Fine Cask September 2015
Fine Cask September 2015
September 2015 Fine Cask Ale & Traditional Cider Programme Finest Cask Ales & Distinctive Brands For Sales & Enquiries: T 01384 374050 E W Brewers Fine Cask September 15.indd 1 19/08/2015 17:01 A satisfying union betwixt malt barley, apple juice and some unique flavours. Enjoy slightly chilled. Scrumped Ales - Lemon A slightly tart but balanced lemony ale. 20 Litre BIB LEMON NATURALLY CLOUDY l NATURALLY STILL l CONTAINS MALT BARLEY l £ 49 Scrumped Ales - Nettle A refreshingly different ,yet traditional, Nettle beer. 20 Litre BIB NETTLE NATURALLY CLOUDY l NATURALLY STILL l CONTAINS MALT BARLEY l £49 Scrumped Ales - Ginger A crafty take on an old favourite, 20 Litre BIB GINGER NATURALLY CLOUDY l NATURALLY STILL l CONTAINS MALT BARLEY Brewers Fine Cask September 15.indd 2 l £ 49 19/08/2015 17:01 FRONT COVER FEATURE FRANKLINS SUSSEX Franklins was founded in 2012 by owner and head brewer, Steve Medniuk. Steve learnt to brew with Dark Star before branching out and setting up on his own. We are based by the sea in Bexhill, East Sussex and are the definition of a micro-brewery with only two full time employees. We brew out of an 18th century milking barn and even usie some old milking equipment which has been adapted for brewing. Our mission is to make quality and timeless cask ales which have a broad appeal and can be drunk every day. PILSNER STYLE BLONDE NZIPA ABV: 4.7% Colour: Pale Hops: Saaz ABV: 5.0% Colour: Blonde Hops: Bobek, Admiral, Jarrylo ABV: 5.5% Colour: Amber Hops: Rakau £77.40 £79.99 £84.30 A feisty blonde brewed with bobek, admiral and jarrylo hops providing a fresh herbal aroma with a distinct taste of orange and a hint of spice. A Pilsner style cask ale, brewed using bohemian pilsner malt, Saaz hops and cold fermented to create a light, clear and crisp pale ale. A single hopped New Zealand IPA using Rakau hop, creating a deep intense flavour with a grapefruit bitterness and earthy pine flavour and aroma with a hint of apricot. AUTUMNAL ALES ACORN WEST YORKSHIRE HARVESTER RUDGATE NORTH YORKSHIRE £79.50 ABV: 4.5% Appearance: Pale Hops: Bramling Cross Pale coloured beer with a sweet malty flavour, an excellent bitterness and berry/fruit aromas. ABV: 4.4% Appearance: Amber Hops: Goldings THREE B’S LANCASHIRE £78.80 Classic pale ale with English goldings hops. AUTUMN GOLD £72.40 ABV: 4.1% Appearance: Golden Hops: Challenger, Hersbrucker A golden beer, crisp hop & taste of fruit on the tongue, spicy hop aftertaste. PIN UP EAST SUSSEX AUTUMN RED GREAT NEWSOME EAST YORKSHIRE £79.60 ABV: 4.2% Appearance: Ruby Hops: Magnum, Perle, Simcoe Malty sweet aroma with a full rich body, fruit and pine hop aroma with a smooth bitter finish. CORN DOLLY £77.90 ABV: 3.9% Appearance: Golden Hops: Goldings, Fuggles Brewed with copious amounts of wheat malt this clear golden session beer has hints of orange fruit and a smooth biscuity finish. T 01384 374050 E Allergy information for all products sold within this programme is available upon request. Brewers Fine Cask September 15.indd 3 £72.40 ABV: 3.8% Appearance: Hazelnut Brown Hops: Challenger, Chinook Flavoursome Dark Brown Beer distinctive Hazlenut Toffee malt and sweet Caramel are evident along with a touch of roast cofee and soft spicy hops. AMBER DERBYSHIRE AUTUMN PALE HAZELNUT BROWN PAGE 03 19/08/2015 17:01 GUEST BEERS TINY REBEL GWENT CWTCH £86.25 REVOLUTIONS WEST YORKSHIRE NEW GOLD DREAM £81.90 ABV: 4.5% Colour: Golden Hops: US Nugget ABV: 4.6% Colour: Red Hops: American Hops Crisp, refreshing golden ale with spicy, pear & peach hop notes. Citrus & tropical notes dominate the taste with Caramel malts that balance the moderate bitterness. Drinkabillity & balance make this beer. SALOPIAN SHROPSHIRE INTREPID DERBYSHIRE SPECTRUM TRAVELLER ABV: 4.2% Colour: Deep Gold Hops: Saaz, Casacde, Liberty ABV: 5.4% Colour: Golden Hops: Waimea, Cascade, Galaxy £86.25 £87.70 A soft deep gold coloured bitter that oscialltes with a clean hop filled flavour and a smooth biscuity finish. WALLS NORTH YORKSHIRE Highly hopped pale ale, slight apricot flavour, medium dry. GLOUCESTER GLOUCESTERSHIRE BIZZY BEE...R RED SORACHI ABV: 4.0% Colour: Golden Hops: Perle, Admiral ABV: 4.4% Colour: Red Hops: Sorachi Ace, Simcoe £75.50 £79.80 A honey beer brewed with local, osmotherley, honey and lightly hopped for an easy drinking ale. HANLONS DEVON Red rye beer with rich malt character and Japanese hops. BRUNSWICK DERBYSHIRE EMERALD EXPRESS BREWERS BLEND £81.20 £77.40 Premium ale, amber in colour and full of toffee flavours. Refreshing pale ale with floral and citrus hints. ABV: 4.5% Colour: Amber Hops: Pheonix, Admiral, Bobek, First Gold CONWY NORTH WALES ABV: 4.6% Colour: Light Golden Hops: First Gold, Cascade CAMERONS COUNTY DURHAM SAN FRANCISCO LONG LEG ABV: 5.5% Colour: Golden Hops: Cascade, Columbus, Chinook, Citra ABV: 4.1% Colour: Golden Hops: Fuggles £93.50 £77.00 Packed with 4 american hops. the initial hop hit is followed by malty/ biscuity flavours & a long satisfying bitter finish. JOESPH HOLT GREATER MANCHESTER Long Leg is a traditional, full flavoured golden ale exclusively brewed using Fuggle hops both in the copper and as a late addition to give a distinctive hoppy aroma and flavour. The name honours the tradition of hop picking on stilts in order to harvest the tall crop. ELLAND WEST YORKSHIRE HAT TRICK CATCH THE RAINBOW ABV: 3.9% Colour: Golden Hops: Casacde, Challenger ABV: 4.1% Colour: Golden Hops: Flagon, Hallertau, Brewers Gold £76.50 Crisp, Clean and zingy with aromas of pine and citrus, a golden ale brewed to celebrate our Hat trick of gold medals. PAGE 04 £72.90 A pale ale with bags of tropicalness, hops with tropical fruit characteristics were chosen for this summertime special. T 01384 374050 E Allergy information for all products sold within this programme is available upon request. Brewers Fine Cask September 15.indd 4 19/08/2015 17:01 GUEST BEERS SALOPIAN SHROPSHIRE FIXED WHEEL WEST MIDLANDS SINGLE SPEED CHINOOK POGO £78.30 £91.30 ABV: 4.5% Colour: Pale Hops: Chinook ABV: 5.5% Colour: Red Hops: Mosaic, Citra, Nelson Sauvin The aroma is intense with malt and copious resinous hops. The flavour is amazingly rich, which is balanced by truckloads of leafy hops, spice and citrus. GREEN DUCK WEST MIDLANDS Single Speed is back with a classic American Hop Chinook, big grapefruit flavours with hints of pine and spice backed up with a pale British malt backbone. COUNTRY LIFE DEVON ALL AMERICAN BLONDE SHORE BREAK ABV: 5.0% Colour: Blonde Hops: All American Hops ABV: 4.4% Colour: Straw Hops: Casacde £79.10 £78.50 A bold blonde ale nice and strong and full to bursting of bold American hops. Light refreshing craft style ale. SCARBOROUGH NORTH YORKSHIRE TICKETY BREW GREATER MANCHESTER TRANSMISSION PEACH ICE TEA PALE ABV: 3.9% Colour: Pale Gold Hops: Cascade, Ahtanum ABV: 4.5 % Colour: Pale Hops: Citra, Casacde £71.50 £84.50 Blonde session bitter with cascade and ahtanum hops. Based on the popular drink, light tantic dryness from the tea, sweetness from the peaches. HUNTERS DEVON ROOSTERS NORTH YORKSHIRE CRACKSHOT HONEY & SIMCOE ABV: 3.8% Colour: Pale Hops: Bodacia, EAst Kent Goldings, Citra ABV: 4.3% Colour: Pale Gold Hops: Simcoe £79.70 £74.30 A pale ale with the slight aroma of orange and flowery hops. Simcoe, one of the most in-demand hops from North America, is used to impart lemon flavours on this single hopped pale ale, brewed with the addition of honey. YEOVIL SOMERSET GEEVES SOUTH YORKSHIRE SUMMERSET TOPAZ ABV: 4.1% Colour: Blonde Hops: Perle, Cascade, Crystal ABV: 3.8% Colour: Pale Gold Hops: Mount Hood £79.90 £74.30 A blonde ale with light rounded mouth feel and a tangerine fruity hop finish. GRAFTON NOTTINGHAMSHIRE Single hopped with australian topaz for wonderfully complex flavours of resin, light tropical fruits and a hint of citrus lime. SALOPIAN SHROPSHIRE SIR GAWAIN BOOMERANG ABV: 4.3% Colour: Pale Gold Hops: Northdown, Fuggles ABV: 6.9% Colour: Golden Hops: Galaxy, Nelson Sauvin £73.60 £103.40 A robust beer with fruity notes and a glorious bitter sweet palate. A surge of Pine engulfs the palate while hints of Orange Curacao and Mango cascade across a dry and tempered bitter landscape. The finish is long and defined with a hint of sweetness. T 01384 374050 E Allergy information for all products sold within this programme is available upon request. Brewers Fine Cask September 15.indd 5 PAGE 05 19/08/2015 17:01 FLOOR STOCKED CASK ALES SHROPSHIRE GOLD ABV: 3.8% Colour: Golden Golden, with a floral aroma and a full hoppy flavour that is balanced by a crisp dry maltiness and a rich finish. £72.05 ORACLE ABV: 4.0% Colour: Straw Oracle is a crisp, sparklingly sunflower gold ale with a striking hop profile. Dry and refreshing with a long citrus aromatic finish. DARWIN’S ORIGIN ABV: 4.3% Colour: Copper A copper coloured beer that evolves with a pronounced hop character which leads to a refined malt finish. £78.40 £73.65 ELEGANT BRIGHT GOLD FRAGRANT FLORAL BOUQUET £80.80 £80.80 a C h mp io Beer GOLDEN THREAD ABV: 5.0% Colour: Light Golden A bright gold ale, using wheat and lager malt and flavoured with an infusion of aroma hops. Clean and crisp to the palate with a hint of sweetness and a long fruit filled finish. £86.35 Welsh Red Ale Colour: Red Hops: American £86.25 Citrus & tropical fruit dominate the taste with caramel malts that balance the moderate bitterness. Drinkability & balance makes this beer. with a C) (Pronounced butch but American Pale Ale Colour: Golden Hops: American £84.99 Floral hoppy flavours up front, leading into a dry spicy bitterness on the back. n American Pale Ale Colour: Golden Hops: American £84.99 Our Golden American session beer is brewed using the new Mosaic hop giving big tropical flavours and aromas. Malted oats are added to create depth in the body and mouth feel which compliments the low bitterness. The palate is fresh, piercing and focused, with soft malt overtones and pronounced citrus flavours. A strong focus of taut, lemony, grapefruit on the finish which is balanced by a dry bitterness. d A shimmering golden ale that is brewed using organic lemons which adds beautifully subtle zesty aromas and a citrus filled fruity finish. HOP TWISTER ABV: 4.5% Colour: Gold Gol LEMON DREAM ABV: 4.5% Colour: Bright Gold es of Wal 2014 Smoked Oat Stout Colour: Black Hops: Slovenian £87.40 IPA Colour: Amber Hops: American £89.99 Mango & spicy aroma. Tropical fruits dominate the taste, a moderate bitterness with a balanced sweetness from the Munich malt. Complex, dark, with hints of smokiness and perfume aromas. A blend of 9 malts matched up with a firmly hopped back bone. A carefully crafted intercontinental inspired IPA with big tropical & resinous aromas, huge pine & fruit flavours and a high bitterness. G Br ool Gol aammp Ch eC h p Beer n n 2013 Brewers Fine Cask September 15.indd 6 n es of Wal z o iio io d a C h mp Beer nd Aussie Pale Ale Colour: Golden Hops: Australian £86.25 s of Wale 2013 19/08/2015 17:01 ce . akes h a C) d FLOOR STOCKED CASK ALES TIMOTHY TAYLOR BOLTMAKER £90.85 MILLSTONE TRUE GRIT £79.50 ABV: 4.0% Colour: Amber Hops: Fuggles, Goldings, Styrian Goldings ABV: 5.0% Colour: Blonde Hops: Chinook A well-balanced, genuine Yorkshire Bitter, with a full measure of maltiness and hoppy aroma - Boltmaker is first choice for the discerning drinker - on both sides of the Pennines. A very pale and hoppy strong ale. Well hopped using only the Chinook hop; the mellow bitters make way for a distinctive citrus/grapefruit aroma. DARKSTAR HOPHEAD £76.40 CASTLE ROCK HARVEST PALE £79.99 ABV: 3.8% Colour: Blonde Hops: Centennial, Cascade, Chinnook ABV: 3.8% Colour: Pale Golden Hops: Cascade An extremely clean-drinking pale gold coloured ale with a strong floral aroma and Elderflower notes. This beer is full-bodied despite its very quaffable strength and dryness. Harvest Pale is brewed with a gently-kilned malt, and an aromatic blend of American hops added during the brewing process gives this 3.8% alc pale beer exceptional poise. Its distinct hop flavour leads to a crisp finish. THORNBRIDGE JAIPUR £102.50 TIMOTHY TAYLOR LANDLORD £99.40 ABV: 5.9% Colour: Pale Golden Hops: Warrior, Chinook, Centennial, Ahtanum ABV: 4.3% Colour: Amber Hops: Fuggles, Goldings, Styrian Goldings The immediate impression of this mult-award winning beer is soft and smooth and this builds to a crescendo of massive hopiness accentuated by honey. An enduring bitter finish. Refreshingly reliable, nationally renowned, this full drinking Pale Ale with a complex and hoppy aroma has real “Pulling Power” and stands out in any bar as the ideal regular. MILLSTONE TIGER RUT £71.20 SKINNER’S BETTY STOGS £80.55 ABV: 4.0% Colour: Straw Hops: Chinook ABV: 4.0% Colour: Copper Hops: Northdown, Styrian Goldings A very pale and hoppy ale. Using only the Chinook hop, mellow bitterness makes way for a distinctive citrus/grapefruit aroma. Light hop aroma with underlying malt. Easy drinking copper ale with a superb balance of citrus hops, malt and bitterness. Bitter finish is slow to develop but long to fade. KELHAM ISLAND PALE RIDER £79.90 SADLERS JPA £73.90 ABV: 5.2% Colour: Straw Hops: Willamette ABV: 3.8% Colour: Pale Hops: Citra Forged from the finest Maris Otter malt and a special blend of American hops. The nose is of fresh citrus and berry fruits with a smooth juicy malt character and deceptively moreish finish that belies its strength. Pale, hoppy ale with a crisp and zesty character. DARKSTAR AMERICAN PALE ALE £87.30 SARAH HUGHES DARK RUBY MILD £91.50 ABV: 4.7% Colour: Golden Hops: Cascade, Centenniel, Chinook ABV: 6.0% Colour: Dark Hops: Goldings, Fuggles Brewed with American West Coast style yeast. The low coloured Maris Otter provides a perfect light colour and dryness to compliment the crisp taste and full aroma of the hops. Dark, ruby coloured ale with a complex blend of fruit and hops leading to a pleasant lingering hops and malt finish. HOLDEN’S GOLDEN GLOW £84.50 SADLER’S PEAKY BLINDER £80.60 ABV: 4.4% Colour: Golden Hops: Fuggles ABV: 4.6% Colour: Dark Hops: Green Bullet, Pilgrim, Cascade, Bobek, Centennial An 18ct gold, golden ale with subtle yet fragrant hop aromas, a moreish gentle sweetness and an almost citrus like pleasant bitter finish. Brewed with five different malts and five different hop varieties. Dark and delicious yet refreshing and hoppy. EXMOOR GOLD £83.85 SKINNERS CORNISH KNOCKER £87.10 ABV: 4.5% Colour: Golden Hops: Goldings, Challenger, Celeia, Fuggles ABV: 4.5% Colour: Golden Hops: Northdown, Celeia The original ‘single malt’ traditional ale. Golden in colour with a malty aroma and flavour, a slight sweetness is complemented by its long hopiness resulting in a remarkable, well rounded beer. It is a Golden beer refreshing and full of life with delicate floral hops throughout. The floral nose transfers perfectly into a light citrus taste. With delicate pine bitterness and a mild biscuit finish. ADDITIONAL BEERS AVAILABLE FROM ALL FLOOR STOCKED BREWERIES BY REQUEST d T 01384 374050 E Allergy information for all products sold within this programme is available upon request. Brewers Fine Cask September 15.indd 7 PAGE 07 19/08/2015 17:01 BAG IN BOX CIDERS BARBOURNE WORCESTERSHIRE HOPPED CIDER ABV: 4.0% Appearance: Clear Taste: Meduim Dry ASPALLS SUFFOLK CYDERKYN £56.00 ABV: 3.8% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium Inspired by American IPA, we have managed to combine the Citrus and floral flavours of aroma hops with our traditional Worcestershsire cider to achieve a unique flavour profile. GOLDEN DROP ABV: 5.0% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium £42.00 Clean aroma of fresh green apples and toffee-apple. Light to medium in body, slightly sweet with a dry finish, pleasantly astringent, providing excellent drinkability. CELTIC MARCHES HEREFORD Golden Drop is a refreshing medium cider made from Worcestershire cider apples blended with Red Falstaff dessert fruit, for a fruity finish. THUNDERING MOLLY ABV: 5.2% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium CRIMSON KING ABV: 6.0% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium Dry £42.00 SLACK ALICE ABV: 4.6% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium Dry ABV: 5.0% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium £37.80 Well rounded medium cider.Fresh and fruity with a lovely apple aroma.Gorgeous golden colour and a well balanced finish. Crimson King is a traditional medium dry cloudy cider made from bittersweet cider apples that were picked and pressed in Worcestershire. It has a lovely soft tannin finish and is medium to dry on the palate. PAINTED LADY £44.80 £39.20 A medium well rounded yet a little tart 4.6% cider drier than Thundering Molly – still mellow with a very slight tart finish. £49.00 Painted Lady Perry is a refreshing drink made only from the juice of freshly pressed perry pears. It is medium sweet to taste and light and fruity with some pleasing citrus notes. LILY THE PINK £44.80 ABV: 4.5% Appearance: Pink Taste: Medium Sweet STRAWBERRY ABV: 4.0% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium Dry A medium fruity cider, gorgeous pink colour made from 100% cider apples on our Herefordshire farm. Intense fruity aroma, very drinkable!!! £56.00 Barbourne Strawberry Cider is deliciously fruity and bursting with the flavours of Summer. It is light, pink and refreshing. Perhaps a little to easy too drink! FARMER JIM’S DEVON COPPER TOP SHEPPY’S SOMERSET ABV: 7.4% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium FARMHOUSE DRAUGHT £40.60 ABV: 6.0% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium Farmhouse draught cider is produced in Somerset from Apples home grown at Three Bridges Farm. A traditional blend of Cider apple varieties produces this smooth satisfying cider. £39.20 A full bodied cider, bursting with appley flavour. ROOTIN TOOTIN £39.20 ABV: 4.0% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium Sweet A spicy mix of real West Country cider, fresh ginger and tart raspberry... lovely and refreshing. ORCHARD DEW ABV: 6.0% Appearance: Cloudy Taste: Medium £40.60 Orchard Dew is a naturally cloudy, medium cider produced on the farm in Somerset, from a classic traditional blend of mostly cider apples with a few dessert apples to give this cider a fine, crisp edge. CIDER WITH RASPBERRY£53.90 ABV: 4.0% Appearance: Pink Taste: Sweet This cider is a delicious combination of a traditional light Somerset cider and pure raspberry juice, which creates a characterful fruity drink with a pleasant aroma. A great summer drink on its own or with lighter sweet and savoury dishes. PAGE 08 FARMYARD PERRY ABV: 4.5% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium £42.00 A clear, medium perry made with real perry pears! Mellow and delicately flavoured. FARMYARD FRUITS ABV: 4.0% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium £47.60 A pale, refreshingly fruity blended cider. Full of the joys of summer! T 01384 374050 E Allergy information for all products sold within this programme is available upon request. Brewers Fine Cask September 15.indd 8 19/08/2015 17:01 BAG IN BOX CIDERS GWYNT Y DDRAIG PONTYPRIDD HAPPY DAZE ABV: 4.5% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium HOGAN’S WARWICKSHIRE £45.01 Fruity, apple aroma, well balanced finish. A light and very easy to drink medium cider. FARMHOUSE SCRUMPY ABV: 5.3% Appearance: Cloudy Taste: Medium £42.65 A delicious, easy drinking medium cider with a warm honey colour and a distinctive appley aroma, combining rich peaty undertones with the fresh taste of bittersweet apples. £48.00 PANKING POLE ABV: 6.2% Appearance: Cloudy Taste: Dry £44.95 This is a classic golden cloudy cider with typical cider apple bitterness and fruit aromas. Dry on the palate, its complex flavours deliver a strong finish. ABV: 5.3% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium Golden medium cider with a refreshing apple aroma. Smooth balanced flavour that has a fresh, crisp sharpness. BLACK DRAGON PICKERS PASSION £49.84 ABV: 7.2% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium Dry Matured in oak barrels to produce a cider rich in colour, body and flavour with a fresh fruity aroma. KENTISH PIP KENT CRAFTSMEN ABV: 5.0% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium Dry £49.00 Original single batch Kentish Pip medium dry carefully made by blending cider apples with Kentish dessert apples. PYDER ABV: 6.0% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium £51.88 An out of the ordinary blend of apple and pear juice fermented and matured in wood. VINTAGE PIP £49.00 ABV: 6.0% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium Sweet Full bodied single vintage medium sweet cider. Made using a higher proportion of cider apples it is aged to mellow out the tannins. HAIRY FERRET WILD SUMMER £51.80 ABV: 4.0% Appearance: Straw Taste: Medium Sweet HAIRY FERRET ABV: 6.0% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium £37.75 Produced exclusively for The Brewers Wholesale this clear, scrumpy style cider is made from a blend of apple varieties giving it a well-rounded taste. HAIRY FERRET CHERRY Infused with elderflowers, Wild Summer cider is perfect for those hot, hazy evenings. LILLEYS SOMERSET RED RABBIT £52.70 £43.40 ABV: 6.0% Appearance: Cloudy Taste: Medium Dry A rich and fruity rustic cider bursting with apple flavour. ABV: 4.0% Appearance: Red Taste: Medium Sweet Traditional scrumpy cider blended with cherry juice giving a medium sweet, very moreish cider with a distinct taste of maraschino cherries. HAIRY FERRET APRICOT CRAZY GOAT ABV: 6.8% Taste: Medium Sweet £52.70 ABV: 4.0% Appearance: Blonde Taste: Medium Sweet Medium sweet scrumpy which oozes the lingering flavour of soft ripe fruit. HAIRY FERRET BLACKCURRANT A medium sweet mix of perry and cider expertly blended, giving it a mouthwatering juicy flavour. BEE STING PERRY ABV: 7.5% Appearance: Clear Taste: Sweet £43.40 Sweet but incredibly refreshing with a glorious fresh tasting pear flavour and wonderful pear aroma. £52.70 ABV: 4.0% Appearance: Dark Taste: Medium Sweet Medium sweet scrumpy bursting with the tangy full flavour and heady aroma of the hedgerow fruit. WILD DOG ABV: 7.5% Appearance: Cloudy Taste: Medium £43.40 A traditional vintage cider left alone to ferment and mature, creating a more wild and rustic cider, then sweetened back to medium. T 01384 374050 E Allergy information for all products sold within this programme is available upon request. Brewers Fine Cask September 15.indd 9 £43.40 PAGE 09 19/08/2015 17:02 BAG IN BOX CIDERS COCKEYED CIDER CO. DEVON BUSH PIG ABV: 7.0% Appearance: Amber Taste: Medium LYME BAY DEVON JACK RATT DEVONSHIRE £34.65 £39.20 ABV: 5.0% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium A lighter blend West Country cider apple varietals. A clear, medium dry, refreshing still cider made in a traditional style. Best enjoyed ice cold, and tastes fabulous after a long days work! A cloudy, medium, strong cider. Hazy amber in colour, with a strong, satisfying apple flavour. COCK BIRD ABV: 5.0% Appearance: Clear Taste: Sweet JACK RATT SCRUMPY £42.00 ABV: 6.0% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium Made from the freshly pressed juice of locally grown, traditional cider apple varieties such as Dabinett, Kingston Black & Yarlington Mill, to produce a full flavoured cider. A clean and crisp, sweet, traditional cider made with traditional English cider apples. Rich amber in colour, full and fruity in flavour. JACK RATT VINTAGE MOLES SOMERSET BLACK RAT CIDER ABV: 6.0% Appearance: Cloudy Taste: Medium ABV: 7.4% Appearance: Clear Taste: Dry ABV: 7.5% Appearance: Cloudy Taste: Medium £38.85 A good, strong aroma with a beautiful rich colour. A nice blend that is excellently balanced. £50.40 Premium English cider. Unpasteurised, maintaining the apple’s full flavour, fresh apple aroma, a smooth taste, a crisp clean finish with a bright and lightly sparkling appearance. BLACK RAT PERRY £37.75 MILLWHITES SOMERSET £51.80 Traditional Somerset Perry, with a true pear aroma starts with a medium sweet taste and is followed by a dry finish. SOMER GOLD ABV: 4.8% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium £47.60 Somer Gold is a bright, golden cider made from the finest bittersweet cider apples harvested across the West Country. Smooth, easy drinking with a full fruit flavour. ORCHARD PIG SOMERSET EXPLORER ABV: 4.5% Appearance: Cloudy Taste: Medium £43.30 A bittersweet aroma and taste of cider country with a lingering ripe fruit sweetness. PHILOSOPHER ABV: 6.0% Appearance: Cloudy Taste: Medium APPLES & PEARS ABV: 5.0% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium £47.60 Cor’ blimey guvnor, a proper Winona to quench ya’ Geoff so call ya’ chinas, get down the battle armed with some bangers and av a Gary on this little Edna. Shouldn’t get u too Oliver’d and your loaf won’t be a Lionel in the morning. £43.30 Traditional Somerset cider with a refreshing mix of citrus sharpness and intense apple character. NAVELGAZER ABV: 6.0% Appearance: Cloudy Taste: Dry £43.30 Rich apple tannin aroma delivers Somerset cider taste, tropical notes and a clean zesty finish. HOGFATHER ABV: 7.3% Appearance: Cloudy Taste: Medium ABV: 4.0% Appearance: Cloudy Taste: Medium ABV: 6.7% Appearance: Dark Taste: Dry £50.40 This cider conjures up thoughts of long lazy days in the heat of the Spanish sun. Aged in Rioja casks this cider is our driest offering, full of fruit flavour, with a warm glow of red wine and hints of wood tannin. £43.30 Traditional Somerset cider with a refreshing mix of citrus sharpness and intense apple character. MAVERICK RIOJA CASK RUM CASK ABV: 7.5% Appearance: Dark Taste: Medium £54.99 £50.40 This cider, a favourite of his, is made from West Country cider apples and aged in barrels from The Jamaican Rum Company. An award winning medium tipple which is full of fruit flavour with a subtle rum finish. A delicious Ginger and Chilli cider for the more adventurous… real West Country apples partnered with a taste of the exotic. PAGE 10 T 01384 374050 E Allergy information for all products sold within this programme is available upon request. Brewers Fine Cask September 15.indd 10 19/08/2015 17:02 BAG IN BOX CIDERS PURBECK DORSET JOE’S SWEET ABV: 4.5% Appearance: Clear Taste: Sweet TINY REBEL SOUTH WALES ROCKSTEADY £46.99 A modern day session hard cider. A fruity and crisp blend back up with a medium sweetness and body. Accessible and balanced. This cider is made up from a blend of fruity cider and crisp eating apples giving you the fresh clean taste of the sweeter ciderlife. DORSET DABINETT ABV: 5.0% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium £46.99 TWISTED CIDER DORSET Full of fruity aromas and a rich balanced taste. Very few apples can take on the daunting task of producing a good quality cider all by themselves, but the Dabinett apple can hold its head high as being one of the few to succeed in producing a fantastic single variety cider. d! cked... Ge t Wre t Tw Ge ist n’t e Do ABV: 5.6% Appearance: Clear Taste: Dry £46.99 6% Abv. Please Drink Responsibly d! cked... Ge t Wre t Tw Ge ist n’t e Do WILD ORCHARD WILD ORCHARD £37.50 ABV: 6.0% Appearance: Rich Tawny Taste: Medium Double filtered, its rich colour draws you in and allows you to smell the freshness contained within and the pleasant sweet apple taste. 6% Abv. Please Drink Responsibly cked... Ge t Wre t Tw Ge ist n’t e Do £48.93 ABV: 6.0% Appearance: Black Taste: Medium Sweet Within the full bodied medium sweet taste there are strong fruity overtones, laced with the luscious aromas of summer - and with a sting in the tail. d! SCORPION £37.50 A smooth well balanced sweet cider with a strong apple flavour leaving a slight astringent aftertaste for a satisfying finish. MISTY This is the very first cider I produced. Giving you the dry refreshing taste and velvety tones of cider made in the traditional way, best served ice cold, after a hard days work or on one of those longingly wanted hot summer days. SCORPION SOMERSET MISTY CIDER ABV: 6.0% Appearance: Cloudy Taste: Medium JOE’S DRY CIDER £51.10 ABV: 5.5% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium Sweet DESERT DRY DESERT DRY ABV: 6.0% Appearance: Rich Ochre Taste: Dry £37.50 Produced from a mixture of bittersharp and sharp cider apples for the ultimate flavour. 6% Abv. Please Drink Responsibly D recked... Ge tW tT wi Ge st ed THISTLY CROSS SCOTLAND ’t on ! ORIGINAL £48.99 ABV: 7.2% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium Sweet Scotland’s Original Cider is made with a blend of Scottish Heritage apples. It is a refreshing, lightly sparkling cider with a slow fermentation and long maturation to give a smooth complexion. WHISKY CASK £49.99 Matured in ex Glenglassaugh casks for six months to nurture the natural characteristics of the cider, this rarefied, medium dry cider develops, as you might anticipate. ABV: 4.0% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium £59.99 SPADGER ABV: 4.5% Appearance: Hazy Taste: Medium Floral/appley aroma, with notes of fresh apple juice. Pleasant mouth-filling palate, with a little sweetness and balancing racy acidity. Medium dry with a long finish. WOODSPRITE £45.50 ALSO AVAILABLE T 01384 374050 E Allergy information for all products sold within this programme is available upon request. Brewers Fine Cask September 15.indd 11 £43.40 Clean aroma of fresh apple and dried fruit. Medium in body, slightly sweet with a dry finish. STRAWBERRY CIDER £69.99 A premium fruit cider that has all the bittersweet natural flavours of soft fruit: fresh, hand pressed strawberries with a little zing from the apples. Please Drink Responsibly Sunset is for the cider drinker who knows that the Original West Country drink is just a bit too commanding and needs a kick from Sweet Coppin and Michelin to take the edge off. Adding a minor sweetness to the cider this perfect combination will give you all the flavours that all cider drinkers can enjoy. ABV: 5.8% Appearance: Hazy Taste: Medium A blend of fresh root ginger, pressed on our apple press, infused in Thistly to create a full bodied medium dry cider. ABV: 4.0% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium Sweet Medium Dry Cider 6% Abv. £37.50 ABV: 6.0% Appearance: Orange Taste: Medium Dry WADDLEGOOSE LANE SUFFOLK ABV: 6.9% Appearance: Clear Taste: Medium Dry GINGER SUNSET SUNSET PAGE 11 19/08/2015 17:02 FRUIT WINES 75cl bottles £5.48 Also available in 20 litre bag in box by request Flavour Apricot Birch** Blackbeer & Raisin Blackberry Blackcurrant Cherry Cowslip Cranberry Damson Elderberry Elderflower** Ginger Gooseberry Mead (Traditional) Mead (West Country) Alc % Vol 11.0% 11.0% 14.5% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 11.0% 14.5% 11.0% 14.5% 14.5% Character Medium Sweet Dry Sweet Medium Medium Sweet Sweet Off/Dry Medium Off/Dry Off/Dry Dry Sweet Off/Dry Sweet Medium Flavour Mead (Garden) Mead (Tournament) Nettle Peach Plum Quince Raspberry Rosehip Sloe Strawberry Alc % Vol Character 11.0% Medium Sweet 11.0% Sweet 11.0%Dry 11.0% Medium Sweet 11.0% Medium 11.0% Off/Dry 11.0% Medium 11.0%Off/Dry 11.0% Medium 11.0% Medium FESTIVE TIPPLES 75cl bottles £5.48 Mulled Wine 10.0% Sweet Christmas Mead 10.0% Sweet ** Seasonally Available See our website for additional products, promotions and our delivery areas. COMING NEXT MONTH... For Sales & Enquiries: T 01384 374050 E For full terms & conditions see our website Brewers Fine Cask September 15.indd 12 19/08/2015 17:02