Now it`s easy! Be a saint! - Institute of Christ the King
Now it`s easy! Be a saint! - Institute of Christ the King
ST. JOSEPH ORATORY Dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima CONTACT INFORMATION CHAPEL ADDRESS 1825 S Riverside Dr. (Hwy 57) Green Bay, WI 54301 RECTORY & MAILING ADDRESS 211 N Maple Ave. Green Bay, WI 54303 Phone (920) 437-9660 Fax (920) 437-5154 E-mail: Website: ORATORY CLERGY The Very Rev. Msgr. Michael R. Schmitz, Provincial Superior, Vicar General Rev. Canon Andreas Hellmann, Rector INSTITUTE OF CHRIST THE KING SOVEREIGN PRIEST Now it’s easy! Be a saint! NOW IT IS EASY! BE A SAINT! Sunday, July 1, 2012 † Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ The Visitation of Our Blessed Lady, July 2 Many great truths and events are called to mind by the Feast of the Visitation: The Annunciation which initiated the visit of the Blessed Virgin Mary to her cousin, Elizabeth; the sanctification of St. John the Baptist in the womb of his mother, Elizabeth, as he leapt for joy at the sound of Mary’s voice; Elizabeth’s proclamation of Mary as the Mother of God; and Mary’s pronouncement of the “Magnificat,” the sublime canticle that is part of the Church’s daily prayer. Celebrated since the 5th century when the Greeks placed the robe of the Blessed Virgin in the Basilica of Blachernae, the Latin Church also commemorated the event on July 2; previously it was celebrated on Ember Friday in Advent, kept mainly by the Franciscans. The feast was instituted for the whole world in 1389 by Pope Urban VI to obtain the end of the great Western Schism. There is another aspect of the Visitation that must be noted. When Zachary had doubted the promise of the Lord that Elizabeth would bear a child, he was struck speechless. By divine providence, it was upon John’s birth that Zachary’s speech was restored. While this is all that is known from the Scriptures, an older tradition remains that states that Zachary was later murdered in the Temple when he refused to tell Herod where his son John was to be found. Frequently depicted in major artworks, the Visitation was the central mystery of St. Francis de Sales’ devotion. In honor of this mystery, St. Francis de Sales instituted the order of the Nuns of the Visitation. He meant for the order to be less strict, seeing to the needs of the sick, poor, and helpless in the community in charity and gentleness, always keeping an interior asceticism in complete humility. Eventually the group was transformed into a cloistered religious community by the local Bishop. Today there are still over 3,000 Visitation nuns in 150 convents, six of them in the United States. St. Francis de Sales saw in Mary the model of a young woman totally conforming herself to God's will in her life; he may have seen in “holy Elizabeth” – his phrase for her -- one who bore “fruit in old age” (Ps. 92:14), a beautiful example of a mature, faith-filled woman. In a 1618 sermon for the feast of the Visitation he suggested several reasons that Mary went to visit Elizabeth. She went, not only to be of help to her elderly cousin, but also “to see that great wonder, or that great grace, which God had worked in behalf of this good old and barren woman;” she went “in order to tell her of the exalted mystery of the Incarnation which had been worked in her;” and she went because “she knew that this visit would draw down an immense number of blessings upon the house of Zachary.” The Evangelist says that the Virgin “proceeded in haste” and went up into the hill country of Juda, to show “the promptitude with which we should respond to divine inspirations; for when the Holy Spirit touches a heart, He puts to flight all tepidity: He loves diligence and promptitude, and is the enemy of procrastination and delays in the performance of the divine will.” “Oh, how delightful and profitable it is to be visited by this holy Lady, for her visit always brings us many blessings.” St. Francis de Sales SAINT TARCISIUS (246-258) Here is a piece for our First Communicants. I meant to tell them about this brave knight of the Most Blessed Sacrament during the retreat: St. Tarcisius was an altar server during the ferocious anti-Christian persecution of the Roman emperor Valerian. (In fact, the saint had received one of the four minor ordinations of Acolyte.) The Christians would meet each morning in a hidden part of the catacombs to celebrate Mass and then normally a deacon would take the Eucharist to those Christians condemned to die in prison. After the death of Pope St. Sixtus and several of the deacons with him, there were no deacons left to transport the Eucharist as viaticum to the Christians on death row, so they entrusted the task to the young altar boy who knew the routine and had long shown a both fidelity and courage. As he was heading up the Appian Way with the blessed Sacrament concealed under his shirt, a group of pagan boys met him. They asked them to join their games but he politely declined. They noticed he was carrying something. They had some sense that he was a forbidden Christian and they surmised that he might be carrying the Christian “mysteries.” So the small mob of boys started to gang up on him to get him to show them what he was transporting. Tarcisius knew the boys and had no doubt that they would treat the Eucharist sacrilegiously, so he refused to allow them to get their hands on the Eucharist, even as they beat, clubbed, kicked and stoned him until death. The Christians took up the body of the martyr and buried it with honor in the cemetery of Callistus. His life points to the reality that all those who receive and give Holy Communion are called to remember: the Eucharist is not something but Someone, and St. Tarcisius indicates the true value of Jesus in the Eucharist. Most times, thanks be to God, we will not be killed in order to receive or protect Jesus in the Eucharist, but St. Tarcisius shows all of us how we’re called to live and even die for the one who died out of love for us. Oratory Brat Fry Fundraiser This Saturday, July 7 Hungry for burgers & brats? Save your appetite for the St. Joseph Oratory sponsored Brat Fry This Saturday, July 7, at Festival Foods (East Green Bay) Stop By! Say Hello! Support your church! Proceeds to help the needs of the Institute & St. Josephs Oratory 2 LITURGICAL CALENDAR: JULY 1 - JULY 8, 2012 Sun., July 1 8:00 a.m. MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST †Gerhard Hellmann Daniel Simia Matthew Hansen MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST For the Intentions of the Institute Prior General M.C. Willie Kanzenbach Thurifer: Peter Kanzenbach (1 Cl., W) Memory of the Pope 10:00 a.m. High Mass (1 Cl., W) Memory of the Pope 1:30 p.m. High Mass St. Boniface Church, 1001 Marshall St., Manitowoc, WI 54220 (corner of Marshall St. & 10th St.) Acolytes: Peter Cisler & Jacob Mihalski Navicular: Adam Mihalski Candlebearers: Johnny Kanzenbach & OPEN Cross bearer: OPEN Daniel Reinbold by Joseph & Margaret Reinbold Next Traditional Latin Mass Sunday, July 15, 2012 M.C.: Steve Kinjerski Thurifer: David Kinsjerski Navicular: OPEN Acolytes: Francis Fameree & Nathan Reif Candlebearers: Nicholas Reif & OPEN Crucifer: Nicholas Reif Mon., July 2 8:45 a.m. Visitation of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, (2nd Cl, W) Memory of the Pope †Celia Westcott Gabriel &Andrew Helfenberger Tue., July 3 8:45 a.m. St. Irenaeus, Martyr (3rd Cl, R) Memory of the Pope †Eileen Carney Nathan Reif & Chris Danz Wed., July 4 8:45 a.m. Votive Mass of the 5th Sunday after Pentecost, (3rd Cl, G) Memory of the Pope †Norman Resch Thomas DePauw Peter Cisler Thur., July 5 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Fri., July 6 6:00 p.m. First Friday Sat., July 7 8:45 a.m. First Saturday by Orville & Caroline Frisuqe by her children by Tony Resch EUCHARISTIC HOLY HOUR OF REPARATION Jacob Mihalski & Francis Fameree St. Anthony Maria Zaccaria, Confessor †Roseann Verboomen Jacob Mihalski & Francis Fameree by Bill & Sue Vanenvenhoven (3rd Cl, W) Memory of the Pope Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (2 Cl., W) Memory of the Pope †Ruth Ann Holland by Daniel Fiala family Jerry & Paul Jessel Followed by Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament Votive Mass of the Immaculate †Souls in Purgatory Thomas De Pauw & OPEN by Tim & Rebecca Ostermann Heart of Mary (3rd Cl., R) Memory of the Pope & Sts. Cyril & Methodius Sun., July 8 8:00 a.m. SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST †Mary Jane DeGroote Daniel Simia OPEN 10:00 a.m. High Mass SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST †Edward Duquaine M.C. Andrew Helfenberger Thurifer: Gabriel Helfenberger Navicular: Adam Mihalski Acolytes: Nathan & Tyler Reif Candlebearers: Jacob Mihalski & Nicholas Reif Crucifer: Thomas De Pauw (2 Cl., G) Memory of the Pope (2 Cl., G) Memory of the Pope by Tom & Mary Roehrig By Arvilla Duquaine 3 Sunday, July 1, 2012 † Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ CONFIRMATION CLASS TUESDAYS - ON THE DIOCESAN GROUNDS (BY ST. JOSEPH’S ORATORY) ROOM 13, MELANIA HALL 4:30 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. (If you are late call 920-883-2671) ***** IMPORTANT MEETING FOR PARENTS OF OUR CATECHISM STUDENTS THIS TUESDAY, JULY 3, 6:00-7:00 P.M. Canon Hellmann and the catechism teachers will meet with the parents of our catechism students. OUR SEMINARY IN GRICIGLIANO July 2: Reception of cassocks July 3: Minor Ordinations July 4: Ordinations of Subdeacons & Deacons July 5: Priestly Ordinations Please pray for the newly-to-be vested & ordinandi. UPCOMING ORATORY EVENTS Saint Joseph’s Oratory Parish Picnic Sunday, July 22, 2012 Green Isle Park ORATORY PICNIC NEWS Important points concerning the children’s religious formation and specifically this year’s catechism classes will be discussed. You will SIGN UP SHEETS: For food and help can be found in the vestibule of the Oratory. Fill out before July 15. also be able to pre-register for the next year. PLEASE BE PRESENT FOR THIS IMPORTANT EVENT. TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS AT ST. BONIFACE, MANITOWOC Holy Masses on the first, third and fifth Sunday of each month at the beautiful, historic St. Boniface church. Confessions at 1:00 p.m. Holy Mass begins at 1:30 p.m. St. Boniface church 1001 Marshall St. Manitowoc, WI. 54220 (Corner of Marshall St. & 10th St.) (Next Traditional Latin Mass Sunday, July 15, 2012 ) DICE GAME: Need prizes for the dice game. Wrap with simple paper and mark for "adult" or "youth". The drop-off dates are Sunday, July 8th & Sunday, July 15th in the vestibule, or hand directly to Patty LeMere / Cheryl Danz. ST. JOSEPH ORATORY’S FALL CRAFT BAZAAR Donate your time and talents by sharing your crafty creations to sell at the bazaar. This will be an opportunity to get together and have fun crafting with friends and a chance for many to let their God-given talents shine. Sign up before July 22 to let us know how you will be helping. This proposed event has great potential to be a worthy fundraiser if everyone participates. More information will be forthcoming. To sign up online go to or on the paper form located in the back of church. For questions call Shari Reif (920) 362-4171 or Colleen Jessel (920) 846-2017 TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS CONFRATERNITY OF CHRISTIAN MOTHERS IN SHEBOYGAN Biweekly on the 2nd & 4th Sundays NO meeting will be held in July! Although, there will be another Brown Scapular assembly & Brunch in the Chancery building (former Bosco Hall) on Saturday, July 14 immediately after Holy Mass. All CCM members, Moms and wives are welcome to come to this enjoyable social event. Confessions: 2:30 p.m. - Rosary at 2:40 p.m. Holy Mass: 3:00 p.m. Holy Name of Jesus Church CONFESSION SCHEDULE Sunday .......................... 7:00 - 7:45 a.m. & 9:20 - 9:50 a.m. Thursday ........................................................ 5:20 - 5:50 p.m. Friday .................................................... 5:15 - 5:45 p.m. Saturday ......................................................... 8:00 - 8:40 a.m. & upon appointment (Next Sunday, July 8d, 2012) 807 Superior Ave. Sheboygan, WI Consult the Institute’s Milwaukee website for further details. DEVOTION SCHEDULE Wednesday ......... St. Joseph Novena after Holy Mass Thursday ........... Holy Hour of Reparation at 6:00 p.m. First Friday Benediction & Devotions to the Sacred Heart
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