Opole Voivodeship


Opole Voivodeship
Opole Voivodeship
You Are Always Welcome
Prudnik County
Opole Voivodeship delights in its diversity, multiculturalism and
agreement of people living here and cooperate, people who have
different origin, different culture, different faiths and beliefs and
not so long ago: different languages. Cities of this region, with its
charming renovated Old Towns, antique townhouses and manor
houses turned into top-of-the-range hotels embellish and entice and along with villages blooming home gardens are unique
marks of this beautiful region of the country.
Regional kitchen full of Silesian tradition integrated into different tastes of borderland is a culinary masterpiece of Opole
Voivodeship. Tight bond between Opole citizens and region
makes this Voivodeship significantly strong among other regions.
Due to its treasure landscape and beautiful antique buildings
this is the place on Poland and Europe map worth to visit, see
and come back…
Opole province is the smallest Voivodeship in Poland (9.412km2)
inhabited by more than million residents. The capital city is Opole
City. Located in south-west Poland, border the Lower Silesia, Łódź,
Silesia and Wielkopolska Voivodeships. It’s administratively divided into 12 districts and 71 communes. Main waterway of the
region is Odra River.
Opole has a very long history; it dates back to the distant
Medieval Times. Opole was located on the very important trade
rout crossing. The city was chartered at the beginning of XIII
century and in 1283 it became the Duchy of Opole capital. It was
ruled by the Piast Dynasty till XVI century. The best known was
Duke Jan II the Good who granted numerous privileges (including
the ones protected peasant class against nobility).
For ten centuries Opole was under the rule of Czech, Habsburgs,
Prussian and Poles. In XIX century industry was growing dynamically – especially cement industry. After The Silesian Upraising
Opole still left after German side and back to Poland in1945.
Opole, the view from the Bolko side
Renaissance City Hall as well as “Opolski Akropol” current headquarters of Opole University deserve special attention. Another
attraction is Museum of Rural Architecture in Bierkowice which
has a rich collection of wooden architecture from the Opole
Silesian Region.
Opole Region has 34 nature reserves and 5 landscape parks.
Whole Region is ethnic differential. Co-residents are: Silesians,
East Poles, German Minority and people came from other parts
of Poland. Community which lives in the Region belong to Polish,
Czech and German culture.
Opole Voivodeship is also land of castles, chateaus and manor houses, almost 200 – far more than the rest of Poland has.
Especially impressive are in Brzeg, Otmuchów, Głogówek, Kamień
Śląski and Moszna. Really worth seeing is “Polish Carcassonne”
– Paczków and Nysa called “Silesian Rome”. St Anne Mountain
is very important place in the region as well. We have here also
unique Mediewal Brzeg Polychromy Rout and Wooden Sacral
Architecture Rout.
Opole City invests in culture. Opole amphitheater is home of
concerts during National Festival of Polish Song in Opole for
over 50 years. In Opole take place also such events as: All-Poland
Theatrical Confrontation, All-Poland Puppet Theatre Festival,
Opolskie Lamy Movie Festival, BiennaleArs Polonia and Drum Fest.
Opole Province is agricultural and industrial region. Vegetable
production as well as animal one place the region among the
best in the country.
Opole Voivodeship industry grows dynamically. It has several
subzones of Special Economic Zones. High-powered industries
are: mineral, chemical, food, fuel, metallurgic, wood and paper,
agricultural, textile, footwear, electronic and energy.
Opole province is well-known also from Krasiejow Jura Park. Nysa,
Turawa and Otmuchow Lakes are great for active leisure and Mala
Panew River it’s a canoe route. Tourists also like Opawa Mountains.
Opole province – often called „little homeland” is unusually multiethnic and multicultural place. It makes this region very intrigue
on Poland map as well as cozy. Its otherness and differential
encourage to visit this beautiful part of our country.
Opole Venice
The capital of the Voivodeship – is the center of the region in administration, cultural, science and industrial meaning. All most important events are centered here. The capital of the Voivodeship
is a city which may look as extremely young and vigorous - in
this 130.000 agglomeration 30.00 students live and study here
at public and private colleges (the main are Opole University,
Opole University of Technology, School of Administration and
Management and National School of Medicine).
Opole City intrigue tourists. First: it is a symbol of Polish rock
music – since 1963 National Festival of Polish Song sounds in
Opole Amphitheater and all Poland show biz Stars Opole join.
If you are interested in history of Polish song you will find many
precious pieces on exhibition in Polish Song Museum. National
Festival of Polish Song is always associated with The Piast Tower
in Opole – the last one piece of The Piast Castle which survived.
Currently it is possible to admire Opole view from The Tower and
the most important, from the point of historical view, landmarked
buildings. These undoubtedly are gothic St. Cross Cathedral and
Franciscan Fathers Church, where The Piast Chapel acts as The
Opole Piast Mausoleum.
“Na Górce” Church could belong to the interesting sacred monuments. Town Hall, built in Florentine Palazzo Vecchio style, obviously focuses the tourists attention. Another interesting, nonsacral monuments are mostly in the city center and they are:
Opole Silesia Museum, multifigure fountain – sculpture “Opolska
Ceres” at Daszyński Square or Opole University HQ on the “ac-
Opole, pond at Barlicka Street
Collegium Maius – Opole University yard
Green Bridge
City Square, City Hall
Daszyński Square and Ceres fountain-monument
Opole Silesia Museum and Na Górce Church
Opole in the twilight
ademic hill”, where sculptures of the most important artists of
Polish music scene have been placed. Everyone will be in love
with charming corner by the Młynówka called „Venice in Opole”
and green Bolko Island.
Opole is also a place where plenty international and local events
take place. The most known and appreciated are International
Drum Festival, Theatrical Confrontation “Polish Classic”, All-Poland
Puppet Theatre Festival or European Majorette Championship
Another must-see is Museum of Rural Architecture located in
Bierkowice district, where typical for this land collection of wooden architecture waits for tourists. Opole Voivodeship has won
its own administrative independence by itself- not very big but
meaningful monument „We have to defend Opole Region” keeps
this fact in memory of the people.
National Festival of Polish Song – Opole Amphitheater
City Square and City Hall in Prudnik
It is a city located in the South part of the region, on the borderland
of Głubczyce Plateau and north-east part of Opawa Mountains.
Amazingly beautiful city square and the Castle Tower entrance,
called Woka Tower, the oldest building of Prudnik, enchants the
visitors. The Tower has been transformed into vantage point, from
which tourists can see the view of the beautiful surroundings.
The Prudnik Forest and Franciscan Monastery, where a Polish
prelate of the Roman Catholic Church, Stefan Wyszyński, has
been imprisoned in 1954-1955, is undoubtedly the tourists’ attraction. Currently it acts as a sacral place again. The beautiful
Prudnik Park, which has been created to naturally connect Prudnik
City to surrounding forest, allures with its pretty views as well
as eye-catching avenues with the Opawa Mountains view, with
their higher mountain top Kopa Biskupia (890 MAMSL).
The Park has been enriched by precious elements of architecture,
such as gemmed arbor which used to be music pavillion in the
past or Diana statue. It is a perfect place to active way of spending free time and to recreation, with tennis courts, pitches and
kids playgrounds. There are plenty of cultural and sports events
organized in The Park, including family sports picnic.
Prudnik Park
The City located among Opawa Mountains, Paczkowo Foothill
and Glubczyce Plateau with beautiful, historic square and St.
Wawrzyniec Church – late baroque sanctuary with early gothic
veneer. Building has rich embellished 13th century entrance and
joined towers topped off with new baroque helmets.
Church amazes with numerous Rococo style side altars. Among altars tourists can see for example: Van Dyck painting „Opłakiwanie”,
16th century sculpture of Mother of God with Child and new baroque main altar of the 1921 as wee as ”Ukrzyżowanie” bas-relief
from the 16th-17th century.
The Głuchołazy, opened at the end of 19th century, with century-old types of trees and bushes, especially North America
Canadian hemlock and charming pond with the island in the
middle, where theater shell has been built, is a perfect place for
the rest. Specific microclimate and the nearness of mountain
nature of Chrobry Mountain have a positive influence on passers-by state of being.
Głuchołazy Square
Surrounding Opawa Mountains, amazing landscape, unique, mild
climate, tourist trails and interesting historical monuments are real
pearls of Opole Province. The visit in nearby Moszczanka to try
fried trout flavoured with local recipe will gratify every gourmet.
Biała Głuchołaska River
Brzeg Castle – yard
The one of the oldest city of Opole Province. Known in Poland as
the seat of royal-ducal Piast lineage, who left here lots of monuments and marks. Among the most precious is built in 13th
century and redeveloped into renaissance residence Brzeg Castle,
well known as :”The Silesian Wawel”. This magnificent monument
is listed in an international heritage register. Especially worth
seeing are garden remains, fortification outlines and St. Jadwiga
gothic castle chapel, which at the same time is The Mausoleum
of Legnica & Brzeg Piast. Currently there is The Silesia Piast Museum in Brzeg Castle.
City Square and City Hall in Brzeg
Brzeg is also known from its renaissance City Hall, many believes
it’s the most beautiful example of renaissance non-sacral architecture. Tourists also are interested in seeing the fragments of
city fortification from the end of 16th century. Brzeg also has
unusually beautiful sacral monuments, and the one among them
is especially worth of attention – gothic St. Nicolas Church. Another interesting historical marks are: steel lattice bridge over
the Odra River built in 1891.
Brzeg is a city known in Poland because of numerous events – especially famous event is “Polish Invasion of the Castle”, Christmas
Carol Review “Carolling in Brzeg”, All-Poland Festive of Religious
Song “Corda Cordi” and English Song Festive “Face the Music”.
Crate Steel Bridge in Brzeg
It is one of the biggest cities of Opole region, mostly known from
its big industrial factories and volleyball team which systematically reaches for the country trophies. In the city there are the
biggest in the whole Voivodeship and very important for whole
country nitrogen plant (ZAK Kędzierzyn-Koźle) and Blachownia
holding company. There is also one of the biggest in whole Poland
Inland Port in Koźle. It is also a place with five water gates which
expedite sailing on The Odra River.
Water gate in Koźle
Fryderyk Wilhelm Fort in Koźle
However Kędzierzyn-Koźle is also a city with a long history.
Although the city was chartered in 1975 joining four towns
(Kędzierzyn, Koźle, Sławięcice and Kłodnica), but the city was
first mentioned already at the beginning of 12th century.
It is really worth to see old town Koźle, historical St. Zygmunt
and St. Jadwiga Church from 15th century or fragments of city
ramparts from the period between 14th and 16th century. The
big attraction is unique in Poland technical antique – Kłodnica
Canal with water gate, connecting Koźle and Gliwice. Another
rare historical monument is Montalembert KeepTower, which is
fortification building called Fryderyk Wilhelm Fort and it’s remains
of Koźle Fortress built in 1739 by Austrians. Every year in honour
of it Koźle Fortress Days are organized During the Second World
War in Sławęcice – current district of Kędzierzyn-Koźle – was a
concentration camp.
It is poviat capital with over 750 years of own history – has been
belonging to Piast Dukes, Czech Kings, emperor of Austria and
in later centuries to Prussian Masters. Precious antiques can be
find here from the old-times – fragments of ramparts, gothic
Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession under the invocation of Saviour or City Hall from18th century along with
two townhouses remained from the old townhouse row called
“Twelve Apostles” – all of them recall this city glory days. The
tourists attention will be undoubtedly drawn by historical cozy
city square and observation tower, where City center view can
be admired from.
Kluczbork is a city frequently called „The Land of Plenty”- it owes
this intriguing name to priest Jan Dzierżonow, distinguished bees
connoisseur and researcher.
Kluczbork – “Krakowska” Gate Tower
Kluczbork surroundings have very rich nature. There is huge, pure
and charming Stobrawa Landscape Park in here.
Regional attraction are numerous agritourism and eco farms as
well as Culture and Tradition Centre of Kuniów village, where in rebuilt objects from 19th century old professions presentation takes
place, there is an opportunity to bake a bread single-handedly or
to forge a horseshoe. In 2012 near the Kluczbork first big reservoir
has been built. Kluczbork is also a place where European Festival
of Organ Music takes place as well as Capital Reggae Festival.
Retention Reservoir near Kluczbork
Byczyna – historical fortifications
It ised to be a well-fortified castle-town and these fortifications
are still very well preserved among the others in Poland. What
left are stone and brick fortifications ruins and two medieval gate
towers, main towers and moat. Byczyna is known from the battle,
which has been won here in 1588 by the great commander of the
crown Jan Zamoyski, who has won over Archduke Maksymilian
Another thing to see in Byczyna is a copy of medieval borough
surrounded by pedestal with watch towers and drawbridge. Inside
the borough there are viewer platforms, hotel, inn, stable along
with smithy and armory. Lots of tourists are coming here to see
this – especially during International Kinight Tournament.
Knight Borough in Biskupice
The city founded in 1254 as the protection of the South-West
border of the Bishop Duchy. Because of the protection role of
the city it has been very well protected by double fortifications,
which remain in very good condition by today and are the biggest
attraction of the city. 19 keep towers, 3 gate towers and fortifications are the proof that Paczków was a medieval fortress and it
is very appreciated by tourists. Because of the great monuments
Paczków is often called „Polish Carcassonne”.
Another thing to see are baroque town houses in very good condition in the center of the city, and the nearness of Nysa Lake and
Otmuchow Lake makes this city a beautiful place to visit.
Paczków – City Square and City Hall
The unique oddity of the Paczków is functioning since 1991 The
Museum of the Gas Manufacture, which is the old building of
the Gas Manufacture of the city – it is the only one such place
in Poland and very unique in whole Europe. Visitors may get to
know the old industrial architecture, old manufacturing line and
large collection of over 300 of pieces of exhibitions connected
to classical gas manufacturing – starting from gas devices and
finishing with gas meters. Every year this museum is visited by
more than 10 thousands of visitors.
Paczków Bay
Palace-sanctuary and tourist-rehabilitative sanatorium group Sebastianeum Silesiacum in Kamień Sląski
Kamień Śląski
It is a town known from the palace-park complex and the airport. A
place worth seeing is definitely a late baroque palace from the late
17thI and early 18th centuries along with St. Jacek Sanctuary and
beautiful landscape park. Tourist will be also interested in parish
church dedicated to St. Jacek from 1632 and common grave of
Silesian Insurgents, Congregation of Sisters of Holy Virgin Mary
monastery from 19th century, nature reserve, 14 ha, and nearby
rehabilitative sanatorium Sebastianeum Silesiacum with herbarium.
Belfry near the sanctuary in Kamień Śląski
Tourist-rehabilitative sanatorium group Sebastianeum Silesiacum in Kamień Sląski
Castle in Rogów
Built at the beginning of the 17th century on the original defensive
castle ruins from 14th century. Renaissance-classic monument,
partially reconstructed. Picturesquely located on the old Odra
River basin embankment, in the center of the park with ruins of
fortifications. Once it belonged to Earl’s House of von Haugwitz
and, according to the legend, to Templars. Today the castle-park
property belongs to Opole Voivodeship Library Antique Books
Collection Department where the most valuable items are: antique
books, manuscripts, graphics and old cartography. Visitors can
see permanent exhibition of book history and European Antiques
of literary activity and iconography.
Rogów Opolski Castle
Moszna Castle
Moszna Castle
The monument is over 100 years old and is impressive large and
has very unique architectural style, there is 365 rooms and 99
towers and it is the only one castle with residential character in
Opole Silesia region. The Second World War left Moszna Castle
in very good condition, and between 1972 and 2013 it became
known in Poland as convalescent home, and then Public Care
Health Center for Therapies of Neuroses. Nowadays, together
with large park, 200 ha, it is partially open to visitors. Castello
Musical Theatreis located here since 2013.
Azaleas near the castle
Moszna Castle inside
Every year, at the turn of May and June, the Castle is a center of
Musical Festival of Blooming Azaleas – known in Poland musical festival, which takes place in old insides of the castle and in
the park. Things to see are painters exhibitions in the gallery,
painters open-airs are also organized. Music lovers from whole
country and world are coming here to hear classical musical concerts and recitals and author’s evenings. Classical music tones
among blooming azaleas makes the atmosphere of this place
special and unique.
Moszna Castle Park
St. Anne Sanctuary on the St. Anne Mountain
St. Anne Mountain
It is a beautiful landscape park on the top of the million year
old extinct volcano. Founded to preserve numerous species of
plants and animals. There is geologic preserve hundreds meters from the Mountain. In 2004 St. Anne Mountain has been
granted with history monument status – one of the 30 most
precious monuments in Poland. It was made up of: St. Anne with
the Virgin and Child Basilica, monastery, the Lourdes Grotto, the
Pilgrim’s House and group of churches and chapels – the Stations
to commemorate the Passion of Christ. It is also worth to see
giant stone amphitheater and Monument and Museum of the
Upraises. Another thing to see is Pope John Paul II, founded to
memorial of his pilgrimage to St. Anne Mountain in 1983. There
is also St. Anne figure where pilgrims coming from whole country
from several centuries.
John Paul II Statue on the St. Anne Mountain
St. Anne Mountain – Holy Cross Rising Church Service
Stone amphitheater on the St. Anne Mountain
Nysa – City Square and City Hall
Nysa City
Nysa – Tryton Fountain
Poviat capital city, in 13th century the center of Nysa Duchy of
Wrocław Bishops. Today called also “Silesian Rome”. There is one of
the biggest gothic sanctuary in Poland St. Jacob and St. Agnieszka
Basilica called also Nysa Cathedral. It guards rich art collection, especially the biggest in Silesia group of sepulchral sculpture. Near
cathedral there is unfinished late gothic belfry. The late baroque
St. Peter and Paul Church makes visitors delighted with its original
beauty. Wrocław Bishops Palace, which is the museum since 1984,
has the very precious collection European Paintings from 15th19th centuries. Worth seeing are decorative structures of the city,
especially “The Beautiful Well” from 1868, “Tryton Fountain” from
1700 and parts of fortifications along with gate towers from 14th
century as well as parts of bastion fortifications from 17th century.
City Hall with beauty spot added in 2008 is a big attraction for
tourists, which gladly attend every-year event – Nysa Fortress Days.
Nysa battle stage version
Nysa Lake
Often called “Jezioro Głębinowskie”, picturesquely located, with
beautiful sand beach, with wide offer for tourist and accommodation. It is perfect for fishing and active leisure lovers. Numerous
rental places offers windsurfing accessories as well as yachts and
boats. Pure water is full of plenty kinds of fish. Fishers can catch
a pike, bream, perch-pike, perch, eel, car or crucian. Nysa Lake
is a part of OtmuchowskoNyskie Land of Preserve Landscape and it has plenty kinds of birds
on shore, including Mediterranean Gull, Herring Gull, Common
Tern, Great Egret and much more.
Nysa Lake
City located in the south part of the region, lies on the Nysa
Kłodzka River, between Nysa Lake and Otmuchów Lake. City full
of monuments with rich history, gothic defensive castle, renaissance city hall and beautiful, baroque church. Every July there
is “Summer of the Flowers” event, when to Otmuchów comes
flowers exhibitors from Poland, Czech Republic, Netherlands,
Belgium and Germany as well as tourists crowds with even a
hundred thousand people!
Diverse, multicolour exhibitions of cut flowers in Otmuchów
castle chambers delight visitors with its beauty. Also the castle
surrounding area is the exhibition of trees and bushes.
Otmuchów – St. Mikołaj Church and St. Franciszek Ksawery Church
The event is accompanied by numerous of exhibitions in castle
underground, especially exhibitions of butterflies, minerals, artistic black-smithing or flowers compositions. Another attraction
are unique stairs, called horse’s stairs, floodlight with outside light
through oval windows. Erstwhile bishop Filip von Sinzendorf used
them while being carried in the sedan chair. Bilateral sun-dial in
excellent condition on the Otmuchów city hall, which is stucco
bas-relief, polychromed, partly-gilded with among others city
emblem delight by its beauty.
Otmuchów – Summer of Flowers
Otmuchów – bird eye perspective
Otmuchów Lake
It is a dam reservoir and retention reservoir. Build in the years 1928
to 1933 situated on the Nysa Kłodzka River, it is also a tourists
and recreation place. It is surrounded by recreation centers and
campsites very well equipped, with fantastic accommodation
and gastronomic infrastructure, and numerous rental places of
swimming accessories helps to spend time actively on the boat,
yacht or to windsurf. The pure water of the Otmuchów Lake is full
of different kinds of fish. There are to catch: zander, carp, crucian
or even pike, bream or eel.
Otmuchów Lake
Turawa Lake
It is one of the biggest retention reservoir in Opole Region, was
built in the 1930s in the flow of the river Mała Panew. It is the hot
spot of the region with very good accommodation. Around the
reservoir there are lanes for bikes and pedestrians, and there are
also clean sand beaches waiting for the sunbathers. Turawa Lake
is surrounded with pine trees and tourists can sail and fishing.
Opole Yacht Club Regatta is regularly held – as “Blue Band of
Turawa Lake”, and in 2014 for the first time “Apotex Cup” Regatta
has taken place here in the Delphia 24 One Design class, which is
one of the eight racings of the Delphia OD Polish Cup. Turawa Lake
is also one of the biggest in Opole region place for migrant birds.
Opawa Mountain
It has one of the most beautiful landscapes in Opole region.
Unique views, romantic basins of the rivers and streams, undestroyed plant life and fauna still full of wild kinds, picturesquely
located towns, such as Jarnołtówek, Pokrzywna or Moszczanka
along with silent and peace lasting here – they are priceless assets
of this area. This cordillera has a mysteries such as unique remains
of gold mining and old stone pit, currently often filled with water.
Opawa Mountain are located in south-west part of the Opole
Voivodeship and they are the border between Poland and Czech
Republic. The top-most peak of Polish site of Opawa Mountain is
Kopa Biskupia (890 MMSL), with characteristic observation tower.
A definite asset of this area is a variety offer for tourists.
Kopa Biskupia Route
Stone beauty spot on Kopa Biskupia
Opawa Mountain View
Opawa Mountain Landscape
Opawa Mountain – Kopa Biskupia View
Fish Pond in Pokój area
Landscape Values of Opole region –
Landscape Parks
Undoubtedly the asset of Opole region are large and still wild
forests. They are Landscape Parks. The biggest one is Stobrawski
Landscape Park, 526 mk2. Founded to preserve numerous kinds
of animals and plants – especially water and marsh birds.
ering mountains. The first one is the unique St. Anne Mountain
Landscape Park, located on
extinct volcano, the second one is Opawa Mountain Landscape
Park, located on the only cordillera in Opole region.
Second-largest is Niemodlin Woods, located in the west of the
Opole Voivodeship. It is composed also by Niemodlin Ponds. There
are also two landscape parks in Opole Voivodeship which are cov-
Kluczbork area
Turawa Forest
St. Anne Mountain
Dinopark in Krasiejów
The most important families attractions
Opole region offers lots of attractions for families with kids.
One of the most interesting is located in Krasiejów, where is the
JuraPark and Park of Science and Human Evolution. Another interesting place to visit is Lost Rosenau Town located in Jarnołtówek.
Recently (2014) the Park of Sacral Miniatures was built in Olszowa.
Byczyna offers unique entertainment in knight style in wooden
borough. In Opole the place worth to see is the Piast Tower, where
in addition to wonderful view of the city center, is multimedia
exhibitions presenting Opole history.
Knight Borough in Biskupice
Sacral Miniature Park in Olszowa
Reda – Januszkowice
Trout Fishery – Moszczanka
The Piast Tower – Opole
The Lost City Rosenau
Sidzina Church
Other tourist attractions of the region
Park in Pokój Borough
Palace in Kopice
Antique stoves in Gogolin
Dendrology Garden in Lipno
Jewish Cemetery in Biała
Opole University Museum
Museum of X-ray tubes in Opole
University of Technology
Silver Lake in Januszkowice
Vineyard in Paczków
Pyramid in Rożnów
Death of Laskowice in St. Wawrzyniec
Church in Laskowice
Death of Bierdzany in St. Jadwiga
Church in Bierdzany
Smithy and bakery in Kuniów
Museum Chamber of Metallurgy of Mała Panew
Valley in Ozimek
Farm Water Tower in Skorogoszcz
Memory Hall of the Aviators of 15 Air Force USAAF and
Forced Labours and Prisoners of War in Kędzierzyn-Koźle
Chamber of Aviation Traditions in Ligota Dolna
„Farska Stodoła” in Biedrzychowice
Franciscan Observatory in Głogówek
„Syfon Kłodnicki” in Kędzierzyn-Koźle
Area where were branch of KL Auschwitz Nazi
concentration camp in Sławięcice
Things worth to get to know:
Silesian Cinderella Story and main character Joanna Schaffgotsch von Schomberg Godulla, nee Gryzik, owner among
others of Kopice Palace. There is her statue on the University
Hill in Opole and her portrait in Collegium Maius.
Opole porcelain, Easter and painted eggs which are local
art and folk handicraft. The porcelain in Opole region is
hand-painted from several dozen years. Main theme is floral
and plants elements. There are workshops of local and art
handicraft in Opole Cepelia, enabling attenders to branch out
their creativity and get to known the secrets of handicraft.
Tourists visiting Opole Silesia must taste delicious Silesian
kołacz (kołocz) in other words unusually aromatic sweet
pie made in two different options – With cheese, apple or
poppy-seed filling or with no filling, with streusel topped
with icing sugar.
Known and unknown attraction of Brzeg Polychromy Route
– Brzeg Polychromy Route is one of the oldest that kind of
place in Poland, medieval polychromes are from the times
of The Piast dynasty. There are 20 churches on the Route –
the famous are in Strzelniki, Pogorzeli and Małujowice. In
surrounding churches there are still undiscovered paintings – Churches in Różyna, Uszyce, Pępice and Zwanowice.
Łąka Prudnicka Castle
Kopice Palace
Pruszków Castle
Pokój Park
Żyrowa Palace
Sulisław Palace
Famous cyclical events in the region
Opole Ice Speedway Gala – cyclical charitable event for diseased
Opole Theatrical Confrontation – in Jan Kochanowski Theater
in Opole are every year presentation of artistic output of Polish
drama theaters.
Street of the Culture – cyclical event of culture organised by OPAK
Society. It takes place in the city and it is combination of different
kinds of music, art, theater, performance art, street art and painting workshops
European Festival of Church Organ Music in Kluczbork – it is
one of the oldest festival of the music in Opole region. It is organised by the Evangelical-Augsburg parish and Kluczbork community
center and presents numerous of organ music concerts.
Panda Art Festival – Opole open air alternative music festival.
Final of Declaim Contest in German “Jugend
trägt Gedichte vor” – organised by Social and Cultural Society of
German of the Opole Silesia since 1995.
Logographers – the project about contemporary art on different
levels organised by Contemporary Art Gallery in Opole.
Pieróg Feast in Stare Kolnie – an open air event organised in
Opole from 6 years now.
Reggae Festival in Kluczbork – the event is organised since 2008
with numerous accompanying events.
“Silesian Music Summer” Festival in Opole – the event which
is the addendum to Youth International Music Trainings. Concerts
take place in interesting locations of Opole region.
Folk Festival – organised in Opole by Opole Open-Air Museum
of Rural Architecture.
Biennale Ars Polonia – organised by Contemporary Art. Gallery,
it is combination of numerous art directions – starting from classical paintings exhibitions finishing in music sounds, multimedia
presentations, paratheater workshops and movie.
Lewada Art Cup in Zakrzów – they are horse shows for Polish
celebrities in the turn of the August and September. Event originators are “Lewada” chairman Andrzej Sałacki and TVP presenter
Katarzyna Dowbor.
Koźle Fortress Days – lovers meeting of history of the end of 18th
century and beginning of the 19th century.
Opole Oratorio Days – it is musical event in Opole Concert Hall
where beautiful sounds of oratorio music concerts are presented.
All-Poland Puppet Theatre Festival – cultural event takin place
every second year for the youngest viewers, presents colorful, fanciful shows, also in open-air scenario.
Opolskie Lamy Movie Festival – it is permanent event in Opole
cultural calendar, takes place every year from 12 years now, delights
and inspire with Polish one-reelers presented to viewers and jurors.
Ludwig van Beethoven Silesian Festival in Głogówek and
Prudnik – cyclic music event taking place in October, known in
Opole region from 20 years.
Opole Photography Festival – event organised since 2011 by
2.8 Foundation. It is one of the most valued photography festival
in south-west Poland.
Poets Invasion of Brzeg Castle – it is an unique literary event
with famous Polish poets and invited guests from abroad. During
the event there are literary contests, poets marathon and events
related to poetry set to music.
German Culture of Opole Silesia Days – set of music, art and
science events organised by Social and Cultural Society of Opole
Silesia German with cooperation of cultural institutions since 2004.
Opole Literary Autumn – Opole flagshow organised by Opole
Library for 11 years now. It especially presents Opole literary output.
All-Poland Theatre Overview “Procsenium” in Nysa – it is art
event taking place in November connecting amateur and professional art, where theater lovers can express and develop their passion and talents.
Short-listed hotels realized
with help of EU funds
Pałac Sulisław Hotel & SPA
Sulisław 24
49-200 Grodków
Hotel Zacisze
ul. Biwakowa 2
46-045 Turawa k. Opola
Dworek Różany
ul. Oławska 36A/1
46-100 Namysłów
Hotel Stylowa
ul. Braterska 3A
46-100 Namysłów
Hotel Spałka
ul. Waryńskiego 16
46-200 Kluczbork
Hotel Adler
ul. Rynek 17
46-220 Byczyna
Hotel Kamienica
pl. Kopernika 14
45-325 Opole
Centrum RestauracyjnoHotelowe Florres
ul. Nowa 1A
47-280 Pawłowiczki
Hotel Festival Sp. z o.o.
ul. Oleska 86
45-222 Opole
Hotel Starka
ul. Ostrówek 19
45-082 Opole
Hotel Hugo
ul. Orkana 14
47-230 Kędzierzyn-Koźle
Hotel Zajazd Karolinka
ul. Kasztanowa 30
47-320 Gogolin
Hotel Arkas
ul. Daszyńskiego 12
46-060 Prószków
Hotel Pałac Pawłowice
Pawłowice 58
46-310 Gorzów Śląski
Hotel Dębowe Wzgórze
Pokrzywna 48
48-267 Jarnołtówek
Hotel Pałac Lucja Zakrzów
ul. Stawowa 9
47-330 Zdzieszowice
Dworek Pod Czerwonym
ul. Harcerska 85, Komorno
47-214 Poborszów
Hotel Piast
ul. Piastowska 14
49-300 Brzeg
Hotel ARTE
Plac Zamkowy 8
49-300 Brzeg
Hotel&Browar Słociak
ul. Ceglana 2a
49-120 Dąbrowa
ul. Barlickiego 21
45-083 Opole
Hotel Dworska Elektrownia
ul. Puszkina 1
47-200 Kędzierzyn-Koźle
Hotel Sudety
al. Jana Pawła II 25
48-340 Głuchołazy
Hotel Alexandra
ul. Wlk. Przedmieście 35
46-300 Olesno
Active leisure in Opole region
Opole region offers as well, in harmony with today’s active lifestyle,
numerous possibilities of active ways of spending time:
Open-air water adventures lovers can attend the canoeing
trips along the Mała Panwia and Stobrawa.
There are plenty of bike clubs in region (such as Opole Bike
Club „Rajder”, Brzeg Active Leisure Lovers Club “Na Przełaj”,
Bike Traveling Club “Jednoślad” in Dobrodzień), all bike rally
lovers are always welcome.
Paintball in Opole and Voivodeship (especially Paintball
Club Opole s.c., Bunkier Paintball, Paintball GRONO, Olsuch
Paintball, Terenowiec Paintball, Paintball Arena, Paintball
Prudnik or Very popular lately Laser Tag – in other words
laser paintball in Kwatera Główna) are loved by laser battles
and war engagements.
Stud farms in Opole (especially Folk Horse Riding Club
Ostroga in Opole, Stud Farm Moszna Ltd., Zawada Stable,
Western Ranch Pietna, Local Center of Recreation Ranch
Chrósty, Funny Horse Żaneta Pluta in Stara Kuźnia, Stable
Royal in Ochodze, Horse Riding Club „Lewada” in Zakrzów,
National Stable in Prudnik or Babskie Ranch in Lubsza) invite
to active open-air leisure close to animals and Opole nature.
Opole ice rink Toropol offers recreation on for all winter
sport lovers.
Climbing Walls - Asgard or the one in PSP no 11 in Opole
offer activities near to climbing wall, numerous climbing
wall schools, as YETI, help in climbing wall trainings.
Swimming pools and aqua parks of Opole region offer water
active leisure, among others indoor swimming pool Wodna
Nuta and Akwarium or seasonal open city open-air swimming pool Błekitna Fala in Opole. There are also Aquapark
in Brzeg, swimming pool “Delfin” in Krapkowice, Laguna in
Olesno or Tourism and Recreation Center in Namysłowie.
Diving lovers will definitely appreciate the offer of Opole
Diving Center and diving schools, such as Proteus, Aqua
Opole or Scuba Dive.
Moreover ropes course Kanyon in Opole, Mini Ropes Course
Zoolandia in Opole Zoo, Ropes Course in Niemodlin and
Adventure Park Sparta in Bąków are welcome lovers of active leisure.
Agencja Fotograficzna BANKFOTO
45-861 Opole, ul. Dambonia 8/10
tel. 606 142 131
e-mail: jarek@bankfoto.com.pl
Project and graphic design:
Łukasz Szymański
Jarosław Małkowski, M. Iwanicka
Urszula Stanisławska-Hunek,
Joanna Korgol-Śleziona
Order provider:
Urząd Marszałkowski
Województwa Opolskiego
e-mail: promocja@opolskie.pl
Jarosław Małkowski, Łukasz Szymański,
Mateusz Figiel, Ewa Jakuczek
Krzysztof Szymczyk
Jarosław Małkowski
Polish to English translation:
Anna Nowara
Copyright by:
A.F. BANKFOTO – Jarosław Małkowski
Investing in Your Future
Project: “Opolskie kwitnące muzycznie III” co-financed by European Union from funds of European Regional Development Fund and Opole
Voivodeship budget under the Opole Voivodeship Regional Operational Program for 2007-2013.

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