The Founders Inn Virginia Beach - Virginia Association for Health
The Founders Inn Virginia Beach - Virginia Association for Health
VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION FOR HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, RECREATION AND DANCE 2010 CONVENTION PROGRAM NOVEMBER 11-14 The Founders Inn Virginia Beach President Vicki Miller November 11, 2010 Dear Friends and Colleagues: On behalf of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors of the Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, I am pleased that you have made the commitment to take part in a terrific opportunity for professional growth, networking, and sharing time with colleagues. The Future of VAHPERD Is In Your Hands is this year’s convention theme. Now, more than ever, we need to work together to ensure the future health and well-being of our students, and that starts with QUALITY HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS. Our First Lady, Michelle Obama, has initiated the national program, Let’s Move, to increase opportunities and solutions for physical activity and healthy eating. VAHPERD has been actively involved with advocacy programs and professionals on the state and federal levels to lobby for physical education as a “core” subject and to provide quality physical education programs to reduce childhood obesity. This generation of children could be the first to predecease their parents. Quality physical education could be their best health insurance. Educators need help from PEP grants and the corporate world. VAHPERD is very fortunate to have so many partners that want to see teachers succeed. Please attend the President’s Social on Friday, November 12, to hear some of our outstanding advocates and visit their sessions and the exhibits to learn more about advocacy and quality PE programs and opportunities. VAHPERD is fortunate to have John Bennett, former AAHPERD president, as the keynote speaker for our First General Session on Friday at 12:00 noon, and Artie Kamiya, President of “Great Activities” and PE advocate, as the keynote speaker for our Second General Session at 4:00 pm on Saturday. Other outstanding national and state presenters you will not want to miss: Bill Sells, SGMA; Tom Byrd, “Fit4Kids”; John Booty, NFL and SGMA; Robert Pangrazi, Arizona State University and Gopher; Curt Hinson, PlayFit Education, Inc.; Fran Bishop, MECKids; Alison Spencer, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield; Lauren Holtz, Radio Disney; Stephanie Smith, Safe Routes to School; Chad Triolet; Stephanie Smith, SRTS; Kristin Brittle, VAFHK; Eric Carver, Walk4Life; Andy Tupy, Gopher; Grant Sheffer, Socci; and many more outstanding VAHPERD HPE teachers who are dedicated to making Virginia health and PE programs the best! We will recognize our outstanding professionals, students and colleagues at our General Sessions. Please show your support and enthusiasm for their accomplishments. Thanks! Special thanks to our convention manager, Judy Johnson, and our past president, David Sallee, for all of their hard work and dedication to present a dynamic convention featuring programs, meetings, awards, socials and exhibits. Other VAHPERD members who have had major roles in putting together this event are our Executive Director Henry Castelvecchi, Exhibits Manager Bob Davis, division and section officers, committee chairs, city/county supervisors and our teachers and college students! We hope this convention will renew your dedication and enthusiasm to continue your valuable work. TEACHERS can do what others only dream of -- we can make a difference in people’s lives. I encourage you to be part of our convention. Take the opportunity to share what you know and to learn from others. Enjoy all the opportunities! Return to work with renewed enthusiasm, because you are The Future of VAHPERD and our children. Thank you! Respectfully yours, Vicki Miller Vicki Miller President WILLIAM D. SESSOMS, JR MAYOR DateD MUNICIPAL CENTER BUILDING 1, ROOM 234 2401 COURTHOUSE DRIVE VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23456-9000 (757) 385-4581 FAX (757) 385-5699 WSESSOMS@VBGOV.COM WELCOME! Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Convention It is indeed a pleasure for me to extend to you a most cordial welcome on behalf of the City of Virginia Beach. You have made a good choice in selecting Virginia Beach as the site of your Convention and I am excited that you will get to experience our City during the beautiful Fall season. As one of the safest cities of its size in America, Virginia Beach offers an abundance of cultural and recreational opportunities and immediate access to quality oceanfront and Town Center establishments. The Contemporary Art Center of Virginia has a marvelous collection of art of our time and offers exhibitions and outdoor art shows. We also have excellent parks and recreational facilities. We are especially proud of the Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center, which combines hands-on exhibits with over 100,000 gallons of aquariums. And don’t forget our miles and miles of beautiful beaches and scenic waterways. Our modern city also has a rich historical past. In Virginia Beach, you can sightsee at locations that date back to our nation’s birth. All of this, together, makes this a truly great place in which to hold convention. We are delighted that you have selected our community, and I encourage you to experience one of the finest cities in the nation during your visit. Sincerely, William D. Sessoms, Jr. Mayor TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Hotel Floor Plan ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 Division Programs at a Glance ......................................................................................................................... 2 Convention Session Planner ............................................................................................................................. 7 Meetings and Special Events ............................................................................................................................ 8 Thursday Programs............................................................................................................................................11 Friday Programs ..................................................................................................................................................12 Healthy Connections Bingo Card ..................................................................................................................22 Saturday Programs .............................................................................................................................................23 Sunday Programs ................................................................................................................................................38 Convention Planning Committee ..................................................................................................................43 Exhibitors ...............................................................................................................................................................44 Officers and Directors .......................................................................................................................................45 Section Officers ....................................................................................................................................................47 Standing Committees.........................................................................................................................................50 Past Presidents.....................................................................................................................................................52 Pioneer Award Recipients ...............................................................................................................................54 Honor Award Recipients ..................................................................................................................................55 Teacher of the Year Award Recipients .......................................................................................................56 Other Award Recipients ...................................................................................................................................58 Convention Evaluation Form ..........................................................................................................................59 Advertisers ............................................................................................................................................................60 Certificate of Attendance 1 DIVISION PROGRAMS AT A GLANCE……. Health Thursday 9:00 am Legal and Ethical Issues in Family Life Education Friday 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 4:00 pm Mirror, Mirror On The Wall: The Media’s Influence On Body Image Health Made Fun And Games What A Headache . . . Becoming The Trusted Leader In Any Situation Improving Nutrition, Fitness and Stress In Tweens With Interactive Media National Board Process Top Five Chronic Diseases In Obese Children Are You Up To Speed? Updates From The CDC American Cancer Society And The American School Health Association 9-5-2-1-0 – The Message Is Out! Northern Virginia Healthy Kids Coalition Saturday 8:00 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm Family Life Education 101 Creating Healthy Students For Life Greater Richmond Fit4Kids, Inc. Healthy Connections Centeredbeing: Bringing 8 Principles For Centered Living To K-12 Using The Web, Wii And Social Media To Enhance PE Learning Health In Schools: A Roundtable Discussion What Are Your Children Doing After School? Health Care Reform: Prevention Is Key Engaging Schools And Community Partners To Promote Better Health That Amazing Heart What Are Adolescents Up To Now? Emerging Drugs Of Abuse Sunday 8:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am Reality Check: How TV & Technology Are Changing Our Health Secure Your Mask First The Power Of Positive Influence The Real Deal – Obesity Antioxidants: The Natural Healer Plastics: Trading Safety For Convenience 2 Friday 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 4:00 pm Physical Education Orienteering Ideas For Elementary Students Integrating Game Tactics With Motor Skill Progression Motor Skills, Fitness, And Nutrition: A Recipe For PE Success ING Run For Something Better Anthem Get Active Get Fit School Challenge Engaging Communities To Advocate For Increased Opportunities For Youth In Sports and Physical Activity Fitness + Technology = Success Noodle Academics – Integrate Health And Academic Concepts Through Movement Pineapple Ping Pong, Anyone? Speedminton – Anytime, Anywhere! Fuel Up To Play 60 – Eat Healthy, Get Active, Make A Difference! Artie Kamiya Saturday 8:00 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm Loudoun County Is Focused On Fitness Elementary Running Clubs And How To Fund Them Novel Approaches To Integration Escape (Excellent Self-Contained Adapted Physical Education) Game-A-Rama: Using Games To Maximize Activity Time Manage The Mayhem Students In Action – Taking The “Dis” Out Of Disability Fun-ctional Fitness: A Moving Experience Enhancing Educational Leadership In The Major’s Club PEP-The New Plan: Obstacles Or Opportunity Criss/Cross Make You Wanna Jump And Shoot The Head Bone Is Connected: Brain Based Learning For College Students And Young Professionals Get Active, Stay Active! Taking The Judgment Out Of Assessing Student Participation You Can Take It With You! Portable Fitness Fun Fitness Games For Everyone Engaging Fitness And Skill-Building Activities For Grades 3-5 Artie Kamiya What Should Special Education Students Be Learning In General PE Classes? BirdieBall SOL Recess A New Mission – Creating Active And Healthy Schools Teaching Self Defense Safety And Inclusion Of Children With Disabilities In General Physical Education Move It, Learn It – Integrated Learning Through Meaningful Movement Sunday 8:00 am 9:00 am Advocacy – The VAHPERD Way Practical Tai Chi For The Classroom And Gymnasium The New Teacher’s Toolbox: How To Mentor New Teachers To Assist In A Smooth And Successful Transition Jump For Fitness 3 Sunday (PE continued) 9:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am Friday 1:00 pm 3:00 pm 4:00 pm Simple Modifications For Children With Disabilities PE Metrics – It’s Expanded To Meet The Needs Of Elementary Physical Education Let’s Move It, Move It, Move It – Meaningful Movement And School Success Action Research In Action: Heart Rate Response With Two Teaching Approaches Girls (And Boys!) Just Wanna Have Fun! Make Fitness Testing Count! Using Digital Video To Increase Psychomotor Skills Parent Night With Family Life Education (Not Just For Middle School Parents) Recreation Adventure Curriculum For Elementary Physical Education So You Think You Can Stack Involving Youth In The Lifelong Sport Of Running Discover The Hidden Treasures Of The Shenandoah National Park Hiking Trails Happy Hour Fitness Saturday 8:00 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 3:00 pm Annual 5K Run Orienteering Map Reading VAHPERD’s Third Annual Amazing Race Adventure Curriculum For Secondary Physical Education National Archery In The Schools Program Geocaching – A Lifelong Activity For Everyone Frisbees Golf So You Think You Can Stack BirdieBall Golf Tournament Sunday 9:00 am 10:00 am This Ain’t No Roller Derby! Foundational Fitness – Functional Training and Fitness Equipment for Lifelong Fitness 4 Friday 1:00pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 4:00 pm Dance Telling The Story Through An Aerobic Dance Production – Part 2 Dancing Jambalaya Dances Your Students Will Beg To Do! Sacred Dance: A Way To Let Go, Relieve Stress, And Have Fun Saturday 8:00 am 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 7:00 pm Dance For Health Shaggin – Myrtle Beach Style Applied Kinesiology And Umfundalai: An African Dance Technique Intermediate Modern Dance Kaleidoscope Sunday 8:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am Stretch It Out! Get Connected! NDA Can Help Strengthen Your Program Ballet For Beginners Yoga In The Gym Lilly Vonn Dance Pilates For The Gym Safe Practices In Teaching Dance Technique General Thursday 8:00 am CSCS Prep Course (continues Friday at 8:00 am) American Red Cross – Southeastern Virginia Chapter Friday 8:00 am 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 4:00 pm CSCS Prep Course (continued from Thursday) City/County Supervisors Meeting Registration For VAHPERD Job Fair Move It! Don’t Lose It! VAHPERD Job Fair Research Mining Presenting Your Best VAHPERD 101 – Get Involved! Student Superstars and Student Section Meeting An Overview Of The New Accreditation Process In Sport Management 5 General (continued) Saturday 8:00 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm Sport Management Research Get Your Children’s Brains Ready For Learning Virginia PETE Network Second Annual Meeting The Virginia State University HPERD/Sports Management Majors Club “Super Network” – Part I The Virginia State University HPERD/Sports Management Majors Club “Super Network” – Part II iPE – Using Technology To Improve Instruction In PE And Health Invent The Event: How Students In The Virginia State University HPERD/Sports Management Majors Club Create Symposia And Other Events Lesson Plan for Teaching ESL Students About Physical Activity Sunday 8:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am Does Sport Build Character Or Characters? A “Book Share”: Developing A Spirit Of Collegiality And Professional Development VAHPERD Board Orientation Becoming A Teacher Of Influence Leading The Way To A Healthy School Community: Teachers As Advocates Safe Routes To School: At The Intersection Of Health And Active Transportation Empathy Training Presented by the Health Division The Healthy Connections Health Fair is back! We have reflexology, great health information and resources for you to use. We will also have several 50-minute table sessions throughout the day. Play Healthy Connections Bingo for your chance to be entered into a drawing for great prizes! Doors open at 11:00 a.m. Saturday – Patrick Henry Bingo card may be found on page 22. 6 CONVENTION SESSION PLANNER Day/Time Event Location First General Session Ballroom 3 President’s Reception Ballroom 3 Division Meetings All convention participants are encouraged to attend. Various 11:00 am 12:00 am 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 4:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:30 pm Second General Session Kaleidoscope Casino Night and Dance Ballroom 3 Ballroom 4 Ballrooms 1-3 Sunday 8:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 noon Gopher Grand Finale – Closing Session Ballrooms 1-3 Thursday 8:00 am 9:00 am Friday 8:00 am 12:00 noon 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 4:00 pm 5:30 pm Saturday 8:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 7 MEETINGS AND SPECIAL EVENTS Friday 11:00 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 5:30 pm Committee Meetings .................................................................................. George Mason First General Session ....................................................................................... Ballroom 3 Exhibits Open ....................................................................................... Madison/Franklin President’s Reception...................................................................................... Ballroom 3 Saturday 8:00 am 9:00 am 10:00 am 2:00 pm 4:00 pm 5:30 pm 8:30 pm Exhibits Open...................................................................................... Madison/Franklin Past Presidents’ Breakfast (by invitation).......................................... Presidential Suite Division Meetings Health ....................................................................................................... George Mason Physical Education ....................................................................... Thomas Jefferson Recreation..................................................................................... Benjamin Harrison Dance .............................................................................................................. Ballroom 4 General .............................................................................................................. John Blair Representative Assembly ............................................................... Thomas Jefferson Second General Session ................................................................................ Ballroom 3 Awards Reception ........................................................................................... Ballroom 1 All Convention Casino and Dance ......................................................... Ballroom 1-3 Sunday 8:00 am 12:00 pm 12:30 pm New Board Orientation .................................................................... Thomas Jefferson Closing General Session .......................................................................... Ballrooms 1-3 Board Meeting .......................................................................................... James Madison 8 Madiso President’s Reception Friday 5:30 – 7:30 pm Ballroom 1 Co-sponsored by MECKids Dear VAHPERD members, I am very excited to invite you to the President’s Reception from 5:30 – 7:30 pm Friday evening in Ballroom 3. This event offers members an opportunity to “celebrate” through networking and socializing. The social will also provide opportunities to learn about VAHPERD’s advocacy strategies for quality physical education, PEP grants, and solutions for childhood obesity. Our guest speakers will welcome you and motivate you to advocate for our profession on the local, state and national levels. Fran Bishop - MECKids and President’s Reception co-sponsor Bill Sells – Sporting Goods Manufacturing Association Tom Byrd – Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield President (retired) and Fit4Kids John Booty – NFL and SGMA Kim Clancy – Fairfax County Public Schools John Bennett – AAHPERD President 2008 Artie Kamiya – PE advocate and Great Activities Publishing Co. Robert Pangrazi – Arizona State University and Gopher Grant Sheffer – Socci VAHPERD and MECKids will provide heavy hors d’oeuvres and beverages for your enjoyment. Please come and enjoy our exciting event with friends and colleagues! Sincerely, Vicki Miller VAHPERD President 9 Friday, 2:00 pm Thomas Jefferson Improving Nutrition, Fitness And Stress In Tweens With Interactive Media Saturday, 11:00 am George Mason Using The Web, Wii And Social Media To Exhance Learning With Jean Simmons Fran Dean Bishop MyEquilibrium Coach MECKids Certified Master Fitness Coach A leader in the health and wellness industry, Fran is an award-winning coach and CEO with a 15-year track record as business leader, publisher, speaker and management consultant. Fran founded AFC Management Services in 1994 as a provider of health management products and services to corporations and all levels of government. In response to customer requests, Fran’s companies have launched two technology innovations: MyEquilibrium Coach and MECKids. Both web-based technology platforms offer interactive health and fitness tracking and programming for large employee and student groups. Fran earned her bachelor’s degree in communications with a minor in business marketing from George Mason University. She attended Georgetown University’s School of Professional Studies for a certificate in executive leadership coaching. Fran is a certified master fitness coach and former track and field athlete. Special thanks to Fran and MECKids for co-sponsoring the President’s Reception! Convention Registration Thursday 7:30-9:00 am Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Saturday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm In the Lobby 10 VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION FOR HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, RECREATION AND DANCE November 11-14, 2010 CONVENTION SCHEDULE Time/ Division THURSDAY Title/Description Location 7:30-9:00 am CONVENTION REGISTRATION Hotel Lobby 8:00 am5:00 pm General CSCS PREP COURSE This is a one and a half day prep course to help prepare high school teachers and coaches for the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist exam. A workbook will be provided to all participants. This course was very successful at the 2009 NSCA Convention as several of the participants subsequently passed the exam. Continues on Friday at 8:00 am. Presenter: Rodney Gaines, Virginia State University Benjamin Harrison 8:00 am5:00 pm General AMERICAN RED CROSS - SOUTHEASTERN VIRGINIA CHAPTER This is a great opportunity to become certified in community first aid and CPR. Presenter: American Red Cross of Norfolk Presider: Rodney Gaines, Virginia State University Patrick Henry 9:00 am4:00 pm Health LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES IN FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to (1) list at least 4 basic legal concepts relating to adolescent sexual and social behaviors, (2) recognize the importance of sharing accurate information on statutory provisions of selected sexual and social behaviors with adolescents, (3) realize the ethical implications of certain type of behaviors and situations that could affect adolescents and their families, (4) reexamine their own beliefs and behaviors relating to legal and/or illegal behaviors and activities that may affect them and their families, and (5) feel comfortable discussing ethical issues relating to behaviors. Sponsor: Caroline Fuller, DOE Presenters: Craig McMillian, Virginia Beach Cathy Hawkins, Fredericksburg James Madison 11 Time/ Division FRIDAY Title/Description Location 8:00 am5:00 pm CONVENTION REGISTRATION Hotel Lobby 8:00 am12:00 pm General CSCS PREP COURSE Continued from Thursday at 8:00 am. Presenter: Rodney Gaines, Virginia State University Benjamin Harrison 8:00-11:50 am General CITY/COUNTY SUPERVISORS MEETING Presider: Sheila Jones, Health and PE Supervisor Loudoun County Public Schools Thomas Jefferson 11:00-11:50 am COMMITTEE MEETINGS This includes all present and newly appointed committee members. George Mason 1:00-5:00 pm 12:00-12:50 pm General EXHIBITS OPEN Madison/ Franklin REGISTRATION FOR VAHPERD JOB FAIR Are you a college senior looking for a teaching job or a current HPE teacher looking for a change? Register for the VAHPERD Job Fair and an opportunity to meet with representatives from districts across the state. Job Fair takes place Friday from 1:00-4:50 pm. Presider: Debbie DeFranco, Arlington County Public Schools Nelson/ Braxton/ Wythe Congratulations to this year’s award winners! Pioneer Award .............................................................................. Judy Clark, Terry Gooding Honor Award ............................................................................ Kay Schiltz, Vanessa Wigand Elementary Physical Education................................................................... Andrea Samsky Secondary Physical Education ....................................................................... Michael Cooke Adapted Physical Education ............................................................................ Brenda Belote K-12 Health Education .......................................................................... Misti Wajciechowski K-12 Dance Education......................................................................................Tammy Render Jump Rope for Heart Coordinator ................................................................ Betty Seymore HPE Supervisor .............................................................................................................. Liz Payne 12 FRIDAY Time/ Division Title/Description Location FIRST GENERAL SESSION Friday, November 11, 2010 Ballroom 3 12:00 – 1:00 pm Presider ................................................................................................................................................ President Vicki Miller Presentation of Colors .......................................................................................... Virginia State University Students Pledge of Allegiance ........................................................................................................................ President Vicki Miller Welcome .............................................................................................................................................. President Vicki Miller Introduction of 2010 Nominees to the Board ..................................................................... President Vicki Miller Necrology Report ..................................................................................................................... Monica Pazmino-Cevallos KEYNOTE SPEAKER Working Together: The Key To Our Future John has taught/administered in health education, physical education and athletics in Virginia, Illinois and North Carolina. His experience includes six elementary schools, three middle schools, one high school and four universities. He also served eight years as the Director of Healthful Living Education in North Carolina’s Department of Public Instruction and two years as a central office administrator over K-12 HPE and athletic programs for a public school system in Virginia. John Bennett 2008 AAHPERD President During his 40+ year career, John has published over 100 articles and five books. He has made more than 500 presentations across the U.S. and in other countries on topics such as health promotion, leadership, dance, and curriculum innovation. John has held more than 125 elected or appointed positions in state, district and national professional organizations related to HPERD programs, including President in 2007-08 of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. He has been recognized by his peers in professional organizations around the U.S. and the world and has received numerous awards for excellence, most notably for his professional contributions with Honor Awards at the state, district and national levels. John is currently a Professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington in the Department of Health and Applied Human Services. There he has received numerous excellence-in-teaching awards and is the only health and physical educator to be recognized for excellence in teaching at the state level by the North Carolina University System. John has brought in more than a million dollars in outside grant funding at UNCW as either principal investigator or co-PI. Award Presentations Honor Award .................................................................................................................. Kay Schiltz, Vanessa Wigand Pioneer Award .....................................................................................................................Terry Gooding, Judy Clark Recognition of National Board Certification Recipients Lynne Gilbert ...................................... Physical Education/Early Adolescence through Young Adulthood Janet Kennedy ....................................................................... Physical Education/Early and Middle Childhood 13 Time/ Division FRIDAY Location Title/Description 2010 Honor and Pioneer Award Recipients Kay Schiltz Honor Award Terry Gooding Pioneer Award Kay retired after 20 years of teaching and 11 years as a fitness center manager. She has served VAHPERD on numerous committees, as a section officer, health division vice president and president. She has received three teacher of the year awards from VAHPERD and one from the Southern District. She has also received an honor award from the Southern District. In 2006, she was recognized as the National Health Education Professional of the Year. A member of VAHPERD/ AAHPERD for more than 30 years, Terry has served as committee chair, vice president and OHPEP coordinator. She also received a national PEP grant. Terry retired from the Newport News Public Schools with 33 years of service including elementary physical education teacher, employee wellness coordinator, adapted PE and HPE supervisor. NO PHOTO NO PHOTO AVAILABLE AVAILABLE Vanessa Wigand Honor Award Judy Clark Pioneer Award Vanessa’s career of more than 30 years includes 14 years with the Chesterfield County Public Schools. Currently principal specialist for Health, Physical and Driver Education and Athletics for the Virginia Department of Education, she also leads SOL writing and curriculum resources, and is director of the JMU Health and Physical Education Institute. Vanessa also serves on the VHSL executive board. She has been a member of VAHPERD for 20+ years. Judy has been a member of VAHPERD/AAHPERD for more than 40 years and served as VAHPERD section chair, vice president, and president. She has also served on several committees at the Southern District and AAHPERD levels. Judy retired from Stafford County Public Schools with 32 years of service as an elementary and middle school HPE teacher. 1:00-1:50 pm Health MIRROR, MIRROR ON THE WALL: THE MEDIA’S INFLUENCE ON BODY IMAGE Explore positive vs. negative body image, factors influencing negative body image, gender differences in media portrayal of the “ideal body” and the consequences of negative body image. We will critique advertisements that use the human form to sell products. Presenter: Beth Johnson, Lynchburg College Benjamin Harrison 1:00-1:50 pm Health HEALTH MADE FUN AND GAMES Come and play games designed to help students learn health topics in fun, interesting and innovative ways. Presenters: Kari Hampton and Lynchburg College Students George Mason 1:00-1:50 pm Health WHAT A HEADACHE . . . Learn about types of headaches, symptoms, etiology, and alternative methods to alleviate them. Presenter: Kim Hieber Patrick Henry 14 Time/ Division FRIDAY Title/Description Location 1:00-1:50 pm Physical Education ORIENTEERING IDEAS FOR ELEMENTARY STUDENTS Come learn some basic introductory compass uses that can lead to the real thing. Presenter: Mark Pankau Outside 1:00-1:50 pm Physical Education INTEGRATING GAME TACTICS WITH MOTOR SKILL PROGRESSION Teaching game tactics requires good decisions about when to integrate tactics with motor skill progression. Participants will be involved in both physical activity and discussion. Presenter: Dan Young Ballroom 1 1:00-1:50 pm Physical Education MOTOR SKILLS, FITNESS, AND NUTRITION: A RECIPE FOR PE SUCCESS Demonstration of useful and exciting ways to integrate fitness components, nutrition and motor skills into a class where students recall the life-changing information they are taught while moving the entire class period. Presenters: Jason Comins, Joe Dougherty, Amy Riggio Ballroom 2 1:00-1:50 pm Physical Education ING RUN FOR SOMETHING BETTER In partnership with NASPE, the ING Run for Something Better awards program introduces 5th-8th grade students across the country to the benefits of running through school-based running programs. ING provides $2,000 grants to schools to establish or expand running programs. Presenter: Mark Luckinbill, ING Chad Triolet Thomas Jefferson 1:00-4:00 pm Recreation SO YOU THINK YOU CAN STACK Cup stacking competition. Presenter: Donna Schirmer Lobby near Registration Desk 1:00-1:50 pm Recreation ADVENTURE CURRICULUM FOR ELEMENTARY PHYSICAL EDUCATION This active session will introduce the elementary (K-5) portion of Project Adventure’s K-12 Adventure Curriculum for Physical Education, based on state and national PE standards. The workshop will be full of fun and will engage participants in activities that can be used immediately with students! Presenter: Renee Cavaluzzi Ballroom 3 1:00-1:50 pm Dance TELLING THE STORY THROUGH AN AEROBIC DANCE PRODUCTION New concepts will be introduced to invigorate choreography for awesome productions. Participants will participate in snippets from current productions at Hampton University. Together, we’ll produce a sample mini production for enchantment. Presenter: Faye Gallop, Hampton University Ballroom 4 1:00-1:50 pm General MOVE IT! DON’T LOSE IT! This presentation will help your staff understand and appreciate the physiological needs and learning styles of each individual child for effective, student-centered instruction. PowerPoint and handouts are provided. Presenter: Beth Tomanek John Blair 15 Time/ Division FRIDAY Title/Description Location 1:00-4:50 pm General VAHPERD JOB FAIR Are you a college senior looking for a teaching job or a current HPE teacher looking for a change? Come to the VAHPERD Job Fair and meet with representatives from districts across the state. Get a “jump” on a job for the 2011-12 school year! Registration for interview sessions takes place Friday from 12:00-12:50 pm. Presider: Debbie DeFranco, Arlington County Public Schools Nelson/ Braxton/ Wythe 2:00-2:50 pm Health BECOMING THE TRUSTED LEADER IN ANY SITUATION Individuals must gain the trust of people they want to lead. This session will provide tips on how to earn and grow trust to ultimately become a trusted advisor/leader in life and in the profession: in the classroom, in an administrative position, or within a professional association. Presenter: Fran Anthony Meyer George Mason 2:00-2:50 pm Health IMPROVING NUTRITION, FITNESS AND STRESS IN TWEENS WITH INTERACTIVE MEDIA Bring your laptop to this interactive session. Using the MECKids interactive web application, participants will develop simple, easy-to-administer lesson plans and assessments for health, PE and other cross-curriculum disciplines such as English, history and math. Make your classroom an engaging, interactive experience! Presenter: Fran Dean Bishop Thomas Jefferson 2:00-2:50 pm Physical Education ANTHEM GET ACTIVE GET FIT SCHOOL CHALLENGE Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is partnering with Radio Disney to bring the Anthem Get Active Get Fit School Challenge, hosted by Radio Disney, to students throughout Virginia. This is a free fitness program for children that encourages healthy, active lifestyles. The goal is to reduce childhood obesity by motivating elementary school children and their families to incorporate more activities into their daily lives. Presenters: Alison Spencer, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Vicki Miller, VAHPERD President Lauren Holtz, Radio Disney John Blair Special Reception in honor of Award Recipients Saturday Ballroom 3 Immediately following Second General Session 16 FRIDAY Time/ Division 2:00-2:50 pm Physical Education Title/Description ENGAGING COMMUNITIES TO ADVOCATE FOR INCREASED OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUTH IN SPORTS AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Presenter: John Booty Location Patrick Henry Learn how to engage legislators and community advocates to promote physical education, increase access to sports and recreation for children, and engage at-risk students through sports and athletics. John Booty Retired NFL Player CEO, Fantappers An accomplished entrepreneur, businessman, professional athlete and speaker, John is committed to the betterment of his community and takes a special interest in the health and wellness of children. He collaborates with a variety of businesses, schools and charities to help further their missions. Throughout his life, John has overcome both personal and professional challenges by maintaining a positive outlook, keeping physically fit, and giving back to others. As a professional athlete, John played 8 seasons in the NFL. Upon retirement, he opened World Gym in Prince George’s County, Maryland. In addition, he is the co-founder/owner of Fantappers, LLC, a digital media platform that connects fans with their favorite celebrities. Come hear about his journey! 2:00-2:50 pm Physical Education FITNESS + TECHNOLOGY = SUCCESS Health and PE majors from VCU want to promote fitness while using technology. We will present quick fitness activities that will increase your heart rate. Following each activity, we will display different types of technology like heart rate monitors, Flip cameras, pocket PC’s and computer programs (PE Manager and TriFit). Presenters: Leslie Meadows, Elizabeth Oduro, Matthew Beale, Richard Dunn, Carol Hawthorne Virginia Commonwealth University Ballroom 2 2:00-2:50 pm Physical Education NOODLE ACADEMICS – INTEGRATE HEALTH AND ACADEMIC CONCEPTS THROUGH MOVEMENT Be ready to move during this interactive presentation. Participants will learn best practice techniques using pool noodles to enhance/reinforce health and academic concepts while moving. A central focus of this presentation is maximizing student participation, developing motor skills, and developing fitness. Presenter: Chad Triolet 2009 Elementary PE Teacher of the Year Ballroom 3 2:00-2:50 pm Physical Education PINEAPPLE PING PONG, ANYONE? Participants will leave this session ready to pull out their tables on Monday! Learn strategies designed to teach basic skills, maximize participation, and enhance game play. Part of this session will be dedicated to the BRAIN BODY connection. For grades 5 to adult. Presenter: David Hunt Chesterfield/Henrico Public Schools (ret.) Ballroom 1 17 Time/ Division FRIDAY Title/Description Location 2:00-2:50 pm Dance DANCING JAMBALAYA Join us and enjoy this wonderful dish of dance that will feed your soul. Using various dance movements and rhythms for ingredients, we will bring out your inner dancer! No dance experience required; just bring your appetite for movement and fun. Presenters: Sakina Sawtelle, Rodney Williams Ballroom 4 2:00-2:50 pm General RESEARCH MINING Students in the VSU Fall Measurement and Evaluation course will present their findings from investigations of undergraduate research in health and physical education. The class will embrace the full research process, both qualitatively and quantitatively, as they learn the importance of statistical analysis. Presenters: Rodney Gaines and Students Virginia State University Benjamin Harrison 3:00-3:50 pm Health NATIONAL BOARD PROCESS New and upcoming: if people don’t use certificate, it will be deleted. Presenters: Peggy Harriman Patrick Henry 3:00-3:50 pm Health TOP FIVE CHRONIC DISEASES IN OBESE CHILDREN Childhood obesity causes several chronic diseases that shouldn’t be seen in children including type II diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol levels, joint and heart diseases. Presenters: Laura Janosko, Ste’Keira Hayes, Melissa Grim Radford University George Mason 3:00-3:50 pm Physical Education SPEEDMINTON – ANYTIME, ANYWHERE! Come learn about Speedminton, which includes the best of tennis, badminton and racquetball. No net required! Great recreational play for elementary and middle schools; high schools may play competitively. Presenter: Rob Rimmel Ballroom 3 3:00-3:50 pm Physical Education FUEL UP TO PLAY 60 – EAT HEALTHY, GET ACTIVE, MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Presenter: Kristin Brittle, RD Ballroom 2 FUTP60 is a youth program co-sponsored by the National Dairy Council and National Football League. Designed to empower students to take action for their health and improve their school environment, students form teams to eat healthier, play at least 60 minutes each day, and participate in fun activities offering prizes. A registered dietitian with the Southeast Dairy Association, Kristin is responsible for implementing nutrition programs for schools and key leaders throughout Virginia. She has a professional background in academic teaching and long-term care. Kristin Brittle, RD Southeast Dairy Association Kristen received a bachelor of science degree in human nutrition, food and exercise from Virginia Tech. She taught middle school before returning to Virginia Tech to complete her dietetic internship. She is a member of the American Dietetic Association and acts as a state leader for the Virginia Action for Healthy Kids team. 18 FRIDAY Time/ Division Title/Description Location 3:00-3:50 pm Dance DANCES YOUR STUDENTS WILL BEG TO DO! Have students stop you in the hall and beg you to do these dances again and again! Learn the latest favorites that can make you the most popular teacher in school while covering important rhythmic SOL’s. Everything you need for a great dance unit is right here! Presenter: Tammy Render Ballroom 4 3:00-3:50 pm Recreation INVOLVING YOUTH IN THE LIFELONG SPORT OF RUNNING Overview of Tidewater Striders, an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit, featuring our youth running program. Learn how we and some major races in the area interface with schools to provide fitness opportunities for youth of southeast Virginia. Presenters: Dan Edwards, Race Chair, Tidewater Striders and School Board Chair, Virginia Beach Public Schools Benjamin Harrison 3:00-3:50 pm General PRESENTING YOUR BEST When you are nominated for an award, you should present yourself in the best light possible! We will use the VAHPERD application for a template and will include tips on content, organization and completion. Presenter: Judy Clark John Blair 3:00-3:50 pm General VAHPERD 101 – GET INVOLVED! Do you want to be more involved in VAHPERD but aren’t sure how? Do you wonder if you have what it takes to be a VAHPERD leader? Do you have ideas about how to improve the organization but aren’t sure how to make them happen? Join us for a session to give information about VAHPERD and how you can become involved in its leadership. Presenters: Dee Castelvecchi, Henry Castelvecchi Thomas Jefferson 3:00-5:00 pm General STUDENT SUPERSTARS Fun, competitive games and activities for all students. Bring a team or participate individually! Followed by STUDENT SECTION MEETING Students elect a representative to the VAHPERD Board. Nominations from the floor with brief presentations by candidates before elections. Presider: Carol Hawthorne, Student Representative Social immediately following. Ballroom 1 4:00-4:50 pm Physical Education Ballroom 3 ARTIE WILL ALSO PRESENT Saturday 1:00 pm Ballroom 3 Artie Kamiya Keynote Speaker Second General Session 19 Time/ Division 4:00-4:50 pm Health FRIDAY Title/Description Location 9-5-2-1-0 - THE MESSAGE IS OUT! NORTHERN VIRGINIA HEALTHY KIDS COALITION “Tipping the Scales for Better Health” is a community-wide campaign to improve children’s health through promotion of healthy lifestyles. In this session, we will discuss ways that your districts can align and work together for a common mission, such as the one we’ve built through our coalition. Presenters: Kim Clancy, Fairfax County Public Schools Steve Horan, CEO, Community Health Solutions John Blair As curriculum specialist for elementary health and PE for Fairfax County Public Schools, Kimberly is responsible for ensuring that teachers have access to resources and current research-based best practices to provide high quality instruction. In addition to revising curriculum, training and supporting more than 200 PE teachers, she works with groups to advocate increased and expanded health and PE programs including the National Association for Sports and PE (NASPE) and the Sporting Goods Manufacturing Association of America (SGMA). She has met with legislators regarding reallocation of the Carol M. White PE Program (PEP), the reauthorization of the Child Nutrition Act-Local School Wellness Policies, and the Personal Health Investment Today Act. Kimberly prepared an interactive demonstration for legislators showing what PE programs look like and how legislative support is imperative for improved instruction and better equipment and resources. Kimberly is currently working on a Ph.D. in education policy with a minor in education leadership at George Mason University. Her dissertation topic will be childhood obesity. She enjoys going to work each day, knowing she helps others. Kimberly is confident efforts to improve physical education are making a difference! 4:00-4:50 pm Health ARE YOU UP TO SPEED? UPDATES FROM THE CDC, AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY AND THE AMERICAN SCHOOL HEALTH ASSOCIATION A presentation of updates and tools available for health education. Come learn what’s new! Presenter: Beverly Zeakes, Radford University Thomas Jefferson 4:00-4:50 pm Dance SACRED DANCE: A WAY TO LET GO, RELIEVE STRESS, AND HAVE FUN Participants will experience a deeper and more intense awareness of the infinite patterns of motion around a still center that makes up the universe. The floor is the canvas, music is the paint, and you – the dancer – are the brush, painting a picture as you move through life’s experiences. No dance experience is required. Presenter: Sakina Sawtelle Ballroom 4 4:00-4:50 pm Recreation DISCOVER THE HIDDEN TREASURES OF THE SHENANDOAH NATIONAL PARK HIKING TRAILS Come see the many hiking adventures at Shenandoah National Park! See amazing photographs of the Park’s vistas, diverse flora and fauna, and abundant wildlife. Learn hiking strategies for planning and preparation for day trips to the Park. Easily accessible to central and northern Virginia, the Park is a must-see for all hikers. Presenter: Donna Schirmer Benjamin Harrison 20 FRIDAY Time/ Division Title/Description Location 4:00-4:50 pm Recreation HAPPY HOUR FITNESS Experience tai chi, pilates and yoga to improve strength, flexibility, concentration and peace of mind. This is a built-in workout for busy conference attendees of all fitness levels. Join us and get in touch with your inner fitness self! Presenter: William C. Thomson Ballroom 2 4:00-4:50 pm General AN OVERVIEW OF THE NEW ACCREDITATION PROCESS IN SPORT MANAGEMENT COSMA is the new accrediting body charged with implementing the outcome-based and mission-driven program accreditation process. This session with feature discussion of various aspects of the new accreditation process. Presenter: Robert Case, Old Dominion University Patrick Henry 5:30-7:30 pm PRESIDENT’S RECEPTION Ballroom 3 Everyone is invited to meet our guest speakers, celebrate through networking and socializing, and learn about VAHPERD’s advocacy for quality physical education, PEP grants, and solutions to childhood obesity. Heavy hors d’oeuvres and beverages. Co-sponsored by VAHPERD and MECKids. Friday Night at the Beach On Your Own See you tomorrow morning! 21 Using the Health Bingo Board below, complete the following tasks or attend the following presentations and get your card signed. When you get Bingo, report to Healthy Connections (Patrick Henry) to be entered into a drawing for one of the Grand Prizes! You won’t want to miss out!! H E A L T H Visit a Healthy Connections Exhibit Attend a Health Presentation Attend a Health Presentation Meet one of the Health Division VP’s Visit a Healthy Connections Exhibit Attend the Health Division Meeting Attend a Health Presentation Visit a Healthy Connections Exhibit Meet one of the Health Division VP’s Attend the Health Division Meeting Visit a Healthy Connections Exhibit Attend a Health Presentation Attend the Health Division Meeting Visit a Healthy Connections Exhibit Attend a Health Presentation Meet one of the Health Division VP’s Submit a Presentation for the 2011 Convention Meet one of the Health Division VP’s Attend a Health Presentation Visit a Healthy Connections Exhibit Meet one of the Health Division VP’s Attend a Health Presentation Visit a Healthy Connections Exhibit Attend a Health Presentation Attend a Health Presentation Visit a Healthy Connections Exhibit Attend a Health Presentation Attend a Health Presentation Submit a Presentation for the 2011 Convention Visit a Healthy Connections Exhibit Meet one of the Health Division VP’s Submit a Presentation for the 2011 Convention ** The Healthy Connections Exhibitors may only sign one space per board. To get another space signed you must go to another exhibitor in the Healthy Connections. ** Health Presenters may only sign one space per board. If you attend more than one presentation by the same Health presenter they may sign one space per presentation you attend. 22 Time/ Division 8:00 am3:00 pm SATURDAY Title/Description EXHIBITS OPEN Location Madison/Franklin 7:30 am4:00 pm TAKE A BREAK! Enjoy refreshments in the hallway between Madison and Franklin. 8:00 am4:00 pm CONVENTION REGISTRATION Hotel Lobby 8:00-8:50 am Health FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION 101 This session will address the skills needed to teach family life education. For the beginning family life education teacher. Presenters: Catherine Stafford Hawkins, Fredericksburg City Schools Caroline Fuller, Virginia Dept. of Education John Blair 8:00-8:50 am Health CREATING HEALTHY STUDENTS FOR LIFE Learn ways to incorporate health and nutrition into your Fit for Life classes. Topics include the Nutrition Café, 15-Day Challenge, 5 fruits and veggies project, High Fructose Corn Syrup Challenge, Calories Burned vs. Calories Consumed, and more. Presenters: Dee Castelvecchi, David Hunt Thomas Jefferson 8:00-8:50 am Physical Education LOUDOUN COUNTY IS FOCUSED ON FITNESS Loudoun County Public Schools have received a Carol M. White Physical Education Program (PEP) grant to improve fitness and nutrition education in our schools. This presentation will demonstrate activities that incorporate nutrition and physical fitness into a skill-based curriculum. Presenters: Sharon Welch, Linda Thompson, Amy Riggio, Noelle Blakeney Loudoun County Public Schools Ballroom 3 8:00-8:50 am Physical Education ELEMENTARY RUNNING CLUBS AND HOW TO FUND THEM A stress relief how-to! This program will help you start a program for grades 3-5. Topics include ways to seek funds, application forms, parent letters, local running club contacts, sample training programs and a 5K run. Presenters: Jim Goggin, Barb Bucklin Benjamin Harrison 8:00-8:50 am Physical Education NOVEL APPROACHES TO INTEGRATION Social studies, math, science and language arts in PE? Academic integration helps connect student learning across many subject areas outside the gymnasium during PE. Come learn and participate in several activities – using minimal equipment – that you can use at your school to increase SOL scores. Handouts included. Presenter: Stevie Gray Ballroom 2 8:00-8:50 am Physical Education ESCAPE Excellent Self-Contained Adapted Physical Education with a focus on lesson structure and content for students in elementary autism, severe disabilities, and high school programs. Presenters: Adam Stanislawski, Jillian Hornbaker, Greg Wolfe Loudoun County Public Schools Ballroom 1 23 SATURDAY Time/ Division Title/Description Location 8:00-9:50 am Dance DANCE FOR HEALTH This two-hour session will explore various modalities for optimizing health such as yogalates, deep relaxation, imagery, Zumba and stress management. Taught by a variety of professionals and a Zumba certified instructor, the presentation will also include exercises for strength training with yogalates, cardiovascular with Zumba, and stress release. Presenters: Mary Ann Laverty, Colleen Dean, Meagan James, Susan Ragen Ballroom 4 8:00-8:50 am Recreation ANNUAL 5K RUN Want some exercise? Come join all the fun at this year’s 5K run. Presenters: Donna Schirmer, Sean Neihoff Meet in Lobby 8:00-8:50 am General SPORT MANAGEMENT RESEARCH Three presentations from different classes: Sociology of Sport, Sport Finance, and Sport Law. Students will present the latest research in sport finance, law and social dimensions. Presenters: Rodney Gaines and Students Virginia State University George Mason 9:00-9:50 am PAST PRESIDENTS’ BREAKFAST (By Invitation) Presidential Suite 9:00-9:50 am Health GREATER RICHMOND FIT4KIDS, INC. Presenter: Thomas R. Byrd Thomas Jefferson Learn about Fit4Kids, Inc., a nonprofit organization created to improve the health of children by leading a regional effort to increase physical activity and improve diets. In 2009, Tom founded the “Take Care Group” to provide leadership advisory services to individuals who are committed to making a difference in their business, community or family. Tom believes that success in life and business comes down to remembering that relationships matter. When leaders take care of their customers and employees, the results will follow. Thomas R. Byrd, Chairman Greater Richmond Fit4Kids, Inc. Manager, Take Care Group, LLC As president from 2005-08 of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Virginia’s largest healthcare company, Tom was responsible for the company’s operational and financial performance. Prior to this, he was president of Anthem Specialty Business with responsibility for the company’s pharmacy benefits management, behavioral health, dental, and vision and life business units. Tom was a senior vice president and CFO at Trigon Healthcare Inc. until it was acquired by Anthem in 2002. Tom earned a BS summa cum laude in business from Virginia Tech in 1980. He serves on several boards including CrossOver Ministry, Greater Richmond Regional Early Childhood Leadership Council, Impact Richmond, and the Virginia Tech Foundation and Virginia Tech’s Accounting Advisory Board. 24 SATURDAY Time/ Division 9:00-9:50 am Physical Education Title/Description GAME-A-RAMA: USING GAMES TO MAXIMIZE ACTIVITY TIME Presenter: Curt Hinson Location Ballroom 3 Come learn games and activities for teaching a variety of manipulative skills, motor skills, and sport lead-up skills that provide maximum physical activity time in PE. Many of the activities are adaptable and can be used in partner, small-group, or largegroup formats. An elementary school teacher for 16 years, Curt is an educational consultant for PlayFit Education, Inc., presenting staff development workshops for school districts, teachers, and students. He also teaches in the on-line graduate program at Canisius College in Buffalo, NY and serves as the children’s fitness expert for NBC’s website, He holds a Ph.D. in kinesiology, a master’s in education, and a BS in physical education. Curt Hinson PlayFit Education, Inc. Curt has authored three books and published more than 50 articles. His Trouble-Free Playground recess program for elementary schools has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, on the Fox News Network and is currently being implemented in all 50 states. Curt is a former NASPE eastern district teacher of the year and Delaware PE teacher of the year. He has presented in all 50 states, Washington DC, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. His practical, hands-on teaching techniques, along with his enthusiasm, make him one of the most dynamic educators in the country. Curt presents again at 11:00 am Saturday in Ballroom 3 FUN-CTIONAL FITNESS, A MOVING EXPERIENCE 9:00-9:50 am Physical Education MANAGE THE MAYHEM Experience innovative techniques for managing your PE class. This is perfect for teachers who need help bringing order to the chaos that is their teaching area. You will learn the management protocols to maximize activity and learning. Presenters: Katie Doh, Arlington County Public Schools Kimberly Gentry, Albemarle Public Schools Stevie Gray, Arlington County Public Schools Ballroom 2 9:00-9:50 am Physical Education STUDENTS IN ACTION – TAKING THE “DIS” OUT OF DISABILITY Come see children showcasing their skills! PHETE majors will showcase stations and activities to facilitate learning and success for all students. Participants will have an opportunity to observe and engage with students with/without disabilities from the Virginia Beach area and learn fun, simple strategies for success. Presenters: Thomas E. Moran and Students James Madison University Ballroom 1 9:00-9:50 am Recreation ORIENTEERING MAP READING Use map reading skills for the amazing race. Presenters: Michael Cooke, Terry Gooding John Blair 25 Time/ Division SATURDAY Title/Description Location 9:00-9:40 am General GET YOUR CHILDREN’S BRAINS READY FOR LEARNING Learn how short bouts of physical activity can enhance a student’s positive behavior. The activities presented require minimal space, time and equipment and can be performed in a classroom. Presenter: Susan Nye, James Madison University Benjamin Harrison 9:00-9:50 am General VIRGINIA PETE NETWORK SECOND ANNUAL MEETING Preliminary steps initiated at the 2009 presentation will be continued and further defined with topics to include purpose of the network, relationships, structures, infrastructures, partnerships and communications, and how the network will function to address topics/issues/concerns targeting the professional development of teacher candidates. Presenter: Sandra C. Bowie George Mason 10:00-10:50 am DIVISION MEETINGS All convention attendees are encouraged to attend a division meeting. New section officers are elected at these brief, informal meetings, and there will be discussion of ideas and suggestions for future conventions, presentations, and professional needs from your Association. Please choose a division that you are interested in and attend to let your voice be heard. Your Association needs to hear from you, in order to serve you better. All division vice presidents (past, present, and –elect) and section officers (past chair, chair, and chair-elect) are required to attend division meetings. Health ......................................................................................George Mason Physical Education ..................................................... Thomas Jefferson Recreation ...................................................................Benjamin Harrison Dance ............................................................................................. Ballroom 4 General .............................................................................................John Blair 11:00 am4:00 pm Health HEALTHY CONNECTIONS The Healthy Connections Health Fair is back! We have reflexology, great health information and resources for you to use. We will also have several 50-minute table sessions throughout the day. Play Healthy Connections Bingo for your chance to be entered into a drawing for great prizes. Bingo card may be found on page 22. Presenters: David Hunt, Health Division VP Karl Hampton, Health Division VP-Elect Tom Nadeau, Health Division Past VP Patrick Henry 11:00-11:50 am Health CENTEREDBEING: BRINGING 8 PRINCIPLES FOR CENTERED LIVING TO K-12 Developed by a mind/body fitness expert, this powerful approach to lifestyle and wellness meets standards of learning for both the arts and physical education. Students learn to use movement, breath, and positive thinking for stress reduction and self-care. Strategies will be shown for standard classrooms and limited space. Teach your students to “stop being human doings…and become centeredbeings”! Presenter: Suzie Celentano Ballroom 1 26 Time/ Division SATURDAY Title/Description Location 11:00-11:50 am Health USING THE WEB, Wii AND SOCIAL MEDIA TO ENHANCE PE LEARNING Join the MECKids Tech Team and discover innovative, collaborative techniques you can use in the classroom and beyond. You’ll leave with quick tips, tools and ideas to motivate your students to participate in their physical education and health. Presenters: Jean Simmons, Fran Dean Bishop George Mason 11:00-11:50 am Physical Education PEP – THE NEW PLAN: OBSTACLES OR OPPORTUNITY Review of the Department of Education’s proposed plan for PE funding going forward. An examination of the impact of consolidation with counseling programs and new requirements for PEP grants. Presenter: Bill Sells, Vice President of Government Relations The Sporting Goods Manufacturing Association Thomas Jefferson After 25 years in politics and election campaigns, Bill left Capitol Hill to run the government relations operation for the Computer Dealers and Lessors Association. In 2005, he joined the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association (SGMA) and was promoted to vice president of government relations in 2008. Bill has four priorities at SGMA: increase demand for member products, reduce the cost of getting products to market, ensure reasonable regulation of sport and fitness products, and preserve brand equity. Since Bill arrived at SGMA, it has doubled federal funds dedicated to the SGMA-founded Carol M. White Physical Education Program to more than $600 million. Bill initiated the Personal Health Investment Today Act (PHIT) to provide families with a financial incentive to live more active lifestyles through tax breaks to reduce physical activity costs. Bill Sells A PHIT bill was introduced in March 2006, six months after the concept was initially Vice President discussed with Congress. Physical education teachers are active in SGMA’s annual day on SGMA Capitol Hill, National Health-Through-Fitness Day, to secure funding for PEP and PHIT support. He has also been active in securing federal funding for park and recreation infrastructure development and maintenance via the Land and Water Conservation Fund. On the state side, Bill has been active in the SGMA-led coalition to preserve the right of youth baseball players to use their bat of choice. His primary role has been to advise on state government strategies and identify local lobbyists to assist the group with state legislators. Bill is the father of three active boys and coaches youth baseball and football. He plays team sports and lives an active life that includes softball, football, skiing, skating, biking, golf and swimming. He is a 1983 graduate of the Maxwell School of Public Affairs at Syracuse University. 11:00-11:50 am Physical Education FUN-CTIONAL FITNESS: A MOVING EXPERIENCE Includes hands-on games and activities for teaching fitness such as aerobic endurance, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance. Participants learn how to motivate students to move and participate, and how to develop selfresponsibility for fitness. Activities presented can be done in small or large groups and involve students in social/emotional skills. Presenter: Curt Hinson, PlayFit Education, Inc. 27 Ballroom 3 Time/ Division SATURDAY Title/Description Location 11:00-11:50 am Physical Education ENHANCING EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP IN THE MAJOR’S CLUB Using the theme, “Preparing competent, compassionate, cooperative, committed leaders,” this session will feature discussion of activities that the major’s club is doing to promote growth and development of the profession. Presenters: Lenora E. Armstrong, Temarcus Whitney, Columbus Williams, Lynette Matthews, Marina Rodriquez, Tymia Twines, Overly Matthews, Joseph Holbrook Norfolk State University John Blair 11:00-11:50 am Physical Education CRISS/CROSS MAKE YOU WANNA JUMP AND SHOOT Hit the breakout session running as your Jump Rope and Hoops for Heart Coordinators, American Heart Association representatives, and veteran teachers share ideas that will make your event dazzle. You’ll gain knowledge and opportunities to boost your event plus fantastic door prizes, hands-on jumping/hooping activities, and a few surprises. Come raise your heart rate and boost your program with American Heart Association events. Collegiate students: hope to see you there, too! This session features JUMP ROPE FOR HEART DEMONSTRATION TEAMS. Presenters: Gwen Hairston, Jump Rope for Heart State Coordinator Charlotte Kelso, Hoops for Heart State Coordinator Ballroom 4 11:00-11:50 am Recreation VAHPERD’S THIRD ANNUAL AMAZING RACE Explore the local area in an exciting, challenging way. Enter this race with a partner or individually (we will arrange for a partner). All skill and ability levels welcome. Includes both mental and physical challenges. Prizes! Presenters: Terry Gooding, Michael Cooke Meet in Lobby 11:00-11:50 am Recreation ADVENTURE CURRICULUM FOR SECONDARY PHYSICAL EDUCATION This active session will introduce the secondary (6-12) portion of Project Adventure’s K-12 Adventure Curriculum for Physical Education, based on state and national PE standards. The workshop will be full of fun and will engage participants in adventure activities that can be used immediately. Presenter: Renee Cavaluzzi Ballroom 2 11:00-11:50 am General THE VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY HPERD/SPORTS MANAGEMENT MAJORS CLUB “SUPER NETWORK” – PART I Interactive discussion of how collaboration with a variety of HPERD and sports management practitioners can maximize networking skills, professional development goals, and career advancement opportunities. Part II is presented Saturday at 12:00 noon. Presenters: Leon Wright Bey and Students Virginia State University Benjamin Harrison 12:00-12:50 pm Health HEALTH IN SCHOOLS: A ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION Looking for some new ideas or have one or two that work really well? Come share your favorite health lessons for K-12. Presenters: Kari Hampton, David Hunt, Tom Nadeau George Mason 28 SATURDAY Time/ Division Title/Description Location 12:00-12:50 pm Physical Education THE HEAD BONE IS CONNECTED: BRAIN BASED LEARNING FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS AND YOUNG PROFESSIONALS Brain based research is more than 20 years old. If this is news to you, you should come to this session to find out what you can do to integrate movement into the core subjects for your classroom teachers and administrators. Presenter: Mark Pankau John Blair 12:00-12:50 pm Physical Education GET ACTIVE, STAY ACTIVE! With increasing childhood obesity, it’s time to help students find meaning, value and fun with lifetime fitness-related activities. Learn about modifications to board, dice and card games that create an exciting fitness atmosphere. Come and participate! Presenter: Susan Nye, James Madison University Ballroom 2 12:00-12:50 pm Physical Education TAKING THE JUDGMENT OUT OF ASSESSING STUDENT PARTICIPATION Do you find it challenging to grade participation? Join this discussion on tried and true ways to assess participation using pedometer technology. Participate in activities that collect concrete data that will engage students, eliminate those students who sometimes become “invisible” when the game begins, and enhance learning in activity-based instruction. Presenters: Eric Carver, Walk4Life Ron Trainum Ballroom 4 12:00-12:50 pm Physical Education YOU CAN TAKE IT WITH YOU! PORTABLE FITNESS Participants will actively engage in circuits built around health-related fitness concepts. Through discussion and exploration, participants will learn effective strategies for setting up and utilizing station training to develop muscular strength, endurance, cardiovascular endurance and flexibility. Presenter: Pam Powers Ballroom 1 A certified fitness instructor and personal trainer for more than 25 years, Pam was a NASPE teacher of the year in 2004 and recipient of the Golden Apple Award for teaching excellence in 2007. Other awards include Outstanding Jump Rope for Heart Coordinator and Professional Merit Award. Pam has presented at a wide range of conferences across the U.S. and is a NASPE pipeline presenter. Pam Powers Director of Educational Services Sportime Pam holds a BS in physical education and an MS in curriculum and instruction. She has extensive dance background and competed in ballroom dance for Arthur Murray. She lives in Atlanta where she is the Director of Educational Services for Sportime. 12:00-12:50 pm Recreation NATIONAL ARCHERY IN THE SCHOOLS PROGRAM Presenter: Michael Cooke Ballroom 3 12:00-12:50 pm Recreation GEOCACHING – A LIFELONG ACTIVITY FOR EVERYONE Demonstration of the GeoMate, Jr. to create a custom cache trail at your school or local park. This is a fun way to get kids involved in a lifelong outdoor activity that is enjoyed by all ages. Presenter: Andy Tupy, Gopher Outside 29 SATURDAY Time/ Division Title/Description Location 12:00-12:50 pm General THE VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY HPERD/SPORTS MANAGEMENT MAJORS CLUB “SUPER NETWORK” – PART II Interactive discussion of how collaboration with a variety of HPERD and sports management practitioners can maximize networking skills, professional development goals, and career advancement opportunities. Part I is presented Saturday at 11:00 am. Presenters: Leon Wright Bey and Students Virginia State University Benjamin Harrison 12:00-12:50 pm General iPE – USING TECHNOLOGY TO IMPROVE INSTRUCTION IN PE AND HEALTH Come learn how you can use your MP3 player, a TiVo, or flash video recorder to enhance PE and health instruction. Participants will learn practical concepts using technology that can improve delivery of academic content, provide assessment, and motivate creativity and student participation. Presenter: Chad Triolet 2009 Elementary PE Teacher of the Year Thomas Jefferson 1:00-1:50 pm Health WHAT ARE YOUR CHILDREN DOING AFTER SCHOOL? For most youth, risky behaviors occur after school before parents get home from work. In this session, we will discuss the importance of after school programs, the issues these programs target, and how they can keep our children safe and healthy. Presenters: Ste’Keira Hayes, Laura Janosko, Melissa Grim Radford University John Blair 1:00-1:50 pm Health HEALTH CARE REFORM: PREVENTION IS KEY Discussion of the key elements of health care reform with emphasis on the components of reform, the role of prevention, and the implications for health, physical education, recreation and dance. Presenter: Kerry J. Redican, Virginia Tech 2010 Southern District AAHPERD Scholar Award George Mason 1:00-1:50 pm Physical Education Ballroom 3 ARTIE ALSO PRESENTS Friday 4:00 pm Ballroom 3 Artie Kamiya Keynote Speaker Second General Session 1:00-1:50 pm Physical Education FUN FITNESS GAMES FOR EVERYONE Get 30-50 kids moving and having fun for 30-45 minutes. Come play with us and get a sample of 3-4 large group games that incorporate fitness, cooperation, agility and strategy. Presenters: Barbara Rosen, Jack Carroll, Ryan Willey 30 Ballroom 1 Time/ Division SATURDAY Title/Description Location 1:00-1:50 pm Physical Education ENGAGING FITNESS AND SKILL-BUILDING ACTIVITIES FOR GRADES 3-5 A presentation of my “career best activities” for a variety of sports and games/fitness. Presenter: Gail Fehlner Ballroom 2 1:00-2:00 pm JUMP ROPE FOR HEART DEMONSTRATION TEAMS Atrium 1:00-4:00 pm Recreation SO YOU THINK YOU CAN STACK Cup stacking competition. Presenter: Donna Schirmer Lobby near Registration Desk 1:00-1:50 pm Recreation FRISBEES GOLF Presenters: Regina Kirk, Bobbi Conrad Meet in Lobby 1:00-1:50 pm Dance SHAGGIN’ – MYRTLE BEACH STYLE Take a mental vacation to Myrtle Beach! Learn the “State Dance of South Carolina” and have fun doing it. Presenter: Jill Pollard Ballroom 4 1:00-1:50 pm General INVENT THE EVENT: HOW STUDENTS IN THE VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY HPERD/SPORTS MANAGEMENT MAJORS CLUB CREATE SYMPOSIA AND OTHER EVENTS Presenters will share how their participation in the HPERD/Sports Management Majors Club has increased their creative abilities, recognition of the need to provide sacrificial service for a variety of causes, event management acumen, organizational skills and overall leadership abilities. Presenters: Leon Wright Bey and Students Virginia State University Benjamin Harrison 2:00-3:50 pm REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY Members of the Board of Directors and current section chairs are required to attend. All VAHPERD members are welcome – come to learn firsthand about exciting plans in progress. Thomas Jefferson 2:00-2:50 pm Health ENGAGING SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITY PARTNERS TO PROMOTE BETTER HEALTH Learn how to develop and implement effective health programs in local communities. Presenters: Steve Golliher, Director of “Project Healthy Living” Emily Harvey, Radford University John Blair 2:00-2:50 pm Health THAT AMAZING HEART Learn about a four-station 5th grade lab project that utilizes a dissected pig’s heart and studies the heart’s pressure, flow, and pulse. Includes PowerPoint presentation and video. Teacher’s guide and interactive notebook also available. Presenter: Andrea M. Samsky George Mason 2:00-2:50 pm Physical Education WHAT SHOULD SPECIAL EDUCATION STUDENTS BE LEARNING IN GENERAL PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASSES? This presentation will highlight the procedures presented in a new AAHPERD publication, Designing and Implementing Effective APE Programs, on how general and adapted physical educators should determine what special education students are expected to learn in PE. Presenter: Luke E. Kelly Benjamin Harrison 31 Time/ Division SATURDAY Location Title/Description 2:00-2:50 pm Physical Education BIRDIEBALL BirdieBall is a limited flight golf ball that looks just like a napkin ring but flies, feels, and reacts just like a golf ball - but only goes 40 yards! Learn games and activities to challenge experienced golfers and ensure success for beginners. Presenter: John Sharples Ballroom 2 2:00-2:50 pm Physical Education SOL RECESS Take care of two tasks with one idea: quality recess time while reinforcing SOL learning with active movement. You’ll go back to your school with fun, low-equipment, SOL-themed games that classroom teachers can use during recess or PE time. This is a sample of the Virginia Sports Hall of Fame & Museum’s newest teacher recertification program SOL Recess. Presenter: Jennifer Barnes Ballroom 1 2:00-2:50 pm Physical Education A NEW MISSION – CREATING ACTIVE AND HEALTHY SCHOOLS A combination of discussion regarding the need for active and healthy schools and activity. Participation will focus on classroom management and active games in the classroom. Presenter: Robert Pangrazi Ballroom 3 A professor emeritus at Arizona State University and an educational consultant for Gopher Sport and the U.S. Tennis Association, Robert has published over 50 textbooks and 100 research and professional articles. His physical education textbooks have sold more than 750,000 copies. He has been a keynote speaker for 39 state and district conventions and an invited speaker at nearly 400 national and international conferences. Bob regularly conducts training sessions for schools and universities and is regarded as a motivational speaker. His approach to elementary school physical education has been used worldwide by the Department of Defense Dependents Schools, nationally by the Edison Project, and is used in hundreds of public, private and charter schools across the U.S. Robert Pangrazi Arizona State University Robert has received numerous awards including the Distinguished Service Award from the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, the National Distinguished Service Award presented by the AAHPERD Council on Physical Education for Children, and the Curriculum and Instruction Emeritus Honor Award from the NASPE Curriculum and Instruction Academy. He is a fellow in the American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education and an AAHPERD honor fellow. 2:00-2:50 pm Dance APPLIED KINESIOLOGY AND UMFUNDALAI: AN AFRICAN DANCE TECHNIQUE Umfundalai draws upon key movements and aesthetic characteristics of African culture and the African diaspora for source, inspiration, and expansion. A dynamic technique, it continues to be shaped by culture. Movements will be analyzed kinesthetically. Presenters: Glendola Mills Parker, Sheila Ward Ballroom 4 3:00-3:50 pm Health WHAT ARE ADOLESCENTS UP TO NOW? EMERGING DRUGS OF ABUSE The drug problem in our schools never seems to go away. Instead, the drugs change and the methods of concealing them change. This presentation will discuss new drugs on the horizon and the growing problem of prescription and OTC drug abuse among teens. Presenter: Melissa Grim, Radford University John Blair 32 Time/ Division SATURDAY Title/Description Location 3:00-3:50 pm Physical Education TEACHING SELF DEFENSE Developing an appropriate self defense program provides our community with the cognitive and practical knowledge to avoid a dangerous situation. Come learn safe and appropriate techniques to pass this confidence and knowledge on to our students. Presenter: Denise O’Connell Ballroom 1 3:00-3:50 pm Physical Education SAFETY AND INCLUSION OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES IN GENERAL PHYSICAL EDUCATION Safety is perhaps the greatest concern of physical educators who include disabled students in general PE. This presentation will review legal liability and negligence, plus discuss proactive ways physical educators can ensure their setting is safe. Presenters: Martin Block, Natasha Harris University of Virginia George Mason 3:00-3:50 pm Physical Education MOVE IT, LEARN IT – INTEGRATED LEARNING THROUGH MEANINGFUL MOVEMENT Get moving, stay fit, and have fun with the hottest movement and integrated learning moves: hip hop, Latin dance, kickboxing, dancing through the food groups and children’s games. Something for all ages! Presenter: Barbara English Ballroom 2 3:00-3:50 pm Dance INTERMEDIATE MODERN DANCE This dance class will incorporate principles of the Cunningham and Limon techniques. We will focus on correct alignment and placement, use of breath, and dynamic contrasts. Participants should be barefoot and dressed to move. Presenter: Amanda Kinzer Ballroom 4 3:00-3:50 pm Recreation BIRDIEBALL GOLF TOURNAMENT Presenter: Michael Cooke Meet in Lobby 3:00-3:50 pm General LESSON PLAN FOR TEACHING ESL STUDENTS ABOUT PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Teaching strategies that accommodate the ESL student’s acquisition of health and PE national standards including KLM, read aloud, white boards, interactive notebook, classmate interview, definitions, and physical activity mobile. Participants will experience a firsthand lesson using the LEARN model. Come prepared to engage as an active student. Presenter: Patricia Larsen Benjamin Harrison 33 Time/ Division SATURDAY Title/Description Location 2010 Teachers of the Year NO PHOTO AVAILABLE Andrea Samsky Elementary PE NO PHOTO AVAILABLE Michael Cooke Secondary PE An elementary PE teacher 20+ years, Andrea serves on local and school committees, is a leader in staff and curriculum development and was named Hampton’s Teacher of the Year at Armstrong Elementary School. Andrea has been a member of VAHPERD for more than 20 years. Biki Mitchell Middle School PE Michael teaches high school HPE in Newport News Public Schools and has been a member of VAHPERD for more than 5 years. He has served on the district committee for staff and curriculum development and worked on curriculum development for his district’s online PE program. Misti Wajciechowski K-12 Health A VAHPERD member for more than 10 years, Tammy is a former committee chair and vice president. She currently teaches elementary PE in Henrico County. She has choreographed numerous dance pieces and written dance curriculum. Tammy is a former VAHPERD award recipient. Tammy Render K-12 Dance NO PHOTO AVAILABLE Brenda Belote Adapted PE Betty teaches elementary PE in Yorktown Public Schools and has been a VAHPERD member for more than 20 years. She served as chair of JFH at Tabb Elementary School, contributing approximately $90,000 to the American Heart Association. Betty was named the Tabb Elementary School Teacher of the Year in 1999. NO PHOTO AVAILABLE Liz Payne HPE Supervisor Betty Seymore JRFH Coordinator 34 A VAHPERD member for more than 15 years, Biki currently teaches middle school HPE in Henrico County. She has served as a VCU clinical faculty and university supervisor, serves on county and state committees, and has received numerous grant awards. Biki has also been named Henrico Teacher of the Year and Wal-Mart Teacher of the Year. Misti has taught in Chesterfield County for more than 15 years where she currently teaches middle school HPE. She has been an OHPEP/ AAHPERD convention presenter. She was a VAHPERD award recipient in 2004 and NASPE award recipient in 2005. Misti has received National Board Certification. Brenda had been a member of VAHPERD/ AAHPERD during her entire 30+ year career. She has served VAHPERD as awards committee chair, vice president and president. and on several SD AAHPERD committees. Brenda currently teaches adapted PE in Fairfax County. She was a VAHPERD award recipient in 2001. Liz’s career spans more than 20 years in Fairfax County where she is the K-12 HPE/Family Life Coordinator. She has been a member of VAHPERD/AAHPERD for 10+ years and served on various Fairfax County, state and national committees. Liz is the chair-elect for the state HPE supervisors. SATURDAY Time/ Division Location Title/Description SECOND GENERAL SESSION Saturday, November 13 Ballroom 3 4:00 – 5:30 pm Presider ......................................................................................................................................... President Vicki Miller Greetings From Southern District ................................................................................................ Jacque Harbison KEYNOTE SPEAKER “ADVOCACY” For quality PE, PEP grants, and solutions for childhood obesity. Artie Kamiya has been called the “nation’s leading expert for K-12 physical education.” Always in demand for his exciting presentations, Artie has conducted approximately 500 workshops in 45 different states. He is the co-owner of Great Activities Publishing Company, a well-known publishing/consulting firm and has successfully written over $25 million in grants for schools. His work has appeared on numerous ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox TV affiliates, on National Public Radio and in USA Today. Artie Kamiya Known for “leading edge” ideas and technology, his company recently spent over two years in the development of a new K-12 assessment and tracking system called the Virtual Physical Education Administrator (VPE) – A former National Physical Education Administrator of the Year, Artie was recognized by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) as the 2007 “Joy of Effort” award winner. Distinguished as one of the most enthusiastic and compelling physical education professionals, he has a “standing offer” to present at numerous state and national conferences throughout the year. He and his family live in Durham, NC. Presentation of Awards Jump for Heart Coordinator of the Year – Betty Seymore HPE Supervisor of the Year – Liz Payne Teacher of the Year Awards: Andrea Samsky, Elementary Physical Education Biki Mitchell, Middle School Physical Education Michael Cooke, Secondary Physical Education Misti Wajciechowski, K-12 Health Education Tammy Render, K-12 Dance Education Brenda Belote, Adapted Physical Education Reception immediately following in Ballroom 1. 35 SATURDAY Time/ Division Location Title/Description 4:00-7:00 pm Dance REHEARSAL AND SET-UP FOR KALEIDOSCOPE Ballroom 4 4:00-7:00 pm Dance KALEIDOSCOPE DRESSING ROOMS: Women .........................................................................Thomas Jefferson Men .....................................................................................James Madison Children .................................................................... Benjamin Franklin 7:00-8:30 pm Dance KALEIDOSCOPE A collection of dance performances showcasing talent from Virginia colleges, universities, schools and professionals. Presenter: Dance Division Ballroom 4 ALL CONVENTION CASINO AND DANCE 8:30 – Midnight Ballrooms 1-3 Try your luck! Come early to get tickets – Casino opens at 9:00 Dancing Cash Bar 36 Make future conventions even better! Complete and return the Convention Evaluation Form (see page 59). 37 Time/ Division SUNDAY Title/Description Location 8:00-8:50 am Health REALITY CHECK: HOW TV & TECHNOLOGY ARE CHANGING OUR HEALTH From the Nintendo Wii to reality TV programs, this interactive program will address the ever-changing trends of TV and technology that affect our lifestyles and health. Presenters: Cecilia Moore, Chris Giannone, Shannon Whisenant, Matthew Sturdivant, Laura Driscoll, Charlotte Guynes Lynchburg College John Blair 8:00-8:50 am Physical Education ADVOCACY – THE VAHPERD WAY Learn about VAHPERD and AAHPERD resources that will help you (and your Commonwealth) advocate for quality physical education. Presenter: Mark Brandenburger Patrick Henry 8:00-8:50 am Physical Education PRACTICAL TAI CHI FOR THE CLASSROOM AND GYMNASIUM This is an active participation session suitable for all fitness levels. Participants will learn basic movement concepts from the martial art of Tai Chi and how movements can be used to promote strength, balance, concentration and relaxation. Presenter: William C. Thomson James Madison 8:00-8:50 am Dance STRETCH IT OUT! Warm up, stretch, strengthen and align your body from head to toe. Leave feeling refreshed, energized, and centered. Towels or mats recommended. Presenter: Katie Van den Heuvel Ballroom 4 8:00-8:50 am General DOES SPORT BUILD CHARACTER OR CHARACTERS? An examination of the role of sport and the development of character on the field and in the stands. The target audience for this presentation includes teachers, coaches, and administrators. Presenter: Steve Smith, Lynchburg College Benjamin Harrison 8:00-8:50 am General A “BOOK SHARE”: DEVELOPING A SPIRIT OF COLLEGIALITY AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Book Share encourages recycling of new and gently-used books. Professional and pre-service participants are invited to bring books to trade, swap or donate, or just to browse the professional books donated. Presenter: Sandra C. Bowie George Mason 8:00-8:50 am General VAHPERD BOARD ORIENTATION New members of the VAHPERD Board of Directors will get an overview of the policies and procedures of the Association along with important information about Board meetings. Presenter: Henry Castelvecchi, VAHPERD Executive Director Thomas Jefferson 9:00-9:50 am Health SECURE YOUR MASK FIRST We teach our students proper nutrition, stress reduction and exercise. But do we keep ourselves optimally healthy? Participants will be exposed to small changes that might make a difference in longevity. Presenter: David Hunt John Blair 38 Time/ Division SUNDAY Title/Description Location 9:00-9:50 am Health THE POWER OF POSITIVE INFLUENCE The goal of any school prevention program should be to support students who are already making healthy choices and find ways to use them as role models. Learn more about this research-based social norm model that is proven to reduce false perceptions and high-risk drinking. Join us to see a model that supports and encourages non-use. Included is a movie developed by The Collegiate School that highlights the power of using positive peer pressure and mentoring to reduce risky behavior and influence good decisions. Presenter: Kathy Wrenn George Mason 9:00-9:50 am Physical Education THE NEW TEACHER’S TOOLBOX: HOW TO MENTOR NEW TEACHERS TO ASSIST IN A SMOOTH AND SUCCESSFUL TRANSITION This session will help mentors, cooperating teachers and others who assist new teachers in the transition to a career in HPE at the elementary and secondary levels. Presenters: Kelly Clark, Jenn White Thomas Jefferson 9:00-9:50 am Physical Education JUMP FOR FITNESS Jumping rope is fun, inexpensive, and improves coordination. It also engages a student’s whole body while increasing aerobic endurance, speed, agility, explosiveness and dynamic balance. Attendees will learn tricks while participating in energizing activities. Presenter: Susan Nye, James Madison University Ballroom 1 9:00-9:50 am Physical Education SIMPLE MODIFICATIONS FOR CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES Discussion of the types of modifications that can be used when including students with disabilities in the general PE class, including modifications to games, tasks, and instruction. Presenters: Matthew D. Lucas, Katie Devlin Longwood University Patrick Henry 9:00-9:50 am Physical Education PE METRICS – IT’S EXPANDED TO MEET THE NEEDS OF ELEMENTARY PHYSICAL EDUCATION NASPE has expanded its bestselling, revolutionary PE Metrics for Elementary book to include all six national standards for PE. Now, elementary PE educators can use PE Metrics assessments to evaluate student success toward meeting the national standards. This presentation will describe how to use the PE Metrics book and easily incorporate assessment into PE class. Presenters: Cetan A. Tameris, Diane E. Raynes Ballroom 3 9:00-9:50 am Dance GET CONNECTED! NDA CAN HELP STRENGTHEN YOUR PROGRAM Learn about exciting new products, programs and services to assess and improve programs and personal leadership skills for the classroom or other professional situations. These resources, offered to professionals by NDA, can help those in K-12 and higher education programs in dance, physical education, recreation and community-based programs. Presenter: Fran Anthony Meyer James Madison 9:00-9:50 am Dance BALLET FOR BEGINNERS Experience this classic movement style in a fun and welcoming class. Bare feet, socks or ballet shoes recommended. Presenter: Katie Van den Heuvel Ballroom 4 39 Time/ Division SUNDAY Title/Description Location 9:00-9:50 am Recreation THIS AIN’T NO ROLLER DERBY! Tips for teaching skating skills in physical education. Presenter: Bobbi Conrad Ballroom 2 9:00-9:50 am General BECOMING A TEACHER OF INFLUENCE Learn the skills and tactics to become a better leader in the classroom, with colleagues, and with the school and local community. We will discuss the importance of discipline, classroom management, teaching styles, time management, etc. Presenter: Rodney Gaines, Virginia State University Benjamin Harrison 10:00-10:50 am Health THE REAL DEAL – OBESITY This inquiry-based learning experience will have students examining mystery texts to infer an obesity epidemic in our country. Using targets, jig sawing, discussions with classmates, hands-on integrated experiments and reflective journaling, students will explore the contributing factors. Presenters: Amy Canada, Aimee West George Mason 10:00-10:50 am Health ANTIOXIDANTS: THE NATURAL HEALER Discover the facts regarding antioxidants and macular degeneration, cancer, diabetes mellitus and heart disease, and food sources that may help keep us “safe.” Presenters: Kaitlin Dwyer, Shaina Lavin, Katie Warren, Charlotte Guynes, Jhasmine Hall Lynchburg College John Blair 10:00-10:50 am Physical Education LET’S MOVE IT, MOVE IT, MOVE IT – MEANINGFUL MOVEMENT AND SCHOOL SUCCESS “Method-a-minute” activities that are great for children and fun for staff. Review of research on meaningful movement, brain development, and developmentally appropriate physical activities combined with instruction. Presenter: Barbara English Ballroom 1 10:00-10:50 am Physical Education ACTION RESEARCH IN ACTION: HEART RATE RESPONSE WITH TWO TEACHING APPROACHES This presentation will share the results of an action research project collaboration between an elementary school physical educator and university professor. Heart rate response was assessed with two sixth grade classes taught with two different approaches. The teachers examined the use of a high-activity skills progression versus a traditional, large-group game approach. Presenters: John Pierce, Jon Poole Radford Public Schools Thomas Jefferson 10:00-10:50 am Physical Education GIRLS (AND BOYS!) JUST WANNA HAVE FUN! Learn fun ways to incorporate fitness, nutrition, technology, and integration of other subjects into your classes. Included are activities that are used in my Girls Fit For Life classes, but can be used in all middle school PE classes. Presenter: Deanna Castelvecchi Ballroom 2 10:00-10:50 am Dance YOGA IN THE GYM A series of yoga postures designed to improve upper body strength and shoulder and hamstring flexibility with a secondary focus on mind-body connection. Presenter: BJ Santos James Madison 40 Time/ Division SUNDAY Title/Description Location 10:00-10:50 am Dance LILLY VONN DANCE An exhibition of dance works from the company repertoire. Presenter: Sherrill Lilly Ballroom 4 10:00-10:50 am General LEADING THE WAY TO A HEALTHY SCHOOL COMMUNITY: TEACHERS AS ADVOCATES Today’s health and PE teacher must take an active role in the development of healthy lifestyles for school populations. This presentation will include advocacy ideas for your own community. Attendees will receive a CD with additional advocacy ideas. Presenters: Jacqueline Williams, Susan Nye James Madison University Patrick Henry 10:00-10:50 am General SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL: AT THE INTERSECTION OF HEALTH AND ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION Safe Routes to School, a federal program, can be an effective tool in promoting healthy lifestyles and making our communities safer for our most vulnerable population – our children. We will cover what is happening nationally with Safe Routes to School and take a look at the program’s implementation throughout Virginia. Presenter: Stephanie Smith Benjamin Harrison Stephanie Smith is a State Network Manager for the Safe Routes to School State Network Project. Prior to her position as State Network Manager, Stephanie served as the organizer for Virginia’s Safe Routes to School Network. She has been a strong supporter of Safe Routes to School in Virginia since Congress first established the national program and has been instrumental in broadening support for the program at the state level. In addition to her direct role with SRTS, she worked with BikeWalk Virginia for nearly six years as a public relations coordinator and education director. She managed a number of different grant-funded programs and coordinated the state’s annual bike and pedestrian conference for several years. Prior to entering the world of bicycle and pedestrian advocacy, the majority of Stephanie’s professional experience centered on advocating for scientific research and higher education, with a particular emphasis on coordinating efforts at the grassroots level. In Arizona, she was the director of the grassroots advocacy network for Arizona State University. She also was the public affairs manager for the American Society for Microbiology, one of the largest life sciences societies in America, and legislative assistant to a consulting company that worked directly for the national system of Land-Grant Universities. Stephanie earned her bachelor’s degree in managerial economics from U.C. Davis and has taken graduate courses in Public Policy at Arizona State University and the College of William & Mary. She is a certified instructor through the League of American Bicyclists. Stephanie lives in Williamsburg with her husband, daughter, dog, cats, and urban chickens. 10:00-10:50 am Recreation FOUNDATIONAL FITNESS – FUNCTIONAL TRAINING AND FITNESS EQUIPMENT FOR LIFELONG FITNESS Functional training and foundational fitness equipment can help your students develop the skills necessary for lifetime fitness. Discover how these concepts and equipment can be used to teach fitness, goal-setting, and be successful. Presenters: Chad Triolet, Tristan Bradshaw 41 Ballroom 3 Time/ Division SUNDAY Title/Description Location 11:00-11:50 am Health PLASTICS: TRADING SAFETY FOR CONVENIENCE Learn what is happening in our environment and what is making its way back to the top of the food chain and creating health complications for us and our wildlife. From BPA’s to the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch” and more, facts about phthalates, which water bottles are safe, plus much more. Presenters: Charlotte Guynes, Katie Ivins, Sarah Degiovanni, Lauren Duguay Lynchburg College John Blair 11:00-11:50 am Physical Education MAKE FITNESS TESTING COUNT! Do you feel like your students don’t find any value in physical fitness tests? Learn about a program that motivates, encourages, and rewards students as they strive to improve fitness levels. Presenters: Shawn Holt, Keeli Comrie Thomas Jefferson 11:00-11:50 am Physical Education USING DIGITAL VIDEO TO INCREASE PSYCHOMOTOR SKILLS The new millennium students of the 21st Century (“Millennials”) are accustomed to technology, multitasking, and instant gratification. Digital video of psychomotor skills in a downloadable format for 24/7 viewing at students’ convenience may increase learning and retention of material. This presentation will show psychomotor digital video examples and discuss the process of capturing a psychomotor skill, editing, uploading and downloading to a web page, server or iTunes U. Presenters: Michael Moore, April Moore Radford City Public Schools Patrick Henry 11:00-11:50 am Physical Education PARENT NIGHT WITH FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION (NOT JUST FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENTS) This interactive PowerPoint presentation is for middle school family life education parents/guardians, the community, or other adaptable settings of adults. Grades 6-8 family life education SOL’s are covered. This presentation may be used for a PTO or parent conference during the school year, summer school, or for a district school-wide presentation. Come learn how you can strengthen parent involvement in your FLE program, get ideas for grading, and FLE program design, ways to promote responsible fatherhood and much more! Presenter: Youlander M. Hilton George Mason 11:00-11:50 am Dance PILATES FOR THE GYM Learn the technique and proper breathing for a series of exercises that may be taught as a pilates unit or used individually. Presenter: BJ Santos James Madison 11:00-11:50 am Dance SAFE PRACTICES IN TEACHING DANCE TECHNIQUE A discussion of safety issues to be considered when teaching dance technique including environment, population, common injuries and pitfalls. Presenter: Marilyn Marloff Ballroom 4 42 SUNDAY Time/ Division Title/Description 11:00-11:50 am General EMPATHY TRAINING Empathy training is designed to introduce individuals who work with special populations, such as the elderly and disabled, to the skills necessary to improve teaching practices. For example, it is most helpful to plan activities for wheelchair-bound individuals if you have had actual experience using a wheelchair. This training session consists of stations that give participants experience with multiple disabilities, followed by group discussion. Presenters: Shannon Hardwicke, Margaret Sproule 12:00-12:30 pm CLOSING GENERAL SESSION Location Benjamin Harrison Ballrooms 1-3 Fabulous prizes donated by Gopher! 12:30 pm BOARD MEETING All members of the Board of Directors, including newly elected members, are asked to attend. James Madison This year’s Convention Planning Committee Judy Johnson ............................................................................................................... Convention Manager David Sallee ............................................................................... Past President and Program Manager Barbara Eason .........................................................................................Hospitality and Meal Function Jenny Aubel .................................................................................................. Hospitality and Decorations Division Vice Presidents .............................................................................................................. Programs Bob Davis and Donna Schirmer .................................................................................................... Exhibits William Dick .............................................................................................................................................. Media \ 43 EXHIBITORS We thank all our exhibitors for coming this year. American Heart Association Cabot Creamery Cooperative Coastal Enterprise Fit Families of America Focused Fitness GeoMotion Group Inc. Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Gopher Great Activities Publishing Co., Inc. ING Financial Advisors 44 OMNIKIN Rugby Virginia School Specialty Socci Sport The Children’s Health Market The Virginia Sports Hall of Fame & Museum Toledo Physical Education Supply UCS, Inc. USTA/VA Tennis Virginia Department of Health VAHPERD 2010 Officers and Directors BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President ................................................................................................................................................................. Vicki Miller Virginia Commonwealth University President-Elect ...............................................................................................................................................Cetan Tameris Fairfax County Public Schools Past President ..................................................................................................................................................... David Sallee Radford University Executive Director............................................................................................................................... Henry Castelvecchi Chesterfield Public Schools Parliamentarian ...................................................................................................................................................Fran Meyer DANCE DIVISION Vice President ......................................................................................................................................... Mary Ann Laverty Vice President-Elect ...................................................................................................................................... Sakina Satelle Past Vice President .....................................................................................................................................Tammy Render GENERAL DIVISION Vice President ................................................................................................................................. Susan Ragan-Pimblett Vice President-Elect ......................................................................................................................................... Susan Miller Past Vice President ...................................................................................................................................... Rodney Gaines Student Representative......................................................................................................................... Carol Hawthorne Student Representative Alternate ........................................................................................................... Curtis Walker Student Advisor ........................................................................................................................................ Charlotte Guynes HEALTH DIVISION Vice President ....................................................................................................................................................... David Hunt Vice President-Elect ..................................................................................................................................... Kari Hampton Past Vice President .......................................................................................................................................... Tom Nadeau PHYSICAL EDUCATION Vice President ...................................................................................................................................................... Jenny Aubel Vice President-Elect ........................................................................................................................ Deanna Castelvecchi Past Vice President .................................................................................................................................. Jeannie Trainum 45 RECREATION DIVISION Vice President .................................................................................................................................................... Sean Neihoff Vice President-Elect .......................................................................................................................................... Regina Kirk Past Vice President ................................................................................................................................... Donna Schirmer NON-VOTING BOARD MEMBERS Virginia Journal and Newsletter Editor ............................................................................................... Michael Moore Convention Manager ..................................................................................................................................Judy C. Johnson Website Coordinator ....................................................................................................................................Michael Maina Jump Rope For Heart Coordinator ........................................................................................................Gwen Hairston Hoops For Heart Coordinator................................................................................................................. Charlotte Kelso 46 VAHPERD 2010 Section Officers DANCE DIVISION Dance Education Chair ................................................................................................................................................ Michelle Breedy Chair-Elect ..................................................................................................................................... Melville Turner Past Chair ........................................................................................................................................ Pam Washburn Dance Performance Chair ................................................................................................................................................. Marilyn Marloff Chair-Elect .................................................................................................................................. Rodney Williams Past Chair ................................................................................................................................................ Quiana Erb GENERAL DIVISION City/County Supervisors Chair ......................................................................................................................................................... Sheila Jones Chair-Elect ..................................................................................................................................................Liz Payne Past Chair ..................................................................................................................................................... Bill Deck College/University Chair ......................................................................................................................................................Sandie Bowie Chair-Elect ............................................................................................................................. Dominique Banville Past Chair ....................................................................................................................................... Elizabeth Wood Girls’ & Women’s Sports Chair ........................................................................................................................................................... Misti Boyd Chair-Elect ..................................................................................................................................................................... Past Chair .................................................................................................................................... Jillian Hornbaker Men & Boys’ Athletics Chair .............................................................................................................................................................. Leon Bey Chair-Elect .........................................................................................................................................Eric Brubaker Past Chair .............................................................................................................................................Kevin Sperry Research Chair .............................................................................................................................................. Youlander Hilton Chair-Elect ..................................................................................................................................................................... Past Chair ............................................................................................................................................. Greg Soukup 47 Sport Management Chair ................................................................................................................................................. Ravenn Gethers Chair-Elect .............................................................................................................................................. Sara Haney Past Chair ......................................................................................................................................... Stephen Smith HEALTH DIVISION School Health Chair ................................................................................................................................................ Carrie Reynolds Chair-Elect .................................................................................................................................... Peggy Harriman Past Chair ........................................................................................................................................ Cathy Hawkins College and University Health Chair .............................................................................................................................................. Monte Sparkman Chair-Elect ...............................................................................................................................................Maria Wolf Past Chair ............................................................................................................................................ Beth Johnson Community and Worksite Health Chair ......................................................................................................................................................... Lisa Rucker Chair-Elect .................................................................................................................................... Robin Shepherd Past Chair ........................................................................................................................................ Michele Semko PHYSICAL EDUCATION DIVISION Adapted Chair ........................................................................................................................................................... Matt Lucas Chair-Elect ............................................................................................................................................. Brian Raska Past Chair ............................................................................................................................................... Tom Moran College Chair ............................................................................................................................................................ Susan Nye Chair-Elect ..............................................................................................................................................Steve Knott Past Chair .......................................................................................................................................Tracey Fluharty Secondary Chair .............................................................................................................................................................. BJ Santos Chair-Elect ..................................................................................................................................... Robert Rimmell Past Chair ............................................................................................................................ Mark Brandenburger 48 Middle Chair .......................................................................................................................................................Duke Conrad Chair-Elect ........................................................................................................................... Misti Wajcieshowski Past Chair ......................................................................................................................................Oneida Williams Elementary Chair ........................................................................................................................................................... Kelly Clark Chair-Elect .............................................................................................................................................. Stevie Gray Past Chair ...................................................................................................................................... Cordell Watkins RECREATION DIVISION Leisure Activities Chair ....................................................................................................................................................Michael Cooke Chair-Elect ........................................................................................................................................ Megan Forbes Past Chair ..................................................................................................................................Terrica Woolridge Outdoor Recreation Chair ..................................................................................................................................................... Bobbi Conrad Chair-Elect ........................................................................................................................................ Carol Vistosky Past Chair .............................................................................................................................................. Chad Triolet 49 VAHPERD 2010 Standing Committees Awards Committee shall consist of five members appointed by the president-elect and approved by the Board. All members must be past presidents or past recipients of the Honor Award. Each appointment shall be for a staggered term of three years. Individuals who have served full threeyear terms may not immediately succeed themselves as committee members. Lynne Bennett, Chair Judy Clark Lynn Dillon 2012 2010 2010 Stephen Ames Terry Gooding 2012 2012 Site Selection Committee shall be composed of the current past president, the two most recent past presidents, the convention manager and the executive director. The most senior past president shall serve as chair of the committee. Kerry Redican, Chair Kay Schiltz David Sallee 2010 2011 2012 Judy Johnson Henry Castelvecchi Convention Mgr Ex-officio Finance Committee shall consist of four members, to include the executive director and three VAHPERD members appointed by the president-elect and approved by the Board. Appointed members who have served a full three-year term may not immediately succeed themselves as committee members. Terms of appointed members shall be rotated with one person being appointed each year. Kay Schiltz, Chair Kerry Redican 2011 2011 Bob Davis Henry Castelvecchi 2010 Ex-officio 2010 2010 2010 Terry Gooding Dee Castelvecchi Bob Davis 2011 2012 2011 Grant Committee Charlotte Kelso Liz Payne Henry Castelvecchi Legislative Affairs Committee shall consist of eight members including a chair. All members shall be appointed by the president-elect, with the approval of the Board with recommendations from the chair, who shall consider legislative influence and geographic representation. The term of office shall be for three years, with two members’ terms expiring each year. The president and executive director shall be ex-officio members. Mark Brandenburger, Chair Lynne Bennett Jon Poole Sean Neihoff 2010 2010 2011 2011 Mary Ann Laverty Kim Clancy Henry Castelvecchi Vicki Miller 50 2012 2012 Ex-officio Ex-officio Membership Committee shall be composed of a regional representative from each of the State Department of Education regions. The president-elect and past president shall serve on the committee. All committee members will serve a three-year term on a rotating basis. Each regional representative will appoint a local contact leader in each region whenever possible. Dee Castelvecchi, Chair David Hunt Misti Wajciechowski Jeri Lloyd 2010 2010 2010 2011 Beverly Zeakes Chad Triolet Susan Nye Lynne Gilbert 2011 2012 2012 2012 Necrology Committee shall consist of three members, one of whom shall be the chair. The term of office shall be a three-year rotating term. One member shall be appointed and one member shall be retired annually. Jeri Lloyd Monica Pazmino-Cevallas 2010 2011 Nominating Committee shall be made up of five members from the Association, each for a term of three years. The term of office shall be arranged so that no more than two members shall be appointed in any one year. Each committee member must have been a member of the Association for five consecutive yeas immediately prior to appointment and shall have been actively involved in the Association. The committee shall include representation from the elementary, secondary, and college and university levels. Tom Nadeau, Chair Regina Kirk Michael Moore 2012 2010 2011 Jay Johnson Misty Stahr Boyd 2011 2012 Strategic Planning Committee shall consist of seven members: the past president, the presidentelect, the three past vice presidents on a rotating basis, and two non-Board members appointed by the president-elect and approved by the Board serving two-year staggered terms. The executive director shall function as an ex-officio member. Cetan Tameris, Chair David Sallee Charlotte Kelso Judy Clark Pres.-elect Lori Gano-Overway Past president Duke Conrad 2010 Henry Castelvecchi 2010 2011 2012 Ex-officio Structure and Function Committee shall consist of five persons including the chair. Committee members shall serve, after the initial appointment of staggered terms, three-year terms with one or two members being appointed and one or two members being retired each year. Appointments shall be made to ensure that at least one of the members is a man and one is a woman and that at least one is from the public schools and at least one is from a college or university. Individuals who have served a full three-year term may not immediately succeed themselves. Vonnie Colvin, Chair Susan Miller Nancy Markos 2011 2010 2011 Fred Milbert Jack Schiltz 51 2011 2012 VAHPERD Past Presidents Robert H. Hoskins, University of Virginia ........................................................................................................ 1936-39 Grace E. Chevreaux, Hollins College ................................................................................................................... 1939-41 Lawrence T. Ludwin, University of Virginia ................................................................................................... 1941-43 Martha Barksdale, College of William and Mary .......................................................................................... 1943-45 A. E. Doran, Alexandria City Schools .................................................................................................................. 1946-47 Kirk Montague, Norfolk City Schools ................................................................................................................. 1947-48 Fanny G. Crenshaw, Westhampton College .................................................................................................... 1948-49 A. D. Hurt, Jefferson High School, Roanoke ..................................................................................................... 1949-50 Mildred Stewart, Mary Washington College ................................................................................................... 1950-50 Harry Martin, Charlottesville Public Schools ................................................................................................. 1951-52 Caroline Sinclair, Madison College ..................................................................................................................... 1952-53 Ray Heidloff, University of Virginia.................................................................................................................... 1953-54 Hariette Baker, Portsmouth City Schools ........................................................................................................ 1954-55 Rudy Rohrdanz, Roanoke City Schools ............................................................................................................. 1955-56 Ruth Leonard, Mary Washington College ........................................................................................................ 1956-57 Harry Paxton, Norfolk County Schools ............................................................................................................. 1957-58 Lillian Seats, Newport News High School ........................................................................................................ 1958-59 John J. Miller, Arlington County Schools........................................................................................................... 1959-60 Ellen Philbeck, Radford College ........................................................................................................................... 1960-61 Grayson Daughtrey, Norfolk City Schools ....................................................................................................... 1961-62 Jeanne Bentley, Roanoke City Schools .............................................................................................................. 1962-63 James C. Fox, Lynchburg College ......................................................................................................................... 1963-64 Rachell Benton, Mary Washington College ..................................................................................................... 1964-65 John Grinnell, Fairfax County Schools ............................................................................................................... 1965-66 Rachel Peters, Annandale High Schools ........................................................................................................... 1966-67 Stuart Brewbacker, Lexington High School .................................................................................................... 1967-68 Betsy Gravely, Martinsville High School .......................................................................................................... 1968-69 J. C. Range, Newport News City Schools ........................................................................................................... 1969-70 Pat Bruce, Madison College ................................................................................................................................... 1970-71 William McCubbin, Virginia Polytechnic Institute ....................................................................................... 1971-72 Deloris Webb, Langley High School ................................................................................................................... 1972-73 Harold Whitehurst, Virginia Beach Recreation Department ................................................................... 1973-74 Eleanor Bobbitt, Longwood College................................................................................................................... 1974-75 Thomas Martin, Roanoke College ....................................................................................................................... 1975-76 Margaret Driscoll, Virginia Polytechnic Institute ......................................................................................... 1976-77 James Jarrett, Old Dominion University ........................................................................................................... 1977-78 Ruth Spear, Portsmouth Public Schools ........................................................................................................... 1978-79 Jim Moyer, Fairfax County Schools ..................................................................................................................... 1979-80 John Rader, James Madison University............................................................................................................. 1980-81 Judy R. Johnson, Longwood College ................................................................................................................... 1981-82 Robert Ascher, Newport News Schools ............................................................................................................ 1982-83 Linda Bunker, University of Virginia ................................................................................................................. 1983-84 Larry Shrader, Germanna Community College ............................................................................................. 1984-85 Fran Meyer, Fredericksburg City Schools ....................................................................................................... 1985-86 Joel Vedelli, James Madison University ............................................................................................................ 1986-87 Katherine Bennett, Virginia State University ................................................................................................. 1987-88 Jack H. Schiltz, Virginia Commonwealth University .................................................................................... 1988-89 52 Beverley Johnson, Old Dominion University .................................................................................................. 1989-91 Robert Turner, Averett College............................................................................................................................ 1991-92 Lynn Dillon, Woodberry Hills Elementary School ....................................................................................... 1992-93 Steve Ames, Radford University .......................................................................................................................... 1993-94 Debra Ballinger, Virginia Commonwealth University ................................................................................ 1994-95 Barney Groves, Virginia Commonwealth University .................................................................................. 1995-96 Judy C. Johnson, Russell County Public Schools ............................................................................................ 1996-97 Carl A. Stockton, Radford University ................................................................................................................. 1997-98 Elaine H. Budde, Roanoke College ...................................................................................................................... 1998-99 Donald Pate, University of Richmond ............................................................................................................... 1999-00 Kathy C. Gay, Albemarle County Public Schools ........................................................................................... 2000-01 Gib Darden, Radford University .......................................................................................................................... 2001-02 Brenda Belote, Fairfax County Public Schools ............................................................................................... 2002-03 Robert G. Davis, Virginia Commonwealth University................................................................................ 2003-04 Judith M. Clark, Stafford County Public Schools............................................................................................ 2004-06 Kerry J. Redican, Virginia Tech............................................................................................................................. 2006-07 Kay Schiltz, Chesterfield County Public Schools ........................................................................................... 2007-08 David Sallee, Radford University......................................................................................................................... 2008-09 Vicki Miller, Virginia Commonwealth University ......................................................................................... 2009-10 53 VAHPERD Pioneer Award Recipients The Pioneer Recognition Award was established to recognize someone who has provided outstanding service to VAHPERD for a long period of time, and who continues to serve as a role model for other professionals. Individuals who have completed their formal careers (retired) in health, physical education, recreation, or dance are eligible for this award. The candidate must be a former professional and must have (i) served the Association as a leader and provided a positive role model, (ii) supported the Association by membership for at least fifteen years, (iii) provided leadership in an elected office or served in an appointed capacity for at least five years, and (iv) contributed significantly to the professional development of younger or new colleagues. 1984 Caroline Sinclair 1994 Howard M. Smith 1985 Frances Mays 1995 Eleanor Bobbitt Del Moser 1986 Margaret Drake 1987 Betsy Gravely 1988 Jimmy Fox 1989 Patricia Bruce 1996 Chuck Hamm 1998 Beverly Johnson 1999 Patricia Bruce Lynn Newcomb 1991 Jeanne Bentley 2001 Elaine Budde Carolyn Chittenden 1992 Robert Ascher 2002 Harold Lakey 1993 Edgar Evans 2003 Fran Meyer 54 2004 Barney Groves Jim Stout 2007 Judy C. Johnson Jack H. Schiltz 2008 Sandra Bowie Steve Ames 2009 Sharon “Shay” Bolen 2010 Terry Gooding Judy Clark VAHPERD Honor Award Recipients Honor Award candidates must have been active members of the American Alliance and the Virginia Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance for at least ten years and shall have rendered at least fifteen years of distinguished and meritorious service to the physical education, health, safety education, recreation or dance professions. 1963 Martha Darksdale Grace Chevreaux Lawrence Ludwig 1964 Elliott Grayes Frances Mays Kirk Montague Harriett Rogers 1965 Fanny Crenshaw Lester Kibler Gerald Quirk Caroline Sinclair 1966 Virginia Arnold Harriett Baker Jeanne Bentley Raymond Heidloff 1967 Mary Bell Barlow Joseph Chandler Oliver Der George Ramsey 1968 Rachel Benton Stuart Brewbaker Mary McBridge Rudy Rahrdanz Edward Slaughter 1969 Lucille Fraze Albert Loran 1974 Patricia Bruce William McCubbin 1975 Eleanor Bobbitt Marilyn Crawford 1976 William Garrison Howard Sorrell 1977 William Bennett Kay Duffy Paul Gunsten Delores Webb 1992 Gail Evans 1993 Beverly Johnson 1994 Ron Bos Melvin Williams 1981 None awarded 1982 Del Moser Jim Moyer 1984 Nancy George Ann Harmon 1972 Mallory Zahn 1985 None Awarded 1973 No convention held 1986 Betsy Gravely Peggy Johnson John Rader Larry Shrader 2003 None awarded 1991 Carolyn Chittenden Earlyn Miller Vicki Swecker 1980 Margaret Driscoll Charles Hamm Paul Heine Ruth Spear 1971 J. C. Range William Wright 1988 Robert Davis Fran Meyer Marie Sterne Joel Vedelli 1990 No convention held 1979 Katherine Bennett Harold Lakey 1970 James Fox Leotus Morrison 2001 Sarah Sink 1989 Jack Schiltz Julian Stein Robert Turner 1978 Robert Ascher Gene Evans 1983 Steven Chipok Bonnie McCallum Don Sebolt 1987 Linda Bunker Walker Clay Barney Groves Judy R. Johnson 1995 Lynn Dillon 1996 Judy C. Johnson Jack Liddy 1997 Elaine Budde 1998 Patty Von Ohlen 1999 Nelson Neal James H. Stout 2000 Shay Bolen Jerry Schicchitano 55 2002 None awarded 2004 Vicki Miller Kathy Gay 2005 No convention held 2006 Steve Ames Terry Gooding 2007 Richard Stratton 2008 Lynne Bennett 2009 Leon Bey 2010 Kay Schiltz Vanessa Wigand VAHPERD Teacher of the Year Award Recipients Year Health Education K-12 1983 Nikki Isherwood Frances Meyer Lois Trent 1984 Alverna Miller Kakki Aydlotte Ardella Smith 1985 M. Inke Shaner Carolyn Chittenden Terry Gooding Betty Jo Papsel James Kiser Archie Taylor Jan J. Wamler Charlotte Murphy 1988 Laura Barrier Gwendolyn Holmes John Pomeroy Barry Trent 1989 Anne Thomas Patricia Cogan Phillis Steele 1986 1987 College Health Education 1990 Middle School Health Education Elementary Physical Education Middle School Physical Education Secondary Physical Education No Convention Held Susan Neuhauser 1991 Laura Simon 1992 Deborah Taylor 1993 Lynn Dillon Chrystyna Kosarchyn Joann Lineberg Jerry Scicchitano Linda Baumler Judy C. Johnson Lula Hammond Frances Farmer 1994 Frances Farmer Christy Pitts Marilyn Watkins 1995 Louise Early Pam Walker Shay Bolen Francesca Zavacky Wendy Wadsworth Ronald Trainum Barbara Clark 1996 Carl Stockton 1997 Lynn Dillon 1998 Susan Plimblett 1999 Kerry Redican 2000 2001 Jamie Hubbard 2002 Judy C. Johnson Charlotte Rhodes Charlotte Guynes 2003 2004 2005 Beverly Zeakes 2006 David Sallee 2007 2008 2009 2010 Cathy Hawkins Susan RaganPimblett Kathy Gay Theresa Sanchez Jeannie Trainum Dorothy Cox Terry Gooding Bunny Lancaster Vicki Miller Kay Oldaker Stephen Geiman Debra Sparrow Sherrie Bollhorst Janeen Schutte Deidre Reynolds Nancy Markos Jeri Lloyd Susan Miller Kay Oldaker Tammy Underwood Warren Pruett Donna Jones Vicki Miller Ross Ference Leslie Soulierre Misti Wajciechowski Gwen Hairston Kim Davis Sharon Welch Henry Castelvecchi Elizabeth Wood Kay Oldaker Patricia Larsen Jeri Lloyd Eric Turrill Patricia Larsen Misti Wajciechowski Andrea Samsky Nancy Thomas Betty Jean (BJ) Santos David Hunt Deanna Castelvecchi Mark Brandenburger Chad Triolet 56 Louise Early Biki Mitchell Michael Cooke VAHPERD Teacher of the Year Award Recipients Year College/ University Physical Ed. Female Athlete Dance Professional Dance Education Recreation Adapted Physical Education 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 Gail Evans 1989 Sylvia Shirley 1990 No Convention Held 1991 John Gilstrap Valerie Fauntleroy Nelson Neal Sandy Cockrell Inez Howard Mel Turner Billie Lepczyk Denise Hartgrove Inez Howard 1992 1993 Debra Ballinger 1994 Paul Heine 1995 Barney Groves 1996 Donald Pate 1997 Kenneth Kambis 1998 Ann Boyce 1999 Jon Poole 2000 Challice McMillan 2001 Mary Lu Royal Carolyn Calloway Paul Morgan Judith Clark Valentino Taguding Patty Von Ohlen Jeff Armstrong Brenda Belote 2002 2003 Patricia Benson 2004 Robert Davis Martin Block 2005 Kathryn Kisabeth Megan Camden Barb McClam Rodney Williams Laura Baumer Kreg Abbey Chris BlanchardAlworth Mary Ann Laverty 2006 Charlotte Kelso 2007 2008 Sarah Bingham Billie Lepczyk 2009 Amanda Kinzer 2010 Tammy Render 57 Glenda Taylor Brenda Belote VAHPERD Other Award Recipients Year Frances A. Mays Scholarship Jump Rope For Heart Pathfinder Award Legislator of the Year Supervisor of the Year 1984 1985 1986 Frank D. Hargrove 1987 Mary Cochran Bob Tata 1988 Allen McCredie Joan Munford 1989 Dana Henry Yvonne Miller 1990 1991 Andrea Johnson 1992 Sherry Adams 1993 Anne Falls 1994 Sonia Williams 1995 Josh Antoncie 1996 Jeremy Ponn 1997 Lori Dietz Hon. Wittington W. Clements R. Edward Houck Margie Botelho Bill Chambers Debra Sutor Kim Angotti Lesli Blanchard Margie Botelho Bill Chambers Debra Sutor Congressman Rick Boucher Carolyn Chittenden James Stout 1998 1999 Emily Hunt Hon. L. Karen Darner 2000 Alma Withers 2001 Shane Guynn Vicki Swecker 2002 Shane Guynn Jeannie Trainum 2003 Betty Lou Harris 2004 Kathy Gay 2005 Mary Marks Lindsey Ervin Regina Kirk 2006 2007 Bonnie Conner-Gray 2008 2010 Del. John O’Bannon Betty Seymore Liz Payne 58 VAHPERD 2010 CONVENTION EVALUATION FORM Your responses and comments will help us improve future conventions. 1. In your opinion, what was the best aspect of this convention? ____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Were your personal goals and objectives for attending this convention met? Please explain why you feel this way. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Will you be able to implement in your workplace information and knowledge gained from the sessions you attended? ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you have topic suggestions for future conventions? 5. Do you have suggestions for dynamic speakers/presenters for future conventions? If so, please provide contact information. ______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. Did you attend any of the social events? ___________________________________________________________ 7. Do you have any suggestions for altering these social events? If so, please describe. _____________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Did you have adequate time to network? _________________________________________________________ 9. Are you willing to hold an office in this organization? If so, which division would you be willing to assist? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Are you willing to present at next year’s convention? If so, please complete the presentation application in the back of this program. __________________________________________________________ Please drop in box near convention registration desk or mail to: VAHPERD 7812 Falling Hill Terrace Chesterfield, VA 23832 59 60 61