mcc dec 2015 message


mcc dec 2015 message
The Message
A Publication of The Muslim Community Center, Chicago, IL
Vol. 46a • No. 12 Safar - Rabi-ul-Awwal, 1437 December 2015
Place your ad(s) here.
Students at MCC Academy
President’s Message
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Call 773-725-9047
3 Angels Home Health
Farhan Siddique
types of services
Illinois All Kids Program Accepted
A wide range of authentic Pakistani cuisine.
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Benjamin Eye Care Center
5201 S. Willow Springs Rd., Suite 280
La Grange, Il 60525
Phone: 708-354-2008
Fax: 708-354-2092
Muslim Community Center
4380 North Elston Avenue
Chicago, IL. 60641
2502 W Devon,
Chicago IL, 60659
Phone: (773) 465-3272
Phone: (773) 465-0899
Phone: (773) 743-6200
Fax: 773-465-0095
an academic preschool
Care Law;isMarriage/Family
and kindergarten
Therapy (fully accredited by American
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at an affordable price.
(K-1 and K-3
Visas). Citizenship.
Medical/Post Surgical
Workers/H-1B & Perm
operated by Muslim educators
Social Worker
Home Health Aides
contact information
-Accidents/Personal Injury
6429 Dempster St.
Morton Grove, IL 60053
Phone: 847-503-9009
Off: 847-581-1400
Fax: 847-581-1402
Cell: 847-361-5803
3217 Springdale Avenue, Glenview,
IL 60025,
I pray and hope that Inshallah you and your
families are in good health and Iman. During
this month of December, you will also observe
the month of Rabi-ul Awwal, a blessed month
in which Prophet Mohammad (S) was born
to become as a mercy to whole mankind. We
are all blessed to be his Ummah. I am happy
to announce that Mufti Hafiz Nazim Mangera
has joined MCC as a full time Imam starting
December 1. Please make an effort to meet him,
greet him, and introduce yourself. Inshaallah he
will be busy in serving MCC community.
We all know the brutal shooting of Paris, France
in which more than 100 innocent people lost
their lives. We as Muslims condemn that kind
of massacre. Since the murderers had Muslim
names, a backlash against Muslims is being
observed. I ask all of you to be extra careful in
these days, and call the police if you observe any
kind of backlash or harassment.
MCC Administration has already approached
the Administrations of Chicago, Morton Grove,
and Skokie for having improved police patrol
around our centers. I wrote to MCC area
Alderman requesting extra police patrol around
MCC. Police also increased patrol around MEC.
We also have our own securities at the centers
especially when we have children and extra
attendance. Please be extra vigilant even when
you go to your routine business. May Allah
(SWT) guide and help us during difficult times.
We all heard the sad news of the passing away
of a very prominent Islamic scholar, Dr. Ahmed
Sakr. May Allah (SWT) bless him with high
place in paradise. He was a source of light for
Muslims in USA and abroad. You can read more
about him in The Message.
Send address corrections to:
Muslim Community Center
4380 North Elston Avenue
Chicago, IL. 60641
Phone: (773) 725-9047
Fax: (773) 725-1616
MCC continuously strives for new programs and
we encourage you to participate. You can always
check the TV monitors or inquire from the
office about these programs. MEC Masjid office
is open from Friday through Sunday. For any
issues, contact the office.
Membership Questions:
In order to better serve its community, MCC
(Continued on second page)
MCC Academy Featured
in Education Week
National News
Community Shocked
and Saddened by Paris
Selected from among a handful of other public
and private schools in the country, MCC
Academy was chosen to submit a commentary,
op-ed article, to Education Week National News
addressing an education topic that MCCA
parents care about greatly. Students, teachers, and
parents enjoyed seeing their school highlighted
in the article titled “Building Community,
One Student at a Time,” submitted by MCC
Academy, and the video and photos Education
Week came out to take to complement this
op-ed. The article and video was published last
month and is still available to view online at
The Friday of December 13, 2015 witnessed one
of the deadliest attacks in Paris. This coordinated
attack – claimed to have been carried out by ISIS
– caused 130 deaths; it shocked and saddened the
Muslim community here and across the globe.
Muslims and Islamic organizations were swift in
condemning the attacks and were unanimous in
expressing solidarity with the victims and their
2015 MCC Elections on
Sunday, December 13
MCC’s Elections are scheduled for Sunday,
December 13, 2015. A voting member may vote
in person at the Elston Avenue location or at
MEC Morton Grove between 10:00 AM to 3:00
PM. Voters need to bring a government issued
photo ID for voting. The membership will be
choosing one president, one woman director, two
youth directors, and three directors in general
category. Short biographies of the candidates
are given on page 2 this issue of The Message,
inshaAllah! Membership form are enclosed with
this issue of The Message for renewing your
membership. (See page 2 for election details)
Thank You Kim!
Sensing a backlash from the Paris attacks and
a phobic attitude toward Muslim, a friend of
our local community sent the following note of
concern and support to a community member of
ours - for which we are eternally thankful!
(Continued on third page)
Ayah of the Month
“And those who were given the Book did not
disagree but after the clear proof came to them.
While they were not ordered but to worship Allah,
making their submission exclusive for him with no
deviation, and to establish Salah and pay Zakah. That
is the way of the straight religion.” Surah Al-Bayyinah [98:4-5]
Hadith of the Month
Anas related that the Prophet (S) said, “If any
Muslim plants something or sows seed from which
a man, a bird or an animal eats, it counts as a charity
for him.” Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim
2015 MCC Elections on Sunday, December 13
Candidates’ Forum
There will be a candidates’ forum at MCC on
December 6, 2015 starting at 2:00 PM. All the
candidates contesting MCC elections for 2015
are requested to join the forum. Refreshment will
be served, inshaAllah!
List of Candidates
As per the MCC Bylaws and the MCC
Nomination Procedure, the Nomination
Committee compiled and issued the following
list of candidates for the 2015 MCC Elections.
Position: President
(Vacancy: One)
1) Afsar Ali, 2) Mohammad Sarwar Nasir
Position: Director, Women Category
(Vacancy: One)
1) Khadija Ahmed, 2) Najiba Miraki
Position: Director, Youth Category
(Vacancies: Two)
1) Alber Ahmed, 2) Mohammad Tauseef Akbar,
3) Anas Gandhi, 4) Shaizan Malik
Position: Director, General Category
(Vacancies: Three)
1) Afsar Ali, 2) Shahjehan Baig, 3) Usman Baki,
4) Masood Bijapuri, 5) Mazhar Khan, 6) Omer
a dedicated team of over 80 staff members.
Having been entrusted with the responsibility
of instituting & administering the MCC Board
Examination since 1997, I had the opportunity
to successfully manage the program across all
the schools within the system. I have also been
a member of MCC’s Board for several years,
and have multiple times served as a chairman of
several MCC committees. Currently, at MCC
Sunday School, I teach Seerah to the 9th graders.
My dream for MCC is a rejuvenated Islamic
center, which includes weekday activities for
youth as well as seniors, with the model being
the Masjid-e-Nabawi that we learn about
when studying the life of our beloved Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH). InshaAllah, I also plan
to develop a long term plan for our Elston
Avenue facility with the help of input from the
Bios of Candidates
President Category
Afsar Ali
By the Grace of Allah (SWT) I have been
volunteering at MCC for more than 20 years
in various capacities, including but not limited
to chairing committees, serving on the MCC
Board, and being a teacher in the MCC
Sunday School. My formal training includes
a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, and a
Master’s & Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer
Engineering. Professionally, I work in Research
& Development for a multinational corporation.
Currently I am the Chairman of Part-Time
Schools’ Academic Council overseeing the
several schools under MCC umbrella. Previously,
alhamdulillah, as the Principal of MCC Sunday
School for more than 10 years, it was a humbling
experience for me managing & interacting with
Mohammad Sarwar Nasir
Asslam-o-Alaikum! Two years ago, you gave
me the responsibility of the MCC President to
serve Allah (SWT) and you to the best of my
ability. I thank you for that. And if you give this
responsibility for another term, I will serve you
again with the same vigor, Inshaallah!
Professionally, I hold a Ph.D. from Albany,
NY, with fellowships from Johns Hopkins and
Northwestern Universities. I also have been a
joint staff with Northwestern University and
Evanston Hospital, and a Principal Scientist
at Diachemix Corporation, Wisconsin. I
am currently a scientist with the Division of
Laboratories in Illinois Dept. of Public Health.
I am a long-term MCC activist having been
associated with both MCC and MEC schools
in varying capacities as a teacher, department
head, and a principal for multiple years. I
have frequently been elected a director and
chairperson of MCC committees as well as a
finance secretary and chairman of the Full Time
School Council. While with the MCC schools I
also authored a text book currently being taught
at the MCC and MEC weekend schools.
While being president, I brought about several
changes with the MCC including but not limited
to – free Wi-Fi services at MCC and MEC,
MCC book store renovated and converted into
a multi-purpose room, creating share point
computer program for better coordination of
MCC programs, approval of safety crossing
island at the Elston facility, hiring of MCC
Imam, setting up a funeral fund, etc. I intend to
continue serving the community with an added
focus to bring about improvements deemed
necessary for the organization.
I am fortunate to have been married to wife
Nasreen Nasir and we have three children.
Director, Woman Category
Khadija Ahmed: An IT professional, devout
MCCA’s PTO worker, a passionate education
activist and a much-involved outreach-interfaith
Najiba Miraki: An MBA supervising a Chicago
firm, former MCC director & member CDE,
and a long-term outspoken community worker
Director, Youth Category
Alber Ahmed: A Business Analyst in downtown
Chicago, an MCC community product,
currently serving on both the Jumah Committee
and Special Events committee.
Mohammad Tauseef Akbar: A Chicago
based activist and educator, pursuing Masters
in Islamic Studies, a proponent on counterIslamophobia; web content specialist at Burma
Task Force
Anas Gandhi: Perusing B.S. in Psychology,
current Rehab/Welfare Committee chair, also
member Project Rizq, devout youth proponent
Shaizan Malik: A sales engineer. A long-term
youth worker of MCC, led YM Youth group
at MEC, served as Head of Special Events
Committee during last Ramadan.
Director, General Category
Afsar Ali: A Ph.D and IT professional, an
educationist, long-term MCC worker, former
Principal at MCC, former director & chairman
of numerous Committees, currently Chairman
of the Part-Time school Academic Council
Shahjehan Baig: A devout community worker,
currently Chairmen Zakat Committee, a longterm dedicated community worker
Usman Baki: An MBA, one of the pioneers
and long-term MCC worker, former President,
director, and chairmen of numerous MCC
Committees including in-charge of MCC
Masood Bijapuri: An MBA, a long-term
MCC worker, formerly chairman of several
MCC Committees, and currently director and
Secretary of MCC
Mazhar Khan: A long-term MCC worker,
chairman MCC Building maintenance and
operations, and an honorary in-charge of
Morton Grove Police and Fire Department
Omer Khan: A passionate educationist,
currently Co-Principal of MCC Sunday school,
and a long-time outspoken community worker
MEC SS Seerat-un-Nabi MCC SS Event for Speech
(SAW) on Dec. 20, 2015 & Seerat-un-Nabi (SAW)
MEC Sunday School plans to hold its annual
Seerat-un-Nabi (SAW) Celebrations on the
Sunday of December 20, 2015. This year’s skits
and display depict the eras from pre-prophet
hood to the prophet hood. There will also
be nasheeds, and skits during the programs,
inshAllah! For additional information, please
contact Seerah Department Head, Farzana
Bhatty at (847) 644-7233.
MCCA Hosts Array of
Courses for Community
MCC Academy Parent Academy hosts regular
seminars, workshops and courses that are open
to all adults in the community. Topics are geared
toward learning and growing in deen and in
life skills. We are wrapping up a Fall series for
women on the Fiqh of Tahara and will be starting
a new course on the Fiqh of Salah for women
in January. Recently, in conjunction with PSG,
Mrs. Dilnaz Waraich spoke to parents about
“Raising Kids that are Grateful and Resilient”
- Mrs. Waraich will continue her series of
parenting discussions after winter break. MCCA
Tae Kwon Do Instructor Officer Mariano
conducted a free Self Defense Workshop for
women in November and will offer another free
workshop in January. Also, last month, MCCA
invited ZMA Legal’s Mr. Zaki Anarwala to
conduct a seminar on Setting Up Wills & Trusts,
which was very well attended by many from
throughout the community. Mrs. Fatima Iqbal
of Azzad Financial will conduct a free seminar
on Halal Financial Planning for College and
Retirement in January. Stay tuned for details on
dates and timing and additional information
about upcoming Parent Academy offerings or call
MCCA at 224-534-7638 for more information.
Imam Mufti Nazim
Mangera Joins MCC
Mufti Hafiz Nazim Mangera will join MCC
as a full time Imam from December 1st, 2015.
Mufti Mangera completed his Hifz-e-Quran
with advanced study of the seven methods of
recitation (Qiraat-us-Sab’a) and Islamic Scholar
courses from England. He completed his Mufti
Course (Masters in Islamic Jurisprudence) from
Buffalo, NY. He also completed a six-month
intensive course of Business Administration
Applications in Toronto along with a Psychology
101 course. Imam Mangera had earlier
completed an Islamic Judge/Qadhi course from
India. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. degree
in Islamic Studies. He has served as a full time
Imam at Buffalo, NY and lately at Vancouver,
Canada. Mufti Mangera’s wife is also a scholar.
Insha’Allah, this year’s joint Speech Contest
and Seerat-un-Nabi (SAW) Celebrations will be
held on December 6, 2015 starting 10:00 AM.
The theme this year is: Identity, and with each
topic we would like you to reference the Quran
and Sunnah. For any questions, please contact
Br. Kazim Mohammed or Br. Omer Khan at
(630)802-2221 or (312) 375-1649; kzk2@ or
15th Annual
Sisterhood Event
On Nov. 21, Muslimahs of Chicago and the
MCC Da’wah Committee held their 15th
Annual Sisterhood Event. Srs. Anjum Ali and
Eeman Ouyoun spoke about Women’s Rights.
The right to own property, gain education and
tips on using rights to overcome struggles in
the US were discussed. The event started with
Qur’anic reciation.
Dr. Sakr Passes Away
Dr. Ahmad Sakr breathed his last on November
23, 2015 in Southern California. The news of his
passing away brought an instant outpouring of
sorrow and tributes form the community:
A Symbol of Dynamic Leadership and
Humility: This great Muslim from Lebanon was
a rare combination of commitment to Islam,
excellence in modern and Islamic scholarship,
dynamic leadership, motivational oratory,
humility and organizational ability. Raja-ullah
Quraishi, Chicago
Very Special and Very Generous: His selfless
help to establish Islamic centers, schools and
mosques always impressed me. People would
even call him to assist in their personal problems.
Senior members - at home and abroad - would
often call him an “inspiration” for his work in
community building. Such was the heart of dear
Br. Ahmad Sakr, very special and very generous.
Dr. Tasneema Ghazi, IQRA
A Loss to Entire Community: When people
say good things about someone after his passing
away, according to our beloved Prophet (SAW),
Jannat becomes ‘Wajib’ for him. May Allah
(SWT) grant Dr. Sakr a special place in Jannah
as he had a special place in our hearts and give
Sabr to his family. It is a loss for the entire
community. Quadir Khan, Rolling Meadows
(Continued from “President’s Message”)
collaborates and coordinates with other area
organizations for various programs. MCC
interfaith and outreach committee is heavily
involved in interfaith programs. MCC
participated in CIOGC annual dinner, CCN
annual dimmer and Communities United annual
MCC elections for the year 2016 will be held
on the Sunday of December 13, 2015 at both
locations of MCC, Elston building and MEC in
Morton Grove. Please do cast your vote if you are
a paid member of MCC. Please vote and show
your support for the candidate of your choice.
This is the responsibility and a privilege that
comes with the MCC membership.
Mohammad Sarwar Nasir, MCC President
(Continued from “Thank You Kim”)
From: Kim Moldofsky
Date: November 24, 2015 at 2:50:15 PM CST
Subject: Supporting the local MCC community
Hi Samina,
Given some of the horrible xenophobic and fearmongering rhetoric that has been going around
lately, I wanted to check in with you to get a
sense of how things are in the local community
and what my friends and I might do to support
A (non-Muslim) friend of mine shared this on
Facebook and I echo the sentiment and action.
“I wanted to put this out there for any of my
Muslim friends and neighbors in Chicago (and
there are many of you) who wear hijab, or
niqab, or chador. If, after the recent events or
the inflammatory remarks of Illinois’ Governor,
you EVER feel nervous to walk somewhere or
nervous for your children to walk somewhere? I
will walk with you. I can’t singlehandedly change
the minds of people who stereotype and hate.
But I can do that. I can walk with you. And I
Let me know how I can be of help.
Founder: STEMchat, The Maker Mom
MCC Publications Committee
Layout Editor
Asea Qidwai
Najah Bhatty
Zeeshan Abbasi
Editorial Advisor
Javed Bhatty
The Message is a monthly publication of the Muslim
Community Center that provides a forum for members
to engage with the administration, organization, and
activities of MCC/MEC and with each other. Submit
your questions and comments to: MCCpublication@ The opinions expressed in The Message do
not necessarily represent those of MCC. The editors
reserve the right to edit all material.