Convention - School of Medicine – Medical Science Campus
Convention - School of Medicine – Medical Science Campus
56 UPR SOCIEDAD DE MÉDICOS GRADUADOS 56TH ANNUAL CONVENTION th SEPTEMBER 4-6, 2015 THE RITZ CARLON HOTEL ISLA VERDE, PR OPCIONES COSTO SOCIOS A Convención Completa $500 $400 B Educación Médica Continua 18.5 horas créditos $375 $275 C Cóctel de Bienvenida por persona adicional $55 $55 D Actividad Social $70 $70 F Acompañante: Cóctel y Actividad Social $125 $125 Puede matricularse para la convención, enviando la boleta de inscripción por correo al PO Box 190970, San Juan, PR 009190970, por fax al 787/753-2809 o por correo electrónico a sgem., ATT: Rosilui Muñoz HOTEL RESERVATIONS: 1-800-241-3333 - Mention group codes: DUADUAD $179 per/night, DUADUAA $179 per/night Rooms are limited; reserve now. Rates will change after 7/31/2015 Nombre: ____________________________________________ Socio: Sí No cuota anual $100 Clase _______ Dirección: ___________________________________________ Teléfonos: ___________________________________________ Correo eletrónico: _____________________________________ Incluyo importe de $ ___________ correspondiente a: ________ (A) Convención Completa (D) Actividad Social (B) Sólo EMC (F) Acompañante: (C) Cóctel de Bienvenida p/p Cóctel y Actividad Social MÉTODO DE PAGO Cheque a nombre de: SGEM Autorizo a la Sociedad de Médicos Graduados a efectuar cargo a mi tarjeta de crédito. Tarjeta de crédito: VISA MASTER CARD Num: ______________________________________________ Fecha de Exp.: ______ /_______ Firma Fecha MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Welcome and greetings to all alumni, residents, students, participants and family to our 56th meeting. A great program will be offered organized by Dr. Humberto Guiot, Class 2001, our Scientific Committee President and past President. Besides having interesting and varied topics we have an excellent group of speakers, all members of our school alumni. We are proud to honor Dr. Pablo RodriguezOrtiz, class of 83, one of our most dedicated and professional members. Dr. Rodriguez is a pioneer in the area of Traumatology and Critical Care in Puerto Rico, an outstanding representative of our School. Classes of 55, 60, 65, 70, 75 80, 85, 90, 95, 2000 and 2005 will be honored and will be celebrating their anniversaries with us this year. Congratulations! Last but not least I want to give a great welcome to our new president, Dr. Luis Ortiz-Espinosa, who will begin as president in the Annual Assembly during the convention. Again, congratulations and wishing you all a great time this year! Match Day 2015 Convention UPR SOCIEDAD DE MÉDICOS GRADUADOS “A Comprehensive Approach to the Practice of Medicine” Residentes que presentaron trabajos de investigación. Convencion 2014 In Honor of DR. PABLO RODRÍGUEZ ORTIZ, ‘83 September 4 - 6, 2015 The Ritz Carlton Hotel, Isla Verde, PR Carlos González Oppenheimer, MD Class of 1979 President Sociedad Médicos Graduados Escuela Medicina, UPR Annual Estudiantes recibiendo donativos. Convención 2014 DAY 1: FRIDAY September 4th, 2015 DAY 2: SATURDAY September 5th, 2015 DAY 3: SUNDAY September 6th, 2015 12:30PMRegistration PRE-CONFERENCE SYMPOSIUM: Administration, management, and control of antiobiotics Administration, management, and control of medications for pain 7:30AM 8:00AM Registration & Continental Breakfast Opening Messages Carlos González-Oppenheimer, MD ‘79 Society President Noel Aymat, DMD ‘91-Chancellor MSC Edgar Colón, MD ‘84-Dean of Medicine 8:00AM Registration & Continental Breakfast 8:25AM Dedication to Dr. Pablo Rodríguez Jesús Rodríguez-Ortiz, MD ‘84 Moderator: Michelle González Ramos, MD ‘99 (Required topics for the 2016 licence and recertification) 1:00PM Antibiotics: The basics Humberto M. Guiot, MD ‘01 1:40PM Antibiotic resistance Lemuel Martínez, MD 2:20PM Antimicrobial stewardship Bernard Christenson, MD ‘79 3:00PM Outpatient antibiotic therapy (OPAT) Javier Morales, MD ‘74 3:40PM Questions and Answers Moderator: Karen G. Martínez-González, MD, MSc ‘01 4:00PM Basic concepts about narcotics, addiction and dependence Elvin Henández, MD ‘06 4:40PM Introduction to pain Linka Matos, MD, JD ‘00 5:20PM Pain management: A case study approach Jan Kraemer, MD ‘02 6:00PM Drug Enforcement Administration: Implications and repercussions DEA Staff 6:40PM Questions and Answers 7:00PM Reception Cocktail in Honor of: Pablo Rodríguez Ortíz, MD ‘83 ACCREDITATION STATEMENT: This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME). The Institute of CME of the CMCPR is accredited by the ACCME, provider #4006997, to provide continuing medical education for physicians and by the Puerto Rico Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline, provider’s No. #008-SE15-JLDM. CREDITS DESIGNATION: The Institute of Continuing Medical Education of the CMCPR designates this educational activity for a maximum of (18.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™). Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY: The Institute of Continuing Medical Education of the CMCPR takes responsibility for the content, quality and scientific integrity of this CME activity. PLENARY SESSION PART A: TRAUMATOLOGY AND CRITICAL CARE Dedicated to Dr. Pablo Rodríguez Moderator: Luis Ortiz Espinosa, MD ‘86 8:30AM Trauma in Puerto Rico: Epidemiology and burden Pablo Rodríguez Ortíz, MD ‘83 9:00AM Vascular trauma Fernando Joglar, MD ‘98 9:30AM Updates in critical care medicine Gloria Rodríguez-Vega, MD 10:00AM Nutrition Zulma González Caraballo, MD ‘74 10:30AM Questions and Answers 10:45AM Coffee Break/Exhibits PLENARY SESSION on Dor Marie Arroyo, MD`08 Fernando Joglar, MD`98 GASTROINTESTINAL DISEASES Rafael Burgos Calderón, MD`65 Jan J. Kraemer, MD`02 Moderator: Esther A. Torres, MD ‘72 8:30AM Food choices and alternate techniques in the management of IBS: Fads versus evidence Johanna Iturrino, MD ‘05 8:50AM Will hepatitis C become a disease of the past? A look at new therapies and the future Fernando Castro, MD ‘89 9:15AM Non alcoholic fatty liver disease: not as benign as it sounds. Roberto J. Firpi-Morell, MD ‘94 9:40AM Fecal transplantation: Is it ready for prime time? María Vázquez-Roque, MD ‘03 10:05AM Colorectal surgery pearls for primary physicians Marla Torres, MD ‘04 10:30AM Questions and Answers 10:45AM Coffee Break & Visit Exhibits Iris Cardona, MD Karen G. Martínez, MD`01 PLENARY SESSION PLENARY SESSION PART B: on Bioethics and Professionalism TRAUMATOLOGY AND CRITICAL CARE Moderator: Ricardo González-Santoni, MD ‘86 (Required topics for the 2016 licence and recertification) 11:15AM The future of medical education Debora Silva, MD ‘97 11:45AM Medical humanities Eduardo Santiago Delpín, MD ‘65 12:15PM INTEGRATIVE PANEL: Community service and volunteer experiences Ralph Rivera, PhD Esther A. Torres, MD ’72 Maribel García, MD ‘90 12:45PM Questions & Answers 1:00 pm Lunch 2:30PM Annual assembly business meeting 4:30PM Meeting adjourn 8:00PM Class Celebrations Dinner, Music, Fun Moderator: Carlos González-Oppenheimer, MD ‘79 11:00AM Rehabilitation after brain injury Omar Gómez, MD ‘04 11:25AM Reconstructive surgery after trauma Natalio Debs, MD ‘81 11:50AM Pediatric emergencies Fernando Soto, MD ‘02 12:15PM Healing emotional scars in trauma survivors Carlos Velázquez-García, PhD 12:45PM Questions and Answers 1:00PMLunch PLENARY SESSION on GENERAL MEDICINE Moderator: 2:30PM 3:00PM Anthony Osterman, MD ‘11 Basic EKG for every physician Hilton Franqui, MD ‘04 Diagnosing and treating sleep apnea Mark A. Vergara, MD ‘04 3:30PM Stroke management update Horacio Daubón, MD ‘04 4:00PM Myths and realities about vaccination Iris Cardona, MD 4:30PM INTERACTIVE PANEL: Disclosing medical errors Rafael Burgos-Calderón, MD ’65 Dor Marie Arroyo, MD ’08 5:30PM Questions and Answers 6:00PMAdjourn FACULTY Esta educativa ha sido sometida ante la Junta de Licenciamiento y Disciplina Medica para su evaluación y aprobación. *This program is subject to changes. Fernando Castro, MD`89 Lemuel Martínez, MD Bernard Christenson, MD`79 Linka Matos, MD`00 Horacio Daubon, MD`04 Javier Morales, MD`74 Natalio Debs, MD`81 Luis G. Ortíz Espinosa, MD`86 Roberto Firpi, MD`94 Anthony Osterman, MD`11 Hilton Franqui, MD`04 Ralph Rivera Gutierrez, PhD Maribel C. García, MD’90 Pablo Rodríguez Ortíz, MD`83 Omar Gómez, MD`04 Gloria Rodríguez Vega, MD Michelle González, MD`99 Eduardo Santiago Delpín, MD`65 Carlos González Debora H. Silva, MD`97 Oppenheimer, MD`79 Fernando Soto, MD`01 Ricardo González Santoni, MD`86 Esther A. Torres, MD`72 Zulma González, MD`74 Marla Torres, MD`04 Humberto M. Guiot, MD`01 María Vázquez-Roque, MD`03 Elvin Hernández, MD`06 Carlos Velázquez García, PhD Johanna Iturrino, MD`05 In Honor of DR. PABLO RODRÍGUEZ ORTIZ, ‘83
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