documents which prove the organization
documents which prove the organization
DOCUMENTS WHICH PROVE THE ORGANIZATION OF VENEZUELANS IN EXILE – ORVEX, IS CONSIDERED A “TERRORIST” AND “SUBVERSIVE” ORGANIZATION BY THE GOVERNMENT OF THE BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA 1 CONTENT DOCUMENTS WHICH PROVE THE ORGANIZATION OF VENEZUELANS IN EXILE – ORVEX, IS CONSIDERED A “TERRORIST” AND “SUBVERSIVE” ORGANIZATION BY THE GOVERNMENT OF THE BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA - MARIO SILVA ATTACKS ORVEX IN “LA HOJILLA” A PRO-CHAVEZ “LA HOJILLA”, A PRO-CHAVEZ TALK SHOW ON OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT TELEVISION (MARCH 2007) ………………………………………………………………… 3 - TEXT OF NEWS BROADCAST ON TV CHANNEL “VTV’”, IN WHICH ORVEX IS CONSIDERED TO BE A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION, AND CHARGING IT WITH CONSPIRACY TO ASSASINATE THE HEAD OF STATE, HUGO CHAVEZ (MAY 2007) …………………… 8 - CIA – ORVEX LINKS ALLEGED BY THE VENEZUELAN GOVERNMENT (JUNE 2007) ……………………………………………… 14 - NEWS ISSUED BY THE VENEZUELAN STATE CONTROLLED “BOLIVARIAN NEWS AGENCY” (ABN), IN WHICH ORVEX IS CONSIDERED A “TERRORIST ORGANIZATION” (JUNE 2007) ……………………………………………. 23 - ORVEX IS CONSIDERED A “SUBVERSIVE” ORGANIZATION BY THE “CENTER OF ALERT FOR THE DEFENSE OF THE PEOPLES” (OCTOBER 2009) …............................................................................... 27 o DESCRIPTION OF ORVEX MADE BY THE “CENTER OF ALERT FOR THE DEFENSE OF THE PEOPLES” ……………………………………………….... 28 o THE “CENTER OF ALERT FOR THE DEFENSE OF THE PEOPLES” WAS LAUNCHED IN OCTOBER 2009 WITH THE HELP OF THE VENEZUELAN GOVERNMENT – PROOF IS PRESENTED IN A BOOK CALLED “THE PERMANENT AGGRESSION”, WHICH WAS PRINTED BY THE BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA IN THAT MONTH …………………………………… 33 2 MARIO SILVA ATTACKS ORVEX IN “LA HOJILLA”, A PRO-CHAVEZ TALK SHOW ON OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT TELEVISION Mario Silva attacks the Organization of Venezuelans in Exile "ORVEX" in his TV Program "La Hojilla" ("Razor Blade"), in early March 2007. About two months later, this Host from the Venezuelan State TV Station violated the Vienna Convention by disclosing confidential information about U.S. Diplomats in Venezuela. The U.S. Department sent a complaint to the Venezuelan Government, but it was neither answered nor taken into consideration. Venezuela is taking the highway to Communism, and the World still believes that Hugo Chavez is a Democrat NOTE: There is an involuntary mistake in the video since it mentions “Geneva Convention” when the correct phrase is “Vienna Convention” This video can be seen in YouTube at the following Internet address: 3 THIS IS THE TRANSLATION OF A VIDEO WHICH APPEARS IN THE WEBPAGE OF YOUTUBE IN SPANISH ALREADY WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES, WHICH WERE PRESENTED TO THE UNDERSIGNED FOR ITS TRANSLATION IN ENGLISH [ Transcript taken from Video in ] The Razor Blade You know, that I remember, when we were in … and waving that flag up there and I remembered that our flag, our three colored, eight star flag cannot continue to be pierced by the little American flag. Look at this. Just like the Cuban-American Foundation there are a bunch of wanderers who pulled out what I have here: ORVEX. Pay attention: Our flag with the American flag because they cannot live without the American flag. And when they write ORVEX which means "Organization of Venezuelans in Exile" these persons put the following: What do you think about it? Yellow, blue and red, seven stars 'cause they do not recognize the eighth. And the American flag here, in the words "EX". Do you see? What do you think about this? Then, this is when you say: "My flag is my flag". "My flag does not go with the American flag next to it". My flag is mine! Chavez said it not too long ago. In the future we will thank the Cuban people very much and above all to those five Cuban heroes who are being accused of terrorists when their role in the United States was to avoid terrorism. Soon, we will be making a special program with the five Cuban heroes, in another time. Ah, by the way. Patricia Poleo is part of that ORVEX so you can see how those Venezuelans in Exile live. "In Exile", in quotation marks. They issued a communiqué by which they do not recognize the Bolivarian Government. Here it I, Elio C. Aponte, hereby certify that I am competent to translate into English the Video which appears in the webpage of YouTube in Spanish, and that I have seen, and which subtitles I have made, and that the foregoing is a true, accurate and faithful translation of the Spanish language video. Elio C. Aponte 4 THIS IS THE TRANSLATION OF A VIDEO WHICH APPEARS IN THE WEBPAGE OF YOUTUBE IN SPANISH ALREADY WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES, WHICH WERE PRESENTED TO THE UNDERSIGNED FOR ITS TRANSLATION IN ENGLISH is, a communiqué which we will later read calmly. They declare that the current Venezuelan Government is illegitimate and usurping. Ja! Yes, yes... Carmona's Government was legitimate. But, what a thing, money... that despicable money... true? Here it is. Look. Inside their Organization of Venezuelans in Exile, they have their expenses. Do you understand me? Payroll expenses: US$ 3,296, and so forth. Total expenses: US$ 11,500. And, later, they have... [ Voice: ] "Those are in exile" Yes, those in exile are without employment. Aren't they? And later they placed a form for you to get registered, and to give a donation. I think that I have it around here. For you to donate ... here... on the back? On the back!... yes yes yes yes... It is around here... Where is that little form? A form so you donate a minimum of US$ 10. Je, je, je, je ... in the United States ... eh? And, and... what is worst. I have a little video somewhere, in which the "Papo", Patricia Poleo, said: "If I were you, I sit in that Highway until the government falls" You'll wait until 2021, Patricia. You are going to sit down in the highway and I tell you, soon it is going to be hot. See what you're going to do with your butt cheeks. [ laughs ] Your butt cheeks are going to get burned over there. [ Laughs ] That’s in case you come, because you ask them to do it. I, Elio C. Aponte, hereby certify that I am competent to translate into English the Video which appears in the webpage of YouTube in Spanish, and that I have seen, and which subtitles I have made, and that the foregoing is a true, accurate and faithful translation of the Spanish language video. Elio C. Aponte 5 6 TRANSLATOR CERTIFICATION THIS IS THE TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENT IDENTIFIED AS FOLLOWS: TRANSCRIPCION DE NOTICIA TRANSMITIDA POR EL CANAL VTV, EN LA QUE ORVEX ES CONSIDERADA UNA ORGANIZACION TERRORISTA, Y ACUSADA DE CONSPIRAR PARA ASESINAR AL JEFE DE ESTADO, HUGO CHAVEZ THE ABOVE DOCUMENT IS THE TEXT OF A VIDEO IN SPANISH THAT I HAVE SEEN IN THE FOLLOWING INTERNET ADDRESS OF YOUTUBE: AND I, ELIO C. APONTE, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE SEEN THE VIDEO AND THAT I HAVE TYPED ITS CONTENT IN SPANISH, AND THAT I AM COMPETENT TO TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH THE SPANISH TEXT OF THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED VIDEO I HAVE TYPED, AND THAT THE FOLLOWING IS A TRUE, ACCURATE AND FAITHFUL TRANSLATION OF THE TEXT OF THE VIDEO THAT IS ALSO ATTACHED TO THE TRANSLATION. ______________________________ ELIO C. APONTE 7 TEXT OF NEWS BROADCAST ON TV CHANNEL “VTV’”, IN WHICH ORVEX IS CONSIDERED TO BE A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION, AND CHARGING IT WITH CONSPIRACY TO ASSASINATE THE HEAD OF STATE, HUGO CHAVEZ FRIDAY, MAY 25, 2007. TAKEN FROM THE FOLLOWING VIDEO THAT IS SHOWN IN YOUTUBE.COM: 8 [NEWS ANCHORWOMAN:] “THE MEDIA CONSPIRACY CONTINUES. THIS TIME VIA INTERNET. A SELF DENOMINATED ORGANIZATION OF VENEZUELANS IN EXILE, ORVEX, INCITES HATRED AND INVITES TO SUBVERT THE DEMOCRATIC SYSTEM OF THE NATION. AMONG THEIR WELL-KNOWN MEMBERS, WE FIND ORLANDO URDANETA, THE ACTOR WHO LIVES IN MIAMI”. [A VOICE OF A WOMAN IS HEARD WHILE SEVERAL VIDEO IMAGES AS WELL AS IMAGES OF THE WEB PAGES WWW.ORVEX.ORG AND RUEDALO.ORG ARE SHOWN]. “WITH AGGRESSIVE AND CONTRADICTING MESSAGES, THIS WEB PAGE IN INTERNET, WWW.ORVEX.ORG, INVITES VENEZUELANS TO GO OUT TO THE STREETS UNTIL THE FALL OF THE LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT OF PRESIDENT HUGO CHAVEZ. AS PART OF THEIR DISCOURSE, THIS ORGANIZATION USES DEGRADING AND AGGRESSIVE IMAGES, MIXED WITH ACTIONS THEY DEFINED AS NON VIOLENT. ORLANDO URDANETA 9 AND THE PRESIDENT OF ORVEX, ELIO APONTE INVITED THE PEOPLE TO GO OUT TO THE STREET TO PROTECT WHAT THEY CALL THE VENEZUELAN DREAM, THE ONE OF THE EXILEES IN MIAMI. THEY TALK ABOUT PACIFISM, BUT WITHIN LINES THEY REAFIRM HEATRED AND DISQUALIFY PRESDIENT CHAVEZ, SO THEY URGE THE OVERTHROWN OF THE GOVERNMENT AND TO CARRY OUT THE ASSASINATION OF THE HEAD OF STATE”. [AT THIS MOMENT, THE NEWS BROADCAST SHOWS IMAGES OF THE WEB PAGE WWW.RUEDALO.ORG]. “ALSO JOURNALIST PATRICIA POLEO POINTS OUT IN HER TV PROGRAM IN MIAMI, FLORIDA, THAT SHE HAS STATISTICAL EVIDENCE TO PROVE THAT THE DECEMBER 3 ELECTIONS WERE A FRAUD”. 10 TRANSCRIPCION DE NOTICIA TRANSMITIDA POR EL CANAL VTV, EN LA QUE ORVEX ES CONSIDERADA UNA ORGANIZACION TERRORISTA, Y ACUSADA DE CONSPIRAR PARA ASESINAR AL JEFE DE ESTADO, HUGO CHAVEZ VIERNES, 25 DE MAYO DE 2007. TOMADA DEL VIDEO QUE APARECE EN YOUTUBE.COM: 11 [NARRADORA DE NOTICIAS] “CONTINUA LA CONSPIRACION MEDIATICA. ESTA VEZ POR INTERNET. UN GRUPO AUTODENOMINADO ORGANIZACION DE VENEZOLANOS EN EL EXTERIOR, ORVEX, INCITA AL ODIO E INVITA A DESESTABILIZAR EL SISTEMA DEMOCRATICO DE LA NACION. ENTRE SUS CELEBRES MIEMBROS SE ENCUENTRA EL ACTOR RESIDENCIADO EN MIAMI, ORLANDO URDANETA”. [VOZ DE NARRACION SE ESCUCHA MIENTRAS SE PRESENTAN VARIAS IMAGENES DE VIDEO Y DE LAS PAGINAS WWW.ORVEX.ORG Y RUEDALO.ORG]. “CON MENSAJES AGRESIVOS Y CONTRADICTORIOS, ESTA PAGINA EN INTERNET WWW.ORVEX.ORG INVITA A LOS VENEZOLANOS A SALIR A LAS CALLES HASTA QUE CAIGA EL GOBIERNO LEGITIMO DEL PRESIDENTE HUGO CHAVEZ. DENTRO DEL DISCURSO QUE MANEJA ESTA ORGANIZACION, ESTA EL EMPLEO DE IMAGENES DEGRADANTES Y 12 AGRESIVAS, MEZCLADAS CON ACCIONES QUE SE DEFINEN COMO NO VIOLENTAS. ORLANDO URDANETA, Y EL PRESIDENTE DE ORVEX, ELIO APONTE INVITARON A LA GENTE A SALIR A LA CALLE PARA PROTEGER LO QUE ELLOS LLAMAN EL SUEÑO VENEZOLANO, EL DE LOS EXILADOS EN MIAMI. HABLAN DE PACIFISMO, PERO ENTRE LINEAS REAFIRMAN EL ODIO Y DESCALIFICAN AL PRESIDENTE CHAVEZ, POR LO QUE ANIMAN A DERROCAR AL GOBIERNO Y A EJECUTAR EL MAGNICIDIO”. [EN ESTE MOMENTO SE PRESENTA EN EL NOTICIERO IMAGENES DE LA PAGINA DE INTERNET WWW.RUEDALO.ORG]. “TAMBIEN LA PERIODISTA PATRICIA POLEO SEÑALA EN SU PROGRAMA DE TELEVISION EN MIAMI, FLORIDA, QUE TIENE PRUEBAS ESTADISTICAS DE QUE LAS ELECCIONES DEL 3 DE DICIEMBRE FUERON FRAUDULENTAS”. 13 CIA – ORVEX LINKS ALLEGED BY THE VENEZUELAN GOVERNMENT This video can be seen in YouTube at the following Internet address: 14 THIS IS THE TRANSLATION OF A VIDEO WHICH APPEARS IN THE WEBPAGE OF YOUTUBE IN SPANISH ALREADY WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES, WHICH WERE PRESENTED TO THE UNDERSIGNED FOR ITS TRANSLATION IN ENGLISH [ Transcript taken from Video in ] Impact of ORVEX In the Non Violent Struggle of Venezuela Press Conference Eva Golinger: “...Freedom House is a nongovernmental organization which is financed by the U.S. State Department and it works with opposition members in Venezuela” (Friday, May 25, 2007) Eva Golinger: “And it is supporting destabilization plans for the weekend. How? Well, Freedom House is headed by Peter Ackerman. And he replaced the former Director of the C.I.A. James Woosley, who was the President of Freedom House. So, you now have an idea of what Freedom House is. And, they are supporting this:” ORVEX'S Eva Golinger: “STOP IT!!! 9 years of Dictatorship are enough. And they make a call for... Saturday, May 26… This is what is appearing now in the Internet, calling for violence for the weekend to end the dictatorship. The same "guarimba", as they usually do. But this group, with the fist, is related to OTPOR, which manage to overthrow the Government in Ukrania... I mean in Yugoslavia to overthrow Milosevich. And OTPOR, which is directly connected to another entity called the International Center for Non Violent Struggle, which is managed by Peter Ackerman, the Director of Freedom House. They directly collaborate here and with another entity of Venezuelans in Exile, ORVEX, which works with another entities of Peter Ackerman. And they are supporting these calls for destabilization here through another entity also, the Albert Einstein Institution. But regarding this, I will be preparing more information later.” I, Elio C. Aponte, hereby certify that I am competent to translate into English the Video which appears in the webpage of YouTube in Spanish, and that I have seen, and which subtitles I have made, and that the foregoing is a true, accurate and faithful translation of the Spanish language video. Elio C. Aponte 15 THIS IS THE TRANSLATION OF A VIDEO WHICH APPEARS IN THE WEBPAGE OF YOUTUBE IN SPANISH ALREADY WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES, WHICH WERE PRESENTED TO THE UNDERSIGNED FOR ITS TRANSLATION IN ENGLISH Mario Silva’s TV Program "La Hojilla" (Razor Blade), aired on State Station VTV Mario Silva: “Look at this”. (Saturday, May 26, 2007) “That sound was being broadcasted by GLOBOVISION, and tomorrow we will be showing a video, of course. Here you have a web page: RUEDALO. This webpage belongs to ORVEX, the Organization of Venezuelans in Exile”. Eva Golinger: “... a sample of different connections, and taking different symbols, using the same fist that is being used by OTPOR, the group from Yugoslavia that overthrew Milosevich with a great help from the State Department”. Mario Silva: “It seems that they want to apply the same script here in Venezuela, but with great differences. Eva Golinger: “That script has been applied in Georgia and Ukrania with a lot of success. They tried it in Bielo-Russia, but it did not work. They have been trying it here ... “The Albert Einstein Institution, which works here too. In their last bulletin, they have a section on Venezuela in which they point out that they have sent two persons from OTPOR to work with Venezuelans. And that they have carried out workshops in the U.S. and Venezuela. The Albert Einstein Institution, headed by Gene Sharp, who is the founder of this concept, about changing Governments with a non violent appearance. He, during 2003 and 2004, worked with Robert Alonso in the GUARIMBAS, and right now he [Gene Sharp] works for ORVEX. It is proven in the same webpage of ORVEX”. I, Elio C. Aponte, hereby certify that I am competent to translate into English the Video which appears in the webpage of YouTube in Spanish, and that I have seen, and which subtitles I have made, and that the foregoing is a true, accurate and faithful translation of the Spanish language video. Elio C. Aponte 16 THIS IS THE TRANSLATION OF A VIDEO WHICH APPEARS IN THE WEBPAGE OF YOUTUBE IN SPANISH ALREADY WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES, WHICH WERE PRESENTED TO THE UNDERSIGNED FOR ITS TRANSLATION IN ENGLISH Mario Silva’s TV Program "La Hojilla" (Razor Blade), aired on State Station VTV (Saturday, May 26, 2007) Video Presentation: By this call [the siren sounding], Carla Angola has just shown to us with all its rudeness, the links of GLOBOVISION with the worst of the Coup Promoters in Miami. The same organizations that are at the service of Marcel Granier, all of them with the same objective: TO OVERTROW HUGO CHAVEZ AND TO EXTERMINATE THE BOLIVARIAN REVOLUTION All of these WebPages have dedicated a great deal of their space to call to destabilize the Revolutionary Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela... Especially one: ORVEX Organization of Venezuelans in Exile. ... and their mentors are, nothing more, nothing less than . . . Patricia Poleo (Fugitive for the murder of Danilo Anderson) Elio Aponte (Wanted for Conspiracy) Orlando Urdaneta (Participated along with his cousin Comisso Urdaneta, in the Coup of April 11, 2002) I, Elio C. Aponte, hereby certify that I am competent to translate into English the Video which appears in the webpage of YouTube in Spanish, and that I have seen, and which subtitles I have made, and that the foregoing is a true, accurate and faithful translation of the Spanish language video. Elio C. Aponte 17 THIS IS THE TRANSLATION OF A VIDEO WHICH APPEARS IN THE WEBPAGE OF YOUTUBE IN SPANISH ALREADY WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES, WHICH WERE PRESENTED TO THE UNDERSIGNED FOR ITS TRANSLATION IN ENGLISH All these important figures who currently live in Miami, and who are protected and financed by the U.S. State Department, recently published the webpage: This is the webpage that provided the siren announced by Carla Angola In a Report presented by Eva Golinger, we can see the links of RUEDALO, alleged Non Violent Organizations linked to CENTER FOR APPLIED NONVIOLENT ACTION AND STRATEGIES INTERNATIONAL CENTER ON NONVIOLENT CONFLICT Peter Ackerman President of Freedom House and founder of the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict Freedom House recently declared about the RCTV case and that entity depends on... and he is linked to... Gene Sharp He is the founder of the Albert Einstein Institution. He is the ideologist of the soft coup d'état. Gene Sharp is linked to Robert Alonso, the "Guarimba" promoter. Both of them work for... I, Elio C. Aponte, hereby certify that I am competent to translate into English the Video which appears in the webpage of YouTube in Spanish, and that I have seen, and which subtitles I have made, and that the foregoing is a true, accurate and faithful translation of the Spanish language video. Elio C. Aponte 18 THIS IS THE TRANSLATION OF A VIDEO WHICH APPEARS IN THE WEBPAGE OF YOUTUBE IN SPANISH ALREADY WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES, WHICH WERE PRESENTED TO THE UNDERSIGNED FOR ITS TRANSLATION IN ENGLISH [ORVEX] SURPRISE! Let's add to this coup d'état cocktail, Alejandro Peña Esclusa's SOLIDARITY FORCE Coup promoter of the extreme right and founder of Tradition, Family and Property Rodolfo Frometa’s F-4 Command. He has had several arrests in Miami. He is a Mercenary and Paramilitary. All of them financed by USAID Executing entity of... [Central Intelligence Agency - C.I.A.] Coup D'état Venezuela 2002 Oil Sabotage Media War Fraud Terrorism Bombs in Embassies Military Statements I, Elio C. Aponte, hereby certify that I am competent to translate into English the Video which appears in the webpage of YouTube in Spanish, and that I have seen, and which subtitles I have made, and that the foregoing is a true, accurate and faithful translation of the Spanish language video. Elio C. Aponte 19 THIS IS THE TRANSLATION OF A VIDEO WHICH APPEARS IN THE WEBPAGE OF YOUTUBE IN SPANISH ALREADY WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES, WHICH WERE PRESENTED TO THE UNDERSIGNED FOR ITS TRANSLATION IN ENGLISH Terrorism Training in Miami Paramilitaries Murders "Guarimbas" Coup D'état Venezuela 2002 Hugo Chavez’s National TV and Radio Broadcasting (Sunday, June 2, 2007) Hugo Chavez (talking): “...that this opposition, indeed, is now trying to use and even though some student leaders are saying that they are not being used by anyone. So, they are being used, indeed. They are peasants of the Imperialism. And that is very sad”. “And they are using here, as Juan Barreto says, the feelings. They are manipulating some feelings. And they try to use them as cannon fodder”. (- Comment - Hugo Chávez is reading an article written by European Journalist Thierry Meyssan, of the Voltaire Network, in París, France, of a clear Communist tendency, and who qualifies the Non Violent Struggle as the new instrument of the C.I.A. to overthrow Communist Governments with the consent of the International Community). I, Elio C. Aponte, hereby certify that I am competent to translate into English the Video which appears in the webpage of YouTube in Spanish, and that I have seen, and which subtitles I have made, and that the foregoing is a true, accurate and faithful translation of the Spanish language video. Elio C. Aponte 20 THIS IS THE TRANSLATION OF A VIDEO WHICH APPEARS IN THE WEBPAGE OF YOUTUBE IN SPANISH ALREADY WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES, WHICH WERE PRESENTED TO THE UNDERSIGNED FOR ITS TRANSLATION IN ENGLISH Hugo Chavez (reading): "…soft and cunning Coup d'état. The Albert Einstein Institution. Nonviolence, according to the CIA. For the last 15 years, the CIA uses it to overthrow recalcitrant governments, without provoking international indignation. For this, it uses an ideological facade: The Albert Einstein Institution, of the Philosopher, Gene Sharp. This institution enjoys financing from the United States Peace Institute, and it organizes seminaries to train allies in the defense through Civilian Disobedience before an occupying communist". Hugo Chavez (talking): “Here, they are using the same name: "RESISTANCE", and the same symbol: "A LITTLE FIST". An open little fist. The same symbol”. “... that we are impressing to out fatherland. Look at the symbol... Where is the camera? Look at it... I do not have a little pencil around here. Here it is. Pay attention to the symbol of OTPNOT. This is in Serbian. Serbia 2001. OTPOR Symbol. Resistance. Look at the Fist. Focus closer, to see it better. This little drawing, which is a fist. And look at here now. Venezuela 2007. Look at it. The same symbol”. Closing Comment of the Video Since August of 2006, ORVEX has been promoting the use of nonviolent techniques, so Venezuelans could learn them and apply them in the struggle for Freedom and Democracy. I, Elio C. Aponte, hereby certify that I am competent to translate into English the Video which appears in the webpage of YouTube in Spanish, and that I have seen, and which subtitles I have made, and that the foregoing is a true, accurate and faithful translation of the Spanish language video. Elio C. Aponte 21 22 NEWS ISSUED BY THE VENEZUELAN STATE CONTROLLED “BOLIVARIAN NEWS AGENCY” (ABN), IN WHICH ORVEX IS CONSIDERED A “TERRORIST ORGANIZATION” 23 THIS IS THE TRANSLATION OF A DOCUMENT, WHICH WAS ISSUED IN SPANISH AND PRESENTED TO THE UNDERSIGNED FOR ITS TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH (There is a Logo Here) Bolivarian News Agency INTERNATIONAL Terrorists of Miami say they will send supplies to Venezuelan “students” ABN 06/04/2007 Caracas, June 04. ABN.- “We are opening roads to send supplies from the United States, as well as moral support and non-violent struggle technology”, Elio Aponte stated today, a supposedly leader of a terrorist group of Miami, known as Organization of Venezuelans in Exile (Orvex). Orvex, a group that copies the models and discourses from terrorist organizations from Cubans in Miami, has been recently known in Venezuela for its website:, in which an ultimatum has been presented to President Chávez to end his term in office, under threats of carrying out violent actions in Venezuela. In the communiqué, which can also be read in another website from the Venezuelan opposition,, Aponte finally confirms the intervention of the United States in the internal affairs of Venezuela, by stating that “this non violent struggle has its techniques and strategies, which we have received from the Albert Einstein Institution”. Aponte also states that they do not want to be the “Oscar Perez” of the Resistance, referring to one of the opposition individuals with more links to violent happenings against the Bolivarian Revolution. “We in Orvex are in the rearguard and we are opening roads to send supplies from the United States, as well as moral support and non-violent struggle technology. We even have the way to send supplies that are being urgently I, Elio C. Aponte, hereby certify that I am competent to translate into English the Spanish document presented herein, and that the foregoing is a true, accurate and faithful translation of the Spanish language document. Elio C. Aponte 24 THIS IS THE TRANSLATION OF A DOCUMENT, WHICH WAS ISSUED IN SPANISH AND PRESENTED TO THE UNDERSIGNED FOR ITS TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH requested by the students in Venezuela for this non-violent struggle without the Government noticing it”, Aponte stated in his letter without making any specific reference to any “non-violent struggle” technologies. In the midst of regrets, because his posture was supposedly misunderstood, Aponte explains his vision about the strategy to follow and he explains “that’s the idea, to challenge and challenge, to resist, not only in Venezuela but at the international level, with the electoral fraud, to show the world that the current tenant of Miraflores is a usurper and unlawful President”. “The non violent war has been declared”, Aponte stated before referring to Chavez with an expression of racism, to later reaffirm his threats: “now he has to take what is coming to him, as I stated in the ultimatum video”. I, Elio C. Aponte, hereby certify that I am competent to translate into English the Spanish document presented herein, and that the foregoing is a true, accurate and faithful translation of the Spanish language document. Elio C. Aponte 25 26 ORVEX IS CONSIDERED A “SUBVERSIVE” ORGANIZATION BY THE “CENTER OF ALERT FOR THE DEFENSE OF THE PEOPLES” 27 Description of ORVEX made by the “Center of Alert for the Defense of the Peoples” This can be found online at 28 THIS IS THE TRANSLATION OF A DOCUMENT WHICH WAS ISSUED IN SPANISH AND PRESENTED TO THE UNDERSIGNED FOR ITS TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH [ Translation of the upper part of the webpage in which they mention the ORGANIZATION OF VENEZUELANS IN EXILE – ORVEX ] Center of Alert for the Defense of the Peoples Investigation, analysis, documentation and denounces about meddling and subversion against the peoples of America Latina [ Menu options of the webpage ] News Enciclopedia of Meddling and Subversion ALERTS! Declassified Documents Who we are For Consultation O [ Shows the organizations considered to be “Subversive” which name starts with the letter O ] I, Elio C. Aponte, hereby certify that I am competent to translate into English the Spanish document presented herein, and that the foregoing is a true, accurate and faithful translation of the Spanish language document. Elio C. Aponte 29 30 THIS IS THE TRANSLATION OF A DOCUMENT WHICH WAS ISSUED IN SPANISH AND PRESENTED TO THE UNDERSIGNED FOR ITS TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH [ Translation of the text related to ORVEX as it is shown in the webpage in which they mention the ORGANIZATION OF VENEZUELANS IN EXILE – ORVEX ] ORGANIZATION OF VENEZUELANS ABROAD (ORVEX) Extremist and rightist political group located and founded in Miami on April 11, 2005 by some counter-revolutionary, self-exiled, Venezuelans in Miami. This organization which proclaims to be a social NGO is dedicated to carry out destabilizing and coup-promoting actions against the Bolivarian Revolution. They have promoted the overthrown and murder of President Hugo Chavez and frequently meet with the most reactionary congressmen and senators of the United States, such as Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Connie Mack and Lincoln DiazBalart, to promote different bills to condemn the Venezuelan Government. They also work to create and promote negative and distorted opinion matrixes along with U.S. media, specially the Miami Herald and local TV channels of the State of Florida. The “copeyano” (member of the COPEI political party) businessman Elio C. Aponte if the president of this organization, and its members are well know personalities of the most extremist and violent sector of the Venezuelan opposition, such as Patricia Poleo and Orlando Urdaneta. ORVEX is also linked to the Albert Einstein Institution (AEI) which has advised it about Soft Coup techniques during the presidential elections of December 2006. I, Elio C. Aponte, hereby certify that I am competent to translate into English the Spanish document presented herein, and that the foregoing is a true, accurate and faithful translation of the Spanish language document. Elio C. Aponte 31 32 The “Center of Alert for the Defense of the Peoples” was launched in October 2009 with the help of the Venezuelan Government Proof is presented in a book called “The Permanent Aggression”, which was printed by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in that month The book “The Permanent Aggression” can be found online (in Spanish) at 33 THIS IS THE TRANSLATION OF A DOCUMENT WHICH WAS ISSUED IN SPANISH AND PRESENTED TO THE UNDERSIGNED FOR ITS TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH Jean-Guy Allard – Eva Golinger USAID, NED and CIA THE PERMANENT AGGRESSION [ There is an eagle here in which a South American map in red can be seen inside one of its eyes. Behind the eagle, to the left, the seal of the CIA as well as of the USAID and NED can also be seen ] Ministry of the Popular Power for Communication and Information I, Elio C. Aponte, hereby certify that I am competent to translate into English the Spanish document presented herein, and that the foregoing is a true, accurate and faithful translation of the Spanish language document. Elio C. Aponte 34 35 THIS IS THE TRANSLATION OF A DOCUMENT WHICH WAS ISSUED IN SPANISH AND PRESENTED TO THE UNDERSIGNED FOR ITS TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH USAID, NED AND CIA THE PERMANENT AGGRESSION Jean-Guy Allard and Eva Golinger Ministry of Popular Power for the Communication and Information; University Ave., corner El Chorro, Ministry Tower, 9th and 10th floors. Caracas-Venezuela / Directory Minister of Popular Power for the Communication and Information Blanca Eekhout Vice-minister of Communicational Estrategy Gabriel Gil Vice-minister of Communicational Affairs Mariano Ali General Director of Diffusion and Publicity Carlos Nuñez Director of Publications Ingrid Rodriguez Coordination of Edition Francisco Avila Front Cover Design Arturo Cazal Legal Deposit: lf87120093204457 ISBN: 978-980-227-089-7 October 2009 Printed in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (There is a round seal on the right that reads: “FREE BOOK. The sale of this book is a counter-revolutionary act”) I, Elio C. Aponte, hereby certify that I am competent to translate into English the Spanish document presented herein, and that the foregoing is a true, accurate and faithful translation of the Spanish language document. Elio C. Aponte 36 37 THIS IS THE TRANSLATION OF A DOCUMENT WHICH WAS ISSUED IN SPANISH AND PRESENTED TO THE UNDERSIGNED FOR ITS TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH [ Translation of the paragraph that is marked with an oval at the botton of page 15 of the book ] With this book, we also launch the Center of Alert for the Defense of the Peoples, as an space for the combat to keep us informed about new strategies and tactics of meddling and subversion, and their application against us. And we made a call to join our efforts and knowledge to fight what we perceive as a colective aggression against all defiant peoples in which we resist the imperialistic impositions. I, Elio C. Aponte, hereby certify that I am competent to translate into English the Spanish document presented herein, and that the foregoing is a true, accurate and faithful translation of the Spanish language document. Elio C. Aponte 38 39