2014 Catalogue
2014 Catalogue
2014 Catalogue On the cover: April Heather Oakridge Dahlias is located in Ontario in the Northumberland Hills just off the Oakridge Moraine. The sunny, west facing, slope and sandy loam make an excellent location for growing these amazing flowers. The remarkable variety of Dahlias make them ideal for any sunny, well-drained location. Flowers to suit any taste come in many forms and most colours but blue. Plants range in size from 12 inches to 6 feet. It is hard to have only a few. If you are interested in attracting/helping pollinators, look for the bee symbol. Contact Us: Email: oakridgedahlias@gmail.com Phone: 905-269-5395 Photos: www.facebook.com/ OakridgeDahlias Online catalogue: www.dahlias.net/ htmbox/Oakridgedahlias.htm Oakridge Dahlias are the result of our obsession with these gorgeous plants. We grow what we love and make our surplus available to Canadian gardeners. Our tubers are guaranteed to be true to name and to have at least one live eye. Legend Giant Blooms (over 10 inches) Ben Huston El Sol Canadian Introduction Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Bonaventure Clyde’s Choice Croydon Masterpiece Fleurel Kelvin Foodlight Lula Pattie Pennsgift San Luis Rey Surprise Wanda’s Aurora Legend Giant Blooms (over 10 inches) Ben Huston Informal Decorative Height: 5 feet Origin: 1992, N. Huston, Canada $5.00 El Sol Informal Decorative Height: 4.5 feet Origin: 2010, Swan Island, USA Limited $10.00 Bonaventure Formal Decorative Height: 5 feet Origin: 1982, Bob Simon, USA Notes: Early Limited $6.00 Canadian Introduction Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Clyde’s Choice Croydon Masterpiece Formal Decorative Informal Decorative Height: 5.5 feet Origin: 1989, Bob Simon, USA Height: 4.5 feet Origin: 1948, H. Brand, Australia Notes: late, Heirloom Limited $8.00 $6.00 Fleurel Kelvin Floodlight Lula Pattie Informal Decorative Formal Decorative Informal Decorative Height: 3 feet Origin: 1995, De Boer, Netherlands Notes: early bloomer Height: 3 feet Origin: 1958, McDougall, Australia Notes: Antique Height: 4 feet Origin: 1960, Comstock, USA Notes: late, Antique $5.00 $5.00 $6.00 PennsGift Informal Decorative Height: 4 feet Origin: 1970, S. Johnson, USA $5.00 San Luis Rey Surprise Formal Decorative Semi-cactus Height: 3 feet Origin: 1962, Bruidegom, Netherlands Notes: Antique Height: 4 feet Origin: 1955, Barker, USA Notes: Late , Antique Limited $5.00 $5.00 Wanda’s Aurora Informal Decorative Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 2001, Wright, UK $8.00 Legend Large Blooms (8 –10 inches) Canadian Introduction Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Ferncliff Inspiration Babylon Bronze Bull’s Pride Kidd’s Climax Lavender Perfection Mom’s Special Otto’s Thrill Spartacus Taiheijo Trooper Dan Vassio Meggos Mingus Randy Garden Wonder Mingus Wesley Strawberry Ice Legend Large Blooms (8 –10 inches) Babylon Bronze Bull’s Pride Informal Decorative Informal Decorative Canadian Introduction Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Ferncliff Inspiration Height: 4.5 feet Origin: 1999, David Jack, Canada Height: 2.5 feet Origin: 1979, P. Lindhout, Netherlands Limited $8.00 Limited $6.00 Height: 4 feet Origin: 1982, Brian Bull, New Zealand Limited $6.00 Limited $6.00 Kidd’s Climax Lavender Perfection Mingus Randy Informal Decorative Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 1940, Kidd, New Zealand Notes: Heirloom Formal Decorative Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 1941, Johnston, New Zealand Notes: Heirloom Height: 4 feet Origin: 2004, Phil Mingus, USA $6.00 Limited $5.00 Informal Decorative Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 1993, Les Connell, USA Otto’s Thrill Informal Decorative Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 1956, Otto Aumiller, USA Notes: Antique Informal Decorative Informal Decorative Height: 3.5 feet Origin: Information not available Mom’s Special Garden Wonder Semi-cactus Limited $6.00 Mingus Wesley Semi-cactus Height: 5 feet Origin: 1997, Phil Mingus, USA Notes: paler than shown $5.00 Spartacus Strawberry Ice Informal Decorative Informal Decorative Height: 4 feet Origin: 1992, Mick Senior, USA Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 2006 Limited $6.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 Taiheijo Trooper Dan Vassio Meggos Informal Decorative Semi-cactus Informal Decorative Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 1960 Notes: Antique Height: 3 feet Origin: 2009, R & D Parshall, USA Height: 4.feet Origin: 2003, Meggos, USA $5.00 Limited $8.00 Limited $8.00 Legend Medium Blooms (6 –8 inches) Canadian Introduction Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Alfred Grille American Beauty Blackberry Ripple Citron du Cap Dandie Alexander Duet Edna C Fantasie du Cap Honeymoon Hot Tamale Ice Cube Juanita Lilac Time Magic Moment Marlene Joy Legend Medium Blooms (6 –8 inches) Alfred Grille Incurved Cactus Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 1965, H. Severin, Germany $5.00 Dandie Alexander Semi-cactus Height: 4 feet Origin: 2010, Mike Valler, USA Notes: show, cut Limited $6.00 American Beauty Informal Decorative Height: 4 feet Origin: 2008, Swan Island, USA Notes: Show Limited $8.00 Duet Informal Decorative Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 1955, Scott, USA Notes: late, antique $5.00 Honeymoon Hot Tamale Informal Decorative Informal Decorative Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 2010, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut Height: 4 feet Origin: 2006, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut Limited $8.00 $6.00 Canadian Introduction Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Blackberry Ripple Semi-cactus Height: 4.5 feet Origin: 1993, Barry Willoughby, Canada Notes: early, cut $5.00 Citron du Cap Lancinated Cactus Height: 4 feet Origin: 2001, Cyril Higgo, South Africa Notes: cut, show Limited $8.00 Edna C Formal Decorative Fantasie du Cap Lancinated Semi-cactus Height: 4 feet Origin: 1968, R.P. Comstock, USA Notes: show Height: 3 feet Origin: 2003 $5.00 $5.00 Ice Cube Informal Decorative Height: 3 feet Origin: 2010 Notes: late $5.00 Lilac Time Magic Moment Decorative Semi-cactus Height: 4 feet Origin: 1939, Torrance, UK Notes: Heirloom Height: 4.5 feet Origin: 1983, Les Connell, USA Notes: cut $5.00 Limited $8.00 Juanita Semi-cactus Height: 4 feet Origin: 1951, H. Healy, South Africa Notes: Heirloom Limited $6.00 Marlene Joy Lancinated Cactus Height: 3 feet Origin: 1989, L. Steenfott, USA $5.00 Legend Legend Medium Blooms (6 –8 inches) Canadian Canadian Introduction Introduction Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Marry Me Mingus Alex Miss Delilah Mystery Day Neon Splendor Nita Normandy Bright Day Orchid Lace Patricia Ann’s Sunset Promise Rothsay Reveller Thomas A Edison Tsuki Yori No Shisha Vuurvogel Windhaven Highlight Legend Medium Blooms (6 –8 inches) Canadian Introduction Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Marry Me Mingus Alex Miss Delilah Mystery Day Informal Decorative Informal Decorative Formal Decorative Informal Decorative Height: 5 feet Origin: 2006, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 1994, Phil Mingus, USA Height: 4 feet Origin: 2002 Notes: cut Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 1994, J. Lans, Netherlands Limited $8.00 Limited $8.00 Limited $8.00 Limited $5.00 Neon Splendor Nita Formal Decorative Cactus Normandy Bright Day Incurved Cactus Height: 4 feet Origin: 1987, Swan Island, USA Notes: early, cut Height: 3 feet Origin: 1959, Paul Hale, USA. Notes: antique Informal Decorative Height: 4 feet Origin: 2002, B & D Schwink, USA Notes: cut Height: 5 feet Origin: 1961, Nat Lundgren, USA Notes: cut, antique Limited $6.00 $5.00 Limited $8.00 Limited $6.00 Patricia Ann’s Sunset Promise Rothsay Reveller Thomas A. Edison Semi-cactus Formal Decorative Formal Decorative Waterlily Height: 4 feet Origin: 2004, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut Height: 4.5 feet Origin: 1959, Bruidegom, Netherlands Notes: antique Height: 5 feet Origin: 1954, Alex Lister, UK Notes: antique Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 1929, Dahliadel, USA Notes: heirloom Limited $8.00 $5.00 Limited $6.00 Limited $6.00 Tsuki Yori No Shisha Vuurvogel Semi-cactus Windhaven Highlight Lancinated Cactus Height: 4 feet Origin: 1953, Kumagai, Japan Notes: antique Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 1962, Bruidegom, Netherlands Notes: antique Semi-cactus Height: 5 feet Origin: 2000, Bob Romano, USA Notes: cut $6.00 $5.00 $6.00 Orchid Lace Legend Legend Small Blooms ( 4—6 inch) Canadian Introduction Canadian Introduction Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Andrew Charles Bahama Mama Black Satin Bluetiful Boogie Nites Brandon J Brittany Rey Burning Love Caribbean Fantasy Chat Noir Chilson’s Pride Crazy Love Diva Edinburgh Legend Small Blooms (4—6 inch) Canadian Introduction Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Andrew Charles Bahama Mama Black Satin Bluetiful Informal Decorative Informal Decorative Formal Decorative Informal Decorative Height: 4.5 feet Origin: 2010, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut Height: 4 feet Origin: 2006, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut Height: 5 feet Origin: 1995, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 2010, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut $8.00 Limited $8.00 Limited $6.00 Limited S/O Boogie Nites Brandon J Brittany Rey Burning Love Formal Decorative Semi-cactus Informal Decorative Semi-cactus Height: 4.5 feet Origin: 2007, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut Height: 4 feet Origin: 2009, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut Height: 4.5 feet Origin: 2009, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 1996, L. van der Vlugt, Netherlands Limited $10.00 Limited $6.00 $8.00 $5.00 Caribbean Fantasy Chat Noir Chilson’s Pride Crazy Love Semi-cactus Informal Decorative Informal Decorative Informal Decorative Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 2002, E. van Dongen, Netherlands Notes: variable colour Height: 4 feet Origin: 1975, Ernest Turc, France Notes: cut Height: 5 feet Origin: 1954, Carl Chilson, USA Notes: cut, antique Height: 3 feet Origin: 1996, Dongen, Netherlands Notes: cut Limited $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $6.00 Diva Edinburgh Formal Decorative Formal Decorative Height: 4.5 feet Origin: 2010, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut Height: 4 feet Origin: 1950, Dobbie, UK Notes: heirloom Limited $8.00 $5.00 Legend Canadian Introduction Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Small Blooms (4—6 inch) Enchantress Ferncliff Copper Frigoulet Gabrielle Marie Gay Princess Gerrie Hoek Glen Valley Cathy Hawaii Jammin Jelly Kaisha Lea Kalinka Le Baron Lynette Legend Canadian Introduction Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Small Blooms ( 4—6 inch) Enchantress Semi-cactus Ferncliff Copper Frigoulet Gabrielle Marie Cactus Waterlily Height: 4.5 feet Origin: 1975, Chevalier, France Notes: cut Height: 4 feet Origin: 2006, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut, show $5.00 Formal Decorative Height: 4.5 feet Origin: 2010, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut Height: 5 feet Origin: 1990, D. Jack, Canada Notes: cut Limited $8.00 Limited $6.00 $5.00 Gay Princess Gerrie Hoek Glen Valley Cathy Informal Decorative Wat erlily Semi-Cactus Height: 4.5 feet Origin: 1975, E. Richards, UK Notes: early, cut, show Height: 4 feet Origin: 1942, L.A. Hoek, Netherlands Notes: cut, show, heirloom Height: 6 feet Origin: 1996, New Zealand Notes: very tall Limited $6.00 $6.00 $5.00 Hawaii Informal Decorative Height: 3 feet Origin: unknown $5.00 Jammin Jelly Kaisha Lea Kalinka Le Baron Semi-cactus Formal Decorative Informal Decorative Decorative Height: 5 feet Origin: 2007, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut Height: 4 feet Origin: 2011, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut Height: 3 feet Origin: 2004, Dongen, Netherlands Notes: cut Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 1995, Th. Aanhane, Netherlands $6.00 $10.00 Limited $5.00 Limited $5.00 Lynette Semi-cactus Height: 5 feet Origin: 2007, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut $6.00 Legend Canadian Introduction Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Small Blooms (4 - 6 inch) Mingus Erik My Love Nicholas Noordwijk’s Glorie Preference Procyon Purple Gem Ripples Santa Claus Seattle Sheer Heaven Snow Princess Star’s Favorite Legend Canadian Introduction Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Small Blooms (4 - 6 inch) My Love Nicholas Semi-cactus Informal Decorative Height: 4 feet Origin: 1969, H.L. Veelen, Netherlands Notes: cut Height: 4 feet Origin: 2010, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut $8.00 Limited $8.00 Preference Procyon Purple Gem Ripples Semi-cactus Informal Decorative Cactus Informal Decorative Height: 4 feet Origin: 1955, Bruidegon, Netherlands Notes: cut , antique Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 1963, Maarse, Netherlands Notes: antique Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 1957, N. Kops, Netherlands Notes: cut , antique Height: 4 feet Origin: 1999, Gitts, USA Notes: cut ,show $5.00 Limited $5.00 Limited $5.00 Limited $6.00 Santa Claus Seattle Formal Decorative Decorative Height: 3 feet Origin: 1983, Miller, USA Height: 3 feet Origin: 1995, Verwer, Netherlands $5.00 Limited $8.00 Mingus Erik Lancinated Semi-cactus Height: 4 feet Origin: 2001, Phil Mingus, USA $5.00 Sheer Heaven Formal Decorative Height: 5 feet Origin: 2010, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut $8.00 Star’s Favorite cactus Height: 3 feet Origin: 1987, C. van der Star, Netherlands $5.00 Noordwijk’s Glorie Informal Decorative Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 2004 $5.00 Snow Princess Cactus Height: 2 feet Origin: 2001 Limited $6.00 Legend Canadian Introduction Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Small Blooms (4 - 6 inch) Summer’s End Sun Kissed Taboo Teddy Touche Tropical Sunset Uptown Girl Verdi Vista Lindsey Voodoo Willie of Orange Legend Canadian Introduction Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Small Blooms (4 - 6 inch) Summer’s End Sun Kissed Waterlily Formal Decorative Height: 4 feet Origin: 1994, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut , show Height: 4.5 feet Origin: 2009, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut Limited $8.00 $8.00 Taboo Teddy Touche Formal Decorative Waterlily Semi-cactus Height: 4.5 feet Origin: 2003, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut Height: 4.5 feet Origin: 2010, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 1994, Swan Island, USA Notes: early, cut Limited $6.00 Limited $8.00 $5.00 Uptown Girl Formal Decorative Height: 4 feet Origin: 2006, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut Limited $6.00 Verdi Decorative Height: 2.5 feet Origin: 2003 Notes: bushy $5.00 Willie of Orange Cactus Height: 4 feet Origin: 1989, K. Williams, Canada $5.00 Tropical Sunset Decorative Height: 4 feet Origin: 2002, Muntjewerff, Netherlands Limited $5.00 Vista Lindsey Voodoo Lancinated Semi-cactus Height: 4 feet Origin: 2004, Heeringa, USA Notes: early, cut Formal Decorative Height: 4.5 feet Origin: 2000, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut $6.00 $6.00 Legend Miniature Blooms (under 4 ins) Canadian Introduction Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Arabian Night Autumn Fairy Checkers City of Leiden Dazzle Me Hulin’s Carnival Jescot Lingold Little Robert Lollipop Mardy Gras Park Princess Red Pigmy Ringo Sandia Shomei Whimsey Legend Miniature Blooms (under 4 ins) Canadian Introduction Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Arabian Night Autumn Fairy Checkers City of Leiden Formal Decorative Semi-caactus Formal Decorative Cactus Height: 2.5 feet Origin: 1951, Weijers, Netherlands Notes: heirloom Height: 1.5 feet Origin: 1973, Lammerse, Netherlands Notes: border Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 2001, Gitts, USA Notes: cut Height: 2 feet Origin: 2004, K. Hammett, New Zealand Notes: dark foliage Limited $8.00 $5.00 $5.00 $6.00 Dazzle Me Hulin’s Carnival Jescot Lingold Little Robert Formal Decorative Formal Decorative Formal Decorative Decorative Height: 5 feet Origin: 2008, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut Height: 4 feet Origin: 1954, Hulin, USA Notes: cut, antique Height: 4 feet Origin: 1948, E. Cooper, UK Notes: cut, Heirloom Height: 3 feet Origin: 1964, L ammerse, Netherlands Notes: antique $8.00 Limited $6.00 Limited $6.00 $5.00 Lollipop Mardy Gras Park Princess Red Pigmy Formal Decorative Formal Decorative Semi-cactus Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 1990, Gitts, USA Notes: cut Height: 4 feet Origin: 1999, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut Cactus Height: 2 feet Origin: 1959, Maarse, Netherlands Notes: early, cut , Antique Height: 2 feet Origin: 1973, Lammerse, Netherlands Notes: cut $6.00 Limited $6.00 $5.00 $5.00 Ringo Sandia Shomei Whimsey Formal Decorative Waterlily Waterlily Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 1994, Gitts, USA Notes: cut, bushy Height: 4 feet Origin: 2001, S & S. Boley, USA Notes: cut, show Height: 4.5 feet Origin: 2006, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut Limited $6.00 Limited $8.00 Limited $8.00 Legend Balls, Mini-balls and Poms Canadian Introduction Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Barbarry Gem Betty Anne Cornel Downham Royal Golden Sceptre Irish Miss Jessie G Kasasagi Little Scottie Maarn Mary Munns Rural Dirk Ryecroft Delight Tiny Treasure Wine-eyed Jill Legend Balls, Mini-balls and Poms Canadian Introduction Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Barbarry Gem Betty Anne Cornel Miniature Ball Pompom Miniature Ball Height: 4 feet Origin: 1990, Barry Davies, UK Height: 3 feet Origin: 1928, S. Johnson, USA Notes: early, heirloom Height: 4 feet Origin: 1994, Cor Geerlings, Netherlands Notes: cut $5.00 Limited $6.00 $5.00 Downham Royal Golden Sceptre Irish Miss Jessie G Miniature Ball Miniature Ball Pompom Ball Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 1972, John Sharpe, UK Notes: cut Height: 2.5 feet Origin: 1938, Vianen, Netherlands Notes: cut, Heirloom Height: 3 feet Origin: 2005, Boley, USA Height: 5.5 feet Origin: 1994, Les Connell, USA Notes: cut Limited $6.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 Kasasagi Little Scottie Maarn Mary Munns Pompom Pompom Miniature Ball Pompom Height: 3 feet Origin: 1960, Unbekannt, Japan Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 1989 Notes: cut Height: 4.5 feet Origin: 2000 Notes: cut, show Height: 3 feet Origin: 1928, D.G. Bolsa, USA Notes: cut, Heirloom $5.00 Limited $6.00 Limited $6.00 $6.00 Rural Dirk Ryecroft Delight Tiny Treasure Wine-eyed Jill Ball Ball Pompom Miniature Ball Height: 5 feet Origin: 2002, Alastair Davey, New Zealand Notes: cut Height: 4.5 feet Origin: 2004, P. Godsmark, UK Notes: cut Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 2003, D. Franklin, USA Notes: cut Height: 3 feet Origin: Unknown Notes: cut Limited $8.00 Limited $8.00 Limited $6.00 $5.00 Legend Miscellaneous Bashful Edge of Joy Pink Giraffe Bishop of Canterbury Giraffe Pooh Valley Porcupine Canadian Introduction benefits pollinators Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Crazy Legs Inflammation Rock Star Willie Willie David Lam Midnight Star Teesbrooke Yellow Bird Legend Miscellaneous Bashful Single Bishop of Canterbury Height: 2.5 feet Origin: 1999, Gitts, USA Notes: early, cut, Border Peony Height: 2.5 feet Origin: 2004 Notes: dark foliage, border $6.00 $5.00 Edge of Joy Peony Height: 1.5 feet Origin: 2008, USA Notes: border, hedge Limited $6.00 Pink Giraffe Double Orchid Height: 3 feet Origin: 1961, Burrows, UK Notes: antique Limited $8.00 Giraffe Double Orchid Canadian Introduction benefits pollinators Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Crazy Legs Stellar Height: 4 foot Origin: 1990, Gitts, USA Notes: cut Limited $6.00 Inflammation Mingon Single David Lam Collarette Height: 4 feet Origin: 1994, K. Williams, Canada Notes: cut Limited $8.00 Midnight Star Orchid Height: 3 feet Origin: 1940, Hoek, Netherlands Notes: Heirloom Height: 1.5 feet Origin: 1961, Ballego, Netherlands Notes: antique Height: 4 feet Origin: 2009, Rich Johnson, USA Notes: cut, show Limited $10.00 $6.00 Limited $10.00 Rock Star Teesbrooke Audrey Pooh Collarette Height: 4.5 feet Origin: 1998, Swan Island, USA Notes: cut, show $5.00 Valley Porcupine Novelty -Double Height: 3 feet Origin: 2002, D & L Smith, USA Notes: cut $6.00 Anenome Height: 4 feet Origin: 2008, Gitts, USA Collarette Height: 4 feet Origin: 1999, Phil Orley, UK Notes: cut Limited $6.00 $6.00 Willie Willie Yellow Bird Orchid Height: 4 feet Origin: 1998 Notes: cut Limited $8.00 Collarette Height: 4 feet Origin: 1976 Notes: cut $6.00 Legend Dwarf Border Varieties Autumn Fairy benefits pollinators Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Bashful Bishop of Canterbury Burning Love Inflammation Park Princess Red Pigmy Snow Princess City of Leiden Legend Dwarf Border Varieties Autumn Fairy Semi-caactus benefits pollinators Red: Heiroom, intro. before 1951 Blue: Antique, at least 50 yrs old Bashful Single Height: 1.5 feet Origin: 1973, Lammerse, Netherlands Notes: border Height: 2.5 feet Origin: 1999, Gitts, USA Notes: early, cut, Border $5.00 $6.00 Bishop of Canterbury Burning Love Semi-cactus Peony Height: 2.5 feet Origin: 2004 Notes: dark foliage, border Height: 3.5 feet Origin: 1996, L. van der Vlugt, Netherlands $5.00 $5.00 Inflammation Park Princess Mingon Single Height: 1.5 feet Origin: 1961, Ballego, Netherlands Notes: antique Cactus Height: 2 feet Origin: 1959, Maarse, Netherlands Notes: early, cut , Antique $6.00 $5.00 Red Pigmy Semi-cactus Height: 2 feet Origin: 1973, Lammerse, Netherlands Notes: cut $5.00 Snow Princess Cactus Height: 2 feet Origin: 2001 Limited $6.00 City of Leiden Cactus Height: 2 feet Origin: 2004, K. Hammett, New Zealand Notes: dark foliage $6.00