1 - Heritage Avon Lake
1 - Heritage Avon Lake
, Vegetable farmer ffiPB gets green thumtp* gasR down despite zte&Xi 8BH8 £- court order l -Page 28 45th Year, No. 22 ttarch 29,1SS5 Serving Avon • Avon Lake • Sheffield • Sheffield Lake 60* Community Pulse ...And More RJ.H.Jn The Xerxe* smell and request fcr higher stacks in Avon won't go away. Many will probably agree with Councilman Ted Graczvk who feels if the odor* can't be kept under control maybe it's time for them to peck their bags. Xerxes ii_anU to raise their Hacks ? H " ^ T 20 feet pushing their height to nearly 100 feet. The last time the company raised their stacks to 77 feet some felt the problem would go away - or at least ftimm'"*y Unfortunately, neither happened according to area residents (Sea rotated story). Tim Fiuco factor. Had a number of comments from Sheffield Lake residents regarding candidate Mike Fusco'a refusal to take down his campaign signs. Sheffield Lake iign laws prevent early signs and Fusco feels it's unconstitutional. Some residents hove a problem with his approach - they fee! he should set an example and go through the apV-Tsl process rather than defy the law. They have a point here. If Mike Fusco should be elected hell have a tough time running Mayor's Court with his current approach. Tha continued saga surrounding what's new or what's not with the Aqua Marine/Heaven on Earth resort continues. Avon Lake Mayor Vince Urbin has had aboul enough of the whole situation. Urbin related to an encounter he had wi*H a Mr. Buddha, who. according to Uriitn. would guarantee a crime rale of zero in Avon Lake if he signed up the Avon Lake Police Deportment for their transcendental meditation. : Urbin's frustration comes out of the 1 many managers and their unsuccessful approach to bringing up the facility to current fire codes along with some of the- many unorthodox ideas coming from the resort. (See related article this Issue.) Voiadais at work. Subscribers to Continental Cable (especially those watContinued on page 17 Copyright tit 199* ZBA tables Xerxes' plea for 97-ft. stacks By Karen Drasler AVO-N* - "Been there. Heard that," was the attitude of residents who Listened to a defense of Xerxes Corp. by its Vice President and General Counsel, Craig Peterson, at a Zoning Board of Appeals meeting last week. Xerxes requested permission to raise smokestacks snathe; 20 feet, to 97 feet high, at the plant on Mills Road. This would disperse stytene fumes and odors over a wider area. ZBA Chairman Cyrus Bliss tabled the motion at the end of the meeting, stating the ZBA needs mure information from Ohio EPA before an informed decision can be reached. The company produces fiberglau underground storage Unks. Styrene, a chemical with a foul odor so strong it can be identified at one part per million, is sprayed on the tanks during the Manufacturing process. After listening to Xerxes' solution to its odor problem - raising smokestacks 20 morn feet - residents were mostly disappointed with a proposal they considered rather lame. After hearing tha same complaints as in the past, plus some new ones- an Avon councilman who lives ou Jtycox Road near the plant, spoke up. **I hate to be the one to say this," Ted Graczyk said, "but if they can't bring the odors under control, maybe it's time for this company to walk away." "Why would you want to throw good money after bad?" another Jaycox homeowner, Steve Okamoto wondered. Continued on page 9 Sherroci Brown and House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt visited Tenneysoc. Elementary School in Sheffield Lake last week to protest the House Republicans proposal to eliminate the federal school lunch program. (Photo courtesy of The Chronicle Telegram) Century proposes restructuring of CCS By Marcella Grande AVON LAKE - The person who anid the wheels of government turn slav/ly terribly underestimated, considering I he snail's pace of the effort to acquire tcllfree calling into western Cuyahoga County. A decision by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio regarding tollfree call* Ing was supposed to be rendered in September of 1994. but six months later, a now snafu to stalling progress. Last Friday. March 24. Century Telephone of Ohio filed an alternative proposal with the PUCO. Century is offering a reduced cost for the Community Calling Service {CCS) plan. Currently, residents on the CCS plan pay S9.25 for two hours of long- distance calling, plus $1.25 for each 15-minute block of time exceeding the two hours. Businesses are charged 312.50 for the same service. . Cantury's revised CCS structure calls for reducing the two hours to one hour at a cost of $4 for residents and $6 for businesses. For each six- minute block of timfl exceeding the one hour. Continued on page 0 Shoremen to shed name, take on Shamrock identity By Marcella O'Grande AVON LAKE - This is no sham: The Avon Lake Shoremen ana shipping off Shorty and shedding their Shoremen namo to become the Avon Lake Shamrocks. The name change wus decided by u 3-2 vote at last week's school beard meeting. "Since we have the Irish Heritage Club, our nrea is fast becoming the Irish hub of the Greater Cleveland and Lorain communities," said board momber Terry Ryan. Fellow Irishman and board member Mike Kearns agreed. "With all the newcomers, we've bean losing our cultural identity and a little of our heritage," Kearns said. "The Shamrocks present an easily identifiable name among our conference teams." Board President Frank Bolognia campaigned against the idea. Oolognia said changing the school colors from maroon and gold to green and white to accompany the new name is too drastic of a change. "Besides." Bolognia said, "If any of our concerns involve th« color green, we should bu worrying about where oil the greenbacks are going to corn« from to run this school system." Board member Dav« Updegraff interjected. "Aw. don't mind Frank. It's the banker in him talking. "Change is good." Updegraff added. "We're also considering a motion to havo the school principals announce over the P.A. systems every morning: Top o* the motnin* to ya." and to offer students Lucky Charms cereal for breakfast. Kearns said the green and white color change would bu an excellent advantage for graduates who will bo going to Ohio University, because OU's colors are also green and whits. Superintendent Dr. Clayton Dusek, v-iio rolled his eyes througho' I the discussion and subsequent vote, said a Continued on page 9 The new Sean the Shamrock Irxjo will bo attractively inscribed on *MI Avon Lake Shamrock sportswesr and stationery. School officials are aiming for the 1996-W wason to switch from maroon & gold to green & white. Sptculs a*ai!abf« W«4na*d«f, March 23W to MEWINTHEOEU SLflS EACOH LB. REG. or WAVY POTATtfrCHSPS 14 OZ. PEANUT BUTTER ICE CREAM CUPS 5 2.59ePK. AVON LOSS SHDTIEID 1JIKE 137 Lear Rd. • 933-2718 4786 Lake Rd. • 949-7531 FoocfStiart9 ITH OPTION 4 0 ft. 3o|s»*¥?T6rick BIdg. with gigantic parking lot. 4 0 ft. x 36'ft. attached restaurant. For any information on future franchises, send inquirers to; P.O. Box 119. Avon Lake. Ohio 44012 _ ® 25 YEARS End March 31. 1995 33536 Walker Rd. (across from BFG/Geon Plant} H "Bonnie's Back" Letters Utilities Department, to tifve acted responsioly in carrying out the Charter's mandate for sale, economical, and efficient management. Some criteria to judge the Boasd's per. fannance and the Utilities operation The PRESS welcomes letters lu the are: editor and news items for submission. P R O D U C T I V I T Y - Revenue All Utters and news releases must be generated per employee: TYPED DOUBLE-SPACED and comInl974-S41.400 plete with a , name, address and la 1994 - £243,000 telephone number for purposes of EFFICIENCY - Water pumped veraus verification. Letters must have water billed: signaturts. as welL Other utilities - 50toB0% Letters will be edited for brevity ami Avcn Lake Utilities - 93.9% clarity. This is a very significant factor that Send news releases and letters to The water and iewer rates. PRESS* PJO. BOX 300, Avon Lake. Ohio impacts DEPENDABILITY - Never a water 44012. or take them to our office at VJS curtailment or sprinkling ban • . Lear Rd., Avon Lake. Represents sound long-range planning. All items must be in by Thursday. 5 . SAFETY - a Drinking Water Quality pjo.-- for publication the .following 7 which by-all analyses exceed* the OhioWednesday. Letters and press releases EPA aad USEPA drinking water will be published on a spacn-«vaiAabIe standards. ' '.basis. - ' • • ECONOMY - The lowest Water and We allow, authors' names to be Sewer Rates in our region, and the third withheld upon request, provided the letlowest rates in Ohio for a major plant. ters do notCTfflfo'*"blatantly derogatory The citizens of Avon Lake have an opreferences to individuals. portunity to review the Charter every PRESS office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 tive ytsaTs through the Charter Review pju. Monday through Friday. ' Commission. This Commission is made We thank you for your opinions, comup of citizen members, free of political ments and news releases. motives and considerations; they may recommend Charter changes as they find appropriate and in the interest of its Congratulates The Press citizens. The Charter Review CommisTo the Editor sion REPRESENTS YOU: the last three Congratulations on your newspaper's commissions have been consistent in 45 years! I enjoyed reading it last night. only One Recommendation: Namely, I want to take this opportunity to that the Board of Municipal Utilities (as thank you for all your attention to Avon other Boards in the City) be allowed to Lake junior Women's articles and your approve the salaries and wages of Its generosity on projects over the years. employees. Joyce Kubik, Pres. This change will allow the Board to . Avon Lake Junior Women's Club MORE FULLY carry out the Charter mandate to MANAGE, CONDUCT, and CONTROL; thus to eliminate duplicate Vote Yes on Issue 21 efforts by the Board and Council and efTo the Editor. fect even greater economies and effiAs a citizen of Avon Lake, on May 2 ciency in its operation and to insure that you will have an opportunity to vote on your water rates stay the lowest in the ISSUE 21; a Charter Amendment to region, allow the Board of Municipal Utilities to Pleuse. VOTE! on May 2 and Vote approve all salaries and wages of its YES on ISSUE 21. employees, just as the Elected School Raymond C. Vorisek. Member Board and the Appointed Library Board Board of Municipal Utilities have complete freedom to approve their employees* salaries and wages. No-dinner 7 he Board of Municipal Utilities is elected, at large, by ;he voters of Avon dance successful Lake, and is accountable to the voters. To the Editor oo less than the mayor, council, all other The Avon Junior Women's Club's first elected officials, and the school board. No Dinner Dance held on March 11 was The Charter currently mandates that a great success. Guests enjoyed an eventhe Board of Municipal Utilities Is to ing of dancing as well as the silent aucMANAGE, CONDUCT, and CON- tion and raffles. Door prizes were also TROL the operations of the Department; awarded to lucky winners. Many thanks to appoint or employ personnel as it go out to our sponsors who extended may deem necessary for safe, from Cleveland to Sandusky. Their economical, and efficient management. generous donations were sincerely apWith such a mandate, it is natural and preciated. Proceeds from this benefit good business that the Board should apwill go directly back Into the community prove its employee?" salaries and wages. for various improvement projects. The The Board is the most familiar with and club plans to make this an annual qualified in decisions affecting its benefit...hope to see you next year! employees. Avon Junior Women's Club The Board has, for over 60 years, Continued on page 18 demonstrated in Its management of your Letters/News Items Life is a series of changes New Office - New Picture Same "Great Service" "Expect The Best" and only "Accept The Best" in your Realtor. Resume and references gladly furnished! Ready for a change of address - Call me Bonnie Canterbury 327-2123 office - home 277-1937, Pager 960-8750. A UMMM o» m t u n ntucii ntnaw COLDWELL BANKER HUNTER REALTY RESIDE.VTIAL REAL ESTATE AA& fJ = = .©_©.©_•-©. o Pancake "n Sausage Breakfast © PALMSUNDAY, APRIL 9TH, 1995 7:30 am - 2:09 pm Avon Lake High School Cafeteria Adults : Pre-Sale $3.50 " Aduits : AT the Door $4.00 Children under 11 yrs : $1.50 Under 4 yrs : FREE Fhcne S33-5100 Fax 933-79M P.O. Bo* 300 158 Lear Bead Avon Lake, Chio 44012 DEADLINES NEWSITFMSr Thursday —5p.ru, ADVEKTISINGi Friday—Noon CLASSIFIEDS; Monday—Sp jn- Q r Sand News Hens, CiassciBas, AcVe/tsing and Arikies ta: Jtj. (Dkk) Kemntr, Sr, Founder-19Z2-1S69 P.O. Box 300 44012 Avon Lake City Schools ,*-. h p- SCHOOL CALENDAR Friday. March 31,7:30 p-m. - ALHS Spring Theater Production "Up the Donna Staircase" -Auditorium. SaU April I. 7:30 p.m. - ALMS Spring Theater Production "Up the Down Staircase' • Auditorium. WHAVS HAPPENING IN THE CLASSROOMS AT EASTVIEW? Kindergarten: The morning Kindergarten class with Mrs. Corrigan has been busy working on rhyming words and making informational graphs. The children have read Cat On T&e Mat and various Dr. Seuw books to develop the rhyme concept. They are authoring many of their own books and will soon beg»i programs on the computer for writing stories. Mrs. Thomas' afternoon Kindergarten class has been enjoying their study of suthc . Eric Carle. One of his books. The Very Hungry Cau^pfflar. has been a springboard for their unit on caterpillar* and butterflies. They will be having their own classroom butterfly garden so that they can view the metamorphosis this •pring. Grade Qua: Mrs. Cantleberry's class read and compared different versions of *ho Gingerbread Mao. Clues were found around the* school which the children read and led them to a bagful of ginger cookies hidden in the principal's office. .The students In Mrs. Dragony'a class wrote letters to leprechauns who visited the classroom at night. The leprechauns played tricks in the room. They wrote let' ten to them to not mess up their room during the night. The leprechauns left them a note on the board and also left some green candy. Grade Two: A Trip Back to the Mesozoic Era - This Integrated unit has brought back the creatures from our past and has made them come alive In the second grade classrooms at Eastview. The classes learned about dinosaurs through various readings, writtpn reports and many scientific lessons and activities. These activities dealt with thetimelineof rnptiles, the land in the Jurassic period, herbivores and carnivores, fossils, characteristics of the many giant reptiles, and different scientific theories of extinction. Tho unit culminated with a trip to the Natural History Museum and an adventure into the Jurrasic Park exhibit. A Study of Weather - This study combines reading, writing, spelling, math science and a touch of social studies. Th<: children will road and write a mix of fiction, nooDctiou and various genres of materials to increase their knowledge of content, knowledge of skills. and love of reading and writing. Scientific concepts, through the use of hands-on experiments and activities, will focus on what nukes up the elements of weather, measuring wind direction and speed, precipitation, temperature, cloud formation and tho various types of clouds, the creation of a rainbow and much more! Grade Three: Third graders in Mrs. Dankowskfs class are eagerly learning about multiplication and memorizing the facts. In reading they ore journeying to Alaska and learning about sled dog racing through the book Sliver. Mrs. Robbins' third graders are studying about government and have net up a "city" in their classroom. They have elected a president/mayor, judge, a council to set up the laws, a police force to enforce the laws, and a court system to Impose fines if they are found guilty. The purpose of this project is to understand more about how our government operates. Crade Four: Mrs. Farafi't class presented their Kids' Guide to Aitia Lake to Mrs. Costa's class at Redwood SchocL Their beck was then *nJL nn clispUj in the A-.on Laie library The class abo became skilled in scientific 1 meduids by panicipatnis ia a science £air. The experiments were very WEII dooc We centume lo eat our way through fractions and prepare a. puppet show fox our class bock, The studants in Mr. Dick's claw *re starting a new book called t-t Ways to Sink a Sub. They have COJUplatsd aa Ohio time line wriib reports onfcsmii*people and events in Oiiio history. This, with other strategies thai they art doing, will help them with the upcoming Proficiency Test. They are also corapletipg a desk for tbeir computer. G/ada Five: Mrs. Wyer's and Mrs. Burkhatdl's fifth grade classes are deep into space- We have zone to the Natural History Museum to study stars, galaxies and other cbjects in space. We have a seed experiment to record gravity's eftect on growth. Parents from our rooms have planned a mini space camp for the students and each, student has sent a letter to Planet K and has received a *ec£v fytrw a space person. The students have researched awl s'.udted different objects in space. rUstanr*-j ic space and some of the probes seat into space- We will be designing a space station and who biows, someday we may use it! TEAMING IS GRADE FOUR AT EASTVIEW. The Eastview School Unit is employing the Model IV program in a team teaching mode. Students in Mr- Dick** fourth grade doss are receiving the benefits of the teaming in the areas of reading and writing. Mrs- Oraks. the Special Education teacher, and Mr- Dick meet on a rsgular basis to plan and evaluate lessons- They have bwu *ieveloplaj strategies based on individual and class nieds. They use *hese strategies in the team teaching, situation usiag pro-selected literature bcoks as the basis for their lessons. Recently, they have teamed to work on the Scisv'v^ Fair piojecls. EASTV1EWS SECOND fJLADE POSE WITH -PICTURE LADY" CSSATION. Mrs. Klink's and Mrs. Sohados' combined second grade classes at Eastview School pose with th«ir "Picture Lady" creation named (by the class! LIGHTNING- Lightning was inspired by the study of contemporary artist. Deborah Buaerfietd. rll w Donald J.Peteya Veterinarian Many people have avoided bringing llieir degs Liforfaeaitwarra testing because they still remem±>tf ttua contact struggle af having to S' v e til( * ir dog a daily hsiftworm pill. But the days of daily heanvtona pills are over- The hfcartwann preventive used now is a convenient n i r s a month tablet. This massage is brought to you as a public service from Donald J. Petsya, D.V.M.. Avon Lake Animal Clinic. 124 Milter Rd.. Avon Late. OH 44012. PJiooe: 933-5237. DR. SCOTT H.SQPS. OPTOMETRIST FAMILY VISlflMCARE -CONTACTLENSES Gajcora & CaGud -Dopesabte • Asttgqatjc . fcSsmafiQas. • "Change Brown eyes l a Blue* Tho Landings Bldg X Avon Lake 933-8300 Eve.&SatAKEtable _L- •."•"**•;•'JTT*1 Wffl ^ i PET CARE aap*i IF 8 EASTVIEWS FITTH CRADE SHARING WITH COMMUNITY. Mrs. Wyer's fifth grade is sharing with the Avon Lake Community. The students at Eastview School made 75 cards for the Meals-On-Wheels recipients during a February winter day, EASTVU V*S THIRD GRADE ENTERS CONTEST WITH CHRUN1CLE-TELKOKAM. Mrs. Robbins' class entered a contest with tie Chronicle Telegram. They had to design an ad telling why they liked to read the Chronicle. All 26 members of the class entered. Shane Seiple won an award for his entry. His ad will be published in the Chronicle in ApriL TEOY PARENT INFORMATION NIGHT. Parents of students who will attend Troy Intermediate School next year are lavited to a Parent Information Night on Thursday, March 30. from 8:30-6 p.m. in the Learwood Middle School Auditorium. WESTVIEW BECOMES VENTURE CAPITAL SCHOOL. Westview Elementary has been -named a Venture Capital School by the State of Ohio Department of Education. This designation is awarded to schools that have proven capacity for school improvement and have A comprehensive plan for further improvement. Avon Lake now has two Venture Capital Schools. Redwood Elementary was awarded a grant in June. SCHOOL LUNCH MENU (Subjuct to Change) April 3 - Double Cheeseburger on a Bun, Fries, Sliced Pickles, Fruit Cup. Milk. April 4 - COOK'S CHOICE April 5 - Chicken Patty Sandwich w/Lettuce, Potato Pancake. Hot Cinnamon Applesauce, Milk. AprC 6 - Taco Salad w/Hot Stuff. Tomato, Garlic Brad. Frosted Chocolate Cake. Milk. April 7 - Cheese Pizza. Choice of Vegetable. Fruit Bar. Milk. ALL AVON LAKE CITY SCHOOLS OFFER PREPAID LUNCHES. Formerly known as Complete Advertising Art Studio Brochures • Newsletters • Logo Design Illustration • Architcclual Rendering Old Photo Restoration • R e l o u c b * 2 Phone (216)835-6267 Ea»r and relaxation i r t profitable to f..tl *tudie». TUe ! •» tikr a U>w, Uie ARIES [ I t t r . 21-Apr- 21) Thtt win be a pivotal y e w In determining where you e/e goingtodirect your drwe far Ihe duration. You w « be ma follower instead of tna> leader this weekend and may try something you h a w n l tried before. You coUd insist on bulling «t wnere you ihouttnt and youTI probably i v e to oagrat«. TAURUS (Apr. 22-Uay 22) - Y o u have tha world by tnetatf t n d ait you hove to do is deode wfricn way you want to swing K. Your other-hatf will h e w your weekend Of not longer) aD planned our and you're apttoMka n about as much as a brokan neck. You wont ba as lucky as you think you are. unless you are wtttang to cnanga. QEMiM (Way 2 3 - J u m 21) An Anea caw g » * your career a ooost and you*» Hnd a way to taflt heryhtm i n u doing i t A new group of n n x V t t t i i could be berwfleiai profsaoioruiAy but you will h a * * to pretend that you are serious. Walcfi out If you tod yourself in a new atmosphere, someone could coma down on you. CANCER (June 22-JuJy 20) Good weekand (or an out-oMown outingtogetrtdof me cobwebs, you could loam something that can be probable. You can ba tha BalW-of-tha^afl but you may have ID change your ways to keep your irBe. You wilt ba introduced to someone new [bund date?) and it could be good from two standpoints. LEO (July 21-Aug. 20) Mars'has turned direct and It's " G o " tor all your andaavors and. unfortunately, that include* the ones you shouldn't really be cong. Either I t s weekend or next weekand could be the best of the year. You could c;uit your job j u ^ lor the chance to get a tmte publictty. and you'll gal what you arm looking for. VIRGO (Aug. 21-Sept. 22) Get pubfety involved In a ' humanitarian effort of s o n * kind. A dandestlrw love affair b m th» mill if you've got the grain, and it wKl give you a new way of looking at keeping fit. A dream could come true but you may not recognize 4 and allow It tc pass out of existence. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct 25) This would be a good time to concentrate on increasing your benefits from work, it will n<ake it easier lor you to become dedicated. Another Aries wilt want to butt heads wrtn vou and the Ram plays for keeps. Good weekend to be seen in public where you will be recognized. SCORPIO ( O c t 26-Mov. 23) You might think about adding a don or playroom to your home. You'll be so good at your work you'll wam the b e n to check up on you, but thai could be a mistake because sme might not understand what you're doing. Good weekand to oet lost and forget ail about your problems. SAGITTAAIUS {Nov. 24-O«c 21) Your intuition wril be on target the rest of the week and the Naw Moon could bring you a naw enterprise to use it on. Expect the unexpected while driving this weekend and be prepared tor an adventure that couM pop up. What seems like a fantastic idea nv*y on reflection be a dud. CAPRICORN p e c . 22-Jan, 17} You will become impassioned ovar a new activity and ii could take a greater and greater portion of your time. A relative could spoil your plans this weekend but it will be for the best if you make the best out of it. You win be concentrating on wnat other* want rather than what you want AQUARIUS (Jan. 18-Feb. 18) Don't trust acquaintances wtth your assets now or the New Moon could cause you to need new ones. Look for the chance to mention salary or assignments to the •' boss, you could eaten her/him in a weak moment An Aries will be delighted to keep you dissipate this weekend PISCES (Feb. 17-Uar. 20) The New Moon will put you in the mood tor action but chances are atricUy private affairs will ba ac(ivnted the most You'll be spending money like you won the kXto, which Is foolish although you are going to have some extra coming in. and you will be able to find exactly what you are looking for. employees become carpenter for the good of humanity / w* [BS5SWT V) t 4 for '-«; p g o too er centers. PRESS photos - Marcell* Grind* centers. itFJ with the purchase of any 12 piece or larger bucket of crispy Chester Fried Chicken 12 PiECE $10.95 15 PC. $12.95 21 PC.S17.95 WEEK ONLY! Chicken Bireast Sandwich or Bar-B-Q Chicken Sandwich Includes Jo-Jo Potatoes and your choice of Deli Salad Two pounds of Lightly Breaded Fish Fillets Family Fish Bucket Includes one pound of your choice of Deli Salad Available Exclusively at Sheffield Lake 4786 Lake Ud. 949-7631 Phone ahead and *e 'It have your order waiting when you arrive! I® % Man suspect in buying painkillers with fake Rx = By Mary Swindell AVON LAKE - Police arrested 3 43-j ear-cH Lcrain man March IS after a pharmacist at the Revco drug store in the Learwood Square shopping center Ccirplained thai a customer was trying to fill a phony prescription for the YVhec» police arrived, they asked the man. if bis doctor h&d phoned the prescription ia. "As f?r as I know,**.the mf"i replied. But when the doctor was called to couSrm the prescript! ja, he said he had not writteaiL Michael A. Sugenck was charged with complicity to procure an illegal drug ^'jfiiTnPTTt i*"^ attempting to obtain druffv by deception. Domestic dramas Police found themselves arting a* referees on the homefrent in recent day*. An Englewood Road resident said she was itimni?t*¥i by her HIKKJTIH when she in&rmodfaf"iMarch 20 **<** she wants a divorce. Her angry hushand pushed her *m\ thpewrtii«ig«into ihpfireplace,"h** told police. She was brought to the sta. tion and told she could apply far a temporary protection ordsr. A pushing match between s husband and wife, residents of Norman Avenue, resulted in a charge ol domestic violence against the wife, according to reports. This was after the husband filed a complaint. A Moore Road man was cited for criminal HJ»TIaging after his fanner wife •aid he knocked a TV aod VCR to the Boor during an argument Maich 2a The man annou&CKx b» wss poing to kill himself and Left the anartment. Officers later found the man at the Marathon station on Miller Road. And MuaetuTwa the job of adjudicating disputes falls to the dispatcher at the, station. A Rosewood Drive woman complairv ed March 21 that her 16-year-otd was across the street at her father's house ami refused to come bome. Fmthecmnre, boys in an oracge van nndfl a habit of hanging out there, the mother said. , She was told that officers cant stop a vehicle for no reason. The woman then that the boys were ." The dispatcher said rhal officers could respond to 3 soise compis'"* just then, the boys left in tusii van ooid the gizi caaie Knrnf. The mother said her custody papers specily that the girl is not to go to her fadier'a- In that C2se. ihe sr^ould pursue charges of interfsrence with custody through the proper r4"tnfy*i^i ths dispatcher said. No place for newspapers Employees of the Powerwash selfserve cax wash on Waller Road pointed out thai somebudy had dumped a large number of PLiin Dealers into their garbage cans on March 21. possibly in the wee nours. Rocked A Norman Avenue youth complained of being bit In the head with a rock oc his way home from school March 21. Doer daubed A Landings Way wodian didn't know what to think the morning of March 20 when she stepped outside ami found her front door covered with shaving cream. it wasnt this groundhog's day A. report of a sick or injured groundhog brought an officer to Inwood Boulevard March 17. The woozy woodchuck may have bitten a neighborhood dog. on* resident seid, *The animal was terminated." tersely reports the police radio log. Plate pinched; cans copped An angry sandwich-»eeket complaii*ed that one of his car's license places was stolen while he dined at Mr. Keru's March 17. And over ou Oakwood Dnve March 18, a homeowner found that some foul thief had nude off with his garb^gu Crass calls . A Karon Drive man told police March 17 of getting obscene phone calls. And a Ycder Boulevard man was the victim of an obscune phone caller March 20. 835-1500 934-6700 Bead & Use The Classifieds Your home deserves our wry best nmnjn in* w mtf »•••I CJ MfedoytoW out if MM TT OS dump A resident complained of finding evidence that oil had been dumped in a creek west of the Village on the Green Apartmeni-i on Miller Road March 17. Fireme-* f luci an etainf ail container Coaling downstream and an automobile oil drain paa on the ground. Somebody evidently h ^ changed hi? car's oil and poured the old ail into the creek. firemen surmised. Breaking, if net entering A -aforried realtor notified police March. 18 that somebody may have been trying to break •"«" a vacant house on Chestnut Court that she is handling. Police found screens pulled oS two windowsfeutuo evidence that the house had been entered. Caff frmw cyberspace Police went to an Inwood Boulevard residence March 19 to check up on the welfare of a woman after receiving a call from a woman in Missouri that the first woman's ex-husband was causing her problems. It seems the two women were commmucating via computer, the local unman confiding to her correspondent that her ex-husband was being a problem. 933-2107 Dale E. BARNARD J W. ROBERTSON • EmUicm • Divorce • D . U . I . • CrimuuJ Defena* IaiiUl Cotx.uL.tioo 444 A Ri FREE - 1%e rr*" was gone wfcea police arrived al the home. • ' • . Animal alley A woman found a small, gray shaggy dog with a pink colter wandering; around >Vindwaid *rt>y March IS. Conr cerned about the pooch, siie calUd the police gnrf an offiuer soon came by to tHjp ii to the kenneL The caller said she'd adopt the dog if its owner coi&ini be fauna. A while later, thought tfca owner did come in to claim the doggie are! take it home after paying a fine. Last week we ran an item about an Electric Boulevard resident who had asked the ="»""! warden to come over and scoop up a raccoon which be bad found ia his fireplace. The raccoon. • however, was nowhere to be found when the warden showed up. This puzzled us at the time. Where did ; the CTT"^ go? Did he disappear into thin air? Wes he hiding under a bed upstairs? la the clothes hamper in the rethrown? This week's police blotter may contain. the answer. ' On May 19. according to tne blotter. : an Electric Boulevard man asked toe-, anim^t warden for b^lp in trapping a raccoon which was living in his : chimney. If this is the same Electric Boulevard,man complaining about the iame raccoon, then we know what happenedbefore the animal warden showed up. the first time. The cooo simply skittered up the chimney to his comfy, if sooty, abode. Good tuck to the little feller. Here"* hnprp^ thefltitmalwarden was able to' trap him and release him to a greener and safer place. . New Land Use Plan adopted By MarcelU Grande r AVON LAKE - Planning Commission formally adopted the city's updated Comprehensive Land Use Plan last Tuesday, March 21. The plan was assembled with the input of city cJficials and citizens chosen from a cross-eectkra of the community. These citizens w i ^ part of the Citizens Advisory Commission which began kneeling last August with supervision from DJL Hartt A Associates, a professional urban planning firm. The next step is for the Comprehensive Land Use Plan to go before City Council for Its approval 43 recamnwmaed by Planning Commission. *'. Among Its s^'«, 'ho updated ± recommonrfs revitalizing the old owers 36951 Detroit Road Avon, Ohio 44011 M.-F.e-6;Sat,9-4 • POUCE BLOTTER Lake Shopping Center as well as the area at Lear Road and Electric Boulevard\ City officials who served on (&e Cittrsas Advisory Commission ** well as the citizen members repeatedly complimented Erma Heverback for having moderated group discussion' and encouraged equal participation from all who participated. Mrs. Haverback chairsfo**Planning fVifn m \n% I^TTI . Counalwoman Judy Murray, who is . Council's representative to the Planning Commission, approved the plan with great enthusiasm. :; "I've been waiting for thU lor many many years. 1 feel the developers ara no longer developing the dry. ThU (ths plan) is a consensus of the community," she aaid. fallowing her affirmative vote of approval. Let's talk kindergarten Parents m chlldrap who will soon ester kindergarten are *nvited to attend an informal meeting with kindergarten* teachers of Avon Lake City Schools. Take advantage of this opportunity to meet aweral of the teachers, learn about kindergarten readiness, life in the day of a typical kindergarten student, and have your questions answered during a panel discussion. ~"~ Thifl special event Is sponsored by the ULA.P.S. Preschool Program of the Avon Lake City School*. It wil be held from 7-B p.m. on Thursday. March 30. The location for the TT^tjog will be at (he Troy building, 237 Belmar Blvd. In Room 211, Northern Ohio Podiatry Group, Inc. Complimentary Initial Consultation* Introductory Offer W. Michael Forman, DPM M m Donahue Jr., DPM FACFAS JohnR.HladiWM FACFAS Are you troubled with these foot and ankle conditions? H « I pain Arthritis, joint diseise, ipun A»dJe/Toot spfdira ind fiacturta 52C Leff*iOr*> 245-15M NATIONWIDE INSURANCE #28 Dale Jarratt, # 27 HOOTERS, #94 McDonalds 1/64th wot* #24 Jaff Cordon Corm, cattousn »nd warts NtwDng ROCJ arming daily I STRONGSVJLLE HOBBY Cpw tK U UD.S*. • T.VL Sin M MO. m I w 30 m.tawOf* .:'. 13329 ProsDKlRd In Sttongsvite 572-0430 OMWr j St. Jolm Wobheit Fimily Prwrtic* 3 2730 Wifluj R i , BU3. H Avon L*t«, Ohio 44012 (216}M3.774B - Bunionj • - Neuromas »nd nerve pab - Injrown nails and defonwties - Geriatnc and diabetic conations 29101 HcaftK Caraput Dri«: BIdj. # 2 Suita 8 5 0 . . ; " WntUcc, Ohio 4 4 1 4 5 (216)899-4299 • Sheffield Sheffield Lake City Schools TENNYSON. THINGS ARE "SPINNING- IN THE MUSIC ROOM. Airs. KLossing's music classes have been aeatirg fan with -Rihhcn Dancers." The ribbons have been dancug to all kinds of music, from Mozart to African-American spirituals. Mrs. Kiosaing brought the ribboc dancem back to her dassrouin after aOeodieg ti*a Ohio Music Educators" State Conference. The studenls are teaming to create vuual patterns to accompany song fatm, melodic contour, ifaythns. and style. Mrs- JOossing is very pleased with the creativity of her students. _ FOSESTLAWN. WAX MUSEUM. Mrs. Sdueck1* fcHirth grade class at Forestlawn Elementary School put on a -Wax Museum" for the rest of the students. The children read biographies and autobiographies. Thev 1 —r" i dancers at Tennyson. had to use skills of tyjftining, Miring grammar, and punctuation to summarize the lirw^ of the people they read about. The students had to then develop a rremm^ to represent the person they read and .wrote about. The "characters" assembled in the gym i»nH when a person stood i s front of them they came "to life." aad tald about their lives. Some of the characters represented were: Shirley Temple. Abraham Lincoln. Cleopatra. Tony Corriveau as Bitfy the K& Babe Ruth. Annie Oakley. A few of the students «'«* character to Tracy Weber. performed their "characters" at the last school board meetingfarthe enjoyment of those who attended. about his Price* Good W«d, Mar. 29th thru April 4th. 1995 wcsumxr QUAUTY MEATS S 4 5 3 AVON aODEN B^AD. AVON LAKE MS Ihuck Fleck ^andscapmg gfW^ PftrsonaJ Utectyfe Planning For Your Outdoor Living A n a Specialising im VcDatfenattartattatfoN-WaOs At Walls PROUDLY SERVING THE AREA SINCE 1 BT» 933-8797 CtHifUi Anfus St Eye ofKound Roasts S Cut the cost ofyour auto insurance. If y w or* og« 55 or older and & • principal drwer of a oar i»c* uwd (or hu&m*. you moy qpotifyfcra money•omng <£iceunJ wirfi rLtfiorawid*. fit juil one of many premium diKOunto a»oJloble to tfieM *ho qualify. S u>. 5.99 5.9S S HERBET POWERHOUSE STEAKS ib. iloMphia - img. a I t 89 0 CREAM CHEESE. SwCCMl Uuz. Sflit Chicken $reast$ LASACNA ....!*««. S 5 ' tb.n.69 CHICKEN BROTH..^ PORK RIBS tlUtrCktii*,) INSURANCE AGENCY 2219 Wisteria Way, Avon, Ohio PORK RIBS IOM. SALSA SAUCE. Fork Chop Cake Mixes 890 ChoffedHam .23 SUPEntAUFRAQUSnCEXPIAUOOClOUS M h , Lorga Qunch ROCCOU Tktmttm'i Wkitt C*m "1.09 » Smtt CtliftrnU ....the true meaning of T TUTKEYHAM Tortilla Chips u, $ 2.39 B-lmor . S TURKEY PAST.1AMI;. LS. 2.59 Smftritr Honey Ham . S iaM.51.6! FAYGO. 990 Strawberries 36 Chi Chi'Mid .M.diui .Hat •1.79 M M CiaM - AJt UonMiet EGETABLES .••tb.H.Dg COFFEE Jtityfuti Amrtti ftrh l*i* i6S finally! Is 1 9 «1.29 BUTTER. garlic Bread 934-4510 2.99 i, T-BONE STEAKS CbB u* onJ u» Kow you can io»« with NaHonwtoV. NATIONWIDE INSURANCE ?itk-A-$izt Fnigapono BEAR CLAWS 1.Q3 590 '. Firm it means Ws simrf/ • o » e o t o r i a L r i « B t t o D y priced to*eUMp*dil«»y. 5 f t nolhingggllt about a area: nei*boifood loa-lir with hapoy « O u r » * f iiUnotaituras4 beu.oon», i i s t a | main level H Graenpointe area - $199^00. UCUMBERS ...2/890 ANANAS ......fc 3 3 0 f Frit) Chuktn T» 72 P<. Bucktt <ff 12 Ft. Butktt S 9.99 ' ^ ?•'$ fish-N-Chifi ITALIAN BREAD . i *. looi^i . 1 9 POTATO SAL AD ib 9 9 V HOIIMI Cauity s LONGKORN CHEE5E ib. 2.09 S Koast Beef 3.79 t Urft StUctm tfCrtmm ami fruit fits wr»":'T.j-\vi At^ta^Mintmum Price ^ R E A T SELEfeTION COLD BEER^ •':•• . 1CK Vermilion ,-;v Hultk/Chtut C ^ ^P- -"^F Blakeslee Insurance: Your full-service solution By Marilyn CTOoaiuU Insurance works for you. not an insurance company. Thai rm^n, they can When it comes to insurance, wbat you taiior an insurance protection plan don't know can hurt you. Thai's why especially suhed to your needs. Insureds you need a caring, professional agency urea't pigeon-holed into existing rifwfiralf** to providing you wit h fun « , .coverage packages. Instead, your a^ent has theflexibilityto natdi your needs to vice insurance. Why have more than one company the right compaay. Currently, six competitively priced, professional comhandle your peace of mind? At Raymond F. Bbieslee and SOUA In- panies ere represented in the Blakeslee suiaocfc Agency, service and security Insurance portfolio.- Auto Owners. have been a way of doing business for CNA. Cincinnati insurance. Continental three genexatibTC. Blakeslee t^intr*"- Insurance. Ohio Casualty, and Protakes prida in uphrtding the long family gressive Insurance. tradition of providing full protection in At Blakeslee Insurance, you caa expersonal, business and financial pect a complete analysis of your insecurity. surance needs. They will H^<ign an in_ A little history: The Raymond F. dividual prc*ectk>n program far you. Blakeslee and Sons Insurance Agency and select the best company to set up shop in downtown Cleveland in safeguard your interests. Once ycu 1915. Eventually, RayroncJ's two sons. become a Blakeslee insured, you **?n Raymond W. and Robert took over. The relax and know your insurance coverage business moved to Avon Lake in 1974 will receive periodic review and revamwhere grandsons David aud BUI con- ping as your life situation changes. tuiue to provider peace of >niiK< to their That's wby you can turn to Blakeslee insured). Insurance in confidence. Today, more and more families and businesses in As a full-*ervics insurance agency. Blakeslee Insurance nan offer tradi- l.r>ratrt and westers Cuyahoga County tional personal coverage for your home. have come tr* ttaow the professional adcar. boat. RV, as well as umbrella liabili- vice and personal service at Blakeslee ty. For business owners, Btakealee In- Insurance. OH today for a free, no surance can cover your commercial pro- obligation im.ura.ttce rsview and perty, general liability, car and commer- comparison. cial excess liability. And for your future Raymond F. Blakeslee anu SODS Insecurity needs. Blalutalee Insurance of- surance A&Mcy is located at 525 Avon fers universal Me insurance, terra life, Balds J Rd. in Avon Lake. Phone: annuities and individual and group 9334332 or 835-1970. Hours are Monhealth insurance. day through Friday. 9 a.m. to As an independent agency, Blakeslee 5 pjn. Emergency numbers available. Over 100 years combmed experience: Trust Blafcesiee Insurance with all of your insurance needs. From left to right are David Blakeslee, Terry MacKenzie. Kevin O'SuIlivan and Bill Blakeslee. PftESS photo — Marilyn O'DonneU 933-9333 835-4970 BLAKESLEE & SONS INSURANCEAGENCY Home • Auto • Ufa • business - Boats/RV't • A*io 0«mtts -CNA * Qneiaftas* • Hwat • Ohio CasuaSy • Ptograssiv* • 0 AVIO a BLAKESLEE • R. i««JUAU BLAKESLEE OSu! Tr»Y UKJUIVD* -Ocfcxw R««a«- - Hvy Tttmmm • Discounts Avtiilab/e lor. • Home & Auto Packages • Good S&tdant • Mature Omars • Mature Home Owners AVON LAKE KARATE KacteBAiW Oothe* Vashef Capably 2-5fleal GpaalDrSat VZ HP Cfltt Seal Uotv 0 « d i and fame Sooaw Dapcaw QUCT KRUB^SAOK! BedodiaA Systtn $479 ACADEMY Self-D«?«ns* • Sett-Confldsnca ^Salf-Control Wen •Women • Children Call 933-KJCK 690 Avon Betden Road tow! Salt-Serre Mating Options for Full Hoosetutd Moves. tt1»YoorCtoIcei3t n TnnpsrtjUan la/Uxs H Q Track fUmai AVON 37340 French CmefcRi (ntxt to Sbson's Flowers) 934-SHIP ( 7447) ;, *v;-!;No' Contract»>i Small Cfcis*. Size' Serving The Area For 60 Years QUALITY PET FOODS YOUR 1 S T O P CAR CARE CENTER* < COMPETE MECHANICAL REPAIRS BODY REPAIRS) PAINTING & DETAILING: HAND WASH & DETAIL - CARS. VANS & PICKUPS ASK ABOUT WR PffE CAR WASH WITH ANY REPAIR! Owimmi Dmv 4, Janmt DETZEL 32O94 DETROIT ROAD. • AVON] SPECUU21NC WTHE NEWEST PERMANENT HAIR REPL\CEMENT SYSTEMS 933-8888 TRAXLER'S NURSERY 934-5188 AcnMfromAvon Hi|h Scboil •OPEN ALLYEAR- LANDSCAPING & BUILDING SUPPUES , et j • TopLSoUj. Mulch • Stone • Boulders Feeders 215 Millc? K d , Avon Lake 937-5261 BUY DIRECT FROM THE GROWER 10,000 SHADE & fWEBJSG TREES HOMEOWNER AS^COATIONS: CALL ABOUT TREE PLANTINGS! AND BIRDSEED of Detroit - at the RR — CUSTOM ENGRAVING INDUSTTRIAL & COMMERCIAL ENGRAVING Trophies • Plaques • Awards • Avon Lake Sportswear • Screenprinting • Transfers • Gym Uniforms Computerized Embroidery • Vinyl Signs 114 Moore Rd.. Avon Lake OH „ 933-2902 Gwy & Becky Randall FREE TRUCK FOR MOVE-INS MonthtoMonthRentafs 38390 CHESTER RD. ZBA tables Xerxes1 plea for 97-ft. stacks Contirued frvm pag& 1 He anted there were no fewer complaints ftoia tiie commuruty after ihe smnsT^tiiHrVa wwre raised than before. -Will EPA shut it (the plant} down? Or will >vu wait for lawsuits to force vou to shut dowoT* Okan^ito asked. ' "1 am compeHgd ta respond," Peterson said. "The platt has t ^ n there since the sixties. We need to put inoaajy somewiiere, and it's good for your tai base. We empkry 100 people just like you to work there. We feel we've tried to address thg issues." In this creseirtaliaa. as a* past meetings. Peterson stressed bow hard Xerxes tries to be a good neighbor H» complained that EPA was "arbitrary and car>nckKisH and that the company "would need stacks 500 feet high to meet the standard E?A set*" Peterson toU the 2BA that raising the smokestacks as requested wouM reduce the ityrene odor by 36 percent. He alsa burn the fumes instead of dispersing them £n the air would not be a viable solution* He said the incinerator would burn natural gas which would ce very inefficient and would create a lot of byproducts. In 1394 the Ohio EPA lock air samples in the vicinity of Xerxes fJ^n* and evaluated them. It did a survey cf residents in which 64 households identified Xerxes as the source oi c foul odor in the neighborhoods. EPA then cited Xerxes for hningg a public Twi^iy* p Twi^iy Xerxes filed aa appeal to the rita'fon, claiming survey questiocs were telting, but later agreed ta the appeall Avon Law Director Daniel Stringer tried to determine from Peterson what EPA standard Xerxes had failed to meet. Peterson said tsere was BO Ohio EPA standard fcr odor. Several peopk. from Avon and North Ridgevillu, inc lading industrial neighbors of Xerxes, staled that the oda; problem was cat reduced when the icmpany*s stacks were raised lo 77 f-sz. las' fafl. They were 'doubtful that ratting them highe.- would hare any better ?ffeet. One Avon resident quoted tin. city's zoning regulations which a'jte tbat industria.* fVmg^ HHIT* be confiuod ta the premises. There wen: Liimplaints about throat irritation, asd headaches brought on by the styreae odor. Jaycox Road resident Kathy Sypfaars said atyrene is severely inilatiag to her three children, who are gj'iimatic. Li&a >p°"an of Nirth Rldggvilie. her voice breaking vt'jh emotion, said her children are ill and can't be dip gunned even by Cleveland Clinic experts. She said she's been told the problems could be caused J^y styreoe. One neighbor said the odor was not as ooUceablft after the smokes*, act was raided, afifi ±oid he wanted the tax base Tnaifii^inf^ Other resiH_nis believe the tax money is not worth the problems Xerxes creates. Industrial experts have verified that slyrciie is irritating to the rhrtvir and eyes and the odor r?n cause hpaHach". and that some individuals are more sensitive than others are U, styrene vapors. In 1987 tee Intemationat Agency for Research on Citnryr ™-*3^TjfwH styieae to a "possible carcinogen to humans." from the 1962 status of "not classifiable as to caranogenicity to htimans." This decision was based, on new criteria for evaluation and did cot reflect any new cardnogenicity data generated sinr** t^** 1982 IARC classification. An industrial health information report published by Dow f>gmi<-?l Co. ' / hate ta be the one ta s*y this, but if thry can't bring the odors under control, maybe it's ^ time for this company to walk s away.' • '3 — Councilman g Ted Gracsyk E states. "Nesative- or inconclusive finding have beea reported in loog-lexni animal snidies with sCyrene via both inhalation and oral routes. More importantly., no increased cancer risk from siyrene has been demonstrated in warier* in the styrene, polystyrene, or reinfecced plastics industries." Occupational health consultant Daniel P. Boyd. former Director of Health and Safety Standards for OSHA. said at a local meeting in 1993. "We know a lot about styrece because cinre bSlkiP pnnrtH^ are used annuallv.** Boyd added thai if hefaxedin the community, be would not be conceiaed about the health effects of szyreo*. but he agreed that he would not like the odor. Shoremen to shed name, fake on Shamrock identity Continued from page f mascot, logo and color change was not one of the goals outlined in the strategic plan. ' i However, Dr. Dusek agreed that Shor' ty Shoreman's stunted growth detracts - from the toughness tfr<tt school athletic teC^u should portray. Thtt new school logo wiD feature "Sean Shamrock,'* a nwdififd Shorty with longer lags, a curly red beard and e shamrock background. St. Patrick's Day in the Avoc Lake school system'will be cause for extra special celebration. The Avon Lake Booster Club plans to have a parade down Avon Beldea Road similar to the p&i'ade held each year in downtown Qevelind, followed by a Las Vegas Night at th-9 Irish Heritage Quo. "t think other schools will be green with envy when they see the splash we're planning.** said Kearns. **lfu be s one-of-a-kind, fint-class fund-raiser." A PTA member demanded to be heard before the board voted on the measure. "Leapin* leprechauns! You guys got your heads In a rainbow thintring this school system U about to land in a pot o' gold." said Penny Pincsher. whose famity owns 17 maroon and gold sweatsbirts. five Shorsmen duffel bags and a slew of scarlet and gold banners and caps. "Let me guess? What will you be doing for Homecoming? A scone-baking coolest?* Pincaher added. "You'd better raise a lot of funds to reoutfit all our sports teams in green and white garb," site barked. Taking Pinaher's comments int" consideration, board member Bill Morris voted against the measure thinking the board would be making a hasty decision, "Perhaps we should solicit more public opinion before changing colors, names and viascots,** he said. **I 'nave a feeling sina> w« won't be pitchrag any levies in the near future, the public is going to think we've become * bored board, and our creativity is getting t i c better of us." Kearns and Ryan are working oo a special effort to invite the Irish group U-2 to play for the 1896 first borne Cootball game of the season — the rkbut of Sean and Sherry Shamrock an4 the new green and whits ge*upsIf you believe all this bloruey. then we have newsforyou: This is no sham, but it is a scam, and shame on us fov trying to shake up Shorty. April ?ools. and long live the ShoregaU and Shoremen} Century proposes restructuring of CCS for AL customers Contkiuod &xxa page 1 ,' customers will be charged 4(1 cents. Vlcki Norris of Century Telaphans explained in tha proposal that Century is offering this reduced rate CCS, only if the PUCO orders two-way measured rate Extended Area Service for the Cleveland and Trinity (west side) exchanges., The Junior.Women's Club of Avon Lake, the subscriber group spearheading the effort to acquire toOfree longdistance service, has remained adamant about wanting the PUCO to issue a flat monthly rate for Avon Lake customers. The group has said it Is not Interested in ' other proposals. But, according to PUCO spokesperson Dick Kimmins. the PUCO hearing officer believed Century was warranted in presenting a subsequent alternative proposal; Thus, the filing on March 24. Joyce Kubik of the junior Women's Club expressed her frustration with the Wing. "What upsets me b this appears 'o be an attempt tu stretch this case out further than the already two years.** Mrs. Bunny Brunch and Egg Hunt H'a A n * to grab your favorite pair of Bunny a a / t and bop on ovw to St. John W*st Stww Hospital's Arst vmt Bunny Brunch and Egg Hunt on Saturday. April 8. from »-11 a.m. Th« famty cvant will tWQin with a «peciailyprapanKl brunch and conctud* with an «oc hunt scramble twkJ on tt» hospital grounds. In between, t h a n will tw plenty of turprtstt and a gumt appearance by everyone's favorite rabbit Peter Cottontail. Cost tor the day wifl be S5 tor edutta and S3.50 tor chUdw. Children under one are tree. Proceeds from the event win be used toward enhancing hospital se.-vicea. Since 1981, the S t John West Shore Auxiliary has helped to raise more than $600,000 tor the hospital. If you would Sika to make a reservation, please caU 979-96t8. , Rummage sale at St Mary's St Mary'a PTU Rummage Sale win be held on Friday March 31 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.ir. and Saturday. A,Tril. 1 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.'i>» school haU. FUKVOMtor$1 on Saturday only. St Mary s Schooli "ocated at 2**0 Sloney RWo* Rd. in Avon. Kubik said last vreek. "We qualify for the flat rate, and I bee no reason for another hearing. We are not interested In your (Century's) o/Ioi. or a waste of taxpayers* money oia another hearing." Norris stated Century's position: "Century strongly opposed flat-rate EAS In i*s filing made April 27.1994. First of all, flat rate service would impose significant cost burdens on the company and our customers. Those customers who place high demands on the system would ultimately causa everyone, including those who place few or no calls into t'oe requested areas, to pay for the service through higher local rates." BMJC in April of last year, a marathon 12-hour hearing before the PUCO took pl/jce in Avon Lake among the hi'.bscriber group (junior Women'* Club); Ohio Bell (now Ameritech*; and Century Telephone. Although the PUCC was to decide the caso In September cf 1944. the only decision it rendered wfis ' to throw out consideration of four of fix Cuyahoga Cuunty exchanges, due to fnsi^nificant community interest. Miay of these exchanges a n for anas toward Spring rummage sale L*k* Shore Unned Methodist Women win hold the" Spring Rummage Sale at the church on April 8 form 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Featured items will include clothing. houwhoM items and an electric otgan. Baked goods wiD also be on tale. It you w W to donate additional Kerns, please drop them off any morn, ing after 9 a m between April 3 and April 5. The church location is 33119 Electric Blvd.. A.L. Easter boxes for needy Holiday Helpers will be packing Easter Boxes tor tne needy at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, corner of PL 83 and Lake Road on Wednesday. April 12 at 9 a.m. Those who want a bo* may apply at Community Resource Services, 32770 Lake Road or Northeast Ohio Services, 4575 Lake Road. Sheffield Lake. Those wishing to help with time, food, or rrwoey may call Catherine Sculttn, 933-2087 or Agnee Gehrke, 933-4532. people receiving boxes are asked to be homa at noon to receive t h e n . They cannot bs left on the porch. the east side of Cuyaboga County. The dscitiion on fiat rate service was postpone j until January of this year, but has obvifjiuily been delayed. **Ther j ia no time limit as to how long a case can be pending before the PUCO, * said Ktmmins. "At tome poiut, the PUCO decides the case, when tiny say, "We'vii heard from eneugh people, now we've got to do it*.** TTie public has the right to review Cen- tury's new proposal until March 31. A hearing on Century's offer will be ksti eithef April 5 or /vpril 7. -EAS a m invariably tak', a long time.** Kimmins idded. "This casti is more compliccted than the usual case.** Fivj people, appointed to staggered terms, serve en the PUCO. Tb» chairman Is Craig Ciazer. It Ukes at least three of five vote* to decide a cue, Kimmins said. Hugh Bruce passes on Hugh WUUam Bruce lived in Avon Lake for the last 23 years. He was retired after working 33 years as a district salesman for Oecker-Reichert Steel Company. He was born in Findlay, Chlo oo Oct. 26,1918. His greatest joy was his large family and friends. He was a founding member of the Aqua Marine Country Club and an avid golfer at Spring Valley. After retirement, Mr. Bruce was employed by tbe City of Avon Lalui at the Miller Road Boat Launch. OP Feb. 11.1941 he was inducted into the U.S. Army Infantry. He received an honorary discharge four years later as a Second Lieutenant on Sept. 18.1943. He served in New Ceorgia Island. Bougainville Island-Luzon, and the Philippine Island liberation campaign. He received the American Defense Medal, the Good Conduct Medal, the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Ribbon, the Combat Infantryman Badge, the Battle Star, the Purple Heart, the Silver Star, fivn Overseas Service Bars, the Philippine Liberation Ribbon and two Bronze Stan. After hi* distinguishes World War II career he attended Bowling Green University. Hugh was a member of American Legion Post 211 In Avon Lake, where he had many friends and spent many good times. Mr. Bruca passed away after a short illness with his family at his bedside last Friday morning. Mr. Bruce is survived by his wife of 43 years. Yola A., slater Betty Kelly of Findlay. Ohio, son Robert Lindsey uf Avon Lake, daughters Mrs. Donna (Gary) Hutson of Avon Lakf, Mrs. Barbara (Robert) Hollon of Philomath. Oregon, Mra. Carol (Randall) Bennett of Avon Lake, and Mrs. Marjio (John) Cemperline of Avon Lake, a niece, a nephew, one great-niece, and 13 grandchildrenA burial Mass was held at 11 a.m. bt St. Joseph's Catholic Church on Monday. Contributions may be made to Lorain Communlty/St Joseph Regional Health Center Hospice. AvonBi-Rite 3?525 Colorado five, 934-5109 Mon.-Sun, 7:00 a.m. -10:00 P.m. MOMEy ORDERS 59C Bufcner SDOP Gi/alia Meals & Poultry • Fresfi Sficed Defi MeatsfirChff«g^ • H3f S a » • Farm Fresh Produce • Fresft Eaksd Bread & Pastries • From Our Own in Store Bakery! • Ohio Lottery - fl2 of Your Grocery & Hausebca Needs With Coupon LOCALLV OtWIEO A « 0 OPERATE) U^ ft* ftoi Ressastfe Fa" "!raj2f2P6tcd cr ifeCJial Errcrs. UttU Booefcss. Stcnfess ?i X Bonetess Square Cut RUMP ROAST CHiCHEN BREAST '.1 • K R.J or Green Surcfis £dtrid) ! POTfflTOES HARD SALAMI • Caroflaa ^SEEDLESS GRAPES Btfliteftfl Flawors TURKEY BREAST PEPSI CUBE' ICECREAM 1/2 Cat Seaway Canoed VEGETABLES.. 14-15 oz. flttUjrieties 7-UP......... 5/S2.00 89C S9C 2/$3.00 $1.99 surer Starkist Oil or Water Leao BEEF S T E W . . . . . Beef Eye of ROUND ROAST . Fresh GROUND CHUCK CHUNK UGHT T U N A . . . . . . . . 6 oz. Pink Beauty PINK SALMON.. 14.1502. Troctcana ORANGE JUSCE ..64oz. FRANKS ... Corn Kind BACON irk. 5 i / V WIENER BUNS 8 Inch CHERRY R E . . . BACELS....... Fresh Baked a .99C PMSLKJTV Plus CAKE MIX Pierra's TWIN POPS... WHITE BREAO 1/2 Cat Snytfers CHEESE CORN or CHEESE CURLS... IOOZ. $2.99 ... 69C .. 89C Snow-White MUSHROOMS POTATO, MACARONI SALAD or COLE SLAW Echrlct) AL MEAT BOLOGNA $1.79 Our Own Bated Oaisvfldd HAM Lb. Alpioetace ALPINE SWISS Yellow Rif>e BANANAS ,..ib. 99C P-OI-04-IOO Assorted 4.4 Oz. 24 Pack/1202. Cuts Any One Package Of Maft-O-Meal Marshmatlow Mafevs Cereal UrmtOwDwwnPir j , _ - _ „ UnMOn*Cam*(V M M l « _ „ _ Cu«em«fPa-(i«n » 0 - " y Qalomtr nt Iwn Lb. &G3ZES •IPTON KETTL! PEPSI CUBE I Un*t One CMeen Per CtMttawr Pv Itttn runtoMa C«d an mm MluMCMt $1.99. Uor.Pka. SALADMJX .....nib-baa "" ""'af"!^i'nrfcTini7^~rirjiJiii iutA*mai.iwmimvn*r* Sou or Owr.nt.dui. Or. Pemr i COLBY CHEESE 5/$1.00 12ok. Friendly ICECREAM $1.29 2/S5.00 2/S3.00 Erewster ....Ilb.pfc2. 3Pacfc BJ-Rite Sandwich or ..$2.19 .. $2.69 ..$1.59 **$L49 $1.39 2/$3.°00 With Coupon C3S3TC Assorted U.75OZ. LIPTON Rice & Sauce or Noodles & Sauce • r;-a,:T-fTii:,..--,:r.^;«i IS Oz. QUAKER OATS Old FasMoned/aulck Cats 99<C 4/S3.00 With Coupon With Coupon CMtetoM _IM ii -Ji£ : ^ ^ :.v^ tiffltf On* Cfluogn Per CnitDdw Ptr (Km laaUtm Buying or Selling? I can Help!! LINDA HOMM Committed To Quality 935-3733 Service 933-3733 or SUSAN SCHILLING For All Your Real Estate Needs 933-6881 E3E2I3. Eacrtng now home I n Avon ngar Htxvy & not t i r ft town. DramaCC 2 Story layer & great room, 1st ffaor raasser awae, 3 targe toedroura up. 1st Door laundry & bright [open kUchen. S199.CCO. Laurte Brit. 333-3733. LISTING 704222. Hew fating k> Westwards! LeweAyn modal, first floor master wttt (unjriojs bath, finished bonus room, formal LR, * * o s&ry (amSy room, scnnUer and intercom systems, ceramic foyer. $336,800. Jan Gamer. 933-3733. 933-3952 Our mission is to become ! the tiaest quality provider ; of residential real estate ! servicein northeastern \ Chio._ not to become tha • largest™ Simply The BesM Smythe, Cramer Go. Lists and Sells a House Every Hour, 24 Hours a Day, 365 Days a Year. We Are Proud To Welcome TERRY YOELZADEH To Our Avon Lake Team 69929a, Custom butt dassiorfy ( t e s & t t l 4 bocL. 2 V i BA hone. Only 5 yr*. old. osraroir. t i e entry, hardwood floors in timing rm.. P«fla wnndows, can. air. beptac* *rt* insert & much mere. S1 S4^C0. Karan Jesensfcy. 833-3733, S33-6647. m^rA. 683696. rhtnk spring & new home tor you! Very nfca 3 becroam home on quiet street. Cule iUctthr with dinette. Lovety formal living rrn. & tamtly room. Rsar beck & (encoo y u r d - 2 cargar^oe. S t 2 9 ^ 0 a LaurieBnB.S33-3733. Find out when you meet with one of our Weekly OnSite Lenders 7036591 2 yr. old newty lts(»J Colonial o n ipaoous landcaiMd toL 3 bedruoms. 2 V i boms, great rm. w/sas fir«> P * * » & door to wvtl d*»*sn*<f deck w/hot tub. ~<st Soar d«n & laundry - many oxrastoe.$178,500. Laurie Brtl. G To privately & confidentially determine your current buying power. D To determine if you need to sel! before purchasing another home. a To explore VA/FHA low down payment loans. D Tips on coordinating your sale and new purchase in today's marketplace. Q Have all of your questions answered by professionals in a relaxed atmosphere. 699546. CaO 10 see Bus. one toor Uving ranch. Amentias include 3 bednns., updated Lichen & bath, family rm. wt newer c a n n i n g , basement w/rac ruom. Outvd* em mature tnws, deck & fenced yard. $93,900. CaraT J. Cn»oo. 9333733. PnnonMd wtnoul a n t or obligation by Smvtn*. Cfamm Co. Sundays a t J O J O WHEN: WEDNESDAY 6-8 P.M. SUNDAY 1-5 p.M. WHERE; SMYTHE CRAMER CO. 32020 WALKER RD.. AVON LAKE £92972. Beautifully appointed builder's model has 4 bedrooms, 2Vi baths, snot rrn, Wfiraptace ia open to kitchen. 1st floor laundry, master suite w/fuxury bath & his A her dosets plus moruf S 159.900. Laurie Bnll. 933-3733^337379. Find new professional challenges and rewards! "I will work with you and for you, to become one or the "Best in the Business." Together, we're partners. Smythe, Cramer Co, is always looking for enthusiastic motivated individuals who are seriously interested in full-time real estate careers. Thaf s how we grow - through those whose commitment and abilities fit our philosophy and style. Learn more, give me a call." Christa Mory, Manager Avon Lake Office, 933-3733 Christa Mory, Manager - Funds allegedly sought from followers Mayor blasts Aqua for dragging feet By Marulla Grands AVON LAKE — Mayor Vines Urbin sharply criticized Aqua Marine/Heaven on Earth resort owners for allegedly Parting a drive to raise funds for renovations that would bring the hotel complex in line with modern £us and hniMjng codes. Urbin produced a letter dated Feb. 22 asking followers of Mahari&hi Panchakarraa end Maharishi Ayur Veda, who practice Transcendental Meditation, to contribute to the MAli Fire Code Fund. Supposedly this fund was set up to raise $2004X0 for building renovations- . •, H » PRESS was unable to verify iE the letter was authentic, although it was printed DO stationary that said Mfthanshi Ayur Veda University. 216 Miller Rd, Avon Lake. Recently, plans were asrouncad to make part of the facilityfcTM university. Urbin viewed the sdiritation of conUibutions from TM practitioners as a contradiction from what ha was told by a TM official, at least a year ago. T h i s Is yery misrepresenting according to what they were £011*3 *° t*Q-** Urbin said. "It's an instill to this city to call this the Fire Code Fund." About a year ago, he met with a TMof- Mr. Buddha told him if he (Utbin) signed the (Avon take) Police Department up for TM, 'he would guarantee me a crime rate of zero.' ficfal cn(1f*d "Mr. Buddha," woo wore a long yellow robe, beads around his neck, had long gray hair and a long mustache. The meeting generated a letter of intent from the World Plan Executive C o u n c i l , o w n e r s of A q u a Marine/Heaven en Zdxth, who said the facility would be brought inM> compliance with up-to-date health **v$ fire codes in a rimsly manner. He added that Mr. Buddha told hrn if he (Urbin] signed the [Avon Lake] Police Department up for TM. "he would guarantee me a crime rate of zero.** Urbin said the city has the power to withdraw the occupancy permit. The idea was considered once, but reconsidered when Aqua Marina officials again promised lo satisfy coda upgrades. "The city has cooperated and cooperated and cooperated. It's almost unfair that they've been given all this time when other businesses don't have Water bills overdue for years SHEFFIELD - T h e village is catching u p on past due water bills totaling S17.B2S. * Some bills have been overdue for nraoy years, according to Village AdmlnistrUor Larry Thompson. • '• ' He said computerizicg the water bills has made it easy for the city to track delinquencies. A letter was sent t o all residents stating that water would be turned off if DC attempt w a s made to pay delinquent bills. ' ; T h i s happened over a period of time,** Thompson said. "We're not trying to hurt anyone. ' * '. • • Out o ! S3 accounts. 39 had responded by March 15. S o far $3,902 have been collected, and S1UXW of the total $17,e28 is accovated for with some sort of payment plan, cxortting to Mayor Darlene Onderrin. • • • "Tbrtd-thausand nine-hundred dollars may not sound like much to the £17,000 total t u t that i s over four t o five weeks," Thompson said. H e added that a few accounts our* more than $1,000. and some people ca-mot afford to pay u p aU at once. He said the village is willing to work on a payment schedule for some residents. Xerxes stack update : AVON - No decision has been made regarding the request to the Zoning Board of Appeals by Xerxes Corporation to raise its Mills Road smokestacks another 20 feet, to 07 feet Law Director Daniel Stringer said he will meet with EPA attorney Julianne Kurdila and report EPA'i recommendations to the city before the ZBA rules on granting the variation. Councilman Ted Craczyk said he spoke with EPA's District Director for Air Quality. Jim Veres, who said that raising the stacks will not solve Xerxes' odor problem. , "He said the odor wiil be there as long as the plant is." Craczyk stated. Reminder: SL 's new tax laws SHEFFIELD LAKE -The following changes were made in the city tax laws whte'i •ro applicable to this year's tax season: 1. Any Sheffield Lake resident over the age of 13 must file by April id. 2. There will be a 11/2 percent or $50 penalty, whichever is greater, for not filing a return by April IS. 3. Thero will be a 1 1/2 percent or $50 penalty for not paying tax amount dua by April 15. • * , 4. There wuV be an additional 10 percent penalty or balance not paid within 60 days of filing and an additional 10 percent for every SO days thereafter. Any ijuestiorw or asststancs should be directed to the tax department, 609 Harris Rd. Hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, or call 949- 8161. Open Enrollment for Avon Schools AVON - The School District will again have Open Enrollment for the district. Residents of the following school districts are eligible to apply: Avon Lake. Bay Village, Elyria. North Ridgeviile, Sheffield-Sheffield Lake and Westlaka. Enrollment will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. April 3 will be the first day applications are acceptable. Interested parties must apply at the appropriate buildings. No applications will be mailed. Avon Village School is located at 36600 Detroit Rd. and will have grades K-3. Office hours are 7:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Avon East Elementary School is located at 3100 Nagiil Rd. and will have grades 4-6. Office hours are 8 a.m, to 4 p.m. Grades 7-12 are si Avon High School. 3075 Stoney RMge Rd. Office hours are 7:30 a.m lo 3:45 p.m. French Creek meeting AVON - The French Creek Development Association will meet April 4 at 7 p.m. In the Avon Library meeting room, 37485 Harvest Dr. Architect Lee Coodman. who designed the streeUcape of the French Creek District, will discuss her designs, and the sketches will be on display. Citizens are welcome to attend. the same opportunity." Urbic said, adding that there's been at least five different general managers sines the facility was purchased in the summer of 1993. "Aa effort to move forward is all we're looking far," Urbin said. With the recent re-openiug of the complex's restaurant, some improvements to the golf course and a well-organized marketing strategy, it appeared the facility was moving in the right direction. Urbin said. But now. he's not so sure. "I'm amazed." he said. **I mean, give me a break!" In other business • The city's Tax Department wiB hold limited hours on the next few Saturdays to «frnwmnriatii those who need to file local taxes. Saturday hours will be from a a.m. to noon, beginning April 1. • The Recreation Department is working on plans to install new volleyball courts in Bleser Paric. • Mayor Vince Urbin reported that Cleveland Electric Ultimmntirg is seeking a rate increase that will cost the average user an additional $3 per month. Urbin said CEI officials indicated bast) rates have been frozen since ISO*. If the Public Utilities Com- mission of Ohio approves this rate increase, rates will remain frozen until 2002. • The "Don't Walk/Walk" traffic signal is up and running at the corner of Avon Baldea and Walker Roads. "No more J-walking is needed," said Mayor Urbin. • What's with aU the white Xs? Throughout many areas 0/ the dry, there are white Xs. Mayor Urbin announcoi these symbols identifying various points are being used by the county to make some new topography maps. • The Service Department is waiting for new buoys ordered for the Miller Boat Park boat launch. Dredging has been dune, and all that's keeping the boat fc»u"rh from opening are the new buoys. The earliest the boat launch has ever opened is April 28. Pending the buoys, this may be a reccrd-breakia& • season. • Councllmen Ron Andolsen. Matt Lundy and Greg 2iDta again did not excuse Councilman Ed Mitchell from at- .. tending Council's regular meeting Mon- ' day nighL Mitchell has been out of town fcr a few weeks, and is not due back tin- ' til the next Council work session on Aprils. • . , • : ' : • • • Easter Egg Hunt SHEFFIELD LAKE - On Saturday. April 8. the Recreation Department Is hosting its annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Community Center beginning 12:30 p *" Area youths ages 10 and younger are invited tu bunt for eggs and m«frt the Easter Bunny. If you have any questions, call Sheffield Lake City Hall at 949- 8590. AL city government meetings AVON LAKE — the following committee meetings am =-* f«r upcoming days and weeks. / . '" . ' ' » ' ' • ..'-•'- • Wednesday, March 29, 7:30 pjn. - meeting for Walker Road wwidentswhilivo, between Long Pointe and Jaycox Roads. ' . ' . ' ' -f' ". • Finance Committee - Tuesday. April 4. 430 pjn* Council Confereiice Room • Public Service Committee - Wednesday, April 5. Service k Engineering' building, 4:30 p.m. • Senior Government Day - Wednesday, April 12 - -',1 • Tree Committee. Wednesday, April 12, 7:30 pjn. In the Old Firehouse. • Sewer Committee - Thursday, April 13, Water Works plant • Cable Advisory Commission - Thursday, April 20, 7:15 pjn. in the library basement where the new cable studio Is located. • Clean Up Avon Lake Day. Saturday, April 29. . ' ' • Monday, May 1 - BFI yard waste program begins. Resident! will receive clear plastic bags for disposal of yard waste. Recyclables and yard waste roust be collected separately, so recyclable* go in the blue bags, and yard waste in the clear bags. , , . • • Compromise for White Oaks folks AVON LAKE — After touring White Oaks subdivision to examine street repairs needed, city officials aire recommending limited concrete repairs > Along with blacktop resurfacing. • •. , . • For several months, miiny White Oaks reaidenti have been dissatisfied with how the city intended to handle street repairs, but officials believe a fair compromise will •3 attained by the limited concrete repairs. White Oaks residents hive complained that construction vehicles traveling to and from the Westwinds home construction site have incurred damago to their streets. Blackout work of vandal AVON LAKE — Mayor Vince Urbin announced that the cable T.V. blfckout experienced by area Continental Cablevision customers Friday evening around 9:45 wes the work of someone who dug up fiber optic cable lines and cut them. The lines were cut at a North Ridgeviile cable aite. but affected customers in Ridgeville BayVillage and Avon Lake. The incident is under investigation. Urbin said Continental plans to adjust customers* bills to make up for the outage He added that the damago wasn't repaired unit) 5 in the morning on Saturday, and* a "band-aid" repair was made. Additional outages will be required in order to properly fix the lines. Councilman Matt Lundy and Greg Zilkn said many local customers received busy signals when trying to contact Continental. The two suggested the cable company provide a recording In the event of an outage. City waives fees for Troy AVON LAKE - Except for the out-of-pocket $220 expense It will cost the city, the school board has been declared exempt from having to pay paper work and inspecK tion fees to the city for the re-opening of Troy School. *v ^ The Inspection feus, which may have amounted to $15,000. are for work required by the state, and would have amounted to profit Tor the city City Council agreed to waive the fees Monday night. "The nature of tbp work won't require many visits." said Mayor Vinco Urbin. "It's taxpayers money. • »«•""""". » s The school Is undergoing renovations so it can reopen in the fall, after havlna8 been closed for many years due to shrinking enrollment. Senior Social Connection By Lisa Danevich • A few m'jifats ago, I returned home after a horrible day at work tofindmy cat, Mandy, waitingfarme by the door. She nibbed up againstraytegand as ! , sat down, sia jumped up on my Up to be petted. Almost immediately. Ifellmy bedfeelingsmelting away and I began to -' I t s simple, rhythmic purring m me forget the frustrations of the day. It really is ar^a^ng how pets •positively Influence our lives and our hcaUb. Older adults can especially benpfit from the comfort anH pleasure any pet can give. They provide companionship and tinfnn^jtfonal love. An znimal is unaware of the effects or age tad circunistancBa. A dog. a cat. or a bird proride us with something meaningful to carefor,not to mention the fact [.that they remain a constant in an ever 'ch^nsing world. For an Individual living alone, a pet means a family once again. \;:- Not surprisingly, researchers tell us that owning e pet can extend years to your life. A pet lowers your blood pressure, decreases stress, allows us to relax, and they can *n>niilate us to exer' dieand laugh! An animal improves our modal and social health as well. We all Icaow that babies can die if they are uot 1 held and touched; it is the same as we get older. The soft caress of a cat or the excrement s dog shows when you -return home can mean so much to someone who Is lonely and depressed. Pets can penetrate the isolation of anger asd depression because they are approachable. They cannot talk, they can only listen. Their love and total acceptance is reminiscent of our childhood and our parent's love. . ;•- If you are interested in getting a pet, "you can rail the local animal shelter at I 322-2609 or the Society for the Protec-£km of Cruelty to Animals (SPCAj at • 233-5771- There are many animals who . need a good borne, A pet only takes a 'amaQ investment of time and love and ' they can giva so much back In return. for awards or would t«W*» to nominate someone for any of the awards or if you just have questions, call Jim Irwin. 949-8060, Tom Ionian. 949-6555. cr Vivian McCuDough. 349-5517. ACADEMY FOR SENIOR STUDIES. Some intprp-tting classes are starting at Lorain County Community College just for folks over tha age of SO! Introduction to . Microcomputers. April 5-May 3, $4S; More Windows for Older Adults. May iO-June 7. S46; Lorain County Imentet/Freenet. May 4. S10; Calligraphy. April 6-May 11. $38; Introduction to Toni Morrison, April 11-25. S22; Civil War Part 2, April IB-May 16. S25: Reflaxology. April 21-23, S12; 24. Heur Flowers. May 1-2. $73: Folk Medicine is Alive Today. May 11-June 3. S2S; The Holden Arboretum in the Spring, May l£. 528; 55 Alive/Mature Driving. Way 16 & 23, 58; Introduction to Law for Non-Lawyers, May 16 & 23, $8: Traveling the Oregon Trail. May 23 & 30, S12; What You Need to Know About Medicare & Medigap Insurance. May 26-June 9. SIB. The deadline for registration is one week prior to the start of class. For more information call 1-S0G-995-5222. ext. 7536. ONE DAY BUS TRIP PLANNED. NELCSS is sponsoring a one day bus trip to eastern Ohio on Thursday, May 4. The theme of the trip will be the Precious Moments Brown Bag Tour. We will be stopping at Corants Candy Factory. Hummel Collector's Callery, Katie's Homemade Ice Cream Store, Town a a d Country Markets. Whitehouse Farm and Market. Terrytown (collection of items from the 30a. 40s, and 50s) and, of course, lunch at Lock 24 Restaurant (one of Ohio's top ten resUuranU). The best part of all this, besides the food, is that at every stop everyone will get a free "treasure" to pul in your "brown bag." Hence, the name * Brown Bag Tour." The cost of the trip is S40 per person. We will leave from The Olde Firehouse in Avon Lake at 7 a-m. and return back there approximately 7 p.m. You can siga up for this exciting tour by calling Northeast Lorain County Social Services at 949-6146 or you can stop by the offices located in the Sheffield Lake Community Center. 4575 Lake Road. The deadline to sign up and pay for the trip is Monday. April 10. Join the fun, enjoy the day, meet new , faces and see new places! AVON LAKE SENIOR N£W& On - Wednesday, March 15, the senior group " metfcra luncheon meeting at the local Dbrary. Many things were covered including the election of officers. The line- , up for 1995-1896 looks like this: RoseUa '-, Baldwin. President; John Moran, Vice President fieveily Kiousls, Treasurer; and Betty WakeOeld. Secretary. ^Tbay hope to get many activities ; started in the near future. This energetic group is always looking for more people .; to Join. All meetings will include lunch ; for a nominal cost and will be prepared ;' by Novotny Caterers of Avon Lake. The next meeting will be Wednesday, April I'lD at the Avon Lake Library at noon. ;;Tb« group- Is looking for a creative :. name, so put your thinking caps on and. vhave a suggestion ready for the April 19 Tune to renew your membership In I 'meeting. If you are planning to attend, . the ALHS Bands by becoming either a .pleaw RSVP to Rosella Baldwin at patron, sponsor or donor. The annual Patron Drive is now underway. You can support this effort by becoming a Patron ' for $5. Sponsor for SID. or Donor for $15 •^HOLIDAY ASSISTANCE BASKETS or more. Send your check, made payable POR AVON LAKE: Anyone who would to Avon Lake Band Aids, to: Kathy . like to apply for an Easter holiday food Perry, 302 Dellwood Rd.. Avon Lake, p b o k e t can stop by Northeast Lorain CH 44012. Be sure to include your l-'^Goaaty Social Services, located in the name, address and phone number. Yoar .^Sheffield Lake Community Center, and name will appear in the football pro/.'pick up an application, or you may call gram for the 1S95 season and you willJ : at 049-8146 and have one mailed to you. receive the Band .Aids Newsletters, pVAll applications must be returned to For those of you who are not familiar |^ Northeast by;;Wednesday, April 5. Hollwith the Avon Lake High School Band ,Tday- food tuskets will be delivered on Ale's, we are the high school instrumen; Wednesday, April 12. tal ptcftram'* parent booster grou.Ti. We •.LETTS STROLL DOWN MEMORY have been in existence for 31 years. Our .'LANE. A group of clever folks in Shofmain objectives are to raise money to , Afield Lake thought It would b« a great support all three bands (marching.conUtfaa to honor the citizens of the city who cert and symphonic) at the high school. ' h a v e resided in Sheffield Lake for 40 to encourage attendance al band proyears or more. Cn Sunday, May 21 from grams, to interest parents of band 12 p m. to 6 p^n. at the Sheffield Lake students in our music program, and to Community Center, there will be a picmaintain a quality instrumental pronic and awards banquet to remember gram. To do all of this we need the help and celebrate all the people, places and and support of all the parents of band things that go Into making Sheffield students along with other Avon Lake residents. . Lake the city it was and Is today, j - Awards will be given for the oldest liv, The instrumental program involves 26 ing man/woman resident of the city, the percent of all high school students. The man/woman who has lived the longest Aids appreciate the support we in tf» city, the man/woman who has Band have received in the past and look forworked the longest for Sheffield Lake, ward to that support continuing for this 'Btc. If you have any other suggestions current Patron Drive. AL bands' patron drive underway AVON Et- AVON LAKE DIAL-A-BUS SCHEDULE CALL 933-6141 FOR INFORMATION Ec- SCHEDULING ONE-WAY ROUND TRIP UUea.AX.SiJ - S .40 -S.7S Shan Haspi&I} SLjostpb Lot-Cmm. -$1.00 S?no Mttweylba] Sca.Mww.CuJ $.75 If vou need to QO to a store or nave a doctor's appointment in the ana listed on Kta schedule. **e try m accc^nodata you. if possible. You must allow the bus schedule limes o be Please be ready 10 minutes prior to scheduled pickup time. We try our best to be punctual: however. traffic, weather conditions, etc. can often intarfBTB Wth schedules. $130 PHASE NOTE 24-tiOUR NOTICE IS REQUIRED FOR BUS TRAHSPORTATKWMONOAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY i. Co. Sam. A3- »30S«.Jotut& tm Hasp. & **' — As naidad. bu» St. Jo*", b lot. Comtn. Hoccaat 1£«6 P/U St John tt30 P/U K-ftUn ' Bmtutf Stacgs SHOPPING C£Mttft UJ45-HCO Luncheon M U.C.C Q.C0 P/U SriORCWWr CTfl. Hammn*. *cc tl45P/Ufl. l i » H « t Ann*. 2JO P/U SENIOR tt30 MIDlftOW MALL 1 00 P/U a MAU. 3.0O P/U • WALL 23d P/U Sao. 215 P/USHNlQft ACHtCVC CEKTEH 3.00 P/U • 30OP/UalU.CC AFFORDABLE LEGAL SERVICES NOW AVAILABLE TO ALL Unlimited Phone Consultation As Well As Many Other Services FREE With This Plan. , FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: FRE-PA1D LEGAL SERVICE, I N C Contact Patti Hrabik at 933-2035 •Westlake's Uttte talktoyxr about life" Authentic ItolUn Food cnoow from 25 Fostos. veo*. Cnicken s> Steak Entices And a Utfge Seiecflon of fna Wines • fburdtn ih* TOP TEN Restaurants at CLnvkmd Ana • fitatmrd on Channel 3 N March St April Feature 1/2 off D«Mf Ealnv P«ic«a*c O n DtMtr EMICC M I*pLv nk« * Rtcn*« 1,-2 off Scaml David W. McClenahan 7S&A Avon Bridan Fid. DUBCT EMTU al ttftMi or Lacf <AJM. Wkk ThiitotlEulwla E«t j Dtnk) AmnLakm 933-7C44 236-3538 •trt.: 11:3O •m-l&OO p<n S*l.: 4:3O pfiv-lO;OO pm 27828 Center Rids* Rd. - MfcstUhe • S92-93OO BRUSNAHAN & STUART . ttmuuhui ATTORNEYS AT LAW Richard P. Stuart 158-A Lear Road, Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 (216) 930-2600 Avon Lake Office 661-1992 Cleveland Office CRIMINAL DEFENSE • Felonies • Misdemeanor • DUI / Traffic • Appeals Office Hours: 9:0.1 - 5:00 Monday, Tues, Thurs. Sc FritUy 3:00-9:00 Wednesday c 10:00-2:00 Saturday ^ 5 Cable studio moves into new library quarters Wozniak 3<fopH. "Because they are a lobby group, they will be able ta represent us in Washington. They will also help us get video programs by exchanging tapes with us." Matt Lundy responded. "We must review the content and make sure that it is suitable and comfortable for a family viewing audience.** Advisory commission member Jake Lundy also agreed that they should review the content, but speculated that it would be hard to determine what is and what is net aired- , The ACM is having a national conve.**tion in Troy, Michigan, on May 11-13. A couple of members would Like to sttcid this meeting because some popviar topics in the cable world are going to be diyni^iwi Topics include phone companies* efforts to get into the cable business? trends in local »"^ Hflt"?na' government toward the media; and new ByDanKosUs AVON LAKE - The city's new cable access studio has relocated to the basemeat of the Avon Lake Library. Matt Ijjndy. City Council's representative to the Cable Advisory Commission, explained, "The agreement is going to have a six month notice divorce clause, and the lease will only cost SI. The reason we're doing this is for legal liability." Nancy Woznlak, cable access manager, is going to select two students from Magnificat High School to be part of a work-study program- The co-eds will gain experience in producing and editing videos. In order to strengthen ths cable access program, Wozniak believes that the commission should become members of the Alliance Community Media. • mm • 1 m trends in the rn*1**'* ilseli. The dilemma of depreciation of the current equipment is one problem the commission would like to resolve. The best service contract they think they can get would be with Industrial Video. lake Lundy stated. "We're lacking in maintenance. We need to maintain the equipment just like you would m?'"* 3 '" your car. We need same things repaired and others cleaned." The CAC is also discussing the type of equipment the commission is going to purchase in order to get the cable access rhann^l in full gear. Wazniak stated. "We must purchase the « " i p brand of equipment from the same supplier. This would flirnin?*^ the confusion of. where did we buy this tripod and then this VCR. I am strongly o p p o s e d to mish-moshing . t h e equipment-'* Some of the programs the ch«r"^*l will broadcast include: "Kids Around and Afcoui Avon Lake." and Bob Bolen's **Let*s Talk."1 program." The Rick Hemmer Show" will also continue to run on tfaecbanneL Wozniak said. "If s a good show and I want to encourage ivm to continue with Jake Lundy commented. T h e first show was fop'"**''* I hope he can expand on that by bringing in some of the people who are involved in the stories which rue in The PRESS. The use of =siui££=tari£s would also be a nice addition to the show." Matt Lundy added, **Ifs a good show and we liia the way the local community is showcased. We just need to finetuns the details." The next meeting will be in the public access studio located in the basement of the library at 7:15 pun. on April 20. Avon Council cheered by flood control solution By Karen Drasler benefit the entire city, not just one part of it. He also referred to funds available from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources if Avon. North Ridgeville. Sheffield and Westlake Join together in a regional project. "John's (Smitek)right-We can'l get rid of ;r*ter fast enough. And the worst place holding it back is at SR 83," Councilman Ted Craczyk said. Following the meeting. Craczyk said that in addition to stone blocking the water at SR 83, just to the cast there is a sharp bend in the creek which cuts down the flow. He said straightening the waterway would help a lot, "1 know just cleaning out the creek helped the flooding a lot. We've gone Irom a flood every four months to none in three years," Craczyk added. Krystowski concluded, "If we're thinking of $800,000 for one retention—we should do this instead.*' The idea will be discussed at a Sewers and Drains committee meeting April 8. AVON - Council members are enthusiastic about a plan to control flood water ul a reasonable cost by improving the Cow of French Creek, particularly east of SR 83 and at Avon Isle. Council learned last week that just one tO-acre retention lake, at SummerhiU Sul-division* would cost about $600,000. The city's retention fund which it collects from developers only has $250,000. Former Service Director fohn Smitak. told Council last Monday it would be better to improve the waterways to carry Qood water out of the city tritttefid of retailing it. At Council this week. Smttek expanded on the idea. "There's really two places where the flow of French Creek is blocked. There's Tock at SR 83. and it backs up at Avon Isle. . "You could rent equipment and clean French Creak out It would be better than all these retention basins." Smitek advised. Council President Ed Krystowski said $800,000 would go « long way toward cleaning French Creek, and that would In other business • Council approved eight ordinances. demands required, as well as toe comgranting three- percent pay increases to pensation set for similar positions in • non-union city employees. They are: other communities. Punning Commission secretary D. Bommen Building Department secretary J• Pay for the part-time mayor's posi-: Knight; Service Department tion was increased from $12,500 to clerk/secretary L. Stockard; custodian L. S18.0Q0, effective in 1996. : Bratton; Clerk of Council. P. Vierkorn; • At the urging of Law Director Building Inspector R. CUne: Service Daniel Stringer. Avon's ordinance set- ' Director R. Robbins; and Streets and ting an age limit of 36 for firefighter ap^ Utilities Supervisor, D. Conrad. • An ordinance increasing Planning , plicants was repealed. Eligibility will;: now depend on passing an agility test. ; Commission members' compensation Applicants will still be required to take a . from $150 per month to S2S0 was passCivil Service exam. •..•"--. ed. Council noted that because of in"Dropping the age omit will save the creased development in Avon, the plancity money," Stringer explained. "We'll ;; n e r s ' workload has increased be able to hire people who are already ' -*_ dramatically. trained, saving us th«t expense.** ••.>/,< • Council voted to increase Us own Stringer said the city seeds to adver-' . pay, effective in the 1996 sessiou. rise for a Civil Service exam because it. Members* pay will go from 53,000 to needs firefighters, and he wanted the ';• 56.000 and the president's pay will go change in place first- \ ' . .; .. from 54.500 to 59.000. The Council • The $10.9 million general fund;; : representative to Planning Commission budget for pensauect appropriation* in ~ will receive an additional $125 per 1995 recommended by Finance Director '•• month, effective in 1998. Bill Hyde and reviewed and modified by " The Finance Committee recommendaCouncil Finance Committed wa» tion says the saiary Increases are comapproved. . - • . mensurate with the duties and time " / / • Board envisions 2 years until new school is up, running building.. Board President Lea DeChant stated. "We have to get the correct information out there, and hopefully the voters will decide that ?ht« building is a necessity." Leslee Mlraldi. chalnaan of the levy committee for a new high school stated. "We are going to get accurate information on growth and need, and I believe the information will apeak for itself." Pending voter approval, the new ichool wUI serve as the high school, and the current high school will serve as the AVON - School officials are planning the strategy to ask the voters for approval of a levy which would finance construction of a new Avon High SchooL Voters may possibly see a school lavy in November, but at this point, the timefrims Is sketchy. Last year, voters .approved a bond issue to buy the property across from the current high school on Stoney Ridge Road. Now that the property is nearly wound, the board is taking the next: •tep: to raise money for the new school Denver Jenkins, Jr., D.D.S. . is pleased to announce his ' X association with Dr. Robert Rassio Dr. Jenkins is a graduate of Case Western Reserve School of Dentistry and a native Clevelander. He has recently returned home after serving five years as a dentist in the U.S. Air Force. Office hours have beon expanded to indudo both evening and Saturday hours. Emergency appointments are also available. A full range of comprehensive dentistry is available. New Patients welcome. Robert Rassle, D.D.S. Denver Jenkins, Jr., D.D.S. 223 Miller Road Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 For an appoinlmfctit, ratt; i' 933-2549 ; Junior high. The current high school, which houses students in grades 7-12, is so overcrowded that some teachers dont have classrooms. Within the but year. Avon h a s g r o w n by 220 new households. From beginning to end, the board agrees the project ihould take about two years to complete if the levy passes. The board also discussed the proposed voucher bill that b undergoing hearings by the Ohio House Finance Committee and its subcommittees, as part of the governor's executive budget proposaL The voucher bill would allow students in * public school district to receive a voucher for the partial cost to attend a privatB school. This money would come out of funding allocated to the public school district - something that can prove very destructive to public schools. The voucher pilot program calls for the age of admission to start at K-3 and continue through the eighth grade. Under Covernor George Volnovichs proposal, the approval and supervision of the pilot programs would bo placed in the care of a five-member commission he would appoint. Another duty that would be taken away from the state board would be the establishmeu! of the professional stan" dards board, which . would have the cuthority over' the certification of teachers and administrators. The certifications would be replaced by "licensing" and would be under the authority of a separate board appointed by the governor. The school board also discussed the •phantom revenue" and Its depleting effects on school financing. Superintendent fohn Blanch! explained the phantom revenue concept. "Everyone has to be taxed, and a school district is not allowed to go below 20 milJj. Once the state figures out how much money it Is going to give each. school district, the ttata charges off 20 mills from the moaey it is giving us/* Blanch! said. •;••_. "Now, the state has raised the * chargeoff to 21 mills, but they haven't raised the floor. It's still at 20 miUs.** Board member Angle Marslgba further stated. "It raises the local contribution rate under the state basic aid formula, but does cot change the raulage exempt from the effects of House BUT 920. This con create a "phantom revenue'* problem for some districts. where the stats Is assuming the district is bringing in more local funds than they actually are." In other business • The board accepted the resignation of Marilyn Hubbard. due to retirement, at the end of the 1994-95 school year. Superintendent Bianchl said. "She's been a long-term Spanish teacher. She's irreplaceable and we're definitely going to miss her." ; • On a lighter note, congratulations are in order for superintendent John Bianchi. who was one of three people recently inducted Into the Ohio Wrestling Hall of Fame. North Coast quirt show Come join the North Coast NeedSers Quilt Guild as (hey share the en or quitting In their biannual qultt show. Sew Many M»morm. The •how will be hetd at WesOske H a h School, Saturday. April 6 . 10-8 end Sunday, April 8 . 1 2 - 5 . Admission la S 3 tor adutts and S3 for seninra and children B O W 6-12. A variety erf Quilts from waflhanQln<js to fu« atee. antique to contemporary, as w«H as wearables and other quirt related items win bo on dtoptay. Two nattonal tnveEno exhibits, the 1994 Hoffman Challenge and the 1094 Kansas City Star Cotoc* ton wtu also be shown. Many of tha finest quUt •hops In Ohio will be represented In tha vendor's man. rrs a great place to find exdOng new tabrlca, patterns and tools. INSIDE FOR BIG U.S.D.A. Grade A U.S.D.A. Choice VALUE PACK 4 IJJS. or More Juicy Ca/ifcrnia Fresh Sliced or Shaved, FIVE STAR UTE PREFERRED SHOPPER'S CLUB CARD Non-Member Price T* "» WITH PREFERRED SHOPPER'S CLUB CARD Non-Member CQ Price UJ 12 Oz. FROZEN Reoular or Hi-Pulp WITH 510.00 PURCHASE WITH PREFERRED SHOPPER'S CLUB CARD Non-Member O#JC WITH ;io.oi PURCHASE fi> WITH PREFERRED SHOPPER'S CLUB CARD Non-Member 449 Price Km SAVE UP TO See me for quality { Grange Insurance. TO KNOW... By Vincent M. Urbin Avon Lake Mayor Auto • Hocce Business • life Good sews fox tttxpa-ers - For the 19S4/2995 winter salt purchases we have spenl S76.141 for 2.150 tons • 535.80 a too. Compared to last year we bad spent $129,403 far 3.836 tons at 333.30 a ton. As you can see, the price went up $ZJ3O aton.That works out to $53,262 that can help balance out the account that handles snew removal overrun- from last year and that Is 1,736 less tons of salt that hasn't had. to be used on our streets, which Is good for our cars and our Albert J. Svette, LMT «_s{... Your partner at prauctian penfoundl • Free consulting • Licensed by Ohio State Medical Board Located in the Xanadu Studio BdkSng Insurance! 3675SDETBO(TfiOAD AVON 934-5133 (218) 232-8338 BSXASUSH-O 1K4 u u 702 BioefiWay Lcrain. OH 44052 UIVINC^aTRUSTS Avoid Probate Saae Kstn+p Taxes ^£_-TZE' • Reduce Costs end Expenses of Estate Administration W A-M Ufa. Oik. 4-H2 Contact Smith & STrdth Attorneys Ask for Jody L. Shumaker, Esq. To Establish Your LIVING TRUST omanatiu Mon-Tun^ 7 M P i i m . . 5j)owsor5 This Weeks COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE at the OLD FIRE HOUSE SATURDAY APRIL 1,1995 8:30 AM-1PM for appt. call 933-6164 Al (The Count) Whitney or 233-8S27 Jackie at The Lorain County Blooa Bank. • Walk-Ins Welcome • LORAIN COUNTY BLOOD BANK SAVE A UFE DONATE BLOOD Be the sponsor of our next WEEKLY Community Blood Drive. . . CALL 322-5700 Janine, L.C.B.B., Marketing t n fra |tf —| nrhirff. . . . T_uu__a JUnl - Please Join me in extending a sincere BIG thank you to Mr. Jim Planig-n far his 15 years (mostly volunteer] of public service to the city in the area of recreation. Jim was our recreation director for several years, then after bia full time Job required more of his time, he resigned *"H accepted a position as a member of the recreation commission. He now has decided 15 years Is a long time and someone else should be given the opportunity to . serve. He has been very instrumental in many different improveruots in this area over the years am has always displayed a positive disposition. Thanks. Jim. best wishes to you and your family. Welcome Aboard! I am pWwd to announce that long time resident and well known cheerleader, Betty Wakefield has accepted my appointment to the recreation commission. She will be filling two big holes. She is a senior citizen (and proud of It!) and a woman. Both of these areas were lacking on this board. 1 am confident her love of the community and energy will be a real asset to the recreation commission acd thus, the community. How about you? We don't have any openings at this time, but when we do it would be nice to have a list of Interested names to turn to. My list is getting short. From time to time, council and I have to appoint residents to serve on various boards and commissions. There is the Planning Commission, Recreation Commission. Air Pollution Control Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Civil Service Commission, Income , Tax Board of Review, Cable Advisory Commission, Environmental Affairs Advisory Board and the Tree Commission. Also, every so often there is the Charter Review , Commission. I'd like to encourage you to find the area that you feel would best suit your desires and thoae of the community, and express that to me in s letter, or let your councupersoa ki*ow. If you have any questions about the duties or functions of any of these groups, feel free to give me a call. Again, there aren't any openings at present, but I don't know If there is a year that passes whin a hole doesn't open up and needs to be filled. , -." Publici Aeces* Studio - Tfee new studio for local programming is being put together at the library. They have graciously welcomed us into their faciltty and as far as cable goes, that will be our hoioe. The future hoMs a lot of new twists in local programming and it is definitely gaitiy to be interesting. Thank yon « to Mr. Kopf and VIP far allowingg us to stay g y at d The Landings, rent free, oatill we moved into the library. Thanks are also in order to Continental Cable for providing us space for a studio over the past few years. New Phone. - The new phone system installation is moving along pretty weU. Fire. Engineering,. Planning, Service, and Building have seen thatr new equipment installed. Police, City HaJl. Recreation, and the Mayor's Office are nexL After that tha whole system will be changed over so that hopefully youTI never have to hear a busy signal again. You may be put en hold, but al least you'll get through! After we are all trained on the new system. Tm sun the end result will mean a more efficient operation, BIG DITCH - It aeems this issue has quieted down a little bit. I think what got lost in this whole situation is that *h« plan that was discussed was jr ,i that - a plan. One option or draft, if you wiU. of bow the drainage for the center of the city could be handled. We are going to study what other options are available so that we can answer all of the questions, and so that whatever method is the final outcome is totally justified. The two most important issues on thur to me are: 1) That we take can cf tl_* existing areas first that are experiencing problems and 2) that we do ft in the most practical and cost effective way possible. Please keep In mind when you and I purchased our homes we paid our share of sewer Installations for our property. We should do our darndest to solve this problem with the cost going only to those who bavent paid and their property will benefit by this improvement By law, you can only assess so much cost to the unimproved property. Anything over and above that, is the responsibility.. of the city - your tax dollara. We should try our hardest to keep city funds out of : this process as much as we ran. The In- "" put I've received on this, both negative and positive, has been great, I appreciate your calls and your r stopping me to tell me how you feel. •'.., •''"'' A word or pralse_.to the vmlWQS Wrestlers. I hopo the community has been noticing the progress of our wrestling team over the past couple of years. Coach Weaver and bis staff are doing an excellent Job and Avon Lake', team is now being regarded as one cf the tough teams in Division II of the WHOLE state for next year. Many of our young men had outstanding seasons osd tho best part Is most of them ore coming back next year! Great Job, guysl Do you have any concern*? Ideas? Please dont hesitate to give me ti call at 933-6141. 871-5351. or 933-4930. May God continue to bloss Avon Lake. In the meantime, I'll be serving you. . . .'. 0X03032230333^0333^03X0 DR. KATHLEEN FLEMING DR. LINDA STOUFO OPTOMETRY Walker Commons North 33398 Walker Rd.. Suite B Avon Lake, Oil 933-3214 Friendly Professional Eyecare for the entire family CONTACT LENSES Tinted • Gas Permeable • Disposable Extended wear • Astigmatism We give you the professional follow-up care :tnd attention you SATELLITE THEATER SYSTEMS Sony XBR & ES Audio Home Theater & Satellite Systems 5192 Detroit Rd, (ShelBJd VTg. Plaza) Shaffl*ldVUaos.OH440S< (216) B34-SONY Bob & Angola Barto Cuttemar Hiuaehg AtiUabl* Owners -- Include.: Pwer/Hater, lockside Parking, Pool andtecA m for tia Oiildren, SOTT C U P J I I U . i Sheffield Lake pgfimicrts ol sxne of Bie cttwviabons found tn me Fcfice Logu. KVJMUotor Veftce Accident 500 Abbe R ± ayria, OH 365*319 211LesvittRd. Araberst OH 384-2439 March 22 Report. ie33. taken ta Detention Home. fTD^ad ktterrcf sated 33382 WaflttfRd. Avon Lake, OH 833-2327 Fro Dept Prices Effective 3-29-95 thru 4-4-95 MGC-No o Ctep. Ui*Qspalshed Units K U Afarch 79 March 16 0345-HAHHIS RD.-Maie arrested On warrant out of Sheftwid Lake Mayor's Court. 1345-HAHR1S PD.-Protdem wim iuvenile Rssohetl . 1731-LAKH RD.-Uod " ^ ^ " H Rescue 5m»KT 1916-LAKEAAKE BREEZE-Prooiem *rth juvenle. Adrised. [j 0822-SOUTHWOO&Coniplaua cf toud music. 072*5HEFRELT>Oomesac. AdviuW. Uia lor ous. 125T-SHEFFIEUW;nii assisted Rescue Squad U3W4KE HD.-MVA. Report. 15214AKE RD.-Complaint of tetectiene taraasmanc. Rtpon. 1T22-LAXE ll&fleport of suspicious «cttvity. Uaiai an««ted tor Qnjg Abuse & Uanaono. Afencft 17 0707-TENN^'SON-Complainl of Crimuail Demaging. ReourL 1455-UARlOWConiplaint of loud muskdttsod ieZ7-HAWTHCHNE-Probl«m wittt juvsnites. 17O1-EA5T Dfl.4.»nit assisted Rescue Squad. March 18 [ 0015^ERNDAt£fHOWQJ.^Iuveniie6 picked , uptoCu/twr Violation. Parents cwd. : 032S-HOLL-Oorwstie. Adviud. ^ . 15S9^KFMOOG BEACM4TVA. Report. 18l7-R0ecRTS»Aivenil« problem. Report. J ^ * ^ i ? 5 ^ » ^ P "VA. ftaport. Ultra Yes Final Touch Laundry Detergent Plus Fabric Softener Fabric Softener S2J39 Preonce Pepsi or Diet Pepsi Tradco March 20 0123-tAKE HD.-Tra«ic stop- FemaJc a/rested tor DU1. 0315-UXE HD.-Traific step. Male arrested lor No Operator's License. 0938-LAKE HO.-Complalni c l Crimifw! Trespassing. Report. 6133-LAKE flO.-Theft from vehida. Roport. 173&LAKE AO.-Repon ol DisturoarWB. Male STestad for O.C. Persisting. 5-tcz. BatSe Motor Oil Quart 12 Pk_ - 12 Q£ Cans 10W30. 10W40 or 5W3O Ust$1.79 Palmolive March 21 0310-lVANHaE/DUNNY-Juveniie pickad up for Curfew Violation. Parents cited. 1116-enOCKLEY-Compiaint of telephone norasamanL Report 1401-LAKE/ABBE-Damaa<* to Property. Report 1810-HARR1S RD.-Uale vreslBd on warrant out Of Vwmdlon P.O. 1B1&LAKE RO.-e&E. Report. ifnITMTlt" I 1 Dish Detergent 22 O2. All UstS1.79 Jeno's Crisp 'n Tasty Commvjnity Pulse...And More Memorex Video Tape VHS-T-120 $179,. Michelina's Pizza Combo F r o z e n Entrees All Types 7oz. S OZ.-10 QZ. Continued from pag\i 1 cfaing the Cavaliers name] were not too happy last Friday evening around 9:30 when their cable pici'ure turned into a anow storm. -• . 1 spake with Joan Lowry. the public relations manager. Tuesday morning and she indicated the soven hour outage was caused by an intentional act of vandalism, whea someone cut a fiber optic line. According to Lowry, Continental customers will receive one day's credit on their next bill for the disruption. Police are tavesf gating the incident. Concrete and asphalt. Avon Lake's decision to repair the White Oaks subdivision streets with concrete and asphalt may not sit too well with residents of that area. , The residents have aggressively approached council in an attempt to keep the asphalt out City codes require builders to use concrete and some feel the city takes the cheap way out when finally having to repair those streets. The White Oaks a m is around 25 years oM- P«y up. Sheffield Village residents are fiaiing city hall let* tolerant of their unpaid wcter bills. With computerization of Ae billing process, keeping tabs on deatlbeats has became much easier. Currently over S17.000 is delinquent with soma accounts over 51.000 behind. Thoatt who don't pay will soon have their water turned off. according to Villagu Administrator Larry Thompson. Other stufL_ Avon Lake Clean Up Day U scheduled for Saturday, April 29^. The inspection fees totaling $15,00& for renovation ta Troy have been waived - it's taxpayer, money no matter how you look at it. ijood mov«— The toll free calling Issue U still alive don't miss a related article in this week's Issue™ The Press Golf Scramble is set for August 2, watch for upcoming entry forms and details. Farm Fresh Grade A Extra Large Eggs 6 9 * * « . We Now Discount m by American Greeting Cards, Discount Drug fttart oun UTntn CAMS owaninstcown •SEVINDAtSAttEK- 90/« plastic gallon :s S These ore Uie big league basics every professional player has to know~.and every beginner must learn Private Lesson At Group Rates Programs Tailored To The Individual SHEFFIEIJ) LAKE CALEB BASEBALL CLINICS 949-5614 When It cornea to baseball basics. Including; playing techniques, batting stances, the right way to fieldfitthrow. WE COVER ALL THE BASESX Instructions In: "Karate is FUN at TRACY'S" Morning Kant* A Tai' Chi CIBSH^N Available OPENING rinal2W»b • Hitting • Pitching • Base running/stealing • hunting • Fielding • Flaying the Infield • Flaying the outfleld • Catching • Warm up exercises DATES: K-2 .April 10th-14th '••'•;-. 3-5.........April 17th-21st > 6-8 ^ApiU2Alh-2ath £•• •;-•' • • • Available whether we pi epare your return or not, It's YOUR money. Don't wait! H&R BLOCK T I M E ' 4 : 0 0 - 6:00 PM All clinics held In the M.CCA. Qym 4125 Leavltt Ril, Laraln, OH 44053 ror more Infonnatlon. call: 960-1100 ext. 199 Nomn COAST OfKisnAri ACADEMY 3 3 3 8 2 WALKER RD., UNIT J AVON LAKE, OHIO ; " flr;rf"UM^ -HA' ir'wv.'^r'v.. '-:%v 933-2577 H. OlmlH rum* llrill.li i r C T i i " iSMkpirkCiL MMTml » S OPEN: Mon.-Frf. 9a.m.-9p.m. S«t. 9a.m.-5p.rn., Sunday lOa.m.-4p.m. "Letters from page j I W& they ever be happy? of licensed care. I have heard about attempts to block tf us petition process, and Support for Mayor Kelly Food drive a success 1 have heard lot] of slanderous remarks To the Editor To the Editor: made about Mrs. Samanich concerning First. I read in an article on 3/1/95 that North Coast Nautilus and Tannu what she does in her day care. I think the residents of ShpfTTnlH Lake have raised a total of 260 pounds of food du that getting an issue about which there come to believe their community hasn't ing this year's animal Food Driv is disagreement on the ballot is a good kept up with the rest of Lorain County. I idea- This seems simple to me but it has would like to know where this informabenefiting the Second Harvest Foe been blown way out of proportion! tion ram<* from? The residents of Shef- . Bank. We raised 212 pounds last year, 9 I am happy with this year's results. Ai I am also nervous about what the field * -tf do not want the prr^tj^fps *-? carding to the Food EMnfrt continue neighbors have been saying. I know that city of Lorain has. Yes, some streets are support during the winter minrt^ afu most of it has been not factually correct. bad but not because of the mayor, but the holidays is desperately needed. T*i A few neighbors have said that they because the residents of those streets Second Harvest Food Bank benefit don't want businesses in their plush signed petitions not to fix the streets and iteedy families of Lorain. Eria an neighborhood- Mrs. Scott suggested last sewers. The streets that get done ore Huron Counties. We asked ou week that "some people" {I assume she because the people v*—n them done, custooer> to bring in at least two noa was rererricg to Jody Samanich) move paid for with the help of government perishable food hems, but many of then into neighborhoods and try to change it money gotten by Mayor Kelly. brought in a leaded shopping bag! Nortl to suit their own personal needs. This is Second. Mr. Fusco stated in *»* article Const Nautilus & Tanning is looking fo interesting since I know that Mrs. ScoC {2122195} that its do-able to free up city ward to l- " nri n»irtg the tradition nex moved into this neighborhood alter UL'S mosey for roads and water problems. year. Thanks to everyone involved win business was in full operation. Who's HOW? Mike Fusco states things, but I mode this benefit food drive a great tryinj to change thins for personal have yet to read or hear how he plans to auccess. reasons? She and a few others have said accomplish the things he says. No Rick CadweS. owns that 'they don't want to live next to in- answers! Maybe he wants to run the city North Coast Nautilus & Tanning home businesses ?nrf that they want, in- like h* wanted to run the VFW and deed have the right to, peac£ and quiet couldn't because he was wrong. Mr. Now I don't know what her definition of Fusco stated if Mayor Kelly was remotepeace and quiet is. but as far as I know, ly in touch with the citizens of this comLetter of appreciation / the keys to the houses in that munity (2/22,'95J it would be clear where neighborhood do not come with special To the Editor , \ WB want the money spent. I have not privileges! If you don't like in-home To. the fine para medics who .laved my heard Mr. Fusco or any ulher citizen businesses next to you. it is your responlife during my heart attacks in where the money should be spent, sibility to move to an area that does not state December hod February, I c m only again no answers! allow it. Jaycox Road, for instance, has thank you and let you know tiat you Thirdly. Joanne Sanders states same bouses with deed restrictions that have given me an opportunity to sec ray (2/15J95) that she never recalls us being a do not allow any in- home businesses. first grandchild be born this cert laughing stock of the county when she , October. Creekview Estates allows in-home ™* was serving on council. This communibusinesses of all types, including licensAlso, to the friends who have sent ty was not and is not a laughing stock of ed home day care, and there are a cards and expressad concern, this is to the cnunty. In my opinion, cervain peonumber of b u s i n e s s e s in the let you know that I'm doing fine and am ple running for public office should not neighborhood. The only thing that glad to be able to acknowledge your carsit at Hardee's and gossip about our makes Mrs. oamanich'a busiaess stand ing and prayers. • ' community. I agree with Mark Davis on out legally is that she is the only one reThank you. . . v • one thing (3/21/95) everyone needs to quired by taw to have an employee and Kenneth A. Beech. A Faouly vote on May 2, but I hope everyone votes she did not hire her huaband.' These wisely and not for your choice of same neighbors have said that their property values are going down because of ranr^|ffatp<f the children that come to Mrs. Finally, Mayor Kelly has done a great Bravo, MGP : •; ^ Samanich's house. It sounds to me like deal of good things for Sheffield Lake. To the Editor ' • . • . "•'••".'•-. they are trying to scare all ot us into not • One being, he has gotten thousands of allowing something good for our For aU those who didn't attend thsrgovernment dollars tor this community. childreii just so that they can get what Mighty Goliath Production "Kiss Me; Sheffield Lake has received the most they want' Kate." you missed a great show. A* government dollars for Community always, t was very impressed with our; Development than any other city in the "home town talent." The cast and • Mrs. Scott said that anyone who state of Ohio. chorus did a terrific job. My sincere,-' thinks that 12 children do not make It would be a greet mistake to vote him noise obviously does not have children congratulation*! .._..;-* out for the False Fusco Factor or any and has never been around them. First other Factor! John H- Simpson* D.V.M,~ of allr Mrs. Samanich doesn't hive 12 Virginia Bennett children at a time and never has, so again she stands to be corrected. Second. 1 am in the house while her program is operating and depending on where I am in the house, ] have a hard time hearing them. When 1 am in the front yard on the few occasions that they1go outside in the back yard, I hear mor : dog barking than I hear children! Third, I have children of my own and I do not think that their playful sounds are noise! At council meetings last spring. I heard neighbors say that all they want is for Mrs. Samanich to operate within the law. Well, since January of 1995. Jody Samanich has been operating "legally" within current ordinances while at the same time working through the legal system to change tho outdated ordinance and Mrs. Scott and Others are still not happy! Were those just words or are they unhappy by nature? When they are finished with Mrs. Samanich, who will they come after next? 1 wonder if they will ever be happy. —. To the idilar. 8 I am a citizen of Avon. I am not a § member of Kids in Need of Day Care. I cc do not have children who are currently 2= in iieedofday care. I am not ao "illegal" to employee of Diamond Child Preschool. S although I am employed by the £ Saciaaich EamiJy is another capacity. I ui am at Jody's house almost every week jE day and I see what is going on. As a citizen and taxpayer. I am legibly upset by what has been transpiring as a result of her operation of a licensed day care home. Licensed home day care had been in existence in Avon for 6 years with no problems. When xsy own daughter got to he of preschcai age. I saw an ad in The Pre»a far Diamond Child Preschool, which was celebrating its grand opening. Having moved h&e form another suburb where qualify day care was very easily available. 1 was pleased to find this program, because it also seemed to be a high quality program. It gave me peace of mind to knuw that ray child would be in a highly regulated licensed home-1 did not want to have to worry about my daughter's safety while she was away from me- She spent two very productive years at Diamond Child Preschool and is now doing well in public school, having palsed her kindergarten screening with flying colors! Last spring I, along with many other moms and supporters, sat through months of Monday night meetings at city hall watching our council attempting to update an old ordinance to allow what had been allowed for lue previous 8 years. This being my first experience with a council. I was surprised by the 1 process and most surprised when they :• voted their now new ordinance down. Since then I have realized that my surprises were fust starting. I have watched .. what has been happening to this family '-"over the last year and I em appalled. I have beard the city's attorney say "We ' didn't know; anything about these businesses for the last 8 years,*- but f was at council meetings and beard the former dty safety director aay publicly that they did in fact know about them and decided that they weren't breaking any ordinances and were not hurting the dry by operating. . .' 1 have heard people say that although the businesses involved are child care businesses that the issue is not about children. At this point. I am starting to think thai they are absolutely right! What started as a citizen's attempt to change an outdated ordinance now seems to be more like a vendetta by a few neighbors and the city against Jody Samanich. The lengths that the city and neighbors have gone to to get their way and shut her up (or down) has me wondering how much freedom we as citizens actually have. I was at Jody'a bouse when the city sent "surveillance" vehicles to count children In her care day after day, hour after hour even though I knew she was completely legal in her operations at the time they were doing this. As a taxpayer. I wonder if the city has nothing better to do with our. money. I was at Jody's house and saw neighbor* going out in their bathiobes to Call Corrigan put notes on legally parked cars in from of Jody's house which had nothing *o do with her day care busin&ss. I was lhn?o Supports Fusco for mayor when clients of Jody's were yelled a: by To tho citizens of Sheffield Lake: neighbors. I was there when the police This letter is in support of Mr. Fusco CB-ne to this teacher's house to serve running for mayor. 1 have Uved in Shefcharges because ihe hired someone with field Lake for over 7 yoars, and I am por11 yean of experience caring for young sootily tired of living in a town where children instead of hiring her husband. I the mayor doesn't care what goes on in was there on the day that this preschool this town and. City Council thinks that teacher had to go to CRIMINAL court they own this town! Mr. Fusco seems to . because of this zoning violation because really care about Improving this city. He she stood up for what she'believed. She lias a hard job ahead of him "when" he stood up to Avon and Avcn didn't like it. wins! I don't envy the road ahead of Are you as nervous as i am? If they will him. As far as I'm concerned, the city of do aU this to one person for standing up Eiwffietd Lake is In a shambles (thanks for their beliefs and trying to make a to the current government), and I'm sure change, who will they go after next? Is they're going to make Mr. Fiasco's life this the best uiu> of our tax dollars? very difficult in the next several months. Really, Mr. Griflbre. was it really necessary to issue hint a citation for his Last summer, 1 heard fciayor Smith To me this }ust goes to show that say that this Issue should be taken to the signs? the current government is running public, that doing so would clear the air scored that .tomeone who cares just and let the people speak. Lately. I have might win! heard all kinds of rumors around town. I have heard about threats to other Good luck, Mr. Fusco! business people for supporting the Idea Name withheld by request SL Rini's supports Harvest for Hunger The Sheffield Lake Rint-Rego's supermarket is proud to be involved in the Harvest for Hunger Campaign again thie year. To dare the Sheffield Lake store; has collected mare than $1,700 toward the many charities Harvest for Hunger supports. All contributions of food and money stay in Lorain County to benefit : locai recipients. Pictured are Rini Rego's store manager Denny Solomon and Karolyn Marchant. PRESS photo — Rick Hemmer County Safety Council rewards companies with safe records ELYRIA-LORA1N - The Lorain County Safely Council honored 19 businesses In Lorain County for outstanding safety records, on March 22 at the ElyriaLorain Holiday Inn. The companies that were recognized by the Lorain County Safety Council, a special interest council of the Lorain County Chamber of Commerce and the Ohio State Bureau of Workers' Compensation Division of Safety and Hygiene included: Arrow Aluminum Coatings Company of Avon Lalt-;. and B.F.Goodrich of Avon Lake. On Your Local Court Dockets A V O N L A U MUKlCUAi.COURT fattvj- Gnmtaa. 3494 Parkirirw j)r_ Avon. - o i fiaad 575U aad leatHcwl to l a o duj» oa « dwrp» of aKmnpled inmraoce fraud, woh the wffgrv-t, defawd. He m i al>o fined 5500 and - »nlit(tT*»d to TO dayt in ja£ na a charge of t officiaJ trTifinifmy with tile : v 1 I1 III \nPHUM SHSSP BBflggfi m 1i 1 11 mmm- Lximacm E. Kafoy. 209 Bwisoir* Rd, A fc 5d S d i w a n a dd to 90 d»rs *nd ja jut on , chuif of DWI. with SO days of the ttiw aupwdad. His driver** licsiue wa* year. H* was *bo fiwi 335 far a JUB of i {aba S. Shannon. 1735a Broadway. Mapfe Hctgbb. n i Ccud *350 aad "—'-in-d to 33 d*j* in fail on a c&arg* of DWI, with 27 day* of tb« M«^BC* impeaded. His driver's license *«** wapcadad for aa* yaat He *»*. ^ S S S f i K«aa>di F, Sfainjjkf Jr, 3783a CbeUu Rd_ A*oc wes fined S300 aad sratraccd to 30 day* in tall on P dufga of underage cooKii&p; tioa/pmch—• of «knhaL wUfc S3OO of riu. r>r>, " «mi Ife* MOteoca deferred. •;•• Amu E. Vuu. 2GB Ukawool Dr» Awoa Lake, ! W M Boed S u nfarobWnirtiiis official bustnms. ' Lu^ BodrJgtMz, 2223 E. 34tb S t . Lonia. was Snad S3& t * •paading, and S23 Cos a ' Fiawl SAG Co* apowjing w « f Raymood EE i u u Jr.3QZ Priootoa Av«ou*» Syria.- T*ri H. Nafdi. 205 Lakawood Ave^ Awoa Lake; and Bauidon D. Warb'ir. 33326 Baanioxtew. Avoa Palrici D. HiKsznan. 1-CtQB CarndaV A v e , •evolatuL » a &n«d $5O u r a rauotutt* t o o trot trinlstion. fi lad 550fcr»p*«diQa went Jorf K. Bow«n. 8IS WtUxtie? Cszie, Avon U i e . «nd Scawn P. S y . y 72-i L£ } BiL ^ 1 Uia. folia A. Fimaar. lflO Ashtraod Dr.. A«oa Lai*, was fined (15 far spmdwg. Frsd C- Diatarco. 41U W. 2tHtn SL. FairvWw Pari. was fined J-1S oo- a rcoicxuble coolrol nolttiao. B jfcwrt D. Kehl. 140 Morgan St_ Obart.ii. was Baud 540 far Baiiisx wt&oul a l^rnwf Saaiuel Annaa 35337 Mil&cd SL, North Hilgnnik. w u 6asd S3S on aa u t u m l dear J l . Yontc. 264 Moora ILL. AV-JQ Lake. m«a Ca«d $35 tor a no pasting zxmavi jlaooasatrnELD LAKE MAYOR'S COJJKT A. r"-*"-". i a e CaUe^e P»ri. D i , &n«V S7S0 and Hrtanced to 9O da>* ia tail on a durgd of poueuica. of drug pawptwrnatia, wilb to* walaaca ajspcodad. H» w u «i*o fined S230 aad f oter.ccd to 3a day* la fall on a diary* of msnacica, wiia 23 diys of tha *enitnwm Mwpanded. lame* R. May Jf, 1121 Lakavtew Dr n Lotain. israafinedSI JXW and aantaocBd la (1< ™"^(h» ia Jail on a charge of driving aadtt nsp«n.too. with SHOO of t£* fine and t i e >enier4» ••ntptTKiad. Ha was abo Gn»d 51.000 and umun^ad to tix monihs ia jail on. a cbar$e of cuotcntpt of couit-biiure to appvar, wtlh {SCO of tb« fin« and the nmhmc» »u»p*nd«d, H* uraa also fiaod $40 6w ipaadina. hcmcM plate*. wU& 115 at the Ear _* p p t Road? A, Lewis. 13Z4 Sha&r Dr, LmaiB. was finad SO OB a ch.u$* ^ riiwrdariy T^r^'t^ by i n t J HH . Fined WC ea red lijblrtoLsUooaw e n D. flo«r 654 Huwefl SL, Sh«ffi>M Lake V. Buxt l S ' J PHnasyfcaiiia. Lonua; Amy K WiiKta. 113JS West Rner Rd. Columbia Si*boo: s s i Hi«ula I_ Eair. 5115 £. lake fai. f 324. SxtSflfd Lale. CtysUl M. Bohngrt. 23631 Knickerfaocfcar. Bay Village, was fined Wfl on * ct^rgv of j j | Fnwd Hii a s assured ciau distance c&ir&cs were C7«aa L. Parts. 313 Saagadd E d , Sbet B-M Lute. Thonus McGSl. 567 Cove Beocn. Siseflaeid Laks; aad DtaCa L Badar. -444 Avon Poua. AVoa Lake. Sandra 8, Aueffi. 47C3 Ctfiiaea A r t . Loraia. was fined S35 on a step sign notation. ' Fiued S35 [or if*^>ng were Faul R. Opnj*. A2OT, Berkley Cr. Sheffield VUU&z KeUy 1Kxtniarczyk. 1444 F S t . Loraia: ttefcotak Love. 915 East Dc^ Sheffield Lak« Doni«4 C Bums.. IC8 Hidden Tree La, Aotaerst: and Douglas J. Came. 42S0 Belle A«t. Sheffield Lake. AXtruny P. Gianairtla. 42038 Adeibert Su Zlyria. was fined $30fora bike pata violation. U W R X S A. tman. 43BT Lala Eji, ShefSeld Lake, was fined SUQUO and —"*"-"^-t m six muotoa a. jail tm a dtarfs of dining under . wila SJCO d the £aa and tbe »eaieon tuaptm&ni H aa Irani license pble. Elisafaefh I- Turtey. S6BU Ciaadvunr. Parma. was fined SUXO and scnlencBtltosix xooalbs in jail on a ctargt of enntgmpt of caott-iaihiia to appear, •>uh 5S00 of ta* gjw and In* saolscca A4 J wescer. 3910 W. £ d c Lcrain. was lined SU3CO and iecteocatk to six mfl">tii ia j^tl i n a cnarg* of operabag a 'Aotor *«aicle an a temporary pencil witSou a bcEssed driver, won SSOO of tbs fine aad tha p Tucy L. Criffio. 2S3 Maore SJL. Avoa Lake, was finco S2Sn and senieaoid to 3C dmyt in mi so a caarge el jp»vii;ii^ in a tchool zone, witn S1S0 of tha fisa and the senteoca stupeM&d. Flaad S25O and wckscod tn 3 J days in jail oo minof's ciutfw <riolataMu, with S200 of *K* tin* and tiw t*atertc« suspendad. w«ra Aw^y M. Irizury. 1412 Misacvri. I " " " acd Tk^ta L. Day. 4335 Radwood. ShcBinld Lake. Andna K- Meadows. 2-U6 E. Eria At*Lonin. was fined 5100 oo a cnarg* of pmnwr tag on expind nperalor's Iicanse. with 370 of tim fine suspended. She was aba fined S33 fcrf Safety Town sign-up Rjeglitralion deadline for the 1993 Safaty Town program is May 19. Ttws program Is -.vailahle for all Avon Lake childien eatering kindergartea ia August, 1995. Each two-week session wiii last one aad one-half hours each day. Tlie cost is S20 per ^Mrf Registration is taken on a Erst come first serve basis. Class size is limited. The foflc wing sessions are available: Session A - }uoe 19-June 30 at 9 a.m. Session B - [une 19>June 30 at 11 a.m. Session C • Jdy 10-JvJy 21 at 9 ajn. Session D - July lO-JuIy 21 at 11 ajn. Registrations can be picked up at the Old Ftrebouse. or if you have any questions, please call 933-8171, Eecreatioo hours are Monday thru Thursday. 10 "«» to 2 p.nL. and Friday, noon to 4 pjn, . , . A€JM MOBILE LOCK SERVICE * - "Wh*#M ytur teeurin ia out only Business' •v1, Commorciai b Residential Locks #20% fWsEmir* («ot.wl*rfwitfrmny othervtietl ; Repair6d»RcpIaced«ReJcjyed»InstaHed itksured. Bonded Don't Miss This Once A Year Event At Dewey's! Special Savings oo Beautiful Sofas by Berne, Flexstcel, Hammary; Hampton House La-Z-Boy & Norwalk NUM ia the Lutit tii itlctt«vii new wiu. Clumni: tlu: you WJIII ui like Libttc y<m will Call T o d a y (216) 3 2 7 - 8 3 8 6 $399.95 Hand Crafted Solid Wood Dining Sets of >ixxul r'KUi^ on our cuikxtiun of dinAlhul, Ki-ilti; MutnutuaJ, Chnxncrah, nnnt. ~VJi City, Jjid Vinuiuj Michael Kearns, D.D.S. Glenn Kuemerle, D.D.S. Convenient Hours Evening or Saturday New Patients Are Always Welcome 33398 Walker Rd.-Suite "A Avon Lake, Ohio 44O12 Beautiful Bedrooms At Affordable Prices huil j wiJc xktium vi SOLID Wrx?D N.J w i JO mjplc. oak. jnti chitry. Ftmn 5h4i* • mconiv rary styles by Amtntjn Drew, CJIOIIIU. Sicrlinic Kclltt Kinuul. [»tm»dii;jJ, Slnji-r, UJU ^ny Webb. Motion Seating 933-4486 , hiwM.-Ji%. j n J mtiJuUrt by Hmisc, Lj-Z-lUty '<• Ji«i Niirvfjlk. fifth. eraees Attorney JOHN D, PINCURA New Location 158-A LEAR ROAD AVON LAKE, OHIO There'* never bw/ii a better time lit huy urpvt than ilurrn« nut Spriiid Huirtt SJie icutuiitiK t j r p « trom Sy.yS <u| yd. (Mirimum yatibxi-' iu|uitcil) Mi in; i l u n 1U1J nilK m , unJ even more by upcctal order! INCLUtlU PA1Jftt".UARANlIii) lN1TAlXAri(3N FREE ESTIMATES CALL 933-0674 Houn By Appointment fcVenhg Appointments AvaBabld LAKE RO. (Rte. 6) FURNITURE & CARPET INC VERMIUON. OHIO Urn w» ammtmt Dwmr A M M HH. Ma'«cont f Omm* 36490 Detroit A v o n (Next to EST Bank) 4» Free Initial Examination/X-rays, April 3rd-7th Free Initial Ezamination during the month of April OFFERING RELIEF FOR: :• Back & Neck Pain •» Headaches • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome • On The J o b Injuries •'•• A u t o Injuries ••' Sports Injuries • Muscle Spasms ° Pinched Nerve • Hand, Arm, Foot, Leg Pain or Numbness Your Health I§ Our Call Today! iRsw? '^^jmum^m *&/'.. i-fflS i^ - lit GeorgeBeiMtD.C. ! | Parts and Service Open 'til Midnight Monday - Friday S a Hon. Tus, Wei Tfcr. FA Sat 114 9*9 3*3 3-8 9-9 9-3 9-6 22X2 BRAND NEW 1995 iI 1H HH * " ' 1mm m * '••'•". F-SERIES PICK-UPS & CROWN VICTORIA • Po*er Seals •Skarso Cassette •Speed Control FORD CAR OWNERS SAVE AN ADDITIONAL 31.000 CASH ON SELECT F-SER1ES PICK-UP usftomt 1 R OR a > ' - . " ' ' WTORMS « STOCK iffl " \ BRAND NEW 1995 3AWJGS £ « * " . £ : BRANO'NEW 1995 PROBE £££* THUNDERBIRD Ii5jrDFoa*3ycMrriS • Air Conditioning * Aluminum Whaeis • Stereo/Cassette STICKER PRJCE $17,925 CASH BACK 32 PROSES Kt STOCK. GL WAGON -Air Conditioning • A U ^ M Stereo • Rear Defroster > Dual Air Bags 67 WINDSTARS IN STOCK LX WAGON ' Aluminum W h e e l s ' Speed ControUTill W h e e l ^k • Stereo Cassette • Remote Entry SALE PRICE FORO REBATE S20.SC8 51000 FORD RANGERS: :ttttu, •SfCKSUKEI. •BMBDMKGBl « FCHD u u u m B.T. * , i OL -MnraUNGEIILT HFORDIMUBISffStCAS n rao UNGEH W « S M ILT . vxa* supooa ar *(4w. * [\ ^ 1ULW n •nraona •BrowHa L « mm nan. VFonraua.T UMIOFMC. ®fc\xxxxxxxxx>"> * M » MAZDA MPV SL 1U9 FORD AERO3TAR BL t t M FORO CUSTOMIZED VAN 1W3 FORD AEROSTAR XL 1»9C M.YMOUTM VOYAGER LE 1991 DOOOC CARAVAN LE 1993 .-ORD AEROSTAR XL PLUS 1tO3 FORD AERO3TAR XL HM3 1992 FORD CUSTOMIZED VAN 1993 CHCVY CU3TOM1TE0 VAN 1fc»2 FORO CUSTOMIZED VAN 1993 CHEW CU.1TOMIZEO VAN 1W3 FORO CLUB WAGON XLT 1993 FORO M*.TOP CUSTOMIZED VAN SW9S STOT5 U99S SW95 INtl ltO.993 •• 111.995 113.M9 IM.M5 »15v«95 »13.9« S19.9V9 SIMM ttfl.WS VILLAGER LS QUK .HUM •unto carman tottmwi. 1994 FORO MUSTANG GT $ SATUROAV SUNDAY .: MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY : - : _ 9-8 "-* :.9-9 9-8 9-8 S» 9-8 16,995 ^ CLEVELAND 871-8072 LGRAIN 934-C591 ELYRIA 36S-7323 SERVICE "TIL MIDNIGHT MONDAY - FRIDAY Shotegals. Zakel and Powell scored four points, while Coughlin recorded two. Brookside had three girls in action led by April Fontana's six points. Colleen Serowski added two points, and AUDistrict performer Kathy Hensiey did not score. Avon's duo of Margery Ronyak and Amy Scappucci had nine points apiece, while teammate Cairie Stockard threw in two an the night SPORTS SHORTS Seaiot aesd off. Avon Lake High School graduate HoUy Kiser begins her final season on the softbaS H Baldwin-Wallace College, where she has started at catcher the past three years. As a sophomore, Kiser hatted .374, following it up with a career seasoi. last year, hitting .297 to earn a spot oo the All-Ohio Athletic Conference team. The daughter of Thomas and Diana Kiser. she majors in psychology and carries a 3JB grade point average into her final year ui schiiol. She is a Dean's List student and has been oamsd Academic AU-OAC two years is a row. While at Avon Lake, Kiser lettered four years in soflball and ono in voUeybalL She was All-Southwestern Conference her Junior and senior seasons, as wei! as being named to the AU-Lorain County taaia during her final year as a ShoregaL Mis* ChawJnsicy. This ml.-mn & beginning to resemble the Megan Cbawansk; watch, but when you've won as many jward* and enjoyed as much success as Avon Lake's best player in history has, it's well warranted. Kecerdy, Chawausky capped her final season on the b&ihetball court far the Sharegals by winning the coveted Loraln County MIis Basketball award for the top senior in the county. AL star Stacey Fifer wliose buzzer-be«iter brought AX. the Division II state crown Sn 1994. won the airard that same year. With tho honor buvtywed upon departing seniors --safely secured on the already overflowing Chawansky trophy '" mantle, the Shoregal senior has now Should I slay/ or should I go? Avon swimming ssusation Matt Schlessman is biting his nail? these days is he awaited the word oa whether cr not he would be making the trip to Indianapolis for the Mar. 23-25 NCAA Division I National Championships. Schlessman. who swims for the University of Minnesota, has met the consideration or provisional standard, which nipa"" he is still "On the bubble,** HollyKiser claimed every award possible for a girls high school basketball player. Once a skeptic concerning girls hoops, Chawansky has single-handedly changed this sportswriter's perspective. Before getting a look at Trinity in last year's Division I state title game and seeing a handful of state powers this season. 1 had never seen a player coavs close to her ability. She is and will most likely be. the finest player to ever play for ALHS. Good luck at Northwestern! AU-star finale. With the 1995 season complete, local girls b-ball stars took to the court for what was for many of them, their final game of their lives last Wednesday in the Lorain County AllStar game at Elyria West. Avon Lake's Jackie Powell. Kelly Coughlin and Melissa Zakel represented the Division IX district runner-up Shoremen Rec. Wrestling AVONLAKE-Tbe Avon Lake High School wrestling staff, assisted by member* of the high school and middle school wrestling staffs, will conduct the Shoremen Recreational Wrestling program for boys in grades one through six. The program takes place at the Old Gym at ALHS o.i Thursday. March 30; Monday. April 3: Tuesday. April 4: Tuesday, April 11; and concluding with a tournament on Wednesday, April 12. Times are: 8:30 to 7:30 p.m. for boys in grades one through 3; and 7:45 to 8:45 p.m. far boys In grades four through six. Sign-up sheets for this program are available in each elementary school and at Learwood for the sixth graders. Call the ALHS Athletic Department at 933-5164 with any questions. Sports Card Show SHEFFIELD LAKE - On Thursday, March 30. the Recreation Department Is hosting a Sports Card Show at the Community Center. Area youths are invited to display and trade their collection. It will be from 7 p.m. to 9 p-m Coaches/Teachers vs. Parents AVON - Come and see the basketball parents play the basketball coaches snd teachers. The game will take place at Avon High School on Tuesday, April 4 at 7 p.m. Admission Is only $1. There will be fun, games and prizes including Basketball Bingo and a three-point shot lottery. The proceeds will benefit the Avon High School Afterprom Committee. SL Tom's Champion Girls Team SL Thomas (SheffieW Lake) fifth grade girts completed their season wiuS an B-0 record and won the NBA CYO Division Championships. The team will give Coach Radeff a nice crew cut for their undefeated effort. The team extends thanks to dl these instrumental in their great season. From left to right Christina Stanley, Mariyna ScarveUi. Yazmin Torres, Kristin Berwald. Standing left to right Kaiehin Sufltvan, Regina Pietraraia, Ashloy Hovnet. Kate Long. Kathleen Beckham" Jen- ; nifer Cassidy, Knleena Radeff. Back: Coach Daryt fladetf and Assistant Coach Bob Torres. ••' -- Cost Includes 18 holes of golf, riding cart, lunch, pap. beer, four steak dinner? and a free hole sponsorship. Individual cost is $60 for the 18 holes and all the above-mentioned items. For a hols sponsorship or skill award, the coat Is only $125. The hole sponsors may have a company tepresentative at the hole to promote their company. For more information, please contact Ray Frank at 871-9916. Kathleen Wilhelra at the Avon Lake-Avon Chamber of Commerce at 933-9311, or Geoff Smith at 933-3231. Aerobics, Aerobics, Aerobics AVON LAKE - The North Coast Y is offering .top aerobics Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9:30 to 11; Monday through Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 8; and Saturday mornings from 9 to 10:30. Colleen Herman and Debbie Dozstal ara the certified instructors for these classes. Step aerobics Is an excellent cardiovascular workout. Reebok Steps, band weights, bands and floor mats are provided by the Y. Slide aerobics is a challenging leg and cardiovascular program utilizing Reebok Slides. Join the class on Fridays from 9:30 to 11 a.m.. and find out why the Olympic speed-skaters are En such great shap*. Tracy «7! y » fa t h e c e r t l R e d instructor toi this class/ High/Low Impact aerobics is a fun. oasy-to-follow exercise clas ncorporating yoga, hand weights and bands. This claw if offered on Monday end Wednesdays 9:30 das Shaffer is the certified fnsturctor for this ft?"* fier°hit?' h e ! d a t t h e Westlake Holiday Inn, utilizes the resistance of water to provide a g r e a ? S 8 ° m O f »TpW* i° int9 - The class fr offered Chamber Golf Outing AVON-AVON LAKE - The Chamber of Commerce golf outing is Thursday, June 8. at Sweetbriar Golf Club. The third annual golf outing is growing In popularity as more and more inon and women loin in the fun. If you're e first-lime golfer, or have a handicap that beats the professionals, then the Avon Lake-Avon Chamber of Commorce golf outing Is fust for you. A bonus foursome package is $300 for four golfers. Women on Weights ??' W ^ e 3 d < * ™d Saturday morn n g For more Information about registration, call the North Coast YMCA at 933-9 ICO or 835-9622. Tennis instructor jobs AVON LAKE - The Recreation Department is accepting applications for tennis instructor and assistant tennis instructor for the summer tannls program. Interested parties should call the Recreation Department, at 933-6171 between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 pjn. "••'• Men's Softball ; AVON LAKE - Looking for teams for maae softb*E (Tu'wdny/Thursdsy and Monday/Wednesday leagues). Entry fee is $350. There will be a manager's only meeting on Tuesday. April 4. 7:30, p.m. at the Old Firehouse, 100 Avon Balden Rd., Avon Lake. To register your team, call tiV Avon Lake Recreation Dept at 933-8171 between 10 a.n*. and 2 p.m. Monday .. through Thursday, and between noon and 4 pjn. on Friday* AL Over 30 Hardball AVON LAKE - There are still some openings left in the Avon Lake Over 30 Hardball League. One game per week is played, on Sundays. Pitching is a mw^nHim of 50 mph. Only WOOD bats are allowed. Foe is $35 pet player. Anyone Interested is urged to register as soon as possible, because the four teams are beginning to add players to each of them. For more information, call Dennis Breese at 933-3618 or Ron Loesher at 930-2040, : Women's Golf Luncheon The Avon Lake Women's Coif League will open their •':. 1995 season with a luncheon at Cetty's West on Tues- , day, April 25, at 11:30 a.m. This is e nine-hole league ;. which plays at Sweetbriar Golf Course on Tuesday icor-; ' nings from May through August. Luncheon reservations ana membership fees are due by Friday, March 31. For information regarding membership contact Linda Howard, president, nt 933-3365 or Dorecn Perry, pairings chair, at 933-8157. • j ' ' Laura Pandy, D.D.S. FAMILY DENTISTRY NEW PATIEOTS WELCOME! 7th year of practice GENERAL DENTISTRY COSMETIC aSVTZSZRy- BZeueftfng; bonding and porcelain vemen Most Insurances. \ccepted Laura Pandy, DDS Children are always welcome! For Appointment Call 933-2710 Evening & Saturday Hours Available THE 1994 PRESS GOLF SCRAMBLE was a complete seSout with nearly 2 0 0 floflsrs enjoying a terrific outing with aS proceeds going back to the golfers This year's event a schedided for Wednesday, Aug. 2 at Sweetbriar Gotf Course. Watch The Press for more detaSs. ^^^ 1 vs* i 'W&ikex Commons North. 33398 Walker RtJ. Unit F Avon Lake ,-M§g$j 324-6420 246-0568 j*\\—peso—| era Midway Square Avoid tha Malt Parking Hassle Quality Photographs with the Easter Bunny Not Polaroid Snapshots March 31 through April 15 1-5x7 Prim '-Wallets Fridays 10:00 to 6:00 Saturdays 10 00 to 6.00 S u n d a y s . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Noon to 4:00 Also: Thursday. April 13 10:COtoflOO KIDS - PETS - FAMILIES WELCOME! Proceeds Benefit: Easter Seal Society of Lorain & Huron Counties and Local Animal Welfare Agencies Also sponsored by: $9.95 Justin Gotdbach. a 7fh grader at Learwood Middle School, stands proudly with his perents, John and Phyllis Gddbach of Avon Lake, after placing first in competition sparring. The trophy was won at the Cleveland City Karate Championships held March 19. Justin has been studying karate for the past six monihs at the A«w, Laka Karate Academy under the direction of Master Clyde Dennis. A 6 STEP RECONDITIONING PROCESS... 55 Alive driving course The American Red Cross, Loraio County Chapter, has jointed with the American Association of Retired Persons (AAKFJ to offer the 55 Alive Mature Driving Course. Designed for licensed drivers aged 50 and oMer. this eight-hour class will answer questions such as: How does the aging prccess affect your driving ability? Which drugs and medications could causa problems far you behind the wheel? How can you best respond to poor driving conditions such as snow, rain, or fog? You'll learo the answers to RE-W This is Your loom and no one makes it Ynun like J&M Furniture & Interiors these questions tod more. This informative course will be held In a classroom. You will not be given a driving tost or an eye exam. Everyone fuuuasl Class will be held on Tuesdays, April 4 and 11. from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Lorain County Chapter of the American Red Cross located at 2929 West Rhfer Road North, Elyria, Please plan to attend both cessions. Register by calling 245-6996 or 324-2929 <?ee: $8 check or money order made pt ble to AARP. At WATER WHEEL CARWASH> Swdal 6 Ster Recoodlitoalm Process I. Rub Out Body 2- Clean Se Wax Chrome 3.Gtaze6ody 4. Comptete Wax &• Seat Finish 5. dean & Dress Tires 6. Interior Cteanlut Included ForfiK Size Cars Call 933-4377^ . Hours: Mon.-Sa;. 8:30-7: Sun. 8:30-5 454 Avon Betden Road • Avon Lake. Ohio & Flnt funntuM Window TtftminO M a family owned buslneis" Pre-Season Lawn B Garden Equipment Tune-Up Special Evtryday Discount Prtta Fit DtUvtry mm 850 Griswold Rd. • Efyria 324-3U1 $52.95* $89,95* $119.95* KlusPart •-CYCLE & 2-CTCLE ENGINES Pius Pan RIDERS Pius Part TRACTORS tan All Lawn ^Garflentquipment^arriedbvU^ 690 Avon Belden (Rt. 83), Avon Lake WE SELL PROPANE* 933-4400 ~#~ w u • ; ^tm J°seph's students rate high at music performances "I couldn't be more pleased with mv decision to enrollraydaughter at International Karate Centers. The school has helped enforce the Importance of commitment, showing concern for others, and in taking pride in accomplishments. 1 know that all of your students are beccHting as much as Jessica is." -— —o students mam SL students worked long and hard. ConSchool in Avon Late recenlly gratulations on a job well done! "** « the lorain County Solo Mr. Richard General. Wesdakrs Tne fallowing students &on St. hie r_r».»- aj Keystone — * Atthoi^h we often receive comments ' Thomas School in Sheffield Lake recentate Mr. General's ive continually strive ly performed at the Lorain County Sole* Students receiving a Superior ** to do even better because ew~u child and Ensemble Contest at Keystone High incnais Meghan Miller, eth grade ffobj deserves the very best chance at life. School. solo; Katrina Solderitsch. eth^ade flute Students receiving a Superior rating aoJo; Dare Capietta. 7th grade clarinet •Our Experience ffSl Hake The BtflTenence I b r FOIL'" include Eric Alien, 6th grade also sax , : A s l H e y A z a r a ' 7 l h grade trumpet sola •ok* Eaily Zwotek, 6th grade e£olax Studentsreceivingan tfarrllgat rating Special Trial include Matt YonkoL 8th grade oboe ^ J ° S and Anne Buirows f r o m S Course $19.95 solo; Dianne Yonkat 6th grade clarinet (5-up). Tecna. Mea sod Wanea sdo; Nathen Smith. 6th grade alto sax I n d u / i e s FREE uniform StodentjrtCBivinganExcaaBatra solo; Joe Lyons* 5th grade clarinet solo: include Chris Copsey. 5th grade alto « i the woodwind duet of Alison Barbiaux •oto; Stephen flg, 6 th grade tnunpet 445 Ana BHHra Rd. and Gina Maffit ROCKTZIYKX 3M-73OO In The Landing* Next to Tom Car Foods Ashley Houriet, 5th grade alto sax BT8OBGSYILLE . K b Means. 7th gradeflutes o b : solo, also did very well at this event The and the 6th grade flute duet of Erin students worked long and hard. ConMonroe and Xatrina Solderitscfa. The gratulations on a job well done! The tender In Martial Arts Instruction With FamSIy Values Far Oacr 22 Ytant INTERNATIONAL KARATE CENTERS 930-2530 AD SPONSORED BY THESE COMMUNITY MINDED BUSINESS MEN & WOMEN Compliments of DR. MARK D. COULD -FODUTRIST DALE'S TV (Nertj of Umdui| Awn UU Avon Like Ohio BUTTERFLY FAMILY BOOKS & GIFTS STATE FARM INSXJRANCE BRUSNAHAN & STUART ifrf inrmti< • ~ Av<*vWd«n Rd.pEt.SJ) AUunwyi at Law 138-A L e u ROMI AVON OAKS MJKSfflCBOIC * CHILD CAIE CENTER Our lunilj aiming ana Phon* 933-273) Avon taJur (214)930-2600 378CO FranchCnck Rd. Avon SISSON*S FLOWERS, CARDS & GIFTS DeANGEUS RESTAURANTS LOUNGE LUFE CHEVROLET TRUCK and GEO GOOD SAMARITAN NURSING HOME Arao Lai*. OU» 33*99 L*U Rd. Avon Lake Ohio Acwi Lake. Ohio , PhD«e93M151 Oewland Un* 835J533 32900 Drtnrfl Rd. Avon, Ohio Phone 937-42D1 ' PAINT & PAPER PLACE BURMEISTEK4USCH FAMILY FUNEKAL CHAPELS Walks Squa« EWg. 3Z743 Watkcrr Rd. Avon Lake, Ohm 163 A Avon LANDINGS ANIMAL CONVENIENT HOSPITAL FOOD MART Di. Oonrid It Bowia SUAwmBddtn TYLER RENTAL A M D Luka «7B6Uk«Kd;SlMHkklUk* TOM'S COUNTRY PLACE/ CATERING ." w i^L^^.nA_i-^»j—ub* .— f bt >hkb kt n iHum* wiodM w a n p itob«a AM. Bt p*t It «p w b« a B M . h> wU. U i MrtbM l« WAS UKUHAUEOLIA OOUL THE CHSLDREN'S CENTER Avon L«fc* CMnmunll]r EduoUlonOnw . 2)7 M o o r mvd. h AwoU "IWptng Vwm« OWWjm Lawn" AVON LAKE PRINTING 92 Moon Rd. O Phn«M PCnooaUznl hatetfylfaigformen. Koown at ctddran . 3*W6 Drtrrtt Rd. Avon Phone 934-1603 l-aoo-zn-tut 515 Moon Rd., Suite 3 Avon Lake, Ohio Ei\SY STORAGE Mini Stonat/AU Sizes 3S390 Chatrr Road MOJkRto.611 Avon. Ohio KOUNTRY KUPBOARD iCAFE 36976 Dttrait Rd, Avon 933-EYES or 933^333 RAY'S AUTO & TRUCK SERVICE Avon, Ohio Phone 934-4318 Complete Aulu- Repair.. it T i n Facility Tn* Pkfcap tt D*U*«y 930-ALTTO 149 I w Rd, A*vn L»k» SKUGGEN INSURANCE AGENCY 33467 Lifelld. BONNIE'S LAKESIDE DR. ROMAN BOnVKA SALON Optotnetrist HARTSEL'S . AUTOMOTIVE " HRELANDS FLOORS 'Servingtfirana fir avrr 30 year*" Avon Lik« ' Vermilion 449 Avon BdiJen 1508 Slats RL 60 Phone 933O069 Phon* 967-8775 DETZEL'S GARAGE W. Repair All Make* It M n l d i Daw DirtnL Owiwr 3209* Detroit Rd. Phon* 937-S261 H 4 J AUTO SERVICE 1300 Moon Rd. A n n Phone 934-t746 ^ EPA Inspection Stattun Full «rvk« auto repairs AU make* of o n ai trucks ALLEN HEATING TTcoootrce •t4 Moon Ed. Avon Ldv. Ohio Phid* 503-2535 THE PRESS 1SB Lvar Rd/COt Son 300 Avon Ukr. Ohio Fhonr 933-51OU Wtdnewtay Wldiout 5PARK1LE MARKET 33479 Lake Rd. n Lake, Ohio Phone 933-f<aOO ' GREAT LAKES GYMNASTICS 33*00 Pine Oak P a r k w a y A v o n Lake, O h i o Phone W3-M74 SaKTIIKU OUMUCCWN3I WOW LAKE un nuoww MWUIB1IK n JUOTt UTHOUC CHUMM •me EWC0MLCMUKK WON U t t UIFT»T CHURCH •HlMMllMDM MM MM tl*. *••» (Ml tt W MMOaW* ejtuwn •tfiarcMWCM •BnatMii***, n m UPTMTI CMMCH Hooked on Fishing PERSONAL INJURY m by Norm Belmont Bodily Injury or Wrongful Death Free Initial Consultation No Recovery - No Fee 9 3 4 - 6 5 4 3 2217 Wisteria Way-Avon. Gfab ^KT^TEiP^AaranatG^ CHEVROIET JACK MATI A Steve Baiog 1100 East Broad St. - Syria Byria 365-7311 • Lorain 245-4118 Cleveland 777-6335 Brian Kewtey luiiM 01 vJi F i a^^ SweetbriarGoifClub & Pro Shop INTRODUCEStbeBrandNm... r. • 4 Week Sessions , • 2 Sessions Available • PGA Prrfesscna> Instruction •Smaller Groups-Greater Student/TeacherRatio . •, = .-• •Weekly Awards • v: ••< •Student Evaluations ':. •Handjcan System . - t> • PracticeTee / On Course Instruction Call Today For Further Details SWEETBRIAR GOLF a U B . & PRO SHOP 933-9001 871-0822 Service Center Kids' fishing adventure: It's going to happen April 22 Once again. 1 would like to thank all of the children and parents who wrote to me with an Interest in our fishing adventure- Our theme will be "Hocked On Fishing - Not Oa Drugs!" Our first meeting will be on Saturday. April 22.1 will contact each child and parent in the group before then with more details about our learning adventure. If you are under 16 years old. you do not need an Ohk> fishing license for fishing at Jie pond. At this time. 1 would like to thank Kathy Lynch, clerk of Avon Lake City Council, and James J. Smith. Avon Lake attorney. Kathy and jtni both went out of their way to help me with same questions X had pertaining to our group. Thank you both very much, and the kids thank you too! Inland water fishing is starting to heat up! Spencer Lake has given up a few nice largemouth bass plus some eightinch bluegills. These fish were all caught from the shore, not in boats. Local ponds are in the temperature range of 52 , degrees, and the bass are starting to move. The bass fishermen are using live golden shiners in the three-inch. size. and the bluegills are hitting on maggots, wax worms and smail worms. Greta Williams from Gateway Tackle reports that some walleye are being caught from both the north and south end of Pymutuning Lake. Walleye fishermen are using a jig and minnow presentation, along with sonars and cicada jiggling lures. Williams -also reports that crappie and bluegills are just starting to become active. West Branch Lake in Ravenna is starting to produce walleye, northern pike and a few muskies. Bluegills and crappies are starting to hit In the many •hallow biys and coves. As of March 23. the water temperature In the main lake at West Branch was 44 degreea, and tho bays and shallow coves were at 53 degrees. Wesr Branch b the only lake I know of around hare that is the same as the natural takes in Ontario, Canada. It has long, rocky points that drop effto25 to 30 feel of water. There are some spots in this lake that will drop off to 35 feet deep, three feet from shore. It has many rocky, sunken Island*. It also has many gravel, sand and weedy areas. If you are a structure educated fisherman, give this great lake a try! .•. Before you leave for West Branch ol Pydistuning, keep in mind that catching fish in these lakes requires a. little moos skill and knowledge other than j ging a few hires behind your bcaU If you would like to see for yourself what great walleye fishing the Gnod River offers, take a ride out to the areaof the grand just below the Route 2 bridge near the Uniroyal property to St. Ctalr Road. For the next several weeks, state personnel will be in that area during daylight hours collecting walleyes to be tagged and released as pan of an- ongoing study of migration and distribution in the river. Recent studies show that, walleyes originating in the Grand River are genetically different than those in the western basin of Lake Erie. ,;.;;/. One question that I hear a lot Is, why does Ohio insist on not having a closed season for walleye in the spring oa Laka Erie? The answer: Biologists are convinced that since commercial fishing for walleye in Ohio is banned, there is no need to protect the prime walleye breeders. 1 have my own views on this. \ and I definitely do not agree with the : biologists. Cranted, everything is great uow, but let's look ahead a little biL I am/ sure everyone remembers the blue pike. Everything was great with them also, until one day. they were gone and have never come back! " • .. .. , As of May 1. federal law says boaters cannot get by with cushions and rings. Boaters- and fishermen are. reminded that effective May 1, federal law will ro-;quire a wearable flotation device for each person aboard smaller crafts. Fut*. thermore, the state is in the process of changing its laws to conform with the federal law. This means that such items as cushions and rings o longer may be counted asflotation,devices on watercrafts. Thus, the law for smaller boats will be the sains as the law for the larger boats, and the device must be Coast Cuard approved, and be the approximate sizs for the potential wearer. See you in two weeks. Good luck and. good fishing! 763 Avon Belden Rd., Avon Lake • COWPLETEHOMED WNERS PH^^im Your home deserves our very best. Nationwide'* top-of-the-line homeowners iruunmea plan 11 spedally designed for yoor home, your persona! property, and your liobilily protection. And it contain* coverages thai are only offered as extra options m other policies. Billy F. Smith Coll ui todaytofind out if yoor home quatifiei Jor thlj special plan. NAPA Advantago" Muffler 24 Hoar Towing & Road Service NAPA Catalytic Converter <NAPfl> E X H A U S T OFF NAPA SoundBlaster Muffler THE SMITH INSURANCE AGENCY D R U G MART PLAZA 933-3826 1-8OO-635-O523 Avon Lake Public Library Betweenthe Bookends 933-8128 Library Use Exploding Februaiy wsa the busiest ever for the lihrazy. wah use increasing 4 U percent over February of 1994. The library presented a total of 45 programs in additionto54 hours Discover} Works was open for hands-on teaming. Total atteadanco for these combined opportunities was 4J15 people- — » - » F A O L l T r USE-MeetJig room*47 groups with & total of 821 people; Tax Help - 65 patrons; Public computers 44B palnras; Typewriters - 30 patrons; New library cards issued - 392 patrons: Colden Buckeye Cards - 12 patrons: Voter Registration - 4 patrons; Notary Public - 1 patron. OUTREACH-Books were taken to Beachpark residents and seven house, bound patrons. ADULT PaOGEAMS-fbe entire Amherst Public Library staff and the Resource Sharing Committee of Lorain County Libraries visited for a program and tour. An investment seminar presented by Merrill-Lynch was followed by the first of two popular programs on the Internet, presented by Thorn Gould. YOUTH PROGRAMS-Youag Adults held a Card Swap and a Karate demonstration. Five school groups visited, and Children's staff gaw 32 program* for preschool and elementary children, as well as a family storytelling program. FRIENDS OF THE UBRARY-The Friends of the Library gave a reception for Avon Lake artists whose work graced the Community Room for the month. They sponsored the Winterfest program and the program on the history ofThe Press given by Rick Hammer. ,• SERVICES-Interlibrary loans - 100 Items; Student reserves - 76 books; Reference questions - 2.409. NEW MATKRXALS-Books • 581: Audio Books - 23; CDs -14; Videos - 92; Items withdrawn - 350. LIBRARY CARS HOLDERS-1C.192 total patrons - 77 percent Avon Lake residents: {5% senior citizens; 8% young adult*; 27% those trader 18: 60% ages 10-59.) Adult women take out more Items per card than any other group, although girts rank not far behind. MOST POPULAR MATERIALS-The most used materials are books on cassette, videos, public computers, picture books, beginning readers, and CDs. The most recent addition are CD-ROMs, which can be checked out Reserve your own books Patrons are encouraged to bring their Small classes and individual attention are just .' some of the reasons families choose Lake Ridge Academy. library cards to receive a PIN (personal iripnhfjrnfn. a numberl so they can pl^p their own reserves on material* not currently available. In addition, each person can check hi* or her own s"'rntin\ to see what materials or fees are outstanding. Join us for a closer look. To begin your morning, join us first in the Bettcher Convocation Cente* to register and receive a program of the morning's activities. Young Adult MONOPOLY TOURNAMENT RESULTS-Special thanks gotoMs. Cynthia Orbash, who helped host and moderate the annual tournament. Her patience and expertise are much appreciated. The grand champion was Chffan Hampole. Other winners include Brian Sutton, Clayton Rnkes. and Jimmy Word. They were awesome! A college preparatory, independent, coeducational day school - kindergarten titrougli grade t2 Children's News STORYTELLEJE-Brenda 1C Neth will present a program Wednesday, March 29,7 pan. at the library. Brenda asks you to "Discover the Rhythm-." of the Appalachian and original nature stores she spins for all ages with the magic of the flute, pennywhistle, harmonica and keyboard. This program is for all ages, no registration required. Friends New BOOK SALE-Thursday. March 30.5-9 p-m.. Friday. March 31, 9 ajn.-5 pjn. and Saturday, April 1.9 am-7 pjn. Furniture surplus will also be for sale. Coast Guard Program AT- TENTICN BOATERS-Wednesday. April 5, 7 pjn., BMC William "Bones" Mosgraber will present boating safety tips and legal requirements for boat equipment There will be a question and answer session after the program. HELP US SHARK THE JOY OF READING-If you and your child enjoy reading together, pass on that joy. * Choose an egg from the tree, purchase a board book or vinyl book for a baby, wrap the book, place egg ontopof the package and bring to the library by Friday, April 21. Your book will be delivered by a P- IE Outreach Worker. Your cooperation helps teach young j mothers the Importance of reading. For information on the Gift of Giving Project, stop by the Children's Department. NAME THAT ROOM: Entriss due by noon on Friday. March 31. Win $100 I Savings Bond by using your imagination. Entry forms may be obtained and returned to The Press or at the circulation desk at the library. All Avon Lake residents are eligible. EXPLORE THE CARIBBEAN ON A 6 Sc 13 day adventures from $650. Call your travel agent or (S00) 327-2601/' for more 37S0t Center Ridge Road North Ridgevitle, OH 44039-2897 Qi6}327-1t7S - (216)777-9434 Admission Testing for Grades K & 6-12 Saturday, April 29,1995 9:30 cm.. Fine Arts Center Try us on for size. Wednesday, April 26,1995 8:30-11:00 a.m. The Smile Of Self Confidence! At Kim's Martial Arts School, we teach our [students more than I just kicking and punching... we teach them the way to self improvement! i Introductoi Class! S h a p e Up For Summer•.::;.• v.. : Special... :[:'r'-'::r& Yellow Belt 'Starter Course t'nform.uion. "- m •.->.>•.•>/•, FREE UNIFORI With Course' SAVE $100 PER PERSON NORTH FAIRVIEW AVON LAKE RIDGEVILLE PARK •«WM«TP7 375-C Lear Rd. Windjammer' BortfootCrutae** (Learwood Squafa) 34295 Center 21531 Lorain Re Ridge Rd. (CofMf of w IRinl's Plaza) & Lorain) Vegetable fanner gets green thumb down despite corner court order of Avon Belden and Walker By Marcella Grande S P i-Jr 0C.M3TTV HEKOENTUU. TO K ACHIEVED THROUGH PlAKNES UNTT DEVELOPMENT OR P t-» TOWN CENTER POLICIES COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLA>' for the CITY OF AVON LAKE MAP 5 Below is the conctiptuat map reflecting the just-updated Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Above is the specific area where McCaskey wants to put his farm market. (See arrow.) Maps - courtesy of Avon Lake Planning DepL AVON LAKE — An uphill battle for James McCaskey of North Ridgeville has ensued for the past few years and shows no signs cf letting up. McCaskey has been trying to buUd a farm market on Walter Road, a quarter mile west of the Avon Belden-Walker Road Intersection. But his plan was once again detiiei by Planning Commission last week despite a court order for the PC to reconsider. McCasiey*s Uwyer. Patrick Mackin. was hopeful the commission would overturn its decision last week, since Common Pleas Judge Lycett McGough I>III»H an order to reconsider based on the city's newly revised Comprehensive isiirf Use Plan. The land McCaskey has owned since 1982 is zoned residential, yet it is surrounded by commercially zoned laud and also by land zoned b'isiness. Developer Bucky Kopf owns the majority of the land to the east of MeCaskey's property - moat of which will become Town Center. "Nobody in their right mind would build a hcuse surrounded by commercial property," McCaskey said in frustration af*er the March 21 meeting. la a unanimous decision, the commission voted against the rezoning. Planning Commission Chairperson Erma Haverback said the Citizens Advisory Commission, which just completed revisions of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, is opposed to strip shopping along Walker Road. Rezoning McCaskey's property would, in effect, open the door for owners of land west of McCaskey's to request rezoning to commercial, and thus open the door to strip shopping. "You keep going on. and then you have a whole Walker Road (of strip shopping)." Mrs. Haverback said. Existing coramsrcially zoned land includes the Learwood Square area, property at Moore and Walker Roadi, pro- ' petty at Lear Road and Electric Boulevard, and land on the southeast Roads, Mrs. Haverback said, adding that there are a number of vacant stores m •". the commercial areas as welL .: : The'new Comprehensive Land Use Plan has recommended two mo-e areas to be zoned commercial, and Me- • O. -key'* property is not near either one.* even though it's, attached to land , awaiting Town Center development. _,., • : The two areas designated as future;: commercial property as indicated in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan are an ' area along Walker Road across From The Ceon Company; and land on the west side of Avon Belden Road that abuts the. \ newly zoned industrial area. .'.'.'• " "This land will serve as a buffer bet- :-: ween residential and retaiL" Mrs. Haverback said. :':;-. Sue contends that McCaskey is saying : the Citizens Advisory Commission is';. , recommending that where his land; ;a ;. should be rezoned commerciaL / "But that's not true," she said. "We,1,., have never recommended rezaning ad- ; ditional land to commercial, except for .land across from, Geon and land an 83 _ across from the industrial area.** she -. stressed. .'...• .• • ..:. ' J ' Although at one time, the maps being studied by the Citizens Advisory Cant-..-, mission may have included McCaskeyV'; land inside the circle labeled "office*; retail." the maps were merely concep- tuaL "They are not zoning maps, and .at no time did we ever consider 'J:-_ rf-Tonirts that property,'* sne said. ,'; Commission members further pointed :. out the new plan earmarks : 78 ^ undeveloped acres for commercial . development - land where McCaskey's ; farm market would be allowed. -0 Attorney Mackin said he was extrorao- . ly disappointed with the commission's'' decision, and he and his client have not' • ye» decided what they will do nexL. _-'vr . "It is terrible that we have an L-shaped';:.' piece of property, and this (rezoning) . Continued on next page POTENTIAL FOR COMMEnCtAL RECflEATlON IF C.t.l. VACATES •- r 1 . r-' •- GENERALIZED LAND USE POLICY f^% «TENT or 1NDUSTR,AL DEVELOPMENT RETAIL/OFFICE DEVELOPMENT GOVERNMENT/RECREATION FACILITIES ^ > J.u""^S^Y ->^ l | - / tf- HIGHER DENSITY IIICJIEfl DENSITY RES. (WITHIN P.U.D.'s OH THAOUCH T.D.n. ONLY) •<; COMPRK11KNS1VE LAND USE PLANp CITY OF AVON LAKE M A P 'M < 933-5100 Fees for new home owners p located OMfauJ* o f L o d i fd £« -Please Call For A Quote 933-5223 • 1-800-683-7305 33399 Walker R d , Suite B - Avon Uke to 37IQO Colorado Ave. Route 6l I Avon, Ok'o 44011 we have " ^ ^ P « already in. There's also a wate/lm- stalled P-ct fee of $ w S ? Albert P. Zakef, » w homeownar will h a W t f y a W b Is th. recreational impact 20 Years in Private'Practice Dentistry For Adults & Children "New Patients Welcome" 934-4900 Vegetable farmer Evening and Saturday Hours ~&&;-:&i-'u~?S.l Laura's Learning Treehouse Call 934-JflDS (5437) Accepting Government Programs Continued from previous page would square h off/* be said. "IX you can't beat *em. join 'em - that's what Mr. McCaskey is trying to do. With all due respect, you all should be ashamed of yourselves," be added. Haverback and Planning Commission member Jady Murray emphasized that one of the goals of the new Land Use Plan is to meet the retail needs of residents primarily within -the retail areas by confining retail development to existing locations. In other business The commission tabled plans presented by John Baird of Fai/weather Roofing. Fairweather wants to build three storage facilities on its property at 690 Moore Road. The request »?as tabled to the next Planning Commission meeting, because of a lack of information. Mayor Vioca UrbUi. however, voted against tabling the request. - Surn"mer.'EnrdHment £Going.Op NOW! ^;: free Registration • through 4-30-95 Enroll for-2 months^ Get-one week t i .•I,. CONGRATULATIONS! Joseph Henry OH Is five years ckf. His karate style is Kempo and he presently is a yellow belt Joseph won a first place trophy In selfdefense during a recent kvnouse tournament at Tracy's Karate Studio in Sheffield Lake. His moves included Sumo, Knee Lift, Joseph's Move. He Is the son of Con and Dora Ott, 818 Howe!) St. WE DELIVER after 5 pm Avon Avon Lake Sheffield *^w Mon-Tuc.. Wed, 4-11 > Frf-ftSaL 11-12 Sunday M l $2,00 OFF i • Fun Canto- NOW CFEFt • Top Shop Sportswear 20% Off Blouses & Slacks Reg. & Super Sizes 10-68 | 933-4141 33489 Lake Rd.. Avon Lake (Noot tc the Avon Lo*e Theatre) Tues.»WraV fltSaL 10-5 Th&FrL10-6 Closed Sun. & Man. firelands Floors '*%&** MarkF.Kufel.MO flegina Davis. MD & Gynecology SaeJJte offices in Rocky Hiver, Loon Courfy. Downtown & Independence • Capef • Viivl* Cerarrw: • Drope/fes • Wfodbw f/eolmenfe« 'Serving the Construction Industry in Lorain County tor over 30 years.' 933-3069 445 Awn BetienRd Aanlate (216) 967-8775 15C9ST.I&U Vemnicn HHTSHOfit WOMBfSHUUH ASSOCUB :W 3W«*. AHS honor.roil £biir*in^ Avon High r ^• ••Ir 1 Tina R^^HVT. Steven Rabbins, Judith SchUthei. Kimberiy Sctnan. hlaurean nine wtxkx She lto a. Maty Shepherd, period. Grmda 7: Jaaiw Langao. Leonard Shudwr. Robert Sisde. Scott Weadeil. Aottwoy An- Stephen Vag«. Stephanie drvoli. Steven Bachar, Tammie Vielhaber. Adam WUkins. Batlomy, Noah Buchanan. r>at!»ii» Winchester- Grsda l(fc l«se bu*by, ALrandra Dan- Jennifer Daoicki. Brett Fisher, chut Steven Eby. Nicholas (ooh Guemeri. Rachel Hiooek. Friuud. Matthew Greco. jodi Porter, Katia Schlasaaian. Donald frttmhif. EJHIJY Kodgar. Nicholas Saarely. Todd Wills, les&ica Kowaiczyk. Joan David Aihofleh. iohcy JCriaks. Healher Lacga. Kaily Brawner. {ennifer Britton, MariaL Kaia Motto, Robert lamas Broimtr, Erin CaldcrNicola. Kruten Opal. Victoria wood. Kalhleea Czarney, Paige. Cynthia Polovich. Vic- CLakw DaChant. Joel Dvcker. tort* PaLvich. Ovidiu Papa. j^fw^ Dregfir. Jennifer FUdes^ Aann Srott, Kati* Steel*. hUtiaa Crsf. Mcagan Ha/less, NlchoUa Tadden, Stacey Nicole Kapuctnski. Erin UrnUdowiki. lanoifar Vitou. mar. Amy Mies'e, Sherino NeAlisfae. Walker. Brian Wallaca. jadfard. Jill Newtnan. Heidi Daniel Waavar. Grada B: Flotz, I«annetta Poruban, rrani^^p Hrewaer. Nicholas Anuoda Rak. Jadyn RonyaL. Bucaovtcb. Muk Cannat, Sara Richard Sbaphard, Paig« MuU. fctelodie Hyitcn. Justin State. Jeremy Walk.<r. B^th Krini*. Justin UtlaU. Shauna Wmvar. famsi Wuharspooa, Loof. [tanitAt falimle, Virginia. Rachel Zilka. Crada 11: Sarah M i r d d t . Adam Soavaly. Ballog. Tarra BuchLovich. Stapbania . Han. Kristin Douglas Hsyden. Sarah Arvtidt. f^**w~ti Autt, AUMQ Lengen, Jesse. Martin. Cynthia Brawner, Qecistnio Burik. Vielhaber. Daniel Bigley. fwoBrian Buichko. Michnlla Cut* ni5*r Butchko. Cortoey Colfar. Travis Cooi. Dwaync Cun- eman.,Rick Dwl-ucumo. Dianna "'"ghiiTn. |"triiff Derryberry. DaugUs, Jilliaa Fair ban \a. S*r»h Graf, Katia Gray. Olivia Douglas Firca. Beneo Flsbar. Grime*. Sarah Grimm. Patrick Nicola Harless. Victoria Hfivnak, lames Hunter, Mat- Hricovac Aaron Hurley. [oa toaw Klingihira. Kimbarly Jones. Sarah Koozewski, ]aoKoazawikL Bratt Kowalczyx. nifer Kowalczyk. Amy KraU, Ry*n Kryatowskt. Brian Amy Louk. Nathan Petarsen. Maurar. Ryan McLaughUn. Kelly Rawlings. Willtam Ki*via O"MflJ]tfy. Mary Bath Schobar, brancy Schwartz, Otao, }oho PaOu. Wsgan Pal- Craig Scott. HMther Smith. tanurt. Undooy Kuniraz, Mary Joshua Stall. Kyla Stivasoa. Retain?. Luou Rhoadas. Eric Grada 12: Brett Ads. Anthoay Schickel. Gregory Shlpcali. Danicki. Rachel Walker. I«tvlaonifar Sroitak. David SmUh. nifar Bxu«r. Jooathaa Bnwtak. Jilliaa Syphers. PitulZapaniick. Nicola Carlson. Karaa Grada t-. arandon Ada. Wandy DuCbant. Kaliy Dye, Janntfef Admins, Nicholas Ashoftab, Cmka. Jolt a C m r r l s t l , Gralchan DaCbant. Magan Nicholas Hagarman, Amy LaLonde, Katia Langan. Mat- Hamby. Larry Kry stow ski. thew Merits. Aodraw Ballog. Kevin Lane. Jamie Uinato. AoDavid B*rn«Mty. J*»ica Biggs. ."* Paasi. Amber Psulchall, Nicole. Button. Brian Burch. M s r g l a R o n y a k . Bath Ann Marie DaChant. loon Scblttsanun. Kallia Scrivens, DaChant, Mldwai Flscbbiich, Heather Shepherd. JeanatfK Mailssa Callagb^r, Kristin Smith. Carria Snyder. leMica Cities. Joiasa Cuarrieti. Stewart. Carrtu Stockard. Katy Kathteen Harbfcjtristiiia Mit- Stockard. Dana Waganksacbt. chafl. Crystal Muvl^. Sarah Katly Walsh. Luke Wytocki. Trida Pawson. Scott CAB EJOE-£HTHY - Gracious 4 bedroom. 2 M OME OWKER HOME - Savant tjfidt and stucco Cdoniai -*/sd» m home! Fast «oor dert Dynamic eatin fatt-^- - . g eiffygarajeonpnvaialSffxi5CTproperty4bedfocm.3V2bam rjaak and praparaaon islandf Famfly room has raorapa i homai DramaftC 20-xl ST tamity room wifli ViBrP'- Rret »0Of Hera frh Btrary and eieeffonic component. _ « Excepscnal nwnoer of csbindS and couBe* „ ... ., cacnary! F«stwa basemeni! L2 ac« tot s j( spaced Newty fiiiisned tw hasamer* Aacn niceJy B8©a Call HOT #4082, t h » call L O e t £ L&ka, 17 yeats young & orty S*M.90CH CaB KEN KODGEH. CBS: 933-6530. Over 3,000 S HOT #3019 than cafl KEN & UOtS RODGER. to. td We«lwlnd-» t»st buy »t OHLV gCHS:333S550 3 BEDROOel ptaa DEN oo ONE ACRE. AVON I HEWER HOME - FIRST TIME OFFERED-'This LAXE1 Oiarming boma w«h gass» partwig tor £ 4 bedmom. 2 I S baffi cotoruaJ otters over 2700 3 plus a car porttoryeur bcafi Nicety wooded R sq. ttJ Two yaars young on aJ-fia-sac stre«U acrs ot orwe* Kjreniyf Radiant TrTxiTiwia — — << Gracious 2-skxy ky«r! Formal dtnnc room wttfi S bay wiratowt Huge gourmet tueften andtentfy«ord WBFPt FuB r^mwim walk-out ba^ and newer wood burner! Spaocus eai* X tjasemom; 1-lasfvEcanl owrwfs suite! Avon Uka and orty kttften with unique waftt-out bay windows! Neart^ 7ji basamea J( 5239.9001 Caif LOIS & KEN KODGEfl. CRS: 835*550) oS7si29JMCt Call HOT 2049. then cdf/UUS & KE1 KOOGER. CRS: B33^SS0t_ M CLUSTEJt HOME TYPE HANCH - SUflHeWs Parksidfl «»a of « newer homes 4 ccrctos - this is daafinq custom 2 bedroom 2 ft ba!h unrl witti twauBtut solarium, gorgeous woctibumtng Srepiaca " in ^pacioir; & spartJing greai room. large, master bedroom and }j sfarreur buh. 2 car anacned ga/aga and corv " wnient to services. MainLfeejust S60 ma JU1 Jf & CAROL JUDGE, £35-6550. {S96798) AVCW LAKE LAKEFHONT DBEAU HOME - Sinning 2 Star meal rm.. atone Replace, luxurious 1st Boorroastafs^te w!*n Sace class door* B oedt ano not tub. new cherry gou«w Jiiichen.tormaldining mom. 3 bedrooms. 4 battis.finisheetosi mem wAnoodbumingfireplace.3 =ar attached .. carage. secure shoreline, pier, boat BS and so much more.S499jZ00. JIM & CABOL JUDGE. 333-6550.(689293) . • AVON LAKE CONTEMPORARY LAKEFRONT-Almost new tram srourd up 5 yfS. ago ttvs outstanoing 4 bedroom, 3 t £ baffi 2 Story home wiih huga gourmet kitchen *J2stt>fy win-" dow wan provjcjavj magiuficent skyiine views wnichareappreoatedaba hom thebataonydthesfiinningmastor suite. Lot 148>a4G6* wttn breakwaU ft lake access. $699,500. JIU A CAROL JUDGE. 9334550.(704273) ARCHrTECTURALi.y ENGAGING ESTATE ereairuaking. 9.300 tq.tt. if new fc r> Lake ^ ultra home grandaur. set ha.xteom*ly c n a U acre lot- Customfeaturesinclude 2 Mory toyer; andfamilyroom, grand to* caSngs. gtetoning' 7T indoof pool w/sauna & tanning room, dramatictarmaidining rrn seneaSonal kichen. 4 car garage - all superior design & ma!w als. Sa99.500. JtM t CAROL JUDGE. 933-655q (£89473) PICTURE PERFECT ONLY $210.000 - Imagine ; thi* scene when the leaves starttopopl Unique styled home on 2 acres wimttiialovety pond. Hardwood In dining loom, vautiad bmily room and 1st floor master. Call for aD the details. CAROL KRASIN, 633-7700. (702595) (HOT 2998) CHARMER WITH LAKEVtEW - Feol the warmth in Ms 4 bedroom as you stop into Ihe parquet toyer. Bright Hving room Wflraplac*^ Tiered decJt ID enjoy spring weatrier.RecroovnJ' In basement, plus ctitrai air br hot summw j nighlS.Only $154,900. Cail CAROL KRAStN, S33-7703 tcdS] (695S23) (HOT 6375) • NEED A HOME 1NTHE WESTVyiNDS?; LRA honor roll The following ana itudaats haw tchiaved honor roll sUlus for lha lacond academic quarter of thn 19B4-95 school yrat at lha Uptwr School of Lak« Ridge Academy. Grade ». Cbeun Hampole, Avon Uk« Edward Buahner. Avon. Grads 10: Tony D'Amlco, Avon. Grade II: Anu Sawkar, Avon Laka. Grade 12: David Bort. Avon, Ray Woodring. Avon Uk-», and Michael Montuari, Avon Lake. X LOOKING FOR THAT FIRST HOME? ThtS 5 may fit your naeds-only $56.900-3 bedrooms. wood floors, newer vinyl in kitchen and front porch w/svwing. Professionally landscaped yard _ „ _... w/watarfall, patio and shed. CAROL KRASIN, 933.7700. (702591) I may rtava the ri one for v ° u priced ^ from S309.E00 5389.000. First SoorZfj[ master suites, Jacuz-iJ zl, sac. sys,, etc. AII^ the amenities youj expect In fine homea^ Call your WsstwinoV connection CAROL KHAStN for details and private tour, 933-7700. Foreign language fair held Avon High School recently hosted the Lorain - County Schools Foreign Language Textbook Fair on March 28. la attendance were representatives of the six major publishers of foreign language textbooks, resources, and related materials. In addition, teachers from the school districts of Avon. Clearview. Columbia, Firelands. Keystone and Midview participated in the fair. The purpose of the program was to study tho most recent publications in the area of foreign latguage education and to better understand their use In classrooms through the U.S. As a part of the .ongoing development of foreign language Instruction in the county schools, teacher* and administrators continue to promote enrichment pro- gram*, improve Instructional techniques, and extended involvement of students in the study of foreign language. ' . During the program teachers observed a variety of presentations outlining the advantages of various publications and their impact in the foreign language classroom. Midway through the evening, dinner v-os served to participants by Canteen Food Services, now a part of the Avon Schools cafeteria program. Mrs. Lara Peterson and Mr. Hal DeaForges coordinated the dinner. Each publishing company represented on March 26 contributed to the cost of maleing possible the Lorain County Schools Foreign Language Fair. THE PERFECT MATCH For hundreds of satisfied clients. REALTORS Ken and Lots Kodger arc the perfect match. listen to your ccjiv cems and your goais, then respond wtu> exceptional results. The Rodger's real estate expertise puts buyers, sellers, and sales togeiher...fast and effectively. Count on them to So when it's your move, contact Ken and Lois Kodger at 933-6550. Chances arc they1: i the perfect m: tch for you, too. Were you there? W ' On Good Friday, April 14 and Saturday, April 15, this question and more wUl be answered as the Calvary Baptist Church presents the Easter Drama of uV Crucifixion. Were You There? Dinner Theater has been planned and arranged for both performances by Novotn" Catering. A three entree meal with Lent in mind, as well as the drama, la $10 per person. We are welcoming the community to be with us on one of these evenings. You can make your reservations by calling tho churcS, 933- 8828. after 6 p.m. and leaving your name and number on our answering machine. We will get back to you. Or you can call or stop by the church on April 3.4, S, 6 and 7. Someone will be available to take your reservations from 12 p.m. to 0 p.m. The church is located at 32607 Electric Blvd.. next to the library. Dinner will be at 0:30 p.m. and the play will begin at 8 p.m. You will be attending a trial that could have taken place after the crucifixion as well as musical Interludes throughout the play. Call and make your reservations today. We hope to tee you there! KEN & LOIS KO DG E R Realty One YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR BUSINESS ^, "Ovar 320 Sntiaftaj FamiHw S r v d " 'W O r 111. 1..M UMret lit*. ..„!> know tlut'llit-y r&Ul; , 1 mi.t , l t u W ; I 1M- Carol Kraskt UwyStagnac Leslie Bemts Chris Mayer AOaWUay S2UH&M S2UH0oa Helen Bcggs CaBiyHugtck *T Wilton si uiWaa SIMWan SlUMon SIViWcn j#*?-; :*i Mark Mono Card Murphy SI USBon SI Million !§ETO ^ . . . . - : J toturaOatcono JMllM&wte) STAtt/iion JillCHoose SlUtltton JackKinsner SI UUllon lunf K/wgw 46 Units $y t. ?/ use our HotLine 1- Look for the -HOTf" o( Reatty One listings in our ads and on our yard signs. 2. From any touch-tone phone, call 691-2345 or 1-800-691 -2345. 3. Enter the 4-dgrt "HCT#" number to hears detailed description ol t£at property. The HotUm otters FREE. 24-hocr access to real estalv information and every Realty One propert f for sale. Try Ul GmtoKtUnx AdaLTaytor Pe(a Teunkis HjryArmmjM MaryVOrisek Batty WaUfWd EmieHlMy 691-2345 or 1-800-691-2345 ££ MOVE IN READY - Tr«re's no waiting tor this NEW 3 BR COlcrval in Avon Late. Comws with 2 1/2 baths, gas tUeplace, mar deck and a lake view. $159,900. Call today, PAUL SMITH, 933-6195. (697568) I NEED A FAMILY— To enjoy my features!! Mom wU love my gourmet cherry kitchen-dad can putlar In my oversized 2112 car garage— tie kkts can haw their own rooms plus have a "frog" roomtorfun & games—fldo will enjoy my fenced yard-Asfcing $239,900. Can CcrtUted Residential Specialist (CHS) CAROL MURPHY at 633-61ftS.(704359) A WARM, COMFORTABLE HOME - Qttgant and charming, just listed. 3 BR Cape Cod in top condittan. Oversized 2 car garage. Walk out basement Many extras. $159,900. PAUL SMITH, 9333195.(703751) OPEN SUNDAY — DONT MISS YOUR CHANCE _Jt> own this lowly Avon Lake bungalow on a large comer lot for Just Siifl.OOO. 277 lnwood taatu'es 3 large f»drooms. large nving room. tun. partiallyfinishedbasement, hardwoodfloors,and Ions of storage. Come Sunday 2-5, or e»5 LOHEME COUCHUN at 933-61 astoryojr personally gu^«d tow. Hope you'a come overt (70040S) SMUGGLERS COVE M3.9O0 - PrWate end Carriage unit wltl front porch and easy accesstogarage, 2 good size bedrooms | suite uoiiOes IS baths readytorImrrtsdiatB occupancy. MAR* MORAN, 933-6195. (698061) (HOT 4067) AVON 9.1 ACRES S7Q.9C0 - Premiere private (ocaBen tor new home wim over 2100* of depth you can set your home ba over 900* and have 250* of width at that locution. Great area ca*l today MARK MORAN, 933-6195. (707041] (HOT 3081) UKE OPEN 5PACE7 THY THIS Ceauty ontorsize (2531 sq.ft.) 4 large bedrooms. 2 1/2 battts, garden paradise, built 2 yrs. Call ADA TAYLOR, «7l-7273.$237J00.<692431) • BEST VALUE IN AVON LAKE - This 4 bedroom home offers beautiful lamily room with woodturner, 3 full bathrooms, fenced yard and Immediate occupancy. Asking S 124.300. Contact Certified Residential Specialist CAROL MURPHY at 9336195. (701K4) 296 REG ATTA - OPEN SUNDAY APR 2nd - Appro*. 4000 sq. ft ottered with outstanding 4 brm. home • bonus room • ceramic Hie, kn waO speaksrs. situated on tantasttc wooded tot MARY ANN T1LDEN, 833-61M. (7C1000) SHARP TOWNHOUSE - Beautifully maintained 2 brm. unit with private entrance! Attached garage, alt kitchen appliances - it's mouo-ifvebisl Recreation facilities Included. MARY ANNTtLDEN, 833-6105.(668914) NEW CENTER HALL COLONIAL - This 3 year old model has Included a designer kl&hen with Island Gemvalro cook top, a wonderfully proporUonad family room with warm fireplace, both formal living and dining, exceptional mastor suite designed tor comfort extra game/den room and also Brat door laundry, extra deep garage and full basement Call MARY KING. 933-6195. ICOMFORT AND CONTENTMENT • 3/4 BR Cape otters tranquil view ol Avon Lake sunsets, torn. rm. w/woodburning fireplace baserrwnt tormal dining, prudently priced at 5184,900. Call ADA TAYLOR, 933-6195 todaytoryour personal showing. (698851) 32713 WALKER RD.f AVON LAKE 933-6195 Accounting program that earned honors to fall victim to budget ax Brookslde High School's vocational accounting program, discontinued after this school year because of financial cutbacks, recently earned honors from Ohio's Region 9 of Business Professionals of America. With eight schcvi* sending nearly 300 students to comrvte. 14 Brookside chapter members worn recognized with 12 awards a t a luncheon held Feb. 10 at Fountain Bleau. Mumbers Sakura Olah and Jennifer Barto earned first and second pluce respectively in the category Administrative Specialist In Comput«rized Accounting, Christina Lastovka received a second place; Lisa Epptey. third place; and Robocca Reising. a fifth place -ward. Lana Ezao was recognized with a third place plaque in Medical Concepts, and Stacy Lore received a fifth place award in Office Specialist. Jaime Couin and Pamela Arra receiv- ed fourth and fifth places respectively In Prepared Verbal Communications. Additional honors were bestowed to Jennifer Barto with a fourth place finish in Desktop Publishing, and Lisa Eppley with a sixth place in Financial Specialist. Four of those students will advance to State Competitive Events to bo hold in Columbus on March 31 and April 1. In Administrative Specialist both Sakura Olah and Jennifer Barto have qualified to advance, and in Computerized Accounting, Christina Lastovka and Lisa Eppley will compete. Registration expenses and hotel co-its will be paid by student fundraiser? held earlier thla year. Any atudtnt earning State honors will be eligible to National Competitions held In Nashville. TN in May. Musical presented at library ! Joseph School. Avon Lake. 3 . Thomas 5choc< SneBeld U & e . S L Aahony Scftoci. i m i a . Loraui Catnoiic Junior High School, and SL Joseph Schod. Atnnentt are slated to perform a joint program at The Palace Theater in Urain on Marcft 30 at 7 p j n . Special guest artists wilt be the Lcrsai CathtAc Hign School Jazz Band. The program wiS kick crt with four selections perfermed oy 60 mersben 0* the respective schools' tntermeciaM banes. These Suoents w e aa fifth graders. They beae met two tone* in the eveningtarmmhjnwrt m a ^ ^ The heaofine of the program w i l X 100 students from the s a i n , seventb and eigWh grade concert bands performing seven sdec«ons. The Lsrain Cafflofic Htgn School Jazz Band •ria thar dwnonstnne two jazz selectksnj to put tne student - in the mood.- The concar* band wilt teah tne program M O m selections, one caitod -CootenUe* and the finale. 'Music of the M g t t " ton the Phantom of tne Opera. "Ha cwma cf this yeafs progtara is about traveL This ia in conjunction with a national program called ' h k a i c in Our Schoct Month" and Ostnema "ifcaic hleans the Work! To Me.* This perfcnnance is open to the puefc. A conation wiS be askedat the doortoneip defray the costs of this program. T o e House O n Chestut* R i d g e / a rmsicai tais of e c c * p t a n » . hvgivaness and the cdetxatan of fihentfy. wia be presented at ma Avon Brancn Ltaary. Wednesday. April 12 at 7 p.mThe freeprosram. perfcrmeti by The Chestnut Rjdoe Performance Trace, combines storywAno and character intttacbon «uth bajecrass. jar?, bkMs. regsae and Broac>*a,-styte songs and soars rtawgnad lor cfofclren of afl ages. The performance b based on aptay wmtan t» Uaatvw Wefend. O*i*m Cleveland area mus*csens M l perform the tale, with n a n a u n by Uaply tySuttwan. a Deve.ana Slaw trawler studem The program is sponsored by tne A w n B r m t t Lfcrary in oeteoraoon of Natenaf Libray Wtek. For more mfcrmafcon. ca3 ttw Kxary a( 834-4743- The Avcn Branch Ubcan 9 located at 374S5 Harvest Dr.. A w a . Spring style show . Witt) Spring In the air, roost women a n reaoy to update Oiea- wardrobe in prepwattcn lor tne new M a s c o . Members ot tne A r o n Women's O u o have piaorwd a l o v e * styw show of 'Weekenders* clothing that *nfl make your Spring cnoppinc easy and dettghtfut Utx and rusch outfits that are easy to caretorwin b e modeled and ewitette tor purchase at t h e Avon Community Center (Eaton Drive, oB of 6 t I ) Trunday everting. Uarcti 3 0 Irom 7 3 0 to 10 p m . Admiaaion ie tree and desMft wiQ be servea Circle your calendar now. invite a friend and plan on a deSgntU •vening where you can see the newest Spring fashion* and do some hasslefree «ftopptngf • •- - . Schools combine for concert After-Prom fund-raiser A bea>«twa game, paranto vs. coaches. Wr3 be held Monday. April 10 at Avon High School. Donation at Va door will be 5 1 . Proceeds win be*tsflt the Avon M a r P n c m . In addition, there will be lots of fun wn£ pnzes. baufcetbaH bingo a n j 3 point shot totw. Joi;: us on April 10 at the Avon High School. The combined music depertmero of S t 4MA4MMMG& Lake Road 933-4444 ake N O W analyze your •usuxance needs witbafrte Family Insurance Oieckup.99 S H O W I N G Wednesday Friday Outbreak (HJ Man ofttMHouse (PC-tJ) norjRuntfas (PC) Tommy Boy (PG-13) M»(o»PjvnetPfrl3) Discover For family dining 800 E, Eris at Horida Ave. 288-2211 Open at 11 amfarUJPC^ and DtOMr r-SaCurday BiaTHCflNHIU Karen S Jim Loflin - Proprietors Not Affiliated with any other Restaurant 215 MILLER ROAD AVON LAKE 933-272C THIS IS WHERE IT'S AT ! ! ! Stttt Farm life IrtMtrancc Ompany Thursday Night Draft Night Serving Land Ukc a (uod txigbbat. Stale Furm is iberc* W V l L D C A T 33550WALKER RD. T W . KWif-.itif AVON LAKE, OHIO 44012 LOUNGE A RESTAURANT (216)933-9785 , i ' « _ » S T . f - 5 - ; ••„ J Exit To Eden • Love Affair • It's Pat • Wes Cravens New Nightmare GENERAL LIBRARY 2 nights-$1.99 CHILDREN'S VALU-RENTAIS 2 nights 9S* My WELCOME WAGON' basket is loaded with useful girts, information and cards you can redeem for more girls at local businesses who'd like to say "Hi." My call la a friendly visit to help you with tips for all your needs. EngaQeo7 New parent? Moved? Call me. OLQASCKAAF 933-3460 Avon Lake High School CftoraJo ALHS Chorale performs in Atlanta Choir and lipscomh University Acappella Singers to present John flutter's ^Cloria." and Ralph Vaughn Williams*, "Five Mystical Sengs" complete with full orchestra from Emory University, and under the direction of the N^^iiai" President of the American Choral Directors Association. John Haberton. To compliment this fine weekend of choral music, t*' students also took some time out fa vwne sightseeing In Atlanta. The pprff oancs study tour Is approved by the njon Lake Board of Education and is funded completely by the students themselves and 'he Avon Lake Choral Music Boosters. No funds have been received from the Avon Lake Board of Education for this trip. The Avoa Lake High School Chant*, under the direction of William CZurkey, presented a concert of choral music ia Atlanta. Georgia on M&rch 24 and March 28 at Ceorgia State University and Emory University. The concert follows the Chorale's already excitingly successful concert season which began with an Ohio Music Education Association Convention performance on Feb. 3 In Columbus. Ohio and their recent concert performance in OMEA District Contest at Elyria High School where they earned four Superior Ratings on March 38. In addition to their own program of choral literature, the Chorale also combined voices with ihe Emory University Men's/women's chorus to open Musicale Seriesat ALUCC On Sunday. April 2 at 3 p.m., Avon Lake Women's Chorus and Avon Lake Men's Chorus will open the Tenth Musicale Series at the Avon Lake United Church of Christ. 32801 Electric Blvd. Each chorus will be offering a colorful variety of show tunes, pop melodies and traditional music This will be a spring tonic to start your inspiratlonal juices flowing. It Is an opportunity for all to experience glorious sound to boost the natural harmonies of life. The public is Invited. Tickets are S3 at the door. For additional information contact the church office, 933-32CL. Mark your calendar for the following Musicale performances: May 14 .ALUCC Baroque Bells with pealing beauty will share the program with Diana Tyler, singer/songwriter and her guitar; June 4 - Come and witness a step back in time with Damaris Peters Pike as she recreates Frankie Gershwin through wardrobe, song and verse; Sept. 17 Details will be announced later.. Around and About Avon Lake: The big ditch is n topic of interest and concern in Avon Lake and this week on Around and Abnut Avoa lake. City Engineer Wade Mortz will discuss the ditch. Wade will talk about the necessity of draining areas In Avon Lake to take care of thu flooded basements and other problems in the developing of areas in the city. He v/Ul also show where the ditch wit! go and will talk about the status of the planning, and the alternatives to an open ditch. On the same program. Joanne Duffy of the Lorain Health Department which serves Avon Lake, will talk about the child immunization clinic scheduled for April 13 at the Avon Lake Public Library. Judy Murray. Ward One representative to Avon Lake City Council will report on the March 27 council meeting. The Avon Lake Cable Advisory Commission presents Around and About Avon Lake daily at 6 a.m.. 9 a.m., noon. 3 p.m., 6 p.m., S pjn^ midnight, and 3 a.m. on Channel 12. The commission is appointed by the mayor and consists of Jacob Lundy. i-hairman; Roger Doerr. Rick Potts. Dan Trent, and Bob Smith. Rick Potts represents the Avon Lake Public Library on ihe commission, and Dan Trent represents Avon Lake City Schools. Matt Lundy and K. C. (Karl) Zuber are Avon Lake Council representatives on the commission. New in Stella's Restaurant Lunch Special Open 7ace Steak Sandwich with Fries .—$5.95 D W r Special Pot Roaat. Mashed Potatoes. Vegetable. Salad ...6.95 HflPPVHOUa I Pizzas Any Two Dinners Only $10.95 {Only $7.90 Ctaefa Dkuur LdudBl) U n a tn Only •Monday-Friday • 4-7 p.m. [ i l=n€€ • • • • • • ePizza eeeee jDally Lunch Specials $4.25 & up |DaltyWrmCTSI^$550 One Item ' CanyOutOnly N»tv«ikirn*raatH { Expfrca 4^4-06 with otba caupona ExplTu4-4-DS THE LANDINGS 9 3 3 - 3 8 0 1 ixjrain youths arrested with bat, machete, spear By Mary Swindell - A n officer monitoring traffic v; ikmg 1-90 on March 17 clocked a westAVON •/• boami 19S3 Ford Festiva doing 73 in a POLICE Z a mph zone. He pulled the car over and '-; u he approached it. spotted a passenger BLOTTER Z in the barkvtat passing something to the ;-:'-;dnvet':,•; While talking lo the driver. the officer ^noticed something that looked like a •dub oi baseball bat sticking out from S500; a roofing stapler, set at S300; an air cornprfssor. 5620; aud a 100-volt ."{under the drivel's seat. He was ordered •j.oBt. Beneath the driver's seat was not gene^Jor. S600. ; only a bat. but a machete. -•'-'• A search of the truck revealed another Pude awakening - . ' - - • ' . .;' basrhftU bat; a *»"mffmaHp spear, a mask A husbcnd and wife.* residents of N. " and a bandana, according to reports.* Doovys Street, were abed in the wee ';'.. The driver said, he and his three pals hours of March 17 *iien a commotion -' had armed themselves for a trip to Gore outside awakened them. ;, Orphanage Road near the Erie County Peering outside, the husband discern:• line. ed a young man trying to get in through •;'; The secluded Core Orphanage Rcjd is :'a popular hang-out for some young peo- *the back patio door. : "Hey. what"re you doijjg down, there?-** pie.. Local lore has it thai the place is ;; haunted and once was the site of an or- the husband yelled. "I live here." replied the fellow. r"; phanage which was destroyed in a fire. Thinking the man had broken, in, the i ...Charged with carrying concealed '.Weapons were Jose A. A>-ala. 18: An- husband flung a VCR from his loft , thony J. Jacobs. IB: Mark A. Reyes. 19: bedroom to the diiing room below, according to reports. and a 10-year-old boy. Ayala also was ; charged with speeding. The law vvn duly summoned, and an v:. The weapons were seized as evidence. officer spotted a man. and woman climbing into a car. The man said he. the woman and another man. .had come Tools taken home 20 minutes before and, while The mac. 49, was taktn in. unloading same stuff from their pickup, noticed the second man at the patio door and the resident yelling from an upstairs window. By this time, the door-puller was in his own. neighboring dwelling passed out on his bed. He was awakened and said he bad been drinking and weal to the wrong house. He was too drunk to know what he was doing, he said. Nevertheless, he was cited for disorderly conduct while intoxicated. Driving drunk Defective brake lights led to a drunk driving arrest oa 1-90 March 18. While on patrol, an officer spotted a 1981 Chevy heading north on SR 611 at 2;4O 3JH. The car's brake lamps ap-peared defective and flashed continual- '• ly. according to reports. The officer began following the car. which roads a sudden right turn onto , the highway, the driverfaffingto signalHe was pulled over and asked to step out Oh (hiccup) show me of the car. He exhibited red eyes and exthe way to go home... uded an aroma of alcohol, the officer Another man- was a^ested for naied. disorderly conduct while intoxicated After flunking Geld sobriety tests. March 19 after a call to police from the Mark T. Aigner. 33. of Lakewood, was French Creek Tavern that the follow, charged with DUI. His car was though very druni;. was insisting he impounded. wanted to drive home. To Euclid, yet. Earlier that evening, shortly after midAn officer tried to persuade the man night, a silver-colored pickup truck exto put up at a motel and even offered to iting 1-90 and heeding east on SR 83 atdrive him there. But the man refused to tracted the notice o* an officer when the cooperate, became verbally abusive and truck began weaving and crossing the b+xi *o climb into his truck. Then, for "center line s me reason, he flung bis driver's The truck w<u stopped near Schinder L snse, which the officer nod handed back to him. across the parking lot. To Court and the driver ordered out. His top it off, the guy announced ha was go- eyes were red and bloodshot and he failing back to the bar. but he was so ed sobriety tests, according to reports. Cited for DUl and drivina lufl of, unsteady that be stumbled and £sll into center was Lawrence £. Kelley, 56. of the officer. Avon Lake. Huh7?7What77?Hmm?7? Putting \bur Thoughts On Paper Is HARD Work. CORE RELATIONS C\N HELP- . •, -•;- - O a r -Concise-. -Strildnz• • ^ O S m V E RESULTS! Don't, skimp on time and sacrifice darirjL. SALE DAYS •tt * introducing The Newest Genuine-Chevrolet On Display Ready For Delivery , at**aT»» * • •**.*• • # • » • • XJ*a& beta. pwr. window* tat en**. STOP IN AND TEST DRIVE 4 WHEEL Q DRIVE „ EXTENDED M CAB PICKUP ELATJONS 216-933-S368 CALL TODAY ething Is worth writing about : -i An AVOP man reported the theft of •several expensive tools from his 1983 Chevy pickup truck* which had been parked in his driveway. The theft occured same tune between 1 and 10 a.m. an March 19. .;; Taken were a framing gat. valued at t S 1S95 GEO PRIZM LSI ^LJSESZ**. 25,7951 S OMAC Sm*rt Lm*am 3S Manth L i M * Taal & Quick Stlvar. SUvarado. pwr locVi. window*, tilt, cruiia. M buckat and much mora. u STOP m *M3 Ttar omrvt H B J | C J l a U a aaCLl l l ^ X aaaaal BaafeX lAVaaG fiatal CEaV 1935 MOKTE CARLO LS COUPE __ 2 * Month L M M naiKiBaBraaatiEaiomis3B3 1; Itf TWtti .. ^I^^A20 _ _ 8 OBI not O D DCIIBI I O oca ten K3 no IFT tr-y itm |Q| BQI IK3 "g"" 0G3 D3I tSS BQI KE E d BE3I TTFTI 1995 BLAZER 4-DOOR 4 W D S.MI 1995 GEO PRIZM » 4 DOOR SEDAN B BuckM u « U . 4 3 Hw V9, •uto.. p-*t, wmdowa, AM/FM Mario W/cnt*an>. Pwr dooi lochl. inl«rmilt»nt taur window dalog- O ttt. A / C j u m , bl. lira*. $ 3« Month Laaa* Pymt. Cloth Buekai Saaii. 2.1 litar auto., A M / F M llama Vi/cac •atta. raar wind, daloggar 6 9 Haar wind datoflgar. powar (^j doc front b*«fca«. « auto., pwr wind., V-6, „ C""I"'I7-» ^°" CMAC&nmrt t « pytnt - _ 247 1995 LUMINA SEDAN Bucket Saan, taaf *..nd. £™—• da!ooow. 3.1 Ittar VB. BULX H ffnurf £ • • 235 1 4 ^ j CM4C Plua Tax 30 Month Laaa* a al3 Bd B 3 tdl S 3flCCBQJ am ydtfiQi&QI BO3IDIfidOBI A^fi K3 UC3I BE3H 1995 CAVALIERS IN STOCK AND READY FOR DELIVERY Spring Cloaaottt S12.7M.OO QM I U b « t » a W O Q O • 1 9 O*VZP° laCr«v<93 Stop and test drive this new car by Chevrolet, wilt be impressed. Both 2 and 4 doors at i «.••, ttfl Your your disposal. plui tan & mla Id CSOIEB IB" T" TTI o i rn CM pa icw ra po aanraoonaicnaixsicaicsioi 1994 CAVAUER RS CONVERTIBLE 1994 FLEETStDE PICKUP LS Spring Cl»*«owt »16,949 Sal* and Laasa Prieaa Expirs 3/31/95 - &•• Tim StanUto or Oary Lupa for mora dataila. _ „ WE TREAT PEOPLE RIGHT! _ * i 4 doei Mdoa raw d«<OQO«r auto. AM//FM m — v • o r - — .^wv ^ w ^aa> 607 MILLEB RD. .^ # 835-3533 •! .s* n REAL ESTATE Investment Heal Estate 24 HOUR CLASSIFIED HOTLINE 871-6696 04 05 . Commercial Property LORAW KDUSTHJAL PARA Or buttto*id- TmO 6JJC0 « J t adiacant c Fc«a Ustor Co. TBnxaagkfid. M t t w c Fa^2j90. Lotam. Cvo. Conaa Danny r»niiiin. r n n i n r » I M I I H Piage Realty. (2161323-iasq OFFICE OR BUStfCSS SPACE D » a Gly Can tar Camples. tenBMt bean 4 *»*'.. - L e w leva* 300. 1.400 and 2.6Q0 K ; k. Tha M Moor 7CO 7COa a B. RR Wtt, i£haee paC Pnone 244-4)1?. U 10 Homes For Sale AFFORDABLE HOSE LOANS. Col MaikorUatlLundy, FA1OLVHOME MORTGAGE CORP. Awn L»U. OH 933-710a AVON WOODS OUJCfc U HanO' a n w tionw. 2-SuSorara. 2Ful Basa. a-Car AaacnM Carxm. 139^00 8>*^C75 AVOH COfOO: 3 Betfwo T n t n u i . t-S Ban*. 2 Waik-o Q a e a Naar MO. tSBJSO. 216327-8233. AVON LAKE 5-Beitacms. 2-Ful Basis. E « a n U d feEften. Faoned F a r * * tan n Basement 2-Car Garage. Ftcni Kvcti. via** a D o a i a e screo*. FSBO S12C.U31 CaL 823-3g2oAVOK LAKE FOR SALE BY OWNER: Ctastwocd aiea. 3Badrsam R * T C \ 2-&IIRS, Vatia&l ftanvy Hoom 2Q»is. Daucrwd 2 5 C a i Garage, f u l l BaMaaat. Endosea Suncnm. t u r yaiO aCuS »l2&a00. S33-2T3? AVOH LAKE COMDO: SMUGGLER'S COVE 2 Bedroom. 13 Ban*. Appi^nc**. Gaiaga Cal S3C-20t»0« 1-413-75W827 Ban Cooc.1 ownscJupg wtang AQ Acctancaa AVOM LAKE {Laacaogefc Open Sattircay V I * i Swear 4/&M | 1 5pm) 4-Bedfoaai. 2.'-Bams. Fatnlyrocm wfcmoUc r m i w i m . 3174.000 c&a Capmns Qatar. 933-2QB6. AVON LAKE/GREEMPCIN75 CCLOHIAL; 48R. ZS Dam. MO-ssry loyer n M m t n Hoot. cararac Ma mown Boor. FR M S I woiftumer. *«t bar. central Mr. Decks to T*YV)T^ lot Won-I last at SieMJQOI O w » 333-722S Upen Stxtday 2-3PU. 3231 j S r w 5 M ROCKY RtVEH CONOO; 33O2BA. twauTrti.By oacoraMiL aH uiMaud Lsv SlOOJXa Opan B a j u £ A l & Sutv i-4ctn. 333- BBa. VON LAKE, tot u i « by fl«m.. COCrtai. 3 BR 2 baffu. cwtsal AC. tooflea naawntii. 3S8JXU. 3337841. WESTLAKE: IWn JamM Ccnco. AynMtey CL. 2BOSSA. crourd loor. 2««Jooc packing Msaca*. Mutrai tlacor. t B tW orty. Sb&OGO. 221-41S1 20 Lots and Acreage For Sale AVON LAKE LOTS FOR SALE OR BUILD TO SUIT Academic notes The following undergraduate students have been named to the Dean's List for Fall q u a r t e r at SaldwinWaHace College, according to Or. Mark Collier. v i c e p r e s i d e n t for academic affairs. AVONTioa Barnhart, 35251 Keller Dr., D e a n n a Bridgett. 37190 Carleen Ave.. Margaret Conlon. 2227 Violet CU Jennifer S c h a f e r , 2270 Candlewood Dr. AVON LAKE-PhUip Exoo. 234 P a r s o n s D r . , Mark Holmsborg, 810 Quai* Hollow Circle. Mary Ind e l l l c c t l . 157 Frederlcfcsberg Dr.. Holly Klser. 154 Fairfield Kd., Jeffrey Martin. 32421 Walter Rd, Melissa MeCaw, 232 Cherry lane Andrew Schmilz. 32686 Redwood Blvd.. EHas« Zolman. 4-*l Mulberry Lane. SHEFFtELDMichelle Franiiewicz. 4015 Colorado Ave.. Richae Kanary. 1195 Harris Rd. SHEFFIELD LAKE-Amy loannidb. 765 Hcllyview Dr., Matthew Miller. 891 Harris Rd.. S a n d r a R a k a r . 801 Idlewnod Ave.. Cindy Rig«s. 345 Lynne Dr, Ceorge S i l a c . 4314 Brockley, and Joyce Sturhleng. 4141 Lake Rd. Scott* M. Chandler. 33081 Lake Road. Avon Lake, received a Bachelor of Science degree from T h e U n i v e r s i t y of Wisconsin-Stevens Point during commencement ceremonies helci on Dec 18. Road & Use The Classifieds rr G B loor. AS uUtaas taouMig mshar &, crysc ho H 2 5 . 331-3W LDfUJtt Ess *M» tm* tor w t 34 BMSacm. ncs mnL apobdnc» nluied. $e7ScurWL Caa aawSpo. gaat rocm. n HAT 1ST: 3-6aO«>nricu»a« casamem. Z a. 2 Car Garsga.. N O Qui«t stiaat 27489 Wesftaka. Upper lags. aB2-C4ZS i U i 3-BaCnoooi fiancn. Csntrat Ao-. H.OLMSTEO, by o * w . 23211 K o Pats/Smokara. 3E9S/Monlft. CllttoiO. 3 - P q . 2-BA, E m u . Secur / C A l Scaoous- 'Jsommg bora street. nto 1300 wj.it /-^iiajTCM. R«c-Rra. UBtt StGS 000. Ta*-33E3. Commercial 52 MORTH OLMSTED: Open SurOay For Rent (1-*P«> 4173 Colurnsia «20S. AVOM WOOOS COMDO; J Bedrooms. 2-Futt Bains. Adoad fanny Rood a Soeaned-K Pwcfi otwlooung Pond. 934-6619 No fleattors. KelUe M. Kraven. 353 Timberlane, Avoo Laie* has teen named to the dean's list for the fall 1994 semester at Marquette l/niveraity. FAfflYEUft IJBD Apt totsrt. NS»*-/ l ut>tttl«a. d o t * to Schoo1*. LUMWT and Stioppitw. Call Trademark Homey 933-4341 SARKWOOO 1AKE ESTATES: 1/3 AO*. AVON LAKE RETAIL SPACE AMPLE PARKING COUPETTTIVE LEASE RATES HO ADO ON CHARGES BAR HEUh Atnrnocn's BETTER RESUME FREE cmsusaaon. M cams<s aoo CcoiooMboa ana UyouL C W HAPPIES VANTED. 13 ysaa c*l <uo- LauiMMd Country C k c For delate caa e?t-S33S. CAREER Ssaiung Noh Scncd Gia*S*'*ors ages u u 2B- O w *00 am»v AVON LAKE: LaM Hd. 4-Aoom tactMcar •paoaltMS. EsaMni p*y 4 SUM awaiiaOe: 116S iqJL, banttlits. Cpportwwy tor ntgn«r C •oi^axon. PtUi A sail O I C P « M cuanp»Mcl Can U.S. Uaimas «l NORTH OLMSTED 3 0«C«.2tS >a 73*-5877or521-3B0Q. tt. eacn. I *90.734-151B. CASHIERS O.TICE SPACE AVAILABLE. DEU-CLEBKS „ - _ 1 •c«mown Lotain. au o/ pvt o l ' Com«ni*nt Food Mart In Snafmtt 10.QOO »q It. Contact 0 « n n Law « ncntawno * * ** * Jr t DaUaico. Cokr»*U Bankat Las fcm casfMTs and Deft-cttou. Gnat DnpD Baauy ffi6> 323-ia60. tnccnw cfvoranty Ur ncowmawa OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE end students. W* oUer. individual ollie«* lor (ant. • Paid Vacaocn* S support urMCwS avajtaoM. Convsniently locatul across IromffwBay £/nptayM Olscounts VWana Post Oitca•fctom Rases CaU ElalM at BW-1434 tor furSMr opMBvw ag No «xpane K» naoBMary - WM wtt San you. Apply «i pwson at <?d8 Laka Rd, Snodtokl U t o . AsktofMr. 65 Vacation Property For Rent OOUSLE MADE MANUFACTURED HOME: Own your own propany. Norm Fon yycrs. 2 Satiroanu. FIonc» Room. Lamat. Naw Cvpat & Air Conditionar. Completely tunahad. 848.500. BJ7-6S*a RIVER PtNES CantpORMnca. Cout to coast mefntMrsfttp. Paid up-Cooagas. induor-outooor poois. f M r mum aotvutas. umtOsm mom. S4.0OO. (216)521-3500. WANTED 75 Autos Wanted A-A-A SuyMQ Uaad 1 JxAad Can RunrmorNot FmaToiMng 44t-441»or«aa-000" Help Wanted 80 For Rei.t O F H - . - 5 • 2>«opi« MondayffwuFnday, -' am. ID 9 p.m. insaraew Frtday - 3A. (, 440-7.-00 pjn. only. 34960 CanMr Rldga B d . NmRKX^ APARTMENTS FOR REKT. namly d l a . 833-8247. 1 * 2 AVON LAKE: 2-BaOroom, Ltug* Gataga. No Pels. Sacuflty dapoaii. flctarwnca*. ioOOMorun. Can 9333291. _ _ ^ DELUXE Immaculaia Oupiaa. W.Laktwood. 3BO. chandalicn. DBtaga. 2txmfias. bMuttful baanw, custom tfracwi.' No pats. Swcuitly ACTIVITIES ASSISTANT: Our 106 M M I U M nMaW aeeCA (••Wants mtm looking lor an •iwgMc, cnaflM tndhiKXMl ID anccuraga and auist Swm « m emits. PARK. RocMport Manor partMs. outmoa. anl a wMa (anary ol AparViwnn. 20480 Lorain fid. Cm actlvntas. It youfra MaraslM In Bus •nd two Dadroom. cnipanng, air •idling. U-Bnw position, apply in condisonlng, •Metric kitcnan. NO parson at Avon Oew NUISIPQ Horn*. pais. S410 A $460. h««j. waiar 37800 Fnnch Ctwk Bd. Avon. loOuttod. 333-1841. 24 HOUR CLASSIFIED HOTLINE 871-6696 Center CLEANING: RasidenttaJ ncoia*. Lootong tor oepenaaM. matun hsip. TnnsponaDon required. Good peyPsiMima. SaxjtM nours. APP*Y « ' 34068 Cansw RlOO* fid, N.R. i276346. ; DATA ENTRT . hnnwdlaia U am» ooaninostordata •nvy parson lor but paca Mtif>g olllc*. Uusl h**« data aniry •xparwncs. good Sgura aptttul* & msOcai backyraund » a * I t>a a plus. Hsisa sand return* to: Medical D«n<af Invoicing SarMcas. 14600 DatrtM A M , Stoa 1489. Lakawood 44107. p DENTAL OFFtCESECHETAHY/ASSISTANT. PartBm« m*f (10-tS nouuL l OEHTAL REC*PTIO«1ST/ASS»TANT Mantel fuil-Dme. Uadlcal beneflts. Avon Lake 8«V2T10. EAAN UOWEY SELLING AVON TO FAMILY & FRIENDS. NO DOOR TO DOOR SALES REQUIRED CALL TODAY. AVOWS MR. KEN. 3o65435. COMMtSSOXt TO 50%. 1BC0-366-5450. FWANCE TRAINEE " Wesiiaka Finanoa Company has Inv madlato openings lor «nurf|enc A canwr nxnded indMduals. Entry levnl potltKo wtn day & «««nng noun availada & (.ccasicnal Saturdays. AofUJcanta ct>ouid possestt basic typing sun* & a pMasani ohon« vac*. Spanisli toiaktnc IndWKkMl also needed lor avenTno ttours. PtvaaacaKFtid Cawsonal 1 eoC-344-bOQO, E«t.6811 to Kfwdule an kWMvMw. GAHKN CENTER rtaiacm n W Apprr a! 23231 d H A « C . NAfl. TECKMlCtAM. U « , ^£^TIMCV<STALLERS:f<a«iRa ~ • -• " HELP WAKTED.TUU. TIME d L C n g ; , HELP WANTED: FJUK»TS CAN OlES IN THE LANDINGS U TAXING APPLICATIONS FOt ADULT PART-TIME CLERKS WU3T BE ABLE TO WORK DAYS 1 NICMTS. APPLY M PERbON 10am acno THJRSOAY or FRIDAY. HIGH SCHOOUCOLLES£ STUDENT b a n C t o r a . ram Uamtsna.Ka Om Jcca. P*n0ro, Handy U V L EJ* nfient WOO*. Pevfife. to*%. Cal S33-0OC8 after 6pm. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT wH do jour ya« worn. o<M jobs a. S34-6767 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES ParHtme saft needed c M M on i WnMm apcKans B unrx <MV> men tally / d i l l y O «B*-d mcMduais n a Hockaftop o yoLp ncnM saend. Comact Per •onoel Oflice. Lorairt CounTylBoard o hlontal Fwtaroaoon and Develop mental OoateiiBea. 1C91 ktiinna^ Rd.. Etyna OH 44C3S (216] 329 3734. EOe HOME TYPISTS. PC users needed: JJ4 JXO mcon* nominal. Caa 1 -CO B62-6CC0EXLB-21B3 HC4JSECLEAMMG Steady mort- FuCJOarMUn*. a d tran •asmwoA using company car. pak wcewy, untarms. bbm ba nonest 1 naw* a «aud Otuo drtwrs leaner fcttfd WUn Care. 779-*4ia V « train, pad *etfdy. Pad wacattor and promoaona tot quabflad. Car asm S150-4223 plus pw w K Uut Ca nones: and have a valid ttrMf i INSURANCE SALES Looking to licensed or unboentad support sat to help generate revanue; in at agents dice. U Maresaid. ptoaM comacl Poay UcOura at Aflsau* ma Co. 324-2640 LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION 1 MAINTEHANCE, E«erianca ht*j)U Sand npty b . f>JD. Box 108. Aw OH 44011. LANDSCAPING rofamenAaoofers nesasB U l Una Muai nave raterencos. A drv Ecense. Apply at 23258 Lora«r Rd. ^ O ( d LAW ENFORCEMENT JOBS NO E » . NECESSARY Now MWno. US. CUMome, Otflcara EK-For Wo Cal I219)TU4-0010 • « 2617. BAM p 10PM. 7 Cay*. ; UME COOK needed awnings * i vxafcendt. B pK n / D i A r needad avww™, is-oUer. AnMy ai HERB'S O N THE LAKE. 32463 LAKE HP. AVOK UWE. LOCAL TRE^-SERVICE Busy Tie* Servioa »o<w hiring parfancad Q roundsman a d CHtnoera. RalarancM and a vaHc dnvan aeanaa laqulrad. J2t»t3»B9 •Canfne Lodging •Shampooing 'Announcc||thc GKANI> OPENING in Avon * '-^ ATTH: WE5TLAKE Postal PO».0DOS availaBM. Par•aanant ^Mvna & .sartmartai. Fu* Bemlls. For u u cat*, aoptctaon ». taary •tf-xfTOTSa*-*3*2 Office Space For Rent 55 LUXURIOUS CONOO KELLEYS ISLAND. S U « ui me naart ot dowruovci Katieys Island *n nearly new 3 bad room, beauutu'ly oacoraMd condomr-wi* «aS) ooo*1 A trepiaca. Call 4iM26-fl16a. ' 35 Vacation Property RwSale „>*«**{!«: Wi-i'c ASSEMELE CHAFT&P«OOtiCT5 W U Tog L •TALLOtCXMAYR Gas AMIUCW. Can 21S-S37- 6608 AsMna I32.00Q. SHEFFIELD LAKE: 7 Lots PCxl 1^7. imprawrt. CaJr*3-2S31. 45 -DRIVERS* CALL A CQUPAHE 2?32carssAaM Wi-taaasCrt^ sumoooc*- A^raua 6-10 days ouL TMifcUaa^Begnt CrtEAT EASTER IS UPON USIl b H t d Family Practice With Combined Chiropractic Aaaoc Sports l Council VETERINARIAN SERVICT , W. C. WooJ^DtT.W. Wood 1497 E«| (Qnr RJ. • SUfTiW. VUlap | ^-1^' J « - rTJoctors and Staff of the Starkry ainks vTo ccJebratc the opening of our new chruc in Avon we are „ offering a FREE spinal examination to sec If chiropractic care can help you. Available at either clinic Offer good thru 4-30 95 1336 Cooper tower Loraio, Oh.1-* 5731S tUrvtu D* Avon, O6ik> T._ (Lootedbeblndjhe^itwJJbTmfTrofffitH 9 9€ . iropractic (Centers specialize in treatment for: •Work Related Injuries •Auio Injuries "Back Pain s i i h % ^ t y f c } $ ' * ? '•--'4"• '•••'-•• ••""• Avon Lake Podiatry, Inc. DR. MARK D. GOULD Family Practice of Foot & Ankle Problems Bunions - Plantar Warts - Hammer Toes -Heel Pain - Ingrown Nails - Fracture & Sprains. Hospital At In-Ofllce Surgery Most Insurance Plans Accepted We Accept Medicare Assignment S33-4021 OIDcr Hours By Appointment Located At The Landtags 3-.73O Walker RJ. Suite 1-3. Avon Lake 83 LOOKMG FOR A FUM ft CHALLEMGUtQ SPfUMQ ft U H U I E f l JOS? r w Was; snore Y U C A aaaatf has a s i a c * * waentaa P ° * - Child Care SUTER. BOna noUOe MB CMMO10033 D Previous KwidcarB axs«rience pwto*wd £ u MS Baa. Please cai 971-5386toa e n g an HHJVOT. LOVING. Oepencao*. htaftaa petstn la cs» lor Z cnioran in our Anon none Eon*** ncrwracfcxig casa-Oy hameL FuS-une caaitt» Ucn-fti. QjaSJtaO panon n u n enpy wukoQ OMttpn»f«a3 a * • py s pa?* w*»his. PwwOa D M SanapcrBftcn » taia 3 war oU D pre-«cnoc* in . U n a . Oalmncon a nus>. Cad weekamJs. M«fargs afier £pm or >»**• massage. 83*3656. LJJMOl SERVERS WANTED FRATELLO-S RESTAURANT • CALLrea-amoOft en-acM aLALLAHD BAV WAREHOUSE n Wtnaak* has a toa adapts. TxSuwrej, « w n m s j « cnoeScoo & * * » M r a witfrainclMad. Benefits tocteto daoauiBX t m i & t u r n b e w i a . Aom ki pencil at UaUnt Bay Oil Co. 23299 O v m BO. U m 1-*=. . Wasaafca. _ _ _ _ _ HELICAL ASSSTAMTS Wtat Bda locsBons. Fultowand p M t o t opaninga. Poo w n a o c » •otand. Sarid R e u m KE WesiUe, P.O. Bo= 45014 MA, WasttaU, OH coie Tax bone, ottce a n Foracpcntment * * * * * * »"d snacks. Eicalbtnt wteBncea. Cat 337-6301 _ catstorywr pres» W CRJUJOMAS LOVIHG CAKE ™ a o o lor jntxa in m» w«_ta_a * * U - BABreiT you- t o d * * n » » » f or parvame. SS Situations Wanted~ BABVSmEB W/10 YEARS EXfEfiiEMCE WILL BASYStT you/ cMoran hM or part t m . * ^ 5 . i n . opn>- Wttt pronda Micft. snacks. - - » and loci ol TLC. Raterercas 4 "aadad.cafl93.54l4. SA-YSITTIMG BV JAiUti'moooa• * • » n - « cantorycu> ttJmn. • w a n e * -ar waafcanda, 3Z7-44&5 EXPERIENCED MOTHER * i H oapyart in my ncma. wwkdflyt- Play ataa n tack yam. wB prowcia knen. altemoon anack & TJ^C. EaaMaw School K M . U M a i a OUAUTTCLEAMWa sst R Rauue Whidu. Paraonatead u n u aacfl k m Not a daanng kura E W l t f a Fraa Esttnaiaa 322-1 « 3 or 3fl»474B WORD PROCESSING: Latter*. P«»aao>onB. Rapona, Brocftuns. Announcameflts, Ryan. Tables. CtaR^Tarm Papara. Grapnlca. CaK . HOW ACCEPTWOAPPL.CATIONS (or Jun/p«/Hin». flay & awning sniJtt. No *xp«L*«ccs nacassary. Flaxtbi* bours. Fre* maais & urulonna. Apply at Burger King. 33005 Center flmae ffd. Norm fiMqawfleMtflC* HOWH1RINC Up D ST&hr. tnttMdgo) oMdM ID « « W enunJanop CMptoys at Norm RdBwtta ama. fiesUa- ftrs. 8 «jn.-6 pan. 7 tJay*. HOWK0U4C 90 » 0 displays In A « W I Lak» aita. F t a t t fitiura. C&* 1-8OM7*e«4 Ara> you considering a careat . ttmagal A cnaOenging earner a* a state (Mad numa afcft awe*» yoii M m a Aide taming at Aw» Q u a - Nurang Home w« gh» you *m opponxuy ufeainat M U n l nurUng . Dora* In V« anawun BM opponunUy toe emptoymsFj vcan compttQon ot tie data. Apply In penon at Anon Oaks Nunanc Horre, 37B0O Fwnch Cms* Rq.. Anon. PART-TIME COUNTER HELP WANTED. Mi«ttM able to work wai ' M A people. Apply in panon at Uai Boaes E t c 30628 Ouuoit HO.. w 95 C pttvw . t m cannM ba aftud of campuaic Uua>.Ui dapanoaUa. Avon tocaton. Sand taipoma to Tha M m . P.O. Bo« 300-TP. Anort Laka OH 4401?. POSTAL JOSS S W t St M1AV. For • n a n and appKaoon mto. can (21W 73S-S30I E x t 0 W 1 9 . Bam-fipm. SwvFtL : : \ • • WhfeJALfcEOe J NOTICES WCOUE TAX PREPARATION Ccmp—BfCad P p & Deme<v DAVIO -L NOBILETn INnvUXJAUBUSMESS TAXREIUflNS PAYROLLS/TAXES BaHNG&PAYABLES BETTY J. GRAY 777-5200 135 General Services -NOTICE- Personals THANKSGIVING, NOVENA TO ST-JUoe; O Ho*y SL Judo. ApoaSa and Uartyr, gnMIln utrtow W< ixtt m miractM, naar Unaman of Jaaua Ctitm, ttffihi Mercaaaor o< dfl who tnwkajreurapadal patronaoa n k m of noad. k> you I haw racourM tram ff» dapti ofmy naait and numUy bag k> whom God has grvan sudv oraai w kt cwna to my aauaunn. i m l n m y praaanl and unjanl pautton. ki m m I pramisa to mu*w wor nama known and cauM you to fao kxAkad. SL Judo pray (or t« a l wno Invoka your aid. Amen. Say tfva* Our Fatnais. V M M Had Uarys and Glorts*. PuDttcaUon must b« pramlsaa This Nomna hao n«v«.baan knownto1ML I hava had my n q u u i of suited. Publication ad. KB. " K CMACKBAHpoaWonaiwIiWApply at SwaatDriat Goll Couna. 75O Jayomt Rtt. Awn Lafca. 9 3 3 « C 1 . •PHINKLER SYSTEM MSTALLA'nON.EqMnanDaamuBt. 'Sand nply lac P.O. Boa 10B, Avon, -aH440r1. STAFFING COORDINATOR _ THE SUCCESSFUL CANDtOATE FOR TH13OPPO«TUN1TY WILL - BE RESPONSIBLE FOR HIPWQ . ANDSCMEDUUNONURStNa •, ASSISTANTS AS WELL AS - MAINTAINING PERSONNEL FILES AND COOROWATJNO EMPLOYEE • ; BENEFITS. MUST BE ABLE TO WORK INDEPENDENTLY AND SfTERDePAHTUENTALLY. , CONTACT BAfiB MCORADY. R N. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FOH AN • . INTERVIEW. ENTER ntCGtNUR 3SSO0 CENTER RIOGE ROAD -. NORTHfUXiEVKXE. OHIO440» :-; 327-1290 TELEMARKETING " Optional work from ttoma. Earn moony lor •mUino *«J OWUno. Parttorn. 899-2700. • TREE SERVICE A LANO8CAPINR nsads holp. N O atianc* . B71-aa23. TREE WORKERS WANTED. .GROUND MEN ANO CLIMBERS CAU.rj4.a74. TYPIST/SECRETARY North Omalat) CPA Bmi woWnp Wt O o " Olvkfcal tor •; MUBI hew e«»-!^llVP>«fl « • .taphona axparianca. cdmpuwr •*llar_cy.aodo/ganliatlon_sKito1Wlll parhxm ganaral oWca dot»«» tncfc* ;:'.kig Ung and tair wlum procaMloo. : PteaM nand —sum ard »a!a*y ro- «.*fwii8n« to P.O. Do* B39 North xr CLEANING CO. part.tltna, •uperiancBd. o w n .•ftanspOfUidon, good puy. Sertoua inCulrad only, B3&-JO36. WILOLJFEffiONSERVATION J O 3 S Oam« Wardana. Security. Mainienance, e t c . N o **PneCMury. Now Htfmn. For Into CaV PI9)7B*OO1O«xt 7260flam-llpm. What you ca>n sae. can run you. 1 Ha * your gas home appiiancn cnacMcitortataty -ttYaarEipenera • P k *Senor Dncount C 24 HOUR CLASSIFIED HOTUNE 871-6696 A BEAUTIFUL CE1UNG Rapatis A RaftnsnNXj StuccoftCustom Tejturtng Cma*m Dffiugn Work AvatlaLw Estimate* cneertuVy g van Nmi&Clsan 835-4255 SmokaftWatar Oamaoa Restoration A CAnPETT REPAIR n n R < y p j a Bums. HokM. bptt Seams • £ _ THE CLEVELAND DtOCESAH CHOIR naada a law fnoni good man, CaH N o * Bo: 21S-B33-«66a or 216734-1300. SmokaftWater Damage RaUDaton CaH S l a v SUar AVON LAKE WOODWORKING CO. T ) ira made oi wood. «•# can do H T Booksnclvefl. cabinats, custom closeU.pantrta*. anwunnmam caniara. kitchen Fr B33-3S7B. BOB'S MAINTENANCE HANDYMAN SERVICE CompteW noma & moetfe noma repairs, custom dadung and ' porches. . Klchen A f A V n K M m Bwrodrioo. FTVld ESTIMATES. CALL BOB-322-8202. DUSINESS 4 RESIDENTIAL TELEPHONE S Y S T E M S . Sales. aaddtona, im«ea UM changes. Naw or used equipment VMUtMa. Sarvlca on most major bratvl*. nesklenBal wlrtnq. ReasonabK> t « w » . Lake Talecon). 9 0 3 - 5 7 7 1 , 1-800-522577t, c & c' MAINTENANCejNC. 132 Income Tax Services ' 1040 TAX SERVICE FadaraL State, Local Expartancad/naasonsW RW— Call i>aul Haggarty For App i t B37-883S ABACUS FINANCIAL SERVICES TAXES PREPARED RaasonaDia ' YourHomeofMyOfliCfl F o m W y wtm IRS 934.1617 ALPINE TAX SERVICE 1040 tonq J24.30 1D40A11B.50 R.TA-CCAS11.50 ELECTRONIC FUJNQ OFFERED Adowonalteatoraxwa •cnedulos & lonna UBtnL - 48 Hour Turnaround BT»-1040_ GREGORY SHANNON AND ASSOCIATES 33501 -H Lake Road. (4doors from Avon Late Posi OHtco). Yaar round sarvtca »nce 1931. Individuai-PannarBriipa-Corporata. Spaclallslns In m a l l business'. Evanlnga. waeka/tds available. Ptoasa can for an Bppoimmani 9339ta7. LT.S.TAX r - e T Individual, smaU Buuinesi. FAST ralunds. Oena Fo^i - owr.ar. _ P>4gevi«w Stwpplng Cen-ir. 327-7081. INCOME TAX PREPARATION. Edw>rd J. Stopruclut, CPA. Enrolted to pracac* before the InwmaJ H a w n j a Sirvica. 748-3824 or 327-3362. 35111 E. Rqyalton Rd.. Noitn Eaton; R HAWDYUAN ' REMODEUNO g M t y No lobtoobig ortoosmart. 6^5-9687 CELLAR POSTS BEAMS Gan. Hcow Repam l^tncirg. Eacctai.«c Pamftng 4 w*KD*sfifiij JACK 331-5098 RENOVATION WORK WANTED 140 Business «* Opportunities , COMMERCIAL PROPERTY • LORAiN- N n w D O M » M « otSca corssaa « a i panung deck & auriacs pariung. Two bugs. prfi«t by com- ^J a m area. One E«3g. 4auC0 so. a = 98% ie*»ex> oy _ covetnTwraal agencies. One tiOg. 20.000 iaflwtsiic.GODsq.lL leased Cy State oi Ono. wa lease space a.•G£ Bgeffwr or sacamefy. Contact Davty DeWaica. CofdwaJ Banwei Lea Drag*flaaayt?i6) 323-iesc. MERLE M0RMAN FRANCHISE - AJ aspects •< Rnowaaon - Quaaty Bork. Hei FAMILY UAH IN NEED OF WORK Call Today 777-1071 oppcnuntiy. ExceWra H«oort loxn Lcenscad mswwj & Bonced RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL ForOealsCalt 233-19M afiar a.aocua- Q Basaraem Retncoettng THE GRAY fctATTER ACCOUNTING SERVICE QUALITY SERVICES CO. CRISWOOO^URNTTURE REPAIR. 4498 UAYCCX, AVON. 337-6506. ELECTRICAL a. TELEPHONE WORK. LcataaC bended 1 •nsuceO. TAX SERVICE CMA. Tax 933-8857 f h o n praparatian tew indhaduals or small buainaasaa. In your Dona or minm. Evenings * n i t w i i H asaUaMa. Fw «oooir«mm* c m 933 6BH2. on pe* eaanefs. IV« tecarf aC e lor Mcmat Oel«»l F a . and any taa i * D t ! i l 7 THE PRESS 1*B LEAR RD. AVON LAKE T M 1 < Ya_f« £kp«n«£a CaB Fcr An Appoii-jnam RED1NGER FM1LUPS VACUL41 CLEANEfl COSALES M O SERVICE. S e - aaa COPIES MADE 25 CENTS Fluncmg F' Carpenjry RocOr<g SJ 835-4255 120 acCHETARV STSpv hour. 2 Oi Wanted To Rent " APARTMENT WANTED: Woufct you M ft haw» torn* Qisai hnunu? Vaiy Claan; vary q u I M : a j u a l l a n t rahuancaiv UdOa-agM] coupla on ftiad Incoma saatung a t or 2 badroom tumnhad houae or apartment wtth uttltMs kictudad In ifw A w n . Awxt Laka, Sna.ittid a n w . Ptaaso sand a Dnal dasenpdon and your phono nunfwr Iso wa may oonbct W3u) kK PJ3. Bua 124. A x m OH 440f I-OI24. Appro* 1O E««nings or pwi*' tuck-up. RESTAURAiff ~ • •• Konucky Rhxt CNckan I t now ac. MpBoo apotcaSona tot day and n»oM «nma.l>i«m>i«t pay tor quanted day hoip. Apply In pacson arnwtw. 37730 Wanted To Buy " WAMTE3 - Toy irama, auptaoaa. boats & cars. 7344715. WESTLAXE COLLECTOR wd buy poefcat waicnss. wrist waichas, ctocto and rotatM matenal. CB73 NURSE. ASK TRAINING PAHT-TIUEt 777-2472 Jr*CO_ETAXPREPAflATlOH StarOR D. SUcklar. CPA kx>«jual 1 Snaa B U U M U Acccuvng Serwes E w g A WaeSande Aoaiasta 8SMB17 da nastfsdfc>wmoch counter- '• INCOME TAX & ACCOUNTING BUILDING & REPAIR SERVICES 145 (Carpentry. Electrical, Plumbing) kUaonry Genaial Home fiuoair F n e Esamatu Call 0324110 AtktorDdt ; CmamarSaaaiartonlart J R ENTERPRISES 779-7303 777-1071 CUSTOM WOODWORKING CaJJonn V. FAX SERVICE C a v w BuM Period F w i U i n i Ropraducuana AnoRecain • • PETE MATTHEWS CAB4NETS RUBBISH HAUUNG THE PRESS 15a LEAH Ra AVON LAKE Garage or wnal stuauiaa nwnoned. Cdrnant or any lyoe >uODiarvapoHan> cas W I K M M . also gaiagas d a * i « l 221-9204 FIELD MOWING Roiaukng Cane«4l tractor work RuasonaCM Rales Financial 139 CREDTT CARD PROBLEMS? One low morttnry payment Cut n n n M L No hrrassitisnt. NO FEE. Counsa*-<« aoarfable. NON-PAORT AGENCY, NACCS aooeais^ 892-0907 FORD HOME IMPROVEMENT tWrtens-Bamiooma pp Wlncow traaSTMn 141Building Supplies DtsaUed remodeUnq and m o w SHOWROOM - 33465 LAKE RD. 933-2990. GRAPHIC DESIGN Imago is •varyintng in today's bua»<ats wond. A Kp-aoicti m a g * ptoduccs top-noacn nwidtt. Crapnic Dragn, Advarwrng. LOCBK. Layout Copy»««ng & CreatKa Ccxwuibng by Lanca «4I gno you t w imaga you need a stccaed. Exa#M quality, quick turnaround time a n d nuaonatxe r a m . C a l Lanestodayat S&2-\*T2 • ' HANOYMAN 30 Yaors Eraanancabueoor • £ i * r t o r Also Otter H u m s Reaaxaaon CaOtorEssman CtakM 934 Carpentry BASEMEfcTftATTIC REMOOEUWC Turn trial iiitaietb space into u s o U space! Dry wan. arop ceilings, (jarttuons. FUiiJ R THE WORK CREW INC. AMERICAN HARDWOOD. Ftoonng: ortk S2.50. cheny 4 hickory S2.96.2 \r? x3/4* casing: oo* J t U popttr S.65.215-236-55CO. 156 Ceramic Tiling CERAMIC 1ILEINSTALLCD o Relcrencea. Insured Top OuaWy GuaRKtMaJ Terry. 837-6313 Pet«.aa3-0S33 158 Cleaning" CLEANING Rasdenaai/ComraeiGial Saniacaon GuarantBMl ' Cafl 967-2109 YOUR abte l a u altanwona, t 94053 Any Feature Home in FAIRFIELD ESTATES ft. 2 (MOJ B »ah on 0 * Portftla t t m*» ID FarfsC ESaias onff»right M H A U L I N G / M O V I N G . No j o b too smaN. RsawnaOta IBUK. Cap 933770t. KITCHENS * BATHS: Wa spacia&te" \n *8 pfwaas ol Kttchans & Baihs. 17 Years axpartance. Insured wlin ratarencaa. Tarry. 037-6013. Pete, 892 0839. • UBERTY HOWE IMPROVEMENTS. an types ot mmodnfcng. ceramic «to. mdwum, Damraoms. d s c u . paBoa. kite nans, replacement windows. FREE ESTIMATES. 10% dlacouni tar aanlor ctttMne. Caff Doug BaU 1 B48-3O41. • NEW Sarvtca convany tormmg n Avon Laketorclucafiy n a s d e l sama day delivery s e r v k e o l n o n hazaidoua maiei MUS Irani o n i pound un to 1.900 pounds ar^ofi«re In OTiio. Rat w a s . Cafl 1-2ia-P33~*533 hx details. PAINTING & PAPERHANGING Kllchan A Sam Renovation brywui Repair Experienced • Insured CaajIMLEKAN REFRIGERATOR WASHER & DRYER WOOD DECK GASGRflJ. 4 COLUMBIA O S HATUftAL Uf OWe HOW 1-5 PM M-T-iV Sat. and Sun. 1 933-3284 779-8983 •,._,..;._ BuiWjiVSa.;:'.::.// 236-3847 Ai ^dividual **"' InsiaHed & Ruplacad SAGGING FLOORS Mursl & Son. Inc. 11340 Biwfcpark ClftvBland M7-3322 CLEANING SERVICE: Owner superJBa* avmy d^aned houw. Wrt a-~a a local company. Wa can design a planned regular maintenance program as often as you nawd. Wo can perform a>i extemlv* cleaning anynme mraughoul the year or )u*t one small aervtcs. even windows. Ycn/itaMe prtde in me appearance of your dean home. (WE ARE N O T COMPLETELY F'NISHED UNTIL YOU A R E COMPLETLEY SATISFIED!) CALL CLEAN CORNERS FOR FREE ESTIMATE. 337-44M. ' _ . t CLEANiNa Commercial. rasKMnOa HOW corwlrucuon. before or aliar you move, apartments, ofllcas, parsonaliied sorvlc*. Bonded & insuma Freo astimaioi. All work guarsmaad. For more kiJOfTTOBon coH OAY-S EASE, I N C 327-6346. Olnars sand you a daanuTQ wam-wa send you awvica. CLEVELAND CALLIGRAPHY Quotastordisplay, cartmcaiea. family t m s , invriabona. signs, place cards...You name IU Custom work. nMsonaale ratoc QUt More at 321-2521 LIVE IN M 0 N LAKE FOR ONLY $139^500 OHVt TWO SITU AVAB^SU AT THIS PRICE The Chesapeake LOOK FOR OTHtR FINE TKADCMARK HOMES COMMUNITIES North Rktgovlllc Avon Lake Ktnwnfitoo tiycox Ruad Tyademark jaomes I O R WE'LL BUILO WITH YOUR PLANS 15S-Q lear Hd.-Ana Uhe r OH 44012 - 932-4341 arn (luuflfti Aj/anluOly 5 EUROPE** PAJKTWG 4SEff.TCE.lNC. LAWN MOWING MAINTENANCE COHCRETE REMOVAL ft REPI ATEMEMT RCtKJH ft FINISH CAAOMC Mtt Hanoa Ai jccs OSC-3061 COS EHlEHPfSSES '-andscaping CHIPS GREEHWCRLD LAHOSCAPtNG HORVATH tfREE SERVICE AM LAWN UOW1NG GARDEN ROTOTILUNG EDGING Calf Dennis Breest 933-3618 B35-4255 SmoM 1 Wa»r 170 835-8*58 •a-raxn. svjat. spnog CM Timor U«x»iery, Dwaoocng. ft S&J3£S RCBO^tf. Topptf^ Snub aucang ft cats. ULTERIOR -DryWc" TERRY faURRA* LANDSCAPING 5P»MG CLEAK UPS ROTCTKJJKG SHRUB & SHALL TREE REMOVAL LAAK INSTALLATION UIW4 FERTILIZATION SWEAT BROTHERS ^ T Saner ^fTERlOR PAINTING WttRLPOOL 33 CUJl FREE With Seasonal Agreement lor lawn maintenance Fa- Free estimate Call WEIDNER LAWN MAIKTEMANCE teunC cost lor Lawn Cumrg. Eopng. Tnrnmng & Spang Ctoanupo. I am anxout t r ycur eucn««a, •o p a * M Mane a On* an»*r. 333-7933. Painting 185 A CUSTOM DESIGN Row IrUenor Pauimg Faux F n t h u - r LAWN & LANDSCAPE 777-8132 Columbia Hoaa Sams (aMtiicaons Appry K1NCA1O LAWN CARE L—n Moartng. « T Enwoanca 1 ( 5 warn Fraa E I M U M OwwOuawd FamoawParK Rocky Rtver CaiToii3 . 333-7177 L A N O S C A P E~? EXTRAOnctMAlH^. Landscape M M c a ipaci*Ii2ing In Uorutng. waawtalls. pond*, bnck atdtntalka and patea. C i Dan. PT-g/aa. LAWN MAINTENANCE $18-UP Soring C i a m p i , FtnjOzina LAWN AETATIOH - S35 'J*r 9b» Ld*r» SHANAHAN LANQSCAPma 031fi29 I Plastering/ L>ywaU 1P7 DRYWALL Hang • Bnon • w p a « . TaxUrad cwljrigs. 216-2*5-1&4Z. 191 Roofing LEAKY FLAT OR RUSTY METAL ROOTS? Can tt»y to tn» u i Raauia guaninfewl 521- B35-4255 SnwW • Vtaar Oanaga — BOB'S GENERAL REPAJR 198 Firewood FIREWOOD Patnung - Wfi C O Stacoraad CaS Horvalh Tna 331-5749 CERTIFIED PAINTING PAPEMNG. PLASTERING PmmuntWon Has./ApL/Indus. -It's Don* Rtgfu ThaFfcMTVna* FREE ESTIMATES caaaoo i 331-H01 or J33-aB7» D.C. POLOVtCH. Eaay flolM.PwrtHra. O u n r o ft Hen Pmsaunj WiuUung. Call S37-MOO tor tra* EXTERIOR PAINTING %OFP Mann/Apnl Bookings WILSONS TREE SERVICE 871-3623 FIREWOOD - S12S a COM 0B»Mre(l lurneaaonadhanXMHd / S W a load tof M U O I M *ood cnunu Isiora 1TKV» a corcl. Ptwna 73^-2874. •XNOEHACCROWOOO.S45*™*J135 a com FHM> OB^wwy. 933-2815 of 830-2815SEASONED FIREWOOD FOR SALE: 1/3 (A a Cord- S5Q. F J C«m»1140. Fr«* (MHvefy. 934-6858 of 871-2323- SEASONED FIREWOOD 130 Rich, » 1 » Cord DaUvarad CaiJ 949-5389 777-1071 uera. 7T3-S358. 215 Estate Sates FUBHmjRE.ApoBano«. OohBS. iM.CoCacabfca&tfcm(.2i3 225 FleaUarXets EARN MONEY. SAVE MONET at R M Uwkas ft Swap WBSO. A loof. "ITw Fan MarhaawW By ¥K a L * lUnan. H U M S ] S w U e l ft hf^r Hoopar BUIa you bo*. S » a 1X00 pouags induoad toraacttcuoy «c 1522 VkXMa A«enua. Uka>Knd OH 44107 or pnooa 2SB-SJ41. 23C GarageSales 232 Resale Shops GOOD NEICHBOM T M V T SHOPT 14Q L—f Rd, Jaon Lato, 933-ee27. 250 Rummage Sates AVON LAKE: Spring numiuot SaM. Lake Snona UnMd baruutt Cnurcn. Oonng, houwnoia Ham. baka M M . Thuca. Aunt fitn (9-1) aac&L 1 VtSTTTHE COUNTRY W THE CENTER OFTOWK. Two BraplacaA, 2.6 acraa and oigni ttai bam. Lvrma FoU " ; . BEAUTY WTTH JACUZZI tiwmr kllchaa maaiar tuita «Uh JKuzd m , iMHa wtndowt. M I M w e and much moral BwbSadm FRENCH CREEK RESERVE Undar conatrucum and •oonf Elagam 4 bdrm 2 1/2 bath Carrunton Modal. Hurry and malia your OWMI color Mlec> Kmtl OebbM Rvynolda -Call Sharon Sweda ^1 [for a confidential , '-^'Interview to see -'ifyou qualify as ay ";* candidate for our ' pfognasfyei upbeat, -,:iU andpositive :-:A;environment '''/ Education & Instruction HOLLY MLL HtfUKC STASISam m y ill njnii h n i f f u t a^rana. Our Kticol» kr«wn brttB i^jaajy o*ttuicrwM( m a u d * May). RIOtHG LESSOtS. Lxara bosamancfw and nttog was. Begiaea Owxi^i advancad. hortt O M I Eo-^«tnan Cener. 933^654. LESSONS: Sno* Hurma g inc. agaa A ari^a. B«n or Pam f*x«. 45X9GS. TUTOft Homa-townd. p or hamaaennoi studanis. Uaatsm b«giaai. TaactiefCminMkM-. WU kMOiMtiU^cB gmaw f--6. 933424& 290 Jl EntertainmiVTt CONNECTION waconcyPany Bund wruocaM - Too 4ODidUa 238-02S4 295 Health & Beauty MASSAGE _. Hriaaing. Ajakno, N t A a * __ Enranca ytiur ««4 bani. t S2SAW. or S3STI-1JS hr. (Eiarbara. 835-5042 SUNOUEST WOLF* TANNING BEOS WpwCanrnanflalltaraiTannTO Unua Lampa-LOonY Accawonai PaymonB low as SZaQO Cat ToOay FREE HEW Color 305 Music Lessons 310 Sporting Goods FOR YOUR PLEASURE! Supar ara>>4 bdrm ap« »aual• d In an Awn Laft* paik D M •atUno offare a laniflo Boor (•an. tiiury myakK aua* and m m . KaSiy SaUkL WALKTOTME LAKE Darting 3 bdrm *titi kmoty landacaplng. updak»d dacoratlno. naw«r dTKwmsy and a pooll Kay S l HOME AW tUSMESS POTEMTUL Coma and M th« poianttal In Ma cuM Capo Codt Lol is 600" do«p and lonad tof ff» homa Eualnau. craft shop or moral MchaBna GoudmouR. WATCH FOR THE GRAND OPENING OF OUR NEW STATE OFTHE ART OFFICE FACILITY located at 36470 Detroit Rd. Richard Sweda Broker HEALTH, RECREATION & iEDUCATI PIAKO LESSOKS. Now accapBng n— i m w M , ai .ag—, PHWBI» .Cafl Carat at B3447WL t CHARM GALOREI Ornata Moodmorfc, Francn doors and come* cabinan am |UM a low d it* gtMli ly loucna* you! Una - cad to M . I M bsbra ITS goral Jam Rowel BOLCMS1MSL CaKMl Taocr. 4 7 mcaar OBCX. Onty % Boun. k'.R. CQ70 EASTVtEW (OFF DRAKE). Thus,fctarcft3CW\ 8 4JA5 pJn. Funwa« ft much mac SWEDA. SWEDA & ASSOCIATES THESE DOWT LAS* LOKC Wondarfei noma «Mh 1 1 « btufia. kxmal dMnQ m\ tatnMy Cainy 250 FcKn Equipment & Supplies fORTHE PERFECT WEDOtWO- 37211 Colorado Ave. 934-1000 W,, 2957. 1-800-531-54S2 333-0083 734-2496 351-5843 lilSCELLANEOUS USED BOOK SALE! Avon LakB Skmp lC«i M n u XT O » W Q ) Lawn Care & Equipment Spaclai Events caditas Anomt ksuad. Cai am ks:torfr*eH » U FERTILIZATION PROGRAM ptusbaQ. SUXL ia»EkH777-4696. 25? PJX DECORATING *Hang U Waamwum) * Ad itmnar i * Tatfitm Ce&ncs * Plants' * S&n • Q u a * Waojftran * fcxa ire O M J3OC 30 Ycv LAWN MOWING TtxAdar. Ua*3> 30.1995 Ed/ UnOHl UBSTCOSI C?wcn n& B V Sharon Sweda Manager Personal Trainer T Y « V Ohl LIFESTYLE EXPANSE 20U0 TraadnMte 2J1-HP. Powar I n d m , Comoib. balanca ol Saara SarMca Contrad Bau oltar. Cad 834-6617 weakAys araw Bpm ft iwaaMnda during lha day. ARNOLD PALMER TRUE-atATIC CoM Ctuba: FUl Sat Four Yaara OkL Good Condition. S1B0. Call as3040Z ~ CE1 ACfllPCUXrOMOOLF Tuna Up your O«na tMtti Naw QnM, duo Repair, or a Naw SM ot Cuaaom OuM. C*» U 3 4 4 3 2 . t o w ; SIZE BED. Knad-P«C«s p SOFA ft LOVESEAT: c n M o n . I2CC. S3M03B. Household Goods 2 COUCH ft LOVE3EAT SETS: M t Ccntampora^n O"" Taup«<Biack. OrwrMl. B«M)«JEn)wn/Hiiat S20O aaen. KUTwt M i a ft 4 lOnQJact c r t w , JtOO- htopoint nafaigwaor. SUXL 333-g766, _^__ « PIECE OAX BE3ROOU SET. ckx^M ba& good csxtitaon. 3 X 0 : GT poet Ktta tnofM»WBt paoe! copdaon. t3S h r f j a i m * tary t3S; Q3OiK ^ good conoVlion. $2S; 2 g macfiirw ca&inatt. ncaUanl cnndlKvc 1 K I M M M atacuc WMMIO mactwi*. SKa new. art* and K M * a«a(. Mttd Mitouf coltaa- tad*. 2 ewwraajad pkjati wctnaa. wta *aa pamtlnq. swivsi tociuir pttftJnw. ioc*ar. 2 T cotar TV by aCA. wloul ooutM or quwo i k » naadPnmd. ad M Q I good cmaaon. MuH auA. 833ATTIC TO BASEMEIft': y GrntmaactV BAflY Cfae. Skomona. Horwy OaK E n . »12S. A B3 3-S31& KENMOAE WASHEt* OHTEB; CaplaMta flatt 2 cBan HMdmcX uwia: Bamboo e m m * * * • • * > * cnaln 48* fcwiMca lop. AH nood ooncMlon. CaanlWf 5 p.m. 3?7-ZBB. SLEEPER SOFA, urw LtgW Oak EndUDIa. IB" Color T.V, S«»vat U40 ' Lost A Found LOST: Biu« a«Mba(l Cap. •CAPTWf amawg-arntofOdaiY. Aatonpd Ian pins, andnn ft hooka amenatt Bata«an Vantt ft Crtnm on 3niAS * PCWAHOt 345 lUscelta teous- (2) HEAVY OUTY 24R. WanMr bbacglase atlanslon fatddars. (1) pamurx plank 14ft. O) SBMI Jacks. MOO. p16) 987-363* i t - H J ' SEARS Cninman Riding U w n U O M T . a«a«ant condiaon, Aafcgig T^OO. 837-5507 *h>« 5pm. 24HOUR CLASSIFIED KOTUNE ff/1-6696 39JU0BTU rear gafrwaul haatar. J100. i25v»OT*ppar) gaa-lumaca M » 3^paMl mow. « t o a Bnaam lOOOOOUlU Oaa tumaca MSi 3apaad motor. StCO. OoU/MngbecK chair. S7S.3P-717T. AJAV UYHPAC. Oaugjm. otaBon-^ ary ktlia. ntoa coMtdon: H S O i M Mkaa a l . No tpRI. 337-4SS5. What If You Found Everything You're Looking For In A Home... Then Found Out You Just Missed It. One home left in Windsor Hollow! Dont miss the opportunity of living in a Perritthomcv rWAcrOMNt mmMvtrighL 1-SPJM. •r UHorappoMmint ~ Call 1-216-933-BM Perriit 1883 FIFUBiRO VB S»M,i t t s VW j e T U . A-1 conucn. i u n SWdHl.OOaeTI-3673. roan. wans., mi. as.COO mt T * . t a w AC. K-OeFeo. o s _ _ & j £ a J71-S50& I»34 OLOS D«1U'8S Koj«i« B—ugt—nc K> pertsti ConSSon (aU CARS FCW tigat Tn__. t u o . **. 19S7 CH£*£TTE SDH SDOL. <wt etearancj, comp_~s « c tw FBI. Newtoes,ra—acr & Caaery. 3od.- IRS. D£A. Aratscht wur m a OCK. good, nvcnancaiiy gooa 9&t Mai* WOfiX CAR: jueoat s U»3339t3£ s iSOQ C J cwte™ rcaa S33-6C24 1K7TOTOTA COROLLA (Tfc l f i « j ti AJC. Rear Deba. M i f U C a w t m - 1585 SU8JU3U WACOM,fin**eL- Ccad c a a r a i JJ3O0. 353-0*3 6 1S69 FORS AEnCSTAR XLT: £*L Ws^.. BxcAlienl canaiDoa. cr.a I S M PLYMOUTH va*agur. z s t . c*n—-. TICK. 15900 333-5619. 5 ciuae corttci. AC Gooc irrmcn 1991 Ford T-flirt. &6K tugriaay 5 3 Aam3Z50Q599e3=2 • » « . caoad. ex_uteni ccngacn.' 15501 w tea ctar. 327-457*. 400 Boats & Motors FT. CRfTCHFlEUJ BOAT: 1GO-*? We*cury r*vTT-^rrT Fisn FcOBt L Tradai- i 1940 CEU-BflfTY 27* Spart O—aaf. 1979 AHminum 22" FtSHUASTEH WOO_'5 MARINE SERVICE: C e n x i m*eaL S » « a mc-Ov—<«. y. OH- G i l =« « T 205 Ite—rusv - O & I—-Oecl L W HP Motor. Chi huecson. T'iA*r. S3XOrTS77Sy g. basR «o_r S55O0 33Kl*4.ftttB<ecgt. A n_~w n e t p 1984 1BFT. R£NK£M 5LCOP w i n 405 Campers & Vans STARCRAFT, 1567 E M O U K 150> CuCDy- Taflc". 7 - t a twoe p e e r Cu£o«d *«n eisas. 333-*44Z atef fern. 1M7 8A¥1Jta£H: 7 Cap CuC3y cacm. 13O tip- inaoa i r u e i n a s a a w i n g * S723 MUST E£LU Ta»» «w* p*pwnt no Ccwa paicned. m osc—** 2SFL U-£ V_JTt 87 E-Z LoU— Tart—. a B Enyw. 4-S-s. S-«P» 5. rue» n a n OUOTM R p u tCti rtOOtt 1990BEQUOI—I UANSICH KOAte t _ _ _ 14XTO. LN_ ne«t LoCfUBd «1 Vwesifi-Jge Grwn. Asung Ji&OCO y W0O0VS MARINE SER\AC£ SANOUSKY.OWO 430 Trucks For Sale CM I F — t r Oange g Fwsi—a_r & liacro Tc-et Ftef—ra Uecnanc_ Rep*cs OutstiaFiepv Tew Wood. (419) 62S-330T t9aO_.TFOflOF3504t* cmat ——a s««- —any « m s . S42_) -T k_— —t Toyca o r ! _ _ » 4 U U' et»—I ko—-t 327-C237. X-perienced • X-act • X-cellent Interior/Exterior Painting Wallpaper Hanging - FREE ESTIMATESRuss Harkfns 949-6075 ANDYS APPLIANCE SERVICE 'We Service ALL Major Brands' 933-5565 SEASONED FIREWOOD $5O Rick $15O Cord Delivered CALL 949-5389 1-800-707-ANDY Estimates &ONQ j 'A SPECIALIST^ (216)933-9450 ^ Shingtes • Stale -Rubber Roofing - V/ood Shake Gutters/Oownspouts • ToarOtfs • Reroots • Repair? HANDYMAN SERVICE Cwpwury •fc'—artcaf• Houoa Pwnflng • Pkvnbng • DfywaS Fres Estimates - Mowing • Edging - Trimming - Mulcftng • Shrubs - Beds • Pruning - Spring & Fall Cleanup RICHARD DOSBS 195 Beck Road • Avon Lake. Ohio 44012 CAROLINE'S UniQISTrsr a DECOBiTING fast Pmtosionst Servicw R*upboUtarlng Kwathnltn Offictfa-M CBUMI .' BPRINQ^ K934-73S61 CliEAKUP: 93GWE1E13N ttpin Utg» Stttctxxt Of Brwixt « J - # FsbfKt To CbOQi* from Clotb hbrk. Vinyl utd Uatbtr Ft— Pick Up & delivery (216) 871-0820 • BayVUtoQ* Works PROFESSIONAL ' SfwS _W_.£MJ »""»* 4 L&J ._? Plastering &DiywaI Repair Texturing I5yrs. Experience • Free Estimates •Guaranteed (216)949-5216 (216)934-4196 i-SOO-675-5386 TT M 3E RESIDENTIAL CLEANING SERVICE NORTH COAST FURNITURE REPAIR C O . Quality Refirdshing and Repairs Specialists in: • QjjaiGQa burns "Saaldies • Camptets mEnishing 'Reconditioning • Touch ups . • Reglue Chairs • Frames and Springs • Kitchen cabinets " • Woodworking and Boors • UphdstBryrepaira Commercial and Residar_a! •CARLTOKMENKO "" Osveland (216)631-7539 MastBfFmtsher AwnLaka (216)933-5253 Fax (216)933^253 Vargo Vacuum & Sewing Machine Co. "FREE11Pick-Up & Delivery 779-9188 933-4049 871-6670 • Residential Co—imarcUil/O'rices Now Construction Personalized Sen/ice Bonded and Insured • Free Estimates All Work Guarantwd -3m*,»- HOUSEWOia DIETZ CONCRETE EASE, INC. 327-6346 OTHERS SEND YOU A CLEANING TEAM-WE SEND VOU SERVICE! Block & Brick Foundations 934-4707 871-0506 DAY'S J Marine Construction • Armor Stone S i t a l n o l l i 4-7 (on itUcrlodiitqc Gmcstonc • Concrete Reinforced Pirn • like fVont Euivalion • Pumped Concrete • Stairs to the U l c •Decks 933-8197 •W8\fVllIRaisefiLevelYourSunkenConcrete" * Just A rVactlon ol the Cost of New Concrete - Complete In Hours • Use Same Day ''"r'\ . , DONT TEAR IT UP * P U P IT UP • Walks - Driveways • Patios • Steps • Slab Houses • Basement floors • Warehouse Floors FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED 2 0 TEARS EXPERIENCE; GARAGE DOORS RvonLoke? * OPERATORS Rc-idcn__l & Commercial WEST SHORE TIMATES 327-0101 930-2994 Back Hoc Work • Thorough Consistent Quality • Professional Bonded &. Insured FREE: Lorain Cou Finish Grading landscape Design Seed & Sod Lawns TVce & Shrub InstaH-tlon Brick & Stone Walks & Patios. Retaining Walls, Ponds, Fountains & Waterfalls Ctean-up & Mulching Shrub & Ornamental Tret Pruning Residential, Commercial ^ CLEANING • 734-0993 934-1990 " W E FIX IN YOUR HOME" New Homes • • • • Free Estlmates.«C-U Same Day 24 Hour Service Concrete Flatwork ^ Siding 4 Windows-Since 1978" (216) 933-2730 Custom Lawn Service , WEST SlDiHS & WINDOW CO. iWN MAINTENANCE & MULCHING ;vSfc^GRADINO - BRICK RATIOSf:.-v;ja-,*J * Broken Spring Specialists • VV'.W;>; 934-58O7 Wcsilwke 835-4O83 N. A i d s -villas PLUMBING, Inc. RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL HEW • REMODEL • REPAIR tate Certified Backflow Inspector Bob Wedell - Owner NEW CASTLE ROOFING CO- T1MFORTHOFER Builder • Contractor Inc. • Service aU Hakes & Uodels • Air Ccnditicning Repair & tnst • Humidififir & Air Cteaner • Furnace Rsp^&EnsL *24 Hr. Emergency Servfce New Homes Gaiagos Ramooring KUchans Ptione: 937-6430 3JS75 Timfe&view Or.. Avon. OH Dadu HanaRapaia We Can 1 ram eOmo J Don." UQUWQ -4CUSICMO0SCT5 uilders.inc. General Cotaraaon • Builders • tUmafelerj -ROOnNGS •BAT1IS •GARAGES - KrrciiENS • DRIVEWAYS • ROOM ADDITIONS • POU- BARNS • HOUSE ERJICTION •PAI1OS • ALUMINUM SIDING MARK DUDZIAK AVON, OHIO F15ST 1MPQESSONS IAST FOREVER. _ . -^BOOKSHELVES I D ALL TYPES OF HSU-ARC Or Tall Fraa t-800-«f.«t7 FUME EillilATES 934-4716 Aluminum * Pipe • Stainless Cast Minor Fabrication No Job To Small CHRIS BRITTON 937-6067 iff 1I 1 1 FREE ESTIMATES QUALITY WELDING FftlUWEATHER ROOFING Call 933-2517 SHLNCUES - FLAT ROOFS • CUTTCBS W1WOW5 • SIDING • IUrCH£N & BATH 334-4400 RESIOEHTIAUCOHMERCIAL-^ 1 THE CROMSINC ACCENTS FOR YOUR HO^S WOOmVORKiNG "Custom Gutter Pro»nt» PVC S«cml«u S M I Siding' Indoor FINANCING AVAILABLE FREE ESTIMATES 233-6150 333-7907 -=4EKrEBtR!N!yia,T CENTERS fmCoostmticmmf Esthmbs RtftnactsAinildhle 200 VWRDCN - Byi«A. OHIO 9S3-3676 93^3514 KRUMWIEDE CONSIHUCTION Free Estimates RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL "Your Total Hemtuleling Co. 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VISIT OUR SHOWROOM WATHPROOHNG mm 933-8197 CALL: 933-8686 or 621-6332 Lenny's Glass Service Company CALL 9 4 9 - 5 4 4 2 ANYTIME Storms-Screens Repaired Authorized Dealer of GO KEARNEY CONSTRUCTION Na«d an uptuin nniatiad, adding on a (amity room or garaga? for major or minor repair*, can lor a (f • • Mtimala. 937-6337 «., We Now Do a. WHY DO SO / ? _ . » . M A w v r A , , QLEAN ..OWNER SUPERVISES EVERY CLEANED HOME • W« am a kxo( company prtvatoty ownad *** andop«f»ted. f iWll • V.1* can daaqn a Home mainttnancw program a t ontfr* aa yoi* ovad in your IWM or offk». •'VU« can parform an t l i r m C B B M C I U f ut'****'v* auWnaiw* dauning RobfiriqCcx;. Improvements • Windows • Painting OWNER OPERATED-FREE ESTIMATES FREE Estimates Carpentry Siding 835*3377 Gutters Masonry CALL 24 HRS. A DAY / ^ n k t c n p . CORNERS? 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Cottage Cheese I! XltUe Huff - Itouf Chofdc "Franco American Oranjehiice. » 1 L _ ;: -. X-'. '^r-:^M Fruit Drinks. . . - ' . • >•• • • & • Cake Mixes Trophy Brand College Inn Chicbcn or , RoUndy's Beef Broth Charcoal Briquets > •- . Armour Roundy s - Any Size- Any Style ..:;.. Bathroom Tissue Treet Pound? s Cream of Chicken or ll i Charmin Ocean Spray^^l1.; Roundy s Flour Special Avon Lake Schools Report TRATEGICALLY SPEAK School Planning Expert Praises Progress of Strategic Plan Team as "Stunning" Chris Sny, Strategic Planning specialist with the Cambridge Institute of Birmingham, Alabama, surveyed the weary but satisfied 25member school improvement task force. •They've poured their hearts into this tivo-day marathon meeting,* said Sny. "And, everyone's efforts have paid off big time. The results in Avon Lake are stunning. I can't believe the progress that has been Front Row. Seated, Left to Right: Kathy Ercn, Erma Haverlack, Annette Sbgle, Virginia Haiuen, made in such a short time." Marria Sabados, Meredith Coleman; Second Row, Standing, Left to Right: Vince Urbin, Betty The c«iny include the voter Wakefield, Barb McCaw, Susan Walters, Ron Andolsen, Nancy Stoneburner, Jim Heron, Bill Morris; approved bond issue to reopen the Third Row, Standing, Left to Right: Bob Hohman, Tim Stuebner, Terry Ryan, Mike Abfall, Ken Troy building in thefellto help Avon Vaccaro, Dan Tren', Clayton Dusek, Dick Lund, Lori Wilson, Chris Sny, Brendan Mackln. Lake Schools cope with a massive housing boom between now and the end of the century. Members of the Strategic Planning Team Students Ready To Blast^Off To CyberSpace But, it's more than brick and mortar. The teaching staff has accepted the community's challenge to further improve the quality of education. Curriculum is being revised daily; teachers are increasing their skflis; technologically as-ristrri learning is at the "gee whiz" stage and parents are more involved than ever in their children's education. Continued On Page 2 (To Parents and Others Who Don't UnderstandComputer-speak...77iis Means Your Children Are Getting High- Tech) The launch of a dramatic new teaching system centered on technology in the classroom is ready, awaiting a decision on how the venture will be financed. Principal Dan Trent, one of the pilots of the Strategic Planning Team's queslto bring more high-tech learning assistance to the school district, said that afier 18 months of Computer software has been researched and the Technology Team, comprised of parents, community members and educators, has a pretty good idea of how to install a stateof-the-art system. - Teachers are prepared, hav; more • The district is ready to link up with computer skills, and, in fact, "are InterNet, America On Line or other chomping at the bit" to get started. informational systems, including interactive cable television. Continued On Page 3 New Strategic Planning Team Members Say They Want To Help Plan The Future Of Education Virginia Hanson, school Nine new members seated on the Strategic Planning Team payroll officer and member of the sounded like a chorus as they said it Avon Lake Schools Foundation. is their "Kid's First" attitude that inspired them to join the team. In al"I want the educational exphabetical order, they are: cellence to grow and continue to provide the same base for future genMichael AbZaM, a 13-year erations." member of the Avon Lake School's maintenance department. Dick Lund, high school principal and member of Kiwanla "I am very impressed with International. the strides that have been taken in the last 18 months," he said, noting "The Strategic Plan is a mathat he welcomes the opportunity to jor influence on my professional help bring the community and role." schools closer together. Continued On Page 2 if&'£Sl$kiiMBBBF£$'J:'e: trirtf '"z&i f^r.m- jm « . 7 > y " -'. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT • SERVICE Strategic Planning Progress Is "Stunning" From Page 1 Avon Lake School planners Teachers and parents have worked to make the school district are on schedule to reopen the Troy Building for the 1995-96 school student-centersd. year. The SI million bond issue Realistic achievement assessment practices are bdng used in was approved in May 1994T language arts and math frcra kinder- • garten through 12th grade. The building is being remodeled with an emphasis on making it Elementary students have a safe, inspiring learning environindividualized evaluation systems ment which have been used in many of the most exceptional schools in the naA transition team, consisting tion. ofadministrators, teachers, custodial personnel andresourcespecialists, is An integrated curriculum working on such details as library that Will ebullyngHjil students to t=X- materials, transportation, budget recel is on the drawing board. Inten- quests and staff levels. sive study by e select committee of educators began inNovember 1994. Mrs. Mary O"Dee has been Systems are already in place to iden- selected as the principal of Troy. tify regular and special education Fifth and sixth grade teaching posiHowever, proposed state fi- students withteamingneeds and rec- tions have been posted. nancial cuts threaten to splashredink on the district's budget plan, espe- onunend new learning strategies. cially if the Ohio General Assembly "One of the most heartening docs not override the Governor's Beginning witli the 1995-96 results of Strategic Planning is plan to reduce state aid to Avon school year, a totally redesigned K watching parents become more inLake. through 6th grade student reporting volved in the educational careers of "We're working with legis- system, featuring much closer inter- their children," said Dusek. lators to reverse or modify the Governor's proposal/ said Dusek, play between parents,, teachers and adding that the Strategic Planning thestudent,willbeinplace. A draft Parents are attending workTeam has recommended that Avon Tplaais currently being reviewed by shops on such subjects as "Active Lake strengthen its lobbying voice in Columbus. (he administration. To aiost students Parenting," language and writing with proficiency tests, which now skills; and more effective parertl"Obviously, if we're forced ... to accept a cut of that magnitude, begin in the fourth grade. teachers tcacher conferences. we'll go back to our budget and find ofiVr practice tests. ways to replace the cash. PTAs have set building goals The key to these ant* many to increase family involvement in "One thing is for sure-the Strategic Planning Team has empha- other new programs has and contin- schools. The PTA Curriculum Liaisized that we spend the next five ues to be the total cooperation t f the son Committee, established in Deyears building our academic program, not dismantling it," said teaching and administrative stalls. cember 1993,has consulted with the Dusek. schools on nsw high school couiat's Tin proud of our- peopLt, such as math, language arts, science they are dedicating so mucli of their and OperationKcw World. The Avon Lake Educa- time to establishing a state-of-the art tional Foundation has pro- educational system," said Clayton The committee will now foduced a video promoting its Dusek, Superintendent cus on curriculum improvements at fund-raising efforts. If you or the Troy Intermediate School and is your organization would like They've been open-minded involved in discussions and decisions to view it, or have guest and creativeabout change." about special education inclusion. speaker, call 933-6210. Search For Private Funds and State Grants Paying Big Dividends The Strategic Planning Committee saluted the Avon T~ake Educational Foundation trustees for revitalizing the organization. The trustees have been most aggressive in raising cash for classroom extras. Mayor Vincent Urbin has agreed to split proceeds of the annual Mayor's Ball with the Foundatio:i end the city's park system. ..:.. .The Foundation trustees, were praised for their volunteer work. They are: Barb McGrath, chairperson; Marcella Ridsnour, retired treasYrer; former Board of Education Member Norb Kloc; Avon Lake Press publisher, Rick Hemmer, who has donated considerable space promoting the ball; Nora Knapp Jones; Bob Kissling; Matt Lundy; Gerald Waltei-s; Sue Wynalck; Alice Coder; Virginia Hansen; Mary Louise GamcUta and Dave Updegraff. Redwood Elementary principal Dan Trent and his staff were applauded for winning a SI25,000 grant from the state of Ohio to improve curriculum. Dusek said improved management systems, austerity and growth in the property tax generated By the housing boom has helped keep the budget in balance. New Planning Team Members FromPagel ,-... » Brendan Mackln, lawyer. "I wanted to see how things have changed since I graduated from Avon Lake in 1987 and have input in legal problems which might affect the school in the future." . TenxRyan, member of the Avon Lake School Board and director of childrens services'for the Cuyahoga Co(mty Board of Mental Retardation."As a new board member, it" was helpful to me to spend two days on Strategic Planning. We've accomplished so much in 18 months." McrciaSabados, teacher. "In order to do my best, it is important to hear various perspectives and to become involved. As a new member of the Avon Lake staff, I hope to become an integral part of the education of the children of Avon Lake." We are number 1 in so many areas. It is important to maintain a positive approach and attitude toward the kids, and, in turn, the city. "KEEP AVON LAKE THE BEST! I- Betty Wakefleld, realtor, Realty One. "I have always been very proud of oiirschc*! system. Being * realtor, I amawarc of the hnportance of a good school system u & normally thefirstquestion asked by people being transferred into the Kenneth P. Vaccaro, Avon area or planning to move to the city Lake police sergeant "Schools are of Avon Lake.".' . • at the base of keeping a city strong.' Page" Vincent M Urbin, Mayor of Avon Lake. "As a parent, I am very interested .in how the schools are planpmg their future. U'simportant forr the community to "have a system thathas thathas visio; school system vision." SJi Uakes iTln Gn/ire Gommuniiy Uo €)ducale Za Gai/d Inn o/oprooero ^f:r:{'y^fiT;^'^-^^^^'^^f.f- .;;--^ft??SP£Si§ Mayor Vine* Ufbin (right) Tim Stuebaer - teacher (center) Susan Walters - community volunteer School volunteer E i w Haverback and Councilman Kmo Andoben -teacher and Brendan Mackiu - Avon Lake graduate and lawyer Marda Sabado* - teacher and Bill Morris Board of Education Member Community member K*thy Crcn and Terrj Ryan Board of Education Member Jerry Scyerns-teacner - school pa^roQ sffleer and Crma IlavcrUwk - volunteer Brendan Maeldn - Avon L*lw graduate and Nancy Stoocburner PTA CouncU President Barb McCaw • utuill bvsloesa awner and Betty Wakcfleld community member nnd rraltar from page 1 answer now are can wefaffordto pay for the proposed new equipment within the parameters of the general fund," said Dusck. "If not, what arc our options? A small levy? Special "The chaos over the state fi- grants?" nancial aid formula is hurting us "The state has S95 million now," said Clayton Dusek, superinavailable for classroom computerizatendent. tion," said Trent "BuC the program "We've already been warned is in its infancy and I'm not sure we that there may be some $450,000 in want to be in the first wave," he cuts already," said Dusek- "This added. means we may have to send our budTrent praised Continental get back to the drawing beard. Cablevision for its support in wiring "The questions we need to the school district for interactive School officials said that with the research phase completed, they must now resolve difficult financing issues. cable television. "This will offcr.usnumerous opportunities to be creative in the classroom," said Trent "For example, we could have a speaker live in Redwood Elementary speaking to all other elementary schools and fielding student questions. "We already hove 37 teachers with InterNct identifications," said Trent InterNet is one lane of the so-called Information Superhighway. By accessing InterNct, users can link into high-speed data bases. "Most of the staff is willing and anxious to introduce technology into the curriculum," srid Trent "I give them a lot of credit Many teachers arc willing to change their theories about teaching and arc preTrent singled out teachers, pared to do so." praising them for their contributions to the technology study. . "Perhaps we'll even find a way to allow bedridden'stuttchts to participate in classroom activities via cable television." added Trent Page 3 | Education Management Information System .. Current State Law Forces Avon Lake Schools To Rely Heavily On The Property Tax Yes, Governor George V. Voinb'vich shocked local educators with his recent announcement that Avon X*** stood to lose £450,000 in state financial aid during the next two-year budgetBut, we should have, perhaps, expected it. The state has hardly been a friend to Avon Lake, providing the district with only 11.7% of its operating budget while funding 31.8% of the budgets of comparable schools in the area and 43.4% of the schools statewide. Analysis Shows Avon Lake Schools Are Getting Higher Results With Lower Than Average Taxes Percentage Of Students Passing Ninth Grade Proficiency Test Avon Lake Group State School districts, like their students, get report cards. We are proud to report that our grades are excellent-well above the average for the state of Ohio and Lorain County. This information is public and Avon Lake Schools takes this opportunity to share it with you in this, our annual report oa the Strategic Planning process. After all, the Srrategic Planning Team has focused on raising both the expectations und performance of our students. Math Reading Writing Citizenship AH Required, Other Highlights Of The State Report Avon Lake students taking the 9th grade proficiency lest towered above the group of districts and • 60% of Avon Lake teachers have a masters degree or higher; tUe state averagefa45%. * the state average. la math, 81 % of the students - Avon lake teachers have 17.1 years of teaching experience. The state passed the test; 94% reading; 99% average is 15-3 years. writing; 89% citizenship and 75% passed ihe entire battery of tests. • Avon Lake has fewer employees, 2SZ8 as compared to the 304 employee state average in schools of/similar sire. V Thiscomparedwiththestate average of 61% (math) 85% (read-. • There are fewer administrators per 100 students than the state average. ing)86% (writing) 76% (citizenship) Forgetl jncle Sam. He pro- and 54% (all tests). • The effective property tax miUage (after House BUI 920 adjustments) Is vides 1.8% ofourievenuc. 2.6% to 27.3 nulls.. The staic average Tor comparable communities b 30.9 mills. This means while only half area schools of comparable size; 6% of the 9th graders in Ohio passed the is the statewide average. test; Avon Lake was higher with • Avon Lake per pupil property valuation is almost twice as high as the • • , , •. • •- • . 1 Per pupil spending ($5,252) "We're in an excellent posiin Avon Lake is almost equal to comtion to keep up our record of having parable schools and the state aver100% scores on the proficiency test age. . by the time they graduate," said Clayton Dusek, superintendent As for the competency based education exams, CBE, Avon Lake students scored within expectations. Objectives: Within the five-year term of our plan, Educate all students in the use of technology. Involve 100% of stafF and students in school and community partnershipsHave alternate funding in place that will maximize student achievementHave a personalized learning plan for every student. Ha-^e all ninth graders pass all phases of the state proficiency exam. , •'• • , Utilize all facilities to their maximum potential. state average, S15I.427 to S79.Q17. • Avon Lake's percentage or residential property value is par with the state, 49% for Avon Lake and 50% for Ohio. The major difference b that 37% of the tax base is business or commercial as compared to only 25% average in the state. , Strategies: We will establish and implement methods to identify, address and assess Proficiency tests are given to personal learning needs. fourth, sixth, eighth and ninth graders. In all categories, reading, language and math, Avon Lake students We will aggressively pursue innovative funding from both public and . scored above the group and state av- private sources. erages. We will identify and implement the integration of technology into the K-12curriculum. • Mission Statement The mir::on of the Avon Lake City Schools, a district committed to personalized educational excellence, is to challenge all students and develop their individual goab through community partnerships, resources, and technologies which will produce responsible and compassionate citizens. Page We will develop and maintain effective communication systems between students, staff and community. We will develop a plan that addresses the impact of community growth on our schools. We will develop and implement a program to enhance the knowledge, skills and attitudes of our staff necessary to achieve student excellence in the use of technology to improve academic achievement^-'' We will identify potential community partnerships and implement a plan which will involve students in career activities. We will increase family involvement in our schools. , We will develop a program to integrate community service at all levels of the school curriculum.