Summer 2016 - Connecticut Council of Language Teachers
Summer 2016 - Connecticut Council of Language Teachers
Connecticut COLT World Language News Exchange Connecticut Council of Language Teachers Summer 2016 President’s Message your own classroom. Information about CT LILL can also be found online at THE LANGUAGE WE USE INFLUENCES THE WAY WE THINK. – STEVEN PINKER Additionally, CT COLT welcomed Laura Terrill back to the state of Connecticut in late June for the annual Summer Institute. This workshop focused on the Core Practices and focused teachers on building Integrated Performance Assessments (IPAs). Laura will be back with us in Connecticut at our annual Fall Conference at the Radisson Hotel in Cromwell on Monday, October 24th. We hope you will consider joining us at the conference. Information about the conference and the Summer Institute can also be found online at Dear Friends, It’s been more than six years since I received my first phone call about CT COLT. It’s actually hard to believe that I was asked to join such a distinguished group of educators; after all, what qualifications did I have? Who was I to represent an entire region of the state’s language teachers? Well, six years later I am proud to say that I have worked with an intelligent, awe-inspiring group that has continued to push me in new ways and expand my professionalism and the techniques and methodologies I use in the classroom. CT COLT has opened many new and exciting professional opportunities for me, and I hope that over the next two years as president, we will continue to help to provide more and more opportunities for all of our members across the state. We have many exciting things happening in world language education in Connecticut, and many wonderful educators who have helped spearhead them. This past year was no exception. Although our efforts this past spring did not lead to the passage of the Seal of Biliteracy, our efforts have not gone unnoticed! In June, several members of CT COLT met with officials at the State Department of Education to help move this initiative forward. We are hopeful to have a committee in place later this summer, which will help shape the Seal of Biliteracy in Connecticut and will allow for a permissive pilot to be in place in the next school year. The Commissioner of Education, Dianna Wentzell, is supportive of the Seal of Biliteracy and will be working with officials to bring forward legislation in the next session, which will hopefully result in the Seal. You can always visit for updates on the Seal of Biliteracy. In the fall of 2015, we launched CT LILL (Leadership Initiative in Language Learning). This group of individuals has met both in person and virtually to discuss the Core Practices that ACTFL unveiled last fall. The meetings are open to anyone who is interested in leadership, which includes being a leader within Spring is always a busy time for teachers, and language teachers are certainly no exception to that rule! At CT COLT, we spent this spring looking at amazing posters drawn by students across the state, reading essays, listening to rhymes performed by elementary students, and recitations of poetry performed by middle and high schoolers. We have so much to be proud of! Students’ engagement and excitement for languages continues to grow and it’s in thanks to their teachers and the dedication and determination that they have put into each lesson and unit. So, on behalf of the students of Connecticut, I would like to thank you! Thank you for your caring. Thank you for your determination. Thank you for insisting that learning languages are important. Thank you for thinking that we should learn about other cultures. Thank you for using the target language, even when it would have just been easier to do it in English. And most importantly, thank you for believing in me! Summer provides each of us time recharge our proverbial batteries, and more importantly, to reflect upon the year that was, and prepare for the year that will be. So this summer, I ask you – What will you do to engage your students in class this year? How will you grow professionally? And how can CT COLT help you? Where ever you may go this summer, take time to enjoy the friends and family that you have with you. Relax, rejuvenate, and rest-up! Fondly, Jimmy CT COLT WORLD LANGUAGE NEWS EXCHANGE SPRING 2016 Improves chances of college acceptance and achievement; Enhances career opportunities; and Benefits understanding and security in one’s community and society. Advocacy Why Should Parents Support Foreign Language Learning? Yet learning a language takes years – just consider how much time it takes babies to learn to speak and then become literate – and not everyone appreciates its importance. Language programs are often threatened by school budget cuts or misunderstood as unnecessary due to “Google translate” or other digital translation services. But learning a language is about much more than speaking; it’s about communicating with another person across a cultural divide. Children learn just as much about other people and their cultures as they do about the language. Parents, therefore, can play a critical role in being an advocate inside and outside the classroom by supporting, promoting and expanding foreign language programs in local schools and districts. By Stacie Nevadomski Berdan Byline bio: Stacie Nevadomski Berdan is the mother of twins and a seasoned global executive and an expert on international careers. She is the author of six books on the intersection of globalization and careers, including the best-selling “A Parent Guide to Study Abroad” (IIE 2015) and award-winning “Raising Global Children” (ACTFL 2013). The world faces global challenges requiring global solutions: Globalization affects everyone. We can’t ignore it, or hope it goes away. We must learn to deal with globalization, and help our children understand that it’s about learning how to thrive rather than just survive. By taking a proactive role in enhancing our children’s global awareness, we can teach them to understand and cope with the challenges of a rapidly changing world. But we shouldn’t have to do it alone. Our schools must do much more than produce individuals who can read, write, and do math and science. We need teachers who embrace global education, who are prepared to infuse the classroom with global learning and a diversity of perspectives, to empower youth by providing them with the knowledge, skills, and awareness necessary to become responsible global citizens. One of the most powerful components of a global education is foreign language learning. Although learning a second language is not a component of the standard American school curriculum, the argument for teaching foreign languages is strong and growing stronger. The benefits are clear with decades of research to prove that learning a second language: Supports academic progress in other subjects; Narrows achievement gaps between different demographic student populations; Aids both basic skills and higher order, abstract, and creative thinking; Enriches and enhances cognitive development (especially if done early); Enhances student’s sense of achievement; Improves scores on standardized tests; Promotes cultural awareness and competency; 2 CT COLT WORLD LANGUAGE NEWS EXCHANGE SPRING 2016 Parents must also be prepared to support their children’s language study as an important component of ongoing K-16 education. First, children should begin language study as early as possible in school (if parents don’t speak a second language at home or have access to a pre-school language teacher). Second, children should be encouraged to study and practice daily as they would any other subject; the more practice, the better. Third, parents can reinforce the importance of continuing language study through (or even beginning in) high school and college. Fourth, parents can seek out ways for their children to improve and experience the language outside the classroom, such as through books, music and movies; conversations with native speakers (perhaps with a neighbor or relative or in a local ethnic restaurant); and immersive summer experiences such as STARTALK, Concordia Language Villages, or study abroad. Fifth, parents should praise children for their dedication, celebrate their progress, and show interest in what they’re learning, even if they, as parents, don’t speak the language. Monday – October 24, 2016 Radisson Hotel Cromwell, CT 2016 CT COLT Fall Conference Foreign language learning can be a transformative experience, changing the way children think and act with the world around them. Parents’ involvement can make a significant difference. Theme Building Proficiency in Today’s Digital Natives Students Say… Keynote Address AITE Students Reflect on Studying Latin and Russian by Laura Terrill World Language Specialist Students in Anna Koltypin’s Latin and Russian classes were asked to write about studying Latin and Russian. The essays that follow were written by students in her classes at AITE. FREE Parking Buffet Luncheon A Wide Variety of Exhibits The Advantage of Latin (exhibitors and organizations) by Graham Steinberg A Wide Variety of Workshops It was Thomas Jefferson who said, "To read the Latin and Greek authors in their original is a sublime luxury...I thank on my knees him who directed my early education for having in my possession this rich source of delight." Latin is profoundly enlightening not only to the study of Roman history and the ancient world; it also expands one’s knowledge of various fields including science, law and world languages. It is also important to preserve such an influential language for future generations and by continuing to study it, we do just that. (immersion and non-immersion) Please visit the CT COLT website for information on the rate structure and dates. The fall conference brochure will be mailed out during the month of August. At that time, all conference information and registrations forms will be online. REGISTER EARLY, SAVE $$$!!!! Many forms of academia today can be attributed to the Latin language and culture. In science, binomial nomenclature, the 3 CT COLT WORLD LANGUAGE NEWS EXCHANGE SPRING 2016 words where the test taker can guess the meanings of these words and they have a higher probability of getting the correct definition. Additionally, Latin is the fundamental language for other languages as well including, Spanish, Italian, French, and Portuguese. So if learning one of these languages is something that you want to do, then taking Latin is the best course of action as it will be easier later on. Or, if you already speak one of these languages and are interested in knowing where some of the vocabulary comes from, you should still learn Latin. Moving on, we use Latin in math as well. In Latin, integer “whole”, thus in English, an “integer” is a whole number. Furthermore, we use exponents in mathematical equations. The prefix for “exponent” comes from the Latin ex meaning “out of”. Therefore, we place the number outside of the equation. Lastly, we use radicals to find the root of numbers and the Latin for this is radix which means “root”. Likewise, Latin is use a lot when it comes to the science world. It is in periodic table: I always wondered why elements such as gold, silver, and sodium did not have similar letters in their symbols. But by learning Latin, I was able to see that each of the elements take their symbols after their Latin counterparts; so for gold, the Latin word is aurum, hence the symbol “Au”. Additionally, silver in Latin is argentum, which is where the symbol “Ag” comes from. form by which all life is named, is written in Latin as was done by Carl Linnaeus. Much of the terms used by the American judicial system are also in Latin. Most importantly, five of the world’s most common languages spoken by 791 million people, stem from the Latin language. Even fifty-eight percent of our own language has a Latin origin. In the same manner, if you look at the “scientific name” for almost anything, it will most likely have a Latin name to it. For example, the scientific name for a do is Canis lupus familiaris. With Latin, you would know that canis means “dog”, lupus means “wolf” and familiaris means “family”. From this, you can gather where the English word “canine” comes from. So if you are studying to become any kind of scientist, Latin is sure to be one of your best friends along your journey. Correspondingly, you will find tons of Latin prefixes, suffixes, and derivatives in medical terminology. To name a few, The Latin adreno refers to the adrenal glands in English, the Latin ambi “denotes that something is positioned on both sides”, hence the English word “ambidextrous”. Additionally, there is the Latin word carpo means “of or pertaining to the wrist”, which is where medical phrases and terms such as “carpal tunnel” come from. So again, if you are studying to become a doctor or nurse (or anywhere in the medical field), Latin is a major plus. The Roman Empire has had an incredibly profound impact on the history of the world. Latin was at the center of that development and its language, culture and literature shape much of where we have gone. By maintaining the Latin language we both preserve one of the world’s most influential cultures and better understand the knowledge of the presentday. Why Latin is Important and Pertains to You By Deeneka Baker Aside from being one of the base languages for o English, Latin is a very important language to learn for various reasons. Although it is deemed “the dead language”, the Latin language can come in handy when taking the SATs. As said before, Latin is one of the base languages for the English language and on the SATs, some may come across a few words that they may or may not know. Through Latin, it is possible to recognize root It is possible to go on and on about the many different places throughout life that Latin can be found and applied. Even those who say Latin is a “dead language” use it every day. Latin is 4 CT COLT WORLD LANGUAGE NEWS EXCHANGE already an interesting Language to learn and know, but once you do get more familiar with the language it helps you further your knowledge on certain things by giving you a deeper understanding. SPRING 2016 learning a subject like science or medicine is learning all of the vocabulary that accompanies it. Latin is also where the romance languages stem from. The six romance languages are: Spanish, Italian, French, Romanian, Portuguese and Catalan. If you have an interest in learning any of these languages, it is a good idea to learn Latin first. Latin helps with half of English because it is a hybrid language, Latin will help with almost 100% of the romance languages because are directly derived from Latin. Latin helps the mind to think systematically and critically. Once a student has the system of Latin fully understood, he/she can easily learn a plethora of other languages. Also the critical thinking skills that a Latin student has developed will surely help them in other subjects in school. Math is another systematic subject and a student’s performance in math will improve is they have taken Latin. Latin is not only useful for languages, but it is useful for working a student’s brain and making him excel in other subjects. Latin is a cumulative subject and piles on year and year of learning it; nothing can be forgotten. Getting a student to think in this mindset helps them in other cumulative subjects. Why Study Latin? Paolo Dinglasan Latin is a great language to learn in High School, or in any level of school. It is informative, relevant, interesting, compelling, and lastly, Latin is fun! Many will make the argument that since Latin is not spoken by any country in the world currently, or in other words dead, that there is no real reason to learn or take Latin. However, Latin is actually very relevant to everyday life and even a basic understanding of it will give any person an advantage over those who are completely ignorant to Latin. Latin is a big part of English, which is one of the most spoken languages in the world today. Half of the English language is made up of Latin words and roots. Many of the words spoken in everyday language has Latin roots. Also, Latin will help English speakers to decipher longer and more convoluted words. For example, children know what the word ‘father’ means in English. However, many of them do not know that the Latin root for the word is ‘pater, or patris.’ Without this knowledge, a child will not be able to give an educated guess of the word paternalism, or expatriate, or patronize. When encountering new and foreign words, even in our primary language, it helps to know Latin so that we may be able to take the word apart by its roots and guess the meaning of the word. This skill is helpful in all level of school and in life after schooling. It is definitely a skill I will take with me to college and to the workplace, wherever I may be. Finally, Latin is fun! It is entertaining and it challenges the mind. It never gets dry because there is always something new to learn. It also takes a long time to fully learn the language and even after that it is extremely useful in everyday life. Latin is a subject that students should take because it is engaging and full of participation. Personally, I wish I had taken Latin from the beginning because it has piqued my interest so much. Why Study Latin? by Viviane Rivas Many claim that the Latin language is dead, and in some context, it is. But little do some realize that Latin is very much alive- it flourishes everywhere, in everything that we see, say, and hear. The English language itself is heavily comprised of this “dead” language, making up half of its entire vocabulary with either entire words or derivatives. For example, the word paternal means to pertain to the father figure, but has anyone ever wondered where it was actually derived from? The Latin word for father is pater- so someone well-versed in Latin could tell what the definition of paternal is at just a glance because of pater (and many other words associated with). Another great reason to educate people in the Latin language is that it provides the root words for all of the modern sciences. The Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields are extremely popular among students and parents of students today. Many parents will push their children to focus on science fields and will push them away from Latin because they believe it to be impractical. However, Latin is crucial to science. Our modern understanding of sciences began to develop at the time of the renaissance, the 1500s; this was a time when all of the educated people who were making advancements in science all spoke Latin. A new science means that there comes a whole new set of words. There were a huge amount of words that emerged when technology came to the forefront of our lives. Similarly, there were a huge amount of words that came from science and medicine; and there are still more words to come. All of these words have Latin roots and a big part of 5 CT COLT WORLD LANGUAGE NEWS EXCHANGE “We make many ill-thought-out assumptions about "dead" languages. People are forever throwing out truisms about the "logical" nature of Latin while not knowing much about it, or casually deriding things as "medieval" when they aren't at all … Do it for the sake of your language skills, do it to connect with the past – but above all, do it because the literature is beautiful.” –The Guardian SPRING 2016 My Triumphant Year in Russian by Nicolas Lotti For all four years I’ve been at AITE, every year has seen me learning more and more Russian. In freshman year, I made the decision to have Russian be my foreign language class of choice while I attended high school. Little did I know what an arduous undertaking it would be. Against popular belief, studying Latin isn’t all about the language either- one mustn’t forget that diction isn’t that only aspect that connects the modern world to that of the ancient. Though it may not be noticeable, Roman architecture exists in all corners of the world and still influences the way builders construct today. A famous example of this could be the great city of New York, where buildings tower high and sturdy, and its aesthetics and decorations go all but unnoticed. When touring the city that never sleeps, many references to the strong culture of ancient Rome can be made, whether they’re in plain sight or subtle- but making the connections can only be made possible if one is educated in the topic. An extremely popular example of the connection between these two different eras is the amazing painting that spans the entire ceiling of Grand Central Station. Conceived and executed in 1912 by the celebrated French portrait artist Paul Cesar Helleu, he and a team of other painters created a painting showcasing an astronomical scene of Roman constellations interacting with one another via the celestial sphere. A new alphabet, a complex system of grammar, and a unique type of enunciation made Russian a truly foreign language. Nonetheless, I tried my hardest to absorb as much knowledge as possible from Ms. Koltypin’s lessons. Slowly but surely, I found myself really getting a feel for the Russian language. Around the beginning of senior year, it felt like all my years of studying came to fruition. I could handle all my assignments with ease and complete every test without trouble. Ms. Koltypin was in awe. Since she wanted my prospective colleges to witness my growth, she was kind enough to write me a letter of recommendation. Now at the end of my high school career, I can safely say that learning Russian has changed me for the better. Not only was I lucky enough to have discovered a new culture, but I was able to discover it with people who loved it as much as I did. Learning Russian at AITE was an experience that opened my mind. I feel nothing but excitement for the experiences that await me in a world of Russian speakers. “Roman architecture is the perfect example of innovation and experimentation in construction; it gave mankind buildings that had never been seen before, a network of connecting roads which was marvelously executed, and public structures that could be used by people from all strata of society just as equally, which added to their appeal.” –Buzzle Perspectives “Polyglot”* Interview with Abigail Lang By Stephanie Duchesneau There are students who study two languages at Simsbury High, in addition to the regular English classes required for graduation. Mme Duchesneau, French AP teacher at SHS recently interviewed one of her graduating students about her future plans after SHS. Next year Abigail Lang will be attending SUNY Purchase to pursue a major in film production as well as These few examples are just a fraction of the endless list of reasons as to why it is in one’s best interest to study the Latin language and culture. The possibilities are countless- the study of this presumably “dead” language and culture will only open many other doors to the path of knowledge. The world is in one’s hand, encrypted and ready to be solved- what better way to the path of enlightenment than to study history’s most universally accepted dialect, Latin! 6 CT COLT WORLD LANGUAGE NEWS EXCHANGE a second major in languages and culture. During her first semester she hopes to take an advanced French course and possibly a beginning Hebrew course. This year in addition to French, she completed an independent study of the German language. Abby also competed at the state poetry competition for CT COLT and came away with a medal! 1. I’m also taking an elementary Korean course over the summer. In the future, I’ll definitely be starting others as well. I even have a “bucket list” of languages I’d like to eventually study. 4. What inspired your interest to learn about different languages and cultures? 5. From your experience this year, can you name your top two website or app based language learning tools and why they were the most useful to you? I usually use books to learn languages and supplement that with websites. Two websites that I’ve found to be useful for learning languages are Duolingo and Mango Languages. You started a youtube video series on your channel Polyglot Progress about your language-learning plan for German. By the second video, you are speaking in German. How does your self- taught language learning differ from a classroom setting? Duolingo is a great website (and app) for taking notes and learning vocabulary and grammar. For students studying French or Spanish in school it can serve as a supplemental resource for studying terms and grammar already learned in class. It also provides a wide enough range of topics that a person could use to grasp the basics of a language on their own. It has a translation section on the desktop version where you can practice translating articles. All of the activities on the website give you “XP”, and you can have weekly competitions with friends to see who can gain the most XP. This makes language learning more social and provides a slightly competitive motivation to practice with the language. Self-taught language learning can feel a bit more daunting at times because in the classroom setting you are given the words and grammar structures you need to learn and are expected to learn them by a certain time. With self-teaching it is up to you to structure what you’ll be learning at any given time. I like to take advantage of this freedom to structure my language learning and learn words and grammar that I feel will be most useful or interesting to me at that stage with the language. 3. You studied French while at Simsbury high. How did having one language help you to learn another? Knowing one language helps as it teaches you methods of remembering vocabulary and grammar. It’s also very useful when learning similar languages, as much of the vocabulary and grammar are similar. For example, French helped me immensely when I was learning Esperanto, as much of Esperanto’s vocabulary is derived from Romance languages. I recognized and was able to remember many of the words due to the similarity to the same words in French. I’ve been interested in learning and speaking other languages since I was in elementary school. The school I attended up until 3rd grade started Spanish classes in 1st grade, and after I moved I started looking for ways to learn languages on my own. In between 3rd and 4th grade I was teaching myself Italian, and after that I dabbled in a lot of other languages leading up to high school, where I’ve been taking language learning a bit more seriously and trying to stick with the languages I have begun. I really like the language learning process in general, but also like getting to learn about other cultures through the people, books, and films. 2. SPRING 2016 Mango Languages is another great website, and it’s free if you create your account with a Simsbury library card. This website colors each word in both languages to break down sentence structure and help with learning grammar and vocabulary. In your first video, you talk about learning more languages. Are you currently or planning on beginning other languages? I’m planning on learning lots of other languages! At the moment I’m in the very beginning stages of learning American Sign Language and Bulgarian, and 7 CT COLT 6. WORLD LANGUAGE NEWS EXCHANGE How did you team up with your youtube partner to start this video? Are you a interested in creating technology and language/cultural resources for language learners? SPRING 2016 and she writes, “Fearmongers put manacles on our imagination and increasingly encourage us to frame ourselves as victims. They make us feel as if we can’t trust anybody, shouldn’t do anything and can’t go anyplace”. This happened in many school districts after the terrorists attacked innocent people in Paris. Trips were cancelled and students stayed home. The bridges that were built were taken down albeit “temporarily”. In some cases, school administrators cancelled trips abroad far out into the future and slammed the door shut on travel altogether. Then, there were the attacks in California and racial unrest with killing and protests in our own country. No one told us not to travel in the United States-apparently that is safe….. I originally met Matt through another YouTube project as we both have separate channels where we post short films and other videos. We both had an interest in language learning. We decided to create the channel as a place where we could watch our own progress with the languages we are learning over time, as well a way to motivate others. I’m interested in providing motivation for people to work on learning other languages by showing my progress and how I develop in languages over time. I also want to create videos that stand as resources for learning another language or about another culture, and provide resources for helpful websites, books, or tips for language learning in general. In April, over 120 music students from my school along with a small group of parents and 12 chaperones travelled to Germany and Austria. The decision to go to Europe was not made lightly but frankly, security was on high alert and there had been no recent attacks. The parents in the district care for their children but they are also well educated and world travelers themselves. As a chaperone and a language teacher who has been going to places with students for 30 years, I was asked my opinion. My response, “Let’s go.” Frankly, I sometimes feel more reticent to travel in my own country. Abigail’s German diary #1 Recently, I was at a Home Depot buying flowers outside when a man got out of his car screaming profanities at the woman he had dropped off. The woman ignored him and walked toward this part of the store. I glanced at the man next to me and I think we both wondered if this would lead to violence. Would this man attack the woman or pull out a weapon? Should we intervene? That was a defining moment for me. How sad that this is now how we think in this country. A simple trip to the store, a visit to a sporting event or a movie theater or just going to work can mean, well- death. This brief but unsettling experience stirred something inside of me. I decided that I would not live in fear. I will travel both in the states and abroad. There is no moratorium for trips in my district and although some parents or students may decide to stay home, we will take those who want to go. We have a group studying in Spain this summer and we will plan our trips for next spring. Will there be more horrible events before we go?-perhaps. Is it possible that a trip will be cancelled?-yes. But we have to try. We cannot let the fear mongers and those who want to control our psyche win this battle. *definition according to Random House dictionary: 1. able to speak or write several language; multilingual. 2. Composed of several languages. 3. A person who speaks, writes or reads several languages Travel In a Time of Turmoil By Stephanie Duchesneau “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” – Helen Keller I recently read an editorial in the Hartford Courant by columnist and UCONN English professor, Gina Barreca. She writes about how, for many, the world is a scary place right now. But the fact of the matter is, that it has always been dangerous and frightening-a vast territory of the unknown. There has never been a time in history without conflict, disease, poverty or other challenges. These tribulations shift continents, countries and cities but they are always somewhere. We can’t even go out the door without reports of bears in our yards and fox scouting prey in the neighborhood. Perhaps in the age of technology, we are simply more aware of them. Travel warnings are being issued in different parts of the world. The United States is considered a dangerous place-civil unrest, demonstrations and killing. Tourists from other countries are being warned about coming here. Are we scared to travel in our own country? If we cannot even explore in our homeland then we are already in big trouble. The students coming for exchanges seriously considered not coming here. How can we Gina challenges the reader to overcome the fear that others try to instill in us. They make us feel afraid to leave the house 8 CT COLT WORLD LANGUAGE NEWS EXCHANGE assure them that our schools and homes are safe? There are no guarantees in life and it is too short for us to live in a cocoon. As language teachers, we must travel and go out into the world. If we don’, who will? We know that wherever we are, things can happen but we cannot shut the door and hide. Life is out there for us to live to its fullest. I have to show my students that I am not afraid to see the world. I am getting on a plane tomorrow and I can’t wait to see what adventure is out there for me. SPRING 2016 Laura helped show how the Core Practices assist in the development of the Integrated Performance Assessment (IPA), which concentrates on the three modes of communication: Interpretive, Interpersonal, and Presentational. The IPA helps teachers plan for communication which is meaningful, and not necessarily grammar- or textbook-based. Throughout the two-day session, Laura asked participants to keep the following questions in mind when preparing a unit: CT COLT News Laura Terrill Returns for the CT COLT Summer Institute by Lisa Urso, Southeast Regional Director How do I create functional goals for units and lessons? How do I design lessons so that the target language is used at least 90% of the time while ensuring that the input is comprehensible? What is the role of grammar and accuracy when working with functional goals? How do I develop performance tasks using authentic text in the interpretive mode? How do I develop meaningful interpersonal tasks? How do I develop real-world presentational tasks? How do I develop an IPA and give actionable feedback? All participants were given an IPA template to help establish goals and objectives for their units, and had the opportunity to work on them throughout the session. What followed was not just a workshop that educated teachers, but provided much opportunity for networking and collaboration. Teachers received many ideas and strategies for teaching different units. There were even one or two Fall Conference workshop ideas that came out of it! On June 23rd and 24th, language educator Laura Terrill, coauthor of The Keys to Planning for Learning, returned to Connecticut to present a workshop for CT COLT members. This year, her workshop, "Integrating the Six Core Practices into Your IPA," attracted nearly fifty educators from around the state, from the elementary to the university levels. At this workshop, Laura reviewed the Core Practices, which were first introduced last year by the Leadership Initiative for Language Learning (LILL). CT COLT Vice President, Lea Graner Kennedy, organized a series of seminars for CT-COLT members to help introduce the Core Practices to a wider audience. Many of those in attendance already had a solid background on this new initiative thanks to Ms. Kennedy's efforts. 9 CT COLT WORLD LANGUAGE NEWS EXCHANGE Overall, it was another successful summer workshop, and if you missed this opportunity to see Laura, don't fret! She will be our keynote speaker at our Fall Conference October 24th, and will be presenting there, too. Make sure to register soon! SPRING 2016 of the target language in a fun manner. Internet websites in the target language have also provided valuable cultural contexts for investigatory and interpretive classroom activities. As experienced digital natives, students are able to navigate these technology platforms which are constantly changing and being improved. In their native language, students are using these technologies to access information, communicate and connect with others. When applied to foreign language learning, technology allows students to perform these same tasks in a different culture context and on a more global basis. Announcement of the Winner of the 2016 Essay Contest This year CT COLT conducted the fifth (5th) annual WORLD LANGUAGE STUDENT ESSAY CONTEST. For 2016, high school and middle school students first considered the current theme for ACTFL, which is Building Proficiency in Today’s Digital Natives. In a written response, students how technology can be used to facilitate the foreign language learning of U.S. students, improve their linguistic skills and thus, result in better communication overall. Lastly, contestants were required to expand upon how such improved proficiency can best prepare U.S. graduates for success in 21st – century careers in our ever-expanding global and technological world. This year’s committee is proud to announce that the winner of the 2016 CT COLT WORLD LANGUAGE STUDENT ESSAY CONTEST is Carly Brown from North Haven High School. The committee applauds Ms. Brown for her excellent essay which references both fact-based arguments and personal experiences. In a well-organized and convincing essay, Ms. Brown writes about the importance of various usages and applications of technology in the classroom, detailing why their inclusion has led to her own increased knowledge and proficiency in learning a world language. With the above in mind, students addressed their essays to Boards of Education, discussing how technology can be used to facilitate and improve foreign language acquisition and proficiency levels of students in the age of globalization. Students were required to craft well-organized arguments, constructed from objective, fact-based information, in addition to drawing upon personal experience from their own learning of foreign languages. Many students included persuasive and relevant reasoning for the increased inclusion of technology in the foreign language classroom and just how it has assisted and even improved their knowledge of the target language. As experience digital natives, proficient in many forms of technology, this year’s topic proved to be very appropriate and meaningful to all participants. We are pleased to present Carly with a $50 award. In addition, we are happy to provide her teacher, Mrs. Brownell, with a $50 Carlex voucher. Once again, we thank all student and teacher participants in this year’s contest and look forward to the sixth (6th) CT COLT Essay Contest in 2017. Please visit to download a copy of Carly’s winning essay. Christine Dombrowski and John R. Rook, Co-Chairs for the 2016 CT COLT Essay Contest Organizational News A committee of four (4) CT COLT members reviewed almost 20 essays submitted by world language students from various high schools around Connecticut. We would like to take the opportunity to thank all student writers and their teachers for participating in this year’s contest, for providing valuable insight, for referencing personal experience and for advocating for increased technology in the study of world languages. All students who submitted essays for this year’s contest will receive a Certificate of Participation from CT COLT. CT AATSP 2016 Spring Conference By Aileen Dever The CT Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish & Portuguese celebrated its Spring Conference entitled Puerto Rico Aquí y Allí, Ayer, Mañana y Siempre (Puerto Rico, Here and There, Yesterday, Tomorrow, and Always) on April 30, 2016. Prof. Covadonga Arango-Martín, the CT AATSP President, hosted the well-attended event at Fairfield University at the beautiful Alumni House in a setting of true elegance. Conference co-chairs were CT AATSP VicePresident Luisa Piemontese, Ph.D. from Southern Connecticut State University, Prof. Lourdes Casas from Central Connecticut State University, and Prof. Aileen Dever of Quinnipiac In reading the essays, it is evident that the inclusion of such technologies as I-pads, applications, cell phones and the internet has all proven to be engaging and beneficial tools that promote language learning. For example, popular applications such as Kahoot have allowed students to quickly learn and assess their knowledge of vocabulary and linguistic structures 10 CT COLT WORLD LANGUAGE NEWS EXCHANGE SPRING 2016 h.) Artista Francisco Luis Rivera Marrero (Puerto Rico) ~ “Proyecto Cultural e Histórico sobre la Evolución de la Puertorriqueñidad: Una Representación Crítica, Artística e Intelectual del Desarrollo de la Experiencia y el Concepto de la Puertorriqueñidad” Session III: Literature i.) Prof. Michelle Farrell and Student Noelle Harvey (Fairfield University) ~ “Enseñando Puerto Rico en la Clase de Español Avanzado” j.) Prof. Liz Hernandez (Fairfield University) ~ “Memoria, Identidad e Inmigración de una Niña Puertorriqueña en Silent Dancing de Judith Ortiz Cofer” k.) Prof. Ricardo Domínguez (Quinnipiac University) ~ “Julia de Burgos: Vida” University. The conference was also co-sponsored by Redipe (Red Iberoamerica de Pedagogía) which continues to publish CT AATSP conference proceedings. The opportunity to be published in this peer-reviewed journal is an excellent incentive to many to participate in the annual conference. Presenters and their topics included: l.) Prof. Rosa Domínguez (East Haven High School) ~ “Temática en la Poesía de Julia de Burgos” m.) Prof. Luisa Piemontese (Southern Connecticut State University) ~ “Música para Saborear” Session I: Spoken and Written Language n.) Prof. Covadonga Arango-Martín ~ “Y Música para la Conciencia” a.) Prof. Steven Strange (emeritus, Rocky Hill High School and Quinnipiac University) ~ “A Word on Language, Translation/Transference, and Spanglish” b.) Prof. Sergio Adrada-Rafael and students Ariana Fernández, and Kelly Villacres (Fairfield University) ~ “Puertorriqueños en Nueva York: ¿Existe un Estigma Lingüístico?” c.) Prof. Rocío Fuentes (Central Connecticut State University) ~ “Documentando la Comunidad: El Uso de Crónicas como Herramienta para Desarrollar las Habilidades de Escritura en las Clases de Español para Hablantes de Herencia” Session II: Time & Space d.) Prof. Antonio Guijarro-Donadiós (Worcester State University) ~ “El Factor Tiempo en Los soles truncos de René Marqués” e.) Student Adriana Lugo Zayas (Worcester State University) ~ “Inmolación femenina como Sublevación en Dos Obras Puertorriqueñas: Los soles truncos y La pasión según Antígona Pérez” A highlight of the conference was the interesting round of questions and comments that followed each panel. Prof. Covadonga Arango-Martín did an outstanding job as the principal organizer of the conference that truly was a lovely time to meet with friends, colleagues, and experts all united in their deep passion for Puerto Rico and the Hispanic world. It was very special, too, to have Drs. Marco and Marquela Arenas attend the conference as they are founding members of CT AATSP and have been ardent, lifelong supporters of AATSP. The conference closed with an exciting raffle for two fullyfunded scholarships for educators to travel this summer to f.) Student Jenny Lizardo (Worcester State University) ~ “Los Espacios Opuestos en la Dramaturgia de René Marqués” g.) Prof. Lourdes Casas and Prof. Antonio García-Lozada (Central Connecticut State University) ~ “El Viejo San Juan: Ciudad Emblemática del Pasado, Presente y Futuro” 11 CT COLT WORLD LANGUAGE NEWS EXCHANGE queens were in the past. In order to find commonalities between this culture and their own, they compared two different ways to celebrate a local fair, “La Feria de Sevilla” and the Durham Fair. Students were surprised by the music, dancing and clothing, but they were able to adapt by recognizing familiar values such as friendship and family values. Colegio Delibes in Salamanca, Spain, generously provided by Director Miguel Benito. If you would like to learn more about CT AATSP and joining the executive board, please contact either President Covadonga Arango-Martín at: or CT AATSP Vice-President Luisa Piemtonese SPRING 2016 at: * The pictures that accompany this piece were kindly shared by Prof. Ricardo Domínguez. News From CT Schools Our Journey to Spain . . . Our Path to Global Competence By Juan José Vázquez-Caballero Haddam-Killingworth High School Students appreciated the cultural diversity of Spain both past and present while visiting cities such Toledo, Granada, and Seville. They learned about the coexistence of people of various religions (Judaism, Islam, and Christianity) in harmony. They were also exposed to the newer diversity among people from Spain, the European community, North Africa and South America while walking through big cities and small villages. Haddam-Killingworth- The AP Spanish class at HKHS and three teachers went to Spain from April 8th to April17th for a fabulous educational trip. This trip gave students the opportunity to use their Spanish in authentic cultural situations as well as further develop their global competency skills. After four years of working diligently to learn Spanish in class, students proved their proficiency in the language while interacting with locals, working in a farm, taking public transportations, shopping in clothing stores, ordering in restaurants, and talking with tour guides and with each other. All of these tasks required reading, listening and speaking in This experience provided wonderful opportunities for students to develop international awareness. Through the study of history while visiting museums and monuments, students learned how Spain and Europe were shaped by wars and weddings. Students were surprised to discover that Spain is a constitutional monarchy considering how powerful kings and 12 CT COLT WORLD LANGUAGE NEWS EXCHANGE SPRING 2016 Pottackal Nicholas Ricci Brianna Soto Justin Tat Aaron Thomas-Russell Silver Maxima Cum Laude: Fernando Suarez Bruce Lara Andrew Vivar Magna Cum Laude: Cyrus Robinson Cum Laude: Anthony Carreno Outstanding Awards: Valery Aguilar, Eliza Ayala, Rebekah Bacon, James Boccanfuso, Lauren Burkhardt, Michael Conley, Marc Dimartino, Paolo Dinglasan, Kevin Duffy, Cara Emano, Jonathan Goodman, Javan Goulbourne, Grant Hedley, Josianne Ladouceur, Anna Maloney, John Maranelli, Justin Mucelli, Nicolas Navarrette, Nina Paolini, Viviane Rivas, Nazir Shohan, Daniel Stevens, Michael Vukelic, Timothy Weiss. HKHS students were great ambassadors of our community and country. Their behavior was respectful and appropriate as they adapted to a variety of culturally-diverse settings. This experience has helped students move along on their journey of becoming global-minded people of the world. Stamford Public Schools (SPS) comprises more than 16,000 students, over 1,500 professionals, and 20 schools, including six magnet and two International Baccalaureate schools. SPS has a total of 12 elementary schools, five middle schools and three high schools. The mission of SPS is to prepare each and every student for higher education and success in the 21st century. SPS is proud that our district is as rich in diversity as it is in talent. We have students from many cultural backgrounds and geographic locations—as demonstrated by the more than 65 different languages spoken in the homes of our families. SPS offers our students a learning experience rich in cultural diversity and reflective of the global society in which they will work and live. Three AITE Students Achieve Perfect Scores on the National Latin Exam The AITE National Honor Society Induction Ceremony Spanish. Students were able to effectively transfer what was learned in class to authentic situations. Six Students Earned Gold Summa Cum Laude, Three Silver Maxima Cum Laude On Thursday, May 19, various honor societies at AITE welcomed new members to their orders at the Rippowam Middle School auditorium. The current societies that exist at AITE include the National Honor Society, the Latin National Honor Society, the Science National Honor Society, the Slavic National Honor Society and the Spanish National Honor Society. The National Honor Society consists of members who have maintained consistently impressive grades in all their classes, while the others focus on academic excellence in each respective subject. For example, the Latin National Honor Society requires that students have at least a 90% average in the class to be invited. Most inductees consisted of juniors and sophomores, while the senior members received different colored cords according to their specific society. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 5, 2016 MEDIA CONTACT: Sharon Beadle 203-977-4095 Stamford, Conn.—Each year the American Classical League (ACL) and the National Junior Classical League (NJCL), sponsors the National Latin Exam, a 40-question, multiple-choice test offered to Latin students on seven levels. This year, three Academy of Information Technology & Engineering (AITE) students, Cara Emano, Nicholas Ricci, and Brianna Soto, all students of AITE Latin Teacher Anna Koltypin, received perfect scores on the exam. Up until now, only one student from AITE ever received a perfect score. The purpose of the exam is to promote the study of Latin and to encourage individual student achievement. An additional 35 AITE students, along with more than 154,000 students from all 50 states and 19 countries, participated in the exams last month. The other AITE student awardees, based on scores for the exams they took, are: Gold Summa Cum Laude: Justin McArthur Mia During the ceremony, the National Honor Society was up first. Ms. Shauntier Yates, the advisor, spoke about the qualities that one from that society must possess. This year, she welcomed 38 inductees to the existing 42 members that are leaving. 13 CT COLT WORLD LANGUAGE NEWS EXCHANGE Student officers of this society include Katrin Nikolova, Francesca Scotto, Daniel Berger, Brian Fleischer and Stephanie Woodman, all of whom gave speeches like Ms. Yates. Student officers for next year, however, will be decided in September. SPRING 2016 Unfortunately, the Slavic Honor Society was not able to be a part of the ceremony, but includes advisor Mrs. Anna Koltypin, members Andrew King, Emily Kurcyzk, Julia Medina and inductee Mateusz Nowogrodzki. After all inductees had been formally accepted, everyone headed down to the cafeteria at AITE and enjoyed dinner while viewing the Junior Book Awards, wrapping up a great event. Next, was the Latin Honor Society. In addition to the 24 students already part of it, 13 were inducted. The advisor for this society is Mrs. Anna Koltypin, who, together with president Graham Steinberg and co-presidents Sean Maloney and Samuel Saturne, conducted a symbolic “Passing of the Torch” from inductee to inductee. Then, to top it off, the students sang the Latin song “Gaudeamus Igitur,” an anthem to the scholars of the world about academic life. Next year, it will be led by incoming president Daniel Lapinski and co-president Jessica Ulbrich. CT COLT 8/22/2016 Third in the ceremony was the Science Honor Society, with advisor Mrs. Danielle Weber. Celebrating achievement in any science courses, it was led by current co-presidents Francesca Scotto and Tanusri Balla, who later let the incoming copresidents Mariam Mohsin, Bharat Misra, Kevin Cheng and Mollie Rutz call the names of the new inductees. 20 juniors were accepted into the society, adding to the 18 seniors already in it. EDCAMP FOR LANGUAGE TEACHERS An “Unconference” for World Language Educators The event, organized by CT COLT, is modeled after “Edcamps,” and allows attendees to propose, present, or attend any sessions created that day. After two forty-five minute sessions, attendees will participate in a “smackdown” where all learning is shared. Walk-ins welcomed! Finishing off the ceremony was the Spanish Honor Society. Advisor Mrs. Raquel Bonessi and copresidents Tanu Balla and Daniel Berger. While also mentioning the values that its members must possess, inductees were led onto stage and received lit candles to represent inspiration. In addition to the 24 preexisting members, 16 were inducted. Mrs. Bonessi also announced that Carlos Arias Vivas would be the president next year. For more information and to register, please visit Monday – August 22, 2016 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. FREE and OPEN to ALL Educators Lewis S. Mills High School 26 Lyon Road, Burlington, CT 06013 BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE 14 CT COLT Board of Directors 2016 – 2018 Officers/Executive Committee President JAMES WILDMAN (2018) E-Mail: Glastonbury High School Vice-President/President-Elect LEA GRANER KENNEDY (2018) Stonington Public Schools ( Treasurer PAUL M. ST. LOUIS (2018) 275 Cedar Swamp Road, Monson, MA 01057-9303 E-Mail: Recording Secretary JOHN ROOK (2018) Smith Middle School E-Mail: ( South Central (2016) JESSICA HAXHI New Haven Public Schools E-Mail : Southwest (2016) DENISE M. MASSARI-EDGETT Darien High School E-Mail: East Central (2017) OPEN Southeast (2016) LISA URSO E-Mail: John Winthrop Middle School (Deep River) Organizational Directors ACTR JOHN ROOK Smith Middle School ( Alliance Française LINDA ZABOR ( CAPELL KAREN STOJ ( South Windsor Public Schools CITA GIANCARLO DESTEFANIS ( Ex-Officio Director/Director-At-Large CLASS University Liaison LINDA L. DALPE Quinnipiac University E-Mail: CAROL CHEN-LIN ( Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford CLASSCONN SHEILA HOULIHAN ( Newington High School CT LILL LEA GRANER KENNEDY ( CONNTESOL DOROTHY MULFORD ( Adult Learning Center, Bridgeport AATF-CT MARLA KOSENSKI Joseph A. Foran High School (Milford) ( CT-AATG CHRISTINE RAPP DOMBROWSKI Southern CT State University ( CT-AATSP AILEEN DEVER, Ph.D. ( Quinnipiac University, College of Liberal Arts NADSFL LEA GRANER KENNEDY ( Stonington Public Schools NNELL KATE KROTZER ( Glastonbury Public Schools Corresponding Secretary CHRISTINE RAPP DOMBROWSKI (2018) Southern CT State University E-Mail: Immediate Past President ELIZABETH LAPMAN (2018) E-Mail: Hamden Public Schools Coordinator of CT COLT Cadre of PD Trainers LISA URSO ( Social Media Specialist STACEY CLARK Portland High School E-Mail: Regional Directors Northwest (2016) OPEN North Central (2017) KAREN STOJ E-Mail: South Windsor Public Schools Northeast (2016) OPEN West Central (2017) KAREN MURANO E-Mail: Ridgefield Public Schools CT COLT Web Site: Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Hartford, CT Permit No. 5213 Connecticut Council of Language Teachers c/o Paul M. St. Louis 275 Cedar Swamp Road Monson, MA 01057-9303 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED DATED MATERIALS: PLEASE RUSH Connecticut Council of Language Teachers Serving Connecticut Teachers Since 1968 In This Issue CT COLT Fall Conference Building Proficiency in Today’s Digital Natives October 24, 2016 Radisson Hotel in Cromwell, CT Workshops Keynote Address by Laura Terrill Buffet Luncheon Free Parking Drawings for Themed Baskets The CT COLT World Language News Exchange, Issue No. 155, July 18, 2016. This newsletter is published four times a year (November, March, June, and July/August), is distributed only to CT COLT current members. Advertising in this publication does not represent official endorsement by the Connecticut Council of Language Teachers, Inc. of the products and services described or promoted herein. Your opinions may be sent to James Wildman, Glastonbury High School, 330 Hubbard Street, Glastonbury, CT 06066 or e-mailed to or to President’s Reflections Why Should Parents Support FL Learning? AITE Students Reflect on Studying Latin and Russian Polyglot Travel in a Time of Turmoil Laura Terrill Returns for CT COLT Summer Professional Development Essay Contest Winner Announcement CT AATSP Spring Conference Our Journey to Spain…Our Path to Global Competence AITE Students Achieve Perfect Scores… AITE National Honor Society Induction EDCAMP CT COLT Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 6 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 10 Page 12 Page 13 Page 13 Page 14 Newsletter Submissions Deadline for next newsletter: November 1, 2016 Help us keep our membership records updated! If you have moved or had a name change, please fill out the Information update form at