Slides - Kevin Zhijie Chen
Slides - Kevin Zhijie Chen
. . . . .. . WebPatrol: Automated Collection and Replay of Web-based Malware Scenarios Kevin Zhijie Chen1,2 ( Guofei Gu3 Jianwei Zhuge4 Jose Nazario5 Xinhui Han1 1 Institute of Computer Science and Technology, Peking University 2 UC Berkeley 3 Texas A&M University 4 Network Center, Tsinghua University 5 Arbor Networks March 22 . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 1 / 35 New Era, New Threat . . .. . . . Web-based services Browser-centric Web-based malware . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 2 / 35 What’s web-based malware? . A web-based malware is... .. A program in a browser . Written in HTML, JavaScript, etc Cause of a drive-by download . .. . NeoTracePro 3.25 ActiveX Control ”TraceTarget()” b0f [NeoTraceExplorer.dll] . .. . WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . . . 1: <object classid="clsid:3E1DD897-F300-486C-BEAF-711183773554" 2: id="NeoTracePro"></object> 3: <script> ... 4: while(Target.length < PwnEIP) Target += "\x0C"; 5: NeoTracePro.TraceTarget(Target); </script> . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) . An exploit of browser vulnerabilities . 3 / 35 But... Exploitation is not all . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 4 / 35 Before the exploitation happens . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 5 / 35 Before the exploitation happens . A: Landing page . .. Websites with large traffic, . .. . . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 6 / 35 Before the exploitation happens . B: Hop pages . .. Inline linking through widgets,AD networks, etc . .. . Type HTML Tags JS/VB API Plugins Shellcodes Example <iframe src = “foo.html”></iframe>, or script, object, img ...”GET”, ”test.txt”, true); Com.DloadDS(”http://www.***.com/”,”muma.exe”,0); URLDownloadToFile(0,””,”calc.exe”,0,0); . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 7 / 35 Before the exploitation happens . C: Dispatching pages . .. Fingerprinting the browser and its plugins, and exposing exploits accordingly. . .. . . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 8 / 35 Before the exploitation happens . D-F: Exploit pages . .. Heap spraying, Buffer overflow, use-after-free, English shellcode, etc. . .. . . G,H: Downloads . .. Download&Exec, joining botnets, stealing information etc. . .. . . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 9 / 35 WebPatrol System Architecture Goal: Collect all malicious webpages inline-linked in the landing page at a certain time (called a web-based malware scenario, WMS) and replay them faithfully for different kinds of clients. . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 10 / 35 Real World WebPatrol: Data Collection Time period: Jan. - May, 2010 Data source: a crawler + high-interaction client honeypots ˜ 35,000 websites from CERNET (China Education and Research Network, mostly * Client environment: IE(6.0, 7.0), Adobe Reader(8,9), Flash Player, Storm Player etc. on WinXP (SP1, SP2) (List of malicious URLs) → WebPatrol . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 11 / 35 Basic Statistics 26,498 malicious scenarios from 1,248 distinct landing sites.(3.52%) Google Safe Browsing only labeled 295 landing sites 23.2 days of average lasting time with the longest 132 days Exploit hosting site changes 4.82 times on average during lifetime Hot spot for web-based malware but no enough attention received. . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 12 / 35 Replay Analysis: Vulnerability Trend Figure: Number of new WMSs with MS10-002 “Aurora” and MS10-018 Exploits Also the exploits evolves: 7 variants of MS10-018 exploits found since March 11, 2010 with increasing levels of obfuscation and optimization (for better successful rate) . . . . . . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol ASIACCS ’11 13 / 35 Replay Analysis: Scenario Evolution ( Mar.11: Apr.25: . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 14 / 35 Replay Analysis: Scenario Evolution ( Mar.11: Apr.25: . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 15 / 35 Replay Analysis: Scenario Evolution Mar.11: Apr.25: . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 16 / 35 Replay Analysis: Scenario Evolution Mar.11: Apr.25: . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 17 / 35 Replay Analysis: Scenario Evolution II Apr.25: May.04: . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 18 / 35 Replay Analysis: Scenario Evolution II Apr.25: May.04: . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 19 / 35 Implementation Details . . The Analyzer: Improved PHoneyC .. Low-interaction client honeypot (browser emulation) Key modules: HTML Parser, JS engine and plugin emulation Our improvement: . The Caching/Replay Service: wmPolipo .. . .. . Proxy-like caching solution (online / Offline) Caches all traffic (ignores the private/no-cache/no-store fields) Once collected, never update URL-similarity-check for generalizing randomized URLs . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . True DOM support mock ActiveXObject class for universal ActiveX support Download URL extraction and shellcode detection through bytecode instrumentation . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . . . .. . . . 20 / 35 Pre-Evaluation: Web-based malware family Web-based malware exploit kit: Scenarios sharing similar reference sub-graph and directory/file names. (a) (b) Figure: Infection/Reference Graph of Two Different Scenarios . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 21 / 35 Pre-Evaluation Kit ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Pattern Description MS10-018 0 htm MS10-018 xo dk html av htm 6 7 htm wm multiple pages wm IE html av htm mp htm 01 x01 htm jk.htm GV hk series apt spa chinese index 5 htm index nivea htm xc15 15index htm other total Cnt. 713 438 177 124 82 82 75 39 36 24 18 13 179 2000 Pi 35.6% 21.9% 8.8% 6.2% 4.1% 4.1% 3.8% 1.9% 1.8% 1.2% 0.9% 0.7% 9.0% 100% . . . . Table: Percentage of each family in randomly .selected 2000 samples K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol ASIACCS ’11 . 22 / 35 Evaluation: Completeness Initial Site total C KID 1 2 5 4 7 6 8 12 3 9 10 11 13 13 13 - All 5 5 3 8 7 14 23 3 16 6 21 7 5 6 3 132 100% WP 4 4 2 8 6 13 20 2 12 5 17 6 4 5 3 119 81.9% C = WP NKID 0.80 0.80 0.67 1.00 0.86 0.93 0.87 0.67 0.75 0.83 0.81 0.86 0.80 0.83 1.00 13 ∑ P HC NKID 0.60 0.40 0.67 0.38 1.00 0.21 0.13 0.67 0.13 0.33 0.14 0.43 0.40 0.67 0.33 PHC 3 2 2 3 7 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 4 1 42 47.1% HP C NKID 0.60 0.80 1.00 0.50 0.86 0.93 0.87 1.00 0.13 0.67 0.10 0.71 0.40 0.83 1.00 HPC 3 4 3 4 6 13 20 3 2 4 2 5 2 5 3 79 65.3% (Ni ∗ Pi ) i=1 . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 23 / 35 Cause of missing nodes ... 1 Out-going links in different branches if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie")>0) {document.write("<EMBED src=iie.swf width=0 height=0>");} else {document.write("<EMBED src=fff.swf width=0 height=0>");} ... ... 2 Limitation of the shellcode detection & emulation module (libemu) 3 Different implementations of the parser and the script engine . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 24 / 35 Future Work Static analysis Run the analyzer multiple times with different configurations Improvement on libemu (more system API support) . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 25 / 35 . . .. . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . . Thank you! Questions? . . ASIACCS ’11 . 26 / 35 Attacks on WebPatrol . Sandbox Detection .. All kinds of plugins coexisting . Incomplete browser emulation but implementing new browser features is fast and easy (adding some Python module). . .. . Other attacks .. DoS attacks . Vulnerability attacks (e.g. against spidermonkey or PySGML Parser) . . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . . .. . . Different implementations for a specification . 27 / 35 Our approach Automated collection and analysis of web-based malware Collection Analysis Current practice 1. The downloaded malware binaries, 2. Individual malicious web pages Exploits, downloads, etc. Our approach The complete set of web pages Complete scenario . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 28 / 35 Web-base client software exploiting Compared to traditional server-side exploiting malware, web-based malware has the following characteristics. First, it exploits client-side vulnerabilities, mostly in modern complex browsers and their extensions. Thus, it is more stealthy and evasive because it does not need to send aggressive scanning traffic. Second, it is pervasive considering the large base of insecure web sites/pages on the Internet. Finally, it is hard to block because most networks allow web traffic. . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 29 / 35 Infection Trails and Scenarios . Web-based malware scenario (WMS) . .. A directed graph (µ, V, E, T ), where µ : the initial landing URL, µ∈V V : Nodes (pages & other resources) E : Edges (outgoing links) . . . .. T : Sink nodes (T ⊂ V ) (each indicates a successful web infection/exploitation) . . Infection trail . .. We define a web infection trail as a directed path in the graph, starting from µ to some sink node in T . . .. . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 30 / 35 Malicious pages hosting domains Domain Name Registrant Yaako Ltd. Yaako Ltd. Yaako Ltd. Yaako Ltd. Yue You Yue You Melbourne IT Yaako Ltd. Yaako Ltd. No. of Inject Sites 610 475 255 255 163 157 129 118 110 54 Table: Top 10 Malicious Hosting Domains Discovered during the Measurement of WMS on CERNET . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 31 / 35 Replay Analysis: Scenario Evolution II . Date 03.11 04.25 Hop Pages First Hop Pages:* ad=... → 2 Following Hop Pages: → 3,4 → 8 Dispatching Page: → 5,6,7 First Hop Pages:* ad=... → 2 Following Hop Pages: → 4 Dispatching Page: → 5,6,7 Exploit Pages ... ... Table: Scenario Evolution on . . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 32 / 35 Replay Analysis: Scenario Evolution III . Date 04.25 05.04 Hop Pages First Hop Pages:* ad=... → 2 Following Hop Pages: → 4 Dispatching Page: → 5,6,7 First Hop Pages:* ad=... → 2,3 Following Hop Pages: → 4 → 8 Dispatching Page: → 5,6,7 → 9 Exploit Pages ... ... Table: Scenario Evolution on . . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 33 / 35 Table of Contents . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . 34 / 35 Scenario Replay . Replay Service:wmPolipo .. isolated, works in an offline fashion . aware of scenarios: URL + scenario ID is the primary key for a resource Multi-user, multi-cache-directory support . .. . Replay Client: .. All kind of third party tools & platforms . Only requirement: proxy support . . K.Z. Chen (Peking Univ.) WebPatrol . . . . ASIACCS ’11 . . .. . . URL-similarity-check for generalizing randomized URLs . 35 / 35