Buyer of the “High Selling Bull”
Buyer of the “High Selling Bull”
A Few Words of Welcome From the 2010 Ranchlands Consignors... Welcome Friends, to the Third Annual Ranchlands Bull Sale! Br ow n Cr ee k R an ch re Lane & Family Brian & Shaune Ph: 403.625.4032 O ut ba ck Ca tt le C o. n Jasmine Pearso Paul Abrams & 02 Ph: 403.652.15 We, the consignors to the Ranchlands Bull Sale, would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our 3rd annual Bull Sale, and to thank last year’s bidders, buyers and sponsors. Over the past years, we have really enjoyed doing business with you, but most importantly, all of the friendships we have developed, are valued. Great people plus great bulls equals a great industry, and we are proud to be a part of it! Our vision remains the same, quality not quantity, this is worth the dedication and perseverance more now than ever. The ranching business will turn around, and when it does, we have positioned ourselves to have quality cattle that are in demand. Our programs have been built around adding more thickness and performance, while maintaining maternal characteristics, and striving for great calving ease, low birth weights and good dispositions. Our committed goal is to produce top quality bulls that work for you, the producer and ultimately put profit in your pockets! With that we need cows that will stay productive in the herd for years, with problem free udders, feet and legs, and fertility. This year we are pleased to have Outback Cattle Co., Paul & Jasmine Abrams join our sale with an outstanding set of Red Angus and Red Simmental bulls. Brown Creek Angus, Brian & Shaunere Lane, and their strong set of maternally driven Red and Black Angus bulls, complete our Angus portion of our sale. MCG Simmentals, Murray, Cheryl and Grady Brown, have brought to town their offering of quality and sound bulls. In addition, Amanda Homans of AVH Simmentals, is bringing a solid group of hard working, red factor bulls, to complete the 2010 bull offerings of the Ranchlands Bull Sale. We warmly extend an invitation to you and your neighbours to join us on sale day, Saturday, March 13, 2010. Come early to view the bulls prior to the sale, or better yet, come and see the bulls and their mothers at home, we would love to show you our operations! If you cannot make it sale day, then please call us or any of our sales staff to handle your bidding. We look forward to seeing you on sale day! Sincerely, the Ranchlands Bull Sale Consignors Buyer of the “High Selling Bull”... AV H S im m en ta ls MC G Si m m en ta ls s Amanda Homan 89 78 8. 30 Ph: 403. & Grady Brown Murray, Cheryl Ph: 403.601.3460 The Buyer of the High Selling Bull out of the Ranchlands Bull Sale 2010 will receive this beautiful buckle made by Richard Brooks Olson Silver Company, High River, Alberta! Acknowledgements: Cover Painting by Katie Cowie March 13, 2010 • VJV Livestock Auction Saturday • Sale: 1:00 p.m. • Stavely, Alberta • Complimentary Lunch at 11:30 a.m. Sale Day Phones: Consignors: 403-549-2120 - Auction Brown Creek Angus (Lot #1 - #14) 403-627-7915 (Bill Homans) Brian & Shaunere Lane & Family Box 2203, Claresholm, AB T0L 0T0 Ph: 403.625.4032 sale Day Cell: 403.625.0530 Email: On Offer: 40 • • red & Black Angus and red & Black simmental Bulls! Yearlings & 2 Year olds outBACk CAttLe Co. (Lot #15 - #27) Paul Abrams & Jasmine Pearson 2 ranch Horses 20 replacement Quality Heifer Calves 404 5th Ave. S.E., High River, AB T1V 1H8 Ph: 403.652.1502 Cell: 403.899.1626 Email: (simmental & simm x Angus from two consignors) AVH simmentALs (Lot #28 - #30) Sale Staff: Amanda Homans Brent Carey ..................Auctioneer ..............403-549-2478 cell: 403-650-9028 Rob Bergevin ................Ringman ................403-549-2120 Fred Dewald ..................Ringman ................403-627-7475 Box 583, Beiseker, AB T0M 0G0 Ph: 403.308.7889 (cell) Email: mCg simmentALs (Lot #31 - #37) Special Representatives: Murray, Cheryl & Grady Brown Dave Callaway - Angus World Magazine Everett Hall - CSA President Bruce Holmquist - Industry Liason Maureen Mappin-Smith - ASA President Chuck Groeneveld - ASA Fieldman Box 387, Stavely, AB T0L 1Z0 Ph: 403.601.3460 Cell: 403.601.0860 Email: Viewing: Updated indiv idual co nsignor info will be available prior to Sale Day at breeder websites listed abov e. Please feel free to view the bulls at the consignors’ ranches prior to March 12th at which time they will be moved to the sale facility in Stavely and will be available for your inspection there right up until sale time on the 13th. Downloadable Catalo gue available online in full color at above websites All Bulls Returning to the Breeder for Wintering Must be Insured!! OR: Insurance will be available on site Sale Day Please bring this catalogue with you to the sale. – 1 – RANCHLANDS BULL SALE - EPD Explanation PLeAse note!! tHere is no CorreLAtion Between simmentAL ePD’s & Angus ePD’s and the numbers should not be used as a comparison of an animal of one breed to an animal of another breed. Below is a simplified explanation to help explain how to use the numbers within each breed. simmentAL ePD eXPLAnAtion Angus ePD eXPLAnAtion EPD = Expected Progeny Differences EPD = Expected Progeny Differences BW: This value predicts the difference in avg. birth weight of a bull’s calves compared to breed averages. HoW To USE THEM WITHIN THE CoNTEXT oF THE SIMMENTAL INFoRMATIoN PRESENTED IN THIS CATALoGUE WW: Indicates the ability of a sire’s calves to grow from birth to weaning (expressed in pounds). Calving Ease - The higher the value indicates increased calving ease. CE: YW: Growth from birth to yearling (expressed in pounds) BW: Birth Weight - Larger value indicates heavier birth weights, lower value indicates lighter birth weight. WW: Weaning Weight - Higher weaning EPD’s predict higher weaning weights. YW: Yearling Weight - Higher yearling EPD’s indicate greater expected yearling weights. MCE: Maternal Calving Ease - The larger EPD indicates a higher % of unassisted births for calves born out of this sire’s daughters. Milk: A reflection of the milking ability of a bull’s daughters. It compares the difference in gain between birth to weaning of a bull’s daughter’s calves compared to the calves from daughters of other sires evaluated. TM: Calculated by using 1/2 WW + Milk. Predicts weaning weight on a bull’s daughter’s calves. EPD’s are predictions on how each bull rates against his own contemporary group and the rest of the breed. EPD’s evaluate group averages and offspring’s performance, however they cannot predict individual performance or weights. For example, if Bull A (WW EPD of +10) & Bull B (WW of +60) were randomly mated with 10 similar cows, we would expect the group avg. weaning weight of Bull A’s offspring to be 50 lbs. lighter than Bull B’s (60 - 10 = 50). MWW: Maternal Weaning Weight - A larger EPD indicates greater weaning weight for the calves from the daughters of this sire. Angus Breed Average EPD’s: MM: Maternal Milk - Larger numbers indicate more milking ability of a bull’s daughters. The BLACK ANGUS breed average EPD’s for all calves registered in 2009 is: Simmental Breed Average EPD’s: CE 5.0 BW 2.1 WW 33.9 YW 58.6 MCE 1.5 MWW 22.9 Black Angus Milk 5.9 BW +3.0 WW +40 YW +71 Milk +17 TM +37 These are the numbers to compare the BLACK ANGUS bulls in this catalogue to. The Breed Average EPD’s are compiled from the total number of Simmental calves registered in 2009 and are the numbers to compare the bulls in this catalogue to. The RED ANGUS breed average EPD’s for all calves registered in 2009 is: Red Angus terms useD in simmentAL seCtion BuLL inFo BW -0.7 WW +29 YW +52 Milk +15 TM +29 These are the numbers to compare the RED ANGUS bulls in this catalogue to. AoD................................................Age of Dam when calf was born Bw ..................................................................Actual Birth Wt (lbs.) BLACK ANGUS EPDS & RED ANGUS EPDS should not be compared across the board to each other. Adj. 205D wt..............Weaning Weight in lbs. adjusted to 205 days Adj. 365D wt ..............Yearling Weight in lbs. adjusted to 365 days terms useD in Angus seCtion – PLeAse note !!!!– BuLL inFo ALL Consignors in tHis sALe reserVe tHe rigHt to CoLLeCt semen For in-HerD use onLY on AnY BuLL in tHe sALe At tHe seLLer’s eXPense AnD tHe BuYers ConVenienCe. Bw ..................................................................Actual Birth Wt (lbs.) Adj. 205D wt ............Weaning Weight in lbs. adjusted to 205 days Adj. 365D wt..............Yearling Weight in lbs. adjusted to 365 days ADDitionAL inFormAtion wiLL Be AVAiLABLe sALe DAY! Please be sure to pick up the handout sheets that will be available showing PerFormAnCe, sALe weigHt & sCrotAL CirCumFerenCe. – 2 – rAnCHLAnDs BuLL sALe - Consignment from Bro wn Creek Ranch Lot #1 Ultrasound Info available Sale Day on Brown Creek Bulls! AoD 2 Birth wt 75 lbs Bw 2010 ePD’s +1.3 RED BROWN CREEK SMASH 1W 1 Red Male SBL 1W January 21 2009 #533115 RED SSS BOOMER 803B RED LAZY MC SMASH 41N OSF (1183959) RED LAURON YB ROSA 11G RED U-2 WANTED: 917J RED BROWN CREEK LASS 938K 7T (1369390) RED KBJ LASS 938K RED FCC RAMBO 502 OSF RED SSS MISS HIGH LASS 352X RED BRYLOR YOUNGBLOOD 22Y RED ALALTA ACRES ROSALINDA 25Y RED TKP BODACIOUS 693 RED THAT'LL DO ANEXA 48B RED ROYAL VANGUARD 53F RED GEIS LASS 18'97 Lot #2 Red Male SBL 25W February 15 2009 #533130 RED SSS BOOMER 803B RED LAZY MC SMASH 41N OSF (1183959) RED LAURON YB ROSA 11G RED BFCK CHEROKEE CNYN 4912 OSF RED BROWN CREEK MOLLY 48J 14S (1355075) RED QAS MOLLY 40P 56E 48J AoD 3 Birth wt 90 lbs Bw 2010 ePD’s +2.3 RED FCC RAMBO 502 OSF RED SSS MISS HIGH LASS 352X RED BRYLOR YOUNGBLOOD 22Y RED ALALTA ACRES ROSALINDA 25Y RED BUF CRK CHF 824-1658 OSC RED MRM 1431 8611 9109 OSF RED ROCK CREEK TREK RED QAS MOLLY ERIC 40P 56E Adj. 205D wt 690 lbs. ww Yw +34 +61 Adj. 365D wt 1302 lbs. milk tm +14 +25 When we purchased our first purebred cows in the spring of ‘03 a friend told me, “Concentrate on making them ALL good and the exceptional ones will just happen”. A great piece of advice we religiously use… slow, but effective, 1W may be a result of this. With a great spread between birth & weaning, exceptional depth & thickness, and good feet & legs, he was a standout on our Field Day and still is. 7T is a super nice Wanted daughter so the maternal traits will be strong. RED BROWN CREEK SMASH 25W 2 Adj. 205D wt 770 lbs. ww Yw +21 +41 Adj. 365D wt 1205 lbs. milk tm +18 +35 Dark red bull that is long bodied wide toped and thick. His mom comes from a family of high producing cows with excellent feet and udder. With a moderate 90 lb. birth weight use him on any kind of a cow with positive results. – 3 – rAnCHLAnDs BuLL sALe - Consignment from Bro wn Creek Ranch Lot #3 RED BROWN CREEK SMASH 12W 3 Red Male SBL 12W February 04 2009 #533122 RED SSS BOOMER 803B RED LAZY MC SMASH 41N OSF (1183959) RED LAURON YB ROSA 11G RED ROCK CREEK TREK RED QAS SUNFLOWER 13U 169F 33L (1039220) RED QAS SUNFLOWER 13U 169F AoD 8 Birth wt 85 lbs Bw 2010 ePD’s +0.4 RED FCC RAMBO 502 OSF RED SSS MISS HIGH LASS 352X RED BRYLOR YOUNGBLOOD 22Y RED ALALTA ACRES ROSALINDA 25Y RED RCRA EXPEDITION RED SIX MILE GLORIA 546S RED PREMIER PATRIOT 16 RED BRA MISS SUNFLOWER 13U Adj. 205D wt 634 lbs. ww Yw +24 +45 Adj. 365D wt 1141 lbs. milk tm +15 +28 Behind every good bull there’s a better cow! 33L has continuously produced at the top end including 55N which is the dam of 6W. Clean sheathed, square hipped and from a nice feminine cow with great feet and udder. Last year’s full brother sold to Dunlop Ranch of Granum. Lot #4 RED BROWN CREEK WANTED 26W 4 Red Male SBL 26W February 16 2009 #533132 RED TKP BODACIOUS 693 RED U-2 WANTED: 917J (953400) RED THAT'LL DO ANEXA 48B RED MEADOW CK CHIEF 81L RED BROWN CREEK MOLLY 13N 14R (1283342) RED QAS MOLLY 10J 8L 13N AoD 4 Birth wt 90 lbs Bw 2010 ePD’s +2.0 RED GLACIER LOGAN OSF RED TKP LASA MADONNA RED BIEBER DSIGN 1325-082 RED TOWAW ANEXA 90T RED MEADOW CK CHIEF 55G RED MEADOW CK COPPER LADY 27B RED LPC EMPEROR 42H RED QAS MOLLY 40X 113C 10J 8L Adj. 205D wt 744 lbs. ww Yw +25 +44 Adj. 365D wt 1319 lbs. milk tm +17 +30 26W is a rugged, long bodied, dark red bull that is ready to go to work. These Wanted sons have been very popular with the rancher’s. There is really good growth in the calves and we especially like the females Lot #5 RED BROWN CREEK SMASH 22W 5 Red Male SBL 22W February 14 2009 #533129 RED SSS BOOMER 803B RED LAZY MC SMASH 41N OSF (1183959) RED LAURON YB ROSA 11G RED BRYLOR 40X BAILEY 50K RED BROWN CREEK SUNFLOWER 33R (1345980) RED QAS SUNFLOWER 169F 173L AoD 4 Birth wt 100 lbs Bw 2010 ePD’s +4.6 RED FCC RAMBO 502 OSF RED SSS MISS HIGH LASS 352X RED BRYLOR YOUNGBLOOD 22Y RED ALALTA ACRES ROSALINDA 25Y RED BRYLOR DYNASTAR 19S BLACK BRYLOR EILEEN 62S RED BADLANDS BONUS 702 RED QAS SUNFLOWER 13U 169F Adj. 205D wt 687 lbs. ww Yw +35 +59 Adj. 365D wt 1184 lbs. milk tm +17 +35 Moderate, smooth, dark red bull with above average EPD’s. 22W’s mother is a super feminine Bailey 50K daughter. Last year’s bull calf sold to Doug Scott of Claresholm. – 4 – rAnCHLAnDs BuLL sALe - Consignment from Bro wn Creek Ranch Lot #6 AoD 6 Birth wt 96 lbs. Bw 2010 ePD’s +2.5 RED BROWN CREEK SMASH 6W 6 Red Male SBL 6W January 31 2009 #533118 RED SSS BOOMER 803B RED LAZY MC SMASH 41N OSF (1183959) RED LAURON YB ROSA 11G RED LPC EMPEROR 42H RED QAS SUNFLOWER 169F 33L 55N (1145120) RED QAS SUNFLOWER 13U 169F 33L Lot #7 Red Male SBL 28W February 17 2009 #533133 RED SVR KNIGHT 73P OSF RED SVR KNIGHT 149S (1328976) RED COCKBURN QUEEN 162M RED U-2 WANTED: 917J RED BROWN CREEK SUNFLOWER 30R (1345973) RED QAS SUNFLOWER 13U 41H 49K AoD 4 Birth wt 70 lbs. Bw 2010 ePD’s -0.4 RED YY RED KNIGHT 640F OSF RED SVR JINNY 19K RED T-S PATRIOT 84K RED COCKBURN MS QUEEN 78G RED TKP BODACIOUS 693 RED THAT'LL DO ANEXA 48B RED LCC HEAVEN OR BUST1000B OSF RED QAS SUNFLOWER 13U 41H Adj. 205D wt 651 lbs. ww Yw +23 +42 Adj. 365D wt 1160 lbs. milk tm +15 +31 Half brother to 1W- both have excellent mothers and the same father, Smash 41N, who is having a great career both in the commercial and in the purebred side producing champion males and females. 55N’s Sire, Emperor 41H, is an Elite Sire. Also on the Dam’s side is Patriot 16, is a maternal trait leader. Extra deep and thick, 6W carries his muscling right down to his hocks. With a balanced set of numbers and packed full of meat 6W will definitely be an asset in any herd. RED FCC RAMBO 502 OSF RED SSS MISS HIGH LASS 352X RED BRYLOR YOUNGBLOOD 22Y RED ALALTA ACRES ROSALINDA 25Y RED MESSMER JULIAN 9486 RED LPC LASSIE'S COPPERTOP 50F RED ROCK CREEK TREK RED QAS SUNFLOWER 13U 169F RED BROWN CRK KNIGHT 30R 28W 7 Adj. 205D wt 661 lbs. ww Yw +32 +57 Adj. 365D wt 1071 lbs. milk tm +14 +25 Guaranteed Heifer Bull! For a smooth, smaller framed bull 28W packs a lot of meat. We used the Knight bull on all of our heifers with 100% unassisted. 28W’s mother’s birth weight was only 60 lbs. Coming from the Sunflower family the calving ease is definitely built in. – 5 – rAnCHLAnDs BuLL sALe - Consignment from Bro wn Creek Ranch Lot #8 RED BROWN CREEK KNIGHT 35W 8 Red Male SBL 35W March 10 2009 #538322 RED SVR KNIGHT 73P OSF RED SVR KNIGHT 149S (1328976) RED COCKBURN QUEEN 162M RED U-2 WANTED: 917J RED BRN CRK SUNFLOWER 51L 24T (1538321) RED QAS SUNFLOWER 13U 41H 51L AoD 2 Birth wt 85 lbs. Bw Proj 2010 ePD’s +1.4 RED YY RED KNIGHT 640F OSF RED SVR JINNY 19K RED T-S PATRIOT 84K RED COCKBURN MS QUEEN 78G RED TKP BODACIOUS 693 RED THAT'LL DO ANEXA 48B RED BADLANDS BONUS 702 RED QAS SUNFLOWER 13U 41H Adj. 205D wt 781 lbs. ww Yw +29 +50 Adj. 365D wt 1285 lbs. milk tm +14 +28 A Knight 149S son, 35W is from the Sunflower cow family that really work well for us. They are all quiet, good footed, nice uddered cows that regardless of conditions are always there with top end calves. 35W is dark red, smooth, deep sided with lots of volume. Lot #9 RED BROWN CREEK SMASH 3W 9 Red Male SBL 3W January 27 2009 #533116 RED SSS BOOMER 803B RED LAZY MC SMASH 41N OSF (1183959) RED LAURON YB ROSA 11G RED BCAR WILD CARD RED BROWN CREEK LASS 938K 15S (1345974) RED KBJ LASS 938K AoD 3 Birth wt 70 lbs. Bw 2010 ePD’s -1.3 RED FCC RAMBO 502 OSF RED SSS MISS HIGH LASS 352X RED BRYLOR YOUNGBLOOD 22Y RED ALALTA ACRES ROSALINDA 25Y BCAR RANCHER 8'00 BREED CREEK PRIDE 33F 21'98 RED ROYAL VANGUARD 53F RED GEIS LASS 18'97 Adj. 205D wt 592 lbs. ww Yw +17 +38 Adj. 365D wt 987 lbs. milk tm +15 +23 Guaranteed Heifer Bull! Here’s a rock solid calving ease specialist - a bull that you can use for a long time on heifers because I don’t think he’ll get too big. With a minus 1.3 on birth weight and a plus 5.0 on calving ease, unless the weather is bad you’ll sleep all night. 10 Red Male SBL 8W February 02 2009 #534113 RED SSS BOOMER 803B RED LAZY MC SMASH 41N OSF (1183959) RED LAURON YB ROSA 11G RED U-2 WANTED: 917J RED BROWN CREEK SUNFLOWER 11S (1345986) RED QAS SUNFLOWER 13U 41H 51L AoD 3 Lot #10 RED BROWN CREEK SMASH 8W Birth wt 65 lbs. Bw 2010 ePD’s -1.4 RED FCC RAMBO 502 OSF RED SSS MISS HIGH LASS 352X RED BRYLOR YOUNGBLOOD 22Y RED ALALTA ACRES ROSALINDA 25Y RED TKP BODACIOUS 693 RED THAT'LL DO ANEXA 48B RED BADLANDS BONUS 702 RED QAS SUNFLOWER 13U 41H Adj. 205D wt 574 lbs. ww Yw +15 +31 Adj. 365D wt 1033 lbs. milk tm +15 +23 Guaranteed Heifer Bull! Low birth weight Smash son of 65 lbs. Dam’s birth weight of 50 lbs. Last year’s Dakota Copper calf weighed 70 lbs. Good history of low birth weight and low maintenance calving, a trait pretty important if you’re wanting second calvers to re-breed. – 6 – rAnCHLAnDs BuLL sALe - Consignment from Bro wn Creek Ranch Lot #11 11 CONNEALY LEAD ON NHF AMF BROWN CREEK BLKBD EVE SR 32R (1423506) Q A S BLKBD EVE SR 97D 17N Birth wt 90 lbs. Bw 2010 ePD’s +2.6 VERMILION YELLOWSTONE NHF AMF STEVENSON ENCHANTRESS 425F MVF STOCKMAN 94L TOMBET ERELITE MUFFIN 6H G D A R ROYCE 131 AHLGRENS ESTELLA 2758 E T E TRAVELER 3173 G D A R V C S ROYAL BLACKBIRD 192 Adj. 205D wt 699 lbs. ww Yw +32 +61 Adj. 365D wt 1311 lbs. milk tm +29 +52 Lot #12 Black Male SBL 30W February 17 2009 #533134 STEVENSON ROYCE 741C NHF Q A S BLKBD EVE SR 97D 17N (1145117) Q A S BLKBD EVE 3173 192 97D Adj. 205D wt 747 lbs. ww Yw +46 +85 A combination of maternal & carcass oriented performance with genetic make up, 15W is just that! The Blackbird cow family have been ultra feminine with excellent udder quality and excellent do-ability on straight forage. 15W has hair, muscle and plenty of style with a set of EPD’s well above average and with Sitz Alliance 6595 for a sire and your looking for stylish, moderate females or muscled up feeding steers. Last year’s bull sold to Krippl Ranches of Claresholm. G D A R TRAVELER 71 NHF AMF SITZ EVERELDA ENTENSE 1137 3 BAR SPIKE 1766 SITZ BARAMERE JET 155 CONNEALY LEADTIME NHF AMF ELIGENCE PLUS OF CONANGA STEVENSON ROYCE 741C NHF Q A S BLKBD EVE 3173 192 97D BROWN CREEK YELLOWSTONE 30W CUDLOBE YELLOWSTONE 80M SOO LINE YELLOWSTONE 6373 (1332443) NORTHERN VIEW ERELITE 27N AoD 6 Birth wt 90 lbs. Bw Proj 2010 ePD’s +2.8 Black Male SBL 15W February 12 2009 #534116 SITZ TRAVELER 8180 NHF AMF SITZ ALLIANCE 6595 NHF AMF (1036949) SITZ BARBARAMERE JET 2698 12 AoD 4 BROWN CREEK ALLIANCE 32R 15W Adj. 365D wt 1121 lbs. milk tm +21 +37 Moderate bull with lots of length and thickness through the hind quarters and smooth through the shoulders and is sired by our Yellowstone bull which we have been very happy with. The calves weigh up good are easy to look at and absolutely no calving problems. Even though 30W has a 90 lb. birth weight, he could be used on larger framed heifers - don’t discard the resulting heifer progeny!! – 7 – rAnCHLAnDs BuLL sALe - Consignment from Bro wn Creek Ranch 13 Lot #13 BROWN CREEK YELLOWSTONE 2W Black Male SBL 2W January 27 2009 #534112 VERMILION YELLOWSTONE NHF AMF STEVENSON ENCHANTRESS 425F MVF STOCKMAN 94L TOMBET ERELITE MUFFIN 6H CANDOLIER FOREVER 376 MG'S BLACK DIAMOND JO JO BEAU JACK GLENMERE KARAMA 28G CUDLOBE YELLOWSTONE 80M SOO LINE YELLOWSTONE 6373 (1332443) NORTHERN VIEW ERELITE 27N J R JUICE ZO05 WILLABAR KARAMA 3E (815829) WILLABAR KARAMA OAH 142P AoD 14 Birth wt 95 lbs. Bw 2010 ePD’s +3.3 Adj. 205D wt 642 lbs. ww Yw +20 +44 Adj. 365D wt 1186 lbs. milk tm +18 +28 Larger framed bull is easy to look at with lots of style. From a 15 year old cow who has “Elite Dam” status. Daughter’s in herd are good looking productive cows. 14 Lot #14 BROWN CREEK SON OF A GUN 17W Black Male SBL 17W February 07 2009 #533127 WK GUNSMOKE BORDER BUTTE SON OF A GUN 2'02 (1134536) ALLENCROFT JENNY 02 108G RONAN TEX 10X EARLY SUNSET QUEEN 116F (849805) EARLY SUNSET QUEEN 25C AoD 13 Birth wt 92 lbs. Bw 2010 ePD’s +4.4 O G L BATTLE CRY 427 128 WK BONNIE 2041 ALLENCROFT WESTERN 04 60D ALLENCROFT JENNY 10 27D ANGUS ACRES TEX 16S RONAN MATILDA 30R EARLY SUNSET EXTRA 116Z EARLY SUNSET QUEEN 113R Adj. 205D wt 717 lbs. ww Yw +26 +48 Adj. 365D wt 1194 lbs. milk tm +16 +29 Larger framed bull with lots of length that gained 3.05 lbs. per day on grass and milk from a 14 year old Dam that still looks like a young cow. That should add some longevity to the females. Last year’s bull sold to Sharples Ranch of Claresholm. Claresholm Veterinary services Ltd. Box 2350, Claresholm, AB T0L 0T0 (403) 625-3677 C. Fancy, DVm r. Chisholm, DVm k. wright, DVm L. Beckerton Claresholm Veterinary Services Ltd. has the privilege of providing a complete herd health program for Brown Creek ranch. Health problems are minimized with a comprehensive vaccination program, excellent management and individualized health/performance records for the entire herd. the calves at Brown Creek ranch are vaccinated in the spring (April) with the Pfizer Gold Program (One Shot, Ultrabac 7/Som, Bovi-Shield Gold 5) and then vaccinated again at weaning with modified live vaccine (Bovi-Shield Gold FP 5 VL5) to protect the fetus against disease and maximize newborn calf health and breeding bull performance. the Brown Creek cow herd also receives a scour prevention vaccine (Scourguard 4KC) four weeks prior to calving. The entire herd also receives the original IVOMEC Pour On for deworming and lice control. Along with health and vaccination protocols we help in maintaining individual health and performance records with third party verification. Each breeding bull is given a breeding soundness evaluation. Claresholm Veterinary services Ltd. is proud to be associated with the Lane Family at Brown Creek ranch and their cattle operation! Sincerely - Dr. Ken Wright, DVM, BSc Claresholm Veterinary Services Ltd. – 8 – Ultrasound Info available Sale Day on Brown Creek Bulls! Brown Creek Ranch participates in both these programs! rAnCHLAnDs BuLL sALe - Consignment from Outback Cat tle Co . (Red Angus) 15 2 Yr. Old Lot #15 RED OBCC MORRISON 84U Red Male (ET) oBCC 84U January 02 2008 #475224 RED BJR RAMBLER 5162 OSF RED SSS YUKON 440K (1026377) RED SSS PRINCESS 15H RED LEGARE'S FL T-BAR 16B RED HOWE MS MINOLA DDH 98D (807334) RED RUTHE MINOLA 133A AoD ET Birth wt 89 lbs. Bw 2010 ePD’s +1.9 RED FCC RAMBO 502 OSF BJR GOLDI 355-1122 RED LARSON RED LIGHTNING OSF RED SSS CASHMERE 558Z RED TC BOW 38Z RED LEGARE'S FL FANCY CHRISTY RED STILTS OF TAG-A-LONG 5L RED RUTHE MINOLA 16W Adj. 205D wt 820 lbs. ww Yw +31 +53 Act. Yrlng. wt 1309 lbs. milk tm +15 +30 84U is a real stylish bull out of the 98D cow. This combination (Yukon X 98D) has always been very predictable for making top herd sires and replacement females. He is a full bother to Ringstead Dawson who sold for $11,000 and Ringstead Klondike who is retained at Ringstead Ranch 16 Lot #16 RED OBCC SUPERSTITION 32W Red Male (A.I.) oBCC 32W February 02 2009 #538696 RED BADLANDS BONUS 702 BLACK SSS MISS NEW QUICK 208E RED GET-A-LONG GOLD MEDAL 7106 RED GET-A-LONG MRS YOUNG 4213 RED 77 PATCH O GOLD 641F RED IRENE 36E RED LEGARE'S FL T-BAR 16B RED RUTHE MINOLA 133A RED COMPASS KARGO 83K RED RINGSTEAD KARGO 107M (1115394) RED GET-A-LONG MRS. YOUNG 095 RED BRYLOR GOLD 55H RED RAPTURE OBCC 47S (1361714) RED HOWE MS MINOLA DDH 98D AoD 3 Birth wt 83 lbs. Bw 2010 ePD’s +1.1 Adj. 205D wt 844 lbs. ww Yw +22 +33 Adj. 365D wt 1278 lbs. milk tm +10 +21 Lots #16 (35W) and Lot #17 (32W) are sired by Red Ringstead Kargo who is noted for his consistent calving ease and solid performance. kargo - sire of Lot #16 & #17 17 Red Male (A.I.) oBCC 35W February 07 2009 #538692 RED COMPASS KARGO 83K RED RINGSTEAD KARGO 107M (1115394) RED GET-A-LONG MRS. YOUNG 095 RED BRYLOR GOLD 55H RED LA BELLE OBCC 44S (1361707) RED HOWE MS MINOLA DDH 98D AoD 3 Lot #17 RED OBCC RANSOM 35W Birth wt 79 lbs. Bw 2010 ePD’s +1.1 RED BADLANDS BONUS 702 BLACK SSS MISS NEW QUICK 208E RED GET-A-LONG GOLD MEDAL 7106 RED GET-A-LONG MRS YOUNG 4213 RED 77 PATCH O GOLD 641F RED IRENE 36E RED LEGARE'S FL T-BAR 16B RED RUTHE MINOLA 133A Adj. 205D wt 858 lbs. ww Yw +30 +48 Adj. 365D wt 1280 lbs. milk tm +15 +30 Both of these calves (32W & 35W) are out of Brylor Gold daughters who go back to 98D, our donor cow. Bulls out of these two cows, 44S and 47S, last year sold to Willow Creek Colony and Murray Giles. – 9 – rAnCHLAnDs BuLL sALe - Consignment from Outback Cat tle Co . (Red Angus) Lot #18 (below) squall - sire of Lot #18 Squall semen available thru Brylor Semen Sales 18 AoD ET Birth wt 85 lbs. Bw 2010 ePD’s -2.2 RED OBCC PERFECTION 17W Red Male (ET) oBCC 17W January 16 2009 #539670 RED BRYLOR SDL PASQUALE 213P RED BRYLOR SDL SQUALL 230S OSF (1367321) RED CYT FANNY 15P RED LEGARE'S FL T-BAR 16B RED HOWE MS MINOLA DDH 98D (807334) RED RUTHE MINOLA 133A RED VGW RAMBLER 1000 OSF RED XXX LAKME 70M RED BRYLOR STALLION 46M RED PRIME TIME'S FANNY 5'00 RED TC BOW 38Z RED LEGARE'S FL FANCY CHRISTY RED STILTS OF TAG-A-LONG 5L RED RUTHE MINOLA 16W Adj. 205D wt 783 lbs. ww Yw +27 +38 Adj. 365D wt 1210 lbs. milk tm +13 +26 Son of Brylor SDL Squall, ‘08 “Gold Show Bull of the Year.” Future HERD BULL - full of red meat & smooth. 98D has been a prolific donor cow for both Outback & Ringstead with over 72 registered calves and still counting. She will calve again this summer at 16 years of age before returning to transplant. She has numerous herd bulls both purebred & commercial and is in every pedigree of our (Outback) Angus offering in this sale. Lot #19 19 AoD 2 Birth wt 79 lbs. Bw 2010 ePD’s +0.3 RED OBCC MAKIN FORTUNES 30W Red Male (A.I.) oBCC 30W January 29 2009 #538616 RED BIEBER MAKE MIMI 7249 OSF RED BIEBER MAKIN HAY 9913 OSF (1431829) RED BIEBER ADELLE 8958 OSF RED RD DIVIDEND 7F RED OBCC GLORY 55T (1390173) RED HOWE MS MINOLA DDH 98D RED BJR MAKE MY DAY 981 OSF RED BIEBER SIRENA 6708 RED BIEBER TITAN 6894 RED BIEBER ADELLE 7226 RED GLACIER DIVIDE 310 RED DCC COPPER LASS 31 RED LEGARE'S FL T-BAR 16B RED RUTHE MINOLA 133A Adj. 205D wt 859 lbs. ww Yw +32 +57 Adj. 365D wt 1250 lbs. milk tm +18 +34 This is a son of Bieber Makin Hay, a very unique pedigree for most Red Angus breeders in Canada. 30W is growing into a very thick young bull, with outstanding prospects. A Potential Heifer Bull! – 10 – rAnCHLAnDs BuLL sALe - Consignment from Outback Cattle Co. (Simmental) Lot #20 Dam of Lot #20 - Zina 29L 20 sire of Lot #20 - gunner OUTBACK RED AMBASSADOR PoLLED PUREBRED MALE (A.I.) PG719023- oBCC 23W 20 January 2009 RC STINGER 072K TNT GUNNER N208 - CA-PG676236TNT MISS HONEY L9 BBS ZIMA D55 ANCHOR D ZINA 29L - CA-PG568638ANCHOR D MISS ARNIE 51G AoD 8 2010 Ce 8.4 ePD’s Birth wt 100 lbs Bw ww 3.1 34.9 CCR GRIFFEY MISS RC 600U 501F JF NEW DIMENSION 903J TNT MISS ALLIE J1 RED CADILLAC ZU95 MISS PELTZ N55 KLONDIKE ARNIE GNM 250Z ZDS MISS SCHULTZ 2U Adj. 205D wt 897 lbs. Yw mCe 57.5 2.8 This big time Gunner son will have friends everywhere! He is incredibly thick, smooth and correct – made very similar to his famous sire! His dam, Anchor D Zina, has been a really outstanding cow for us, producing a herd bull for Virginia Ranches and Spring Point Colony. We also have two daughters retained in our own herd. this HerD BuLL ProsPeCt has all the power and presence you’ll ever require!! Adj. 365D wt 1273 lbs. mww miLk 19.7 2.2 – 11 – rAnCHLAnDs BuLL sALe - Consignment from Outback Cattle Co. (Simmental) Lot #21 21 2 Yr. Old AoD 8 2010 Ce 6.1 ePD’s OUTBACK RED BULL 99U SCURRED PUREBRED MALE (A.I.) PG695732- oBCC 99U 14 January 2008 3C WALLY C240 BLK LCHMN BODYBUILDER 7303F - CA-PG502869-KN LSF MOMENTO D8 JB HOUSTON 17H ROCK LANE KAY 26K - CA-553481ROCK LANE ROYAL LADY 8C EMMONS BLACK HERCULES 3C CROCUS 9278 BL LEACHMAN RED BALDY 438W LBR B-248 GREAT GUNS MOSES 50D JB BRIGITT 77B G5 PISTON 1Z ROCK LANE CROWN PRINCESS Birth wt 98 lbs. Bw ww 3.4 30.7 Adj. 205D wt 859 lbs. Yw mCe 55.6 7.4 Adj. 365D wt 1369 lbs. mww miLk 28.8 13.4 Sometimes only a two-year-old bull will do! This Body Builder son is out of a stellar cow with many daughters retained in our herd. 99U is clean, long, and attractive and will breed a lot of cows this summer! Lot #22 22 AoD 6 2010 Ce 9.9 ePD’s OUTBACK RED BULL 36W PoLLED PUREBRED MALE (A.I.) PG719024- oBCC 36W 09 February 2009 RC STINGER 072K TNT GUNNER N208 - CA-PG676236TNT MISS HONEY L9 BBS ZIMA D55 OUTBACK MOULIN ROUGE - CA-PG633029ROCK LANE KATE 23K CCR GRIFFEY MISS RC 600U 501F JF NEW DIMENSION 903J TNT MISS ALLIE J1 RED CADILLAC ZU95 MISS PELTZ N55 JB HOUSTON 17H ROCK LANE DAWN 06D Birth wt 83 lbs. Bw ww 0.5 32.4 Adj. 205D wt 827 lbs. Yw mCe 55.4 4.1 Adj. 365D wt 1273 lbs. mww miLk 20.8 4.6 This son of Gunner is a real cool and complete package. Starting out with an 83 lbs birth weight, he has grown into a real meat machine. He is out of an absolutely beautiful mother, 5P, whose last year’s bull calf was selected by Sam at Willow Creek Colony. – 12 – rAnCHLAnDs BuLL sALe - Consignment from Outback Cattle Co. (Simmental) Lot #23 23 AoD 9 2010 Ce 4.4 ePD’s OUTBACK RED BULL 26W PoLLED PUREBRED MALE (A.I.) PG719025- oBCC 26W 22 January 2009 3C WALLY C240 BLK LCHMN BODYBUILDER 7303F - CA-PG502869-KN LSF MOMENTO D8 JB HOUSTON 17H ROCK LANE KORI 2K - CA-553482ROCK LANE GOLD DUST 12D EMMONS BLACK HERCULES 3C CROCUS 9278 BL LEACHMAN RED BALDY 438W LBR B-248 GREAT GUNS MOSES 50D JB BRIGITT 77B G5 PISTON 1Z ABC MS GOLD 544A Birth wt 105 lbs. Bw ww 3.9 33.6 Adj. 205D wt 842 lbs. Yw mCe 56.6 5.6 Adj. 365D wt 1296 lbs. mww miLk 28.8 12.0 This is definitely an eye catching bull with tons of dark red hair. If you need to add performance to your herd, then look at this guy! Ankonian red Caesar sire of Lot #24 24 AoD 2 2010 Ce 6.1 ePD’s OUTBACK RED BULL 4W PoLLED PUREBRED MALE (A.I.) PG719028- oBCC BOZ REDCOAT ANKONIAN RED CAESAR - CA-PTG670682GFI CANDACE G51 REMINGTON RED LABEL HR OUTBACK RED KANDY 74T - CA-PG686760ROCK LANE KANDY 7K 4W 05 January 2009 HERCULES 538P BOZ RED LADY GW SOLID FLECK GFI DELTA DAWN D123 CNS DREAM ON L186 HS REFLECTIONS J34 JB HOUSTON 17H ROCK LANE GWEN 12G Birth wt 92 lbs. Bw ww 3.4 41.2 Adj. 205D wt 852 lbs. Yw mCe 70.9 5.9 Adj. 365D wt 1278 lbs. mww miLk 28.6 8.0 Here’s a bull with Pure Power; if you need extra performance in your calves this bull will do it for you. He is clean fronted with lots of depth and natural thickness. Out of an excellent young cow and a very strong cow family. – 13 – rAnCHLAnDs BuLL sALe - Consignment from Outback Cattle Co. (Simmental) 25 Lot #25 OUTBACK RED BULL 21W PoLLED PUREBRED MALE (A.I.) PG719027- oBCC 21W 17 January 2009 CCR GRIFFEY MISS RC 600U 501F JF NEW DIMENSION 903J TNT MISS ALLIE J1 SU MR UNIVERSE 1992 26B SU FRAULIEN 803X JB HOUSTON 17H ROCK LANE DAWN 06D RC STINGER 072K TNT GUNNER N208 - CA-PG676236TNT MISS HONEY L9 SU DETROIT RED 803D CA-609096- OUTBACK MS DETROIT 7N ROCK LANE KATE 23K AoD 6 2010 Ce 8.4 ePD’s Birth wt 103 lbs. Bw ww 2.8 33.9 Adj. 205D wt 898 lbs. Yw mCe 58.1 3.9 Adj. 365D wt 1314 lbs. mww miLk 29.8 12.8 This big bull is massive in everyway you look at him. He has just the right combination of length, depth and muscle. Check out his performance numbers. 26 Lot #26 OUTBACK RED BULL 22W PoLLED PUREBRED MALE (A.I.) PG719026- oBCC 22W 18 January 2009 3C WALLY C240 BLK LCHMN BODYBUILDER 7303F - CA-PG502869-KN LSF MOMENTO D8 JB HOUSTON 17H ROCK LANE MISS 25K - CA-553485AEDJ MS ROOKIE 16F AoD 9 2010 Ce 6.1 ePD’s Birth wt 95 lbs. Bw ww 3.6 32.9 EMMONS BLACK HERCULES 3C CROCUS 9278 BL LEACHMAN RED BALDY 438W LBR B-248 GREAT GUNS MOSES 50D JB BRIGITT 77B NORTONS ROOKIE BREAK 29C MISS FAY 13W Adj. 205D wt 818 lbs. Yw mCe 56.3 6.4 Adj. 365D wt 1244 lbs. mww miLk 27.6 11.1 He is as long as they come, powerful and rugged. These Body Builder calves have always been very popular with the cowboys. 27 PoLLED PUREBRED MALE (A.I.) PG719029- oBCC TNT DYNAMITE BLACK L137 LFE BOMBSHELL 508N - CA-PG602360LFE HELEN 80K LCHMN BODYBUILDER 7303F OUTBACK RED DUST 59T - CA-PG686753ROCK LANE MAY 11M AoD 2 2010 Ce 9.7 ePD’s Lot #27 OUTBACK RED BULL 8W Birth wt 83 lbs. Bw ww -0.4 23.6 8W 09 January 2009 RW BOMBER 8H OPPS WIS GM2 STF JALAPENO PVFS POL HELEN 59H 3C WALLY C240 BLK LSF MOMENTO D8 JB HOUSTON 17H ROCK LANE GOLD DUST 12D Adj. 205D wt 767 lbs. Yw mCe 40.1 6.1 Adj. 365D wt 1202 lbs. mww miLk 22.0 10.2 The thickness and depth of rib on this moderate Bombshell calf is remarkable. If calving ease is a concern of yours then look at this guy. I have never gone wrong with using his sire on heifers and have never given up muscle mass to get that calving ease. Don’t overlook this one! – 14 – rAnCHLAnDs BuLL sALe - Consignment from AVH Simmentals Lot #28 AVH RED CEASER 16U 28 RED SCURRED PUREBRED MALE SG707259- BOZ REDCOAT ANKONIAN RED CAESAR - CA-PTG670682GFI CANDACE G51 BTS REDWOOD G705 AVH DAISY DUKE 6R - CA-G650393BAR 15 MS ADONIS 65A-34E AoD 4 2010 Ce 9.0 ePD’s Birth wt 86 lbs. Bw ww 2.1 40.3 AVH 16U 22 December 2008 HERCULES 538P BOZ RED LADY GW SOLID FLECK GFI DELTA DAWN D123 LANDRIDGE JET BLACK ER MISS HERC 91X NLC POLLED HERCS ADONIS BAR 15 MISS 13Y 83 65A Adj. 205D wt 718 lbs. Yw mCe 68.7 6.7 Adj. 365D wt 1321 lbs. mww miLk 28.3 8.1 This is a bull with good solid genetics. Ceaser is thick, long and stylish, one that stands out in the pen! He will add muscle and increase maternal strengths to your cow herd. Lot #29 AVH FIELDER'S CHOICE 18U 29 RED PoLLED PUREBRED MALE PG707357- AVH TNT DYNAMITE BLACK L137 LFE LITTLE RED 137H RED RIVER VINDICATOR 1K HCCL 32J SAS BLACK DIAMOND SAS ROSEMARY PRL PORTERHOUSE REGENT BAR 15 MS SPRINGHURST 22B LFE RED TANKER 490P RAINALTA STRIKER 57S - CA-PG657400RAINALTA HCCL 54N SAS RED DAWG L213 AVH SAHARA 12R - CA-PG650399BAR 15 MS SPRINGHURST185G AoD 4 2010 Ce 7.7 ePD’s 18U 30 December 2008 Birth wt 92 lbs. Bw ww 3.9 37.2 Adj. 205D wt 662 lbs. Yw mCe 61.7 3.9 Adj. 365D wt 1144 lbs. mww miLk 23.2 4.6 This moderate framed bull is out of our herd sire, Striker, and has everything going for him. AVH 18U is another dark red, thick, deep bodied bull making him a very promising, young individual. 30 Lot #30 AVH RED STRIKER 2W RED PoLLED PUREBRED MALE PG707356- AVH 2W 01 January 2009 LFE RED TANKER 490P RAINALTA STRIKER 57S - CA-PG657400RAINALTA HCCL 54N SS GOLDRUSH AVH BUTTERFLY KISSES 11R - CA-PG650402AVH PIPER 20N AoD 4 2010 Ce 9.0 ePD’s Birth wt 94 lbs. Bw ww 2.3 38.0 TNT DYNAMITE BLACK L137 LFE LITTLE RED 137H RED RIVER VINDICATOR 1K HCCL 32J MV RED LIGHT 406 STF E'QUARTA' TNT BULLSEYE K104 BAR 15 MS KNIGHT 78E-27H Adj. 205D wt 669 lbs. Yw mCe 65.4 3.9 Adj. 365D wt 1296 lbs. mww miLk 25.5 6.5 This Striker son has performance and growth written all over him. He is cherry red and all the thickness and capacity you can think of. AVH 2W is out of my favourite cow family. Structurally sound, perfect udders and great dispositions! – 15 – rAnCHLAnDs BuLL sALe - Consignment from MCG Simmentals Lot #31 31 Scurred Red Male January 30, 2009 MCG 11W CNS DREAM ON L186 REMINGTON “RED LABEL” – CA – 2252968 HS REFLECTIONS J34 RDD MR 70M RDD MISS 10T – CA – G688724 RDD MS 113K AoD 2 2010 Ce -4.5 ePD’s MCG WACEY 11W NICHOLS LEGACY G151 CNS SHEEZA DREAM K107W BS MR ARAPAHOE 811A HF/GFI RUBY RED 33E IPU RED DURANGO 60K PRAIRIE WIND JEWEL 18G BAR 5 MR UNIVERSE 337H RDD MISS 88G Birth wt 107 lbs. Bw ww 5.4 47.4 Adj. 205D wt 922 lbs. Yw mCe 73.5 -3.0 Adj. 365D wt 1205 lbs. mww miLk 26.3 2.6 This is a really eye appealing bull. He is red with a blaze face. He is moderate framed with a great disposition. He has lots of natural thickness. Lot #32 32 TNT BULLSEYE K104 BAR 15 BULLSEYE 43P – CA-P616366 BAR 15 MS SUNFLOWER 143L VIRGINIA’S MANIA 960M MCG 18R – CA – 645669 MCG CATHY 3M AoD 4 2010 Ce 5.5 ePD’s MCG WINCHESTER 18W Polled Red Male January 12, 2009 MCG 18W SRS FORTUNE 500 TNT MISS SHEILA H209 BAR 15 HALF MOON 54J BAR 15 MS SUNFLOWER 115J IPU BRONSON 19K DFM JUNI 960J RDD MR 62K RDD MS 103J Birth wt 105 lbs. Bw ww 2.1 34.6 Adj. 205D wt 870 lbs. Yw mCe 56.8 1.0 Adj. 365D wt 1168 lbs. mww miLk 22.9 5.6 This is a full brother to the bull that Kim Cochlan purchased from us last year, and a ½ brother to this bull Kim purchased the year before at our 1st sale. This cow was also one of Grady’s 4-H projects. She goes back to IPU Bronson, a full Fleckvieh bull that did very well for Virginia Ranches. She is a very consistent cow and has produced 3 bulls in 3 years. – 16 – rAnCHLAnDs BuLL sALe - Consignment from MCG Simmentals MCG WRIGHT TIME 12U 33 Polled Black Male December 29, 2008 MCG 12U NICHOLS LEGACY G151 CNS SHEEZA DREAM K107W GW LUCKY DICE 187H HC HONEYSUCKLE ROSE 3C WALLY C240 LSF MOMENTO D8 GRS PRINCE KCN6L MCG MS 04K CNS DREAM ON L186 HTP SVF IN DEW TIME – CA - 2285555 HTP SVP HONEYDEW LCHMN BODYBUILDER 7303F MCG TRIXEY 12T –CA – PG684098 MCG NOLA 42N AoD 2 2010 Ce 9.5 ePD’s Lot #33 Birth wt 85 lbs. Bw ww 0.7 29.0 Adj. 205D wt 716 lbs. Yw mCe 52.4 0.0 Adj. 365D wt 1169 lbs. mww miLk 20.3 5.8 This is the 1st time we have we have had a black bull to offer. He is a moderate framed bull and is all black except for a spot on his head. This bull’s mother was a 4-H heifer project of Grady’s. MCG WAINWRIGHT 37W 34 Polled Red Male January 30, 2009 MCG 37W TNT BULLSEYE K104 BAR 15 BULLSEYE 43P – CA-P616366 BAR 15 MS SUNFLOWER 143L GRS PRINCE KCN 6L MCG NORA 37N – CA – G611050 MCG MS 05L AoD 6 2010 Ce 8.5 ePD’s Lot #34 Birth wt 95 lbs. Bw ww 1.5 32.1 SRS FORTUNE 500 TNT MISS SHEILA H209 BAR 15 HALF MOON 54J BAR 15 MS SUNFLOWER 115J KCN E125 EAGLE-RIDGE 8H GWB ELMO 11J RDD MS 113J Adj. 205D wt 761 lbs. Yw mCe 50.2 2.5 Adj. 365D wt 1161 lbs. mww miLk 23.0 6.9 This bull is a very moderate framed bull. He has a great disposition. He is red with a blaze face. GWB WAYNE 26W 35 Twin Polled Red Male February 22, 2009 MCG 26W TNT BULLSEYE K104 BAR 15 BULLSEYE 43P – CA-P616366 BAR 15 MS SUNFLOWER 143L SHAWACRES JAHARI 50l JKL RAELENE 7R – CA – 633901 GORMLEA MARCIE 360K AoD 4 2010 Ce 2.5 ePD’s Birth wt 85 lbs. Bw ww 2.8 39.0 SRS FORTUNE 500 TNT MISS SHEILA H209 BAR 15 HALF MOON 54J BAR 15 MS SUNFLOWER 115J BHR DOORN G629E MISS SHAWACRES HEIDI 1H ANCHOR “T” METRO 4E BAR NONE JENICA Adj. 205D wt 819 lbs. Yw mCe 62.5 0.0 Adj. 365D wt 1214 lbs. mww miLk 25.6 6.1 This is Grady’s bull, and he is the youngest bull in our offering. He is a twin and a full brother to the bull Grady sold to Bill Holmes in last year’s sale. These Bar 15 Bullseye 43P sons are the last we will have as we sold 43P prior to breeding last year – 17 – Lot #35 rAnCHLAnDs BuLL sALe - Consignment from MCG Simmentals Polled Red Male January 14, 2009 MCG 25W CNS DREAM ON L186 REMINGTON “RED LABEL” – CA – 2252968 HS REFLECTIONS J34 BAR 15 BULLSEYE 43P MCG TESSA 25T – CA – PG87670 MCG MS 05L AoD 2 2010 Ce 7.5 ePD’s Lot #36 MCG WARRIOR 25W 36 Birth wt 82 lbs. Bw ww 1.2 33.0 NICHOLS LEGACY G151 CNS SHEEZA DREAM K107W BS MR ARAPAHOE 811A HF/GFI RUBY RED 33E TNT BULLSEYE K104 BAR 15 MS SUNFLOWER 143L GWB ELMO 11J RDD MS 113J Adj. 205D wt Adj. 365D wt 780 lbs. 1092 lbs. Yw mCe mww miLk 53.5 -1.0 20.4 3.9 These are the 1st set of calves that we gotten out of Remington Red Label. We are really happy with these calves. This bull is red with a blaze face. His mother has a great udder and disposition MCG WESTERN 39W 37 Scurred Red Male January 20, 2009 MCG 39W TNT BULLSEYE K104 BAR 15 BULLSEYE 43P – CA-P616366 BAR 15 MS SUNFLOWER 143L GRS PRINCE KCN 6L MCG NATASHA 39N – CA – G600630 RDD MS 69J AoD 6 2010 Ce 3.5 ePD’s Birth wt 105 lbs. Bw ww 2.9 33.4 SRS FORTUNE 500 TNT MISS SHEILA H209 BAR 15 HALF MOON 54J BAR 15 MS SUNFLOWER 115J KCN E125 EAGLE-RIDGE 8H MFL GENERAL 14G RDD MS 11G Adj. 205D wt 796 lbs. Yw mCe 52.5 5.0 Adj. 365D wt 1082 lbs. mww miLk 21.3 4.6 This bull’s mother was Grady’s very 1st 4-H heifer. It is hard to walk through the cows without having to give this cow a scratch. We sold this bull’s full brother in the sale last year to Aldoree Farms at Blackie. This bull is almost completely red. Get In On The Action!! march 13, 2010 - 1:00 p.m. 3rd Annual rAnCHLAnDs BuLL sALe - stavely, AB rAnCHLAnDs Fie ld Day - August 2010 - Watch for it!! Ranchlands Bull Sale Field Day... We have held our last two field days in mid August. Last year it was on August 15th at the Brown Creek Ranch west of Claresholm. We bring our bulls and their mothers so that potential buyers can see them while they are still with their moms. Afterwards there is a Texas style supper, homemade strawberry pie and, of course, beer! As we get closer to August more information will be posted, so keep your eyes open for it and mark it on your calendar - the mix of great cattle with great people is always a great time!! – 18 – RANCHLANDS BULL SALE - Horse Consignment from Michalowski Family Consigned by Orest & Linda Michalowski Vanscoy, SK Ph: 403.549.2120 DIGGER MCCUE (“Squeek”) Sorrel Gelding APHA #: 581,688 May 6, 1999 BOOTS MCCUE RICK SKIP MCCUE - 236,491 TH SHADOW JOSIE TUFFBAR TUFF’S JOE ARIO MITCH BUCK MCCUE ZANDA’S CHOICE LONE RANGER APPARITION TUFF’S TOP PLAN JAZZ MAY MITCH BAR ARIO WIN This outstanding 11 yr old gelding has "been there, done that". Used extensively on the ranch, dragged calves to the fire, packed salt & meat out of the mountains, roped on outside, tie off and doctored cattle, he’s also been roped off in the arena - both ends, head or heels. Very gentle, well broke and sound!! RANCHLANDS BULL SALE - Horse Consignment from Jerry Saw ley Consigned by Jerry Sawley Nanton, AB Ph: 403.549.2201 (home) 403.652.6812 (cell) Roany Roan Gelding Grade 7 Years Old • 7 year old grade red roan • A very gentle disposition horse. We have used him on the ranch • He has been used at VJV Auction Market for penning cattle • Roany can walk with the best of them • We can put anyone on him but quite often I will ride him because I like his walk RANCHLANDS BULL SALE - Heifer Consignment from 7J Ranching Consigned by 7J Ranching Ltd. Reese Klaiber - Seven Persons, AB Ph: 403.832.2008 • 15 1 iron heifers - Red Angus x Simmental Cross • Born between March 25 - April 30, 2009 • Vaccination program - all heifers have their second booster, Vison 8 somnus, Vista 5 SQ and Ivomec RANCHLANDS BULL SALE - Heifer Consignment from Cornervie w Ranch Consigned by Cornerview Ranch Bill & Cecile Homans - Pincher Creek, AB Ph: 403.627.4595 Cell: 403.627.7915 • 3 heifers - Simmental x Red Angus Cross • Born December ‘08 - January 2009 • Vaccination program - Pfizer Gold 5, Ivomec & 8-way • Palpated open – 19 – rAnCHLAnDs BuLL sALe - mArCH 13, 2010 - terms AnD ConDitions terms- The terms of the sale are cash or cheque. All monies are in Canadian funds. The right of property shall not pass until after settlement has been made. All settlements must be made with the clerk before any cattle will be released. DisPutes- Every animal sells to the highest bidder and in case of disputes, the auctioneer’s decision will be final. Announcements from the auction block will take precedence over the printed matter in the catalogue. PurCHAser’s risk- Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold. Insurance will be available on sale day. High selling Bull Buyer - Dunlop ranches Ltd. Lot #33 - red Brown Creek smash 9u Jodi & Blaine Dunlop, Brian & Shaunere Lane (Brown Creek Ranch) BreeDer’s guArAntee- All bulls have been registered, unless indicated in the catalogue, and papers will be transferred to the new owner. All bulls sold are guaranteed to the standard breed association’s guarantee. tHAnk You to the Buyers & Bidders of last year’s rAnCHLAnD BuLL sALe * Aldoree Farms * Bar AB Ranch- Craig Nugent * Bonyard Cattle Co. Brown Creek Angus * Canyon Ranches- Gordon Lelek Doug & Caron Scott Dougdale Agico * Dunlop Ranches Ltd. - Blaine & Jodi Dunlop * Elkhorn Stock Ranch- Nolan & Leona Pharis * Gordon Turner Farms Ltd. Granum Colony Half Diamond 27 Ranch - Darrell & Louanna Jones Holmes Livestock * Jerry Sawley John MacDougall Judy Sanderson * Kootenay River Ranch - Joe & Suzie Masi * Krippl Ranches - Mike & Steve Lelek Lamb Cattle Co. - John, Kim, Nicole & Dustin Lamb Luke & Laura Ball McLeod Ranches- John & Bev McLeod Melvin Sunquest * Zoratti Ranches- Brian & Lana Zoratti * Repeat Buyers semen test- All bulls will be semen tested before sale day. LiABiLities- All persons attend the sale at their own risk. The sellers and/or sales staff assume no liability, legal or otherwise, for accidents that occur in, on, or about the premises. LoADing out- Loading will not be allowed until the conclusion of the sale. truCking- Cattle can leave that day and please make arrangements to do so. If you are unable to truck any cattle on sale day, please contact the particular breeder and arrangements can be made to load cattle the following day. wintering- Anyone not wanting to take their bulls after the sale, can make arrangements with the breeder to keep the bulls at a cost of $3.00 per day after April 1, 2010. ALL BuLLs returning to tHe BreeDer must Be insureD. The bulls will be housed at the buyer’s risk; the breeders will not be responsible for any type of injury while the bulls are in their care. DeLiVerY- We will offer free delivery within 200km of home after that at cost. Delivery will commence early April unless prior arrangements have been made with the seller. Age VeriFiCAtion- All cattle at the sale are age verified. Down loadable catalogu e available online in full color: Volume Buyer - Bar AB ranches Craig Nugent (Bar AB Ranches) & Amanda Homans (AVH Simmentals) – 20 – RANCHLANDS BULL SALE - MARCH 13, 2010 Our heartfelt thanks to the sponsors shown here and on the next three pages - they are true “Partners in Agriculture” and we ask that you show your support for them by patronizing their businesses whenever possible. - The Ranchland Bull Sale Consignors Murray Brown Owner / Operator Cardston Lethbridge Magrath Pincher Creek Taber (403) (403) (403) (403) (403) ucket oldings LTD. 653-4152 328-9228 758-3585 627-3170 223-2065 Box 387 Stavely AB T0L 1Z0 (403) 601-0860 Serving Southern Alberta – 21 – rAnCHLAnDs BuLL sALe - mArCH 13, 2010 Brown Creek Angus ranch Bulls were Fed By: FoRT MACLEoD: 1-800-567-8645 For your feed program needs contact: FLINT LUCAS Providing Large and Companion Animal Care. Tel: 403-652-1300 1104 - 18th St. SE (Across from Extra Foods) Animal Clinic Ltd. the High River, AB T1V 2A6 Landmark ADVANTAGE • Quality feed • Solid service •Proven performance •Exceptional value •Leading technology & Nutrition “Over 50 Years of Innovation” For a free, no obligation meeting at your place, call: 1-800-265-1002 Landmark Feeds NUTRECO CANADA INC Lethbridge 1-877-750-2474 • Medicine Hat 1-800-563-4884 • Strathmore 1-800-266-9365 – 22 – rAnCHLAnDs BuLL sALe - mArCH 13, 2010 SCASE & LIVELY PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS nAnton: (403) 646-2851 CALgArY: (403) 735-0735 2113 - 20TH STREET P.O. BOX 725 NANTON, ALBERTA T0L 1R0 he g t ch din i v un pro for l y at da le me a s on – 23 – FAX: (403) 646-2871 rAnCHLAnDs BuLL sALe - mArCH 13, 2010 - BuYers notes Lot # ____________________________________ Lot # ____________________________________ Lot # ____________________________________ Lot # ____________________________________ Lot # ____________________________________ Lot # ____________________________________ Lot # ____________________________________ Lot # ____________________________________ Lot # ____________________________________ Lot # ____________________________________ Lot # ____________________________________ Lot # ____________________________________ Lot # ____________________________________ Lot # ____________________________________ Lot # ____________________________________ Lot # ____________________________________ Lot # ____________________________________ Lot # ____________________________________ Lot # ____________________________________ Lot # ____________________________________ Lot # ____________________________________ Lot # ____________________________________ – 24 – 2009 at a Glance! Catalogue by Coyote Lake Cattle Co. - 403-653-2450 Email: Website: