NYSSA Online Magazine - New York State Snowmobile Association


NYSSA Online Magazine - New York State Snowmobile Association
New York
December 2015
The Official Publication of the New York State Snowmobile Association
Photo by Jane Chaddock
NYSSA’s Board of Directors
and Staff
wish you a safe riding season!
NYSSA Online Magazine
2016 Forum Lake Placid, NY
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
December 2015 - Page 2
NYSSA Online Magazine
New York
The New York State
Snowmobile Association
P. O. Box 1040,
Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040
Anne O’Dell
888-624-3849 x101
President’s Message. ...Jim Elmore
P. 4
From the Desk of the Executive Director ...D. Jacangelo
P. 7
Take A Friend Snowmobiling Schedule
P. 9
Did you Know? What’s Happening at NYSSA.. R. Warner
P. 10
Safe Riders’ 20th Anniversary!
Trail Coordinator Report ...Jim Rolf
P. 16
Member Discounts.. Yours year round!
P. 22
Time to Renew!
P. 23
2015-16 Officers
Jim Elmore, 585-813-4610
Craig LaPlante, 315-854-6719
Rosanne Warner, 315-697-8130
John Occhino, 845-225-3140
Dominic Jacangelo, 888-624-3849 x104
Jim Rolf, 888-624-3849 x102
Coordinator jrolf@nysnowmobiler.com
Anne O’Dell, 888-624-3849 x101
Membership 888-624-3849 x103
Join or Renew Membership Online:
Our Website: www.nysnowmobiler.com
New York State Office of Parks,
Recreation & Historic Preservation’s
DMV, Register a Sled: NY Resident
DMV, Register a Sled: Out of State
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
December 2015 - Page 3
NYSSA Online Magazine
President’s Message
by Jim Elmore, NYSSA President 585-813-4610 president@nysnowmobiler.com
I am sure what is on the mind of our members is why is Mother Nature delaying the winter season.
It has been a very unseasonably warm fall and it looks like the opening of our season will be delayed.
On the positive side, many clubs are taking
advantage of the warm weather to widen and
repair trails that might usually be covered in
snow. Long term forecasts have the arctic jet
stream air moving down from Canada in the
next few weeks. The El-Nino effect has globally changed the weather pattern during the
late fall and early winter season. We are not
the only State that is suffering from the lack
of cold and snow, every State in the Northeast
and Midwest are also suffering from this ElNino. Let`s all hope it changes back to a normal winter in the next few weeks.
Join your Club!
I would also like to remind clubs that they
should keep track of 100% of their expenses.
If we have a repeat of the 2012 no snow season, this will affect the trail fund. I would
also like to remind our members that even
Photo Courtesy James Warner
with the season being delayed, please renew
your club membership. Whether or not the
weather cooperates, the clubs will still have to pay their bills. Please help your club and stay current on your dues to
keep their revenue steady.
2016 Forum in Lake Placid - Just $50!
The big news I would like to pass onto our members is the upcoming 2016 SLEDNY Forum & NYSSA Annual Meeting in
Lake Placid on April 29 through May 1, 2016. If you register early the cost has been lowered to $50 per person. Hotel
rooms start at $109.00 per night and many of the businesses will offer food and beverage specials for all snowmobilers
attending the Forum. We also have a big time snowmobiler attending this Forum as our guest speaker. ESPN’s XGames Gold medal winner Levi LaVallee will be at the Forum that weekend. If you are a big fan of Levi, do
(Continued on page 5)
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
December 2015 - Page 4
NYSSA Online Magazine
(Continued from page 4)
not wait - register for the event soon. We invited Levi at the Niagara Falls International Congress this past June, and he
was the star of the show. Our Events & Promotion committee wanted him to be here for our members at the Forum. It
will be a great event this year, and as they did three years ago, Lake Placid will offer us a very warm reception.
Print Magazine
You will be receiving in the mail very soon our 2nd and last print edition for the
season, our Supertrax / NY Snowmobiler magazines. Supertrax packages the NY
Snowmobiler magazine along with an issue of Supertrax and sends it free to our
members (one per household). Both publications are filled with great information
on our sport. If you are looking for new areas to ride in the State, please read
our magazine on areas to visit and places to stay. We are always looking for
great pictures or a great snowmobile stories. Please send them to nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com and we might use your information.
Sleds on TV
NYSSA sponsored Snowtrails TV produced by Mike Grant is back on the air showcasing different areas to ride. The show started in October and is broadcasted
every Saturday morning. If you have missed any of the episodes, you can watch
them on www.snowtrailstv.com. If you want to showcase your trails and area
in a future show, please contact Mike via his website for details.
I would like to wish all our members a very Happy Holiday season and a Happy
New Year.
James Elmore, President
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
December 2015 - Page 5
NYSSA Online Magazine
Adirondack Powersports
Bibben’s Sales
Bob Weaver’s Motorsports
Buck’s Motorsports
Caprara’s Outdoor World
Cycle Motion
Cycle Shack
Della Motorsports
Don’s Polaris
Edelmann Sales, Inc
Excell Motorsports
Fun Unlimited
Gamble Distributors
Griffin Motorsports
Hermans Performance
Ingles Performance
Ithaca Recreation
Jan-cen Automotive
K&H Kawasaki
Kubecka’s Polaris
Leisure Time
Matt’s Cycle Center
Menneto Powersports
Moody Polaris
O’Neil Sales
Pioneer Motorsports
Polaris of Riverhead
Powerhouse Motorsports
Precision Power
Preferred Powersports
Schoff Polaris
Sled Shop Racing
Sportline Power
Sports Unlimited
T. Nelson Sales
TC Sports
Teixeira’s Polaris
Waite Motorsports
Zahm & Matson, Inc.
Zambri Motorsports
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
December 2015 - Page 6
NYSSA Online Magazine
From the Desk of the Executive Director
By Dominic Jacangelo, Executive Director
dominic@nysnowmobiler.com 888-624-3849 x104
I have to admit it, I want winter to be here. I have joined my club, have
my new sled registration, prepped the sled and even upped the registration on the trailer. But I have not put the validation sticker on the sled
nor the trailer nor have I even taken the trailer off the jack stands that it
sits on during the winter. The snow blower sits next to the sled just
waiting for the cold to get here and the white stuff to fall.
Support your local Club!
I know that you have heard this before but once again I will ask you to
please join your club now if you have not done so already. The
clubs absolutely need your membership dollars to pay all the bills
that have already started to come in. Getting the trail ready for the season is not without cost. Most clubs will not see any money from this
It is about time these two guys were off the trailer
year’s trail grant until mid to late January at the earliest. They need
doing what they do best!
your membership dollars to make the payments on the groomer and get
all the work done on the trail before the snow starts to fly. So please
join today and remember to join where you ride.
Remember that when the snows finally shows up, the trails will
be less than perfect. Notwithstanding the best efforts by all the
clubs, there will be hazards out on the trail. Some of them will be
hidden and some will be apparent. Early season riding takes that
extra step of caution so please be careful and don’t become a
Take a Friend Snowmobiling
Planning for this year’s series of Take a Friend snowmobiling
events is going well. These events are great opportunities to get
that friend, neighbor or spouse on a sled and let them check it
out for themselves. Last year we had great reactions from those
who attended and I think we managed to introduce more than a
few new folks to the sport. Without new riders and we hope volunteers, club resources will suffer and eventually the 10,500 mile
trail system will begin to fall apart. The current schedule of
events is posted in this issue of the NY Snowmobiler Magazine.
Threats to Adirondack land
How many of you have heard about the push by the Adirondack
Council and the Adirondack Mountain Club for additional lands to
be added to the High Peaks Wilderness in the Adirondack Park?
They want an additional 35,000 acres of land classified as wilderness including the soon to be acquired Boreas Ponds Tract
(22,494 acres). Wilderness means no motorized vehicles, no
snowmobiles, and no mountain bikes. I am not surprised by the
proposal but I am surprised by the lack of comments I have received from the snowmobile community. Currently the proposal
does not impact any existing trail which I know about, but I have no information regarding if snowmobiles have been
used in the past by those who leased the land.
(Continued on page 8)
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
December 2015 - Page 7
NYSSA Online Magazine
(Continued from page 7)
Free Weekend
The weekend of January 16th has been designated the Free Snowmobile Weekend by the Governor. Beginning at 12:01
AM on Saturday the 16th through 11:59 PM on Monday the 18th out-of-state snowmobilers are invited to enjoy our trail
system. Their sleds must be legally registered in their home state and have liability insurance on them as required by
the Parks and Recreation Law. The intent of this weekend is to introduce out-of-state riders to NY’s system. I am confident if they ride here once, they will be back many times in the future, join a club here and contribute to the NY economy and trail system.
There is something in this for the NY resident also. The Town of Webb (Old Forge) has waived their local permit for the
same weekend for both in-state and out-of-state riders. Remember you must have a valid registration and insurance in
order to ride.
Legislative News
The beginning of a new legislative season is just around the corner and with the new season comes renewed interest in
trying to advance the sport in NY. Both the Governor and the Legislature need to know that we want our $5 back.
What $5 you ask? Back in 2004, when the registration fee went from $25 to $45 as part of that year’s budget, the $5
of each registration that the state kept was increased to $10. The state was in fiscally strained in the wake of the 911
attack. Well, the state is now on sound fiscal footing and it is time that the $5 comes back to the program.
This year we will also be pursuing legislation to increase the minimum fine for an unregistered snowmobile that
will also establish a separate and lower fine for not putting your sticker in the correct place. (Sorry, but our priority is
the money for the trail fund not where the validation sticker goes.) Also of importance is legislation which recognizes
the contribution of landowners to the trail system. We are still working on details for this legislation but it may provide a
state tax credit to those who open up their land to a trail.
2015 NYS Tourism Summit
I recently had the opportunity to attend the 2015 NYS Tourism Summit in Albany where I had an opportunity to speak with Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul about
snowmobiling in NY State and its contribution to the winter tourism economy. The “Free Weekend” was announced at the summit. Snowmobiling is one
of the featured winter activities of the winter I love NY promotional campaign.
To those of the Jewish Faith, I hope you had a Happy Hanukkah. To my Christian friends may you have a Merry Christmas (and may Santa bring you lots of
snow). And to all a Safe and Healthy New Year!
Lt. Governor Hochul and Dominic.
Registration numbers are permanently assigned to a snowmobile when it is registered
for the first time. These numbers stay with the machine from owner to owner until it is
destroyed or permanently removed from the state.
DMV-provided registration number decals must be displayed on both sides of the
cowling of the snowmobile at all times. The cowling is defined as the forward portion
of the snowmobile surrounding the engine and clutch assembly. Any display position
behind the snowmobile cowling (tunnel or seat area) or on the windshield is illegal and
could result in an expensive citation for violation of the registration law.
Yearly registration validation stickers must be displayed in the upper left hand corner of
the DMV-provided registration number decals.
For more info: The New York State Snowmobiler’s Guide (pdf).
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
December 2015 - Page 8
NYSSA Online Magazine
Take A Friend
Sponsoring Club & Contact
January 10, 2016
Chestnut Ridge Park
6121 Chestnut Ridge Road
Orchard Park, NY 14127
Hamburg Snowmobile Club
Pete Duchmann
January 23, 2016
Grafton Lakes State Park
100 Grafton Lakes State Park Way
(off NYS Route 2)
Grafton, NY 12052
Grafton Trail Blazers
Ray Buchholz
January 30, 2016
10 S. West Street (Rte 281)
Homer, NY 13077
Seven Valley Sno Goers
Melissa Burt - missiburt@yahoo.com
January 31, 2016
Selkirk Shores State Park
7101 NYS Route 3
Pulaski, NY 13142
Pulaski-Boylston Snowmobile Club
Christine Gross
February 13, 2016
Broome Tioga Motor Sports Club
50 Schafer Road
Richford, NY
Whitney Point Ridge Riders
Josh Braman - 607 237 2953
Mike Blance - 607-648-4564
February 20, 2016
Hudson Crossings Park
County Road 42,
Schuylerville, NY 12871
Saratoga & Washington County Clubs,
in partnership with NYS Canal Corporation
Bill Cook - 518-669-7628
February 20, 2016
Genesee Sno Packers Clubhouse
102 S. Pearl Street
Oakfield, NY
Genesee Sno Packers
Jane Chaddock - 716-432-9175
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
December 2015 - Page 9
NYSSA Online Magazine
Did You Know?? What’s Been Happening at NYSSA.
From the Desk of the New York State Snowmobile Association Secretary – November 2015 Edition
By: Rosanne Warner, NYSSA Secretary, secretary@nysnowmobiler.com
The New York State Snowmobile Association is working to keep its members better informed of the issues
that NYSSA faces on a daily basis. Hot off the presses here is a re-cap of what happened at the December
2015 NYSSA Board of Directors meeting.
New Directors
President, Jim Elmore welcomed and introduced two New Directors to the board. Dennis Wickham from Fulton County
and Laurie Desourdy from Washington County.
Nationwide Insurance
The Nationwide Marketing Plan for 2016 was approved by the board. An additional email will go out this year to members who have not chosen to opt out of member benefits.
Snow Trails TV Proposal
The board has been in discussion with Snowtrails TV about their annual sponsorship. There has been in increase in the
cost to produce the weekly television show and an increase in sponsorship has been requested.
Take a Friend Snowmobiling
Our Executive Director, Dominic Jacangelo wrote a grant application to the International Snowmobile Manufacturer’s
Association and reported that ISMA awarded SLEDNY a $4,000 grant to assist with purchasing snowmobile apparel for
attendees at the Take a Friend Snowmobiling events. Directors found at previous events that participants did not come
dressed for the weather and at the event held near Albany last year, children lacked simple things like gloves and boots.
SLEDNY has purchase helmets and will purchase jackets and gloves to loan to participants in need.
Wayne County Insurance Issues
NYSSA recently worked to assist clubs with an insurance issue in Wayne County. Additional insurance coverage was
mandated by the county sponsor and NYSSA was able to work with the county to resolve the issue.
Draft UMP
The travel corridor in the Adirondacks is currently being reviewed to assure that it is in line with the State Master Plan.
Executive Director, Dominic Jacangelo stated that although it is not exactly what we want to see approved, it is better
for snowmobiling than what we started with.
Free Weekend
The 2016 Free Weekend Event was announced by the Governor at the Tourism Conference. It will be held January 1618, 2016 (Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend). Directors are asked to get the message out to clubs and business
members, including hotels and restaurants.
Snow Emergency Response Efforts
There have been good local efforts in both Erie County and the Syracuse areas for clubs to work with local officials in
future snow emergencies. A Standard Operating Procedure is being drafted for clubs to work with. It will develop a good
model for emergency response needs going forward.
Trails Open
Trail Coordinator, Jim Rolf reported that the biggest complaints being received this year from riders are that clubs are
not updating their websites to reflect when their trails open and closed. Directors are asked to have clubs include that
information on their websites.
Trail Closures
In the event of a trail closure, clubs must notify the sponsor and the sponsor must notify the state. All trail closures
need to be signed extremely well with safety in mind. The portion of trail closed will be deducted from the grant awards.
(Continued on page 11)
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
December 2015 - Page 10
NYSSA Online Magazine
(Continued from page 10)
Timber Matting
National Grid has timber mats for sale. They are good for wetland use and can be delivered for a fee. Clubs interested in
purchasing some can contact NYSSA Trail Coordinator, Jim Rolf.
Club Trails
To receive a club trail number designation, clubs should contact Trail Coordinator, Jim Rolf. NYSSA is asking for a Club
Trail update from all clubs to determine which trails are no longer in use and which ones are. A trail description and
statement from the club that they are maintaining the trail is needed as well as information on the starting point and
ending point for these trails.
NYSSA Membership
NYSSA membership numbers stand at 27,000 as of December 6, 2015.
NYSnowmobiler Magazine
The second print issue of the NYSnowmobiler magazine should be out in a couple of weeks. It will be included in the
packaging of the SuperTrax January 2016 issue.
OPRHP Report
70% vouchers have been mailed to all sponsors who have completed their paperwork (about 75% have completed the required paperwork). Many vouchers have been mailed out and are coming back. Parks hopes to begin getting the payments out to sponsors this month.
The statewide trail map is not done yet but it will be out in December.
KMZ Google Earth Map trail map was updated with all current information. Clubs should use this map as a reference when installing junction numbers.
Online Safety Class – Parks has developed a narrative on the recommended changes to the Snowmobile Safety
Program to include an online safety portion will not replace the in person courses but will provide another option for participants
The Draft Sign Manual is in the final review stages by the state and will not be completed in time for this season’s use. NYSSA has not received the draft for review and recommendations.
GPS Requirements will be in effect for the 2016 Phase I submissions. Data older than January 2010 will have to
be recollected this season.
ATGP Updates – Parks expects to begin the grant administrator training webinars within the next month. Issues
have been found with submission to Attachment C and issues that cannot be fixed this year will be outlined in the tutorials found on the grant site.
Trail Development & Funding Committee
Groomer Classifications are being reviewed by the committee a new Class D Groomer classification is being pro-
Trail Work Tracking – The committee is working to establish how much money it really takes to run a club and
maintain trails. Clubs are being asked to submit all fundable expenses into the online ATGP. The Trail Committee is
working on a survey to go to the clubs and it will ask clubs specifically if they are submitting all of their expenses into
the ATGP. Parks feels that the more expenses the clubs put in, the longer it will take Parks to audit the Phase III. The
Trail Committee stated that the total cost to develop and maintain trails needs to be established so that NYSSA can illustrate how much the trails are underfunded and work with state officials to get more money into the Statewide Trail
(Continued on page 12)
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
December 2015 - Page 11
NYSSA Online Magazine
(Continued from page 11)
Safety & Education Committee
Safety - The committee has been working on a safety bookmark.
Education - The Chittenango Polar Bears will hold a STEP training on December 30th, 2015.
Events & Promotions Committee
2016 Forum – Online registration will open on January 1st
NYSSA Member Registration will be reduced to $50 each. SLEDNY will be contributing $30 per attendee to make
up the difference in fees. The registration fee will increase in March to $80/attendee and in April it goes up to $100/attendee.
Hotel Choices - There are three hotels to choose from. The Golden Arrow, the Hampton Inn, and the Art Devlin
Hotel. Hotel accommodations have to through central reservation, please do not call the hotel to reserve a room.
NYSSA Youth members under the age of 18 will receive free registration and the committee will plan activities
and classes aimed toward them.
The Vintage Show will include a new class for delegates. Delegates who bring a vintage sled will be entered into
a “Delegates Only” class free of registration.
The keynote speaker for Saturday night’s banquet will be Levy LaVallee.
The Olympic passport will be offered to attendees again this year by the tourism council. There will also be discounts for merchandise at local shops.
TME DONATION REQUEST – Director’s, the committee is asking TME’s to donate towards funding cash prizes for
vintage show winners.
Membership & Communication
Alumni Club - The committee discussed an Alumni Club proposal which will be a social club/offshoot of NYSSA
for people with long standing community service/retired trail volunteers. The committee is drafting criteria for membership and directors are asked to present it to their clubs and comment on the idea to find if there is interest in
Attention students and parents!
Application Deadline for NYSSA Scholarships is February 29, 2016!
2016 NYSSA Application and Instructions:
MS Word
Each year, NYSSA awards two $500 scholarships:
Norris Brusoe NYSSA Scholarship
Joan & Digger Vriessen NYSSA Scholarship
Only members of NYS Snowmobile Clubs as of January 1, 2016 will be eligible for these Scholarships.
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
December 2015 - Page 12
NYSSA Online Magazine
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
December 2015 - Page 13
NYSSA Online Magazine
Safe Riders! Campaign Celebrates 20th Anniversary!
The Safe Riders! You Make Snowmobiling Safe© safety campaign was initiated in 1995
through a partnership with the snowmobile manufacturer members of ISMA – Arctic
Cat, BRP, Polaris, and Yamaha and the state and provincial snowmobile associations and
clubs located throughout the snow-belt of North America. The goal of the campaign is to
keep safety a ‘top of mind awareness’ subject while snowmobiling. The content of the
campaign was created with input from all corners of the snowmobile world and continues
to live and grow in ideas and outreach.
The campaign features significant support material including
A 22 minute safe riders DVD created to serve as an adjunct support to snowmobile safety trainers around the world,
A Safe Riders! safety brochure that highlights key safety awareness facts,
A Snowmobiling Fact Book which contains great information about the snowmobiling community, industry,
and helpful safety tips that is especially good to give to people who are new to the sport and to government officials,
A snowmobile poster series highlighting key snowmobile safety issues,
The safe riders! logo reflective decals and
Many excellent print public service announcements, radio public service announcements, and some amazingly effective
TV ready public service announcements.
All of the safety materials are available from the ISMA Office and can be obtained by filling out an order form and visiting the ISMA web
site at www.snowmobile.org.
The key guidelines presented in the campaign are all highlighted on the posters:
Smart riders are safe riders – take snowmobile safety training.
Snowmobiling and alcohol don’t mix – don’t drink and ride.
Ride safe, stay on the trail – and always respect private property.
When night riding slow down – expect the unexpected.
Ride smart, ride right – stay in control.
Know before you go – always check local ice conditions.
One is the loneliest number – never ride alone.
Cross with care – don’t become roadkill.
For riders in mountainous terrain: Always know the risks and be prepared
– and follow the avalanche safety guidelines: Get the gear; Get the training; Get the forecast;
Get the picture; Get out of harm’s way.
The campaign has been very effective and is used in support of safety training across North America. Hundreds of thousands of information pieces have been sent to safety trainers and to snowmobile enthusiasts free of charge. In addition, the campaign highlights many positive aspects of the snowmobiling lifestyle which include posters highlighting ‘snowmobilers care about the environment and improve the
environment in their riding areas.’ The campaign notes how snowmobiling is ‘a large $27 billion dollar business,’ and ‘snowmobile tourism works’ wherever it is tried. There is a special recognition poster highlighting that snowmobiling is a fun family activity and another
poster encouraging winter enthusiasts to join us today and go snowmobiling.
If possible, we encourage, individuals, clubs, and associations to participate in the upcoming Snowmobile Safety Week. Safety Week this
season will be January 16-24, 2016. When conducting any snowmobile safety training, please consider posting photos and a brief update
on our www.Facebook.com/GoSnowmobiling page. Please visit us on Facebook and make sure to “Like” our page so we can share our
winter updates with you throughout the snowmobiling season.
Remember to always be a Safe Rider!
International Safety Week
January 16-24, 2016
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
December 2015 - Page 14
NYSSA Online Magazine
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
December 2015 - Page 15
NYSSA Online Magazine
Trail Coordinator Report
by Jim Rolf, NYSSA Trail Coordinator
888-624-3849 x 102
It’s hard to remain positive about a long winter when the weather outside in Mid-December is like it is right
now. But thinking back to those years where we didn’t have riding across a good portion of the State until January
keeps me from taking the negative view and keeps me optimistic! It WILL snow in NYS and there WILL BE riding…the
question is WHEN???
The “Unofficial” Kick-off to NYS Snowmobiling
The Old Forge SNODEO, the kick-off to the snowmobile season each year, was this past weekend. I heard reports of attendance being about the same as recent years and know that the attendance at the annual Shoot-out (which
was moved from Woodgate to Inlet this year) seemed to be up a little. Snowmobilers are anxious to get out there to
ride and events like this only help to get us more excited!
Adirondack Rail Trail final plan…
NYSSA submitted our comment on the UMP to the APA in hopes of having one small item corrected within the
document and to agree that the plan seems to be fully compliant with the State Land Master Plan. That section we disagree on appears to mandate proposed restrictions on snowmobile use near populated areas regarding time of day and
speed. NYSSA feels that while snowmobiles have been using the Corridor for many years, only the Tupper Lake municipality has so far enacted a slight time restriction on the Corridor within the Village limits. With the rails removed, snowmobile use is expected to increase dramatically and there is the potential for issues to develop that may need to be dealt
with at that time. However, the paragraph within the UMP final document should be changed to the effect that,
"Nothing in this document prevents local government for enacting regulations regarding speed and hours of operation....". We hope the State realizes that restrictions like these are usually left up to local municipalities to decide, and
mentioned that in our comment.
NYSSA truly wants to thank everyone that submitted comments on this issue over the past 3 years. It’s been a
long road to get us to even this point, and it seems that no work will begin on the Corridor transition to a multi-use, 4season trail between Tupper Lake and Lake Placid will not begin until after Dec of 2016. We will all need to be just a
little more patient going forward.
Trail Opening Dates
Just another reminder: each year we like to put out the dates when most landowners require clubs to delay opening the trails, mostly due to hunting but also due to livestock still being in
the fields and crops that possibly still need to be harvested. The Northern Zone gun firearms season
actually ended as of Dec. 6th in most areas, and the late bow season ended on the 13th. The Southern Zone regular firearms season ended on Dec. 13th, but the late muzzleloader and bow seasons
ends on 22nd…Trails could open IF there was/is sufficient snow. On the bright side, it looks like we
don’t have to worry too much about “early season riding” upsetting landowners this year.
Please be aware that clubs many times have land use agreements with their landowners outlining specific dates
the trails must remain closed until, some based on the snow on the ground allowing livestock to be left in fields. If in
doubt, contact the club(s) in the area that you want to ride IF there is sufficient snow cover to allow riding before the
date above. Please don’t jeopardize land access because you want to ride before our season begins by opening gates
that are closed. Yes, it is a short season for us, but landowners are the ones who generously allow for the snowmobile
trails to be allowed in the first place. It’s about RESPECT!
(Continued on page 17)
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
December 2015 - Page 16
NYSSA Online Magazine
(Continued from page 16)
Trail Safety
When the trails do officially open and the snow depth is sufficient to ride, please be safe out there! Stay right
on the marked trails and think about everyone else on the trails. It’s about riding and getting home each time…not
about getting to your destination as fast as you can, out of control.
I usually include a few Trail Safety REMINDERS every year prior to the start of the season, so below are some of
what I like to include for every rider to think about:
Accidents and Reports and THE LAW
One of my job duties each winter that can be a real downer is receiving and reading accident reports as well
soliciting them from the clubs when I receive notification of accidents before club officials do. Some are very tragic!
NYS Law states that each accident that results in over $1,000.00 in damage OR any personal injury MUST BE reported
within days of the accident to the NYS Parks snowmobile unit. The 2 sided-form is available here:
Also, NYSSA requires each club to notify the association of any snowmobile incident on or directly near the trail
system. That accident report form is to help protect the club and association in case of any lawsuit challenges should be
taken by an accident victim. The form includes weather conditions, snow conditions, time of day, and other pertinent
information that is filled-out by the club reps so as to be available for reference at a later date, if needed. This information has been helpful in the past to better define what happened at an accident scene and sometimes even countered to
what the claimant tried to state happened. It is extremely important to have these reports filed in a timely basis, to further protect the future of our sport. So if you are in an accident on or near the trail and the local club contacts you because they found out who was in the accident, please give them all pertinent info they need. Thank you for that consideration and understanding.
The most important legal protection for landowners and clubs is the NYS General Obligations Law. Snowmobiling is a listed recreational activity within the law, and states clearly that landowners/occupants are not required to make
a property safe for such activities, and in the case of a snowmobile accident on their lands protects our granted use. It
is a tested vindication for landowners to allow snowmobiling on their lands.
But one of the single most compelling parts of the NYS Snowmobile Parks and Recreation law dealing with
(Continued on page 18)
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
December 2015 - Page 17
NYSSA Online Magazine
(Continued from page 17)
snowmobile operator liability that puts the responsibility back on the snowmobiler, as it should be, states “ It is
recognized that snowmobiling is a voluntary activity that may be hazardous ”. It can’t be stated any more
clearly that that! When I discuss snowmobile accidents and how important it is to have riders take responsibility for
themselves, I use this description…”One’s own brain tells one’s own thumb how far to squeeze one’s own snowmobile
throttle to remain safe and in control. Just as one’s own brain tells one’s own thumb when it’s time to let off that throttle and tells one’s own brake hand to apply one’s snowmobile brake too!”. Take responsibility for your own actions... we
all share the trails and no one wants to get hit by an irresponsible, out of control rider! THINK…and ride safely!
EVERYONE loves seeing freshly groomed trails. But did you realize that groomed trails need to “set-up” in order
to stand up to the snowmobile traffic? Up to 6 hours is required for fresh-groomed trail snow to re-freeze and withstand
the amount of riding that most trails receive. Temperature and the type of snow are also factors in the actual “set-up”
time. When you come across a freshly manicured trail, please respect the groomer driver by 1) yielding to the machines…IT’S THE LAW! 2) dimming your headlights, whether you are approaching a groomer from the front or the rear.
Your bright lights are unsafe to the groomer drivers! 3) don’t tear-up the fresh snow, and ride on the right side at all
times. Yes, it may look more enjoyable to ride on the smoothed-out snow, but all you will be doing is negatively affecting the trail and cutting down on the longevity of the trail. Many groomer drivers spend hours and hours in the machines…traveling only 6 to 9 miles per hour. Respect the effort that these volunteers are giving for everyone’s enjoyment!
High-beam Headlights
Snowmobile operators should always switch their high-beams off whenever approaching oncoming snowmobilers on the trails OR when riding on vehicle roadways and when approaching a groomer either from the front or back.
Just like in a car or truck, high-beams could blind a driver and cause an accident. It’s common sense and respect to dim
your lights when high-beams could affect oncoming traffic.
Stay on The Marked Trails!
Snowmobile club volunteers take extreme care to find the safest trail for snowmobile traffic to ride, especially in
open fields. The club reps mark the outer boundary (delineate, by State Law), and those stakes then represent where
NOT to go outside of. Inside or near the stakes, clubs mark objects that one may encounter as well as noting warnings
for fences, bridges, culverts, narrowing of trails, etc. Outside of those stakes, no club volunteer can assure riders what
may be out there that could damage your sled or possibly result in an accident. Please understand that when you see
signs that read “Stay on Trail”, “Stay on Trail, OR STAY HOME”, or “Respect Landowners”…most of the time that means
the generous owners of the property are concerned that riders may or are riding off the section of property that was
given permission for the trail to be located and open to snowmobile use. Quite possibly there may be crops in the fields,
or the club is on the last leg with the landowner and may lose the permission if riders keep disrespecting the owner of
Here’s to a safe, fun, and long snowmobile season. I would like to wish each snowmobiler a Happy Holiday
Season as well. Pray for more snow and cold temperatures throughout the entire winter.
STAY RIGHT, …And BETWEEN the Stakes!
You are an ambassador of this sport.
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
December 2015 - Page 18
NYSSA Online Magazine
New Business Members !!
Diane D’Ambroisio
(315) 376-6200
1595 Elmwood Ave
Rochester, NY 14620
Vacation Properties
Online Driver Ed..
Just $22
Support Our National Organization and WIN!!
ACSA Cash Calendars Are Now Available
The 2016 ACSA Cash Calendars are now available for purchase. The proceeds
from the Cash Calendar sales are a fundraiser for ACSA and the State Snowmobile
Place your calendar order today, celebrate our 20th anniversary and get 12 months of snowmobile
events and activities. In addition, there are 365 prizes awarded throughout the year!! Calendars
are available for a tax-deductible $20 contribution. There are drawings all year long!
Your $20 contribution will not only get your 2016 ACSA Cash Calendar, but it will also support our
work to help connect and defend snowmobile trails across the country, and $5 of it comes back to
NYSSA. These calendars also make great gifts….especially when the recipient receives a check in
the mail for their winnings!
Make sure you don’t miss out—order yours today! Mail your $20 check (made payable to ACSA) to
NYSSA, PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566. We’ll get your calendar to you by return mail.
The American Council of Snowmobile Associations is our voice on national snowmobile issues. ACSA provides national leadership and coordination to advance the efforts of all organizations who promote responsible snowmobiling across the U.S.
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
December 2015 - Page 19
NYSSA Online Magazine
Identification # 31-215-850-08920
Raffle License # 15328
Sponsored by
NYS Arctic Cat Dealers
NYS Polaris Dealers
NYS Ski-Doo Dealers
2016 ARCTIC CAT or
2016 Polaris
Indy 550 144 ES SLED
2016 Skidoo
MXZ Sport 600 SLED
or $5,000 Cash courtesy of NYSSA - www.nysnowmobiler.com
The 1st Prize Winner will select one of the four prizes above; 2nd will choose
next; 3rd will choose next; and the 4th prize winner gets the remaining prize.
5th Prize: 2-day Snowmobile Rental for 2 & $100 GC to Melody Lodge - Village Motorsports, Speculator, NY
6th Prize: $1,000 Cash donated by Fisk Distributing, Lyndonville, NY
7th Prize: $1,000 Cash donated by the Snowmobile Clubs of Chautauqua County, NY
9 Two 8-hour Sled Rentals - Chautauqua Lake Snowmobile Services
23 $250 Cash - Northern Erie Sno-Seekers
10 $500 Cash - Columbia County Sno-drifters
24 2 nights Lodging & Hot Breakfast - Tailwater Lodge
11 $500 Cash - Onondaga County Snowmobile Assn
25 Gift Certificate for Overnight Stay - 1000 Islands Harbor Hotel
12 1-night stay for 2, Honeymoon Suite & Breakfast - Inn at The Beeches
13 $400 Cash - Seven Valley Snow Goers Inc
14 2-night stay, Jacuzzi Suite, off peak - The Edge Hotel
26 $200 Gift Certificate - Arctic Adventures
27 $200 Gift Certificate - Bibbens Sales & Service
15 $300 Cash - Erie County Federation of Snowmobile Clubs
28 1 Weekday Nite Lodging & Golf & Cart for 2 - Byrncliff
16 The Ride Lite Classic Combo 2 pack - Quad County Snowmobile Club
29 $200 toward Automotive Collision Repair - Carubba Collision
17 $250 Gift Certificate - Delaware Sport Center
30 2-night stay at Charlie's Inn & Dinner for 2 -Charlie's Inn
18 $250 Gift Certificate - Milton Cat
31 $200 Gift Certificate - DDS Motorsports
19 $250 Cash - Delaware Valley Ridge Riders
32 $200 Gift Certificate toward Polaris Helmet - Edelmann Sales
20 $250 Cash - Rock Tavern Sno Riders
33 $200 Gift Certificate - Hamburg Honda
21 $250 Cash - Shawangunk Snowmobile & Rescue Club
34 $200 toward Dental Procedures - Hartnett Dental
22 $250 Cash - Snowrats Snowmobile Club
35 $200 Gift Certificate - Quaker Boy Inc.
36 $200 Cash - Cattaraugus County Director, NYSSA
37 $200 Cash - Cattaraugus County Federation
38 $200 Cash - Cranberry Lake Moun-
Contact your
local Club
for tickets!
Drawing: April 30, 2016. Winners announced at the SLEDNY
Educational Forum, Lake Placid Conference Center,
Lake Placid, NY
Donation: $5.00 per ticket - Ticket holders do not need to be
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
December 2015 - Page 20
NYSSA Online Magazine
Planning Ahead?
The Pink Ribbon Riders 2016 New York Snow Run
February 19-20, 2016 ~ Old Forge, NY
Safety Question:
Q: What should every snowmobile have in it?
A) A tool kit, spare drive belt and
spark plugs, a tow rope, and a
first aid kit
B) A phone book in case you have to
call somebody for help
C) Magazines to read while your
friend fixes his snowmobile
Note: we don’t make these questions up - they’re right out of the Safety Program workbook!
Answer: A
Safety Courses are listed at
-- find one in a County near you!
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
December 2015 - Page 21
NYSSA Online Magazine
Check out the local lodging available too, and many more discounts!
Old Forge Camping Resort
Charlie’s Inn
Rocky Acres Inn
Country Inn & Suites
Tumble Inn
Junction Campground
Water’s Edge Inn
Available all year long at:
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
December 2015 - Page 22
NYSSA Online Magazine
How to Renew Online and Print your Voucher
1. Go to www.nysnowmobiler.com and click on the Big Green Button at the upper left.
2. Enter your Member ID and password.
Don’t know your Member ID? Use the “Forgot” link:
Don’t know your Password? Use the “Reset Password” button.
3. Once you are logged in, you may renew your membership with your existing Club, or join a different club, or join several clubs. Be sure to select the “Individual” or “Family” membership
type as appropriate.
4. Fill in your credit card info and press PAY NOW!
5. Once the transaction is completed, return to the home page. To the right of the Club Name is
the word ‘Voucher’. Click on that to view and print your Voucher.
Still need assistance? Email us at membership@nysnowmobiler.com, or call the Membership Help
Desk at 888-624-3849 x 103.
Turn the page to learn how to register your sled(s) online
with the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles! -->
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
December 2015 - Page 23
NYSSA Online Magazine
How to register your sled(s) online with
the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles
1. Let’s get you to the right place:
If you are a New York State Resident, go to this website:
If you are Out of State, go to this website:
2. Follow the on-screen instructions (they are different for NY Residents and Out of State, so we
can’t reproduce them here).
3. Remember to enter your 12-digit NYSSA Voucher ID (located above the barcode on your
2015-16 Voucher) with no dashes or spaces.
4. Print your Temporary Registration - your permanent registration and stickers for your sled
will be mailed to you by NYS DMV within ten days.
You are now…
Contact NYSSA: PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040 * EMAIL - nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
TOLL FREE: (888) 624-3849 * FAX: (888) 317-2441 *
December 2015 - Page 24
As the unified voice for NY Snowmobiling, NYSSA works year-round to promote
the sport and protect the trails needed for winter enjoyment. NYSSA is recognized
and accepted in Albany, across the state, and nationally as the organization that
represents the rights and needs of New York’s snowmobilers.
Season 2015-16 NY Snowmobiler Publication Dates:
(11 days after each BOD Meeting).
May 12, 2016
January 21, 2016
February 18, 2016
March 16, 2016
April 13, 2016
PO Box 1040, Pine Bush, NY 12566-1040
888-624-3849 / Fax 888-317-2441
E-mail: nyssaoffice@nysnowmobiler.com
NYSSA Calendar of Events
January 9, 2016
NYSSA Board of Directors Meeting
Committees meet at 10 am. Board meeting at 1 pm.
Byrncliff, 2357 Humphrey Road,
Varysburg, NY
January 10, 2016
Take a Friend Snowmobiling Event
Chestnut Ridge Park
See page 9!
February 6, 2016
NYSSA Board of Directors Meeting
Committees meet at 10 am. Board meeting at 1 pm.
The Beeches, 7900 Turin Road,
Rome, NY
March 5, 2016
NYSSA Board of Directors Meeting
Committees meet at 10 am. Board meeting at 1 pm.
Tailwater Lodge, 52 Pulaski St
Altmar, NY
April 2, 2016
NYSSA Board of Directors Meeting
Committees meet at 10 am. Board meeting at 1 pm.
1000 Islands Harbor Hotel,
200 Riverside Drive, Clayton NY
April 29, 30,
and May 1, 2016
SLEDNY Educational Forum and
NYSSA Annual Meeting
Featuring Levi LeVallee - Registration Opens January 1!
Lake Placid Conference Center
Main Street, Lake Placid, NY
Hotel Reservations are open!
May 21, 2016
NYSSA Board of Directors Meeting
Committees meet at 10 am. Board meeting at 1 pm.
Rusty Rail, Canastota, NY
Club Events are listed on our website: www.nysnowmobiler.com
Safety Courses are listed at