

POHODA attracts 25.000
The biggest Slovak Festival
called POHODA was held
on 15th and 16th of July
2005 close to Trenčín (a
town in western Slovakia),
where an artifical village
upon a large meadow
was created just for
this event. This year’s
headliners were Prodigy,
Foundation, Greenvelvet,
and Kollerband, Jaromír
Nohavica, Marián Varga,
The Organizators were
satisfied with the attendace,
which was about 25.000
people. Except for the
music, which was played
on nine differnet stages,
visitors could spent their
time otherwise. For more
artistically founded people
a kinematograf stage with
independent movies or
displaying of photos was
in supply. For sportsmen
spin ball, volleyball, and
POHODA has come into
existence in1997 as a local
festival with one stage and
some Czech and Slovak
bands only. Firstly there
were just 2.000 people.
Every year it became
more and more popular
not only among youth from
close sourroundings, but
also internationally. It was
caused by establishing
more stages and inviting
such artists like The
Moloko, Bomfunk MCs,
Fun Lovin Criminals, and
Tatabojs, Čechomor, Mňága
a Žďorb, Ivan Mládek.
Marcela Urbanová (18),
Slovakia, Vranov nad
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Televizní studio
Garbage – a bit
different rock
page 9
Dear Reader,
Are you just wondering why your
favourite school magazine is printed
in English? It is the outcome of an
international teamwork among forty
enthusiastic students from seven
different countries. We all gathered in
the wonderful Beskydy Mountains to not
merely learn some basic journalistic skills
but much rather to spend some exciting
days with nice teenagers from all over
Europe. I believe that our broad variety
of articles will give you a small taste of
what the atmosphere at the Journalism
Camp was like. Thanks to our Czech
teamers we had a great time packed with
excitement and experiences, which will
last in our memories for a lifetime. Many
stories were told, prejudices eliminated,
and new friendships were made. These
are the first little steps in connecting our
countries and bringing our people closer
So the issue which you are about to
enjoy is probably the most international
one ever printed. It was quite some
effort to establish an editor’s team and
come up with good ideas. One major
difficulty was to find attractive topics that
would meet and satisfy your demands.
Yet another one arose which was just
as hard to solve: how would you find
accurate information in the mountains
without the internet? Luckily a trip to
Ostrava was scheduled which helped us
out a lot. Anyway you will not exclusively
find reports on the “Blue City”, but also
on thrilling activities, foreign music
events, exciting interviews, secrets on
kissing and many more… Once again I
would like to emphasize that none of us
is a professional so please excuse our
little mistakes.
A big “Thank You” to everyone who
made this project come true. Very
special thanks to our sponsors; we truly
appreciate your vital support.
But enough for now, I bet you cannot
wait to start reading…please go head
and take pleasure in this piece of
paper…have FUN!
Jan Eigenbrodt, Germany
“A Man Who Became
page 10
Vydání časopisu Scarabeus je finančně
podporováno Statutárním městem Ostrava
page 17
Scarabeus, měsíčník, číslo 37, ročník 5, 2005, Ostrava, zdarma
Šéfredaktor: Adam Křoupal (; Zástupce šéfredaktora: Hana Brožková
(; grafika -Jan A. Janíček (;
administr. grafika: Lukáš Drnovský; distribuce: korektoři - pí. prof. Fuxová;
vedoucí robrik: Zprávy - Vít Tokarský (;
A*RE*NA - Jana Minarčíková (; Lampa - Hana Brožková (;
Kultura -Adam Křoupal (, Publicistika - Klára Fialová (,
inzerce - Michal Bauer (, fotografie - Miroslav Diro, Matouš Hrdina, Klára Fialová,
Petra Koplová (, webmaster - David Havlíček (
Vydavatel: občanské združení Okna, Čs. exilu 669, 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba, IČO: 683 08 515
Tisk: Ringier Print s r.o.,; náklad: 2000 ks
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Zájemci o práci ve Scarabeovi se mohou přihlásit na e-mailové adrese
Festivas” had been organized
for the 13th time already.
It took place from August 9th
until 17th in Hungary’s capital
Budapest and cost 1,5 billion
About 70.000 people from all
over the world came to enjoy
concerts, amazing shows, and
many other attractions. During
the festival couples could “get
married” in a special place,
people could try bungee jumping,
wall climbing, and many other
extreme and creative activities.
Korn, Sean Paul, Basment Jaxx,
Natalia Inbruglie, and of course
several Hungarian artists. To sum
it up, there were all kinds of music”
from pop to rap to alternative and
from rock to drum’n’bass to disco
– to satisty everyone’s taste.
Hungarian girls
The main reason for people to
come were famous bands and
artists such as Good Charlotte,
From September 2nd to 4th
there will be a music festival in
Sopot, Poland just as every year.
Sopot is a city in the north of Poland
at the Baltic Sea. For three days
this calm city becomes the heart of
music and entertainment in Poland.
superstars such as Garou, Ricky
Martin, Whitney Houston, Patricia
Kass, In Grid, Kate Ryan and many
more performed their music there.
The Festival in Sopot has got a long
history. In 1961 it took place for the
first time so this year it will be the
42nd time. Worldwide recognized
In Forrewood Opera in Sopot
some polish stars of pop and
rock music will also be on stage.
The prize for the winner, who
Editorial Team:
Editor in chief
Photography / Corrections
Simas Brusokas (Lithuania)
Ruta Masilionyte Lithuania)
Anja Dangubič (Slovenia)
Aisté Tvarijonavičiuté(Lithuania)
Adam Křoupal (Czech rep.)
Jan Eigenbrot (Germany)
Friederike Obefell (Germany)
will be elected by the loudness
of the audience’s applause and
screming, will win a statuette
of the nightingale from amber.
broadcasted on Polish Television.
Magdalena Wegrzecka
Magdalena Lukawska
, Poland
And others …
Participants and Teamers
Adam Křoupal
Aistė Tvarijonavičiūtė
Anja Dangubic
Anna Sabolová
Bera Pavol
Berny-Maria Neurad
Brigitta Zala
Dorottya Balogh
Dovile Bastile
Eglė Stočkutė
Emese Tóth
Eva Chvílová
Friederike Oberfell
Gavaľa Ján
Iwona Marzec
Jakub Vantuch
Jan Eigenbrodt
Jan Kubalec
Kamila Chmiel
Kateřina Humpolcová
Klára Fialová
Koman Alexander
László Varga
Lenka Hrazdírová
Leon Marian Mybes
Luděk Wellart
Lukáš Najsar
Maciej Lebida
Magdalena Lukawska
Magdalena Wegrzecka
Magdalena Woś
Marcela Urbanová
Martin Orgoník
Matej Črnajic
Michal Kubalec
Nikolett Deák
Nuša Meško
Ondra Martínek
Paulius Stasiulionis
Pavel Buček
Petr Nilius
Rūta Masilionytė
Sára Szabó
Sebastian Ozdoba
Simas Brusokas
Tadeja Leskovar
Tereza Freyová
Tine Janezic
49. PhDr. Petr Smolák
50. PhDr. et PhDr. Jiřina
51. Mgr. Jolanda Pilařová
Friends who took a part on the camp
Jirka Krejčí
Míša Ťažká
Marek Skřipský
Jirka Waldhans
Kuba Linhart
the taste of life
Have you ever felt like missing
something very much? But
missing something that has
never happened. I have. And I’m
feeling it... sounds crazy, doesn’t
it? Maybe because I’m like that.
Crazy? Probably... Addcited to
life? Definately YES! You know,
if you don’t want to hear me shut
your ears, if you don’t want to see
me – close your eyes but if don’t
wanna feel me – you’ll have to
die... It may sound stupid to you,
but aren’t we all stupid in some
way? Life is full of challenges
– they make us stronger! Some of
us more, others less. Do you know
what I love most about life? That
you never know what’s coming
up next: when you are going to
fly, when to fall... When you are
going to enjoy and when to cry.
the main reason that makes
life so attractive. I am dying
in need of them, but all at the
same I wanna know everything.
I want more...more.. and again...
Much more. Just another one sip
of already cold coffee. That’s what
I call the real taste of life: you’re
enjoying it while it’s hot, but if
you are too late – you let your
chance slip away. And all you can
do is just take whatever is left...
After all, how ironic it is the fact
that it takes an eternity to get to the
top and to fall down to the bottom,
it’s enough to just take one wrong
step. One wrong step and you are
already falling - getting all hits,
which hurt your mind, self-respect,
the trust in yourself and in others.
That’s what is called reality. And
it makes no difference whether
you are a king or a poor man
– you’re just a human and there
is no way to turn away from it.
Now you will have to start all
over... From the beginning...
slowly – step by step...
Rūta Masilionytė, Lithuania
Secretes, View of Stars born Guy
To be present of the
situations, never ending stories
and fairy tales, which are
giving me a chance to fully
understanding not only
situations or even context,
but either the wholeness
and complexity of myself.
My dreams are becoming
true and Titanic with a man
over board found its destiny.
No Death, no scare, just
plenty of time for thinking.
Hanele, the impress of
beaches oversea, chimera,
a never returning dream, my
touching the void, has fully
recovered the courtesans’
hearth. The wooden flowers
stay for a while, but don’t
smell at all; it also makes a
common sense.
All lies, truths, mainly
about the perfect way of spending
time, are lying down between you
and me. Never cross the line and
the ways you are looking at me
are more than all the words you
have ever said. Would you be so
kind and do not to speak to me
in fragments? Questions without
proper behavior are meaningless
too. Speaking honestly, they
just put us into troubles, and
the truth is always out of there.
Then I usually go on the different
side of the path. Who wants up
to you participate in my view of
life? Living without bleeding and
before I fall in love I’m preparing
their leaving. Sorry, I know it is not
fair… Do not take it personally, or
maybe do so – if not, it is a waste
of time. No exceptions, just waiting
for the miracle on the sky-line. Sit
back at the vessels! Catch the
chance and the world as you know
changes the pallet of colors in the
moment. Who takes care of your
red brines? I will…
I wished you brought the
summer snowflakes, hot
chocolate for brave heart
and peace among morning
singing angels. Have you
heard them? All the time
it is the same melody,
so challenging, defiant.
Memories of yesterdays
don’t give a right example.
More than looking in the side
mirror I prefer a windshield .
Just have a small look,
cap bow and to maneuver
your ship out of the harbor.
Floting into dark nights,
fighting with high waves,
nightmares and ghosts at
the same time. Always be
back on time, on the right way, in
my way. Do you believe me, if not,
nobody pushes you up to follow
my steps. All secrets are behind
the mirror and it takes a time to
break it down and go away. And
also you know it…
Petr Nilius, Czech Republic
Journalism as a job?
In the past few decades journalism
has gained on popularity, for this
reason we decided to ask a few
participants of the European Students‘
Journalism Camp in Czech Republic
to express their opinion on journalism
as a professional occupation. They
all agreed that there are positive
and negative aspects of being a
For example, Freddie, one of the
persons asked, believes that being a
journalist is very hard work, because
you always have to be ready and
willing to give up some of your
personal needs, which can be very
stressful. What she likes least is that
it is not always your decision what
topic/article you are going to write,
because usually you have to follow
your editors directions. Also, there
are some rules and deadlines you
have to meet. On the other hand,
Freddie says: “Writing for a serious
newspaper is great, because it is for
the public and you learn something
for yourself also, since you have to
be informed about what is going on
in the world all the time. Also, I am
sure that it is quite a delightful feeling
to have finished and published an
How should a perfect journalist
look like? What qualities should he
or she have? First of all, a serious
journalist has to be well informed and
educated, because he has to know
all the details if he wants to write
an exhaustive article. Punctuality
is also one of the most important
characteristics of a journalist,
because he has to meet certain
deadlines. When doing his research,
he has to take different aspects of the
problem into consideration, because
his articles have to be objective. It is
also important to check his sources
and see whether they are trustworthy.
Moreover, a serious journalist is not
allowed to take bribes, because it
would not be in accordance with the
journalism ethics, which a journalist
has to follow. However, when working
on a story, he has to stay loyal to
his newspaper and follow his chief
editor‘s directions. Besides accepting
all these rule, a journalist has to be
well equipped, for example with a
notebook, car and all the technical
equipment (voice-recorder, camera
etc.). But the most important thing
for writing an article is inspiration – a
journalist can find it in his favourite
teddy-bear or in a bottle of Slivovica.
As you can see the work of a
journalist is sometimes not easy,
because it demands your whole
spirit and body. Not everybody can
be a journalist. You really have to be
prepared to sacrifice your free time
and sometimes even your personal
life, but it is definately worth it.
Aistė Tvarijonavičiūtė, Lithuania
Butterfly Kiss:
With your faces less than a breath
away, open and close your eyelids
against your partners. If done
correctly, the fluttering sensation will
match the one in your heart.
Cheek Kiss:
A friendly, “I really like you” kiss.
Often the preferred kissing method of
a first date. With your hands on your
partner`s shoulders, gently brush
your lips across her cheek.
Earlobe Kiss:
Gently sip and suck the earlobe.
Avoid louder sucking noises as ears
are sensitized noise detectors.
Foot Kiss:
An erotic and romantic gesture. It
may tickle, but relax and enjoy it!
To give a toe kiss by gently suck the
toes and then lightly kissing the foot.
It helps to gently massage the base
of the foot while performing the kiss.
Forehead Kiss:
The “motherly” kiss or “just friends”
kiss. The forehead kiss can be a
comforting kiss to anyone. Simply
brush your lips lightly across the
crown of their head.
French Kiss:
The kiss involving the tongue. Some
call this the “Soul Kiss”, because
the life and soul are thought to
pass through the mouth`s breath
in the exchange across tongues.
Surprisingly, the French call this “The
English Kiss”.
Hand Kiss:
Gently raise her hand to your lips.
Lightly brush your lips across the top
of her hand. Historically this kiss was
performed with a bow, which showed
deference to a lady.
Tiger Kiss:
Quietly sneak up behind your partner
making sure they do not know what
you are going to do. Out of the blue,
grab them and gently bite their neck.
Make sure to get a few good growls
in, too. This will surely surprise them.
Nip Kiss:
This kiss can create a very erotic
sensation. While kissing your partner,
ever so gently nibble on their lips.
You must be very careful not to bite to
hard or hurt your partner. When done
correctly, this kiss ignites wonderful
Talking Kiss:
Whisper sweet nothings into your
partner`s mouth. If caught in the act,
simply say as Chico Marx, “I wasn`t
kissing her. I was whispering into her
Vaccum Kiss:
While kissing open-mouthed, slightly
suck in as if you were sucking the air
from your partners mouth. This is a
playful kiss.
So I hope you learned something new
and don’t forget kissing can be very
playful, sexy and funny. Just don’t
forget to enjoy the time you have with
your friend. In the end we always can
create something new.
Simas Brusokas, Lithuania
Mushrooms. I’m sitting on a roof and
all I can think of is mushrooms. I’m
trying to focus on the supposed-tobe-beautiful sunset in front of me,
but somehow my thoughts slide
away and structured pictures and
facettes of colors are fading before
me becoming a big grey curtain.
Why mushrooms? These little
plants... soft... some decent and
some multi-colored...
I’m thinking of white dots on a red
ground. I’m thinking of the taste of a
mushroom baked on a pizza. Why?
The wind is blowing through my hair.
Something cold touches my face - it’s
wet - a drop of rain. I’m closing my
eyes to concentrate on that soft spray,
but slowly yet surely my thoughts are
floating, going back to these stupid
mushrooms. What’s wrong?
That never happened! I have always
been able to focus...
When I open my eyes, stars are
glimmering above me. A long time
must have passed by, the moon
stands high. Now everything is
grey shaded as if all the trees and
buildings were going to a funeral. The
lamps of the passing cars seem like
hideous eyes - like ghosts spooking
through the night. I feel like in a
graveyard. But I’m good. I’m thinking
of mushrooms.
Freddie Obergfell (18), Germany,
The forest stands strong and mighty
against the pouring rain. I‘m sitting
and breathing. I enjoy the situation of
being totally aware of my existence. I
can feel the air floating over my very
body. I can feel how every limb of
mine is alive - breathing. My eyes are
closed and I listen to the rain falling
from the sky and hitting the earth. I’m
consuming each and every passing
second into my memory. I’m inhaling
the clean and pure air deeply.
Nothing can stop me - I’m proud
of myself. I have a strength which
I’ve hardly ever been aware of. I
feel strong. There are tasks lying in
front of me - tasks that I thought I
could never manage, but I have the
strength to ask for help. I know that
there are people around me - I’m
not alone. And I’m very grateful. I
appreciate the world around me.
I’m confident and happy. Thinking
positively there can’t and won’t be
anything that I couldn’t manage.
The fog is covering the forest
surrounding me and it seems as if
there’d just be this little place I’m
sitting on. But deep inside me I can
feel the whole world lying below me.
I am strong. I am ready!
Freddie Obergfell (18), Germany,
In a group of 23 people, at least
two have the same birthday
with the probability greater than
As in the art, there are
imaginary and surreal numbers.
The next sentence is true, but
you must not believe it.
The previous sentence was
One can cut a pie into 8
pieces with three movements.
There is a bird that barks
instead of singing.
There are more than 20.000
brands of beer.
Did you know that plant-eating
dinosaurs did not eat grass?
Budweiser beer is named after
a Czech town.
Did you know that there are
about a billion bicycles in the
The world’s highest bridge is
in the Himalayans.
Aspirin was discovered
during experimentation with a
waste product.
A fresh egg will sink in water,
but a stale one won’t.
Did you know that genetically
modified plants can grow
An espresso has less caffeine
than a cup of coffee.
There are more than 2.700
languages spoken in the
One in every ten people in the
world lives on an island.
Did you know that there are 92
known cases of nuclear
bombs lost at sea?
Did you know that the Leaning
Tower of Pisa has never been
The guy on the ten-dollar
bill was shot and killed by a
vice president.
There are more chickens then
humans in the world.
Did you know that average
females tend to blink twice as
many times as the average
male during their life span.
Licking Tongue!
Stephen Taylor of Coventry,
England, has a tongue that
measures 3.7 inches in length,
the world’s longest tongue!
In northern Italy, Karina
Trangeled organizes dance
parties for people, who like to
dance with their dogs!
The only domestic animal not
mentioned in the Bible is the
Table tennis balls have been
known to travel off the paddle
at speeds up to 160 km/h.
The original story from “Tales
of 1001 Arabian Nights” begins,
“Aladdin was a little Chinese
Michael Jordan makes more
money from NIKE annually than
all of the Nike factory workers in
Malaysia combined.
In 1935, the police in Atlantic
City, New Jersey, arrested 42
men on the beach. They were
cracking down on topless
bathing suits worn by men!!
Marry a Princess!
To win the hand of the daughter
of Maximillian II. of Germany,
two Noble suitors held a
wrestling match with the winner
being the one who was the first
to stuff his opponent in a muslin
Norbert Klugman of Germany
creates personalised novels for
customers that cost $21.000
Barbie’s full name is Barbara
Millicent Roberts.
Simas Brusokas, Lithuania
The first impression
Have you, the Czech people, not ever
wondered what the first impressions
of tourists visiting your country are?
What do they think when they see
your big cities, beautiful mountains,
meeting people and trying your
national drinks and food? So that
is what we, the participants of a
journalism camp, are going to find
We asked over fifty people from
different countries, what their first
view of Czech Republic was. Almost
all of them answered that it is a
amazing country, which they liked
very much and they needed to visit
again. But actually all of us know
those things, so what we want to find
out are some more specific facts.
-Well, the first impression of Czech
Republic was formed right after we
passed the border and we had to stop
at a gas station. We had Euros to pay
for gas only. Fortunately that was
okay with the man at the gas station,
but not very fotrunately we payed
only one and a half times more than
actual price. So we were tricked after
five minutes... Nice Czech people?!
Oh, I forgot: We are Germans and
have a German car. So, I think it was
okay then... But it was just the first
stupid impression. After one or two
days it totally changed, so now I don’t
have any bad thoughts about Czech
people, except that guy at the gas
Leon Mybes (18), Germany,
Langenfeld Rhld.
-What was the first thing that came to
my mind when I saw Czech Republic?
Just a strange idea, that I’m still in
Hungary, because the fields, hills and
the weather is similar to my country.
Later I noticed the huge differences,
like high mountains, newerending
forests, cold mountain rivers and
a very strange fact that they have
hardly any lakes. And when I first
saw the Czech mountains I almost
shouted “Ouh, I wanna climb them
soo much!”.
Laci Varga (15), Hungary,
I’ve been in Ostrava for the third time
in my life and I wasn’t very amazed
by this city. The same buildings,
streets, shops, roads, everywhere it
almost made my head blow. But in
Bila (the place where our camp takes
place) I came for the first time and
this time I was amazed! Mountains,
air, climate, trees, everything around
me was spreading freshness and
relaxation. Magdalena Woś (17),
Poland, Sandomierz
Well, actually we came to Czech
Republic during the night, so the first
thing I saw was blackness. But later,
when the sun started to rise, I had a
wonderful view on fields covered with
a nice layer of fog and the sun stood
at the horizon as a nice red ball. Then
later on I saw all the nice little houses
and fields and it gave me a feeling of
being at home.
Anywazs. A significant impression
was, that curves on highways are
not marked as early as they are in
Germany, so we had some tough
time with that.
All in all a verz nice country with a
pretty landscape and lots of German
Freddie Obergfell (18), Germany,
Actually this is the 8th time that I am in
the Czech Republic. Prague is one of
my favourite cities in whole Europe.
But the fact that almost everywhere
you can see drug dealers offering
you drugs makes me nervous. And
there are many thieves, too. But it still
is a very cosmopolitic city, which has
some kind of my mystic attraction, so
you always want to go back.
Ruta Masilionyte (16), Lithuania,
Actually as a Czech citizen I should
say a lot of goods things about my
country. But this year I have spent my
vacation in England so now I have a
more objective opinion about Czech
Republic. Firstly, Czech people are
always in a hurry and nervous, and
English people are more relaxed.
Often times you can find them sitting
somewhere on the grass in the
parks, going to pubs, socializing,
and just enjoying life. But on the
other hand my country has a nice
countryside, there are a lot of sights.
Lenka Hrazdírová (18), Czech
Republic, Hlučín-Bobrovníky
Three years ago I came to
Czech Republic and I tried some
sweet, but incredibly tricky rum; let’s
call it “Mister B”.
Mister B costs about 97
crowns. It hits your head very hard
like a baseball bat and it lets you
remember “praying to the WC” only.
Of course if you will be a little bit
smarter you will drink “B” with a cup
of black tea.
After three years living
without any single drop of Mister B, I
now have the ability to try it again. “B”
says “Je ti zima?”, but I know he is
just kidding. Now I am sitting near the
lake and it is already the third day that
I am bored, so I am singing together
with Mister B.
Actually, it took me too much
time to understand that this drink is a
piece of what it smells like. Honestly,
openly and frankly I say: “No more B,
lets enjoy Sangria”.
Simas Brusokas, Lithuania
“Amelie of Montmartre”
Have you ever thought
changing your attitude?
One smile of her lips will have you
laughing. One tear in her eyes will
have you crying. One thought of her
mind will have you wondering.
And this is only a brief description of
what comes to my mind when I think
of Amelie Poulain.
I would never be able to think of a
movie so full of joyous and delightful
moments, but yet so dramatical that
it takes one’s breath away.
Now what is it, that makes me so
fond of this movie? What is it about
that film?
Sure - this movie is not a new one,
but somehow it has something that
makes it become a wholly new
experience each time you watch
it. With each time the emotions
appearing increase in their strength.
So this is, why you can watch it over
and over again without getting fed
up with it.
There are a lot of great traits this
film has to offer as for example the
floating and dreamlike melodies that
accompany timeless deeds and
underline that she seems to be living
in a completely different world.
Also there are many bright and
brilliant colors that sometimes make
the picture appear somehow surreal,
but still delightful in the first place.
Quick cuts of bizarre scenes also
constantly keep your attention. But
surely the character
of Amelie herself is
the most important
reason for which one
just has to love the
only a common girl
– a waitress in some
cafe, but she differs
from others a lot in
terms of her way of
thinking and seeing
the world. After you
have seen just an
ordinary, but yet
looking girl you get
to know a multifaceted person being
amazingly creative
about other people’s
You will find yourself
laughing and crying
how she eagerly tries to solve the
problems of strangers and friends
around her and at the same time (or
even purposely doing that) avoids
her own life and neglects her own
dreams and longings.
All this taken together results into
a wholly captirating plot. You won’t
even once find the time to look away
or go to the fridge and get something
to drink, because in this movie
bizarre things happen all the time
and always come quite unexpected.
Nothing may be missed, because
everything there could be something
happening that could affect the
whole rest of the story.
At that point one can already guess
that a most significant thing for the
movie is the wonderful message it
One small deed can affect a lot of
people in a positive way. Helping
others – be it only by giving a
smile or hug or even just an ear to
listen – will make yourself better
as well. It is a timeless message,
internationally useful and always
needed somewhere, which is
probably another reason for the
glorious success “Amelie” had – and
still has – in many a land.
With all its memorable moments, its
extraordinary plot and all its charm
“Amelie” is a terrific movie which I
am personally probably still going to
watch many times, each time feeling
as if I had the power to change the
whole world.
It certainly has affected my way of
thinking and being aware of the world
around me and I can only recommend
to watch this film if you want to
feel this strength and power, too!
Freddie Obergfell (Germany)
Garbage – a bit different rock
“Bleed like me” belongs to the
discography of american group
Garbage. This is a new album
which appeared in music shops in
2005. Their style is famous all over
the world, what‘s maybe caused by
their frequent visits at international
festivals or by variable voice of Shirley
The birth of this band is dated back
to 1993. Garbage was “the child” of
producers Butch Vig, Duke Erikson
and Steve Marker. After then Vig
became a big star (he produced
Nirvana’s Nevermind) Marker and
Erikson joined him and then they
discovered Shirley Manson, who had
previously sang with Angelfish and
Goodbye Mr. MacKenzie. Instantly
she became their singer. First album
was recorded on the break of 1994/
1995 and appeared on counters in
1995. After a little break Garbage
started to work on their second album
and published it in May 1998. Four
years later third album, Beautiful
Garbage, appeared. Bleed Like Me
followed in 2005.
First song “Bad Boyfriend” begins with
guitar riffs and slow drums… Suddenly
all starts to revive, drums become
faster and the voice of singer (Shirley
Manson) has something strange in it.
Thanks to it the whole song contains
a hiddne sexual meaning.
Single “Bleed like me” belongs
to best songs in this album. The
beginning starts with a beautiful part
of violoncello, which complements
Shirley‘s mild voice. Atmosphere is
raised by special emphasis on text.
Maybe just the singing becomes a
little bit depressive. In “Sex is not the
enemy” it misses more energy when
she sings about sexual revolution.
Disappointment for me was frequent
repetition of words „Why don’t you
come over“ in the homonymous song.
This song is followed by “Happy
Home” that includes a nice passage
from fast to slow pace and the other
way round. The whole album is
drafted into fast pace, only a few
songs hold romantic part.
And what impressions do I have
from listening to this album? It was
the first time when I listened to this
group. They can play with melodies
and paces. Lyrics aren’t just typical
cliché, but special emphasis is placed
on them. I’m satisfied with this album
and recommend it to all of you…
Lenka Hrazdírová, Czech Republic
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
“two persons, two killers, one love?”
John Smith and his wife Jane are
married for six years and have only
two secrets from one another. They
are both contract killers and they
work for rival company. Usually they
look like a traditional family. They
have a dog and 21/2 kids. But when
they discover the truth their life is
never the same…
The action in this film is frenetic and
very fast, but it’s never boring – and
exchanges are shrewdly observed.
I think the action is good, but there
are too many banal explosions,
car chases and shoot–outs like
in “Rambo” or “Terminator”. A
spectator, excited by reports from
the press about Brad and Angelina’s
romance, who will go to the cinema,
may feel that Mr and Mrs Smith
love bazooka much more than each
other. This film is a big, violent action
completed with John Woo-inspired
choreography and more guns and
It’s credit to Pitt and Jolie
that their relationship is light,
but it’s never ultimate, that
makes this film so much
more enjoyable. Their acting
is not so bad. Sometimes
spectators can admire Brad
and Angelina, sometimes
they close their eyes to
protect themselves from artificiality.
Fortunately, there are only a few so
failed moments.
John Powell’s music is very good in
my opinion, better than acting. Music
is still dynamic and keeps everybody
in suspense.
The director Dough Liman borrows
a little too much from his sequel
replacement on that from franchise.
If you go to the cinema you will see
two other movies. First film will be
a mix of thriller/comedy, and the
second will be a big action movie.
Despite few faults the film is good,
smart, relaxing and original. You just
have to see it!
Maciej Lebida
Maciej Bator
USA 2005
Running length: 2h 33 min.
Cast: Brad Pitt
Angelina Jolie
Kerry Washington
Vince Vaughn
Director: Dough Liman
Producers: Lukas Foster
Akiva Goldsman
Screenplay: Siman Kinberg
Music: John Powell
US Distribution: 20 th Century Fox
“A Man Who Became Pope”
Through suffering to excellence
This movie revealing addness
future pope in diverse situation,
presents him as a human with
unusual charisma and sensitive
to the human harm. His choice
between ministry, secular life
and artistic career seems directly
natural and awakening respect.
One reason John Paul II became
so beloved was his almost
magical, some might say divine,
ability to connect with the average
person on instantly intimate basis.
We think of the man who passed
away in April and our mind’s eye
sees a beautidul smile, imparting
and love.
Piotr Adamczyk epitomizes that
smile and the quiet backbone
behind it. This portrait was
produced by largely Italin crew
on location in that country and in
Estern Europe.The 33-year old
Polish actor incorporates the role
of John Paul II .
Storyline of this film proceeds
during World War II. The war
preoccupies this biography’s
entire first half, while that shows
fine background for what shaped a
polish student into pope material.
Director of this movie is Giacamo
Battiatio, who strives to present
reliable chracter of John Paul II.
Music composed by Ennio
Morricone is so heavily orchestred
as to be suffocating.
The Paules feeling of abandoment
and interaactions with actress
Malgorzata Bela as his friend
In this movie the heroes use their
minds to defeat brute force. That
is also how Wojtyla comes to his
religius calling not through the sort
of dramatic turnig point most films
love to celebrate,but through a
process of searching for hope after
he saw the full horrors of this times
even questioning whether his
religious decision might be from
quilt or escape.
His personal life history is related
to history of Poland. In hard time
he supported us, added comfort
and courage. Form of this film is
very unusual. Realization took
place at full pontivicate Pope. The
point was not to show his unusual
form .Fate made that movie
premiere took place after Pope
was dead. That fact give premiere
of movie was more expect and to
arouse bigger emotions.
In September will start filming of
the second part story about John
Paul 2.
Kamila Chmiel
Magdalena Wos
Sebastian Ozdoba
SKAMP – Deadly
A very colourful and lively album
full of african, reggae, disco-funk
motives was realised by SKAMP on
20th of July. What the hell is SKAMP?
It’s Lithuanian music group and
actually only one member of the band
Vilius Alesius (vocal,creates lyrics) is
Lithuanian and others are not. Erica
Jennings (singer and song lyrics
creator too) is Irish and Victor Vee
Diawara (vocal,guitar,producer) is
from Mali. In 1992 at “February 16th”
gymnasium, a Lithuanian school in
Germany, Vilius and Victor met. That
year the band was created, but only
in 1995 the final view and name of
band were created. The name was
chosen by Victor’s purpose of a twoword combination – Savas KAMPas
(“one’s own corner”).
There are 13 songs in the
whole album. “Under the sun” is
represented as one of this summers
hits in Lithuania. And I really
understand why. This song perfectly
fits for summer parties, it frees
your mind and gives a feeling of
lightness. In this song the influence
of African culture isn’t so obvious as
in others. All the songs in the album
content some kind of story, lesson.
For example “Weleli” is telling that
people (especialy in Europe) are
thinking about how to buy a new
house, second car, find better job
and are often fotgetting what is really
important in their lives. We forget
who we really are and become just
some walking robots. “Don’t worry
baby” – it’s a very optimistic song .
You should listen to it if you’re having
a bad day, because it reminds you
black days
white ones.
So it just
you really
k n o w ,
“ T h a n k
Friday” was
with a very
and attractive Latvian band “Time
After Time”. This is a kind of parties
song too, that helps you to relax
and enjoy life easier. For everybody
Friday is a little festival, because it
meens the beggining of weekend.
Typicaly fot them, all lyrics of
“Deadly” are very funny, witty and
often sarcastic.
This album could be called
because it looks
like that they
have finaly found
their own style of
is dedicated to
Africa and you
can feel that
from the first
are performed
so impressively
that your legs
just start moving
on their own.
“Deadly” contents a lot of different
cultures of music, because it was
recorded with the help of 16 artists
and musicians from Lithuania,
Latvia and Mali. Erica, Vee and
Vilius are singing and rapping in
all languages they know (and it’s
quite a lot of them). And album even
contains interests from France,
where the african dance beats and
french lyrics merged very well.
Album is like African, exactly Malian
music alphabet.
Eglė Stočkutė
Influences in music
Rammstein and Dream theater – Laibach and Pink Floyd
of our generation?
“we are fascist as much as hitler was a painter”
Nowadays our lives are filled with all
kinds of music. It is an important part
of our lives, more than it has ever
been before. Music is everywhere
around us! We can hear it on every
step we take and it is in every corner
of our mind. However, there is one
sad thing that bothers me a lot. In
all of that quantity of different types
of music it is very hard to find some
quality. Sometimes you can seek it
for a very long time...
In my opinion a good example
of quality music, that is listened
by progressive metal or industrial
music fans, are Rammstein and
Dream theater. Or as I call them
“Laibach and Pink Floyd of our
generation”. This kind of music was
in a way invented by them. Two
legendary bands, pioneers in that
music direction. For those, who
do not know the Slovenian group
Laibach, here are some information
about them.
Laibach is an industrial group
whose members prefer to be known
as a collective rather than reveal
their individual names; they have
been seen as fascists and accused
of practicing Germanophilia. The
reason for this was their music,
especially the so called ‚Wagnerian
thunder‘ way of singing, and their
military attire. According to Laibach
“we are fascists as much as Hitler
was a painter.” Since fascism
needs a scapegoat to flourish, the
members of Laibach mocked it by
becoming their own scapegoat and
willingly sought alienation. Showing
a ridiculous lust for authority,
Laibach‘s releases featured art
work influenced by anti-naci
photomontage artist John Heartfild
and the group‘s live shows portray
rock concerts as absurd political
rallies. In interviews their answers
are wry manifestos and they never
break character. Their most famous
song is originally called “Life is life”.
If I make a comparison with the
group Rammstein, the similarity
in their military attitude, voice, and
experimental electronic sounds can
quickly be seen. However, in my
opinion, the group Laibach is even
more experimental, and if I had
to make a choice between these
two groups I would most definitely
choose the group Laibach, for
their lyrics are much deeper and
reveal the artists‘ intelligence. With
Laibach everything is an extreme.
Even the public is divided into 2
opposite groups – either you like
their music or you do not, there is
no middle way. Rammstein was
influenced by Laibach, but my
opinion is that teachers are still
better than students.
On the other hand Dream Theater
has surpass Pink Floyd‘s influence
and become one of the best
progressive metal groups in the
world. On their album Images and
Words and Faling into infinity we
can hear perfected sound of guitar,
is taken from each aspect of
music. Their albums are full of
improvisation, new sounds and
expression of deep feelings. With
the release of their new album
Octavarium the tradition of quality
progressive metal is being carried
on. Just one more hint for their
admirers: On 19th October 2005
they were giving a concert in
Ljubljana (Slovenia) as a part of the
promotion tour of their new album.
Tine Janežič
Try some new melodies
All over the world there are a lot
of great bands and musicians, but
zou can also find many unknown
melodies playing out of cellars in
little towns if you want something
new but still great. You should try
listening to some unknown German
bands of the Cologne and Dusseldorf
area. It could sounds verz papradox
to you hearing band names like “No
Way To Use” or “BadDelivery”, but
don’t be shy. Have a taste of it and
make your own opinion whether they
are really no use. These “useless”
guys for example have a lot of
experience. They started years ago
as a schoolband in Langenfeld, which
is a little town in the western part of
Germany. Now their punk-rock style is
know in every bigger city in this area
e.g. Cologne or Dusseldorf and they
won several prizes. But normally they
are not alone on stage. Often times
you can see one or two other boys
with them, who you might recognize
from other bands. Especially at
concerts in their hometown you will
see and hear their friends from bands
like “Twanger”, “Al’Skapone”, or “Bad
Delivery”. This is because the bands
change their memers sometimes or
maybe Al’Skapone plays a song of
Twanger in their ska style. So every
concert is unique.
Al’Skapone is still a new band with
just two years of experience, but
they were know even faster than they
could release their first album “This
is rude ska”. At their concerts you
can have a lot of fun with dancing
to ska music, which some fans call
“skanasting”, or if you prefer hard
dancing you can “poge”. Especially
the two girls playing the trumpet will
make you dance. The band memebrs
will be very happy to help you to come
upon the stage also, sing little bit with
them and do some stagediving.
Whatever you chose you’ll have
to bring a lot of breath with you to
dance to the sometimes funny and
sometimes criticizing lyrics. I would
recommend to bring a second shirt
to change clothes after the concert
as well.
In 2004 one band made a lot of
people very happy with their reunion.
“Twnger” wanted to spread their
German college rock again and
started this with selling their new
CD, named “Twanger” also, during
the spring break. Festival in their
hometwon Langenfeld. After that the
number of fans grew just like the
The time is coming, the time is
There is no time to stop and think
No time for silence, the end is
No time for words nor letters nor
No words to be spoken to children
or friends
We always run stunningly mute
No time to look sideways or
backwards at length
‘Cause taking your time would be
We live in a world of haste and
Nobody lives happily here
Our lives are just a horribile mess
We’re reigned by a terrible fear.
“I don’t have time, I must go on
there’s so much I could miss!”
this is what we’re saying all day
which is our destiny’s kiss.
As we run through our lifes, many
of us keep telling themselves they
wouldn’t have time for anything. No
time to stop and think about what
you have. No time to stop and smell
the first beautiful yellow flower in
spring. No time for a soothing word
for the frightened child during a
Running on and on we forget about
the real important things.
“I don’t have time for this now” – but
will you ever do? Usually things just
take a few minutes and usually one
has those, but only by saying “I don’t
have time” we are keeping ourselves
from having it.
We are always in a hurry trying to
do as much as we can, but as we
are stressed then, we don’t have the
possibility to enjoy the magic of the
We are racing on our lane, always
trying to not bump into anyone else.
There is no present time existing,
there is always just the future.
number of awards they received.
Their music is great to rock-on,
sing, and have a great time at their
If you still want something harder
you should wait for “Bad Delivery”.
These guys are heard everywhere
on the streets, it doesn’t matter how
deep the cellar is. They mix slow and
soft sounding melodies with hard and
powerful music and criticizing lyrics.
Their frontman brings every kind of
mood onto the stage. You can even
see his veins when he is singing or
better to say screaming.
The best thing you could do when
you are in Germany near Cologne,
is to go to any of their shows and
enjoy the music, meet some of the
crazy people, and also the members
of the bands, because those bands
are live and every time close to
their fans, making a big party not
only for them, but with them. If you
don’t get the opportunity to join them
you can taste some songs on the
internet and also buy their CDs and
other stuff or only get to know them.
Berny-Maria Neurad (19), Germany,
We’re afraid to miss something and
we’re racing faster and faster.
As we do this, everything that we
pass is blurring, and we still go on.
We are eager to collect as many
memories as possible, but then, one
day, we’re at our goal. We somehow
reached, what we were driving at.
But suddenly we are overwhelmed
by a terrible realization: We didn’t
live. We can’t remember anything,
but always having been in a hurry.
We can’t remember any particular
outlines of things we saw.
So why don’t we just live for a
How about the next time we go
ouat, we just look at the small things
around us. We just be aware of our
breathing, of the steps we do and
the words we speak.
I’m sure it’ll do a lot for us.
Freddie Obergfell (18), Germany,
Czech TV Ostrava
Another main part of our trip to
Ostrava was our visit to the Czech
TV station of Ostrava. You might
know that Czech TV is one of the
four largest and therefore one of
the most important broadcasting
companies in Czech Republic.
Furthermore it is the oldest and
this year it is celebrating its
fiftieth anniversary in Ostrava.
we took the chance to see
how and where our colleagues
from television work. It took us
approximately one hour by bus to
reach the centre of Ostrava and
than just a few more minutes by
foot to reach the Czech TV building.
in front of the green screen.
The green screen is used to
put the reporter or newsreader
or to even let Superman fly...
After that we left the friendly
and comfortable studio 1 to see
where “Na stope”, an interactive
crime show is produced. It was really
dark in there to create some kind of
a suspicious atmosphere. I was told
that this show is not suspicious and
exciting at all. I think that might be
true, because the decoration was
Graphics, like subtitles or
headlines, and also sound effects
are made in the same room.
Nowadays sounds and jingles are
created digitally by using special
computer software. Mr. Pilař said
that had been the reason why their
nice but old recorder for 6,5mm
tapes was only used for putting
lunch-boxes on it... Well, I should
mention that Mr. Pilař was a quiet,
but really funny guy. He told us
everything in Czech and our teamers
had to translate it simultaniously, but
After another short night,
we were really glad to find some
comfortable armchairs in the
entrance hall to sit in and get some
additional sleep, because you
are not supposed to sleep much
in an international youth camp...
Mr. Pilař who was introduced
to be our studio guide and we
unfortunately had to leave those
nice chairs in the entrance hall.
Still tired but quite excited to take
a closer look behind the scenes
we started our tour at studio 1
which is the largest and most often
used studio at Czech TV Ostrava.
Inside there where no
windows, but numerous lights to
precisely enlighten the set and
lots of technical devices such as
flat-screen-TVs and computers to
control the production. Two huge
cameras, for studio use only, were
set up on heavy statives right in
front of the desk in order to get
a close shot of the newsreader’s
face. We were invited to try it
ourselves, which was fun, but the
handling of those cameras was
really difficult, because you had
to be very careful with the zoom
and the sharpening function to
keep the focus on the object.
Another camera was mounted on
a flexible crane to take actions
really boring as well. But one thing
about studio 2 was really impressive:
If you looked up there was a real
“jungle” of lights at the ceiling. It was
impossible to count them all, but there
were maybe eighty or even more.
Then we left the studios
to see the director’s room
which was on first floor where
the recorded material is cut.
There were not less than 52
different screens! Fifty two! It is
quite unbelievable that they need
all of them, but most of them are
necessary to supervise the take.
The directors are able to slightly
correct the cameraman’s work
regarding sharpness, color and
brightness with special joysticks
and switches at their control panels.
when one of them ran out of words,
for instance they didn’t know how to
translate a special technical term,
Mr. Pilař would kindly help them
out and just say it in English though
he pretended to speak Czech only.
Finally we were taken to
the transmitting room from where
the program is sent out to special
aerials and then broadcasted all
over the country. As technology
improved they started using a fast
internet connection for transmitting
the radio signals. If you are
interested in television making and
technical stuff it is very interesting to
see how it works. Go for it!
Leon Mybes, Germany
The Renarkon center – a place where the masks fall
“They took my baby from me. I have
to get it back!” This is why Sabina
came to “Renarkon”, a center
where people addicted to drugs can
go to learn how to deal with their
problems and manage a new life.
Right now about 15 clients are
staying there – 15 different stories,
situations and just one goal. Most
of them have problems with their
families and are unemployed – many
have not even ever been working
before. This among others is a very
important thing that they are taught
in the Renarkon center. They are
given more and more different tasks
and responsibilities the longer they
stay and/or according to the “phase”
they are in. Their stay is divided in
different stages starting from zero
– the phase in which they can decide
whether to stay in the community
of clients or not. In fact just few
actually finish all phases, that are
needed to successfully overcome the
addiction. This can be seen on one
wall inside the community room, a
place where the clients meet every
morning to distribute different tasks
and responsibilities, talk about their
dreams, which can be important
especially for the therapist. There
are a lot of colored palmprints to be
seen, each with one to three dates.
The first date gives information
about the day they finished phase
zero and decided to start the actual
therapy. The second date can mean,
that there was an interruption during
the therapy, but when there is no
third one it notes the day they left.
Sabina, one of the clients, has
now been at the Renarkon center
for one month and therefore is in
her first phase. A therapy usually
takes about 8 to 12 months to be
successful. Before coming she has
been taking stimulants like cocaine
(to be exact it is called “pervitin”,
a Czech version of cocaine) for 4
years. She started taking drugs when
she went to Italy to work. There it is
common, so she said, to take drugs
when being a part of the high society.
Up to now she had been to two
different cures already, but did
not finish them, because she did
not have a personal reason nor
motivation to stop – she had enough
money to afford the drugs and
did not have any health problems
either. Her parents were the ones
that wanted her to do it. This time it
is different. Her parents brought her
to court and managed to take away
her baby. For her this was the point
that made her make a final decision:
to go to a therapy for her own good.
So far her personal impression of the
community as well as of the therapy
is very positive. Going through this
process is helping her understand
her past behaviour in a better way,
and realize important changes that
she has achieved so far. Especially
the working experiences are worth
a lot, she says, since she used to
live the bohemian life-style and did
not have to work for the money
physically. Now everything has
changed. There are no masks,
nothing false in this community, just
expressions of sincere feelings and
striving for the same goal, which
helps her not to be labil again.
As one can see for the clients going
to the Renarkon center means a big
breaking point in their life. They live
far away from any big cities and
especially in the beginning of their
therapy are not even allowed to go
outside without anybody following
and watching them. They are leaving
all their friends and family behind to
start over from the beginning and this
is just one of the reasons that are
making it hard to stay and that are
demanding a very high motivation
and strength from each client. Here
they have to follow a list of rules
which for example contain that they
may not consume any alcoholic
drinks, they are not allowed to have
intimate relations to each other and
of course they may not get agressive.
If they do, they will have to write an
essay about the reason for their
misbehaviour and how to avoid
coming into such a situation again.
Besides following the rules, they get
different responsibilities like doing
the laundry, cooking, taking care
of the garden and one has to do a
research about news of the world to
tell them to his community each day.
These tasks and responsibilities are
distributed differently every week.
This way they do not only learn the
skills they will need in their new life
after the therapy but also learn to be
responsible for themselves as well as
others. Probably the most important
aim of the therapy is teaching the
clients how to deal with boredom
and thereby prevent them from falling
back into their addiction.
Many people have walked in and out
of this center, some of them have
been successful some have not, but
certainly the Renarkon center can
be a firm basis to start a new life.
Freddie Obergfell (Germany) &
Matej Črnajic (Slovenia)
The real life underground
The Hornické Mining Museum
Only a 15 minute drive from the center
of Ostrava you can find the Hornické
Mining Museum, which is the largest
company museum devoted to mining in
the Czech Republic. The 223 years old
mine has, since its abandoning, been
open for the public. Last mining works
were carried out in 1991, after that the
original mine was filled up with earth and
concrete to prevent the dangerous gases
from polluting the surrounding nature,
and in 1993 an imitation of the original
pits was set up to give the visitors an
insight into the dangerous and hard
work of mine workers. The purpose of
the museum was initially to ensure the
protection of machines and mechanical
presenting the historical development of
mining in the Ostravsko-Karvinské Doly,
the stoneware of the region and history
legacy of ancient era.
The guided tour is divided into 2
separate parts and takes approximately
2 hours. Firstly a visitor gets some brief
information about the history of the mine,
the development of the mining industry
in this region, and can spend quality time
by visiting the exhibition in the ground
floor. Here you have the chance to see
the symbols of the mine workers, such
as the hammer and the picker. Did you
know that in the beginning they used
ponys for the transportation of coal and
only decades later they replaced the
with machines? If you are not a typical
museum fan you will definitely enjoy
the second part of the tour, where you
will have the opportunity to go 5 meters
below ground and experience the “real
life” of the mine workers Unfortunately
today it is impossible to descend 622
meters deep to the original mine where
the virtual mining took place, but still the
visitor gets a realistic impression of the
hard life underground. Can you imagine
working 8 hours daily in the dark and
having just a little more space than
the sardines in a tin? The guide gives
the visitor the opportunity to touch the
original equipment, to experience the
work in darkness and get a clue how
hard mining was in the past.
the museum, some remarks need to
be made. For example, the guide of
the first part did not speak clearly, he
avoided eye-contact with visitors and
did his presentation very quickly and in
an insufficient way. On the other hand,
the guide of the second part was very
friendly and entertaining, he definitely
liked doing his job and visitors get the
impression that he could had been
working there as a miner. Another
positive side was the Harenda Pub with a
garden, where after the exhausting tour
visitors can spend a nice time drinking
Czech beer and buying souvenirs. You
can also rent this place and celebrate
your own private miner party.
The Mining Museum is definitely one
of the best possible destinations for a
Sunday‘s trip and will give you and your
friends an experience that you will never
forget. And as the miners say: “ZDAŘ
Matej Črnajic, Slovenia
Besides a very positive experience in
Vítkovice’s ressurrection
The next part of the daily
program of The European Students´
Journalism Camp in Czech Republic on
August 23rd 2005 was visiting the iron
factory called Vítkovice, a.s. in Ostrava.
This historical building tempts to entry
into the UNESCO. In the factory there
are about 1 000 t iron daily produced,
but the whole production exceed
92 000 000 t of iron. Melted iron was
a temperature of 900 °C which was
melted in 900 ˚C. The biggest melting
machine costs 52 milion Kč per year.
Because of everything started
at the end of 18th century. At that time
black coal was discoverd there. It means
that the small village was founded. By
the time of the Industry Revolution the
village began to use more and more
area, because people moved there and
found new jobs in the factory.
These facts can be confirmed by the
story of my great-grandfather. His
travelling into the factory was very
interesting and hard every day. He had
to buy a new bicycle, because he was
using it for travelling. Yes, he rode his
bicycle about 80 km every day. Once he
didn´t come back, because he was so
tired and slept in a forest. It was a very
bad situation. My great-grandmother
hoped that he was all right, because she
didn´t have a mobile phone, of course.
They, mainly men, travelled about 3
hours. They had to earn money for their
families, but it is history now. Nowadays
people travel by bus or car. It is easier,
but the unemployment remains high.
When the owner stopped working in five
parts of Vítkovice steel for five years,
thousands of people lost their jobs.
Nowadays some people work in the 2nd
faktory in Ostrava. But this is a different
Vítkovice steel works mainly in
machine industry, a segment of a ship
industry and other kinds of industries.
Vítkovice, a.s. was reconstructed several
times. When Vítkovice steel began to
work, it needed 2 000 employees. But in
the best time there were 30 000 people
working. When employees are 55 years
old, they retirement factory, because
some of them are ill became of their job.
But women have never worked in the
iron business.
Now I will tell you something about the
history. Company called Rudolfova huť
was founded in 1 828 and built the 1st
„pudlova“ irons in an Austrian monarchy.
From 1 843 to 1 873 it was Rotchildovy
železárny. Then for 82 years it was
an Europian iron company. In 1 945
Vítkovice, a.s. became the biggest home
company and it belonged to the state.
After that Vítkovice steel put money into
machine production and it owns a six big
machine firms. Vítkovice, a.s. became
the state company again in 1 989.
But in 1 992 it was transformed into a
stock company. In 2 003 it was subject
to privatization and it became part of a
big holding company called Lahvárna
Ostrava, a.s.
What about my impressions?
My friend said: „When I travel to
school by bus every day I like to see
the Vítkovice steel. Because the sun is
setting and… I like it!“ But I don´t agree
with her opinion. I live in a village which
is surrounded by forests and meadows.
Because of I don´t like the dark, grey,
stackfull and concrete places like
Ostrava and especially industrial areas.
Yes, it´s true, we live a modern type of
life – mobiles, electricity, machines etc.
But if we will cut down all forests in the
future, we could kill ourselves, because
we will not be able to breathe anymore.
By the way, we will kill animals, plants
and all countrysides, too. After we visited
only two parts of the factory – Vysoká
pec number one and VI. ústředna – my
friend, who I mentioned earlier on, said:
„I don´t like this place, when I see it from
the inside way. It´s too grey. But when I
travel around it I still like it.“
Some young journalists visited the
Mining Museum in Ostrava later that
day. They can learn more interesting
things about typical industry in Ostrava.
Klára Fialová (Czech Republic)
Colours of Ostrava, more than rainbow in the rain
Musicians from Cuba, Brazil, Japan,
UK, Senegal, Taiwan, Moldavia,
Czech Republic and other countries,
so simply colors from all over the
world were to see in Ostrava. In its
fourth year of existence this year’s
festival was beautifully celebrated
with some rain drops in North Moravia
metropolis in the beggining of July.
Coulours of Ostrava as a domestic
festival is the only one that belongs
to EFWMF - The European Forum
of Worldwide Music Festivals
(EFWMF), which is a network that
unites festivals in many countries. It
is sharing the vision that the world is
a patchwork of a multitude of local
traditions and music, each different in
expression and content, but yet equal
in value. (
Students, businessman, workers,
doctors, artists, punkers, anarchists,
hip hoppers, gypsies, Asians,
Pragues, all kinds of people from
around the globe came to Ostrava
to watch and listen to good music,
having a good beer, meeting new
people, speaking not only about
the weather, seeing girls dancing in
the mud, relaxing, simply to meet
in the Blue City. Colours is not just
a music festival. It is much more a
celebration of the world’s diversity,
the ability to communicate not
only by using words, sentences,
or phrases. The communication
chanel was atmosphere floating from
people and their inner sounds and
the music spectrum was more than
wide. To refuse an invitation for a
delicious piece of cake before sweet
cream was common necessity. Five
three-year-holders of BBC’s World
Music Awards performed their art on
the stages. Mariza, Fun-Da-Mental,
Farlanders, Klezmatics, George
Clinton, and many others. Everything
was set up pretty well so that one
had to just choose and pick the piece
according to his taste and attitude.
The festival does not only include
artists from the international and tops
of the domestic scene - Dan Bárta &,
Ilustrophane, Ohm Square, Sunshine,
Monkey Bussines, Čechomor or
Lenka Dusilová, but also helps starts
bands to a career. Colours of Ostrava
in cooperation with Indies Records
and in support by Česká Spořitelna
for bands playing music inspired
by national folk, but also playing
international Irish, Asian, South
American, and simple music, which
goes together with the original and
nationality. The winner got the money
budget to promote his own records.
Posmrtné zkušenosti won this year‘s
prize. On Czech Republic’s music
sky a new place for other colors was
bulit up. More than a hundred bands
and DJs performermed their best and
put the piece of color into the frame,
which was prepared by director Zlata
Holušová. Finally she collected the
master piece of art.
Ostrava has changed a lot during
the last few years. All the time in the
past it has been a city on the border
with people of a strong and straight
attitude, but it has also been a city
on the border line among Slovak,
Poland, and Czech influences. A
living town with its culture, its way
of being, which has a strong attitude
to produce the best. Nowadays,
Ostrava follows the international
rules of globalization, keeps steps
of temporary time and the festival
Colours of Ostrava is a reflection
from all of it. With a strong attitude it
collects several influences from the
whole world, built up the bridges and
meeting points and for the three days
it becomes a junction across cultures
and continents with its individuality.
Maybe it is the unique secret of
Petr Nilius (Czech Republic)
Climbing rocks – better than sex?
An interview with Jiří Krejčí, a real climber
Actually we wanted to go
to the Czech mountains to
do some rock climbing, but
unfortunately the weather was
as bad as the days before.
Well, after some experience in
indoor-climbing and with no feelings
left in our fingertips, we asked Jie
paragliding or riding his motorbike,
but JiWhen JiWe asked JiWell, you
could have that, too:
The best way to start climbing is
finding a climbing club or instructor
to learn the most important skills,
because many people do not
know about the importance of
climbing theory. As climbing might
be really dangerous it is necessary
to be aware of possible risks.
To be prepared you need some
special equipment like ropes,
shoes, harness (a special climbing
belt) and some iron stuff, such
as carabines, which are used to
secure the climber. The total prize
for that kind of equipment is about
270 Euros, but of course you do
not have to invest so much money
to start climbing. One may rent
gear from his climbing school to be
ready for some adventure, but there
is no need going to Peru to find
some nice and challenging spots:
For climbing in Czech Republic
JiWe also wanted to know about
his future plans and he told us to be
planning a trip to Yosemite National
Park in the USA next year, which
is meant to be a real “climbingMekka” and moreover about a
larger project in two years, when
he wants to climb a 5000 meter
peak in Papua Neuguinea. He said
it is going to be an easy trip, but
he thinks three weeks of marching
through the deepest jungle to reach
the mountain might be interesting...
As you can see JiBrigitta Zala
(Hungary) and Leon Mybes