Thesis Prospectus Draft - iLumina Digital Collection | UNCW
Thesis Prospectus Draft - iLumina Digital Collection | UNCW
A COMPARISON OF INLET-INDUCED GEOMORPHIC CHANGES RELATED TO UNMODIFIED INLETS ALONG A SAND RICH COASTAL SYSTEM Launna Carvalho Sampaio A Thesis Submitted to the University of North Carolina Wilmington in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Department of Geography and Geology University of North Carolina Wilmington 2011 Approved by Advisory Committee Michael Benedetti Douglas Gamble William Cleary Michael Smith Chair Accepted by Digitally signed by Robert Roer DN: cn=Robert Roer, o=UNCW, ou=Graduate School and Research,, c=US Date: 2012.05.22 10:22:13 -04'00' ________________________________ Dean, Graduate School This paper has been formatted with a style that is consistent with the Journal of Coastal Research ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................... vi LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................... ix LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................... xiii INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................1 Objectives ................................................................................................................................... 3 Regional Setting .......................................................................................................................... 4 Background and History ............................................................................................................. 6 Tidal Inlets .............................................................................................................................. 8 The Ebb Tidal Delta .............................................................................................................. 10 Inlet Sediment Bypassing ..................................................................................................... 11 METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................13 Shoreline Change Measurement ............................................................................................... 17 Delineation of Shoreline Change Zones ................................................................................... 20 Shoreline Rate of Change Calculation ...................................................................................... 21 RESULTS ......................................................................................................................................21 Bear Inlet Changes .................................................................................................................... 22 Bear Island Changes ............................................................................................................. 30 Brown’s Island Changes ....................................................................................................... 34 Brown’s Inlet Changes .............................................................................................................. 38 Onslow Beach Shoreline Changes ........................................................................................ 46 Brown’s Island Changes ....................................................................................................... 49 AMBUR Data ........................................................................................................................... 54 DISCUSSION ................................................................................................................................56 Bear Inlet – Bear Island Shoulder ............................................................................................. 57 04/1938 – 10/1949 ................................................................................................................ 57 11/1949 – 03/1962 ................................................................................................................ 58 03/1962 – 12/1974 ................................................................................................................ 59 12/1974 – 03/1989 ................................................................................................................ 59 03/1989 – 08/1990 ................................................................................................................ 61 08/1990 – 09/1996 ................................................................................................................ 61 09/1996 – 03/2001 ................................................................................................................ 63 03/2001 – 03/2003 ................................................................................................................ 64 03/2003 – 10/2006 ................................................................................................................ 65 10/2006 – 10/2008 ................................................................................................................ 66 Bear Inlet – Brown’s Island Shoulder....................................................................................... 66 04/1938 – 11/1949 ................................................................................................................ 66 11/1949 – 03/1962 ................................................................................................................ 67 03/1962 – 12/1974 ................................................................................................................ 68 12/1974 – 03/1989 ................................................................................................................ 69 03/1989 – 08/1990 ................................................................................................................ 70 08/1990 – 09/1996 ................................................................................................................ 71 09/1996 – 03/2001 ................................................................................................................ 72 03/2001 – 03/2003 ................................................................................................................ 73 iii 03/2003 – 10/2006 ................................................................................................................ 74 10/2006 – 10/2008 ................................................................................................................ 75 Brown’s Inlet – Brown’s Island Shoulder ................................................................................ 76 04/1938 – 01/1945 ................................................................................................................ 76 01/1945 – 04/1958 ................................................................................................................ 77 04/1958 – 03/1962 ................................................................................................................ 77 03/1962 – 12/1974 ................................................................................................................ 79 12/1974 – 10/1993 ................................................................................................................ 80 10/1993 – 06/2002 ................................................................................................................ 82 06/2002 – 03/2003 ................................................................................................................ 83 03/2003 – 10/2006 ................................................................................................................ 84 10/2006 – 10/2008 ................................................................................................................ 84 Brown’s Inlet – Onslow Beach Shoulder.................................................................................. 85 04/1938 – 01/1945 ................................................................................................................ 85 01/1945 – 04/1958 ................................................................................................................ 86 04/1958 – 03/1962 ................................................................................................................ 86 03/1962 – 12/1974 ................................................................................................................ 89 12/1974 – 10/1993 ................................................................................................................ 89 10/1993 – 06/2002 ................................................................................................................ 92 06/2002 – 03/2003 ................................................................................................................ 93 03/2003 – 10/2006 ................................................................................................................ 93 10/2006 – 10/2008 ................................................................................................................ 94 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................94 LITERATURE CITED ..................................................................................................................98 APPENDIX ..................................................................................................................................101 iv ABSTRACT Bear and Brown’s Inlets are small barrier island systems located in the northeastern sector of Onslow Bay along the shoreline reach characterized by high relief, sand-rich barrier islands. Bear Inlet (BEI) separates Bear Island to the northeast from Brown’s Island to the southwest while Brown’s Inlet (BRI) borders Brown’s Island on its southern margin and separates the barrier island from Onslow Beach to the southwest. Due to their unmodified nature they are exemplary sites to study the linkage between inlet changes and the response of the adjacent oceanfront shorelines. Both inlets are relatively stable systems having been confined to narrow migration pathways since 1872. This study utilizes and evaluated two Geographic Information System (GIS) software extensions (DSAS and AMBUR) that are specifically designed to measure shoreline change. Since 1938 the BEI throat has migrated southwestward 592 m at an average rate of 8.5 m/yr while the BRI has migrated to the southwest a distance of 355 m at an average rate of 5 m/yr. The net migration direction is opposite the inferred direction of sediment transport. While the position of the throat segment of the ebb channel of both inlets have changed comparatively little (BRI: 137 m; BEI: 700 m) from 1938 to 2008, the outer bar segment of the channel shifted across a comparatively wider zone that ranged from 700 m (BEI) to 1,100 m (BRI). Since 1934 a minimum of six cycles of channel deflection and reorientation have occurred. Consequently the ebb-tidal deltas have undergone significant shape changes, which in turn have altered the ebb delta’s breakwater effect along the opposing oceanfront shorelines. The decadal long accretion and erosion patterns are responses to the above-mentioned changes. v Generally speaking, for a given period of time, the oceanfront shorelines along the adjacent barriers are characterized by opposing shoreline change patterns. From this study, the measurements obtained from both DSAS and AMBUR GIS extensions were very comparable and show that although each GIS extension package had slightly different operating assumptions, the results of shoreline change from 1934 to 2008 for Brown’s and Bear Inlets evaluated by these methods were very similar. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to show my gratitude to all the faculty and staff of the Geography and Geology Department, for their willingness to help me in any way they could, for their kindness and smiles. I thank Dr Halls for all the computer space she provided for me to work on my project, for helping countless times with GIS software and for the many encouraging words she gave me all this time I’ve been a grad student at UNCW. I thank Dr Liz Hines for her words of wisdom, her patience and her friendship when I was her lab assistant and even after that. My gratitude also goes to Professor Shew, for being the best teacher I’ve ever had! His will to learn and to share knowledge have always been an inspiration to me. I could not forget to thank Catherine Morris and Anne Sutter from the Geography and Geology department office for their help in countless times and for our conversations ranging from parenthood to professional future. I also thank Sharon Day from the USACE Wilmington District Office and Ken Richardson from NCDCM for providing aerial photographs for my research. A great deal of gratitude goes to my advisors, Dr William Cleary and Dr Michael Smith. Thanks, Dr Cleary, for accepting me as your student in the first place. You gave me the opportunity of a lifetime. Thank you so much for sharing your vast knowledge of coastal processes and thank you very much for your honesty while I was doing my research and writing this thesis. Dr Smith, thank you for taking me as your student after Dr Cleary retired and thank you for not giving up on me. I wouldn’t be writing this section now if it weren’t for you. I would like to thank all my friends, the ones I’ve met here and the ones I left in Brazil. Thank you for all the conversations, advice and encouragement. You guys made my life here way better and my experience studying abroad remarkable! vii I extend my gratitude to my family, specially my mom, for making my “American dream” possible and for her faith in me, even in times when I did not believe in myself. Obrigada, mãe! Te amo! Many thanks go to my husband and to my son, my “partners in crime”. Their love and patience while dealing with a tired, moody and sometimes frustrated graduate student on a daily basis were very important to me. And last but not least, to the one that answers by many names, but I have the privilege to call Him Abba, my Heavenly Father. To Him are the honor, the glory, the power and the worship forever and ever! viii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Bear Inlet Ebb channel migration rates from April 1938 to October 2008. ..................... 28 2. Summary Bear Inlet data from April 1938 to October 2008. ........................................... 30 3. Brown’s Inlet Ebb Channel migration rates...................................................................... 45 4. Brown’s Inlet values of IMW, Baseline width and ebb channel orientation from 1872 to 2008. .................................................................................................................... 46 5. Summary of changes that occurred in Bear and Brown’s Inlets and their adjacent shorelines……………………………………………………………...............................95 A1. Compilation of data and time periods used to create the dataset of historical shorelines for the study of Bear Inlet .............................................................................. 101 A2. Compilation of data and time periods used to create the dataset of historical shorelines for the study of Brown’s Inlet ........................................................................ 102 A3. Bear Inlet Bear Island and Brown’s Island zone-wide net changes between the periods of 1872-1938 and 1938-2008. ...................................................................... 103 A4. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island and Brown’s Island zone-wide shoreline change by period. Cumulative changes from April 1938 to October 2008 are listed in bold.................................................................................................................... 104 A5. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Brown’s Island and Onslow Beach zone-wide shoreline change by period. Cumulative changes from January 1934 to October 2008 are listed in bold. ................................................................................................... 106 A6. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island and Brown’s Island zone-averaged cumulative shoreline change from April 1938 to October 2008.................................... 107 A7. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island and Brown’s Island zone-averaged cumulative shoreline change from April 1938 to October 2008..................................... 108 A8a. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island cumulative shoreline change along transects I1 through BE3 from April 1938 to October 2008. ........................................ 109 A8b. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BE4 through BE9 from April 1938 to October 2008. ...................................... 109 ix A8c. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BE10 through BE15 from April 1938 to October 2008. .................................. 110 A8d. Summary of Bear Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects I1 through BR3 from April 1938 to October 2008 .......................................... 110 A8e. Summary of Bear Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BR4 through BR9 from April 1938 to October 2008. .......................... 111 A8f. Summary of Bear Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BR10 through BR15 from April 1938 to October 2008. ...................... 111 A9a. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects I1 through BR3 from January 1934 to October 2008. .......................... 112 A9b. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BR4 through BR9 from January 1934 to October 2008. ...................... 112 A9c. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BR10 through BR15 from January 1934 to October 2008. .................. 113 A9d. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Onslow Beach cumulative shoreline change along transects I1 through OB3 from January 1934 to October 2008. ........................... 113 A9e. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Onslow Beach cumulative shoreline change along transects OB4 through OB9 from January 1934 to October 2008. ....................... 114 A9f. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Onslow Beach cumulative shoreline change along transects OB10 through OB15 from January 1934 to October 2008. ................... 114 A10. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island and Brown’s Island zone-wide shoreline change by period.using AMBUR Cumulative changes from April 1938 to October 2008 are listed in bold. ........................................................................ 115 A11. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Brown’s Island and Onslow Beach zone-wide shoreline change by period using AMBUR. Cumulative changes from January 1934 to October 2008 are listed in bold. ......................................................................... 117 A12. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island and Brown’s Island average shoreline cumulative changes for each zone using AMBUR ........................................................ 118 A13. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Brown’s Island and Onslow Beach average shoreline cumulative changes for each zone using AMBUR ......................................... 119 A14a. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island shoulder cumulative shoreline change from Inlet transect (IT) to transect BE5 from April 1938 to October 2008 x using AMBUR ................................................................................................................ 120 A14b. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BE6 through BE11 from April 1938 to October 2008 using AMBUR. ......................................................................................................................... 120 A14c. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BE12 through BE17 from April 1938 to October 2008 using AMBUR. ......................................................................................................................... 121 A14d. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BE18 through BE23 from April 1938 to October 2008 using AMBUR. ......................................................................................................................... 121 A14e. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BE24 through BE30 from April 1938 to October 2008 using AMBUR. ......................................................................................................................... 122 A15a. Summary of Bear Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects IT through BR5 from April 1938 to October 2008 using AMBUR. ......................................................................................................................... 122 A15b. Summary of Bear Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BR6 through BR11 from April 1938 to October 2008 using AMBUR. ............................................................................................................................. 123 A15c. Summary of Bear Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BR12 through BR17 from April 1938 to October 2008 using AMBUR. ......................................................................................................................... 123 A15d. Summary of Bear Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BR18 through BR23 from April 1938 to October 2008 using AMBUR. ......................................................................................................................... 124 A15e. Summary of Bear Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BR24 through BR30 from April 1938 to October 2008 using AMBUR. ......................................................................................................................... 124 A16a. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects IT through BR5 from January 1934 to October 2008 using AMBUR. ......................................................................................................................... 125 A16b. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transectsBR6 through BR11 from January 1934 to October 2008 using AMBUR. ......................................................................................................................... 125 xi A16c. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BR12 through BR17 from January 1934 to October 2008 using AMBUR. ........................................................................................ 126 A16d. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BR18 through BR23 from January 1934 to October 2008 using AMBUR. ......................................................................................................................... 126 A16e. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BR24 through BR30 from January 1934 to October 2008 using AMBUR. ......................................................................................................................... 127 A17a. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Onslow Beach cumulative shoreline change along transects IT through OB5 from January 1934 to October 2008 using AMBUR. ......................................................................................................................... 127 A17b. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Onslow Beach cumulative shoreline change along transects OB6 through OB11 from January 1934 to October 2008 using AMBUR. ......................................................................................................................... 128 A17c. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Onslow Beach cumulative shoreline change along transects OB12 through OB17 from January 1934 to October 2008 using AMBUR. ......................................................................................................................... 128 A17d. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Onslow Beach cumulative shoreline change along transects OB18 through OB23 from January 1934 to October 2008 using AMBUR. ......................................................................................................................... 129 A17e. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Onslow Beach cumulative shoreline change along transects OB24 through OB30 from January 1934 to October 2008 using AMBUR. ......................................................................................................................... 129 xii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Location of the study area (National Agriculture Imagery Program, hereafter NAIP) ................................................................................................................... 1 2. Bear and Brown’s inlet locations from a 1889 USGS chart (A) and from a 2008 Digital Orthophoto (B). Reference points for location comparison in red. Sources: UNC Library Archives (A) and NAIP (B). .......................................................... 2 3. Oblique aerial photograph depicting Brown’s Inlet, Onslow Beach and the location of the submarine headland, the boundary between sand-rich barrier islands to the northeast and sand-poor barrier islands to the southwest (toward the top of photograph). Source: William Cleary. .................................................. 5 4. Possible initial locations of Bear and Brown’s inlets’ ebb channels (blue dashed lines). Distance of migration of inlet opening (white arrows) to the location of the ebb channel in 2009. Photographic source: NAIP. ............................... 7 5. Idealized Inlet Morphology and Processes (Hayes, 1980).................................................. 8 6. Sediment bypassing along mixed-energy coasts using the ebb tidal and delta breaching model similar to what occurred along Bear and Brown’s Inlets during the period from April 1938 to October 2008. Source: FITZGERALD, 1988. .......... 12 8. Aerial photographs illustrating the changing morphology of Bear Inlet from April 1938 to October 2008. The dashed lines represent the location and position of the ebb channel. Photographic Source: USACE Wilmington, NC District Office and NC Department of Agriculture. ................................................... 15 9. Aerial photographs illustrating the changing morphology of Brown’s Inlet from April 1938 to October 2008. The dashed lines depict the location and alignment of the ebb channel. Photographic Source: USACE Wilmington, NC District Office and NC Department of Agriculture. ................................................... 16 10. Position and alignment of Brown’s Inlet’s ebb channel and ebb tidal delta in October 2008. Also depicted are the Inlet Minimum Width (IMW), the static inlet baseline (black dashed line) and the configuration of the shoreline (blue line) in 2008. Photographic source: NAIP. .............................................................. 17 11. Location of transects used to calculate shoreline change for Bear Inlet (A) and Brown’s Inlet (B). Three transects within the inlet shoreline and 15 along the oceanfront shoreline were constructed. Transects were named after the island in which they were located and numbered from closest to the inlet (1) to farthest (15). Photographic source: NAIP. .............................................................. 19 xiii 12. Location of the shoreline change zones for Bear Inlet (A) and Brown’s Inlet (B). Source: NAIP. ................................................................................................................... 20 13. Aerial photograph of Bear Inlet in 2008 showing examples of marsh islands, recurved dune ridges and the apparent surface area of the ebb tidal delta. Note the size of its tidal basin compartment and its wide floodway. Photographic source: NAIP ..................................................................................................................... 22 15. Bear Inlet minimum widths from 1938 to 2008. The maximum and minimum widths are labeled. ............................................................................................................ 24 16. Bear Inlet with the configuration of the ebb channels from April 1938 to October 2008. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. ..................... 24 17. Bear Inlet ebb channel azimuths from April 1938 to June 2008. Azimuths greater than 180° indicate orientation to the southwest (toward Brown’s Island) and azimuths less than 180° indicate orientation toward the northeast (toward Bear Island). Shore-normal ebb channel orientation is considered to be approximately 180 degrees. ..................................................................................... 25 18. Examples of Bear Inlet ebb channel and ebb shoals complex configurations from April 1938 to October 2008, grouped by periods in which channel deflection and ebb delta breaching episodes occurred. Ebb channel orientation is indicated by colored tracks with degrees bearing values. Shore-normal ebb channel orientation at Bear Inlet is approximately 180 degrees. Photographic Source: USACE Wilmington, NC District Office................. 26 19. Bear Inlet ebb channel migration in meters from April 1938 to October 2008. The negative values (represented by red bars) indicate that the channel was moving toward Bear Island. The positive values (represented by blue bars) represent the periods in which the channel migrated toward Brown’s Island. ................. 28 20. Bear Inlet width and ebb channel orientation changes from April 1938 to October 2008. The minimum inlet width of 293 meters occurred in March 2003, a period in which the ebb channel was roughly with the same orientation (165°) since March 2001. Spits on both shoulders of Bear Inlet were formed during this period and the baseline width was 559.3 meters. The maximum width occurred in 1938 when the ebb channel was skewed toward Brown’s Island, with its most southwestern orientation (225°). During the times in which the channel was in approximately shore-normal position (December 1985 and May 1994) the widths were low (424.6 m in 1985 and 402.9 m in 1994) and the values of the baseline widths were among the lowest (452 m in 1985 and 458 m in 1994). ................................................................................................................. 29 21. Cumulative average changes of Bear Island shoulder (Bear Inlet) from April 1938 to December 2008........................................................................................... 31 xiv 22. Cumulative average changes for Browns Island shoulder (Bear Inlet) from April 1938 to October 2008 .............................................................................................. 34 23. Aerial photograph of Brown’s Inlet in 2008 showing examples of recurved dune ridges and vegetated parabolic dunes, along with the location of the ebb channel and the apparent surface area of the ebb tidal delta. Photographic source: NAIP. .................................................................................................................... 39 24. Brown’s Inlet Net changes from 1872 to 1938 and from 1938 to 2008. From 1872 to 1938 (represented by the blue bars), Brown’s Island shoulder eroded along transects closest to the inlet and accreted on the remaining transects. Onslow Beach shoulder accreted along all transects during the same period. From 1938 to 2008 (red bars), Onslow Beach shoulder accreted along all transects and Brown’s Island shoulder eroded along all transects. .................... 40 25. Brown’s IMW (Inlet Minimum Width) from 1872 to 2008. The maximum inlet width was 433 m in March 2003 and the minimum inlet width of 129 m was measured in October 1983. ........................................................................................ 40 26. Brown’s Inlet ebb channels from 1938 to 2008. Source: NAIP ....................................... 41 27. Brown’s Inlet ebb channel azimuths from April 1938 to June 2008. Shorenormal ebb channel orientation is considered to be approximately 180 degrees. The maximum azimuth was 235º in April of 1938, when the channel was oriented toward Onslow Beach and the minimum azimuth was in August 1959 when the channel was oriented toward Brown’s Island. ......................... 42 28. Brown’s Inlet examples of channel deflection and ETD breaching from 1938 to 2008. Source: USACE North Carolina Wilmington District ........................................ 43 29. Brown’s Inlet ebb channel migration from 1938 to 2008. The negative values (red) indicate that the channel was moving toward Brown’s Island. The positive values (blue) represent the periods in which the channel migrated toward Onslow Beach. The maximum migration to the southwest was during the period of 1962 to 1974, when the ebb channel migrated 156 m (13 m/yr) to SW. The maximum migration to the northeast was during the period of 2003 and 2006 when the ebb channel migrated 76 m at a rate of 25 m/yr. ............................... 44 30. Brown’s Inlet width and ebb channel orientation changes from April 1938 to October 2008. .................................................................................................................... 45 31. Average cumulative changes for Onslow Beach shoulder (Brown’s Inlet) from April 1938 to October 2008 ..................................................................................... 47 32. Average cumulative changes for Brown’s Island shoulder (Brown’s Inlet) from April 1938 to October 2008. .................................................................................... 50 xv 33. Bear Inlet Average Cumulative Changes for Zones I and II from April 1938 to October 2008 acquired using DSAS (in red) and AMBUR (in dark blue). Bear Island shoulder, located northeast of Bear Inlet, had a cumulative average erosion of 26.3 m along Zone I using AMBUR and a cumulative average erosion of 27.9 m using DSAS. Along Zone II for the same shoulder, the cumulative average erosion was 6.7 m and 6.6 m (AMBUR and DSAS, respectively). Brown’s Island shoulder of Bear Inlet has had cumulative average erosion of 23.3 m (AMBUR) and 26.7 m (DSAS) along Zone I and cumulative average erosion values of 38 m (AMBUR) and 38.1 m (DSAS) along Zone II. .................................................................................................................... 55 34. Brown’s Inlet Average Cumulative Changes for Zones I and II from April 1938 to October 2008 acquired using DSAS (in red) and AMBUR (in dark blue). Brown’s Island shoulder had a cumulative average accretion of 0.08 m along Zone I using AMBUR and a cumulative average accretion of 0.59 m using DSAS. Along Zone II for the same shoulder, the cumulative average erosion was 11.3 m and 11.29 m (AMBUR and DSAS, respectively). Onslow Beach shoulder had cumulative average accretion of 78.7 m (AMBUR) and 77.9 m (DSAS) along Zone I and cumulative average accretion of 53.8 m (AMBUR) and 54.7 m (DSAS) along Zone II. ................................................................................... 56 35. Bear Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes from April 1938 to October 1949 (A) and from November 1949 to March 1962 (B). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows represent swash bars and the yellow-colored arrows represent spit development. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. ............................................. 57 36. Bear Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes from December 1974 to March 1962 (C) and from December 1974 to March 1989 (D). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, the yellow-colored arrows represent spit development and the pinkcolored arrows represent the presence of linear bars. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. ................................................................................ 59 37. Bear Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes from March 1989 to May 1990 (E) and from May 1990 to September 1996 (F). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, the yellow-colored arrows represent spit development and the pink-colored arrows represent the presence of linear bars. The dashed square is representing the location of an accretion bulge. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. .................................................................................................................. 62 38. Bear Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes from September 1996 to March 2001 (G) and from March 2001 to March 2003 (H). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, the yellow-colored arrows represent spit presence or development and xvi the dashed square is representing the location of an accretion bulge. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. ............................................. 64 39. Bear Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Bear Island shoulder from March 2003 (I) to October 2006 and from October 2006 to October 2008 (J). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, the yellow-colored arrows represent spit presence or development and the pink-colored arrows represent the presence of linear bars. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. ............................................. 65 40. Bear Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from April 1938 (A) to November 1949 and from November 1949 to March 1962 (B). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, the yellow-colored arrows represent spit presence or spit development and the pink-colored arrows represent the presence of linear bars. The dashed rectangles represent the presence of accretion bulges and the dashed orange ellipse mark the possible location of an ebb delta breaching episode. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. .................................................................................................................. 67 41. Bear Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from March 1962 (C) to December 1974 and from December 1974 to March 1989 (B). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, and the pink-colored arrows represent the presence of linear bars. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. .............................................................................................................................. 69 42. Bear Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from March 1989 to May 1990 (E) and from May 1990 to September 1996 (F). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sandcolored arrows swash bars, and the pink-colored arrows represent the presence of linear bars. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. ...................... 71 43. Bear Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from September 1996 to March 2001 (G) and from March 2001 to March 2003 (H). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sandcolored arrows swash bars, and the orange-colored arrow represent spit development. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. ...................... 73 44. Bear Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from March 2003 to October 2006 (I) and from October 2006 to October 2008 (J). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sandcolored arrows swash bars, and the yellow-colored arrow represents spit presence or development. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. .................................................................................................................. 75 xvii 45. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from March 2003 to October 2006 (I) and from October 2006 to October 2008 (J). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, and the yellow-colored arrow represents spit presence or development. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. .............................................................................................. 76 46. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from May 1958 to August 1959 (C) and from August 1959 to November 1960 (D). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, and the yellow-colored arrow represents spit presence or development. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. .............................................................................................. 78 47. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from November 1960 to March 1962 (E) and from March 1962 to December 1974 (F). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, and the yellow-colored arrow represents spit presence or development. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. .............................................................................................. 79 48. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from December 1974 to October 1983 (E) and October 1983 to October 1984 (F). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, and the pink-colored arrows represent linear bars. Black dashed rectangles represent the presence of accretion bulges. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. ............................................. 81 49. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from October 1984 to January 1987 (I) and January 1987 to October 1993 (J). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sandcolored arrows swash bars, and the pink-colored arrows represent linear bars. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. ............................................. 82 50. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from October 1993 to June 2002 (K) and from June 2002 to March 2003 (L). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, and the pink-colored arrows represent linear bars. Black dashed rectangles represent accretion bulges. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. ................................................................... 83 51. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from March 2003 to October 2006 (M) and from October 2006 to October 2008 (N). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, and the pink-colored arrows represent linear bars. Black dashed rectangles represent accretion bulges. Photographic xviii source: USACE Wilmington District Office. ................................................................... 84 52. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Onslow Beach shoulder from April 1938 to January 1945 (A) and from January 1945 to May 1958 (B). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels and the sand-colored arrows swash bars. Black dashed rectangles represent accretion bulges and the orange ellipse represents a potential site for an ebb delta breaching episode. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. .................................................................................................................. 85 53. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Onslow Beach shoulder from May 1958 to August 1959 (C) and from August 1959 to November 1960 (D). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars and the pink-colored arrow represent linear bars. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. ............................................. 87 54. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Onslow Beach shoulder from November 1960 to March 1962 (E) and from March 1962 to December 1974 (F). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars and the pink-colored arrows represent linear bars. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office............ 88 55. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Onslow Beach shoulder from December 1974 to October 1983 (G) and from October 1983 to October 1984 (H). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars and the pink-colored arrows represent linear bars. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office............ 90 56. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Onslow Beach shoulder from October 1984 to January 1987 (I) and from January 1987 to October 1993 (J). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars and the pink-colored arrows represent linear bars. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. .......................... 91 57. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Onslow Beach shoulder from October 1993 to June 2002 (K) and June 2002 to March 2003 (J). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels and the pink-colored arrows represent linear bars. Black dashed rectangles represent accretion bulges. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. ................. 92 58. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Onslow Beach shoulder from March 2003 to October 2006 (M) and from October 2006 to October 2008 (N). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand colored arrows represent swash bars and the pink-colored arrows represent linear bars. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. ............................................................................................................................... 94 xix INTRODUCTION Bear and Brown’s inlets are two unmodified, relatively stable, transitional and waveinfluenced inlets located in the central portion of Onslow Bay, North Carolina (Fig. 1). The inlets are situated along a coastal reach that is characterized by wide and relatively high, formerly progradational barrier islands. The barrier islands within this reach, extending from Beaufort Inlet to Browns Inlet, contain 15 to 20 times the volume of sand that comprises the typical transgressive barrier islands farther to the southwest (CLEARY, 1996). Bear inlet separates the western margin of the sand-rich, undeveloped Bear Island (location of Hammocks Beach State Park) from Brown’s Island, a military-controlled barrier island to the southwest. Brown’s Inlet separates the western margin of Browns Island from the northeastern margin of Onslow Beach, another military-controlled barrier island (Fig. 1). Figure 1: Location of the study area (National Agriculture Imagery Program, hereafter NAIP) Both Bear and Brown’s inlets have existed at relatively the same location and have been found in coastal charts of the area dating from the 19th century (Fig. 2; UNC Library Archives). Figure 2. Bear and Brown’s inlet locations from a 1889 USGS chart (A) and from a 2008 Digital Orthophoto (B). Reference points for location comparison in red. Sources: UNC Library Archives (A) and NAIP (B). These two inlet systems have not been studied in great detail, bordering undeveloped barrier islands that have not been subject to anthropogenic impacts. However the North Carolina (N.C.) Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM) has initiated a coast-wide effort to obtain all available data dealing with oceanfront shoreline changes, inlet system changes and the nature of the adjacent shoreface for a Beach and Inlet Management Plan for the next 50 years (NC BEACH AND INLET MANAGEMENT PLAN, 2011). The current data set lacks detailed information pertaining to the nature and causes of shoreline and inlet-induced change related to these two unique systems. An additional reason to study these inlets is that they are located on the western boundary between sand-rich barrier islands to northeast and sand-poor barrier islands to the 2 southwest. In the study area, both Bear and Brown’s Inlets are located in the Northern Province defined by RIGGS et al. (1995). The Northern Province is the coastal region in which availability of unconsolidated sediment is greater. However, the southwestern portion of Browns Inlet is located in the Southern Province, where there is only a thin and highly variable veneer of sand and mud of Quaternary age (CLEARY and RIGGS, 1999). Objectives The primary objective of this study was to compare the behavior of Brown’s and Bear Inlets through the acquisition of a robust data set that was used in an attempt to identify predictive relationships between inlet conditions and the response of the adjacent inlet and oceanfront shorelines. Questions addressed in this study included: 1) Are these systems exhibiting similar spatial and temporal changes in terms of morphology and the attendant shoreline response? 2) Are the nature and timing of ebb-delta breaching and the bar-bypassing events similar and if so are the adjacent shorelines responding in a similar manner? 3) What length of shoreline do these inlets control and which inlet parameter (channel shift, channel alignment, ebb delta symmetry, etc.) or combination thereof exerts the greatest control? From both management and research perspectives it is important to understand the difference or similarity in the behavioral patterns of these inlets with respect to long-term stability (both locational and morphologic changes) given their close proximity and similar hydrodynamic conditions. 3 Regional Setting The North Carolina coast lies along the northern flank of the Georgia Bight, a 1,200 km coastal reach extending from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina to Cape Canaveral, Florida (HAYES, 1980). The coast of North Carolina consists of a sequence of large capes and associated shoals, barrier islands, spits and occasional headland areas. A natural division of the North Carolina coast occurs near Cape Lookout. North of this Cape, the islands are separated from the mainland by wide open-water sounds, contrasting with the south where the estuaries that back the barrier islands are narrow and nearly filled with marsh (CLEARY and PILKEY, 1996). Onslow Bay, located between Cape Lookout and Cape Fear, borders nearly half of North Carolina’s 515-kilometer long shoreline (Figure 1). The shoreface in this region is underlain by primarily sedimentary geologic units that range in age from Miocene to Plio-Pleistocene (SNYDER et al., 1994). The sediment cover of the shoreface in this area is highly variable owing to the nature of the underlying rock units. The general deficiency of sediment results from low fluvial input and lack of sediment exchange along Long Bay and Raleigh Bay (CLEARY and PILKEY, 1968; RIGGS et al., 1995). Small Coastal Plain draining rivers empty into this coastal segment and this was probably the scenario during the late Pleistocene. As a consequence of the small fluvial system contribution, it is not surprising that this area also has the lowest sedimentation rate along the United States East Coast Shelf (CLEARY and PILKEY, 1968). The 13 barrier islands of Onslow Bay shoreline have a wide variety of physiographic forms, from overwash-dominated narrow barriers islands (sand-poor barriers islands) to sandrich barriers islands with large dunes and no washovers. The approximate boundary between sand-poor and sand-rich barriers islands occurs along Onslow Beach (OB) (Figure 3) where a 4 submarine headland composed of Tertiary limestone and sandstone forms a prominent protuberance along the coast (RIGGS et al., 1999). Bear and Brown’s inlets are located on the north and south shoulders of Brown’s Island, a 4.5 km barrier island with an average width of 600 m. The island has been classified as altered beach ridge barrier island (CLEARY, 1996). Large vegetated parabolic dunes characterize some portion of this island and the existence of large steep spillover lobes in the adjacent estuary provides evidence for the landward migration of the sand dunes. Bear Island is similar in nature to Brown’s Island and is characterized by large and variably vegetated parabolic dunes, some of which are actively migrating into the adjacent marsh. Figure 3. Oblique aerial photograph depicting Brown’s Inlet, Onslow Beach and the location of the submarine headland, the boundary between sand-rich barrier islands to the northeast and sand-poor barrier islands to the southwest (toward the top of photograph). Source: William Cleary. Onslow Beach, a 12.9 km barrier island controlled by the military, is separated from Browns Island by Brown’s Inlet to the northeast. This barrier island is the fifth longest in the 5 string of barrier islands that form the Onslow Bay shoreline and straddles the boundary between two sand-rich and sand-poor barrier islands. CLEARY and RIGGS (1998), in their inspection of aerial photographs and historic maps, revealed that Onslow Beach is composed of essentially two barrier island segments and a transition zone, each with a distinct history and morphology. The northeastern segment, which is the portion of the island investigated in this study, extends approximately 4 km southwest from Brown’s inlet and is characterized by multiple dune ridges which are 7 to 9 m high with a maximum width of 150 meters. This barrier island segment is the southernmost former regressive shoreline that occurs between Cape Lookout and Cape Fear and is part of the extensive regressive barrier sequence that extends west of Cape Lookout. Tides in this region are semi-diurnal and have a mean range of 0.92 m (CLEARY and RIGGS 1998). Since the islands bordered by Bear and Brown’s Inlets are oriented northeast to southwest, the waves propagate out of the east northeast to southwest and have an average height of 0.73 m (CLEARY and RIGGS 1998) and average wave period 7.52 seconds.. The average net longshore transport from 1976-1995 was 208,173cy/yr to the west (USACE 2004). Background and History Little detailed work has been published on Brown’s and Bear Inlets and only a few studies provide any information to compare their behavior. CLEARY and HOSIER (1987) provided information dealing with physiographic changes along Onslow Beach. CLEARY (1996) published a general overview of the Onslow Bay shoreline and the tidal inlets that occur along this region. Work by LANGFELDER et al. (1974) measured inlet parameters such as minimum inlet width, updrift and downdrift shoulder migration for this region, and included some description of the Brown’s and Bear Inlets. An atlas of all tidal inlets that occur along North Carolina coast was 6 published by CLEARY and MARDEN (1999) and the work of SAULT (1999) described the general behavior of Brown’s and New River inlets from 1938 to 1997. The reconnaissance study conducted by SAULT (1999), with limited shoreline data, indicated that Brown’s inlet’s ebb tidal delta has shifted about 380 m to the southwest during the last six decades. Cyclical shoreline changes along the northern and southern shoulders have been influenced by changes in the position and location of the ebb channel. Little is also known about the historic behavior of Bear Inlet, but it is likely that the initial position of the inlet was controlled by the location of an ancestral fluvial channel of Bear Creek (Figure 4). A regional reconnaissance analysis of modern and historic maps suggests that shifting of the ebb channel through the years is responsible for shoreline changes along adjacent barrier islands (CLEARY and MARDEN 1999). Figure 4. Possible initial locations of Bear and Brown’s inlets’ ebb channels (blue dashed lines). Distance of migration of inlet opening (white arrows) to the location of the ebb channel in 2009. Photographic source: NAIP. 7 Tidal Inlets A tidal inlet (Figure 5) is defined as an opening in the shoreline through which water penetrates the land and allows an exchange of water, sediment, nutrients and pollutants between the open ocean and the back barrier estuary (CLEARY and MARDEN, 1999). The main channel of a tidal inlet is maintained by tidal currents, which strongly influence the general dynamics of barrier island shorelines interrupting the longshore transport of sediment, affecting both the supply of sand to the adjacent beaches and the erosional-depositional processes along the inlet shoreline. The extent to which these systems interrupt the transport along shore depends on the local wave climate and tidal range (RIGGS, 1980). The greatest changes along barrier islands occur in the vicinity of inlets, and these changes are a direct consequence of tidal inlet processes such as inlet migration, sediment bypassing and sand losses to the back barrier among other processes (DAVIS and FITZGERALD, 2004). Figure 5. Idealized Inlet Morphology and Processes (Hayes, 1980) The number and length of barrier islands are controlled by the size and number of tidal inlets, which are primarily a function of the tidal range and bay area (HAYES, 1975). Along 8 microtidal coasts where tidal ranges are less than 2.0 m, the barrier islands are generally long and continuous, interrupted by few tidal inlets. However, along mesotidal coasts where the tidal range is between 2.0 and 4.0 m, the barrier islands are short and tidal inlets are more frequent (HAYES, 1975). Tidal inlets not only trap sediment but they are also responsible for long-term oceanfront erosion. This is caused by accumulation of sediment on the ebb tidal deltas, sediment transport into the back barrier of the environment and loss of sand to the littoral system. Although landward transport is a common process among flood-dominated inlets (where flood currents are greater than ebb currents) it can also occur in other inlets due to storm events. During these events, increased wave energy produces higher rates of sand transport towards inlets from adjacent beaches and towards ebb tidal deltas (FITZGERALD, 1988). A tidal inlet can suffer loss of sand caused by many processes. The building of recurved spits into the back barrier is considered one process responsible for sand loss at tidal inlets (Fig. 5). These spits result from the combined processes of flood tidal currents and refracted waves. The other process responsible for sand loss in tidal inlets is associated with inlet migration (HAYES, 1980). In this situation, sediment transported into the inlet and deposited on the updrift side is not replaced by loss of sediment on the erosional side of the channel. HAYES (1994) classified the inlets that occur along the Georgia Bight (from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina to Cape Canaveral, Florida) as tide-dominated, wave-dominated or transitional, depending on the dominant energy type. Transitional inlets, such as Bear and Brown’s Inlets have a highly variable morphology controlled by wave and tidal energy. They have abundant shoals choking the inlet throat with one ebb channel and one or more secondary flood channels (CLEARY, 1996). 9 The Ebb Tidal Delta Several types of sand bodies are associated with tidal inlets. Among these sand bodies, located on the seaward shoals of an inlet, are the ebb tidal deltas. Figure 5 illustrates the morphologic components of a typical inlet. These sand bodies represent huge reservoirs of sand and are formed by the interaction of waves and tidal currents and their overall morphology (HAYES, 1980). The extent to which these features are developed is a function of the tidal prism and the exposure to wave energy (HAYES, 1994). The morphological units of an ebb tidal delta (HAYES, 1980) include an ebb channel flanked by linear bars. Swash bars are separated from barrier islands by a marginal flood channel that transports ocean water to the back barrier island. The terminal lobe marks the seaward extent of the ebb delta. Regardless of size, these seaward shoals influence the ends of the barrier islands acting as natural breakwaters and modifying wave energy incident to the shoreline. Waves that approach the islands refract in such a manner that a region of sediment transport reversal occurs downdrift of the inlet (HAYES, 1994). Along mixed energy coasts, slight changes in volume of the ebb tidal delta can significantly affect the sand supply to adjacent beaches. When the location or the symmetry of the ebb channel is changed, there is a simultaneous change in the pattern of erosion and accretion on the adjacent shorelines (CLEARY, 1994). If the bay is filled, either naturally or as a result of anthropogenic alteration of the circulation, it will result in a decrease in the inlet tidal prism and consequently reduce the size of the ebb tidal delta. This decrease in size of the ebb delta ultimately leads to accretion along one or both adjacent shorelines. The reverse scenario occurs in terms of shoreline change if natural causes or anthropogenic activities result in an increase in 10 the tidal prism of an inlet which leads to the expansion of the ebb delta volume and shoreline erosion. Inlet Sediment Bypassing Sediment bypassing is the transport of sand from one side of the tidal inlet to the other side. This process controls the location and rate of sand nourishment to the downdrift barrier island. BRUN and GERRITSEN (1959) first described the natural mechanisms of inlet sediment bypassing by comparing the maximum discharge through an inlet to the alongshore sediment transport. The methods by which sediment is transferred across tidal inlets are: 1) wave-induced sand transport along the terminal lobe; 2) transport of sand in channels; and 3) migration of tidal channels and sand bars. (FITZGERALD, 1988) In order to explain sediment bypassing along mixed energy coasts, FITZGERALD (1988) proposed six models to explain sediment bypassing around mixed energy inlets. These models include inlet migration and spit breaching, stable inlet processes and ebb tidal delta breaching (FITZGERALD et. al, 2000). Although the models of sediment bypassing proposed by FITZGERALD (1988) are based on inlets which are mixed-energy tide-dominated and Bear and Brown’s Inlets are classified as mixed-energy wave-dominated, the mechanism of sediment bypassing referred to as ebb delta breaching is similar to what occurred on both inlets studied and therefore is described in this study and depicted in Figure 6. Ebb tidal and delta breaching occurs at tidal inlets that have stable throat positions, but whose main ebb channels cyclically migrate downdrift (Figure 6). The dominant direction of longshore transport at these sites produces a preferential accumulation of sediment on the updrift side of the ebb-tidal delta. The sediment accumulation causes a downdrift deflection of the main 11 ebb channel, which at some inlets may ultimately impinge against the downdrift inlet shoreline. This pattern of channel migration commonly induces erosion along the adjacent beach. A severe deflection of the main channel produces flow at the inlet that is hydraulically inefficient. Eventually, this condition results in the ebb discharge being diverted to a more direct seaward pathway through the ebb-tidal delta. The breaching process can occur gradually over a period of 6 to 12 months or catastrophically during a single storm when discharge of floodwaters increases the scouring of the ebb currents. Once formation of the new channel is completed, it will convey most of the inlet tidal prism. Thus, the abandoned channel gradually fills with sediment deposited by both tidal and wave generated currents. The breaching process commonly results in the bypassing of a large portion of the ebb delta sand. Some of this sand fills the old channel, while the rest forms a subtidal or intertidal bar complex that migrates onshore ultimately attaching to the landward beach. The entire developmental process takes from 5 to 10 years to complete (FITZGERALD, et. al, 2000). Figure 6. Sediment bypassing along mixed-energy coasts using the ebb tidal and delta breaching model similar to what occurred along Bear and Brown’s Inlets during the period from April 1938 to October 2008. Source: FITZGERALD, 1988. 12 METHODOLOGY Aerial photograph sets from 1938 to 2008 and historic coastal charts dating from 1850 to 1934 were analyzed to determine the influence of Bear and Brown’s Inlets on the adjacent shorelines. Photographs were obtained from a variety of sources including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, (USACE), the U.S. Marine Corps, the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM) and NC National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP). After initial observations of changes and trends, representative years (sets) of photographs were selected for the study. Photographs best representing the spatial extent of the study area were chosen. Although most recent photographs are color, some earlier coastal flyovers utilized black and white photography. Color photographs obtained at low tide reveal more identifiable and mappable features, and are more easily rectified. High quality black and white photographs were also used when color photographs were unavailable for a given year. Sets of photographs cover the extent of proposed Inlet Hazard Areas (IHAs) as designated by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM). Photographs with common scales were preferentially selected for analysis. The USACE, NCDCM and NAIP provided 20 sets of high-quality photographs that cover Bear Inlet, and 19 sets of photographs that cover Brown’s Inlet (Tables A1 and A2, APPENDIX). The scale of the photographs used in this study ranged between 1:12,000 and 1:20,000. The aerial photographs were scanned and georectified using ArcGIS™ version 9.2. The photographs of Bear inlet were rectified using the Onslow County Department of GIS Digital 13 Orthophotographic Quarter Triangles. For Brown’s inlet, the Orthophotographs were provided by the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM). The process of orthorectification provides geographical coordinates for any given point on an aerial photograph. Ground Control Points (GCP) representing the same location when possible on aerial photographs and the reference DOQ photograph were chosen. HUGHES et al. (2006) assessed the accuracy of georectified aerial photographs. They found that GCP type exerted a less consistent influence on test-point accuracy, suggesting that although hard-edged points are favored as GCPs, some soft-edged points (trees/shrubs) may be used without adding significant error (HUGHES et al., 2006). In this study, due to the undeveloped characteristic of the area where streets or houses were not available, features such as trees and shrubs were utilized for a total of at least 8 GCP’s per photograph. The Root Mean Square (RMS) Error resulted from each rectification was recorded to determine the georectification error, which is the pixel size multiplied by the RMS size (Tables A1 and A2, APPENDIX). A time series of georectified aerial photographs illustrating the historical and contemporaneous changes at Bear and Brown’s Inlets were produced. They were used to compare and contrast the morphological inlet features and adjacent shoreline change relative to a 1938 base year photograph and to each other. Figures 8 and 9 depict the changing morphology of Bear and Brown’s Inlets. 14 Figure 8. Aerial photographs illustrating the changing morphology of Bear Inlet from April 1938 to October 2008. The dashed lines represent the location and position of the ebb channel. Photographic Source: USACE Wilmington, NC District Office and NC Department of Agriculture. 15 Figure 9. Aerial photographs illustrating the changing morphology of Brown’s Inlet from April 1938 to October 2008. The dashed lines depict the location and alignment of the ebb channel. Photographic Source: USACE Wilmington, NC District Office and NC Department of Agriculture. After georectification, the shoreline positions were digitized based on the location of the wet/dry line visible on the photographs. This line represents the maximum high water position during a given tidal cycle and is widely used to digitize shoreline positions because it relatively easy to identify on historical aerial photographs (CROWELL et al. 1991). Inlet morphological features, including the ebb tidal delta, ebb channel position and alignment and the adjacent linear bars were also digitized. All digital shoreline files were projected to North Carolina State 16 Projection using the NAD 1983 datum and the GRS 1980 spheroid. All projections were placed in meter units prior to analysis by DSAS and AMBUR. Inlet minimum width was determined by measuring the minimum distance between the wet/dry lines on opposite sides of the inlet throat. Baseline inlet width was determined by measuring the inlet width along a static digital baseline. The October 2008 shoreline, ebb channel, and ebb tidal delta for Brown’s are shown in Figure 11, as well as the location of inlet minimum width for October 2008 and static inlet baseline. Figure 10. Position and alignment of Brown’s Inlet’s ebb channel and ebb tidal delta in October 2008. Also depicted are the Inlet Minimum Width (IMW), the static inlet baseline (black dashed line) and the configuration of the shoreline (blue line) in 2008. Photographic source: NAIP. Shoreline Change Measurement To provide a better understanding of changes within each inlet and along the adjacent shorelines, baselines parallel to the shoreline were constructed with two onshore for Brown’s Inlet and two onshore and one offshore for Bear Inlet. From these baselines, transect lines at intervals of 100 m perpendicular to the shoreline were created to measure the amount of 17 shoreline change and the nature of bar-bypassing over the years. The ArcGIS™ DSAS (Digital Shoreline Analysis System) version 4.2 extension was used to collect shoreline change data along each transect. Transects were numbered consecutively with transect 1 located closest to the inlet throat on the south shoulder of each inlet. Shoreline movement and rates of change were calculated by measuring between the baseline and historical high water lines. DSAS is a freely available software application that works within the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) Geographic Information System (ArcGIS) software. DSAS computes rate-of-change statistics for a time series of shoreline vector data. Version 4.2 was released in August 2010 and is compatible with ArcGIS 9.2 and above. It is supported on both Windows XP and Vista operating systems (THIELER et al., 2009). In order to compare results, a software package called AMBUR (Analyzing Moving Boundaries Using R) version 1.0 was also used to collect shoreline change data along each transect (JACKSON, 2010; JACKSON et al., in press). In order to be able to compare and contrast the results from both software packages, the same baselines were and the distance between transects was 50m. The AMBUR package for the R software provides a collection of functions for assisting with analyzing and visualizing historical shoreline change (JACKSON, 2010; JACKSON et al., in press). The package allows import and export of geospatial data in ESRI shapefile format, which is compatible with most commercial and open-source GIS software. Transects were named after the island on which they were located (e.g., BR for Browns Island shoulder, BE for Bear Inlet shoulder, OB to Onslow Beach shoulder and IT for transects located within the inlet throat). They were numbered consecutively, starting closest to each inlet (Figure 12). Due to the horizontal extent of the majority of the digital shorelines, this study used 18 15 transects located along each shoulder of the inlet for the data acquired through DSAS and 30 along each shoulder for the data acquired through AMBUR so as to cover the same distance covered by DSAS. Measurements of the movement of ebb channels and the inlet widths were also made in order to evaluate erosion or accretion patterns as well as cycles of morphologic change within each inlet system. Migratory histories of the ebb channels were determined using the digitized shorelines. Figure 11. Location of transects used to calculate shoreline change for Bear Inlet (A) and Brown’s Inlet (B). Three transects within the inlet shoreline and 15 along the oceanfront shoreline were constructed. Transects were named after the island in which they were located and numbered from closest to the inlet (1) to farthest (15). Photographic source: NAIP. 19 Delineation of Shoreline Change Zones When describing shoreline changes, previous studies commonly have grouped transects into shoreline change zones (MARDEN 1999; JACKSON, 2004; BUDDE, 2008, ROSE, 2009). A shoreline change zone is defined as a segment of the shoreline displaying an overall difference in magnitude of erosion or accretion from adjacent reaches due to one primary influencing factor, such as an inlet, or combination of factors (JACKSON, 2004). Rather than averaging transect changes over an entire shoreline segment, in this study changes were averaged by zone to provide a better understanding of the extent of inlet influence. This study utilized the location of the NCDCM IHA and the distance from the inlet to delineate and subdivide shoreline change zones (Figure 12). The Inlet Zone (IZ) on each inlet shoreline segment includes transects located within the inlet throat. Zone I includes transects located within and beyond the IHA and Zone II includes the remaining oceanfront shoreline. Figure 12. Location of the shoreline change zones for Bear Inlet (A) and Brown’s Inlet (B). Source: NAIP. 20 Shoreline Rate of Change Calculation DOLAN and FENSTER (1991) suggested using the linear regression rate (LRR) method if the purpose of a study is to better understand the impact of episodic events on long-term rates. Because this study addresses inlet influences on shoreline change, long-term shoreline change rates were calculated using the LRR method in AMBUR (JACKSON, 2010, JACKSON et al., in press). The LRR method utilizes all historical shoreline positions and the rate of change is the slope of the line that is the least-squares distance to the actual shoreline points (JACKSON, 2004). Although outliers in the data can affect the LRR, it is the most appropriate method for determining erosion rates since 1938 in this investigation. This study also utilized a separate method for calculating short-term rates of change. The EPR (End Point Rate) method was useful when describing shoreline changes subsequent to ebb channel orientation changes. The EPR of change during a given period was determined by dividing the distance of change from the first and last date by the number of elapsed years. RESULTS Shorelines are dynamic features in a constant state of change. Several factors, including incident and refracted waves, tidal currents, underlying geologic framework, frequency and magnitude of storms, sea-level rise, tidal inlet changes, and anthropogenic modifications can determine the variability of shoreline change. Unfortunately, no established methods exist that are able to statistically relate these external factors to long-term erosion and only apparent shoreline change trends and influences may be ascertained from analyses of the dataset and visual inspections of aerial photographs (JACKSON, 2004). Information pertaining to inlet morphology changes and erosion and accretion trends for each of the inlet shoulders is presented in this section. Due to the similarities between the data 21 obtained from DSAS and the data obtained from AMBUR, data obtained from DSAS are described and discussed in this study in more detail. The shoreline change data reflect ebb channel orientation and, accordingly, are presented by time periods; the beginning of each time period is marked by an ebb channel orientation change. To facilitate the determination of the spatial influence of each inlet, shoreline changes are grouped by zone. Tables listing inlet parameters and the oceanfront shoreline changes obtained using both DSAS and AMBUR are located in the Appendix section. Bear Inlet Changes Bear Inlet is a larger system than Brown’s Inlet (BRI) and is characterized by a more extensive tidal basin compartment as well as a larger floodway, shown in Figure 13. Figure 13. Aerial photograph of Bear Inlet in 2008 showing examples of marsh islands, recurved dune ridges and the apparent surface area of the ebb tidal delta. Note the size of its tidal basin compartment and its wide floodway. Photographic source: NAIP Analyzing the photographs and the shorelines acquired for this study the shoreline influenced by Bear Inlet was morphologically different from the period of 1872 to 1938 and 22 from 1938 to 2008, showing different erosion and deposition patterns between these two periods (Figure15). From 1872 to 1938, the Bear Island shoulder experienced accretion whereas Brown’s Island experienced erosion during the same period. From 1938 to 2008, however, both Bear Island (except the Inlet Transect) and Brown’s Island shoulders eroded. In order to avoid distortions in the cumulative changes and in the other rates used in this study, the 1872 shoreline was excluded from the GIS dataset. Figure 14. Bear Inlet net changes from 1872 to 1938 (red bars) and from 1938 to 2008 (blue bars). The negative values represent erosion and the positive values represent accretion. From 1872 to 1938 there was accretion close to the inlet along both Bear and Brown’s Islands, coastwise erosion along Brown’s Island and coastwise accretion along Bear Island. From 1938 to 2008 erosion occurred along the shorelines of both Bear and Brown’s Islands and accretion along the Inlet Transects. Figure 15 depicts the variation in inlet minimum width for Bear Inlet from 1872 to 1938. The maximum width was 787 meters in 1938 and in 1974 the width reached its minimum of 287 meters. The average minimum width was approximately 448 meters. 23 Figure 15. Bear Inlet minimum widths from 1938 to 2008. The maximum and minimum widths are labeled. The orientation of the ebb channel as it crosses the outer ebb delta can have profound effects on shoreline change by promoting or limiting sand-bypassing within the inlet system to adjacent beaches (JACKSON, 2004). Bear inlet’s ebb channel have undergone several cycles of deflection of variable length that played an important role on the configuration of the shoreline. Because of the inlet’s relatively wide floodway, the ebb channel has deflected on both the inner and the outer bar segment of the channels from 1938 to 2008. The distance in which the channels deflect on the inner portion is approximately 30 m wider than the distance on the outer bar (Figure 16). Figure 16. Bear Inlet with the configuration of the ebb channels from April 1938 to October 2008. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. 24 The orientation of Bear Inlet’s ebb channel has changed continuously since April 1938, as depicted in Figure 17. The maximum azimuth was 231º (March 1962), with the channel shifted toward Brown’s Island while the minimum azimuth was 140° (May 1994) when the channel was roughly in shore-normal position. Figure 17. Bear Inlet ebb channel azimuths from April 1938 to June 2008. Azimuths greater than 180° indicate orientation to the southwest (toward Brown’s Island) and azimuths less than 180° indicate orientation toward the northeast (toward Bear Island). Shore-normal ebb channel orientation is considered to be approximately 180 degrees. Examples of portions of cycles of ebb channel deflection and re-orientation are depicted in Figure 18. From April 1938 to October 1949 the channel shifted from oriented toward Brown’s Island with an azimuth of 225° to a position with an azimuth of 193° as consequence of an ebb-delta breaching episode. 25 Figure 18. Examples of Bear Inlet ebb channel and ebb shoals complex configurations from April 1938 to October 2008, grouped by periods in which channel deflection and ebb delta breaching episodes occurred. Ebb channel orientation is indicated by colored tracks with degrees bearing values. Shore-normal ebb channel orientation at Bear Inlet is approximately 180 degrees. Photographic Source: USACE Wilmington, NC District Office. Deflection towards Brown’s Island occurs between October 1949 and August 1959 (Figure 18 A); in March 1962 the ebb channel is oriented toward Brown’s Island with an azimuth of 231° (Figure 18 B). Between March 1962 and December 1974 the ebb tidal delta breached again and channel deflected toward Bear Island with an azimuth of 153°. In September 1984 the ebb channel was oriented toward Bear Island (Figure 18 C), assumed a shore-normal position between September 1984 and December 1985 (Figure 18 C) and went to a slightly northeast position toward Bear Island between December 1985 and January 1987 (azimuth from 178° to 145°) (Figure 18 C). The position of the ebb channel in March 1989 was roughly the same as in 26 1987 (Figure 18 D) but it deflected slightly toward Brown’s Island through another possible ebb delta breaching episode between March 1989 and August 1990 (azimuths from 168° to 215°) (Figure 18 D). From 1990 to October 1993, the ebb channel assumed an orientation toward Bear Island with an azimuth of 140° (Figure 18 D). Between October 1993 and May 1994 the channel shifted from toward Bear Island to a shore-normal position of 185° (Figure 18 E). Following another ebb delta breaching episode the channel shifted towards Brown’s Island between May 1994 and September 1996 with an azimuth of 217° (Figure 18 E). Between September 1996 and March 2001 the ebb channel shifted to a northeastern orientation toward Bear Island probably after another ebb delta breach (azimuths from 217° to 165°) (Figure 18 E). Between March 2001 and March 2003 the channel deflected toward Bear Island and shifted toward Brown’s Island probably between March 2003 and October 2006 due to another ebb-delta breaching episode (azimuths from 165° to 218°) as depicted in Figure 18 F. From March 2006 to October 2008 the channel moved from an orientation toward Browns Island to one going toward Bear Island as consequence of the development of a spit on Brown’s Island shoulder (Figure 18 F). The ebb channel not only shifted going toward one shoulder to another but the inlet migrated horizontally as well. Figure 19 depicts the ebb channel migration over the inlet baseline from 1938 to 2008. The maximum inlet migration to the northeast was between 1996 and 2001, when the inlet migrated 158 meters (31.8 m/y). The maximum migration to the southwest was between 2006 and 2008 when the ebb channel migrated 280 meters at a rate of 140 m/y. For the period of time studied, the dominant inlet migration was to the southwest at a rate of 8.5m/yr. 27 Figure 19. Bear Inlet ebb channel migration in meters from April 1938 to October 2008. The negative values (represented by red bars) indicate that the channel was moving toward Bear Island. The positive values (represented by blue bars) represent the periods in which the channel migrated toward Brown’s Island. Table 1 Bear Inlet Ebb channel migration rates from April 1938 to October 2008. Bear Inlet Ebb Channel Migration Rates (m/y) Period Ebb Channel 1838-1949 16.7 1949-1959 -4.5 1959-1962 74.9 1962-1974 -2.6 1974-1984 12.8 1984-1985 10.8 1985-1987 3.1 1987-1989 -2.3 1989-1990 -43.0 1990-1993 5.6 1993-1994 -9.2 1994-1996 30.8 1996-2001 -31.8 2001-2003 -64.0 2003-2006 33.4 2006-2008 140.1 1938-2008 8.5 Bear Inlet minimum widths correlated roughly with the orientation of the ebb channel (Figure 20). There is a time lag of variable length between the drastic changes in ebb channel 28 orientation and changes in inlet minimum width and in baseline width showing that the shoreline does not change as rapid as the changes in ebb channel orientation. The minimum inlet width of 293 meters occurred in March 2003, a period in which the ebb channel was roughly with the same orientation (165°) since March 2001; spits on both shoulders of Bear Inlet were formed during this period and the baseline width was 559.3 meters. The maximum width occurred in 1938 when the ebb channel was skewed toward Brown’s Island, with its most southwestern orientation (225°). During the times in which the channel was in approximately shore-normal position (December 1985 and May 1994) the widths were low (424.6 m in 1985 and 402.9 m in 1994) and the values of the baseline widths were among the lowest (452 m in 1985 and 458 m in 1994). Figure 20. Bear Inlet width and ebb channel orientation changes from April 1938 to October 2008. The minimum inlet width of 293 meters occurred in March 2003, a period in which the ebb channel was roughly with the same orientation (165°) since March 2001. Spits on both shoulders of Bear Inlet were formed during this period and the baseline width was 559.3 meters. The maximum width occurred in 1938 when the ebb channel was skewed toward Brown’s Island, with its most southwestern orientation (225°). During the times in which the channel was in approximately shore-normal position (December 1985 and May 1994) the widths were low (424.6 m in 1985 and 402.9 m in 1994) and the values of the baseline widths were among the lowest (452 m in 1985 and 458 m in 1994). During the period in which no drastic changes in ebb channel orientation occurred (Between December 1974 and December 1985) the values of baseline widths were decreasing 29 gradually (from widths of 611 m in 1974 to 395 m in 1985). However, when the channel shifted toward Bear Island (175° to 148°) in January 1987, the inlet and baseline widths did not suffer as drastic changes as did the channel orientation (inlet width ranged from 424.6 m in 1985 to 472.2 m in 1987 and baseline width ranged from 452 m in 1985 to 518 m in 1990). The periods of, or right after, possible ebb delta breaching episodes (sometime between 1938 and 1949, 1962 and 1974, 1990 and 1993, 1996 and 2001, and 2003 and 2006) were not followed by drastic changes in the values of the inlet and baseline widths. Table 2 Summary Bear Inlet data from April 1938 to October 2008. Bear Inlet Date Orientation IMW Baseline Width (mm/dd/yyyy) ( °) (m) (m) 04/25/1938 225 787.3 789.9 10/21/1949 193 332.0 673.4 08/16/1959 200 519.8 605.8 03/13/1962 231 349.0 745.7 12/01/1974 153 286.6 611.9 09/19/1984 178 426.5 485.9 12/22/1985 176 424.6 452.0 01/14/1987 145 472.2 518.1 03/25/1989 168 407.4 522.8 05/08/1990 215 406.2 453.6 10/29/1993 140 500.2 590.4 05/07/1994 185 402.9 458.2 09/15/1996 217 487.3 624.2 03/10/2001 165 638.3 712.6 03/10/2003 165 292.8 559.3 10/14/2006 218 390.1 415.1 10/03/2008 165 498.2 498.2 Bear Island Changes Inlet zone (IZ) along the Bear Inlet shoreline segment includes three transects located at the inlet (Figure 13A). Zone I includes transects BE1 through BE8 which are located within and right outside the IHA. Zone II includes transects BE9 through BE15. The shoreline 30 segment in Zone II will be referred to as the non-IHA oceanfront shoreline. Cumulative shoreline changes for each zone on Bear Island are shown in Figure 21. Figure 21. Cumulative average changes of Bear Island shoulder (Bear Inlet) from April 1938 to December 2008. Inlet Zone (IZ) The inlet zone (IZ) was the most variable segment along Bear Island with respect to shoreline change between April 1938 and October 2008. The IZ had an average of 162 m of cumulative average accretion since April 1938 at an EPR of 2.3 m/yr and a LRR of 3.7 m/yr (Table A4). Among the transects within the IZ the Inlet Transect (IT) was the most variable one, with an cumulative average accretion of 182 m at an EPR of 2.6 m/yr and LRR 4 m/yr. Between April 1938 and October 1949 the IZ shoreline reach retreated 41 m at an EPR of 3.7 m/yr. Accretion on Bear Island resumed and dominated the following period from October 1949 to August 1959 when the shoreline prograded an average of 128 m (12.8 m/yr EPR). During the subsequent period from August 1959 to March 1962 erosion resumed at an average total of 35 m (11.6 m/yr EPR). Accretion dominated the inlet zone from March 1962 31 to September 1984. The IZ migrated toward Brown’s Island an average of 170 m (7.7 m/yr EPR). Between September 1984 and December 1985 the zone retreated 33 m at 33 m/yr EPR. Accretion trends characterized the IZ of Bear Island from December 1985 to May 1989 with an average of 99 m (25 m/yr EPR). From May 1989 to October 1993 erosion resumed within the inlet zone when the shoreline retreated 109 m (27.2 m/y EPR). From October 1993 to May 1994 accretion occurred along the IZ shoreline reach and the shoreline advanced seaward an average of 31m (31m/yr EPR). Erosion dominated the IZ shoreline from May 1994 to March 2001when the shoreline retreated an average of 55 m (8 m/yr EPR). From March 2001 to March 2003 the shoreline advanced seaward an average of 131 m at an EPR of 65.5 m/yr. During the last period studied (March 2003 to October 2008), erosion occurred along the Inlet Zone and the shoreline retreated an average of 121 m at 24 m/yr. Zone I The segment of the shoreline referred to as Zone I includes some transects located within the IHA and others east of the current IHA (Figure 13A). The shoreline within this zone had a cumulative average erosion of 61 m (- 0.9 m/yr EPR and + 0.04 m/yr LRR) (Table A4). Between April 1938 and October 1949, the Zone I shoreline reach retreated an average of 74 m (7 m/yr EPR). The maximum average erosion was 124 m along transect BE2. Accretion on Bear Island oceanfront dominated the period from October 1949 to August 1959 when the shoreline prograded an average of 64 m at 6 m/yr EPR. The maximum accretion occurred along transect BE1 (141 m). During the period between August 1959 and March 1962 erosion resumed amounting an average of 71 m, 24 m/yr EPR. The Maximum erosion during this period was along transect BE1 (105 m). Accretion dominated the shoreline within Zone 1 32 from March 1962 to September 1985. This shoreline segment prograded an average of 77 m (3 m/yr EPR). BE1 was the transect with the highest accretion of 117 m recorded in 1984. From December 1985 to January 1987 the shoreline along this zone retreated an average of 33 m at (16.5 m/yr EPR). Accretion resumed and dominated the shoreline along Zone I from March 1989 to October 1993 at an average of 42 m (10.5 m/yr EPR). The highest accretion was found along transect BE1 (50 m measured in May 1990). From May 1994 to March 2001 erosion dominated Zone I (average 56 m from May 1994 to September 1996 28 m/yr EPR) with a maximum erosion of 96 m along transect BE1. Accretion resumed between March 2001 and March 2003 with an average of 46 m, 23 m/yr. Erosion resumed and dominated along Zone I between October 2003 and October 2008 (average of 45 m at 9 m/yr). Maximum erosion was measured in 2008 along transects BE1 and BE2 (49 m). Zone II Zone II is the easternmost shoreline zone along Bear Island (Figure 13A). The shoreline within this zone had a cumulative average erosion of 18 m, EPR 0.3 m/yr and LRR of + 0.1 m/yr from April 1938 until October 2008 (Table A4). Between April 1938 and October 1949 the Zone II shoreline retreated an average of 33 m (3 m/yr EPR). Accretion on Bear Island resumed and dominated the period from October 1949 to August 1959 when the shoreline prograded an average of 30 m (3 m/yr EPR). Between August 1959 and March 1962 erosion occurred once again at an average of 45 m (EPR of 15 m/yr). Accretion dominated the shoreline along Zone II from March 1962 to December 1974 and prograded an average of 72 m (6 m/yr EPR). The shoreline along Zone II eroded from December 1974 to January 1987 an average of 37 m (3 m/yr EPR). From March 1987 to May 1993 the shoreline along Zone II accreted at an 33 average of 23 m (4 m/yr EPR). From May 1994 to October 2008 there were five alternating periods of erosion and accretion along the non-IHA segment of the shoreline. The maximum erosion episode occurred between May 1994 and September 1996 at an average of 39 m, EPR of 18 m/yr. The maximum accretion episode occurred between March 2001 and March 2003 an average of 28 m, 14 m/yr EPR. Brown’s Island Changes The segment of the shoreline along Brown’s Island influenced by Bear Inlet was also divided into two oceanfront shoreline zones and one inlet zone. Inlet zone (IZ) along includes three transects located at the inlet shoreline (Figure 13A). Zone I includes transects BR1 through BR8 which are located within and east of the IHA. Zone II includes transects BR9 through BR15. The shoreline segment in Zone II will be referred to as the non-IHA oceanfront shoreline. Cumulative zone shoreline changes on Brown’s Island are depicted in Figure 22. . Figure 22. Cumulative average changes for Browns Island shoulder (Bear Inlet) from April 1938 to October 2008 34 Inlet Zone (IZ) The inlet zone (IZ) was the most variable segment on Bear Island with respect to shoreline change between April 1938 and October 2008. The IZ had a net average accretion of 30 m at an EPR of 0.4 m/yr and a LRR of -1.4 m/yr. The Inlet Transect (IT) was the most variable transect along the IZ with a cumulative average accretion of approximately 61 m (EPR of 0.9 m/yr and a LRR of -1 m/yr). Accretion dominated the IZ shoreline from April 1938 to December 1949. During this period, the shoreline prograded an average of 176 m at a rate of 16 m/yr. The maximum accretion was recorded in the vicinity of the Inlet Transect (IT). The period from November 1949 to March 1962 is characterized by erosion along the Inlet Zone, which retreated 120m at 9m/yr. The highest erosion value (87m) was measured along transect I2. From March 1962 to December 1974 accretion dominated the shoreline within the Inlet Zone. The shoreline prograded an average of 135 m at a rate of 11 m/yr. The maximum accretion of 160 m was measured along transect I2. The period between December 1974 and September 1984 is characterized by erosion along IZ. During this time the shoreline retreated 111 m at 9 m/yr. The highest erosion value (168 m) was measured along transect IT. From September 1984 to December 1985 accretion dominated the shoreline within the IZ and the shoreline prograded an average of 43 m at a rate of 43 m/yr. The maximum accretion of 63 m was measured along transect I2. Between December 1985 and May 1990, erosion dominated the shoreline within the IZ with an average of 116 m (23 m/yr EPR). The maximum erosion value was measured at transect I2 (100 m). Accretion dominated the four-year-period between May 1990 and May 35 1994 and the shoreline prograded an average of 53 m at rate of 13 m/yr. The maximum accretion was measured along transect I2 in (98 m in January 1987). Erosion dominated the IZ shoreline from May 1994 to March 2001 with the shoreline eroding an average of 115 m at a rate of 16 m/yr. The maximum erosion was measured in the vicinity of transect I2 (152 m). From March 2001 to October 2006 accretion was dominant and the shoreline within the IZ prograded an average of 181 m at a rate of 36 m/yr. The maximum accretion was measured at transect I2 (146 m). From October 2006 to October 2008 erosion became dominant with an average of 97 m at 48.5 m/yr. The maximum erosion was 132 m in the vicinity of the IT. Zone I The segment of the shoreline referred to as Zone I includes some transects located within the IHA and others east of the current IHA (Figure 13A). The shoreline within this zone had a net average erosion of 79 m (1 m/yr EPR and 1.7 m/yr LRR) (Table A2). From April 1938 to August 1959 the shoreline along Zone II was dominated by accretion. The shoreline prograded an average of 60 m at 3 m/yr. The maximum accretion of 83 m was measured at transect BR2 (November 1949). Erosion occurred from August 1959 to March 1962, an average of 61 m (20 m/yr EPR). The maximum advance landward of 109 m was measured along transect BR7. Accretion resumed from March 1962 to December 1974 at an average of 33 (2.5 m/yr EPR). The maximum accretion was measured along transect BR7 (55 m). Erosion occurred from December 1974 to September 1984 with an average of 64 m at an EPR of 6 m/yr. Maximum erosion of 73 m occurred along transect BR4. Accretion dominated until December 1985 with an average of 20 m at 20 m/yr and a maximum accretion along transect BR8 (35 m). 36 Erosion was dominant at the shoreline along Zone I from December 1985 to September 1996. During this period of 11 years the shoreline eroded an average of 77 m at 7 m/yr. Accretion occurred from September 1996 to March 2001 when shoreline the shoreline along Zone I accreted 44 m at 9 m/yr. From 2003 to 2008 there were 2 episodes of erosion and 2 episodes of accretion. Erosion occurred twice in the 5-year period: one from March 2001 to March 2003 when the shoreline eroded 24 m at 12 m/yr and another from October 2006 and October 2008 when 21 m erosion occurred at 11.5 m/yr. From 1996 to 2001 the shoreline along Zone I accreted an average of 44 m at 9 m/yr. Accretion of 9 m occurred from March 2003 and October 2006 at 3 m/yr. BR3 was the transect with the maximum erosion (27 m). Zone II The Zone II segment of the shoreline comprises the easternmost transects of Brown’s Island shoulder. The shoreline along this zone had a average net erosion of 97 m at 1.4 m/yr (EPR) and 1.3 m/yr (LRR). From April 1938 to November 1949 erosion occurred along Zone II at an average of 17 m (1.5 m/yr EPR). The maximum erosion was measured along transect BR15 (26 m). From November 1949 to September 1984, there were alternating periods of erosion and accretion. Accretion dominated the shoreline along Zone II from November 1949 to August 1959, when the shoreline prograded an average of 52 m at 5.2 m/yr. The maximum accumulation was recorded in the vicinity of transect BR10 (71 m). The following three years were characterized by the erosion along Zone II shoreline. From August 1959 to March 1962 there was an average erosion of 73 m at 24 m/yr. Transects BR9 and BR10 were the ones where the highest erosion values occurred (87 m). The shoreline 37 along Zone II prograded 65 m from March 1962 to December 1974, at 5.4 m/yr EPR. The maximum accretion value was measured along transect BR15 (82 m). Between December 1979 and September 1984 the shoreline along non-IHA zone eroded 77 m at 15 m/yr. The maximum erosion value was measured along transect BR15 (94 m). Zone II accreted an average of 28 m from September 1984 to January 1987 at 10 m/yr. The maximum progradation of 34 m was measured along transect BR15. Erosion was dominant once again from January 1987 to March 1989 with an average of 30 m at15 m/yr. Transect BR15 had the highest erosion value (34 m). Accretion dominated the Zone II shoreline from March 1989 to October 1993 at an average of 19 m and 5 m/yr EPR. The maximum accretion value was measured in the vicinity of transect BR15 (18 m in May 1990). The period between October 1993 and September 1996 was dominated by erosion along Zone II shoreline at an average of 52 m and 17 m/yr EPR. The maximum erosion value was of 32 m along transect BR15. Between September 1996 and March 2001 the shoreline at Zone II accreted an average of 33 m at 6.6 m/yr. Transect BR10 was the transect with the maximum accretion (42 m). Erosion dominated Zone II from March 2001 to October 2008, when the shoreline eroded an average of 46 m and at 6.5 m/yr. The highest value of erosion was of 24 m at BR10. Brown’s Inlet Changes Brown’s Inlet is similar in nature to Bear Inlet (BEI), being relatively stable. However it is smaller (approximately 75% of BEI size) and it is confined to a smaller tidal basin. Since the dredging of the AIWW (Atlantic Intercoastal Waterway) around 1930, it is confined to a smaller space due to its proximity to the waterway. (Figure 24). 38 Figure 23. Aerial photograph of Brown’s Inlet in 2008 showing examples of recurved dune ridges and vegetated parabolic dunes, along with the location of the ebb channel and the apparent surface area of the ebb tidal delta. Photographic source: NAIP. The shoreline divided by Brown’s inlet was also different between the period from 1872 to 1938 and from 1938 to 2008 and also presented different erosion and deposition patterns during these two periods (Figure 24). From 1872 to 1938, Brown’s Island shoulder eroded along transects closest to the inlet and accreted on the remaining transects with the highest changes occurring farthest from the inlet. Onslow Beach shoulder accreted along all transects during the same period. From 1938 to 2008, Onslow Beach shoulder accreted along all transects and Brown’s Island shoulder eroded along all transects during the same period. In order to avoid distortions in the cumulative changes and in the other rates used in this study, the 1872 shoreline was also excluded from the GIS dataset for Brown’s Inlet. 39 Figure 24. Brown’s Inlet Net changes from 1872 to 1938 and from 1938 to 2008. From 1872 to 1938 (represented by the blue bars), Brown’s Island shoulder eroded along transects closest to the inlet and accreted on the remaining transects. Onslow Beach shoulder accreted along all transects during the same period. From 1938 to 2008 (red bars), Onslow Beach shoulder accreted along all transects and Brown’s Island shoulder eroded along all transects. Figure 25 depicts the variation in IMW (inlet minimum width) for Brown’s Inlet from 1872 to 1938. The maximum inlet width was 433 m in March 2003 and in 1983 the inlet width reached its minimum value of 129 m. Figure 25. Brown’s IMW (Inlet Minimum Width) from 1872 to 2008. The maximum inlet width was 433 m in March 2003 and the minimum inlet width of 129 m was measured in October 1983. Even though it is smaller and confined to a much smaller area the position of the ebb and channels have changed significantly, influencing the erosion and accretion patterns along Onslow Beach and Brown’s Island shoulders. These changes in channel orientation caused the 40 ebb delta to undergo significant changes in shape which have caused alterations in the ebb tidal delta (ETD) breakwater effect along opposite oceanfront shorelines. Brown’s inlet’s ebb channel has been characterized by several channel deflection episodes, that have played an important role in the configuration of the shoreline. Brown’s Inlet’s channel (except at January 1945 and April 1938) have deflected along a distance of 137 m within the throat and along a distance of 1100 m across the outer bar segment (Figure 26). Figure 26. Brown’s Inlet ebb channels from 1938 to 2008. Source: NAIP The orientation of Brown’s Inlet’s ebb channels have changed repeatedly from April 1938 to October 2008 (Figure 26). The maximum azimuth was 235º in April of 1938, when the channel was oriented toward Onslow Beach and the minimum azimuth was 150° in August 1959 when the channel was oriented toward Brown’s Island (Figure 27). 41 Figure 27. Brown’s Inlet ebb channel azimuths from April 1938 to June 2008. Shore-normal ebb channel orientation is considered to be approximately 180 degrees. The maximum azimuth was 235º in April of 1938, when the channel was oriented toward Onslow Beach and the minimum azimuth was in August 1959 when the channel was oriented toward Brown’s Island. Figure 28 depicts portions of various cycles of channel deflection in Brown’s Inlet from April 1938 to October 2008. From April 1938 to December 1945 the ebb channel shifted from a southwest orientation toward Onslow Beach at an azimuth of 235° to an approximately shorenormal position (176°). The 17 year period from December 1945 from March 1962 was characterized by channel deflection. The channel remained to a roughly shore-normal orientation and slightly towards Brown’s Island with an azimuth ranging between 176° (December 1945), 165° (April 1958 and November 1960) and 150°-152° (August 1959 and March 1962). Ebb delta breaching occurred during the period from March 1962 to December 1974, when the channel shifted from roughly toward Brown’s Island (152° azimuth) to roughly toward Onslow Beach (199° azimuth). From December 1983 to October 1993 the channel deflected from a shore-normal orientation (183° azimuth in October 2003) to a southwest orientation toward Onslow Beach (maximum azimuth of 215° in January 1987). Another ebb delta breaching episode occurred between October 1993 and June 2002, when the channel shifted from 205° azimuth in October 1993 to a shore-normal position (180° 42 azimuth) in June 2002. From March 2003 to October 2008 the channel deflected from a roughly shore-normal orientation in March 2003 (170° azimuth) to slightly toward Onslow Beach (193° azimuth in 2006) and slightly toward Brown’s Island (168° azimuth in 2008). Figure 28. Brown’s Inlet episodes of channel deflection and ETD breaching from 1938 to 2008. Source: USACE North Carolina Wilmington District. 43 The ebb channel not only shifted going toward one shoulder to another but the inlet migrated to the southwest as well. Figure 29 depicts the ebb channel migration along the inlet baseline from April 1938 to October 2008. The maximum southwest channel migration was during the period of 1962 to 1974, when the ebb channel migrated 156 m (13 m/yr) to SW. The maximum migration to the northeast was during the period of 2003 and 2006 when the ebb channel migrated 76 m at a rate of 25 m/yr (Table 3). From the period of time studied, the dominant direction of inlet migration was to the southwest at a rate of 5 m/yr. Figure 29. Brown’s Inlet ebb channel migration from 1938 to 2008. The negative values (red) indicate that the channel was moving toward Brown’s Island. The positive values (blue) represent the periods in which the channel migrated toward Onslow Beach. The maximum migration to the southwest was during the period of 1962 to 1974, when the ebb channel migrated 156 m (13 m/yr) to SW. The maximum migration to the northeast was during the period of 2003 and 2006 when the ebb channel migrated 76 m at a rate of 25 m/yr. 44 Table 3. Brown’s Inlet Ebb Channel migration rates. Brown’s Inlet Ebb Channel Migration Rates (m/yr) Periods 1938-1945 1945-1958 1958-1959 1959-1960 1960-1962 1962-1974 1974-1983 1983-1984 1984-1987 1987-1993 1993-2002 2002-2003 2003-2006 2006-2008 1938-2008 Ebb Channel 20.5 7.2 43.5 -35.7 -13.1 13.0 17.3 30.9 9.3 -2.6 -7.6 35.5 -25.2 58.7 5.1 There is a rough correlation between ebb channel orientation, IMW and baseline width. The values in IMW and baseline width changed with changes in channel orientation, although there is time lag of variable length between changes in ebb channel orientation and the variation in IMW and baseline width (Figure 30). Values of baseline width and IMW for Brown’s Inlet are listed in Table 4. Figure 30. Brown’s Inlet width and ebb channel orientation changes from April 1938 to October 2008. 45 Table 4. Brown’s Inlet values of IMW, Baseline width and ebb channel orientation from 1872 to 2008. Brown’s Inlet Summary Data Date 01/01/1872 04/25/1938 01/24/1945 05/04/1958 08/16/1959 11/20/1960 03/13/1962 12/01/1974 10/03/1983 10/03/1984 01/13/1987 10/29/1993 06/05/2002 03/10/2003 10/14/2006 10/03/2008 Orientation (°) N/A 235 176 165 150 165 152 199 183 205 215 205 180 170 193 168 IMW (m) 189 182 332 322 352 286 306 243 129 200 328 329 373 433 328 358 Baseline Width (m) 228.9 358.8 380.4 426.8 386.7 474.8 327.8 208.9 344.9 413.0 443.8 524.3 482.5 366.5 397.6 228.9 Onslow Beach Shoreline Changes The southwestern shoulder of Brown’s Inlet was divided into three zones. The closest zone to the inlet, referred to as Inlet Zone shoreline, contains transects located within the IHA (Transects IZ1 through IZ4). One transect was separated within the IZ and called Inlet Transect (IT) (Figure 13). Values of cumulative average changes for Onslow Beach shoulder are depicted at Figure 31. 46 Figure 31. Average cumulative changes for Onslow Beach shoulder (Brown’s Inlet) from April 1938 to October 2008 Inlet Zone (IZ) The Inlet Zone (IZ) is the closest one to the inlet and the most variable of the three zones, with an average net erosion of 301 m, 5 m/yr EPR and LRR. From January 1934 to April 1938, the shoreline along IZ accreted an average of 61 m at 15 m/yr. The maximum accretion value was measured along transect IZ1 (158 m). From April 1938 to January 1945 an ebb delta breaching event might have been indirectly responsible for erosion along IZ at an average of 91m (13 m/yr). Maximum erosion was measured in the vicinity of transect IZ1 (270m). From January 1945 to December 1974, channel deflection slightly to the NE (toward Brown’s Island) led to erosion along the shoreline within Zone I. The shoreline eroded an average of 186 m (6.4 m/yr). A maximum erosion of 107 m was measured along IZ2. Between December 1974 and October 1983 the shoreline prograded an average of 70 m at (7.7 m/yr). The maximum accretion of 108 m was measured along IZ1. Between October 1983 and October 1993 the ebb channel deflected to southwest with no evidence of ebb delta 47 breaching episodes. During this period, erosion occurred at an average of 237 m (24 m/yr). The maximum erosion was measured along IZ1 (139 m). Between October 1993 and June 2002 the shoreline along IZ accreted an average of 28 m (3 m/yr). Channel deflection to the northeast, (toward Brown’s Island) was the probable cause of erosion from October 2006 to October 2008 at an average of 62 m (31 m/yr EPR). Zone I Zone I contains transects located within and east of the IHA (OB1 thru OB8). From 1934 to 2008 this zone showed an opposite trend compared to the IZ, displaying an average net accretion of 146 m (2 m/yr EPR and 1.6 m/yr LRR). This segment of the shoreline was also affected by changes in channel alignment. Accretion was dominant along the shoreline from January 1934 to May 1958 with an average 90 m at 4 m/yr. The highest accretion occurred along transect OB8 (63 m). The period between 1958 and 1962 was characterized by erosion at an average of 69 m (17 m/yr). Maximum shoreline loss was recorded at transect OB8 (68 m). An ebb delta breaching event between March 1962 and December 1974 was the likely cause of accretion along Zone I. This segment of the shoreline prograded an average of 51 m (4 m/yr). From December 1974 to October 1983 the shoreline retreated an average of 4 m (0.4 m/yr). Between October 1983 and October 1984 accretion of 20 m (20 m/yr) occurred. Erosion occurred from October 1984 to January 1987 with an average of 25 m (8 m/yr). Accretion resumed and dominated the shoreline within Zone I from January 1987 to March 2003 with an average of 89 m (5.5 m/yr). The shoreline within Zone I retreated an average of 37 m between 48 March 2003 and October 2006 (12 m/yr) followed by accretion from October 2006 to October 2008 with a 30 m average (15 m/yr). Zone II Zone II contains the westernmost transects along shoreline of Onslow Beach investigated in this study. It contains 7 transects (OB9 to OB15) and it is considered to be the zone least influenced by Brown’s Inlet. From the period of 1934 to 2008 this segment of the shoreline had a net average accretion of 95 m (1.3 m/yr EPR and 0.9 m/yr LRR). Accretion dominated the shoreline within Zone II from January 1934 to May 1958 at an average of 100 m (4 m/yr). During the period from May 1958 to March 1962 erosion dominated the Zone II shoreline an average of 84 m (21 m/yr). Accretion was dominant from March 1962 to October 1984, when the shoreline prograded an average of 71 m (3 m/yr). Alternate periods of erosion and accretion occurred along Zone II shoreline from October 1984 to June 1998. The maximum erosion was between October 1984 and January 1987 (59 m at an EPR of 20 m/yr). During the period of June 1998 to March 2003 accretion occurred at an average of 23.5 m (5 m/yr). The landfall of hurricane Ophelia on the North Carolina coast in 2005 was likely the responsible for an erosion of 19 m between March 2003 and October 2006. Between October 2006 and October 2008 accretion occurred at an average of 19 m (9.5 m/yr). Brown’s Island Changes The northeastern shoulder of Brown’s Inlet was also divided into three zones. The zone closest zone to the inlet, called Inlet Zone, contains transects located within the IHA (Transects IZ1, IT and IZ2), Zone I contains transects located east of the IHA (transects BR1 through BR8) 49 and Zone II, which contains transects farthest from the inlet (BR9 thru BR15). Values of cumulative average changes for Brown’s Island shoreline are depicted at Figure 32. Figure 32. Average cumulative changes for Brown’s Island shoulder (Brown’s Inlet) from April 1938 to October 2008. Inlet Zone The Inlet Zone (IZ) is the closest one to the inlet and the most variable of the three zones, with a cumulative average accretion of 381 m (5 m/yr EPR and a LRR). Although the ebb channel does not change its alignment to the same degree and as rapidly as Bear Inlet’s ebb channel, the constant deflection that occurs is sufficient to promote significant changes along the IZ. Accretion dominated the shoreline within the Inlet Zone from January 1934 to May 1958. In 24 years, the shoreline prograded an average of 141 m (6m/yr). From May 1958 to August 1959 the shoreline along IZ eroded an average of 3 m (3 m/yr). Accretion became dominant again from August 1959 to November 1960 when the shoreline prograded an average of 51 m 50 (51m/yr). From November 1960 to March 1962 erosion resumed and dominated this shoreline an average of 25 m (12.5m/yr). From March 1962 to October 1983 the shoreline accreted an average of 252 m at 12 m/yr. From October 1983 to October 1984 the shoreline along the Inlet Zone eroded an average of 64.5 m (64.5 m/yr). Accretion dominated the inlet zone from October 1984 to October 1993 at an average of 52 m (6 m/yr). From October 1993 to June 1998 the shoreline reach along the inlet zone eroded an average of 64.5 m (13 m/yr). Accretion resumed and became dominant along the inlet zone from June 1998 to March 2003 when the shoreline prograded an average of 11 m (2 m/yr). From March 2003 to October 2006 erosion was dominant along the inlet zone at an average of 7 m (2 m/yr). Accretion was dominant in the last 2 years of the dataset created in this study. From October 2006 to October 2008 the shoreline prograded an average of 38 m at a rate of 19 m/yr. Zone I Zone I comprises transects located within and eastward the IHA (BR1 thru BR8). From 1934 to 2008 less variation occurred along this zone at a cumulative average erosion of 45 m, (0.6 m/yr EPR and 0.75 m/yr LRR). This segment of Brown’s Island was also affected by changes in channel orientation but the changes were less extreme than in the Inlet Zone. From January 1934 to April 1938 the shoreline long Zone I accreted an average 35 m (9 m/yr). The maximum accretion value was of 39 m in the vicinity of transect BR7. From April 1938 to January 1945 the shoreline within Zone I retreated an average of 51 m (7m/yr), reaching its maximum retreat along transect BR1 (60 m). 51 Accretion resumed and became dominant along Zone I from January 1945 to August 1959. During this period of time the shoreline reach prograded an average of 63 m (4.5 m/yr) and the maximum accretion value was measured along transect BR1 (78 m in May 1958). Between August 1959 and December 1974 erosion resumed and dominated along the shoreline within Zone I. During 15 years, the shoreline eroded at an average of 59 m (4 m/yr EPR). The maximum erosion value was of 61 m measured in the vicinity of transect BR1 (December 1974). From December 1974 to October 1984 accretion was dominant. In this ten-year period the shoreline reach along Zone I prograded an average of 46 m (4.5m/yr). The maximum accretion value of 79 m was measured along transect BR1. Erosion resumed and became dominant from October 1984 to June 2002. In approximately 18 years this portion of the shoreline retreated an average of 72 m (4 m/yr). The maximum erosion value was measured along transect BR1 (42 m). Accretion became dominant from June 2002 to March 2003, when the shoreline within Zone I accreted an average of 7 m (7 m/yr). The maximum accretion value was measured at the vicinity of transect BR4 (11 m). The three-year period between March 2003 and October 2006 is characterized by erosion along Zone I at an average of 17 m (6 m/yr EPR). The maximum retreat was of 27m along transect BR8. From October 2006 to October 2008 the shoreline along Zone I accreted, at an average of 3 m (1.5m/yr) with its maximum accretion of 15 m measured along transect BR8. Zone II The shoreline delimited by Zone II includes transects BR9 to BR15 and is the farthest zone from the inlet. Like along Zone I, the shoreline along Zone II showed less variation than 52 what was recorded within the Inlet Zone. The shoreline along Zone II had a cumulative average erosion of 42 m from January 1934 to October 2008 (0.56 m/yr EPR 0.52 m/yr LRR). From January 1934 to April 1938 the shoreline within Zone II prograded an average of 37 m (9 m/yr). The maximum accretion value was measured in the vicinity of transect BR15 (40 m). From April 1938 to May 1958 erosion became dominant along the shoreline within Zone II. In 20 years the shoreline retreated an average of 60 m (3 m/yr), and the maximum erosion value of 38 m was recorded in January 1945 in the vicinity of transect BR9. Accretion resumed and became dominant from May 1958 to August 1959 at an average of 25 m (25 m/yr). The maximum accretion value was found at transect BR9 (32 m). The portion of the shoreline along Zone II eroded once again from August 1959 to December 1974 at an average of 35 m, (2 m/yr). The shoreline retreated the most along transect BR15 (28 m). From December 1974 to October 1983 the shoreline reach within Zone II prograded an average of 37 m (4 m/yr), with the maximum value measured in the vicinity of transect BR15 (41m). From October 1983 to January 1987 erosion became dominant again along Zone II. In approximately three years the shoreline retreated an average of 7 m (2m/yr). The maximum erosion value of 11 m was measured along transect BR12. The six-year period between January 1987 and October 1993 was characterized by oceanfront accretion within Zone II. During this period of time the shoreline reach prograded an average of 10 m (2 m/yr). The maximum accretion value of 14.5 m was measured in the vicinity of transect BR15. From October 1993 to June 2002 this portion of Brown’s Island eroded an average 32 m (3.5 m/yr). The maximum erosion values for this period of time was measured at transect BR11 (32 m). 53 Two periods of accretion and one period of erosion were identified for the shoreline within Zone II from June 2002 to October 2008. The accretion periods occurred between June 2002 and March 2003 (2 m average accretion, EPR of 2 m/yr) and from October 2006 to October 2008 (2 m average accretion, EPR of 1 m/yr). The erosion period occurred between March 2003 and October 2006 at an average of 19 m (6.5m/yr). The maximum accretion value was measured along transect BR9 in October 2008 (11 m) and the maximum erosion value of 23 m was recorded in the vicinity of transect BR12 (October 2006). AMBUR Data AMBUR, a GIS extension used to study shoreline change (JACKSON, 2010, JACKSON et al., in press.) was used in order to compare and contrast the results in shoreline change acquired using DSAS for Bear and Brown’s Inlets and their adjacent shorelines. Transects were spaced 50 m from each other (in DSAS the distance between transects was 100 m), baselines and the shoreline data were the same as DSAS, as well as the confidence interval of 95%. The cumulative average changes for zones I and II were very similar to the ones recorded using DSAS for both Bear and Brown’s inlets. Due to this similarity, this section of this study describes the results obtained from DSAS. Figure 33 depicts the average cumulative changes for Bear Inlet from April 1938 to October 2008. Bear Island shoulder, located northeast of Bear Inlet, has had a cumulative average erosion of 26.3 m along Zone I using AMBUR and a cumulative average erosion of 27.9 m using DSAS. Along Zone II for the same shoulder, the cumulative average erosion was of 6.7 m and 6.6 m (AMBUR and DSAS, respectively). 54 Brown’s Island shoulder of Bear Inlet has had cumulative average erosion of 23.3 m (AMBUR) and 26.7 m (DSAS) along Zone I and cumulative average erosion values of 38 m (AMBUR) and 38.1 m (DSAS) along Zone II. Figure 33. Bear Inlet Average Cumulative Changes for Zones I and II from April 1938 to October 2008 acquired using DSAS (in red) and AMBUR (in dark blue). Bear Island shoulder, located northeast of Bear Inlet, had a cumulative average erosion of 26.3 m along Zone I using AMBUR and a cumulative average erosion of 27.9 m using DSAS. Along Zone II for the same shoulder, the cumulative average erosion was 6.7 m and 6.6 m (AMBUR and DSAS, respectively). Brown’s Island shoulder of Bear Inlet has had cumulative average erosion of 23.3 m (AMBUR) and 26.7 m (DSAS) along Zone I and cumulative average erosion values of 38 m (AMBUR) and 38.1 m (DSAS) along Zone II. Figure 34 depicts the average cumulative changes for Brown’s Inlet from April 1938 to October 2008. Brown’s Island shoulder, located northeast of Brown’s Inlet, has had a cumulative average accretion of 0.08 m along Zone I using AMBUR and a cumulative average accretion of 0.59 m using DSAS. Along Zone II for the same shoulder, the cumulative average erosion was of 11.3 m and 11.29 m (AMBUR and DSAS, respectively). 55 Onslow Beach shoulder of Bear Inlet has had cumulative average accretion of 78.7 m (AMBUR) and 77.9 m (DSAS) along Zone I and cumulative average accretion of 53.8 m (AMBUR) and 54.7 m (DSAS) along Zone II. Figure 34. Brown’s Inlet Average Cumulative Changes for Zones I and II from April 1938 to October 2008 acquired using DSAS (in red) and AMBUR (in dark blue). Brown’s Island shoulder had a cumulative average accretion of 0.08 m along Zone I using AMBUR and a cumulative average accretion of 0.59 m using DSAS. Along Zone II for the same shoulder, the cumulative average erosion was 11.3 m and 11.29 m (AMBUR and DSAS, respectively). Onslow Beach shoulder had cumulative average accretion of 78.7 m (AMBUR) and 77.9 m (DSAS) along Zone I and cumulative average accretion of 53.8 m (AMBUR) and 54.7 m (DSAS) along Zone II. DISCUSSION Previous studies have demonstrated that changes in tidal inlet morphology, specifically ebb channel orientation changes, have the potential to influence accretion and erosion patterns on adjacent shorelines (FITZGERALD, 1984; FENSTER and DOLAN, 1996; CLEARY and MARDEN, 1999; ROSE, 2009). Shoreline change along the inlet shorelines in the study area has been extremely variable since April 1938; shoreline change rates ranged from -48m/yr to +41m/yr 56 (Tables A3 and A5). The data indicate that shoreline change rates increase markedly following changes in inlet morphology, specially ebb channel deflection and ebb delta breaching events. As stated before, the results from AMBUR and DSAS are more than 87% similar. Due to the high similarity between the data acquired using AMBUR and the data acquired using DSAS this section is based upon the results obtained through DSAS. Bear Inlet – Bear Island Shoulder 04/1938 – 10/1949 Between April 1938 and October 1949 a possible ebb delta breaching episode is the likely cause of average erosion throughout all three zones along Bear Island Shoulder (41 m along the Inlet Zone, 74 m along Zone I and 33 m along Zone II). During this breaching episode, the ebb channel orientation changed from 225° azimuth, with its outer portion toward Brown’s Island and its upper portion adjacent to Bear Island shoulder, to an alignment of 193° (Figure 35 A). Figure 35. Bear Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes from April 1938 to October 1949 (A) and from November 1949 to March 1962 (B). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows represent swash bars and the yellow-colored arrows represent spit development. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. 57 The ebb tidal delta adjusted to the new aligned ebb channel and, its position no longer offered protection to Bear Island shoulder shoreline. This change in ebb tidal delta morphology caused erosion along the shoreline, waves and tidal currents transported sediment inside the inlet throat, creating what would become a spit, decreasing the inlet width from 791 m to 332 m (Figure 35A). 11/1949 – 03/1962 The period between November 1949 and March 1962 was characterized by deflection of the ebb channel and no apparent evidence of ebb delta breaching (Figure 35 B). The ten years during which the ebb channel remained at a slightly shore-normal position (193° in November 1949 and 200° in August 1959) favored progradation along all three zones, greater at the transects closer to the inlet (average of 128 m at Inlet Zone, 64 m at Zone I and 30 m at Zone II). Hurricane Hazel (1954) made landfall between the North Carolina and South Carolina border but there were no noticeable changes in the accretion pattern on this shoulder. In March 1962 the ebb channel’s orientation changed from a slightly shore-normal position to toward Brown’s Island in its outer portion (231° orientation) (Figure 35 B). The ebb tidal delta became smaller and could no longer protect the shoreline along Bear Island shoulder, leading to erosion throughout all three zones (35 m along the Inlet Zone, 71 m along Zone I and 45 m along Zone II). Sediment brought into the inlet throat by waves and tidal action created linear bars parallel to the ebb channel on the side toward Bear Island shoulder. A spill over channel approximately at the center of the ebb tidal delta is also noticeable in March 1962 meaning that potential ebb delta breaching event was likely to occur in the next period. 58 03/1962 – 12/1974 The impact caused by the Ash Wednesday storm in February 1962 is likely the cause of the ebb delta breaching episode that occurred in this period. The storm caused the ebb channel to shift drastically from a 231° orientation with its outer portion toward Brown’s Island to a 153° orientation (Figure 35 B). Unexpectedly, accretion occurred along all three zones of Bear Island shoulder ranging from 75 m along the inlet zone, 63 m along zone I and 72 m along zone II. The storm also made the inlet wider and the ebb tidal delta smaller, which probably helped to accretion trend to continue during the 12 years of this period. 12/1974 – 03/1989 The period between December 1974 and March 1989 is characterized by multiple ebb channel deflection episodes but no evidence of ebb delta breaching (Figures 36 C and D). The constant change in the ebb channel orientation caused alternate erosion and accretion patterns, depending on which shoulder the channel was toward to. Figure 36. Bear Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes from December 1974 to March 1962 (C) and from December 1974 to March 1989 (D). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, the yellow-colored arrows represent spit development and the pink-colored arrows represent the presence of linear bars. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. From December 1974 to September 1984 the inner portion of the ebb channel deflected 128 m to the southwest whereas its outer portion went toward Bear Inlet from a 153-degree 59 azimuth to a 178-degree azimuth (Figure 36 D). The channel toward Bear Island shoulder, along with the morphology of the ebb tidal delta (although it became smaller the symmetric configuration remained) allowed the development of a defined marginal flood channel and the break-water effect along the ebb tidal delta favored Bear Inlet shoulder with the development of a horizontal spit. Zones I and II also accreted due to the new configurations of the ebb tidal delta and the ebb channel, but apparently Zone II was slightly eroded (2 m average) because the influence of the ebb tidal delta was less significant. In December 1985 the inner portion of the channel deflected 11 m to the southwest but the outer portion assumed a more shore-normal position (176° azimuth) (Figure 36 D). The ebb tidal delta became a bigger but the slight change in the channel and ebb delta configurations led to an erosion along all transects of Inlet Zone (average 33 m), accretion along transects BE1 thru BE3 and BE7 thru BE8 and erosion from BE4 to BE6 along Zone I and erosion in all transects of Zone II except transects BE9 and BE14. The three transects that suffered erosion on Zone I are probably located where the null-point effect was located at that time, which is the place in which the trend is the opposite as the one that is occurring due to the location of the ebb tidal delta. Tidal and wave currents are the responsible for the increasing amount of sediment within the inlet throat, which made the minimum and baseline widths slightly smaller than in September 1984. The outer portion of the ebb channel deflected once again toward Bear Island shoulder (orientation changed from 176° azimuth in December 1985 to 145° azimuth in January 1987) (Figure 36 D). The new orientation of the ebb channel combined with the presence of a welldeveloped flood channel favored the progradation of the horizontal spit on Bear Island shoulder but the new configuration of the ebb tidal delta did not provide protection along all three zones, 60 causing accretion along the Inlet Zone except on transect IZ1 and erosion along all the transects of zones I and II. The opposite trend along transect IZ1 was probably because of the changes in the shape of the spit, not meaning erosion along this area during this period of time. The sediment brought to the inlet throat due to the action of wave and tidal currents caused the channel to bend to the southwest, changing its outer portion slightly (Figure 37 E). The horizontal spit formed on Bear island shoulder continued to develop, swash bars welded to Bear Island shoulder creating what would become an accretion bulge and accretion would happen along Inlet Zone and Zone I due to the new configuration of the ebb channel. The shoreline along Zone II however, would still erode, under the effect of the prior channel orientation. 03/1989 – 08/1990 The orientation of the ebb channel changed from 168° azimuth in March 1989 to 215° azimuth in August 1990 due to a possible ebb delta breaching episode (Figure 37 E). Although there is no evidence in the March 1989 photograph that prove that a breaching episode actually happened, as the channel changed its orientation, the sediment within the portion of the previous ebb channel became available to the shoreline along Bear Island shoulder, causing accretion along the oceanfront shoreline within zones I and II (averages of 26 m and 15 m respectively) through sediment bypassing to the northeast. 08/1990 – 09/1996 The period between August 1990 and September 1996 is characterized by at least three ebb channel deflection episodes which caused erosion or accretion depending on the channel orientation (Figure 37 F). In October 1993 the ebb channel deflected 4 m to the southwest but the 61 outer portion went toward Bear Island, changing its orientation from 215° azimuth (March 1989) to 140°azimuth. The new configuration of the ebb channel along with the new configuration of the ebb tidal delta (smaller in size but more symmetric than it was in March 1989) caused erosion on Zone I (average 83 m) but accretion on most transects of zones I and II (averages of 13 m and 5 m respectively). Transects that did not suffer accretion along Zone II (transects BE14 and BE15) were probably influenced more by the littoral drift than by the ebb channel or the ebb tidal delta. Figure 37. Bear Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes from March 1989 to May 1990 (E) and from May 1990 to September 1996 (F). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, the yellow-colored arrows represent spit development and the pink-colored arrows represent the presence of linear bars. The dashed square is representing the location of an accretion bulge. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. In May 1994 the inner portion of the ebb channel deflected 9 m to the northeast and the outer portion deflected to the southwest, causing the channel to assume a shore-normal position (185° azimuth) (Figure 37 F). This changes in channel configuration altered the morphology of the ebb tidal delta (became smaller than in October 1993) and caused the development of a marginal flood channel adjacent to Bear Island shoulder. Sediment transported by the marginal flood channel caused the inlet zone to accrete (average 31 m) as well as transects BE1 thru BE3 along Zone I. The remaining of transects along Zone I and 4 out of 7 transects of Zone II eroded 62 in May 1994, but not enough to make the averages high (average for Zone I was of -1m and average for Zone II was zero). Hurricane Fran made landfall in North Carolina in September 6th 1996, a few days before the photograph used in this study for September 1996 was taken (Figure 37 F). Probably because of the hurricane, the channel changed its orientation (185° azimuth in May 1994 to 217° azimuth in September 1996) and the shoreline reach along all three zones eroded (average 2 m along Inlet Zone, 56 m along Zone I and 39 m along Zone II. The Inlet Transect and the transect IZ1 were exceptions to the trend (average accretion of 37 m and 41 m respectively), probably because of their location within the inlet, not as exposed as the transects along the oceanfront shoreline. The shoreline was likely accreting due to the probable shore-normal position of the channel but it was wiped out by Hurricane Fran storm. Because these two transects were in some extent protected, they “preserved” the trend that was dominant before the hurricane made landfall. 09/1996 – 03/2001 An ebb delta breaching episode characterizes the period between September 1996 and March 2001 of Bear Inlet. In this breaching episode the ebb channel’s orientation went from 217° azimuth in September 1996 to 165° azimuth in March 2001 and the inner portion of the channel deflected 159 m to the northeast, as it is depicted on Figure 38 G. The inlet became wider, the ebb tidal delta became bigger and the shoreline within Inlet Zone and Zone I eroded (average 53 m along Inlet Zone and 11 m along Zone I). Zone II suffered erosion along transects BE9 and BE10 (4 m and 1 m respectively) and accretion from transect BE11 thru BE15 (average accretion of 5 m). The first two transects of Zone II eroded like transects along Inlet Zone and Zone I probably because they were still influenced more by the inlet system than by the action of waves and tides combined. 63 This period is also characterized by the influence of several hurricanes that hit the coast close to the study area, such as Bertha (1996), Bonnie (1998) and Floyd (1999). So many hurricanes are likely the cause of the erosion throughout the zones closer to the inlet and the little accretion on transects farther from it. Figure 38. Bear Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes from September 1996 to March 2001 (G) and from March 2001 to March 2003 (H). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, the yellow-colored arrows represent spit presence or development and the dashed square is representing the location of an accretion bulge. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. 03/2001 – 03/2003 From March 2001 to March 2003 the channel kept its orientation (165° azimuth) (Figure 38 H). The existence of a marginal flood channel in March 2001 is probably the responsible for the development of a big spit extending from Bear Island shoulder to the flood tidal delta of Bear Inlet. The position of the channel also favored the shoreline along the three zones, which accreted without exceptions (average 131 m along the Inlet Zone, 46 m along Zone I and 28 m along Zone II). The ebb tidal delta reached its smallest size and one of the smallest inlet widths (293 m) and the amount of sediment within the inlet throat and flood tidal delta changed the configuration of the channels that feed Bear Inlet with water from the estuary. The size of the marsh islands within the estuary was increased by the more availability of sediment in the flood tidal basin of Bear Inlet. 64 03/2003 – 10/2006 Figure 39 I depicts the morphologic changes in Bear Inlet and Bear Island shoulder Between March 2003 and October 2006. The ebb channel orientation changed from 165° azimuth toward Bear Island to 218° azimuth toward Brown’s Island, likely due to another ebb delta breaching episode. This change in ebb channel orientation eroded the spit formed between March 2001 and March 2003 as well as the shoreline along the zones (average erosion of 88 m along Inlet Zone, 8 m along Zone I and 4 m along Zone II). Accretion bulges could be identified by analyzing the photographs and the dataset designed in this study. One is located at the vicinity of transect IZ3 and the other one is located at the vicinity of transects BE8 (Zone I) and BE9 (Zone II). The configuration of the channels within the estuary was changed again, becoming more like the configuration on previous periods investigated in this study. Figure 39. Bear Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Bear Island shoulder from March 2003 (I) to October 2006 and from October 2006 to October 2008 (J). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, the yellow-colored arrows represent spit presence or development and the pink-colored arrows represent the presence of linear bars. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. The changes stated above (erosion along the shoreline, ebb delta breaching episode, sudden and drastic change in the ebb channel orientation, erosion of the spits and change in the 65 configuration of the channels within the flood tidal delta) might have been caused by hurricane Ophelia, which made landfall in North Carolina as a Category I hurricane in September 2005. 10/2006 – 10/2008 The period between October 2006 and October 2008 is characterized by the development of a horizontal spit on Bear Island shoulder (Figure 39 J). The development of this spit forces the inner portion of the ebb channel to deflect 280 m to the southwest toward Brown’s island followed by the outer portion of the ebb channel, which orientation ranged from 218° azimuth in October 2006 to 165 ° azimuth in October 2008. This new channel configuration causes the minimum width to increase, the size of the ebb tidal delta to decrease and the shoreline along the three zones to erode without exceptions (average 33 m along Inlet Zone, 37 m along Zone I and 16 m along Zone II). The reason for the erosion trends along Bear Inlet shoulder might be the elongated morphology of the ebb tidal delta in October 2008 which does not offer any protection to any zones of the shoreline. Bear Inlet – Brown’s Island Shoulder 04/1938 – 11/1949 Figure 40 A depicts the morphologic changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from the period between April 1938 and November 1949 is characterized by the development of a recurved spit along Brown’s Island shoulder and accretion along the Inlet Zone and Zone I at averages of 176 m and 31 m respectively. An ebb delta breaching episode that occurred between April 1938 and October 1949 (ebb channel shifted from an orientation of 225° azimuth in 1938 to 193° azimuth in 1949) is likely the responsible for the accretion along the two zones. A welldeveloped marginal flood channel adjacent to Brown’s Island had likely provided sediment that 66 led to a spit development along Brown’s Island shoulder. Farther from the inlet, erosion of 17 m average was recorded along Zone II. Figure 40. Bear Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from April 1938 (A) to November 1949 and from November 1949 to March 1962 (B). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, the yellow-colored arrows represent spit presence or spit development and the pink-colored arrows represent the presence of linear bars. The dashed rectangles represent the presence of accretion bulges and the dashed orange ellipse mark the possible location of an ebb delta breaching episode. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. 11/1949 – 03/1962 Deflection of the ebb channel occurred between November 1949 and March 1962 with no apparent evidence of ebb delta breaching events (Figure 40 B). The ten years in which the ebb channel remained at a slightly with the same orientation (193° azimuth in November 1949 and 200° azimuth in August 1959) allowed accretion at two of the three zones along Brown’s Island shoulder, greater at the Zone II (average of 29 m at Zone I, 52 m at Zone II). The Inlet Zone retreated (average of 65 m) probably because of the slight advance of the ebb channel as it was deflecting toward Brown’s island. Hurricane Hazel (1954) made landfall between the North Carolina and South Carolina border but there were no noticeable changes in the accretion pattern on this shoulder. Although erosion was recorded along Inlet Zone, the spit formed in the previous period continued to develop, but inside the inlet, toward the flood tidal basin. 67 In March 1962 the outer portion of the ebb channel deflected 26 m to the northeast, changing its orientation to toward Brown’s Island in its outer portion (231° azimuth) (Figure 40 B). The ebb tidal delta became smaller and combined with the new orientation of the ebb channel led to erosion along all three zones (55 m along the Inlet Zone, 61 m along Zone I and 73 m along Zone II). Sediment brought into the inlet throat by waves and tidal action contributed to the continuous development of the recurved spit growing toward the flood tidal basin of the inlet system (Figure 40 B). A spill-over channel approximately at the center of the ebb tidal delta is also noticeable in March 1962 (Figure 40 B) meaning that an ebb delta breaching episode could have occurred in the next period. 03/1962 – 12/1974 The impact caused by the Ash Wednesday storm in February 1962 is probably the cause of the ebb delta breaching episode that occurred between March 1962 and December 1974 (Figure 41 C). The storm caused the ebb channel to shift drastically from a 231° azimuth with its outer portion toward Bear Island to a 153°azimuth. Accretion along all three zones of Brown’s Island shoulder was also measured, ranging from 135 m along the inlet zone, 33 m along zone I and 65 m along zone II. The recurved spit that had been developed since November 1949 was eroded, the inlet became wider and a horizontal spit began to develop on Brown’s Island shoulder during this period (Figure 41 C). 68 Figure 41. Bear Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from March 1962 (C) to December 1974 and from December 1974 to March 1989 (B). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, and the pink-colored arrows represent the presence of linear bars. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. 12/1974 – 03/1989 Figure 41 D depicts the morphologic changes along Bear Inlet and Brown’s Island shoulder during the period between December 1974 and March 1989. Multiple ebb channel deflection episodes happened but no evidence of ebb delta breaching episodes. The constant change in the ebb channel orientation caused alternate erosion and accretion patterns, depending on which shoulder the channel was toward to. From December 1974 to September 1984 the inner portion of the ebb channel deflected 128 m to the southwest whereas its outer portion went toward Bear Inlet from 153°azimuth to 178° azimuth (Figure 41 D). The southwestern deflection of the upper portion of the ebb channel caused erosion along Inlet Zone at an average of 111 m. The ebb delta became smaller and preserved its symmetric shape, but the change in size and the northeastern deflection of the ebb channel caused the shoreline along zones I and II to erode as well (averages of 64 m and 77 m respectively). In December 1985 the inner portion of the channel deflected 11 m to the southwest but the outer portion assumed a slight shore-normal position (176°). The ebb tidal delta became a 69 little bigger but the slight change in the channel and ebb delta configurations led to deposition along all transects of Inlet Zone (average 43 m), accretion along all transects of Zone I (average 20 m) and deposition in all transects of Zone II (average 28m). Tidal and wave currents are the responsible for the increasing amount of sediment within the inlet throat, which made the minimum and baseline widths slightly smaller than in September 1984. The outer portion of the ebb channel deflected once more toward Bear Island shoulder (orientation changed from 176° azimuth in December 1985 to 145° azimuth in January 1987). The new orientation of the ebb tidal delta favored the build up of what would become an accretion bulge on Brown’s Island shoulder and the ebb tidal delta became smaller in size and in a new configuration, causing erosion along the Inlet Zone (average of 75 m) and slight erosion along all the transects of zones I (average of 9 m). Along Zone II, some transects eroded (transects BR11, BR12 and BR15), others prograded (BR10, BR14) and others remained constant (BR9 and BR13). The overall average of zone II was zero (remained constant), meaning that the changes in ebb channel orientation and ebb delta morphology did not have the same influence as along the zones closer to the inlet. The sediment brought to the inlet throat due to the action of wave and tidal currents caused the channel to deflect to the southwest, changing its outer portion slightly. But this small change in ebb channel configuration did not change the erosion that started in January 1987: erosion occurred along all transects of the 3 zones on Brown’s Island shoulder (39 m average along Inlet Zone, 17 m average along Zone I and average of 30 m along Zone II). 03/1989 – 08/1990 Ebb delta breaching episode might have occurred between March 1989 and August 1990 (Figure 42 E), although there is no evidence in the 1989 photograph that proves the occurrence 70 of such episode. The orientation of the ebb channel changed from 168° azimuth to 215° azimuth in August 1990 and the inner portion of the ebb channel deflected 43 m to the northeast (Figure 42E). Erosion still occurred along some transects of Inlet Zone and Zone I, causing the total negative average (2 m on both zones). All transects along zone II experienced progradation, at an average of 12 m for the zone. Figure 42. Bear Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from March 1989 to May 1990 (E) and from May 1990 to September 1996 (F). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, and the pink-colored arrows represent the presence of linear bars. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. 08/1990 – 09/1996 Figure 42 F depicts the morphologic changes to Bear Inlet and Brown’s Island shoulder from the period between August 1990 and September 1996. At least three ebb channel deflection episodes could be noticed, which caused erosion or accretion depending on the channel orientation. In October 1993 the ebb channel deflected 17 m to the southwest but the outer portion went toward Bear Island, changing its orientation from 215° azimuth (March 1989) to 140° azimuth. The new configuration of the ebb channel along with the new configuration of the ebb tidal delta (smaller in size but more symmetric than it was in March 1989) caused accretion along all three zones, trend that began in August 1990, but some transects along the zones 71 experienced erosion (transect I2 along the Inlet Zone and transects BR2, BR3 and BR6 along Zone I). Zone II experienced accretion along all transects at an average of 7 m. A recurved spit on Brown’s Island shoulder was developed between August 1990 and October 1993 (Figure 42 F). In May 1994 the inner portion of the ebb channel deflected 9 m to the southwest and the outer portion also deflected to the southwest, causing the channel to assume a shore-normal position (185° azimuth). This changes in channel configuration altered the morphology of the ebb tidal delta (became smaller than in October 1993) and allowed the development of a marginal flood channel adjacent to Brown’s Island shoulder. Sediment transported by the marginal flood channel caused the inlet zone to accrete (average 42 m) but the new configuration of the ebb tidal delta and the ebb channel led to erosion along all transects of Zones I and II (averages of 23 m and 24 m respectively). The recurved spit developed between August 1990 and October 1993 is still present and bigger in May 1994 on Brown’s Island shoulder. Hurricane Fran made landfall in North Carolina in September 6th 1996, a few days before the photograph used in this study for September 1996 was taken. Probably because of the hurricane, the channel changed its orientation (185° azimuth in May 1994 to 217° azimuth in September 1996) and the shoreline reach along all three zones eroded (average 105 m along Inlet Zone, 26 m along Zone I and 28 m along Zone II). The innermost portion of the recurved spit was preserved and was not wiped out by the storm of Hurricane Fran. 09/1996 – 03/2001 An ebb delta breaching episode characterizes the period between September 1996 and March 2001 along Bear Inlet (Figure 43 G). In this breaching episode the ebb channel’s orientation went from 217° azimuth in September 1996 to 165° azimuth in March 2001 and the 72 inner portion of the channel deflected 160 m to the northeast. The inlet became wider, the ebb tidal delta became bigger and the shoreline reach within Inlet Zone eroded (average 10 m) whereas the shoreline reach along zones I and II suffered accretion (44 m average along Zone I and 33 m average along Zone II) likely because sediment was bypassed to the southwest thanks to the breaching episode. Figure 43. Bear Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from September 1996 to March 2001 (G) and from March 2001 to March 2003 (H). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, and the orange-colored arrow represent spit development. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. This period is also characterized by the influence of several hurricanes that hit the coast close to the study area, such as Bertha (1996), Bonnie (1998) and Floyd (1999). So many hurricanes might be the cause of the erosion throughout the Inlet Zone and erosion of the remains of the recurved spit. 03/2001 – 03/2003 Figure 43 H depicts the morphologic changes along Bear Inlet and Brown’s Island shoulder from March 2001 to March 2003. The channel kept it’s orientation (165° azimuth) and sediment that was on the ebb delta became available to Brown’s Inlet shoulder after the breaching episode, taken by wave and tidal current to the inlet throat, leading to the development 73 of another recurved spit. The new position of the channel depleted the shoreline along zones I and II, which eroded without exceptions (average of 24 m along Zone I and 19 m along Zone II). The ebb tidal delta reached its smallest size as well as the inlet width (266 m) and the amount of sediment within the inlet throat and flood tidal delta changed the configuration of the channels that feed Bear Inlet with water from the estuary. The size of the marsh islands within the estuary was increased by the more availability of sediment in the flood tidal basin of Bear Inlet. 03/2003 – 10/2006 Between March 2003 and October 2006 the ebb channel orientation changed from 165° azimuth toward Bear Island to 218° azimuth toward Brown’s Island, probably due another ebb delta breaching episode (Figure 44 I). This change in ebb channel orientation increased the size of the spit formed between March 2001 and March 2003 and caused accretion on the shoreline along the Inlet Zone (average of 117 m) and on the transects closer to the inlet of Zone I (transects BR1 thru BR4). From transects BR5 thru BR7 on zone I to all transects along Zone II erosion was predominant (average of 10 m along zone II). Deposition occurred closer to the inlet because of the new configuration of the ebb channel and the sediment input brought by the marginal flood channel (Figure 44 I). The configuration of the channels within the estuary was changed again, becoming more like the configuration on previous periods investigated in this study. 74 Figure 44. Bear Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from March 2003 to October 2006 (I) and from October 2006 to October 2008 (J). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, and the yellow-colored arrow represents spit presence or development. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. These changes (erosion and deposition along the shoreline, ebb delta breaching episode, sudden and drastic change in the ebb channel orientation, and change in the configuration of the channels within the flood tidal basin) might have been caused by hurricane Ophelia, which made landfall in North Carolina as a Category I hurricane in September 2005. 10/2006 – 10/2008 From October 2006 to October 2008 the ebb channel deflected 280 m to the southwest toward Brown’s island, followed by the outer portion of the ebb channel, which orientation ranged from 218° azimuth in October 2006 to 165° azimuth in October 2008 (Figure 43 J). This new channel configuration caused the minimum width to increase, the size of the ebb tidal delta decreased and the shoreline along the three zones eroded without exceptions (average 97 m along Inlet Zone, 21 m along Zone I and 17 m along Zone II). The reason for the erosion trends along Bear Inlet shoulder might be the new location of the ebb channel and the subsequent new configuration of the ebb tidal delta. The recurved spit on Brown’s Island developed between March 2001 and March 2003 became smaller, probably due to the proximity of the ebb channel. 75 Brown’s Inlet – Brown’s Island Shoulder 04/1938 – 01/1945 Figure 45 A depicts the morphologic changes that occurred along Brown’s Inlet and Brown’s Island shoulder during the period between April 1938 and January 1945, characterized by the occurrence of an ebb delta breaching episode. The ebb channel changed its orientation from 235° azimuth toward Onslow Beach to 176° azimuth at an approximate shore-normal position and deflected 144 m to the southwest toward Onslow Beach. This change in channel configuration led to a change in the ebb tidal delta morphology (it became bigger and symmetric) and caused deposition along two out of three transects of the Inlet Zone (average accretion of 14 m) and erosion on zones I and II without exceptions (average of 51 m on Zone I and 36 m on Zone II). A marginal flood channel is developed along Brown’s Island shoulder; wave and tidal currents transport the sediment available on the ebb zone of the inlet to the inlet throat toward Brown’s Island, creating a possible recurved spit on Brown’s Island. Erosion occurred along the transects farther from the inlet likely because of the ebb tidal delta is too far offshore to provide protection for the shoreline along zones I and II. Figure 45. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from March 2003 to October 2006 (I) and from October 2006 to October 2008 (J). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, and the yellow-colored arrow represents spit presence or development. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. 76 01/1945 – 04/1958 From January 1945 to April 1958 the inner portion of the ebb channel deflected 94 m to the southwest and the outer portion of the ebb channel deflected to the northeast, toward Brown’s Island (its channel orientation ranged from 176° azimuth in December 1945 to 165° azimuth in April 1958) (Figure 45 B). The marginal flood channel is well developed in this period and sediment is transported by wave and tidal currents to Brown’s Island shoulder, feeding the recurved spit and creating an accretion bulge along transects BR1 thru BR3 along Zone I. Accretion occurred along all transects of the Inlet Zone (average of 59 m) and along all transects of zone I (average accretion of 33 m) except BR7 and BR8 (the easternmost transects of Zone I). Hurricane Hazel made landfall near the North Carolina and South Carolina border in 1954. Although it was a Category 4 hurricane, the photographs and the dataset were not able to identify changes in erosion or deposition patterns on the inlet and adjacent shorelines caused by the storm. 04/1958 – 03/1962 Figure 46 C depicts the morphologic changes on Brown’s Inlet and along the adjacent shoreline on Brown’s Island during the period between April 1958 and March 1962. The channel remained roughly at the same orientation whereas the inner portion of the ebb channel deflected sometimes toward Brown’s Island and sometimes toward Onslow Beach. But although the ebb channel hardly changed, the smallest changes in orientation and the changes of the location of the inner portion of the ebb channel were enough to cause different responses of the shoreline, depending on what happened to the ebb channel. 77 Figure 46. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from May 1958 to August 1959 (C) and from August 1959 to November 1960 (D). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, and the yellow-colored arrow represents spit presence or development. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. Between April 1958 and August 1959 the inner portion of the ebb channel deflected 43 m to the southwest and the outer portion bend slightly toward Brown’s Island, changing its orientation from 165° azimuth in April 1958 to 150° azimuth in August 1959 (Figure 46 C). This slight change in ebb channel configuration caused the ebb delta to decrease and erosion was recorded in two out of three transects of the Inlet Zone and deposition on all transects of zones I and II (averages of 45 m and 25 m respectively). The erosion along the Inlet Zone might be explained by the apparent weakening of the marginal flood channel that was previously aiding the deposition on the area. Accretion along Zones I and II was probably still caused by the shorenormal position of the ebb channel recorded in April 1958. From August 1959 to November 1960 the channel came back to an azimuth of 165° and the inner portion of the ebb channel deflected 36 m to the northeast, toward Brown’s Island (Figure 46 D). The ebb tidal delta became smaller, the inlet became thinner and deposition occurred along the Inlet Zone (average of 51 m). The recurved spit that began developing in 1945 became bigger, probably because of the strong marginal flood channel present adjacent to Brown’s Island shoulder. Erosion was predominant along most of transects of zones I and II 78 (averages of 17 m on Zone I and 5 m on Zone II) probably due to the new configuration of the inlet system, which did not provide protection or sediment to cause deposition along the zones farther from the inlet. In March 1962 the outer portion of the ebb channel went toward Brown’s Island once more assuming an orientation of 152° azimuth (Figure 47 E). The inner portion of the ebb channel deflected 26 m to the northeast, the ebb tidal delta became smaller but more symmetric than in November 1960, and the inlet width decreased. Figure 47. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from November 1960 to March 1962 (E) and from March 1962 to December 1974 (F). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, and the yellow-colored arrow represents spit presence or development. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. The position of the ebb channel along with the configuration of the ebb tidal delta allowed the recurved spit on Brown’s Island shoulder to grow more but shoreline erosion occurred along all three zones (average of 25 m at the Inlet Zone, 17 m at Zone I and 5 m at Zone II. The erosion along all zones on Brown’s Island shoulder might be due to the Ash Wednesday storm that hit the region in February 1962. 03/1962 – 12/1974 The period between March 1962 and December 1974 is characterized by a possible ebb delta breaching episode (Figure 47 F). The ebb channel shifted from 152° to 199° azimuths, and 79 deflected 180 m to the southwest. The erosional trends along zones I and II continued (30 m average along Zone I and 16 m average along Zone II. An opposite trend was recorded along the Inlet Zone, which accreted an average of 190 m, probably due the sediment bypassing to the northeast that occurred during the breaching episode. 12/1974 – 10/1993 During the period of December 1974 and October 1993, the ebb channel deflected several times without signs of breaching episodes (Figures 48 and 49). These changes in the ebb channel led to changes in the ebb tidal delta and the shoreline responded in different ways depending on the ebb channel and ebb delta configurations. In October 1983 the inner portion of the ebb channel deflected 73 m to the northeast and the outer portion of the same channel changed its orientation from 199° to 183° azimuths, assuming a shore-normal position (Figure 48 G). During the 9 year-period between December 1974 and October 1983 the shoreline accreted along all three zones (62 m at the Inlet Zone, 44 m at Zone I and 37 m at Zone II). An accretion bulge was developed on Brown’s Island shoulder. In October 1984 the inner portion of the ebb channel deflected 31 m toward Brown’s Island shoulder and the outer portion of the same channel deflected to the southwest toward Onslow Beach shoulder, changing its orientation from a shore-normal position in 1983 (183° azimuth) to 205° azimuth in October 1984 (Figure 48 G). 80 Figure 48. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from December 1974 to October 1983 (E) and October 1983 to October 1984 (F). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, and the pink-colored arrows represent linear bars. Black dashed rectangles represent the presence of accretion bulges. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. The advance of the inner portion of the ebb channel toward Brown’s Island caused the transects along the Inlet Zone to retreat at an average of 64 m, erosion on the 4 transects closest to the inlet, accretion along the remaining transects (average accretion for Zone I of 2 m), erosion on the five transects closest to the inlet along Zone II (average erosion for Zone II of 2 m) and accretion on the last two transects along Zone II (transects BR14 and BR15). Swash bars deposited on the ebb section of Brown’s Inlet cause the outer portion of the channel to deflect even more toward Onslow Beach in between October 1984 and January 1987 (215° azimuth) (Figure 49 I). The inner portion of the main channel went toward Onslow Beach as well, deflecting 28 m to the southwest due to the creation of a horizontal spit on Brown’s Island shoulder. All transects along Inlet Zone accreted at an average of 44 m but erosion was recorded along zones I and II at averages of 28 m and 5 m due to the configuration of the ebb channel and consequently the ebb tidal delta, which became more skewed to the southwest following the new orientation of the ebb channel (Figure 49 I). 81 Figure 49. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from October 1984 to January 1987 (I) and January 1987 to October 1993 (J). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, and the pink-colored arrows represent linear bars. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. From January 1987 to October 1993 the ebb channel deflected to the northeast, changing its orientation from 215° azimuth to 205° azimuth and migrating 15 m toward Brown’s Island shoulder (Figure 49 J). The shoreline reach along Inlet Zone accreted (except transect I1 which was eroded because of the deflection of the inner portion of the ebb channel toward Brown’s Island shoulder) at an average of 8 m. Transects along Zone I eroded (except on transects farthest from the inlet, BR6 thru BR8) at an average of 3 m. Transects along Zone II accreted at an average of 10 m, probably because the changes in ebb channel orientation and consequently ebb tidal delta configuration. 10/1993 – 06/2002 Figure 50 K depicts the changes in morphology along Brown’s Inlet and along Brown’s Island shoulder between October 1993 and June 2002, characterized by an ebb delta breaching episode. In this episode, the ebb channel shifted to a shore-normal orientation (180° azimuth) and migrated 68 m to the northeast. This new configuration of the ebb channel led to erosion on all zones (averages of 26 m for Zone I and 4 m for Zone II from June 1998 to June 2002). The inlet 82 became wider and the ebb tidal delta became smaller, more elongated and symmetric than its previous configuration in October 1993. Figure 50. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from October 1993 to June 2002 (K) and from June 2002 to March 2003 (L). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, and the pink-colored arrows represent linear bars. Black dashed rectangles represent accretion bulges. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. This period of time is also characterized by the incidence of several hurricanes such as Fran (1996), Bertha (1996), Bonnie (1998) and Floyd (1999). The lack of good photographs and therefore lack of data might be he reason why the impact of such strong storms could not be noticed in this study. 06/2002 – 03/2003 The channel remained at a shore-normal position from June 2002 to March 2003 (Figure 50 L). This orientation of the ebb channel allowed the shoreline along all three zones to accrete (average 5 m along Inlet Zone, 7 m along Zone I and 2 m along Zone II). The ebb tidal delta became bigger, the inlet width decreased and an accretion bulge was formed on Brown’s Inlet shoulder right at east of the Inlet Zone (Figure 50 L). 83 03/2003 – 10/2006 From March 2003 to October 2006 the inner portion of the ebb channel deflected 76 m to the northeast while its outer portion bent slightly toward Onslow Beach going from a 170-degree azimuth to 193-degree azimuth (Figure 51 M). The inlet became smaller and so did the ebb tidal delta and erosion was dominant along most of the transects of Zone I (average erosion of 17 m), along all transects of Zone II (average erosion of 20 m) and along all transects along the Inlet Zone (average erosion of 7 m) except the Inlet Transect that accreted probably because of the action of waves and tidal currents. Hurricane Bertha made landfall close to the study area in 2005 and is probably the cause of the changes in the ebb channel and erosion along all of the zones on Brown’s island shoulder. Figure 51. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Brown’s Island shoulder from March 2003 to October 2006 (M) and from October 2006 to October 2008 (N). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars, and the pink-colored arrows represent linear bars. Black dashed rectangles represent accretion bulges. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. 10/2006 – 10/2008 From October 2006 to October 2008 the inner portion of the ebb channel migrated 117 m to the southwest due to the development of a small horizontal spit on Brown’s Inlet shoulder whereas the outer portion deflected to the northeast with azimuth of 170° in October 2008 (Figure 51 N). Overall accretion occurred along the shoreline studied on Brown’s Inlet shoulder 84 (average 38 m in the Inlet Zone, 3 m average along Zone I and 2 m average along Zone II). Deposition right at east of the Inlet Zone is noted and an accretion bulge begins to develop on Brown’s Island shoulder. Brown’s Inlet – Onslow Beach Shoulder 04/1938 – 01/1945 The period between April 1938 and January 1945 is characterized by the occurrence of an ebb delta breaching episode (Figure 52 A). The ebb channel changed its orientation from 235° azimuth toward Onslow Beach to 176° azimuth (approximate shore-normal position) and migrated 144 m to the southwest toward Onslow Beach. Figure 52. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Onslow Beach shoulder from April 1938 to January 1945 (A) and from January 1945 to May 1958 (B). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels and the sand-colored arrows swash bars. Black dashed rectangles represent accretion bulges and the orange ellipse represents a potential site for an ebb delta breaching episode. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. This change in channel configuration led to a change in the ebb tidal delta morphology (it became bigger and symmetric) which caused deposition on zones I and II without exceptions (average of 48 m on Zone I and 22 m on Zone II). The well-developed spit on Onslow Beach shoulder present in the photograph of April 1938 is gone due to the breaching episode and consequently erosion occurs in all transects along the Inlet Zone except transect OB3 which is 85 located where a accretion bulge is formed due to the bypassing of sediment to the southwest. The new position of the ebb channel and the subsequent configuration of the ebb tidal delta provide sediment and protection to the adjacent shoreline on Onslow Beach shoulder, explaining the accretion pattern along the oceanfront shoreline zones (Zones I and II). 01/1945 – 04/1958 From January 1945 to April 1958 (Figure 51 B) the inner portion of the ebb channel migrated 94 m to the southwest and the outer portion of the ebb channel deflected to the northeast, toward Brown’s Island (its channel orientation ranged from 176° azimuth in December 1945 to 165° azimuth in April 1958). The accretion bulge formed between April 1938 and December 1945 eroded in April 1958, due to the advance of the channel toward Onslow Beach and its new orientation and configuration of the ebb tidal delta. Erosion occurred on transects I3 and Inlet Transect (average erosion on Inlet Zone of 11 m) and along Zone I on transects OB1 and OB2. Accretion occurred along all transects of Zone II (average of 64 m) and on transects OB3 thru OB8 along Zone I (total average of 26 m). Hurricane Hazel made landfall near the North Carolina and South Carolina border in 1954. Although it was a Category 4 hurricane, the photographs and the dataset designed for this study were not able to identify changes in erosion or deposition patterns on the inlet and adjacent shorelines caused by the storm. 04/1958 – 03/1962 Figures 53 and 54 depict the morphologic changes that took place on Brown’s Inlet and along the shoreline of Onslow Beach during the period between April 1958 and March 1962. The ebb channel remained roughly at the same orientation whereas the inner portion of the ebb 86 channel sometimes migrated toward Brown’s Island and sometimes toward Onslow Beach. But although the ebb channel hardly changed, the smallest changes in orientation and the changes of the location of the inner portion of the ebb channel were enough to cause different responses of the shoreline, depending on what happened to the ebb channel. Between April 1958 and August 1959 the inner portion of the ebb channel migrated 43 m to the southwest and the outer portion bent slightly toward Brown’s Island, changing its orientation from 165° azimuth in April 1958 to 150° azimuth in August 1959 (Figure 53C). Figure 53. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Onslow Beach shoulder from May 1958 to August 1959 (C) and from August 1959 to November 1960 (D). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars and the pink-colored arrow represent linear bars. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. This slight change in ebb channel configuration caused the ebb tidal delta to decrease in size and erosion was recorded along all three zones (average of 33 m at the Inlet Zone, 47 m at Zone I and 59 m at Zone II) The erosion along the shoreline of Onslow Beach shoulder can be explained by the change in ebb delta configuration which became smaller and most of it at the eastern side of the ebb channel: being smaller and less effective in protecting the shoreline reach along Onslow Beach shoulder it helped to cause erosion throughout the shoulder combined with the new location of the ebb channel. 87 From August 1959 to November 1960 the ebb channel was oriented with an azimuth of 165° and the inner portion of the ebb channel deflected 36 m to the northeast, toward Brown’s Island (Figure 53D). The ebb tidal delta became smaller, the inlet became narrower and erosion occurred again along all three zones (average of 53 m at Zone I, 13 m at Zone II and 12 m along Zone II). In March 1962 the outer portion of the ebb channel went toward Brown’s Island once more assuming an orientation of 152° (Figure 54 E). The inner portion of the ebb channel migrated 26 m to the northeast, the ebb tidal delta became smaller but more symmetric than in November 1960, and the inlet width decreased. The position of the ebb channel along with the configuration of the ebb tidal delta allowed erosion to occur along all three zones in all transects but Inlet Transect (3 m average at Inlet Zone, 9 m average along Zone I and 13 m average along Zone II). The erosion along all zones on Brown’s Island shoulder might be due to the Ash Wednesday storm that hit the region in February 1962. Figure 54. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Onslow Beach shoulder from November 1960 to March 1962 (E) and from March 1962 to December 1974 (F). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars and the pink-colored arrows represent linear bars. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. 88 03/1962 – 12/1974 The period between March 1962 and December 1974 is characterized by a possible ebb delta breaching episode (Figure 54 F). The ebb channel shifted from 152° azimuth to 199° azimuth, roughly at a shore-normal position and migrated 156 m to the southwest. The erosional trend along the Inlet Zone continued (84 m average). Accretion was recorded along Zones I and II, which accreted an average of 51 m along Zone I and an average of 22 m along Zone II, probably due to the new configuration of the ebb delta and ebb channel favoring this section of the shoreline. 12/1974 – 10/1993 Figures 55 and 56 depict the morphologic changes that took place along Brown’s Inlet and Onslow Beach during the period of December 1974 and October 1993. The orientation of the ebb channel was variable, and no signs of breaching were noticed. These changes in the ebb channel led to changes in the ebb tidal delta and the shoreline responded in different ways depending on the ebb channel and ebb delta configurations. In October 1983 the inner portion of the ebb channel migrated 73 m to the northeast and the outer portion of the same channel changed its orientation from 199° to 183° azimuths, assuming a shore-normal position (Figure 55 G). 89 Figure 55. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Onslow Beach shoulder from December 1974 to October 1983 (G) and from October 1983 to October 1984 (H). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars and the pink-colored arrows represent linear bars. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. During the 9 year-period between December 1974 and October 1983 the shoreline accreted along the Inlet Zone and Zone II (70 m average at the Inlet Zone and 18 m average at Zone II). The recurved spit on Onslow Beach that began developing in November 1960 advanced toward the flood area of the inlet, probably being the cause for the inner portion of the ebb channel to deflect to the northeast. Zone I eroded at an average of 4 m probably because of the action of wave and tidal currents transporting the sediment to the interior of the inlet. In October 1984 the ebb channel migrated 31 m toward Brown’s Island shoulder and the outer portion of the same channel deflected to the southwest toward Onslow Beach shoulder, changing its orientation from a shore-normal position in 1983 (183° azimuth) to 205° azimuth in October 1984 (Figure 55 H). The deflection of the ebb channel toward Onslow Beach shoulder caused transects along the Inlet Zone to retreat at an average of 55 m and erosion at the vicinities of transect OB1 of Zone I. The remaining transects of Zone I and all transects of Zone II advanced seaward (average accretion for Zone I of 20 m and 31 m average accretion for Zone II). The new configurations of the ebb channel and ebb tidal delta are the cause of accretion along zones I and II. 90 Swash bars deposited on the ebb section of Brown’s Inlet cause the ebb channel to deflect toward Onslow Beach in between October 1984 and January 1987 (215° azimuth), as depicted in Figure 56 I. The inner portion of the main channel went toward Onslow Beach as well, deflecting 28 m to the southwest. All transects along Inlet Zone eroded (average erosion of 129 m) as well as along zones I and II (average of 25 m along Zone I and 59 m along Zone II), except at the vicinity of transect OB1 along Zone I, which lies where an accretion bulge formed on Onslow Beach shoulder. Figure 56. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Onslow Beach shoulder from October 1984 to January 1987 (I) and from January 1987 to October 1993 (J). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand-colored arrows swash bars and the pink-colored arrows represent linear bars. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. From January 1987 to October 1993 the ebb channel migrated to the northeast, changing its orientation from 215° to 205° azimuths and migrating 15 m toward Brown’s Island shoulder (Figure 56 J). The shoreline reach along Inlet Zone retreated without exceptions (average erosion of 53 m) but most of the transects along zones I and II accreted at an average of 41 m along Zone I (except on transect OB1, the closest one to the inlet) and at an average of 48 m along Zone II Accretion occurred along zones I and II are probably because of the changes in ebb channel orientation and consequently ebb tidal delta configuration. 91 10/1993 – 06/2002 Figure 57 K depicts the period between October 1993 and June 2002, characterized by an ebb delta breaching episode in which the channel assumed a shore-normal orientation (180° azimuth) and migrated 68 m to the northeast. This new configuration of the ebb channel led to accretion along the Inlet Zone and Zone I (averages of 28 m and 35 m respectively) due to sediment that was bypassed to the southwest when the breaching occurred. Erosion was dominant along most of transects of Zone II with exception of transect OB9 (average erosion for Zone II of 4 m), probably because it was not favored either by sediment bypassing or by the new ebb channel and ebb tidal delta configurations. Brown’s Inlet became wider and the ebb tidal delta became smaller, more elongated and symmetric than its previous configuration in October 1993. Figure 57. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Onslow Beach shoulder from October 1993 to June 2002 (K) and June 2002 to March 2003 (J). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels and the pink-colored arrows represent linear bars. Black dashed rectangles represent accretion bulges. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. This period of time is also characterized by the incidence of several hurricanes such as Fran (1996), Bertha (1996), Bonnie (1998) and Floyd (1999). The lack of good photographs representing the years elapsed in this period and therefore lack of shoreline data might be he reason why the impact of such strong storms could not be noticed in this study. 92 06/2002 – 03/2003 The channel remained at a shore-normal position from June 2002 to March 2003, although it deflected to the southwest (orientation ranged from 180° azimuth in June 2002 to 170° in March 2003 and the inner portion of the ebb channel deflected 35 m toward Onslow Beach shoulder) (Figure 57 L). This orientation of the ebb channel allowed the shoreline on zones I and II to accrete (average of 22 m along Zone I and 23 m along Zone II). The deflection of the ebb channel toward Onslow Beach shoulder might be the reason for erosion on most transects of the Inlet Zone (average erosion of 3m), with exception of transect I3, farthest from the inlet. 03/2003 – 10/2006 From March 2003 to October 2006 the ebb channel migrated 76 m to the northeast while its outer portion bent slightly toward Onslow Beach going from a 170-degree orientation to 193degree orientation (Figure 58 M). The inlet became smaller and so did the ebb tidal delta and erosion was dominant along all the zones except along the Inlet Zone, where a recurved spit was developed. Zone I eroded 37 m average, along Zone II the average erosion was of 19 m and the transects along the Inlet Zone accreted at an average of 119 m. Hurricane Bertha made landfall close to the study in 2005 and is probably the cause of the changes in the ebb channel and erosion along the oceanfront shoreline along Onslow Beach shoulder. 93 Figure 58. Brown’s Inlet morphologic and shoreline changes along Onslow Beach shoulder from March 2003 to October 2006 (M) and from October 2006 to October 2008 (N). The blue-colored arrows represent marginal flood channels, the sand colored arrows represent swash bars and the pink-colored arrows represent linear bars. Photographic source: USACE Wilmington District Office. 10/2006 – 10/2008 From October 2006 to October 2008 the ebb channel migrated 117 m to the southwest whereas the outer portion of the ebb channel deflected to the northeast with azimuth of 170° in October 2008 (Figure 58 N). Overall accretion occurred along the shoreline reach of Zones I and II (averages of 30 m and 19 m respectively). Deflection of the ebb channel toward Onslow Beach is possibly the reason why erosion occurred along the Inlet Zone at an average of 62 m. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Bear and Brown’s Inlets from 1938 to 2008 had significant change in their ebb channel orientation and this resulted in substantial changes in the ebb tidal delta configurations and oceanfront shoreline erosion or accretion. Table 5 depicts a summary of the changes that occurred in Bear and Brown’s Inlets and along their adjacent shorelines. Although there is no data available from 1872 to April 1938, it is probable that Bear and Brown’s Inlets were different before the dredging of the AIWW. The dredging of the AIWW was probably the cause of the significant greater infilling of Bear Inlet’s tidal basin. 94 Table 5. Summary of changes that occurred in Bear and Brown’s Inlets and their adjacent shorelines. Summary Data Brown's Inlet Onslow Beach Brown's Island Shortened 508 m Lengthened 341 m -301 m (IZ), 146 m (ZI), 381 m (IZ), -45 m (ZI), 95 m (ZII) -42 m (ZII) Migration Distance to the SW 355 m Migration Rates 5 m/yr Max. time channel deflection 30 yrs Ebb delta breaching events 4 Bar bypassing direction 3 NE and 1 SW Baseline Inlet Width 384 m Bear Inlet Brown's Island Lengthened 31 m - 3 m (IZ), -79 m (ZI), -96 m (ZII) Migration Distance to the SW Migration Rates Max. time channel deflection Ebb delta breaching events Bar bypassing direction Baseline Inlet Width Bear Island Lengthened 261 m 163 m (IZ), -61 m (ZI), -18 m (ZII) 592 m 8.5 m/yr 49 5 4 NE and 1 SW 592 m However, Bear and Brown’s Inlets ebb channels did not change the same way at the same time and their adjacent shorelines responded in a different way to these changes in a different time frame. For both of them there is a time lag between the change in ebb channel orientation and the shoreline response to such change, but this time lag is variable. There were, at least, 5 ebb delta breaching episodes recorded in this study for Bear Inlet (Table 5). Four of these episodes had sediment bypassing to the northeast while the fifth episode had sediment bypassing to the southwest. The maximum time between two ebb delta breaching episodes was 49 years. There were 4 identified ebb delta breaching episodes on Brown’s Inlet system (Table 5), with 3 of them causing bar bypassing to the northeast and one of them to the southwest. The maximum time lag between breaching episodes was of 30 years. Even though the nature and timing of ebb-delta breaching and the bar-bypassing events are sometimes similar in Bear and Brown’s Inlets, the adjacent shorelines do not respond in a similar manner all the time and sometimes their response is with different intensity (in some 95 cases one shoulder of one inlets responds more intensely to the breaching event than the other) and other times is totally opposite. The three inlet zones for both shoulders of Bear and Brown’s inlets responded differently to the changes in the ebb channel orientation over the study period. However, the changes did not regularly affect the same locations on the oceanfront shoreline. The length of shoreline that these inlets control is variable and the region closer to the inlet is more affected by erosion and deposition. The shoreline farther away from the inlet was less affected by changes in the ebb channel orientation. Although ebb delta breaching episodes caused drastic changes in erosion and accretion patters along the shoulders on both inlets, they were not responsible for the greatest changes over the time period studied. Most of times, the permanence of the channel roughly at the same position for some time and changes in the ebb tidal delta size and symmetry were responsible for the greatest and more consistent changes, specially along zones I and II . AMBUR and DSAS proved to be an efficient tool to study shoreline change due to the influence of tidal inlets. Although they have their discrepancies (DSAS only runs in data that are in meters linear unities, while AMBUR can run in any linear unit; AMBUR runs using an software package named R whose “language” is in prompt commands, while DSAS runs directly through ESRI ArcMap; the output data provided by DSAS is more limited and cannot be used as it is to perform studies like this one, needing to be treated, whereas AMBUR gives tables and graphs that are useful to study shoreline change; although DSAS provides the data in a less sophisticated way than AMBUR it is more “user friendly” than AMBUR and does not require previous programming knowledge like AMBUR does) the data they provided was very similar. So similar were the results that there was no need for displaying results acquired by both 96 programs during the analysis of Bear and Brown’s inlets and their adjacent shorelines in this study. To understand Bear and Brown’s inlets behavior and how and to what extent they influence the adjacent shoreline, a future study using more datasets should be conducted, including both older shorelines (between January 1872 and April 1938) and newer ones. Older shorelines could be acquired using old maps and charts and more recent photographs along with data collected using another remote sensing tools (LIDAR, ADCP, RTK, etc) will be able to provide more recent data. Although the data provided by using DSAS and AMBUR were very similar, both of them were inconsistent in interpreting the curved inlet zone configuration (JACKSON et al, in press). This inconsistency may be alleviated when both GIS extensions are updated in the future. 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Wilmington District, North Carolina, 38p. UNITED STATES ARMY CORPS of ENGINEERS (USACE), 2004. Bogue Inlet Channel Erosion Response Project: Final Environmental Impact Statement. Wilmington District, North Carolina, 269p. 100 APPENDIX Table A1. Compilation of data and time periods used to create the dataset of historical shorelines for the study of Bear Inlet Bear Inlet Year Source Agency Color? (Yes/No) # GCP RMS Cell Size 1872 (-) Shoreline.shp file NC DCM n/a n/a n/a n/a 7.09 1938 (Apr) aerial photo HWL Coastal Geology Lab Archives No 13 2.69 1949 (Oct) aerial photo HWL Coastal Geology Lab Archives No 8 2.39 12 1959 (Aug) aerial photo HWL Coastal Geology Lab Archives Yes 8 3.15 9.29 1962 (Mar) aerial photo HWL USACE No 10 2.01 5.5 1974 (Nov) aerial photo HWL USACE No 10 2.77 0.75 1983 (Oct) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes 11 2.80 0.87 1984 (Feb) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes - - - 1985 (Dec) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes 13 1.66 0.69 1986 (Sep) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes - - - 1987 (Jan) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes 21 1.88 0.88 1989 (Mar) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes 17 2.37 0.88 1990 (Aug) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes 16 1.76 0.70 1993 (Oct) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes - - - 1994 (May) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes 27 1.97 1.87 1996 (Sep) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes 16 1.41 0.73 2001 (Mar) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes 10 2.23 0.66 2002 (Jun) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes - - - 2003 (Mar) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes 17 0.98 0.65 2006 (-) orthophoto HWL NC Department of Agriculture Yes n/a n/a n/a 2008 (-) orthophoto HWL NC Department of Agriculture Yes n/a n/a n/a 101 Table A2. Compilation of data and time periods used to create the dataset of historical shorelines for the study of Brown’s Inlet Brown’s Inlet Year Source Agency Color? (Yes/No) #GCP RMS Cell size 1872 (-) Shoreline.shp file NC DCM n/a n/a n/a n/a 1938 (Apr) aerial photo HWL Coastal Geology Lab Archives No 11 2.24 0.09 1945 (Jan) aerial photo HWL USACE No 12 2.23 1.50 1958 (May) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes 11 1.19 2.92 1959 (Aug) aerial photo HWL Coastal Geology Lab Archives No 12 2.56 1.48 1960 (Nov) aerial photo HWL Coastal Geology Lab Archives No 12 2.28 0.89 1962 (Mar) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes 11 2.83 3.35 1964 (Oct) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes 9 2.5 0.86 1974 (Dec) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes 10 0.70 2.17 1983 (Oct) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes 26 1.52 1.35 1.48 1984 (Dec) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes 9 3.24 1986 (Aug) aerial photo HWL Coastal Geology Lab Archives Yes 10 2.81 1987 (Jan) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes 10 2.69 1.41 1993 (Oct) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes 14 1.87 1.47 1996 (Sep) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes - - - 2001 (Mar) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes 12 2.76 1.39 2002 (Jun) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes 15 1.56 0.74 2003 (Mar) aerial photo HWL USACE Yes 14 1.77 0.67 2006 (-) orthophoto HWL NC Department of Agriculture Yes n/a n/a n/a 2008 (-) orthophoto HWL NC Department of Agriculture Yes n/a n/a n/a 102 Table A3. Bear Inlet Bear Island and Brown’s Island zone-wide net changes between the periods of 1872-1938 and 1938-2008. Bear Inlet Zones Bear Island Transects Inlet Transect Zone I Zone II Brown's Island 1872-1938 (m) 1938-2008 (m) Transects 1872-1938 (m) IT 468.7 BE1 171.5 BE2 BE3 1938-2008 (m) 185.5 IT 138 61 -26 BR1 79 -39 223 -75.6 BR2 50 -52 221.5 -83.5 BR3 11.4 -65 BE4 215.8 -77.1 BR4 -7 -77 BE5 218.2 -72.5 BR5 -14 -92 BE6 201.02 -66.3 BR6 -12 -98 BE7 187 -54.5 BR7 -13 -106 BE8 181.6 -46.7 BR8 -27 -104 BE9 161.3 -34.3 BR9 -25 -104.3 BE10 169.1 -35 BR10 -35 -99 BE11 163.7 -27.2 BR11 -29 -94 BE12 153.5 -23.3 BR12 -24 -92 BE13 148.8 -17.1 BR13 -17 -96 BE14 143.4 -13.2 BR14 -17 -94 BE15 132.5 -3.6 BR15 -17 -96 103 Table A4. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island and Brown’s Island zone-wide shoreline change by period. Cumulative changes from April 1938 to October 2008 are listed in bold. Bear Inlet Bear Island Period Inlet Zone (IZ) Change (m) 04/25/1938 - 10/03/2008 161.7 Brown's Island Inlet Zone (IZ) Change (m) EPR (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) Period 2.3 3.7 04/25/1938 - 10/03/2008 EPR (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) 30.5 0.4 -1.4 4/25/1938 - 10/21/1949 -41.5 -3.8 - 4/25/1938 - 10/21/1949 176.4 16.0 - 10/21/1949 - 08/16/1959 127.6 12.8 - 10/21/1949 - 08/16/1959 -65.2 -6.5 - 08/16/1959 - 03/13/1962 -34.6 -11.5 - 08/16/1959 - 03/13/1962 -55.5 -18.5 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 74.8 24.9 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 135.1 11.3 - 12/01/1974 - 09/19/1984 94.6 9.5 - 12/01/1974 - 09/19/1984 -111.1 -11.1 - 09/19/1984 - 12/22/1985 -33.3 -33.3 - 09/19/1984 - 12/22/1985 43.4 43.4 - 12/22/1985 - 01/14/1987 24.1 12.1 - 12/22/1985 - 01/14/1987 -74.7 -37.3 - 01/14/1987 - 03/25/1989 74.6 37.3 - 01/14/1987 - 03/25/1989 -39.4 -19.7 - 09/19/1989 - 05/08/1990 -25.8 -25.8 - 09/19/1989 - 05/08/1990 -1.5 -1.5 - 05/08/1990 - 10/29/1993 -82.8 -27.6 - 05/08/1990 - 10/29/1993 11.3 3.8 - 10/29/1993 - 05/07/1994 30.5 30.5 - 10/29/1993 - 05/07/1994 42.2 42.2 - 05/07/1994 - 09/15/1996 -2.5 -1.2 - 05/07/1994 - 09/15/1996 -105.3 -52.6 - 09/15/1996 - 03/10/2001 -53.3 -10.7 - 09/15/1996 - 03/10/2001 -9.7 -1.9 - 03/10/2001 - 03/10/2003 130.6 65.3 - 03/10/2001 - 03/10/2003 64.4 32.2 - 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 -88.5 -29.5 - 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 116.8 38.9 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 -32.8 -16.4 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 -96.8 -48.4 - EPR (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) Period EPR (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) Period Zone I Change (m) Zone I Change (m) 04/25/1938 - 10/03/2008 -61.18 -0.9 0.04 04/25/1938 - 10/03/2008 -79.4 -1.13 -1.7 4/25/1938 - 10/21/1949 -73.6 -6.7 - 4/25/1938 - 10/21/1949 31.4 2.9 - 10/21/1949 - 08/16/1959 63.9 6.4 - 10/21/1949 - 08/16/1959 29.3 2.9 - 08/16/1959 - 03/13/1962 -71.5 -23.8 - 08/16/1959 - 03/13/1962 -61.1 -20.4 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 63.5 5.3 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 33.0 2.8 - 12/01/1974 - 09/19/1984 11.2 1.1 - 12/01/1974 - 09/19/1984 -63.8 -6.4 - 09/19/1984 - 12/22/1985 2.8 2.8 - 09/19/1984 - 12/22/1985 19.5 19.5 - 12/22/1985 - 01/14/1987 -33.0 -16.5 - 12/22/1985 - 01/14/1987 -9.1 -4.6 - 01/14/1987 - 03/25/1989 3.3 1.7 - 01/14/1987 - 03/25/1989 -16.5 -8.3 - 09/19/1989 - 05/08/1990 26.0 26.0 - 09/19/1989 - 05/08/1990 -2.0 -2.0 - 05/08/1990 - 10/29/1993 12.8 4.3 - 05/08/1990 - 10/29/1993 1.1 0.4 - 10/29/1993 - 05/07/1994 -1.1 -1.1 - 10/29/1993 - 05/07/1994 -23.5 -23.5 - 05/07/1994 - 09/15/1996 -55.6 -27.8 - 05/07/1994 - 09/15/1996 -26.2 -13.1 - 09/15/1996 - 03/10/2001 -11.4 -2.3 - 09/15/1996 - 03/10/2001 44.4 8.9 - 03/10/2001 - 03/10/2003 46.5 23.2 - 03/10/2001 - 03/10/2003 -24.5 -12.2 - 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 -7.6 -2.5 - 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 9.2 3.1 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 -37.5 -18.7 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 -20.5 -10.3 - 104 Table A4 Cont. Period Zone II Change (m) EPR (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) Period 04/25/1938 - 10/03/2008 04/25/1938 - 10/03/2008 -18.4 -0.3 0.13 Zone II Change (m) EPR (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) -96.6 -1.4 -1.3 - 4/25/1938 - 10/21/1949 -33.2 -3.0 - 4/25/1938 - 10/21/1949 -16.9 -1.5 10/21/1949 - 08/16/1959 29.8 3.0 - 10/21/1949 - 08/16/1959 51.9 5.2 - 08/16/1959 - 03/13/1962 -45.2 -15.1 - 08/16/1959 - 03/13/1962 -72.9 -24.3 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 71.5 6.0 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 65.5 5.5 - 12/01/1974 - 09/19/1984 -2.2 -0.2 - 12/01/1974 - 09/19/1984 -77.1 -7.7 - 09/19/1984 - 12/22/1985 -9.1 -9.1 - 09/19/1984 - 12/22/1985 27.8 27.8 - 12/22/1985 - 01/14/1987 -26.0 -13.0 - 12/22/1985 - 01/14/1987 -0.4 -0.2 - 01/14/1987 - 03/25/1989 2.8 1.4 - 01/14/1987 - 03/25/1989 -29.5 -14.8 - 09/19/1989 - 05/08/1990 14.7 14.7 - 09/19/1989 - 05/08/1990 12.1 12.1 - 05/08/1990 - 10/29/1993 5.4 1.8 - 05/08/1990 - 10/29/1993 6.6 2.2 - 10/29/1993 - 05/07/1994 0.0 0.0 - 10/29/1993 - 05/07/1994 -23.7 -23.7 - 05/07/1994 - 09/15/1996 -38.9 -19.5 - 05/07/1994 - 09/15/1996 -27.8 -13.9 - 09/15/1996 - 03/10/2001 4.5 0.9 - 09/15/1996 - 03/10/2001 33.1 6.6 - 03/10/2001 - 03/10/2003 27.6 13.8 - 03/10/2001 - 03/10/2003 -18.6 -9.3 - 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 -4.4 -1.5 - 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 -9.5 -3.2 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 -15.7 -7.8 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 -17.2 -8.6 - 105 Table A5. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Brown’s Island and Onslow Beach zone-wide shoreline change by period. Cumulative changes from January 1934 to October 2008 are listed in bold. Brown's Inlet Brown's Island Period Inlet Zone (IZ) Change (m) Onslow Beach EPR (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) Period Inlet Zone (IZ) Change (m) EPR (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) 01/01/1934 - 10/03/2008 381.1 5.2 5.1 01/01/1934 - 10/03/2008 -301.2 -4.1 -5.4 01/01/1934 - 04/25/1938 68.1 17.0 - 01/01/1934 - 04/25/1938 61.3 15.3 - 04/25/1938 - 01/24/1945 14.2 2.0 - 04/25/1938 - 01/24/1945 -90.7 -13.0 - 01/24/1945 - 05/04/1958 58.8 4.5 - 01/24/1945 - 05/04/1958 -11.4 -0.9 - 05/04/1958 - 08/16/1959 -3.4 -3.4 - 05/04/1958 - 08/16/1959 -33.4 -33.4 - 08/16/1959 - 11/20/1960 51.5 51.5 - 08/16/1959 - 11/20/1960 -53.4 -53.4 - 11/20/1960 - 03/13/1962 -25.2 -12.6 - 11/20/1960 - 03/13/1962 -3.5 -1.8 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 190.1 15.8 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 -84.4 -7.0 - 12/01/1974 - 10/03/1983 61.7 6.9 - 12/01/1974 - 10/03/1983 69.9 7.8 - 10/03/1983 - 10/03/1984 -64.5 -64.5 - 10/03/1983 - 10/03/1984 -55.4 -55.4 - 10/03/1984 - 01/13/1987 43.7 14.6 - 10/03/1984 - 01/13/1987 -129.1 -43.0 - 01/13/1987 - 10/29/1993 8.4 1.4 - 01/13/1987 - 10/29/1993 -52.8 -8.8 - 10/29/1993 - 06/26/1998 -64.5 -12.9 - 10/29/1993 - 06/26/1998 63.5 12.7 - 06/26/1998 - 06/05/2002 6.0 1.5 - 06/26/1998 - 06/05/2002 -35.5 -8.9 - 06/05/2002 - 03/10/2003 5.3 5.3 - 06/05/2002 - 03/10/2003 -3.3 -3.3 - 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 -7.4 -2.5 - 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 119.5 59.7 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 38.3 19.2 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 -62.5 -31.2 - Period Zone I Change (m) EPR (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) 01/01/1934 - 10/03/2008 -44.8 -0.6 01/01/1934 - 04/25/1938 35.2 8.8 04/25/1938 - 01/24/1945 -51.6 01/24/1945 - 05/04/1958 Period Zone I Change (m) EPR (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) -0.8 01/01/1934 - 10/03/2008 145.9 2.0 1.6 - 01/01/1934 - 04/25/1938 16.3 4.1 - -7.4 - 04/25/1938 - 01/24/1945 48.2 6.9 - 32.9 2.5 - 01/24/1945 - 05/04/1958 26.0 2.0 - 05/04/1958 - 08/16/1959 30.6 30.6 - 05/04/1958 - 08/16/1959 -47.0 -47.0 - 08/16/1959 - 11/20/1960 -16.9 -16.9 - 08/16/1959 - 11/20/1960 -13.2 -13.2 - 11/20/1960 - 03/13/1962 -12.0 -6.0 - 11/20/1960 - 03/13/1962 -9.0 -3.0 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 -30.4 -2.5 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 51.0 4.3 - 12/01/1974 - 10/03/1983 43.8 4.9 - 12/01/1974 - 10/03/1983 -3.7 -0.4 - 10/03/1983 - 10/03/1984 2.5 2.5 - 10/03/1983 - 10/03/1984 19.9 19.9 - 10/03/1984 - 01/13/1987 -27.7 -9.2 - 10/03/1984 - 01/13/1987 -24.8 -8.3 - 01/13/1987 - 10/29/1993 -3.5 -0.6 - 01/13/1987 - 10/29/1993 41.1 6.8 - 10/29/1993 - 06/26/1998 -25.2 -5.0 - 10/29/1993 - 06/26/1998 9.4 1.9 - 06/26/1998 - 06/05/2002 -15.9 -4.0 - 06/26/1998 - 06/05/2002 16.7 4.2 - 06/05/2002 - 03/10/2003 6.8 6.8 - 06/05/2002 - 03/10/2003 21.6 21.6 - 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 -16.7 -5.6 - 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 -37.1 -12.4 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 3.2 1.6 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 30.4 15.2 - 106 Table A5 Cont. Period Zone II Change (m) EPR (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) Period Zone II Change (m) EPR (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) 01/01/1934 - 10/03/2008 -41.7 -0.6 01/01/1934 - 04/25/1938 36.6 9.2 -0.5 01/01/1934 - 10/03/2008 94.9 1.3 0.9 - 01/01/1934 - 04/25/1938 13.6 3.4 04/25/1938 - 01/24/1945 -36.0 - -5.1 - 04/25/1938 - 01/24/1945 22.5 3.2 - 01/24/1945 - 05/04/1958 -24.4 -1.9 - 01/24/1945 - 05/04/1958 64.0 4.9 - 05/04/1958 - 08/16/1959 24.8 24.8 - 05/04/1958 - 08/16/1959 -58.6 -58.6 - 08/16/1959 - 11/20/1960 -4.8 -4.8 - 08/16/1959 - 11/20/1960 -12.2 -12.2 - 11/20/1960 - 03/13/1962 -13.8 -6.9 - 11/20/1960 - 03/13/1962 -12.8 -6.4 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 -16.3 -1.4 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 22.0 1.8 - 12/01/1974 - 10/03/1983 36.8 4.1 - 12/01/1974 - 10/03/1983 17.8 2.0 - 10/03/1983 - 10/03/1984 -1.9 -1.9 - 10/03/1983 - 10/03/1984 31.1 31.1 - 10/03/1984 - 01/13/1987 -4.7 -1.6 - 10/03/1984 - 01/13/1987 -59.4 -19.8 - 01/13/1987 - 10/29/1993 9.6 1.6 - 01/13/1987 - 10/29/1993 48.0 8.0 - 10/29/1993 - 06/26/1998 -27.8 -5.6 - 10/29/1993 - 06/26/1998 -4.8 -1.0 - 06/26/1998 - 06/05/2002 -4.3 -1.1 - 06/26/1998 - 06/05/2002 0.5 0.1 - 06/05/2002 - 03/10/2003 2.3 2.3 - 06/05/2002 - 03/10/2003 23.1 23.1 - 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 -19.5 -6.5 - 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 -18.8 -6.3 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 1.7 0.9 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 19.1 9.5 - 107 Table A6. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island and Brown’s Island zone-averaged cumulative shoreline change from April 1938 to October 2008. Bear Inlet Bear Island Date Brown's Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Inlet Zone (IZ) Zone I Zone II I1, IT, I2 BE1-BE7 BE8-BE15 All IZ to BE15 Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Inlet Zone (IZ) Zone I Zone II All I1, IT, I2 BR1-BR7 BR8-BR15 IZ to BR15 04/25/1938 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11/01/1949 -41.5 -73.6 -33.2 -49.4 176.4 31.4 -16.9 63.6 08/16/1959 86.1 -9.6 -3.4 24.4 111.3 60.7 35.0 69.0 03/13/1962 51.5 -81.1 -48.6 -26.1 55.8 -0.4 -37.8 5.8 12/01/1974 126.3 -17.6 22.9 43.8 190.9 32.6 27.7 83.7 09/19/1984 220.9 -6.4 20.7 78.4 79.8 -31.2 -49.4 -0.3 12/22/1985 187.6 -3.6 11.6 65.2 123.2 -11.7 -21.7 29.9 01/14/1987 211.7 -36.6 -14.4 53.6 48.5 -20.8 -22.1 1.9 03/25/1989 286.3 -33.3 -11.6 80.5 9.1 -37.4 -51.6 -26.6 05/08/1990 260.5 -7.3 3.1 85.4 7.6 -39.4 -39.5 -23.8 10/29/1993 177.7 5.5 8.4 63.9 18.9 -38.3 -32.8 -17.4 05/07/1994 208.2 4.4 8.5 73.7 61.1 -61.8 -56.6 -19.1 09/15/1996 205.7 -51.2 -30.5 41.4 -44.2 -88.0 -84.4 -72.2 03/10/2001 152.4 -62.6 -25.9 21.3 -53.9 -43.6 -51.3 -49.6 03/10/2003 283.0 -16.1 1.6 89.5 10.5 -68.0 -69.9 -42.5 10/14/2006 194.5 -23.7 -2.8 56.0 127.3 -58.9 -79.4 -3.7 10/03/2008 161.7 -61.2 -18.4 27.4 30.5 -79.4 -96.6 -48.5 108 Table A7. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island and Brown’s Island zone-averaged cumulative shoreline change from April 1938 to October 2008. Brown's Inlet Brown's Island Date Onslow Beach Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Inlet Zone (IZ) Zone I Zone II I1, IT, I2 BR1-BR7 BR8-BR15 All IZ to BR15 Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Inlet Zone (IZ) Zone I Zone II I1, IT, I2 OB1-OB7 OB8-OB15 All IZ-OB15 01/01/1934 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 04/25/1938 68.1 35.2 36.6 46.6 61.3 16.3 13.6 30.4 01/24/1945 82.3 -16.4 0.7 22.2 -29.3 64.5 36.1 23.8 05/04/1958 141.1 16.5 -23.8 44.6 -40.7 90.6 100.1 50.0 08/16/1959 137.7 47.1 1.0 61.9 -74.2 43.6 41.5 3.6 11/20/1960 189.2 30.3 -3.8 71.9 -127.6 30.4 29.2 -22.6 03/13/1962 164.0 18.3 -17.6 54.9 -131.1 21.4 16.4 -31.1 12/01/1974 354.1 -12.1 -33.9 102.7 -215.5 72.4 38.4 -34.9 10/03/1983 415.9 31.7 2.9 150.2 -145.6 68.7 56.2 -6.9 10/03/1984 351.4 34.2 1.0 128.9 -201.0 88.7 87.3 -8.4 01/13/1987 395.0 6.5 -3.7 132.6 -330.1 63.8 27.8 -79.5 10/29/1993 403.4 3.0 5.9 137.4 -382.9 104.9 75.8 -67.4 06/26/1998 338.9 -22.2 -22.0 98.3 -319.4 114.2 71.1 -44.7 06/05/2002 344.9 -38.1 -26.3 93.5 -354.9 131.0 71.6 -50.8 03/10/2003 350.2 -31.3 -24.0 98.3 -358.3 152.6 94.6 -37.0 10/14/2006 342.8 -48.0 -43.4 83.8 -238.8 115.5 75.8 -15.8 10/03/2008 381.1 -44.8 -41.7 98.2 -301.2 145.9 94.9 -20.2 109 Table A8a. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island cumulative shoreline change along transects I1 through BE3 from April 1938 to October 2008. Bear Inlet Bear Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date I1 IT I2 BE1 BE2 04/25/1938 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 BE3 0.0 11/01/1949 -28.0 -38.6 -57.9 -122.9 -124.5 -94.8 08/16/1959 78.3 106.2 73.9 18.3 -5.7 -17.1 03/13/1962 72.4 57.8 24.4 -87.0 -109.7 -88.4 12/01/1974 214.4 146.1 18.3 -91.5 -76.7 -36.1 09/19/1984 212.4 259.8 190.5 25.7 -12.9 -12.3 12/22/1985 191.1 205.7 165.8 33.8 -10.4 -7.3 01/14/1987 183.9 266.0 185.0 -13.1 -43.3 -46.3 03/25/1989 306.7 296.6 255.5 5.6 -45.2 -46.3 05/08/1990 225.6 288.2 267.6 55.8 -1.6 -5.7 10/29/1993 154.8 163.9 214.4 55.3 3.5 -10.3 05/07/1994 137.2 250.7 236.8 57.4 5.9 -3.4 09/15/1996 177.9 288.0 151.4 -38.1 -73.8 -63.3 03/10/2001 163.3 163.4 130.5 -38.7 -81.5 -66.5 03/10/2003 364.7 285.9 198.3 53.5 -17.7 -31.8 10/14/2006 147.9 184.7 250.8 23.5 -26.7 -38.4 10/03/2008 87.0 182.2 215.9 -25.0 -75.9 -81.0 Table A8b. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BE4 through BE9 from April 1938 to October 2008. Bear Inlet Bear Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date BE4 BE5 BE6 BE7 BE8 04/25/1938 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 BE9 0.0 11/01/1949 -58.7 -49.9 -44.9 -46.5 -46.2 -37.1 08/16/1959 -17.0 -22.7 -14.6 -9.6 -8.4 -13.9 03/13/1962 -79.0 -84.6 -67.1 -61.0 -72.1 -62.6 12/01/1974 7.8 10.2 16.9 11.8 16.4 22.7 09/19/1984 -8.2 -6.3 -6.2 -18.6 -12.5 6.9 12/22/1985 -10.7 -20.1 -14.2 -2.4 2.5 12.2 01/14/1987 -45.4 -50.2 -39.9 -29.4 -24.9 -26.1 03/25/1989 -42.1 -47.2 -35.1 -31.4 -24.4 -22.0 05/08/1990 -12.1 -27.1 -26.3 -21.2 -20.2 -10.8 10/29/1993 0.4 -9.8 -1.7 2.5 4.1 7.8 05/07/1994 -11.6 -8.7 -5.1 -4.8 5.6 7.0 09/15/1996 -55.4 -58.7 -45.6 -39.5 -34.9 -33.5 03/10/2001 -74.3 -76.9 -66.8 -51.6 -44.6 -37.5 03/10/2003 -36.0 -37.4 -23.0 -18.6 -17.9 -14.9 10/14/2006 -41.1 -39.8 -26.8 -22.9 -17.5 -11.9 10/03/2008 -75.2 -73.7 -61.7 -52.5 -44.4 -32.0 110 Table A8c. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BE10 through BE15 from April 1938 to October 2008. Bear Inlet Bear Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date BE10 BE11 BE12 BE13 BE14 04/25/1938 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 BE15 0.0 11/01/1949 -42.0 -42.9 -40.2 -28.4 -23.6 -18.4 08/16/1959 -13.2 -8.1 -6.1 3.7 -0.5 14.4 03/13/1962 -69.4 -42.7 -44.1 -44.8 -56.1 -20.8 12/01/1974 18.5 23.3 23.0 23.3 22.2 27.2 09/19/1984 8.9 18.2 27.1 30.9 21.1 31.7 12/22/1985 -3.1 1.4 11.1 13.2 22.2 24.2 01/14/1987 -25.3 -18.6 -14.8 -12.2 -6.8 2.9 03/25/1989 -28.0 -16.9 -9.4 -7.5 -4.3 6.6 05/08/1990 -10.2 -4.1 2.1 7.3 12.6 24.7 10/29/1993 1.6 4.6 9.5 10.4 10.5 14.7 05/07/1994 -2.0 5.4 12.8 9.1 9.2 17.8 09/15/1996 -38.6 -35.8 -32.5 -30.7 -26.4 -15.8 03/10/2001 -39.1 -31.8 -26.1 -21.5 -18.6 -7.0 03/10/2003 -13.4 -4.1 4.5 8.1 11.5 19.8 10/14/2006 -20.3 -7.7 -2.5 7.2 2.7 13.1 10/03/2008 -31.1 -22.2 -18.3 -13.7 -10.8 -0.8 Table A8d: Summary of Bear Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects I1 through BR3 from April 1938 to October 2008 Bear Inlet Brown's Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date I1 IT I2 BR1 BR2 BR3 04/25/1938 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11/01/1949 197.9 193.5 137.9 32.8 82.8 79.9 08/16/1959 125.3 120.7 87.7 33.8 43.3 90.9 03/13/1962 120.2 46.0 1.1 38.2 43.1 36.8 12/01/1974 257.9 206.1 108.6 48.1 50.7 44.2 09/19/1984 89.9 87.5 62.0 -8.1 -4.8 -20.1 12/22/1985 147.8 150.6 71.1 6.4 4.3 -2.7 01/14/1987 51.6 50.2 43.6 -3.7 -8.1 -9.3 03/25/1989 37.9 20.8 -31.4 -27.8 -31.2 -16.8 05/08/1990 -12.6 59.2 -23.8 -27.9 -19.7 -28.3 10/29/1993 64.4 4.6 -12.3 -25.5 -25.4 -30.1 05/07/1994 91.1 102.2 -10.0 -58.9 -49.6 -54.7 09/15/1996 -8.6 -49.6 -74.3 -81.7 -82.7 -84.4 03/10/2001 -28.9 -62.0 -70.8 -42.7 -26.0 -26.4 03/10/2003 53.3 15.7 -37.5 -60.0 -56.9 -56.8 10/14/2006 192.7 162.1 27.0 -23.2 -34.6 -39.3 10/03/2008 60.8 34.1 -3.4 -38.9 -51.9 -66.0 111 Table A8e. Summary of Bear Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BR4 through BR9 from April 1938 to October 2008. Bear Inlet Brown's Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date BR4 BR5 BR6 BR7 BR8 04/25/1938 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 BR9 0.0 11/01/1949 43.0 30.8 9.3 -10.1 -17.5 -20.9 08/16/1959 73.7 47.1 83.8 69.6 43.5 49.1 03/13/1962 -0.6 -15.0 -22.8 -39.2 -43.8 -37.6 12/01/1974 37.1 31.2 25.0 15.9 8.5 14.8 09/19/1984 -36.2 -35.6 -35.1 -54.0 -55.9 -52.7 12/22/1985 -7.2 -24.8 -26.2 -22.8 -20.5 -24.0 01/14/1987 -18.9 -28.1 -26.1 -32.8 -39.4 -23.7 03/25/1989 -40.1 -31.5 -42.6 -53.7 -55.1 -52.0 05/08/1990 -41.6 -48.2 -44.1 -49.4 -55.9 -52.0 10/29/1993 -36.1 -43.3 -47.6 -47.8 -50.6 -41.7 05/07/1994 -61.7 -67.3 -68.5 -68.2 -65.4 -62.1 09/15/1996 -85.9 -89.2 -91.6 -96.0 -92.1 -91.4 03/10/2001 -36.4 -47.2 -54.2 -58.0 -57.6 -52.9 03/10/2003 -64.8 -71.1 -75.4 -79.0 -80.2 -72.3 10/14/2006 -51.3 -80.2 -75.8 -82.4 -84.0 -83.4 10/03/2008 -77.3 -92.4 -97.8 -106.5 -104.1 -104.4 Table A8f. Summary of Bear Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BR10 through BR15 from April 1938 to October 2008. Bear Inlet Brown's Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date BR10 BR11 BR12 BR13 BR14 BR15 04/25/1938 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -26.3 11/01/1949 -21.0 -9.2 -6.5 -16.4 -18.1 08/16/1959 50.3 40.1 29.3 29.1 26.2 21.3 03/13/1962 -36.5 -37.8 -41.4 -38.3 -33.3 -40.0 12/01/1974 12.7 21.9 30.3 31.4 40.5 42.0 09/19/1984 -50.1 -47.0 -47.6 -49.9 -47.2 -51.8 12/22/1985 -24.2 -20.6 -19.4 -22.5 -23.5 -17.4 01/14/1987 -17.1 -25.7 -21.5 -22.3 -20.1 -24.3 03/25/1989 -49.8 -47.8 -49.1 -52.6 -52.0 -58.1 05/08/1990 -41.9 -33.5 -34.3 -36.3 -38.5 -40.0 10/29/1993 -33.8 -33.8 -31.5 -26.8 -25.3 -37.1 05/07/1994 -59.4 -53.4 -53.3 -55.8 -57.9 -54.3 09/15/1996 -91.5 -81.2 -77.5 -82.7 -80.4 -86.4 03/10/2001 -49.8 -51.0 -49.1 -47.7 -50.6 -57.9 03/10/2003 -71.9 -69.0 -68.2 -70.0 -66.0 -71.6 10/14/2006 -77.5 -70.6 -76.8 -77.0 -83.4 -87.1 10/03/2008 -99.6 -94.2 -92.1 -96.1 -93.9 -96.2 112 Table A9a. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects I1 through BR3 from January 1934 to October 2008. Brown's Inlet Brown's Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date I1 BR1 BR2 01/01/1934 0.0 IT 0.0 I2 0.0 0.0 0.0 BR3 0.0 04/25/1938 39.4 74.4 90.6 31.5 34.8 32.3 01/24/1945 93.4 86.7 66.9 -28.3 -24.9 -24.0 05/04/1958 235.7 110.8 76.9 49.5 49.8 38.7 08/16/1959 202.5 107.2 103.5 80.0 65.4 55.9 11/20/1960 113.0 244.9 209.6 37.2 34.6 30.1 03/13/1962 268.6 131.6 91.8 56.9 45.9 33.2 12/01/1974 359.3 396.2 306.9 -4.5 -8.0 -15.3 10/03/1983 380.0 440.0 427.7 74.3 57.6 30.0 10/03/1984 386.1 355.5 312.6 64.3 43.6 23.6 01/13/1987 396.0 455.2 334.0 22.2 14.0 0.4 10/29/1993 377.5 483.3 349.5 8.4 4.1 -2.4 06/26/1998 315.7 411.1 290.0 -12.8 -19.3 -29.0 06/05/2002 438.5 355.9 240.3 -32.5 -41.3 -46.0 03/10/2003 417.4 354.4 278.8 -25.3 -38.2 -42.8 10/14/2006 383.9 391.2 253.4 -24.4 -34.5 -52.6 10/03/2008 404.8 416.5 322.1 -34.6 -44.8 -55.5 Table A9b. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BR4 through BR9 from January 1934 to October 2008. Brown's Inlet Brown's Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date BR4 BR5 BR6 BR7 BR8 BR9 01/01/1934 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.1 04/25/1938 33.2 35.8 38.7 39.6 35.5 01/24/1945 -14.3 -11.7 -12.6 -7.5 -7.9 -4.1 05/04/1958 26.3 3.7 -3.4 -12.1 -20.3 -17.2 08/16/1959 53.0 45.7 28.3 24.4 24.3 15.5 11/20/1960 34.7 40.7 35.7 21.7 7.3 -1.1 03/13/1962 10.1 3.2 7.8 1.8 -12.5 -13.7 12/01/1974 -14.5 -13.5 -12.5 -12.3 -16.2 -20.4 10/03/1983 21.4 25.5 18.1 12.6 14.2 11.7 10/03/1984 20.5 32.3 43.3 26.3 20.0 9.3 01/13/1987 1.4 3.8 3.1 4.3 3.2 1.1 10/29/1993 -5.9 -5.3 4.3 11.0 9.8 7.9 06/26/1998 -28.1 -24.2 -24.6 -19.0 -20.6 -21.2 06/05/2002 -45.3 -38.1 -35.3 -33.9 -32.5 -32.6 03/10/2003 -34.1 -27.7 -29.1 -27.6 -25.4 -27.9 10/14/2006 -60.3 -59.6 -50.1 -50.0 -52.3 -47.2 10/03/2008 -52.4 -49.8 -46.0 -38.5 -36.9 -36.1 113 Table A9c. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BR10 through BR15 from January 1934 to October 2008. Brown's Inlet Brown's Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date BR10 BR11 BR12 BR13 BR14 01/01/1934 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 BR15 0.0 04/25/1938 34.1 33.1 34.2 41.6 39.4 39.9 01/24/1945 -1.3 -2.3 2.8 3.3 2.0 4.3 05/04/1958 -19.5 -24.4 -25.6 -27.4 -25.4 -26.7 08/16/1959 5.7 3.0 -4.9 -1.5 -4.6 -6.2 11/20/1960 -1.8 -2.2 -3.9 -3.5 -8.5 -5.8 03/13/1962 -11.3 -19.3 -19.5 -20.5 -15.1 -23.4 12/01/1974 -24.6 -28.8 -33.0 -36.8 -42.6 -51.1 -9.6 10/03/1983 9.1 6.5 3.8 1.6 -2.6 10/03/1984 6.7 -0.8 -6.8 -2.6 3.6 -2.2 01/13/1987 -0.3 -4.2 -0.9 -3.5 -6.3 -11.8 10/29/1993 3.9 5.6 6.5 8.3 6.3 2.7 06/26/1998 -23.0 -26.6 -23.5 -21.4 -19.3 -18.7 06/05/2002 -30.2 -27.8 -25.4 -22.4 -21.7 -23.6 03/10/2003 -23.5 -23.9 -22.9 -18.8 -19.2 -31.7 10/14/2006 -44.6 -45.6 -45.7 -41.4 -39.5 -40.1 10/03/2008 -34.6 -36.2 -37.9 -33.8 -57.0 -56.2 Table A9d. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Onslow Beach cumulative shoreline change along transects I1 through OB3 from January 1934 to October 2008. Brown's Inlet Onslow Beach Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date I1 IT I2 OB1 OB2 OB3 01/01/1934 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 04/25/1938 158.4 61.3 -35.7 51.5 27.8 13.6 01/24/1945 -111.1 -66.8 89.9 74.5 68.6 68.0 05/04/1958 34.8 -139.8 -17.2 47.6 51.6 88.0 08/16/1959 13.0 -158.3 -77.2 41.2 43.0 42.4 11/20/1960 15.8 -245.4 -153.1 18.1 22.6 32.9 03/13/1962 9.0 -237.8 -164.5 7.8 14.2 16.4 12/01/1974 -85.7 -327.9 -232.8 70.0 74.3 83.8 10/03/1983 22.6 -253.8 -205.5 66.4 73.6 69.3 10/03/1984 -62.6 -322.0 -218.4 54.9 92.6 94.9 01/13/1987 -201.7 -456.5 -332.1 59.0 86.0 86.8 10/29/1993 -244.5 -516.5 -387.9 34.4 101.2 117.9 06/26/1998 -126.1 -468.4 -363.8 47.3 96.6 111.9 06/05/2002 -248.0 -486.7 -330.1 108.9 126.5 142.6 03/10/2003 -272.1 -506.2 -296.4 137.2 150.8 173.8 10/14/2006 -126.4 -361.6 -228.4 91.7 109.9 122.8 10/03/2008 -224.1 -422.0 -257.6 108.7 144.4 158.3 114 Table A9e. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Onslow Beach cumulative shoreline change along transects OB4 through OB9 from January 1934 to October 2008. Brown's Inlet Onslow Beach Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date OB4 OB5 OB6 OB7 OB8 OB9 01/01/1934 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 04/25/1938 9.8 6.9 7.9 6.6 6.3 7.2 01/24/1945 70.8 68.0 62.4 55.7 48.2 41.8 05/04/1958 110.2 112.0 105.4 98.4 111.2 98.6 08/16/1959 44.4 45.1 42.0 48.1 42.6 32.5 11/20/1960 34.4 36.2 33.9 32.5 33.1 32.9 03/13/1962 27.8 31.0 28.8 25.6 19.7 19.0 12/01/1974 78.6 76.2 70.9 65.8 59.7 55.7 10/03/1983 65.1 67.6 67.5 69.5 70.9 68.4 10/03/1984 103.9 92.1 81.5 96.7 92.9 98.3 01/13/1987 72.5 61.4 54.2 48.3 42.4 29.9 10/29/1993 132.8 127.6 116.6 107.2 101.5 90.9 06/26/1998 120.8 126.9 139.5 136.3 134.7 120.0 06/05/2002 132.8 148.9 140.0 129.0 119.2 98.9 03/10/2003 170.0 164.3 154.8 142.4 127.5 115.1 10/14/2006 122.2 125.1 120.4 118.7 113.2 93.5 10/03/2008 158.4 156.8 153.4 147.3 139.7 130.9 Table A9f. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Onslow Beach cumulative shoreline change along transects OB10 through OB15 from January 1934 to October 2008. Brown's Inlet Onslow Beach Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date OB10 OB11 OB12 OB13 OB14 OB15 01/01/1934 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.2 04/25/1938 7.7 9.7 13.3 14.6 21.4 01/24/1945 36.8 36.7 36.5 37.5 34.4 29.2 05/04/1958 95.8 93.0 99.5 102.0 102.8 108.9 08/16/1959 47.4 42.5 43.5 42.5 41.5 40.4 11/20/1960 32.5 30.2 27.4 27.3 27.2 27.1 03/13/1962 16.2 15.3 14.7 13.5 16.0 20.5 12/01/1974 44.8 40.6 36.6 33.6 30.5 27.2 10/03/1983 64.4 60.4 56.4 52.3 48.0 43.4 10/03/1984 93.5 88.1 86.9 79.7 85.6 78.9 01/13/1987 28.4 36.7 27.4 31.8 21.4 19.2 10/29/1993 84.7 79.2 75.5 68.5 65.3 66.7 06/26/1998 92.6 71.7 58.9 55.7 52.9 45.8 06/05/2002 82.4 77.4 73.7 57.4 52.4 58.6 03/10/2003 108.7 96.5 89.2 93.1 83.4 76.4 10/14/2006 86.8 83.6 79.3 71.3 61.7 54.3 10/03/2008 116.2 103.3 89.9 81.7 72.8 69.2 115 Table A10. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island and Brown’s Island zone-wide shoreline change by period using AMBUR Cumulative changes from April 1938 to October 2008 are listed in bold. Bear Inlet Bear Island Period Brown's Island Inlet Transect (IT) Change EPR (m) (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) Period Inlet Transect (IT) Change (m) EPR (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) -1.2 04/25/1938 - 10/03/2008 291.4 4.1 4.3 04/25/1938 - 10/03/2008 38.2 0.5 4/25/1938 - 10/21/1949 -40.2 -3.7 - 4/25/1938 - 10/21/1949 185.9 16.9 - 10/21/1949 - 08/16/1959 144.6 14.5 - 10/21/1949 - 08/16/1959 -69.2 -6.9 - 08/16/1959 - 03/13/1962 -51.3 -17.1 - 08/16/1959 - 03/13/1962 -64.1 -21.4 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 67.0 5.6 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 141.5 11.8 - 12/01/1974 - 09/19/1984 123.3 12.3 - 12/01/1974 - 09/19/1984 -111.9 -11.2 - 09/19/1984 - 12/22/1985 -41.4 -41.4 - 09/19/1984 - 12/22/1985 62.4 62.4 - 12/22/1985 - 01/14/1987 59.5 29.8 - 12/22/1985 - 01/14/1987 -99.1 -49.6 - 01/14/1987 - 03/25/1989 7.6 3.8 - 01/14/1987 - 03/25/1989 -24.0 -12.0 - 09/19/1989 - 05/08/1990 20.8 20.8 - 09/19/1989 - 05/08/1990 -46.4 -46.4 - 05/08/1990 - 10/29/1993 -122.2 -40.7 - 05/08/1990 - 10/29/1993 46.2 15.4 - 10/29/1993 - 05/07/1994 83.0 83.0 - 10/29/1993 - 05/07/1994 79.4 79.4 - 05/07/1994 - 09/15/1996 21.5 10.8 - 05/07/1994 - 09/15/1996 -138.6 -69.3 09/15/1996 - 03/10/2001 -110.2 -22.0 - 09/15/1996 - 03/10/2001 -13.6 -2.7 - 03/10/2001 - 03/10/2003 94.0 47.0 - 03/10/2001 - 03/10/2003 88.6 44.3 - 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 -68.2 -22.7 - 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 116.0 38.7 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 103.4 51.7 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 -115.1 -57.6 - Period Zone I Change (m) EPR (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) Period Zone I Change (m) EPR (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) 04/25/1938 - 10/03/2008 -60.0 -0.9 -0.02 04/25/1938 - 10/03/2008 -86.3 -1.2 -1.7 4/25/1938 - 10/21/1949 -71.2 -6.5 - 4/25/1938 - 10/21/1949 38.6 3.5 - 10/21/1949 - 08/16/1959 62.7 6.3 - 10/21/1949 - 08/16/1959 26.0 2.6 - 08/16/1959 - 03/13/1962 -69.4 -23.1 - 08/16/1959 - 03/13/1962 -67.4 -22.5 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 60.8 5.1 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 43.3 3.6 - 12/01/1974 - 09/19/1984 11.8 1.2 - 12/01/1974 - 09/19/1984 -66.8 -6.7 - 09/19/1984 - 12/22/1985 3.2 3.2 - 09/19/1984 - 12/22/1985 21.2 21.2 - 12/22/1985 - 01/14/1987 -32.3 -16.1 - 12/22/1985 - 01/14/1987 -13.6 -6.8 - 01/14/1987 - 03/25/1989 2.8 1.4 - 01/14/1987 - 03/25/1989 -17.4 -8.7 - 09/19/1989 - 05/08/1990 24.7 24.7 - 09/19/1989 - 05/08/1990 -4.5 -4.5 - 05/08/1990 - 10/29/1993 14.3 4.8 - 05/08/1990 - 10/29/1993 3.8 1.3 - 10/29/1993 - 05/07/1994 -0.6 -0.6 - 10/29/1993 - 05/07/1994 -15.6 -15.6 - 05/07/1994 - 09/15/1996 -56.3 -28.2 - 05/07/1994 - 09/15/1996 -34.0 -17.0 - 09/15/1996 - 03/10/2001 -11.7 -2.3 - 09/15/1996 - 03/10/2001 41.5 8.3 - 03/10/2001 - 03/10/2003 47.1 23.6 - 03/10/2001 - 03/10/2003 -17.7 -8.9 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 -8.0 -2.7 - 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 12.6 4.2 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 -38.0 -19.0 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 -27.3 -13.6 - 116 Table A10 Cont. Zone II Zone II Change (m) EPR (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) Period Change (m) EPR (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) 04/25/1938 - 10/03/2008 -18.9 -0.270221 0.13 04/25/1938 - 10/03/2008 -96.0 -1.4 -1.3 4/25/1938 - 10/21/1949 -33.7 -3.1 - 4/25/1938 - 10/21/1949 -17.8 -1.6 - 10/21/1949 - 08/16/1959 31.1 3.1 - 10/21/1949 - 08/16/1959 49.5 5.0 - Period 08/16/1959 - 03/13/1962 -46.7 -15.6 - 08/16/1959 - 03/13/1962 -70.7 -23.6 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 72.1 6.0 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 69.4 5.8 - 12/01/1974 - 09/19/1984 -2.1 -0.2 - 12/01/1974 - 09/19/1984 -79.7 -8.0 - 09/19/1984 - 12/22/1985 -9.3 -9.3 - 09/19/1984 - 12/22/1985 27.9 27.9 - 12/22/1985 - 01/14/1987 -25.5 -12.8 - 12/22/1985 - 01/14/1987 -0.5 -0.2 - 01/14/1987 - 03/25/1989 2.5 1.2 - 01/14/1987 - 03/25/1989 -30.7 -15.4 - 09/19/1989 - 05/08/1990 14.6 14.6 - 09/19/1989 - 05/08/1990 14.4 14.4 - 05/08/1990 - 10/29/1993 5.6 1.9 - 05/08/1990 - 10/29/1993 6.6 2.2 - 10/29/1993 - 05/07/1994 -0.3 -0.3 - 10/29/1993 - 05/07/1994 -24.8 -24.8 - 05/07/1994 - 09/15/1996 -38.7 -19.4 - 05/07/1994 - 09/15/1996 -26.9 -13.5 - 09/15/1996 - 03/10/2001 3.5 0.7 - 09/15/1996 - 03/10/2001 31.4 6.3 - 03/10/2001 - 03/10/2003 28.8 14.4 - 03/10/2001 - 03/10/2003 -17.3 -8.7 - 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 -4.9 -1.6 - 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 -10.6 -3.5 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 -16.0 -8.0 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 -16.1 -8.0 - 117 Table A11. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Brown’s Island and Onslow Beach zone-wide shoreline change by period using AMBUR. Cumulative changes from January 1934 to October 2008 are listed in bold. Brown's Inlet Brown's Island Period Onslow Beach Inlet Transect (IT) Change EPR (m) (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) Period Inlet Transect (IT) Change EPR (m) (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) 01/01/1934 - 10/03/2008 347.7 4.7 5.0 01/01/1934 - 10/03/2008 No Data No Data No Data 01/01/1934 - 04/25/1938 68.6 17.1 - 01/01/1934 - 04/25/1938 No Data No Data - 04/25/1938 - 01/24/1945 7.9 1.1 - 04/25/1938 - 01/24/1945 No Data No Data - 01/24/1945 - 05/04/1958 9.1 0.7 - 01/24/1945 - 05/04/1958 -96.6 -7.4 - 05/04/1958 - 08/16/1959 12.9 12.9 - 05/04/1958 - 08/16/1959 -17.9 -17.9 - 08/16/1959 - 11/20/1960 123.7 123.7 - 08/16/1959 - 11/20/1960 -38.7 -38.7 - 11/20/1960 - 03/13/1962 -114.1 -57.0 - 11/20/1960 - 03/13/1962 -5.5 -2.7 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 247.9 20.7 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 -88.6 -7.4 - 12/01/1974 - 10/03/1983 67.1 7.5 - 12/01/1974 - 10/03/1983 109.8 12.2 - 10/03/1983 - 10/03/1984 -142.9 -142.9 - 10/03/1983 - 10/03/1984 -95.1 -95.1 - 10/03/1984 - 01/13/1987 116.7 38.9 - 10/03/1984 - 01/13/1987 -143.8 -47.9 - 01/13/1987 - 10/29/1993 38.7 6.5 - 01/13/1987 - 10/29/1993 -51.6 -8.6 - 10/29/1993 - 06/26/1998 -83.2 -16.6 - 10/29/1993 - 06/26/1998 82.2 16.4 - 06/26/1998 - 06/05/2002 -43.1 -10.8 - 06/26/1998 - 06/05/2002 -70.2 -17.5 - 06/05/2002 - 03/10/2003 -20.4 -20.4 - 06/05/2002 - 03/10/2003 -14.8 -14.8 - 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 54.4 18.1 - 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 139.0 46.3 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 4.4 2.2 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 -71.4 -14.3 - Period Zone I Change (m) EPR (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) Period Zone I Change (m) EPR (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) 01/01/1934 - 10/03/2008 -44.9 -0.6 -0.7 01/01/1934 - 10/03/2008 147.8 2.0 1.7 01/01/1934 - 04/25/1938 35.5 8.9 - 01/01/1934 - 04/25/1938 13.8 3.4 - 04/25/1938 - 01/24/1945 -51.6 -7.4 - 04/25/1938 - 01/24/1945 49.3 7.0 - 01/24/1945 - 05/04/1958 31.9 2.5 - 01/24/1945 - 05/04/1958 30.5 2.3 - 05/04/1958 - 08/16/1959 29.6 29.6 - 05/04/1958 - 08/16/1959 -49.1 -49.1 08/16/1959 - 11/20/1960 -15.7 -15.7 - 08/16/1959 - 11/20/1960 -13.4 -13.4 - 11/20/1960 - 03/13/1962 -12.3 -6.2 - 11/20/1960 - 03/13/1962 -8.9 -4.5 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 -29.3 -2.4 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 49.6 4.1 - 12/01/1974 - 10/03/1983 42.4 4.7 - 12/01/1974 - 10/03/1983 -2.2 -0.2 - 10/03/1983 - 10/03/1984 2.3 2.3 - 10/03/1983 - 10/03/1984 21.9 21.9 - 10/03/1984 - 01/13/1987 -27.1 -9.0 - 10/03/1984 - 01/13/1987 -28.4 -9.5 - 01/13/1987 - 10/29/1993 -2.2 -0.4 - 01/13/1987 - 10/29/1993 44.7 7.4 - 10/29/1993 - 06/26/1998 -25.7 -5.1 - 10/29/1993 - 06/26/1998 10.4 2.1 - 06/26/1998 - 06/05/2002 -15.5 -3.9 - 06/26/1998 - 06/05/2002 13.3 3.3 - 06/05/2002 - 03/10/2003 6.3 6.3 - 06/05/2002 - 03/10/2003 20.9 20.9 - 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 -16.6 -5.5 - 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 -36.1 -12.0 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 3.4 1.7 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 31.5 15.8 - 118 Table A11 Cont. Period Zone II Change (m) EPR (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) Period Zone II Change (m) EPR (m/yr) LRR (m/yr) 01/01/1934 - 10/03/2008 -40.7 -0.6 01/01/1934 - 04/25/1938 36.6 9.2 -0.5 01/01/1934 - 10/03/2008 92.4 1.2 0.9 - 01/01/1934 - 04/25/1938 14.6 3.7 - 04/25/1938 - 01/24/1945 -35.6 -5.1 - 04/25/1938 - 01/24/1945 21.5 3.1 - 01/24/1945 - 05/04/1958 -25.2 -1.9 - 01/24/1945 - 05/04/1958 63.9 4.9 - 05/04/1958 - 08/16/1959 24.8 24.8 - 05/04/1958 - 08/16/1959 -59.0 -59.0 - 08/16/1959 - 11/20/1960 -4.4 -4.4 - 08/16/1959 - 11/20/1960 -12.0 -12.0 - 11/20/1960 - 03/13/1962 -13.8 -6.9 - 11/20/1960 - 03/13/1962 -13.0 -6.5 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 -17.2 -1.4 - 03/13/1962 - 12/01/1974 21.1 1.8 - 12/01/1974 - 10/03/1983 37.1 4.1 - 12/01/1974 - 10/03/1983 18.0 2.0 - 10/03/1983 - 10/03/1984 -1.1 -1.1 - 10/03/1983 - 10/03/1984 30.0 30.0 - 10/03/1984 - 01/13/1987 -5.4 -1.8 - 10/03/1984 - 01/13/1987 -57.7 -19.2 - 01/13/1987 - 10/29/1993 9.9 1.7 - 01/13/1987 - 10/29/1993 47.2 7.9 - 10/29/1993 - 06/26/1998 -27.5 -5.5 - 10/29/1993 - 06/26/1998 -6.6 -1.3 - 06/26/1998 - 06/05/2002 -4.3 -1.1 - 06/26/1998 - 06/05/2002 2.0 0.5 - 06/05/2002 - 03/10/2003 2.3 2.3 - 06/05/2002 - 03/10/2003 24.0 24.0 - 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 -19.7 -6.6 - 03/10/2003 - 10/14/2006 -20.1 -6.7 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 3.0 1.5 - 10/14/2006 - 10/03/2008 18.6 9.3 - Table A12. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island and Brown’s Island average shoreline cumulative changes for each zone using AMBUR Bear Inlet Bear Island Brown's Island Cumulative Shoreline Change Cumulative Shoreline Change Date Inlet Transect (IT) Zone I Zone II All Inlet Transect (IT) Zone I Zone II 04/25/1938 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 All 0.0 11/01/1949 -27.9 -71.2 -33.7 -44.3 185.9 38.6 -17.8 68.9 71.0 08/16/1959 81.9 -8.5 -2.6 23.6 116.7 64.6 31.7 03/13/1962 68.0 -77.9 -49.3 -19.7 52.6 -2.8 -38.9 3.6 12/01/1974 195.3 -17.1 22.8 67.0 194.2 40.5 30.5 88.4 09/19/1984 258.3 -5.3 20.7 91.2 82.2 -26.3 -49.3 2.2 12/22/1985 01/14/1987 03/25/1989 196.1 261.7 334.2 -2.1 -34.3 -31.5 11.4 -14.2 -11.7 68.5 71.1 97.0 144.7 45.5 21.5 -5.1 -18.8 -36.2 -21.3 -21.8 -52.6 39.4 1.6 -22.4 05/08/1990 279.0 -6.8 2.9 91.7 -24.8 -40.7 -38.2 -34.6 10/29/1993 154.2 7.5 8.6 56.8 21.3 -36.9 -31.6 -15.7 05/07/1994 141.5 7.0 8.3 52.2 100.8 -52.5 -56.4 -2.7 09/15/1996 213.0 -49.4 -30.4 44.4 -37.8 -86.5 -83.3 -69.2 03/10/2001 171.4 -61.1 -26.9 27.8 -51.4 -45.0 -52.0 -49.4 03/10/2003 326.7 -13.9 2.0 104.9 37.3 -62.7 -69.3 -31.6 10/14/2006 174.2 -22.0 -2.9 49.8 153.3 -50.1 -79.9 7.8 10/03/2008 104.3 -60.0 -18.9 8.5 38.2 -77.4 -96.0 -45.1 119 Table A13. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Brown’s Island and Onslow Beach average shoreline cumulative changes for each zone using AMBUR Brown's Inlet Brown's Island Date Inlet Transect (IT) Onslow Beach Cumulative Shoreline Change Zone I Zone II All BR1-BR16 BR17-BR30 IT, BR1-BR30 Cumulative Shoreline Change Zone I Zone II Inlet Transect (IT) OB1-OB16 OB17-OB30 All OB1-OB30 01/01/1934 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 No Data 0.0 0.0 0.0 04/25/1938 68.6 35.5 36.6 46.9 No Data 13.8 34.8 24.3 01/24/1945 76.4 -16.2 1.1 20.4 No Data 63.0 49.4 56.2 05/04/1958 85.5 15.7 -24.1 25.7 No Data 93.6 70.8 82.2 08/16/1959 98.4 45.2 0.7 48.1 No Data 44.4 134.8 89.6 11/20/1960 222.1 29.6 -3.7 82.7 No Data 31.1 75.8 53.4 03/13/1962 108.0 17.2 -17.6 35.9 No Data 22.1 63.9 43.0 12/01/1974 356.0 -12.1 -34.7 103.0 No Data 71.8 50.9 61.3 10/03/1983 423.1 30.3 2.3 151.9 No Data 69.5 72.0 70.8 10/03/1984 280.2 32.6 1.2 104.7 No Data 91.5 89.9 90.7 01/13/1987 396.9 5.5 -4.2 132.7 No Data 63.1 119.9 91.5 10/29/1993 435.6 3.3 5.8 148.2 No Data 107.7 62.2 85.0 06/26/1998 352.4 -22.4 -21.7 102.7 No Data 118.1 109.4 113.8 06/05/2002 309.3 -38.0 -26.1 81.8 No Data 131.5 102.7 117.1 03/10/2003 288.9 -31.7 -23.7 77.8 No Data 152.4 104.7 128.5 10/14/2006 343.3 -48.3 -43.4 83.9 No Data 116.3 128.7 122.5 10/03/2008 347.7 -44.9 -40.7 87.4 No Data 147.8 108.6 128.2 120 Table A14a. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island shoulder cumulative shoreline change from Inlet transect (IT) to transect BE5 from April 1938 to October 2008 using AMBUR Bear Inlet Bear Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date IT BE1 BE2 BE3 BE4 04/25/1938 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 BE5 0.0 11/01/1949 -27.9 -120.7 -119.7 -124.9 -109.5 -97.9 08/16/1959 81.9 34.5 11.3 1.9 -7.6 -14.5 03/13/1962 68.0 -70.8 -94.0 -109.0 -101.3 -87.9 12/01/1974 195.3 -76.9 -98.3 -111.0 -56.5 -45.0 09/19/1984 258.3 44.4 13.5 -5.2 -14.2 -11.3 12/22/1985 196.1 58.5 18.0 -6.1 -7.6 -5.7 01/14/1987 261.7 13.9 -20.7 -37.9 -44.3 -45.0 03/25/1989 334.2 32.9 -10.1 -38.0 -42.9 -44.4 05/08/1990 279.0 84.4 38.3 6.9 -4.0 -4.3 10/29/1993 154.2 74.7 41.5 12.9 -3.1 -5.4 05/07/1994 141.5 85.6 42.3 15.4 4.2 -0.3 09/15/1996 213.0 -16.2 -50.2 -69.7 -67.6 -63.6 03/10/2001 171.4 -19.9 -52.9 -75.4 -77.6 -58.4 03/10/2003 326.7 81.3 35.9 -5.2 -24.2 -30.0 10/14/2006 174.2 46.2 9.9 -18.4 -30.6 -35.6 10/03/2008 104.3 0.8 -42.5 -66.6 -78.6 -80.1 Table A14b. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BE6 through BE11 from April 1938 to October 2008 using AMBUR. Bear Inlet Bear Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date BE6 BE7 BE8 BE9 BE10 BE11 04/25/1938 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11/01/1949 -84.4 -62.8 -51.0 -45.6 -47.3 -42.5 08/16/1959 -18.9 -17.7 -24.4 -19.4 -21.0 -11.9 03/13/1962 -87.1 -82.1 -79.1 -72.6 -72.0 -68.4 12/01/1974 -19.0 6.5 4.5 16.0 14.5 20.5 09/19/1984 -11.3 -7.9 -8.5 -1.5 -2.3 -1.7 12/22/1985 -7.6 -8.4 -21.3 -18.4 -18.7 -14.0 01/14/1987 -45.8 -43.7 -51.3 -44.6 -46.2 -38.8 03/25/1989 -43.9 -42.2 -46.9 -44.1 -45.9 -33.9 05/08/1990 -7.9 -8.9 -29.5 -26.9 -28.5 -25.5 10/29/1993 -6.7 -3.0 -13.6 0.1 -0.8 1.4 05/07/1994 -8.9 -11.2 -10.6 -1.4 -2.9 -0.9 09/15/1996 -62.0 -55.7 -59.7 -53.6 -54.9 -44.5 03/10/2001 -67.8 -72.6 -78.1 -72.0 -72.2 -66.4 03/10/2003 -33.9 -34.1 -41.4 -32.9 -34.7 -22.8 10/14/2006 -41.8 -42.0 -42.3 -33.1 -33.8 -25.3 10/03/2008 -81.6 -77.9 -79.6 -66.9 -69.4 -61.3 121 Table A14c. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BE12 through BE17 from April 1938 to October 2008 using AMBUR. Bear Inlet Bear Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date BE12 BE13 BE14 BE15 BE16 04/25/1938 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 BE17 0.0 11/01/1949 -46.1 -46.3 -51.3 -50.7 -38.1 -35.0 08/16/1959 -13.8 -10.7 -12.1 -11.4 0.1 0.7 03/13/1962 -68.2 -55.7 -62.7 -77.8 -57.9 -53.6 12/01/1974 11.8 11.7 11.1 12.5 23.2 23.9 09/19/1984 -11.4 -17.9 -26.3 -21.8 -1.4 7.4 12/22/1985 -3.6 -1.9 -5.7 -4.8 13.7 16.9 01/14/1987 -36.8 -30.4 -30.6 -28.6 -18.9 -21.6 -18.9 03/25/1989 -34.8 -32.3 -30.4 -29.6 -17.9 05/08/1990 -24.3 -20.5 -23.2 -23.8 -10.9 -9.4 10/29/1993 -1.0 2.0 3.3 6.7 11.6 10.2 05/07/1994 -9.1 -6.0 0.8 1.0 13.4 12.5 09/15/1996 -43.8 -40.0 -41.4 -39.1 -27.8 -30.4 03/10/2001 -62.6 -55.8 -55.1 -48.3 -41.9 -38.2 03/10/2003 -20.9 -15.5 -18.5 -19.0 -7.4 -11.1 10/14/2006 -26.1 -23.3 -23.6 -22.1 -9.6 -8.2 10/03/2008 -58.4 -55.2 -53.4 -52.3 -36.5 -31.4 Table A14d. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BE18 through BE23 from April 1938 to October 2008 using AMBUR. Bear Inlet Bear Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date BE18 BE19 BE20 BE21 BE22 BE23 04/25/1938 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -40.1 11/01/1949 -39.4 -42.2 -42.4 -42.9 -43.6 08/16/1959 -14.3 -14.7 -9.7 -8.4 -7.7 -6.2 03/13/1962 -64.4 -68.5 -65.3 -44.2 -50.4 -44.9 12/01/1974 18.1 17.4 21.3 23.3 20.4 23.7 09/19/1984 9.8 7.9 12.4 16.5 22.8 22.7 12/22/1985 3.8 -3.2 -2.1 -0.1 6.1 10.6 01/14/1987 -27.2 -27.0 -19.9 -18.9 -18.6 -15.5 03/25/1989 -24.9 -29.1 -23.6 -18.1 -12.7 -8.8 05/08/1990 -10.6 -10.9 -8.2 -4.6 -0.9 2.7 10/29/1993 3.4 -0.1 4.7 5.3 7.0 9.1 05/07/1994 -0.1 -2.9 0.6 4.5 8.6 12.7 09/15/1996 -34.6 -39.4 -32.9 -35.9 -36.6 -32.6 03/10/2001 -44.4 -36.8 -35.6 -33.3 -33.1 -25.8 03/10/2003 -14.7 -15.2 -10.5 -4.5 -1.3 3.4 10/14/2006 -18.1 -20.9 -12.1 -7.6 -11.5 -5.0 10/03/2008 -32.3 -33.7 -27.3 -24.0 -22.5 -18.7 122 Table A14e. Summary of Bear Inlet Bear Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BE24 through BE30 from April 1938 to October 2008 using AMBUR. Bear Inlet Bear Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date BE24 BE25 BE26 BE27 BE28 BE29 BE30 04/25/1938 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11/01/1949 -40.2 -37.7 -28.4 -21.5 -23.6 -17.1 -18.0 08/16/1959 -6.1 -3.5 3.7 5.1 -0.6 10.7 14.6 03/13/1962 -44.1 -43.5 -44.7 -42.6 -55.9 -48.8 -19.7 12/01/1974 23.0 22.2 23.3 24.8 22.2 27.8 27.6 09/19/1984 27.1 27.5 30.9 23.3 21.1 28.4 32.0 12/22/1985 11.1 9.6 13.2 17.9 22.1 28.6 24.6 01/14/1987 -14.8 -13.5 -12.2 -4.5 -6.8 -1.0 3.2 03/25/1989 -9.4 -11.2 -7.5 -4.8 -4.3 2.8 6.9 05/08/1990 2.1 0.6 7.3 13.1 12.5 22.9 24.8 10/29/1993 9.5 3.3 10.4 13.3 10.6 18.6 14.8 05/07/1994 12.8 6.2 9.1 10.8 9.2 14.1 18.1 09/15/1996 -32.5 -33.9 -30.7 -26.9 -26.4 -17.7 -15.3 03/10/2001 -26.1 -26.3 -21.5 -20.1 -18.7 -9.7 -6.5 03/10/2003 4.5 2.6 8.1 14.6 11.4 20.1 20.1 10/14/2006 -2.5 3.5 7.2 6.6 2.7 11.2 13.5 10/03/2008 -18.3 -19.9 -13.7 -9.2 -10.8 -2.6 -0.5 Table A15a. Summary of Bear Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects IT through BR5 from April 1938 to October 2008 using AMBUR. Bear Inlet Brown's Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date IT BR1 BR2 BR3 BR4 04/25/1938 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 BR5 0.0 11/01/1949 185.9 185.9 59.6 82.8 88.8 79.9 08/16/1959 116.7 116.7 34.2 43.3 101.3 90.9 03/13/1962 52.6 52.6 42.3 43.1 49.1 36.8 12/01/1974 194.2 194.2 50.9 50.7 51.8 44.2 09/19/1984 82.2 82.2 -7.1 -4.8 -6.9 -20.1 12/22/1985 144.7 144.7 2.2 4.3 -1.9 -2.7 01/14/1987 45.5 45.5 -8.1 -8.1 -8.9 -9.3 03/25/1989 21.5 21.5 -30.4 -31.2 -21.4 -16.8 05/08/1990 -24.8 -24.8 -23.4 -19.7 -20.7 -28.3 10/29/1993 21.3 21.3 -23.5 -25.4 -25.0 -30.1 05/07/1994 100.8 100.8 -49.0 -49.6 -53.7 -54.7 09/15/1996 -37.8 -37.8 -80.4 -82.7 -84.0 -84.4 03/10/2001 -51.4 -51.4 -30.5 -26.0 -22.6 -26.4 -56.8 03/10/2003 37.3 37.3 -56.9 -56.9 -52.9 10/14/2006 153.3 153.3 -24.5 -34.6 -33.3 -39.3 10/03/2008 38.2 38.2 -45.5 -51.9 -55.1 -66.0 123 Table A15b. Summary of Bear Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BR6 through BR11 from April 1938 to October 2008 using AMBUR. Bear Inlet Brown's Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date BR6 BR7 BR8 BR9 BR10 BR11 0.0 04/25/1938 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11/01/1949 57.5 43.1 33.9 30.8 14.8 9.3 08/16/1959 75.6 73.9 57.9 47.1 32.1 83.8 03/13/1962 8.9 -0.6 -8.0 -15.0 -22.4 -22.8 12/01/1974 33.2 37.2 39.3 31.2 24.2 25.0 09/19/1984 -28.7 -36.2 -29.2 -35.6 -31.7 -35.1 12/22/1985 -15.1 -7.3 -17.5 -24.8 -29.8 -26.2 01/14/1987 -18.5 -18.9 -21.8 -28.1 -25.1 -26.1 03/25/1989 -42.7 -40.1 -35.3 -31.5 -37.2 -42.6 05/08/1990 -43.0 -41.6 -44.7 -48.2 -50.4 -44.1 10/29/1993 -38.9 -36.1 -41.6 -43.3 -52.0 -47.6 05/07/1994 -64.3 -61.7 -62.9 -67.3 -71.2 -68.5 09/15/1996 -94.6 -86.0 -83.9 -89.2 -93.4 -91.6 03/10/2001 -38.4 -36.4 -41.0 -47.2 -52.6 -54.2 03/10/2003 -65.2 -64.8 -66.0 -71.1 -77.4 -75.4 10/14/2006 -48.3 -51.3 -63.2 -80.2 -89.5 -75.8 10/03/2008 -79.0 -77.3 -82.6 -92.4 -100.5 -97.8 Table A15c. Summary of Bear Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BR12 through BR17 from April 1938 to October 2008 using AMBUR. Bear Inlet Brown's Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date BR12 BR13 BR14 BR15 BR16 04/25/1938 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 BR17 0.0 11/01/1949 -2.3 -10.1 -18.8 -17.5 -19.9 -22.0 08/16/1959 70.3 69.6 60.4 43.5 33.1 42.3 03/13/1962 -38.1 -39.2 -47.0 -43.8 -41.3 -37.2 12/01/1974 20.2 15.9 11.0 8.5 10.5 13.0 09/19/1984 -43.1 -54.0 -57.7 -55.9 -56.7 -50.4 12/22/1985 -21.8 -22.8 -23.4 -20.5 -19.2 -25.4 01/14/1987 -28.9 -32.8 -36.9 -39.4 -34.6 -12.6 03/25/1989 -50.6 -53.7 -58.6 -55.1 -53.5 -52.2 05/08/1990 -45.5 -49.4 -55.0 -55.9 -56.1 -48.7 10/29/1993 -52.2 -47.8 -49.7 -50.6 -47.7 -38.6 05/07/1994 -68.8 -68.2 -68.8 -65.4 -66.6 -61.7 09/15/1996 -97.8 -96.0 -96.4 -92.1 -92.9 -94.0 03/10/2001 -56.7 -58.0 -62.7 -57.6 -58.1 -53.1 03/10/2003 -76.9 -79.0 -82.4 -80.2 -78.5 -72.9 10/14/2006 -80.0 -82.4 -83.3 -84.0 -85.3 -85.5 10/03/2008 -102.7 -106.5 -107.7 -104.1 -107.3 -103.4 124 Table A15d. Summary of Bear Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BR18 through BR23 from April 1938 to October 2008 using AMBUR. Bear Inlet Brown's Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date BR18 BR19 BR20 BR21 BR22 BR23 04/25/1938 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11/01/1949 -21.0 -14.9 -9.2 -5.7 -6.5 -9.7 08/16/1959 50.2 42.3 40.0 35.8 29.3 28.7 03/13/1962 -36.5 -37.1 -37.8 -37.2 -41.4 -40.0 12/01/1974 12.7 16.7 22.0 28.6 30.3 30.9 09/19/1984 -50.1 -48.0 -47.0 -47.7 -47.6 -47.7 12/22/1985 -24.2 -22.1 -20.7 -15.6 -19.4 -19.8 01/14/1987 -17.1 -22.3 -25.7 -25.2 -21.5 -11.4 03/25/1989 -49.8 -48.2 -47.8 -46.8 -49.1 -49.6 05/08/1990 -41.9 -36.3 -33.5 -31.7 -34.3 -34.1 10/29/1993 -33.8 -30.6 -33.9 -31.2 -31.5 -29.6 05/07/1994 -59.4 -57.5 -53.4 -54.3 -53.3 -51.3 09/15/1996 -91.5 -85.4 -81.2 -76.1 -77.5 -77.5 03/10/2001 -49.8 -50.2 -51.0 -49.2 -49.1 -48.5 03/10/2003 -71.9 -72.1 -69.0 -67.7 -68.2 -66.1 10/14/2006 -77.5 -74.1 -70.6 -70.4 -76.8 -75.9 10/03/2008 -99.6 -95.5 -94.2 -92.7 -92.1 -92.8 Table A15e. Summary of Bear Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BR24 through BR30 from April 1938 to October 2008 using AMBUR. Bear Inlet Brown's Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date BR24 BR25 BR26 BR27 BR28 BR29 04/25/1938 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 BR30 0.0 11/01/1949 -16.4 -19.2 -18.0 -22.5 -26.3 -28.3 -29.2 08/16/1959 29.1 29.6 26.2 24.2 21.3 22.9 22.5 03/13/1962 -38.3 -35.7 -33.3 -35.6 -40.0 -45.9 -48.9 12/01/1974 31.4 34.6 40.5 40.0 42.0 42.0 41.8 09/19/1984 -49.9 -50.1 -47.1 -49.2 -51.8 -52.0 -51.3 12/22/1985 -22.5 -25.5 -23.5 -23.9 -17.4 -19.7 -18.8 01/14/1987 -22.3 -30.4 -20.1 -22.8 -24.3 -25.1 -24.6 03/25/1989 -52.6 -54.0 -52.0 -55.6 -58.1 -59.8 -60.2 05/08/1990 -36.3 -39.3 -38.5 -42.1 -40.0 -39.5 -38.7 10/29/1993 -26.8 -26.8 -25.3 -31.1 -37.1 -34.6 -32.1 05/07/1994 -55.8 -60.3 -57.8 -57.8 -54.3 -55.3 -57.7 09/15/1996 -82.7 -84.3 -80.3 -83.9 -86.4 -84.3 -81.7 03/10/2001 -47.7 -53.2 -50.6 -54.4 -57.9 -57.8 -55.2 03/10/2003 -70.0 -67.7 -66.0 -69.3 -71.6 -69.1 -68.3 10/14/2006 -77.0 -85.2 -83.4 -88.2 -87.1 -84.8 -82.2 10/03/2008 -96.1 -97.7 -93.9 -94.3 -96.2 -97.6 -97.4 125 Table A16a. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects IT through BR5 from January 1934 to October 2008 using AMBUR. Brown's Inlet Brown's Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date IT BR1 BR2 BR3 BR4 BR5 01/01/1934 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 04/25/1938 68.6 31.8 33.9 35.0 35.2 34.2 01/24/1945 76.4 -32.6 -24.7 -24.5 -25.3 -23.0 05/04/1958 85.5 45.0 57.0 51.6 45.9 40.1 08/16/1959 98.4 86.7 68.9 65.6 61.9 57.8 11/20/1960 222.1 37.5 36.8 34.6 33.3 31.2 03/13/1962 108.0 59.8 54.1 46.8 40.0 35.6 12/01/1974 356.0 -1.8 -3.9 -7.4 -10.9 -14.4 10/03/1983 423.1 80.1 63.7 58.1 49.8 29.8 10/03/1984 280.2 71.0 55.9 44.7 37.7 28.6 01/13/1987 396.9 23.7 19.1 15.1 8.5 1.7 10/29/1993 435.6 13.3 6.1 4.1 2.7 -0.8 06/26/1998 352.4 -10.8 -18.4 -19.9 -23.0 -27.7 06/05/2002 309.3 -30.6 -37.4 -40.9 -42.9 -45.1 03/10/2003 288.9 -25.2 -34.8 -37.9 -40.9 -41.0 10/14/2006 343.3 -23.8 -27.1 -33.8 -41.1 -49.3 10/03/2008 347.7 -31.8 -38.8 -44.3 -49.5 -54.2 Table A16b. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BR6 through BR11 from January 1934 to October 2008 using AMBUR. Brown's Inlet Brown's Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date BR6 BR7 BR8 BR9 BR10 01/01/1934 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 BR11 0.0 04/25/1938 31.3 32.8 33.6 36.0 36.6 38.0 01/24/1945 -21.6 -15.3 -14.4 -12.0 -12.8 -13.1 05/04/1958 33.7 28.4 14.9 4.2 2.4 -1.8 08/16/1959 53.5 53.2 48.3 46.9 36.1 29.3 11/20/1960 32.6 34.5 36.5 40.4 41.1 37.0 03/13/1962 26.4 5.3 12.7 4.2 6.6 11.5 12/01/1974 -15.1 -14.6 -14.1 -13.6 -13.1 -12.6 10/03/1983 26.9 22.3 22.3 25.9 21.3 18.4 44.2 10/03/1984 23.0 21.0 19.4 29.1 39.8 01/13/1987 -1.4 0.7 0.3 3.7 -1.0 1.5 10/29/1993 -3.6 -5.8 -6.6 -5.5 -2.6 1.8 06/26/1998 -27.5 -28.6 -26.2 -24.5 -23.9 -24.5 06/05/2002 -46.0 -45.9 -43.8 -38.5 -35.0 -34.8 03/10/2003 -40.6 -35.2 -31.0 -28.0 -29.6 -29.7 10/14/2006 -51.2 -58.4 -63.9 -60.6 -58.1 -51.5 10/03/2008 -54.1 -51.5 -54.6 -51.0 -47.7 -45.8 126 Table A16c. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BR12 through BR17 from January 1934 to October 2008 using AMBUR. Brown's Inlet Brown's Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date BR12 BR13 BR14 BR15 BR16 BR17 01/01/1934 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 04/25/1938 41.7 40.8 35.3 35.6 35.4 31.7 01/24/1945 -11.9 -8.4 -6.9 -7.6 -4.9 -4.3 05/04/1958 -8.5 -11.0 -13.6 -20.2 -17.0 -17.9 08/16/1959 24.7 23.4 25.4 24.1 18.3 16.9 11/20/1960 28.6 22.7 14.0 8.0 4.3 -0.8 03/13/1962 -0.9 6.0 -2.2 -14.7 -15.8 -13.9 12/01/1974 -12.1 -11.9 -14.0 -15.9 -18.0 -20.0 10/03/1983 14.6 12.4 11.5 14.5 13.1 12.0 10/03/1984 29.3 26.1 19.8 20.2 11.8 8.5 01/13/1987 2.5 3.7 6.9 3.7 -0.6 1.5 10/29/1993 9.1 10.9 10.6 9.1 10.0 8.1 06/26/1998 -23.6 -19.2 -19.9 -21.0 -20.4 -21.3 06/05/2002 -33.1 -33.4 -32.9 -33.3 -34.0 -32.9 03/10/2003 -27.0 -26.5 -26.2 -25.6 -27.8 -27.3 10/14/2006 -48.2 -49.9 -51.4 -51.7 -52.9 -47.4 10/03/2008 -44.3 -39.5 -37.0 -37.4 -36.9 -36.7 Table A16d. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BR18 through BR23 from January 1934 to October 2008 using AMBUR. Brown's Inlet Brown's Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date BR18 BR19 BR20 BR21 BR22 01/01/1934 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 BR23 0.0 04/25/1938 33.7 33.9 33.6 32.5 36.5 33.9 01/24/1945 -3.7 -1.6 0.0 -2.1 0.4 3.5 05/04/1958 -16.4 -18.9 -21.0 -24.5 -24.2 -25.7 08/16/1959 12.7 7.1 4.3 3.0 1.5 -4.3 11/20/1960 1.1 -1.4 -1.3 -1.8 -3.6 -4.2 03/13/1962 -15.9 -11.2 -12.9 -19.6 -17.5 -18.7 12/01/1974 -22.1 -24.2 -26.3 -28.4 -30.5 -32.6 10/03/1983 10.6 9.3 8.0 6.7 5.4 4.1 10/03/1984 6.6 8.8 9.2 1.0 -6.4 -6.5 01/13/1987 0.2 0.1 -2.3 -3.9 -2.9 -0.7 10/29/1993 5.6 4.0 4.6 5.9 6.2 6.1 06/26/1998 -20.2 -22.0 -24.1 -26.3 -25.4 -23.8 06/05/2002 -31.7 -30.4 -29.2 -28.0 -26.8 -25.6 03/10/2003 -27.0 -24.6 -23.0 -24.0 -20.5 -22.5 10/14/2006 -46.9 -44.5 -45.7 -45.3 -46.7 -45.9 10/03/2008 -34.3 -34.0 -34.8 -36.9 -35.5 -36.5 127 Table A16e. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Brown’s Island cumulative shoreline change along transects BR24 through BR30 from January 1934 to October 2008 using AMBUR. Brown's Inlet Brown's Island Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date BR24 BR25 BR26 BR27 BR28 BR29 01/01/1934 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 BR30 0.0 04/25/1938 35.7 41.5 41.6 39.8 41.3 40.5 36.5 01/24/1945 2.1 2.3 7.4 1.9 0.8 4.3 4.0 05/04/1958 -26.4 -27.2 -27.3 -26.2 -24.3 -26.9 -31.2 08/16/1959 -4.3 -1.7 -2.5 -4.6 -4.4 -5.5 -8.4 11/20/1960 -3.3 -3.2 -5.0 -8.5 -7.0 -5.5 -7.7 03/13/1962 -20.9 -16.5 -18.3 -14.6 -22.5 -23.1 -20.2 12/01/1974 -34.7 -36.5 -38.0 -42.1 -46.1 -50.3 -54.6 -12.4 10/03/1983 2.8 1.7 1.0 -2.3 -5.5 -8.9 10/03/1984 -6.2 -5.4 2.6 4.1 1.3 -2.2 1.9 01/13/1987 -3.4 -3.5 -3.5 -6.0 -8.5 -11.2 -14.0 10/29/1993 7.9 8.7 7.2 6.4 6.0 3.1 1.0 06/26/1998 -22.8 -21.6 -20.4 -19.2 -19.2 -18.3 -19.9 06/05/2002 -24.4 -22.7 -20.9 -21.7 -22.5 -23.4 -24.4 03/10/2003 -18.3 -18.1 -16.7 -18.9 -24.3 -31.9 -34.8 10/14/2006 -44.2 -41.9 -39.4 -39.6 -39.7 -40.0 -40.4 10/03/2008 -36.1 -33.5 -40.2 -57.5 -56.6 -55.9 N/A Table A17a. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Onslow Beach cumulative shoreline change along transects IT through OB5 from January 1934 to October 2008 using AMBUR. Brown's Inlet Onslow Beach Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date IT OB1 OB2 OB3 OB4 OB5 01/01/1934 No Data 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 04/25/1938 No Data 38.5 38.0 27.8 17.1 13.7 01/24/1945 No Data 72.8 71.5 68.6 67.2 68.0 05/04/1958 No Data 50.7 54.3 51.6 64.4 88.0 08/16/1959 No Data 44.9 46.3 43.0 42.2 42.4 11/20/1960 No Data 19.6 22.0 22.6 26.9 32.9 03/13/1962 No Data 10.1 12.7 14.2 14.6 16.4 12/01/1974 No Data 70.4 71.4 74.3 77.2 83.8 10/03/1983 No Data 70.8 70.6 73.6 77.0 69.3 10/03/1984 No Data 66.8 85.0 92.6 92.0 94.9 01/13/1987 No Data 65.9 73.9 86.0 88.8 86.8 10/29/1993 No Data 51.1 64.4 101.2 108.7 117.8 06/26/1998 No Data 65.3 78.6 96.6 102.8 111.9 06/05/2002 No Data 116.1 118.9 126.5 140.0 142.6 03/10/2003 No Data 145.6 145.6 150.8 159.6 173.8 10/14/2006 No Data 97.0 99.7 109.9 117.0 122.8 10/03/2008 No Data 124.2 128.8 144.4 154.1 158.3 128 Table A17b. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Onslow Beach cumulative shoreline change along transects OB6 through OB11 from January 1934 to October 2008 using AMBUR. Brown's Inlet Onslow Beach Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date OB6 OB7 OB8 OB9 OB10 OB11 01/01/1934 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 04/25/1938 10.8 9.8 5.6 6.9 7.0 7.9 01/24/1945 70.3 70.8 68.9 68.0 63.0 62.4 05/04/1958 109.3 110.2 110.0 112.1 102.7 105.3 08/16/1959 42.1 44.4 46.5 45.1 46.6 41.9 11/20/1960 34.3 34.4 36.8 36.2 35.2 33.9 03/13/1962 23.5 27.8 29.7 31.0 33.3 28.8 12/01/1974 83.0 78.6 75.1 76.2 73.8 70.9 10/03/1983 68.9 65.1 67.7 67.6 65.0 67.5 10/03/1984 100.2 103.9 96.1 92.1 87.6 81.4 01/13/1987 74.5 72.5 65.6 61.4 55.8 54.2 10/29/1993 127.6 132.8 135.8 127.6 119.2 116.6 06/26/1998 115.1 120.8 125.2 126.9 133.0 139.5 06/05/2002 140.2 132.8 137.6 149.0 144.7 139.9 03/10/2003 173.4 170.0 168.7 164.3 157.0 154.8 10/14/2006 124.0 122.2 125.2 125.1 122.6 120.4 10/03/2008 159.3 158.4 158.2 156.8 154.3 153.4 Table A17c. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Onslow Beach cumulative shoreline change along transects OB12 through OB17 from January 1934 to October 2008 using AMBUR. Brown's Inlet Onslow Beach Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date OB12 OB13 OB14 OB15 OB16 OB17 01/01/1934 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 04/25/1938 7.9 6.6 7.6 6.3 8.8 7.2 01/24/1945 58.3 55.7 52.3 48.2 42.5 41.8 05/04/1958 107.2 98.4 113.6 111.2 108.5 98.6 08/16/1959 45.3 48.1 48.6 42.6 40.9 32.5 11/20/1960 31.4 32.5 31.0 33.1 34.5 32.9 03/13/1962 27.5 25.6 20.9 19.7 18.6 19.0 12/01/1974 69.9 65.8 60.5 59.7 57.9 55.7 10/03/1983 68.7 69.5 70.2 70.9 70.4 68.4 10/03/1984 94.4 96.7 93.5 92.9 93.6 98.2 01/13/1987 49.1 48.3 44.8 42.4 39.2 29.9 10/29/1993 114.2 107.2 101.7 101.5 96.7 90.9 06/26/1998 137.7 136.3 135.9 134.7 130.0 120.0 06/05/2002 134.5 129.0 124.8 119.2 107.7 98.9 03/10/2003 148.2 142.4 134.1 127.5 121.8 115.1 10/14/2006 119.2 118.7 118.6 113.1 105.0 93.6 10/03/2008 149.7 147.3 142.4 139.7 135.8 130.9 129 Table A17d. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Onslow Beach cumulative shoreline change along transects OB18 through OB23 from January 1934 to October 2008 using AMBUR. Brown's Inlet Onslow Beach Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date OB18 OB19 OB20 OB21 OB22 OB23 01/01/1934 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 04/25/1938 9.4 7.7 9.2 9.7 13.6 13.3 01/24/1945 40.6 36.8 34.7 36.7 38.5 36.7 05/04/1958 100.2 95.8 99.0 93.0 100.6 99.9 08/16/1959 34.0 47.4 40.3 42.5 43.9 43.5 11/20/1960 32.7 32.5 33.4 30.2 27.4 27.4 03/13/1962 16.3 16.2 15.2 15.3 15.4 14.7 12/01/1974 49.7 44.8 41.7 40.6 38.7 36.6 10/03/1983 66.4 64.4 62.5 60.4 58.3 56.5 10/03/1984 101.8 93.5 85.3 88.1 81.5 87.2 01/13/1987 28.6 28.4 34.0 36.7 32.2 27.5 10/29/1993 86.9 84.7 84.7 79.2 76.1 75.5 06/26/1998 105.0 92.6 81.8 71.7 63.4 58.9 06/05/2002 97.4 82.4 83.2 77.4 78.2 73.9 03/10/2003 111.9 108.7 101.8 96.5 96.4 89.2 10/14/2006 87.2 86.8 84.2 83.6 80.9 79.4 10/03/2008 122.2 116.2 109.3 103.3 96.2 90.2 Table A17e. Summary of Brown’s Inlet Onslow Beach cumulative shoreline change along transects OB24 through OB30 from January 1934 to October 2008 using AMBUR. Brown's Inlet Onslow Beach Cumulative Shoreline Change (m) Date OB24 OB25 OB26 OB27 OB28 OB29 01/01/1934 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 OB30 0.0 04/25/1938 15.3 14.6 18.0 21.4 21.5 21.2 22.6 01/24/1945 35.7 37.5 36.6 34.4 35.9 29.2 29.7 05/04/1958 93.8 102.1 97.7 103.0 102.9 108.9 104.8 08/16/1959 43.0 42.5 42.0 41.5 40.9 40.4 39.9 11/20/1960 27.4 27.3 27.3 27.2 27.2 27.1 27.1 03/13/1962 13.8 13.6 16.3 16.0 15.2 20.5 18.2 12/01/1974 35.1 33.5 32.0 30.5 28.7 27.2 25.7 10/03/1983 54.4 52.3 50.2 48.1 45.5 43.4 41.3 10/03/1984 87.6 79.7 83.3 85.6 79.1 78.9 62.3 01/13/1987 26.8 31.8 23.8 21.4 20.3 19.2 23.7 10/29/1993 73.0 68.5 66.4 65.3 61.5 66.7 65.2 06/26/1998 58.5 55.6 54.6 52.9 48.8 45.8 42.0 06/05/2002 68.6 57.4 56.7 52.3 49.5 58.6 44.7 03/10/2003 87.5 93.1 92.7 83.5 84.5 76.4 77.6 10/14/2006 78.8 71.3 65.6 61.8 56.3 54.3 49.8 10/03/2008 85.4 81.7 77.7 72.8 71.1 69.2 67.8 130