ORANGE BEACH CITY COUNCIL City Hall City Hall Council Chambers 5:30 PM 7/10/2012 Council Chambers SPECIAL CALLED MEETI G AGE DA I. Call to Order II. Roll Call: III. Consideration of Agenda IV. Unfinished Business Miscellaneous Resolutions Ordinances V. ew Business Miscellaneous Resolutions 1. Resolution amending the Entertainment District at Sanroc Cay Marina. Ordinances VI. Adjourn FOR CURRENT INFORMATION REGARDING TIMES AND DATE OF MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL AND COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE, CALL 980-INFO (980-4636) FOR A RECORDED MESSAGE or VISIT OUR WEB SITE AT www.cityoforangebeach.com Special Called Agenda 7/10/2012 5:30 PM Resolution amending the Entertainment District at Sanroc Cay Marina. Description of Topic: Resolution amending the Entertainment District at Sanroc Cay Marina. Action Options/Recommendation: Source of Funding (if applicable) : ATTACHMENTS: Sanroc Aeriel Resolution 12-087 Perdido Beach Resort Request Sanroc Amended District Map Resolution Cover Memo Item # 1 Proposed San Roc Entertainment District Cotton Bayou ¯ Area ±158,835.37 SQ.FT or ±3.65 Acres RD ORION ST BAY OU 1,100Ft. 0 125 250 500 Feet PE ID RD OB E H AC ORION ST 400Ft. D BLV 1 inch = 150 feet Item # 1 Legend Entertainment District Attachment number 2 \nPage 1 RESOLUTIO O. 12-087 A RESOLUTIO ESTABLISHI G A E TERTAI ME T DISTRICT AT SA ROC CAY MARI A WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Orange Beach previously adopted Ordinance No. (“the Ordinance”) allowing the creation of Entertainment Districts; WHEREAS, the property owners at SanRoc Cay Marina have requested the Council to create an Entertainment District therein; WHEREAS, based on the findings set forth below, the City Council wishes to establish such a District at the SanRoc Cay Marina as more fully described in Exhibit 1; OW, THEREFORE, be it resolved as follows: Section 1. Findings. 1.1 SanRoc Cay Marina is located on Perdido Beach Boulevard (Alabama Highway 182) along Cotton Bayou and near Perdido Pass. 1.2 SanRoc Cay is a mixed-commercial destination that includes a full service marina, retail shopping, restaurants, professional offices, a fitness center and a dock store. There are no public streets within the complex. 1.3 SanRoc Cay provides an outdoor courtyard area with connectivity to the Perdido Beach Boulevard pedestrian and bike pathway. The courtyard hosts small gatherings and outdoor special events, some of which serve alcoholic beverages and include but are not limited to: •Courtyard concerts •Arts and crafts shows •Fundraising events for local nonprofit organizations •Beer and wine tasting events 1.4 Establishing an entertainment district will support existing and future restaurants at SanRoc Cay by allowing patrons to purchase alcoholic beverages in the restaurants and consume them anywhere within the district. 1.5 Located near Perdido Pass and the fertile fishing grounds of the Gulf of Mexico, SanRoc Cay has a full-service marina that provides tourists and area residents ample opportunities for deep sea and inshore fishing. The marina also has other water recreational activities that include, but are not limited to, dolphin cruises, sailing, jet-ski rentals, snorkeling and parasailing. 1 Item # 1 Attachment number 2 \nPage 2 1.6 Having SanRoc Cay Marina as an entertainment district is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, which seeks to maintain and advance Orange Beach as a resort destination by emphasizing water, fishing and nature-related recreational activities. ● SanRoc Cay Marina is located in the Comprehensive Plan’s Beach Resort Neighborhood District, which strives to encourage pedestrian traffic and special outdoor activities to sustain and enhance commercial development in the area. ● The Comprehensive Plan recommends commercial and business developments that will complement the resort and tourism economy. ● In 2006 the Horizons 2020 Land Use Group recommended that the City encourage developments that will make Orange Beach a vital, attractive place to live, work and visit. 1.7 The creation of an Entertainment District at SanRoc Cay is in compliance with the Ordinance and Alabama Act No. 2012-438. The SanRoc Cay Entertainment District will further the City’s economic development goals and the public interest. Section 2. Creation of District/Boundaries. There is hereby created an entertainment district that shall be known as “The SanRoc Cay Entertainment District, “ the boundaries of which are set forth in Exhibit 1, attached. Section 3. Effective Dates. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect on and after its adoption by the City Council, and shall be automatically repealed 90 days from the date of its approval unless otherwise extended by the City Council. ADOPTED this 5th day of July, 2012 ____________________________________ Cathy Constantino, MMC City Clerk 2 Item # 1 Attachment number 2 \nPage 3 Item # 1 Attachment number 3 \nPage 1 From: Tony Marzullo Date: Sunday, July 8, 2012 Subject: Perdido Beach Resort Entertainment District To: kgrimes@cityoforangebeach.com Good morning Ken, I want to thank you, the Mayor and the City Council for considering adding Perdido Beach Resort to the Entertainment District recently approved for San Roc Cay. There are several reasons why we think it would be beneficial to the city of Orange Beach for the Resort to be included in the district. The first is that the expanded area would give Orange Beach an Entertainment District bordered by the Gulf on the south and Cotton bayou to the north. These two areas are already major tourist draws and by having them border the district, Perdido Beach Resort would be able to support events and activities taking place along either shoreline. • Another consideration is San Roc’s size. The Entertainment District law provides for an area of a square half mile. San Roc is roughly 20 acres. That leaves a substantial amount of untapped potential if they are the only entity designated in the district. A quick calculation on google maps will show that the with Perdido Beach Resort setting the West boundary, the city could eventually expand the district eastward to include the undeveloped property at the Pass and still fall within the half mile limit. I presume that would create an economic incentive for that land to be developed with additional retail and entertainment in mind. • You are already aware that the Resort has plans to eventually construct a pedestrian overpass to allow foot traffic to safely cross hwy 182. One of the objectives we had in mind when we asked the city to approve the overpass was to pave the way for future development on the north side of the highway. These plans dovetail nicely with an expanded entertainment district. Obviously it would take a permanent entertainment district designation before a project of that size could be considered, but I’d like to assure the city that in the meantime we would develop a well marked, beautifully landscaped path to the current crosswalk as well as providing a well defined path from the crosswalk into the heart of the Resort grounds. Ken, I would be happy to respond to any of the councils concerns via email or in person on Tuesday. Please contact me if the Mayor or the council needs additional information. Best regards, Tony Marzullo Director of Operations Perdido Beach Resort (251) 981-9811 ext. 113 Item # 1 Item # 1 Attachment number 5 \nPage 1 RESOLUTIO O. _______ A RESOLUTIO AME DI G THE E TERTAI ME T DISTRICT AT SA ROC CAY MARI A TO I CLUDE PERDIDO BEACH RESORT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Orange Beach previously adopted Ordinance No. _____________ (“the Ordinance”) allowing the creation of Entertainment Districts; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Orange Beach previously adopted Resolution No. _____________ ( “the Resolution”) creating an Entertainment District at SanRoc Cay Marina; WHEREAS, the property owners at SanRoc Cay Marina and Perdido Beach Resort have requested the Council to amend the Resolution to include the Perdido Beach Resort property in the Entertainment District therein; WHEREAS, based on the findings set forth below, the City Council wishes to amend the Entertainment District at SanRoc Cay Marina to include the Perdido Beach Resort establishing such District as more fully described in Exhibit 1; OW, THEREFORE, be it resolved as follows: Section 1. Findings. 1.1 SanRoc Cay Marina and Perdido Beach Resort are located on Perdido Beach Boulevard (Alabama Highway 182) near Perdido Pass. 1.2 SanRoc Cay is a mixed-commercial destination that includes a full service marina, retail shopping, restaurants, professional offices, a fitness center and a dock store. There are no public streets within the complex. 1.3 Perdido Beach Resort is a 345 room upscale resort with two restaurants and 30,000 square feet of meeting space accommodating up to 1000 people. Outdoor venues and special events are provided in support of exhibits and conferences, some of which serve alcoholic beverages and include but are not limited to: •Live music events •Beer and wine tasting events •Poolside conferee cocktail gatherings 1.4 SanRoc Cay provides an outdoor courtyard area that hosts small gatherings and outdoor special events, some of which serve alcoholic beverages and include but are not limited to: •Courtyard concerts •Arts and crafts shows •Fundraising events for local nonprofit organizations •Beer and wine tasting events 1.5 San Roc Marina and Perdido Beach Resort are connected by the Perdido Beach Boulevard pedestrian crosswalk and roadside pathway allowing flow of pedestrian traffic between the two properties. Item # 1 1 Attachment number 5 \nPage 2 1.6 Establishing an entertainment district will support existing and future restaurants at SanRoc Cay and the Perdido Beach Resort by allowing patrons to purchase alcoholic beverages in the restaurants and consume them anywhere within the district. 1.7 Located near Perdido Pass and the fertile fishing grounds of the Gulf of Mexico, SanRoc Cay has a full-service marina that provides tourists and area residents ample opportunities for deep sea and inshore fishing. The marina also has other water recreational activities that include, but are not limited to, dolphin cruises, sailing, jet-ski rentals, snorkeling and parasailing. 1.8 Having SanRoc Cay Marina and the Perdido Beach Resort as an entertainment district is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, which seeks to maintain and advance Orange Beach as a resort destination by emphasizing water, fishing and nature-related recreational activities. 1.9 SanRoc Cay Marina and the Perdido Beach Resort are located in the Comprehensive Plan’s Beach Resort Neighborhood District, which strives to encourage pedestrian traffic and special outdoor activities to sustain and enhance commercial development in the area. 1.10 The Comprehensive Plan recommends commercial and business developments that will complement the resort and tourism economy. 1.11 In 2006 the Horizons 2020 Land Use Group recommended that the City encourage developments that will make Orange Beach a vital, attractive place to live, work and visit. 1.12 The creation of an Entertainment District at SanRoc Cay and the Perdido Beach Resort is in compliance with the Ordinance and Alabama Act No. 2012-438. The SanRoc Cay Entertainment District will further the City’s economic development goals and the public interest. Section 2. Creation of District/Boundaries. There is hereby an amendment to the SanRoc Cay Entertainment District Resolution to expand the District to include the Perdido Beach Resort property and rename the District to “The SanRoc Cay and Perdido Beach Resort Entertainment District, “the boundaries of which are set forth in Exhibit 1, attached. Section 3. Effective Dates. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect on and after its adoption by the City Council, and shall be automatically repealed 90 days from the date of its approval unless otherwise extended by the City Council. ADOPTED THIS __ DAY OF JULY 2012 ATTEST: ____________________________ Cathy Constantino, City Clerk Item # 1 2