- BAGL Builders Association of Greater
- BAGL Builders Association of Greater
The Foundation Monthly electronic publication for Members of the BUILDERS ASSOCIATION OF GREATER LAFAYETTE Volume XVI, Issue 8 Attention: All BAGL Members September 2014 Regions Bank Welcomes BAGL & Mayor Roswarski Sept. 9th Your Officers & Board of Directors will meet at 8:00 AM, Friday, Sept. 5th at the BAGL office. Board Members are asked to call 423-4347 to confirm your attendance, as a quorum is necessary to complete the action items on the agenda. As we look back on an usually cool summer and forward to a yet unknown autumn season, we can vividly see all of accomplishments, reflecting upon and recognizing the members who contributed to this successful summer. Any association member is invited to sit in on our meetings. If you have an item for discussion and want to be placed on the agenda, you must contact either the president or the staff 2 days prior to the meeting. Lafayette’s Mayor Tony Roswarski will be the featured speaker for the evening and we know he has many inspiring words for what the future brings to our industry…..more business & industry means new people coming to the area which in turn means more quality affordable housing needed. Tony knows that BAGL members have the tools needed to make all of this happen. We hope all of our members can join us for this special evening. Builders Association of Greater Lafayette Sgt. Prestons & Outpost Catering will be providing lots of yummy hors’ deouvres and a cash bar. The charge for food will be $18 per person and reservations must be turned in by Friday, Sept. 5th (call 423-4347 or email BAGL@BAGL.INFO). Mission Statement The Builders Association Greater Lafayette is a dynamic organization of home builders and industry professionals, actively promoting the housing industry since 1967. We are dedicated to: Promoting home ownership Professional development Community involvement Government interaction Vocational opportunities And where better to celebrate than at a brand new facility with our hosts at Regions Bank, Tuesday, Sept. 9th at 5:30 pm. (437 South Street). Also this month, BAGL invites all members and their guests to join us for the annual Golf Outing, to held on Friday, Sept. 19th at the Battle Ground Golf Club. Detailed information and Registration Form appears on page 9 of this newsletter. Event Chairman Grant Giese and his committee will be contacting members immediately after the Parade of Homes ends to get you signed up as a golfer or a sponsor. We typically see over 100 builders and suppliers sharing the day out in the sunshine (We hope!) as they celebrate this building season’s rewards. Call 423-4347 to sign up or for more information. Really…….Fall Already? Sept. 9-GMM—Mayor Tony Roswarski speaking, sponsored by Regions Bank at their new South Street location September 19th—BAGL Member/Guest Golf Outing at Battle Ground Golf Club. See details on page 9 Oct. 14 GMM Candidate’s Night sponsored by Weber Concrete Nov. 11-GMM—Crime Prevention by Pat Harrington sponsored by All Star Electronic Security PAGE 3 V O LU M E X V I , I S S U E 8 T HE FO U ND A T I O N NEW MEMBERS S Brown Construction Scott Brown 505 Main Street Battle Ground IN 47920 Ph 765/491-2512 sbrowncnt@comcast.net Recruited by Deb Plue M. P. Baker Electric If you are interested in being a member of the 2015 Board of Directors, please call any the BAGL officers to let them know. Elections will be held on Tuesday, November 11th at the General Membership Meeting. Tony Meek 4479 East Old 350 South Lafayette 47905 Ph 765/474-0280 Fx 474-9379 tmeek@mpbaker.com Recruited by Jay Andrew Officers: Pres. Andy Haste (479-1365) Sterling Homes Sean Clayton 900 Robinson Street West Lafayette 47906 Ph 765/464-4124 sean@sterlinghomesindiana.com Recruited by Andy Haste Coors Exteriors Inc. Bart Coors 3480 Kossuth Street Lafayette 47905 Ph 7658/449-2601 Fx 449-2688 bartcoors@comcast.net Recruited by Andy Switzer 3815 Fortune Dr Lafayette, IN (765) 423-2585 We need your excess building materials! Appliances Cabinets Doors Electrical Furniture Hardware Lumber Paint Before the end of the year, BAGL will be electing new Board Members to fill leadership positions. Any member who has been actively involved, serving on committees, events or projects is eligible to run. You must have been a member for at least one year.. Current or past board members are also encouraged to serve additional terms if they feel they have the time and desire to sit on the Board for another 3-year term. Plumbing Trim Windows & MORE Donate Shop Volunteer Call 765-426-7204 to schedule Free Pick Up V. Pres. Andy Switzer (429-4070) Sec. Stephanie Richeson (447-9494) Treas. Travis Duell (428-5087) Im. Past Pres. Grant Giese (414-6251) PAGE 4 T HE FO U ND A T I O N V O LU M E X V I , I S S U E 8 PAGE 5 V O LU M E X V I , I S S U E 8 T HE FO U ND A T I O N Members’ Anniversary Months for Membership Renewals July— Exterior View Huston Electric Lafayette Glass Tipmont REMC August— Cornerstone Home Builders Centier Bank September— Komark Ltd. Kentland Bank October— All Star Electronic Security Custome Leisure Pools Ely Concrete Keene Homes Lafayette Masonry Lee Supply Milakis Homes SpeedPro Imaging Weber Concrete Construction Residential Commercial Industrial 24 Hour Service Jim Anderson President, Project Manager Authorized TRANE Dealer 3229 Olympia Drive, Ste A Lafayette IN 47909 Phone: 765-471-7506 Fax: 765-471-7463 info@jlanderson.net T HE FO U ND A T I O N PAGE 5 V O LU M E X V I , I S S U E 8 Thank You for renewing your BAGL membership! CG Visions Habitat for Humanity Hicksgas & Hickswater J D Electrical Lafayette Masonry KJG Architecture Norandex Building Matls. Old National Bank Shannon Door Co. We thank our Parade of Homes Tabloid advertisers: ARKOR, Carpetland, Clayton Homes, Consolidated Insurance, Steve Connors & Winding Creek, Crown Line Homes, Exterior View, Tammy Foley-Coldwell Banker, Habitat for Humanity, Kirby Risk Supply, Lafayette Community Bank, Lafayette Savings Bank, Rabb-Kinetico Water, Reiling Teder & Schrier, Security Federal Savings Bank, Stonewood Real Estate, StoneRidge Homes, Stallard & Schuh, Summer Chase Construction, Von Tobel Lumber & Hardware. Also those who purchased Riders & Product signs: ARKOR, Foley Foundations, Kirby Risk, Lafayette Masonry, Lansing Building Matls., The Lighting Studio, Norandex, Nu Kitchens, Sims-Lohman Kitchens & Granite, Steve’s Overhead Door, Vectren Energy. PAGE 6 T HE FO U ND A T I O N V O LU M E X V I , I S S U E 8 Crowds did not disappoint during the 35th annual Parade of Homes. Visitors loved the variety….something for every buyer. Builders found sales and legitimate leads…...well worth the last minute hustling to get it all completed. Congrats on those $ALE$! Attention BAGL Builders & Remodeling Professionals: If you are using products from these manufacturers in your current building projects, you can get money back from every product you use and as many times as you use it/them. Go to www.HBArebates.com now and register your company today. Rebate checks are mailed quarterly. PAGE 7 T HE FO U ND A T I O N V O LU M E X V I , I S S U E 8 BAGL Committees Have Winning Attitudes Join one of these Teams! Adopt-A Spot, Chairman Mary Ellis (423-5421) assisted by Tempest Homes. Work details May thru October at the corner of Union & Erie Streets. Drive by our BAGL Island and call Mary to say thanks for making BAGL look good. Home Building & Remodeling Show, A new chairperson will be appointed to lead the volunteers as they plan the 2015 show scheduled for Feb. 28 and March 1. Codes & Government Affairs, Committee meets as governing issues/subjects need to be addressed by our members. A BIG, BIG THANK YOU TO THE PARADE OF HOMES COMMITTEE Co-chrs: Debbie Belange Habitat for Humanity Phyllis Courser Stonewood Real Estate Erin Blalock Journal & Courier Joann Cardoso Norandex Terry Edgell WASK-K105 Radio Stacy Gable Wicked Clean Gene Jones Kirby Risk (retired) Jennie Peterson Citation Homes Kenny Redman C G Visions And those Great Helping Hands from Habitat: Sana Booker, Naomi Cook and Ann Wilcox Fundraising, Chairperson Kat Snethen (404-4940) New committee being organized to plan excitement and fun while raising $$$$ for community projects. Golf Outing, Chr Grant Giese (414-6251) invites any member to join us for the day, Sept. 19th; always one of BAGL’s most popular annual events. See registration form on page 9. Programs & Meetings, Stephanie Richeson (447-9494) & Tammy Foley (479-1216) Committee meets as needed and is responsible for securing sponsors, along with speakers/programs for all the year’s General Membership Meetings. Membership, Deb Plue Chr. (807-0300) Committee meets as needed to establish membership goals and organize annual recruitment contest, retention strategies. Parade of Homes, Debbie Belange (423-4590), Phyllis Courser (412 -0307) Co-chairs. For more information on these Networking opportunities, call the BAGL office, 423-4347 and get involved! PAGE 8 T HE FO U ND A T I O N V O LU M E X V I , I S S U E 8 Parade of Homes is the consumers’ passport to dreams & wishes. PAGE 9 T HE FO U ND A T I O N V O LU M E X V I , I S S U E 8 BAGL Member-Guest Golf Outing Friday, Sept. 19th Battle Ground Golf Club (Pretty Prairie Road) Lunch & Registration 11:30 am to 12:45 pm Shotgun Start promptly @ 1:00 p.m. Member Co. _________________________________________ Phone _________________ Contact/Team Captain ________________________________________________________ Captain’s Email address ______________________________________________________ Golfer’s Names _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____ $400 per foursome _____ $110 single golfer Fees includes Lunch, 18 Holes of golf with Cart, Drink tickets Your golf registration cannot be confirmed without payment SPONSOR OPPORTUNITIES: check any below WEBER CONCRETE is our Lunch Sponsor $720 “Thirst Aid” Beverage Cart Sponsor _______ $180 Hole Sponsor (random placement) _____ (18 available) $280 HOLE # ____ Sponsor (designated hole) _____ $150 each Contest sponsor ______ Closest to the Pin (2 available) ______ Longest Drive (2 available) ______ Longest Putt (2 available) Payment enclosed $_____ OR Charge to my credit card (MC or VISA) # ____________________________ Exp. Date ___________ Authorization number on back of card ______ Name on card _____________________________________________________ Complete billing address ___________________________________________ _____________________________________________(street #, city, zip code) Signature ________________________________________________________ Complete this form and mail with your check to: BAGL, P O Box 5795, Lafayette IN 47903 Email to bagl@bagl.info OR fax 765/423-4347 if paying with credit card PAGE 10 T HE FO U ND A T I O N Membership Making Moves Companies signed into BAGL Membership-3rd qtr.: 1 S Brown Construction GOAL of 10 New Members— 3rd Qtr. 10___________ 9________ 8____ 7___________ 6_________ 5____ 2 Baker Electric 3 Sterling Homes 4 Coors Exteriors Deb Plue & her Membership Committee are well on their way to meeting another recruiting challenge and 3rd quarter goal of 10 new members by Sept. 30th Most members have received your BAGL MEMBERSHIP ID (example shown here below). We hope you recognize the importance, benefit & discount opportunities and value that your BAGL membership gives you. On the back of your member ID are company links for discounts and rewards that you can use on a regular basis when making purchases for your business or family. The Member ID’s are also being mailed when your dues renewals are paid. If you would like the ID benefits imMember Builders Association Greater Lafayette bagl.info Indiana Builders Association BuildIndiana.org National Association of Home Builders nahb.org NAME Builder Bob COMPANY LAFAYETTE CONSTRUCTION CO. Your BAGL-IBA-NAHB membership is valid thru Dec. 2014 Your NAHB PIN # 555055 and BAGL Chapter # 1548. mediately to use, please call the BAGL office and we will see that your laminated card is processed as quickly as possible, as long as your company dues status is current and up to date. Call 423 -4347 (Mon—Thurs 8:00 am to 4:00 pm) V O LU M E X V I , I S S U E 8 Companies targeted for BAGL Membership Goal in the 3rd Qtr: AVI Advantage Title AirPro The Alarm Guy Alliance Bank AmeriFirst Home Mortgage Blackburn Drywall GW Berkheimer Brooks Painting Carpetland USA Central Supply Custom Cuts Lawn Denmark Custom Builders Downham Custom Homes Douglas Homes & Remodeling Dunkle Custom Build Duke Energy Equity Builders A Fire’s Place First Internet Bank Fifth Third Bank Fountain Trust Frontier.com GJ Gardner Homes Gibson Painting Gonzalez Construction Indiana American Water Iron Gate Homes Keller Williams Livengood Masonry MetroNet Outdoor Roomscapes P & B Foundations Rose & Walker Supply Sherriff Goslin Roofing Sherwin Williams Paint Tornado Shelters Indiana Verizon Wagner Electric Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Wood Master Wrede Rocks York’s Remodeling Zinn Kitchens There were 19 homes open for viewing in 2014 Parade of Homes. The Builders who worked tirelessly to make it all possible are: Don Bulington, Sean Clayton, Brian Keene, Ryan Kennedy, Jim Kiracofe, Jeff Lee, Greg Milakis, Steve Schreckengast and Kim Thonn. Response and feedback from those attending was positive and optimistic. Genuine leads and sales give these builders reasons to celebrate. Photos on the opposite page show just a few of the highlights and distinctive rooms that the visitors were talking about. PAGE 11 T HE FO U ND A T I O N Lavish & lush designs created the OOOHs & AAAHs that Builders like to hear! V O LU M E X V I , I S S U E 8 PAGE 12 T HE FO U ND A T I O N 5 Quick Tricks To Boost Your Willpower By Rachel Gillett We are on a constant quest to get as much done as possible, but it's time that we all become a little more realistic about what can and can’t be achieved through sheer willpower. Repeat after me: My willpower is limited. Columbia psychologist Heidi Grant Halvorson argues that our willpower is often not up to the task of resisting temptation. She offers, instead, that we use if-then planning to reduce our reliance on our willpower. Rather than making a decision when the time comes, if-then planning allows you to plot out your defense ahead of time so that you’ve already made the right decision when the time comes. Unfortunately, though, we can’t always plan for what’s ahead, which is when our willpower really needs to kick in. Psychologist Roy F. Baumeister and science writer John Tierney, who wrote a book all about willpower, believe that willpower is like a muscle. It is something that we can build up through the right sustenance and exercise, and it is also something that can get worn out. Here are some quick tips to boost your mental strength and fortitude: 1. DO THE TOUGH STUFF FIRST THING IN THE MORNING Productivity experts suggest that one of the most effective ways to get unpleasant or difficult tasks done is to tackle them first thing in the morning. Since our pool of decision-making energy is limited, our willpower depletes throughout the day. By getting the tough stuff out of the way first thing in the morning, you’re preventing yourself from reneging on those tasks later in the day. 2. EAT A SNACK This may seem counterintuitive for people who want to use their willpower to lose weight, but having a snack with some sugar can give our brains the energy boost it needs for sustained willpower. Baumeister and other researchers at Florida State University found that when study participants performed acts of selfcontrol, their blood glucose levels were greatly reduced, which led to poor performance on following tasks involving willpower. But when the participants consumed a glucose drink, their willpower was no longer impaired. V O LU M E X V I , I S S U E 8 While some scientists used sugary treats like lemonade to test their theory, more longer-lasting brainpower comes from snacks that incorporate protein and complex carbohydrates. 3. TALK TO YOURSELF While scientists from the University of California have said that self-compassion supports self-improvement motivation, researchers from the University of Illinois also found that the way we talk to ourselves matters. According to their research, talking to ourselves in the secondperson--starting your self-affirmations with “you”--strengthens both our actual behavior performance and our intentions for performing better more than first-person self-talk--starting sentences with “I.” So the next time you need to psych yourself up to get through a difficult task, don’t be afraid to tell yourself, “you can do this.” 4. CALM DOWN Telling someone to calm down is probably the least effective way to get someone to actually calm down, but if you want to give your willpower a fighting chance, it needs to be done. When we are experiencing bouts of high stress, our bodies enter a mode of fight-or-flight. During this time, we are biologically predisposed to act more instinctively and less logically, which means our willpower and decision-making energy take the backseat. One of the best ways to bring stress levels down and increase focus is through meditation, which has been shown to do all manner of positive things for your body and mind. It’s so effective, even Wall Streeters are doing it. 5. SLEEP MORE Numerous studies and safety advocates have compared drowsy driving to drunk driving. In fact, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety says that drowsy drivers are responsible for one in six fatal car accidents. This is because moderate levels of sleep deprivation produce impairments in our cognitive and motor performance equivalent to legally prescribed levels of alcohol intoxication. If you can’t drive after staying up for 28 hours straight, you better believe you won’t be making many good decisions either. During sleep deprivation, our prefrontal cortexes lose control over the regions of the brain that create cravings and the stress response. The simple solution to mending our brains and boosting willpower: get some sleep. Post Office Box 5609 Lafayette IN 47903 765/4235421 800/735-5365 Direct: 765/420-1327 Cell: 765/426-3498 Fax: 765/742-7486 mellis@mbah.com Mary C. Ellis, CRIS Construction Risk Insurance Specialist PAGE 13 T HE FO U ND A T I O N V O LU M E X V I , I S S U E 8 Members who deserve a special THANKS. Our Parade Platinum <—Sponsors—> Our DIAMOND SPONSORS Centier Bank Green Goose Homes Komark Ltd. Vectren Energy Weber Concrete And our GOLD Sponsors: Lafayette Bank & Trust Purdue Fed. Credit Union Tipmont REMC PAGE 14 T HE FO U ND A T I O N V O LU M E X V I , I S S U E 8 BUILDER MEMBERS Adams Custom Builders Ken Ade Construction Advanced Builders Arbor Homes Bender Construction Bergstrom Home Improvement S Brown Construction—NM Bulington Construction Citation Homes-2 Clayton Homes Steve Connors Builder Coors Exteriors-NM Cornerstone Home Builders Crown Line Homes D-K Construction Paul Davis Restoration Green Goose Homes First Time Development Habitat for Humanity Hendrich Construction-NM J L Builders Kalan Homes-2 Keene Homes Kennedy Homes-2 TL Kincaid Contracting Komark LTD Majestic Homes-6 Milakis Homes-2 Misch Custom Homes Purdue BCM Riverside Construction Silverton Homes Souligne Construction Spire Group Sterling Homes-NM Steve Schrader Homes StoneRidge Homes-NM Stonewood Real Estate Summer Chase Tempest Homes Trinitas Ventures David Watkins Homes Zimpfer Construction 2014 Parade Builder BAGL Membership “Building YOUR Future” PAGE 15 T HE FO U ND A T I O N ASSOCIATE VENDORS & SUPPLIERS A & C Painting and Restoration ARKOR Action Electric All-Star Electronic Security Andersen Windows J L Anderson Heating & Cooling MP Baker Electric—NM Blue Print Specialties C G Visions C & J Well Co. Centier Bank Cheesman Inc—NM Coldwell Banker-Shook Agency Columbia Title Group—NM Consolidated Insurance Crawlspace Remediation Creed Plumbing—NM Custom Leisure Pools Dealers Wholesale Defouw Chevrolet Mindy Deno State Farm Agency-NM Design Alternatives Dilden Brothers Well Drilling Ely Concrete Ehresman Company Inc Exterior View Fairmount Door First Republic Mortgage Flooring Express Foley Foundations G A F—-NM Gale Insulation Gaylor Inc. Haan Plumbing Hack Excavating Halstead Drywall—NM Henry Poor Lumber Hicks Gas & Water Huston Electric Huth-Thompson IMI J D Electrical Keystone Architecture Inc. KJG Architecture Kentland Bank Klooz Plumbing, Heating & Supply Kirby Risk Supply Lafayette Bank & Trust Lafayette Community Bank Lafayette Glass Co. Lafayette Masonry Supply Lafayette Savings Bank Lee Supply Leming Supply The Lighting Studio MBAH Insurance McComb Pella Window & Door Menards Mercer Belanger Midwest Rental & Portable Storage Miller’s Flooring America Mulhaupt’s Norandex Building Materials Dist. Nu Kitchens Old National Bank One Touch Security Poisel Construction—NM Purdue Federal Credit Union Purdy Concrete Pyramid Signs Rabb-Kinetico Water Regions Bank—NM B T Reynolds—-NM Ruoff Home Mortgage—NM B R Schroeder & Sons Security Federal Savings Bank Shannon Door Co. Sims Lohman Kitchen & Granite Speedpro Imaging Stallard & Schuh Starr Associates State Farm Insurance-NM Steve’s Overhead Door Taylor Power Solutions Thermo-Scan Inspections Tipmont REMC Tippecanoe Mortgage T-N-T Tree Service-NM Totally Foam Insulation Vectren Energy VonTobel Lumber & Hardware WASK-K105 Radio Group WLFI-TV 18 Weber Concrete Wicked Clean NM= New Members V O LU M E X V I , I S S U E 8 Attention BAGL Members! You are now receiving this monthly newsletter via email. You can also access the current issue at any time at the association website (bagl.info). If at any time, you change your email address, please notify the BAGL office (bagl@bagl.info) or by calling 765/423-4347. Watch for other important BAGL information via email regularly. 1515 Union Street P O Box 5795 Lafayette IN 47903 BAGL Benefits = $$$$ to be Saved Please, be aware that your BAGL/IBA/NAHB Membership Advantage presents opportunities that allow your company, business or family to save money in may ways. Check out the list below and take advantage of these discounts or rebates. Only a very few Member ID’s remain to be sent. If you have not received yours, call the BAGL office 423-4347. Please, note that new member ID’s cannot be issued until NAHB sends us your membership ID numbers (usually a month or more). $500-$1000 off a new GM vehicle 22% discount on Verizon service Thousands of dollars in builder rebates Up to 36% off UPS service Up to 33% off Dell Computers Up to 25% off Hertz or Budget car rental 10% off at Office Depot 20% of FTD floral service 5 Cents off per gallon of gasoline/diesel Up to 30 % off from HP computers. Your company business is protected daily without you doing anything except continuing your BAGL -IBA-NAHB membership. 1. Protect the Mortgage Interest Deduction 2. Resolve Foreclosure and Appraisal Problems 3. Maintain Federal Support for Housing Finance System 4. Preserve Affordable Down payments and Mortgages 5. Fight Onerous Regulations that Hurt Home Builders, Remodelers and Consumers 6. Ensure an Adequate Supply of Credit for New Home Production 7. Recognize Housing’s Important Role to the Economy 8. Defend the Low Income Housing Tax Credit 9. Enact Comprehensive Immigration Reform 10. Use All Legal Means Necessary to Protect Property Rights
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