The Wolverine


The Wolverine
The Wolverine
Michigan Society of the
Children of the
American Revolution
Courtney Ozog
State President
35030 Stellwagen Road
Wayne, MI 48184
(734) 467-6965
Volume 72
Issue 3
Laurie Huber
Senior State President
2794 Saratoga Drive
Troy, MI 48083
(248) 619-1487
November 2014
Page 1
Hello MSCAR!
This time of year is crunch time, crunching of the leaves, crunching in midterm assignments
for college, and crunching all the end of the year activities for CAR. I have recently attended
the Detroit Metropolitan, SAR meeting and they agreed to be the generous donor for the MI
Energy Options tour during our State Conference. I also attended the Mary Marshall, DAR
meeting where I met three former MSCAR State Presidents. You can see the pictures Mrs.
Ozog took on the C.A.R. Facebook Page.
Inside this issue:
If you didn’t know, the end of the year is approaching quicker than you think. We are beginning to wrap up details for the state conference in February. You won’t want to miss all the
fun things we have planned, and don’t forget to invite all your friends and family, even if
they’re not members (yet), remember the more, the merrier. We could always use help if
you are interested in becoming a page/aide or a color bearer, so sign up quick, and remember no experience necessary.
State President’s
State Conference
State Conference
Registration Form
State Conference
Patron’s Letter
Veteran’s Day Poem
In December we have our last State Board Meeting in Frankenmuth. If any Officer or Chairman would like to do a short program, please contact me by e-mail ASAP (and Cc Mrs. Huber, as well). I am looking for two or three people, and this can go towards the Outstanding
Officer awards that national has this year. If any families would also like to meet at Zender’s
or Bavarian restaurant for dinner after the meeting please contact Mrs. Huber and me with
what preferred restaurant, family and how many people so we can make a reservation . See
you all in December!
New Members
Courtney Ozog
Patron’s Letter
N.S.C.A.R. Pins
Upcoming Events
M.S.C.A.R. State President
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The Wolverine
Fellow MSCAR members & seniors,
Have we seen a more beautiful display of color this fall?! As I gaze out on a rare weekend, all I see are clouds and a definite
chill in the air, but throughout my road trips this fall and around southeastern Michigan, I have seen a lingering color display
almost everywhere. I hope you are all having a wonder fall season and displaying your patriotism in many ways.
At the same time, I know many of us juggle our hectic schedules and it was wonderful to see many of our senior members in
attendance at the D.A.R. State Conference held at the Troy Marriott in September. Our State Regent – Zandra Baker had a
wonderful program and State President Courtney Ozog presented to the attendees her project Thursday evening of the conference. Local CAR members helped oversee the display for M.S.C.A.R. and participated where possible. It was fun and informative. I have included a few photos from the conference for this newsletter.
Just a week after the state conference I did turn a milestone – thank you to those wishing me a wonderful 50th! I plan to celebrate all year long…
I draw your attention to the following dates in November and December including:
Michigan Traveling Vietnam Wall – November 15th 10a – 2:00p @ Mystic Creek Golf Club in Milford
Wreaths Across America – December 13th Great Lakes Cemetery in Holly
M.S.C.A.R. fall meeting – December 14th @ 1pm, Frankenmuth, Michigan @ the Library
You will find the information & registration for the 82nd M.S.C.A.R. State Conference in this newsletter. I encourage each of
you to distribute and share in your society, DAR, SAR, and SR membership as well as guests. If you have any questions, please
feel free to contact myself or senior 2 nd Vice President, Karen Woodworth.
Enjoy your upcoming holiday season –
Laurie Huber
Senior State President
M.S.C.A.R. Long Term Planning
Two seniors and two members met October 26th to discuss a few long term topics for M.S.C.A.R. which included 1) State Officers & aging out leadership, and 2) Great Lakes Regional, which Michigan will be hosting
in 2016. The first item requires many more individuals to contribute to the conversation and as we saw it, the M.S.C.A.R. is
losing several older members putting state officer and chairmen positions in “short supply.” Consideration was given to the
following options: moving to a one day conference, centralizing the event, developing a “road show” PowerPoint that senior
members can take to DAR/SAR/SR leadership expressing concern about the need for active CAR membership to take on leadership roles. The second topic was emphasized as CAR and DAR senior leadership will be called upon to contribute time, talent,
and treasure to make this event special. Though a location has not been determined, Grand Rapids area was mentioned as well
as Lansing. National Headquarters coordinates the nine regional tours to make sure they are drivable, but we can have input
early in the planning process. Leadership, including the Senior State President, needs to be fully engaged in conversations
starting spring/summer 2015.
Thank you to Gina LaCroix for fully participating in the process. I look forward to further conversations at the December Board
Laurie Huber
Senior State President
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The Wolverine
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The Wolverine
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The Wolverine
DAR State Conference
Enjoying their DAR State Conference
paging duties!
M.S.C.A.R. Display at DAR State Conference
Photo by Mitchell Huber
Celebrate Veterans Day - November 11, 2014
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The Wolverine
State President on the Road...
M.S.C.A.R. State President Courtney Ozog
at Mary Marshall Chapter
with past C.A.R. State Presidents
October 18, 2014
Great Lakes Regional Meeting
July 14 - 15, 2015
News from Ki-Ka-Ma-Sung Society
Ki-Ka-Ma-Sung Society was pleased to welcome our State President to talk about her project on September 13th at a joint
meeting with our sponsoring DAR chapter. Ki-Ka-Ma-Sung Society members Alice and James Kraatz presented the program celebrating the 70th birthday of Smokey Bear. We were pleased to welcome new transfer member Nicia Johnston
to this meeting. She and her older sisters have transferred from Jack Jouett Society in Kentucky. She has a younger sister
who might be joining soon!
On September 27th, several of our members greeted returning World War II veterans from the Talons Out Honor Flight.
They flew out of the Kalamazoo/Battle Creek International Airport that morning, toured the World War II monument in
Washington, DC, and flew home again in the evening, arriving around 8:00 p.m.
On September 28th, we met for a regular business meeting and program about changes in time to historic churches and to
our country’s currency. We are reading or telling Native American stories at each of our meetings this year.
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The Wolverine
Support the National and State President Projects
National Theme
O! Say Can You See
National Project
The National Project is to raise funds to restore ten flags to the grounds of the Star-Spangled Banner Flag House in Baltimore, Maryland. Our donation would repair and.or replace all ten poles and mounts as well as supply replacement flags.
Additional funds raised will support the acquisition and maintenance of exhibit and artifacts.
Healing Our Veterans
2014 M.S.C.A.R. 2015
The Michigan Veterans Foundation is an organization formed to fill the gaps in services provided for veterans, mainly homeless
veterans. Located in Detroit, MI, the MVF provides food, clothing, shelter, housing, and therapy for those men and women who
have served our country. My goal is to raise $2000 to donate for any of their needs and supplement of supplies. Societies can
also help by collecting hygiene supplies, nonperishable food, or other items and donating these items to the Detroit Veterans
Center. Members are also encouraged to visit the DVC and learn about the homeless of our veteran population. For more information visit
News from Mark and Henry Schell Society
The Mark and Henry Schell N.S.C.A.R. held its September meeting at Beyer's
Furniture Store in downtown Lapeer. This is the first year the group has set
up a display for Constitution week. Mr. Beyer was very kind in allowing our
C.A.R. to use one of his windows for the display. The children had worked on
coloring Revolutionary War pictures in previous meetings and they hung them
across the window on a clothes line. There were photographs of the members
in different activities on the ledge along the bottom of the window. One of
the senior member grandmas helped out by making a Constitution Week banner to
hang along with a senior member's military flag. The American and C.A.R. flags
were posted, in standard, along with a framed poster listing the Society's
name and contact information for young people who would like to learn more
about N.S.C.A.R. The group had planned to attend an afternoon Harvest
Festival but canceled because of the weather.
The Wolverine
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Elias Cady Society
Elias Cady is celebrating 10 years! A
birthday party and grave re-dedication
for Elias Cady was held on October 18th at
the Oakhill cemetery in Holly, MI. Sashabaw Plains DAR purchased a marker for
the event.
Members from Sashabaw Plains , Lydia
Barnes Potter, Piety Hill and Stoney
Creek DAR’s and Oaks and Paul Emery
SAR’s attended and participated in the re
-dedication ceremony. Thanks to Ben
Trevarrow from Lieutenant Isaiah Fuller
Society C.A.R. for attending.
The children of the Elias Cady Society
received a certificate of appreciation in
honor of their 10th anniversary in
recognition of outstanding support given to the Sons of the
American Revolution. The Elias
Cady Society would like to thank
all who have supported their
Society for the past 10 years. A
special thanks to the past Senior
Society President, Hope Daniel
for 10 years of service to the
Elias Cady Society. Under your
guidance the Elias Cady Society
has received numerous National
Welcome to M.S.C.A.R.
Anna Joy Harris—Fort Dearborn Society
Ellison Kate Harris—Fort Dearborn Society
Molly Eryn Hughes—Fort Dearborn Society
Morgan Brooke Hughes—Fort Dearborn Society
National Merit Chairman
In October, the National Merit Chairman and his dad traveled to Williamsburg, Virginia for the N.S.C.A.R. National Board Meeting
followed by the annual pilgrimage and wreath laying at Yorktown.
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The Wolverine
Peewee Patriots Corner
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Peewee Patriots
Honoring our Veterans!
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The Wolverine
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The Wolverine
Courtney Ozog
Laurie Huber
Emma Huber
Dawn Moulthrop-Brady
Patrick McInnis
Karen Woodworth
Alice Kraatz
Sue Petres
Anthony Ozog
Gina LaCroix
Madden Brady
Alicia Erion
Daniel Woodworth
Hope Daniel
James Kraatz
Patricia Dennert
Kyle Janke
Ellen Steward
Alycia Pietrzak
Carol LeMarbe
Arthur Woodworth
Teresa Jones
Moria Brady
Susan Janke
Mitch Huber
AJ McInnis
Nathan LeMarb
Andrea Petres
Tiffany Ozog
Elizabeth Kraatz
Page 14
The Wolverine
C.A.R. MEMBER (2014-15)
SENIOR (2014-15)
American Heritage
Katie Daniel
Melanie Brim
American History
James Kraatz
Elizabeth Kraatz
American Indian
Alice Kraatz
Brenda Ozog
C.A.R. Magazine& Newsletters
Melanie Brim
Alycia Pietrsak
Nancy Bernson
Government Studies
Katie Brim
Karen Woodworth
Kids Helping Kids
Madden Brady
Susan Janke
Mitch Huber
Diane Gaubatz
Mountain Schools
Sarah Daniel
Teresa Jones
National Merit Award
Mitch Huber
Laurie Huber
Patriotic Education Program
Arthur Woodworth
Jessica Hodges
Public Relations
Mitch Huber
L. Huber
Cameron McInnis
AJ McInnis
CAR/DAR/SAR/SR Relations
Patrick McInnis
Mrs. Elizabeth Gardner
Endowment Fund
Katie Brim
Sue Petres
Information Technology
Emma Huber
T. Jones
Magazine Fund
Daniel Woodworth
Karen Woodworth
Moria Brady
Susan Janke
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the
American Revolution
Kyle Janke
Susan Janke
Emma Huber
T. Jones
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The Wolverine
Michigan Society
Children of the
American Revolution
Wolverine Deadline
January 3, 2015
M.S.C.A.R. Fall State Board Meeting
Frankenmuth Library, Frankenmuth MI
December 14, 2014, 1:-00 p.m.
For more information visit :
M.S.C.A.R. State Conference
Crowne Plaza West, Lansing, MI
February 6-7, 2015
N.S.C.A.R. National Convention
Crystal City—Arlington, VA
April 17-19, 2015
Wolverine Subscription Form
Michigan Society Children of the American Revolution
Subscription Order Form
To receive a free electronic copy of The Wolverine, please provide your email address:
Email address:
To order a hard copy of The Wolverine, please indicate your preference:
Subscription Price: $8.00 a year (black and white copy)
Make your check payable: Senior State Treasurer, M.S.C.A.R.
Send to:
Melanie Brim
Senior State Chairman, C.A.R. Magazine & Newsletters
188 Foleys Grade
Lowell, MI 49331-9134