Lamp Manual - Tanning Supplies Unlimited
Lamp Manual - Tanning Supplies Unlimited
���� ���� ������ Australian Gold® and Wolff® Company History A Partnership is Born Earn Cash Back! Wolff®and ETS (original corporate name of Australian Gold® Products) met in 1989 to discuss a partnership between two industry leaders. Shortly thereafter, ETS became a Licensee of Wolff® and changed the ETS sunbed manufacturing to reflect this new status. Since that time the primary low pressure sunlamps employed as the original equipment in ETS beds has been Wolff® equipment. In 1996, the Australian Gold® company made history by being the first to include lamp purchases in their Salon Cash Back Programs. Australian Gold® Cash Back pays up to 13% co-op advertising on Australian Gold® Wolff® sunlamps. In strengthening their partnership, Wolff® added 3% extra cash back to salon owners, raising the total possible Cash Back to an incredible 16%. Australian Gold® and Wolff® Partnership Grows Stronger More Profit for Your Bottom Line! Over the years, ETS and the Australian Gold® organization developed into the premier producer of tanning equipment and aftermarket lamps for the North American market. Their decision to trust Wolff® for the allimportant sunlamps has persisted for 16 years. The main reason for this long relationship is the signature partnership philosophy of the Australian Gold® organization with customers, vendors and manufacturers. Wolff®’s commitment to reliable quality products: from first-run quality to extended service life; delivering durable tans and exceptional value; and consistent lamp performance run after run and year after year, made them the perfect partner. As the Australian Gold® company extended their focus to leadership in the indoor tanning lotion segment and aftermarket lamp sales; Australian Gold® lamp sales emerged as the premier distributor of these products for North America and beyond. Every year Australian Gold® lamps have two special customer appreciation sales. If you buy 20 Lamps, you’ll get 4 FREE between 1/1/07 to 3/31/07 and 6/1/07 to 9/30/07. That’s a 16.67% total savings on lamps. Add this with the 16% co-op Cash back and it equals 29.97% more profit for your bottom-line. Price vs. Cost In our highly competitive market, much noise is made about lamp price. The Australian Gold® and Wolff® philosophy is one of value, instead. A discussion on this critical value measurement is illustrated on page 3: ‘Price vs. Cost’. Clearly, the extended service life of an Australian Gold® Wolff® sunlamp (when compared to competitor offerings) is a major component of this value. Let’s look at the example below: Australian Gold® Raises the Bar The Australian Gold® company has high standards for its lamps and from its lamp supplier. Therefore, the Australian Gold® and Wolff® organizations have partnered together to develop the Bronzing Sun™, Velocity®, Dark Tan™and Diamond Sun® families of tanning lamps. You can count on their lamps for the ultimate in quality and useful life. Australian Gold® Wolff® Lamps Make Cents Price Versus Cost EXAMPLE A LAMP TYPE COST OF LAMP #LAMPS IN UNIT TOTAL COST $13.95 28 $390.60 Australian Gold/ Wolff Lamp Australian Gold® and Wolff® Lamps Make Cents Australian Gold® and Wolff® Lamps Pay Cents Australian Gold® and Wolff® Emerges as #1 Wolff® is recognized as the founder of Indoor Tanning. For 28 years serving the North American market, Wolff® has earned the position as #1 supplier of low pressure sunlamps, and is the most respected lamp manufacturer in the industry. Wolff®’s manufacturing facility operates under the most rigid criterion for quality, performance, consistency, and repeatability which has earned Wolff®several world class certifications. SERVICE LIFE OF LAMP “You Get What you Pay For” The saying also applies to lamp purchases. Price is only one component of the value decision. There are many lamps on the market that cost less because they are made of economical phosphers that result in shorter lamp life. Higher quality phosphors produce a lamp with a longer service life and better dark color output. Over the life of a higher quality lamp, you will get more tanning sessions and better darker results, which equals higher profits. 2 Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 TOTAL SESSIONS CHARGE PER SESSION TOTAL REVENUE 3 3000 $10.00 $30,000 1000 hours EXAMPLE B LAMP TYPE COST OF LAMP #LAMPS IN UNIT TOTAL COST $11.00 28 $308.60 Brand X SERVICE LIFE OF LAMP 20 MIN SESSIONS/HR TOTAL SESSIONS CHARGE PER SESSION TOTAL REVENUE 3 1800 $10.00 $18,000 600 hours As you can see from the example, you may have paid $82 more for your lamps versus Brand X, but you generated an additional $12,000 in revenue on 1 bed. The Wolff® System of Checks and Balances The Wolff® quality assurance program is second to none. This includes pre-production testing and approbation of glass qualities and phosphor blends; multiple QA and conformance checks throughout the production process; post-production inspection for cosmetic conformance & light-up; and post-release testing of some lamps for 100 hour output maintenance, and up to 1000 hours beyond. 20 MIN SESSIONS/HR Australian Gold® Wolff® Lamps Make Cents Price Versus Cost EXAMPLE A LAMP TYPE TOTAL COSTS OF LAMP PER BED Australian Gold/Wolff Lamp #BEDS IN SALON TOTAL RELAMP COST FOR 10 BEDS TOTAL REVENUE 10 $3,906.00 $300,000 $390.60 EXAMPLE B LAMP TYPE TOTAL COSTS OF LAMP PER BED #BEDS IN SALON TOTAL RELAMP COST FOR 10 BEDS TOTAL REVENUE FOR 10 Brand X $308.60 10 $3,086.00 $180,000 As you can see, you may have paid $820 more for your lamps in 10 beds in your salon versus Brand X, but you generated an additional $120,000 in revenue on 10 of your beds! Plus, you saved on manpower and possible lamp breakage by not having to relamp as often. This gives you extra time that you and your staff can spend on sales and customer service, generating even more income. Australian Gold® Wolff® Lamps Make Cents and Pay Cents! Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 3 Guide to Understanding Lamps Bronzing Sun™ Lamp Family Tm – Tanning Melanogenesis is the calculation that results in computing the maximum weekly exposure. This is how much radiation your body can take in one week (an average of four days) before getting sunburned. Note: This is only true on “replacement lamps”. The manufacturer doesn’t have the option of + or – 10% on the factory installed lamps. Te – Tanning Erythema, the time it takes to produce a sun burn. Relationship of Tm and Te – In a tanning device, whichever is the least value Te or Tm will be the value of the exposure time and exposure schedule. Obviously, the shorter of the Te/Tm, the faster the tanning process. The lamp manufacturer or a qualified specialist provides this information based on detailed tests. One cannot assume a lamp is compatible because of the rated UVB strength. Many “competitive” lamps, made with inferior phosphors and technology, may produce a sunburn or Tanning Erythema (Te) at the same rate as a Wolff® Lamp; however, our Wolff® custom blends assure that you receive the maximum amount of UVA rays for the desired Immediate and Delayed color without the increased sunburn effect. Bronzing Sun™ tanning lamps are full performance, long lasting premium products. In addition, the Bronzing Sun™ Elite lamps are quality performance at an economic value. New! Bronzing Sun™ HPK90 The Bronzing Sun™ HPK90 utilizes new phosphor technology which delivers high pressure performance in a low pressure sunlamp. HPK90 has an abundance of UVA1 which creates a deep, lasting tan while minimizing wrinkle formation. Australian Gold’s® Bronzing Sun™ HPK90 delivers performance gains in Features & Benefits: Service life* - 20% longer life; hundreds more tanning sessions per set of lamps. Reduced UVA2 - the shorter UVA wavelengths most closely associated with photo-aging, or wrinkle development. The results are excellent browning while treating the skin gently. Highly effective UVB - for maximum production of melanin and vitamin D with less possibility of burning. Increased UVA1 - the longer UVA wavelengths most responsible for browning; because these wavelengths penetrate deeper into the skin, longer-lasting and deeper tans also result. Salon owners are assured of finding the right HPK90 lamp for their needs and can offer their customers the most advanced technology available! LAMP Bronzing Sun™ HPK90 100W Bronzing Sun™ HPK90 R 100WR Bronzing Sun™ HPK90 VS-R Bronzing Sun™ HPK90 Plus VS-R Bronzing Sun™ HPK90 VS-R Bronzing Sun™ HPK90 Plus VS-R TE TM 6-18 12-14 8-10 8-10 8-10 7-10 50 35 26 26 26 24 SERVICE LIFE* CARTON/PALLET 1000 1000 1000 1000 750 500 24/576 24/576 24/576 24/576 24/576 24/576 LENGTH WATTAGE BI-PIN OR RDC F71 F71 F71 F71 F71 F71 100W 100WR 160WVSR 160WVSR 180WR 200WR Bi-Pin Bi-Pin Bi-Pin Bi-Pin Bi-Pin Bi-Pin * Service life - that point where UV output levels have declined 30% from initial values. 4 Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 LAMP EST. MINUTES TE TM Bronzing Sun™ Gold 200W VSR, 2M Bronzing Sun™ Gold 200W VSR, F71 Bronzing Sun™ Elite 140W VSR Bronzing Sun™ Elite 160W VSR Bronzing Sun™ Elite 160W VSR Bronzing Sun™ Plus 160W VSR Bronzing Sun™ Plus 160W VSR Bronzing Sun™ Plus 100WR Bronzing Sun™ 180W VSR, 2M Bronzing Sun™ 160W VSR Bronzing Sun™ 160W VSR Bronzing Sun™ 160W VHO Bronzing Sun™ 140W VSR Bronzing Sun™ Plus 100W Bronzing Sun™ Mag 100WR Bronzing Sun™ 100WR Bronzing Sun™ 100WR Bronzing Sun™ 80W 8-10 8-10 8-10 8-10 8-10 8-10 8-10 8-10 9-11 9-11 9-11 9-11 9-11 9-11 10-12 12-14 12-14 SERVICE LIFE* CARTON /PALLET 27 27 26 26 26 26 26 26 28 28 28 28 28 28 32 35 35 500 500 500 500 500 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 20/600 24/576 24/576 24/576 24/576 24/576 24/576 24/576 20/600 24/576 24/576 24/576 24/576 24/576 24/576 24/576 24/576 24/576 LENGTH WATTAGE BI-PIN OR RDC F79 (2 m) F71 F59 F71 F73 F71 F73 F71 F79 (2 m) F71 F73 F71 F59 F71 F71 F71 F73 F59 200W VSR 200W VSR 140W 160W VSR 160W VSR 160W VSR 160W VSR 100WR 180W VSR 160W VSR 160W VSR 160W VHO 140W VSR 100W 100WR 100WR 100WR 80W BI-PIN BI-PIN BI-PIN BI-PIN RDC BI-PIN RDC BI-PIN BI-PIN BI-PIN RDC BI-PIN BI-PIN BI-PIN BI-PIN BI-PIN RDC BI-PIN VELOCITY® Lamp Family Velocity® sunlamps are among the most popular choices for original equipment and employ advanced phosphor technology to assure tanners of strong color. Rated service life of 1000 hours makes Velocity® an excellent value decision. Velocity® Plus and Extreme sunlamps have the quality and service life features of the Velocity® family, with enhanced UVB for shorter sessions and upgrades to your existing line-up without compromising the robust UVA you expect. LAMP Velocity® 160W VS-R Velocity® Extreme 100W Velocity® Plus 100W Velocity® HiWatt Velocity® 80W Velocity® 100W Velocity® 100W EST. MINUTES TE TM 10-12 12-14 14-16 14-16 16-18 16-18 16-18 30 40 45 45 50 50 50 SERVICE LIFE* CARTON /PALLET LENGTH WATTAGE BI-PIN OR RDC 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 24/576 24/576 24/576 24/576 24/576 24/576 24/576 F71 F71 F71 F73 F59 F71 F73 160W VSR 100W 100W 100W 80W 100W 100W BI-PIN BI-PIN BI-PIN RDC BI-PIN BI-PIN RDC * Service life - that point where UV output levels have declined 30% from initial values. Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 5 Dark Tan™ II Lamp Family Dark Tan™ II tanning lamps are power-packed, economical products. Dark Tan™ II Plus sunlamps have all of the quality and service life features of the Dark Tan™ II family, with enhanced UVB for shorter sessions and upgrades to your existing line-up. LAMP EST. MINUTES TE TM Dark Tan™ II Plus 100W Dark Tan™ II Plus 100WR Dark Tan™ II Plus 100W Dark Tan™ II 100W Dark Tan™ II 100W Dark Tan™ II Elite 100W Dark Tan™ II Elite 100W 11-13 11-13 11-13 12-14 12-14 16-18 16-18 36 36 36 35 35 50 50 SERVICE LIFE CARTON /PALLET LENGTH WATTAGE BI-PIN OR RDC 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 24/576 24/576 24/576 24/576 24/576 24/576 24/576 F71 F71 F73 F71 F73 F71 F73 100W 100WR 100W 100W 100W 100W 100W BI-PIN BI-PIN RDC BI-PIN RDC BI-PIN RDC Australian Gold, LLC now carries the complete line of Wolff® branded lamps. Diamond Sun® S Lamp Family F59 LAMPS: Australian Gold® System Diamond Sun® S lamps were the choice for original equipment for thousands of sunbeds from ETS. The Diamond Sun® S lamp’s economical phosphor blend and resulting durable tan make this a very cost-effective selection. F71 LAMPS: LAMP Diamond Sun® S 80W Diamond Sun® S 100W Diamond Sun® S 100W Diamond Sun® S 100W EST. MINUTES TE TM 18-20 18-20 18-20 18-20 60 60 60 60 EverGlo F59 SERVICE LIFE* CARTON /PALLET LENGTH WATTAGE BI-PIN OR RDC 1000 1000 1000 1000 24/576 24/576 24/576 24/576 F59 F71 F72 F73 80W 100W 100W 100W BI-PIN BI-PIN RDC RDC Diamond Sun® is a federally registered trademark of Australian Gold, LLC. Wolff® is a federally registered trademark of Wolff System Technology. Bellarium Plus F71 Bellarium S F71 Bellarium SR F71 Dominion F71 Eurosun S3 F71 EverGlo F71 Solarium LR SPEED® COMPATIBILITY INFORMATION 80W BI-PIN 100W 100W 160W VSR 100W 100W 100W 100WR BI-PIN BI-PIN BI-PIN BI-PIN BI-PIN BI-PIN BI-PIN 160W 160W VSR RDC RDC 100W 100W 100W 100W 160W 160W VSR RDC RDC RDC RDC RDC RDC F72 LAMPS: Solarium VHO F72 Solarium XLR F72 F73 LAMPS: Bellarium S F73 Dominion F73 EuroSun S3 F73 EverGlo F73 Solarium VHO F73 Solarium XLR F73 After close examination of our current lamp line, we felt we could be more effective by utilizing Wolff® System’s advanced technology to enhance the performance of our existing lamps and consolidating our product offering. This gives our customers a range of lamps that will not only be comparible to the Speed® lamps but to other lamps in the market. Please see below for the compatible Australian Gold® lamp replacement. We are confident you will be pleased with the output and performance of these already popular Australian Gold® lamps. SPEED® 175 - Velocity® SPEED® 205 - Velocity® Plus SPEED® 215 - Velocity® Extreme SPEED® 225R - Bronzing Sun™ Plus SPEED® 255R - Bronzing Sun™ Mag SPEED® 275R - Bronzing Sun™ Mag SPEED® 315VSR - Velocity® VSR SPEED® 325VSR - Bronzing Sun™ 160W VSR SPEED® 525VSR - Bronzing Sun™ Gold 200W VSR * Service life - that point where UV output levels have declined 30% from initial values. 6 Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 7 Lamp Compatibility Rule If you’re ever in doubt as to which lamp to sell to a customer, review the lamp compatibility chart and follow this rule: Start with Bronzing Sun™ and work your way down the list until you find the lamp that will fit. Bronzing Sun™ Bronzing Sun™ Gold Bronzing Sun™ Mag Bronzing Sun™ Plus Bronzing Sun™ Bronzing Sun™ Elite Velocity® Velocity® Extreme Velocity® Plus Velocity® HiWatt Velocity® Dark Tan™ II Dark Tan™ II Plus Dark Tan™ II Dark Tan™ II Elite Diamond Sun™ GRAPH KEY Lamp Compatibility Chart & Compatibility Converter 1. Look here to identify the lamp you are replacing. 2. Look here to reference the lamp model. NOTE: This information is found on the OEM lamp or on the bed label. 3. Look here to reference the lamp types that have been certified as compatible for the lamp you are replacing. 4. Look here to identify the new lamp code number 1. REFERENCE LAMP F FAMI LY ACCELERATOR ACCELERATOR ACCELERATOR The general performance characteristics of each lamp type are shown above. Bellarium® S is used as a standard since most of you and your customers are familiar with it. Total UV Output - More total output = better, more efficient color without increasing input wattage or heat. Tanning Performance - While several of our lamp styles are compatible to another, compatibility does not speak to tanning performance, only erythermal effect. Each lamp is designed with its own character to deliver different results. You see above that Bellarium® S is balanced (equal focus on speed and darkening), while Diamond Sun® S is shaded for quicker action (with more output than Bellarium® S), and Velocity® Plus is intentionally imbalanced to focus on quick results. 2. TYPE 3. 4. REPLACEMENT LAMPS F FAMI LY ACC59-T12-80W W B BELLARIUM S CRYSTAL SUN S DIAMOND SUN S EUROSUN S3 EVERGLO O VELOCITY ACC71-T12-100W W BELLARIUM B PLUS BELLARIUM S CRYSTAL SUN S DIAMOND SUN S EUROSUN S3 EVERGLO O VELOCITY ACC73-T12-100W W BELLARIUM B PLUS BELLARIUM S CRYSTAL SUN S DIAMOND SUN S EUROSUN S3 EVERGLO O VELOCITY TYPE S SA1-59-80W W DA1-59-80W D DSS59-T12-80W ES3-59-80W E EGL-59-80W VEL59-T12-80W SA2-71-100W S SA1-71-100W DA1-763-100W D DSS71-T12-100W ES3-71-100W E EGL-71-100W VEL71-T12-100W SA2-10-100W S SA1-10-100W DA1-767-100W D DSS73-T12-100W ES3-73-100W E EGL-73-100W VEL73-T12-100W B For the most current Lamp Compatibility Chart and Compatibility Converter go to: Factoids about Wolff® lamps: 1. Australian Gold® Wolff® lamps’ phosphor designs are specially formulated to meet the rigid specifications of tanning equipment, and for Australian Gold® to meet the various performance character of lamps from other makers so that AG has a replacement sunlamp for every need. 2. Tens of millions of Wolff® lamps have been sold since 1978. Wolff® has been the lamp of choice since the founding of the indoor tanning industry. 3. Australian Gold® Wolff® lamps are the most widely used and preferred in the industry. 4. Australian Gold® Wolff® lamps provide maximum benefits and the highest performance. 5. Australian Gold® Wolff® lamps are compatible with virtually every lamp in use. 8 6. Quality phosphor is the key to the success in a lamp’s ability to perform. Australian Gold® Wolff® lamp’s have a one-of-a-kind phosphor design. 7. Fewer lamps purchased and changed due to long useful life/longer maintenance curve which equals maximized profits. 8. Customers get the same great results due to c onsistency with Australian Gold® Wolff® production. 9. Low percentage of defective lamps saves time and money. 10. Earn up to 16% Co-op on all Australian Gold® Wolff® lamps. 11. Earn an extra 3% Co-op on all Wolff® lamps. 12. Australian Gold® Wolff® Lamp Program - Buy 20 get 4 FREE during the months of 11/1/07 to 1/31/08 and 6/1/08 to 9/30/08. Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 9 �������������������������������������� Illustration #1 ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ��� ����������� �� ��� ������������� ����������� ��������� ������ The Tanning Process Tanning is the process used to create, within the skin, a brownish pigment known as melanin. Almost everyone has melanin. It is the brownish black pigment in skin and hair. Melanin is produced by a special type of skin stimulation in the form of ultraviolet light. When the skin is exposed to UV light, melanin is produced first, which appears pinkish in color. UVB rays stimulate the melanin and are necessary to initiate the tanning process in the skin, however, overexposure can result and cause Tanning Erythema (Te) (Sunburn - undesired result.). UVA rays oxidize the melanin and are necessary to complete the tanning process through a chemical reaction that turns the skin light brown through desired results: Immediate and Delayed Tanning (where more color surfaces after 24 hours for a darker tan.) Illustration #2 ��������������������������������������� ����������� Types of Ultraviolet Light and How It Affects the Skin (Excerpts from the National Tanning Training Institute Manual) Three types of ultraviolet light exist: UVA, UVB and UVC. Of these three rays only UVA and UVB pass through the earth’s ozone layer. UVA and UVB light waves cause the skin to tan. The light spectrum is measured in nanometers (one millionth of a millimeter) and is illustrated by the Electromagnetic Spectrum. (See Illustration #1) Indoor tanning protects tanners from burning as easily or as quickly as they would outdoors in the sun. This is accomplished by controlling the amount of UVA and UVB rays that are released through the lamps, along with controlling the amount of time spent in the tanning bed. The skin is the largest organ in the human body. It has the ability to rejuvenate and heal itself. It is divided into three layers. The top layer, or Epidermis, produces the tan. The middle layer, 10 ��������� or Dermis, contains the ability to repair itself. The bottom layer is composed of fat that binds the skin to other organs. (See Illustration #2) UVB rays stimulate the melanin and UVA rays oxidize the skin to cause the brown, tan effect. UVA: 1) Longer of the ultraviolet rays. ������ �������������������������������������������������������������������� ������ Illustration #3 2) Penetrates the skin to the deepest layers. 3) Tans the skin with less risk of damage. UVB: 1) Short rays. 2) Can not get past the top skin layers. 3) More likely to cause sunburn. (See Illustration #3) The lamps used in a tanning unit are designed to reproduce the exact same wavelengths as the sun; therefore, it is not considered an artificial tan since the same rays are used both indoors and outdoors. Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 11 What Is a Lamp and How Does it Function? Bed to Lamp Cross-Reference Chart A lamp is simply a glass tube filled with mercury gas and phosphorescent powders, that is capped on both ends with electrical contacts. Lamps emit ultraviolet light. Beds listed below use: F-71 Series Lamp Alisun American Wolff* Ameritan Bensun Body Bronze Dr. Kern Dr. Muller ESB Elite* Forever Tan* Int’l Solarium International ISM J.K. Soltron Klaus Klafsun* Meritan Montego Bay* MTI Bed* Perfect Sun Porta Tan Puretan* Riviera Royal Swedish SCA Wolff* Scandinavian Shaw Silver Solarium Solana Solar Gold Sontregra Summer Sun Sun Splash SUNSTAR® Sunal Sunbronze Suncape Sunfit* SunQuest® SunVision® Swedesun Tan America* Tan Seeker Tans You Canopy* Tanturi TSI Midas USA UWE Vita Sun Wolf Eurotan Zanders 1) Electrons emitted by the electrode at one end of the lamp travel at high speed colliding with one of the electrons from a mercury atom 2) knocking the mercury electron out of its orbit. 3) When it snaps back into place, ultraviolet radiation is produced. 4) When the ultraviolet radiation reaches the specially designed glass coated with phosphor crystals 5) visible light as well as specific UV light is produced to reach your skin for the maximum UV allowed. Tanning lamps are produced in a manner similar to general lighting low pressure fluorescent lamps. The essential difference between them is the phosphor used. The phosphor in a tanning lamp allows UVA and UVB rays to be emitted at certain levels, while filtering out the harmful UVC rays. Wolff® System lamps have been designed with custom blends of UVB and UVA to provide the maximum tanning results possible. Altering this mix may result in a higher UVB ratio, but not necessarily a better tanning lamp. “Compatible” lamps provide the same amount of UVB as Wolff® lamps. If they increased the UVB, the lamp would burn you. In addition, this lamp would no longer be compatible to the Wolff® lamp they are trying to imitate. So to increase the ratio, they decrease the amount of UVA, allowing them to maintain the same Te (Tanning Erythema) you would receive with a Wolff® lamp. Reducing the amount of UVA only results in salon owners and their clients NOT receiving the Immediate and Delayed tanning they want. Is an 8.5 UVB lamp better than a Wolff® lamp rated at a 5.0 UVB? NO. Because the higher the ratio means a decrease in UVA which results in a red look rather than the dark, long lasting tan that customers want. UVB% - What is It? 1) UVB percentage is not a percentage but a ratio of UVB to UVA. 2) The higher the UVA the lower the UVB. 3) The ratio changes over the life of the lamp. 4) This ratio tells very little about the tanning power, effectiveness or life of a lamp. 5) It is not an accurate measure of a lamp’s true performance. For example, when comparing Lamp A rated at 5% UVB with 20 watts of UV energy to Lamp B with 3.5% UVB and 32 watts of UV energy, Lamp B will deliver a more natural, lasting tan because it has the highest total energy. 6) An effective sunlamp must produce a balance of both UVA and UVB. 7) Adding more UVB typically creates a more “reddening” lamp, not a “better” tanning lamp. • • • • UVB% - Actually not %, a ratio: UVB/UVA - Not what % of lamp output is in UVB - Is what the ratio of UVB to UVA Says nothing about tanning, life, quality Changes over lamp life Two lamps at right with equal UVB volume, but different ratios... B is a superior lamp A 12 Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 B Beds listed below use: F-72 Series Lamp Daavlin Tan Fitsun* Hex Booth* PalmSprings Peacock Solaire* Springs Sun Capsules Sunfit* Sun Maker SunQuest® 4000 & 6000 (160) SunQuest® 5000 (100 Watt) Suntanna* Sunward Tan Hut Tans You* Beds listed below use: F-73 Series Lamp America Wolff* Elite* Express Tan Forever Tan* Klafsun* Montego Bay* MTI Bed Puretan* SCA Wolff* Solaire* Sun Dash SunMaster Sonnenbraune Suntanna* Tan America• Beds listed below use 160 Watt VHO Lamp Eurotan Express Tan* Hex Booth Rothschild Tan Hut SunQuest® 4000 & 6000 Notes: Sometimes there are no names on booths, so it is difficult to cross reference them for lamps. Usually, in these cases there are specifications stickers on the booth and these include the milliamps. Notes: The * means these beds could use 2 different lamp lengths. Bold Names indicate some units that require 160 watt lamps. There may be some exceptions to information. * This information is for reference only and may not be a complete representation. Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 13 2008 MAP OF REGULATED STATES �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� Lamp Compatibility Chart The following pages (16-29) contain lamp compatibilities. These charts are updated annually. Due to the changing technologies and new lamp development, up-to-the-minute lamp compatibilities are also available on the Australian Gold® lamp compatibility converter at �� ��������������� ������������� 14 Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 15 REFERENCE LAMP FAMILY ACCELERATOR ACCELERATOR ACCELERATOR ACCELERATOR VSR ACCELERATOR VHO BELLARIUM PLUS BELLARIUM PLUS BELLARIUM S BELLARIUM S BELLARIUM S BELLARIUM S/R BELLARIUM VHO 72 BELLARIUM VHO 73 BRONZING SUN BRONZING SUN PLUS BRONZING SUN BRONZING SUN BRONZING SUN MAG BRONZING SUN PLUS BRONZING SUN BRONZING SUN BRONZING SUN VSR 16 RONZING SUN ELITE VSR TYPE REPLACEMENT LAMPS FAMILY ACC59-T12-80W BELLARIUM S CRYSTAL SUN S DIAMOND SUN S EUROSUN S3 EVERGLO VELOCITY ACC71-T12-100W BELLARIUM PLUS BELLARIUM S CRYSTAL SUN S DIAMOND SUN S EUROSUN S3 EVERGLO VELOCITY ACC73-T12-100W BELLARIUM PLUS BELLARIUM S CRYSTAL SUN S DIAMOND SUN S EUROSUN S3 EVERGLO VELOCITY ACC75-T12-VSR ACCELERATOR VHO BELLARIUM S/R GENESIS MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS VSR ACC75-T12-160W ACCELERATOR VSR BRONZING SUN VHO BELLARIUM VHO 72 SA2-71-100W ACCELERATOR BELLARIUM S BODY SCAN X CRYSTAL SUN S DARK TAN ELITE DIAMOND SUN S EUROSUN S3 EVERGLO INTENSITY 71 MEGA VOLTAGE MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS VELOCITY SA2-10-100W ACCELERATOR BELLARIUM S CRYSTAL SUN S DARK TAN ELITE DIAMOND SUN S EUROSUN S3 EVERGLO INTENSITY 73 MEGA VOLTAGE MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS VELOCITY SA1-59-80W ACCELERATOR CRYSTAL SUN S DARK TAN ELITE DIAMOND SUN S EUROSUN S3 EVERGLO VELOCITY SA1-71-100W ACCELERATOR BELLARIUM PLUS BODY SCAN X CRYSTAL SUN S DARK TAN ELITE DIAMOND SUN S ETERNAL SUN EUROSUN S3 EVERGLO INTENSITY 71 MEGA VOLTAGE MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS VELOCITY SA1-10-100W ACCELERATOR BELLARIUM PLUS BODY SCAN X CRYSTAL SUN S DIAMOND SUN S ETERNAL SUN EUROSUN S3 EVERGLO INTENSITY 73 MEGA VOLTAGE MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS VELOCITY RA1-12-160W ACCELERATOR VSR VH2-10-160W ACCELERATOR VHO SOLARIUM VHO VH1-10-160W SOLARIUM VHO BS59-T12-80WR COSMOLUX KALFA SUN SUNFIT BSP71-T12-100W BRONZING SUN COSMOLUX INTERLECTRIC BS71-T12-100W COSMEDICO INTERLECTRIC BS73-T12-100W COSMEDICO INTERLECTRIC BSM71-T12-100WR BRONZING SUN PLUS SPEED 225R SPEED 275R VIP GOLD BSP71-T12-100WR BRONZING SUN COSMOLUX ERGOLINE Turbo Power VHP15 KALFA SUN MIDDAY SUN 5.0 SIGNATURE SERIES SOLTRON Turbo Power VHP15 SUNFIT SPEED 225R BS71-T12-100WR BRONZING SUN PLUS COSMOLUX COSMOLUX ERGOLINE Turbo Power VHP20 KALFA SUN MIDDAY SUN 5.0 PHILIPS CLEO SWIFT PURE TAN SIGNATURE SERIES SOLTRON Turbo Power VHP20 SPEED 225R SUNFIT VIP GOLD BS73-T12-100WR PURE TAN VIP GOLD BS59-T12-140W VSR COSMOLUX COSMOLUX KALFA SUN SIGNATURE SERIES SUNFIT BSE59-T12-140W VSR COSMOLUX COSMOLUX KALFA SUN SIGNATURE SERIES SUNFIT TYPE SA1-59-80W DA1-59-80W DSS59-T12-80W ES3-59-80W EGL-59-80W VEL59-T12-80W SA2-71-100W SA1-71-100W DA1-763-100W DSS71-T12-100W ES3-71-100W EGL-71-100W VEL71-T12-100W SA2-10-100W SA1-10-100W DA1-767-100W DSS73-T12-100W ES3-73-100W EGL-73-100W VEL73-T12-100W ACC75-T12-160W RA1-12-160W 200W SHRX MVP75R-T12-160W-VSR ACC75-T12-VS-R BS71-T12-160W VHO VH2-10-160W (Adapters) ACC71-T12-100W SA1-71-100W BSX F71-100W DA1-763-100W DTE 71-T12-100W BI PIN DSS71-T12-100W ES3-71-100W EG1-71-100W IT71-T12-100W MV71-T12-100W MVP71-T12-100W VEL71-T12-100W ACC73-T12-100W SA1-10-100W DA1-767-100W DTE 73 -T12-100W BI PIN DSS73-T12-100W ES3-73-100W EG1-73-100W IT73-T12-100W MV73-T12-100W MVP73-T12-100W VEL73-T12-100W ACC59-T12-80W DA1-59-80W DTE 71 -T12-100W BI PIN DSS59-T12-80W ES3-59-80W EG1-59-80W VEL59-T12-80W ACC71-T12-100W SA2-71-100W BSX-71-100W DA1-763-100W DTE 73 -T12-100W BI PIN DSS71-T12-100W ETR-F71-100W ES3-71-100W EG1-71-100W IT71-T12-100W MV71-T12-100W MVP71-T12-100W VEL71-T12-100W ACC73-T12-100W SA2-10-100W BSX-73-100W DA1-767-100W DSS73-T12-100W ETR-F73-100W ES3-73-100W EG1-73-100W IT73-T12-100W MV73-T12-100W MVP73-T12-100W VEL73-T12-100W ACC75-T12-VS-R ACC75-T12-160W (Adapter) SOL-72-160W SOL-73-160W VLR - 80W B23 S WHITE 80W XR 80W BS71-T12-100W HI TAN F71, 100W SUPER SUN PANTHER HI TAN F71, 100W SUPER SUN PANTHER HI TAN F73, 100W SUPER SUN PANTHER BSP71-T12-100WR SPD71-T12-225R SPD71-T12-275R FR71/HO/ZXR BS71-T12-100WR VLR TT FR71/BP/R120W B23 S WHITE 100WR 100WR FR71/HOR (Caps Needed) FR71/BP/R120W RX 100W, F71 SPD71-T12-225R BSP71-T12-100WR VLR VLR TT FR71/BP/R100W B23 S WHITE 100W R FR71 TL 100WR SPECTRALARIUM R+, FR71, 100W FR71/HOR/ZXR (Caps needed) FR71/BP/R100W SPD71-T12-225R XR 100W, F71 FR71/HO/ZXR SPECTRALARIUM R+, FR73, 100W FR73/HO/ZXR VHR FR59 140W VHR TT FR59 140W B23 S WHITE 140W FR59/VHOR VRX 140W VHR 140W VHR TT 140 W 140 W B23 S White FR59/VHOR VRX 140W REFERENCE LAMP FAMILY TYPE REPLACEMENT LAMPS FAMILY TYPE BRONZING SUN HPK90 VSR BSHPK90-71-T12-160W VSR BODY SCAN XXR BRONZING SUN VSR BRONZING SUN ELITE VSR COSMOLUX COSMOLUX COSMOLUX ETERNAL SUN UX GENESIS GENESIS KALFA SUN MEGA VOLTAGE VSR MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS VSR PURE TAN SIGNATURE SERIES SPEED 325 VSR SPEED 315 VSR VELOCITY VSR VIP GOLD BRONZING SUN VSR BS71-T12-160W VSR BODY SCAN XXR BRONZING SUN HPK90 VSR BRONZING SUN VSR BRONZING SUN ELITE VSR BRONZING SUN PLUS COSMOLUX COSMOLUX ERGOLINE Turbo Power VHP15 ETERNAL SUN UX GENESIS GENESIS KALFA SUN MEGA VOLTAGE VSR MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS VSR PURE TAN SIGNATURE SERIES SOLARIUM XLR SOLTRON Turbo Pwr VHP15 SPEED 325 VSR SPEED 315 VSR SUNFIT VELOCITY VSR VIP GOLD YOUR LIGHT BRONZING SUN VSR BS73-T12-160W VSR BODY SCAN XXR BRONZING SUN ELITE VSR BRONZING SUN PLUS COSMOLUX ETERNAL SUN UX KALFA SUN MEGA VOLTAGE VSR MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS VSR PURE TAN SIGNATURE SERIES SOLARIUM XLR SUNFIT VIP GOLD BRONZING SUN VSR BS79-T12-180WVS-R COSMOLUX ETERNAL SUN UX GENESIS SUNFIT BRONZING SUN ELITE VSR BSE71-T12-160W VSR BODY SCAN XXR BRONZING SUN HPK90 VSR BRONZING SUN VSR BRONZING SUN VSR BRONZING SUN PLUS COSMOLUX COSMOLUX ERGOLINE Turbo Power VHP15 ETERNAL SUN UX GENESIS GENESIS KALFA SUN MEGA VOLTAGE VSR MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS VSR PURE TAN SIGNATURE SERIES SOLARIUM XLR SOLTRON Turbo Pwr VHP15 SPEED 325 VSR SPEED 315 VSR SUNFIT VELOCITY VSR VIP GOLD YOUR LIGHT BRONZING SUN ELITE VSR BSE73-T12-160W VSR BRONZING SUN VSR BSXX-160W, FR71 BS71-T12-160W VSR BSE71-T12-160W VSR VHR 9K90 VHR 160W VHR TT 160 W R-71-160W 170 WRS or WRX/VHO 200 W SHRX 160 W B23 S White MV75R-T12-160W VSR MVP75R-T12-160W VSR SPECTRALARIUM R+, FR71, 160W FR71/VHOR SPD75-T12-325VSR SPD71-T12-315VSR VEL71R-T12-160W F71 VHO/ZXR 160W BSXX-160W, FR71 BSHPK90-71-T12-160W VSR BS75-T12-160W VSR BSE71-T12-160W VSR BSP71-T12-160W VSR VHR 160W VHR TT 160 W FR71/BP/R140W R-71-160W 170 W RS/VHO 200 W SHRX FR72 160 W B23 S White MV75R-T12-160W VSR MVP75R-T12-160W VSR SPECTRALARIUM R+, FR71, 160W FR71/VHOR SOL72.2R-T12-160W FR71/BP/R140W SPD75-T12-325VSR SPD71-T12-315VSR VRX 160W VEL71R-T12-160W F71 VHO/ZXR 160W 1.7 FR71/160W 160W, FR73 BSE73-T12-160W VSR BSP73-T12-160W VSR VHRTT, 160W R-73-160W 160 W B23 S White MV75R-T12-160W VSR MVP75R-T12-160W VSR SPECTRALARIUM R+, FR73, 160W FR 73/VHOR SOL73R-T12-160W VRX 160W FR73 VHO/ZXR 160W 180W VHR R-79-160W 200 W SHRX FR78 180 W XXL BSXX-160W, FR71 BSHPK90-71-T12-160W VSR BS71-T12-160W VSR BS75-T12-160W VSR BSP71-T12-160W VSR VHR 160W VHR TT 160 W FR71/BP/R140W R-71-160W 170 W RS/VHO 200 W SHRX FR72 160 W B23 S White MV75R-T12-160W VSR MVP75R-T12-160W VSR SPECTRALARIUM R+, FR71, 160W FR71/VHOR SOL72.2R-T12-160W FR71/BP/R140W SPD75-T12-325VSR SPD71-T12-315VSR VRX 160W VEL71R-T12-160W F71 VHO/ZXR 160W 1.7 FR71/160W BS73-T12-160W VSR BRONZING SUN PLUS COSMOLUX PURE TAN SIGNATURE SERIES SOLARIUM XLR VIP GOLD ACCELERATOR VHO COSMOLUX SUNFIT COSMOLUX SPEED 525 VSR ACCELERATOR VHO COSMOLUX SUNFIT COSMOLUX SPEED 525 VSR COSMOLUX GENESIS SPEED 525 VSR COSMOLUX GENESIS BRONZING SUN VSR BRONZING SUN ELITE VSR COSMOLUX ERGOLINE Turbo Power VHP12 GENESIS GENESIS KALFA SUN LIGHT SOURCES MEGA VOLTAGE MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS PHILIPS SWIFT TL SOLTRON Turbo Pwr VHP12 SPEED 325 VSR VIP GOLD YOUR LIGHT BRONZING SUN VSR BRONZING SUN ELITE VSR COSMOLUX LIGHT SOURCES MEGA VOLTAGE MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS VIP GOLD DESERT SUN 7.5 E�UATOR SUN 8.5 E�UATOR SUN 8.5 XL COSMOLUX INTERLECTRIC MERIDIAN XL BSP73-T12-160W VSR VHRTT, 160W SPECTRALARIUM R+, FR73, 160W FR 73/VHOR SOL73R-T12-160W FR73 VHO/ZXR 160W ACC75-T12-160W 160W VHO 160W VX 200W VHR SPD75-T12-525VSR ACC75-T12-160W 160W VHO 160W VX 200W VHR SPD75-T12-525VSR 200W VHR 200 W SHRX FR78 SPD75-T12-525VSR 200W VHR 200 W SHRX FR78 BS71-T12-160W VSR BSE71-T12-160W VSR VHR TT FR71/BP/R160W/VHO 170WR S/VHO F72 200W SHRX FR72 B23 S WHITE F71 SIGNATURE SERIES FR 71/VHOR MV75R-T12-160W VSR MVP75R-T12-160W VSR 160W-R FR71 FR71/BP/R160W/VHO SPD71-T12-315VSR FR71 VHO/ZXR 160W 1.7 FR71/160W BS73-T12-160W VSR BSE73-T12-160W VSR VHRTT, 160W SIGNATURE SERIES FR 73/VHOR MV75R-T12-160W VSR MVP75R-T12-160W VSR FR73 VHO/ZXR 160W F71/BP F71/BP F71/BP HI TAN F71 PANTHER F71 F71T12HO/75 BRONZING SUN VHO BRONZING SUN GOLD BRONZING SUN VHO BS71-T12-160W VHO BSG71-T12-200W VSR BS71-T12-160W VHO BRONZING SUN GOLD BSG71-T12-200W VSR BRONZING SUN GOLD BSG79-T12-200W VSR BRONZING SUN GOLD BSG79-T12-200W VSR BRONZING SUN PLUS BSP71-T12-160W VSR BRONZING SUN PLUS BRONZE S TWISTER BSP73-T12-160W VSR BST71-T12-100W Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 FAMILY BRONZE S TWISTER BRONZE S TWISTER TYPE FAMILY BST73-T12-100W COSMOLUX BLACK SUN DESERT SUN 7.5 EQUATOR SUN 8.5 EQUATOR SUN 8.5 XL INTERLECTRIC MERIDIAN XL BST71-T12-100WR BODY SCAN XR COSMOLUX COSMOLUX ERS GOLDARIUM SR KALFA SUN MORNING SUN 2.6 PHILIPS SWIFT TL LIGHT SOURCES SUNFIT BRONZE S TWISTER BRONZE S TWISTER BST73-T12-100WR BODY SCAN XR BST71-T12-160W VSR BRONZE S TWISTER BST73-T12-160W VSR CRYSTAL SUN S DA1-59-80W CRYSTAL SUN S CRYSTAL SUN S CRYSTAL SUN S DARK TAN DA1-763-100W MORNING SUN 2.6 LIGHT SOURCES PURE TAN COSMOLUX VHR COSMOLUX VHR COSMOLUX VHR TT GENESIS GENESIS KALFA SUN LIGHT SOURCES LIGHT SOURCES MEGA VOLTAGE VSR MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS VSR PURE TAN SOLARIUM XLR SUNFIT KALFA SUN LIGHT SOURCES LIGHT SOURCES PURE TAN SOLARIUM XLR SUNFIT ACCELERATOR BELLARIUM S DIAMOND SUN S EUROSUN S3 EVERGLO VELOCITY ACCELERATOR BELLARIUM PLUS BELLARIUM S BODY SCAN X DARK TAN ELITE DIAMOND SUN S ETERNAL SUN EUROSUN S3 EVERGLO INTENSITY 71 MEGA VOLTAGE MEGA VLTGE PLUS VELOCITY DA1-766-100W DIAMOND SUN S DA1-767-100W ACCELERATOR BELLARIUM PLUS BELLARIUM S BODY SCAN X DARK TAN ELITE DIAMOND SUN S ETERNAL SUN EUROSUN S3 EVERGLO INTENSITY 73 MEGA VOLTAGE MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS VELOCITY DT71-T12-100W COSMOLUX ESP DUAL SUN DYANAMO PLUS ELITE GOLD GENESIS GENESIS INTENSITY 71 MEGA VOLTAGE MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS MIDDAY SUN 5.0 NAVIGATOR PHILLIPS CLEO ADVANTAGE PHILLIPS CLEO SWIFT PERFECT SUN MAX RADIANCE 7000 SOLAR SERIES SOLAR SERIES DARK TAN SUNBRONZE SUNDANCE 6.5 DT73-T12-100W COSMOLUX ESP DUAL SUN DYANAMO PLUS GENESIS GENESIS GENESIS INTENSITY 73 MEGA VOLTAGE MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS MIDDAY SUN 5.0 NAVIGATOR PHILLIPS CLEO ADVANTAGE PHILLIPS CLEO SWIFT RADIANCE 7000 SOLAR SERIES SOLAR SERIES SUNBRONZE SUNDANCE 6.5 DARK TAN PLUS DTP 71-T12-100W BI PIN BEACH SUN 6.5 DARK TAN DUAL SUN DYANAMO PLUS MEGA SUN 8.5 DARK TAN PLUS DTP 71-T12-100W BI PIN MIDDAY SUN 5.0 NAVIGATOR PERFECT SUN MAX PERFECT SUN EXTREME PHILLIPS CLEO ADVANTAGE RADIANCE 7000 SUNDANCE 8.5 VIP GOLD DARK TAN PLUS DTP 73-T12-100W BI PIN BEACH SUN 6.5 DARK TAN DUAL SUN MEGA SUN 8.5 MIDDAY SUN 5.0 NAVIGATOR PHILLIPS CLEO ADVANTAGE RADIANCE 7000 SUNDANCE 8.5 VIP GOLD TYPE HI TAN F73 STING RAY, F73 F73/HO F73/HO F73/HO PANTHER F73 F73T12HO/75 100W, FR71 VLR VLR TT SOL PLUS, 100W, FR71 F71 BP/100W B23 S WHITE F71 FR71/BP 100W, FR71 SIGNATURE SERIES FR 71/VHOR FAMILY TYPE DARK TAN ELITE DARK TAN ELITE FAMILY DTE 71-T12-100W BI PIN BELLARIUM PLUS BELLARIUM S CRYSTAL SUN S DIAMOND SUN S EURO SUN S3 GOLDARIUM S GOLDARIUM SP SPEED 175 SPEED 205 SUNFIT PROFESSIONAL MAX VELOCITY VELOCITY PLUS DTE 73-T12-100W BI PIN BELLARIUM PLUS BELLARIUM S CRYSTAL SUN S DIAMOND SUN S RX 100W, F71 EURO SUN S3 100W, FR73 GOLDARIUM S GOLDARIUM SP SPEED 175 FR73/HO SIGNATURE SERIES FR 73/VHOR SPECTRALARIUM R+, FR73, 100W 160W 200 W 160 W 170 W RS/VHO 200 W SHRX 160 W B23 S White SIGNATURE SERIES FR 71/VHOR SIGNATURE SERIES PLUS FR71/VHOR MV75R-T12-160W VSR MVP75R-T12-160W VSR SPECTRALARIUM R+, FR71, 160W SOL72.2R-T12-160W VRX 160W 160 W B23 S White SIGNATURE SERIES FR 73/VHOR SIGNATURE SERIES PLUS FR73/VHOR SPECTRALARIUM R+ FR73 160W SOL73R-T12-160W VRX 160W ACC59-T12-80W SA1-59-80W DSS59-T12-80W ES3-59-80W EG1-59-80W VEL59-T12-80W ACC71-T12-100W SA2-71-100W SA1-71-100W BSX-71-100W DTE 71-T12-100W BI PIN DSS71-T12-100W ETR-71-100W ES3-71-100W EG1-71-100W IT71-T12-100W MV71-T12-100W MVP71-T12-100W VEL71-T12-100W DSS72-T12-100W ACC73-T12-100W SA2-10-100W SA1-10-100W BSX-73-100W DTE 71-T12-100W BI PIN DSS73-T12-100W ETR-73-100W ES3-73-100W EG1-73-100W IT73-T12-100W MV73-T12-100W MVP73-T12-100W VEL73-T12-100W F71, 100W F71/100W F71/T12 BP SUPER RX F71 BP/�PN 531012� 105 W, F71 105 W PLUS, F71 IT71-T12-100W MV71-T12-100W MVP71-T12-100W F71/100W F71/100W TL 100W F71 TL 100WR F71 PSM-71 T12-100W F71/100W 1F71T12BL50PINK/HO 1F71T12BL6.5PINK/HO+ F71T12-BL-BP/65 F71/100W F73, 100W F71/100W F73/T12 BP 105W, F73 105W PLUS, F73 120W, F73 IT73-T12-100W MV73-T12-100W MVP73-T12-100W F73/100W F73/100W TL 100W F71 TL 100WR F71 F73/100W 1F73T12BL50PINK/HO 1F73T12BL6.5PINK/HO+ F73T12-BL-HO/65 F71/100W F71 DT71-T12-100W F71/100W F71/T12 BP F71/100W F71/100W F71/100W PSM-71 T12-100W PSE-71 T12-100W TL 100W F71 F71/100W F71/100W F71/HO/SE F73 DT73-T12-100W F73/100W F73/100W F73/100W F73/100W TL 100W F71 F73/100W F73/100W F73/HO/SE DIAMOND SUN S DIAMOND SUN S DIAMOND SUN S DIAMOND SUN S DOMINION ETERNAL SUN ETERNAL SUN ETERNAL SUN EX ETERNAL SUN EX ETERNAL SUN UX ETERNAL SUN UX ETERNAL SUN UX EUROSUN S3 EUROSUN S3 EVERGLO R-71-160W BRONZING SUN VS-R BRONZING SUN ELITE VSR R-73-160W BRONZING SUN VSR BRONZING SUN VSR BRONZING SUN ELITE VSR ES3-59-80W ACCELERATOR BELLARIUM S CRYSTAL SUN S DIAMOND SUN S EVERGLO VELOCITY ES3-71-100W ACCELERATOR BS71-T12-160W VSR BSE71-T12-160W VSR BS73-T12-160W VSR BS79-T12-160W VSR BSE73-T12-160W VSR ACC59-T12-80W SA1-59-80W DA1-59-80W DSS59-T12-80W EG1-59-80W VEL59-T12-80W ACC71-T12-100W VELOCITY YOUR LIGHT DSS72-T12-100W CRYSTAL SUN S DSS73-T12-100W ACCELERATOR BELLARIUM PLUS BELLARIUM S BODY SCAN X CRYSTAL SUN S DARK TAN ELITE EUROSUN S3 EVERGLO INTENSITY 73 MEGA VOLTAGE MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS VELOCITY DOM-71-100W BRILLIANCE 5.0 GENESIS GENESIS MIDDAY SUN INTENSITY 71 PHILLIPS CLEO SWIFT DOM-73-100W BRILLIANCE 5.0 GENESIS GENESIS GENESIS MIDDAY SUN INTENSITY 73 PHILLIPS CLEO SWIFT VELOCITY ES3-73-100W ACCELERATOR BELLARIUM PLUS BELLARIUM S BODY SCAN CRYSTAL SUN S DARK TAN ELITE DIAMOND SUN S ETERNAL SUN EVERGLO INTENSITY 73 MEGA VOLTAGE MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS SA2-71-100W SA1-71-100W BSX-71-100W DA1-763-100W DTE 71-T12-100W BI PIN DSS71-T12-100W ETR-71-100W EG1-71-100W IT71-T12-100W MV71-T12-100W MVP71-T12-100W VEL71-T12-100W ACC73-T12-100W SA2-10-100W SA1-10-100W BSX-73-100W DA1-767-100W DTE 73 -T12-100W BI PIN DSS73-T12-100W ETR-73-100W EG1-73-100W IT73-T12-100W MV73-T12-100W MVP73-T12-100W VELOCITY EG1-59-80W ACCELERATOR BELLARIUM S CRYSTAL SUN S DIAMOND SUN S ETERNAL SUN EUROSUN S3 EG1-71-100W ACCELERATOR BELLARIUM PLUS BELLARIUM S BODY SCAN X BODY SCAN XPLUS CRYSTAL SUN S VEL73-T12-100W ACC59-T12-80W SA1-59-80W DA1-59-80W DSS59-T12-80W ETR71-100W ES3-59-80W ACC71-T12-100W SA2-71-100W SA1-71-100W BSX-71-100W BSXP-71-100W DA1-763-100W Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 EVERGLO F73RDC 100W PURE TAN VIP GOLD ETR-71-100W BELLARIUM S CRYSTAL SUN S EUROSUN S3 EVERGLO ETR-73-100W BELLARIUM S CRYSTAL SUN S EUROSUN S3 EVERGLO ETR-71-100W VELOCITY ETR-73-100W VELOCITY R-71-100W BRONZING SUN HPK90 VSR SPEED 205 SUNFIT PROFESSIONAL MAX VELOCITY VELOCITY PLUS DSS59-T12-80W ACCELERATOR BELLARIUM S CRYSTAL SUN S ETERNAL SUN EUROSUN S3 EVERGLO VELOCITY DSS71-T12-100W ACCELERATOR BELLARIUM PLUS BELLARIUM S BODY SCAN X CRYSTAL SUN S DARK TAN ELITE ETERNAL SUN EUROSUN S3 EVERGLO INTENSITY 71 MEGA VOLTAGE MEGA VLTGE PLUS BELLARIUM PLUS BELLARIUM S BODY SCAN X CRYSTAL SUN S DARK TAN ELITE DIAMOND SUN S ETERNAL SUN EVERGLO INTENSITY 71 MEGA VOLTAGE MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS EUROSUN S3 ES3-73-100W F73RDC 100W SPD75-T12-175 SPD71-T12-205 100W, F73 VEL73-T12-100W VLP73-T12-100W ACC59-T12-80W SA1-59-80W DA1-59-80W F71/100W ES3-59-80W EG1-59-80W VEL59-T12-80W ACC71-T12-100W SA2-71-100W SA1-71-100W BSX-71-100W DA1-763-100W DTE 71-T12-100W BI PIN ETR71-100W ES3-71-100W EG1-71-100W IT71-T12-100W MV71-T12-100W MVP71-T12-100W VEL71-T12-100W F71/100W DA1-766-100W ACC73-T12-100W SA2-10-100W SA1-10-100W BSX-73-100W DA1-767-100W DTE 73-T12-100W BI PIN ES3-73-100W EG1-73-100W IT73-T12-100W MV73-T12-100W MVP73-T12-100W VEL73-T12-100W 100W, F71 105W, F71 105W PLUS, F71 5.0 100W IT71-T12-100W TL 100W F71 SPECTRALARIUM PLUS F71, 100W F71/HO/SE 100W, F71 105W, F73 105W PLUS, F73 120W, F73 5.0 100W IT73-T12-100W TL 100W F71 SPECTRALARIUM PLUS F73, 100W F73/HO/SE SA1-71-100W DA1-763-100W ES3-71-100W EG1-71-100W SA1-10-100W ES3-73-100W ES3-73-100W EG1-73-100W VEL71-T12-100W VEL73-T12-100W BSHPK90-71-T12-160W VSR PURE TAN VIP GOLD DOMINION TYPE SA2-71-100W SA1-71-100W DA1-763-100W DSS71-T12-100W ES3-71-100W F71BP100W F71BP100W SPD75-T12-175 SPD71-T12-205 100W, F71 VEL71-T12-100W VLP71-T12-100W SA2-10-100W SA1-10-100W DA1-767-100W DSS73-T12-100W 17 REFERENCE LAMP FAMILY EVERGLO EVERGLO GOLDEN TAN GOLDEN TAN INTENSITY INTENSITY TYPE REPLACEMENT LAMPS FAMILY EG1-71-100W EUROSUN S3 INTENSITY 71 SUNFIT PROFESSIONAL VELOCITY VELOCITY PLUS EG1-73-100W ACCELERATOR BELLARIUM PLUS BELLARIUM S BODY SCAN X CRYSTAL SUN S DIAMOND SUN S ETERNAL SUN EUROSUN S3 INTENSITY 73 VELOCITY VELOCITY PLUS GT59-T12 80W VELOCITY GT71-T12-100W VELOCITY IT71-T12-100W BELLARIUM PLUS BELLARIUM S COSMOLUX ESP CRYSTAL SUN S DARK TAN DIAMOND SUN S DOMINION EUROSUN S3 EVERGLO GOLDARIUM S GOLDARIUM SP SOLAR SERIES SOLAR SERIES SUNBRONZE SUNBURST S VOLTARC IT73-T12-100W BELLARIUM PLUS BELLARIUM S CRYSTAL SUN S DARK TAN DIAMOND SUN S MEGA VOLTAGE MEGA VOLTAGE MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS VSR MEGA VOLTAGE - VSR SOLARIUM LR 71 SOLARIUM VHO 72 SOLARIUM VHO 73 SOLARIUM XLR 71 SOLARIUM XLR 72 SOLARIUM XLR 73 18 DOMINION EUROSUN S3 EVERGLO GOLDARIUM S GOLDARIUM SP SOLAR SERIES SOLAR SERIES SUNBRONZE SUNBURST S VOLTARC VOLTARC MV71-T12-100W BELLARIUM PLUS BELLARIUM S CRYSTAL SUN S DARK TAN DIAMOND SUN S EUROSUN S3 GOLDARIUM S MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS SOLAR SERIES SUNBRONZE SUNBURST S VELOCITY VOLTARC MV73-T12-100W BELLARIUM PLUS BELLARIUM S CRYSTAL SUN S DARK TAN DIAMOND SUN S EUROSUN S3 GOLDARIUM SP MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS SOLAR SERIES SUNBRONZE SUNBURST S VELOCITY MVP71-T12-100W BELLARIUM PLUS BELLARIUM S CRYSTAL SUN S DARK TAN DIAMOND SUN S EUROSUN S3 GOLDARIUM S SOLAR SERIES SUNBRONZE SUNBURST S VELOCITY VOLTARC MVP73-T12-100W BELLARIUM PLUS BELLARIUM S CRYSTAL SUN S DARK TAN DIAMOND SUN S EUROSUN S3 GOLDARIUM SP SUNBRONZE SOLAR SERIES SUNBURST S VELOCITY MVP75R-T12-160W ACCELERATOR VSR VSR BRONZING SUN VSR BRONZING SUN VSR BRONZING SUN ELITE VSR BRONZING SUN PLUS BRONZING SUN PLUS COSMOLUX VHR COSMOLUX VHO MEGA VOLTAGE - VSR MV75R-T12-160W ACCELERATOR VSR BRONZING SUN VSR BRONZING SUN VSR BRONZING SUN ELITE VSR BRONZING SUN PLUS BRONZING SUN PLUS COSMOLUX VHR COSMOLUX VHO MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS - VSR SPEED 325 VSR SLR71-T12-100W COSMOLUX KALFA SUN PURETAN SOL72-T12-160W BELLARIUM VHO 72 GENESIS SOL73-T12-160W BELLARIUM VHO 73 SLXR71-T12-160W BRONZING SUN ELITE VSR COSMOLUX KALFA SUN LIGHT SOURCES SOL72.2R-T12-160W BRONZE S TWISTER GENESIS GENESIS LIGHT SOURCES SOL73R-T12-160W BRONZING SUN ELITE VSR BRONZE S TWISTER LIGHT SOURCES LIGHT SOURCES TYPE ES3-71-100W IT71-T12-100W 100W VEL71-T12-100W VLP71-T12-100W ACC73-T12-100W SA2-10-100W SA1-10-100W BSX-73-100W DA1-767-100W DSS73-T12-100W ETR-73-100W ES3-73-100W IT73-T12-100W VEL73-T12-100W VLP73-T12-100W VEL59-T12-80W VEL71-T12-100W SA2-71-100W SA1-71-100W 12600/100W DA1-763-100W DT71-T12-100W DSS71-T12-100W DOM-71-100W ES3-71-100W EG1-71-100W 100W 100W, F71 1F71T12BL50PINK/HO 1F71T12BL6.5PINK/HO+ F71T12-BL-BP/65 F71, 100W F71T12/BL50PINK/BP SA2-73-100W SA1-73-100W REFERENCE LAMP FAMILY SPEED 175 SPEED 205 SPEED 215 SPEED 225R SPEED 255R SPEED 275R SPEED 315 VSR SPEED 325 VSR REPLACEMENT LAMPS FAMILY SPD75-T12-175 DARK TAN ELITE DARK TAN ELITE SPEED 205 VELOCITY VELOCITY PLUS SPD71-T12-205 DARK TAN ELITE DARK TAN ELITE SPEED 175 SPEED 215 VELOCITY VELOCITY EXTREME VELOCITY PLUS SPD71-T12-215 SPEED 205 VELOCITY PLUS VELOCITY EXTREME SPD71-T12-225R BRONZING SUN MAG BRONZING SUN PLUS SPEED 255R SPD71-T12-255R BRONZING SUN PLUS BRONZING SUN MAG SPEED 225R SPEED 275R SPD71-T12-275R BRONZING SUN MAG SPEED 255R SPD75-T12-315VSR BRONZING SUN HPK90 VSR BRONZING SUN VSR BRONZING SUN VSR BRONZING SUN ELITE VSR SPEED 325 VSR SPEED 275R SPD75-T12-325VSR BRONZING SUN HPK90 VSR BRONZING SUN VSR BRONZING SUN VSR BRONZING SUN ELITE VSR BRONZING SUN PLUS MEGA VOLTAGE - VSR MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS - VSR DA1-763-100W DT73-T12-100W DSS73-T12-100W DOM-73-100W ES3-73-100W EG1-73-100W 100W 100W, F73 1F73T12BL50PINK/HO 1F73T12BL6.5PINK/HO+ F73T12-BL-HO/65 F73, 100W F73T12/BL50PINK/BP F73T12/BLHO6.5PINK/BP SA2-10-100W SA1-71-100W DA1-763-100W DT71-T12-100W DSS71-T12-100W ES3-71-100W 100W, F71 MVP71-T12-100W 1F71T12BL50PINK/HO F71T12-BL-BP/65 F71 VEL71-T12-100W F71T12/BL50PINK/BP SA2-10-100W SA1-10-100W DA1-767-100W DT73-T12-100W DSS73-T12-100W ES3-73-100W 100W, F73 MVP73-T12-100W 1F71T12BL50PINK/HO F73-T12-BL-HO/65 F73 VEL73-T12-100W SA2-71-100W SA1-71-100W DA1-763-100W DT71-T12-100W DSS71-T12-100W ES3-71-100W 100W, F71 1F71T12BL50PINK/HO F71T12-BL-BP/65 F71 VEL71-T12-100W F71T12/BL50PINK/BP SA2-10-100W SA1-10-100W DA1-767-100W DT73-T12-100W DSS73-T12-100W ES3-73-100W 100W, F71 F73-T12-BL-HO/65 1F73T12BL50PINK/HO F73 VEL73-T12-100W ACC75-T12-VS-R BS71-T12-160W VSR BS75-T12-160W VSR BSE71-T12-160W VSR BSP71-T12-160W BSP73-T12-160W �16180� 160W �16161� 160W MV75R-T12-160W ACC75-T12-VS-R BS71-T12-160W VSR BS75-T12-160W VSR BSE71-T12-160W VSR BSP71-T12-160W BSP73-T12-160W �16180� 160W �16161� 160W MVP75R-T12-160W SPD75-T12-325VSR VLR 100W B23S WHITE SPECTRALARIUM R+ VH2-10-160W 170W VHO VH1-10-160W BSE71-T12-160W VSR VLR 160W B23S WHITE SIGNATURE SERIES FR 71/VHOR BST71-T12-160W VS-R 170WRS VHO P/N 36161 200W SHRX P/N 36067 SIGNATURE SERIES FR 73/VHOR BSE73-T12-160W VSR BST73-T12-160W VSR SIGNATURE SERIES FR 73/VHOR VIP GOLD F73 VHO/ZXR TYPE SPEED 315 VSR VELOCITY VS-R SPEED 525 VSR VELOCITY VELOCITY VELOCITY VELOCITY VSR VELOCITY PLUS VELOCITY PLUS VELOCITY EXTREME SPD75-T12-525VSR BRONZING SUN GOLD COSMOLUX VEL59-T12-80W ACCELERATOR BELLARIUM S CRYSTAL SUN S DIAMOND SUN S EUROSUN S3 GOLDEN TAN SUNFIT VEL71-T12-100W ACCELERATOR BELLARIUM PLUS BELLARIUM S BODY SCAN X BODY SCAN X PLUS CRYSTAL SUN S DARK TAN ELITE DIAMOND SUN S DR. KERN ETERNAL SUN ETERNAL SUN EX EUROSUN S3 EVERGLO GOLDEN TAN MEGA VOLTAGE MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS PERFECT SUN FOR ETS CONFIDENTIAL PURPOSES ONLY Product Line SunQuest® Equipment Model Canopy-Number, Type, Length Bench-Number, Type, Length 1000S S (6) Dark Tan F71,100W 2000S S (10) Dark Tan F71,100W 16RS S (8) Dark Tan F71, 100W (8) Dark Tan F71, 100W (12) Dark Tan F71, 100W 24RS S (12) Dark Tan F71, 100W 24RSP S (12) Dark Tan F71, 100W (12) Dark Tan F71, 100W 26RS S (14) Dark Tan F71, 100W (12) Dark Tan F71, 100W Lumagen™ 26C S (14) Velocity F71, 100W (12) Velocity F71, 100W SUNVISION® 24S S (12) Velocity F71, 100W (12) Velocity F71, 100W 24S F S (6) Velocity F71, 100W & (12) Velocity F71, 100W (6) Velocity F59, 80W & (1) Heraeus Facial – 400W 28LE S (14) Velocity F71, 100W (14) Velocity F71, 100W 28LE 2F S (14) Velocity F71, 100W & (14) Velocity F71 , 100W (6) Lumalite C™ Facials MVP75R-T12-160W VSR SPD75-T12-315VSR VEL71R-T12-160W BSG71-T12-200WVSR 200W VHR ACC59-T12-80W SA1-59-80W DA1-59-80W DSS59-T12-80W ES3-59-80W GT59-T12 80W PROFESSIONAL - X ACC71-T12-100W SA2-71-100W SA1-71-100W BSX-71-100W BSXP-71-100W DA1-763-100W DTE 71-T12-100W BI PIN DSS71-T12-100W E20, 100W F71/100W F71/100W ES3-71-100W EG1-71-100W GT71-T12-100W MV71-T12-100W MVP71-T12-100W PS71-T12-100W SPEED 175 SPD75-T12-175 SPEED 205 SPD71-T12-205 SUNFIT PROFESSIONAL - X VELOCITY PLUS VLP71-T12-100W YOUR LIGHT 1.7 F71/100W VEL73-T12-100W ACCELERATOR ACC73-T12-100W BELLARIUM PLUS SA2-10-100W BELLARIUM S SA1-10-100W BODY SCAN X BSX-73-100W CRYSTAL SUN S DA1-767-100W DARK TAN ELITE DTE 73-T12-100W BI PIN DIAMOND SUN S DSS73-T12-100W ETERNAL SUN F73/100W ETERNAL SUN EX F73/100W EUROSUN S3 ES3-73-100W EVERGLO EG1-73-100W MEGA VOLTAGE MV73-T12-100W MEGA VOLTAGE PLUS MVP73-T12-100W SUNFIT PROFESSIONAL - X VELOCITY PLUS VLP73-T12-100W VEL71R-T12-160W BRONZING SUN VSR BS71-T12-160W VSR BRONZING SUN VSR BS75-T12-160W VSR BRONZING SUN ELITE VSR BSE71-T12-160W VSR BRONZING SUN HPK90 VSR BSHPK90-71-T12-160W VSR COSMOLUX VHR FR71 160W 16180 ERGOLINE T���� P���� VHP1 5 FR71/BP/R1�0W GENESIS 170 W RS VHO GENESIS 200 W SHRX PURE TAN VHR/R+ SOLTRON T���� P���� VHP1 5 FR71/BP/R1�0W SPEED 315 VSR SPD75-T12-315VSR SPEED 325 VSR SPD75-T12-325VSR VELOCITY VSR VEL75R-T12-160W VLP71-T12-100W BODY SCAN X BSX-71-100W BODY SCAN X PLUS BSXP-71-100W DARK TAN ELITE DTE 71-T12-100W BI PIN DR. KERN E20, 100W ETERNAL SUN EX F73/100W EVERGLO EG1-71-100W GOLDARIUM SP 100W, F71 GENESIS 105W, F71 GENESIS 105W PLUS, F71 PERFECT SUN PS71-T12-100W PERFECT SUN PLUS PSP71-T12-100W PURE TAN S PLUS SPEED 175 SPD75-T12-175 SPEED 205 SPD71-T12-205 SUNFIT PROFESSIONAL - MAX SUNFIT PROFESSIONAL -X VELOCITY VEL71-T12-100W VIP GOLD F71/HO/SE YOUR LIGHT F71/100W VLP73-T12-100W BODY SCAN X BSX-73-100W BODY SCAN X PLUS BSXP-71-100W DARK TAN ELITE DTE 73-T12-100W BI PIN ETERNAL SUN EX F73/100W EVERGLO EG1-73-100W GOLDARIUM SP 100W, F73 GENESIS 105W, F73 GENESIS 105W PLUS, F73 GENESIS 120W, F73 PURE TAN S PLUS SUNFIT PROFESSIONAL-MAX VELOCITY VEL73-T12-100W VIP GOLD F73/HO/SE YOUR LIGHT 1.7 F71/100W VE71-T12-100W BRILLIANCE 5.0 100W COSMOLUX ESP F71, 100W GENESIS 105W, F71 GENESIS 105W PLUS, F71 PHILLIPS CLEO SWIFT TL 100W F71 SPEED 205 SPD71-T12-205 SPEED 215 SPD71-T12-215 VELOCITY PLUS VLP71-T12-100W Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 2008 GUIDE TO ETS BEDS AND LAMPS TYPE DTE 71-T12-100W BI PIN DTE 73-T12-100W BI PIN SPD71-T12-205 VEL71-T12-100W VELP71-T12-100W DTE 71-T12-100W BI PIN DTE 73-T12-100W BI PIN SPD71-T12-175 SPD71-T12-215 VEL71-T12-100W VE71-T12-100W VLP71-T12-100W SPD71-T12-205 VLP71-T12-100W VE71-T12-100W BSM71-T12-100WR BSP71-T12-100WR SPD71-T12-255R BSP71-T12-100WR BSM71-T12-100WR SPD71-T12-225R SPD71-T12-275R BSM71-T12-100WR SPD71-T12-255R BSHPK90-71-T12-160W VSR BS71-T12-160W VSR BS75-T12-160W VSR BSE71-T12-160W VSR SPD75-T12-325VSR SPD71-T12-275R BSHPK90-71-T12-160W VSR BS71-T12-160W VSR BS75-T12-160W VSR BSE71-T12-160W VSR BSP71-T12-160W VSR MV75R-T12-160W (2) Heraeus Facials – 400W SUNVISION ELITE™ 30 NF S (16) Velocity F71, 100W (14) Velocity F71, 100W 30 3F S (16) Velocity F71, 100W & (14) Velocity F71, 100W (3) Heraeus Facials – 400W 32 NF S (16) Velocity F71, 100W (16) Velocity F71, 100W 32 3F S (16) Velocity F71, 100W & (16) Velocity F71, 100W (3) Heraeus Facials – 400W SunStar® 332 S (16) Velocity Plus F71, 100W (16) Velocity F71, 100W 332 3F S (16) Velocity Plus F71, 100W (16) Velocity F71, 100W (3) Heraeus Facials – 400W 432 S (16) Velocity VS-R F71, 160W (16) Bronzing Sun MAG F71, 100WR 432 3F S (16) Velocity VS-R F71, 160W (16) Bronzing Sun MAG F71, 100WR (3) Heraeus Facials – 400W Solaris® 336 S (20) Velocity Extreme F71, 100W (16) Velocity F71, 100W 442 S (26) Bronzing Sun F71, 100WR (16) Velocity Plus F71, 100W (3) Heraeus Facials – 400W 542 S (26) Velocity VS-R F71, 160W (16) Bronzing Sun Plus F71, 100WR (3) Heraeus Facials – 400W StarPower® 548 S (32) Velocity VS-R F71, 160W (16) Bronzing Sun Plus F71, 100WR (4) Heraeus Facials – 400W (4) Cosmolux RA 40W Shoulder Tanners SunDome® 548V S (48) Bronzing Sun Plus F71, 160W VS-R Solarforce® 648 S (31) Bronzing Sun HPK90 F71, 180W (17) HPK90 F71, 180W (4) Heraeus Facials – 400W (8) Marquis 26W Quad Shoulder Tanners SS Velocity® 652V S (52) Bronzing Sun F79, 180W VS-R 2 Meter 755 S (33) Bronzing Sun HPK90 200W 756V S (5) Heraeus Facials – 500W (10) Marquis 26W Quad Shoulder Tanners (56) Bronzing Sun GOLD, F79 (2 Meter), 200W VS-R HP1000 S (18) Heraeus Facials – 1000W (22) HPK90 200W Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 19 2007 GUIDE TO ETS BEDS AND LAMPS 2006 GUIDE TO ETS BEDS AND LAMPS FOR ETS CONFIDENTIAL PURPOSES ONLY Product Line SunQuest® Equipment Model Canopy-Number, Type, Length Bench-Number, Type, Length FOR ETS CONFIDENTIAL PURPOSES ONLY Product Line SunQuest® 1000S S (6) Dark Tan F71,100W 2000S S (10) Dark Tan F71,100W 16RS S (8) Dark Tan F71, 100W (8) Dark Tan F71, 100W Equipment Model Canopy-Number, Type, Length Bench-Number, Type, Length 1000S P (6) Dark Tan F71, 100W 2000S P (10) Dark Tan F71,100W 16RS R (8) Dark Tan F71, 100W (8) Dark Tan F71, 100W (12) Dark Tan F71, 100W 24RS S (12) Dark Tan F71, 100W (12) Dark Tan F71, 100W 24RS R (12) Dark Tan F71, 100W 24RSP S (12) Dark Tan F71, 100W (12) Dark Tan F71, 100W 24RSP R (12) Dark Tan F71, 100W (12) Dark Tan F71, 100W 26RS S (14) Dark Tan F71, 100W (12) Dark Tan F71, 100W 26RS R (14) Dark Tan F71, 100W (12) Dark Tan F71, 100W Lumagen™ 26C S (14) Velocity F71, 100W (12) Velocity F71, 100W 24S R (12) Velocity F71, 100W (12) Velocity F71, 100W 24SF R (6) Velocity F71, 100W & (12) Velocity F71, 100W SUNVISION® 24S S (12) Velocity F71, 100W (12) Velocity F71, 100W (6) Velocity F59, 80W & 24S F S (6) Velocity F71, 100W & (12) Velocity F71, 100W (1) Heraeus Facial - 400W (6) Velocity F59, 80W & (1) Heraeus Facial – 400W 28LE S (14) Velocity F71, 100W (14) Velocity F71, 100W 28LE 2F S (14) Velocity F71, 100W & (14) Velocity F71 , 100W SUNVISION® (6) Lumalite C™ Facials SUNVISION ELITE™ 30 NF S (16) Velocity F71, 100W (14) Velocity F71, 100W 30 3F S (16) Velocity F71, 100W & (14) Velocity F71, 100W S (16) Velocity F71, 100W (16) Velocity F71, 100W 32 3F S (16) Velocity F71, 100W & (16) Velocity F71, 100W 332 S (16) Velocity Plus F71, 100W (16) Velocity F71, 100W 332 3F S (16) Velocity Plus F71, 100W (16) Velocity F71, 100W S (16) Velocity VS-R F71, 160W (16) Bronzing Sun MAG F71, 100WR 432 3F S (16) Velocity VS-R F71, 160W (16) Bronzing Sun MAG F71, 100WR Solaris® 336 442 S S (20) Velocity Extreme F71, 100W (26) Bronzing Sun F71, 100WR (16) Velocity F71, 100W S (26) Velocity VS-R F71, 160W SunDome® Solarforce® SS Velocity® 548 548V 648 S S S 30 3F R 32 NF R 32 3F R (16) Bronzing Sun Plus F71, 100WR (4) Cosmolux RA 40W Shoulder Tanners (48) Bronzing Sun Plus F71, 160W VS-R (31) Bronzing Sun HPK90 F71, 180W (17) HPK90 F71, 180W (4) Heraeus Facials – 400W (8) Marquis 26W Quad Shoulder Tanners (52) Bronzing Sun F79, 180W VS-R 2 Meter S (33) Bronzing Sun HPK90 200W 756V S (5) Heraeus Facials – 500W (10) Marquis 26W Quad Shoulder Tanners (56) Bronzing Sun GOLD, F79 (2 Meter), 200W VS-R HP1000 S (18) Heraeus Facials – 1000W (16) Velocity F71, 100W (16) Velocity F71, 100W (16) Velocity F71, 100W & (16) Velcotiy F71, 100W (16) Velocity Plus F71, 100W (16) Velocity F71, 100W R (16) Velocity Plus F71, 100W & (16) Velocity F71, 100W 432 432 3F R R 336 R 442 R 542 R 548V R 548V R Solarforce® 648 R SunScape S 755 (14) Velocity F71, 100W R SunDome® ™ 652V (16) Velocity F71 100W & (16) Velocity F71, 160W VS-R (16) Velocity F71, 160W VS-R (16) Bronzing Sun MAG F71, 100WR (16) Bronzing Sun MAG F71, 100WR (20) Velocity Extreme F71, 100W (16) Velocity F71, 100W (26) Bronzing Sun F71, 100WR (16) Velocity Plus F71, 100W (26) Velocity VS-R F71, 160W (16) Bronzing Sun Plus F71, 100WR (3) Heraeus Facials - 400W StarPower® (4) Heraeus Facials – 400W (14) Velocity F71, 100W 332 (16) Bronzing Sun Plus F71, 100WR (32) Velocity VS-R F71, 160W (16) Velocity F71, 100W 332 3F (16) Velocity Plus F71, 100W (3) Heraeus Facials – 400W StarPower® R (3) Heraeus Facials - 400W (3) Heraeus Facials – 400W 542 30 NF (3) Heraeus Facials - 400W Solaris® (3) Heraeus Facials – 400W (14) Velocity F71, 100W (3) Heraeus Facials 400W (3) Heraeus Facials – 400W 432 (14) Velocity F71, 100W (14) Velocity F71, 100W & (3) Heraeus Facials - 400W SunStar® (3) Heraeus Facials – 400W SunStar® (14) Velocity F71, 100W R (3) Heraeus Facials- 400W (3) Heraeus Facials – 400W 32 NF R (2) Heraeus Facials - 400W SUNVISION® Elite™ (2) Heraeus Facials – 400W 28LE 28 LE 2F 652V R 755 R (22) HPK90 200W Velocity® (32) Velocity VS-R F71, 160W (16) Bronzing Sun Plus F71, 100WR (4) Heraeus Facials - 400W (4) Cosmolux RA 40W Shoulder Tanners (48) Bronzing Sun Plus F71, 160W VS-R (31) Velocity VS-R F71, 160W (17) Velocity VS-R F71, 160W & (4) Heraeus Facials - 400W (8) Marquis 26W Quad Shoulder Tanners (52) Bronzing Sun F79, 180W VS-R (2 Meter) (33) Bronzing Sun Gold, 200W VS-R (22) Bronzing Sun Gold, 200W VS-R (5) Heraeus Facials - 500W (10) Marquis 26W Quad Shoulder Tanners 756V R (56) Bronzing Sun Gold, F79 (2 Meter), 200W VS-R 918HP N (18) Heraeus Facials - 1000W *Velocity and SPEED are federally registered trademarks of Australian Gold, Inc. Hereaus and Cosmedico are federally registered trademarks of their respective companies. SunQuest, SUNVISION, SunStar, Solaris, StarPower and SunDome are federally registered trademarks of ETS, Inc. 20 Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 21 2005 GUIDE TO ETS BEDS AND LAMPS 2004 GUIDE TO ETS BEDS AND LAMPS FOR ETS CONFIDENTIAL PURPOSES ONLY Product Line SunQuest® SUNVISION® Elite Equipment Model Canopy-Number, Type, Length Product Line SunQuest® 1000S P (6) Dark Tan F71, 100W 2000S P (10) Dark Tan F71,100W 16RS P (8) Dark Tan F71, 100W (8) Dark Tan F71, 100W Equipment Model 1000S N (6) GT F71, 100W 2000S N (10) GT F71,100W 3000S N (12) GT F71,100W P (12) Dark Tan F71, 100W (12) Dark Tan F71, 100W 16SE M2 (8) GT F71, 100W (8) GT F71, 100W P (12) Dark Tan F71, 100W (12) Dark Tan F71, 100W 24RS N (12) GT F71, 100W (12) GT F71, 100W 26RS P (14) Dark Tan F71, 100W (12) Dark Tan F71, 100W 24RS F N (6) GT F71, 100W & 28 NF ZX30 Chasis (14) Velocity F71, 100W (14) Velocity F71, 100W 30 NF (16) Velocity F71, 100W (14) Velocity F71, 100W 30 3F (16) Velocity F71 100W & 32 3F (14) Velocity F71, 100W (6) GT F59, 80W & (1) Heraeus Facial – 400W SUNVISION® (16) Velocity F71, 100W (3) Heraeus Facials - 400W 24S N 24SF N M (14) GT F71, 100W (12) GT F71, 100W 24S N (12) Velocity F71, 100W (12) Velocity F71, 100W 24S F N (6) Velocity F71, 100W & (12) Velocity F71, 100W (6) Velocity F59, 80W & (16) Velcotiy F71, 100W (1) Hereaus Facial-400W (48) Bronzing Sun F71, 160W VSR (12) Velocity F71, 100W (12) Velocity F71, 100W (6) Velocity F71, 100W & (12) Velocity F71, 100W (6) Velocity F59, 80W & (1) Heraeus Facial - 400W 28LE N 28 LE 2F N (14) Velocity F71, 100W (14) Velocity F71, 100W (14) Velocity F71, 100W & (14) Velocity F71, 100W 30 N (16) Velocity F71, 100W (14) Velocity F71, 100W 30 3F N (16) Velocity F71, 100W & (16) Velocity F71, 100W 28LE N (14) Velocity F71, 100W 28 LE 2F N (14) Velocity F71, 100W & 30 N 30 3F N SunStar® 332 N 332 3F N 332 P (16) Velocity Plus F71, 100W (16) Velocity F71, 100W P (16) Velocity Plus F71, 100W & (16) Velocity F71, 100W 432 3F N Solaris® Plus (16) Velocity F71, 160W VSR (16) Bronzing Sun MAG F71, 100WR P (16) Velocity F71, 160W VSR (16) Bronzing Sun MAG F71, 100WR Solaris® 336H P (20) Velocity Plus F71, 100WR (16) Velocity F71, 100W Solaris® Plus 442 P (26) Bronzing Sun F71, 100WR & (16) Velocity Plus F71, 100W StarPower® (32) Velocity F71, 160W VSR & (16) Bronzing Sun Plus F71, 100WR & (4) Heraeus Facials - 400W (4) Cosmedico 400W Shoulder Tanners (31) Velocity F71, 160W VSR & (17) Velocity F71, 160W VSR & (4) Heraeus Facials - 400W (8) 26W Quad Shoulder Tanners 648 P 652V P (52) Bronzing Sun F71, 160W VSR SunDome® 548V P (48) Bronzing Sun F71, 160W VSR SunScape™ 755 P (33) Speed® 525, 200W VSR & (22) Speed® 525, 200W VSR & (5) Heraeus Facials - 500W (10) 26W Quad Shoulder Tanners Velocity® 756V P (56) Bronzing Sun GOLD, F79 (2 Meter), 200W VSR 918HP N (18) Heraeus Facials - 500-1000W 924HP N SunScape ™ Velocity® (16) Velocity F71, 100W (16) Velocity Plus F71, 100W (16) Velocity Plus F71, 100W & (3) Heraeus Facials – 400W (16) Bronzing Sun MAG F71, 100WR (16) Bronzing Sun MAG F71, 100WR N (16) Velocity F71, 160W VSR (26) Bronzing Sun F71, 100WR & N 648 N (16) Bronzing Sun Plus F71, 100WR & (4) Heraeus Facials – 400W (4) Cosmedico 40W Shoulder Tanners (31) Velocity F71, 160W VSR & (17) Velocity F71, 160W VSR & (4) Heraeus Facials – 400W (8) 26W Quad Shoulder Tanners N (52) Bronzing Sun F71, 160W VSR 548 N (48) Bronzing Sun F71, 160W VSR 448V N (48) Bronzing Sun MAG F71, 100WR 755 N N 918 HP N (16) Velocity Plus F71, 100W (32) Velocity F71, 160W VSR & 652V 756V (16) Velocity F71, 100W (16) Velocity F71, 160W VSR N 548 (16) Velocity F71, 100W (33) Speed 525, 200W VSR & (22) Speed 525, 200W VSR & (5) Heraeus Facials – 500W (10) 26W Quad Shoulder Tanners (56) Bronzing Sun GOLD, F79 (2 Meter), 200W VSR (18) Heraeus Facials – 500-1000W (4) Heraeus Facials – 1000W (4) Heraeus Facials - 1000W Vortex™ SolorForce™ SunDome® (3) Heraeus Facials - 400W Solarforce™ (16) Velocity F71, 100W & (3) Heraeus Facials – 400W 432 P (14) Velocity F71, 100W 442 (3) Heraeus Facials - 400W 548 (14) Velocity F71 , 100W (16) Velocity F71, 100W 432 (3) Heraeus Facials 400W P (2) Heraeus Facials – 400W (3) Heraeus Facials – 400W (3) Heraeus Facials - 400W 332 3F (14) Velocity F71, 100W (3) Heraeus Facials – 400W (2) Heraeus Facials - 400W 432 3F (12) GT F71, 100W 26RS (16) Velocity F71, 100W & Stand-Up StarPower® Bench-Number, Type, Length 24RS 32 NF ZX30 Chasis (16) Velocity F71, 100W SunStar® Canopy-Number, Type, Length 24RS/120 (3) Heraeus Facials- 400W SUNVISION® Bench-Number, Type, Length FOR ETS CONFIDENTIAL PURPOSES ONLY Vortex™ 924 HP N (24) Heraeus Facials – 1000W *Velocity and SPEED are federally registered trademarks of Australian Gold, Inc. Hereaus and Cosmedico are federally registered trademarks of their respective companies. SunQuest, SUNVISION, SunStar, Solaris, StarPower and SunDome are federally registered trademarks of ETS, Inc. (24) Heraeus Facials - 1000W *Velocity and SPEED are federally registered trademarks of Australian Gold, Inc. Hereaus and Cosmedico are federally registered trademarks of their respective companies. SunQuest, SUNVISION, SunStar, Solaris, StarPower and SunDome are federally registered trademarks of ETS, Inc. 22 Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 23 2003 GUIDE TO ETS BEDS AND LAMPS 2002 GUIDE TO ETS BEDS AND LAMPS FOR ETS CONFIDENTIAL PURPOSES ONLY Product Line SunQuest® Equipment Model Canopy-Number, Type, Length Bench-Number, Type, Length FOR ETS CONFIDENTIAL PURPOSES ONLY Product Line SunQuest® (6) Golden Tan F-71-100W 1000S L (6) Golden Tan F-71-100W L (10) Golden Tan F-71-100W 2000S (10) Golden Tan F-71-100W 3000S L (12) Golden Tan F-71-100W 3000S (12) Golden Tan F-71-100W (8) Golden Tan F-71-100W (8) Golden Tan F-71-100W 16SE (8) Golden Tan F-71-100W 16SE M (12) Golden Tan F-71-100W (12) Golden Tan F-71-100W (6) Golden Tan F-71-100W & (12) Golden Tan F-71-100W (8) GT F71, 100W (8) GT F71, 100W M (12) Golden Tan F-71-100W (12) Golden Tan F-71-100W 24RS M2 (12) GT F71, 100W (12) GT F71, 100W (6) Golden Tan F-59-100W & 24RS F M (6) Golden Tan F-71-100W & (12) Golden Tan F-71-100W (1) Hereaus Facial-400W M2 (6) GT F71, 100W & 26RS 26RS T SUNVISION® M (14) GT F-71-100W 24S 24S F (1) Heraeus Facial-400W 26RS M (14) GT F-71-100W & 24S M (12) Velocity F-71-100W (12) Velocity F-71-100W 24S F M (6) Velocity F-71-100W & (12) Velocity F-71-100W 28LE (12) GT F-71-100W 28 LE T (6) TurboSun S Facials-10W 28 LE 2F 28LE M (14) Velocity F-71-100W (14) Velocity F-71-100W 28 LE T M (14) Velocity F-71-100W & (14) Velocity F-71-100W ZX30 ZX30 3F ZX32 3F (14) Velocity F-71-100W (14) Velocity F-71-100W & (14) Velocity F-71-100W (14) Velocity F-71-100W & (14) Velocity F-71-100W (16) Speed 205 (14) Speed 175 (16) Speed 205 & (14) Speed 175 (16) Speed 205 (16) Speed 175 (16) Speed 205 & (16) Speed 175 ZX30 M (16) Velocity F71, 100W (14) Velocity F71, 100W Solaris® 36 3F (20) Speed 205 & (3) Hereaus Facials-400W (16) Speed 175 ZX30 3F M (16) Velocity F71 100W & (16) Velocity F71, 100W Solaris® Plus 42 3F (26) Speed 225R & (16) Speed 205 (3) Hereaus Facials-400W (3) Heraeus Facials-400W ZX32 M (16) Speed 205 (16) Speed 175 ZX32 3F M (16) Speed 205 & (16) Speed 175 42 3F L (26) Speed 225R & StarPower® SunDome® (3) Hereaus Facials-400W 52 4F XL 48 (32) Speed 315 160W VSR & (16) Speed 225R & (4) Hereaus Facials-400W (4) Cosmedico 40W Shoulder Tanners (48) Speed 325 160W VSR (16) Speed 205 (3) Hereaus Facials-400W StarPower™ 52 4F L SunDome® XL 48 L (48) Speed 325 160W VSR M (33) Speed 525 200W VSR & (22) Speed 525 200W VSR & (5) Hereaus Facials-500W (10) 26W Quad Shoulder Tanners SunScape™ 755 (14) Velocity F-71-100W (3) Hereaus Facials-400W (2) Hereaus Facials-400W Solaris® Plus (14) Velocity F-71-100W (3) Hereaus Facials-400W ZX32 (6) TurboSun S Facials-10W (14) Velocity F-71-100W & (12) Velocity F-71-100W (12) Velocity F-71-100W (2) Hereaus Facials-400W SunStar® (1) Hereaus Facial-400W M (12) Velocity F-71-100W (12) Velocity F-71-100W & (6) TurboSun S Facials-10W (6) Velocity F 59, 80W & 28 LE 2F (12) Golden Tan F-71-100W (12) Golden Tan F-71-100W (1) Hereaus Facial-400W (12) GT F-71-100W 26RS T (14) Golden Tan F-71-100W (6) Golden Tan F-71-100W & (8) Golden Tan F-59-80W & (6) TurboSun S Facials-10W (12) GT F71, 100W (6) Golden Tan F59, 80W & (8) Golden Tan F-71-100W 24RS M2 24RSF Bench-Number, Type, Length 24RS F 16SE 24RS (1) Hereaus Facial-400W SunStar® Canopy-Number, Type, Length 1000S 2000S (6) Golden Tan F-59-80W & SUNVISION® Equipment (32) Speed 315 160W VSR & (16) Speed 225R & (4) Hereaus Facials-400W (4) Cosmedico 40W Shoulder Tanners Diamond Sun, Velocity, TurboSun, Mega Voltage, SPEED and Accelerator are federally registered trademarks of Australian Gold, Inc. Hereaus and Phillips are fedrerally registered trademarks of their respective companies. SunQuest, SUNVISION, Solaris, SunStar, SunDome and StarPower are federally registered trademarks of ETS, Inc. Golden Tan, Velocity, TurboSun and SPEED are federally registered trademarks of Australian Gold, Inc. Hereaus and Cosmedico are fedrerally registered trademarks of their respective companies. SunQuest, SUNVISION, Solaris, SunStar, SunDome, StarPower and SunScape are federally registered trademarks of ETS, Inc. 24 Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 25 2001 GUIDE TO ETS BEDS AND LAMPS 2000 GUIDE TO ETS BEDS AND LAMPS FOR ETS CONFIDENTIAL PURPOSES ONLY Product Line SunQuest® SUNVISION® SunStar® Equipment Canopy-Quantity + Type Bench-Quantity + Type Manufactured/Lamp 1000S 6 F-71 Velocity 100W 2000S 10 F-71 2000S 12 F-71 14 SE 8 F-71 6 F-71 16 SE 8 F-71 8 F-71 Velocity 100W 24 RS 12 F-71 12 F-71 24 RS F 6 F-71 + 6 F-59 + 1 Hereaus Facial 26 RS FOR ETS CONFIDENTIAL PURPOSES ONLY Product Line SunQuest® Equipment Canopy-Quantity + Type Bench-Quantity + Type Manufactured/Lamp 1000S 6 F-71 Velocity 100w Velocity 100W 2000S 10 F-71 Velocity 100w Velocity 100W 3000S 12 F-71 Velocity 100w Diamond Sun S 100 W 14 SE 8 F-71 6 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100w 16 SE 8 F-71 8 F-71 Velocity 100w Velocity 100W 24 RS 12 F-71 12 F-71 Velocity 100w 12 F-71 Velocity 100W 24 RS F 6 F-71 + 6 F-59 + 1 Facial 12 F-71 Velocity 100w 14 F-71 12 F-71 Velocity 100W 26 RS 14 F-71 12 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100w 26 RS T 14 F-71 + 6 Turbo Sun® S 12 F-71 Velocity 100W 26 RS T 14 F-71 + 6 Turbo Sun S 12 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100w 24S 12 F-71 12 F-71 Velocity 100W 24S 12 F-71 12 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100w 24 SF 6 F-71 + 6 F-59 + 1 Hereaus Facial 12 F-71 Velocity 100W 24S F 6 F-71 6 F-59 + 1 Facial 12 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100w 28 LE 14 F-71 14 F-71 Velocity 100W 28LX 14 F-71 14 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100w 28 LE T 14 F-71 + 6 Turbo Sun® S Facials 14 F-71 Velocity 100W 28LX T 14 F-71 + 6 Turbo Sun S 14 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100w 28 LE 2F 14 F-71 + 2 Hereaus Facial 14 F-71 Velocity 100W 28LX 2F 14 F-71 + 2 Facials 14 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100w ZX30 16 14 Speed 205-Canopy/Speed 175-Bench ZX30 16 14 Speed 175 System ZX 30 3F 16 + 3 Hereaus Facials 14 Speed 205-Canopy/Speed 175-Bench ZX30 3F 16 + 3 Facials 14 Speed 175 System ZX 32 16 16 Speed 205-Canopy/Speed 175-Bench ZX32 16 16 Speed 175 System Speed 175 System SUNVISION® Sunstar® ZX 32 3F 16 +3 Hereaus Facials 16 Speed 205-Canopy/Speed 175-Bench ZX32 T 16 + 8 Turbo Sun S 16 Solaris® 36 3F 20 + 3 Hereaus Facials 16 Speed 205-Canopy/Speed 175-Bench ZX32 3F 16 + 3 Facials 16 Speed 175 System Solaris® Plus 42 3F 26 + 3 Hereaus Facials 16 Speed 255R-Canopy/Speed 205-Bench 36 3F 16 + 3 Facials 20 Speed 175 System StarPower® 52 4F 18 + 8 in front + 4 Hereaus Facials 16 + 6 Side Tanners 18 Speed 255R/8 Speed 225R in front SunDome® XL 48 Solaris® Speed 225R-Canopy 4 Phillips Shoulder Tanners (40W) of canopy, 6 side tanners, 16 bench Solaris Plus® 42 3F 26 + 3 Facials 16 48 F75 VSR Mega Voltage 160WR StarPower® 52 4F 26 + 6 on side + Facials 16 + 4 Shoulder SunDome® XL 48 48 Speed 205-Bench Speed 225R MegaVoltage Hereaus Facial Lamps are 100W, Turbo Sun S Facials are 40W Diamond Sun, Velocity, TurboSun, Mega Voltage, SPEED and Accelerator are federally registered trademarks of Australian Gold, Inc. Hereaus and Phillips are fedrerally registered trademarks of their respective companies. Diamond Sun, Velocity, TurboSun, SPEED and Accelerator are federally registered trademarks of Australian Gold, Inc. SunQuest, SUNVISION, Solaris, SunStar, SunDome and StarPower are federally registered trademarks of ETS, Inc. SunQuest, SUNVISION, Solaris, SunStar, SunDome and StarPower are federally registered trademarks of ETS, Inc. 26 Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 27 1999 GUIDE TO ETS BEDS AND LAMPS 1998 GUIDE TO ETS BEDS AND LAMPS FOR ETS CONFIDENTIAL PURPOSES ONLY Product Line SunQuest® Equipment 1000S Canopy-Quantity + Type 6 F-71 Equipment Canopy-Quantity + Type Bench-Quantity + Type Manufactured/Lamp 1000 S 6 F-71 Velocity 100W 10 F-71 Velocity 100W 10 F-71 Velocity 100W 3000S 12 F-71 Velocity 100W 3000 S 12 F-71 8 F-71 6 F-71 Velocity 100W Velocity 100W 14 SE 7 F-71 7 F-71 Velocity 100W 14 SE 16 SE 8 F-71 8 F-71 Velocity 100W 16 SE 8 F-71 8 F-71 Velocity 100W 24 RS 12 F-71 12 F-71 Velocity 100W 20 SX 10 F-71 10 F-71 Velocity 100W 24 RS T 12 F-71 + 6 TurboSun®S 12 F-71 Velocity 100W 24 RS 12 F-71 12 F-71 Velocity 100W 12 F-71 + 6 TurboSun®S 12 F-71 Velocity 100W 24 RS F 6 F-71 6 F-59 + 1 facial 12 F-71 Velocity 100W 24 RS T 26 RS 14 F-71 12 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100W 24 RS F 6 F-71 6 F-59 + 1 facia1 2 F-71 Velocity 100W 26 RS T 14 F-71 12 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100W 26 RS 14 F-71 12 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100W 24 F-71 Velocity 100W 26 RS T 14 F-71 + 6 TurboSun®S Diamond Sun S 100W 2400 Booth 12 F-71 12 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100W 24 F-71 Velocity 100W Diamond Sun S 100W 24S 12 F-71 24S T 12 F-71 + 6 TurboSun®S 12 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100W 24 S 12 F-71 12 F-71 24S F 6 F-71 6 F-59 + 1 facial 12 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100W 24 ST 12 F-71 + 6 TurboSun®S 12 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100W Diamond Sun S 100W 24 SF 6 F-59 6 F-71 + 1 facia1 12 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100W SUNVISION® 28LX 14 F-71 14 F-71 28LX T 14 F-71 + 6 TurboSun®S 14 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100W 28 LX 14 F-71 14 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100W 28LX 2F 14 F-71 + 2 facials 14 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100W 28 LX T 14 F-71 + 6 TurboSun®S 14 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100W 48 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100W 28 LX F 14 F-71 + 1 facia1 14 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100W 48 F-71 VS-R Accelerator VSR 28 LX 2F 14 F-71 + 2 facials 14 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100W 6000 Booth Solaris® Velocity 100W Product Line SunQuest® 2000S 5000 Booth Sunstar® Manufactured/Lamp 2000 S 2400 Booth SUNVISION® Bench-Quantity + Type FOR ETS CONFIDENTIAL PURPOSES ONLY ZX30 16F-71 14 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100W 5000 Booth 48 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100W ZX32 16 16 Speed 175 System 6000 Booth 48 F-75 Accelerator VS-R 160W ZX32 T 16 + 8 TurboSun®S 16 Speed 175 System Sunstar® ZX 32 16 F-71 16 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100W ZX32 3F 16 + 3 facials 16 Speed 175 System ZX 32 T 16 F-71 + 8 TurboSun®S 16 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100W ZX44 3F 24 F-71 VS-R + 3 facials 20 F-71VS-R Accelerator VSR ZX 32 3F 16 F-71 + 3 facials 16 F-71 Diamond Sun S 100W Speed 175 System ZX 40 20 F-71 20 F-71 Velocity 100W ZX 40 3F 20 F-71 +3 facials 20 F-71 Velocity 100W Accelerator VS-R 160W Solaris 20 16 Solaris® Solaris 3F 20 + 3 facials 16 Speed 175 System Atlantis® Atlantis 205 17 F-71VS-R/5 F-71VS-R 23 F-71VS-R Accelerator VSR on sides + 4 facials (KBL – 720) Atlantis® ZX 44 24 F-75 20 F-75 ZX 44 3F 24 F-75 +3 facials 20 F-75 Accelerator VS-R 160W Atlantis 205 17 F-75 5 F-75 On sides 23 F-75 Accelerator VSR + 4 face Diamond Sun, Velocity, TurboSun, SPEED and Accelerator are federally registered trademarks of Australian Gold, Inc. SunQuest, SUNVISION, Solaris and SunStar are federally registered trademarks of ETS, Inc. Diamond Sun, Velocity, TurboSun, and Accelerator are federally registered trademarks of Australian Gold, Inc. Atlantis is a federally registered trademark of KBL SunQuest, SUNVISION and SunStar are federally registered trademarks of ETS, Inc. Atlantis is a federally registered trademark of KBL 28 Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 Toll Free 1-800-633-0069 29
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