 84 “Hush!” 86 Retreat 87 “There oughta be ___” 88 Comedian who said “Every day starts, my eyes open and I reload the program of misery” 89 Cry of innocence 90 Non-PC person 93 Border payments 94 Kept 95 1960s chess champion Mikhail 96 Halloween prop 100 Die down 101 Early cultivator of potatoes 102 Mrs. Rabin of Israel 103 “Rama ___ Ding Dong” (1961 hit) 104 Show bias 105 Like some lashes and tans 106 Fendi ___ (men’s cologne) 107 Activity at a doctor’s office 108 Tick-borne affliction 109 Leapfrog Bad night’s sleep? Need a better bed? See your sleeping specialists - Bedpost Whitianga Lee Street, Whitianga P: 07 866 2448 Page 24 The Mercury Bay Informer - Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 UK Style Crossword © Lovatts Puzzles Puzzle UK 620 Ph 866 2499 21 Campbell St, Whitianga Chris 0274 761 828 or Fiona 021 299 5506 Name: ___________________________________________________________ Tel no: ___________________________________________________________ Win a $6 Big Wednesday ticket. Deliver or mail (or scan and email) your entry to The Mercury Bay Informer, 14 Monk St, Whitianga or PO Box 426, Whitianga, to reach us by 6:00pm Monday each week. The winner must please claim his/her prize from the New World check out manager directly before the Wednesday the week following the issue in which he/she was announced the winner. Peninsula Home Kills SERVING THE WHOLE PENINSULA - 2011 Processing beef, sheep, pigs & all game Top quality sausages, bacon, ham & salami same day Now offering a g service knife sharpenin Phone Nick Burcombe 866 3970 or 021 2125 260 21 Rangihau Road, Coroglen ECO PLUMBING & HEATING SOLUTIONS Ph ROSS 027 444 7667 07 866 3374 WATER Phone or text 0275118178 or phone 866 5745 ACROSS 1. Scenic outlooks 7. Unconnected 8. Step (on) 10. Inclinations 12. Ocean voyager 14. Transmit 16. Smooth 17. Overly precise 20. Wartime confinement 23. Tired sighs 24. Dried grapes 25. Horse DOWN 1. Refuses 2. Which? 3. Nourish 4. Farm buildings 5. Political declaration 6. Taunted 9. Postponement 11. Huge spider 13. Poet’s word for before 15. Female goat 16. Insubstantial 18. Shut 19. Baked dough 21. Complain 22. Diplomacy Last week’s solution Last week’s winner - Maureen Kerr Back to School Netbook • Memory stick • Computer headset Need a Netbook? See 100% Whitianga 49 Albert Street, Whitianga P: 07 866 5726 Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 The Mercury Bay Informer - Page 25 Junior tennis open at Multisport Park last weekend Pre purchase home inspections The Mercury Bay Multisport Park hosted the second Whitianga Junior Tennis Open last Saturday. The weather was ideal and the tournament attracted some high quality tennis players from outside of the wider Mercury Bay area. Some ranked players from predominantly Auckland clubs were mixed with local talent. Five players returned from last year’s tournament - twins Charlotte and Amelia Brown, brother and sister Gary and Sheree Fitzpatrick and local talent Trinity Holmes. Spectators enjoyed some high quality tennis with some close matches. Players were split into two pools, games were first to five, with each player playing seven games in a round robin format. The winners were U 12 Boys Ren Tsumura, U 12 Girls Charlotte Brown, U 14 Boys Ethan Brown, U 16 Girls Louise Cairns and U 18 Boys Daichi Ito. The tournament is an annual event. The Mercury Bay Multisport Park would like to congratulate all who participated and would also like thank the the following tournament sponsors the Mercury Bay Community Board, Computer Geeks, Blackjack Surf and Subway. Over 25 years experience in the building trade Pictured are twins Charlotte (left) and Amelia after their game against each other. Squeaky Clean Windows PENINSULA Summer is here. Time for a clean! We promise you a superior job at a competitive price. Phone Nick on 866 4724 021 522 041 NAIL GUN SERVICING Ph Ian Sloane 866 4235 027 7263 797 Fuel delivered to your boat farm or business Suppliers of • Stainless • Zinc • Galvanised • nuts & bolts • screws • fasteners • nails sealants and a range of oils. 1 Abrahamson Drive, Whitianga Ph 07 866 2689 027 297 4299 H O U S E WA S H I N G Call Drew for a free quote The Expert with the time tested and guaranteed method of removing mould, lichen, moss and stains. In fact any exterior surface that needs a clean, Drew can deal to with a harmless but totally effective wash. And remember a pre-paint wash will extend the life of your paint job and make painting easier. Buildings. Boats. Fences. Wood. Concrete. Metal. Call Drew Edwards - The Chemwash Man Mobile: 0274 375 578 a/h 07 867 8493 LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED Covering The Whole Peninsula Spilled Wine? – Blot up surface wine with a clean towel. Rinse with plenty of water and blot thoroughly. 9 times out of 10 off the shelf products will set the stain, so keep a damp white cloth over the stain and give us a call! 07 866 5095 Mercury Bay Service Station 5 Monk Street Whitianga Phone : 07 866 5485 Fuel, LPG Refill, Bait, Tackle, Ice, Lubricants, Auto Parts We also do Diesel delivery to Wharf and Farms Page 26 The Mercury Bay Informer - Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 Sport Results (our thanks to the coaches, managers and administrators who provide us with the results) MERCURY BAY TENNIS CLUB Business House - Tuesday 13 January Ocean Leopard Tours def Connolly Painters 9-8, 9-0, The Landing Café def Pen Vet Services 9-5, 9-7, Whitianga Hotel def NYM 9-8, 7-9, 4-3. MERCURY BAY GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB Men’s Golf - Wednesday 14 January A good field of 40 players looked for shade during fifth round of the Wednesday Golf Summer Series. Winning the international stableford competition was Stuart King with a very good score of 19 points. He was followed by Bruce Massie (16), Ron Watson (15), Lindsay Muller (12), John Lister and Gordon Kirkham (10). The senior deuce pot was shared by Keven Clark, Alan Henderson and Jack Coldicutt. Stuart King continued his prize haul by winning the junior deuce pot and the closest to the pin. Osman Emer won senior closest to the pin, with Gordon Kirkham and Craig Meacheam winning the longest drives. The net albatross pool is jack-potted to next week. Mixed Scramble Saturday 17 January A big field was headed by the wily midweek veteran Tom Coysh, who shot 44 points with one no scoring hole. He just pipped Lindsay Muller, a high handicap burglar, who had 43, followed by Kay Buckeridge with 42 points. Next on 41 were John Lister and Jack Skinner, followed by Bob Haase, Pam Anderson, who shot 79 gross, and John Twemlow, all scoring 40. The rest were headed by David Gaskell (Te Akau) on 39 points. Two's were scored by Jack Coldicutt, Bob Haase, John Twemlow, and Ken George who had two twos. TAIRUA COUNTRY CLUB Round 2 of the Business House Ambrose Competition - Wednesday 14 January Results Tai Course - Coconut Galley 30, Wart Hogs 30.5, The Old Mill Café 30.5, The Pepe Restuarant 43.5, Tairua Pharmacy 32.5. Results Rua Course - Tairua Shores Motel 28.5, Out of the Blue Café 29, FeastNZ 29, Tall Cafeé 29, Pacific Lodge Motel 29.5, The Local Advertiser 29.5. MERCURY BAY CLUB SNOOKER Wednesday 14 January Best of three frames. Winner - Peter Challis (three wins), runner-up - Barry Roach (two wins). Also with two wins - Carl Carpenter and Trevor Rashleigh. Highest break Carl Carpenter (19). MERCURY BAY BOATING CLUB Final Race of the Spring Series Wednesday 14 January With the final race of the Spring Series rescheduled to establish the overall winner, there was plenty of interest in personal and overall results. Seven yachts lined up for a chance to take out the final race and to be in the count for overall Spring Series honours. Harmony (Arnie Leigh) was off to a good start (early as usual) and had the best of the outgoing tide to support his quest. Solvieg (Al Joslin) and Blueprint (Matt Algie) made the best of the first leg reaching towards the Windy Buoy. Once round it was hard on the wind to Simpson's Beach Buoy. Solvieg managed to keep higher than the chasing fleet and was the first to run down Harmony in the middle of Simpson's Beach. Blueprint showed superior speed by sailing deeper, which gave the impression of taking the lead, however when her crew was forced to tack over it proved to be quite costly. Solvieg rounded first, followed closely by Scalded Cat (Chris Johnston). The fleet split left and right with Shadz (Bruce Haynes), Scalded Cat and Blueprint taking the starboard side of the course. Solvieg, True Colors (Carol Boswell), Harmony and Longshot (John Jackman) took the port side of the downwind run. The starboard side proved to be the better option and Blueprint took the lead around Doctor's. Scalded Cat jibed too early and ended up on the port side of the course and lost any advantage she had gained. Solvieg rounded second, followed closely by Scalded Cat, both in very light winds. Next round was Shadz, who made the most of the right hand side of the course in very light wind. True Colors some distance back rounded last as both Harmony and Longshot failed to get any momentum on the left and ultimately retired from the race. Blueprint carried her gennaker most of the way to Front Beach, whereas Solvieg and Scalded Cat pointed higher in an attempt to generate apparent wind and therefore generate more power. As the chasers got more in the middle of the Bay, the wind developed and some level of surfing was achieved. Scalded Cat made the better of the surfing and managed to reduce an eight minute lead to just 45 seconds behind Blueprint. Initial handicap and line honours went to Blueprint who, as a result, also took out the overall title. HOT WATER BEACH JUNIOR SURF LIFESAVING Papamoa Invitational Surf Competition - Sunday 18 January Seven Hot Water Beach members participated in the competition. The placegetters achieved as follows Dylan Fitzsimons - 10th Flag, 11th Surf Race, Tiana Tiro - 6th Flags, 14th Surf Race, 4th Board Race, 7th Diamond, Jasmine McCleery - 3rd Flags, 5th Sprint, 9th Surf Race, 6th Diamond, Taine Mason 6th Flags, 4th Sprint, Emma Hinds-Senior - 6th Flags, 14th Surf Race, 8th Board Race, Zeke Tiro - 6th Flags, 14th Board Race. NZ NZ WIDE REMOVALS Local & NZ Wide furniture movers Timber & Cork Floor Installation Polyurethane coating & colouring Call chris mcKibbin M: 021 046 7169 • 7 Day Service • Weekly runs to Auckland • Free Quotes • Friendly & Reliable • Storage Available Phone Josh 07 866 5589 027 256 6009 Coas tal Sig ns Whitianga 19 Campbell St VEHICLE & BOAT GRAPHICS T-SHIRT PRINTS BANNERS SHOP SIGNS BUSINESS CARDS & MORE Got guests coming? Need an affordable bed? See your sleeping specialists - Bedpost Whitianga Lee Street, Whitianga P: 07 866 2448 Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 The Mercury Bay Informer - Page 27 Classifieds & Public Notices SITUATIONS VACANT BACHCARE IS RECRUITING IN WHITIANGA AND WHANGAPOUA! Become a Bachcare Holiday Manager and join NZ’s leading holiday home management company. Receive excellent training / support. Enjoy meeting people, have great attention to detail and a cleaning extraordinaire? Contact WANTED - THERAPISTS Experienced & qualified • Massage therapist • Beauty therapist Contact Maureen at 866 2155 or (027) 246 6104. MOTEL CLEANER Part time/casual, mornings only. Mature cleaner wanted to join top team at quality motel. High standards required. Experience preferred. Energy and Reliability essential. Must be available weekends and school holidays. Phone Kate at Beachfront Resort (07) 866 5637. Live-in Motel Manager position available at Whitianga motel. Please contact Ben on 021 721 775 to discuss. MERCURY BAY CLUB INCORPORATED Part Time Duty Managers Evening and weekend work essential. General Manager’s / Club Manager’s Certificate necessary. Phone David on (07) 866 5576 or (027) 268 9370. AN OPPORTUNITY TO JOIN THE TEAM AT UNITED TRAVEL WHITIANGA We are looking for an enthusiastic and dedicated consultant with a passion for travel and a desire to contribute to the continued success of our agency’s award winning team. Previous agency experience is preferred. Email CV and cover letter to EXPERIENCED CLEANER/RELIEF MANAGER We are looking for an experienced cleaner who has worked in the hospitality industry and or commercial area of cleaning. Must have experience in cleaning modern furnished homes and motel rooms to a high standard and able to be in charge of other cleaners. Hours vary between 20 to 30 hours a week with occasions when it may be more in the peak areas, but this is not a seasonal job and we are looking for somebody long term who is fit and willing to work hard. Weekend hours do apply. Good rates of pay to the right person with bonuses. There is also the opportunity to learn the day to day running of a small motel to become our relief manager throughout the year. Full training will be given but you must have computer skills and be customer focused. Own cell phone and full driver’s licence essential. You can contact us on cell 021 186 6750 for an interview. Or email your CV to FAGANS FLOORING & TILE WAREHOUSE 68 ALBERT STREET WHITIANGA FLOORING SALES / FRONT OF HOUSE Full Time Position New Year - New Opportunity A great opportunity has come up to join our busy team in WHITIANGA. Qualities that we will be looking for are *Exceptional customer service skills. *Enjoy meeting people and a strong communicator. *Pleasant, honest & reliable. *Knowledge on flooring, tiles, drapery & paint aspects would be an advantage. *Or are willing to learn about our products and passionate about what you do. *Able to work in a team environment. *Able to work alternative weekends. *Experience preferred but not essential. All interested persons please send CV to Page 28 The Mercury Bay Informer - Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 National Spearfishing Championships this week in Mercury Bay Classifieds & Public Notices PUBLIC NOTICES Mercury Bay is hosting the New Zealand National Spearfishing Championships this week with the open competition taking place on Saturday and Sunday 24 and 25 January. Fish caught during the open competition will be weighed on both Saturday and Sunday at approximately 4:30pm at Taylor’s Mistake in Whitianga and then auctioned off by the Whitianga Lions. All proceeds of the auctions will go to the Lions’ general fund. Pictured are three local spearfishers who will be in action during the national championships, from left to right - Todd Herbert, Callum Relph and Connor Cawley. Classifieds & Public Notices HEALTH SERVICES NATUROPATH MEDICAL HERBALIST Registered ILLNESS can benefit from support of plants and nutrition. Leanne Halliwell 0274 588 626 or 07 866 5899 HOMESTAY FAMILIES WANTED WHITIANGA ART, CRAFT & FARMERS MARKET Saturday 24 January Soldiers Memorial Park, Albert Street, Whitianga, 8:30am - 1:00pm. Unique locally created art, craft & local produce. Anne 866 5550 or Doreen 866 5237. COROMANDEL OUTDOOR LANGUAGE CENTRE Requires families to host short term (up to 1 week) tour group students. Two students of the same nationality are placed with each family, sharing a bedroom. Students are usually under 18 years of age, so families must consent to be police vetted. If your family would like to share a mutually enriching experience hosting international students, please call into our office, 21 Robinson Road, for a host family information pack and an application form. SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING FREE BEGINNERS LESSONS SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING Come along and enjoy some lively Scottish folk dances. Improve your mental and physical fitness to stirring music, friendly company and having fun. All ages welcome. No partner required. Whitianga Town Hall - Monk Street. Mondays, beginning February 2nd, 7:00pm - 8:30pm. Feel like a challenge? Contach Anthea on 866 4516 or Kathy on 866 4808. PUBLIC NOTICES WHITIANGA TOY LIBRARY Isabella Street (off Coghill St) Open Tuesday 4pm - 6:30pm and Friday 10am - 12.30pm. New members welcome. ~Toys for Hire~ Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 SIMPSONS BEACH RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION AGM Saturday 24 January at 4:00pm at Peter Simpson’s woolshed. The Mercury Bay Informer - Page 29 Classifieds & Public Notices FOR SALE BOATS WANTED HOME BREW SUPPLIES Come in for a browse. Mercury Bay Pharmacy WE NEED YOUR BOAT NOW!!! TRAILER, light, 1,350 x 2.2 inside. Ph: (07) 866 0022 FOR SALE Ti-Tree $120 per load Delivered Phone 866 3026 Quality late model trailer boats needed for sale on behalf! We have buyers waiting! Call the team at Whitianga Marine Centre today on 867 1182 or come in to 233 South Highway, Whitianga. CHURCH SERVICES ANGLICAN SERVICES 3 SEATER LOUNGE SUITE, 4 cushions, charcoal fabric, excellent condition, $400 ono. Ph: 866 5841 (evenings) CONCRETE SHUTTERS, various sizes, tanalised, ply and frames, 10 units. Offers St. Peter the Fisherman Dundas Street, Whitianga Sunday Service: 9:30am CATTERY KRISTIN’S BOARDING CATTERY Vet nurse, warm, clean, secure, outdoor run. Phone 866 4724. ALL WELCOME ART EXHIBITION ART EXHIBITION BY COROMANDEL ART GROUP Hauraki House, Coromandel Town 23 January - 7 February. Open daily 10:00am - 4:00pm. BOOK SALE TUITION MERCURY BAY CANCER SUPPORT BOOK ROOM Open 10:00am - 2:00pm, every Friday and Saturday. 5 Blacksmith Lane, Whitianga. ANNE LEWIS Registered music teacher of piano, theory and recorders. Accepting students for 2015. Phone (07) 867 1618 or (07) 855 6937. Enquiries Ph 869 5577 TO LET STORAGE SHEDS available, various sizes, reasonable rates. Dry and secure. Ph: 07 866 5147 STORAGE SHEDS Whitianga Total Storage opposite Carters. Ph: 0800 944 660 FOR HIRE HUGE BOUNCY CASTLE, from $130. Ph: 866 0038, HELP, HELP, HELP WANTED TO BUY Permanent rentals urgently required NOW Tenants: Rental list changing constantly, Holiday rentals available. Call into office at 7 The Esplanade, by the wharf or phone Robyn Turner 866 0098 or 027 550 0120 Licensed under the REAA2008 GARAGE SALES FRI 23 & SAT 24 JANUARY, 8 Simpson Place (just off Kenneth Avenue), Whitianga, 9:00am 5:00pm, housewares and tools. SAT 24 JANUARY, 8 Rabbit Way, Whitianga, 9:00am, household goodies, something for all. SAT 24 JANUARY, 10 White Street, Whitianga, 9:00am - 12:00 noon, a surprise for all, mahogany chairs, old bike. SAT 24 JANUARY, 171 Centennial Drive, Whitianga, not before 8:30am, electricals, furniture, household, etc SAT 24 JANUARY, 4B Halligan Road, Whitianga, 8:00am, house lot, all sorts. HOUSE FOR REMOVAL WANTED Please phone (021) 027 45654 Call Krissie Brand Licensed Property Manager with 13 years local experience Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 Understanding the Coromandel Since 1960 Long term & holiday. Free rental appraisals. Landlords & Tenants, for all your rental requirements. WANTED ! GOT a DEAD or ALIVE VEHICLE $ $ $ Free removal, cash paid Peninsula wide Long term & short term needed NOW! Good tenants waiting for good homes. Ask for an appraisal on your property. Phone Beth on 021 153 8593. BETH EVANS A.R.EI.N.Z Property Manager WORK WANTED WORK WANTED MOTORHOME HIRE MOTORHOME HIRE Time for a summer road trip Tricky Trees • • • • Pruning Felling Stump grinding Firewood Call Chris Page 30 • • • • Hedge maintenance Crown reductions Difficult removals Chip waste to mulch 021 240 9909 Quality homes for quality tenants. URGENT! HOMES WANTED! 0800 227 3867 HOUSE WASHING Detergent Soft Wash, Roof Clean/Treatment, Window Cleaning. Phone Russell Short on 866 2097 or 0273 602 937. 07 866 5824 or 027 273 4420 Limited availability… book now Drive on car licence. Coastal Campers 22 Lee Street, Whitianga Ph 07 866 0509 The Mercury Bay Informer - Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 Race 3 (the Castle Rock Race) of the Mercury Bay Boating Club Offshore Series By Chris Johnston Race 3 of the Offshore Series of the Mercury Bay Boating Club held last Sunday (18 January) had the yachts scheduled to head down Buffalo Beach to the Windy Buoy, then out to Castle Rock and then home, a total of approximately 20 nautical miles. Sojourn (Ian Hogg) and Harmony (Arnie Leigh, aka Andy Cap) set off 30 minutes early and set a cracking pace. The remainder of the fleet set off at 11:00am with the exclusion of JJ (Mike Sojourn (left) and Solvieg in last Sunday’s Castle Rock Race of the Mercury Bay Boating Club. Photo by Matt Algie. Issue 620 - 21 January 2015 Phear) who did not have enough water to sail the first leg. Her instructions were to join the fleet behind the last yacht to round the Windy Buoy. With a light offshore breeze, all yachts hoisted spinnakers or gennakers and made their way majestically out of the Bay. Gibes aplenty saw the fleet swap positions and tactics all the way out to Tower Rock. H2Go got a jump on the fleet and was experiencing good pressure as she passed Centre Island. Blueprint (Matt Algie), Solvieg (Al Joslin) and Longshot (John Jackman) followed a coastal route out of the Bay and were well place going past Sunk Rock. Once out of the bay, H2Go continued to extend her lead. Pterodactyl (Carl Rainsfield) had moved into second place, followed closely by JJ and Blueprint. As the yachts started to run down to Castle Rock, the wind shifted onto the nose, allowing JJ to move into second place. Blueprint, Solvieg and Shadz (Bruce Haynes) were locked in a titanic battle as they made their way into the building wind and sea. Longshot not to be left out also had a battle with Black Watch, a new boat to the Bay. As H2Go closed in on Castle Rock, the fleet was starting to spread out and it appeared more of a procession than a race. Once the fleet rounded Castle Rock, the gennakers again made an appearance. H2Go sailed high to keep apparent wind The Mercury Bay Informer - and boat speed up, however sailed a greater distance as a result. Pterodactyl slowly closed up on JJ and Solvieg and Blueprint appeared to be in an epic battle and there was some talk of a two turn penalty turn for an earlier infringement surrounding Blueprint. As the yachts entered the Bay, the fleet continued to close up as the chasing yachts brought stronger pressure with them. Going past Centre Island, Pterodactyl managed to get abeam of JJ. Looking forward we could all see H2Go getting into trouble with her gennaker, which we later discovered was another wind shift onto the nose. H2Go went on to take the line honours title. With only 200m of separation between JJ and Pterodactyl, it was a real battle between the two yachts, a wind shift filling in on JJ allowing her to sail on to take second on line, while Pterodactyl wallowed awaiting the chasing fleet and only just beating Blueprint home, finishing 28 minutes behind JJ. Black Watch, Longshot and Harmony were all struggling for pressure, ultimately retiring from the race. However Sojourn persevered to finish eight and a half hours after setting off. It was not all plain sailing for Sojourn though. In an attempt to catch dinner, she hooked a reasonable shark which took over half an hour to get under control. Handicap honours went to Shadz with H2Go second and Blueprint in third place. Page 31
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