Crustaceans (Ostracoda, Cladocera, Copepoda)
Crustaceans (Ostracoda, Cladocera, Copepoda)
(Ostracoda, Crustaceans Cladocera, Copepoda) from basinsofthe River Tisa Region(Ukraine) Naralia Novalchuk Introdaction Theexistence of aquaticpopulations ofany regionis determined by theamount andquality of wateraccessingth€ areaThe quality of wat€r in lh€ river is dep€ndenlon interactionsb€twecna numb€r of prcc€sscscithcr natural or causcd by anlhropogenic agcnts. The form€r conventionally refersto the €duction(the so-callcd'self,purification' process€s) of waler.Numerousliving organismspanicipatcin theseprocesses by withdrawing organicmatterandacc€ssible min€ralsubstances fromth€ water.On the otherhand, more often, certainhydrobiontsare associat€d with th€ pollutionof waler with prcduclsrelatedto thevariouseconomicactivitiesof humans€xtraneous The mor€ siablea communityof aquaticdwellersis, the mor€ succ€ssful they will be in wilhdmwingandtransforming prcsentin thewater.As various€xtmneous admixtures a resull,betl€rwalerqualitywillbe achieved. Theknowledge aboutthestuctureandthcpcculiarities ofthe functioning of the communities ofaqualicorganisms is a n€c€ssary conditionfor theeffectivecontrolof walerqualityand for the duedetection ofunfavourable changes. Knowledgein this field servesas basisfor developingpracticalm€asuresofth€ improvem€ntof w?ter quality. Und€rthe mounlainous conditionsof th. Caryathianterritoryof Ukmine,a relalivelybig river(i... RiverTi$: a larget.ibutaryofRiver Danub€)s€rvcsas the basicdrain of the arca-Riv€r Tisa is lh€ maior aqueousanery andthe basicsourceof drinkingwaterin Hungary. In accordance with thosemenlionedabove.we considerthat finding oul ih€ species composition of conmuniliesinhabilingth€basinsof lh€ RiverTisaregionis an imporlantstaS€ofthe research analysing thc formationofwate.quality. Keywords:microzoobenlhos, zooplankton, crustaceans, RiverTisa Mot riah and M.thods The mat€rialfor the researchwas mainly samplesofmicrozoobenthosand also periphyton andzooplankton. We tooksampl€s fromrivers,brooks,springsandbasins 383 with stagnant water.whichw€reassociated with RiverTisa-Samplingwascarriedout ov€r7y€ars.mainlyinthesummefperiod.Theprocedure ofprocessing thesamples is givenin previously published papers (N. Kovalchuk1990,1993,1997). Resuhsand Discutsion Microscopic organisms andanimalsthatarefineby siz€butarehighlyorganised in lhisareaoftheTisar€gion,andrepresenl arepoorlyjnvesligated specialinreresr. In panicular,ihe planklooicandb€nthiccrustaceans oflhc groupsCopcpoda,Cladocem and Osiracodaare concerned. Unfortunat€ly, ther€hasbeenonly one monograph (Polishchuk 1986)recentlythatoffersanup-to-datc r€presentation andGarasevich, of inhabilinEthediversebasins the richness ofliving organisms. includingcrustac€ans. ofth.regionofRivcrTisain its Ukrdinianrcach.Inlhc monognph(Hydro€colo$/of theUkruinianr€aches ofthe Danubeandalliedbasinsr(1993)only lhechaplerby A. A. Kovalchuk(Protozoans andthemicrofaunD€onlainsdataon ther€gionofRiver Tisa,whilerher€stofrhe materials appearing ther€aremoregeneral, dealingwith the regionsofthe rivcrsTisaandPrut,andalsoincludingaoplanktondata. As aresultofofoursludieswerevealed 28 spccies andsubspecies ofcrustac€ans, nanclyi 3 speciesfrom the SroupOsracoda,S from Cladocem, T from Copepoda and 14 from Cop€poda Ha+acticoida. Datafrom our research Cyclopoida, andthe findingsofofter authors allowto ascenain lhalprescnlly8? specics andsubspecies of groups(s€eTable)arcknownfromthebasinsofthe oflhe dislinguishcd crustac€ans diverseUkrainianreachof Rive.'l'isa.11is necessary to emphasiy€ thal th€ group Osiracoda hadnot b€€nstudicdsp€ciallyin lhe region.The specificfindingsdo not give definitive infomation about speciesrichness.The sp€ciescomposilionof in lhe examinedmassis Cladocem, Copepoda Cyclopoida, andCopepoda Calanoida usualfor planktonic communili€s. Te subord€r Hamaclicoida is ofsD€cialintercst.Basedon theresultsofresearch studicsfocusingon lhis groupofcruslac€ros, somehavebeenassumed to be species have considerablyhigh new for scienceor for the region-Only Harpaclicoida orSanizalion in themicroscopic mng€-Duc to this.asclimaticcondilionschang€din the coursea long historicperiod,it becamepossiblefor thesespecieslo occupy differenlecotopes: lo leaveop€n*aler andinhabilinlerslitialwatersor lhe phrealic warenofsprings.I n contras( with largeranimalspccicsdemanding largeecolopes wilh with theirgrcaterquantities, stableconditions, it is obviousthatHarpacticoida. have richness, b€enablelo remainin lhe slateofhigh species andaretodaylive witDesses of bygoneepo.hs. AU thesemake lhe group cxlraordinarilyintereslingto the researchers of lhe evolutionof th€ world fauna,and €sp€ciallylo biogeographers. Harpacticoids arc valuablesubj€ctsfor the analysisof the waysin which lbunistic complexes andnatuBlsystems ofpresenttim€ havelbrmed.Theirgroupis a major objectofecologicalres€archcs bothin lhe gcnemllheoretical senscor in thc applied natureconsewalion approach. t84 Conclusions Theknowledge aboutcruslaceans inhabitingthebasinsin theUkrainianreaches of RiverTisa is unsatisfaclory. Ceftir groupsof crustaceans suchas Ostracoda or bottom-dwelling and veg€tation,inhabiting Cladocerahave nol been investigared generally. Ourresultsoflhe studyofthegroupHarpacticoidatestify lhatrheymayhave a potentiallyhigh and yet undescribed speciesrichness.This especiallyconcems interstitialcruslaceans. It is necessaryto notethat adversechang€saretaking placein mountainous ecosystems. Theyarecausedby theactiveeconomicactiviiyofhumans (in particular.mostly by improperfor€stry),which, as regardsits strength,is comparable with naturaldisast€rs. Undersuch conditions a numberofaquatic dwellers thalprcsenllyensureuscatarobic water,nay disappffrfromtheEanhssurface, even befor€beinsdescribed by science. Sufimory Systematised dataon the species composition anddislributionofcrusraceans in the microzoobenthos, zooplankton andperiphylonofbasinsin thediverseUkainian regionof Rivcr Tisa are presented. ln the final tabl€87 sp€ciesand subspecies of crustaceans, discov€r€d by tbeauthofandotherr€searchers, a.eincluded. ReIercnces Kovalchuk N.Ye.. Kovalchuk A.A (1990): Noviy vid nkoobEznih (copepod. P.rastenocaridae) iz Gorganskoho masivr UkninskihK pal(Newspecies ofcrustaceans (CopepodaPlnstenocaridae) fto,n the Gor8anmassifof lhe Ukhinian Carpathi.n0.V e s r n iak o l o g i i .- K i y i v . Nl : 7 5 - 7 6( i . R u s s i s ) Kovalchuk N.Ye.(1993):Faunaiekologiyaharpaklykoid ShidnihKarpat(Faunaandecolo$/of Harpaciicoidsofthe Edl Ca.pathidt. In: FaunaShidnyhKaaat: Such$niyStaniohorcna - Uzhgorcd:2?9-281(iD (Farni of the EastCrpaihios. Prcsenrslalefd protection). KovalchukN.Ye.(1997):Do rczpovsudzltennia harpatlikoidv mezhahUkdyins'kih Karpat (On$e distdbution of Haryacticoids irr$e UkoinianCarpathiant.I.: Inlemational aspects oftbe sludyandconsery.tion ofbiodiveuityin theC paihians. Septenber 25-27,1997.Ukaine.Rakhiv:99-l0l (in UkEinio) Koval.huk. A.A. (1993)r Prosteishiyei mikrofauna(Protozoansand micrcfauna)., HidroekoloSia ukninskogouchdlkaDunayrisopredel'nih vodoyomov(Hydrcecology of theUkoiniansiteofRiverDarubeand.llied basis).- Kiyiv.NaukovaDunka: I I 9-I 48rin 385 Monch..ko V.I. ( | 981): Noviyc dlia fauni SovebkohoSouzsisiklopi (Crusbcd, Cyclopoida) (Cyclopoids (CrustaceaCyclopoida)new io thc fauna of the Sovier Union). - Vestrik @losii. - Kiyiv,N 6:29-35(in R6sian) ParchukG.V. (193): Zooplanklon.In: Hydrc.colo$ ofthe ljliairid silc ofthc Darubc.nd alliedb.sins.- Kiyi%NaukowDumka:149{63 (in Russian) PolishchukV.V., Ga'"gitch |.G. ( | 9E6):Biososnficheskiye dpekri izuchmiya vodoyoDov bals€inaDunayav pEd.lah SSSR(BioAdgriphical dFcts of the study of bdins in the r€gionofRivcr Ddube ovq its @ge in th€ USSR).- Kiyiv, NaukovaDumka:212p. (in Russid) Carpakian EcologicalClub ( Ruthenia, PrcspectSwboQ 34/29 294018 Uzheorod 386 ll c{don! ssnrl, ryrridopsisp@r G.w.Mul c.riodaphni, ss Table,Crustaceans (Ostracoda, CladoceraCop€poda) ofbasinsin theresionofRiver Tisa lin Ukrain€) 1r(r nolspecifred. (mb, - nicrcbob€nlhos. (pphD- periphytoi. cp) - zooplankton, Notes. '": (1" - rcgionoflributary. (!lD- smallrive6. (lll) - springs. (insl,)-inteBtitial. brcoks, dV, - plddlesandolherlempomry basirs,(vD - lak. Sinevir.+*r: - (A' - nountain (Br - lbothillrcaches reaches oflheTisa.egion. of theTkaregion(figurcsl-7 in thelasl serialnDmbeis of the litenturelisli 8 - G.V. two cololnnsreferto thecorespondins Parch!k. connunication). Dersonal 38? 2 3 5 6 7 8 l0 t2 ll 2 l Chydorus sph&icus(O.F. 22 2l 24 75 27 28 29 Dispelonr rottdta rcstnh 3 0 I lyGryFc erdidus(, l-.ydish hydisii (Scho.dlcr) 32 vtccro$rix latiomn (Jurire) lt '1 tl 'l 6,3 35 7 l 6 Pl€urormrdnc.rN o.F. Mul. 7 1 RhFchoblo.a oslBt! (Kch) 3 scaphol.b.ris nucronar. (O.F Mu!.) ,9 Sidaclys1!llina {O.F.Mul.) 40 TElo.cpnahmbisuo (Lill).) 3 1 I AcDr|odiapton$ d.nii.onis t2 7 l.l Acantioyclops amcriqnus Tabl€conlinue 388 1 3 5 1 a I l0 A. .. spitoe (Moncbciro) 7 A. vcmllis v.rn lis(Fiscn.r) 5t 52 5l D bicnspidatusI od.ssn. Eucyclops nrcruroidcs(Lillj.) 53 1 59 50 vtac@yclopsalbdus (rurioe) 62 M.iocyclopsleuckM'(Claus) 3 \ Merlcyclops gEcilE (trllj ) '1 8 65 Tablecontinue 389 9 2 t2 l0 66 Pmyclopspopp.i (Rehb) Th.mi@yclopsoidonoid.s COPEPODAH.DNticod! arctidampius Irccophilus Ad.yelli $a$ (C.O.Sats) 70 Bry( amp'u,minuNs(Chut '11 7 7l B. spinulosus v. Miderralis B holradskyi Bootky '16 11 cdrhermpius sephylinus 390 u. popD<rpoPp.r {Mtur) v8ur.nh tsrdN (MzlrJ Tableconrinue 39t
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