January/February 2016 Newsletter
January/February 2016 Newsletter
Volume XXVX Number 1 Newsletter of the Chapter In This Issue: President’s Message - Page 2 Monthly Dances - Pages 4-5 Upcoming Events - Page 3 Membership News - Page 6 Still Dancing Chapter 23- Pages 7 & 8 2 President’s Message Happy 2016 Dancers! What better way to work off some of those holiday pounds we all gained from this last month with homemade treats and holiday parties - so, Let's Get Dancing!!!! Calling all tech savvy dancers: We still need writers for our Chapter Newsletter and someone to take over as editor eventually and we also need a Webmaster. If you are interested in helping out with these items, please let someone on the board know. We'd truly appreciate it!! It's time to turn over a new leaf with our Southern Star Chapter Board for the years 2016 and 2017. MANY MANY THANKS go to these outgoing Board Members for their years on our board: Stan Sheppard (Treasurer), Jerry Dvorak (Member at Large), and Beth Nolan (Member at Large). Also, Nikki Dvorak and Mike Nolan will be stepping down with their volunteer duties after many years. You will be missed on the Board, but I'm sure we'll see you on the dance floor! Returning to the Board are the following members: Myself, Tracey Zirfas (President), Jackie Blount (Vice President), Martha Hughes (Secretary), and Elaine Derby (Member at Large). Thanks for joining us once again!!! And finally, WELCOME to our new Board members: Hyeyong Temlin (Treasurer), Nancy Egbert (Member at Large), and Mandy B. (Member at Large). We're so happy to have you join us! We have a lot of exciting new plans and ideas in store for our chapter, so stay tuned for upcoming details. We can always use more volunteers too, just let us know what you would like to help out with!!!! If you have not renewed your Southern Star Chapter Membership, or you'd like to join our chapter, please see Peg Johnston (our Membership Coordinator) for more details and an application. And don't forget to wear your Gold Star pin with pride to show you are a chapter member! Our November dance was actually on Veteran's Day, Nov. 11th this year. So, our theme was a salute to Veteran's and many dancers were wearing our patriotic red, white and blue colors to join in on the salute. Kevin Rios, of Just Dance Studio in Lakeland, was our special Guest DJ while Mike and Peg were away enjoying a cruise. Thanks for filling in once again Kevin - we were so excited to have you there! Yulia and Sergey Kopylov and two of their students were the monthly featured showcase dancers. What a treat is always is to see their talent and choreography on the dance floor. Yulia danced a snazzy little number with Jim Drake and Sergey brought back an old favorite Jive/East Coast Swing routine with me - or "Charley" as he called me in this routine due to my outfit.........more like Farrah Fawcett if you ask me! It's always fun to watch these routines! As an added feature, Laurie Collett (Rhapsody Ballroom Owner) sang a tribute to all of the US Military branches. She asked each veteran to stand up as their song was highlighted. What a special way to say thank you to all our dancing veteran's and families of veteran's - THANK YOU for your service and for protecting our freedom!!!!!!!!! Our December dance was a potluck/covered dish affair. WOW! Who knew we had dancers who could cook and bake too??!! YUMO! Also, as is tradition, we enjoyed two stirring performances by Richard and Laurie Collett (Rhapsody Ballroom Owners). They never cease to amaze us with their creativity on the dance floor - with the music, costumes, and dancing choreography! Unfortunately, unforeseen circumstances sidelined Nikki and Jerry this month, so amateur dance partners/competitors Mike Johnston and I, stepped in to do a holiday Santa themed East Coast Swing. It was fun and good practice for us as we get ready for the USADance Winter Frolic competition in Coconut Creek, FL on Jan. 30th. Wish us luck, or better yet, drive on over there to cheer us on! Let's all look ahead to a Happy and Healthy 2016 with lots of fun dance experiences! And always keep this in mind: "To be able to dance is both a joy & a privilege. But to be able to dance among friends is truly a blessing!" Tracey 3 Upcoming Events Jan 6th Pasco County USA Dance Contact Pete (727)-967-3106 @ New Lakes of Regency Park Civic Center, 8330 Civic Dr, Port Richey 34688 7:00 – 10:00pm Monthly Dance (1st Wed) Jan 13th SouthernStar USA Dance Contact Carol 813-689-5381 @ The Rhapsody Ballroom 7:30 – 10:30pm Monthly Dance (2nd Wed) Jan 25th Suncoast USA Dance Contact Nancy 727-576-1206 @Gulfport Casino in Gulfport 7pm – 10pm Monthly Dance (last Monday) Feb 3rd Pasco County USA Dance Contact Pete (727)-967-3106 @ New Lakes of Regency Park Civic Center, 8330 Civic Dr, Port Richey 34688 7:00 – 10:00pm Monthly Dance (1st Wed) Feb 10th SouthernStar USA Dance Contact Carol 813-689-5381 @ The Rhapsody Ballroom 7:30 – 10:30pm Monthly Dance (2nd Wed) Feb 29th Suncoast USA Dance Contact Nancy 727-576-1206 @Gulfport Casino in Gulfport 7pm – 10pm Monthly Dance ( 3rd Monday) Dance every Wednesday 7:30 pm and Dance on Fridays 8:00 pm @ The Rhapsody Ballroom Contact Richard @ 813-985-6570 ********************************************* On the cover: From left: Richard and Laurie Collett, who provide the ballroom for us each month. Laurie also sang a tribute to the armed services at our November dance. Jim Drake, Tracey Zirfas, Yulia and Sergey Kopylov also provided a fabulous show for us. 4 November Dance by Nikki Dvorak Thumbs up on a perfect show! From left: Richard and Laurie Collett, Jim Drake, Tracey Zirfas, and Yulia and Sergey Kopylov. The day of our November chapter dance was also Veteran’s Day so we decided to have everyone come dressed in red, white, and/or blue. We also honored our chapter members who have served in the armed services. Laurie Collett put together a medley of all the armed services theme songs, and as each branch’s song was being sung we had those veterans stand. There was even a service dog in the house! The photo below shows just a few of the veterans who were at the dance. Thank you for your service to Laurie our country! There was a good turn out for the dance. Kevin Rios stood in as DJ for the evening since Mike and Peg were on their annual dance cruise. Thanks, Kevin for a the flawless fill-in. Yulia and Sergey Kopylov delivered a great show for the entertainment portion of the evening. It started out with Yulia and Jim Drake portraying two hooligans as they danced a fun international quickstep to a fast paced Russian song. These two showed how important it Yulia and Jim is to have stamina in ballroom dancing. Agility and great technique are requirements as well to successfully be able to pull off such an vigorous work, and these two were well up to the task. It was full of spirited energy and completely entertaining. Next up was a fun Swing/Jive danced by Sergey and Tracey Zirfas. Sergey had shoulder surgery in July and it looks like he’s completely healed from that, thankfully. I can’t imagine a ballroom floor Tracey without him and his and quirky sense of huSergey mor and fabulous choreography. I’ve seen them perform this dance before but it just keeps getting better all the time. They clearly were having a good time entertaining with this crowd pleaser. What do you think? Was Tracey “good cop” or “bad cop”??? She did get her crook by the end of the dance! We celebrated a couple birthdays. Elaine and Franco were presented with several cakes, and we all sang the traditional song (sorry, we’re dancers, not singers!). After that it was back to the dancing. After all, that’s why we were all there in the first place. The rest of it was just, well, “icing on the cake”! 5 December Dance by Niki Dvorak Merry Christmas everyone! Our entertainers for the evening’s show: Richard and Laurie Collett, birthday boy, Mike Johnston, and Tracey Zirfas. It’s Christmas time in the city….. And you know what that means– time for our chapter’s annual Christmas dance. The ballroom was all decked out for the holidays and everyone was dressed to match in their holiday finery. We declared it a potluck dinner night so you know the food was fabulous too. Good thing we were dancing to work off all those calories! In an annual tradition Richard and Laurie Collett treated the audience to two beautiful theatre arts numbers for the show. The first was to the music, Silent Night. It was graceful and restrained, a model of poise. Laurie and Richard Jerry and I usually dance with the Colletts for the Christmas show and we did have a Christmas dance that we were working on. Disaster struck when my bum knee started giving out randomly, and I was unable to continue with our rehearsals. You’ll just have to believe me when I say it was going to be fabulous! Hey, a girl can dream…… Mike Johnston and Tracey Zirfas stepped away from their duties as MC and DJ long enough to perform for us. They came up with an engaging East Coast Swing number. Tracey always dresses the part in each show she does, and I loved her take on the Santa costume (I want those boots!). The fun and energy they brought to this dance was infectious, and had the audience clapping along and wishing we were up there dancing with them. Mike and Tracey For the last piece in the show Richard and Laurie returned for a thrilling theatre arts number featuring a large silver ring. It was used in many inventive lifts with Laurie sinuously draped in and out of the ring while Richard twirled and spun around the floor. It was completely intriguing, and had the audience enthralled throughout the dance. I hope we can convince them to perform the dance for us again sometime. Did anyone get a video of it? I’d love to see it again! Once again we wrapped up the evening after the show with the door prize drawing and lots more dancing. A big thank you goes out to all who brought food for that delicious potluck banquet we all enjoyed. And thank you to all of you who give your time and energy to the chapter as volunteers. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Don’t forget about the price increase starting with our January dance. The cost for SouthernStar members will be $8 and non members pay $12. It’s well worth joining to get that lower rate, plus there’s some pretty good swag for joining as a new member! I hope you’ve all had a wonderful holiday season. 6 Membership News Birthday Dancers January 1-2 Phillip Guest 1-8 Patricia Johnston 1-8 Sandy Lopez 1-11 Kimberley Moresco 1-12 Elizabeth Golinden 1-13 Beth Nolan 1-13 Pat ONeill 1-19 Russell Davis 1-20 Jim Drake 1-21 Jillian Tokish 1-23 Peg Johnston 1-27 Ellen Watkins February 2-1 Larry Watkins 2-2 Yv0onne Karel 2-8 Daniel Golinden 2-16 Claudette Gladden 2-18 Lee Taylor 2-22 Marianne ONeill 2-28 Roberta Nicholas 2-28 Carey Shea 7 Still Dancing By Rose Masciello An autobiography raised eyebrows they asked, “Are you a new neighbor? We’ve never seen you before.” I answered, “Yes, we moved to Flatbush just a few weeks ago.” Then I proudly added, “John the Barber is my father. He owns his barber shop and gives great haircuts.” “Oh yes, he does,” they answered simultaneously. Then one of the girls said, “Mr. John gave me and my sister Buster Brown haircuts that we just love. Don’t we Sally?” Sally agreed as she primped and ran her fingers through her new hairdo. CHAPTER 23 Sally and Tootsie The neighborhood was still unfamiliar to us, so my mother, being overly protective, did not allow me to venture further away than a few feet from our own front stoop. One day I said to my mother, “Mama, soon I will be eight years old. Don’t you think I should be allowed to ride my bike up to Papa’s barber shop and back?” Mama answered, “Yes, and if you are careful and promise not to go around the whole block you may go up to the corner bakery shop.” In a flash my bike became the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria, and I turned into Miss Columbus, on my way to discover America. I arrived at the barbershop and cheerfully waved to my father who was gazing out of his shop’s window. He stepped outside and with the air of a patrol officer, he sternly asked me, “Where is your passport?” We laughed as I explained that Mama had given me permission to explore as far as the corner bakery shop. Feeling rather frisky I continued on my way, merrily riding my bike sideways. A few doors away from my father’s shop I noticed from the corner of my eye, two young girls sitting on the steps of their front stoop. They watched me curiously and as I was about to pass them by they waved and started to walk towards me. They approached me with friendly smiles, and with Her sister said “We’re twins and our nick names are Sally and Tootsie.” I was surprised to learn that the girls were twins. They did not resemble each other. Sally was thin and had dark hair and eyes. Tootsie was robust and had exotic almond shaped hazel eyes. I said, “My name is Rose and I have a four year old brother, Tony. Do you have any brothers?” “ Yes,” answered Tootsie “his name is Louie and he’s twelve years old. He likes to tease us and calls us the “Dolly Twins” and sometimes he calls us babies.” Sally pouted and said, “We’re not babies. We’re going to be eight years old in two weeks, on August 16th. How old are you?” I said, “I will be eight years old in two months, on October 26th. They clapped their hands and said, “Oh we’re the same age and maybe we’ll be in the same class. You’ll be going to Public School 89 won’t you?” I said “yes,” and while they rejoiced at the prospect of us being in the same class, I silently thanked God that I had found girl playmates at last. I missed my boy cousins and truly loved them all, but I rarely enjoyed playing “Cowboys and Indians” and “Cops and Robbers.” Now I felt lucky that we had moved to Flatbush and on Nostrand Avenue no less! Tootsie said, “We saw you riding your bike sideways. Where did you learn to do that? I have a bike. Would you show me how?” Sally didn’t seem to be interested in riding a bike. She said she enjoyed skating. However, they both listened in rapt attention as I told them about my exciting time at the Barnum & Bailey Circus. I promised Tootsie that I would help her to ride her bike sideways if she brought a box of band-aids to the lessons. (Continued on page 8) 8 (Continued from page 7) When we finally parted I rode away with heartfelt gratitude for having met the twins. They had made plans for us to be together the next day so I felt no need to explore any further. I would ride to the corner bakery another day—probably with my new friends. Now I was eager to tell Mama my wonderful news. When I arrived home my mother smiled contentedly as she listened to the excitement in my voice as I said, “Mama, I’ve just met two girls, they’re Sally and Tootsie. They live just a few doors away from Papa’s barbershop and they’re my age. We hope to be in the same class when the new term starts. They have an older brother, Louie, who is in a higher grade. I just know we’re going to be good friends. Mama, tomorrow you and Tony must come with me so that you can meet my new playmates, Sally and Tootsie.” I could hardly wait for the next day. That night Miss Columbus went to sleep feeling like the happiest little eight-year old girl in Flatbush. Email Blast!!! If we don’t have your email address, please send us a quick note to let us know you’d like to sign up for the email blasts about upcoming events and chapter dances. Send to: Officers & Committee Members President………………………..Tracey Zirfas Vice President………………….Jackie Blount Secretary ................................ Martha Hughes Treasurer ............................... Hyeyong Temlin Members-At-Large ................. Elaine Derby, Nancy Egbert, Mandy B. Entertainment Chairperson .. Lelia Blevins Membership Chairperson ..... Peggy Johnston Outreach Chairperson........... Lelia Blevins Publicity Chairperson…… ..... Deborah Kobritz Refreshment Chairpersons….Lurlene Gough and Jackie Blount Webmaster……………………...Jerry Dvorak Newsletter Editor……………...Nikki Dvorak smoothdancers2@ij.net If you’re not already a SouthernStar member please see our chapter website for an application for membership! www.southernstarusabda.org The StarDancer Newsletter is published bimonthly by the SouthernStar Chapter of USADance and has a current circulation of 350 copies with over 600 readers throughout the Tampa Bay area. We will gladly accept advertising for your business, service, and/or dance event at the following rates per issue: Visit Our Website The chapter has a website with information regarding the chapter and an online version of our newsletter. You can also view pictures taken at recent events. Jerry Dvorak works hard to keep the website current. The address is: www.southernstarusabda.org Full Page ..................................... $35 Half Page .................................... $20 Business Card (1 Issue) ............. $10 Business Card (2 Issues) ........... $15 Please call or email for advertising deadlines or more information. Please submit all advertisement in electronic format (preferably) and send to: Nikki Dvorak, Editor 4006 Branch Ave, Tampa, FL 33603 813-237-5265 gottadance@verizon.net Places to Dance! Feature SouthernStar USADance (813) 685-1656 Location Rhapsody Ballroom 12101 N 56th Street Tampa, FL Date/Time Admission Misc Wed, Jan 13 Wed, Feb 10 7:45 - 10:15 p.m. $8 Members $12 Non-Members USADance Ballroom Group Lesson Shows & More Suncoast USADance (727) 576-1206 Gulfport Casino Gulfport Mon, Jan 25 Mon, Feb 22 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. $5 Members $8 Non-Members USADance Ballroom Sarasota USADance (941) 720-6875 Sara Dance Ctr 5000 Fruitville Rd Sarasota, FL3232 Every Monday 7:00 - 10:00 $8 Members $10 Guests $5 students, chaperones, and observers USADance Ballroom Group lessons Youth lessons Wed, Jan 6 Wed, Feb 3 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. $6 Members $8 Non-Members USADance Ballroom $8 - $9 Ballroom Group and private lessons social dances Group classes and private lessons Call for times Call for rates Ballroom Group and private lessons Dance parties Pasco USADance New Lakes of Regency Park Civic pete@dancingandhe Center, 8330 Civic althy.com Crystal Blue Ballroom (727) 392-5395 www.ballroomdanci ngtampabay.com Dr, Port 34688 Richey 10527 Park Blvd Group classes and Seminole, F l Dances Wed, Sat, Sun 33772 call for times Magic Dance Club 10001 66th St. N. (727) 549-2222 Pinellas Park, Fl www.magicdanceclu 33782 b.com EasiDance Ballroom (813) 908-3340 5111 Erlich Road Tampa, FL Thursday Evenings 8:00 - 9:30 Please Call For Info $6 - $8 Ballroom Rhapsody Ballroom (813) 985-6570 12101 N. 56th St. Tampa, FL Wednesday Evenings 7:30 - 10:00 p.m. Friday Evenings Latin/Swing 8:00 - ?? $6 Ballroom The Way 2 Dance 610 Oakfield Dr. Brandon, Fl 813-966-4788 Friday Evenings Socials 7:30 - 10:00 pm 4th SaturdaySwing Night Please Call for Group Lessons $8 Latin Ballroom Swing We welcome your input. The StarDancer is a newsletter for members of the SouthernStar Chapter. at (813) 685-1656 and we will add to the above list. SouthernStar USADance does not promote or favor any particular studio. This list is strictly for the use of amateur dancers seeking a place to dance. The home office USADance national phone number is (800) 447-9047. If we have not included your favorite place to dance, please contact Mike or Peg Johnston A recorder is on after hours. If you have a question regarding USADance, they will be glad to help you. Rhapsody Ballroom 12101 North 56th Street, Tampa 7:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Sponsored By SouthernStar Chapter of USADance General Dancing Mixers Refreshments For More Information: 2016 Yearly Planner Jan 13………………………….Monthly Dance Feb 10…………………………..Monthly Dance Richard or Laurie Collett (813) 985-6570 Carol or Pete Peterson (813) 689-5381 Peg or Mike Johnston (813) 685-1656 Mar 9…………………………...Monthly Dance Apr 13…………………………..Monthly Dance Jun 8……………………………Monthly Dance July 13………………………….Monthly Dance Aug 10………………………….Monthly Dance Sept 14………………………….Monthly Dance Oct 12…………………………..Monthly Dance I-75 May 11………………………….Monthly Dance Ice Cream Social Ballroom Dance January 3 & 24, February 7, 2016 Peg and Mike welcome you to: The New StarDust Ballroom 3613 Citrus Tree Court Plant City, FL This beautiful dance hall features a 60 x 80 floating wood floor with seating for 150 around the outside perimeter. Come dance the afternoon away with us, to the best in ballroom dance music and enjoy all the ice cream you care to indulge in! Admission is $10.00 per person Time: 2 – 4:30 PM The dance will include mixers, line dances and we will take your dance requests as well. Come enjoy our, clear as a bell, Bose sound system to the best selection of Ballroom music available! We want to thank everyone for their support throughout the years as we start our 18th year of hosting the Ice Cream Social Dance! Mike and Peg Johnston smoothdancers2@ij.net 813-685-1656 home and 813-376-6921 cell Here are some of the retiring and new chapter board members, who were acknowledged at the December dance. From left: President, Tracey, new member at large, Nancy, outgoing member at large, Jerry, outgoing treasurer, Stan, new treasurer Hyeyong, new member at large, Mandy, and vice president, Jackie. Check out pages 5 and 6 to see what else happened at the monthly chapter dances! SouthernStar Chapter PO Box 4 Valrico, Florida 33595 email gottadance@verizon.net Web site www.southernstarusabda.org