THS 2016 Programm EN.indd


THS 2016 Programm EN.indd
Monday, October 3rd
4:30 pm
Tuesday, October 4th
9:00 am
«The wounded soul»
How psychiatry complements curative
education and curative education
deepens psychiatry
Walter Dahlhaus
10:15 am
11:00 am
12:30 pm
Lunch break
2:15 pm
Half an hour art
Conference opening
3:00 pm
Workshops until 4:30 pm
with the Basel Trombone Quintett
5:00 pm
Focal point: Poverty
Work in the favelas of Brazil
Ute Craemer
You and your I
Rüdiger Grimm
6:00 pm
Supper break
6:00 pm
Supper break
8:00 pm
The breath of the I – on the double
stream of the I in Rudolf Steiner’s Soul
Michaela Glöckler
8:00 pm
A multimedia art project based on
Michael Ende, by l’IME des Allagouttes
et du Surcenord
Music by Eric Noyer
Film by Margaux and Cédric with Anne
with a demonstration of the verse of
Week 19 and 34 with Stefan Hasler and
the Goetheanum Eurythmy Group
Wednesday, October 5th
Thursday, October 6th
Friday, October 7th
The significance of consciousness of
reincarnation and karma for contemporary life
Constanza Kaliks
Consciousness soul culture today
and the culture of the I in everyday life
David Schwartz
(en with simultaneous translation)
Embodied experience and the development of the I – on the interrelationship
of the forces of I-becoming and the I as
the core of our being
Matthias Wildermuth
What lies ahead …
Contributions and discussion on
questions relating to the future of
curative education and social therapy,
moderated by Michael Dackweiler and
Andreas Fischer, with Rüdiger Grimm,
Jan Göschel, Bart Vanmechelen and
Sonja Zausch
Lunch break
Lunch break
Closing at 12:30 pm
Half an hour art
Half an hour art
Workshops until 4:30 pm
Workshops until 4:30 pm
Focal point: Homelessness and dispos- Focal point: Violence
session. Work with refugees
Aggression in ourselves and in others
Bernd Ruf
Andreas Fischer, Robin Schmidt
Supper break
Supper break
Scenes from Faust
Project ensemble of the Goetheanum
Theater Group in a production by
Christian Peter
Family Flöz presents
«Teatro Delusio»
Life in the shadow of the spotlight and
the glittering world of illusion
The title of this year’s conference, «…and growing, root me in existence», is the
last line of a verse from Rudolf Steiner’s Soul Calendar. It tells the story of the development of human being and cosmos, of I and world, of the growing autonomy
of the I and its dedication to the present. The title line could also be construed as
the primal scene of curative education of social therapy, in which the transformation of the world and the development of the human being merge into a common
formative gesture.
In the lectures and workshops we will work with the theme of I development from
multiple perspectives, because, after all, the effectiveness of all curative educational or social therapeutic work depends on whether it succeeds in awakening
and helping to strengthen the child’s, youth’s or adult’s inner impulse toward
In working through the lectures in Steiner’s Curative Education Course, the 4th
lecture stands out, and its themes will be the motifs for our workshops and lectures.
It has been more than 90 years since Rudolf Steiner held this course in Dornach
for a small group of 21 people. Out of their strength of initiative, a worldwide
movement has come into being that can now be found in 50 countries. This work
is still developing, and receives its motivation and impetus through the individual, communal and societal needs for a culture of development, inclusion and
This international conference is organized by the «Council for Curative Education
and Social Therapy». In it, people across national borders regularly work together
on how to realize concrete proposals and institutions, and on the fundamental
question of how curative education and social therapy, which were developed
out of a spiritual, anthroposophical view of the human being, can continue to
develop their own special contribution to today’s cultural life and society.
We look forward to your presence and participation, and hope that this conference will be an important event in our movement: days of continuing education
and learning, meetings with people from all over the world, and a celebratory
Mysteriously to feel within
The quickening of the treasured past
With selfhood newly risen
This shall arousing forces of the world
Pour itself into my life‘s outer work
And growing, root me in existence
Rudolf Steiner, Soul Calender, Week 34
Conference languages
Contribution to travel costs
There will be simultaneous interpretation of the plenary events (lectures
and panel) into English, German,
French, Italian, Spanish, Swedish and
The working groups will take place in
the languages shown. If a language is
shown in brackets, contributions can
be made in that language but there is
no translation of contributions in the
main language.
Conference participants from
financially weaker countries or who
have to travel from distant countries
may, if necessary, be supported with
a contribution to travel costs. Please
address your request in writing
(email or letter) to the Secretariat of
the Council for Curative Education
and Social Therapy no later than 3
September 2016. There is a form on
the Conference website which you can
use to register your requirement.
In any event, please wait for our
Further information about the
conference, the speakers and the
artistic events can be found online at:
Half an hour art
We invite you to start the afternoon
with thirty minutes of art: eurythmy,
speech or choral singing. Conference
participants can take part, including
just on single days, without advance
Council for Curative Education and
Social Therapy
Ruchti-Weg 9
CH-4143 Dornach
Telephone: +41-(0)61-7018485
Lectures on the I development of the human being at 9:00 am
Focal points: Poverty, Homelessness, Violence at 5:00 pm
Rüdiger Grimm
You and your I
Dr. Rüdiger Grimm is the current Secretary (till the end of 2016) of the Conference
for Curative Education and Social Therapy, Medical Section, Goetheanum, and is
Professor for Theory and Methods in Curative Education at the Alanus University of
Arts and Social Sciences in Alfter.
Michaela Glöckler
The breath of the I
On the double stream of the I in Rudolf Steiner’s Soul Calendar.
Dr. Michaela Glöckler is the current Director (till September, 2016) of the Medical
Section of the School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum, Dornach.
Walter J. Dahlhaus
«Wounded soul»
How psychiatry complements curative education and curative education deepens
Walter Dahlhaus is a physician for psychiatry and psychotherapy in Merzhausen,
near Freiburg, Germany. A focus of his work is treating people with special needs
who also have mental illness. He attends to and advises institutions for curative
education, social therapy, youth welfare, and social psychiatry, and is active in
specialist continuing education.
Constanza Kaliks
The significance of consciousness of reincarnation and karma
for contemporary life
Dr. Constanza Kaliks was born in Chile and raised in Brazil. After studying mathematics, she taught for 19 years at the Rudolf Steiner School in São Paulo. Since 2012,
she has been the Director of the Youth Section at the Goetheanum, and has been a
member of the Vorstand of the General Anthropsophical Society since March of 2015.
David A. Schwartz
Consciousness soul culture today and the culture of the I in everyday life
David Schwartz lives in Heartbeet Lifesharing, a Camphill Community in the USA.
He has been active in the Camphill Movement in America for more than 40 years.
He works as a gardener and as gardening teacher for young people with developmental disabilities. He has been active as a teacher in anthroposophical training
courses and inclusive educational processes for over 20 years.
Matthias Wildermuth
Embodied experience and the development of the I
On the interrelationship of the forces of I-becoming and the I as the core of our
Dr. Matthias Wildermuth is a physician specializing in Child and Youth Psychiatry
and is Medical Director of the Vitos Klinik Rehberg, in Herborn, Germany. He is a
Professor of Medicine at the Alanus University for Arts and Social Sciences in Alfter.
Focal point: Poverty
Ute Craemer
Work in the favelas in Brazil.
Ute Craemer is the founder of the world-renowned social work in the Monte Azul
favela in São Paulo, Brazil, and the founder of the Aliança pela Infância (Alliance
for Childhood), an international network for improving the quality of life of children and youth.
Focal point: Homelessness and dispossession
Bernd Ruf
Working with refugees.
Bernd Ruf, Director of the Parzival Kompetenzzentrum für Bildung in Karlsruhe,
Germany, has been on the Vorstand of the Freunde der Erziehungskunst Rudolf
Steiners [Friends of Rudolf Steiner’s Education] since 1987. Since 2006, he has
been active in organizing the direction of emergency crisis intervention education
in regions undergoing war and other catastrophes.
Focal point: Violence
Andreas Fischer
Power, violence, and aggression in dependency and care situations.
Symptoms, prevention and treatment
Dr. Andreas Fischer is a clinical curative educator, long-time co-worker and director of curative educational institutions, and has been the Director of the Höhere
Fachschule für Heilpädagogik in Dornach since 2008.
Robin Schmidt
On digital violence. Power and powerlessness, control and loss of control, autonomy and external determination in a digital world.
Robin Schmidt is Director of the Forschungsstelle Kulturimpuls ( He is currently researching human living conditions in a digitally-based
Morning workshops 11 am
1. Pim Blomaard
Co-creation – forming something
new together
Topic/thematic area: Social questions
and community building.
How can we become creative and full
of energy not only individually, but
also together, and co-create the new
instead of maintaining the old? So
that each I can more strongly emerge,
for instance, in a meeting? We want
to exchange experience and try some
exercises, incorporating perspectives
from O. Scharmer and R. Steiner. Bring
your creative potential with you!
Dr. Pim Blombaard is executive director of the Raphaelstichting in the
de, nl
2. Raffaella Brambilla
Between the point and the circle
Our ego lives both in the centre and
in the periphery, it has a double relationship with the world: on the one
hand, the ego forms images from the
world within and, on the other, the
ego acts in the world, leaving its mark.
Images may develop into memories;
our actions will weave the thread of
our destiny that we can recognize only
through encounters with other human
beings. Considerations and exchange
of experiences in the field of Curative
Curative education teacher, Waldorf
teacher and chirophonetic therapist,
Raffaella Brambilla works extensively
as a counsellor, lecturer and trainer in
the field of education.
it, en
world-renowned social work in the
«Monte Azul» favela.
3. Sabine Bulk
5. Walter Dahlhaus
Egotism and the experience of the
I – the story of Iris Johannson
A study group. Based on passages
from the autobiography of Iris Johansson and texts by Georg Kühlewind, we
will attempt to understand the phenomena and concepts of egotism and
the I. Texts, conversations, exercises.
Literature: Johansson, Iris (2014):
Eine andere Kindheit. Mein Weg aus
dem Autismus, Stuttgart. Kühlewind,
Georg (1998): Aufmerksamkeit und
Hingabe. Die Wissenschaft des Ich,
Sabine Bulk is a teacher for children
with special needs, class teacher with
an emphasis on supporting mental
development, lecturer and director
of practical school training in teacher
training for children with special
needs, and advisor at an inclusive
Waldorf school. Professional focus:
severe, multiple disabilities; communication; didactics in a heterogeneous
4. Ute Craemer
«How can social initiatives become
reality? Fortunate circumstances and
opposition along the way»
Ute Craemer has lived in Brazil for
40 years, where she established the
«…to be led by the being of the
(Ped)agogical requirements for the accompaniment of people with mental
illness who need soul care.
Walter J. Dalhaus is a physician specialized in psychiatry and psychotherapy, is the medical advisor for several
social therapeutic institutions, and is
also active in teaching continuing
education for co-workers.
6. Michael Dackweiler
The art of living: How can my life
express my will?
Initiatives and open spaces for exchange of experience and discoveries.
Michael Dackweiler was a housefather
in social therapeutic families for many
years and was instrumental in establishing the Tennental Village Community. Today: IONA Workshop.
de, en
7. Johannes Denger
«…the truly godly human beings»
In meeting the «riddle of the child»,
I, as teacher of children with special
needs, become a riddle myself. The
fluctuation between the point and the
periphery is the key gesture in meeting other people and ourselves.
The other person, whether child or
adult, can easily be experienced as
puzzling. To understand ourselves
as riddles requires a change in perspective. We will include personal examples while exchanging ideas about
mystification and demystification in
karmic meetings in our life and work.
Johannes Denger is a teacher for children with special needs and a Waldorf
teacher and has worked for years
internationally, in Switzerland, and
in Germany. Lectures, seminars and
de (en)
8. Bente Edlund
«Am I young, or do I have Down
This is the title of a book based on
conversations with young people with
disabilities. Adolescence means awakening, the search for identity and a
new framework for life. What does it
mean when a young person also has
to come to terms with an identity as
a person with a disability and its
consequences for her or his future?
Questions of individuality and identity, social roles and networks will be
Bente Edlund, a teacher of children
with special needs with a PhD in special education, and directs the bachelor program for Social Pedagogy at the
Rudolf Steiner College in Oslo.
skan, de
9. Katrin Fichtmüller & Jean Foin
When and how can companionship
be healing?
We will try to unlock the fourfoldness
of human beings in order to understand constitutional one-sidedness,
as well as the professional ethics of
the social educator.
Katrin Fichtmüller is a social educator
and art therapist, and is director of
a social therapeutic institution. Jean
Foin is a social educator, psychologist, and lecturer at the Professional
School for Curative Education in Lausanne, Switzerland.
de, fr
10. Andreas Fischer
Dealing with dilemmas in curative
education and social therapy
Dilemmas arise when we have two
possible courses of action in daily
life, both of which lead to an undesirable outcome. We will work with the
question of whether curative education and social therapeutic work are
always connected to opposing areas
of conflict and whether, therefore, dilemmas are a part of our work.
Such areas of conflict might be: selfdetermination versus care, freedom
versus dependence, or need versus
autonomy. With input, practical examples and conversation, we will
address and discuss possible solutions in dealing with these challenges. Dr. Andreas Fischer is a curative
educator, and teacher, supervisor,
and director at a training centre for
curative education, social pedagogy
and social therapy in Dornach.
11. Eric Fleming
Self-education through meditation
and therapeutic artistic practice
With reference to Rudolf Steiner’s
fourth Curative Education Course
lecture, we will engage in meditative
exercises and specific pedagogical artistic approaches to enhance our ability to meet the being of the other. Dialogue will punctuate the movement
between contemplation and artistic
practice. We will also be introduced
to the six meditative exercises to balance our thinking, felling and willing,
and a more specific meditation: cognitive breathing and point and circle.
Artistic exercises involving wax, drawing and glass will be practiced which
therapeutically relate to the specific
conditions described in the fourth lecture, epilepsy and hysteria.
Eric Fleming is a Social Therapist who
has run the glass studio at Garvald
Edinburgh for 19 years. He is involved
in staff training and development in
Social Therapy, and is a published
writer in the field.
12. Angelika Gäch
The double relationship of the
I to the body and to the world –
anthroposophic consideration with
embryological perspectives
Presentation, exchange, discussion
groups. The polar devotion of the individual, as cognitive and active being,
to the world, can be recognized as spiritual in origin. What tasks does this
create for us in our practical work?
Dr. Angelika Gäch, physician, was the
director of the Rudolf Steiner Seminar
in Bad Boll and is internationally active in training.
de, en
13. Jan C. Göschel
Presence of the I – I as Presence
Through an experiential exploration
of phenomena of presence and absence in walking/movement, speaking/dialogue and thinking/attention
we will try to discover how the I lives
and what obstacles it faces in body,
soul and spirit.
Jan Göschel lives at Camphill Special
School – Beaver Run and is President
of the Camphill Academy, the professional education network of the Camphill Movement in North America.
de, en
14. Bernd Kalwitz
Facets of the I
Immortal core of our being, psychological entity, or neurophysiological
construct? Discussion groups with experiments and exercises: Phenomena
of the I and the I organization. Central
and peripheral I and «hysteria».
Dr. Bernd Kalwitz, physician, is the assistant school director and teacher at
the Fachschule Nord, school physician
at the Rudolf Steiner School Hamburg
Bergstedt, and lecturer at the Hochschule für Künste im Sozialen [College
for Arts in Society] in Ottersberg.
15. Katharina Karlsson und Hélène
Meditative practice in movement, singing, and silence.
Hélène Blomkqvist is a social therapist, storyteller, and speech therapist
with a lifelong interest in the sounding word.
Katharina Karlsson is a social therapist and eurythmist, enthusiastic
about the interplay of art, movement
and development. They work together
on an art project in a social therapeutic community in Järna, Sweden: Haganäs musikteater.
de, en
16. Andrea Kron-Petrovic
«In the mirror of the wounded human
In discussions and exercises, we will
explore the question of how a social
organism can become or remain a
safe and healing place, given all of the
hypersensitive, anxious and wounded
souls that gather within it.
Andrea Kron-Petrovic, born in 1961, is
the director of Porta e.V. in Wuppertal
and also works as a freelance lecturer
for social psychiatry and psychotraumatology.
17. Tamara Isaeva, Valeriya Medvede-
va, Marina Shostak
On the soul breath of the I
The path to psychological balance in
professional activity and social life.
Dr. Tamara Isaeva is a lecturer at the
Moscow Pedagogical University and
elsewhere in Russia. Valeriya Medvedeva is director and teacher at the
Phoenix School for curative education
in Kharkiv and lecturer at the Seminar
for Curative Education in the Ukraine.
Dr. Marina Schostak is director of the
Michael School in Tbilisi, Georgia.
ru, de
18. Sebastian Jüngel
First the home, then out to roam
– inventing stories from your own
Many stories begin in a closed room
and then lead out into the world. If
we understand these images of the
body and the world, we can construct
and tell our own, image-rich stories.
Both elements will be brought to life
in practical exercises and considered
in depth from an anthroposophic perspective.
Sebastian Jüngel is an editor, journalist and writer.
School. He lives and works at the
School Community Brachenreuthe.
de, en
19. Mats-Ola Ohlsson
Youthful motivations and profession:
workshop for younger co-workers
This workshop will allow time and
space for all of the questions that we
can have as a student or younger coworker – questions regarding personal development, professional challenges and social life.
Mats-Ola Ohlsson is the director of
Norrby Vällegard in Sweden and is internationally active as a consultant for
curative education and social therapy
institutions, as well as in youth work.
21. Annette Pichler
Dissociation as self-defence – association as a chance for healing: The
I in active dialogue with its «inner
Based on an introduction to the topics
of trauma, defence, dissociation and
emergence of inner aspects of the
self, this workshop allows for a dialogue of self-awareness with our own
«inner family», potentially with other
Annette Pichler is a psychologist (MS),
developmental coach and director of
the Rudolf Steiner Seminar in Bad Boll.
20. Simon Pepper
«Medical anthroposophy» – «Magical anthroposophy»
Form – movement – relation – intention
Creating developmental spaces together. Anthroposophic background
for a dialogue process, musical exercises. Also suitable for non-musicians. The term «magical» is a reference
to the third lecture in Rudolf Steiner’s
Curative Education Course: «that the
relationship of our I organization (to
the world of earthly forces) is a magical one.»
Dr. Simon Pepper is a teacher of children with special needs, music teacher
and staff at the Independent Music
Please note the language designations:
German (de), English (en), Russian
(ru), Spanish (es), Italian (it), French
(fr), Danish, Swedish or Norwegian
(skan). If a language is noted in parentheses/brackets, there is no translation but there may be contributions
in that language.
22. Andrea Seemann
Diagnostics in curative education
Using practical exercises, we will
work to educate our perception and
develop our ability to see behind the
symptoms to the essence of a human
being in need of help.
Andrea Seemann is a school physician in the field of curative education in
23. Heiner Priess
«I can do it»
There are many suggestions for developing the I in the Curative Education
Course, some surprising and challenging. We will illustrate these statements and try to develop exercises for
our professional life based on them.
Heiner Priess is a guest lecturer at the
Rudolf Steiner Institute in Kassel, and
is also active in other trainings and
continuing education initiatives.
24. Erdmut Schädel
«I epilepsy» and «I hysteria» – two
opposite forms of I development
Through lectures and conversation we
will delve into these two constitutions
and pathologies from Rudolf Steiner’s
Curative Education Course, with reference to well-known contemporary
Erdmut Schädel is a physician specializing in Paediatrics, and an educator
of children with special needs. He
works at the Arlesheim Clinic and as
medical consultant to several curative
education and social therapeutic institutions.
25. Manfred Trautwein, Jonathan
The ability to want less – relishing
sufficiency and subsistence as a potential for I effectiveness in a world
on the edge of ecologic, economic
and social catastrophe
Introduction to the economic, social
and ecological challenges of our time.
How can I become free of the pressure
itself» through it.
Eva-Maria Schnaith is a long-standing
lecturer at the Professional School for
Anthroposophic Curative and Social
Education in Dornach, educator of
children with special needs, and adult
toward economic growth and enjoy
a heartening lifestyle in a world of
«faster, higher, farther»? Illustration
of concepts of sufficiency (fulfilled frugality) and subsistence (self-determination and self-efficacy through proportionate self-sufficiency). Concrete
approaches out of the anthroposophic
social system and best practice. Development of our own life plans in the
social, curative education and social
therapy fields based on approaches
to sufficiency and subsistence.
Manfred Trautwein is the executive
director of Anthropoi Bundesverband
anthroposophisches Sozialwesen e.V.,
Jonathan Niessen supports founders
of companies in the renewable sector
in Freiburg. Consulting project: «Sustainable participation in professional
life: On the way to a post-growth society» for Anthropoi Bundesverband.
de (en)
26. Richard Tucker
Re-imagining the self through practical skills therapeutic education
We will be exploring the educational
benefits of a craft and land based
curriculum. The workshop will draw
upon the 30 years experience of Ruskin Mill Trust in the education and
care of young people with learning
difficulties. The workshop will consist
of a presentation describing the work
of RMT, followed by some experiential
work,group discussion and plenum.
Richard Tucker, MSc, has worked in
anthroposophic organizations with
children and youth for over 20 years.
He currently works in co-worker training at Ruskin Mill.
27. Bernhard Schmitz, Göran Krantz
Sensitivity, vulnerability and depression in connection with Steiner’s
ideas on hysteria, and a deeper
understanding of these phenomena
through artistic activity and especially movement exercises
With the help of examples from
modern research, concrete movement and eurythmy exercises, and
dialogues based on the 4th lecture
in Steiner’s «Curative Education
Course», we will practice and deepen
our understanding of the topic. How
can disorders be transformed through
movement and artistic activities?
Bernhard Schmitz is an educator of
children with special needs and the
director of Marjatta in Denmark.
Dr. Göran Krantz is the research director for «Artistic Activity in Pedagogy
and Training» at the Marjatta training
centre in Denmark.
de, skan
28. Eva-Maria Schnaith
The relationship between the I and
the world in Rudolf Steiner’s Soul
Calendar and its evolution through
the seasons
Through experience and recognition,
we want to accompany the soul on its
path between «feeling at one» with
the course of nature and «finding
29. Bart Vanmechelen
Devotion and surrender – how do we
support the development of the I?
«The I is no thing», but in action I
realize and behold its spiritual activity. With practical exercises for
thinking, feeling, and willing we can
support the development of the I.
With enthusiasm for truth, a passion for compassion and the courage
to create we can work on our inner
professional attitude to support the
people we care for.
Bart Vanmechelen works in curative
education and social therapy in Belgium, training coworkers and developing the organization and quality of
en, nl
30. Sonja Zausch
I move! Eurythmy
What moves when? Arm, leg…? Who
moves where? I, you…? What moves
how? Bent double…?
Sonja Zausch works as a baker, dancer,
and eurythmist (MA) in adult education
and at a vocational academy in Berlin.
31. Magali Bourcard, Jessie Delage
Comment les forces du Moi peuventelles agir et modeler notre vie au
Percevoir, observer, créer des espaces
et des actions pour découvrir, enrichir
et soigner le Moi de l’individu, le Moi
de la communauté et de la société.
Afternoon workshops 3pm
32. Jessie Delage
Bothmer gymnastics
The relationship of body to space reflects the threefoldness of the human
soul. We will explore every dimension
connected to it: gravity/levity, inside/
outside, past/future. Movement exercises, observation and perception in
groups and with partners.
Jessie Delage is a Bothmer gymnast,
Gerda Alexander Eutony teacher and
trainer, counsellor and therapist in
fr, es
33. Christiane Drechsler
Developing the individual and
building community
Besides their orientation to the anthroposophic view of humanity, the
distinctiveness of anthroposophic
lifesharing communities consists
of their work-life union. However,
against the backdrop of individual
development, these institutions are
facing new challenges: How does individual development look today? What
does this mean for community building? Do we need a new consciousness, new thinking? How do people
with special needs see themselves
and their life in these communities?
How can new impulses grow, both out
of the experiences of the last decades
and out of the insights of anthroposophy? These are the questions we will
work with, in connection with the daily kick-off presentations.
Dr. Christiane Drechsler is Junior
Professor for Curative Education in
Extracurricular Activities at the University Centre Mannheim, Institute
for Waldorf Pedagogy, Inclusion and
Interculturalism at Alanus University
in Bonn/Alfter.
de, en
34. Brigitta Fankhauser
Biography work in social therapy: «I
live my life»
How do we accompany people with
special needs on their search for their
personal life plan? How can we help
in its realization? Tips on biography
work, practical examples, conversational exchanges, and exercises in
Brigitta Fankhauser is an educator of
children with special needs with her
own Counselling and Biographical
Coaching practice in Bern, Switzerland.
35. Volker Frielingsdorf
Writing and speaking in the fields
of curative education and social
How can I best prepare for lectures,
speeches and presentations? What is
the best way to compose written contributions, evaluations and articles?
What is the optimal use of the possibilities of rhetoric and stylistics?
Dr. Volker Frielingsdorf, born 1958,
is a Waldorf school upper class
teacher, co-author of «History of
Anthroposophic Curative Education
and Social Therapy» and author of
«Waldorf Pedagogy in Education». He
is also Professor at the Alanus University for Art and Social Sciences in
36. Michael Gehrke, Hartwig Ehlers
«Constructively shaping the generation change» How can we make our
institution sustainable?
Multigenerational processes of
change and transfer of responsibility are many-layered and complex,
sometimes highly emotional and not
always easy. This workshop is a place
for exchange of experience, collegial
advice and possibly reports on examples of «best practice».
Hartwig Ehlers is co-founder and
executive director of the lifesharing
community Hofgemeinschaft WeideHardebek, initiator and co-counder of
the Hofgemeinschaft as a network of
farms in agricultural and social therapeutic work, initiator and director
of the continuing education training
«FAMIT» (Fachkraft für Milieu und
Teilhabe – Specialists in Environment
and Sharing).
Michael Gehrke is co-founder and
executive director of the community in
Kehna, farmer, supervisor and coach,
and is active in the Central Department for Prevention of Violence.
de, en
15:30 Uhr
37. Ralph Giese
The I in its duality – in its relationship to the body and the world
(questions arising from child and
youth welfare work, with approaches
to action)
Anthroposophic introduction to the
topic. Common exchange of ideas.
Exercises from experiential education.
Ralf Giese, MA, is acting chair of Haus
Arild and lecturer at the Fachschule
Nord, and is active in continuing education in critical care.
38. Trisha Glover
Transition from school to adult life
This workshop will be interactive
with dialogue and group work as we
explore this significant turning point
in a young person’s life. How can
we meet young people and support
them in unfolding their potential and
experiencing their true path in life?
What is required in the community or
what does community/society need in
terms of education to support embracing a young person?
Trisha Glover is a counsellor and
biographical consultant working as a
transition coordinator for Hohepa in
Auckland, New Zealand. She works
with youth with disabilities and their
transitions from school to adult life as
well as in staff training.
39. Janette Gülker-Neuhaus, Eva
Schulte-Nölle, Mira Woitaschek
The I on its path
Epileptic and hysterical constitutions
as a challenge in inclusive classes.
This workshop incorporates experience and observations: an invitation
to self-examination on the subject;
example cases: exchange/dialogue/
questions; teaching moments: examination of daily teaching situations;
possibilities and limits in a heterogeneous class containing students with
these polar constitutions.
Janette Gülker-Neuhaus and Eva Schulte-Nölle are special needs educators;
Mira Woitaschek is a curative education teacher. All three work at the inclusive Waldorf school in Everswinkel.
de, en
40. Edith Guskowski
Against forgetting the spirits of
speech: «Clearly configured speech»
as the great helper for curative educators and social therapists in their
work, and as incarnating help for the
I of people with special needs
This workshop will illuminate Rudolf
Steiner’s statements on the significance of speech in education and
therapy in his Curative Education
Course. And we will experience the
true spiritual forces as they are active
in language through Rudolf Steiner’s
speech exercises.
Edith Guskowski is a speech therapist and curative educator who has
worked in a day school for children
with multiple disabilities for 25 years,
offering therapeutic speech formation.
41. Gabriela Jüngel, Sebastian Jüngel
To connect with the world and
be composed in oneself – Wilma
Ellersiek’s hand pantomimes
Wilma Ellersiek’s hand pantomimes
encourage interest in the world and
our relationship to ourselves. With
practical exercises, we will move
through the seasons; glances into
anthroposophy help us to unlock the
effects of gestures and stories.
Gabriela Jüngel is a Eurythmy Therapist and leads a playgroup.
Sebastian Jüngel is an editor, journalist and writer.
42. Brigitte Kaldenberg
Teamwork – development or entanglement?
In a team, all depends on the individuals. How can we design teamwork
that allows for initiative and enables
taking on responsibilities?
In this workshop we will introduce
various methods of designing work
processes, discuss them, and connect
them with the daily life of participants. This is a discussion group.
Brigitte Kaldenberg, MA, is the Assistant Director of the Professional
School for Curative Education in Dornach.
43. Birte Kjaer
BLI embodiment – neurological
The art of tuning the body into an instrument of life where there are problems in movement, sensory development, speech development, learning,
and in social life. How can we tune the
body as an instrument of movement?
Embodiment as neurophysiological
therapy. We will address the theory
behind the exercises as well as motor
development and sensory integration.
Participants will need a gymnastics
mat and two hard balance pads.
Birte Kjaer is a curative education
teacher and health practitioner, and
a BLI Embodiment Therapist. She is
a teacher at the Marjatta Seminar in
en, skan
45. Dorothea Kuhne
44. Thomas Kraus
The «Friends of Waldorf Education»
as helpers in the worldwide curative
education and social therapy movement
Introduction to the work, to working
out problems, and the possibilities
for help, especially for new initiatives.
Thomas Kraus is responsible for the
curative education and social therapy section of the «Friends of Rudolf
Steiner’s Education».
de, en
46. Udi Levy
Chirophonetics: awakening incarnating forces through speech and touch
Introduction, speech sound exercises
and firsthand experience, example
Participants will receive an introduction to the possibilities of chirophonetics in curative education, and will
experience the healing powers of the
sounds through speech exercises.
Dorothea Kuhne is a special needs support worker with experience in early
childhood education and curative education institutions (schoolchildren),
who has worked therapeutically with
children for 20 years. She has been a
chirophonetics therapist for three years at the Curative Education School in
Bonnewitz, near Dresden.
The human I – between temperament and sociality
How does the I deal with itself, its environment and other human beings?
What influences does inhibited development have on the I’s meeting
with the world? How do I understand
the world when I understand myself
Udi Levy has been a social education
teacher and director of the BeatusHeim in Seuzach, Switzerland for
many years, and also spent many years in working in and reviewing social
therapy in Israel.
47. Paula Cardoso Mourao
Circle dance as a tool for individual
and community development in
social therapy work
In this practical workshop we will
unlock dance, rhythmical games,
music and singing as tools for working with and overcoming challenges
and difficulties. They serve to help
us understand these as success and
overcoming, and they stimulate the
development of the individual within
the group.
Paula Mourao has worked as a social
therapist and educator since 1995,
has been executive director of the Association for curative education and
social therapy in Brazil since 2007,
and among other courses has trained
as a circle dance leader. She uses
dances (with song) as an aid to human
and organizational development.
de, es
48. Rebecca Müller
Shared responsibility: belonging,
cooperation, prerequisites for an
inclusive living situation?!?
Strengthening the power of the I in individuals. How do we create inclusive
living environments, encounters and
organizations that allow individuals
to become parts of the whole that are
larger than themselves alone? Input,
exchange, discussion and exercises.
Rebekka Müller is a social educator
and social economist. She has many
years of experience in education and
as a leader in lifesharing communities
in Germany, America and Norway, and
works with the IONA workshop as
counsellor, coach, and educator.
de, en
49. Remco van der Plaat
Learning to explore the language
of form
Modelling the human face can awaken our receptivity to finding traces
of the soul constitution in the body.
Remco van der Plaat is a teacher and
the director of the Ita Wegman Training Course in Moscow. He currently
lives in the Russian Camphill Village
Chistye Kluchi, which he co-founded.
de, ru
50. John Ralph
«The Common Third»: being with,
doing with
‘The Common Third’ is a concept in
Social Pedagogy. How can it be understood from anthroposophic perspectives of the social human being? An
image of the Social Human Being will
be presented and developed in relation to working with, and being with,
young people with the intention to encourage ‘ego integration’. The theme
will be explored through creative movement, eurythmy and dialogue techniques derived from Otto Scharmer’s
John Ralph is a qualified eurythmist
and researcher (MRes in social and
educational research), living and
working in a Camphill School. He has
coordinated and delivered courses in
the BA Social Pedagogy (University of
51. Kerstin Ratzing
Experiential education and social
therapy – new space for development for the I and the community
through experiential education?
What possibilities open up through
including experiential education
offerings and concepts in the social
therapeutic accompaniment of people
with disabilities in day or residential
lifesharing communities and/or work
Kerstin Ratzig, economist, works at
EOS Erlebnispädagogik [experiential
education] Freiburg.
52. Erika Schär
Making music with the lyre
We will learn the basics of lyre playing and immerse ourselves together,
listening and playing, in music. Beginners and advanced players welcome.
Erika Schär is a musician and social
therapist. She is director of the social
psychiatric institution Verein Anfora and
teaches lyre at the HFHS in Dornach.
de, en
53. Viola Scheller
The playing I
Kick-off presentations on the individual phases of play as markers of I
development. We will use practical
examples from therapeutic play, sand
play with children with special needs,
and others. Individual games will be
introduced, tried out and more closely
considered from specific perspectives. Viola Scheller is a curative educator, active in integration and with her
own sand play therapy practice.
54. David A. Schwartz, Albrecht Römer
The Future of Intentional Community
and Social Therapy
The workshop will address issues
facing social therapeutic activity taking place in intentional community
settings from local and international
perspectives, including the following
Government regulations, «client»
rights and self-advocacy, economics
of the community model, cultivation
of spiritual life – the place of anthroposophy and inner development,
social life and human relations, the
lifesharing model and other community models, and the relevance of
the Threefold Social Order to social
The workshop will have a conversational format, emphasizing dialogue and
the sharing of practices, facilitated by
the presenters.
Albrecht and David have both been living and working in Camphill settings
for the last four decades. Both have
experience in Biodynamic agriculture,
residential care, administration, adult
education and the spiritual life of
en, de
55. Robin Schmidt
The I in autonomy and destiny
A deep understanding of the other
and a recognition of my own being
form two poles of fruitful sociopedagogic behaviour. Wherever this
understanding and recognition come
to life, autonomy and destiny open to
individual awareness.
Robin Schmidt studied philosophy,
cultural history and pedagogy, and
is director of the Research Centre for
Cultural Impulses at the Goetheanum.
He is currently studying human living
conditions in a digitally-based world.
56. Doris Unger
Biography as a path in the world
We will look at biography as an incarnation path between human beings
and our environment. Movement and
biography exercises will give us indications of the connecting thread from
«me to me» and from «me into the
Doris Unger is a curative educator,
inclusive Waldorf teacher and trainer.
Her emphases are movement therapy,
Bothmer gymnastics, biography work
and family counselling.
es, de
57. Sabine Urbach
«Enlivening the I»
Improvisation, music and movement
keep the I lively. Discover and develop
joy in life.
Sabine Urbach is a music educator
and music therapist, and a housemother in the lifesharing community
Sassen. Emphasis: artistic creation
with small things.
de, en
58. Ingeborg Woitsch
«My dream of writing» – a writing
workshop for the I
Impulses for writing poetry, and insights into the Midpoint Writing Workshops project.
Ingborg Woitsch is editor of the magazine Punkt und Kreis, project director
of Anthropoi Selbsthile’s Midpoint
Writing Workshops, poetry therapist,
and curative education psychotherapist.
59. Bettina Wunder, Christoph B.
Building a social body for the
homeless I
Anthroposophic foundations for fulfilling unprecedented new tasks in anthroposophic social work in the face of
cultural rootlessness and alienation:
discussion and exercises.
Bettina Wunder is a special needs
support worker at the Institute for
Mental Wellbeing. Christoph B. Lukas
is a psychologist, advisor for those in
social professions.
60. Cornelia Zimber-Braemer
Curative education and social therapeutic questions of I development
What happens when everything is
mixed up, as a result of early childhood trauma, for example? When
peace seems to be a distant prospect?
Cornelia Zimber-Braemer is a Waldorf
and support teacher, and has been
active in the field of curative education for 30 years.
General Information
„ ... and growing, root me in existence“
A Conference of the Council for Curative Education and Social Therapy
at the Goetheanum from Monday, 3 to Friday, 7 October 2016
Booking closes: Monday, 19 September 2016
Conference fees: regular price:
CHF 345
CHF 245
with meals: CHF 520
with meals: CHF 420
Conference meals
Conference meals (vegetarian with dessert) include .3x lunch and 4x evening meal at CHF 175 in total.
Breakfast (4x) can be booked separately at CHF 60. The other meals cannot be booked separately.
We regret that food intolerances cannot be catered for.
Parking permit
for the period of the conference: CHF 28 (not right next to the Goetheanum building).
If you have a disability, please display your disability badge in your car.
Methods of payment/confirmation
On receipt of a group application, the respective institution will receive the account for the group. Subsequent bookings can only be applied for and paid on an individual basis.
Credit cards (all countries): The full amount will be charged to your credit card as soon as your booking
has been processed. You will receive postal or email confirmation of your booking and payment.
Invoice Switzerland: Confirmation of booking and an invoice will be sent to you once your booking has
been processed. Please note that we only send out invoices up until 10 days before the beginning of an
event. After that, payment is only possible by credit card or on arrival.
Invoice Eurozone: Confirmation of booking and an invoice will be sent to you once your booking has
been processed (Euro account). Please note that we only send out invoices up until 14 days before the
beginning of an event. After that, payment is only possible by credit card or on arrival.
Other countries: Once your booking has been processed you will receive a confirmation by post or email. The
amount due will either be charged to your credit card or you can pay on arrival. Bank transfers are not possible.
Please note that the conference fee must be paid before the conference starts.
Conference tickets: Tickets can be collected at Reception until half an hour before the conference starts, also
if you pay on arrival. We accept cash (Euro and CHF), VISA, MasterCard, ec-direct and Postcard-Schweiz.
Cancellation: Bookings may be cancelled free of charge up to 14 days prior to the begin of the conference (19.9.2016, date of posting). After that, 50% of the conference fee will be charged. Meals, breakfast
and parking permit may be cancelled free of charge up to 1 day prior to the begin of the conference
(2.10.2016). Cancellation on the day when the conference begins or failure to attend are subject to a 100%
invoice total. Substitutes will be accepted at no extra cost.
Cancellation insurance: Subject to a payment of 5% of total costs (CHF 10 minimum) full cancellation
insurance can be taken out to cover illness (including dependent children and partner), job loss and force
majeure. Please ask for our terms of insurance or visit
Data processing: All data will be electronically recorded and filed.
Guest Houses and Goetheanum Accommodation
Accommodation bureau
rooms from CHF 50
phone +41 61 706 44 45,
Haus Friedwart
from CHF 75, about 5 min. walk to the Goetheanum
phone +41 61 706 42 82,
from CHF 30, about 10 min. walk to the Goetheanum
phone +41 61 706 42 82,
Prices are per person per night. Prices for accommodation cannot be guaranteed.
You can find further accommodations on our website:
Booking Form
„ ... and growing, root me in existence“
A Conference of the Council for Curative Education and Social Therapy
at the Goetheanum from Monday, 3 to Friday, 7 October 2016
Booking closes: Monday, 19 September 2016
Please complete the booking form and mail, fax or email to:
Goetheanum Empfang, Postfach, CH-4143 Dornach
Fax + 41 61 706 4446, Tel. + 41 61 706 4444 email
Please fill out in block capitals!
 Ms
 Mr
Name, first name
Billing address
Name of institution
Street, no
 private address  address of institution
I need translation into
 German
 English
 French
 Swedish
 Italian
 Spanish
 Russian
Please pay attention to the hint on Information/Conference languages.
Conference ticket without meals
 CHF 345 (regular price)
 CHF 245 (concessions¹)
Conference ticket with meals (3x lunch, 4x evening meal)
 CHF 520 (regular price)
 CHF 420 (concessions¹)
Breakfast (4x)
Workshops (at 11 a.m.)
Workshops (at 3 p.m.)
 CHF 60
1st choice, no __________
1st choice, no __________
Parking at the Goetheanum
2nd choice², no __________
2nd choice², no __________
3rd choice², no __________
3rd choice², no __________
 Parking permit: CHF 28
 Cancellation insurance (5% of the total costs, CHF 10 minimum)
See cancellation conditions in the General Information
Payment methods
 on invoice (only Switzerland and Euro zone)
Credit card (all countries)
 Visa
 MasterCard
Card number: __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __
Expiry date: __ __ / __ __
 I would like to receive the biannual programme of Goetheanum events (in German).
I agree to the terms of payment and cancellation.
Place, date, signature
¹ Concessions apply for students, schoolchildren, OAPs, the unemployed, those in training, military or civil service and
people with disabilities who receive benefits. Proof of status has to be submitted with your booking form.
² When registering, your first choice is no longer open, is cancelled or will be cancelled, your second and third choice
will be taken into account. If your first, second or third choice is full, we will try to contact you. Please look for updated
information at the start of the conference.
Terms and Conditions will be sent on request or can be accessed online at
International conference
for curative education
and social therapy
3-7 October 2016