Ausgabe 13 KW 13


Ausgabe 13 KW 13
Ausgabe 13
KW 13
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
F-Shop – exklusiv Das Schwarze Auge-Aventurien
DSA-Karte: West. Nivesenland, Estiva, Reelia,
Doppelseitig bedruckte Karte. Das
westliche Nivesenland mit den
Städten Estiva, Reelia, Bjaldorn.
DSA-Karte: Östl. Nivesenland, Paavi und Riva
Doppelseitig bedruckte Karte. Das
östliche Nivesenland mit den Städten
Paavi und Riva
Ulisses Spiele
Das Schwarze Auge-Aventurien
Schattenlande G14....................................35,00
Erscheint voraussichtlich im Juli
Die Heptarchien und die Insel Maraskan
Die Schattenlande: Mal ängstlich gewispert, mal zornentbrannt
deklariert, steht dieser Name für die Regionen, in denen der Kampf
gegen die Erben des Dämonenmeisters noch andauert. Doch diese Erben
sind zerstritten, ihre Herrschaft von ihresgleichen geneidet und von den
Streitern des Lichts beständiger Bedrohung ausgesetzt. Schon dehnen
sich die zwölfgöttertreuen Lande im ehemaligen Tobrien, in Warunk und
Beilunk bis ins Herz der Finsternis aus, und es scheint nur eine Frage der
Zeit, bis die Dämonenanbeter gestürzt, die Menschen befreit werden und
sich Helden ewigen Ruhm bei der Niederringung der Heptarchen
erwerben können.
Die Schrecken der Insel Maraskan hingegen sind vielgestaltig und
beinahe unfassbar: Uralte
Mysterien verbergen sich in den
Tiefen des Dschungels und der
Maraskankette, geschützt durch
tödliche Flora und Fauna und zäh
verteidigt von den Schergen der
Schwarzen Herrscher. Aber auch
das freie Shîkanydad ist für viele
Aventurier fremd und die
Eigenarten seiner Bevölkerung
Die Schattenlande präsentiert Ihnen
die Regionen im Osten Aventuriens,
die immer noch unter der Kontrolle
von Borbarads Erben stehen oder
als Preis zahlreicher Kriegsherren
umkämpft sind: Transysilien, die
Warunkei sowie die Fürstkomturei
Maraskan und Tobimorien. Darüber hinaus finden Sie auch Material zu
jenen Bastionen, die den dunklen Herrschern die Stirn bieten: die
Sonnenmark Beilunk, der von der Rondra-Kirche gehaltene Brückenkopf
Warunk und das maraskanische Shîkanydad.
Ebenfalls enthalten sind Informationen über die Geschichte und Kultur
der genannten Regionen, ihre wichtigsten Persönlichkeiten und die
schrecklichen, aber auch lockenden Geheimnisse, die dort verborgen sind.
Redaktion: Daniel Simon Richter
Horte magischen Wissens Q7.....................30,00
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
Die Magierakademien Aventuriens,
Band II
Mächtige Zauberei, große
Geheimnisse und unvorstellbare
Relikte der Vergangenheit – all dies
verbindet der Aventurier mit dem
Begriff Magierakademie. Über ganz
Aventurien verstreut liegen diese
Stätten der Ausbildung arkan
begabter Zöglinge, die Stoff für
Legenden und Geschichten sind.
Aber was geht wirklich hinter den
Mauern der Magierakademien vor?
Horte magischen Wissens ist der
zweite Band, in dem die
aventurischen Magierakademien im
Detail vorgestellt werden. Wie läuft die Ausbildung der Scholaren ab?
Wie erhält man Zugang zu den umfangreichen Bibliotheken? Welche
Dienstleistungen kann man für welchen Preis erhalten und welche
dunklen Geheimnisse ranken sich um die Akademie. Neben der
Bereicherung des Hintergrundes von Helden-Magiern soll dies vor allem
der Aufbereitung der Akademien als Schauplätze für Abenteuer dienen.
Der vorliegende Band enthält die ausführliche Beschreibungen von 15
Lehranstalten. Die einzelnen hierbei behandelten Akademien sind:
Andergast, Drakonia, Elenvina, Fasar, Gerasim, Grangor, Khunchom,
Kuslik, Mirham, Neersand, Nostria, Olport, Rashdul, Sinoda und die
Sulman al'Nassori, das Schulschiff der Khunchomer Magier. Jede
Beschreibung wird um Bodenpläne und weitere Karten ergänzt.
Diese Spielhilfe enthält Informationen zu den aventurischen
Magierakademien für Spieler und Spielleiter. Zum eigentlichen Spiel
werden an weiteren Materialien nur die Basisregeln und die Geographia
Aventurica benötigt. Die Kenntnis der erweiterten Regeln, insbesondere
Wege der Helden und Wege der Zauberei, ist hilfreich, aber nicht
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 13
KW 13
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Markus Heitz' Justifiers - Mystery ............29,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
Als genetisch modifizierte TierMensch-Hybriden sind die
Justifiers bestens darauf vorbereit,
für ihren Konzern fremde Planeten
in Besitz zu nehmen. Der Planet
Holz-11 erweist sich dabei
allerdings um einiges härter als
gedacht. Von unkon-trollierten
Robotern über seltsame Psioniker
und schreckliche Seuchen bis hin zu
einem überaus bösartigen Mond
haben die Justifiers alle Hände voll
zu tun, um die Mysterien von Holz11 nicht nur zu ergründen, sondern
auch zu überleben.
Mit diesem Buch können Sie die
Erforschung und Inbesitznahme des Planeten Holz-11 fortsetzen und
abschließen. Verwendet die bewährten Ulisses Universal
Abenteuerregeln: Schnell, einfach, aktionsgeladen!
Pathfinder dt.
Pathfinder RSP: Expertenregeln.................39,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
Bringe dein Spiel auf die nächste
Entdecke eine neue und unbekannte
Tiefe des Rollenspiels mit den
Pathfinder Expertenregeln. Verleihe
deinen bestehenden Charakteren
neue Kräfte mit erweiterten Regeln
für alle 11 Klassen und alle 7
Völker des Pathfinder
Grundregelwerkes oder erstelle
einen völlig neuen mit einer der
sechs neuen, auf 20 Stufen
ausgerichteten Klassen. Egal, ob du
als geheimnisvoller Paktmagier
deine eigenen monströsen Helfer erschaffst, mit einem grimmigen
Alchemisten für explosiven Ärger sorgst oder einfach einem alten
Schurken neue Tricks beibringst, dieses Buch enthält alles, um deine
Helden noch heldenhafter zu gestalten.
Die Pathfinder Expertenregeln sind ein unverzichtbarer Begleitband zum
Pathfinder Grundregelwerk. Dieses phantastische Rollenspiel baut auf
einer mehr als zehnjährigen Entwicklungszeit und einer öffentlichen
Testphase mit mehr als 50.000 Teilnehmern auf, um ein modernes
Rollenspiel zu erschaffen und somit den Bestseller unter den FantasyRollenspielen ins nächste Jahrtausend zu holen.
Die Pathfinder Expertenregeln enthalten:
Sechs neue Kassen: Der monsterjagende Inquisitor, der explosive
Alchemist, der edle Ritter, der von Prophezeiungen geplagte Mystiker,
der monsterbeschwörende Paktmagier und die Flüche webende Hexe.
Über einhundert neue Talente und Kampffähigkeiten für Charaktere aller
Klassen, darunter Entreißen, Kernschussmeisterschaft und Abprallender
Alternative Klassenfertigkeiten, Regeluntersysteme und thematische
Archetypen für alle 11 Grundklassen, wie den Antipaladin, den Mönch
der Hungrigen Geister und den Stadtwolf.
Hunderte neuer Zauber und magischer Gegenstände, von Rachsüchtiges
Phantom bis zum Wolkenschloss des Sturmkönigs.
Eine Fülle phantastischer Ausrüstungsgegenstände, darunter der
#Stecken des Kreischens# und Wahrsagekarten.
Neue Prestigeklassen wie der Mutierte und der Kriegsherold.
Pathfinder RSP: Expertenregeln Limitiert........
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
Limitiert, auf nur 200 Stück!
Limitierte Auflage der deutschen
Pathfinder Expertenregel im
schwarzem Kunstleder Einband mit
Abenteuerpfad #4: Katakomben des Wahnsinns
(4 von 6)...................................................19,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
Der Schlangenschädel 4/6
Abenteuerpfad 4 Der Weg in den
Die Charaktere sind nun die Herren
der versunkenen Stadt Saventh- Yhi
– oder etwa nicht? Kaum ist die
Stadt in den Händen der
Charaktere,erscheinen der
Gorillakönig und seine affi gen
Anhänger in der Stadt, um ihren
Anspruch geltend zu machen. Zur
gleichen Zeit erfahren die
Charaktere von einem verschollenen
Kundschafter, der in einer
unterirdischen Stadt unterhalb ihres neuen Territoriums gefangen
gehalten wird. Bevor sie ihn jedoch befreien können, müssen die
Charaktere sieben uralte Gewölbe aufsuchen, um den Eingang zu jener
verborgenen Stadt zu finden. Werden sie den Gefahren dieser
fremdartigen Bauwerke trotzen können? Oder werden sie vorher dem
Wahnsinn anheimfallen? Dieser Band des Pathfinder Abenteuerpfades
► „Katakomben des Wahnsinns“, ein Pathfinder Abenteuer für
Charaktere der 10. Stufe von Greg A. Vaughan.
► Ein Dutzend neuer, tödlicher Fallen von Gareth Hanrahan.
► Die Lebensweise der schrecklichen, unter dem Namen „Charau-Ka“
bekannten Affenmenschen von Gareth Hanrahan.
► Dämonenvögel und erzürnte Affen in den Chroniken der Kundschaft er
von Robin D. Laws.
► Fünf neue Dschungelmonster von Jesse Benner und Jason Nelson.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 13
KW 13
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Fantasy Productions
Das Schwarze Auge-Aventurien
Romane / Comics
Riva Mortis # 130....................................10,00
Erscheint voraussichtlich im April
Riva, die freie Stadt an den Ufern des
Kvill. Die horasische Altertumsforscherin Ancalita Balliguri ist
nicht sehr angetan davon, die
Nachfolge des geistig verwirrten
Magisters Scribani anzutreten.
Doch was hat den armen Magister in
den Wahnsinn getrieben?
Waren es die Geheimnisse des
düsteren Riedemoors, in dem sich seit
Phexens Sternenregen allerlei
merkwürdige und sinistre Gestalten
Gemeinsam mit dem maraskanischen
Zauberer Madajin folgt sie
einer unheilvollen Spur, die ihr mehr
abverlangt, als sie geben kann.
Und auf einmal muss sie sich sogar
Introductory Box Set to the perennial BattleTech game line. With product
in transit to the warehouse, the wait for the best version yet of the box
set is almost over!
Feder und Schwert
D&D Vergessene Reiche
Catalyst Game Lab
Battletech Introductory Set - 25th Anniversary Set
Strap yourself into the ultimate suit of
armor: the BattleMech. Thirty feet tall
and weighing up to a hundred tons,
this humanoid engine of destruction is
a walking arsenal with enough
firepower to level a city block. The
BattleTech game system takes you
into the world of the 31st Century,
where war has become a way of life.
You are a MechWarrior. You are in
command of the most powerful
machine on the battlefield, and hold
the fate of empires in your hand!
The BattleTech 25th Anniversary Introductory Box Set thrusts you onto
the battlefields of the 31st century. This box contains everything needed
to play:
* 24 unpainted, ready-to-play plastic BattleMech minis
* 2 unpainted, premium-quality plastic BattleMech minis
* One 12-page full-color quick-start rulebook will have players into the
action in minutes
* 36-page book of pre-generated BattleMech Record Sheets
* One 80-page full-color rulebook
* Inner Sphere at a Glance, a 56-page full-color book of universe
background and BattleMech technical data
* One 16-page full-color Painting and Tactics Guide
* Two heavy-duty cards of compiled tables
* Two 18″ x 24″ game-board quality maps
It’s been a long wait for this much anticipated return of the best-selling
Romane / Comics
Tiefwasser 3: Schattenlabyrinth................11,95
Schattenbann ist bei Tage
Wachmann und nachts maskierter
Rächer. Als er einer mächtigen
Magierin in Gestalt eines
verwirrten, gejagten Mädchens
begegnet, das feststellen muss,
dass es im Zentrum eines
teuflischen Plans steht, gerät seine
Welt aus den Fugen. Während
seine Freunde der Reihe nach
sterben und jemand das Mädchen
entführt, muss sich der dunkle
Ritter zwischen der Finsternis und
dem Licht in seinem Herzen
entscheiden, zwischen Rache und
Schattenlabyrinth ist eine
spannende Geschichte um einen
Mann, der
in der Prächtigen Stadt das Gesetz
den Dämonen der eigenen Vergangenheit stellen.
Classic Battletech
in die eigenen Hände nimmt.
Präsentiert wird dieser aufregende Einblick in die neueste Inkarnation
der Vergessenen Reiche von Ed Greenwood.
Romane / Comics
Die Fälle der Annie Kincaid 2: Kunstschützen..
Annie steht nicht auf moderne
Kunst, aber selbst sie ist
als sie feststellt, dass die „Skulptur“
in der grausigen neuen
Ausstellung einer renommierten
Galerie eine nur allzu echte Leiche
– genauer gesagt, die des Künstlers
Derweil wird aus dem BrockMuseum ein Chagall gestohlen, und
Annies alter Freund Bryan wird der
Mittäterschaft angeklagt. Um den
fehlenden Chagall zu finden, wird
sie sich der zweifelhaften Hilfe
gewissen überaus ansehnlichen
Kunstdiebes versichern müssen.
als wäre Michael – oder wie auch immer er richtig heißen mag – nicht
schon Ablenkung genug, taucht auch noch Annies Mutter in der Stadt
auf und benimmt sich seltsam.
Annie muss diese Geheimnisse schnell enträtseln – schließlich gilt:
ars longa, vita brevis.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 13
KW 13
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Warhammer Invasion LCG
bypass the shields protecting enemy vessels, and then launch assaults on
ships with an all new boarding mechanic utilising deck plans provided in
this core rulebook. With full campaign rules and support for
tournaments, A Call to Arms is back as you have never seen it before.
Heidelberger Spiele Verlag
Warhammer Invasion: Der Chaosmond.........7,95
Kurz bevor Morrslieb aufgeht greifen
die Orks massiert die Zwergenbingen
an. Können ein ergrauter Kämpe und
seine Krieger sie aufhalten, bis Hilfe
eintrifft? Der Chaosmond ist der zweite
Battle Pack aus dem Morrslieb-Zyklus,
einer zusammenhängenden Reihe von
Erweiterungen für Warhammer:
Invasion, einem Kartenspiel über
epische Schlachten, Verwaltung von
Königreichen und gewaltigen Questen.
Dieses 60 Karten umfassende Set
enthält 20 verschiedene neue Karten
zur Verbesserung bestehender Decks, die den Metaplot von Warhammer:
Invasion noch vielfältiger gestalten.
Der Chaosmond enthält die Karten 21-40 des Morrslieb Zyklus.
Magaret Weis Productions
Leverage: The Roleplaying Game................35,99
The rich and powerful, they take
what they want. You steal it back.
You were bad guys, but there are
worse people out there. The weak
and the helpless need you. You
provide... leverage.
The Leverage Role Playing Game
puts you in the middle of a
dysfunctional but highly-specialized
group of con-artists, criminals, and
crooks who are trying to turn over a
new leaf. You protect the victims of
corporations, mobsters, and corrupt
politicians by using your expert
skills to outwit and overcome the real bad guys. Using the awardwinning Cortex System as its foundation, the Leverage RPG includes all
the rules you need to create a team of rogues, plan a job, and get it
done... even if it means going to Plan B.
Mongoose Publishing
Noble Armada
A Call to Arms: Noble Armada.....................23,99
The popular space fleet combat miniatures
game, A Call to Arms is back, in a brand
new guise – drawn from the detailed
background of the Fading Suns RPG, A Call
to Arms: Noble Armada is a fast to learn,
hard to master space combat game involving
fleets drawn from the Royal Houses.
Players must learn how to knock down or
House Hawkwood Fleet Box........................24,00
In its earliest days, House
Hawkwood was the leading house
but a consortium of other houses,
led by Decados, brought it crashing
down, almost to the point of
extinction. One member managed
to revive its fortunes and within
generations it once again became
one of the greatest houses, until the first barbarian invasion brioke
through at Delphi and devastated Hawkwood's holdings. Other
catastrophes have come and gone, but House Hawkwood enduresE
This box set contains everything a House Hawkwood player needs for A
Call to Arms: Noble Armada, with a full set of ships ranging in size from
explorers and raiders to destroyers and carriers.
1 Malcolm-class Light Carrier 2 Griffin-class Destroyers 2 Darius-class
Galliots 4 Hornet-class Frigates 2 Wayfarer-class Explorers 4 Fitzhughclass Light Fighters 4 Kestrel-class Torpedo Bombers
Enough to start playing in a campaign!
House Decados Fleet Box............................24,00
House Decados is one of the most
influential, if least trusted, of the
Royal Houses, and it remains an
insurmountable barrier to anyone
with democratic ideals. Its spies
and assassins roam the Known
Worlds, and Decados leaders have an uncanny ability to discover the
darkest secrets of their enemies. The Decados have mastered the arts of
body manipulation and alteration, and their Jakovian spies are said to be
able to pass as anyone they desire, even changing their appearance while
on assignment.
This box set contains everything a House Decados player needs for A Call
to Arms: Noble Armada, with a full set of ships ranging in size from
explorers and raiders to destroyers and carriers.
1 Hyram-class Light Carrier 2 Tupok'ta-class Destroyers 2 Lucretziaclass Galliots 4 Mantis-class Frigates 2 Reaper-class Raiders 4 Subiacoclass Light Fighters 4 Rodrigo-class Torpedo Bombers
Enough to start playing in a campaign!
House Hazat Fleet Box................................24,00
The Hazat have rarely been subtle
and rely on force of arms to achieve
their goals. They turned the army
against House Chauki but in turn
found themselves beholden to the
military, who have found their
influence among the Hazat grow over time. House Hazat can now not
curtail their military build up, even if they wanted to. Almost all young
Hazat go through military training throughout their childhood, and are
prepared for positions of command – it is not unusual to find a 12 year
old Hazat knight leading forces of hardened veterans.
This box set contains everything a House Hazat player needs for A Call to
Arms: Noble Armada, with a full set of ships ranging in size from
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 13
KW 13
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
explorers and raiders to destroyers and carriers.
1 Trafalgar-class Carrier
2 Manticore-class Destroyers
2 Xerses-class Galliots
4 Scorpion-class Frigates
2 Stalker-class Explorer
4 Dagger-class Light Fighters
4 Harpy-class Torpedo Bombers
Enough to start playing in a campaign!
House al-Malik Fleet Box............................24,00
House al-Malik
maintains strong ties
with the Merchant
League, and there are
rumours that it bought
its position as a Royal
House from its banking
and trade interests.
Nonetheless, House alMalik can usually count on League support in its ventures, and their
mansions are filled with technological wonders. Some even carry
personal think machines, which they cryptically call ‘computers’.
This box set contains everything a House al-Malik player needs for A Call
to Arms: Noble Armada, with a full set of ships ranging in size from
explorers and raiders to destroyers and carriers.
1 Asim-class Light Carrier
2 Efreet-class Destroyers
2 Rahimat-class Galliots
4 Spider-class Frigates
2 Odyssey-class Explorer
4 Zubayr-class Light Fighters
4 Mumit-class Torpedo Bombers
Enough to start playing in a campaign!
House Li Halan Fleet Box............................24,00
Once buried in a sordid
past, renowned for
debauchery among
nobles and cruelty
towards subjects,
House Li Halan could
have once put Decados
to shame. However,
during the Barbarian
Invasions, House Li Halan found the Pancreator and the entire family
converted overnight, with several prominent family members dispatched
to monasteries, never to be seen again. Since then, the family has been
at the height of orthodoxy, battling heresy and even blocking attempts at
change within the Church itself.
This box set contains everything a House Li Halan player needs for A Call
to Arms: Noble Armada, with a full set of ships ranging in size from
explorers and raiders to destroyers and carriers.
1 Ijiri-class Light Carrier 2 Dragon-class Destroyers 2 Cardano-class
Galliots 4 Iskati-class Frigates 2 Slayer-class Raiders 4 Mishima-class
Light Fighters 4 Peregrine-class Torpedo Bombers
Enough to start playing in a campaign!
Nevermeet Press
Dungeons & Dragons 4.0
Brother Ptolemy & The Hidden Kingdom (D&D 4th)
A 4E D&D Adventure Setting for 5th
Level Characters The heroes have set out
to find Adalisa Leighman, the lost
daughter of a powerful merchant baron,
and along the way they find themselves
caught up into a plot to overthrow the
hearts and minds of thousands in the
city-state of Corwyn. All the while, the
Red Harvest ravages the land, withering
everything in its path and driving the
sick mad with a thirst for blood.
Fighting to drive back the plague,
mysterious Red Monks from the Hidden
Kingdom roam the land, cleansing the
infected and proselytizing survivors into
their own Hidden Kingdom. No one has yet been able to withstand the
power the Kingdom, so the future of Corwyn, the life of Adalisa
Leighman, and the conquest of the Red Harvest are now in the heroes'
Pelgrane Press
Cthulhu (englisch)
Bookhounds of London (Trail of Cthulhu Campaign)
In a Bookhounds of London
campaign, the Investigators do not
investigate horror and strangeness
professionally. Rather, they
investigate books about horror and
strangeness and become, seemingly
inevitably, drawn into the horror
themselves. If they could just sell a
pristine copy of the 1845 Bridewell
edition of Nameless Cults, pocket
their 40% (or 400%) and move on,
they would. But it's never that
simple. Not for them. Not for bookhounds. Not in London. Not now.
Featuring 32 authentic, full colour
maps of 1930s London, an extensive index, new Drives and Occupations,
and a brand new sample adventure, Whitechapel Black-Letter, this is a
must for any Mythos investigator.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 13
KW 13
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Plaid Hat Games
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Summoner Wars - Cloaks.............................7,95
Rukar?s Power sees the addition of
Magos, the mercenary champion.
This enigmatic wizard gives his
employer more power while
bombarding the enemy with longranged attacks. In addition are the
Spear Grounders - mercenaries
from the bizarre city of Heap who
can attack from any direction.
This reinforcement pack is the
perfect addition to your Phoenix
Elves vs. Tundra Orcs starter set,
allowing you to bring new troops to
the War for Itharia, and experience
the excitement of deck construction.
Rukar?s Power Includes:
.1 Rukar - Champion
.1 Gruggar - Champion
.1 Bragg - Champion
.5 Chargers - Common
.5 Thwarters - Common
.1 Rahlee - Champion
.1 Laleya - Champion
.1 Holleas - Champion
.5 Fire Beasts - Common
.5 Fencers - Common
.1 Magos - Champion
.5 Spear Grounders - Common
Summoner Wars - Jungle Elves....................7,95
Drums echo ominously through the
jungles, and savage beasts roar at
the prospect of the feast to come.
Shadows flit through the trees as
the Jungle Elves prepare for war.
An age has passed since last they
were seen, but soon all of Itharia
will recall that the Phoenix Elves do
not stand alone for all of elfkind.
Trained lions move through the
greenery, the strongest bearing
warriors upon their backs. Those
who might spy this secret muster
will find themselves riddled with
arrows, courtesy of elite archers.
And there are those who say even
the trees themselves have come alive to join the coming battle. At the
head of this army is Abua Shi, a powerful Summoner whose Summoning
Stone was earned through betrayal and lies. He is driven by a secret
shame, one that can only be set right through the act of violent revenge.
Jungle Elves Faction Deck Includes:
.1 Abua Shi - Summoner
.1 Makeinda Ru - Champion
.1 Shikwa - Champion
.1 Miti Mumway - Champion
.8 Lionesses - Common
.6 Archers - Common
.4 Lioners - Common
.2 Chant of Haste - Events
.2 Chant of Deception - Events
.2 Chant of Life - Events
.2 Chant of Negation - Events
.2 Chant of Salvation - Events
.3 Wall Cards
.1 Summoner Reference Card
Privateer Press
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages Box (resculpt)......
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
Cygnar's dashing gun mages are a
unique breed of soldier-sorcerers
who can weave devastating arcane
power into their unerring pistol
shots. With highly accurate
magelock pistols, gun mages can
snipe distant targets, cripple heavily armored foes, or knock enemies off
their feet. This all-new version of the Arcane Tempest Gun Mages
presents a dynamic new sculpt for this classic unit. The Arcane Tempest
Gun Mage unit comes in a box (PIP 31086). A player may field up to
two Arcane Tempest Gun Mage units for each warcaster in a Cygnar
Charger Light Warjack (plastic)..................18,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
The Charger is one of the most
widely used warjacks in the
Cygnaran arsenal and is prized for
its versatility. Armed with a
devastating dual cannon and a
heavy battle hammer, the warjack
is equally adept at destroying
enemies at range or in the brutal crush of melee. The Charger light
warjack comes in a box (PIP 31089). A player may field any number of
Chargers in a Cygnar army. SPECIAL NOTE: PIP 31089 is similar to PIP
31005 in that it contains the same Mk II stat card. The model in this box
represents the same figure in the game. However, the model in PIP
31089 is a new sculpt and therefore looks different from the model in
PIP 31005. In addition, the model is plastic rather than metal.
Flameguard Cleanser Officer UA.................11,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich am 13.04.11
The Flameguard Cleanser officer leads
his men into the heart of battle on a
tide of scourging flame. Under his
command the range and destructive
potential of Cleanser purifiers are
greatly increased, and they gain the
ability to lay down searing curtains of
fire that incinerate all who dare oppose
the will of the Creator. The Flameguard
Cleanser Officer unit attachment comes
in a blister (PIP 32075). A player may
field one Flameguard Cleanser Officer for each warcaster in a
Protectorate of Menoth army.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 13
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Repenter Light Warjack (plastic).................18,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
A favored warjack for delivering
Menoth's wrath to the unfaithful,
the Repenter is armed with a
flamethrower capable of spewing
blazing gouts of fire across the
battlefield. The swift, crushing
doom of its war flail is often a
mercy to those who do not succumb
immediately to the burning agony
of Menoth's Fury. The Repenter
light warjack comes in a box (PIP 32084). A player may field any
number of Repenters in a Protectorate of Menoth army. SPECIAL NOTE:
PIP 32084 is similar to PIP 32003 in that it contains the same Mk II
stat card. The model in this box represents the same figure in the game.
However, the model in PIP 32084 is a new sculpt and therefore looks
different from the model in PIP 32003. In addition, the model is plastic
rather than metal.
Gun Carriage Battle Engine (Resin).............79,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
A weapon platform that can deliver
death and ruin to nearly any part of
the battlefield, the Khador gun
carriage is a rolling engine of
destruction. Its dual cannons can
blast apart enemy warjacks, shatter
troop formations, or transform the earth into a crater-scarred wasteland.
Their resounding thunder often heralds Khadoran victory on the
battlefield. Even without its mighty guns the massive machine can easily
smash through enemy lines and trample foes beneath tons of iron and
horseflesh. The Gun Carriage cavalry battle engine comes in a box (PIP
33077). A player may field two Gun Carriages for each warcaster in a
Khador army.
poison that can reduce enemies---be they flesh, stone, or metal---to
frothing pools of acidic slime. Two Defiler bonejacks come in a box (PIP
34090). A player may field any number of Defilers in a Cryx army.
SPECIAL NOTE: PIP 34090 is similar to PIP 34006 in that it contains
the same Mk II stat card. The models in this box represent the same
figures in the game. However, the models in PIP 34090 use a new
sculpt and therefore look different from the models in PIP 34006. In
addition, the models are plastic rather than metal.
Defilers Bonejacks (2) (plastic)...................19,99
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
The Defiler is a dangerous assault
bonejack able to cover a lot of
ground quickly, bringing its arc
node in range of important targets
on the battlefield. In addition, its
sludge cannon spews a caustic
Destor Thane Cavalry Solo.........................23,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
The mighty Dawnguard Destor
thane is an elite solider who
commands the thunderous charge
of the Dawnguard Destors. With
great speed and skill, he can charge
to skewer a foe with his lance
cannon and then immediately rain
death upon a second enemy with
ranged fire. The Dawnguard Destor Thane cavalry solo comes in a blister
(PIP 35025). A player may field up to two Dawnguard Destor Thanes
for each warcaster in a Retribution of Scyrah army.
Heavy Rifle Team - Weapon Crew..............16,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich am 27.04.11
The cannons used by the heavy rifle teams of the houseguard are deadly
effective pieces of Iosan ordnance. The heavy rifle crews are adept at
picking apart enemies from well across the battlefield, and the heavy
bolts fired by their cannons can penetrate thick armor with appalling
ease. The Heavy Rifle Team weapon crew unit comes in a blister (PIP
35028). A player may field up to two Heavy Rifle Teams for each
warcaster in a Retribution of Scyrah army.
House Shyeel Artificer Battle Mage Solo.........15,50
Erscheint voraussichtlich am 27.04.11
The House Shyeel artificer harnesses the
might of Iosan magic to blast foes with
bolts of rending energy and restrict their
movement with walls of raw force. In
addition, the artificer can smash enemies
in melee with his twin power gauntlets.
The House Shyeel Artificer battle mage
solo comes in a blister (PIP 35041). A
player may field up to three House Shyeel
Artificers for each warcaster in a
Retribution of Scyrah army.
Revenant Crew Rifleman ...............................
Weapon Attachment.....................................5,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
The revenant crew rifleman carries
a long rifle into battle, adding his
own devastating long-range fire to
the vicious combat capabilities of
his undead brethren. When two or
more riflemen work together, they
can combine their ranged assault
into a single, lethal concerted
attack. The Revenant Crew Rifleman weapon attachment comes in a
blister (PIP 34081). A player may add up to three Revenant Crew
Riflemen each to two different Revenant Crew of the Atramentous units
for each warcaster in a Cryx army.
Gorax - Light Warbeast (resculpt)...............17,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich am 27.04.11
Hulking brutes that fall somewhere
between man and beast, gorax serve
the Circle Orboros by ripping its
enemies limb from limb with their
powerful, oversized claws. When
wounded, gorax become living
embodiments of primal rage, tearing
into enemies with unfettered savagery
This all-new version of the Gorax
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presents a dynamic new sculpt for this classic warbeast. The Gorax light
warbeast comes in a blister (PIP 72055). A player may field any
number of Gorax in a Circle Orboros army.
Linus, Zombie..............................................4,79
Reaper Miniatures
Warlord Fantasy
Joeliyn, Sister of the Blade Warlord.............5,59
Bathalian Drone.........................................10,99
Szerda, Bloodstone Gnome Priestess.............4,00
Zulus III (3)...............................................10,39
Empress Messalina IV, Andromedan Queen.....
Dee Dee, Astro Girl.......................................4,79
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Ailyn Ghontasavos.......................................4,79
- Reader Survey
- Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: “Steampunk Archaeologist” Prestige
- Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Finders of Fortune (Three TreasureSeeking Prestige Classes)
- 4th Edition D&D: Mysterious Relics
- Publishing Licenses
- Pass in Review
- Cardstock Characters
The most enjoyable gaming periodicals are not just devoted to single
games or even the products of a single company, but also include content
that makes a reader interested in other games, material that can be
applied to all or many sorts of games, and items that are self-standing
and which can be played on their own. For that reason, this publication
includes many voices and exclusive material compatible with many rules
systems and the products of many different companies.
Soda Pop Miniatures
Skirmisher Publishing
d-Infinity Volume 2: Lost Treasure...............7,95
Highlights of this edition of d∞
include the “lost interview” with
D&D creator Gary Gygax, a
complete self-standing card game,
and more than a dozen other great
d∞ (“d-Infinity”) is a multiplatform gaming supplement that
covers a wide variety of rules
systems and includes content that
can be universally applied to many
different sorts of table-top, liveaction, and role-playing games. It is
jointly published by Armorcast,
Dagon Industries Inc., Dark
Threads, Flying Buffalo Inc.,
Mindgame Productions, OffWorld Designs Inc., Skirmisher Publishing
LLC, Sonic Legends, and the United States Marine Space Corps.
Features of each volume include a self-standing game; new rules, stats,
and bonus content tying in with several different game systems new
rules; free paper miniatures; interviews with the luminaries of the
gaming industry; and more! Rules systems supported include but are not
limited to 4th Edition D&D, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, OGL v.3.5,
“Basic” system, Labyrinth Lord, Mutant Future, and Cthulhu Live.
- Volume #2 Contents: Editorial: Lost Treasure
- Compost Heap (Self-Standing Card Game)
- Interview: D&D Creator and Gamer Gary Gygax
- Digital Dice: Character Generators
- The Prop Room: Treasure on the Cheap
- Cthulhu Live 3rd Edition: Magic of the Old West
- City Builder/The City and Island of Kos: The Byzantine Bank
- Character Caricatures: Twelve Treasure Hunters
- Basic System: Materials of Ancient Empires
- Basic System: New Golems of the Labyrinth
- Basic System: Six Alchemist Spells
- OGL System: Cooper’s Corrected Summon Monster IV
The Iron Chef............................................17,95
At the age of six, Isabeau Durand became
an orphan. Her colony and family
captured and chained in the holds of the
Noh slave ships of the infamous, Kasaro
To. Only Isabeau managed to escape,
hidden in a small seam of rock that had
been her favorite hiding place from her
brothers. It was there that she was found
starving and feverish by the Paladins of
the Shattered Sword. While the paladins
had arrived too late to save her family
they took her into their order to care for
and train her. Over the years Isabeau
proved to be a skilled paladin, advancing
quickly through their ranks. The haunting memories of her childhood led
her to be naturally empathic to the suffering of others and she excelled in
the healing arts. She tracks the reports of the slaver Kasaro To tirelessly
hoping one day to face him in battle and avenge her family. Clinging to
the fragile hope that they may still live.
Third Eye Games
Apocalypse Prevention, Inc.
API Demon Codex: Spectrals......................15,99
We Stayed Behind for a Purpose
Spectrals are fueled by their passions
and their desperate connection to the
world of the living. They ignored the
calling of the Bright Lights for reason
or another, only to continue on as
ephemeral beings. Some find only
despair in their choice, while other
hope their final destiny still awaits.
Could the dead truly hold the key to
life itself? ..But Even Death Has Its
Demon Codex: Spectrals is the second
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
racial sourcebook for Apocalypse Prevention, Inc. and serves as a
complete guide to adding ghosts and spirits to your game as characters
or antagonists. Details on their dead gatherings and horrible threats
await within, along with several new Evolved Spirit types that go beyond
what science has deemed possible. Demon Codex: Spectrals Includes:
Information on the daily existence of Spectrals and their involvement
with API
New Equipment, Magic, and Threats to the Dead
New Evolved Spirit Types and playable races, like the shambling Walkers
Urban Mammoth
Robin in the Wood.......................................4,95
The Jabberwock........................................12,00
3 Slithy Toves.............................................7,25
Bolshy Bandit..............................................4,95
Odious Outlaw..............................................4,95
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Will Scathelocke..........................................4,95
Mother Parsnips..........................................4,95
Ignatius Mallard...........................................4,95
Arthur Dale and his Cart.............................14,50
Warheads: Medieval Tales Issue 3................9,25
Reynard in the Wood...................................4,95
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 13
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
Bolshy Bandits..........................................30,95
a reliable and hard hitting weapon. The Warlord model is served
efficiently by its crew of three.
Unpainted Metal Figures and Gun
Commando characters..................................7,20
Lord Lovat was one of those
characters you couldn't make up.
Tall, handsome and brave, he was
born to the task of command, being
in fact a Highland Laird. It was Lord
Lovat who famously fought his way
in land on D-Day to cross the
bridges held by the British Paras,
carrying a rifle, accompanied by his
Odious Outlaws..........................................30,95
Warlord Games
Bolt Action (WW2)
Commando Vickers HMG team......................7,20
Whilst the Commandoes did a lot of
raiding and slitting of German
sentry's throats in WW2, they also
fought in epic pitched battles
requiring some proper heavy kit to
make Jerry and his henchmen keep
his head down!
This then is the Vickers machine gun. Given enough belts of 303 ammo
and enough water to cool its barrel, this reliable gun would fire
indefinitely. It is served by 3 crew.
Unpainted Metal Figures and Gun
faithful bagpiper Millin!
Millin was banned from playing when under fire by the English War
office but Lovat claimed that it clearly could not apply in this case as
they were Scottish! Millin survived cold water and enemy bullets,
causing consternation and surprise wherever he went, some think he was
not shot at by the Germans as they thought he was clearly insane!
It would seem that Millin came ashore in Kilt but discarded it inland, so
we have included both leg variants for Troowsers and full Kilt.
Finally is the extraordinary maverick Brigadier Peter Young. Amongst
Britains' most interesting and most decorated soldiers, "The Brig" was
legendary in the Commandos. His troop was the only one to fully succeed
at the disaster of Dieppe. Charismatic and intelligent, he was quite the
pirate, but his men would go to extreme lengths to never let him down.
We have him portrayed here with his trusty (borrowed) Garand and cane.
After the war he went on to be a top historian and write a best selling
book about war gaming!
Blister pack containing 3 metal miniatures
Commando 3" mortar team..........................7,20
When the Vickers gun couldn't get a
bead on the Boche, the good old 3"
mortar was brought into action
lobbing its lethal shells high before
whistling down to spray shrapnel on
those not able to find cover in time.
The three inch mortar was used in all
theatres by the Commandos and was
Polish Army 81mm Mortar team..................7,20
The classic infantry support
weapon. As with most armies of
the period the Poles adopted the
81mm medium mortar. Capable of
laying down a rain of shells in short
time, this is the weapon you want
to either smother the foe with
firepower or to break up any
assault on your position.
The mortars were normally grouped
together with the heavy machine
gun company of the Battalion.
This set contains 3 metal crew and
a mortar. Models are supplied unpainted.
Polish Army Squad....................................18,00
The Polish infantry squad was a
powerful fighting force, comprising
of up to 19 men. The riflemen were
equipped with Mauser bolt-action
rifles and the squad support weapon
was the well proven Polish-made
Browning automatic rifle, or RKM
WZ.28. This machine gun was adequate for most of its roles but would
be overpowered by the shattering rate of fire of German MG34's.
The Polish infantryman of our period was well trained and highly
motivated, attacked as he was on two fronts in a dastardly move by two
of the world's most aggressive powers.
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Ausgabe 13
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008
This pack contains a random assortment of 12 metal figures, supplied
Polish Army Lancers....................................9,50
There are few more heroic and
stirring sights than Polish cavalry
dashing themselves in a desperate
charge against German armoured
might; lance against Krupp steel...
Only, it largely of course didn't
happen. Gallant though they were,
the Polish Cavalryman was no fool. After reforms in 1936 the Polish
cavalry was reorganised into twenty six regiments, of four squadrons
each with one hundred and twenty men in each squadron. They were
supported by HMG and anti-tank squadrons, backed too with tankettes
and infantry on bicycles. Sadly for the romantics amongst us, the lance
had been retired and was used largely for ceremonial purposes.
The cavalry force was still the best equipped, best trained and indeed
largest mounted force in the world, but its role of dashing cavalry had
been sensibly changed to that of a "fire brigade", that is a mounted
reserve of quality mounted infantry. They rode to the theatre of
operations then dismounted and fought with conventional rifle and
machine guns, where they fought well against a determined and more
mechanised aggressor.
This is not to deny the Polish cavalry their due however, as there were
recorded sixteen cavalry charges in World War 2, some of which carried
the day, though most were with sabre , and few , if any at all, against
armoured units..
Pack of three early war Polish lancers. Mounted figures with open hands
and sabres. Can be modelled with lances (included).
Note: Models supplied unassembled and unpainted
Polish Army Lancer command......................9,50
There are few more heroic and
stirring sights than Polish cavalry
dashing themselves in a desperate
charge against German armoured
might; lance against Krupp steel...
Only, it largely of course didn't
happen. Gallant though they were,
the Polish Cavalryman was no fool.
After reforms in 1936 the Polish cavalry was reorganised into twenty
six regiments, of four squadrons each with one hundred and twenty men
in each squadron. They were supported by HMG and anti-tank
squadrons, backed too with tankettes and infantry on bicycles. Sadly
for the romantics amongst us, the lance had been retired and was used
largely for ceremonial purposes.
The cavalry force was still the best equipped, best trained and indeed
largest mounted force in the world, but its role of dashing cavalry had
been sensibly changed to that of a "fire brigade", that is a mounted
reserve of quality mounted infantry. They rode to the theatre of
operations then dismounted and fought with conventional rifle and
machine guns, where they fought well against a determined and more
mechanised aggressor.
This is not to deny the Polish cavalry their due however, as there were
recorded sixteen cavalry charges in World War 2, some of which carried
the day, though most were with sabre , and few , if any at all, against
armoured units..
Polish mounted, early war, lancer command pack consisting of an
officer, bugler and NCO.
Note: Models supplied unassembled and unpainted
Celtic Warriors (40)...................................24,00
To give your Celts a fighting chance
we've increased the number
in the boxed set to 40 warriors -now that's a horde!
Boxed Set containing 40 plastic
Celt Warriors
Celtic Cavalry (10).....................................24,00
This regiment offer combines the multipose flexibility of our superb plastic
Celtic Warriors with finely detailed
metal and resin components.
The ponies come with the riders' legs
attached - all you need to do is choose
which upper torso and shield you want
to add from the plastic sprue and due to
the bowl-joint at the waist you're ready to swivel, tilt and otherwise
position your model to your own taste! This gives you a great deal of
flexibility and choice fpr your Celt army.
Contains enough plastic, metal and resin parts to make 10 Celtic Cavalry
1 Plastic Celtic Warriors sprue
10 metal Celtic horses with integral rider legs (2 with chainmail, 4 with
tunic and 4 without tunic)
1 resin Celt upgrade sprue (carynx, bucklers, javelins)
1 metal standard with horse icon
1 metal carnyx
1 sheet of self-adhesive Celt Shield designs
Note: models are supplied unassembled and unpainted
White Wolf
Vampire The Danse Macabre......................31,99
Dance ‘Til Sunrise
What are you willing to do to make it
through tonight? What about tomorrow
night? And after the deeds are done and your
belly's full of blood, how are you going to live
with yourself?
The Danse Macabre asks those questions in
new ways, and provides new tools to answer
them in your own chronicle. So let’s get
some razors, and open up some old wounds…
The definitive companion to Vampire: The
• New disciplines tied into kindred Traditions.
• Atrocity and Banes: rules for replacing Humanity with mystical or
personal consequences.
• Exciting new rules for social and mental combat, and the role of
vampiric powers therein.
• Rules and information for play at multiple tiers, from a street-level
coterie to a global conspiracy.
• New covenants, from the sinister Foundation to the renegade Brides of
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