“R3 Expressway Šahy


“R3 Expressway Šahy
Mlynské Nivy 45, 821 09 Bratislava
“R3 Expressway Šahy - Zvolen”
EIA Intention - General comprehensive final summary
March 2010
Prepared by:
EN ISO 9001:2000
Industrial and country ecology
Staré Grunty 9A, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovak republic
Tel.:(+421 2) 45 69 05 68
e-mail: info@ekojet.sk
EKOJET s.r.o.
Industrial and country ecology
R3 Expressway Sahy – Zvolen
EIA Intention
General Comprehensive Final Summary
1. Introduction
The subject of this summary is an EIA aim (EKOJET s.r.o., 11/2009) which evaluates
environmental impacts from the construction and operation of the proposed: “R3 Expressway
Sahy – Zvolen“.
In the Slovak Republic, environmental impacts resulting from activities are evaluated according to
Slovak National Council Act No. 287/2009 Coll. amending Act No. 24/2006 Coll. on Evaluating
Environmental Impacts, as amended. According to the law, it is necessary to work out documents
for two evaluation levels. The first level, “Intention“, means an evaluation of more /at least two/
variants, and the second level, “Evaluation Report“ is an evaluation of the variant recommended by
the “Intention“ section.
The responsible body, in this case the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic,
distributes Intention-level documents to organizations concerned and the public is also informed
about the process of evaluation. Neighbouring countries are also informed in the event of crossborder influences. On the basis of incoming calls, suggestions and statements which were
incorporated into the scope of evaluation issued by the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak
Republic, the documentation to the Evaluation Report will be worked out according to the Annex
No. 11, Act No. 24/2006 Coll. as amended. The documentation is then resent to organizations
concerned and to the public for comments. A part of the discussion regarding the Evaluation
Report is also a public discussion about the proposed activity. This public discussion is recorded.
The evaluation process continues with an expertise-based study made by an authorised person
and a final statement to the assessment of the proposed activity which is issued by the Ministry of
Environment of the Slovak Republic and elaborated by the Environmental Impact Evaluation
2. Purpose
The purpose of the evaluation of the R3 Expressway for the Sahy – Zvolen section is to find
a suitable route for the new corridor, as the road is of international importance in the given section.
The expressway has to meet capacity demands for transport flow especially those of heavy freight
vehicles crossing the country. Moreover, the expressway must be possible to implement as far as
its technology, operation and investment possibilities are concerned. The new route must be
acceptable with regards to its environmental friendliness and the development planned for affected
housing areas.
3. Location of the proposed activity
The evaluated activity is located in areas of the Banska Bystrica and Nitra Regions, in the territorial
districts of the following municipalities - Zvolen, Krupina and Levice. The route of the R3
expressway in the section of Sahy - Zvolen crosses the following cadastral territories:
o District of Zvolen – Babina, Dobra Niva, Breziny, Budca, Ostra Luka, Zvolen,
o District of Krupina – Dudince, Terany, Dvorniky, Hontianske Tesare, Dolne Sipice, Horne
Sipice, Sebechleby, Domanky, Hontianske Nemce, Unatin, Rakovec, Devicie,
o District of Levice – Sahy, Hrkovce, Vyskovce nad Iplom, Dolne Semerovce, Horne
Semerovce, Hokovce.
The proposed section begins at the existing border crossing at Sahy which is situated between the
Slovak Republic and the Republic of Hungary. The end of the section is positioned at the existing
fly-over at the “Budca“ crossroads close to the municipality of Budca. The R3 route is composed of
EKOJET s.r.o.
Industrial and country ecology
R3 Expressway Sahy – Zvolen
EIA Intention
the basic variant: ZV1 and also contains the following and suggested sub-variants - ZV1A, ZV1B,
ZV1C and ZV1D. The whole entire ZV1 variant is 66.773 km long, sub-variant ZV1A is 4.139 km
long, sub-variant ZV1B is 3.660 km long, sub-variant ZV1C is 5.681 km long and sub-variant ZV1D
is 7.947 km long.
4. Technical solution for the proposed activity
The technical solution draft of the proposed activity complies with technical norms and regulations
valid for road and highway projects, as well as for local roads and crossroads. Basic technical
requirements of the proposed activity are given in the chart shown below:
Fig.: Basic technical requirements for the proposed activity
Variant ZV1 – (green)
Sub-variant ZV1A – (orange)
Sub-variant ZV1B – (violet)
Sub-variant ZV1C – (red)
Sub-variant ZV1D – (blue)
Road Category
R 24.5/120
(tunnel section
Suggested speed
(Tunnel section: 80
4.5 %
On the basis of the traffic-engineering survey that focused on capacity evaluation of the proposed
R3 Expressway, it was shown that:
o If R3 is not implemented it is necessary to enlarge the existing road, I/66; however, it will
not meet expected transportation needs,
o The proposed ZV1, as well as sub-variants ZV1A, ZV1B, ZV1C and ZV1D will meet the
demands if implemented in the category of R 24.5/120 (full profile) for the periods
evaluated, 2020 and 2030,
o The proposed fly-over cross-roads / access roads will also comply with transport demands
expected for the years 2020 and 2030.
5. Reasons stating the need for the proposed activity in the given location
The R3 Expressway in the section of Sahy – Zvolen is a part of the basic system of highways and
motorways complying with the 2007 – 2010 Programme for the Preparation and Construction of
Highways and Motorways, approved by the Slovak Government via Resolution No.1084/2007
dated 19 December 2007. Within the expressway concept, the R3 Expressway was defined as
a route starting at the state border of the Republic of Hungary/Slovak Republic – Sahy – Krupina –
Zvolen – Ziar nad Hronom – Turcianske Teplice – Martin - Kralovany – Dolny Kubin – Trstena –
and ending at the state border of the Slovak Republic/Republic of Poland (234 km).
The current I/66 road is not in good technical condition in some parts of the evaluated section
(point defects and latitudinal faults, road surface issues). Since the Slovak Republic has become
a member state of the EU, heavy freight vehicle traffic on the current I/66 road (international route
E 77) has substantially increased in particular. Intensified transport has been negatively affecting
municipalities concerned, as well the District of Krupina, as the route crosses them. Transportation
using the current road suffers from increased fuel consumption, lost time for passengers, increased
accident rates, increased pollution due to higher emissions and citizens of municipalities
concerned suffer from unacceptable noise pollution. The implementation of the proposed activity
in the regions of Hont / Poiplie and Zvolensko – Podpolanie is also required as it will encourage
development of the local economy and tourism possibilities. The facts prove the suitability and
large need to construct the Sahy – Zvolen section of the R3 expressway.
EKOJET s.r.o.
Industrial and country ecology
R3 Expressway Sahy – Zvolen
EIA Intention
6. Data on potential indirect and direct environmental impacts
Impact on citizens
Impacts on citizens have been evaluated on the basis of emissions and noise pollution studies
resulting from the evaluated activity. According to the results of both the emission and the noise
studies, the activity and technical measures suggested will not endanger the health of citizens
Altogether 72,216 citizens residing in Districts of Zvolen, Krupina and Levice will be exposed to
direct impact of the evaluated activity. This equates to roughly 65 % of the total citizens in the
Districts of Zvolen and Krupina and roughly 10% citizens of the District of Levice.
With regard to impacts on citizens, the most unfavourable solution of the routing of the proposed
road is to lead R3 in the route / corridor of the existing I/66 road as this means that the transport
situation would be not solved in the territory and heavy freight vehicles would not use any bypass
outside the built-up area of municipalities. Neither regional governments nor citizens of the
municipalities themselves agree to such a solution.
For this reason, the new R3 route corridor for the section of Sahy – Zvolen, leads beyond inhabited
areas in a predominantly westward direction and will improve the noise and emission situation in
the municipalities concerned; it will also decrease the vibration caused by heavy freight vehicles,
and improve road safety (for pedestrians and cyclists) especially in parts routing through built-up
areas of municipalities.
Impacts to surface environment, ground and surface water
All variants / sub-variants proposed can be implemented. It is possible to adopt a technical solution
which will minimize negative environmental impacts. With regard to implementation however the
technical measures differ. According to the elaborated engineering geological study, and with
regard to the composition of the soils, it is possible to build up tunnel sections on the route of the
expressway. We do prefer the implementation of the Hanisberg 2 Tunnel (sub-variant ZV1B), as it
is shorter and economically more cost effective than the Hanisberg 1 Tunnel.
The route of the proposed activity does not directly interfere in any reserved and protected surface
beds and line elements, protected mineral deposits protected or mining shafts/chambers.
Regarding its functional and technological implementation, the proposed activity will not endanger
the existing natural, mineral or therapeutic resources of the territory under the condition that the
following technical measures will be taken: installation of the sewer system with catchers oil traps
on transit sections of the proposed activity which lead through locations along the hygienic
protection zone. The proposed activity does not interfere in protected water areas.
Modifications and shifting of local brooks are planned for the route of the proposed activity. The
Ipel and Hron Rivers will be spanned by the proposed route. Bridges will be designed to keep the
height of the level of one-hundred-years water at a required reserve grade.
Impacts on flora and fauna, location of NATURA 2000
The proposed activity will cross territory that is mainly agricultural in nature; a part of the route
leads across forested areas connected to the eastern foothills of the Stiavnicke vrchy /Stiavnice
Mountains/ (Hanisberg 2 Tunnel) and the western part of Lomnianska vrchovina /Lomnianska
Mountains/ (Tunnel A3).
EKOJET s.r.o.
Industrial and country ecology
R3 Expressway Sahy – Zvolen
EIA Intention
In particular forest biotopes of European and national importance located in the given territory will
be affected by the implementation of the evaluated activity. This interference with sensitive
territories of high value can only possibly be justified by the high public interest and the long-term
profitability of the proposed activity for society.
The route location will also require chopping timber outside of forests that have a lower tree stand
value, or the woods that will be cut down are not unique or can be eliminated due to their
secondary functionality and aesthetic aspects. The above negative impacts resulting from the
construction will be moderated by technical engineering measures and compensation measures
(garden modifications). We consider the impacts to populations of rare and protected fauna which
result from the Intention as unfavourable in some specific sections of the route.
Regarding impact on existing flora and protected fauna, we suggest avoiding valuable territories of
European importance - Mäsiarsky bok (the route of sub-variant ZV1D appears to be risky). In this
area we prefer the implementation of the tunnel section so as to create no migration barrier, which
will reduce accidents / crashes between vehicles and animals. The proposed activity will be
The proposed construction does not hit protected areas of birds and does not hit biotopes required
for fauna which are subject to protection as protected bird areas. No negative imapcts to these
territories that will be exerted by the proposed activity have been identified.
Impacts on biodiversity, protected areas and zones
A major part of the route of the proposed activity crosses the territory of top grade, highly protected
natural areas (according to Act No. 454/2007 Coll. amending Slovak National Council Act No.
543/2002 Coll. on Nature and Land Protection as amended.
The R3 route especially crosses agricultural parts of the territory. Construction impact on
biodiversity can be demonstrated in places in which construction crosses compatible woods
belonging to the protected area of Stiavnicke vrchy and the small protected area of Mäsiarsky bok.
Biotopes of European importance will be affected on the R3 route in the event that the sub-variant
ZV1D of the R3 route will be implemented as this will interrupt the forest continuity of the national
nature reserve. A better solution for this space is the implementation of the tunnel variant as this
will not affect primary forested biotopes with a higher degree on biodiversity.
7. Assessment of expected territorial development if the proposed activity is not
If the proposed Intention is not implemented the given territory will remain in its present status with
current inputs and outputs in and from all components of the environment. The current state road,
I/66 (E 77), will remain as the most important route from the Sahy – Parassapuszta border crossing
to Krupina – Zvolen.
Due to the expectations of increasing heavy vehicle traffic in a south/north manner (Slovak
Republic/ Republic of Hungary - Slovak Republic / Republic of Poland) in the future, the nonimplementation of the proposed activity will exceed transport intensity limits resulting in worse
traffic flow and lower capacity, higher accident rates, a higher number of collisions and lower safety
for citizens and visitors to the given municipalities. The result will be increasing negative
transportation impacts on the territorial environment, as well as increasing noise pollution and a
EKOJET s.r.o.
Industrial and country ecology
R3 Expressway Sahy – Zvolen
EIA Intention
higher degree on emissions especially in built-up areas which are currently crossed by the I/66
road. Road accidents will not decrease without the implementation of the proposed activity.
The implementation of the proposed activity will support the following transport division throughout
the territory - individual transit transport, lorries (utilizing a new part of the expressway), and source
(targeted) transport to the involved municipalities will be connected to the existing I/66 road.
Improved transport conditions will also influence the development of production, services and
tourism not only in districts concerned but also in the Regions of Banská Bystrica and Nitra.
8. A comparison of variants for the proposed activity and the optimal variant draft
A comparison of variants for the proposed activity (regarding their strengths and weaknesses):
Variant ZV1
· Passes by built-up areas of municipalities,
· No interference in the highly protected zone of first and second grade therapeutic sources
and natural resources of mineral table waters - 34. Dudince and Slatina,
· Avoids the highly protected zone of the first grade – Podzamcok water source,
· Crosses protected land through a tunnel, the route has no serious affect on the structure of
species of fauna and flora in the protected area,
· Is the optimal solution for connection to the primary road (I/66), adjacent lower class roads
and built-up areas,
· Regional government involved have raised no substantial objections against the route.
· Lack of fill material,
· High quantity of agricultural and forested lands in the given territory,
· Affects Stiavnicke vrchy, the second grade highly protected area,
· Necessity to shift field and forest paths and routes along 12,200 m,
· Necessity to build up a parallel road (shifting the I/66 road) in some sections of R3,
· Construction requires more sophisticated technology.
Sub-variant ZV1A
· No necessity to build walls protecting against noise pollution,
· No necessity to shift the existing I/66 road southward from Krupina,
· No effects on large and small protected areas,
· No requirement to shift rivers, streams and brooks.
· Lack of compliance with the valid territorial plan of the Town of Krupina,
· Creates another transport corridor on the small territory of the brook basin of Krupinica
(already existing transport corridors – national primary road I/66, railway, road II/526),
· Lack of fill material.
Sub-variant ZV1B
· Well-balanced cubature of excavations and fills,
EKOJET s.r.o.
Industrial and country ecology
R3 Expressway Sahy – Zvolen
EIA Intention
Crosses protected land through a tunnel, no substantial affects on the structure of species
of fauna and flora in the protected area,
A shorter tunnel section than that of the ZV1 variant,
No damage to the “Mäsiarsky bok“ protected area with high land value,
No requirement to shift rivers, streams and brooks,
Low quantity of agricultural and wooden earth in the given territory,
No requirement to shift field and forest paths and routes.
· Affects the land of Stiavnicke vrchy, the second grade highly protected area.
Sub-variant ZV1C
· Negligible quantity of forested land,
· Passes by the municipality of Babina – no requirement to shift the current I/66 road,
· No requirement to substantially shift rivers, streams and brooks.
· Necessity to shift field and forest paths and routes,
· A quantity of the agricultural land,
· Surplus fill material.
Sub-variant ZV1D
· Lower investment costs in the section (surface, non-tunnel R3 route),
· Territorial fragmentation in “Mäsiarsky bok“ (a territory of European importance, a national
nature reserve) in the eastern position of the road I/66, and violates its integrity,
· Affects the fifth grade protected area of “Mäsiarsky bok“,
· A high quantity of forested land due to its length,
· Affects the Krupinica brook (the stream is crossed twelve times), the stream must be shifted
and modified,
· Substantially affects the scenery of the land – long bridge constructions with lengths of 260
and 830 m,
· Lack of fill material,
· Occurrence of slope deformations along the route.
Reasoning for the proposal of the optimal variant
Comparing the proposed variant ZV1 and its sub-variants for the R3 route according to the main
criteria / indicators, on the basis of the comprehensive assessment of the environmental impact of
the proposed activity, and with regard to current and expected transport requirements and their
impact on citizens residing in affected housing areas, the most optimal variant appears to be
a combination of the proposed route ZV1 and its sub-variants. From the technical point of view, it is
possible to implement a mutual combination.
We suggest building R3 in the section of Sahy – Zvolen on the route of the variant ZV1 along 47.15
km. In this section, the route of the expressway does not cross more valuable locations especially
connected to the basin of the Ipel River and the route mainly leads through territory used for
agricultural purposes; it also respects the existing built-up areas of municipalities, of the Town of
Dudince, as well as of the District Town of Krupina. Sub-variant ZV1A is led southward from
EKOJET s.r.o.
Industrial and country ecology
R3 Expressway Sahy – Zvolen
EIA Intention
Krupina and it creates another transport corridor along the small territory of the basin of the
Krupinica River (national road I/66, railway, road II/526 towards Bzovík). In this section of
approximately 2.0 km, it is more effective to trace the proposed activity in the corridor of the current
I/66 road.
Due to its technical and economic advantages, we prefer the implementation of a shorter tunnel
section as a part of the route of sub-variant ZV1B in the section leading through the Hanisberg
massif. With regard to the influence of the construction on the protection of nature elements and
forests, the route of the non-tunnel (surface) solution for the construction in the route of sub-variant
ZV1D appears to be risky. It is laid throughout a less disrupted location of valuable land of
“Mäsiarsky bok“ northwards Krupina, it fragments the territory and disrupts both the structure and
the scenery of the protected area.
For the section between 50.41 and 56.14 km, we suggest to lead the route of the proposed activity
in the position of sub-variant ZV1C. In contrast to the ZV1 route this section does not need the
existing I/66 road. Moreover, no shifting of approximately 1650 m is required. In the following final
section of R3 (i.e. from km 56.14-66.77), we suggest to lead the route in the position of variant
ZV1, as this does not interfere with the urban structures of the territory and its A3 tunnel crosses
the western part of Lomnianska vrchovina; this is how it both bypasses and preserves more
valuable locations connected to the brook-basin of Neresnica.
We suggest leading the R3 route in the section of Sahy – Zvolen in the following corridors:
· Section stations from km 0.0 – 47.15: variant ZV1,
· Section stations from approximately km 47.15 – 50.41: sub-variant ZV1B (Hanisberg 2
· Section stations from approximately km 50.41 – 56.14: sub-variant ZV1C,
· Section stations from approximately km 56.14 – 66.77: variant ZV1.
Cross-border influence exerted by the construction of the „R3 Expressway Sahy – Zvolen“
The establishment of the Schengen area enables larger and better economic and cultural
cooperation among EU-countries and the free movement of persons with no border controls on
internal borders of individual member states. One territory with a chance to economically grow is
also the region of Hont / Poiplie and Zvolensko - Podpolanie in connection to the Nógrád Region
situated in the neighbouring Republic of Hungary. The proposed activity in the section of Sahy –
Zvolen will especially play an important role in international traffic of heavy freight vehicles. From
the international point of view (road E 77), it connects road networks of the Slovak Republic and of
the Republic of Hungary to a highway at the Sahy – Parassapuszta border-crossing.
The proposed activity will exert direct influence beyond the state border of the Slovak Republic.
Influences will be exerted on transport and a change of traffic intensity throughout the Hungarian
territory, especially due to the construction of a new transport corridor. Increasing traffic is to be
expected. Further investments on the Hungarian side will be required. The most sensitive section
will be M2 Vác – Országhatár which is planned for the year 2015. It is planned to build the road
leading through the state border between the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Hungary, and to
connect it to the existing highway M2 Vac – Budapest which is connected to the existing Budapest
bypass road (M0). To ensure a functional road network at the border, it is necessary to
synchronise the construction of transport infrastructures planned by both states and to achieve
their interconnection.
EKOJET s.r.o.
Industrial and country ecology
R3 Expressway Sahy – Zvolen
EIA Intention
The implementation of the proposed activity will enhance and ensure easier movement of citizens
in the affected areas to utilize services in centres without time delays (due bypasses of
municipalities), and it will encourage the interconnection of cultural regions on the Slovak and
Hungarian sides of the Ipel River. The implementation of the proposed activity will positively
influence the development of services, service to citizens, as well as business activities in the
Regions of Banska Bystrica and Nitra resulting in new job opportunities.
The proposed activity will contribute to the development of tourism on the territory in predominantly
a regional scale. The position and capacities for tourism within the territory can prospectively be
changed with regard to the development of cross-border connections to the Republic of Hungary.
From the point of view of the transport connection of Slovakia to the European system of roads, we
are of the opinion that the construction of the suggested investment will have a positive influence.
The proposed R3 Expressway will mean significant traffic stimuli for both states and for regions
On the basis of the comprehensive evaluation of the expected environmental impacts to the
evaluated territory as a result of this activity, and as measures to prevent, eliminate, minimize and
compensate for have been implemented, we consider the implementation of the construction both
acceptable and necessary due to its environmental impacts, we consider it as a benefit for the
entire society due to the potential investment and we consider the construction as realizable.
Bratislava, March 15th, 2010
EKOJET s.r.o.
Industrial and country ecology
R3 Expressway Sahy – Zvolen
EIA Intention